August 16th, 2020 WEEKLY NEWS UPDATE

Powering the next MAS Commits S$250 Singapore FinTech stage of Singapore Million to Accelerate Festival 2020 details FinTech FinTech Innovation announced

Speech by Mr Ravi Menon, The new scheme set to Participants can attend in person Managing Director of the accelerate technology and at physical locations around the Monetary Authority of innovation-driven growth in world as well as be connected Singapore the financial sector online (Dec. 7-11th)


Singapore Blockchain 2020 Inside Grab: Where southeast Asia’s most [MAP] Honeywell wants to show what ambitious fintech goes next quantum computing can do for the world. #CQC Read More→ Read More→ Read More→

Serendipity Capital 2020 August 16th, 2020 WEEKLY NEWS UPDATE

India on the cusp of going Bessemer Venture Partners’ live with account 26 Lessons From Warren Birnbaum On Why It’s Go- aggregation framework Buffett’s Annual Letters To Time For FinTech Shareholders

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In Focus: Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

What is Decentralized Finance (DeFi)? DeFi is a system of open, permissionless, and interlocking financial products built on Ethereum with a focus on borrowing, lending and banking services. Read More→

A Beginners Guide to Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Imagine a global, open alternative to every financial service you use today — savings, loans, trading, insurance and more — accessible to anyone in the world with a smartphone and internet connection. This is now possible on smart contract blockchains, like Ethereum. Read More→

DeFi: Welcome to the Crypto Revolution A new wave in crypto has begun and its buzzword is DeFi—which stands for decentralized finance. The idea of decentralized finance is that financial institutions can be created that are run by computers, blockchains and rules that anyone can access free of gaining permission or having to show trust or be trusted... Read More→

Serendipity Capital 2020 August 16th, 2020 WEEKLY NEWS UPDATE

Some DeFi Projects to Follow in 2020 The world of decentralized finance keeps being populated by new projects from teams across the globe. This article aims to be a short overview of the most interesting ones. They are at the front of the new economy and, if anything, they’ll use this crisis as the launchpad to a more open and transparent economy. Read More→

Figuring out who's to blame for DeFi's persistent security issues Is Ethereum’s architecture to blame for the growth of decentralized finance hacks, and will the network upgrade make the sector more secure?

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Infographic of the week - Fintech Unicorns

There are now at least 67 Fintech unicorns globally valued at a combined $244.6 billion, according to a recently published infographic by CBInsights.

Some of the world’s largest Fintech firms are from Asia: - Singapore is home to some of the world’s most established Fintech firms including Grab, PolicyPal, Cashlez, among others - In India, major Fintechs include Paytm, PolicyBazaar, Lendingkart, and Namaste Credit, among others - WeLab, Bowtie, MioTech, OneDegree are some of the notable Fintechs in Hong Kong - In , Airwallex and Judo are among the leading Fintech solution providers along with digital 86 400, UBank, and Xinja Bank The global Fintech market is projected to reach a market capitalization of $300 billion by 2025

Serendipity Capital 2020