Court orders entire Deal beach opened to public

BySHRlY CONOHAN Only a 50-foo t wide strip of lag to the Supreme Court's de to the beach as well as to that portion terms and without preference i of the Public Trust Bee had abandoned its appeal dry saad beach lying just ciston, bad won a decision at fadnties at the Deal Casino of the beach lying between and that any contrary stste or Dettrtaa rioasrn that Uw mu- far spankut membership ia ttw TONTON-Wumh, of . above the Ugh tide mark has the trial court level la Free Access to the beach itself in mean high and mean low wa- municipal action is lav Deal Casino to ttw public. Mr raptty aaafeachiag crisia 1B bean left open by the Deal bold directing the borough of Deal never was at Issue In the ter. to the tidal wa- Paaa said, "We decided to Naw Jersey u u tk« avall- Caatao for general public use. Deal to open membership In case. The public Advocate It cited its own decision TMs same runag la ap- a apaa to all oa drop that issue because at oar ahttty aw to pabttc of beach The beach above that tine hai aad all facilities at Uw Casino agreed from Uw outset that the previously in the landmark plicable to the Deal Caatao aad without pref- aahaea the afcaJflcaat tone hi areas. Uw Suit Supreme been roped off and reserved —including two swimming public had adequate access Avon beach access case In case, the court continued ttw case was access to the dry Court yesterday niM that the for caatao members. pools, a restaurant and cabin through Uw Phillips Avenue which It said, "At least "la Avon, contrary to de- Uetstial Public Advocate aaad beach. We fell H detract- aoreagh of Deal must open all The decision applies oaly to nas—as well as Uw dry sand Pavilion, another municipally- where Uw upland sand area Is fendants' contention (la ttw Art PeaahasM the courts de- ed from ttw principal Issue" the dry saad be»ch In front of Uw dry saad area aad does not beach to the public. owned beach club just north of owned by a municipality—a Deal Casino case arguments eiatoa at ssjrtncaat both prac- Thomas Morrissey. at- the Deal Casino to the public Involve any of ttw facilities at But that decision, rendered the Deal Casino, which is open political subdivision and we were not limiting our rul- tteaayaadsymhahiily torney for the baroagh of Deal, UiMdecision, the court Uw Deal Casino itself, a mu- by Superior Court Judge tier to anyone. creature of Uw state—and ded- ing), to Uw beach area be* •The dedstoa supports oar said be basal seen the de- held that since Uw beach U nicipally-owned beach club ritt Lane Jr., waa overturned The Supreme Court, In a icated to public beach tween low and high water—the commKineaftottwrigMofthe data as yet and had no idea of nuaidaaly owned none of the whose membership is limited by ttw Appellate Division of decision written by Justice purposes, a modern court must wet beach area," Justice Sul- public to equal access to Ike what the btraagh of Deal dry and ana la front of the to borough residents and prop- Superior Court. When the case Hark Sullivan of Spring Lake, take the view that Uw public livan wrote on behalf of ttw natural resources of the weald do ant. Deal Castao can be roped off, erty owners. went up to Uw Supreme Court, said Uw Public Trust Doctrine trust doctrine dictates that the majority. state," he said. "We're vary, "Nobody ikes to lose. I'm ai It has been, for use by mem- The Stale Public Advocate, Uw Public Advocate's office applied to the upland dry sand beach and Uw ocean waters "We said and we meant very satisfied with it" Asked sure H win be a banady. which Instituted the suit lead- dropped that part of its suit area of i municipally-owned must be open to all on equal that, in New Jersey, a proper why ttw Public Advocate's of fee Fab*, page! The Daily Register VOL. 101 NO. 89 SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17,1978 15 CENTS First non-Italian pope in 455 years Papacy of John Paul II begins

VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope John Paul II, a Uw Vatican's Secretariat for Christian Unity. believers. Let us avoid any spirit of monopolizing Polish symbol of the vitality of the Roman Catholic The stocky, fair-haired Polish prelate was and moralizing," Uw then Cardinal Wojtyla said in a Church In Communist lands, delivers his first ser- elected yesterday on the seventh or eighth ballot statement at VaUcan Council II In 1001-05. A Polish mon today as M4th leader of his church. cast since the secret conclave began Saturday Government spokesman In Warsaw said that The former Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, the evening. White smoke signalling the election poured Cardinal Wojtyla's election was "significant, espe- Archbishop of Krakow, Poland, and at 58 the from Uw chimney atop the Sistine Chapel at 8:18 cially because he is a Pole, a citizen of a country youngest Roman Catholic pontiff of the century, p.m. (1:18 p.m., EDT), and about an hour later the that has lived Uw Inferno of a war that completed remained sequestered overnight with the cardinals new pope appeared on the balcony of St. Peter's deep changes In its homeland..." whose election of him yesterday broke a 455-year Basilica. In moving to the VaUcan, Uw sew pope will still tradition of Italian popes. The pontiff charmed the 150,000 persons packed find himself surrounded by Communists, with a Taking the name of his immediate predecessor, Into St. Peter's Square and millions more watching Communist-led municipal administration In Rome whose reign lasted only J4 days, John Paul II was to on television. With an informality reminiscent of and Italy's ruling Catholic party, ttw Christian deliver his first papal homily at a mass in the Pope John Paul I and Pope John XXIII, he Ignored Democrats, dependent

the whole wortd," according to Cardinal Wojtyla did not a," Goraki said, Batatas* W. Smycsak, presl- "openly" critlcUe Poland's "He la everything the Ma Part n. the MM* Caasaea-s Mahap George deaf of the New Jersey Pottah r-r.g—H regime at their i said they were look- f H Gafltoyh) said. "Witt American Congress. meeting last year, Smycaek haj Mr hi a aaceaaaor to Jean **J£ whah) Chan*, I rejotc In the Smycaak aa|d he net the said. "Bat that la the policy of Paul I. Hk win be a pastoral aaofoarinew holy father. new pontiff a year ago thu the Church ia Poland," ptathVale. He hi very daae te May Abaajktj God MM htm month, whea Cardinal WojtyU Smycatk said "He did tell me the people and (re. hie post- CanlialUreiWojt.yla,l». la Ik* aweaome respoasl- was In New Volt City with a that no one had the right to tea to. the Chan* la Caav ^•aaytkayoaapatpepela MHaa which an MW hit. I delegation of Pollah prohibit worship, that that was •easst Peiaaal ha kaews ad- reeaat memory, bat alto the iy that he be atreaflhaaad a gift of God. Now that he's sa& Pott* poatU! in history leaflef the Church la theae pope, he may apeak oat more." r "He tpoke • beautiful Eng- for the poor la Ikw at sach greet ckaiaja art Maaoo Jerome A. PecaiUo, Uah when he tald the mau at The Hev. Walter J. Gorskl. already a legend • Poland," raatlaagas, aad yet, of nick aajda^ttatoda^ttatop of thhe diocese ttr Patrick's Cathedral, " who often visited the new pope Goraki added great opportwitM lor the of NewarkNewk, addd "the election Smycsaksaid while ha wu Cardinal Karol The priest said the electloa epreadtaf of the gospel of ate werld-wlde atcahVaace. It Prior to that maaa, Wojtyla of Krakow, said the of a non-Italian emphasises the CWat and of peace among aatasra kimn-i com- Snycaek said be met and election of John Paul II Is Raman Catholic Church hi a parta break with the past. •poke to the new pontiff about "certainly a breath of fresh world church, "not Just of the Geroge W. Ahr of the rah) of the church In the ah-." Curia "The Church Is leaving the Treason aakt, "It la a aouree of modem world. GoreU, of the Host Sacred aaadaary to meet the prob- greet Joy and aatlttactloa that "My peraonal lmpreulon Is Heart of Jesus In Wellington, "The Church la going out teas of Hi members. Espedal- the conclave haa been able to that be to a very humble man. met the new pope "several aide tradition, Is opening itself IT, the election o( a cudlul sappty the Church with a new He came from a very poor yean ago" while visiting rela- up to meet the challenges of tMl u eastern European papa eo promptly. I am confi- family and he remembers," tives ia Poland. They met our day," be said. "Pope John eflaWryabews that the Church dent John Paul II will be a fine Smycaak said. "He is very con- again during five later trips to XXIII said the Church must MIDDLETOWN BLAZE — Flrtmen finish off a blaze that last night gutted the * fotaf forward to (ace the tpMtaal leader for the fruitful cerned about human rights, Poland and twice during the open Its windows and let the home of Cathy Smith, I Allston St., Middletown,. No one was at home when problems of religious free- progreea of the Church In our Dot only for Poles, but for the cardinal'* visit to the United fresh air In, and the election of the fire started at approximately 8:30 p.m., and firemen from Middletown Co. daaj," Pechfflo said "I am day.' Africans, all people the world Slates In 1177 John Paul II, signaling this 1, and the Old Village and River Plaza Companies brought the blaze under am (Us pope win address the The aew pope "will be a over that are poor or op- "From the first, he Im- new era, certainly Is a breath control within 30 minutes, officials said. Two firemen reportedly suffered aB the problemi of the modem papa not only for Poles but for I," Smycatk said, pressed me u a warm, ac- of fresh air," Gorskl said. minor Injuries. Court orders employees unit to halt job action •y WILLIAM J. IAORSKI the association from scheduled for tonight at the meeting yesterday "reluctant- tend. There is still no definition posed to determine the defini- already boycotted, the associa- ers did obey the court order and BOIIN GOLDSTEIN promoting, encouraging or Broadway and Garfleld ly " of the school day." tion of a school day for us?" he tion had directed its member- and did attend the teachers' ship last Friday not to attend meeting this afternoon. We FREEHOLD - The Long participating In any Job action, elementary schools. The N teachers involved In "Our contract does not re- asked. yesterday's faculty meeting, a Branch School Employees As- slowdown or work stoppage. Moat or all of the teachers the meeting were served with quire us to attend any after- Mr. Rothman said last night now hope that the basic con- sodattai, in a court order The employees' associa- Involved boycotted a meeting the court order by a school school activities," Mr that the language of the court faculty session on Oct. 23 and tract issues will be resolved as ajped yesterday by Superior tion, which represents 9M city for parents of seventh-grade official while they were Rothman maintained. order was too broad for him to an open house on Oct. 26. she soon as possible." Opart Judge Thomai L. Vac- school teachers, custodians, students on Sept J8, a "Back- teaching their classes, Mr The court order directs the comment on whether teachers said. A fact-finder from the Pub- carino, wu directed to halt Its secretaries, corridor aides and to-School" night at the high Rothman said. association members to con- would attend or boycott the "For all these reasons, the lic Employment Relations Job action. coaches, must appear In court school early In October and an tinue to perform their custom- two after-school events slated board felt compelled to ask the Commission (PERC), re- The association, which Is at Thursday to explain why the open house for parents at the "The teachers were very ary and established duties, as for tonight. court to order the teachers to quested by the board, has been upset about the manner In an Impuae in Its contract talks court order should not be con- North Long Branch School on defined by the school board, According to Mrs. Nlcas, fulfill all of their employment appointed to enter the contract which they were served," he with the Long Branch Board of Oct. II, Alice Nicas, board and the association is directed the board had asked that the duties," Mrs. Nlcas declared. dispute, although a date for a tinued until there Is a full hear added. "They should have Education, has encouraged Its tag on the matt.r. president, said to encourage and direct its Mtsrfation be restrained from "I am happy that our teach- meeting has not yet been set. waited until the children had members and others to comply "refusing to perform any cus- member teachers to boycott Teachers compiled with the According to Neil left the school. ertar-ecbool activities, Includ- court order yesterday, attend- Rothman, president of the em- with the court edict. tomary and established duties ing several evening programs ing an after-school meeting ployees' group, Junior high "We are adamantly op- Mr. Rothman said, how- in connection with the school Involving the 'parents of stu- concerning the middle-school school teachers of elective posed to the order, and ex- ever, that there were no spe- program." Whatever your need... dents, in order to spur a con- program. It is not known, how- courses such u foreign lan- tremely upset about now broad cific requirements stating In her definition, "custom- tract settlement ever, If teachers will be pres- guages and the arts compiled the restrictions are. We are which after-school activities ary and established duties" in- We're always ready The court order, which the ent at two "Back-to-School" with the court order and at- still not clear about what ac- that the teachers were ex- clude after-school meetings with a helping hand! school board had sought, parent-teacher programs tended the middle-school tivities we are supposed to at- pected to attend, except for such as parents' nights. two faculty meetings a month. "The board feels that these "More and more things are meetings with the parents of being required of the staff," our students are vital to a good Mr. Rothman said. "More and educational program," Mrs. , CENTRAL JERSEY BANK more meetings." Nicas said. ?9 CONVENtNT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU MOOLESEX • MONMOUTH • OCEAN • UNnON Papal Choice: Historic MEMtCHFOlC "Is Judge Yaccarino sup- In addlton to the programs (continued) shows the church is all over." Christian Unity, who also has positive thing." oaa UvedwHJh one of the great Ctttag the role of the Polish worked with Wojtyla on The Rev. Donald Campion, htotorlc crtoes of o«r times and church hi promoting social Jus church educational materials, a Jesuit official, said the had to come to grips with it. Uce aad dealing with an au- called him "affable and easy choice was not only a break Tha Important thing la wheth- thoritarian government, Boyle to work with" from the tradition of Italian er he recogalau that repres- said the choice o( the new pope Asked If the new pope popes, but of popes from coun- Middletown Residents anosi rariaa from country to would ha a "tremendous en would be Inclined to continue tries In cultural proximity to coaatry- At church faces op- couragament to others fighting the church's policy of detente Italy. praaatoa hath from the right tor social Justice," both In Instead of confrontation with "This one In a sense comes and the left." Third World Asian and Latin communion, Long said: from another world," he said. Tha Rav. Thomas P. Byrne America* countries u wall as "I doa't aee him aa ag- "The great and historic signifi- ITS TIME TO CHANGE THE TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE BEFORE, of Chaeaga called the choice hi other Communist lands. gressively aatl-communlst, cance wu hi choosing a pope •'fantastic, historic aad nor do I aae him u for a com- from a country where the courageous," manifesting the The Rev John Long of the plete opening up to com- church faces different and dif- THE TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE CHANGES MIDDLETOWN uarveraanty of tha church. "It Vatican's Secretariate for munism. And this can be a ficult circumstances." D'Amico raps state data For the past three years, our democrat opponents have promised to reduce the 8,000 multi-family By MARE MAUYAK The AppeUate Division of The panel also ordered the don" and "acted In a rational TRENTON - The Conratl Superior Court will hear oral state to famish "all data which and responsible mapner, fully units called for in the Democrat Master Plan to the quarterly reports which the arguments in the suit bromght the C.O.A. considered in reach- supported by the record, In state Commuter Operating by the Irate Shore Commuters lag Us determination of April raising rail fares. 1,800 units called for in the Republican Zoning Agency died to Justify Its aad the Commuter Wives of 1», 1*78," that ConraU's 1177 "In requiring Conrall to latest fare Increase are based Monmouth, Ocean and Mid- financial results Justified the provide commuter rail service Ordinance, and for the past three years... •a "praHmtwy figures, best dlesex Counties, In recent Increase, a decision Mr. In New Jersey, the CO A. Judgements and best estimates HackensackonOct SI D'Amico considered a signifi- must rely upon the financial - Ml facts,". John D'Amico On Sept. n, a three-Judge cant victory. estimates which Conrall pro- Jr.. lawyer for the commuter Superior Court panel denied Kenneth S. Levy, deputy at- vides In order to determine groups challenging the in- Mr. D'Anuco'a request for a torney general, filed the what financial obligations the crease, charged yesterday. stay of the Oct 1 Increase, state's brief on Oct. I, and Mr State must be able to meet to "We have a very good shot which averages II percent for D'Amico filed his response last Insure the continuation of rail at whang the case and fore- North Jersey Coast Line com- Friday. service," Mr. Levy said. The Democrats Have Done Nothing! tag the atato to bring the fares muters, bat ordered the state Mr. Levy contended that "The information, data and hack down," Mr. D'Amico said to ghre commuters receipts in the C.O.A. "complied with all affidavits submitted by the after reviewing the stale's rase It overturns the tare hike relevant statutory data In state ... (support our) conten- whan it decides the case making Its annual determine- tion that the C.O.A. did not investigate' and 'determine' the financial results to Conrall Weather: Sunny for providing passenger ser- vice ta 1177," Mr. D'Amico Your Republicans Have Fought To The ksgk wu It, the lew ana to oaa aad one half feat a.m. and M:ll p.m. aad low said. wu M and the temperature above normal with aomemlaor i.O p.m. and 4:17 p.m. ntO at lac Register Weather flooding at time of high tide For Red Bank and Rumson ttattea at I pja. The evenajht today. Ocean water tern- bridge, add two hours; Sea Reduce The Plan-Give Them A Chance law wu fl, u wu the tern- paratana are ta the low Ms. Bright, deduct M minutes; aarahM at I a.m. Wtad-ehM Marine forecast Manasquan to Long Braach, deduct 15 wu N aad there were .« h> Cape Haalopea and Delaware minutes; Highlands bridge, ' chat af areeajeuuen. nan Bay: Wtads northwest u to M add « minutes. knots today aad about II knots WASHINOtOM - MMM MM wan tt heattag degree days, fntm rum M •MII»»« m»- (Supola III tor m* Berth, aad IH far toaajht Fair tonight aad to- •wMm he V4MV swMA MIHM^M right Viability five miles or httmtorcmtm* ajore. Tides oaa to oae and a Mvrfaayou ELECT TNitty sunny, Iwety aad toHvt in Ih* grind eooltoaay.Hlghalathalowto half Mat, above normal with nafcor flooding at Ugh tide Uus manner to which you've I Ma. Clear and cold tonight been accustomed. moralag. Average wave ecattered frost and II tea'n Hud to tM test. heights two to fear feat. •* to mute lie JOSEPH McGRATH m |MJu» in IMiM toaanrww.HlghaW to •.Pre- •MM. M UNBM Sft TIDES £stint! (h)f IMInsssli ci cipitation probability U MasVaty eMtfc pares* today aad near aero TODAY - High I:M p.m. tea** Wiada northerly II to and tow »:•£•. m Ui&tt t» yt ymtm 15 nflaa par hoar today. Tides TBBOMOf - High •:«' aKsaal hast, reiaifttf art JOHN ROSSOMONDO 1 sasete emit i UyUm a


Pat* lor ay CWiana lor WcOratti a Roaaawawdo. sVw Mf I 7'«a6.Haape,Tiaaayra» MX.IIMI. SHREWSBURY N.J TUESDAY. 0CT08EH 17.197i New funeral home hearing slated

iy BOI MAULEY variance hearing with the stip- •Man feet by III percent. eaee Road received per- pararitUM ft* Obituanes MIDDLETOWN - Objec- ulation that the appUcant Tat appakaat was denied par- mlseina to erect a garage to oa tat At of hti • tors to a proposed variance purchase transcripts of the naMtea to erect a ffemttaiWag the sate of hai home, and Ken- remata,aad Steven Klyart that would enable the Uncroft evidence for Ike edification of illumlaated sign at Ike no* J. Meehaa of 14 Georgia granted permMoa u bnttj • Bible Church to be converted the ether board members southwest corner of the prop- Ave., Port Monmouth, was au- U-ltvnl dwefllag aa aa aaier Willard Rockwell, kUo a funeral home will get a The appUcant agreed. erty thortod to eoavert hit at- statd earner WetWeakfcy ana chance to voice their views, Later, Mr. Hlmelman said, Stanley J. Troyano of U tached one-car garage Into a Dutcaeit Aveaaet, Baal although they failed to appear Alfred R. Falella, attorney for Second Ave., Port Mommouta, (amlry room Koeasburg. with the preftat was industrialist when the application was to be the objectors, approached the was denied a variance to build Elizabeth Faraey vat that Ike boose face WeaKky considered by the Zoning board with a request that the an addition to his home. It grantee' a variance to permit PITTSBURGH (AP) - machinery, printing presses, Board of Adjustment on Sept. hearing be reopened In order would have recalled la a front •at of oat room of her dweUag Jerry Maaoa was created Wlilard Frederick Rockwell, electronic!, power tool! and a. to bear evidence from bit setback of ante teat In an area at 11 HMckmeon Drive, Port variances permitting the coa- who me trom a flt-a-week valve* With the consent of the ap- cheats, more than a dozen Moamontk, as a ceramics ttmetJoa of a dweUag oa aa elder plant wpetiotendeot to Rockwell wat a military plicant, the Rev. James H. nearby residents. Mr. Alto denied vat the ap-workshop, and the Allied Hold- undentted M at Tkoapaw an International Industrialist, supplies adviser whoae bust- Persona, the board members Himelman thereupon advised pteatlon of Gary and Mary Ing Corporattoa received per- and Kentucky Avenaet In Bast died of natural caiuei yester- naatea were Invoked almost voted last night to allow the the board members that, be- Carol Harness of 17 Crettview mission to Mt u bulMlng at Keanaburg, and Frank Way- day at toe age of M totally in military production objectors to present their tide cause the Rev. Persons had Drive for a variance to aUow 171 Route M, Bettord, for a land of Ml Maki St. Ban** Rockwell, father of during World War II. o* the case at a special hearing consented to the reopening, the Ike eeeveratea at their at- wholesale and retaU office and was given pennusuon for kit Rockwell International Chair- Betides his ton, three set for 11 a.m. Nov. It at Town- dedtJon was up to the board. tacked garage to aa enlarged warehouse far the distribution garage to remain converted man WOlard r Rockwell Jr., daughters curvlve. WBari Rtekwel ship Hall Most of the objectors The board then voted seven kitchen and storage area of contractors' tappUat. into a recreation room. was deacrlbed by former Pres- are from the LeedsvUle Drive In favor, with two members Ernest and Lillian Del Bue- The Moo-Oc Federal Credit The board wUl hold a spe- Ideot Dwlght Eisenhower ai area; the church Is nearby, at abstaining, to reopen the case no of Witches Lane, Monmouth Untoa Corporation got a vari- cial session at I p.m. Monday "one of America'i foremott in- IM West Front Street. only to bear new evidence HlDs, were granted variances ance permuting the construc- to continue hearing Ike a> dustrialists and Innovator! In Dan Dailey, 62, William Htmelmtn, at- from the objectors. to permit Ike construction of a tion of a branch office at pUcatloe of Roland J. Pterten, Industrial technology." torney for the board, explained The board granted 11 vari- dwelling oa an undersized lot Daalal Drive and New Moo-Uncroft realtor, tor variances He was alto an exponent of that no objectors and only four ances last night, denied two on an unimproved street, while mouth Road, New Monmouth, that would permit a akoppMf. free enterprise who criticized was actor, dancer board members were on hand and gave partial approval of Stephen B. Gale received ap- a rasManllil zone. The con-center complex on Mid- government Involvement In Sept. a, although the applicant proval of the variances neces- cern also was granted bulk dletown-Llncroft Road about HOLLYWOOD (AP)-Dan had complied fully with the The Shrimp Boat, a Bah sary to construct a dwelling on variances, aa necessary, and eW feet north of Its intersec- While reorganizing and ex- Dailey, known for hit fancy legal requirements by notify- market at 747 Route 35, re-an undersized corner lot at permlteton for a free-standing tion with Newman Springs panding a bankrupt Wisconsin footwork In movie musicals of ing nearby property owners. ceived approval for a facade Monmouth and Cedar Ave- rite. Road. Residents of the abut- axle company that eventually the lMfc and 1990s and as the According to Mr. Hlmelman, sign for Its building, which ex- nues, Leonardo. WUl Matay of 171 Route M, ting Stooehenge development merged to become Timkln-De- star of the television series the board proceeded with the ceeds the permitted area of M Richard Welton of IS Flor BeUord, received variances strongly oppose the project. trott Axle Co., Rockwell came "The Governor and J.J.," died to Pittsburgh tat IMS at the yesterday of anemia. He /was invitation of the Mellon family a. to be president of Its Equitable Dailey had been ill for a Meter and Manufacturing Co. Little Silver tackles road woes year, since be broke a hip in a A series of expansions, fall during a stage per- By HII.DY MeCOBHICK from the state Department of be said. The ditch It 1,7M feet cy to James P. Hurley to open Mayor Bruno acknowl- mergers and acquisitions fol- formance of "The Odd Cou- lowed and produced Rockwell Transportation. long. taw offices In the building, edged that dog control la "one ple" In Chapel Hill, N.C., said LITTLE SILVER - International, with interests In Councilman John A. Mar The mayor announced that which also houses the of the borough's more difficult AI Melnick, his longtime man- Borough Council Is taking ac- aircraft, spacecraft, textile rah announced that a resurvey contracts for Improvements to Shrewsbury State Bank. 'Is- problems," after receiving ager. tion on some of the road prob- of the traffic light at Branch Point Road have been signed suance was delayed because complaints about dogs at "He had an artificial hip Charles N. Evans, lems It has been faced with for and Sycamore Avenues has Improvements should be ap- conditions surrounding land- large. But be said efforts are put In, then It became Infected months. been promised by Freeholder parent before the end of the scaping, a required catch taken dally to alleviate Ike ferry boat captain and he developed anemia," An ordinance that would Director Narry Larrison Jr. year when a base coat la laid, basin and park benches at the problem. 'The ponce depart- Melnick said. "We urged him make White Road a "light traf- Motorists crossing over the and finished early next year tie had not been met. ment It not equipped to handle KEANSBUBG - Charles to go to a hospital but he hated fic road," with a four-ton Umit railroad tracks, waiting to when the top coat Is In place, George G. Whltmore, dogs at large," he said, noting N. "Bud" Evans Jr., 11, of 32 hospitals and refused to go." on the weight of vehicles which enter Branch Avenue traffic, be said. SUversMe Avenue It borough attorney, said he wat that a dog catcher visits the Hancock St. died yesterday In The lanky star of such films Daa Dailey may use It, was Introduced last have difficulty determining silted next for Improvements, contacted by Mr. Hurley who borough routinely "The basic the Ivy House Nursing Home, at "Mother Wore Tights," night for a public hearing Nov. when the traffic algnal according to Councilman Rich- represents John C. Malmone, problem Is that the dog In 1814, lyricist Lorenz Hart MkJdletown "My Blue Heaven," and t changes because of the posi- ard J.Roddy. the developer, and told that catcher serves many com- Mr. Evans bad retired In "There's No Business Like helped Dailey get cast In the Mayor Anthony T. Bruno tion of the light. landscaping would be started munities. We can't have the • Rodgert and Hart musical Mr. Roddy also reported 1W after ¥) years service at a Show Business" helped, with said that Shrewsbury Borough Mr. Mamrah said the light today and finished by Friday. dog catcher on every street to "Babes in Arms," which ran that the borough administrator ferry boat captain for the Cen- Fred Attain and Gene KeUy, Council Introduced a compa- was originally designed as a John Bayliss, Shade Tree catch stray dogs. There an for a season on Broadway. Af- and engineer wUl check on the tral Railroad of New Jersey. win acceptance for male danc- nion ordinance last night also. pedestrian traffic light. Commission chairman, said dogs that are picked ap and ter other appearances in status of Installing sidewalks H* also worked oyster and ing In films. The Umit would extend Mr. Marrah also reported that dead plant material has whose owners are fined," he "Stars In Your Eyes" and "I in the Brookslde development, dam vessels out of Keyport. He wat nominated for an from Broad Street la that Spencer W. Purdum, as- not been replaced, and re-said. Married an Angel," he went Willow Drive. Sidewalks are Capt. Evans was a member Academy Award aa beat actor Shrewsbury to Branch Avenue sistant county traffic engineer, mulching has not taken place. off to Hollywood under con- slated for Installation there. Mr Whltmore was asked to of the Calvary United Method- In INI for his role as a broken here. On the Shrewsbury side, determined that eUmlnation of He estimated there la M.0M to tract to MGM. prepare an amendment to the 1st Church of Keyport. He wat down tong-and-dance-man in however, municipal vehicles a ditch along a northerly por- Council has carried to Its tS,»N worth of work to be borough's wetlands ordinance also affiliated with the Mas- "When My Baby Smiles at He appeared In a flock of would be exempted from the tion of Sycamore Avenue Is November meeting forfeiture done." that would eat up a procedure Mi, Hates and Pilots Associa- Me." MGM "B" pictures before measure because Is the munic- desirable. The ditch, with open of a bond for the Malmone Mr. Bayliss alto said that for variances for things cur- tion of New York City. "He was a fine actor, and serving In World War II and ipal garage located off of drainage, was the scene of a Professional Building, Pros- no work has been done on the rently prohibited in the or- He was the husband of the he could dance well, too," then came back to the movies White Road. bus accident last summer. pect Avenue and Markham drainage ditch. late Mrs. KrUta Evans, who Attain said yesterday. "I with nth Century-Fox. Mayor Bruno pointed out "The county wiU try to instaU Place. Last month council ap- died hi 1176. knew him and liked him very In later years, Daily often that the ordinance would be a section of pipe, and fill the proved Issuance of a tem- Surviving are • ton, much. I was sorry to bear appeared on stage, touring ex- subject to formal approval ditch approximately 40} feet," porary certificate of occupan- Charles N. Evans Jrd. of about Us death." tensively with "The Odd Cou- Flushing, NY.; a daughter, Dailey was born In Newple" and "Plaza Suite." Mrs. Uena Manuel of Mid- York City, the son of a hotel Dailey It survived by sis- dletown; three grandchildren, operator. He made his show ters Alyce Parry and Irene Hazlet against funding and seven great-grand- business debut at age I la aDailey of New York, and a children,, "Providence, R.I., minstrel brother, Ben Dailey of San The Bedle Funeral Home, show, and toured in vaudeville Francisco. Married three Keyport, Is in charge of ar- at a teen-ager. Despite hit «• times, he had a son, who com- purchase of parking lot rangements. foot, 4-lnch height, young mitted suicide in H75, by his Dailey was loose-limbed and first marriage. By MARK GRAVEN ing lot. Mayor Bennett said that he WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ague, with fresh-faced hand- "The majority of the people bad Interviewed a number of •UsMt VaaaaV Mamsa aW aVsJ ataaaW *••Me - — t a_ ana J a Mrs. Roxie Doswell someness and an engaging Services tentatively wen HAZLET - Township of- who use the but (from Airport commuters who use the bus ••»• »"•» MMMJ MMO MfMU MMMM) MJ MMMM M MMaMjMMMMJ-M, scheduled for Thursday. Coaysasalm Lew, The law wee netaosTaiilik an amantV FREEHOLD - Mrs. Roxie style. ficials last night said they are Plaza) come from Hazlet, but company's lot when he went Mlwae •*£•« ki ilia, at? a now taw mmSktI a» itu. L. Doswell, »!, of III opposed the township having the majority of the people who there to check out the situ- (X^^HBHy •MMM NMM Waft BVaMMM 19 BPMBC4 WnNMW M Throckmorton St., died Sun- contributing public funds for a use the bus parking lot don't ation. day at the Freehold Area Hos- Westside mother bus commuter parking lot. come from Hazlet," explained "Out of forty, only two Uved pital, Freeholf Township. State Sen. S. Thomas Mayor Bennett. in Hazlet," said the mayor. Born In Dlnwlddle County, Gagllano, R-Monmouth, a Mr. Pierce said he could "Most came from Mlddletown, Va., she lived here for the M member of the Senate Trans- see why Sen. Gagllano came to and other communities." i ••>_•» oaueoa- k, «• tasMsw* k*. a ha. *• demands apology BI fan M ttMMstj B&UU SBSM aa^s# aWa^M ^-.—.^T•- • years. portation Committee, had sug- Ms conclusion. And according to the gested Sunday that Hazlet of- "But I disagree whole- mayor, moat were regilar She was a retired domestic, By JULIE MCDONNELL She said that she caUed Dr. and she was a member of the RED BANK - An angry ficials might have a better heartedly that we should put users of of the bus line, with Joan Abramt, the Super- chance of receiving funds from Second Baptltt Church of Westside mother Is demanding intendent of Schools, the fol- the money up," said Mr. only a few from Matawan Freehold and of the St. Mary's an apology from Robert the state Department of Trans- Pierce "This isn't Hazlet's being riders on the Asbury lowing day and asked her to portation (DOT), if they Chapter II, Order of the MaUon, a member of the problem only; the bus line is Park-New York Tranalt •Mb, Mfc nMatfBMktMl BkM SI A ^Bfl A^^^^H A ^» ^^^^^^^^^ contact Mr. MaUon with her agreed to contribute part of Eastern Star here. Board of Education, for a re- request for an apology. She being used by all the surround- Corp.'i line, whoee drivers an Her husband, the late mark that be assertedly made the money for a bus commuter ing communities, and It's not on strike. has not heard from Mr. parking lot. Carter George Doswell, died In at last week's school board MaUon, she added. fair that the Hazlet taxpayers The Bayshore Mayors Con- Both Mayot GUbert Bennett should shoulder the burden." Ml. Surviving Is a nephew, meeting that she considers Mr. MaUon said last night ference has unanimously en- and Commltteeman John Clinton V. Lee of Queens Vil- "demeaning and degrading." that he had no comment on the Township officials plan to dorsed Hazlet's bid for DOT Pierce, who It chairman of an lage, N.Y. The Freeman "I think that Robert Marten matter. go to Trenton tomorrow to dis- funds. ad hoc committee set up to cuss funding for a bus com- Fumeral Home Is In charge of owes the black people of this "We need more than vocal The school board agreed to solve commutter parking woes muter parking lot with DOT arrangements town an apology at the next support," laid the Mayor Ben- a compromise last week, vot- at the New York-Keansburg- officials. They plan to present Board of Education meeting," nett. "We need money." ing to bus those fifth-graders Long Branch Bus Company's a Ust of properties available said Mrs. Gloria Workman of Mr. Pierce agreed that the who live west of the railroad Airport Plaza terminal, said for purchase and let DOT Lottery winner South Pearl Street. county might be able to pro- tracks. The Shrewsbury Ave- that Hazlet should not put up choose which one would be The remark was made vide tome assistance If DOT TRENTON i- The Pick-It nue boundary remains In ef- any of the funds for the park- best. number In the New Jersey's when Mrs. Workman was ad- fect, however, for sixth-, sev- officials required tome funds daily lottery yesterday was dressing the board on the ques- enth- and eighth-graders, and from the local area. ». A straight bet paid 1214, a tion of busing youngsters to the the parents at the meeting said Sen. Gagllano had sug- box paid $».5O and the pairs new Middle School. that they wanted aU the chil- Parking aid asked gested that Hazlet officials paidtJI. Mr. MaUon spoke In an dren bused. the federal government to pro- seek assistance from the Mon- aside to Stephen Popper, presi- KEYPORT - Borough of- "The board's decision was ficials are slated to go to New vide funds for the parking lot mouth County Transportation dent of the board, and when Project. _ Coordinating Committee. 50th anniversary Mrs. Workman asked him to a first step," said Mrs. Work- York City Thursday to en- repeat what he said, Mr. man, adding that the parents courage federal Housing and dance it slated MaUon replied: "I was telling would continue to fight for Urban Development officials more buses. to expedite the borough's ap- KEANSBURG - Members Mr. Popper to ask you people what you would like." "There are a lot of freaks plication for a IMO.OOO grant to of the Keansburg Regular pay for a new parking lot. Democratic Club will cele- Mrs. Workman objected to walking around," she as- serted "I'd hate for a chUd to brate the 50th anniversary of the term "you people," com- Borough businessmen have be raped, or beaten or kiUed the club at a dinner dance, Oct. menting: pledged approximately fl mil- walking to or from school, but II, in the Club Miami, "He shouldn't have ad- lion in capital Improvements to It looks like that's what wUl Beachway. Tickets are avail- dressed the audience that way, tbelr establishments in hopes have to happen before we can able from Hugh Gallagher, not when there are minorities of getting a federal grant to get our children bused." club president. In the audience." renovate the parking lot on American Legion Drive. This Is part of a campaign to stimu- late the local economy, said Police promotions due Borough Administrator Ed McLane. LONG BRANCH - The David Smith and Douglas Got- cause he Is on sick leave. long-awaited promotions of fredsen, sources report. After the next four men on Mr. McLane, Barry Silver- city poBce lieutenants and ser- The results of the sergean- the Ust are made lieutenants, stem of Schoor Engineering, geants are expected to be cy examination were certified Sgt. Wesley Mayo Is the next and George Beaman, a mem- made official tonight at a spe- early this summer, but prob- eligible candidate for promo- ber of the committee to en- cial City Council meeting. lems arose with the list of tion. courage businessmen to Four sergeants are ex-ehgtbtle candidates for lieuten- The revise* Ust of officers pledge to capital improve- pected to be sworn in u lieu- ant after Civil Service dis- eligible for promotion to lieu- ments, will represent the tenants, and seven patrolmen covered It had scored the tests tenant was certified on Aug. borough in New York. toconvctly. 11, but promotions were again will be flevated to the rank of "We're going to go over the sergeant. The first list of officers delayed after the city asked Civil Service to consider scrap- application with them (HUD Sgtt. John Bucdero, Nelson pajakuj the lieutenant's ex- ping th« results of the first test officials) and encourage them Joline, Roland Matthew, tad amlnatlofl had four names on to toward Ike application to McCONNELL Robert Sartor are expected to It, but, after restoring, it was and holding a new examina- tion, because of the confusion Washington," said Mr. be promoted to lieutenant. dlacovered that six sergeants McLane. TOIL OIL COMPANY had patted the test. surrounding the scoring of the Slated for promotion to ser- original test. Call... 291-3200 geant are Detectives Peter Detective Sgt. James M. Local businessmen agreed CM) Service denied that re- •even] months ago to develop Johns, Jerome HamHa, add Appteby, who placed first on quest and said that the revised String NJ. 3lnc91U2 J Hertert Cofer and Patrolmen tbereviaed list, Is reportedly tome tort of mechanism to IM of candidates wat ac- i revenue to encourage to be promoted he- x Mortoefle I SHREWSBURY. N.J TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17,1B7S The Dfeaty State attacks energy problems TRENTON (AP) - New at a Statebouae news con- Under the terms of the mas- "When the Department of mph speed Umtt and a higher so that New Jersey Jersey's energy master plan Is ference It seeks to combine ter plan, the Department of Energy Is convinced a faculty registration fee for "gas guzxl- net be In an unfair eoat- an "enthusiastic, vigorous be- conservation, sew technology Energy will review proposed Is required, we will become ^g" automobiles Uoa I* compete wits ether of the sute's re- and the production ef new re- energy faculties to determine energy advocates." "If conservation Is put Into item ' to Us problems, says sources from existing sources U existing sources are ade- Sen. Frank J. Dodd. D-Es- effect, the homeowner win be The rommlsstnnrr iiirt the Energy Commissioner to help resolve the problem, he quate to- meet anticipated de- sex, has proposed legislation doing more with less and sav- department has the power to Joel R. Jacobson. mand levels, If better techno- that would set up procedures ing money," Jacobson said. pass regulattoas to Implement The 10-year master plan, "New Jersey obviously can- logical alternatives exist and if for the department's new au- He acknowledged, bow- the paw. He said he envisions the nstlon's first com- not resolve what Is s national there is a better location for thority tat energy siting. ever, that higher coats of fuels "working In harmony" with prehensive guide for a state- and international crisis, but we the facility, he said. Conservation proposals, would result in Increased other state agendea, sack as wide energy policy, was un- can offer a response," "The public Interest will be Jacobson said. Include the prices for the consumer. the departments of Environ- veiled yesterday by Jacobson Jacobson said paramount," Jacobson said. "rigid enforcement' of the 55 Jacobaon said that to con- mental Protection and Trans- tinue the current electricity portation, to make the plan rate structure, which charges work. high users less, U "sheer folly" and advocated a "the more The plan calls solar energy you use, the more you pay" "a viable alternate technology rate policy. with the realization that oU, Dissent on abortion bill coal and gas are no longer Jacobson expressed disap- pointment that the federal cheap and plentiful" energy bill passed by Congress Jacobson said procedural did not Include such a rate- and Institutional changes will expected in public trial structure provision. be recommended that will en- The state energy depart- courage the use ef solar TRENTON (AP)-A bill born child to be a living hu- piece of legislation," said the nation, has been the sub- ment, be said, would move energy that would Impose stricter man being from the moment Ann Baker, spokeswoman ject of intense lobbying ef regulations on abortion pro- of conception for the New Jersey chapter forts by the Right to Life cedures In New Jersey Is ex- They would have to de- of the National Organization Committee. pected to generate tierce scribe also the potentially se- for Women. Under the measure, Diplomacy ignorred «• wmintoTo controversy at a public hear- vere physiological and psy- Ant! abortionists claim saline amniocentesis would ENERGY PLAN ANNOUNCED - Energy Com ing today. chological consequences of the measure Is designed to be outlawed unless the physi- mlssloner Joel R. Jacobson, makes a point at a news More than M witnesses abortion and Instruct pa- protect women who are cian certifies In writing the at sentencing time conference yesterday In Trenton, when he mode are scheduled to testify on tients In alternatives to the often victimized by un- need tor the procedure. known New Jersey's energy master plan. the bill by Assemblyman procedure. scrupulous medical practi- Saline amniocentesis is s NEWARK (AP) - custody of Soviet ambassador Thomas Deverin, D-Unlon, Abortion advocates con- tioners. common practice usually Diplomatic considerations Anatoly Dobrynln at the Assembly Institutions, tend the bill largely Is de- "Proponents of abortion performed during the second keeping two convicted Soviet "It Is in the best Interests of Health and Welfare Commit- signed to scare women out of propagandize the abortion trimester of pregnancy. spies free shouldn't be counted this country to accept the as- Minimum wage surances of Ambassador tee hearing. getting abortions and predict procedure as safe and The bill has undergone on when sentencing time The bill calls lor a 48-hour it will fail to survive a con- simple, lunch-hour surgery," substantial revision since it comes, says a federal Judge. Dobrynln," Del Tufo said wslting period before a stitutional challenge. said Pat Gundaker, state was introduced, largely be- U.S. District Judge "This unprecedented step is hike bill OK'd woman can obtain an abor- They point out that while legislative director of the cause of complaints it would Frederick B. Lacey cautioned being taken at this place and tion and requires parents of the bill demands physicians New Jersey Right to Life fail to withstand a legal the pan- yesterday his letting this time solely In the Interest of foreign policy." TRENTON (AP)-A bill to tembly voted M4 to extend an unmarried minor to be inform women of the poten- Committee. "But no one challenge. them remain free "is no In- locreut New Jersey's min- budget caps on state spending notified M hours In advance tial dangers of an abortion, It knows better than physi- All identical proposal, dication of what this court will Rudolf P. Chernyayev, O, imum wife survived a crucial Increases for another three of their daughter's Intentions does not require a similar cians the dire need for this sponsored by Sen. Joseph do on Oct. SO." the date tor and Valdft A Eager, M, were vole yesterday In the As- years. The state Is limited to to undergo the procedure. warning of the possslble dan- legislation." Maressa, D-Camden, was sentencing. convicted Friday of trying to wmbty and li expected to face an Increase of about 10 percent Physicians would be re- gers of carrying a baby to The bill, patterned after the subject of a day-long "Discussions have taken pass U Ji. anti-submarine war- i flaal vote later this week. In the fiscal year that began quired to Inform a woman term. an Akron, Ohio, ordinance bearing last August by the place at the highest levels of fare secrets to the Soviet Un- The Assembly voted MO to Julyl. seeking an abortion that "There's a very high anti-abortionists call one ol Senate Institutions, Health government," said U.S. At- ion. accept amendmenU to a bill New Jersey considers an un- level of concern about this the toughest abortion laws In and Welfare Committee. torney Robert J. Del Tufo, who Enger and Chernyayev The bill, sponsored by Sen- that would raise the minimum concurred with a defense mo- were convicted after a 11-day ate Majority Leader John tion to keep the pair free In the trial wage to p.70 an hour thla year. RUSK, D-Ocean, would ex- H uhoar In 1171 and MM In tended the limit to June M, MM, and to Include an esti- Ml. The measure awaits ac- mated lg.N0 farm workers un- tion by Gov. Brendan T. Senate candidates press der the new scales. Byrne. HEY' But supporters of the meas- BASS RIVER TOWNSHIP In an address before the Pine Barrens that must be pre- enforced," he said. ure, sponsored by Senate Pres- A companion bill, spon- (AP) — Democratic U.S. Sen- Sigma Delta Chi Journalist So- served for all the citizens of ident Joseph lierllno, D Earlier, the candidate sored by Assemblyman Peter ate candidate BUI Bradley ciety In East Brunswick, BeU our state and future gener- greeted customers at diners In Mercer, failed to mutter the Shapiro, D-Esaex, that would traveled through all 11 New attacked Congress for reject- ations to enjoy," Bradley said Denville. Stanhope and Somer- three-quarter* vote needed In extend the limits on county L(5(SK Jersey counties and his Re- Ing his plea for "deep and per- by a Baas River tributary. vine; greeted employees out- the 10-member house to put the and municipal governments publican opponent Jeffrey Bell manent tax reduction" by de- "Besides being sn advocate side the Hunterdon County bin up for a final vote Im was approved by the Assembly pressed for federals tax re- feating a plan to cut taxes by for our state's wilderness, I Courthouse In Flemington, and ME OVER! last week and sent to the Sen- Bradley sipped a drink one-third over the next three want to make sure that state stopped for a haircut at a la other action, the A*- ate from a freshwater stream here years. and federal environmental barbershop near his Princeton coming soon.. to Red Bank In one of his stops during a It- "If the Congress won't protection taws are vigorously University alma mater. tour "celebration of New Jer- change the (tax) taw, I aay it's sey" tour yesterday that time to change Congress," BeU Lodi teachers vote spanned ON miles. said. Bradley said he wanted to He also milked a cow In spend yesterday pointing out Allamuchy and called for na- the diversity of New Jersey's for strike action tional health Insurance at the natural resources. Udi teachers voted to The scale for Instructors Garden State RehabUaUon "We an standing here on etrfee earty yesterday morn- with a bachelor's degree U Center la Dover' the fringe of OM.OOO acres of tag. Jtfaiif the striking now |MM to I17.M0; the UnleCamdM. master's degree scale Is now HUlsborough teachers llO,«Mtoll«,»00,snesald. voted tMs morning to accept "We are still the lowest • twe-yeer contract, ending paid teachers In Bergen "What good & • weak-tag strike. Schools County," Mrs. Coppa said. *• reopen today "We Intend to stay out until an lair settlement Is . It's not too Tie Mi-member Lodl reached." this card to me Edicatlon Association The negotiating team for * early to prepare caM the strike at I a.m. the l,Mt>member Camden \on Peachtree Street •Her asptlillnas between Educational Association, Ike teachers and the Board which was to be Jailed at for ef lira tins) broke down. 8: JO a.m. yesterday for re- in Atlanta if I need secretary Joseph fusing honor a court injunc- A. Captrt said the teachers tion to end their nearly two- an aamaadlag a at percent week strike, received a last- money?" No godd! •crease over the minute postponement yes- terday morning. Replace LEA president CamlUe Chancery Division Supe- But, if you just M.Ceppa said the M percent rior Court Judge Peter De- Storm VUM postponed the Jailings go over to Georgia saatel baeeflto the Uachers until I p.m. yesterday so that negotiations could continue. 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SHOP AND COMPARE 13IMUB *QeomiaF(so>ralSavtngslnAllanualeoha« other oftcee In tie ere* Juntos* 404/577-4151 to the nearest one The Daily Register Is Kirbo thwarting probe?

Established In 1«7R - Published by The Red Bank Register By JACK ANDERSON justice Department over the voke that* Nina Proudest Carter1! doted propriety of allowing a private •gainst at. Bat already, Ms friend and penotul sdvlser, attorney to oversee federal In- doeeet friend tad iifliial la ARTHUR Z. KAMIN Charits Kirbo, allegedly bai WASHINGTON vestigations. In fact, tbe two gaeag after us and la trytag to President and Editor meddled la tbe FBI lavesttgs- grand Juries tow scrutinizing Involve the FBI toward Us Uoa of the Robert Veaco scsn- SCENE tbe GSA an prohibited by law tad. daL from sharing their findings Thomas J. Bly. Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor The attaottnas of ON FBI Afenta have learned that with outsiders shoild be directed at getUag to Kirbo advlaed a federal wtt- Various spokesmen for tbe tbe bottom of the Veeco acaa- • TUE8OAY. OCTOBER 17.1978 oeaa to uae reatralnt In giving Impropriety. Quite obviously, Carter administration kept re- dal Veaco has a reputaOea aa • Information to the FBI. Tbe the Veaco scandal Is an embar- vising tbe story, meanwhile, ANDERSON one of the sHckett interna- Carter confidant la quoted in rassment to the president and until they came up with the make "false declarations' to tional swindlers of aB time. H« their secret Investigative re- hit people They would prefer announcement that Kirbo the FBI. transferred fit mlBtoa worth 'Longest fall I can remember.' to smother tbe scandal In Its port! as having told tbe un- would be merely a consultant, We also have evidence that of Us prime stock to some crib. named witness: "I think It's a proffering advice to General Kirbo U working hand In glove Georgia influence peddltn mistake to be too open with the So Kirbo and BeU. as they Services Administrator Jay with the White House. Thai la who had persuaded him that FBI..." compare notes on the caae, do Solomon. But there Is increas- reminiscent of the Watergate they had a pipeline into the Tbe bureau has been prob- not appear as Impartial In- ing suspicion that Klrbo's real yean when Richard Nixon, Carter White House. ing tbe Vesco scandal for sev- vestigators sternly searching role la to shield his Mend then tbe White House occu- They imahltahwt a corpo- eral months, Including Klrbo's for the truth but as a rooting Carter from embarrassment. pant, assigned private detec- ration in Nassau to launder the role In the case—an involve- section for Carter's accused Presumably It was In this tive Jack Caulfleld to conduct 111 million that they expected ment he has strenuously de- companions. capacity that Kirbo launched a three-month Investigation of to collect. But they haw been nied. Now he is conducting an Klrbo's unwillingness to be an ambitious investigation of our operations. unable to cash In tbe stock, Independent Investigation of open with the FBI also raises a this column. We had become His effort was followed by which has been Ued up by tbe tbe same case and reporting question about his role In tbe aware of certain discomforting exhaustive Investigations by Securities and Exchange Com- his findings to Attorney Gener- General Services Adminis- attentions from the Carter ad- the FBI, Central Intelligence mission al Griffin BeU. Kirbo has also tration Investigations. Ori- ministration. Then last week Agency, Internal Revenue Ser- President Carter learned been working with tbe White ginally, tbe president wanted Kirbo went public, boasting vice, State Department, De- about the Veaco plot, accord- House on the private probe, him to monitor tbe federal that he bad "a good case" fense Department and the Ing to the White House's own the FBI has learned. probes of the GSA scandals. against us and had turned his notorious White House plum- admission, on Fob. 14,1177. Be According to FBI docu- Tbe Washington Post findings over to the FBI. bers. At one point, the CIA responded by asking the at- ments, Kirbo did not ask the quoted a White House spokes- Kirbo has refused to tab to ssslgned IB radio can to follow torney general to ate one of witness to cover up any specif- man as explaining: 'The pres- us, so we must rely upon pub- us around Washington. We the influence peddler* ic tacts but merely counseled ident has asked Mr. Kirbo to lished accounts of his were also kept under sur- At the risk of treading on against being "too open" with help monitor and observe the statements. Some of these veillance by CIA photographic presidential toes for tbe eee- tbe FBI. A special team of GSA investigations. (He) will statements, If they are quoted and electronic units. Aa a ond time In a decade, the FBI agents, nevertheless, Is quietly be talking to Justice people as correctly, are outright climax to the Nixon Investiga- should find out why the presi- checking into the possibility warranted and presumably falsehoods. We also have tions, plumbers G. Gordon Ud- dent Tailed to report this crimi- that Klrbo'a Intervention con- will be receiving Information evidence that he knows them dy and E. Howard Hunt actual- nal conspiracy to tbe proper stitutes obstruction of Justice. from Justice on the Investiga- to be false. If he has repeated ly sought exotic poisons from authorities. Not until a year His collaboration with the tions." these statements to the FBI, tbe CIA to use against us. later did the Justice Depart attorney general and the White This odd arrangement pro- he could be In more hot water. There Is no Indication that meat belatedly learn about It House also raises a question of duced a backlash inside the For It Is a federal offense to President Carter Intends to In- and begin an investigation. Two party system is ill By JAMES J. KILPATRICK >• i in gressional campaigns become dear that party line voting If Dr. Thomas E. Mann has more and more divorced from peaked In IKS. Since then, tbe made an accurate diagnosis, local party organizations and inexorable trend has been next month's congressional CONSERVATIVE more and more dependent toward the denigration of the elections will see the two-party upon the mass media. Mann parties as parties. And why system a little closer to the VIEW looks ahead and sees more In- not? Today's ward and district morlbundlty that precedes dividualism and less loyalty In organizations, with few excep- death. A dozen indications sug- IMIIIIIUIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillMIIIIIIMIIItlHIl the future. tions, an impotent ghosts of gest that the system, as a truly These observations, con- tbe past Almost none of tbe significant factor In our elec- national Issues strongly In- clusions and forecasts are not old functions remains. Among toral process, Is not long for fluence the course of election especially new. David S. voten 18 to », fewer than half Uds world. to tbe House. Broder, the most respected po- KILPATRICK have affiliated with timer ma- Mann is a doctor of political litical analyst in Washington, jor party. The voten Increas- Mann departs from his was unthinkable. There wen a science, not of medicine, but wrote to tbe same effect In ingly are. lnde-by-damn- academic colleagues to argue few splinter groups, of course he brings to his research the 1171 In "Tbe Party's Over." A pendent. that tbe conventional wisdom — Progressives, Socialists, gritty know-how of a feUow Is wrong. "Congressional elec- number of us political Not surprisingly, so are the Prohibitionists and Statea who has done personal polling tions an local, not national barnstormers who fly by the members of Congress. We saw Rlghtere - but tbe two major The Pews Creek issue for the Democratic Study events; in deciding how to cast seat of our pants have been this throughout the Mth Con Group. Now he has published a their ballots, voters are prima- saying these things for some parties dominated the political gress.atdsawltmostdnmat The proposal to create a SOO-acre, mittee has finally given unanimous monograph through the Ameri- rily Influenced not by the presi- time. Mann's contribution la to scene. Ically II days ago when tbe In those days the ward and $3.5 million county park in the Pews support to the concept of a county park can Enterprise Institute, "Un- dent, tbe national parties, or provide specific documenta- speaker and tbe majority lead- safe at Any Margin," In which tion, based upon careful poll- precinct organizations per- Creek area of Middletown is still alive, for the area. tbe state of tbe economy, but er pleaded vainly wan House he expounds a few heretical by the local candidates." ing in II congressional dis- formed all kinds of functions Democrats to override the and for that we are grateful. Still to be decided is the question A part of his thesis is that tricts In W74 and In M districts They found political Jobs for president's public works veto. The county Board of Freeholders of what will happen to the residences It Is one of the tenets of our political parties, as such, have In 1171. tbe faithful; they dispensed Republican meaton, far tbttr has been reluctant to proceed with located in that area. That is a most political faith that con- less and less importance. Through at least the tint welfare and served as social nat«4 •mi mi-^**— li ill if • r • n i* paui, wn oquuij IUUUIVIMII plans for acquiring the park because it sensitive matter that must be gressional elections follow a "Party alone accounts for rel- half of this century, our politi- centers; they Identified can- didates, raised money, super- to their leader's cajolery. Par- was awaiting word from the Township amicably resolved, and we think it can pattern of "surge and de- atively few votes," he con- cal system revolved around a cline." A party gains when it cludes, "and party defection couple of large core groups - vised campaigns, and got out ty discipline has an but van- Committee in Middletown. The board, be inasmuch as both the Democrats puts Its candidate In the White and Independent voting In line the Yellow Dog Democrats the vote. Tbe parties expected ished, and the two-party sys- quite naturally, wouldn't want to start and the Republicans are agreed that House; then it loses seats two with candidate preference are and the Rock-Ribbed Re- loyalty and they got it. tem Is mortally 111. But tbe with the project if the governing body the affected families should not have yean later. It is thus assumed on tbe rise." With every suc- publicans. These were the par- With the benefit of hind- political doctors, astute as objected to it. to suffer a disruption in their lives. that presidential coatUUs and ceeding election, con- ty loyalists to whom defection sight, Mann remarks, it know they are, have yet to tell us what we win put In its place. The sceptre of politics has hung There is considerable support for over this issue because Republicans this project, which we believe would control the freeholders' board and be an invaluable asset to the township Democrats control the Middletown and the county. It would preserve N.J. Hispanics: Puerto Ricans committee. In addition, Middletown wetlands and maintain, in its natural Committeeman Allan J. MacDonald is state, a large portion of the township (Part 2 of a series) thousands of Puerto Ricans in wart recruited a Democratic candidate for freeholder which otherwise would become a com- Part II: The Paerte Rlcana New Jersey who Hock to New- "Tickets to Pttrto Rico are y" and Freeholder Ernest G. Kavalek, a mercial development. EDITOR'S NOTE - Pier- ark International Airport to my bread aad hatter," says la starch, of former Middletown mayor, is running We will have to wait until after the te Rlcaas auke tp the fastest visit their Caribbean Island Aaatl Qtstoiii, a Perth Am majority, for reelection on the Republican Nov. 7 election for more definite word growing etaak greap hi New homeland. boy travel sgeacy twasr who to the Jersey. Pride la their culture "You win never understand ticket. on Pews Creek Park. That's not too state from New York City by aad htaebnd auke them re Puerto Ricans unless yoa un- of M pttat tkkate to Patrto a place sar camanssty-ori- the prospect at better Jobs and For awhile, it appeared as though bad, because it will give everyone a bit statist to asslmllaUH la the derstand bow they feel about Rlcoawttk. tated actMfet as waH as s Mr. MacDonald and his Democratic more time to get this issue into a state melting pet. Part II tf Puerto Rico," Rodriguez says 1 for (Ma to driak, ptay aa estimated 171,414 colleagues would oppose the paris. better perspective, one which is not New Jersey's Hlspaalcs ex- Pointing to his heart, ht ex- 4 ptrctat aadtaft Pttrto Ricans, New Jersey They relented, however, and the com- clouded by political muttering*. asttaes their lifestyle. plains, "No matter how Ameri- Jtntys7.4 ~ "Aaawkaa nltira alien has the largest Patrte Rican canized a Puerto Rican be- and are the fastest growing asts aaott Patrto Rlctas," population m the country after By DAVID TREADWELL comes, be SOU has the island ethak grotp • tbe state with s says Jam Gotech, research New York. NEWARK (AP) - Angel here." fiowth ntt of 14B pifCAsst to* dtmetor of the Puerto Rican A study by Puerto Rican Magical story-teller Rodriguez has lived in tbe An avenue of four flights a_ twetn UN aad 1171. when tht Congrats. "If economic coadt- economist Rita MaMonado United States most of his life, day leave for Puerto Rico last official coast wu made. Uoas weren't to bad to Puerto tends to dispel the myth Although the multi-textured world Mr. Singer comes out of the 19th served a four-year hitch in tbe from the Newark airport. The By comparison, tht aver- Rico, they never would come among many Americans that hart." of East European Jewry disappeared century writing tradition and, indeed, U.S. Army, including two typical visit usually lasts a age growth rate for the entire Puerto means art lazy, shift- yean of combat duty hi Viet- week or two; a family crisis state wu 18.1 percent during Puerto Rican culture hi a less people whs Dock to tat in the Holocaust, it will never disap- the Swedish Academy likened his nam, and Is married to a love- may bring relatives home for tht aunt period and for blacks lively blend of the four major mainland for the comparative- pear—thanks to the stories of Isaac works of "apparently inexhaustible ly, blonde American woman. as long as a year; sometimes wu 41.1 percent. groups which have Inhabited ly Hah welfare benefits tad Bashevis Singer. psychological fantasy" to those of the But four or five times a tbe return Is permanent, par- But of an the ethnic groups the Island-the Talno Indians, unemployment compensation. That comment on the recently- great Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy. year he Is among the ticularly for many elderly peo- to settle In the melting pot of Spanish colonists, African Her study shows migration announced Nobel Prize winner in liter- New Jersey, Puerto Ricans slaves tod Amerlcsn gov- varies closely with )ob op- The Yiddish writer, however, an among the most resistant ature comes from Professor Myron portunities in the United SUUs blends religion and sex and fantastical to cultural change. A key aspect of tbe culture - when Job opportunities in- Taube of tbe University of Pittsburgh, elements, such as demons and other "Puerto Ricans are very Is what In Spanish U caned "el crease, so dots migration; who includes Jewish literature in his evil spirits, in ways that stretch back proud of their culture and tentido de dignidad" - sense what Job opportunities de- fields of interest. doit see why they should have of dignity - that cute across code, so dots migration. to medieval legend-telling and yet for- Mr. Singer, Polish-born and a nat- to give it up," says Hilda caws, Income and education Between Ittl aad 1M4, for ward to the 20th century psychological Hidalgo, an urban studies pro- uralized American citizen, was cited example, daring tbt worst of insights. Though Widely read in Jew- fessor at Rutgers University In "This sense of dignity Is s tht Greet Depression, more by the Swedish Academy of Letters for ish literature and world literature, he Newark. "They feel they can quality of self that is present In Patrto Rkaas returned to his "Impassioned narrative art which, live in the United States and an Interpersonal relationships Puerto We© than traveled to does not push his knowledge at the with roots in a Polish-Jewish tradi- still maintain their Puerto Ri- that are serious and Impor- Iht mainland A similar pat- reader as, say, Thomas Mann does. can Identity." tion, brings universal human condi- tant," notes Rutgers professor tern occurred daring tht And his is an amazing blend of the A stody by the Puerto Ri- Hidalgo. 1HMU tions to life." tragic element in people's lives with can Congress show* that 8t Puerto Rican leaden to "Most people dotl realize Mr. Singer is a paradox In several percent of Puerto Ricans la Dover, for Instance, boycotted the outrageously comic. that Puerto BJcaai art U.S. respects. He writes his novels and New Jersey retain their native a reception hosted by Demo- dttssat aad hi mlgnttaf (ram short stories in Yiddish, which then is Those dazzled by Mr. Singer's de- language at least through tbe cratic Gov. Brendan Byrne Patrto Rico to tbe United translated into English and other lan- scriptions of love and sex obsessions, secoad generation Many whs dating Us iMltctloa cam- states art act a psnoa who paign last year because the of realistic detail and amazing visions apeak Raatlsfa dfaaj stubbornly guages. His early stories first ap- to thtir Spanish accent governor offended their sense peared in the newspapers. Although are surprised at the man in person. He "Iflhadtochoosebetwstn of dignity. Vega, labor edacatico pro- comes across as quiet, modest and the Nazi Holocaust, the attempted de- making my accent better or "Bo hatted upon holding Uahrtrsltyhi struction of the Jews of Europe, oc- unassuming. • making It worse, I would make tbe reception in the home of a local Democratic alderman curred in the lifetime of this 74-year- Those now prompted by^the Nobel It want," says s community Tats rtaWaact to cmltaral organizer hi Trenton. "I want who had made fan of us when old writer, he has not written stories Prize to read Mr. Singer have a treat g ass aa,, drawbacks. people to know I'm Puerto Rl- wt petitioned to fly the Paerto K •bout it. Instead, Mr. Singer has de- ahead. Unlike some Nobel laureates, Heat flag ant to tbe Amart- CiaaiasKj srgasasars sty iht caa." Most azatas aatt Marie si- scribed the life of the Jews of Eastern he is quite readable; hence his wide Many Puerto Ricans also caa nag at City Hall during lly Europe from medieval times into the popularity. Few can fail to be stirred preserve their folk medicine Faarto Btcaa wttk," ssid to Edwin Wvert, head of a Hhv early 10th century. and enchanted by his world of individ- practices. The "botanies" or herb shop i« second ooJy to the powtr at properttta to (he "We talk of Faulkner aa having ual passions and family relationships "bodega" or grocery store as a la Iht rani North Jtraey com- of Pasrte Riesas la created s greet Southern mythos," Dr. caught up in a particular, religiously- standard fixture of Patrto Rl Taube comments. "Singer has done oriented society—now gone forever, csatHghborhoods. Patrto Bleats began mov- this far an entire culture of Eastern except in the tales of this magical anally h) tag to New Jersey i slgnin- brooe. now gone." storv-teller. Trophy room In taa bant or the csatnamben after World War Business SHREWSBURY. NJ TUESDAY. OCTOBER 17.1»78 N.Y. stock quotations A home can be tax-free cash CaaftklJM 71 Mkk » CMMO U> 7 III W » •j SYLVIA POITH tale of your old home and you can use the tax-free 1avta OedaatlJJII Ml akt IMk M Vk (SeretaUadlcajtaaiai) rollover break only once in any 18-month period. UnCkaaaCkt nunti iJMI an T/m ink PI SBJW okw»ix • in mt im in*iink* -- * *» Year home (or your pareau' or child's) proba- This second restriction — only one rollover per It- AC» ia* M ouanoi j t i n MM iiw anan- ww bly Ii mrta tens of tbousaadi of dollars more month period — can cauae a problem and win be IMF IJ4W lall m IMk Bkt Bkk- kk OttOUa a Jill » W lll»» MVk- « ASA 1 R Omtn m i 7 XM a a - today than whea tt mi bought. « you or other YOUR MONEY'S corrected by the 1178 tax law. MIILI JilS M» MVt- It OiiiiCi n 7 in nik »« nti • -i OaMIO.14 I Ml IHk Ilk ll»_ Ik members ol your family are planning to buy a new As an illustration, BID Blake, an employee of UttlUIS » M 4Mb- It 1 Bkk •M 1.71 t IM Btk home, there ! • way to tun that gala us value Into XYZ Corp., bought a home in Chicago in IM for AkPrf JMI £ Ilkk nn M Mkk MM Utt facet; 1 U I It! Bit Ma.M* In October 1177. be sold his old house for Akaaxa JIM PacUa I 7 «»l BS atk a aw-tvt H WORTH 41 B^UI B »ac»S. Ill I 44 lltt » II TAX-FREE CASH. For you can sell your $n.0M and bought a new home for $M,«t. Ia UkgLJ ISt im i?« mt- tk M u nn OarttMlJIt SI 44k> IlVk PacTT 7 Ml lltt IS* IM present home at a big profit, buy a new home, September 1178, XYZ Corp. transferred Blake to OaltOaa II B7 4IVk 4lVk nun sa» HkBttt MMCa' II •Hk (utas* B B - Vk Dana .Mb I • utk II Paatp ui »t« Oft 4«t- Ik pocket a bundle of cash - and pay not one penny Dallas. He sold his new home for $100,OM aad Ml CMyffLI44H IM ITVk Wk •••Oil 14 4VMtk 4ft« Ik AHMCa 1JI4 R MVk MVk- Ik ITkk mt— ft la taxes. It's all because of an often misunderstood bought another In Dallas for $IN,*M Akaa II 7a SIS a a -l Oaan laiia tw n m w*. tUMI downpayment on the new house). And you ta attk Skos« Ik Pa*>t till tttt mm 1JB7 ai •ft 4TM 4Hk— kk i tl 7 ta lilt feature ofa- don't owe any tax on that f7i,Mt. Under today's law, Blake owes no tax on the AMaaa tktt 171 BVk atk OlIltAll 1 7 411 BVk 4IVk nin lift lift- S .. Ill tit a*j AMUr .41« in Ilkk — JIN an au aik its Bft- vk CLASSIC TAX BREAK. The basic sale and- Q. But I'll have a big mortgage on my new 1177 home sale, for be qualified for the tax-free UMUII * Silk SIVk Ilkk— Vk ISl I Ml IH. ISVk IStk- kk PHtlaf .4111 a M tStt Blk-lkt ia i in a us Mlt- tk IBIS »t a u - k the same leverage technique that astute real A new tax break Is on the way, though. Under avt-tt IHH ta nvk n% mt- it ail m a 111 looked Is thai It's the purchase price of your new Utt new tax law, both of Blake's sales would be i a ai ttk Oraav 11 ai akt awBft-nt M7 a ITVk t7Vk- It estate investors have been using for years, ex- n ia aw Sail Ml IMS ia B pataraw 117 171 m M a -tw home that counts — not the amount of cash you plains Prentice-Hall. Instead of freezing the mon- tax-free, for the law would exempt employees IP i TI i til aw its17* . PartCI I.TIM MS MVk ITlk IlVk 4IVk- Ik PIMM 114 PI* Ult-lk put Intott. from the one-roUover-per-lO-months limit tt his Al« 4JH144B 44 43 UVk- Ik LJ 1.7I1S IB 17ft 171* «M9 Blk ey In a new home, you can put it to work earning ATT IW IM IIS Ilkt— S PSvcn i-ian aa 171* IHk US- Ik K JtU Bt Mkk In turn, you do not have to roll over all (be home sale and purchase were dictated by his Job. mi an- «t •Bt 177 IM I4tk U - Vt •tveo MI t 117 mt atk BVk . more dollars for you in other Investments or In Amata II IM 17ft •ttPL IJII IT* II - Vk AacMMIJI 1 IB BlkBft Bkk- Vk 1111171 US 4IVk 4lft-lft a MVk actual cash proceeds from the home sale into your your business. Thus, Blake would pay no tax on his September tataa I» I 111 « M atk- kk •uum mil II 4Mk Hit 4W-IVI •nMOJtl t 117 lift Mtt 14%.- kk Pvca« 1.14 t IM IlVk- Vk Btk BVk- Vk ecMM .7MI M Mtk Mtt MVk- 14 S IM new borne to get tax-free treatment. You can CAUTION: To qualify for the sale-and-re- 1178 home sale profit as well as no lax on his 1177 ArtlpJ IJIUI W ElPaaa IM I mi ITkk 17Vt I7S . OuaaO la • «i a« ait avt- it araaaa' I IB tttk tilt llkk- kk finance your new home with a mortgage that's placement, your new borne must coat as much as home sale profit in NI atk us us mk u - * 17 MVk M M - Vk e«ak»c l.M 7 ill ITS »«. Mtk- Ik »« bigger than your old mortgage and wind up with you received for your old one. But the tax law If you're among the millions considering home l«dl IH I 114 Bkk B BVk. Vk HCA 1.41 I t4S ITS IM, Bft- tt I tm aw RIC -M 4 II IM IT 17 — tk cash In pocket — completely tax-free. Imposes two additional requirements: sales and purchases related to your Job — and you mutPut wit TO 14 us iw- tt For Instance, say you bought your home for (1) Both the home you buy and the home you can prove the moves are Job-dictated — the timing II 11 It —17 IH a nik avk- vk IMMBB lltk lltk II -ft Avne* nn a a ait— «i ««C«K)14tt M Wk II II - Vk 114 t 71 lift lift lltt- II. ftt.MO .some years ago and financed It with a sell must be your "principal residences." Con of this provision in the new law can be critical in Euw latiait sm silt i »n MI att att as- vt A«arr Jltt 17 14S W MVk . mortgage which has now been reduced to $5,000 your tax-savings strategy. Check it through with Avual It I 111 as » 11 itr a a a -i dominiums and co-op apartments qualify — but FMC i.a 7 a tn >k IW-IW MchCh .Tl I II UVk lift lift- S You sell your home for $100,000 cash and buy a utmost care, to be sure you do not forfeit a major I Bft Wt Mtk-llt FolrOn »n ill ItVk Wk Wlk-l* RtaStl 1.40 4 IS Mtt MVk Bft- tt vacation homes do not. PokM Jl M OVklltk a - H RMvoll .Ml] ISl US Utk IMk- ft I Mk 41 41 -t more expensive one, putting down $20,000 cash (2) You must buy and move into your new saving In taxes because of your own Ignorance or FUw m w ft.vlon I.WIS 117 Mtt Sift SI —IVk !im ii Btk Btt aft- vk W W- Vk and again, financing the balance. The result Is laziness. Mitt us aft mk ntk-i PaaMM I.M I Sll MVk IlVk IlVk- Ik R.VKM l.M I 111 41 a Mtt- Ik home within 18 months before or after the sale of PadOSt 1-4* I411 WkIlVk MM- Ik RlyMII l.M T SIS MVk ITS 17Vk-IS that you wind up with $75,000 cash (the $K,0O0 you Tomorrow: How to write off the cost of house- Maiui»« on- ftFHnati I.MII til IlVk II livt- Vk MttAlo Hit II M Bft Btt- tt your old home. A drawback here is that you must nchrt m s M wk nit im- it RaMna Jt M ISl lift US 1071 I IIJIM U net after paying off the old mortgage, minus the move Into your new home within 18 months of the hold help MVk- Vk PUOilil.MI 81 WtMVk MVk- It «oc*»l IB 7 144 ITtl Mlt » - tk 4S» ft Fimi.1, i MM ii aw ait ait- « KahrlM I 17 ITVk IMk IIS- « aatlM.w NI B FMtEnt H I m IlVk 14 414 - Ik Rartr 4417 ai it'* lift Wk- ft MMa ill • Its- Vk FWL ui iw ak im a - vk DC Cot 1.0110 144 II 1711 ITkk- ft •artCalM 7 44 Bft . i 1a i a at m a - « KoylD I IS. I III UVk 44tt 4 tt- tt taM* II 4O i.a t a • avk ait-m Kvoarl M I 117 B Mtk Mtk—1ft team Mil 111 Mtt- Vk ttis sa m i i - ik tamttt I IB M - It NrtM lai HI in l» « KM I.II S ia Bit lllk lltk-1 attcttM 4tll B4 int- kk ForMK 111 4 * II IW aik- 1* saKwy i.»i a on aft as BVk Wt as- Vk FftakM III tVk tVk- Vk IKtMfl IMIO M MS 1711 MIT M> 1 Manilla ant livt 4SVk-JVk FcpAAUil MI7 17 ITU- Vk I B Utk 4ltt 4tft • tt Loans are student's best friend tatttC I.B 7 tat lift im lilt a% avk- H in t at ns aft wt- tt tartan 1.71 7 ia it* a a - ftFrutM i a s 1 .4111 US ITVk 17 17 - ft BarfW llnlM Bit BVk Bft- ft Ml UVk SPtlM l.M 7 151 BVk II M IIS (Ninth In a series)' man shies away from college equivalent of taking a man in dents, and it is not smart to be far outdistanced by infla- tail Mil 41 Mtk Mlt OAF lltk lllk- ft VaMt MIS H7 MS US H - S Mtk US M — Ik M m 4Stk 4Hk- S because it seems to cost so the desert who Is dying of tion. The college kid will be OnCoBMI Itll 111 ITSITS I7S- Vk SOVPIOI M tn gt, g a - s Not many years ago, when turn down something for noth- EMM I nu tn a Mvt MS- tt OaoOrn SAIinll 1.40 17 411 Wtt 174 17411 thirst and offering him all the borrowing expensive money ITS- Vk MS Blk Mft ntk-ivt much. IPT. impat .4M t M 11 I7S Oantl IMIO lilt SI lllk SIH-Ift ScattP 14 t Sll 17 Utt Utt- Vk I was In law school, I had a 14ft- H Onpaa. I 44 it SaaKLl.B I M M Wt Bft- ft First, college only SEEMS water be wants. All he has to and paying back cheap money. ma at 471Ilk* M lift- Vk IB MS aft aft-ivk friend named Duncan. Duncan taicytr a 1 U7tut im Gfllnit .4111It Ilk Mkk Mkk-IS taartaG .a la lltk IHk lift— ft to cost an extravagant amount do Is repay the water when he Some government pro- He will be drinking that pre- taaaR 17a t u ink* it CnMlllil 1411 I7S as Saan I IM 11441 att mt B - tt wanted and needed a new or, lift ITS It - Vk OMM 4 7!. I ShilKMlJO 7 IM lift Sift MS-IS gets back to Buffalo, by turn- cious water in the Sahara and bIMI .41 I til 4Mt—l IMt tttk US Uft-1 because parents are looking at grams are even better. The iwlNa I* I IB CPU IM I in itvt Mtk IIS- S IhrwM 41 Mft Mft Mtt— Vk but had no money to pay for • -Ilk CTf 1.41 T Slonol l.M I Id STS SSft SSft-llt ing on the faucet. one Duncan used — even repaying it with Up water in Bwrrah I Jill 417 741 Wk atk Bft- Vk only half the story. Yes, col- OTlra i.a S SlmpPolJlll 171 IIS IlVk lift one. So he went to the financial 14S ITS though he was married to an Buffalo CM mi IM SStk-l Game. IS 17 D - It Slnaar Hi » Its IW IMt- tt lege costs have gone up dra- Look at it this way. The kid B - Ik n ss SS Mt- ft aid officer and asked for a CIT MiaW)I JHI IM I 174 S4tk Sift Mft- S getting that big loan." college. I TS an io StOIIOti M14 174 Ittk Mtt Btt- Vk Second, and much more Im- not much of a bite. percent in the days of eight T as a Stouten 1 I 117 4SVk 4»k US- ft "Stein," he said with a su- But It gets better and bet- percent and more inflation. Ml Wkk It SMrlOg .7711 SU lift Uft UVk- ft perior smile, "you're crazy it portant to a sound Inflation- lllk Mlt SMVMJI M S U UW US Utk- ft ter. In five years, if current And no interest at all ac- avt ITS SluWoi 1 I II UVk MS II —IS you don't get big loans while beating strategy, the govern- cmattaai u im iw SunCe III in O lift lltt- ft ment has just about guaran- trends continue, that college cumulates while you are In Cltylnv 1 4 4S1 Ukt 1SS you're in school" grad five years out will be school. HawttPkJtlt 114 I7S IHk MS- ft - T-T - . He was right and I wasteed that you can get away ••f.jj*ra Jill 1141 Mft Bit llS-lVk TRW I JI I IIS aik 17S M - Vk with murder In paying for col- earning about $2,000 a month. To get the full impact of oaraa JI I tn lift IM mk- vk TI Taaay 14 M US 14ft lltk- ft wrong. Loans and Inflation are IM- ns nu, us. s Tamae in I 41 lltt II M — ft Catstot M4 441 avt itvk vt lait IN as irtk a • ft lege. And In 10 years, he probably why II is so wonderful to use Cacaln M\\ SB IVk Tit nt-» TonoV II 4B Bit It It -IVk the college student's best Hawaii IB t 771 alft Mlt MS ISTanavcf! II 41 Mtt ISft BVk-Itt will be earning $4,000 a month. inflation to pay back these CacaCI 1 7415 74S 44S US4114- Vk HOWW I,IS I » Hit MVk Bft- Vk friends, and here Is why. How? Government sub- CaMPal 1 t tn a mk Itkk Tadmc> urn 7SI lift IIS IIS- tt He wont even notice that $t« a Haualn III HI lltk MS aik- S Tiktriu .44 14 II 4IVt 47Vk 47411 sidized loans. Just foUow the loans, It Is crucial that the stu- Catpaa I JI I tt as XI •-« HauaMO I T Ml MS Mft MS- ft Looked at In the right way, CaMat l.M i IM a .ink Ilk. Vk Tataak t.M 4 411 107* IMVk IMft-IVk month. dent himself be obligated to Bit- Vk HMtLM Illll lift IMt lift- tt Ttlarml II SM lift lltk IHt- S arithmetic. CatnaCn.BM II Win HuaMTI .till UlUllk Utt-IS a college education Is exactly CaMa 1 Jt I ts SS Msiw- it T4ttll IS Ml TVk Tft Tft- ft If your family is an or- Through the Guaranteed pay back the loans. The whole I—I — the same as any other invest- Dual 1411 4B 17 MVk IW- vt IC kM 1.41 I MS M M - tk Taxi i.a i ai us utt su- s dinary middle-class clan, earn- Student Loan Program, with point Is lost if the parents pay Carnal 111 a 44W a 41 —is* H M 41 44Vt 44ft- Vk TMaro m IM W II I I ment in a piece of productive Cant* I JI I Itt Mtt Mft Tauca 111SS7 tttk MS MS- S ing around $» 000 a year, you Its artificially low, govern- it back. After all, the student is MVk- Vk 111 lltt ii n - tt TaiEtl l.M 7 17 17S Mtt 17 - S equipment, say a drill press. MaMP 111 V Mlt MS— S TtlMUIJIlS 4M aft M M -Ht more or less automatically ment-subsidized interest rates, the one getting that valuable American Maaia 1.4t 7 m MS Mft Mft-ft You pay a lot for it going In, InwMCp JI 4 It lift tltt lltt- ft Tinlnl 11 TM IS Itt Ift . qualify for something called the college student is getting degree. The student is the one NtW YORMAPI - Maaaav'mMctad INCO .MM 1417 IIS IIS II - S TavOOl .14 I Mt lift Bft Bft- ft but tt is going to produce far natttiHarlCTittfAmacHon I»«• mi ia its itvt itvt- ft TiPcLoMMB 1UJT M SlkktlVk Guaranteed Student Loans. the best of all possible worlds: who will see such a rapid jump inatra 11 IM Btk atk aft- ft ToUIII LSI I IIM Bkk Ittk Its- tt more income than It cost. in earnings after he gets out of i in aft a a - ft Tanalf l.mi 111 Bft B Bkk— s Banks and credit unions offer 1. He borrows expensive PS Ma HWI Lao Clota Cha Inhlk IBM II Mft Mtt Mtk- lug as us. ft Right now, in 1178, the gov- them, and Big Daddy in Wash- valuable dollars. school. The student should pay AaaltCt I Tl KkIkk ttt-ft laM II Jilt til as trt I7t -7 TtlUHal I » I lit ITS MVk Mft- S AittAri an attIII tft. ft IfltFlov .MIT 441 Mtt M Mtt ThrHtv S11J IM IStt Uft ISft— tt ernment estimates that for a ington underwrites them. They t. He pays tn artificially — not the parents. The same UHcCv 11 lit•ft IVk- ft 4 B7 4ttt MS Jttt-I Ttatrlnt MM U> US ITS Bft-lS man, a college education will low, belowmarket Interest logic holds for borrowing even Atctt an 17 Itkt t — Vk MttMiit i.4i i a aik a att • ft TlmaWI IW IK lltt nvk Bft- S offer up to $J,500 a year, at 7 Armln lilt M WkkMVk Mkk— ft IMPaav IM » 4SVk 44S 41ft- ft Timlin 1.40 T 17 41 471 47tt-IS raise his lifetime income by percent Interest, payable over rate. from banks without a sub- laaarnr Jt 177 H IW Utk-IM MITT I T TM Bit lltk lltt— ft TWA 4 SB MVk Bft Bft-lft U tl ttt Ikk ttk- ft httmm JI I a lift a a -is Iramm 1 7 4B lltt II II almost a quarter of a million 10 years. 1. Because college and in- sidized Interest rate. Most I Ilk M Itk . lapiiat li ao 4ttt 4Ht« tt TronKal.1l I IM Btt B B • ft dollars over what it would flation will raise hit pay sostates allow banks to offer stu- Itt IVk- ft ItaaMI.W 7 44 Bft att Bft* ft Trovtrt ui s Mt att att att- s Everybody knows that If in- M »»• ft TrlCan Ita 14 Ifft Ittt Ittt- ft have ben If he did not go to much, he pays back cheap dent "lines of credit" for col- • Ma Trlco III II IH ttk Wit- ft flation keeps up — about as Mk ttfc— ft JMMonl.M! m Bft lilt Btt . dollars he will hardly notice. nt i — tt JatwJn 1.7117 4M lift MVt MH-lft TCPIHI.Ba 4 Ml Btt Mtt Wt-IS likely as the sun rising tomor- lege costs. Interest rates are 171 Htt— I Jane* Mt tt U IW II • tt That Is a good deal tor the row — the dollars your darling Friend Duncan was right. around 12 percent right now, JiataM .till lit Bit Ilkt Bft 14* lilk- k 1.4411 n Bft B Btt- ftUAL JI SUM SW 17* student. That enormous dif- borrows today, when be really Only a fool will not borrow to but even that is a bargain. Fig- IHk IW- Vt UMC I.M I II IMk It UNCUta .HI III at ailVk ferential In earnings — by pay for anything at thoseure it out: The college gradu- nit im- vt JtS 17rt 17 UVM 1 4 Ml B IlVk needs them, will be repaid 1* lik- vk aik wt 7 aM aw a itself — makes college a good when he has plenty. fabulously low, gift-type In- ate will be getting raises so Ilk IW . t mt it IMCIac 1.44 I 190 IS Ukt investment. But that Is Just the terest rates. Uncle Sam isfast In our inflationary epoch IW- Ik B IlVk lilt 7 IH J7 StU The Guaranteed Student Mk t 47 UPacC 111 IIS] « tilt beginning of why only a blind throwing money at college stu- that even a 12 percent rate will Mk 4k- Vk m w ivt Loan Program la the exact 177 Ik II fJBt SB Ttk TVk 14*4 14k- k SI mt Ma UnOrM 1J.I1 71 livt IM - It ai a ant ao» tn am Mtt a ait 47 USInd .51 S Its W IVk Bt avt 17k UUtatllttM IB «Ml Mtt at Blk Bit 1 • lilt 44kk IW II Min UMTII IMi tn mt m M BVk ukt uMahi inn at sw slit Aggressive growth fund UStJFE 44 7 74 » Btk IB IlVk IW — V—V- M Ilk II varkan .all III Ilk Ilk M wt itvk VaEPvLB 7M44 I4tk UVk By DAVID R. SARGENT their net asset values have In- far tab ceaasaay? vjvf it iw alMt t) — I aaa a yaaag ataa with creased annually an average swttek to teaietatag m m m IM Ilkk mk B BVk B w«tvov ti t at of 11%, 17%, and 14%, respec- •are tyaaaic? T.Z. New .1 a. JI •» WB44M J1I7 It |II.Mt tt tavett. I WMM Ike OJO .am s aw ai Mf ITU Mk SUCCESSFUL Yerk M MVk MVt .ti la iiaartatar. that wU give ate tively. Templeton's portfolio ts 0n.kO.wl I MVk MVk WrnCam It lit Wai in LI Jill at saaae aeosa. R.L. Caltfarala International In flavor, Mutual A — This major electrical 51 17 a A — The Impatience of INVESTING Shares specialises In defaulted equipment manufacturer has I WnAkL 41 I IM JII Waanc 1.M 7 til youth! Unfortunately, stocks bonds, reorganizations, etc., been making progress In settl- LMIar I.a I WUnUol It • m Illllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll and Pioneer II In unknown ing lawsuits instituted by elec- tW LILCa I.M I WnkjCl « I \m Hk II that move rapidly In one direc- re MSIMIJT Mioivt avt Lalanal.M t wtptrtir III anatt mt tion seem Inclined to move at potential growth companies. tric utilities alleging breach of hoo MUM 4c I M Ikk TiTit t I 1011 ant m* specialized anas of specula- uanTM ai iivk mt LackySMtM WMrtX I M 7 Ml11 lltk least as swiftly In the other. Q -1 kave keea "taflertag uranium supply contracts. A MarMa I « I H-M Lykat IB IM IM tion and venture capital. III ISVt But ttyo u want action you are aleag" will Weslligaeise few more key agreements MarrnpA.H a BH B MSIC .TIM HIDa M WMtttm JSa t 111 wccuw M 8< nt SH Wl«t« tl 4 1S1IlVk 174 Three aggressive funds Electric torsevera l years a»w. could lead to the out-of-court MacMII 44 I D7 Ilk IlVk Wllllomi 114 USItk probably best off investing In a .MM 41 II IW 1.45 7 MS 41 which have managed to doOperataag resmMi see* I* he settlement of the remaining SIS E It 44 a* ll» 14k. 14k WkmO I tilt I A« few mutual funds, where di- tuumm ai w lit Wlnntao I W Ik Ik very well are Mutual Shares, a a»prai1ac to lae stack's ac 11 IlVk WaMfcia 4 SM Ilk Ilk versification offers partial ITS lit I MM Blk no-load, and Pioneer II and UN Is toll laaaiplrtag. Abe, Uk iw downside protection. You also Meanwhile, Westlnghouse's t a MarMM JI I t7 I7» I7vk Xaran 111 Ml SM MVk MVk- It Templeton Growth, both load tt» davhteaa kastt beea to MarrM .1111 MS have the advantage of their earnings are continuing to in- Mtk M MaCp I t M3 Itvt Ilk Hit- Vk In the last five years, creaseal tatce It7l. Waal Is Ike MartM IN I 177 n Bkk Zanntm I BS IW ISVk IStt- It prohasioaal expertise In the crease Per share net bot- Maaca Jill «lt Mlt Bit Ctaytlam by TM ApurlatH Prra It7t MatayF 147 tomed out in 1174 at nil, then Mtyot i.a T ai •UytgljioM 54 roe* each year thereafter McOanM I « Til reaching $3 10 In 1177. First- MtOnM J*ii a t lit Stocks take nosedive half profits were up 17% from Mcoia imn Local Securities McOrtt IM Ml a year ago and full-year earn- 1.« 7 lit) By CUT CURRIER Moat analysts said they saw And late Friday the Federal ings may reach 13.50 a share. aMMHal.laM W tats ward i.Tiis av NEW YORK (AP) - The nothing unexpected In theReserve raised the discount This Improving trend in oper- ManLy JIM > stock market took Its worst nillirH til B7 energy and tax bills passed by rate - the rate It charges on ating results should eventually MOM i.aaM IB drubbing In nearly four years Congress over the weekend to loans to Ut member com- bring a hike In the now well MMUI 1.44 r Bit IM 117 yesterday, apparently suffer- set off any strong negative re-mercial banks — from I covered dividend ing from a knockout dose of action among Investors But ttpercent to a record l.t Slower-than-expected iBterest-rate worries and con- also seemed dear from the growth In U.S. electricity con- cern over the slumping dollar opening that they hadn't Aside from the likelihood sumption raises another uncer- The Dew Jones average of stirred up any buying interest that the Fed's move would tainty although Westlngbouse XXXS& Z S114 4St S. N tekacrlab plunged 2112 to Aad broken noted that the lead to further Increases In had anticipated a slowdown in Malrala 111 157 4IVk 4W $78.17, its tartest single-day market had to contend with other interest rates, analysts demand for Its electrical NMtM a Wt Wk loss dace tt feO HOI on Nov. persistent upward pressure on said Investor! were dismayed MtlTaHMI 9 Wt Wt equipment lint. However, It, 1$74 la the final throes of a atteraat rate*. Many Investors that It did Uttle to shore up the about n% of sties comes from •evert bear market. to be fearful of further dollar hi foreign exchange other trans such as defense — Wo*** 17 BI ant M Otter ladkaton sustained . wo in the bank Ilw dollar, which might where Westlngbouse has a fl^ N«tt »•*«•• atanikr damaf* The Ameri- prim* leading rate, on top of have beta expected to draw bUbon backlog. Demand for a im ut nS tin ca* neck gwtaafo •artel last week's quarter-point in- arreagu rrotn ntgaer interest broad one of industrial prod nkN Index dropped IH to create to 10 percent rate* on U.S. htvettmtnU, In- acts and construction ac- »** MM. for Ha akarptet deehae Tier* had beta, some con- •too*, contliatd to slump tMtltt ahouid also add to aaat* tat Max was eatab- Jectate that banks might be tgahtttMadia*: foreign curren- momtatum. The company aalMdkiim. •tow to rain the basic charge teems to have turned the cor- cm At tk* date of the New m ban cfcaj loans to ta* two- If (tare waa one ceaaoUng ner and the shares ahouid be York Stock Exchange, 14 of «t* ami, tt only for political Mlt f*r Wai Street's optimists htM for their speculative the atocti la tk* Dow showed f HUM. Bat after Now York's In the day's market action, tt •oatet of t pott or nor*. Di Cham Manhattan broke the ict waa the relatively ttgat pac«ol (Mr. Stream cannot an-1 M, lor exampk, fell 2* to on Tauraoay, tbt Increase was twtr tB mail pertooally, bat »*** IBM; BMtnta Kodak I* to (Bjckry adopted by many other dearth of 1 wta taswer all qtiesUoat pot- (eo»w»* Utt, aad Alcoa 2 to JO avrp banks the next day. aaytlVott rath to sea stocks Snuffy Smith Dennis the Menace SHREWSBURY. NJ TUESDAY. OCT08ER17.1978 I'LL GIVE / BRING ve A SLICE [ ON THE Crossword puzzle 1 0FBLU6BERRV S BODACIOUS PIE SOON AS ^-i PIE ^ ACROSS 23Fsthsro( 47 PDrtsnd IB &M nymph 1 Put Into KWl • Tennis ami 22Parachu» VE GIT ALL secret 24 Aloud nCstaasM •trap YORETOVS asNna 54 0tdrr*om 24 WSHISI) t Meshrn SB Otto 25 Defeats PUT AWAY L—-^=fjdk <&£ ailiwisn i7 Odd DSffespttsn 10 Nsrmy'i now 61 Shvpsn 26 Netstsr 30 ftflgrihwl 62 HttMaVrd 27Coti'«oo»(x 14 MwioSy suflh 0*1 rVMn avant-s ^^^^^^ quick 31 SosMngwM ffiWNw- IS TrsdMonst 33 Type of taasdbM 32ThoMWho lmowd»dB« IS Out el INs maksirOM MOstarmins 34S«aiiuck world 35 Fonoswhh Hi and Lois ski (egssV 3BMknfsasmI 67 Maotrstts 36 Vlkur- 17 AmbMdown 40 PikittlM Max VttmOm GOLLY, I'M BUT CANT- YOU ARE CORDIALLY trMsvenuj town red 8S Putin SB Praorsnot rjusr 19 Sup - 1 42 Opershsra pecking 40 Labor onj. A1ISSIN0 WALK: OUT ON THE INVITED INTO 1UE 20 ShsiwHik* 43 Hslp ordsr 41 Enhances CARTOON SUNBEAM. TV ROOM, SUNBEAM. btonkwt 44 Snood* SB Puintong 43 Actor 21 Vivklrad 46Sweb Mgods SHOW. DOWN 46 Coo* '• Puult Sorvad: 1 Toysmmu- 4B Won Vwouor - nrdon work LJI.III .1 LJunu LJUIUJLI 2 Bugbsar 80 dear sky UaULl ULJUIJ Mllt-lLlll 11 ][M IMLJM kii'jrjlJH 3 Couturier 61 Compel u'\w\ \\ i'"':i'* lisinr of nets 62 Doctrint win 'IH'.U'IUII 4 Mtecha S3 -ska nr.iii!inn 66 Drought nnn PHI Mniinn nun ewotbmtl victim's ii;r i TMH r.inn 7 Baal or cry 'GET WP0FM6UM...KKPMY F6ET0FF THE nrsn nnnnnnH rinn Mammon 57 Hnttl nnnniin nnnfifjn 8B«Mlpslm SMT...N0 KETCHUP ONW HOT006...6I6Q6AL! ntin ]UlUlHI4 SCompoMd SBMa.Ch«t« nmnn nniiiiiinnntiFinniuii iii.inni The Family Circus By Bil Keane mnnnn nnnu nnnni •tana young THAI DO£6 IT/ I FEEL REJECTED/ YOU PASSED nrjMMii 11 TUi WE'RE READ* nnnn nnnn nnnn 12 Comityl* 60o3S" UP A PERFECTLY VALID REASON 10/17/71 63Can.prov. THE WIRE TO THE DISTRIBUTOR TO ROLL AGAIN/ TO PARK HERE FOR WHAT 13 DkWibuM) HAD PULLED OUT, BETHf A.L WOULD HAVE COME HAVE IT FIXED IN TWO NATURALLY/ MINUTES/


"What does %tch, tch, tch* mean? That's what Grandma said when I walked by."

BOY; My BOSS roo*Y, HBSTePPED RISHT AFTER HE JUMPED Your horoscope, birthday suaeoois ON MY UPONMYDB6K/ FINSERS STRAMM THINGS TUE8DAY, Oct. 17 lury phllsnlhroplsl; Rita CAPRICORN(Dac. 22- ter how unexpected, with WHEN HE fiCTS Hayworm, American ac- MAO Born today, you are sym- Jsn. 11) - Make sure you courtesy. You will need a pathetic In your outlook tress of the'40s. leave yourself enough time welcome yourself Uter on. and generous in your To see what is in store to take advantage of an QEMINKMayti-Junafl)- behavior. Whether materi- for you tomorrow, find evening opportunity for • Relatives make it more ally or spiritually, you give your birthday and read the real gain. difficult for you than they what you can to those In corresponding paragraph. AQ0ARIU8

Sheinwold's bridge advice North dealer Neither side vulnerable Dooneabury By Alfred ShelnwoW South played a low diamond, of partners. When last seen he and West ruffed with the nine wsa plaintively muttering: "1 NORTH According to early Greek • 9873 legend, bridge wag brought of hearts. Thu is where Schlei- knew it. I knew it. I knew he Kama, fer winced. would , but I hsd to lead t.M fOf.CAKI»,SUCCESa OFOHPDMD.AiauPOU, down from Mount Olympus as OA872 Now South could draw an- that queen of any- is SHEET, HIS STANUM tBUMs-mirtOF «su,r /iew. a gift from the gods. On the way." • A64 nmocnues6/wiam PUBLCHOU fm-THAT way, It dropped and broke in other , cash the queen of ve AH&JCAH peons /UMV5 AESflSH two pieces; and that's now we and lead a diamond to the DAILY QUESTION WEST •AST «*6\ JIS7" ace to discard on the ace of • KJ64 BOAT! got partner!. Or maybe that's Partner opens with one • Q1052 now we got crackpot*. Today's clubs. heart, and the next player Q 10 5 209 OOJ106 SHOULD DISCARD V74OQJ10 64K9 8. • J1O532 • K98 Declarer took the king of Whit do you say? SOUTH diamonds and led a trump to West could defeat the con- tract by discarding instead of ANSWER: Bid one spade. • A dummy's queen. When this Show a rather than < held, he returned a low club ruffing. Dummy's ace of diam- , ?KJ10862 onds would be forced out, and raise partner's . OKS43 from dummy. • Q7 East stepped up with the South would have no to (A POCKET GtjfDffTO king of clubs and made the the see of clubs. Declarer BRIDGE written by Alfred N.rlk East lealk Weat killing return: the queen of would eventually lose two Sheinwold Is available. Get Pus Past 19 diamonds. Thii wa< no surprise diamonds as well ai a trump your copy by sending $1.23 to2 Pass Hagar since East was , and s club. the Red Bank Register, P.O. Box 1000. Los Angeles, Calif. 49 AUPua one of the greatest players who Schleifer was left at the ta- 90053.) ever winced at a partner. ble to meditate on the nature - O 9

<#U A5KEP 5N00fV IF AN4DNE CAN P0 IT, (THE PISCO SCENE y .BABE.'POHOU 1 ~~ TO eer HOW BLANKET HE CAN ...HE'S 6OIN6 COME HEWE OFTEN 7 BACK FROM EUPORA? TO WIN HER OVER AT 7/ JME PISCO SCENE ^ (ly $% i»-lT»g-*Wgr -.,". i ----- wtcan**.:- The Phantom Beetle Bailey


B> JIRRY BUCK oa Friday, waiCBS'i third-ranked new atom la i romance of the week. Will aha or woat she!" —a? • vjaapariaa aMsaUI%^B ttt NWM num. It draw N parcaat of (fee Cartlner aaM he didn't know whan his •Hot aaavta tar CBI'a aadliaei. ap from the waat before. stories wouldcemtfrom "Thenonemoralngl £^sli)ral «da*aa4a»aal. The an haw ihow atara Pat Klaua, Kathy woke op and said why not do what Michael At catratfan an tt» urn*, tktyit MB Witt aad Coaalt SeHecca •• rookie stew- Butler did with 'A Chorus Une,'" ae aald. "Ha ajrlaa stewarteaeee. BM the Itcriaf, miektr- art for Baa Weat Alrilau. Moat oflea ut down with s lot of chona glrla and got their tkDTN ea a pUaa pilotad by Howard PUtt. stories." t The pftrtmorte weat tkroajh the rool when He aet up his own encounter sessions with kMW oar aadlaace wouldat be the * tired earner thla ataaoa. It wu No. 1. but stewtrdeaeee and taped their stale*. The *WjreW IBM, but yoaai ftoto," nid executive Carbnar laid It wu i fluke. He did not think episodes so far have been baaed on these ptfmrlUkCMitfmrlUikCMilMr.l dtUatloa would bold up la wrier The ahow stories. Such u the stewardesses axfcmg them- TUt to Hi HHlmite taen*fe faataiy. Who •las draw the wrath, of the flight attendant!' serves In their hotel room k> keep out a group of do jw tkWk watcbea -Charlie's" Worn- conventioneers, stacking the dinner trays In batOilM NIW IPSI t 4:» MS, « are attraOed to stories about *omtn. Our "It wu originally conceived only u . two- the bathroom and burning a paaseoger's shirt •inu MMCHUUU II- primary rwa^ariUoa in the caatlag wu to in the ovea. hour movie, not a aeries," aald Cartlner, who i)l:ja.t:« laaem Fran Bnaa lai t u. mm. flat tare* girts with beauty and charm who had pnvtMialy written "Coffee, Tea or Me" He aald he la taking a sympathetic look at wottbe appeal* to wooea.'' TWS* Fl« (Nil!:». *•» aad "The Preatdeot'a Plane la Mining." the stewardesses to attract women. He aald, U.III- For tbt atrtet, out went the romaaee at the "So you look for what's exploitable, and "Man will watch because the girts are pretty. Prt#ya«ry (HI >•.»:!• aadofewry Ugkt and out went Uw reveaUng Women will watch becaus It's a realizable what's more exploitable than three stew- rt Girl IPS) >:»; Hna Calk. ardeaaes getting bit on by the tame nun. But ftntuy. Girts can't become detectives like on WOUai StetUale Carhner't atratafy may be working. In the in n n IIIti -mi' halfway through I realized we had a series and Charlie's AagahV but they can become stew- latest raUata week "nylag High," which airs ardesses." MI tried to move It la a new direction. I couldn't do Israeli report CINBMA II - to begin series inuMO- t:». IM CMlltt 110 I. I*. •:•. a:S Classified Way UNCROFT - A Rim re- Km Concert set MOVIII i - Tht Action Line port on Israel and the Sinai, Foul Ploy ir-Gir«.t45 first In toe "Armchair Adven- MOVIII II — Eroflc AdvantucM •* flmnfcla (Rl turer" series sponsored by Mm Alkl In wankrMM (HI 7:», t, »:II 542-1700 MIDDtlTOWN Brookdale Community Col- U» MIDOLITOWM I - for Saturday lege, Is set lor 8 p.m. Thurs- Cracl CMhat E«a« (PCI >, •: II u» MIDOIITOWN II - day. MARLBORO - The Battle Joanne Burke Elsler, also a Filmmaker William Stock- ground Arts Center subscrip- member of the Opera Pro Mu- dale will informally discuss his ts" series will open this Satur- sics orchestra, has studied career and the making of the day at 8 p.m., with a concert with leading clarinetists of the film, which shows Jerusalem, eatttled "Tha Magic of Music Chicago Symphony, Philadel- the Israeli Knesset (par- InMartboro ." phia Orchestra and Cleveland liament) and the Sinai desert, Tha program, at the OldOrchestra. which be and bis wife explored Brick Reform Church, Rt. SM, Ms. ClarfleU has a masters by Land Rover. Series tickets lor all of this season are still available, or they may be purchased Indi- a^ JSTSLI. vidually at the door. There are E discounts for senior citizens , Sicily, and la on the and children. The film will be X. shown in Forum 103 (parking lot area S). be Patricia Jones, flutist; In pU ChrflaM and urn.. Llv- therapist for toe Children's laaaton, pianist*, and Joanne Psychiatric Center la Eaton- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Barte Baler, clarinetist, town. OHEMA 2914IU * 1.50 Ms. Joaea, a member of the Ma. Livingston has per Opera Pro Muaka orchestra,

ud r CONCERT SERIES TO OPEN - To be featured Saturday In the "Magic of mar. first flutist with the New ""* *• " - Musk In Marlboro" concert sponsored by the Battleground Arts Center will York Philharmonic, and of An- «" °f* Coach, and played be. left to right, Joanne Burke Elsler, Patricia Jones and Lillian Livingston, draw Lorya. first flutist of the numerous conceits for radio, clarinetist, flutist and pianist, respectively. Lincoln Center Ballet.Or- television and festival or- cheatru.

CINEMA 34 Television Today Hv. v 34, Matowon New York Channels 32,4,5, 7r 9, 11, 13 ^ 583 3600 DAYTIME MOVIES rooky Inn **>M Iwr lathx'i (I) UNTOOCHAaiI» UUMI flwraW ravMla Hwl l» had 10:30 • Ma MI. "G00MYI GRl" IMOT Hit ooaMaM and l««tl New roa* Ki rofM •K» *t Taaaday. TNa Mrtl Ba I lo • km ea«a>*nd t-.M... "HOUMail$" Bilglm•aVPMl' P«rt . Mcwa Fri. Sal. Sun. HTuDlHAJOK HAGUE BA- OB awvai M»MI woau> wan gD Love ivurra JM,.« "GOOOIYf CHI" H • italh gam I* not ptayad In W 000 COUPLE Hw Wortil SariM. Uw NBC Big 11:90 E»«ll MMle Illtt* Big Man'wW (X CM LATC MOVIE 'Bamaby Jonaa: Parchanca To Kill' CD d) TMf TOWGHT JOMto't btg alitowilti MnMiy 8H0W baah lima Mo a ntghlnwa (B MOOANS MEROiS otiea her data Mu oat on Iwr, 3) CD TUCSOAV H0VK OF ao Fcxula olfara lo lorgo Na TME WEEK SIM BIAUTY iMohiiitca graduallon lo cona lo hac raacaa IBS. cpaniST TAKE. A 0000 LOOK S) CAMOL suaaanr AMO C l»76 Edward Wood NoMviiooNem MCK CAylTT SHOW 60UKlMmCHEV¥CHAS£ want. fits. Fartac. 11.-00 IB TKTACOOUOH "EMOTK ADVENTUMS Q OFFttMCOwO" W WMT MKMTI: HOne -(DHAMA) " •NCULI— "Oma Wer'MMl Saan Ka*y. Eka HMNI. Tha alory 01 London ialara (W nwia.) UWMai AM TWU0NT20M MrTCHCOCK: THE IAIH.Y Lawma and Shktay aand Hw r HAM aduoaltonal ayatan Mo • til- ODSE ENCOUNTERS 1I.S0 OF TW TMUD Mat) apki whan they aeafc aeK- QD MOVIE anpnvaiMiil by atodykia to •ANV CD JOE FRANKUN SHOW OvatprolacMva Janal MM MO 1:Si a raga otwn aha Hnda Jack In ~ ttw HIM bad wNh haf viaMlog CD HOVal -(MUMA) •"* "Joa" 1ST0 Palar Boyla. HI'S MAKE A DEAL Svaan Sarandon mjB SMAI FIELD t3a) Ob avwcua wiuv. M.O. CD CD TAM A eretty gai haa John In a whirl CD MOVC -(CoaatoY) "H end Ma deMnwMtkm to maat "Tha Troutta wIMi Aaoata" her prompia Iha taxi gang lo CD NEWS ooma «P wMi a auraflra Una lhal would untraaia any woman on fatt CD MOVK -(COalEDY) ••«( TO TIU THE TMUTH •iianlc airtton" 1M4 Maurica w Chavailai. Elaanof Parkat. Oangatara pnducaa TV plkH ki Kaly thal'a uppotad lo Hop ao may can taka a kiaHlmala (7) STAMKY t tan toaa (2 hra.. 17 mlna.) it HUTCH W$I 2:45 •O0TU06HKI CD PMvca RJUIRCU 21lVrtstheu.'ord


NOW PLAYING ntiatTKIMKMK UUHTK FAMILY DINNER VEAL PARMIGIANA 25 OKI 3 SHREWSBURY AYE. RED BANK AND HERBERT ST. AMPLE OFF SWEET PARKING SUNDAY BRUNCH — Edward Stirnwelss, Rumson, center, proprietor of HUNT BALL PLANS — The Hunt Ball ad|unct to the annual meeting of the Stlrney's, Avenue-of-TwoRlvers, Rumson, meets with Mr. ond Mrs. Monmouth County Hunt Racing Association Is being revived this Saturday as Schuyler Van Vechten, Rumson, left, and Mr. and Mr.s. Robert G. Sampson, a benefit for Family and Children's Service of Monmouth County. Mrs. Frank Mlddletown, to discuss plans for Sunday's noon to 3 p.m. brunch at the Mlhlon, Belmar, right, Is chairmen of the block tie gala/Disc Jockey Ball to restouront, a followup to Saturday's Race Meet, for which Mr. Van Vechten Is Lifestyle start at 9 p.m. in Rumson Country Club. Committee aides Include, left to president. A portion of the brunch sales, for which reservations are not 10 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1 right, Mrs. Edward Cruz, Holmdel; Mrs. James Harlow, Colts Neck; Mrs. necessary, will go to the Race Meet fund for distribution to local charities. Thomas P. Klely, Rumson, and Mrs. H. Ernest Thompson, Fair Haven. New twists to traditional Race Meet By HAIGUEIITB RENDERSON mouth County, planned by such ardent supporters as Mrs. of-Two-Rlvers, Rumson (and, Incidentally, a son of the late president, and Mrs. Charles H. Jones Jr., Rumson, secretary, Cousin Audrey, clams ud oysters, more fields far parking, Margaret Mlhlon,'Belmar, general chairman; Mrs. H. Ernest great N. Y. Yankees second baseman George H. "Snuffy" and his second wife, Mrs. Amory L. HaskeU, Rumson, honorary hunt bal and brunch. Thompson, Fair Haven; Mrs. Edward Crux, Holmdel; Mrs. SUrnweixs) will start what he hopes will become a tradition: a chairman. Than are tome of the Innovations for this year's 48th annual James Harlow, Colts Neck, and Mrs. Gordon Sm|th and Mrs. day-after-the-Race-Meet-brunch. Hours of the nominally priced When Mr. HaskeU died, the now defunct N. Y. Herald meeting of the Monmouth County Hunt Racing Association. Thomas P. Klely, Rumson, Mrs. Klely Is accepting reservations brunch (with a portion of that to go to Race Meet coffers) are for both the more staid black-tie gale (with music by the Danny Tribune noted "He bred thoroughbred horses at Woodland CaD K whit you wUl - the Race Meet, the Hunt Meet, or from noon to t p.m. The menu will Include such things as eggs Farm and one of the peak social occasions of each autumn was that great fall day In the great outdoors - It will take place Holiday Orchestra) and the more swinging one (with vibes by Benedict, steak and eggs, pancakes, French toast, omelettes, the IRT Express). the Monmouth County race meeting held on Us acreage over a Saturday here at Woodland Farm, the former estate of the late assorted soups, dell meats and salad bar! cross-country course regarded as one of the finest and toughest Amory L HaikeU, who started the sporting fixture In lltt. Brunch is added The Race Meet officers - In addition to Schuyler Van in the nation." Gate* win open at 11 a.m. and post time for the first of five races Vechten, president, Helen Sampson, treasurer, and Audrey The course is stlU fine and tough. la !:M p.m. Hie event Is sanctioned by the National As an added plus to the Race Meet weekend, Edward Rlker and Ray Smith, vice presidents — Include the Ute Mr. The Race Meet Is stlU a peak social occasion Steeplechase and Hunt Association. Slliiiurti, proprietor of Stlrney's, the restaurant at 44 Avenue- HaakeU'a daughters, Mrs. John C. Ellis, Mlddletown, also a vice Saturday you can be part of It. Coastal Audrey Is Audrey Hiker, formerly of Rumson, and •aw of Maryland. She la a raiser and racer of hones herself, : who has been added to the roster of Race Meet officers. Audrey Biker Is related to the Haiketts, she's related to Schuyler Van Vechten of Rumson (now president of the Monmouth County Hunt Racing Association) and she's related to Hiker's Island, New York! And her role, as far as the Race Meet goes, la to aea that owners, trainers, Jockeys, et. al. associated with the event an eared for appropriately. That care will Include a pott-Race Meet feting (plus food to see them on their way) at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Sampson. Helen Sampson la Race Meet treasurer, and Bob Sampson la sharing traffic and parking responslbtliues with Ray Smith, Rumson (also a Race Meet veep) and his son Ray "Skipper" Smith and Todd Thompson, Mr. Van Vechten's son-in-law. Tun day for family It can be a tun day (Or your family, too. In tact, one of the nicest aspects of this sporting event la that children who drat viewed the racea from the vantage point of their fathers' shoulders, are now boosting their own little ones up for a better look... walking them up to the barn for a kneecap view of the horses.... and down to the pony and ponycart rides In the center of the natural amphitheater at Woodland Farm. It's in this general area that members of the Monmouth County Hunt Club (Leonard Duffy, Mooreatown, is master of fox hounds) will again be cooking up hamburgers, hot dogs and soap, under the supervision of Artene Blmberg, Freehold. The other food Innovation we referred to will be service of dams, oysters, steamers and chowder by Peter McCoy of Sea Bright So you don't have to worry If a last minute rush precludes preparation of a tailgate picnic; though that, traditionally, la the accepted form of provender. (You can aee tomorrow's Register food section for more thoughts on that subject) But for general Race Meet details, be Informed that re- served parking spaces may be arranged by contacting Mrs. B! Sampson at her home on WhlppoorwUl Valley Road here; that general, per person admission of five dollars may be paid at the Woodland Farm gate (this Includes parking the car In desig- nated areas of the site's some 500 acres) and that children under m 11, when accompanied by an adult, are admitted free. Woodland Farm entrances Woodland farm, with entrances on WhlppoorwUl Valley Road (for general admission) and Cooper Road (for reserved) ta readily reached by turning off Route Si at the Sir Loin Inn, Chapel Hill Road. RACE MEET SITE - Discussing the sistant adviser Hazlet Police Ex- "Skipper" Smith and Morel Smith. Last year, some 14,000 persona made the scene, thereby traffic and parking logistics for Satur- plorers; Marianne Orzechowskl, vice Mr. Smith and Mr. Thompson are on making It possible for the Race Meet committee to give away day's 48th annual meeting of Mon- president Shrewsbury Police Ex- the traffic and parking commltee for 118,010 to such good causes as local fire departments and first DANCING mouth County Hunt Racing As- plorers; Patrolman John Polllnger, the event, to be held rain or shine, and aid squads, the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, the YMCA, the sociaion at Woodland Farm, Mld- adviser Mlddletown Police Ex- Marct Smith and Stevle Thompson Clauical Ballet Salvation Army, Marlboro Auxiliary (auxiliary to Marlboro dletown, are left to eight, Stevle and plorers; Steve* Tanls, deputy chief are members of the program commit- Psychiatric Hospital), Rlvervlew Hospital and Monmouth Medi- Ethnic • Modern Jau Todd Thompson; Frank Feehan, as- Little Silver Explorers, and Ray tee. cal Center. Tap • Gymnastic, This yeaujljarity has come to the forefront In more ways PANEL DISCUSSION SLIDE PROGRAM Floor ExenUti than these. TskHunt Ball, originally a very private affair which COLTS NECK -Dr. Roy ATLANTIC HIGHNDS,- A the late Mr. and Mrs. HaskeU hosted at their home and nearby Uager, superintendent of Colts side program by Dr. John "playhouse" here, eventually gave way to a formal dinner- Neck Township schools and Hennessey and Mrs. Jac- dance for subscribers. It was last held in IN* In Rumson the three district principals queline Hutton of the child Country Club. The same site has been selected for a Hunt Ball/ Register staff photos Mrs. Shirley Anderson, Con- study team, will be presented Disc Jockey Ball to be staged Saturday night, starting at t over Road School; Kenneth at a PTO meeting Thursday at O'clock In the club's main dining room and men's locker room, Nolan, Atlantic Elementary VM pm. here In the school. respectively. School and William Morris of Also, Mrs. Carolyn McMuUla, Cedar Drive School, wUl dis- director of the school's Re- Family & Children's benefit cuss the district's goals and source Center, wUl Invite au- It Is a benefit for Family and Children's Service of Mon- poSdes at a meeting of the dience participation la demon- PTA Oct HatB p.m. ta Cedar strating materials used in her Drive School remedial work. Race is Saturday, rain or shine *****•************+ TIME TO DECORATE FOR FAL MIDDLETOWN-The 4tth annual meeting of Moo- Amory L. HaskeU; the ninth running of the Mlddletown, _ i County Hunt Racing Association will take place • honoring John C. EOis and Amory L. HasfceD. Jr.. a IVi-mUe Get Started Now! Saturday at Woodland Farm, former estate of the late race over Bat tart course; the Navednk a K-mUe race also UurEnrirtJn-Stotk AmoryL. Hasten. It h conducted under the sanction of the i flat turf, and the Holmdel, a 1%-mUe hurdle race. Naoomal ftitnrfrfr'- and Hunt Association. i Is five dollars (except for children fALLPAPEft COLLECTION Gates win open at 11 km. Post time for the first race of under U who are admitted without charge when aecom- ON SALE TV, oc li • Bvt

l Sure sounds good to me; we need all the money savers we My paaeatfksr M and broke bar Up. She win be coming can get these days - Heloise boat aosa from the hospital but will be confined to a hospital baa for s—a dm. as aha la up • yean HINTS FROM HELOISE DEAE UXOMB: I eaaW aever, never Had a pair af earrings • Ike auralag ae loves pretty things, so to cheer her on her arrival home wbea I was hi a harry tog* law.rk.bat I have Ifcat acted aew. aattar aateynwat wkllt confined, I decided to spruce up her PEAK •ELOISC: I bsegbt a lMaca laaaa cane (Uke the aact yea ase far 8hMt water b Jast areead the center aad we are geiag la Chrtafai aVraf sttag) aua a hex of reel eatarad laetfcakfca. I aaaukkkgtap coven for the head and foot board out of start IhtaUBg akeat nm Ikkags to wear, I waited ta tell yea Take tke eaee aad glae II aa aa aU discarded aaaeer, tkea soat pretty floral maUrial I had on band. I have made dust baa a) idbw yaav east aleeves. stick Ike Isethsttka al araaad Ike ceae. ratBtakiaaad color to match CM eat Ike sleeves el aa eld sweater, leavug theai abeat Tkea I taak al aay allied ap earrtaga, paired them, aad Yea wouJdat heUeve bow pretty It looks Now maybe she Ihtuil—las hwh laager abave the sbeabJer aeaai whea at- hang them aa Ike leeUpfcks. Yea can alee stick yaar scatter weat mind ber confinement so much - Elizabeth G tacks* to IS* real patsMetsttceee. 8dlcb Ike cat-alt sweater sleeve u the lasMe arabeiet ef New wbea I get to wark aay dtepesttiea b much better aad I fed Ike tadag tke werld (aad my baas). - VlcUe Fnsler i, you are • doU for being so kind and considerate. I Ike cant bepe you will >how your grandmother this column so that we IMs aakes the eeat extra warn, pas yea will have saag- You could even decorate It to spruce it up - Heloise caa wish her a speedy recovery. - HeloUe fltttag eafls lar attltteaal warmtta. - Ttaale KeUey DEAR HELOISE: Hew I ea)ay year r*la ra • < Each faO whea school starts agala aad ear gardea vegeta- ble* are predadag se abaadaatly, we try to share wlla ethers. 4-letter words I sead sane tomatoes, eacaatbers aad sqaash to sckeel wlta •y yaaagsters far their teachers. Hew mar a they appreciate II as eaest ef them daa't have Umr far gardeas. - Mrs. R. POSTER WINNERS - Artist Nancy Gosnell, right, It is nice to get good fresh vegetables! And so good for the a |udge for the poster art competition at Rumson stir comment figure.-Heloise Country Day School, congratulates prize winners Cathy Strong and Kenneth Coppoletta, who partici- THIS COLUMN Is written for you., the homemUer. If you pated In the event to publicize the school's Book Dear Aaa Laalcn: la a relationship was so poor. have a hint or a problem write to Heloise in cart of this Fair. The annual event opened yesterday and con- races* catena yta nadr It You're a grown woman now newspaper. Because of the tremendous volume of mail, Heloise tinues today from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 and 7 to 9 p.m., clear thai yea daa'l like and no one can force you toIs unable to answer Individual letters. She will, however, answer and tomorrow, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. It Is open raaachy langsage (1 lalak >.« ANN LANDERS accept their ideas. If you are your questions In her column whenever possible. to the public. Proceeds go to the Scholarship Fund. said "fearteUer words." I'd satisfied with your home, your, He to ask why an yea sa kaag clothes and the way you are yaa were mere sepMsUeated I didn't grow up around rearing your son, that's Wards are saly tkaa that. - Teae Deaf la four-letter words and I'm too enough. Listen to your pa- Make a Date They aaaa aa men ar leas old to change. Sorry to disap- rents' suggestions politely, ac- A paid directory of coming events for non-profit organiza- Flea Market, AaP shopping center, Valley Drive and Ifcaa yea waat tkea to aeaa. Dear Deaf: I'm a product point you cept what you feel has value tions. Rates: $2.00 for I lines for one day, $1 00 each Hwy. 30, Navesink, N.J., I a.m. • 4 p.m. IS per space. Seat ef Ike ami ekeeeaeaee- of Sioux City, Iowa, Immigrant Dear Aaa: What caa I de and ignore the rest. additional line; $100 for two days, 11.25 each additional line Sponsored by the Navesink Ladles Auxiliary. Cake sale and pse I kaew aae Ibe Barest la. Jewish parents, public schools, abeat pareatt whs are aaper- What's prudish? What's 15 for three to five days, 11.50 each additional line, ft.00 for refreshments For information caU, 291-1534 or 291-0673 gaage. It's hew yaa treat year Methodist Morningslde Col- criUcal? I'm a married w.m O.K.? If you aren't sure, you II days; 8.00 each additional line Deadline noon 2 days taltw aua that eeaals, Aaa, lege, Lawrence Welk, Woody aa, a college graduate, aad my need some help. It's available before publication. Call The Daily Register, 542-40J0, ask for OCTOBER n aal year rbefce el wards. I'sa Herman and Glenn Killer mu- hatband Is a prefessleaal man. In the booklet "Necking and I la y« I Ikaagkt sic. the Date Secretary. The International Concert Series of United Methodist Ever slaw I caa remember Petting - What J»* the Lim- Church. 247 Broad St., Red Bank, presents the Alpha- I was made to feel that I ceald its?" Mail your request to Ann OCTOBER 11,17 Omega Players In Mark Twain's "The Diary of Adam • never de aaythlag right. If I Landers, P. 0. Box UM6, Chi- The Episcopal Women of Saint James Church, Long Eve" at 4 p.m., in Fellowship Hall. A tuneful! musical romp started to make a bed, Mather cago, Illinois 60611, enclosing Branch art holding their Fall Rummage Sale In the Parish through the book of Genesis. Free Will offering. weuM say I want delag It 50 cents in coin and a long, Hall, Broadway at Slocum PI., Long Branch, lion, I p.m. • Teachers' properly aad she'd flalsh It If I 'stamped, self-addressed en- I p.m. Tues , 10 a.m. -1 p.m. Tuesday Is Dollar Bag Day. OCTOBER 14 begaa la bake a batch of velope. Parents Without Partners, Bayshore Chapter No. 644 • OCTOBER II, IT, II ceekles, Metker weald find GLAUCOMA CLINIC Hospitality Night * Orientation will be held at the Cob- fault with the ceaslsleacy ef Rumson Country Day School BOOK FAIR and silent blestones, Rt. 35, Mlddletown. Open to aU members and LONG BRANCH - The AUCTION. 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Oct. 17, 7-1 p.m. New Gym, semantics the batter aad take ever. Long Branch Public Health guests, starts 8:30 P.M. Cash bar, dancing It featuring "The Bellevue Ave. and Ridge Rd . Rumson. New Books, My parcels dsa'l Uke the Nursing Association will con Carey Rowe Showe" information caU 50X170. way I've famished ear haaae. gourmet casseroles and bake sale, Christmas comer, duct a clinic for detection of plants, continental luncheon daily, 11:10 to 1:11 p.m. Public OCTOBER 24-S Mam says aiy taste la clethes glaucoma Thursday at I p.m invited. Asbury United Methodist Women's rummage sale, Sy BRMA BOMBECK laa aMeeas. Dad says I'm aal here in the Leath Center. Ill Church basement, II Atlantic Ave., Long Branch Tues When my son entered the first grade, his teacher asked to raising ear sea right. Union Ave. for residents of OCTOBER 17 Oct 24th, 9-4 p m Wed., »th, HI see me. She said, "He verbalizes during class, periodically We ceaM aaave ta aaelber Long Branch and Monmouth Parents Without Partners, Bayshore Chapter No. 644 — eagagee In excursions up and down the aisles and In general is city bat aay kasbaad has a Beach over M years of age. Cocktail Party ft Dance will be held at the Hideaway, 1 OCTOBER 17 Immature." geod fatare here, la there aay Dr. Harry Vlneburg will do the Fearey PI., Morgan, N.J. Cash bar, free buffet, featuring 1 Red Bank Chapter People to People will bold Its annual "Are you trying to tell me he's 'goofing off ?" I asked. senttoa beaUes lelUag them to examinations .C»M the Public "The Carey Rowe Show" starts at 8:30 P.H. Member fl.aa, dinner, Fri., Oct. 17th at 7:30, at the Cobblestones. Hwy. 15, "I wouldn't have put It In quite that way," she said. drtp dead? - Had II la Health Nursing Association for Guests MOO For Information call 5*6-0170 Middletown Mr. William F. Dowd will speak on (re- When be was In the third grad<, a teacher at Open House Jaaesvffle, Wls. an appointment. Everyone OCTOBER II flections on my recent trip to Russia). Dinner. 110 per told me be "did not work to capacity aad was definitely an Dear Had It: It Isn't neces- over •) should be examined person. For reservations call, 747-5111 or 9444456 underachiever." sary to tell your parents to regularly for early Indications "Craft Sale" - Arrowcraft of Pi Beta Phi Sorority. Wed., In the fourth grade; be was still "goofing off" but he was drop dead. They will even- of glaucoma, a disease which from 10 to 8.64 While Oak Ridge Rd., Lincroft. Handcrafted placemats, wood, brooms, toys, Jewelry, etc. from the Parents without Partners, chapter 644 Fun raiser, described as "lacking in basic skills as he was not working at his tually — then you'll probably can cause damage to the eye, Smokies. Call 842-4908 for more Information. general public welcome. Halloween party, The Roman Inn, level of competency." suffer from guilt because your Impairing vision Hwy. SS, Hailet. Live music, starts 8:30 p.m. For informa- !• uw sixth grade, I had a long talk with his teacher wbo OCTOBER II, II tion, call 5*64170 •aid. "Your son has potential, but he Is incapable of any viable CUSTOM SLIP COVERS Tryouts for mystery play, "Inspector Calls". Hank Franxonl Director, four men, three women, Oct. 18, 8:30 OCTOBER 27, 21 SPECIAL p.m. Oct. 22, 1:30 p.m. Naveslnk Library Theater, Navesink First Presbyterian Church of Long Branch Bazaar, $ Ave., Navesink Fit, Oct. 27, 4-1 P.M. Sat., Oct. 28. II A.M. to 4 P M at CHAIR I seat ctiWea Cedar * Hoey Aves., Long Branch. Handcrafts, Christmas AT WIT'S END 79 OCTOBER II items, homemade baked goods. White Elephant table. $ Wayside School PTA Is sponsoring a Card Party and Plants and much more. Snackbar lunch available. SOFA to I teat cushions 159 Children's Fashion Show on Oct. 19, Thurs , at 8 p.m. Plenty feedback. You tell me. What are we going to do with a child wbo of prizes, refreshments, will be part of the evening festiv- OCTOBER 21 does not relate to social interaclont?" (I don't know what she ities. For tickets, caU 5J1-8808 Shrewsbury Senior Homesteaders will ho;d a FaU Festi- dsd, but I ran home and got out my dictionary.) REE SHOP-AT-HOME val Bazaar at Shrewsbury Fire House, Broad St, la the eighth grade, my husband answered the phone one Atlantic Highlands PTO monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m. at Shrewsbury, II a.m. to 4 p.m. eight. When be hung up, be turned around and said numbly, SERVICE CAU 747-2543 the Atlantic Highlands Elementary School. Program by "Bruce la not motivated by curriculum innovation. They don't Child Study Team with Doctor John Hennessey, Mrs. ANNUAL BAZAAR - Calvary Baptist Church, 23 Rlvei want him to stagnate in a lockstep syatem and they're trying to Jacqueline Hutton and Mrs. Carolyn Mullen, Director of St, Red Bank, Oct. 28. Plants, Baked Goods. Clothing, etc stimulate his awareness What does aU that mean?" RED BANK DRAPERY SHOP Resource Center. Dinners$JO0 9AM Until "It means they're trying to stop him from "goofing off." 39% Broad Street Rod Bank Bazaar and rummage aale, First Presbyterian Church, OCTOBER It-It Brace was In his sophomore year when he was diagnosed as 3rd and East Highland Ave., Atlantic Highlands, II a.m'.-4 karat] problems modifying his behavior. They decided to put St. Jude's Novena will be conducted at St Agnes Church, Atlantic Highlands, by Rev. Oliver O'Connor of p.m. Gifts, Christmas Items, baked goods, used clothing. him hi a modular-flexible schedule. Coffee and doughnuts available. At the beginning of Us senior year a few weeks ago, Brace's Interlaken, N.Y. Services are scheduled at II a.m. and 7:30 advkwr summoned me to her office and said, "Well, we're at We ore the people who p.m. NOVEMBER 3 that time when we have to consider the conundrum (she Middletown Township PBA Local 124 Annual Ball, laagkad nervously). It'a hard to say where the burden for the put it all together at OCTOBEK» Shore Casino, Atlantic Highlands, full course dinner, con- lack of motivation and apathy lies, but before Brace's achieve- Wayside United Methodist Church, 1123 W. Park Ave., tinuous music, featuring "The Marvelettes" (Please Mr. meat levels polarise, I (bought we ought to have a little talk. Ocean. Bazaar, Fri., 5-t; Sat. lit Unusual Items, flea Postman) CaU 171-4700 for tickets or see any Middletown "This year will hopefully open up options for Bruce so be market, Tupperware, plants, baked goods (Sat. only).' Township Police Officer. caHrealize bis potential and aim for some tangible goals." Snack bar, Fri. Ham supper, Sat, J-l. Adults, R25. Chil- I leaned over to Uw secretary on my way out, "Do you speak dren under 11, H». NOVEMBER 4 AUTUMN SPLENDOR LUNCHEON-FASHION BagttahT (She nodded.) What waa she Ulklngjbout?" Widows and Widowers of Monmouth County (WOWS) a SHOW, benefit of St. Leo The Great Rosary-Altar Society "Bruce Is goofing off," she »aid flatly Non-Sectarian Group will hold a monthly social on Friday, at the Squire's Pub, West Long Branch at NOON. Fashions I don't know If education Is helping Bruce or not, but It's Oct. n, at I p.m. at the Cobblestones, Hwy.35, Mlddletown. by Renette Leonard. Donation: 18.50. Reservations: certainly Improving my vocabulary. New members are cordially Invited to attend. CaU Mt-8111 NJ.'s #1 Haircutting Salon or 747am. MMaU NOVEMBER I OCTOBER 14, 31, II NJ. State Orchestra, Murray Glass, Music Director, Funny Comedy "Send Me No Flowers", Monmouth AB-Tachalkovsky program, Sun., Nov. 5,1 P.M. Paramount Players Fall Production, Navesink Library Theatre, Moo- Theatre. Ocean Ave., Asbury Park. 775-UOO or 314-3837 mouth Rd., Navesink, 8:40 curtain. Tickets at door. NOVEMBER 27-31 [ OCTOBER Jl Senior Citizens of Monmouth County Bus Trip. Fabulous Book sale, sponsored by the Friends of The Middletown four days, three nights at Resorts International, Atlantic Township Library. At the main library, 5S New Monmouth City. Breakfast and dinner at Pavlllion Super Star Theater, Rd, Mlddletown. 9-5 p.m. Benefit of the library Hard Cameo Ball; Senior Citizens of New Jersey Pageant. Is Nail Care covers. Be. Paper backs, 10c. Some specials. Complete package, $125. Ask about overnight package, Don't glv* up. We can W K Day trip, CJ 50.988-5K2 or 774-1411 grow your own weak Hatlet Fire Company Number 1 flea market and craft chipped or bitten nails show. Sat., Oct. ». M. Hailet Fire House, Holmdel Rd., NOVEMBER II naturally, using our Hatlet. M for space. Call 264-6487. Autumn Dance, 8 p m II midnight held at College unique protein treef Commons, Brookdale Community College, Newman Fantastic Jan Concert, Sat., Oct. tl. Warren Vache • ment dealgned to Springs Rd., Uncroft. tl admission Drawing for T.V. aet Syncopatln' Six, proceeds for scholarships. Brookdale Com- strengthen nails. and tape recorder. Featuring Morning SUr Band. For munity College, I P.M. General admission, tt.M. Student*, further Information call 842-1900. Ext. 236, ask for Student We aleo specialize in seniors and kids, 13.00 CaU 842-3135 for tickets or at door therapeutic European Activities. manicures that keep Monmouta. County Hifnt Race Meet on former Hsskell NOVEMBER 17, II nail* atrong and healthy. estate, Cooper Rd., or Chapel Hill Rd., Mlddletown »5 M The romantic musical story, The Student Prince" will par perm. Children under It. free. 11 A.M. on. Five be praaaatsd by The Monmouth Opera/Operetta Society at •NallCare •Wulig steeplechase races, pony rides, refreshments Information: I p.m., Nov. 17th and ltth st The Monmouth Arts Center, • NaO Blten Are Osr S|iedatty SPECIAL CaOTIlIMl. Monmouth St. Red Bank. Tickets 15, M, 17 II discount for students aad senior citizens. Children 12 aad under, halt •Facials M •Pedlctrei "CRAFT EXPO" will be held at Shop-Rite In Aberdeen price. Group dtacoaatt. avaiUbk. .for ticket information, school (Matawan Twp), corner of Lloyd Rd. k Rt. H from M. students Quality crafts a home-baked goods on sate Ram date, Oct caw-em Re* $11. kaJrctt ft Maw-ehy aew NOVEMBER II a, Aa Indoor flea market aad crafts show will be sponsored Wverrtew Stroke Club will meet 11:31 a.m., 4 East by the Sakm Joseph's PTA, Keyport, II a.m-4 p.m. Tables Solarium Rlvervtew Hospital. Red Bank. Dr. Alan Pertchlk win rent for P.M. ReeervaUona may be made by calling wU discuss Neurological Aspects, caaae aad treatment of HVMBorHMtn. strokes. Parking available 741-ZTN, Kit. 4M for Info. —.HIISTI "»—»», at. o».n».iu.mi 21 BroadTi Rtd Bank 747-7770 12 SHREWSBURY, N J TUBOAY. 0CT08EH iV 1(78 Freehold merchants call for help eHMow" to the merchants' or "upgrading resident! hous- nessmen brought their com- "I'm having a lot of prob- ing and Improving their quality plaints to the council at a pub- rBEEHOLD - With, call Miycr Boger Kane said the lems," be said. of We lic meeting. ADD-A ROOM ADD-A LEVEL r M ead to "browa-bag Itmmtukm Is "the fir* we've Mr. Denis* said that police "It will be housing every Thai could have bs«a han- •riataag" —A Wttftaf 01 the hoard" iboui the bail- "bsef-np for about two weeks, time," he said. ded at a workshop •iitst" of the downtown and then It drops oft," when- Council President John he Mat "It dldnt have I* tret, t group of He said Councilman Russell ever businessmen have asked MeOackh uid It would cost come krtoi public meeting." • last light asked the KefaMg has been nerving is for kelp In the past. between 1700,000 and Mr. Kctmig said he weald Coandl for help In the "liaison" to the Downtown Re asked that a pick-up INMM" to Install new lights •A irnnVSW tnnnni HftnannMnnni LnnnnnnL kaprerlag tkc local retail bust Business and Professional As- point for day-laborers be on Main and South Streets, •oclitlon, a local bust- moved iway from the In- with underground wiring council, bat wwM SMW dust Harry SUvert, the owner of neasmen's organization tersection of Main and Mayor Kane said K was they be put on the agenda far SUvert's Furniture, called alto air SUvert slid that "In- Throckmorton Streets, saying •amailng' that tke busi- hstnfipnhMt milting* lor t cleanup of Utter sear the cessant loitering" Is "very the laborers are often confused railroad tracks at detrimental to ihopplng," be- with loiterers. t, ATHROOMS Throckmorton aid Main cause It gives the borough a He laid shoppers see the Streets, for Improved street "bngbted look." That problem laborers, and then won't stop Commuters require Ugtdng to tke borough's busl Is worsened, he Mid, by per- In the borough to shop. MM district* and for more sow who drink out of bottles In "That pick-up point has downtown parking spaces brown bags while In public been that way since I was a permits for parking "We are all battnng for mr Mr. SUvert called also for kid," Mayor Kane responded vtvtal. The builam communi- Improvement! to the "It's Ironic that you didn't FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP made available to township ty si facing an Inhospitable borough's "dingy and old-fash- mention that until now." — Township bus commuters residents, and M spices win dlmale. We an bucking shop- ioned" street lighting, saying Larry Sorcher, mother lo- who wish to park In the he available to Manalapan res- ping center* with far more that "many of my customers cal businessman, said he his Manalapan Mall parking lot on r and more advertising," say they are definitely afraid been left with the "Im- Route I can now apply to the The Township Committee hTsaJd™ of stopping In the evening." pression" that the Mr. Kelmlg township clerk for parking per- Ust night Introduced in or- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION • ATTIC ROOMS mits. dinance setting pirking fees hi Mr. SUvert, who said his Another businessman slid has been telling the busi- DORMERS t FINISHED BASEMENTS Feist It Feist, the Newark the lot all* for six months family-owned business pays he has recurring problems nessmen's complaints to "deaf some 00,000 In property taxes ears. realty firm which manages the Mayor Mayor said the fees with loiterers on Ms loading mall, had threatened to ban to the borough each year, said "The business community would be used to off set the cost NO DOWN PAYMENT dock, and asked for Increased commuter parking in the lot, "maybe are U thriving," be said. "This Is a of issuing parking decals and TERMS ARRANGED ON ANY IMPROVEMENT police patrols In the downtown saying that commuters were fantastic town. We Just want of maintaining the township's taking up 490 spaces, accord- PHONE: 741-5060 help." Mr. Sorcher said he portion of the lot. MONMOUTH ing to Mayor James Mayor. would rather, see new parking Mayor Mayor said the Hwy. 35, NVddtttown New Jersey Hispanic* facilities than new play- The. township clerk re- township was preparing to par- CONSTRUCTION CO. ticipate with Manalapan in a (continued) grounds. ceived M applications for per- pride, have resumed some of mits from residents yesterday, regional parking lot vetnture have a percent of the the customs and traditions "I'm tired of seeing In newspapers about playgrounds the first day during which ap- on Slmms Road off Route t In action," lays Hector they once considered embar- plications were being ac- Manalapan. He said that lot is Rodriguez, the first director of rassing or outmoded. Instead of parking. I'm tired of seeing In newspapers about cepted, the mayor said. He expected to hold between 1,100 Advertise in The Register the Puerto Mean Congress and said that 150 spaces will be and l,Mt can one of the most prominent His "I'm back into a lot of fun fairs, when we need more panics la the state. things, like the blessing your police foot patrols," he said. Educators complain chil- parents give you when you "The people who are get- dren often nave their schooling leave the house and celebrat- ting relief, are the people who disrupted because parents ing Three Kings' Day as well are on relief," Mr. Sorcher abruptly decide to return to as Christmas," says a WM- said. "The people who need their roots Ingsboro resident who works relief are the taxpayer!." "A kid may be here for a is i state financial analyst. He said he would like to see year and then in school In Rutgers professor Hidalgo every street light pole hi the Puerto Rico for a year and says Puerto Rlcans are not borough "ripped out" and all then maybe nowhere for • likely to merge with the main- of them replaced by new fix- year because the family stream culture as rapidly as tures. moved too late to get Mm reg- other ethnic groups is long as Mayor Kane said the busi- istered anywhere?' says Ob- Puerto Rico Is so nearby and nessman does not have "the dulls Gonzalez, i Perth Amboy etsUy accessible: slightest Idea about the cost of high school counselor. "Unlike the Cuban exUes new lighting and wiring." But even many assimilated and some of the political refu- The mayor said he would Puerto Rlcans, Inspired by the gees from the Dominican Re- "not have much trouble" black movement of the 1000s public, we can go home again choosing between spending with It* emphasis on ethnic — and we do." money on new street lighting

ANTIQUE Auro SHOW Saturday, Oct. 21 Noon 'til 3 P.M. soon see the two years rater the idea.-

on the grounds at the Register's main building Route 35 SHREWSBURY Some. 75 antique and classic cars will be parked on the Register grounds for your viewing pleasure. Bring the lamlly. your Iriends or come alone and enjoy this big spectacle. Vote lor the most interesting car, your favorite may win a prize. NO ADMISSION CHARGE A REGISTER CENTENNIAL EVENT •an mm* The Daily Register The Sunday Register AS8URYPMK MTOMIOWN KEANMUM BELMAR MONMOUTH COUNTY'S GREAT HOME NEWSPAPERS Part Chevrolet KJown Chevrolet Trenery Brothers Belmar Motors Mutor Chevrolet 10O1MainSt Sttfe)Highway #36 12-14ChurchSt 800FSI Rt34 ONE REGISTER PLAZA o SHREWSBURY • 542-4000 kntourrowN mmnooui. SHREWSBURY FREEHOLD • Chevrolet George W Matthews Circle Chevrolet George Chevrolet Highway #35 641 Shrewsbury/We RouteUS9 e Woup homes bill clears Assembly ,50-15 HWMY CONOBAN «. nuausaall extenuatingi circum-- mantttamuntties throughout the sUtstate to vote against tt."it," hbe saisaidd. eoaalafedI tkathat aalUl the measure dhtereat than any other faml- tng Uwt te discriminate Under the bill, which teemi stances exist, but It can set up to aBow such group residences Aaaemblyman Carey Ed- did was aay that a family of sli TRENTON-A kill that el final legislative pas- rxanwihte requirements to to be established within their wards. R-Bergen. said he bad handkapport persons was no "We nstBseearson- ha said weaW preMb* a municipality sage by the Seaate, a group qualify Mr a permit and haves no objection to what the meas- ure was trying to accomplish, from barring, through aoaing, home lor ail or (ewer "de- voice in determining what Aasemblyman Dowd, but that he objected to the grwap homes for IS or fewer velopmentaUy disabled" or area of town would be most whose district includes Long method by which It was being mentally retarded, meataUy Ul meatally Ul peraoai would be a suitable for the larger group Branch and Asbury Park, said done, with the Legislature or physically handicapped per- permitted-uae one In all rest- there were a couple of towns In mandating a certain use to be sans rliared the Aaassnbly yes- denUal dlatrtcu o( a communi- There are two circum- Monmouth County that were permitted in local aonlng or- tertaybjavoUotMtol!. ty- stances set forth In the bill saturated with such homes dinances. The Legislature does The measure BOW goes Thia meant that any home under which a municipality now and would benefit from not know the Individual char back to the Senate, which had la a reatdenHal area could be could deny an application for a having other communities acter of communities, he con- vad k earlier, for concur- used as a group home, without conditions hue permit for a being required t!r%ke their tended, adding that there were wtth aa Aaaembly com- the owner or operator applying group home, called a com- (air share of this population. better ways of achieving the > amendment that ex- lor any permits or approvals, munity residence in the legis- But, he added, be objected to same end. from eligibility to live In to long as the building com- the bill because it would group homes any mental- piled with local ordinances on The first is when the pro- deprive the municipality of the "If a neighborhood rejects It • parson who has been slat, setback lues and the like. posed home would be situated option of deciding which neigh these houses, it's not going to found not guilty of a criminal Group homes for seven to IS within 1.9M feet of an existing borhoods would be most suit- work," be told the Assembly. charge because of Insanity or resident! would be either a suck residence, and the second able for these homes. "And that would be a greater was found unfit mentally to he permitted- or conditional-use Is whan the total number of injustice." triad on a criminal charge. one, depending on the wishes persons living st group homes "It's a bad Mil, improperly Assemblymsn Rsymond The li Assembly votes ot the municipality. The bill In the community exceeds N thought through, but, as usual, Lesnlak, D-Unlon and Mid- I gainst the bill Included those provides that they are a per- or .1 per cent of the town's well (Mentioned, and I'm going dlesex, a supporter of the bill, I five Monmouth County legis mttted-use home unless the population, whichever is ilors They art Aasemblyman municipality exercises an op- greater. Vllttam E. Fiynn, DMon- tion, made available to it un- Aasemblyman Peter south and Middlesex, As- der the measure, to adopt an Shapiro, D-Eatex, In urging The Daily Register Prank MeKaaaa passage of the bill, said that smblyman Walter J. ordinance declaring these TUESDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1978 Kaatoekt D-Monmouth; Ai- larger group homes to be s the .5 per cent limitation on the 13 semblywoman Marie A. condlUoaal-use residence. number of such persons a com- faWer, RMonmouth, and As- If a municipality chooses to munity must accept would pre- •aabtyaea Anthony M. Vil- make the larger group homes vent any one municipality Rent control •aa Jr. aad William F. Dowd, conditional-use residences, the from becoming saddled with oth R-Moamotth and Ocean person or organisation wishing more than Us fair share of r Aaeaaahhrman Richard Vsn to operate such a facility those helped under the legisla- faoar. D-Monmouth aad woakt have to apply for a per- tion. . was the only Moo- mit to do so A mnnicipaUty According to Mr Shapiro, codeOKM taabtr at the tower may Ml reject Ike application the bill was necessary because By JULIE MCDONNELL tax rate haa decreased r te vote for the naeas- kv sack a permit, unless an- ot Ike refusal of many com- RED BANK - It la a slightly over the past three truism in Red Bank politics years. tkat the local rent control Defending the purchase ordinance is never quite as of the Bre rescue truck, he popular aa tt Is at election •aid, "if our men save one time. life because of the new It wasn't surprising, equipment on that truck, therefore, when all of the then It's worth every ceat." candidates for borough of- Be aoted also that while fices at last night's meeting the borough's oU track had at the Tenants Astoclatioa been sold to Freehold, as Mr endorsed a continuation of Zar pointed out, It is being i.O'len rent control, although sever- used only as a training vehi- al said they favored revising cle (here. gets a decorative ornament and rewriting the document. A number of the tenants tor the hooday tree. All The Candidates Night, indicated that they oppose funds go to the center, whose which was run not as a de- tke current de-control pro- cHents make the angels — bate but as a question-and- vision of the rent control or- complete with a bow for answer session, attracted all dinance, which provides that three mayoral candidates a landlord may charge any "We're as close to a prof- (Democratic Mayor Frank rent he chooses once an it-making factory as we can McKenna, Republican Dr. apartment becomes vacant. be with the restraint that we George Plimpton Michael J. Arnone and Inde- Mayor McKsnna said the can still rehabilitate and pendent Paul Zar), and sev- purpose of the ordinance train people. That costs en out of eight council can- was to protect "old-time" money," Mr. Spearel noted. didates. residents ot the borough "When we take, say, a Job Dr. Arnone, who led off from large rent increases, that would be overflow on a Plimpton's the discussion, said be fa- but felt In fairness to the company's assembly line, vors continuing rent control landlord the de-control pro- we price it on what our and said also, In response to vision should be maintained clients wouW be making if a question, that one way to "We also felt it would they worked \t the factory reduce expenses In the help the present tenants, from whom w^got the con- next move? borough Is to prevent cost since If the landlord can get tract," Mr. Scoles explained overruns such as In the more money for the de-con- "But what a client takes By MARK MAGYAR weight champion as it was for Marine Park project. trolled apartment he them to picture themselves in home depends on his or ber Mr. Zar, who spoke next, wouldn't charge present ten- output. We've bad people UNCROFT - What do you the ring - except In their day- criticised Dr. Arnone and ants as much," he said. do for an encore after you've dreams, of course. who could only earn IIS to Mr. McKenna for refusing to Dr. Arnone, who was not HI when they first came to pitched for the New York Yan- And the fact that Mr. debate him, and termed the permitted to respond to Mr. kees, quarterbacked the De- Plimpton's stories usually us who are making |1M a campaign "a Roman circus Zar's charges, said after the week when they leave. We troit Lions, played percussion ended In "failure" was some- with the spectators watching meeting that he objected to tor the New York what reassuring, as It was to will reach our physical limit a Me and death struggle the independent candidate's soon; I'd lay another Se peo- Philharmonic and spent five the Detroit Lion fans who gave going on before tt." remarks. months photographing a Play- him a standing ovation when ple tops can be accomodated He then asked that the "I came here to discuss here." mate of the Month for Playboy he succeeded In losing II yards "name-calling" In the cam- tenants problems, and in- Magazine? In four plays quarterbacktng Among the success paign stop, and criticized stead I was attacked," be stories are a man who If you're George Plimpton, the Lions. both Democrats and Re- said. "Where was Mr. Zar in you'd probably paint your face "I actually got Into partici- worked for five years at the publicans for saying there 1171 and industry for the sub- Monmouth Center, following and go on tour with the rock patory Journalism by accident are no major Issues in the contracting work our clients group "Kiss." when I tried out for the an auto icddent that left campaign. do, we fund the center at him physically traumatized, "Actually, a fifth Kiss Harvard Lampoon and the edi- "Try and tell that to the between H to 71 percent of and Is now working fulltime, might be a bit too much too tors Insisted I run in the Boston property owners and tenants operating costs," Mr. Scoles Mr. Scoles said, In the out- bear," Mr. Plimpton mused. Marathon as an Initiation," who are being taxed out of said "We pay our clients side world. "Maybe another rock group. Mr. Plimpton recalled. approximately 13.JO an hour. their savings accounts," he Another is a 21-year-old Maybe I could go to the Phillip "They didn't specify where said. 'Tell that to the people The remaining funding for Inea and play chess against the I had to start, so I entered at the center comes from the woman who Is now making who are living at the poverty I7.SM a year at Ft. Mon- winner of the Karpov- the finish, right behind the level here." Board of Freeholders Korchnoi match. leader 100 yards from the fin- (IU.00O) and MMN from mouth as an accounting Mr. Zar said the rent clerk. "Or I could manage the ish tine We were heading levelling ordinance should be the state Department of MONUMENT MOVING f — The Chortle Monument, smack In the middle of "She came In here four New York Yankees. George down Commonwealth Avenue retained, but rewritten more Vocational Rehabilitation, the busy Intersection of Broadway, Bath and Norwood Avenues, In Long years ago in a wheelchair Stelnbrenner once agreed to with the crowd roaring, when clearly, and then criticized from donations sod the fun- Branch, will be the subject of discussion at a a special City Council meeting at and wafted out on ber own let me manage the Yankees, he suddenly heard the pound- the Democrats for "mis- draisers that our commit- 7:30 tonight. The monument may at last be moving out of the Intersection, but two feet," the director said. nobody Is sure where It wll I be moving to. but against Florida State. I Ing of sneakers behind him, management" of town fi- tees put on." thought It would be too much glanced over his shoulder, and nances and the Westside re- One of the center's big The key word at Mon- ot a comedown so I declined. I there I was, 90 yards away and development project. fund drives will begin at mouth Center for Vocational want to manage against the fresh as a daisy. He also accused Dr. Thanksgiving and Is geared Rehabilitation is work, its Dodgers or the Reds," he said "He had run M miles al- Arnone of having a conflict to Christmas. "Be an angel, leaders stress, and that Long Branch sifts In a proper Boston accent. ready, but he put on a desper- of Interest because the Re- buy an Angel" is the pro- philosophy is working — to The late Robert Kennedy ate sprint and crossed the fin- publican Is a trustee of the gram, and tor |1 the buyer everyone'! benefit. once said, "It I wanted to be ish line ahead ot me. Officials Red Bank Westside Re- anyone else and I didn't want wrapped us up In blankets and development Corporation. to be president, I think I'd bundled us off to the press Mr. Zar accused tke want to be George Plimpton." tent, where I explained every- Democrats of wasting tax- Oh, thank you, monumental shift thing. When an Interpreter ex- And after listening to 90 payers money on parties, minutes ot Plimpton anecdotes plained to the Korean winner and spending MO.Oat for a By BOBIN GOLDSTEIN and It Isn't going to be easy who pass the monument last night, his Brookdsle Com- that I was an imposter, he fire rescue truck "we didn't to move," he added. "You dally may not realise It, but munity College audience un- tried to pop me one - with need." Mayor O'Hern LONG BRANCH - The need a large crane to do It. the column is in tact a trib- derstood why. some justification," Mr. He said also the Red Monument Is moving — And we hope that this way RED BANK - Paul Zar, particular night when the ute to the temperance move- "James Thurber once said Plimpton said with a laugh. Bank Area Chamber of Com- maybe. they can flatten out the in- the Independent candidate mayor wu "put out" with fflfflt. that 96 percent of American tt waaat the last time merce members who don't tersection after the mon- tor mayor here, has at- some remarks Mr. Zar wu City Council will meet at It was erected by the males go to bed every night someone tried to "pop him live in Red Bank should not 7:M tonight to discuss choos- Women's Christian Tem- ument Is moved." tributed pert of his Inspira- making at a Council session. striking out the batting order one" In earnest. Mr. Plimpton be Involved In decisions tion to run for office to aa Ing an appropriate site for perance Union (WCTU) in Wnat's left for the council 'The mayor said to me. ot the New York Yankees," boxed light-heavyweight ibout bow federal money Is unlikely source: former refecatkn of the Chattle memory of Dr. Thomas G. to do now Is to find the best Mr. Plimpton said. "I'd be In- champ Archie Moore "in the spent here. If you don't Uke the way we Chattle. new home for the tem- Mayor Daniel JOHern. Monument, which now clined to agree. Interests of literature." but Mayor McKenna, who do things, why don't you run Dr. Chattle, who was the perance monument. stands right In the middle of "It's a lot easier to envision Mr. Moore was oat tor blood. spoke last, supported rent Mr. Zar, speaking at a for office?" Mr Zar city's first Board of Educa- "Maybe well be moving the tatereeetion ot Broad- yourself threading a pass "The afternoon of our control also, and pointed out Tenants Association meeting tion secretary, won election tt te City Hall, but we "So here I am," Mr. Zar way. Bath and Norwood Av- through the Green Bay Packer three-round exhibition bout, that the municipal purposes last alght, said there was one to the state senate on a tem- haven't really discussed It secondary than making love to Moore ate lunch In a Chinese City CouncU President perance platform in MM. yet," Mr. Greenspan said a starlet," he said. "And I've restaurant with writer Peter Seymour Greenspan aald The monument, aptly, is When relocation of the spent my ttte playing out the Haas, and Mass had a satanic last night that the city would equipped with a water foun- monument was being dis- moat common male day- Idea," Mr. Plimpton said. roared with laughter. Leonard Bernstein was much attar ••definitely" be taking the tain, although no pedestrian cussed In 1171, William J. dreams." "Maas told Archie I was an "Moon came out with a mere terrifying," Mr. Oh, yea. Playboy. state Department of Trans- la reeeat years has gotten Ntesen, city planning direc- The 51-year-old Plimpton, Mercouegiate boxing champ wild look on his face, hit mt Plimpton said. "Sports Is pred- "Hugh Hefner asked me to pMtatkn (DOT) up on lu dose enough to the fountain tor, bad suggested City Hall Us hair mw streaked with sil- - with a wicked left hook, with a stiff Jab and my nose icated aa errors, but musk is shoot a 'Playmate of the otter to pay for moving the to discover Bit Is operable. Park or GarfleM Park as ver, was once editor ot shifty feet and a crushing right laid down on my cheek. 1 Meatk.' and seedless te say, I graatte monument out of the "It's an obstruction to possible alternate sites Harper's and editor-in-chief of hand - who really aet the bout started to weep. Moore had Mr! Plimpton told bow an responded wttk alacrity," Mr. haniattraeettoa. traffic In a very busy in- But, In a memo to the city the Paris Review, and his easy up to take away his Cham- never been hi the ring before enraged Bernstein screamed Pnmptoa said. "My fantasy Bat the DOT has made tanacdon," Mr. Greenspan administrator, be then added urbanity betrayed a superior with anyone who WM bleeding at Wm lor destroying GusUv was always a naked girt stand- and weeping at the same time, thai atrer befaw, la WTa, and that "the existing monument •RwHCl* "Moore Jumped out, spilled Marlowe's Fifth Symphony In ing beside a horse la a the monument stayed put "Tan POT fcubaaa doing oa these sties might be In Bat his audience forgave his Wonton soup, and said If and be looked lost. Finally be London, Ontario, with his meadow, so that's the shot I carting aad other work la ceattct wttk both the theme aim for tt - and an occasional ke so much came over, propped me up and faulty play oa the triangle. set up. I spent five months ea vtoat eaaDdhi kave had to tktt intersection, and ot those two parks and the sop of haughtiness - because kffl ban!' Masa realised what whispered 'Breathe, mat, He redeemed himself two tke project. wreath with, and which toe they've indicated that while spirit ot tk« Women's Chris- at Us engaging, setf-deprecat- ke'd-doae, but ke couldn't con- rights later • Winnipeg by "You might think that's a present council wtU discuss they are working there they tian T mgstyis vtoce Moore he'd been kidding Getting hi the ring wltt atrldag tke gong perfectly at gnat Jab," he said, "bat ac- weakt cart It to whatever It was Just as hard for "My nose bleeds at the Archie Moore waa net Mr. the dtanax of Tachalkovaky's taany anyone who has done tt, location we want and put it tte for the J»- Mortag the monument •artian ot the audience to anghteat touch, and I have a «'. meet terrifying ex Fourth Symphony, and WM av wa teU you tt's a supremely •Man the somewhat frail- very sympathetic response - vttad back as a designated demaadlng teekalcal ex- "It's s very heavy thing, never acted qpoa, in MS. leokag Mr. Plimpton • the tt tt bleeds, t weep," Mr. "Playing pircasataa la the when they re- barring with a bxht-bMYY- said aa the crowd HtwYarir the symphony yam Right 14 SHREWSBURY. N J TUESOAY, OCTOBER 17.1978

1 Broncos Unhealthy Yankees fake out 9

senLOS ANGELESd (AP) - Thoue New York tYankees ,thU theree Is a seventCath game, IS-game winner Ron GiUdry aakiiahy but happy, send tender-armed Catfish Hunter of the Yaakees will oppose left-handed slnkerballer Tommy Chicago against Don Sutton tonight in the game the Los Angeles John of the Dodgers, the opposing managers announced yesterday. Dodgers mast win to keep alive the 7Sth World Series. DENVER (AP) - The Dearer Broncos, Ignited by a Button, who said he pitched well in losing Game t to ' ' After sweeping Games I, 4 and 5 In Yankee Stadium, successful take field goal play, got fourth-quarter toucbdowas Gutdry's pitching and third baseman Gralg Nettles' the defending champion Yankees crossed the continent to from Jon Keyworth and Otis Armstrong In rallying to beat the brilliant fielding, was upbeat about accepting the mound try aad aail down their 22nd World Championship by Chicago Bean M-7 last night waning either Game I or Game 7. assignment The final-period outburst, characteristic ot a team which "There's no gloomy attitude on the club," said the right- has outscorad Its opponents J7-I In that period this season, handed curvebaU specialist. "No one Is dressed In black overcame a 74 Chicago lead in a nationally televised game and nobody has made the funeral arrangements yet." dominated by defense for three quarters. Sutton said the Yanks could expect him to change Bears running back Roland Harper had given Chicago the speeds and throw to spots, a style that Hunter has used lead with a toucbdowa at 1105 of the third quarter. Quarterback since shoulder troubles and age have reduced his velocity. Bob AveUtnl, facing a buti, dumped a short pass to Harper at "The key to pitching Is to change speeds and keep the Denver M-yard line. The fullback bulled his way Into the end Bttters off balance," Sutton said Monday at a news con- none, breaking at least four tackles la completing the JJ-yard ference, also attended by Dodgers Manager Tom Lasorda scoring play. and Yankees skipper Bob Lemon. Veteran Denver quarterback Craig Morton, who replaced Hunter has made a miraculous recovery from an ailing Injured starter Craig Penroae late la the first half, got the shoulder, receiving a novel manipulation treatment June Broncos moving in the closing stages of the third quarter with 14, then rescuing the comeback Yanks by going 10-1 for the passes of 21 and IS yards to wide receiver Rick Unchurch rest of the regular season. The drive appeared stalled at the Bears' 18, aad veteran Hunter's arm hi not IN per cent and he Is Just one of kicker Jim Turner came on the field - seemingly to try a field several Yanks who are hurting as the long season draws to goal. But holder Steve Foley took the snap aad ran to his left for a dose. Catcher Thurman Munson, suffering from knee and OOINO FOR THE JUGULAR-The New York a 14-yard gain and a first down. shoulder ailments, had treatments on an ailing ankle yes- Yankees will be going for the Doagers' jugular terday, according to Lemon. Four plays later, Keyworth swept the left side from 4 yards today when the two teams meet In L.A. Dodger out for a touchdown and Denver tod 10-7 Other walking wounded who used yesterday's off day Manager Tom Lasorda defended his Infield's for medical attention were shortstop Bucky Dent and On their next series, the Broncos were aided by two pass ragged play In Game Five, saying, "This Is the interference penalties against Chicago safety Gary Fendk, and second baseman Brian Doyle, who has filled In admirably Infield that got us here.'' for Injured Willie Randolph. Lemon Indicated that first Armstrong caught a »-yard scoring toss from Morton for baseman Chris ChambUss (bad hand) probably would not Denver's second score of the quarter. play tonight, while Mickey Rivers, the hobbling center not be in the lineup, (as was the case last year when the Meanwhile, the Broncos' defense held Chicago twice on fielder, is expected to start. Yankees beat the Dodgers In six games). AU of them have fourth-down plays and survived a desperation Bears drive la the THE STARTERS—Jim "Catfish" Hunter (bot- It U a measure of the Yanks' depth that they are made big contributions to the Yanks' attack. closing seconds on another Interception by Foley. tom) will pitch for the New York Yankees today winning this World Series with several regulars in and out "When you have a hitter the caliber of Jackson and are Chicago, thanks mainly to Walter Payton's 71-yard run, had In the sixth game of the World Series, while Don of the lineup. The makeshift right side of the Infield, with still able to use those other guys, It's a big advantage," said driven to the Broncos' 1-yard line In the first half, but came up Sutton (top) will be on the mound for the Los Doyle and first baseman Jim Spencer in Game i, did not Lasorda. "If there was no DH, one of those guys wouldn't empty when Foley intercepted in the end tone. Paytoa gained Angeles Dodgers. The Yankees take a 3-2 lead hurt the Yanks at all. be playing." 157 yards on tt carries for the game, but could not prevent Into the game that will be televised from Los Sutton said the scouting report on the Yanks' reserves It the Yanks win tonight, they will be the first team in Chicago's fourth consecutive loss. Angeles at 8:30 p.m. had the tag line: "On a lot of baDclubs, they could be Series history to win four straight after losing the first two ' Denver, which boosted its record to 5-2 and pulled back Into starting." games. A Dodgers' victory would mean the borne team had a first-place tie with Oakland In the Western Division of the With Nettles playing third base In textbook fashion In won each of the games, setting up another possible first: American Football Conference, had started quickly on offense the Series, the Yanks' Infield has far outshone the Dodgers' No Series ever has ended with the home team winning behind Penrose — a seldom-used third-year pro. inner circle. every game. The Broncos gained at least S yards on their first five plays Lasorda and Sutton used the news conference yester- "It's certainly an advantage to have toe fans pulling for from scrimmage and moved Into Chicago territory. But Penroae day to defend their leaky Infield, which has committed four you Instead of against you," said Lasorda. "We have wu sacked and called for Intentional grounding on the same errors, but more Importantly, has yet to make a situation- tomorrow night's game and we're gonna win It." play, and Denver had to settle for Turner's 45-yard field goal saving play with 11:47 left In the first period. "I'm not sure of the statistics, out I think we had the The kick gave Turner sole possession of second place on the second best defense In the National League," said Lasorda. all-time NFL field goal list. He has kicked 283 field goals and "The lnflelders shouldn't be burled because of a couple of World Series Outlook trails only George Blanda, who had US. tough plays." al Penrose suffered a alight separation in his left shoulder and Nt« y or> no MI ata - s t i did not return in the second half. Nettles' spectacular play has magnified the Dodgers' Lot Anoalai 010 310 31K-1311I I 199 II Flguaroo. Cloy 111. LIMDted 151. Tldrow 171 OM Mumon; JoM, Foralar defensive problems. Los Angeles' infield had made only the (II and YfOQtr. w- John. 14. L-Flguaroo, 0-1. HRi-N«w York. JochMA (II. There wu no more scoring In the first half, despite Chica- routine plays during the first four games of the Series Lot Amain, (okar (II. LopMllll. go's drive deep Into Denver territory late In the second quarter. before collapsing Sunday In the Yanks' 12-2 rout. Naw York mm IOO-J II I Foley's Interception came when he stepped In front of Bears Loi Angalai QM IM OM-4 7 t tight end Mike Cobb and picked off the option pass from Harper, Huntat, Goiaooa (71 ond Mimaon. Hooton, FotiMi 171, Walcli III OM "All I can say is they are the same guys who helped me Yaooar W-Moatin.l-a L-Hu tarH. HR-lM AngaMa.Cm III. who bad taken a pttckout from Avelllni. get my 21 wins In 1176 and the same guys who got me In the World Series the last two years and three of the last five Ml OHO l-l • • yean," said Sutton. •-SW I man (II; Adioo Direct triumphs Another area In which the Dodgers have come out a • OHM 4 I poor second Is the designated hitter spot, the American Naw Yort •mm «» 1-4 t I FREEHOLD (AP) - Adloo Direct rushed to a neck victory League's wrinkle which Is being used In this Series. Reggie yesterday In the feature at Freehold Raceway. Jot*,, FonlaMII, Walch (I)ond Yaogar,, Grota 01; Flguaioo,TMrow 111, Jackson, with a .444 batting average, six runs batted in and LWalcl), 0-1. HR-Ua Angalai. Gesaoga Itt ) and Mumon. W-Oouoga, 14. L Driven by Jim Doberty, Adioo Direct avoided a swift early Us mere presence in clutch situations, has given the Yanks Smith (I). battle between Deakoa and Browngate Gilbert, then moved Into a major advantage over the Dodgers, who have gotten Lot AntaM III MO am— It] a three-way race In the stretch and sprinted to the wire. The three hits and one RBI from their designated hitters, Lee Naw York aw Ml ala-ll II I time for the mile 2: H Lacy and Rick Monday. II—I—, aoultnon (II, Hough 141 ond Yaogar, Oolat (71; aoottla ona m, Maoth (•). W-Mottla. 14. L—Hooton, l-f. The victor returned $12.00, $8.20 and 15.40. Tufty Girt paid Without the DH, one of the Yanks' four best outfielders 17.40 and 18.80 while Oscar Minor paid 88.40 to show. The - Rivers, Jackson, Roy White and Lou Plniella - would Naw YaflslHvnlar 1141 o*Lot Angalaa (Sutton IHI).l:Mp.n exactawao worth IUI.4*. Holy Cross is shocking, Undefeated and unranked WORCESTER, Mass. (AP) - The bowl bids aren't yet Dreams of an undefeated season abound In this central ;arriving In Nell Wheelwright's mall, but his Holy Cross football Massachusetts city. Holy Cross had an M-2 record in U37, but team is In high-powered company. the Crusaders have had an unblemished mark only once since With a three-year rebuilding program right on schedule, UN. Wheelwright says his undefeated Crusaders, with a 5-0 record, That was In HID, when the team played two games. are "Just trying to keep our feet on the ground." Since coming from Colgate, where he built powerhouses, "We came here to rebuild, figuring It would take three Wheelwright was 5-17 until this season. Holy Cross' football .years. It did," be added with a chuckle. fortunes had not been bright since before 1M. Holy Cross thrashed Army 310 on Saturday, giving the team •Its best record at this sUge since 1»55. The team wu 0-2 that year and then cancelled its last eight games because of a hepatitis outbreak traced to an infected Coupled with a J5-0 shutout of Dartmouth In the previous water supply at the practice field. igame, Holy Cross has two consecutive whitewashings for the Wheelwright's recruiting, however, has turned the record first time since 19M. upside down. There's some Holy Cross gloating about the fate of i . The turnaround from previous years is nothing short of Boston College, usually the region's best team and a Jesuit 'shocking. A year ago, Holy Cross was 0-9 before it beat f school Uke its smaller Worcester rival. Connecticut and then ended the season with a stunning upset of The BC Eagles are 0-5. -Boston College, the region's biggest team, 35-20. They haven't been nationally ranked, but the Crusaders are "Our tint group of recruits an now Juniors," says Wheel- in elite company and have seven straight victories. wright. "We have two full sets of running backs and four of Heading Into last weekend's games, there were 15 un- them have been playing since they were freshmen." defeated-untied teams In the NCAA's Division 1-A. There are The wishbone offense Is led by 5-foot-8 quarterback Peter GRID HUDDLE-State Sen. S. Thomas Gagllano, during last night's Quarterback Club at the Rum now Just a handful — Oklahoma, Arkansas, Penn State, Mary- Colombo who, the coach concedes, "Isn't a speed burner." Yet Rep., left, chats with New York Giants' Dan Runner in Sea Bright. land, Navy and Holy Cross. Ids Insertion Into the lineup coincided with the team's rise. Doornlnk, center, and New York Jets' Greg Buttle Giant, Jet stars: Thumbs down on Top9 The outspoken Buttle also said that he hopes that Injured them grow up. Are the coaches better for your child than you A recurrence of that shoulder Injury kept him out of the Jett quarterback Richard Todd doeeal return Ota yearaalees •y JONNI FALK cube? i Bay game Sunday, but be hopes to be ready to play the team makes the playoffs "He could get hart again Uke Bert "Pop Warner did not make me a better football player. AD tt t Washington this week. Jones," he said, SEA BRIGHT - Greg Buttle is one of the premier line- got me was bumps and braises. I dont think your child should Both teams are 4-4 and harboring playoff hopes. Buttle backers in the National Football League. Dan Doornlnk is one of play until Ugh school." credits the Jets' success to Walt Michaels, the head coach. Aad Buttle U an for aa extra official oa the oattkoM to the bright young running backs In that same league. Dooramk, the newly-wed New York Giants fallback, agreed "Walt has taken charge of the defense this year, and nobody watch Instant replays oa coetroveratal plays. "la the NFL, yea caacallapoaatyonuyptayyouwaatloaylettkeapkwcau How much did Pop Warner football mean to the two? Not a knows defenstre football like be does," The Jersey native said. • principle wtth Buttle but disputed that last point only the blatant thtap. This year, the offlckUa have taken away dang thing, they told members of the Quarterback Club at the 1 dhfctt play Pop Warner because there loat that mack et "Watt had bete busy with the offense before this year, and now kekaews that kusde out, too He (s absolutely the best coach I from the lame. You have to play iirnfeoaioeial tootbaU to Ram Runner here Ust night. • warn I come from fat Washington," Doorumk said. "Bet I aauentoadwkatM taaa>boet "I don't believe little Uds should play football," Buttle, the doa't think a kid should get Into eoataetthat early. Injuries can have aver seen. He has so much patience. When we make a New York Jets' aggressive linebacker, said. "There are too reefy hart hta devetopment He can rack a knee sad •aauat auotaka.hciloaan'tgMonusfortt.Helakowswemyoongand "OfOcUlsiastiMb^ruIHine.bM I ant* sure that that weald improve the effleHttag." many coaches who want kids at 8 to -kin" people. Soccer Is great cvea harm ksi growth. leased a Uklag for artificial tart to derails coordination, and soccer Is basically an athletic I^W the Jets, I couldn't believe how _ erent Let them play that. was that the Jett dfctat believe to •koedea i OM et the odd ones," he laughed. "When I was a kid (In Pop Warner), I practiced two and eaoughtoa•tart t playing. ^o» caiwai gsM euHe soodr tffoodsc * o« artlfldal tari, bet ear tart k oar half hoars a day. Now, as a pro, I practice one and onehalf of course, Is the sea ef year, we do beam la ourselves and thar>a* coatge was euHer tfcaa what I hare seen la gtefciaiiaa hoars, and tt is my profession. The coaches used to say VU You nave to believe In what you are doing; la The pros km beef abou football. The pros kDMm aWtaaVauu beef aboug I t that." someone'. Hack, I'm II yean old, and I donl even want to Ut Oa the proteoahMil football owe et the 1 •maatf taut• i tee too eflea. r- Wkea Mda safe) tkat Michaels to ttt Mat coach he has ever antes hta ate*! wta aaHtsM Blayedfer,h*wastaUa«BalMp(teTi1tonHlseoachatP«M "I'd km to know Ike coach before I'd let my kid play mot la the araoaaaaa same et »buUBatlnayeHttaaywayt . PeeWee football" the Penn State All-American added. "I doa't to bJoek the Jets haohadkat oad up with a Mate wwas Joe Paterae, the man with the wtaatofi«sercenta|t uadarstaad parents who push their kids Into things Bke thai Let •fork4oeflort SHREWSBURY, N.J TUESDAY. OCTOBER 17.197$ The [My Keatisburg rolls, but LaBarca unsatisfied

ByJIMIlNTELMANN said Lotlto "But it was a sluggish game because we The play fooled the Titan defense and Budd need Lettte hit e*d Edwards over the middle for an 11- ware piayaujo. Monday." aroaad left for end 51 yards and the touchdown. His yard gain and be followed U up with another passto UAN8BURG- Although Keaubnrg rolled to Fs«Ml«ii|i wunen of three In a row since aa ran fcr two points was stopped, however, leaving the Edwards who caught the baU oa the IS and ran It hi M easy 1M1 Shore Conference "C" Division foot- eptafcag lame setback to Green Brook, scored early acoraM. to complete a 8-yard scoring play. Ton; Saadazxo btB triumph over Manchester Towaahlp yesterday, In the Brit quarter after Craig Palmer picked off a Keanaburg came back on the following kickoff kicked the point for a IMTttaa lead with i:44 left in kMd cotch Chip LaBarca of the Titans IU not too Manchester pass and returned M to the Hawk » drtvhtg at ynrda in II plays for their second touch- the third quarter happy with the calibre of play. On the second play, Lotlto pasted 11 yards U Wlth the ball resting oa the Hawk 41, fullback Keaaaburg struck suddenly lor IU final loadv "Both clubs LaBarca were very slugg1sk,"he Ton LeBttz. A 14-yard penalty against Keansburg Bob Montague carried five straight plays to put the down aa Valle grabbed a Manchester put oa his •aid . "It Just does DO good to play a football game on the neit play put the ball back picked up a yards baO oa the II. Then Lotlto dropped bsck and hit end own B and returned it 75 yards down the left oa Monday You Just can't get up for the game. in two carries on the N, but Karl Strauch and then John Edwards In the end ION for the touchdown. A sidelines for the touchdown. A key block-by tackle Pete ttlley went the remaining distance for the "It's even worse lor Manchester," be said, pass for two point* failed. Brian Sullivan at the Keansburg 45 shook him loose. 'Be- touchdown. Lotlto passed to Mark Trapasso for the Trapaas paaaed to LeBeti for the two-point con- they bad to come a long distance." extra point Dennis Valle set up the third Keansburg touch- Oa* thing that did please LaBarca was the down late in the tint half when he Intercepted a Manchester stunned Keansburg with a quick With Keansburg reserves in the game, performance of junior quarterback Gary Lotlto who scare In the second quarter after a Titan punt rolled Hawk pass and returned It to the Manchester six. completed seven of 11 passes for 17 yards and three Manchester marched M yards for IU final touch- dead at the Hawk IT. hMcMowns. Montague picked up two yards and then Lotito down late in the game. Joe Brennan went II yards on a spinner for hit Trapaso In the corner ol the end zone for the "This Is his first year of vanity ball," LaBarca Manchester which uses a mingle wing offense. touchdown. Trapasso ran In for the two-point con- A 11-yard run by Bob Francis put the placed the baU on the Titan S5 and Hoxie Warford swept end for •aid. "And he's come along very well. Lotlto never On the following play, Brennan did the same version and a 2M Keansburg lead. 8 yards before being tackled at the one. On the next played a minute of vanity last season" thtog, but be pitched out to Dave Budd just before he A poor Manchester punt that rolled dead at the play he went over for the touchdown. GaryUuU "The offensive line gave me great protection," reached the line of scrimmage on a buck lateral. Hawk filed to the fourth Keansburg touchdown Devils, SJV Filardi a winner Pingitore Sue FUardl captured >U four events to lead Rarltan prove point High School's girls' gym- gets laurels nastics team to a M.M-7855 Shore Regional and St. John Vianney High School proved victory over Freehold Town- Most placekickers on high school teams are specialists, but they belonged with Impressive victories last week while ship,. a notable exception is Shore Regional'* Joe Pingitore, this Matawan Regional and Red Bank Regional made Important Henry Hudson Regional week's Dally Register "Offensive Player of the Weak." strides*! recapturing their former ranking in the DaUy Register topped Middletown South, Pingitore, a Junior halfback on the unbeaten Blue Devils, Top II. i In a boys meet. scored one touchdown, booted a M-yard field goal, his third of the season, and kicked four extra points to help Shore rout The Blue Devils (44), sitting atop the county at the moment, RumsonFalr Haven Regional, 310, Friday night. cut their offense loose in toppling Shore Conference "B" North FLOOR - I. Rootr Taylor (H) J.H; 1. ••«& Division rival Rumson-Pair Haven Regional, !l-a Friday night. CkrU Ottcna IH) 1.41; I SIHI Teammtng up with running back Nick Lubischer, Pingitore IMS) I.I gives the Blue Devils a solid one-two punch that has not been The Lancers (M) made short order of a hapless St. Joseph's HOUSE • I. Jock McCrM (MS) S.H; I. Icolt McRM. Tim IMS), Tim Pdb stopped this season. of Torn* River team, 18-1 to maintain the number two spot. IMS), Gory Oauaii IHI« M HID Ocean Township, number three In the Top 10 and undefeated RINGS - I. GoMott IH) 4.7; 2. Stv Also singled out for their performances this weekend were Calvin IMS) 5 J; 3. Mart Amoto IH) 4 Si John O'Brien of St. John, Lorenzo Morgan of Manasquan, Tony last week, wis banded its first loss at the hands of Manasquan, VAULTING . I. OUtUt IH) t 05. I. aylof IH) I.M; 1. Porodlto (MS) I • Jw PbgHere D'Andrea of Wall and Steve Rublno of Keyport. 1M The Spartans dropped to sixth and the Big Blue Warriors PARALLEL BAM • 1. Taylor IHI 4.S; OIKMt (HI 4«S; 1. P»tt VojiKIrk IHI «.t O'Brien scored four touchdowns on runs of M., three, 18 and moved up to fifth place. HIGH «A« . I. OpMoto IH) la. 1 oylor IH) A. 14; J. ColvM IMS) S.ii U.S. women five yards and gained 141 yards In II carries to lead unbeaten St Both the Huskies and Buccaneers crept closer to that •WM.M, Ftrtill Two. n II John to a 18-1 romp over St. Joseph's of Toms River. VAULTING I luof llo>dl l«l f.JS; 1. number one ranking with wins Saturday. Matawan squeaked by in* McKanno IK I IIS; l. Hoffman (•> 1.45 down Japan Morgan sparked Manasquan to its 114 upset of previously a spunky Mlddletown South team, M. The Bankers blanked a aSAM -1. Filer* d.a.*aMaJoafinou.*-I.44 l.FarrkaMwrroy(M)(I.Dorlilollo4-»> TIB DAILY REGISTER dletown North High School standout, upped their record to M, 1.0aailHiinia*d.DonnoL«a>nnon,*.t,14,M. 4.Hal4Mriita>ill)4I.MarySlaMioVlc4 U I TOP II while Monmouth fell to 1-1. J.a.«6tccaGo»olt>a.Ki>r.»wiMlb«r.*J.»-4. *.BarbSonotraonts>a KorhytUvlor.4 1.4 3 I Ocean Twp. (3-1, PWBOM1 U Share Reg. (M) Hammond beat Reglna Joannau to start the rout before CorolHommona««K)onHoandR*btccoGallola)(I.Su«WllwnoftdMory Mullven4v4-I. LMaUwaaReg. (S-l) second singles for Monmouth In straight sets. Monmouth also 1 aortioSoraaKHmndHaloiBrunonlBlil BgtOCmolanDCriKi Deadline Thursday Oct. 1» at S p.m. 1 led Bank teg. (J-l) I. larttu (l-l) took the fhlrd singles when Dede Phillips topped Donna I. Maaastaai (H) II. Mtuistjth Reg. (11) Lederman in three seta, but the Blues came back with victories • • Colgate D Princeton D D Vilkmovo D Rutgers • D Neptune D Middletown So. D D Middletown No. DVinebnd D GOOD WEAR D Howell D Raritan D D Colonio O Motawon Reg. D D Rumson-F.H. DMoHboro D Red Bonk Reg. LJ Monotopon a D Monmouth Reg D R.B. Corholk • WINTERIZE D Long Branch 0 Shorn Reg. D D Asbury Pork D Ocean Twp. D in your home. D lakewood O Monosquan D St. John Vionney D Holmdel a Choose Snow Tread Or Regular Tires D Horizon Creditcorp D Mater Dei D Our Lady Volley O Keonsburg D Freehold D Wt-lla tflSaterkaatfcarrWXriotn wilt let you have D Allentown D ska tut ertUtUT.swMiaaiatttln DKsYport s $3,000...$30,000 D Wall Twp. 0 Point Boro D ...or morel D St. Louis Diets D II you're a New Jersey D Washington D Giants D 2for 44 homeowner, you have been D D Houston O Pittsburgh building equity in your home D REGULAR TIRE MM That equity can be converted TIE BREAKER - Total number of points scored by all teams. D •e Sir into the cash you need for SSL- ••war Mraak Tl Is a perttcl •an Name trorx nhsil maWiJor out Subuf- Ert-14 aaus UM any worthwhile purpose osflMe snow tinj. Potyatav oord Frt-M turn tU» Address looting bead hat an sstWeeo esatiras a smooth ride - «Mi no Ing - dig torn dsap to pud you •TIM taut *w* lUrtupftiimponavenintcold- QMS tt«S City and Stata wt momtng. DeptnlaMe MM- mm M7S.U mm stas •education ply construction. Telephone • medical expenses • pay off bills Ma« or dettver to: Football Contest, The Dally Register. • home renovations One Register Plaza, Shrewsbury. N.J. 07701 by S P.M. N»w Import Cor Sh« DOUBLE BELTED TO • business Thursday Oct. 19 HGHT TREAD SQUIRM Call for a confidential fOOTBALL CONTEST RULES Tttapo consultation and information ALL ENTRIES MUST It IN AN ENVELOPE Start MM feU about our new 11%% * rSS raj (Annual Percentage Rate) loant. NO POSTCARDS ACCEPTED navMii MjaJ KM || 11S0. In Prtn MM) a* tw UcH contaalanl r» p.naHHd Crystal Broo« ProHmkHwl Bldg uateakiisaates. twath yew nevam* •Mil tin II •tome SS. Eatontowo. N J. 07724 MaVStWI HUB "•" In tat Ptaco. HOO.OO, IIKJ tewed to auaami one hanaV ptevawii SttSS Pbioa, men, M aktfechvd tacavwlpt. tntry AkoaartatoMiaMlall IW loraia rearoeueeel etee- AMMtOaw*. OaVl tMt 1 aW lncaM04ita>.alnta> ' 'Kaxfewsl by tn AN eawtea aual be te •» WigHHr oWca) by I PH. aw •yi •«Tb>ra*lay • teeny HMaatI i awaaall **W*A * aWn aaaaOTk VfHa• —miaWa sMbK Starts Hn TMshabM sasate n )Mn to CA*w:11asaiRfta>ve*Aii Horiton CndMotp is a w»««v er. R arB) •) a* earned lutwMtry tf toriion Bsncap oMao]MiiaJH>,IPiUrteteL lisa b-yeamatasslsa •a aad •» sjaa* eal» a* I SKxwIary Mortgage Act. •a,*wMo*wlbiywr"wai- Ckjmar206.PL.1870 • By parttcipaang Hi ma oonteM. the wtmw or vtnneit emweel, LANE'S INC. ornant to the use ol tiatr name, address and phc*yephln7ew MONMOUTH ST. (COWtnOFKAItLST.) RED BANK aWaasnoVor aOvwtWng pronwion ot t* conlMwanM luitiM 16 SHREWSBURY. NJ TUESDAY. OCTOBER 17.1S76 Rumson on course in NJSIAA tennis . RUMSON RuMMPiir Held* How*, HoOy Reid l,Hgkkadrart« AMk.CWr Itvta BajktMl Hlffe Schools tad Grade Fowler were *0 HOLMDEL - TIM HorneU ajrfcv UMta tun hid Ultk straight aet winners In singles the Owls from fWher •Miki play pace the at reeart at M Tat iroiblt U disposing of Kdoa lor Ow Purple Bulldog. conpetttoa la aaotker NJSUA Hornet stuck Hawks areppsd to m Valley In the third (1M). HopeweU Valley If BOW match Holmdel win play St • I. Jill Vliiaty 4. I of fee New jersey State M, •Unr** of Sovta Amboy Friday Wlili • Nfa I, Hatawaa Athletic As Rumaon fleet Princeton In for the Centnl Jersey Group I HOLM DEL • The Laacen. • playoffs yesterday the next round of competition UUe wMi the help of singles vtc hUDDLCTOWN • Naacy • Onatak mi tat Jicaitw got aft to a good star•*•"t OaaajaaMalSK. mjMt CMflavvltK J. Stafford-Smith leads Patriots if II gnk d**turtk victory of the Jerry Stafford-Smith let a try action yesterday. . streak to « meets by bi lop- •ew coarte record at Freehold In another boys meet Chris- piag Red Bank CathoUc.. IMS. MaUwandropato»-7 Towmhlp downed Ocean tian Brothers Academy ex- In a girls meet rraahoU TowatMp, »» In croat coun- tended Itm dual meet winning Township defeated Octaa Townahlp, JMJ Stafford-Smith's time waa IS: II. Ocean's Aady McHugh Lion hooters aad Dan Blsbec wan second "•t Wllllil UU »:M. 1 WMWII:S.I •> aad third, respectively. Jack •Urlt CtMUt (Ml II II. / tMn> WINS FOR RUMSON-Helde Hosch. Rumson-Folr Lawrccnt Lawreace, Doug Haven Regional'* number one player, led her team Twymaa aad Seaa O'Brien to an easy victory over Hopewell Valley In the : tame Eagles Ued for the loop top soot for A NJSIAA tennis tournament yesterday. Rumson Is la CBA la a time of MM the state defending champion. MIDDLE-TOWN • Mlddletown North Hlfh School! tocctr Spartan Laara Fyfe took *— **«•«. rtval Mlddletown SoaU, M In a match played the top spot wMh a II*) clock b» m» waa liliwid by Patrt- Falcon girls victorious The Law ant two goals ware by Pail Maggie «a a peaalty ota Klai Otaoa aad taady r BENJAMIN MOORE He* ata 1Mb) Carina, with aa aaaM tow* Kevin Hopf. Wilhstaadtey. TINTON FALLS - Monmouth Reglonhl while Madison Central goalie Julie Scott made PNaSaM Twp. flfa # High School's field hockey team overpowered nine saves. Hepf wai awarded tat third goal when a Soath piayer I Lava P>k IOI lt;4>;! PAINTS klekadtheaallbacktaUigoabewhomltatdlt Vic Torres kad >:H;I taMy Madison Central la the second half for a 44 Mlaaletewa N.rta I, NecOae II ah aavea far North while Steve Spriagtttea made 11 itopi for ) 11:41.'4. victory. Its 11th straight MIDDLETOWN - Tracy Thomas Bred n Mj_4. vatart «iu> in n »: ?. LW Adrienne Goes got the Golden Falcons on SAVE 2°°r« home an unassisted goal with seven minutes Ml The Uoas arc 1-1-2 aad the Eagles are now 1^7-1 1 DM Imim'm n •; t urn K the board In the first half with an unassisted in ail; ^^ goal. Pam Lewis then scored two goals In the font in the second half to give the Scarlet WCAIWAU SATIN Asaary Psrk I. SL late 1 WOka Fliers a tie with the Lions. ASBURY PARK • Zarth Jonrdian, with an assist from Pat , J^TSlilTJIii^r'JrT, aecoad half and Judy Madea added > third. NO* 7.99 Rtsj. (.aa UCrotx. Kored with five minutes left In the game to give the JS3>' Amy Cone got the assist on Lewis' first goal North's goal came in the first half when Mae Blsaops their fifth wla of the season SloS& I (01 Madea also assisted on Lewis' first goal and Janice Martin assisted on a Laurie Campbell 1 jjini aiiiil ("6) »:'li] I. Mlt. MrrtM Amy Cone tended gave a hand on the second WWNMOUTH BUIDNG CNTER LaCroix bad pat Asbury on top with a score In the first half ;F) !>:•>; 1. tally. Neptune goalel goalie Debbie Hart made before the Roses'Jerry Pindar scored early Ip the second haU Jalm Mdw (F) I7:»; I. MM* Alt«n (Ft UBy. 10 lives while Karen Young had three for the 777 11:14; f. Pan ar*a It Rose hat a M-IB shots advantage, but Aatary's Bob IF) I7:4>,' H. RaMrl Fyft (0117:44. Falcon goalie Kendall Gray wai not tested Knees Gomofca Mopped 17 of those shots. Tom Dempsey had 11 aavea a* the Rotes. Maaalapaa 4, tjaribtra 1 BNGUSHTOWN • The Braves got goals from Bob PricaBooe, Scott Kulik and Rich Clullo In the second half to pull away from the Mustangs. NuruJo Caccamo scored Maaalapan's first goal In the first quarter. Marlboro's lone tally came off the foot of Scott Zlerold In the fourth quarter. Rich MargoUes hid 11 saves In the nets for the Braves while Steve Rosenberg stopped a doien shots for the Mustangs. Ptty bills by phone Sports Schedule

MHB4«dl«aMM« . iwrt'i (TR11 film 1 bMxc arn aim

am* a C teuttMin jt H#V LMI Srunck 'i"ri i WollalOCMn t». }— i«

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Shrewsbury Ave. at Rt 35 FDIC Shrewsbury New Jersey's biggest bank with offices in Essex, Bergen, Morris, Psssaic, Union, Monmouth, 542-6822 Camden and Burlington Counties SHREWSBURY. N.J TUESDAY. OCTOBER 17,1878

I. AMM F*r SOI* 51 Help Wanted 51. Babysittii*/ CMMCere

SERVICE PERSON - For air condl RELIABLE PERSON — T» tit * •war and

tor two chlMron ofn f «MI 7, Mr awAta wiifi a raajhwa acka* SEWING POSITION - AvoilwN. Will a OM nhmmi —canary. A !•» - Paur. troln Applr EaSCO litduotrlol Inc , UVBM. »hiyl tar•ri n aln Shrow»Wv AM., Shrowiaury ly mi™.. cW> am 53 Domestic Help •

3. Trucks and Trailers Help Wanted conditioning and hootlnf company, top Four dov* 0 waak. four town Malt/Female L Coll MM-Stot. Han «w.toW<, previous experienced prattrrad. PI tot* Hooaiv Ptrsonntl Dt Core Facility •.talsttrtd ty.lmlrttifi •ortmwit. Boysnort Community Hot con Physical Tntropy T IALCS AMD MftVrCI - Lovtnt ftttol, 717 Mortfi iMfi St.. Holmdtl ratm TELLERS - Wlfti * months or more Car... Ma*t AM., Rtdlwt tonct. to w«rk In RM Bone HOUSEKtEPEH/CHILD CARE - LMrit Himtiiiflt ana cor. la/ n>a cnlioTm, aanTaaa I. tawr aari par •Hi. nwhMn par aav. In Laicrall. Can Ml-llat. wonted for one of Mkkfietown't leading Q-WI. The Dally Register. Shr handling .1 LIVE-IN HOUIEKEEPCt — And*. full tlmt only E Hp.rl.n(.c fi.lplul bu preferred Apply In p tomt cookMwj. UtHo Sllvoi not noc.uary Sophli1lcat*d market Federal Savings ond n\ 1344 botwtoii l:JW:lo p.m NDIVIDUAL - To rtorn outo ond Ing end training program ovqllobl. M Brood St. Eolontown gmrol flhm trod*. Company paid Modern ofllc. wilt, oil .iicntlol tacit MATURE WOMAN - To sit with etdtf - Blue Crou and Blue Itl.i Mombor ol MLS. Call Foulki y tlmt, nN*iK»s re Preilon Agency, for confidential In autrad. Coil «Hr *:». 7«.-im., FIAT mm- Four-aoor Ma tick - Pttty Offfctr Motttwwi Urivew. Foulki Prttton Agency, Situations wanted «!SN HONDA Iff! - CRI2S-M. tola dawn ART TEACHER - t.p«fle* obi. GROW WITH US In during wook If naadad TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS Can MI rm L»orn ond train with I00X broker o» Mutt hoy. throo yoort tiparlorK*. un RN - DMlrts potman (ft doctor » at WHOA ELIINORI - m Uttonce All prvaMi of real eitale or Ion thop AM tMn.flli paid. Coll flee E«perletxe Hi EKO. X-ray* Call IAC FIRESIRD - Itll Air con \lH atom, oood condl LIFE INSURANCE REPRESENT otsoclatM to our .toff 7 IIHO Coll Rao. AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC We offer o competiti WORKING LADY — Look tug f«r day ! b* ikliMMl In compute oulomoblU ATIVEStirlinSg - ThomsioOpportunitn y want|u»t knocke, youd. I structure, great office location, con do amoral hoot* dtanlng, i» . Vtrv bum •hop Flv« day work ProgrtHlv* mariiti, cr genial office atmoiphere and a fine str day, Cati 741-1141 ofttf i pan EKctltonlpay plan ••pufatton AHlv In ptnon or coll C)ret« Ctwvro MAI CO - WTJ, mint condition, mutt VCl Shb A turonct company Moking Situations Wonted " • »««.. NH or (mt oftar. Call Ufa oaontfl that wlih to we CAMASSA AGENCY TRUCK DRIVERS Gllroy. Over m* rood Sleeper team optro Male REALTORS Five ytars tiatrionct. Tonk LPN - For II MOO m , lour nlgnti 747-9292 Itnce preferred Mint moot RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST - Active opportunity ond fringe benefits E PONTIAC LEMAHS m - Air office tequlret ptrton to main opportunity employer For inte tain fllei, oniwer phon«t and tome come In to Transparsanntl. In aaato3oro5r&»% AUTO MECHANIC - First Ctou and typing. Hours • 30-4 M. Monday FrI Lint Rood, Matawon, N.J _ 57 Day Core/Nursery auy, tatafy 1100, (tart Immediately tht hours of I 30 a.m. to 4:3B p. y y School Btcly to P.O. Sox », Holmdnt. OI TRUCK DRIVERS - t »perien.ed pie h references,, Short and long WILL IAIVSIT - For Iv. yoari st bt ovtr 11. Andrt Com ond avor. Eaaarlanca*. will pkt ATTENTION IQTi •rout Uncrafl ana. MMtfl. AUTO 1OOY PAINTEK - If you are presently work- TV TECHNICIAN — EKptrtkiced prt ngiaor wook. Ooodbonotlti. Call Ing one of these futureless KIM. woitwood HOII. man, > 14 p.m Core*r position available tor STOCK CLERK rt li 3 t 11 hift W CAS STATION ATTENDANT staff RN, port lime on 3 to 11 shift. Wt For on coll duty Wrltt Box Q TV. Tht GAL/GUY FRIDAY 61 Business Auto Ront/LooM FOOD SERVICE WORKER Opportunities AND GOOFEB ETC. Typist /Terminal Optrotor Port time RARMAID - I And bring home less than It you ore occurrale ond con follow detailed InslrwcKons, will train you to SI 75 per week ttrml- WHY NOT CHANGE? brei Fvll time, 117. Also RN, two night per UN HUNDRED d "otTr.lunooal.l We have an excellent pro king condition!, opply In person, calH pleast) to otant managtr. Un gram which allows you to through Frl , 10-1 p.m Holmdel versify GrapMc Inc.. 11 Weil Ave . RotM. N.J. Er7ll g t CtH 14 Atlantic Miglilonds OHIe, ITALIAN ICE TRUCK - Good condl lion. KM firm. doulkeepe youyour rpresen present |obt ear, yen t WANTEO - DaHvarv ptrwwwul, part. M44.ll, aflor 9 p m BOOK KEEPER — Fwll chorgt. hi hart- Ings the first week. KITCHEN COMCEUION - account pprocoourtt DEDUCED FOR MANY machlnt taptrltnct - C»ac» o»r axM «M i S«ndr««vm«te: Boa pearance and willing work a minimum of WAREHOUSE - 5Full llmt, only hours. wonted SALES SHIPPING Automotive For further Information REPRESENTATIVE FOREMAN ORIVRRS - Mwtt hove but call Mr. Fields HoaHlar, tnraaaaw* N J. 1»>. 536-2223 DO YOU SPEND 80% M/F OF YOUR TIME JUST PERSON - MOONLIGHTING - Clork. to holp OC duan all utliitm Throo iiimWaj JUNK CARS^WANTEO LOOKING FOR PROS- Can min ShTf WSOWV AVt. PECTS? NEED 8 g JUNK CARS - And Iracki •«»•. CAKPET CLEANER - No uptrltnu AND ONLY n% Of your tlmt roo txMTtanct or rectnt ctJtg g nacataorv. will train. Earn u to H par Mlllng? How would you ttfce to btcomt with t.E. credtntters w(llh>g>B work STEADY WORKERS a mtmbtr of our professional sole* nexlbie haurt Excellent cor H h miW m-tlil benefit, and starting satory Please l. Autos For Sol* I. Autos f >r Sole RS WANTED up tor you? Wt ofttr yaw a now carter Send Resume with satory requirement. ICES FAIO FOR SECOND SHIFT In a dynamic, fastest growing fletd ot Earning PotoMMI To all Flrt DtttctrOht Mo thli Is not LILY stnofcc atarmsl TACT FRAME OPERATORS Division Of 43 Money To Loon $8.05 PER HOUR Opportunity to eorn large bonui during Owens III. apwrtjnofi ana ro^avoa witti iifnowopnic short training which prepares you tor a f A BY PHONE! pracoMlna arocadurn. IiaarBaca » Mint bo dapondobia, avor I ntw career Future earnings ond ond HoMdti. N.J treniaortailan and obit MAJESTIC FINANCE COKP httptul Iwl not rooulrtd Sakorv bastd promotions depend on your own ambi » HI I. hOM«. oat torMr . Lr»li GET RE-ESTABLISHED wtMlltYantrtf^lna.S<^*tsvme Han* ond CALL US TOLL FKEE Ave AHantic HtonkMHls N J 07714 LET'S TALK IT OVER - You risk noth- UP TO 41 MONTHS TO PAY ing • Coutd ooln a ntw cortar Have a (WO) ta-tm CONSTRUCTION SPECIALIST tonal Inhrvitw. coll Mr. Fltkts. WMWCJI - jgf£o/mj*r-*'» «M r-est N.J. HOMEOWNERS Hawing atMMIItaHan Pragram Wed . f a.m. ? p.m at 134-7173 MJnlmylmym nVM yoon a M ntsi maklnsj and wire wrap. Kisawt- GETTING NEW START "HOMEOWNER SPECIAL •mra coniractli M ar r Full tlmt. opply in ODD. 01 utatt moM and ponjl layout PAY OFF ALL BILLS MM Kan MalMluanrl person btwttn J-J, Tht Powr House, roaulrod. Call M-S7S7 or tand rnum UP TO M MONTHS IF QUALIFIED NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY M0 Shrewsbury Ave orotlon. n Folrvlrw SUMMER'S OVER SALESPEOPLE - Par! and Ml lino polllloni wtlti odwcotlonol firm. Llbor- START IMMEDIATELY rto Iralnlno t\ao>ornmant«a« Mini MndtrilM. Cafl naarl 100% HNANONG YARD HELP - Needed Mil Earning PotoMlol To . -*- -*• - - •jkoab^ •• I * r fc NoC<>ltaken- l lavvlW. aW*T>aj nravi S32O PER WEEK e&tjwfrj&aak."-otlllho. arotarroii. Call OT-I4H NEW START FINANCING m tie U# Apswovi HjaMeWIH 363-2700 Fall or part nrno opanlngi In Mon mouth and MI«liM» orrta Compwiv Baby.lrtlng/Chlld vrill tretntn,, mu*t havo own cor tor troni Cot nV. lonks 566-6120 or 6411 portonon and bo ovtr II. Good working SCHOOL EUS DRIVERS - Noodod Care canaWomaaabonut. UH o'Mnd toon Immodtaltly with or without iptcM I. Auto* For Sole J. Autos For Sale llconto Porttlma. Murphy tut Str- holptul. Par Intorvltw call »lc. m Rt M. MMaMtown. Ibonind Paint Stor.l 71. Merchandise CUSTOM DP. Y WALL - Tatar ana flit 739-0377 Mwr. yoar-round work For Sale contrwctor Tao Kriary NURSE'S AIDE - All num. PtrkfKt4- License ortftrrtl, but will parlancaa. Aapty at Cordon stata frotn Befktfits Included. Contoct Henry BABYSITTER - In my LHtM Sllvtr arthmtaa Wrno. u Von EracMa Rd Hudson RtgtOfMl SSchool Boor* socre home, thrtt days o wtek, lam to J li fice- tTl-OWO. pm , rtltftACts 7474VU.

ftme, your own hours W I4M otter i II JO Own mwailHIUll, rotor URSES — Dkacfar of Nurilng t. SECURITY GUARDS - Full tlmt, on CoH DIME and 114 shirts available In FrtthoW, HOUHKHPim/CHILD CMS. - ono. on port llm. »at«and« tMfts Geri 4 ytors oW. ftvt early mominai 1977 BUICK REGAL COUPE Bis PIT haar. ahnt nayo T. »IHH aoala ana 1O& More Classified L.J. OONIE car and phont Uniforms toapJIed, Own Irontporlotlontl . RRafaronctf t Stock #998 V6 - automate, P/steerlng, P/bfakes, mX^tMI tor ateieh.tnunt en Next Page P/wlndowi, air conddloned, tinted glass, tilt wheel, AM-FM, valour Interior, rear delc«r. Landau root, pin OPEKATOP.S NEEOED - Mripes, wire wheel covers, sliver blue paint, bumper DIJCO TCACHER guards. Only 26,639 miles. EnforMncod onlV YOUR PRICE 18 ONLY

PAP.TTIKE PERSON - NaMat M wnmaanmm 1975 CHtVIOin MONTE ailO COUK PACT-TIME - MaivMaal oaiilia tar counlor ana nmcoMaaaM Stock STATIO* 029N 6 WAftOoyl., N Slock »039 V8, automatic, «lr conOKIon- wort. Aaalv In ponon ol Lon, arancn P/Marlng, P/Brakw, automatic, En, P/Sla«rtng, P/Brakei P/Winoowt, WaMn»>lor. Toai. Waro AM radio, vtnyi Wartor, InM Ing, SnM dses, swivel bucket SMts. con- root acap, AhVfM, btl wheeJ, 40,432 miles, PLUMtlNC t rack, body akh molding, f ADDING MACHINES MISCELLANEOUS sMI banM moals. bumper YOUR PRICE 18 ONLY TYPEW NEATINO V TYPf OP MANSONARV - Sao- riuaiiK r-lolLlUT 14.3(4 mlM. clallilna In Uraoloca. W-Ho) orEojaant J- *tjtttrson VOUnnMOIMONL '3250! ADOERS - Tuaailtm. CakwMan. w 7411 aflar - ASPHALT SIDINt BY AND SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION TROCK 4 AUTO OF CLEAN USED CARS- Camama liaa aTVi CURSS, SIDEWALKS - Patto.. C4» RENTAL I «lla>n fc 1W4SO. SanHwa Mon- crolt work of an kkwk. ALL AT PRICES THAT ARE SCC LlHHLnwl. H7-4atf. APPLIAWCES - Hum Mamltaa.


MOVING* STORAGE Ff SOU l31.HeH»S»Sff $t)le 18 SHREWSBURY. N J TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17.1978 Nubbin 71 MwchondlM For 71. Mtrchondi.e 71. MtrchondiM UEiXO.ftlR. I AM MS6 IMAOUMi For Sale For Sal* VAN •SWOOTY JS. ... AND I HAVE AZILUON 3 LINES FOR SALE -PM» po>. ra«

tSZ&VS «'« »E»T THieTliS COMPRESSOR - s ».».. *»e*' 'All lRa«r OOLO SMAC «U0 - IbU. Ibouao wfla Mck paa. cactlMflt conolllafi REAL CONTCMTOtiAIswiwsssrV COUC- •—•H — Prin" t W 11S1 onoTT mJjBU*BO AtJENCY. GHAND PIANO 71. Merchandise n. Pet* And Livestock lOi.Aportm—t. ft --T'frT- For Salt THE DAILY •east las. US. IfcroeXc«•>•€*• ModlloMeaner Call Ml MW TWO BEAUTIFUL —' RED SANK SI RIVERSIDE «VE Retitoii living noom lofcl**. US. REFRIGERATOR - Iff cw. n , lro*l SSM ouch. REGISTER 74I41IS HAMMOND ft BALDWI fr*«. Ilk. now, IM. Whll* ov.tMr. SI" in-STBS " ERS CLASSIFIED ADS COUCH - Low* mowor, MkM, Mwtnfl PIANO AND ORGAN etRi mkror, alu* night Mend. I4S. Coll LUXURY HIGH RISE" mecMne, vloroo. bos*, knkk knack*. CENTER M Blcyclei/Mlnl Ovorkgeklae •» Navulnk River A CUIHHOUK CL«M«HCe luiloi. dr.tMri. heokceae, television. RUG AND MAT Hi 14 - DS. Raund Caremk ptarier*. nwmdili Thin* Call 4MI4M U Bofesn Av. , Eoit Division 01 AHonatrg Bikes OfWiMOltOWMOtkUllk l KooMtro PNMO MOUW Did van know BIKES - UMS. SAVE MONEY 1. (m, it. m «my, COUCH - Lawn mowof. Mkts. fl ._ .jartias af UTS, e PAINT - a to U HI • aeil nacMno. aloroo, boai. knlck knocki. We Are N.J.'S. bedroom* alerting sf 1341, II. All kind! Bain, drowort, honk ran. t.i#vlsio« Largest and Oldest CRIFICE MOVING - DlnttAf w bedroem* ilarllng el SSM, throe W «»-Mtl U aoran Avi. Eotl to i hi t ^ con umi or m mi Piano Dealer AtMtin ANDIIIOMS - IIS, IfhSBI* tftMtto, tw Maun ond HamlM. ICImasH, Sonmor dam. iS. C*Mntal «Kt, nood* CO CRAFTSMAN - Radial arm taw. 0fl« aalawlfl. Kawel, Knabo, Evofotl, Cur am wllK LADY'S W-SPEED - RaWeh RacOfl. jor ooMM. aaM UK. KKriric.. U» 3S£ « 111 Pol. la»o, til. H4+US rW. Haramsn and Playof alanoa EPok«r UMd SACS, S1H. ecu •I, BBMM, marina, AUTIOUf - Ceialro »«•!»> IMI- LARGE DISPLAY OF S. Plu*. Call 741 1B1 parking. Rants! at- •Mard, llvoeMc* DroMl entleu* wtil if* Coll MOPED BATAVUS - HSU. Gaad can- (II week. Cell Bob Ftencn Preylaclel MM KI. »I Daily-Sunday dltlon. HH. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES OaU. m Cell eflor t. MM!» G s ASBURY PARK. H.J. Iv7l> SEARS - 14 cu II koulou rolrlg Call aUsr I p.m., 171-*MI - BoawttBiavllfiit l thrse rear ANTIQUE SHOW-SALE REGISTER waR«aap t, oacollanl conaWan. 171 EMC rtmsat. TOU IW HHMI MATAWAN AHA SM41M «•» TV™ M., »•:> p.m. m dolly I to t. set. nil S 12 Swimming Pool* TOU HIE ROM MBOUTOWN AKA 471-9300 MONMgUTJH^MAI MALL Classified Ads Open Sun. neon-s RED BANK - SMIa HLANDS - tSU *a. »., $4 minimum charge MIW Mall »ld* >ko«"on oil Mroo Par We Isvek VorMy of (wnltuft. l* as low as . - - II. loyl, clock*, t •isissr SHELVES-STEEL 24' ALUMINUM ROUND POOL - Loa- IDey _ 73c '. eevormlne. coin*, ralnllne*. tv der, tutor, peel skimmer, vacuum *et. RED SANK - Only SI4S, mav* In! Al 4IGHLANOS - Bat sa. fl JII0BI. _ 67c rvMnfl *#r HHIWW Irwu ond bu II Lb. chlsrtn*. I..I kit. pool core ulllltl** Iroo, Mmlirlvfis, »tro», cell IwtfeMs outo body or repair. DM ear 2 Days (Consecutive) 41 cents IBM TYPEWRITERS 7474414 STAtE RENTALS Bkr •I row loners. par lino, por any RENTAL lll.» por m bookl.l. Inalructlsn bookl.t, hand •enthaki* utilities. Security rewired. 3 Days (Consecutive). «e ANTIOUC OAK FURNITURE fbOMd on 10-aoy Imorllon) Konl with option lo buy I •klmmor. UBS. S4JHSI RED BANK - Family mr*l Irtr 4 Days (Coneacmive) Me A/oot Isretit snd Dnsst Mkfctlon. ] aATAWAN - «1. S4, no» emcee. 51c nkum Y.lkMroek ltd Form For FAST RESULTS Iwol. M sa PI., (onol. Its aa. fl.. 5 Deys (ConSBCuBve) M Merchandise mattaariims. ImmaeMo occueoncy. 6 Days (Consecullve 47e iK. ne«1 to Hevoll Port AT LOW COST SHOWCASES SIX RED BANK - Caiy m I M ) MctAIM, ninh IT day*! Wanted bodroom, kids, pot*, tram OH, call. 7 Dayys (ive)) , «Se APARTMENT SIZE - f loctrlc » _. JEWELRY - To MHIo otMt. Worn 7474414 STATE RENTALS Bkr 8 DDays (Consecutiveive) 43c •Ml •jjrjg«l fro™, lull Hio, mopl phone an'* alomond out CNaortod rlnas. Go AAAA - LIQUIDATE UNWANTED brocoltt. plsllnum ond dlomon ...ITIOUES. JEWELRY, RUSS. FOR RED BANK - Thro, reams, ell ullll- lerkMg'. IdoaTlar In 10 Days (Consecutive)i) . 41C araDHtt. alomond *fud l m CASH. Hn. US! 0 month, IT Wollec* St.. S-7 •eurenco. Call SeMK BABY fQUIFMf NT - Cerrlegs. jwrios lowotry M INTERNATIONAL OALLERIES S4 minimum charga REGISTER 1* E. N«wman SprMa* «d. Shrswibiiry 747411 Per Line *"•"' ""gag"* JOHN MEYER - Corduroy mil. III. BUJBIRGEHS - I«M plono. sign Classified Ads novor worn, tond color, hall-prlco, 170 tOay_ 82c JFFICE SPACE - yoerveM. OKCOltaMt cenefilen. Artlne J Days (Consecutive) 7«c US. May sffsr. CliHism 542-1700 70e SNOW BLOWERS ANTIQUES - Anything old. FurnHlKO, DEO BANK - Lares unbmliM 3 Days (Consecutive) Toll Fno Iram Matawon Aroo iy now and wvt, hiy-o way plan chlno. ala**, doll*, |ow*lry, rugs. Tap nrss-raam oportmonT; ell ullllns* TH - BuMMg for 4 Days (Consecutive). 84c . LWf Sllvtf Rtpolr dtnltr. cam paw. Mary Jons RasaavstTll* ¥. ; sac 566-8100 L. Lltti*) Mvtf. Rlv»r Rd., Rumun. 141 list , 5 Days (Consecutive). BE* 6 Deys (Consecutive). . 64e ANTIQUES - OATEWAV AN RED BANK — Two ream* ond both, BANK - M Bread SI., three Tall Proo tram MMalotawn Aroo TiauES, it. M ond Homeetsed A>... •rivals entronco. Per Information, I4S S?e 7 Oeys (Consecutive). 51c ESt a&rK9es»9» Leonardo. HI-SMI. irMeiAve, -i^~ 671-9300 Lara* hrrnkd lap bar. Do 8 Days (Consecutive) - 48c BfDROdM MT - Twin, oouitoc SOFA — t', wollmt cowlltlon, light TfiiWr DWVUUMI BWi EN FURNITURE — lota one two SS-WTI, I-U am or sflfr I p.m. SEA BRIGHT - Thru room eport- 10 Days (Consecutive)- 48c DMbw •rtwtr on«J KINDLING ,WOOD ..j WALL: *. turntihoe utlllllo*. Coll otter II IS FAIREST LUMBER EM ALL?" DESKS, FILES - TaMM, ckalri, odd W>FA BEO - Really good condition, SEA BRIGHT - Thmroom opart- Immtnr 1 Sort, FAMILY PLAN RATES 741-SI ', lurnHnod utlllllo*. ne mochlnot, lypswrltort. offlc. 3 Unas — 5 Days - S3 00 SI .00 each line Available to WSffl" oavlamonl, tic. at aaraam or k.i Nrw KINDLING WOOD ja-Mie Cell ortor II p.m., •riSod AA.C DiSlTOUTLCf, I7*> SOFA - And Iwo chair*. Traditional, TWIN LIGHTS - individuals placing ads under "Merchandise For Sate" loi It. M. r aEDKOOM FURNITURm-oa E - Content i.aWaii. Larao boo*, II.S0 Items not exceeding $100 each. Items must be priced mr| walnut trials TURN YOUR DIAMONDS INTO RED BANK LUMBER tmiltd- Avoll Non-commercial ads only WEST END - Only •!«, movt Inl Big M NpamEwEi!Rsw Contract Rates on Request. *m... . J M w»»«fc^»Bai II i ill J M^m^m^^a wwb«droofn, pttt ok, oil xtrot, coll aay&rerj» " ~' cauMar lop, two window*, light fl nan cwsnlan, two ool»t.r*, olive cor in rrtjm priVtlpf OWnvfl Qnej ejffOI el8JeTo?sttVn«»lS«s, lure*. Romodollna. Moko olio ANTIQUE CLOCKS REPAIRED A 747-wu STATE RENTALS ihr. IS, It. lulls*. AmpM on site parking. durey caver, SSI. Cell HI mi JEWELRY DESIGNED. 7ft Rlvor R Unlmum ens yier kjess. Cell owner, SOFA AND CHAIR - Sill. Got dryor, Fak Hewn. NJ. I4J-US7. leitar Zlmmsrer A Son, Mi-leH or Htm PAGE MADttS KITCHEN DISPLAYS - Thro* cam 102 Houses For Rent BOX MMY SIRVKE ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - STEREO — Mognavox. Frultwood con- thrtw btdroom, Iwo-boih Conttm PICK-UP $1.50 Mf* modol. 40 watt*, AM/FM, turn- trV fiHTll4h*>dfiHl4>d.. AAvOiO l s erica*. Ses, Mom. Mil., SIM. I4MI74. I «»»omenm»» . aiim INTOM FALLS — Sycamore Pro- MAIL $3.50 Hwy. n, Haaiet. nt-lBI, / ond rvfor#nc#$ f#- -..•..j.! alialtrilotA t amjtlaaA-sbait #A 101 Apartments rt BWot*. I Bey Ay.., leplvnui epWIIlii **BJ* * ~J"•*•"•' **J LEVOLOR RIVIERA BLINDS For each box number assigned MS^SSMSZ^XM: E..I S^BBJBjTfl tjojarlj 11 I*JPH , I f * 1 I^Tfeeej 19PI BV>L~ AAA RENTAL SERVICE - Now rm- FAIR HAVEN -Coiy Rlvor Rd. ham*, (sarabure. nTM44l. Ml dally, now a In lor tononl. Fvrnlsned end unluf nl*h*d horns* end imf *• STATTRENTAts Bk?. mcls»'!'wlll nnhyk to rimoitti. TEICHER AOENCY. BE CANCELLATION NUMBER LIMA! - Pick 'ORS. SI7 Ocoeneert Avo.. Ocoon- FOR RENT Cell S4M4H Notice and Credit lor cancellation Is given only on THE USED FURNITURE CE'NTEO Near iSoot >chool*"Tvi-*!ery hovw In issuance of special km number to edvertisei when can- 117 SnrowaDury Avo., Ro,»-d *» I * . . A I Am V-4 _»_^J___ " LIVING ROOM - Solo ons Iwo ctislr Batn«, HaHJoin* and Way p\^OrTn^*4*]itv, Onv Onu tv 0 •O'MIi OOr • i 10 Wanted To Rent cellation of ad is requested Advertiser must retain number Way HaH n*pofrrri#ntt. Cwt# to tnoptMno. Htof, lor future reference THRIFT, CRAFT - AM tM fhlnoi hot wolor IncIudM In rsnTTtlartlng ol TURE — Working ). In let* •lias, N Sscand Ays., Lone Branch, No canceHations wUl be taken alter 4 p m Friday unitl 8 naff la star ol m. Sod Chu?ch U7J par month Coll »l«04 lor op- LUOOAOE - Amorlcan Tourlitor,: am Monday maWat Mntcaat, (TIARA), aluo, fHHEE-PieCE - tacflsnsl In lair callam contHflan. III4477. - Threckmonon Av... I •• TiecSvw wants eno- Pleaae check your ad the day It appears The Dally 0 on* asaysam. woll-lo-woll corpttlng, SSffSHLJnenl In hewss. Counlry MAPLE DROP-LEAF - Dining Ml ^'^'"JSd-ttS s'lSVtf HAZLET - TnreateeTeom roncn wlm ocean Ut 1IM altsr I Register cannot be responsible lor errors sfter the lirsl dey oir, ipoclou* room*, walk 10 *hopplng, kltctMn, efifittaf. of n ond 11 vino rooni. •Hlng or noar oco " • Mra I Ills Moplo ldd «mTall WMU AvallcM. lmm.dia.ty. oSMW-iaii. CaH 542-1700 to make corrections TWO HOLLYWOOD BEDS - US lor EATONTOWN - w.*l Lens Branch MBRRY WIDOW OOT MARRIED - Boih. Ono hoadboord, mattro** and bsn aroo. On*-b*droom oportmanl ilOHLAHps—Smell, fhrse-rsem cat- — Ills II Ihorl. 1)0 Melt aarlna. twin kit*. SIS, aood condition. KM Sultobl* adult*. SITS per monltl Guitar. Ilk. now, SSS. W-0Mf. Private homo In country, qutot arse. lu* utlllll**. Security roeulrse. DEADLINES ajpolnlmenl only, SeWSn). AM — Set aoKd style ads - 4 p.m. day befora K COAT - Full l*ngth, noturo TWO BRASS FIREPLACE - Scroon*. EATONTOWN - JU», l» oach. Formica top. Itolnlau IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY pubkcallon — Friday 4 pm lor Sunday publication nk Diamond Ranch, ilio 10, lou IM*. •k4 ri 131 Houses For Sale yaan OK. HW. E»«* to-IS77 •hMl *mk, SHIM, Idoal lar bar, SM 7471 Classified Display — 4 pm. two days prior to pubHcation Jv«f *lnk caWnol, llgtil oat, 17KS4, MODERN TWO-TIER - Glau IOC col CATONTOWN - Glont i FANTASTIC •ROCHURB - a — Thursday 4 pm tor Sunday publication Proof ads. loo MHO, originally K3s. Hlllng Ma £v>. Si. Rml'nglon lll'? U Uu. on. ondtel. nTcoll I7gl4» i«ril?lStr^o»iS|^AtS!" three days prior to publication Real Estate Today — Wednesdsy for Friday and Sunday publication. ING - Couch, aoM Trod C0MMCTION8 — 4 p m Monday through Thursday foi , good cooaltlon, M). Anllouo WASHER — Canvartlbl* Whirlpool, Aesncy, jra*!. mirror, anKaua.loaloj, opartmonl *l», nv. cyclo*. wot*r tom- next day 4 p.m. Friday Iw Sunday and Monday lorotofM ond water, oMc.ll.nt KEANIBURG - Doll A MINI ESTATE HIGHLANDS - Thrse roam*. lulteMe ll» 741 JTtS. " Del per monthplu* ullllll**. FOR ALL SEASONS WICKER SOFA - Wicker planters, ior# or# i.rl aCH wliti wood WEEKEND CALLS OAK DESK AND CHAIR - M.tal Illln x* bufW. llbrory taMe. ook I * cabinet. •lev. chain, miscolleneou* HIGHLANOS-ON HILL - Modem one- .EONARDO - Ono-toereem heu**, ANSWERINGSCRVICf —Alter Sp.m. Friday unIN8am KHI79; otlw 4 p.w Mdroom gorosn eeorlmonl. eylel. r** " kMchon, llvlna room, wnporch. Monday, an cats are taken by our answering service All dwitlol orso. Neor transportation(Tonuortatlon. around*, MM o mornn plu* ^Igpassa OFFICE OEIK -MM. molal and WOODEN LADDER tOCltltlOT OV0II- ads, conecttone and cancellations taken will be processed Formica, eray, txcollont condition. Sf5 H", 175. Ail in -fan. RUMSON REALTY LITTLE SILVER - Nsv. I occupancy, Monday for Tuesday's paper 7414174 MIGHLAHDS - Wottrvltw, two S42-1W4 PENTAX - ISmm SLR camora Mdroomi, flroploco, rtcrMtlon room. All eds are restricted to their proper classification and to COM, SSO, Sollgor tSmm lo JOSmm loom ITUULU DW*\ cn<- T VLvrtuin ' IN), 20 volumn, two wpplwnMti, » bof, m bottw tt4» mowHily. 1TI 5171. lJgVXJBB. SSXS the regular Dally Register style ol type. We reserve the Mm* with macro lor Pmhu tcrow Zntt olitr S p.m. wnkoayi, onytlm inlEhbortieel. SOS a rnaMk pint wtlll- »Hwy M mount, 1100. Panotonlc I!" block M Sal., Sun. nf-3171. tls*. Loose one! McurnV iseulroq. E.A. right to edit or reject any classified advertising copy. whit* TV, SSI. 7174305. ifTLvrurvu. 94 ARMSTRONG AGENCY.Roaltor, SSS All ads once called In end processed II cancelled win be ENT CONDITION - Coven, Km. Mcurlty. US Boy Avo. Coll oiler Preopotl Ay... Llttlo Sllvor. 7<1-4HI. PIANOSORGANS charged a minimum charge of $4.00 Many used trodoln*. tplnltt, contolo* 72 Garage Sales p.m. 541l7tS. uprlgnli end grond*. Moil mojor HIGHLANDS - "On Ino Hill", one- Yard Salts bodroom, *pec* lor kkh, xtro*. SDL banmeel, ceMral air. ana f URNISHING ON A per month. Guaranteed low.*! price*. ATLANTIC HIGHLAMDS - Four fwnl- 7C-W4 STATE RENTALS Bkr. i. Lew sari, m-iin. Prtnci DEATH NOTICES — Chock mo USED FURNITURE CEN on Klmboll plono*. Buy win con.ll, W«d.. Thufi., 1» o.m. Furniture), Death Notices. Cards of Thanks, In Memortam and An TER OF RED SANK. Floo hrrtturo lor ndoncewltti our Ifr-yoor port* ond lo ad* and •nttt. much more. All prlud Nal. m Shfowojufy Avo. to ttll. f7 3rd Av». rsvereery Masses (Run on the Obituary Page) 95c per Une Adam's Rib FREEHOLD MUSIC CENTER Call for Apeolnlinenl BELFORO — 14 Woodlood Av*., oft HIGHLANDS - Unfurnished cotton. Roots queMy woman's wear Mold St., Oct. M, 21, 73, 1ft S p. OapwtrrtsricFIs seeking alen. SI. Help Wanted PINBALL MACHINES — Sfcylo turnlturt, toyi, clothw, ntc JuWloo. and monv mor*. All In * In hlfctMn, ono y#of (VOIBI, $250 pltti OIHI l.BusJiies* dependeble individuate tor cotlant canaWajiT bos-SMS. SH-4HS. EA1VTO-FINO — Thr»>« fomlHe,. l Mt WM hill aod part lime tales posi- Furnltuft, dlthtt, brlc-abrac, iomi ?4^^iS °" '' POPULAR SCIENCE - "Do It you ontlqu*.. IDS Batttn Rd., Fair Haven, i« lovtly room., 2 Autos For Sale 101 Apartments tions Need eetl-motrvaled in- Mil" oncvclopaala. Ill volumoi). 15 turnotflrthouM.Thurs.,Oct. lttti. itM prtfirrto. Col! of «U10MTK MACHIHiir Cell attar s p.m., woakdaVi. anytlm 3 Trucks For Sale 102 Houses For Rent dividuals who have had ex- Sat.. Sun. 717)17] 4 Motorcycles 103 Rentals To Share PAIR HAVEN - Whltt uniform, two $ perience in selling better Crookv* .ip«ri«nc.d Individual loi KEANSBURG - Flvo-raom ooort- ^m-liM^lmtnaeMs^cUKiK,. 5 Auto Service Parts 104 Winter Rentals woman's sportswear. Con- ctwjongng mtUiimm on oawkjpmanl baby oorrloatt, aportmont oat itov», ment, two bedroom*, ua) Heal In wort, by Donouom monuujcluftng Nrm nwM kltchtn link, plut monv nwi eluded. Immsdlot* occupancy, lyk NAVESINK AREA - Tell Her 6 Auk) Rent Lease 105 Summer Rentals tact Wr Covington at pndudng OvnlM *p*cal NuVmoM '• McvrHy reajilrai. Ne calls 7 Auto Insurance i 106 Fumiahed Rooms All banorii* Conlacl Bob Won., PORTABLE WASHER — Konmoro 4 p.m., iU-aS. A 100% USH 747-1800 122 1234 WwemE YoungICo MedifeH.Y.< 8 Auto Finance 107 Nursing Homes lor an appolnlmenl laTVVfl lltvfilTH OKI, *IXCffTltml COnOITlO OARAOE SALE - Four tomlll.i KEYPORT - Colonial memdan en ms pis eteserrsa. AMdug USS, 717-ilal IHI Mm. 131 Summit Av... B.lford boy, ens eadream uuia lininT, ms end 9 Construction Equipment 108 Commercial Rentals PROVINCIAL - Living room. blu. OH Laonardvlllo Rd. 10-5 p.m. BUSINESS 10 Wanted Automotive 109 BuioVoB/Qarages •ofo. two cnom, thro* IOOIM, IW INDOOR — Perch Sal., ovory day. Stop punching the dock-It's iiOWan*dToRent lamp*, ens consols starea. oil In good HVS. W* hav. what you wont. LONG BRANCH - Coder Forsot conation, Sale. S4JCTI allsr S p.m. 14 Bexh Avs.. Leonoras not an JmnueaMe dream to REDWOOD PICNIC - Tab!., SS. JliuVJ become a highly successful HELP WANTED msM cabinet with glen. 110. Ox OCTOBER Jl, a - o o.m. to 4 p.m. mstal cabin*! wltti ahslvM, 110, Colon Maying out ol Mot.. IS Momarkil businessman. For those SE- vfj., Apt, If. CMIH MALE OR FEMALE - el dean wlltt porcelain knob*. Iw Porkwoy, cornor at Jrd and Momorlol rjK«CT RIOUS INVESTORS, part or 21 Business Services Mxl. thm. MuMhrss, 3M, ens, SSx Parkway, Atlantic Hlahlond*. Hou» tut time cfportunlty Is now Branch driver for Red Bank area. Must ono Hieing, JJ»7, ens French door hold odd* ond and*, sic. . wallto-weH cerpsv 130 Open Houses II, onoBil, t> seises, ono Colon available, for the first time, 22 Arts*. Crafts SHREWSBURY — Lawn mowsr, hard- 131 Houses For Sale hove serviceable auto, (Van or Station we otter TOP MONEY MAK- rs, blks, closnns *ucvllo*. sic. MATAWAN - Kon 132&xk*mlriit»mB Wagon preferred). Call ur*.. Frl.. Sal., (Thun., Frl.. *-4, ING LOCATIONS, and op- .. M), 7 Worth Parti Avo. Town House* REFRIGERATED DISPLAY CASE xrxszEz portunity lo expand with an 133 Income Property 'oil. Tovrrn, Foal iolo*. Sa» - Thun., Frl, Oct. It,», Sfcfit* hdi**. I Mofcor organization thai minks lor 134 Farm Property THE DAILY/SUNDAY REGISTER Av... Port Monmoum. Paffe the tujure, and has the menu- 51 Help Wanted 135CommarclBlPropeifly cammutlng.S 747404 51. Help Wonted YARD SALE — JS4 Branch Av.., Lltll* p.m., Mon. to STATE RENTALS Btr. lecturing know-how to pro- 52 Babysitting/Child Care 136 Induslrial Properly Circulation Department Sllvor. Oct. II, M. Book*, dlahst, brlc- - Thrss baaroom*. m duce the FINEST PROD- o-broc. MODERN APARTMENT - Ntor a ream, aUiIng room, flro- 53 Domestic Fte*p 137lot»er Acreage 542-4000 bnlHms to coll before A canvanlancsi tlti par UCTS ol its kind In the in- 84 SHuatlona Wanted Female 138 Mobile Homes 77 Pets And Livestock I MJ-4O7 baton » o m. or dustry today. 55 Situations Warned Male 139 Cemetery Lots Ask for Bob Me Knight PLANT NEW CONOO - Red Bert area. T«o- 56 Situations Wanted 140 Reel EatMa Wanted Advonced And Beginners b*dr..iiii, JVi bam>. tolol Ux room*, SHMTHOUK Mate/Female with nropiocs, oarage ana view. Dec. IM Winter Rentals OPPORTUNITIES DOG TRAINING 7 HOMfST •KOflTJ 57 Day Care/Nursery School Clams ova* sad Sal. aftornoon*. leTSr^ *' •""'•' "*• ImmedUls openings In Baytnoro Componton Dog Club MStUMCRNUKO WW totlowinf ArVaieji: Km*. Our company provides you 158 Boats and Accessories wUh al retail locations, than PRODUCTION HACHMHT 153 CaiTkpIrM Equipment you take over and collect the 4 Recreational Vehicles Copobla ol molchlng parti far re- money. Any necesaary train- 61 Business Opportunities IHa, SIS. Can Mljsll anytlm.. ing Is provided by us. you do 62 Mortgages OPPORTUNITIES FREE HORSE MANURE not need previous ex- 63 Money To Loan c bockground arolorrod. 3 Comanchs Or., aft Cnop.1 Hill Rd WldHslown. llrl-3?aT. perience. No need to quit 64 Money Wanted Maiot powder metal plant in Monmoutti County has your regular job until you are immediate openings in its expanding and growing opera- MECHANK s proven succees In the butJ- 115 Summer Rentals neaa. Showcase Mercnaricls- tion lor experienced key people who are sell starters on all Flnl lin p jRem] mochanlc 209 Legal Services shifts. lor our malnhnanco ISaporimonl. RED BANK — 4W-5 ipacioui roomt, Ing is the anewer and we are 210 Lost and Feund MHI bo txaartancod In moln- JutWYMfhVtM oulMlng. Call MMMS successful In every phase ol lonanco ond ropolr ol till- p.m. 211 Special Notices Ing^wckoglng and capping mo- the buatneejB. n you can at- 71MerchendiseForSale 12 Travel/Transporlsilon FORMAN/SUPERVISOR cnTnat. Catmollc bockaround pro- . . .. . ^. . . Melting and screening separation with metal processing 72 Oarage/Yard Sales 213 Instruction lora me iraaei inveBeTwra, 21- AH Oocaeaton experience. you could change your entire 73 Martina*/For Sale PUHTWOWNK lie. AOE IS NOT A FACTOR. 74 Rental Service ™*ed H6A 75 Ferm Equipment Q.C. INSPECTORS Induslrkil akiftt mafclanonco n< FACTOH'*tlY DIRECd T TH6BOFFERA- NQ MlOOLEMAN. 76 Auction Sales Metal working education - Minimum A AS. degree 77 Pe« and Livestock module opening* for Indi.ld plBn IKKHKB 78 Aircraft FURNACE TECHS IswImovifisrelpHnfeHperlsnc* 79 Swap or Exchange , n fnlatllW iMIltl efJatt COfftpOtafAwllafl 80 Bicyoles/MIni B*es Vacuum melting or heat treating background orem MwU have knewleoa. 3 It you can sW wKh the ktlsal lleti Sckeel Chemlitry. ( VALUABLE COUPON 81 Spom Equipment program using your original 82 Swimming Pools Inveatmanl and As pTOMa, we 83 CBs/Eleclrontcs PRODUCTION WORKERS poiras oan Ihow you how to gat Mo , Mustrkel akBYTmalnHnonc* re- CENTS OFF 84 Merchantfse Wanted • MELTERS aulred. our expansion program e SCREENERS / Your Next without further outlay of eBLENDERS Asstmuxs Ctatl. Don't pnxintttkaitB You may never have an cp- Experience with processing equipment — In metal work- •MwlllaMW DAIY REGISTER QASSWD AD portunlty Hke thU agMn, The Daily Register efovianiclmi By presenliog this coupon ing operation. When placing youf dasslraxl ad TOP WAQE8 (Serrjr, n* too* town* iXCCLLGNT COMPANY PAID BENEFITS 201-«71-M00 The Sunday Roister CALL MHJ VICTOR 842-5100 AD MUST BE PAID IM ADVANCE Hr.VufTjwo, METALLURGICAL LCI 542-1700 •mmMATIOMAL Call 542-1700 TMMM Mel chojcti le: The Osty Iteglster lAHtolPM ClattHtod AcMon Lint One HealHer Waa. Srirewtbury, M.J. 97711 ( 24 Hour Sonic* 117. WlMoiseiFertett SHHEWS8URY, N J TUESDAY. OCTOBER 17.1978 11

IM MeMIt Hunts -swtMpb? »»mt moaiu HOMIS - Library action is advocated ewtiinmoo - im. ia I • • li. i» OMI port, mt •y WAUSN IICHEY Robert Goodman, a resi- should be way above state should be Just as concerned awarded • bid to OwUtae ABERDEEN - A group dent of faith Lane, told the aUaoanh." with the Intellectual and cul- Equipment, be., Toms River, tauUHat «t tboeit M realdenU Council that a "modern li- Mrs Groffman said that the tural development of the com- for the purchase of • IB.MT urfltd the) Mayor and Town- brary" **• "vital to the sus- reference to "standards" mustty as it is with the de-tracter-backhoe with a "dam 141 Reol Eitote Wonted abip Council list night to id tenance of intellectual de- came from the number of vol- velopment of roads and other MAIiLT quickly In autboniing Aber- velopment'' In the community umes suggested by the Ameri- physical characteristics of the The coundl also presented deen'! half of a proposed Joint A library, be asserted, is an can Library Association. The township. Certificates of Merit to the mWkm-doUar eipaiulon and investment In the future of lo- existing library, she added, Mayor Edward E. Kauf- Don Dan Construction Com- HOUWtLLIST WITH renovation of the public 11- cal youngsters. has no room for expansion. pany for "(Mtstandlag desiga •••Atoncr man said that the Council and bniy. lUUwan Borough Is According to Mr. Goodman, Councilman Sadowski, in Matawan "agreed In princi- and construction" of Aberdeen USTINO1OC eiTTIuserl HOMES - In Plaza; to the Metropottun Ktantawrg Mlidltlawi Hulal- the other partner in the trans- the million-dollar project will asking residents to have pa- ple" that the library should be '22? I mm THE tMOCKO A0.EN action cost the average taxpayer lit tience with the Council, said expanded, but he added there Federal Savings k Loan As- •L sociation for having converted LTMUMM-IIT WITH Beverly Groffman, presi- a year. that, as much as he disliked was a question of both coun- dent of the Board of Trustees Councilman Eugene T. the rising costs Involved In de- cils' ability to finance the a gasoline station on Route H of the Aberdeen-MaUwaa Sadowsld questioned whether layed decisions, he would fa- project. Into s bank building and to Public Library, was among the the township's toM.m con- vor spending $15 per resident In other action last night, Lorraine and Allen F.Gerber, group presenting petitions In tribution to the project would for a well-thought-out project the Council Introduced an or- CUffwood Beach, for demon- favor of the proposed «-be spent best In modernizing than lit per resident for adinance establishing local wa- strating "a strong sense of civ- ic pride and responsibility" Is MWOUTOmi i. The petitions were and enlarging the current li- rushed one. ter rates at fl 55 per gallon by more than 300 resi- brary, or whether the township Another resident, urging and lowering the quarterly repairing a knocked-down JUST FOR YOU! and borough should seek a new the Coundl to act on the pro- minimum charge for water neighborhood stop sign oa HUI TWtNTIEl Accemwrits lniniiiiiw.iriM»i In appealing to the Council, site for a larger facility. posed project, said that the from the proposed |2> to $15 their own. A curfew to be ef- LOVUV mid HMJW VUT OOwVS fective Oct. M and 11 from I WYwJ. I Mrs. Groffman said that If the In referring lo a statement library was important for the The proposed rates will be governing body needed any ad- that the renovated library "extra education" of com-discussed at a public hearing pro. to I a.m. for persons 17 dUonal or more-detailed in- would "meet minimum state munity children from "cul- on Nov. I. If approved by the years old or younger was au- formaUoa about the proposal, standards," Councilman turally deprived homes." She Council, they would take effect thorized in an effort to head off she would provide It. Sadowski said, "I think that we stressed that the Council on Jan. 1. The Council Halloween vandalism. Me. SSSet***' ""•»» tBtros. M1.N0 epAT MtUltAM WHELAN 1*1 C«nd«minlumt Women's center probe asked MALTY MOW-MAI TOM TownHoum 143-7565 OS KEYPORT - Borough of Councilman Richard Volpe, Mr Volpe, seeking re-elec- ordinance, the building inspec- Property owners on both W.wMwwM •Vials said last night they who brought the matter to the tion as an independent, tor should have been after sides of the bicycle shop had would Investigate whether the Borough Council's attention charged that It was Coun- this," said Mr. Volpe objected to the variance being granted. Women's Resource and Sur-last night, said that a man had cilman Richard Bergen's re- sir. Bergen said that he vival Center Is violating zoning sponsibility to look Into the The owners of the Keyport MV stopped him In the street yes- was "N percent sure" that a 5Sv'$*5J!il ordinances by opening a terday afternoon, telling him matter. Mr Bergen Is the Yacht Club expressed concern c.o. bad not been issued to the that a residential occupant shelter lor battered women that the shelter would house Democratic candidate (or Women's Center to open the LStlTIl MA«I«A - «gr would be disturbed by social !££*** sand their children on Broad "battered women, homosex- mayor. shelter Street. uals, and drug addicts." ' "If they (the Women's Cen- (unctions at the yacht club, ter) are going to have people In other business, the coun- and James Craig, 121 First St., IHAOOW LAKI - Vtwr-oM. two. "We're going to check into Mr. Volpe said he had re- rumor that there will be people living in the place, I believe — cil unanimously voted to deny had objected to the proximity CWf ACM PLUS o^gg "m.n>4 cieived an invitation to an open housed at that location (10-11 and I'm a layman— that it's a variance to Otto and Edna of the proposed structure and MAKE ARRAHOfMtNT 1 NOW - house to be held Friday at the Braoad St.). " said Mayor Wil- not a permltteed use," said Doucha, reversing a decision to interference wtth his fami- Shelter. Ewtt liam A. Ralph, noting that the air. Bergen. by the Zoning Board of Adjust- ly's privacy, light, and air, of- ment. MJUtSSJ'BBo^O - W. *m• tower. area is zoned lor business "How did they get a c.o "The only thing that's been ficials said MELMEO AGENCY •teHft (certificate of occupancy) in a brought to my attention was an The Douchas had sought a Council members agreed 133 Income Property New jerseys HI Aberdeen ~ business zone when the place invitation to a grand opening," variance to build a residence that there were no valid spe- «UMSO« - Thru .loTum CMwnM, Complete Marine Center 7 cial reasons (or the granting o( owVoVbawl iwafftlwfcwi *wkau*)i — —— i — j I, li is being used for a dwelling " M he added over their bicycle shop at 117 ••" "»•!•' i»wiw»i f n^M* •vnv^ra nmiliT HBO tANK-IHCOMOME PHOfiKTV - Itotlont or advertisements tor employ- ram. In M In UMm. Irt bolm,TIM IM iui mmm igrartmMitt,tt . rovtly on placed by or on behalf ol the ton asked Mr. Volpe. "It it's against the zoning First St. a use variance. gpirw) wV. m roa! and iWtng oroo. ompw kiin, walkrrw # Monet tracfor, state thai all ouollftod appli- SUM. Mr. mnu ohs M tMtf M Uf 100 Coll cants will rectlvt consideration for »V». www Qfltr S p.m..nutM employment without regard lo age, Discount race, crotd, color, national origin, on ceslfv. marital status or sen. 1M. Commercial 137 LoU&Acrtagt C. Tht contractor or subcontractor whtrt applicable), will send to each Rentals ATTINTION SUILDIM - Trwrt Hw looo* union or representative of work about II loll; city wattf. low lanlna ers with which he has a collective No rooa M build Coll HAROLD LIN bargaining agreement or other con County planners stress FLAGSHIP MARINE Municipal Marino tailn trod or understanding, a notice, to be 21,000 eq H (1 Sow 9,000 AHantk Mlghlonoi provided by the agency contracting of FAIR HAVEN - IIZHM In NtW EtW- eafc;lToor 12,000 eq It) laM villa* titttlna •!> Folr HOVOO 2»1 5400 ar'i ropftstnfallve ot the contractor's Mg*te loadta, ra*owdsid Rood Cloortd. ItvtT land. OfJM. Ei- comrnfnmtnt under this oct and shall tlwilvi wlrn Conturov II CaMM Afltn- poll coptti of rot notkf In conipkwou. Ing. private parking tk con*- cy )II-»H. THUNDERBIRO FORMULA »rt" IT77 places available to employers and ap ruottc - Ill VI Mire Crulitr, In- pllconts for emptoynwit. boord/owrboard, cuddy cabin with Bids must bt accompanied by a FEED THE DUCKS - On your Mrgo hood, uwpolod, MWHr top. mooring need for bigger airport lo*. Wttar* thl flUilna II groat. Lot our certified check, cashiers check or bid Mlwir «r ywri, IvsTlfy (ho booirty on c*vor, winter itorogo covor. lc»i than bond lor 10% of the total amount ol the 747-1100 ono of tkati M< Ml on tnli culao lot • hom. Ilk* Ml, v«y toil. HI 1711. bid. Tht successful bidder will bt re »<» troyi. til KOI mtik quired to furnish satisfactory Surety By BARBARA KATELL freeholders to conclude the Monmouth Airport is one of private (lying facilities. oWtr « p.m. Bond. In tlatulory form. In the fun WINTER TARPS - Moil HIM In amount of the contract. Proposals airport should remain a three existing airports in the It Is the largest and best tKxt Tht laatmoni Snop must be enclosed In a sealed envelope Rod •«•«, 741Pw). wtth tho bidders nome ond addreu ond FREEHOLD - Monmouth privately-owned commercial county. The other two provide equipped airport, with two the designotton ot tht material/ HI vice bid noted on the outside ot the County needs improved and airport. only private flying facilities. paved runways, and It Is lo- IM Recreational envelope. The right li reserved to rt expanded general aviation fa- And one, Colts Neck Airport, is cated on 750 acres, most of Make It Yourselfl |ect any ond all bids, to Increase or Vehicles decrease Quontllles to be p«if chased, or cilities, according to the coun- Mr. Larrison also said the scheduled to close in the near which is undeveloped and of- to waive any Informalities In tht bids RV VEHICLE INSURANCE ond at ty Planning Board's proposed county has made no attempt to future. fers excellent potential for ex- celved _. SHIP COUNCIL. Transportation Development insure that Monmouth is not pansion of the airport and de- converted to some other use in Quick 'n' Thrifty! DOROTHY T.IANOHI Plan, which was made public Monmouth Airport provides velopment of an Industrial PURCHASING AGENT the future. Mr. Larrison said TOWNSHIP OF ABERDEEN yesterday. scheduled flights lo Washing- park, the Planning Board pro- AOV: 10/10/70 that to do so might infringe on ton, Boston and New York as posed transportation plan con- Oct. 17 U9.40 The proposed county trans- SPECIAL portation plan notes that Mon- the rights of the owner. well as charter service and cludes NOIUl S IS 2M Middletown mouth Airport in Wall Town- NOTICE TO IIDDIP.. ship "is the logical choice to ilO Lost*Found Separate sealed bids for ttw follow Ing will bt received by the MKMIetown meet such a need provided Oa aotMOitM diHtrwt thas I OST - CKI 7. Mocli mok Tot*y col Township Board of Education at the that It can be improved, either Shrewsbury acts to solve With faint aroy llrlpos. white nou. Administration Building, Sf Tlndall jraar—cradttt clwmini trims! cMn, nock and hind lij. In K.yporl Rood, Mlddlctown, NX up to 11:00 as a public or a private facil- E*acytndy will comment on MOKjwon oroo. II »0«n, pltOM coll am i prtvalltng lime. Wednesday, Oc tobtr 15th, |tn. ity, to all weather standards these ttirifty trims. Thq're tun, 104 rw or wm I Two Main tenonct Vehicles LOST — 14 month oW block and brown loor-cost qyicrrcroclvet ol scraps I. Files ond Cabinets. with an Instrument Landing Shootnord. anlworl to norm ol Lolly, | Molnlonanct Lumber Supplies right oor flops, brown collar. drainage ditch problems of bedspread cotton, rut yam. System." KOOWwrg log plu* Human. SaclMy Inm nitfi iteains, bends. Pat- log, la«t Han ot 7 p.m. In tho oroo or Public Lows of 1»7J. The report further notes SHREWSBURY - Two Assemblyman, In turn, had pointed out the hazards of the tern ISO: direction) I trims. SpecifIcolloni ond forms far bid ding may be secured at me Off tee of me that the airport has been rec- months after Nancy Lee of called In the state's district drainage ditch to cyclists, par- LOST — Ftx tom« llflrtt, from StMjth SI., Secretary. Sf Tlndall Rood, Mid ommended (or expansion and ticularly children, who are fre- Rtd Rook orta, young malt cat, orongt die town. NJ. mm. North Park Avenue demanded engineer to have a look. wtiti wtilit morfclnu «n ltt» »»d wnc»tf Paul W. Bennett public control by many agen- Mrs. Manson said that the quently forced off the road by moth, Anyont wlttS Inlormotion pltOM Secretory that Borough Council do some- Oct. IT UN cies, including the Tri-State JIM lor each pattern Add Oil 747-Wt. - thing about the hazardous bi- state engineer thought the passing vehicles. 4&f each pattern for first-class LOST - Oivt poif ol reading OMIUM Regional Planning Com- cycling conditions along area might qualify for repair Charles B. Van Benschoten, mm buHVffly on lent, Reword. 239 Rtd Bank mmiil and handling Saul TK Coll 47I-4SS* mission and an engineering Sycamore Avenue, specifically funds under a Federal pro- the Monmouth County Engi- LOST — Fivt-fnonttt*td SI. ••rnard, HOTICI consulting firm hired by the gram to eliminate roadside neer, is now preparing a report mining Irom Ml Short ConcoufM, E TAKE NOTICE that the near the Little Silver border, Cllltweod etoocti, on Sol Rtword rd of Aa||ustmenl of the county. the Council reported last night hazards. of all the findings so far for Borough of Rd Bonk ol a meeting held October 11,1*71 approved tht applica- The report states that the that "at least the wheels are In A study completed by Mr. Harry Larrison, Director of LOST - Ort. Oct. t«fi. •» Amiflcon tion ol Robert Jk. Patterson ond .61 850 Lumber, Mtddlvtown. Big mala. Kathleen Patterson for a variance arguments for public own- motion" toward a resolution of Purdum called for piping and the Board of Freeholders, ac- ilflp»la1, wlm whtta fact and from tht front lint and minimum ership of the airport include filling 750 feet of the drainage cording to Mrs. Manson. Tke Dotty Reai,i.r Wt*or<. W-43M offr * p.m. •Quart tool reoulremvnli for the con the problem. LOST - On Pel. II. m HI. structlon ol a dwelling on Lol M Block insuring its permanent avail- Council President Dorothy ditch along the most critical In other action last night, fVvOOtv*^ Salt pTOgOjOnt ISHiOM rniHtO Mt on tht Tax Mop, Newman Springs Shophcwod. mostly tan wtth brown ond Road. The Resolution approving the ability "A private owner at B. Manson said that both 1,500-foot section, although a Coundl introduced an amend- •M 111, OM OMtHI SU., *« Won, HM tokilo , hoi cha»tr wlrh same has been filed In the office of fht Tut IV 10011. frint DIM, AMOcMAMKMtM Human. tocMy tag. chll Board or any time might decide to aban- Mayor Anthony Bruno and second county engineer said ment to its code exempting Met**, Op, Patten Hurt*. oVtn or. *Mertbrokm. good rtward don an airport or convert it toSpencer W. Purdum of the that all 1,500 feet should be municipal vehicles from the NEW F0« 1979! H£EDLECItAfT REWARD — Par wttttt gala diamond other uses," the report states. county's Engineering Depart- piped and a third could see no four-ton weight limit imposed CATAIOG-Hundrtds ol beauti- k) dtantr ring. No « " Other reasons for public own- ment had met with As- reason why the ditches could on trucks using White Road. ful Hiints to main! 3 Iret Sonrlnofttal valu*. i 242 Shrewsbury Borough ership are Its eligibility for fed- semblyman Walter J. Kozloski not remain the way they are. Little Silver's Council has patterns inside Send 7M eral aid, assurance of safe and ill Special Notices LiflAL NOTICI concerning the deep ditches Mrs. Lee, one of many bicy- introduced an ordinance set- The regutor monthly meeting of adequate operation on a per- clists who use the heavily trav- ting the same weight limit on I WILL NO LONGER - •• roiponUW. Shrewsbu- viBoro Board of Educo along the northern edge of kr gut «JM| ttntr M tnoooTncyrroJ manent basis, and develop- Sycamore Avenue and that the eled road, has repeatedlv White Road. by mywlt. Clarlio Thompwn, 1 South Ttm«t:8,TI^i$8!Zt fHok St. HteMoiwII. Auditorium ot the Shrewsbury Boro ment ot the full potential of the School. facility the transportation plan 144 Tlntoti Foils J44 Tlnton Foils 144 Tlnlen Foils Phychlc Clairvoyant Dominic J. Acerro School Business Administrator states. New Romantic Shrewsbury Boro (Uord of Education Over the weekend, before MObrtPkKt Shrewsbury. N.J WTtt the Planning Board's proposed Oct. t7 un »oftthe)l*4.dov of October \*n at transportation development *"*Hr ejetatbtd tends plan was released, Freeholder SoM MMda wtll be s«M to make She om..- ot mwnlctftl Uom chorataott L_ t on the JIM i 243 Shrewsbury Oecomber, n/t. tacluslvo, howtotr. of NitIton (or Tom m the yoar mo as computed in tot tollowsm li Director Harry Larrison Jr. IIUJMOII tntiiosl on fid amount to tut dote ol to*itoejethet r wtth cost ol tat* Pro,ipeft> will be Mid a* pweirtc Township sucKpersoi-* e« will pur chase tht S4 reatH-ytion at the lowest rait s ruled out the possibility of the fwelveoercontperew-wnllTX, This sate 1ft mode under She provision of Article 4, Chapter I, Tltlt U of tht Revised Statues of New Jersey If SHIM county acquiring Monmouth "" d "Salt of Root Property to Enforce Liens." and acts ipppltmontory thereto and amendatory thereof »e satd londs to be sold and the names of persons o»>omsf whohom soliowVo»esr-3vd tones havet been kiltain on accounoccevntl of eochpoeoch poce. ( Men it's row hour to skine, A PUBL__UKC HEARING ON REVENL _ Airport in the foreseeable may not bt the present owners of the pr •atrty. make the most of it in a roman- SHARING ON NOVEMBER M, lt?l future. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT lUtXterdeew 3 1:00 P.M. THIS PUBLIC HEARING T9 Clinton Ptoct "•** tic tMrtdnW witti a skirt that's ON REVENUE SHARING ON NO- 00 Clinton Place ii»#» e HOTKI TO •iOOIR•iOOIS VEMBER m*J, TfTl at I rfP.M . This Mr. Larrison said esca- hdrtd to enhance the softness. NOTICE li norofty glvon that lt SHv«n A venve 1T0.M rofty glvon th f U Steven Avenv* IIM ggoM iniUHll will bo rocolvod by that woft scheduled tor October tfth* lating costs of acquiring the MM dtllvSryor by U.S. Moll, ml tfTO A spectal Meeting to be h*M on airport, the desire of the owner 11 Stt.en Avwwt ^.ChtLr. Hit mam •mil to ttw TowntlwpVurchoiJno Novemctf lelh im at 7:30PM tar tht • tfh T Sim I 10, 12, 14, It, 18 adoption on the usage ol Revenue Shor to keep operating the facility Sin 12 (bent 34) takes 3 1/1 W. Clurwy. Mayor as a private airport, and op- 60*M ATTEST:AnneCS. position by residents to any county takeover had led the SBtWSfX* m Coin Week at Celts NedT lavraMorrit Sat. US» tar aactijatam. Cory »74 Mwnwt O. MwM M.*Klar aad aaaaralaj Public n*ttct HI of the TownsMp of C Seat1*


jtaj I* aw nuwunn ••a—-> .Wri^M^StrSsi^SHlSz • aSiwel ISVwwaS iO awjwaejfct • ejaaaaa, aaajfj jTSSWai SH OCCWOnCv wBH Srlt •at iMlaiatlM •*• IkSaSM eaafltk* OaajeaaW aM aaaaafeaM aao MraS gaasfl aame. eaaeavll) FUHKmS-Ti>SEW CATMJOC HM M in* MM* gt HM mil^im ~^mm»^~ak^^J •IJ a^SghaaS-iMSi. 8ft 9U IS? •*

' Oct. II.KSl, Hav. I 20 SHREWSBURY. N.J TUESDAY. OCTOBER 17.1978 Freehold Today Ntt Pact. laLtSJat M Lard Rattui (Gowar Jr.) .... 3-1 nJuimi Aabe Quintan I Kelly) ... 71 PCPaaMarlLamma) a Mil MUM t-1 (Daacari II LMatnPotMMUy) iMJM t-l wl) ..4-1 Porion OraBM (Paqwel) 1M II Snake Start Vicar IMailenoMt).. .. n Lute MMar iGrauol ...t-l iMOauwnja tfjatatCllMDrrean . Ill Eternal Mtatiiir (Folcol . l-t Evergreen Tarn (Ctlaianll) ... MVI M: Patt. IM. U.M. 1:M .. 1S-I Twrnari Quaan IScarr) 91 Betty B Butler IBuflerl ... ill Mori Rom«o (Scarps) RM1S4I7W Craot (import) DaMI Patrick IPraclnel .4-1 •Ma: Pact. I M, 11.Ma CM 0n« And All (Kaltyl IB1.N ted Tm.1M.ll.>M MlmMo Jock. (BraanaHan) II Kay Gent (Banacoraal Widow Du« (Moktorl I *o Matty D*M (Turcanal Omaha Star (Vltelll! .. U •MM Botnao. HngroiUal T> Mtaa Vkamat (Oaaarty) ttamaatratcli Eva (O. FlUon) Ill Oaa Cren (Luchente) laaa ta» II PMtnl Ha: Paca, I M, SL4N. 1:14.3 Cuatan atuogrou ntwueill 111 My Boy Mike (Morrtil .... 4 1 Ruillc ZepKyr (H Flllonl UlltUI Oatre AuavMue (DaDartvl Bill! Jody IParoWl) Our Tlpo Cheu " aoyihorf Lulu IKelleyl iMleO .night (Kelly) ..s-i «uum iiKtliy) .'.'.'.' 4-1 aeoctwoit IRI110I lat . m (Kelly) M Blllian Lchlflh (Cognwi) EaoOallUJM •aterl IH ran Trie* ISovordl M Argo Tommy ILtmleua) ... n MHCi. I M, M.M, I:M. km,I Ml Knee Panti I Ingroulol n .. 10 1 Aoioo Direct NlOUwrlyl . II Ml Mi 44 M:Mn.lM.«IJtH Miadin Laplrlera (Doherty) . IS-! Tuny Girl (Rlmiol 7 i«I.M FallaHaal ICanoeluttl M Millar Klllaaa IGollaaJiar) Oicor Minor (Aronel H 40 taaniMndiiicMivi t-1 Miaoaa Ship lauualT) Freehold Results ••acMMiin« Fraaer Civtn (M«Ual 4-1 Phantom WIndiweFt (Torpel m pace. iM.n.m. i:« nn: Paca. I M, S3.3M, 1:M.3 Micun Prince OMWII 41 tw Pace. IM.lMtt.CMI t Cicero Honk IJohnionl 19 to 14 001 DO Pouloi Clipper ItaMochlnol . t «S M4 » KnlfM T T«>UM«MII(CM*I 11-1 Time JOO (Kellellyy) fl Bruce IDokevltrJil 1140 4 10 King Abbot (•rewattanl 4.M ] » P-hrer Circle Fl» (PleaMI It I May Geranlmc IHerMgl . 3.40 Mo|or Speed IK Mo Jr 1 |Jjg LUUWIGWII IIC.IKtl » 1 Tricky Boron IDdncarl TlHutt 4-1-317il fa F w Mia [Bcimatianl »l Bronte IScorpo) •at: Pact. IM.II.fM, 1 Ml Boron Wolly iMomana) IMCM 1-1 MS.M «a: fact. I M. ll.m. Chm. LCH ICamptni) 4M4001M im Face. IM.U.7M. I:U KMWtaraa* l««i,> Jl Blue Braafc (Morris) Beau Yaakaa lEnamni 1 M 300 SunrolKellayl 3001MMO ' ' (BrianaHaa) 4-1 Win Fajma utatnaana).. Trifle llnaraaUal 140 Goal teat) N (C Sloainolo.n IMorkil l.M 1.40 k (Apical f-t ••tcklium Hello Kofhy (Balola) 1.49 Zarra J (Kttlr) $-1 taa Pace. 1 M U,M», c M: Pact. I M, u.tM. 1 Ml waOeAaaalKlna Jr.) „ 4-1 atohlln Sh/la(Compbelll Jeff K Ing IMCGM) 7.M4IO30O liacta II 111.M JaMMCMalll. FllUnl 4-1 Our DIHy IKtnq Jr.I LW EmlBelotal IK lit I Itk pact, 1 M, II .m. 1:04.3 Marald Haaawtr (Bavael Jr.) in • IIUHIINTurcotlel Typhoon IGantl 3.B3 wlontyDonalStomtierryl 4»]401H Maarar IParaaarl) II1 fmplre Chnlor ID Flllon) •atcta M IS M Lima Klkl (Kino Jr.l ] 00 1 40 ak:*aahlM.a.Ma,CM|. Brendon INo Driven a»: Pan,lM,HIM i ui Snapper Soup (Starlord) l.M Uai Tkaa IDOMTIVI II Berkihlre Skipper IMoronot Sunny streak I Comaen) MM 1000440 Trltecta III IW 71 Muter taaMk-at IDaCamaWI M MtwHanry T (Gognan) Somi Molnty IBeoctiyl 7MS40 3JJ7T ttnMi Kit IH. Flllon) f 3 Irtoot (Pallia) PA Smooch (Kelly) 3.30 HaMto Meadowlands tonight

O'Uro (117) Bracckgu IM Nicken nisi No Bay 4-1 4 PUR Meadowlands Century GoM 1117) tea Bay 4-1 Fontull Boy (IIS) Kotenko II Sllkkjdy 1114) Solomone FtorcHol (1171 K Coetnda in Tilly Hill (117) Thornburo II Beaver Klvar 11040 Mlia Results Salnt'i Turn (119) Salamana 10 I American Trader HIS) Kurd IS I Emlhonlo (104) Voiquei SholooenoGroyhoundlllSIS Mople 111 Cotty WompulIllS) MacBem 15-1 L.II Bit o Melody 11 III Mile M:CloM,lyiaap,l4.Ml,IPur Yaro 1114) Baker s-l Shore Polrol (1IJ) MacBem II I Favorite Tune 1113) Thomat TMMoanChOr(Mlie) II Ml 40 4 00 Clovli (W7) Blum It-I Noudt (115) Solomone 4-1 Loyal Ana (IliMcCauley Gorton (AIMrtll 4 M 4.10 HeMeeiPallllOILae 4-1 I'vi Gotlt All (III) lonelll 30-1 Trltnlum (114) Aimoiien PllltajailfnuiM (Corrocclo) 3.40 UB: Pant (II4B3, Clmt IM.m - IIMta, I Ardent John (117) MocBem S-l fth Fune IH.JM, MAIDEN, 3 VO a led: Cloit. lee •«•,»,»•, I Far. YOFILLIIS, Thou Fool (lit) J.Coitn'da II IN J.I.I PUR taerauM lAjmuaeonl nuoioleO I PUR 7I»: Purie tt.M, CHM. lll.SM III.SM, 1 Apache Conqutlt 11191 Mouorei StrtM Hat) (BhMt)).. 17.10 100 Submlialon (111) Baker 4-1 VO.IPUR Remarkable Fred (Ml) Thomas Mar* fcnait (Lee) 3.43 MM PolllflcatelllOIThanvn II Stokeiyfloy I1H) Bracclole 4-1 Cloulcolly Polled 11091 Telroult MtyDoaaleiltiaa] Outer vayooa (III) Parrat b I Goodbye Folk! nil) Milt ft 1 Chomplon Jana 1114) DINIcala Sulla Sue (1141 Srocclole 3 " 11151 J.caun'do S-l Tilly Jo 1104) Blum Andreo'l Aniwer (111) Amonte 10 Roln Circle (III) Grter 10 I Shanty toCoitlt 1119) Adami •ttarve !4aBve iMacBoWI.... 9W4.lil.4t TIM mi) Miia Vtar Attock (119) D'Amlco 12 1 Foil Shone (III) No Bay., Sir Golllnmlor IMarttml 1411 40 p.urn'1 PromlM I1H0S Maple II Jaunty Jet I lost Flauaroa II loll at Accordant (III) A " BlondOlttlnctlve lAreltono) l.M attt: Pane IM4M allawance. 1 VO ond HI, Inlirpld Courier (104) Rodr'91 51 Choi Doyll III Cerdo, Alwoyi Alert (lit) lanelll 4-1 4JB: CM.,l>aaaa.UJM.IPar. )MoM7tVHDI Coudolow (MSI S. Maria IM m: Pant 111 JM, emit. «MJJM - IIMM, 1 IMAiniailMlranaa) votaaiat.PtM, Jl'l Flaoiure IBIuml 1.311.40 M 1: AM., I re A ap, IM I/la, 111Mt Anthony Trellope ICordaro Jr.) to come to one of the greatest ; 4 41 ito 1 to CMM Clipper iThamat) I Jit 3 to Cyn Way lAdomi) 7.M day* in Monmouth County's year • aadaMUlM Ma Ah..,lyat>a,in.lM, T.V. Sportier (Perret) 41.00 I7.409.H The Race Meet Mr LlncrafllBrocclalaJr.l ArMacntlc King (Modi i JO 9M:Cka«,Ire<.U4tt.lFar this Saturday, Oct. 21 on the estate of All World (arouaoordl 4 00 1401 40 Cotlonon Tunnel (MecBath) 4 00 1 00 JaMny Tarhaal lArellonol 100 the late Amory L. Haskell in Middletown TrMcla nvi IIU M »MU7I held for the benefit of local charities.

la): Parta li.Mt, CMt iMtt VOtMa*. Five thrilling country horse races. I PUB. Two Trlmi (111) Aimuioen Aethelu Jane (114) Kuril Jumps, steeplechase, flat, food tent, MIM Boti Doll (IIS) Thomai. BaWaBamMnadltlPranaitl.... Jatt'NCKarMllitlwIlaan picnic area, pony rides, clam bar. Cape Diamond (111) ON led Quaan Boor (111) Mite Flying Holiday 111!) K Gorgeous, old-world day MoryDB. HBICaMei Gates open 11:00 AM First Race 2:30 GoMen DMc 1111) Balancaurt Hilajin (111) ThDmoa No wait to get your car into entrance My OKI Judy (114) Parrot Jin (t»Prwcaae dill Thomoi Llflta Pooch (111) Perrat this year. Have new, faster system. Sa>on Gold (III) SoMmone Mia O'Plaen nil) Ortar Plum Foot Cornle (111) D. Nled 3rd: Pana IMAM, cunt. lli,M4 - SIMM, 3 General admission $5 YO. I PUD Wat Hot (1141 Kumti Ta Amerlco (Ml) Dodrlguei Children under 12 Title Bcrtln 1119) tonelll *-t OraanGlow 1119) S. Mapla 3-1 Bull Meodow (111) Baker t-1 admitted free Nainaav Mlliich nil) Batoncaurt 11-1 Goodnlgtit Special 11*)) Blum 1-1 UB: Pant (R4MM , CMf. U.3M - IMtt, 3 . tMa 1/11 Gam wood 1 Ball 1117117)) MocBem 11 Dot the TUB) Blum NFL Standings

W L T Pel. I>P PA Mtoml 3 11 .714 149 IBS H*wEno(and 5 1 t .714 MB 110 N.V. J.t> 4 1 I 171 149 IM Baltlmor* 3 S t .134 Its IM Buffo lo I S • JM 131 171 Ctatral 7 t t I 3 t 4 3 t 17 0 ill .714 117 to 3 10 .714 143 IB) 1 4 0 419 141 179 Thtj proceeds from this day go to: Mlddlatown Fire Co., Diasa I s • win id Oceanport Fire Co., Naveslnk Fire Company, MCOSS Mon- MS City 1 I t .143 Itt 171 mouth County Bov and Girl Scouts, the 3 Monmouth Countv YMCA's, Monmouth Medical Neo Natal Care, Rumson and Fair t 1 0 .151 141 Haven Public Health Nursing, Rivervlew Hospital, Salvation 5 I I J14UI 4 1 I 571 IM Army, and the Woman's Auxiliary Marlboro pnllodaH«lo 4 1 I .571 133 SI. uouli 0 7 0 MO U CaMral Green Boy I 1 t .157 171 (Mcat» I 4 0 .419 111 14 1 3 4 1 1 t • LoiAnoekl fit l.Mt IS II faoM Alkmto 3 4 0 419 K II! New Orlaom 3 4 I .439 135 151 1 H $ SonFranclKO 1 It .143 94 IW ^ATAWP GBOttt ADMB90N 5°° O*Wt» UNDit 12 Rffl Denver 14, Chicaao 7 CMcogootTomaoBoyiP-m. TAX DtDUCTHLt - ALL MOCfffM Tt) tOCAi, CHAMTttt Cincinnati at Buffalo. I p.m. AUomlai New Cnawnd, 1 p.m. on a large selection m \ (MtmMikutmoH St.Loutl at New York Jeti, 1 p.m WaoMngton at No* York GlonH, I in leathern, auedea, I INTMNCI p.m. mimmadeu. Current sport, PnltatftlpMa at Dollei, 1 p.m. PAMQNG Son Dleoo at Detroit, 3p.m. drew looks! Shown, three from Groan Boy otMlnnoioto, 1p.m. Ctovatand at Konaoi City. 1p.m. the group. AtlcMo ol San FroncJKa. 4p.m. DanvaratBanlmara,4p.m. OoHdndotSaattla.4pm. A. Reg. MM western-! N«aOrltamatLMAitaatt>.4p.m. F»\0M Herzog, KC B. Ktg. «9.99 Dtraigtu dressy in brown ie talk it over ~ *« HlU rST C. Reg. 54 M drew-lw KANSAS CITY, Ho. (AP) — IUUHU City Royals man- or brown leather, 43.90. tflef Whltey Henog and gener- al minager Joe Burke bad a "Cvrttal" talk yettenUy at Boyab Hacnum, and Burke •a ^AWWO tj>iyiHOUpCT> aatd be expected an answer MllVESlMat llWr ^^ lH0rl§ BuMlaCI •son from Henog on whether be would accept the team's one-year contract offer. Hemg, who has led the *< team to three consecutive American League West Alexanders Fashion Sh OhrWaa tttiet - only to be taped each time by the New York Yankees la the league playoff, - bad Miter been RED BANK critical of tbr timing of Ike Una's offer, whlcfc didn't MONMOUTH MALL-EATOMTOWN, N.J.