FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA INQUIRIES January 13, 2021 Sarah Tinsley [email protected] 202.621.8056


It would be a grave mistake for the Republican Party, or any other, to entertain resolutions of against fellow Republicans, simply based on their disagreements about . The country has been and is daily still being convulsed by turmoil about Trump, turmoil that he himself has caused in large part. Joe Biden has won the election, and the whole country is best served by a peaceful transition of power.

We should be seeking to heal our country, and also heal the divisions within the Republican Party. Conducting a circular firing squad will have exactly the opposite effect.

As Republicans and conservatives, we owe our loyalties to our Constitution and country, and to our principles. We do not owe loyalty to any one individual, even a President. That is the path to authoritarianism, which we have always rejected.

Barry Goldwater was the first Presidential candidate I ever worked for -- handing out leaflets at a local precinct in Baltimore, Maryland on election day, 1964. If Barry were here now, there is no doubt in my mind he would emphatically reject the idea of censuring anyone. As he said at the 1960 Republican Convention: “Let’s grow up conservatives.” He would say the same today.

Republicans across the United States will be watching what Arizona does in the next few days. Let’s start to repair the Party rather than engage in further self-inflicted destruction.