The Gross Human Body, its relations with the Subtle Body common ailments & their remedies.

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The Human CNS exposed by dissection from the dorsal aspect (back)


 the brain  spinal cord  proximal part of spinal nerves. S a c r u m the abode of ‘Kundalini’

Human Brain as seen from Human Brain as seen from the left side showing below showing The Limbic Area The ‘Optic Chiasma’

Liver disorders are of two types i.e. • slow or inactive liver (in a left sided emotional person) this leads to allergies; • Overactive liver disorders in a Right sided person. Right sided liver disorder (that is overactive or hot liver). Liver has an important function to remove poisions from the body. It removes the heat from Position of Liver the body system into the water in blood. In the Human Body  Drink Vibrated Water  Chicken (moderate amount)  Sugar  Yogurt (sweetend)  Black Kokum  Cucumber Raita  Rose petal jam  Raddish Tea  Ginger  Grapes  Rice  Oatmeal  Chana (Chick Peas)  Boiled Food  Fruits  Moong & Chana Dal  Vegetables, Salad  Brown Bread × Pickles × Ripe Papaya, mango, × Mushrooms × Spices banana, chikoo etc. × Red Chillies × × Ground Nuts × Cream / Ice creams × Butter × Cheese × Chocolate (coco) × Coffee × Fried food × Fish (esp. sea fish) × Cola × White bread × Red Meat

Sugar we give for hot liver, as a treatment. But if somebody is eating too much of sugar, then it will enlarge; sugarcane juice too much. I mean, [if anything goes in imbalance, then it’s not right.] And sweets that are like you find with Bengalis, they have an enlarged liver. H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Ealing, London (UK), 2000. • (small Amount) • Cheese • Tea • Mushrooms • Lemon, Orange & • Ground Nuts other Citrus Fruits • Urad Dal • Toor Dal • Alcohol • Eggs

Cold must be an enlarged liver, and hot is contracted. So for liver, best is to look after the one which is heated up, because it creates all the problems. If it is enlarged, also you can reduce it by eating something like chana … H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Ealing, London (UK), 2000.  Mainly comes from Right side.

 Right side imbalance of Swadhisthan. (Sometimes problem with Kidneys)

 Restrict salt intake.

 Put left to right.

 Foot soak 2-4 times a day. L o w B lo o d P r e s s u r e

 Left side imbalance.

Take vibrated salt water.  Comes from right side.

 Take lots of water.

 Avoid citrus fruits , chillies & spices.

 Do left to right.

 Clear right side.  Too much right side activity.

 People who are Hatha , wrestlers, actors, great thinkers &planners, politicians etc..

 People who become dry & lose emotions.

 Left side gets frozen.

 People who take alcohol & play tennis get Heart Attack at very young age. A n g i n a  Catch in the Left Visuddhi.

 Heart is Lethargic. (Left sided problem)  Comes from left Visuddhi.

 Candle treatment.

 Message left Vishuddhi with Ghee & .

Left Visuddhi gets affected.  Overactive right side.

 Do left to right.

 Take – Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, nidra rupena samsthita, Namastasyaei, Namastasyaei, Namastasyaei, Namo Namah.

 Ice treatment & cold foot soaking.  Caused by hot liver associated with agnya problems.

 Strict liver diet.

 Icepack on liver & right swadhisthan.

 Put Kumkum on Agnya .

 Matka treatment for catch in the left swadhisthan.  Right side problem, Liver is under - nourished.

 Treat right side.

 Ice Pack in Swadhisthan & Liver.

 Foot soak more than once.

 Boiled milk before bedtime - helpful.

 Take Ajwain chooran with black resins.

“Indians never suffer from this diseases because they have always a little chillies in their food…. …It has Vitamin C also in it.”  Normal for Sahaja Yogis after Pujas.

 Comes from Nabhi & Void catches, drugs etc.

 Take Butter milk, Oral rehydration with vibrated water. Coffee gives a shock to our system.

 Ajwain Dhooni & Candle treatment nourishes left Mooladhara and Nabhi Chakra.

 Foot Soak in lukewarm water.

 If pain abdomen predominates treat right side more.  Comes from right Visuddhi & Nabhi catches.

 Take Butter directly or with a cup of hot water to soothe Visuddhi. Also Ajwain Dhuni helpful.

 Take vibrated sugar & water for running nose (right Visuddhi ). Beneficial for Liver also.

 Candle left nabhi chakra if infection sets in.

 Individuals with hot liver catch cold very often.  Right Nabhi & Swadhisthan get affected.

 Foot soak in lukewarm water 2 – 3 times a day.

 Strictest liver diet for 2 weeks.

 Make tea from fresh radish leaves, sweeten with candy sugar and take instead of water for three days.

 Drink glucose water, sugarcaine juice & vibrated sugar water.  Comes from the right side, usually right swadhisthan.  Sometimes arises from the left side esp. those who bow down to wrong type of people or at wrong places.  Possession / catch in left swadhisthan.

It’s all right side. Mostly it is right-sided. But for example, … , her mother had cancer and she was shocked, [so her] shock, that’s left-sided. It can be too much of left side, or too much of right side. … Right side also: overly educated, all the time working very hard – right side. Mostly right side. Also left side possible: for example you are possessed, something like that. Throughout Sahaja you must understand whether right-sided or left-sided. And we have very simple things to correct both the sides. - H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Ealing, London (UK), 2000.  Comes from - Rt. Swadhisthan

& Left Nabhi .

 Agnya is affected.

 Take mantra of ‘Hazarat Ali-Fatima Bi’

in right Swadhisthan.

 Take methi water.  Right Heart Chakra is affected.

 Ice treatment of liver cools down right side.

 Avoid sour food.

 Take Mantra of Shri Rama.

 Sometimes left sided. Candle treatment of left side esp. Nabhi if infection sets in. Chemotherapy is absolutely dangerous. It goes from one to another – see, it is left-sided problem, so chemotherapy gives you heat. With the heat, for the time being, the left side improves. That’s all. [But in  Catch of the Left side & Void. reality it’s something else.] But you can give heat from outside.  Treat with camphor & candle. Camphor is very heating. So camphor, you can have a havan, you can have camphor,  Matka is essential. you can have three-candle treatment. But then what they do, they take such a small little  Treat the organ affected. candle, you know – that’s not the way. You must have a thick  Go to Sahaja Yoga Hospital. candle. Use a thick candle with a thick light, so the heat is given from outside. Even you can use ajwain.

- H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Ealing, London (UK), 2000.  Both Bacterial & Viral.

 Left Nabhi Chakra & the respective Chakra affected.

 Treat Left Nabhi with Candle.

 Give vibrations to Centre Heart; Antibodies (GANAs in Sanskrit ) are produced by Sternum.  Eczema - Hot liver. Put ice pack on liver.

“It’s a hot liver. [It explodes.]”

 Sometimes precipitated by sudden change from

hot to cold.

 If left Nabhi is affected (lethargic liver) or left side imbalance of Swadhisthan Chakra, treat with

Gheru & Honey.  Bad Hamsa. Sinuses looked after by Hamsa Chakra.

 Neti and ‘putting ghee in the nose’ mandatory.

 Candle treatment of left Nabhi to treat infection.

 Steam inhalation helps.

 Take mantra of ‘Hamsa Chakra Swamini’. Nabhi (usually left) affected.

Candle treatment of left Nabhi more than once if required.

Also foot-soak.

Treat the chakra of the affected area. Epidural,… when ladies are in labour, when they’re having a baby, going through labour pains,… Local anaesthetic… If such women, if they meditate, they’ll have painless delivery. Four, five people had painless delivery, four, five, when they came to Me. She was very good – painless delivery. For example, this, My grand-daughter: she is, you know, tiny- winy, you know, and this child was about eight pounds, [and she’s so small]. She had a painless delivery. So you can do that. If she meditates, you don’t have to do all these nonsensical things; because you might spoil the spinal cord with that. It’s very delicate …, spinal cord. -H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Ealing, London (UK), 2000  Left sided problem. Possession coming & going and not permanent.

 Happens in vulnerable persons; e.g. if mother dies in childhood or in case of bad childhood which weakens psyche and makes entry of possession vulnerable.

 Bad Motherhood/ Bad Father/ Ghazals and poems of crying or sorrow books or stories like Exorcist, Horror Books/ Frightening & unhappy situations.

…The main characteristic of Epilepsy is that here the individual resists the possession. He doesn’t accept it. If individual accepts then it uses the ego of that person and makes him act according to its will, through ego. Agnya Chakra is involved in Epilepsy. Agnya is caught in two ways. When one doesn’t forgive and secondly when one has adulterous and roving eyes. Some persons have got mesmeric eyes. They can mesmerise and introduce spirits through Agnya Chakra (e.g. Rajneesh). Person who has condemned himself and can’t forgive, he gets Epilepsy…. Transcripted from Conversation of Shri Mataji with doctors, New Delhi (India), 4 November 1986.  Disorder of CNS, presenting with muscle weakness, ocular disturbance, parasthaesia, dysarthria etc.

 Possession / Mooladhara affected

 When husband possessed, wife gets the disease & vice versa. Disease of the spouses of flirts.

 Roving eyes gives rise to Agnya problems.

 Treat Mooladhara; worship to Shri Ganesha.

 Camphor , smoke from Ajwain & Matka treatment to both partners.

Multiple sclerosis comes to women from men, and to men from women, if they go to prostitutes. -H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Ealing, London (UK), 2000 There are many diseases you get out of possession, many diseases, which doctors are not sort of aware of it. So many diseases you get. Itself is a disease, you see: to be possessed is a disease. But sometimes what they have, they get a bulge here out, the skin bulges out like that – then there’s a possession. It’s one of the signs. [All around the Agnya] you get bulges like that – one of the symptoms. In possession as you, if it is very extreme case, then you can make it out that it’s possession, you see: that they start shaking before My photograph and shouting, screaming, all that. That’s a possession. Also, person who has possession, you see, is, he’s dull otherwise, but otherwise aggressive. For doing any work or anything he’s dull, but can be aggressive. They are mostly overly aggressive on sexual this thing, mostly, and also they are wayward. They are fond of many women and this and that. On this I can give a big lecture. They had roving eyes – even slight possession can do that – very fond of women, and can create problems. The problem is Mooladhar. You’d be amazed, Mooladhara is such a great thing that it supports your nervous system, also supports your muscular system. But they have been cured. Multiple sclerosis has been cured in Sahaja Yoga. So you must do worship of Ganesha. Also you can use [the smoke from ajwain]… …But the trouble is, the one who is possessed doesn’t suffer: whosoever is married to a possessed person gets it. - H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Ealing, London (UK), 2000  Results from bad Hamsa & Mooladhara Chakra.

 Multiple chakras get affected and immune system breaks down.

 Ghee & camphor in the nose regularly twice a day &

Strengthening Mooladhara Chakra protects one from AIDS.

 Shri Ganesh Atharvasheersham very helpful.

 Treat the whole left side esp. Mooladhara & Nabhi with camphor / candle. “Cleanse it through . Cleanse it through your attention. 'Everyday' you must know which chakra to be cleared out. You must know about yourself where is the problem, how it is to be cleansed, how we have to clear it out. Do not take it for granted. Many people who have got say left-sided problems you will just bring them lemon and chillies, and think that Mother has done the job. I can only do the job temporarily. But if there is a vacuum, again you will suck in. You see....”

“...These vacuums within you feel hungry again, to have some more. So to take out that vacuum is your job, and for that you have to 'religiously' get out of all your defects. That's the most important thing for all of you….” , London 1983 "So first of all you must get your chakras alright. On the chakras you must put your attention. After the Samadhi state you will start opening them out properly, clear them out, know what are the chakras that are bad. I have seen people who have very bad few chakras, and many good chakras, but they will be only enjoying the good chakras and not worry about the bad ones.

Pay attention to your bad chakras. Cleanse them, cleanse them. Put all your attention to that. Put the attention of the God, of the Deity whom you worship, and you will get the complete manifestation of their power within yourself....” Guru Puja, London 1983 Published for free online viewing & download at: