U.S. History Mr. Boothby 4/15/2019

The Learning Target I can explain the M.A.I.N. causes of World War 1! GRAB WORKSHEET #1 WWI BEGINS!!!

Module 16: LESSON 1 http://www.washougal.k12.wa.us/teacher/scott.boothby/TextbookMODULE16.pdf SC: Nationalism/ Militarism/ Balance-Power/ Triple Alliance/ Triple Entente/ Central & Allied Powers Reaction (1 page MINIMUM or NON-Written if you are on page 655 FAST!) Why did things literally explode in 1914 (M.A.I.N)??? YOU CAN ALSO USE YOUR CHROME-BOOKS THIS ONE! Hint: Watch the video clip and do this on your sheet as #1 for the reaction  WE WILL BE WORKING ON THIS THE NEXT 2 DAYS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRcg_t2oJkc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3I-VyjZk2a0& feature=related EVIL…

Silently Read Pages 654-659 WORLD WAR 1 BEGINS IS COMING SOON!

GO OVER THE ACRONYM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRcg_t2oJkc

M.A.I.N. w/ a quick video 1st!

O NLY DO 1-4 Discuss with one partner as you work… TODAY AND What would it take for you to fight… A stolen pencil, 1 dollar, 1000.00 dollars, Someone KEEP IT For... TOMORROW! killed your cat, or a stolen car…THINK!

FOR HELP ON #4 / VIDEO WW1 CAUSES! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd2ch4XV84s 37 Million People Die 37,000,000! DISCUSS AND BUILD ON YOUR #4!

Do you think that other European nations should have entered a war that originally started between Austria-Hungary and Serbia… How might things be different if and CZAR Nicholas had stayed out of the war?

Discussion must remain alive during the KILL CLOCK!


#1 Explain to your group members how WWI started (This is EZ)! Would there have been a WWI without Russian involvement? Would Russia have fallen into economic collapse and lost the Czar? Would the Bolshevik Revolution have taken place? Would Stalin have risen into power? What about the Cold War, Hitler and the Atomic age?




100 PTS 1 page POSSIBLE Homework ???

Explain the countries involved in WWI and what happened to bring each in… EX: Austria-Hungary Bombs Serbia/ Russia jumps in to defend Sebria etc…

The (German: Schlieffen-Plan, pronounced [ʃliːfən plaːn]) was the name given after to the thinking behind the German invasion of France and on 4 August 1914. Alfred von Schlieffen, the Chief of the Imperial Army German General Staff from 1891 to 1906, devised a deployment plan for a war-winning offensive, in a one-front war against the



If kids are skimming/Shirking and Not Reading 1st …

Add 2 EXTRA QUESTIONS BELOW: Add to the back of your sheet: #4b On the MAP page 658: Find the Lusitania and CLICKexplain TO what REVEAL it is and IF KIDSwhat AREhappened WRITING to it in 1915 BEFORE READING! #4c What happened at Tannenberg in August of 1914 according to the map on page 658?