L~N COLN LORE Bulletin of the Lineoln National Life Foundation - - - - • • Dr. Loula A. Warren Editor Publl.ahed each week by The Lineoln National Life lnaurance Comp&Dy. Fort Wayne, indiana Number 1126 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA November 6, 1950

ASSASSINATION CAST OF U.S.A., Thomas 111. Vincent, Bvt. , leading lady, John Brig. General U.S.A. Wonun Eliza­ DIRECfORY Dyott, T. C. Gourlay, beth Long Di:<:on, Miss Clara Harris, E. M. Emerson, J. ~fatthews, W. J. Mrs. Mary Cogswell Kinney, Miss The thwarted attack on the lite of Ferguson, C. Byrnes, G. G. Spear, J. Constance Kinney. Clet'fl1111Uin Dr. President Truman has again renewed Phineas Gurley. interest In plots against other Presi­ H. Evans, J. L. DeBonay, G. A. Park· dents of the United States and espe· burst, I. Johnson, ~1iss J. Gourlay, DOCTORS AT AUTOPSY cially the assassination of Abraham Mrs. H. Muzzey, Miss H. Truman, Dr. Joseph K. Barnes, Surgeon Miss H. Hart, Mrs. J. H. Evans, Miss General; Dr. Charles H. Crane, Asst. on April 14, 1865. Queries re· l\1. Gourlay. gardlng the Jdentificetion of the con­ Surgeon General; Dr. Joseph Curtis, spirators, as well as desired informa­ FORD THEATRE PERSONNEL Asst. Surgeon; Dr. H. M. Notaon, tion about the many groups which J. E. Buckingham, doorkeeper, Asst. Surgeon; Dr. E. King Stone, comprised the largar circle of peol_!le (HPeanuts") Burroughs, stage door­ family physician; Dr. Chas. S. Taft, which were before tho public eye by man, J. I. DeBonay, stage hand, H. Asst. Acting Surgeon; Dr. Joseph J. reason of the tragedy, have suggested Clay Ford, treasurer, J. R. Ford, busi­ Woodward, Asst. Surgeon General; the preparation of a Lincoln a8888si· ness manager, William 111usgrinc, Dr. Charles D. Brown, embalmed the nation directory. Of course, the member of orcnestra, Henry Phillips, body of Lincoln. greatly limited space will allow little member of orchestra, Ruben Withers, CIVILIANS ASSOCIATED WITH comment about the part J?layed by member of orchestra, William With· BOOTH'S ESCAPE AND these individuals and It will not be era, orchestra leader, J. B. Wright, CAPTURE possible to extend the list of person· stage manager. Samuel Cox!. John Fletcher, R. H. net to Include those who participated CLAIJIIED THEY HELPED CARRY Garrett, W. :>. Jett, T. A. Jones, in the trial of the conspirators which LINCOLN TO PETERSON'S William Lueas, Dr. G. D. Mudd, followed. Only those who seemed to Gustavus Clark, John Corey, Col. Thompson Nailor, J. W. PumpJ>rey, have had a part in the related ac· Otto J. Downinjf, T. C. Gourlay, F. Robey, William Rollins, 111. B. tivities of that fateful night and Jabez Griffiths, Lieut. B. W. Loring, Ruggles, Dr. Richard Stewart, Henry those who aided or helped to appre­ William Sample, Jacob Soles. Woodland. hend the guilty parties will be men­ VISITORS AT BEDSIDE OF IDENTIFICATION OF BOOTH'S tioned. LINCOLN BODY AND HIS BURIAL C. M. Collins, W. W. Crowninshield, CONSPIRATORS Family , wife, Charles Dawson, Joseph Holt, Col. Samuel Arnold, sentenced to hard Robert Todd, son. Doctors Dr. E. W. Abbott, Surgeon Gen. Joseph K. Prentiss Ingraham, William Light­ labor for life, but pardoned by Presi· too~ Dr. J. F. May, Dr. W. F. Merrill, dent Johnson. G. A. Atzerodt, sen­ Barnes, Asst. Surr.on Gen. Charles H. Crane Aeting sst. Surgeon Gen. G. L. Porter. teneed to death and banged. John William H. Ford, Dr. C. D. Gatch_. Dr. MISCELLANEOUS PERSONNEL Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Lincoln. J. C. Hall, Dr. Albert F. A. King, Francis Burke, W. T. Clark C. A. D. E. Herold, sentenced to death and Asst. Surgeon Charles A. Leale, Dr. Dana, Charles Forbes, J. L. McPhail, hanged. Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, sent to C. H. Lieoormann Dr. J. F. 111ay, Dr. John F. Parker, Major Potter, A. C. prison for life, but pardoned by Presi­ D. E. King, family1 physician, Asst. Richards, E. N. Stebbins, J. B. Stew­ dent Johnson. Michael O'Laughlin, Acting Surgeon Charles S. Taft,. Dr. artii Corp. James Tanner, Mayor \Val­ sentenced to imprisonment for life, Lyman Beecher Todd. C.Winot M