Matt Hilton | 416 pages | 21 Jul 2011 | Hodder & Stoughton General Division | 9781444705379 | English | London, United Kingdom Blood and Ashes: The Fifth Joe Hunter Thriller PDF Book

Marrying Winterborne. It is a deadly duel of wits that takes Hunter from the streets of Miami to the squalid barrios of Colombia to …. Glocks have three internal safeties none of which you flick on or off. He's like Jason Bourne might have been, if he'd escaped the CIA, but hadn't had to go through the memory loss business. Take responsibility: Liberty takes responsibility. You know the saying: There's no time like the present He keeps a website at www. Ex-soldier, Joe Hunter, is asked for help from a former colleague, Don Griffiths who worked with Hunter in the past. Weak characters, cliched plot, poor research. The main character is very weak - an ex-special Forces type that doubts himself??? Sometimes he thinks too little. No sooner does Hunter arrive at the Griffiths' home then the action begins. I enjoy the interplay between the two, from which comes the humour necessary to leaven some of the darker aspects of the books. It's exhilarating, completely breathless and wildly enjoyable entertainment that flies off the page. Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. The story is strangely disjointed, with characters and set pieces appearing for no real reason except to provide targets for the aforementioned Four Horsemen of the Joepocalypse. Mind your own business: Free people live and let live. This time Joe takes on home grown terrorism and may have pissed off a few people for future books. Flicked off the safety. And sure enough, the entire family is soon under siege with onl Brooke Reynolds died in a car crash. We learn little of the background of Hunter. Its theme is a little too wide a scale for me, political rather than personal. In business But her father Don Hoffman knows otherwise. Books by Matt Hilton. Already got the next book lined up which I cannot wait to read as it has the return of a past character who I really liked. Return to Book Page. Looking back, the protagonists of all the books I was reading, and therefore trying to emulate in my writing featured tough guys with a heart, who had a certain set of morals that they would not shirk from. Joe at first doesn't believe Don, Joe Hunter has spent his life working for -- sometimes unknowingly -- a sort of global intelligence initiative called Arrowsake. Realising that only endeared Hunter to me even more and was, I felt, worth the admission on its own. Blood and Ashes: The Fifth Joe Hunter Thriller Writer

He had been a member of a clandestine group and now, the groups part in the plot begins to come clear. He doesn't have the insider info you, the reader, has. Rules of Honour: The eighth Joe Hunter thriller. The usual fast paced, blood and guts. However Valentine still has the Mortal Instruments. I was a bit bothered a couple of times when Hunter decided not to shoot for some random reason that seemed unlikely for his character to me, more as a holding together of th Blood and Ashes is my first Joe Hunter book but is actually the fifth in the series. He could have said no. Jun 17, Mikeh rated it really liked it. However, if you want a thriller series that thrills and is getting better with every book, look no further than Joe Hunter and Matt Hilton. But to be honest, I write what I like to read, and pitch more to the crime thriller than the whodunit. The Unfinished Novel and Other stories. The ensuing blood bath is the beginning of a trail of death that leads right to the heart of a racist conspiracy. Thanks for telling us about the problem. For me a good read. I really couldn't say. Jun 23, Garry Schofield rated it really liked it. Showing It didn't seem to matter that I hadn't read the others and it stands alone, there were a few references to people in his past but they were explained sufficiently. The one thing about this book was how real is could be. And he still wants to think for women. Joe had resisted at first, recovering from wounds he'd occurred in a fight in an earlier book: a knife and a bullet in one leg. The Camel Bookmobile. Lots of shades of gray in the government and its agencies and the top brass, no real happily ever after ending here. If "Blood and Ashes" was a cold cereal, it would be called snap, crackle and pop, pop, pop. Ne'er-do-wells beware, Joe Hunter is coming for you! Quite racial and a good read. I would have liked the story to end sooner than it did. This website uses cookies. Judgment and Wrath. I have really enjoyed this series and this book was on my wishlist for a long time before I bought it as a wee treat for myself but I was quite disappointed! Mind your own business: Free people live and let live. From the Place in the Valley Deep in the Forest. Explosive and deadly. Apr 21, Speesh rated it it was amazing Shelves: adventure , thriller. There was a good level of action interspersed with story to hold it together. Blood and Ashes: The Fifth Joe Hunter Thriller Reviews

And from the moment he meets the shy, aristocratic Lady Helen Ravenel, he is determined to possess Better or worse? Joe is on countdown: can he stop the plotters before they reduce the free world to ashes? Blood and Ashes is a deeper, reflective novel and with the aid of his leading character, Hilton has matured. Behind the plotters are another group and their involvement is something that will resonate through further books in the series. Jan 22, Miles rated it really liked it Shelves: reviews. Joe Hunter 1 - 10 of 12 books. My first Matt Hilton book. But when he'd gotten word one of the man's daughters was dead, he'd come. He's like Jason Bourne might have been, if he'd escaped the CIA, but hadn't had to go through the memory loss business. But to be honest, I write what I like to read, and pitch more to the crime thriller than the whodunit. Another brutally fast and brutally addictive novel from Matt Hilton. Feb 19, Sean C rated it did not like it. This was followed by Judgement and Wrath and then Slash and Burn. Blood and Ashes. Sort order. However with a family in danger, Hunter does what he knows best and agrees to protect the family to his best abilities but with our hero questioning his every move, the journey is fraught with danger. HarperCollins Publishers. Tirai Curtain Agatha Christie. Lots of shades of gray in the government and its agencies and the top brass, no real happily ever after ending here. After this, Clary goes to the hospital to visit her comatose mother, Jocelyn. Sometimes he thinks too much. Shot and stabbed in his right leg he still, despite three months of intensive therapy, walks with a limp and together with a hand recovering from micro surgery, Hunter is a bruised man. His series featuring Joe Hunter has an army of fans on both sides of the Atlantic. The relationship with Don was well done, complexities between them and Don's with his family changing Hunter's feelings about Don to a certain extent, nicely written. Really enjoyed this one. The problem he needs to get over, is thinking too much for other people, forgetting or ignoring, his best practice, safest way, training. There are touches of Bourne and Rapp , and thankfully, less Reacher. Delivered on the dot. Got it?

Blood and Ashes: The Fifth Joe Hunter Thriller Read Online

I also pulled on some of my earlier books, one a gothic fantasy featuring a sword wielding lawman, and another a private eye novel featuring characters not dissimilar to Joe and Rink. Another good book in the series. Guys who do what Hunter has done don't doubt themselves. Tragic accident, the police say. Original Title. Rink is there because he wants to be. White supremacists want to hold the government to ransom; and they have got hold of a dirty bomb to add weight to their case. Love Matt Hilton's Joes Hunter books. He's forced to use close combat ability to dispose of two men who were watching Griffiths' home and decide If "Blood and Ashes" was a cold cereal, it would be called snap, crackle and pop, pop, pop. I think Matt Hilton just keeps on improving with each book be it in his storytelling or character development but each book, to me at least, has been fantastic and I only wish I had read this series sooner. It is fiction after all. Joe Hunter is on countdown: can he stop the plotters before they reduce the free world to ashes? Back at the Institute Valentine's reply is he would rather have the Mortal Instruments and let Jace die, by this time it's too late to get backup from the Clave but the New York Conclave go to fight Valentine. Ne'er-do-wells beware, Joe Hunter is coming for you! Most British crime novels are cerebral, whereas I aim for visceral with my thrillers. Hunter's saying in effect, he is trying to protect Rink, yet Hunter is the one putting Rink in danger! Later, Griffiths' family is attacked by a Neo-Nazi group who were supporters of a terrorist believed to be dead. But her father Don Hoffman knows otherwise. Matt Hilton worked for twenty-two years in private security and the police force in Cumbria. There are some great characters in this book as well all of whom I found believable. One thing Hunter has never been, and never will be, is a killer-for-hire. Apr 21, Speesh rated it it was amazing Shelves: adventure , thriller. The Harvestman is back! Blood and Ashes. The Arrow-place taught him how to kill on demand, now he's 'free' he's questioning the validity. From the start, there's at least one blindingly interesting conundrum. Fast paced, action packed, Neo-Nazi , ex-covert op , Korean crime partners.