The Greatest Business Decisions of All Time: How Apple, Ford, IBM, Zappos, and Others Made Radical Choices That Changed the Cour
The Greatest BUSINESS DECISIONS of All Time HOW APPLE, FORD, IBM, ZAPPOS, AND OTHERS MADE RADICAL CHOICES THAT CHANGED THE COURSE OF BUSINESS. By Verne Harnish and the Editors of Fortune Foreword by Jim Collins . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS When you delve into the great decisions chronicled in these pages, you’ll find that in most instances it was the people involved that really mattered. The same holds true for producing this book. First, we want to thank Fortune managing editor Andy Serwer, who, displaying the vision and entrepreneurial spirit we’ve long admired him for, green-lighted this project in the same meeting in which we pitched it and then provided support all along the way. Fortune art director Emily Kehe, working with Time Inc.’s talented Anne-Michelle Gallero, applied their usual elegant sense of style to the design. Carol Gwinn, our copyeditor par excellence, used her superb language skills to save ourselves from ourselves. Steve Koepp and Joy Butts at Time Home Entertainment Inc., the book’s publisher, worked creatively behind the scenes to make this project a reality, and for that we’re truly grateful. And we extend our thanks and admiration to Jim Collins for providing such an insightful foreword to the book. Last, a big bow to the writers and editors on Fortune’s staff who used their in-depth knowledge of business and their nonpareil writing skills to make this book what I hope you’ll find to be a wonderful, informative read. TO DECISION-MAKERS WHO KEEP MAKING THE TOUGH CALLS . TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword BY JIM COLLINS Introduction By VERNE HARNISH Chapter 1 Apple Brings Back Steve Jobs By ADAM LASHINSKY Chapter 2 How Free Shipping Saved Zappos By JENNIFER REINGOLD Chapter 3 Why Samsung Lets Its Stars Goof Off BY NICHOLAS VARCHAVER Chapter 4 At Johnson & Johnson, the Shareholder Comes Last BY TIMOTHY K.
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