The World Bank Report No: ISR16248

Implementation Status & Results AR Norte Grande Water Infrastructure (P120211)

Operation Name: AR Norte Grande Water Infrastructure (P120211) Project Stage: Implementation Seq.No: 7 Status: ARCHIVED Archive Date: 31-Oct-2014 Country: Argentina Approval FY: 2011

Public Disclosure Authorized Product Line:IBRD/IDA Region: LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Implementing Agency(ies): Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services, UCPyPFE Key Dates Board Approval Date 20-Dec-2010 Original Closing Date 30-Apr-2017 Planned Mid Term Review Date 16-Mar-2015 Last Archived ISR Date 17-Mar-2014 Public Disclosure Copy Effectiveness Date 04-Jul-2011 Revised Closing Date 30-Apr-2017 Actual Mid Term Review Date

Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The PDO is to increase sustainable access to water supply and urban drainage services in the Norte Grande region of Argentina by providing investments in infrastructure and supporting institutional development. Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project?

Yes No Public Disclosure Authorized Component(s)

Component Name Component Cost Component 1: Water Supply and Urban Drainage Infrastructure 132.00 Component 2: Institutional Development and Technical Assistance 26.00 Component 3: Project Management and Supervision 15.00

Overall Ratings Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Satisfactory Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Satisfactory Satisfactory

Public Disclosure Authorized Overall Risk Rating Substantial

Implementation Status Overview The project implementation is progressing well. There are currently three subprojects being supported. The first one is the drinking water treatment plant and aqueducts for the municipalities of Pampa del Indio, Presidencia Roca, Laguna Limpia, Ciervo Petiso, Colonias Unidas, Capitan Solari, and Las Garcitas. Works have started and a phisical progress of

Public Disclosure Copy 53 percent has been reported. This subproject would supply potable water to 48.000 people. The second subproject under construction is the drainage network in the Yerbabuena municipality in the Tucuman to protect 16,800 people from flooding risks, the reported physical progress is 22 percent. Both contracts are being inspected by private engineer consulting firms, and supervised by the Norte Grande Implementation Unit.

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The third sub project is the construction of two water treatment plants and an aqueducts for the communities of Wichi, Nueva Pompeya and Fuerte Esperanza in the Chaco Province. The bid evaluation report has been approved and the contract will be signed in the next weeks. The sub project once completed would provide 42,000 people with sustainable access to potable water to one of the most remotes and poor areas of the Province, most of the project beneficiaries are indigenous population.

The project is also supporting two service providers including SAMEEP (Water utility of the Chaco Province) and SAT (Sociedad Aguas de Tucuman) to improve sustainable access to potable water through: a) setting up performance indicators, b) the development of a institutional strengthening plan, c) priority actions will be financed by the project, and bidding documents are being prepared by the utilities and the PIU, and d) exchanges among water utilities and technical training workshops, these workshops supports all interested water utilities in the 9 northern . Initial steps to support Aguas de Formosa and aguas de Salta are being undertaken.

The UCPyPFE has strengthened its capacities through the hiring of a number of professionals in different areas to accelerate projects preparation and ensure quality design and implementation. Public Disclosure Copy Locations Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Argentina Not Entered Provincia de Misiones

Argentina Not Entered Provincia de Formosa

Argentina Not Entered Provincia de

Argentina Not Entered Provincia de Tucumán

Not Entered Not Entered Provincia de Tucumán ✔ ✔

Argentina Not Entered Provincia de

Argentina Not Entered Provincia de Salta

Argentina Not Entered Provincia de Jujuy

Not Entered Not Entered Provincia del Chaco ✔ ✔

Argentina Not Entered Provincia de Catamarca


Project Development Objective Indicators Public Disclosure Copy

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Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Number of people in urban areas provided with Number Value 0.00 0.00 40800.00 access to Improved Water Sources under the Date 20-Dec-2010 14-Oct-2014 31-Mar-2017 project Comments So far no subproject has been finished. Nevertheless one contract to construct the first aqueduct in Pampa del Indio has started expecting to benefit 48000 people exceeding the target. A second subproject will start

Public Disclosure Copy soon. It will benefit around 15.000 inhabitantsmainly from the Toba and Wichi indigenous groups, in a very remote and impoverished areas of Chaco (impenetrable Chaqueño) Evidence that at least 30% percent of Percentage Value 0.00 32.00 30.00 additional beneficiaries of the new water supply Date 20-Dec-2010 14-Oct-2014 31-Mar-2017 infrastructure built under the Project are poor Comments On the social assessment the This is a yes/No indicator at information available shows the subproject level that population benefited from the Pampa del Indio aqueduct ranges from 32.5 to 49.5% with Unsatisfied Basic Needs according to the last data for the national census. Regional WSS Information System developed Text Value No operator reporting data and effective Date 20-Dec-2010 14-Oct-2014 31-Mar-2017 Comments The indicator will be reviewed This indicator will be reviewed during the MTR. The project or the PIU are not the platform for a Regional WSS. Nevertheless the utilities supported by the program have set-up a series of indicators and goals, these data will be made available through existing WSS

Public Disclosure Copy information systems

Intermediate Results Indicators

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Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target New piped household water connections that Number Value 0.00 0.00 10200.00 are resulting from the project intervention Date 20-Dec-2010 14-Oct-2014 31-Mar-2017 Comments The works will facilitate the End target over estimated. To connection of about 7175 be reviewed. households in 30 yrs. The Wichi subproject will include only 752 connections. The PIU is evaluating the need to include in the current works contract the inclusion of

Public Disclosure Copy secondary and tertiary network in the urban areas. Piped household water connections that are Number Value 0.00 0.00 6800.00 benefiting from rehabilitation works undertaken Date 20-Dec-2010 14-Oct-2014 31-Mar-2017 by the project Comments No contract has finished. It is estimated that by the end of the project 6514 households will be benefited. And about 19.000 by theend of the design period (30 yrs) Number of water utilities that the project is Number Value 0.00 2.00 5.00 supporting Date 20-Dec-2010 14-Oct-2014 31-Mar-2017 Comments Currently SAMEEP in Chaco and SAT in Tucuman. First steps have been made by Aguas de Salta and Aguas de Formosa. Number of service providers at the provincial or Number Value 0.00 2.00 5.00 municipal level enrolled in an institutional Date 20-Dec-2010 14-Oct-2014 31-Mar-2017 development program financed by the Project Comments SAMEEP and SAT Evidence of more efficient and financially Text Value No providers enrolled To be determined for each healthier providers of WSS services service provider Date 20-Dec-2010 14-Oct-2014 31-Mar-2017 Comments It is expected that the regional service provider in the province of Chaco (SAMEEP) and SAT will improve its

Public Disclosure Copy efficiency and finances.

Data on Financial Performance (as of 24-Sep-2014)

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Financial Agreement(s) Key Dates Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date P120211 IBRD-79920 Effective 20-Dec-2010 04-May-2011 04-Jul-2011 30-Apr-2017 30-Apr-2017

Disbursements (in Millions) Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P120211 IBRD-79920 Effective USD 200.00 200.00 0.00 43.53 156.47 22.00

Disbursement Graph Public Disclosure Copy

Key Decisions Regarding Implementation Given the significant progress made in the sub projects preparation and implementation and the active support and the quality of the work, PDO's and IP are rated satisfactory.

Restructuring History There has been no restructuring to date.

Related Projects There are no related projects. Public Disclosure Copy

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