'DJtsoddo dsqnsowauoqluorE prreDa.raalnd'dsqns oopunu T '(DSouISnspspwDLrr^) sorJcdsqnso,,'\l tlllt\\ DttD^ g'optwlt g.'suaJSatl|pueDfisnd'ouuac'ddsqns 'suuqns 'ourocrstods 'osstwalaotd '(Daiqdrod Dtsn7uoqnsg 7 g g pue sumrr,rrld) sarcedsqns o,rl qlr,lt J'r1t1rJ?.ltldg '(suaJof-tr n pse oll[qdoaeoqd) sarcadsqnsor'l tllrt* o11&qdouaoqdg 'opunlt.t8tu g'DtuaLlJsarJnuE'D.arqdourypa fl'sqoryaw fl'Dloa]nl g'Dpt^ n'D KqdolsryX 'Dt!o{tpqaq g'slsuednqbua^u dsqnsttanpnS g'(otaJo.tdnrpreDsuap)selcedsqns o,n1q1r,n zslap g 'Dtodst.tr g'Dlou^t1c n'(upaltQod puersoiltrlrr) sercadsqnso,n1q1r,n rsolldzJ A'DJJa D'dsqns DaDutlJD.tofl'otrpqD to.rseun luu or.llroJ clcq poqulscpserredsqns puu sercedsArou Joqlo

'{uBr crJrcadsol potE^ole eleq nxpt .roJscuruu ,rcu ,{iusscf,cLrc.ru (,{1c1u1g o.utw{xo sttr'DJunpal g =) reddoH ry ro{ooJg 'Je^ oprtop[ 7 pue ('q)uag DtoltldouDpu.t DJunpat g =).reddog ry :elooJ1DaDaqJon A ,{Io{BIS 'Gf DlstiSuDqnsr?,i DJtolpd.r .loJ uorluurquoc .rcu s sr JcddoH T Je{oolg (dlo{glg) olsnSuoqns g ',{tclulg 'n 'sasuapuowsaO ? Lrxptp,trNstsuapuout^trp sorJedselSrns erp.;o Surlsrsuor seuesqnspue '(1uu: crlrcedso1 pcsr?i e.roq sraqto eerql puu pcqr:csop,4y,tr.cu or? qJrq,r Jo 0Z) scrJcds,Z EursuduroJ 'azLundsl^a7 sxttosqus- aDLu.tadsua'js rossn4f,pJnfl ur pcqsrlqulscclc sorJesqns,rou o.\{J

'qJlucscrurnrjeqroq pJBpuels puu'csnoqssqE cql ur pcsrsrsBurlpees 'serpnls plcrJuo pcspq sr uorsrAcJ srql 'rent]qrS,Ju pat g t'lsl\fttlx-^sn popnlJur flsnorAJ:d srclluru uouuoc 'fl)lcl;pl.:uqntq '(dlo1,r:lgoopup/r\sntdtlrrrg) lsro^cspuu'(uoprut{ Ltaup.toS 3ur)tulscql urnBelrq,rro 'lloqlncqr'd oopuu,,'lSurcnpo.rd-,{cuoq p uu :c(1urr1 luulodtur cq1cpnlcur puB uErltrISnVurolso.&\ oqlJo scoltlrrupuu slclllrru 'soc.rldunru csuduo t aow.tadsuaT crtrT posrAer sr ort?r'1snv uJclsod! ur Jrruopuo '(I66I) 11uscrccds gglo scr:cslcurlsrp ,(l1ucrur oLtoxel c'aDLutadst ta1 sortcssuldtlntng 6SI-I :(I)S 'ullsJtsnV ?rsf ,(nN urq so16ur (oucceg.{1,r,1- uxptctrN)Dwrads^aTsouos sn (pcnn) sorJcdspclllspu? '.rcddo11pue DJunpa.tA' oopu Dtt4.rr/r/,{/irJrtJouorsr^cl3r ruouoxol V q ucqdclg H I'tr{'ta{oorg


'oorruuPrl 9909 "rlDltsnv rrrls.li\ I9 Yog o d '.4u.:) rtr[cs.t{ cJrtplri\Aurr|r]snv ru.tsry' lu3(u.3euBr\tpuB'I puI, uonrN.suo3 Jo tucrxusd.( z '€jrcquEJ '009I 'OdtSJ 'urnuEqrrH l09Z trroti.r.r.J I"lrdEJ uDrt"rlsnv xo{ O d tluorllN uerrerlsnV r

'H "reddo116 ueqdel5prru rre{oorg I'I I

BllsJtsnv uralsaM u! (aeaJe ,{I{ - uapw\N aDuradsutaTsaltas snldtlncng) 'DJunparg 'oopunL salJadspalllB puB sntdqDJng lo uoJsl^al JlruouoxBl y

(r66r)68r-r ,(rs "'sr{nN NuyrsiaVol.8, No. I (1991)


atractiveness Theeucalypts of WesternAustralia are renowned for boththeir diversity and their in colourtreatments asornamentai;arden and street hees. Their popular appeal is reflected 1979; gi;inunu-;"tof recentbooks(e'g. Kelly 1969,1t78; Chippendale 19?3;Wrigley andFagg ilolliclay andWatton 1980; Elliot andJones 1986; Brooker and Kleinig 1990)'

eucalypts Despitethe burgeoning popular literature devoted to them,many Western Australian insufficient are diff]cult to iclentify.Because of the existenceof many undescribedtaxa and work andmany knowledgeof morphologicalvariation in somegroups, most availableteys fail to Chippendale Lotanicaidescriptionsare inadequate (e.g' Blackall and Grieve 1954; Blakely 1965; and the isi:, rsss). This applieseuen ior sonri of the mostcommon mallees of the wheatbelt goldfields.

of the C.A. Gardner,{he Governmcnt Botanist from 1928to 1960,proposed a full treatment volumewas State'seucalypts in thesecond volume of theFlora of WesternAustralia However'this neverpublished.Aseriesofleaf]etsonwesternAuStralialleucalyptswaspublishedbyGardnerfrom butthe lg51-ig66. Thesewere subsequcntly published posthumously in bookform (Gardner1979), work coveredless than half tnespecies now knownin theflora and provided no keysor iaxonomic overview.

PryorandJohnson(1971)andChippenclale(1988)mademajorcontributionsi|rheatmentsofall eucaliptsthen known, placing named Westem Australian taxa in a broadertaxonomic context' However,bothworks are now considerably outdated as they omit many recently recognisedWestern Ausiraliansperics (cf. Brookerand Kleinig 1990)'

wehavecompletedtaxonomic research on manywestem Australian eucalypts ovel thepasttwo 1978; decades(Brooker 1g12, 1973, 1g14, 1976,1979, 1981, 1986' 1988; Brooker and Blaxell 1989; Brookerand Done 1986;Brooker and Edgecombe 1986; Brooker and Hopper 1982' 1986' Hopper1982).

we arecurrently aware of the existcnceof over 100undescribed taxa in westeln Austlalian eucalyptS.Thosenottreatedherewillbedescriberlinforthcomingpublicationsbyourselves,by f. Craytingand Brooker, or by L.A.S. Johnsonand colleagues of the New SouthWales National tterbariumle.g.Johnson andHill 1991;Hill andJohnson1991). Many ofthese undescribed taxa were illustratedin the recentlypublished field guideof Brookerand Kleinig (1990)'

The major unresolvedtaxonomic problems in westem Austlalian eucalyptsa.re found in " Symphyoiyrtul',the largestinformal subgenus of hyor andJohnson (1971), and to which theseries and tiriiptr^a, belongs. @rom hereoninformal taxa of Pryor and Johnsonand of Johnson colleagues(e.g. Johirson and Hill 1991),not formallypublished under the rules of theIntemational is Code of BotanicalNomenclatule, are refened to within invertedcommas.) This subgenus chalacterisedbytwoopelcula(|heouterofwhichinmostspeciesdehiscesearlyinbuddevelopment more andleaves apersistentnecrotic scarat thejunction ofthe inneroperculum and the ), thantwo veiticalrows of ovulesper placenta, unbranched axillary inflorescences, or if apparently comooundand terminal then the anthers are adnate. 'palsralro (orzrpr.4 rtr"q ruo(l'pnq u^1or8ltnJ trF"a ut ts€elt"'rurod eql'aqnl 'tprruor -y,{ter eqlrJ"qiaroLupuuBuotsr rrr^r1'Sururqs'snorruuor rlrH^\E urntnrrrdo:t"3upultfc aqnt-xtlBr :?uotqrur Boq€ 'p.8pa o^\1'p"u"u"Usatronprd'parrdotIZI-9'Ae[rx€roI alpl rtaqun:(rnolor luaralrp eJourSr€uleqlpue qup(uaql) $prs 'otEullunru 'a]BIoeruRI'al"uralle 'priu ',{qqruqs,, qtoq uo snornEIS i tollad € olul pardojl?u1?rqe Itnbrul l9q^\auos se^eal

:s,$olloJsB ue^rB sr l€ur8uo oqllo (8I61) ueprel,qdq peqsrlqnduon?lsuer1 V

's9u0s ,rurouoxsla,t.rlf,rnlsrp uol Suriuoyeqsu uorlruSoce::rcq1 puc rxel snouEAeql Jo luerulee4 luanbosqns 'g eql SuueprsuocuitlNr Drtnpa.t jo enSololordaq1 uodn 1p'rp ol lnJesnsr l[ pue uoqueluocur 'ocurs lcq,rourosuooq seq ou.ros Jo snte1s eqI poqsrJqnduoo qe^e\DJunp g Joserleuu,r pue serceds pelclerIuro^eS tt8I rlr.,cBuclssreld octuBld,, s, uuBurqo-I ur reneq3S dq poqsgqnd.sum'arwadsb.aT 'ns swd(1otngoqlut senadspeumu lsrg aql'nunpaJsntdtlDtng ocunpatglo anSoplotdaq1


'(066I'1, l, rcddoH)B.roljl pcrcAucpuA pcr?lJcC Jo tsll s,clstSeql uo tueus:u1drraql Eurpnlcur 'sc,rrlsrllurlucueSnuctu puB uouu^JcsuoJ olslrllJBJ ol scruBuoJrnbor pw'elqDreuln,r ro peroSuepuc 'ejl]r 'tL6I eq,{f,Luuxrl pcqlr3scpuncsoql Jo roqunue oslv (886I olepuoddrqJ:I16I uosuqoJ pu?lo,{Jd:996I .(lc{eJg:St6I rcupr?g)sroqlnn snor^crd ,{q scrcods c^rJ u?ql croru ou ol pqnqrr € uorq pnqlnql [xEl pcqu3scpunJo,{uJls clqelrcuo] ? urc'luocol pcsruSoJoJ,rou sr lr osngJoqpu€ 'sercods '(s:clceruqc lucuodtrr .{lleJrurouoJc sureluoc 1r pnqpuu pcas .{q fllnrcsdso) ,{lJsorSoloqdloru pcquJsun3jrc.{1ruclcsr ll 'op8Jops re^o pclclduoj cq plnoJ s,{o^rnsplcq e,rrsueqorduroc croq,rerlullsnv ulclso,r-qlnos ol 3ruropucsr 1rcsn?Jcq uorsr^or roJ uosoqss?,r sorJosaqJ

'(sror.lto pre D$nSuDqISg'Dptultt 1'DllttldouaDqdg'Dpt^DL[ n'DaDuLlcoto g 8t'JpnltuoJcq) Jeneqos D3unpatg suol px.r.lo.lcJ,{lsnorAard soollnru uoruruoJ lf,]o^os puD (uoprBJ,'{ r.{rrp.rz3 g)1e11euenlq '(oopuoft 'llcqlecq,r n) wrfl a1rq,tro oopue,nBurpntsur uorprlsnVuJctsold oql Jo saalpu pu?scoll '( u^\orlIJscqoqt Jo curos srrr 0fLroJ soucs slqJ I l,6I uosuqolpu? ro^Jd.. aD)unpaU,,sel.Jas snJdtlDJtrfl 'atoH lsrnJoJrrr=) tnprcl,NaDLu.ladst\al $uxs sn4tpJna'Jo uorsr^crIlnJ E o{suopun o,r

'(I66I IlrH pueuosuqol),?ptDpuuv,,puc (,,sarq pS,, =),{lo{el8 aDJ.toluoJ'txsg puB'(686 [ roddoHpuu JaIooJg) IoddoHZ' rc{ooJgsrirrFrU ros A'(086IueCpu? 'QzDuDtuuDwqa1')cs'a'( '616I rrBS)reJ s 4'JJ0J t 86I r0)oorg)rali]]rgsa,ll,fl^o l3s g'(gg6l Je).oorg',,aDpunJaoll,,=)qluiLa1DtltuuoJ ras n uo s].ro,rpoqsrTqnd ,(tsnor,lord ur peldopesu,tr. qceo:ddusrq; Ic^olsoucsqns Jo souos oql lB sorpnls,{reuorsr,ter f,q epeureq osleIIr^\ suo[nquluoJ '(/86I '986I 't86I luBrrJruSrslcqt roprsuor o,r'ourrl €rrss aql tV lr.,asa6rpB.I) slddtBJouour eql '(€86 urqlr,nsdnorS lo pnB t scurldunHpw saSrpE-I),,?Jcuc8qns,,lddprne IIe go serpnls ur peldopz ',{Jrnbuo ,tlluoJorrlJeoJddp pJuelunu pell?lopoql .{q uow8qso^ur8ur^rosop Jo splegSurSualpqc ol? sor.rospu? suorl3ososeql Jo rrollnlo^apuu sdrqsuorlele:eqJ (116I) uosuqolpuB rofud dq seuJs0t prresuorlJcs , ur,{lpurloJurpocEld cro,r,,snuaEqns,, srrllJo sJaquelu u?{prlsnv tlJelso,lv!

'slarql)u?lLsa "qluJg '\anIN'gDtpupJJow o{ g purez,xJnlryntdDrtal !, xc fl'rm)T ueJ otDLnwnatuoJ t'uuurpeals T, ,{leltzlgDUuDpo\.tg' looHDdrDcorJowg' VluxgDrsaDlg'A'e 's.ro,\\oU 'A) InJJnolo33S.IBIqlr,r slstueuuulou,rou)l -lla,r du?urpuu'(.(1a1e1g ooprr,1.r oopu?.r'(J( .g) '(uaptetrq '( 'd t)lDydarorldwoS ;run1 ra1tol1u3g) aftug lt'olle. llantr^l lol octs.taqpswdtpcng) urel sBsee-rl Jeqrr-Ill uplpIlsnv rrJelsoldluErodurr,(ylecrurouoJe qrns sepnlJur, ,snufuuottldu^S,,

a"erE!,4m - uapret{,rlarads tvt s.uas s tdqDrng'raddoH O uaqdars2y re{oorg HII/{ NuytsiaVol. 8, No. I (1991)

IninteriordistrictsbetweenKingoeorge,ssoundandYofk,inthemonthofoctoberwilhneaflyadultbuds(tlertr.Preiss. and 24?' see-FiSure 96); in grav€llysterile land on the hill No.234); Februaryand March wrtx youngi"at Ol"t Z+S 95)' K;;;;;;p, "*.t"p"Riche' fruitins in November(No 232' seeFigure

Ashrubafathomhigh'branchletsangled,withthepetioleandlhemarginandtheriboftheleavesr€ddish-yellow.Theleaves Uuicontinuouswilh it andthe same length, an inch long)' 3_4inches long,6_ l2lin", U.o"O.C"ry*+oo""i*itt it'" faicet ofthe :-celled Fruitsumbellate' oblong-clavate' with the measuringabout 3 linesin treua*, opercor"uiri-i ii'i"s long'cupsule " valveserec!' touching the mouth of thecalyx{ube pdicel 6-?lines long, above 21, lines broact' t[rncate; included'

arelikely to be involved'particulady With hindsight,it is not hardto infer thatseveral entities "between localityas King rvnenine .peciJ, is basedon four syntypes'three with such.animprec^ise informationgiven concernsthe C"org";, Sou"Oand York". fne onty Oistinctiuemorphological "redunco" Wereferto theseobservations "ulro"*fy"-i.of operculumwith thetip (i'e'iumeddown)' below.

Sllbsequent|reatmentsofE.reduncaandthediscoveryofrelatedspecies.Bentham(1867)gave whilerefering to oldfield and considerableattent ion to E. redunca.He begansomewhat obscurely- "tn form' a shrubor smallree with Maxwell collections(i'e. not thetypes) by s'tating, ttreoriginal "Shrubby" "shrub" for the Preisstype a smoothwhite bar*" when the i,oiotogoe states and to wandoo'yet he separatelydistinguished this in collections.The treetbrm seemsto be ana'ilusion "large yat. he describedas a tree". ii, i"ilr*i,,g list of va,rietiesas E . redunca e/arawhich

var' melanophloiaBenth' Two morevaricties were published by Bentham,namely' E redunca "Leaves more prominentlyveined' - which is diagnoseclby larger-a (i'e than 3-4 inches.long)' bark"' andE reduncavar' Murchisonaird SouttrHutt rivers, small tree with smoothblack protologueof whichTurczanin-ow angustifolia,A sytrorymfor E. xanthonenaTnrcz'(1847) in the "w. is a Drummondspecimen ("3rd gi""., ,i," "'itt"ri,ru iocality of Australia"' However'this Riche(Erickson 1969)' The collection")and must have been collected between Bolgart and Cape distinctive'e'g' Ieaves o.GinuiO.r.tiption ofE xanthonemaincludes features that are leasonably ..narrow-linearlanceolate,',peduncles finally..very much deflected',,..Filaments remarkablefortheir "habitussingularis". Deflected reddishorange colour", and the quiteambiguoui but unqualified speciesas we know it and are not evidentin the tvpe ;;;;;;;t ar"enot a characteristicof this specimens.

Bentham,splacemelltofE.reduncainhiscomprehensiveclassificationisofnosignificance gto Eucalyptusseies N ormnles today,other tha; hisrecognition of thespecies as be6ngin thelarye of theNoflMl esinto Benth.which is diagnosedby characteristicsofthe stamens' Thefurtherdivision Muell E asperaF'Muetl" a subseriesto includ eE.reduncawilh E. patensBenth.,E.diversicolorF. " to Pryorand Johnson andE. phoeticea1.Muell., each belonging to a clifferentsubgenus according (1971)indicates the heterogeneity of this subseries(ftclzsae)'

by the 1870smust have Mueller'slater ftcatment (1879) of E. '"edunca cortibnted little to what E mntho,nema-wil\ beena groupofspecies frequently encountered in thefiekl' Muellersynonymised wandoo)which colld be E. redunca andreferredto E. redunca pincipally as a tree (presumably observationthat the reducedto sh b tbrm overconstderabl; stret;hes of"poor ground"' Mueller's whitecolourationoftho..balkcomesoff...... onfriction''probablydoesnotrefertowandoobutmost in thearea where wandoo would l\kelyto E . acc edensw. v . Fitzg., the dom inant powder-bark species lroqs .{lJ^rtul.r sq1- ,{1c1u1gaDsowno se\tes sudQoJnE Ltr sfuapuowsap g pccctd flcTulg 'ssuapuowsap .!I pLwD)rlrlpat gjo drqsuo4rlcr csolc eq1Sunr:eruor reupreg;o elonb s.,{1e1e1g punueprrl,,q clrdsc6 slucurclrJlnururBls eqlJo uorxauurlcrt:ud oql pu?.,spnqpcduqs-uroq,, aql ere sor:oss.,{1a1e1g ro1 srsouSBrpcql ul scrnlucglttu:tltu8ts eq1 f,luot:d seq qctq \ aDundsaaT sel.J.as 'aoJnu.roJqng 'zr^ 'seues s td|lD)trg s,ucpfuJr'\lol oruereJer lnoq:J^\ scrtossntdf,pcnA Jltuouox?l clc.rJsrp? olur scrjads lm^clor cql Jo rcqunu e dno:? ol :oqlne lsrrJ oql s?.,|{(lg6t) ftslets

'([Z6I) s]aqnrcJo uofetrJlsslrlo slq ul pal?erl sD,^( peu:acuocscrccds cqlJocuoN sSurlpeesJouortf,JrJrssslJ srtl ut pcpnlxurloxem ssuapuousap fl pue DwauoLlltlDxg ..aDpastguorsl^rp ?,, leurolut e8rul xr\'lur uaupnS A p[e Dpp're^ 'DJuttp 'I 'cauonbcs 'suopel,{loJ otunpal n ).r poJutdcq uor e scpue .,pelJasrq,,cql zi{'snuc8cqluI 'uonu3lJrss[[3 scrccds,{uuur ol uoururoJrolauJllqJ B ol ccucututo:do.teB (196I ) uopIuI,{ JalB[3 uI

'q3neso.r srqJo .3nlssrqlloscrJJdso,rtcscrltJopcos,rnsaqt[ql.{lclrluns!l!(tz6 l pol]oltoJlsrJ) s!suapuowsapg 'uoll?rrJlsselJ pu?(ZZ6l pclJollo3 1ssr1)r.tau p.toS g 1osuorldu3sep [uurBuo ur uc.t r3 s1n1cp oql uoj{ l[lnll]ucurrclrorrqJJrtsouSurpSuollsc-(IU6I/,l, puotoq:Zl6I rc)toorg)snucS cql utcnbtun urrol ',{3o1our pooso lco,lor nlrol lruorsuourp-7ur o1pcpnllc ,{1ca.!lDlucl fluo'srclf,nmqJ oscql l€ql u,lnoqs o^l]qptno,r pJcscsJql qtrm.{)r:ur1ru.tt1c]o] I durnldpus qlootus',,rrln3rqrool ole^o,,dlprluossc o.rnpJJS cql luql solrJrpurscuJs^ oql .rcJuorldrrrsop cq; 4s suasD)unp|.r'flJo peos^lBs dlFnlJo 'A 'scrJcds oq luql .{1c1r1trnst Y tol )^uasoruttpa"r clSursoqt pccnldcq qctqn ut sctccdssnidflzrzg .fospccs oql Jo uortnJr.lrssul,slq tryam.u.radsytal sotscs sndqDinn tylpolciro uoprshl'9Z6I uI

'odroqlsuclcg ruou puou;scq uo.rg fluo 'sc^col ';^nocnnlS'lcpucls 'A u,1oux lrrql qlr.^dqnJqs osonxoU e .{lqclousn^! lr lP\l PUEDJanpal ,,o1 csolo^lc^,, su,r sctcods oq l lnql rcuprcC V JJo sclonbscpnlcul onSololord ctll stsuapuowsap'A 'uorssn3srp srql ot lutl^clcr scrcods.,'rou Joqlous poqlrJscp (9Z6l) ,{lolutq puu uople]^[

'ttcpty1,t1 'luolxo sua3u14soU lollBru u,rorqJo lBql ouros 'pctqucsoj 'u^roJq ol ruu.l cql tDql3ur.{ns su polorb s?,14rcuprtrg VJ (pg arn8rd) ,,luo8uulss f,Je^ ' 'lli:r.ns,, 'oopu?,{\ -rca.uso1 ,(e r8-rc,r.Is scWU u rql ur palBcllroJcpqJrq,^A lruq cql roJalqulou oslP s?,,!\ 1I ruo{ tr pJln.rcdcs.{lrpuoJ lnrll c8rrloj rlsrnlqflaureJtxo rll t/{ lelle]Ule'uaup.rD8 ir su tZ6I uI uopIEII ,{q pcqrJJsopst..\\ .rts sua:'DJunpa.rl01 peln1c:dlesolc cq ot lcptsuoJ ,,'{ou3,^\ qctq,tr setceds y

'(^\oleq ccs) cscqt uo posBq.qe rrp^ .trsue qsrlqnd o1s]?.t! (t€6I) dle{Blg ',,Drunpat g ol clqulelaJ,, uoeq elpq,{uu qolq,tr pJoJslnux pu? urpJcpunJ ruor; su:utt:ads ol pJ.ueJet eq 'suossoJ 'luotxolsls lso8rp etuBsoql uI luerc]Jrp loJ ,{lquqoJdlnq uorslJopslq qlIA JnJuoJcd\ slql ap?uequoq,rs?,r ocunpat g loldatuoJ s.ucprctrAllBq,,!\utauer lou aJeeL' I{8rLoq|le(munpat Jp-A) 'rel?d'JcIJrql,, DJanpat A oJ$EJluoJur..sc^uol olcloeJu?l aIBJI€J €roui sllJo slseqeql uo luer cr;neds o1Dwau oqtuDr n pe]0$)r puB DllotusnquD m^ DJunpa| A Jo ldoJuor slq posr^oJueplq I'(€Z6I) 'pa^Jnc'3uo1 rc1e1 ,,ulncredoelEurLUnoe ,&oA dra,r,,sql ,{q,{lcSJBIposuelc?.l"Wetlqaulrl'o4ltaLro 'm^ 'uorlrppu 'r4o1qdoao1au 'DJDq Dranp n, paqsllqnd eq uI pue n11o{psn8uo sm^ DcunparA 'exel coJqteql pu" , tuupat g postu?oceJeq e r'tueu]l"erl s.ueqluog ps,\\olloJ(8I6I) uepl"l I

'f:ep,r,r.od ']I?d ,{pqfrls aq uBJ lpuorl€N rnonscl pasodo.rde\l Lrr'Idruexe roJ'(Dan^fid 'dsqnsaopr.r,{ !,) oopuu.^\lsouluroqUou cqlJo IrBq eqJ eBue11Buqlreqeql'3'c'luepunquuaaqa,req

'raddoH rrcrwf!,,I - uapr"trr,t,rlz radshzj sauassndqDrt C u.qd.rs ?t raloorg HItt{ Nuylsia Vol. 8, No. 1 (1991)

operculumofE. desmondensismay haveobscured its naturalaffinity withE. red.uncq.seed, znd cotyledonsdo not supportBlakely's assignmentof E. desmond,ensis(Brooker 1972),but these characterswere not refencdto by him in the series'digest.

Blately describedone new variety,E.redunca var. subangusta,based on specimensfrom cunderdinand Knutsford which Maiden (1918) had refenecl to typicalE. redu.nca.E. red.uncayar. elatawas raised to spccies,iz. E. wandoo.

Gardner(1945), in a commenkryon thespecies concept in Eucalyptus,gayeprominence to the difficulty of definingspecies in theE. reduncagrotp. without resolvingthi taxonomicproblems, he highlightedthe varianlsof bothE. wqndooand E. gardneri Ihatocatr awayfrom rhelocalities whcretlpical formsoccur, and tentatively suggested that all relovanttaxa be placed in thoone sDccies (E.reduncal.

Pryor(1962), discussing the series con ceptin E uc alyptus, ernphasiscd the value of thccotyrcdon shapein broadlyindicating natural atfinities. He recognised that a largenumber of spccies,inciuding thoseof Bl:rkely'sz ucalyptus saries Subcor t ae,hndincommonbisccted coryledons. and rhushe concurredwith theconcept of Maidcn(1931).

Pryor ( _ andJohnson 1971) largely follow B lakcryin thcir informar"Eucaryptus scrics Red.uncae" butcorrected Blakcly's anomalous placemcnt of E. tlesmond,ensis.This species was included "E. in lhe scriesbut in a monotypicsubserics, subsericsDesnorrl ensinae" . Thcycxpressed som e doubt ^bolttE. xanthonemdand statcd rhat it requiredfurth.' investigation.They aniicipatcd subspccies yus sfatusfor E. redunca subangustaand, melanophloia. E. reduncq var, oxymitrawas givcn informallyas a synonymofE. gardneri,as wassuggested earlier by Gardncr(1945).

pryor chippendale(1973, 1988) Iargely followcd andJohnson's rreatmcnr of lhc seriesbut rcinstatedMaiden's name Eucalyptus ser. Levispernae. E. redunca vars s ubengustuand melanophloia weresynonymised by chippcndalc(1988) under c. retluncawith a notcthat furlher r"ra..i ,ry demonsfratethat subspccific or specificrank wouldbe appropriatefor theser^xa. E. reduncayar. oxymitrdwas fotmally synonymiscdun dcr E. gardneriby chippendarc(19gg) without comment.

The four syntypesof E. redunca. From our field and herbariumstudies, wc havefound the applicationofmostofthe abovenamcs relatively easy. we wereuncertain, howcver, as ro which form thename E reduncavtr- reduncamight refcr and weassumed this would berevealed by examination of the syntypes.

From researchin manyherbaria, we havebeen able to rocateand examinc orly lhreeof thefour (iso-)syntypes, vrz.Preiss 232 (MEL),245 (LD), 247(LD) (Figures95, 96). We haveno reasonro bclievethat themissing syntype (prei.x234) does not bclong in thesame faxonomrc seriesas the other three.If it is subsequentryfound to be unrclated,it w not affectthc proccdure adoptecl below by our choiceof Preiss232 aslectotvne. sltx?puous2P 8z

Dru pat.Lz


stlnn lnld SZ

osu?p lz

tt?uplo3 uauptoS EZ

ossllubpDtd 'ZZ o4nldoubpu'IZ slmpau oz


qllsnd DlsrlSuoqnt qsntuDqns gl


op!^b['tl ,,op!^otf,,

oloxriqz EI

Dtltqdo$lqzl oplunt tl oloalhl 0l


Dt'PqD9 '9 olloltJaqaq ,,o!lolraqaq,,

optn!8lt 't DP!^!t E opotrtlod osollldD. z

sarredsqns sarcads ,.selceduodns,,

'ularaq 'Jas paqu8oca.raowadslla7 sntd{pxnfl Jo Exel'l elqeJ

'roddoH emcsu,(W - uapl?l,\l ,ri.il.r adst^q ieuer sht.lh@nz c uaqd4s ? raloorg H I I^l NuytsiaVol.8, No. I (1991)

Brookton)' Fi}nte L EucalJplrs wctndoo s]bsp. wandoo illttstrating tree habit (road between Pingelly and

- '(l:ooljsnd0'ld'g1co1reu pcrdfleql s3 e^rse'slar( Drr r$a o!'g',z.trlDwauotqtfua.g,2loo:f]. '4'A.'a ,.qJueg .g DiDlnqQdsg's^\erpuv otaldyp A'uept€I I (uap.0ru) a,tuoi2lro[ g DJoUuuD 'e 'sla[eu .(0gI r) slcolJurus? poqlJJsop oqe ele.\{soa.q IIBl.us pu€ seelpu Jo sorJodstaqlo :066I pruog),(Duonbesqng '(serceds pequcsepun w'lelFtr^l ta^lrSu,roulllolr\ oql srpmag[,qDfixlzl.g 'ea .A seeJeq ol paxeJaroa4 eql eu e srD|DJID{ g Vxld,/.l) ,.sa8pusuolsuo:r uo punoJlnup.tDr 'slalsur .,.oc1ddoc puvD|DJID{ g,, zr^ sspr?AeJ e,r pq1ser:ods seydru?xe se polsll pu? 1oupeos uror; ol?roue8erqJlq{r sae4poururals-e18urs Ipus,, loJ ..{rolrour,,ulel eq posn(gtl :Ig6I) pruoq

'derolsrepun;o 1ce1p.><1retu e qtr,n spuuls ernd ur sesrruo Jn3Jouollo $elle14l 'srncro 6ulsso4lnqlqErts oJeq^\ oseq eq1 reou flrulncnrud (pg ornErg) pelng seunouros sl {un11oql 'uourrf,ods oloq,lleqtgo tq8roq eqlgpg ueql ssel sordncco loqt u,rotr luurulal ssolJo elour s s:eoqpuu polSue-dtols,tlo^ne1er sr EurqcuerqeqJ, '(porynrro) paururels-e18ursosp aru(ZernBrC) slonel

'lq8raq eo$Jo JI?q ? lnoqasordnJ3o pua Eurqcuzrq pcr4euu,tse ,(qpeurrog sru^roJJ eqJ lq31oqsrql e,roqe 11e.r surSeq Eurqcuerq suorurcods eJnleu lsour ur elrq,trpuno:8 sql aloqBur I lseollB sJnJcoSurqJuaq pue luesord s,{e,,np sr usrurcedseer; ornluru e ur 1un4 e18utsy '(^\oleq .JlqolI eos),,lell?ur,,qlr.r lr lsurluoce,r lnq uon?cull€nbol ll spoou(I elnErg)ruJoJ sorl a\I


'peJo^ocsrp ueoqo^eq arou dueu puepoulrJuos ueeq eluq uosuqolpue :odr4 ur souoseql Jo BXel oqJ Blrel]snvurolssdt ur aso(Ierrolcr^ leerc eqlol puelurpue,{?g alllaBrsl ol lu?qpx uo{ Jnsco ol u.roul /r\ousr rlJrym anutadsb.a.T sauos sn]dtpngpeardsepr,r eq13o epeur ueeq suq uoqeroldxe 'snuo8 pleu q3nu oqlJo uorleJrJlsselcpruroJur rreql poqsllqnd (I r6I) uosur.lofpue ro,4:4 ecurg

'aButrUodJoqlsue^eI eql ur sJncJooslu lI uamg IJ I1s?gpuE oqrrg edeSuea,nl.rq pur,.l telsEoJ Jo qololls o ul flleJlpuJods rntJo ol sJeeddeuJoJ su.ll'suorl?Nosqo plolJ Jno uo{ pu? ByeqJoqul elqelru,rusueulceds eql '(96 .se^Bel ruorg ornEr.{)ed,ilolrel eql (druaqo{uoyruoq) ZgZ.r.sra"r4' epnur ,{yEurproccu e^aq o,1\ ucer8pu? Iruq qloorus'lrqeqoefieu eqt [.q1taupn3 A uo{elq?qsln8urlsrpoeJleu sJo e3uolsrxo oql '1141 .uauproS.A u,rorlssBq'anSololo:d eq1 ul peuteusertlt€Jol oql Jo ouo dn.raqoluoygo q)r9esy leIIeuI peueu relel eqt lou sr Drunpat A pcld,q leql 8unse88ns(,,Dsoruut,,) qnrqs e sr uroJ '(u,,rop pcrddleq ;uq1patr4ss\l\'Drunpar 93o uo4ducsapoq1 uI pournl-..Drunpat;e\Ide xtJneds eqlf,qDJunpat g ro3enEololord aq1 ur ecueururordua,rrE ere qcrq,r) elnrredo aq1 puu seleel puo:q fle^neleJ'llnpeqlJouosuadu-ro3 uror;e?eeullltaup.nS Aoql ur s8uoleq'Zt7 ssra.r4'.ed,{1uds oq11eq1 e^olleqel!! po^JnJerdrl oql qll,r Blnrjedopu? 'so^eol qsrnlq 'llnp qlr,\r,{1qelou '1c1pur e srsercads 'yaupnS s1t17 A sl sercodsu,rou{-lsaq osoq,r ?xsl Jo dno:8 eq1sr seues eql ur e8eourTleqlouv

'erudaql se esrro:dulr '$eaqs urnuuqreq alerudcs .g eqluo ue^rEsuollnqr4srp crll qlr.,r\spJoJJs uotsnlJuoJ srql puE oopuot{ g 1o1e4dfi am (ocunpat 'oopuDflt'g go sed$u.(s)LVZ'ZVZ ssDtd suaulJodseql l?ql e^allaqe/[ sepnl.ur1eq1 seneds ;o dnorEaq1 sr aseql;oauo (I16I uosuqofpuB to.&d flsras) sorJodsJedns l?u]roJur se osoql ,{\oqs o.r I elq€Jur pu? saSBourJ olqs^Jesqo [?Je^es eJ? eJoql l?ql lsaSSns aouttadsr taI sarJosur serpnls JnO

- emrsu,{W uap€I^l at&1.adntv7 saues sntditnnq !.ddoH ( uaqd.ls T, r.Ioorg H.Li{ NuyrsiaVol.8, No. I (1991)

l:agute2. Eucaltptus clili6old, a rypicat maller (AerodromeRoad, NW of Ravensthorpe).

!" '(DuDt$a o{ g) slclpurpuB (sf.rorottlttua g) $eJ4,(Dao?DrlalA..llontrl.d sapnwsapnag) seelpu-r,(lpctd.Qaqol,roqe^\qJrq,trsarcods slcoyreur wpelsll ueqloqS .,.podolo^op ,{1:ood:o luosqesr Icols ,tpoo.r orll q:rq,n ur slue1dolll-eolluru lo sqnrqs,,sD IJoltEtrAI paurJep 'uoprej lnq I uro{ e,roqupolonb ur.n1 eql Jo s6snpo,rollo] e,req o1 srueddu (g1 :ZS6I)o8prqng

,,'poqcuerqdpcere puu '{cols lJere'q8rqleal 0Z-0I poJnperf,ra.r e q1r,trsercads u1nq'serJeds uwldpuus B tou.{colJEJ I V,,

'rrrls:.r.rorf ,(gZ6I) :uortducsops.JoupJUg V J palonb g Surssncsrp uepnt l '..,IJolJutu ollq,\\,se u/r\oulsl lI teel g1 1o1q8taq e furumllesoufi1euos 'f133€rls s,ie,rlu'qruqs€ sr U,,'llanl^I C (rg'E)DuoBDtat g Suru:ecuoclueru ujor (lZ6I) s.uoprsll uo pas?qeq ol srsadde(3961) e8prq:ng ,{q lrquqtuaroj]rp ,{lcrrluo u[ roJ ulel oql Jo csn oql '(DllttldolDJ A 3 o) soal ,{11uu_Uouem tuq,tr.1o su.r.ro; '3 alu:adnedapol puc stlDtuapnlo g puv DJnunJ E'snd&Dld E o) salcedsIeJo^os Jo sla{Jrqlol perlddesc,tr. lcolrcuu luql SurlsJrpulsuollelonb:oq1o se,trB ucprEI J .,'uouolrrl,r ^q strlpld-puesoql uo ',1o:1crq1, 'otul5 soqsnqpolu$sdus ol psrtdd8oq ol srxocs11 ,{y1ure1rlsuEoru lr lcql eqlgolrrd u;oqlnos '(oog 'oq oql uI {o,4\ l? sa.,rroq,,t\ trl c rI ) ro,{o^Jnse ,4qpeurro;ur ueaq 3^uq I ,4uut1uq1 :olaa,toq tnq :,aclphl, urclsBoeql .lo luol€^lnbeoq ol our ol poJ?cddss.{e.rls s?q ,{ol0uj,^{,pjo.r eqJ,,

:s^\olloJs3 'nrlcjlsnv uJJlsold 'uosuJoJAI ,(6I Jotsluelog tuoruuJo^oc uor.ll v Jo ruo{ 6061ur ecuopuodsurocpoltJ otl,r I :026I) '(,{cole?r.{, ucpreN,tqpopr^ord ss^r uorluurJoJur orol I sur/outS.row g rlwml1ooueu luurBr.roqeaq1 'y a,reEuosqroll .rq) (ZVZ:606Duepluprl ur pcpodercr[ {Jollf,ruutlol oqtJo sosntuonbosqns

.lunll oql Jo JIEqJo,rol aql ur 3uyuu18eq seqcuv:q aprs qtr,r lnq lJIIcu e Jo uels e18Urs sq1 scq poJJEoJ lr q3tq.r ol 'e8esn serJodsoqJ pur Er:oqyslr ur uonruBrsop lrqeq e ueeqe^€q lou fuu IcolJEru rulcl eqlsnql

'..poo^\ .str{Jrql JqtJo,{trlrln Jql Jo slrfq peJeJJouolJnlsqo oql'eJu?Jpodde ppo sll JoJll oq'uosuersnor^qo euos roJ ld,{leJna srql 'saurEuoqv uo uolleuSlseprelncryed 1uq1 pemolseq e^eq lsnu oq,{ oqlJo ,{olBB1Al,oql sr srqJ,,

'(snd(lDld .dpuenbesqng :pet:;s n'u(s)'z nLDtDptorgog Eurqrrcsopur'(6rgI) rellenl

'serJads eql ro uo[euJoJeql ol sloJol{ol?plx u]el eql Joqloq,rJ?elJ lou srlr s? 'sle1clq1 snonBrqurusl lueuolelssrqJ'..rso^rltu eql Jo ,{copet[, olqerleuadrulpuu osuop Surturog,, '(tggl) .sn :llo^rxetrI ruo{ etou3ur,,'to11o; eql sellB'snd&Dld A Jo tuetut?ollslq ul ru?qluog ot 'Joll€ur u {ouI uuoloql ot socuoJeJeJlsarFaa oql ur ueos srqluo ,{ln8rquru ueeq s(e,np s;q oreql

'snd&Dld E se rlxrssarrads loJ osues^lo:ruu 1tul8r.lo s1r ur dpo slddpcne;o lrqsqoqlJo suouduJsop ur posn tseq sl.,{JolJEur,, teW epnlruoJ pue'suoDEJrIdde snor,ra:d snouu.L slr pale8psa,rure,req a m'aowadsltaT et4yo saroads o1po11dde uoeq s€q.,Icolrcu,, uret sql osn?reg

- 'r3ddoH .H.l.I eea.e!trhl uopr?Il ,nizadst8T sauassqdqohA C uaqdrts t Jeloorg { NuyrsiaVol. 8, No. I (1991)

Figarc 3, Eucalyptus subangusta slbsp. subangusa, ilustraring rhe ercct mallee habit (Canna).

I 'eldurexeroJ'sB srelJeJuqJ1uJoU dlleJrlsou8erp1uu1:odur seeqol sJelc€J€qJ IJaq Jeprsuoc lou op o,r eJuelsusrql uI ru 1 .{yeleurrxordileol1req q8nor lrep goSurpols e a r'11nq4culqe erreq,{eur 1r ro pe4ruq-qloorus.{11oq,n oq dutu qcrq,,u,rpr^rtf g,SurequoBdacxe arlt - avu.uadsu.a1'tas s tdtlmng ur sorcods? seslJolJereqc, 11ereua8 lueld oJnleureql uo {ruq q8nor;o a:uesqero e:ueserdeq;

's1d.{1ecneu1uees f,lerer srsoqfuoureleur B '(qS ornBr.g) polrsq-q8noJ '(og ,{le1a1dnrocols crnSrd)oopuarA'salceds polruq-qloous,{Ilurusuoloupqr er{l Jo sEuldes 'sJelteJ?qc '(qllus eqJ lruq roJpessoss? oq lsnur f,luo sueurlceds elnlew rlrutgtDw g'qvrml'JJ) '3 'po{rcq sor:esaq1 ur sercadsfuu;o seqcuerqeql ol puelxelou seoplreq qSnog opunlu?rug e -JIBq,{ll?JnsuolceJsqr aru selcedseuros ,,pa>1:vq-Jl?q,,dluo eq .(eursorcods osaql Jo sueurlceds 'r4.rqdouDpw IIeus q8noqlle gpwDaDuqJon A arnlP.-wurlsatuor8 eq,(BurpuB selJods qllr seu€^ '(?g lreq qSnoreq1;o sruols oql Jo IunI eql uolq8req eq1 ern8rg)suols Jo Tunr1 eql uo setslnunccs rEo,{dq rEe,tpuB poqs lou saopsormds p:o,,rcs ur qJrq.t{ftq rolnopeep eq1 sr lruq qfnoU l.rrg.

(L/6I rlnl,rl) q q p u3 0I peoJxosuals osoq,4\seglleur sArel roJ pesnurol p sr 'oolluu"r) ocllcru-ooJJ rsrirp'dsqns pu€ (acllsur) rra, oldwt dsqrsDsuap A'(ollr-w) ttaupnS gpue (axllgu.J)strynun[l g'(eag) osolrdoc' dsqns pu€ (aolpu) rp Dptlod'dsqnsDsollldn 'g'?'e'uoxul lJllcrxJo oc:l E pue uoxU :c;;cru e asr:du-rot aowtadsrtl1 strtJs Jql ur ?xsl polelJr.;o srred 1acla5

'sa44uunb o8rulur poosolqpr^ oJnpoJd dllunsn soottrru lenpr^rpur eql puBlsol susoul '.,suoltsrouo8 ou .(qsr uotcnporderlanxas .(q dlrcudeco^rluJouo8or oql o^rlqe8e,r,,.ueru q3noq1 ln,re:ddutupuv'slunpr,rrpur ctd.{louaEolEutsgo uopercuoSorJoepou InJssof,Jns flqBtq e s stq1apq16 'JcqnlouBrt oqtuo{ 3ur.tr:epsoxu e,u1e1aEo,rlo uo4eroucB .t'ou 3 Jo luouldolo^opaql uI sllnser'sosn?J snoue,rq8norql su.rcls ornlBtU osoqlJo ssol oqJ (tornBrd)esnge pue.(lSEuls eje lBqlJo(g oJnEId) Iecnro^oql o1o13uc ue 1c,(11nnsn surals lEnbo ssol Jo erourlera^cs Jo ltqeqsJll€ul u^{ou{-llo1l\ eql 'slooqs sounssslu?td pnpr^rpul cql ftuntEu uO lu?ulurop,{1pnbaerou.ro o.,ir1sesuduroc pnpr,rrput cq1,Jo ,,uor1e,.reuei o^rlt lo8c^,, prroJos eql pueeJueurtrrop sulelle uroplss loor.ls e16uts y dole,rap 'srxB 's11xe:sq8gq :eqnlouirl cq1ur spnqo^rlctoSe^ /fu€url.Ideql Jo ssoloql uO pue f,:euope1,41oc oql ur ruJoJsSulttc,^As sno:eqn1ou311 'lu6udolc^op Sulpccs puu uorlpuluje8 8u[,\lolloJ $loo,\{,,l\oJ 'o.rJJ'EuIzaE lsru cqlrcfy sJolJnJrorlto ro lq8norp IlSno:q11so1 sr 31osl srxu e18uts e1oq.t' aql ro 1so1 'srxu 'uotleuluueE loqlrcsr qcrql Jo e3ul]ururopsrll elEurse acnpo:dserlods oolpur Jo sSurlpcoseq1 't uO lq8loq ur ur 0I Eulpae3xotuoplos sqruqs poullUols-Illnu oJe (t soJnAIC)soollBIAI

'esues srql ur slJog?m aJE)awfidslta7'Jes sntdKpJngJo sa\cadsog (1co1re1,l1 'S '6 '(uoo1,1) puplslpleg) r:t7C pueupJ olourutnttaluocA' s?qf,ns ?xE peueu dpuacarro; puu 'n sndKJDId serjirs sorJedsJo lrq€qeql JoJe8psn ,^\oljpu IBurBuo str ol lcolJsuJrxJel eql SuIuIJuoj 'snoJeqnlouBrt 'pa1rc ol?co^pupu? IIEarp {eqtr ecurs selduexels?leseql epnltxc /(ou ppo,^.ro,1\

.. lrqBr{olqBulJepu reql qlr^l sltolJPru 'dsqns scpesruSorar eq lq8ru sroqlootuos pup otpuou,ts g'nllottqto g "fiJ[lJ ,sl3nn g'DSSotBg sduq:a6'sdeleql ur urreleql asn lou opea puepleu eql uI uotlluSocarf,see.rol,trol1elou ssop {oolmu eqlur $uo8ol?Jlrqeq ooJql Jo uorsnliuroql raqnlou8qe 3ur1ce1,(ypasoddns pue surals enb4qo ro 'pJstuSoJJt tJJr:lJuusrp Inoqlr^\ JJJI ll8rus ro eJIlpu|qruqscsn33a:o,(tt,t ^ltsuJsset Jt{l sI srqJ.. '(/ petousmqlnE eseql d) oJaqr,reslg,.eol IIErrIsro ealpursnoreqnlou8ll-uou esnJJe us FoIr?uI,, '.,rsqntrou611e uonrurJepeql p€sodord(ZZ,:066 3rure14pue:e1oo.rg 8ur-)l3q1nq 1e,rel punorS reau.ro1e Sursue seqf,u?rq IIB qtr^\ quqs peruuelseISuIs e,, s? IJolJEtu poulJep (86 :686I) II111

'rrddoH aErsyft{ - uopl?N ,rr?./ adsl^q sauas sntdKtornA C uaqdats T ra:loor[ H I'W NuyrsiaVol.8, No. 1 (1991)

Figljrc 4. Eucalrptkr pluricaulis s|'bsp.porpht 'ea, illuslraliDg lhe effuse mallee habit (SandalwoodRoad, N ol the Stirling Ranee).

t,- 'suaJs"r^'dsqns '.eer .dsqns D$n8uDqns A G) :otDdsuTq G) iDuptot g (p\ aft\evt oopuD,n ooFntD,tt fl (.) :StItde' oopuht diqns oopuo,rl g (9):opart, dsqns DaDul.trDto g (E) iDaradst^4 ,ras sadttD"nfl u sed,{t )tleg .9 ernSrC

'roddoH 'O 'H eBa:EuAlN - ttapft I aoutadst^ll sauas sntd.tlornq uaqdats ? raloorg I I{ NuytsiaVol.8, No. I (t99r)

which we find indistinguishabtein the two formsofE./avida. Adult andseedling leaf characters alsosupport the conceptof a singlespecies in thiscase.

shedding ^.The of thebark in predominantlysmooth-barked species varies from thedecortication of iregular slabs in E. wandoo(Fi.grre 5c) and,E. cap rosato thecharacteristic partly shedcurrs of deadbark in someof themallets, e.g. E . gard.neri(Figve sd). rn E. crispara(Figurese) such curls areprominent anddense, particularly on thebutt. In seyeralspecies (e.g. E. sribingusm,figure 51, thebark is shedannually leaving completely smooth stems.

Bark colour varieswith the time of exposureof new surfacesrevealed after the shedding of the oldestbarklayer. Thepersistentweathered surfaces are originally pale or darkand on sheddin!reveal new surfaces which arebright yellow, orangeor coppery.These colours subsequently facle. The colourof new barkin autumn-winteris particularlyusefur in distinguishingE. wanioo (yelow) from E. capillosa(orange) wherethe two speciesco-occur (e.g. betwein Kellirberrin anOborrigin;. ln E. wandoosrbsp. p ulverea,the smoothbark is notable in beingpowderylike themrerated E. ic idens (powderbarkwandoo)..

Bark on the lower trunkof malletssuch as E. crivicora,E. densaandE. praeterrnrssa often has horizontal scarsup to 90 mm longpresumably due to insectattack (e.g. Figure 79).

c.otyledons'. Thelaminaof thecotyredon in all speciesis deeplydivided ancl forms a y shapewirh thepetiole (Figure 6).


Figurc 6. Seedling ofr. relarcd with y-shaped corytedons.

t 'asaql Jo sssurssolipue Jnoloc eql ursuossBpu€ s0^301 llnpa arnlBtU ,{llnJroJ ^doum oql aprsUI qcr?es ol luulrodrxrsr lr'seseJ qcns uI'dlo^rqreq ro lqBnorp'eSeureppura,r ruoq Suuo^ocoJuoq,r se^?e[ olrue^nIro eleDeurolur uoaJS-qsrnlq 11np ,{puuuruopoJdJo ,{doue, ? '3 'snq1 'saa.ec1 amq Aew(olltrqdouaoqd g e) se^eelllnp? ueoJE ,issolE qlr,tr sarcads go s1ue1d 11npu ornleu ol so^?oloJlddoc ro egue,rnfuror; serceds ,{ueur ur e8ueqcselnqr.rle esaql asneJoq su^loJJ 'Jo^o,roq'uonn?c 'sauas oJ$eu uo pessess?eq lsnu sseurssolEpu€ rnolo3 luql el( sq1ur serceds 'rnolo)'sa,'Dal aql JoJsletJ?reqJ tpsouEep 1uu1.rodu.n eJEso^sal llnpu Jo ozrspu? sseurssolE JUpV '(? ernErd)u,rorc eql ur se^eeleldrndSo ecuepunqe eql Jo ssn?JoqplorJ oql ur 'dsqns 'sarceds posruSocor,{Iseo sroatkldtod stUDJlJnldg reqlolsoru ur sal3uusnorm,r 1e pleq ro snolnpued?ureq e1rq,r lJoro ploq €Ju se,r,es1eq1 sesnoncrdsuoc oslB ol€ (19oln?rd,) DwaqJSorJtw'E '(9g 'g puenllftqdolsttq !' Jo su/dorceqJ anfug) osuapg Jo u.rolc eulJosuap aW pve lnuprDS Jo 'E'e'sralcBj€qc u,l orJqsrnlq aql u,4roJJoql fq oJuslslpe uo:; pasruEoce:eq uuc sorJods auo s t,l.rorJ

'sg^salueer8 ,{urqs qll/[ sorJodseql ur 'elduJsxoroJ 'srnJJo Jo^ou lo olErsl ssaurxB.roql sorJedsJoqlo eql uI 'Duual 'dsqnsDJsnSuDqns g ptm Dara^1nd 'dsqns oopaottg'slsuapuoutsap 'n 'opuntt8tu .sollpuD.tg A'DSolUdDJAJo Jusuol3ersqcsr slolqJuEJqoql uo xB^\eJqlns ellq,^rV

.$uuldoLuos uo poJqunocueo.tu doql oJoJoq sopou oJour ro ue1;ouorlcedsur EuulnboJ'oJeJ lnq luesc:deru spuo18 'E lagt ,,DJunpat,,sanodsrcdns oql Jo ?xelr6rIlo pu? sorJads srql ur punoJo^cq e,r tnq'Ltaup.tDS ur 'rulnpuulS luosqes" spuelSqlrd poproJer (696I)upf, ptmrmJ'slsuapuowsap g urldecxe srslolqJuuq aqlJortlrdaql'(696I)lJuJpu8JJeJ,{qsorrosotlturExslJouorlroles€roJpelotrsy'spuo13tltt4

'(opb.o\! X u ueafi durqspus sarcadspeluler '3'o) pueoopuDt A u\sr, oJAoJe se^eol oql JnoloJJuol puv'(89 ern?rdslpqnr' A ut lsorAorreupu? '79 'g, ern8rgpueyI en?rg'olodsltc gpue'DaJa^Uddsqns oopuD^r ul lsopuolqsr JBet oql) odBqs '(,,DJunpaJ,,sarJadsJadns ;eay8uqpaes aq1 pueDplltuJ A ur opou?IulqUrJ eql loJ uJJg ol dn 6'e) scpour4uryo q13ue[e|{| eJB soljos eql ul sdHsuouelor6urssesss roJ lnJosn sJIlslJolJEJeqc raqlO

'seuas eqlJo senadsloqlo ur JnJcolou op souoqJuJ '( 'sJed'seEpzl) u-ruroJ srnq Euperpergoqs qlr^r spu?l8Io lueaJ€l.ju,eem DaDuqJrJ, 3,Jo souroqJr.q 'lsEJluor '(t86I eql uI se8rp?a o^oq?oe{ pus lue8le^rypue q1?ue14eql sprql-o.4\llnoq? roJ 'spuelE snonEDuoJeJDslleJ aq1 polua8rauaaqlJoslleJ d?J pe:red;o uorte8uola lBculoulur,{s oqlJo esnmaq(8arn8rg)swdtpcngtlanbwnerus8ullpeeseqluo,,srmq,,eso\L'opuntuSrugptmng4l'g 'DSolltdn g Jo (Lam8rd)sauoqclq eql srsouos oql urs8urlpeos oqlJo amleeJ SurIrIS tsou eql

'se^Bol llnpe ernpoJdesuqd srql puofeq poJu?^psEueld(sa^Ealllnp" u?ql Jep?orq,{1pnsn) eyua,r.nferE se^sal oql IIsl luJ97,{leleurrxo:dde sl lu?ldeql llun luaurdolo^epapou?.qu! Jo lesuo aq1 uorg'(SulEurEp) sopouelureq1;o uoqr8uole,(q seseqelotedeqllepelsJ8des ouroJeq se^eal'JeusareqJ'os?qd Sullpoos eqt e'r'sepou9-ZroJSurpees pols8uoleeql ur olrsoddouEureJ sn?d oql pu? xed€ looqs eql ls ,{loFssncoppocnpord ere selesl eq1 'sSu1peos 'seyas eql uI eq1ur sarceds1p Jo al3,{J eJll eql lnoq8norql e1e1o4ed eru sc.^Ea-I'sSuqpa aS

- 'raddoH .O .H.I.IAJ LI anawSN uaprcI^{ dtalads^rj seues sqdtlotllA usqdas T ra{oorg NuyBia vol.8, No. I (1991)

FiSure ?. Scabrid seedlinglea! of E. capillosa snbsp.coplllora (lef!) comparedwith a glabrousleaf ot E wandoo subsp.

Figure 8. llairs on the surfaceof thc leaf of 8. .dpirord (electronmicrognph counesy of P.Y. Ladiges). -\

'runrqlued,{q 'serceds 'unrqlu€dfq eql ueqlra8uoy sr urnlncredoeq1 raqlolle uI oql ol ql8ualur pnbe saturtoruos 'soues '(gg unlnJJodoleJruot e qlr,r oql u lsopBorqere (86 oJnBrg) stsuapuolusap AJo spng olnArC '3'a) 'dr1 ,,ocunpat,,sanadsrsdnsg sql ur dlqelou eqllu pa^rncalpus elpnuel€ sr lr exe1cql Jo ,(usur 'dsqns 'gr v lnq'stsuapuotusapg pneolsnSuDqns rlsrSrragn.r ur esnlqoosp sl unlnJJedoeqJ

.(peoeqs -e8esn?s)prolusfle se asoqlequcsop e16 xedeosnlqo ue qlr^\ poprs-tolt€Judtsoule puu poNnJ 'pcuolJrrll 'rpr,{li leq,reuos ojs spnqaql !rJo srxroJeuos pu?(€g I :066I Srurelxpue Jo:{oolB oas) '9S Dplwu g uI'(09 ern?ri) Dpt^DL[fl urBuolurur 9Z ol (LS sorn8ld),llr.e?d dsqns o]sn?uoqns g 'solJods ur 3uo1uru g urog 8ur,{re,r lsoruur uuoJrsnJ,{l,trorreu .{11ecnsr:elJuJ?q3 off spng.spltg

'spnq ra,rou 0z uew olout o'lI spuelqnsqcrq,r 'poqJupJqun alcunpede13urs e;o lsrsuoJdoql o r pusrfuBIIrxrT oJ? sorueJsorouu atlysautaJsan[ul

'suro,\oprs oql qll^\ uoJlcrJossEoJqlsrA fue (snorounu,{reA lnoqll,r pue'oEJel.{le^llulor puE osucp orpspuelSgo eq1'souoz lslsocretur Il?proquoql 'ourTlno eloq.\\ore salooJD oql eraq.rsyl/qrs g uI ur JBlnSoJrfltensn ols pusJtro1 s18urs e ur ezrs '(6 ur olqBw^ aje ^oqJ arn8rd)salooJu eql ur solpoq..putrtsr,, oq ol Jo sloluro^eql Jo suollJcslolur 'souos oql ts pal?nlrsoq ol JPodds,{eql oql ur sorJodsI[€ Jo so^931oql ul rnJso spuBt8IrO

'Eururc,relqrsra. go aer8ep reqlrn; ou s1oraql pun ,fuo1usur8er.J om so^losuoqlsuro^ oprs otll'slrytqns g'so^sol lso.^forjuuoql qlr,/6souos orll Jo solJodsoql uI

'arn:sqoput,{rc1ueu8ur,; 's! drc^ sr'lueserdueq^r'Surura^ ,{Juu:alen} tqns A prmDsuap t'E a'tuasq€.ro,fut1ueur8er; uaql sr lr eJoq,rsa^Bol lse,roJJBU oql lnq IIp ul lJupsrpsr Euruls,ldffn.rol (suro^aprs oql Jo ,{luapuedepurpeuJoJ sr se^ucl llnp€ ur ueosuro^ lEur8Jeurej,lur eql lurll pc.roqs ('lrJ JoD'lDpJmJ selJodsroqlo ouros Jo;) uro,r pur8reuu4ul eql seu^rou{ ,(ltuuorluo^uoc sr l€r.l,rlx.lo; pue lucururord ssolele seqcJeeq q8noqtp (6 ernErd)se^Bal llnpu og ul mllurrslllelog:adns sr rucllcdeql

'ur8ruu Jselaql oprsurlsnf uees,{1ree1c uelgo ere 1nq ,ne,; sru spue181o pueluosqs 'ure,r ro {so,r sr ql,ror8 Jo o8?lssrql l? Sururel,ftepre1 purEreurerudro{uo,r puorosD rujoJ ol dn {rrl ul?8epue urAJeu oql spJs^\ol puelxa slolura^ JoqUnJ (9g6I lDJa Jm)) .jle^Juur8JsruBrsd srql Jo eprqnO'soqJleJoseueseururEreuraqlJouoqs[[a,rpeurofAuruloJoqpuefplsrpSur^mJ'spJp,rlno qrjpru eqt uo{ puelxesura^ apls 'o'l'GL6I felcrH) snoujoJpoprqcoJq,tllpJrd,4l sr uorlDue^aql se^?clEullpaos eql uI'Qtlqlpns pa twsuDttl.ltt sa^Dalqsa{ut uaassD) spuDlS lto puDuoltouatrtDa.I

',{doueoaq1 aprsur stalqJueJq Joplo 'se,,ree1 eq1uo sa,realuaarS dssolS Suuo^oc ueerS-en1qIInp Jo u^rol3snoncrdsuoJ oql toJ elq4ou sr maaqJso.tJrufl'e?e se^eelllnpe eql se ssaurssolS pue rnoloJ ul luslsuoreJe selceds lsour apq16

'u,\\oJJeql eprsur o,1{ueoJ8 ,{ssolE ol ornl?u lnq qsruaar8pw 11npsru,{eq lseolle Jeof,lsJrJ eql u'Drunpal gu\pw qsmlqpueltnpere 'ueel8 se^eeleqluaupn?gu1 f,sso13arl-se^EeletgDplww ApwDlltlldouamld'g'DaouLlJDID'EuI '.{er8 qsmlqol uaer6-en1quo:;.{re,r pue IInp ers sa^Bal llnpu aql sorJods palBIeJ puE oopuDt fl uI

- 'rddoH a"5rs'u,(tl uapf"I/,t,n{?Jadn^4 s u.s sktclq,rnq C ueqdats ? raloorg H.I.t,{ Nuylsia Vol. 8, No. I (1991)

Figure 9. Leafvenation and oil glandsof E. flaida.


Figu re 10.Transverse section s of budsjust abovethe junction of the operculumand hypanlhium showing the number of whorl s of slamensin (aI f. /hvida Nd ltt E. Bardnzri.

o 'lol?l possnsslps8 sorJoos oql 'pessardtro: ro:Jur?uo pr:q,{q u Su4ceger,{lqrssod ejorusr sesnopurou0 lsoru et4l sl olodstt:tX 1o '(qg paeseq1 1arnBrd) oJuuuoddu proqnc leq,trauros e ur Surtlnser'rqn8uu ro pess::duro:r,{pq3qsc:e .toqllEql ul prrdfl oql uo{ pcrJrpouror€ Dlsn8aDq s g puB.,DwauolltuDx,, serceds:edns g 1opces aql osorllclquosar sniqmng snue8eql ur sorJodsroqlo ou Jo pcos oql (€ZI ern8rC)pcuoqdsqns ro pcuaqdsere ^oql s3 qJnu*ur od€qsroql ,tq souosoqt ot Sur8uolaqss elqesru8oce:,{puulsur asr,,r\rorlloeJD exel lsoru Jo poes oqJ qloousf,lololdu.roJ srleoJ pees etll seuas oqlJo scrceds 1p u1 paa5

'(q0I orn8rC)sld,4pcne ur umoul lsrc1eqt Suouru 'sueue1s 'dno:E 0EUtrl1 ro^\cljo l.roq,nolSurs e ol poJnporoJe sucuels cql srqlur,{lJuuorsu:cA serceds pelalerpueuaupJDS A urlso^rol sl pu?souos aql ur olqer.ru,r srre,,rog:ed suauruls Jo Jequnu oqJ

'snu03 'c^oqc oql ul enblunsr luouaEuu:ru lueurzlg pouul .;ood,{1 srq; poquJsopotdu.ruxe eq1 ur seql3uel 'rcqlu? rroqlJJuq lnoq? JoJ poxsuur oJB spnq esoql ur sluolx?trJlsoruJouul oqJ oql [q potunouJrns '1.,iroq pue1ca.le ,{11oq,tr dlpnsn eJ?sluour?lrJ Jolno ,^l.oJ V eql olur .{1doeppoxegop tou - tunlnc.rodo oql ulqlr,r luapuodroqlus aql qlr1(pournl-u^\op ,{ldj?qs ucql arD pus qlSuolrreql JIsq ucql oruroJ 'urJoJrun luepuessBaje lroq,,trJalno oql Jo sluour€luoqt Jo rlson lou srsuour8ts oql Jo uorxcuulcrll ueql'urnrqluud,{qaql ueql:s8uol qcnur sr urntnJrcdo oql'(D11 c:n3rg) scrrcs oq1.Jo selcods lsoru u1

' arwta d sr t aT sassry d (.1o cn X u11ou 1nq'snuo8 eq l lnoqSnorqluouuroJsrluouoSu?u€lucurBIUsrqJ'ol^lsoqlpuecsrpoqluee,nleqdlr,reoSurlcrcus eql - pnq eqt Jo.,l,\\oq,,oqt u1Sugse.r sloqlue oql qll.r pournl-u^\op,{lfusqs ueqt orc put qt8uot '(J 'qI Jaql gpq ,tlelerurxordde:ogeroqdoulruels 6ql uo{ pueJspstueu?llJ Il€ luoueEu8ll?slqt uI I 'urnrqluud.(g olnflrg)DwaqJSotJlugpuu stsuapuoutfzp !'uI. E e'pexeuurII€ eq (f,u suourDlscq1 eq1 ' Jo qlSueleql aJr,rl u?qlssol e r oqs$ unlnJradooql oroq.rscrJeds u1 unlncredooql go q1Eue1 o^!PIOJeql qll^\ pelolJossgeq ol sureospw olqerr?^sr sluoruPlrJoql Jo uorlrsodsrplucq:a,l eql

'(0I orn8rd) el3ldurooSulaq sfE,r\p lou o^! rallel eseql- auolnq lroq.^\rauur lxcu eql Jo sluourelqeq1 esoddo prr?IJoq,|i\ rauu lxeuaql Jo esoql qlrn aluuallBsluau?UJ lenpr,\rpu esoq^l Foq^l :lJlduroJ ralno ue 'wnnaotpav - pnqJe,{oU peuedoun eql ur luepr^eel? suoujslsJo (ouodtoJeJ) sFoq,,i\ ooJql Jo o/r\I

'Exu1 'r1oJ!^!lo 'Dpalnl roqlo lte ul alrq,r .tureorlol g ptrr Dplwu g A',,Drunpat,, 'rp 'srr&olC sebodslodnsul ^rolle,teltd q8noJql rrro{ X rt nolel yl8pq urog seue,r:nolo, Je,\\old

.,{ll3lsIp 'os 'pouolleu uapr,rrpue ,(pcuqsrpsorJeds euos uI leq^roruoss,(e,trp are selcunpad eq7 'salcunpa4

'srsoqlu?pue uoualrur pnq me^Ueq(srse,( g-Z) pouod 3uo1 aql s! seuasaql Jo orq?eJenbrun lou q8noqlelq?tou V

- 'raddoH .H.I asarqr,{y,{ uapiet{ ,r'rzradsl^v7 saues ffitdqDr,1a ( ueqdols T rdtoorg hl NuytliaVol. 8, No. I (1991)




(fight row) of buds wilh lhe Figure 11. staminal amngement as seenin longitudinalviews (left row) and longitudinal sections t6rs are 5 mm' !rop-erculum removed in (a) E.llavida, b) E. desno densis, (c) E, nicroschetM' Vertical scale .s.r..(qder'odo1pue",o,,"",",,,n;3;;;11fiilH:Jil:i;Tg"""lli,:|;l;lilij:;,f:::;:i JoueSuoJoelleur slr uro.gl3upslp selJods e s? pasruSocors,[ lnuprlS A toltuu eql'oldu?xo rod '(,ie)'I aas)&rlrqerlarelnlosq?Jo srlrqEq l8ql Sulfldullnoqllm (uorlelndodeur uuoJ tuBuruiop eql .e.r) sJolJeEqJllquq pe^reJred ,(Up?or ol tq8re,rue,,rr8 dlpreus8 e^Bq e,r 'snlelssercads Suru8rsse uI

'Uos 'dsqns 'g slql Jo ?xu1ore oattqdtod dsqnspue s1pot1n1d sfiDrun@ 'sarcedsqns ro sor:odsroqtro s? p ueJleq osp plnoJ ex8l patBlosl,(1pcr8o1oce 1nq culedurds 'so^lleleJ 'sorJods ,(lleJrqdeJSoog osolJeJe exel ascqlq8noql uo^e tJunslpe aq ot Dpwu'E 'snqJ 'uoprxroJur rxo{ loullsry .{puar:g3nseq o1o11ft1dotsn1 !r roplsuoJ e,r crleurels,{sorq;o oJuesqeoqlul ouoF,suoll?.replsuoJ leJlSoloqdrour uo1so:1snurnxel cr:1edo11e qcns o:l {u?r SuruSrssv ',$edu;.{s u mor^eqoqe^rlcnpordar rloql Eur,r-resqo3o llJouoqeql {J?l a,r q8noqlue,re'sarcods snpslea4 araq aru ,{lpcrSoloqdrour lcuusp ,(lruelooJD l?ql sx?l polulalJuludolp 'ls€ltuoJuI

'(DisnSuDqnsgJo soJJodsqnsotl .E.o)serJodsqns 'cu1udo11y'oso111dot sBpoleal e:z suollJullsrpIsJrEoloqdrour rourru qlr^r Bxet pollle ,{1cso1r g 'fl 'DtsnSuoqns ptrEoopuDtr to uaupn8 E puBoopuDd| g g puv oopuDL!' opnlculfJledru.(s ur 'sarcads 'uorssarEorlur punolua13o sercods qcns 3o saldurexg supeluo:1e:e e,rrsu4xelnoq1r,tr spuq,tq 'op?rBrolur arurdyuo ocnpo:d luql ro louop pue:eq1e3o1 r'rorE l€ql ?x€l polorluoJo33rp ,{lpcrSoloqdrour 'snqJ 'iful€durds ur Gr pu€) uoq,r uonelosle^rlcnpo.rde.t luamdde pu8 suopcullsrp IBcrSoloqfuou.r 'ns qloq ol lq8ro.,'rue,t13 e.req e/\\'aDwndshaT swdtptng oql ur €xol ol IUul Euru8rsseuI


'soulto8euleJp pue sleu oultusur punoJseuos aql ur 'slos 'g'sd.o111t1 uoxal,(luooql susortSflslrs dsqns,rrn g puu d,reeqJo oalpu ro lollgwe osuap 'elduexe cllFoletJolcllerx € dlqercus\uaupn? g rog'e1u4sqnspuu dqderSodol qloq JoJ saotrcroJord ' ur eJue8Jolrppe^lo^ur o^eq ol sreaddzuorlsrcods ,,DJunpat,, solcodsJodns snld[pcng arpul

'{Jo,,'t 'saues tuoserdoql Jo odorsoql puodoqsr seueseql Jo uorlnlo^eeql Jo ,tpnlspolplop v oql ur acue6;er'rpgo epourlueururopud eq1 uaaq a,ruq o1 srueddB (I86I luEJg)uo4ulcads pcrqderSoe8 'snql '(ZE '9I 'tI saJnErd6'e) sanads urqlr,r sotJodsqnsop se 'suo[nqqsrp JLqedDJBdro o!-qsdos a^eq,(llertd1...t(Dpruni ApneDloatnlg'Dlltqdoaaoqd E'E a) solcadspsteter dlesolJ

'(6961:eddo11) a1oq.n e se '(gI snue8eql ur pussolJos eelleu Jeqlopleles u osp ueasruqled s e:n8rg)1cr4sp afuoq1sue.re1 aql ol lsea aErea Euy1.l15oql uo4 lleql?eq,ruJeqlnos 6ql ur lsou pele.4uoJuoJete BxuJ

'(Dpt^Dtl g'Dpun$t81xt!') uosac euolrr^ l?org 'pu?lul aqlse re; sesa8uer saues eql (€I emArC),tueqly ol uollossnguo{ sBaru1p;urer lseq8rq aql ,{[uoSurpro^s'lsBoc eql ol spJe.,[q]noseom uJeqp>I oql uro{ spuelxe aqutads!^aj'ns snldKpcng


- .C ee.3eufl^I uaprcl{ rzu DdsrLq sauas sntdqorrz leddoH uoqdals T, ra{oorg H.I.,^I Nuyrsiavol. 8, No. I (1991)

" b N-'^wt#@ ffi ,* WW%f, Figure12.seedof(a)S.redunca(MIJI.Brook?r8658),and(b)tfllbd'Srlasubsprxbd'8rdra(MlllR'7914)'

"' \




ser' tuvirper'rdr in southem FiCDrc13. Map showins lhe dislriburion and dcnsiry in l' x l" sqsaresof taxa of E 'dbpl'/s -.l

'epousJlur '(ucol8-onlq qlJll or{lJo qlSueloql roJpu? sseuuler{ roJ ol u3cl3ulo{ ol?Jslurod c^IJ s uo) Jnolot JoJ'etcuJolleol pau4s se^eeloql qJlq^llD Jpou Jrll loJ paloJsore,t s3u11peasqse:g'alep lclBl Ble ua{q eqolslueuornssoru olqeue ol peldoJotoqdpuepotdurBs su.'ir SutTpsas qoesloJuel epou qlJtJ s pue uopcy,(1ocy'psdolc^ep,(IInlpeq se^uol opou qUU aql lnun osnoqsselS eql ut uott,ltior8 tlotlf,alloc qJeo Jo s8ullFes0I-S puepeteulurre8 s31d poes sFnpl^lpulauDs eql tuo{ uclcl (s.;uoLur:adsutnucqroq loqJno^ ? puu exet Ils;o s1e1dpnpr,trpul txo{ polrello3clc,^,r solpnls :snoqssclS .to3 p::5

'uoxel q333Josuorlelndod o.,'r11see11e urspnpl^pur 0I -I Joqceo uolucldred sapou lclqJuelq 9I ol dn 3ur1111dsfq suey pueq x0l Br.llr.,'r plorJoql urpoululJolop s3,^\ spu€13 qlldJo otuascrd cq1'.{sso13 ro (o1t1 -urtus).(sso13fpqSlls'llnp loqttcse polocs puu lq8tluns peltouoJ ul pcssossesc,tr sseutssolS;ue1

'sucurcedsunrJaqJsq 'ptcu 'slelqcu::q uo pepJoJo.r,{[cJBr eJe puu eql uI peululolop ,{Ipuar I1uoru spue18qlltl puu 3o sseusnoJnul6'rnoloJJe,{\oU'ssaulsso[3 pw tnoloJJBol llnps'.{douuJ'{]?q'llqBq oqlJo sJusrJol mqJ 'uoueJrJrluopr lttcplJuoJJoJ l€nuasso pl3IJ aql uI Yxellsotu Jo uollE^JcsqopunoJ o^?tl oi[ 'QL6t) 'sa1pn1s JrntrI s/v\olloJaJnlJn.qs uorlBloao^ JoJ ^3o1outul.lcl pleu u1t\oJno lllo{ po^IJopclc./r\ snl0ls 'uonnqflslp 'sSutlpeos uorlB^rosuoJpua l? qDq uo sc1o51 qso{ Jo susu.llJsdsulnueqJoq dJp uo{ 'Qtcunpat erusuoqducsep u1ue^rE sluaurcJn$ew n padhtt.{s PoJeIunuu) t67 ssrz.iTuorJ gudu 'pauruexo '(r14'ldy'O'I't'{g')) uooqe^eq exq psqucsap,{1snor,r.o.rd11utrosueulJcds cdfJ sueqloq 'oud 'OV '1AW',{lSN 'HIUAd) sBosro^oeuos pu? (9SJ sopnpul{\ou qrlq,{{)IINYJ ru?qroq ucrlpJlsnvro[3u eql uo{ IuuolutxunlJeqreqJo suortuSllsc,rur luctEoloqd:ou: qlLtt' raqlaSol'sollcs 'suolle.tresqo Jql Jo?xel IIs Jo suoucollospuu selpnls osnoqssulE plsg uodnpos?q sr ^pnlssIqJ

spoqlau pue slBlJalstrtr

'sJolJP,J?qcreqilnJ puB senbluqJcl ,4/\ou 6utsn sJolro/( ornlnJ.(q peuturnxc oq 11t.tr 'dno:3 6doqo,r lBt[ IueJ pw sdlqsuoueloluo se$qlodfq sltoJoll eql;o ,(urouoxuloql uo pJo,ttlsBI 'suorls^rJsqo 'plelJ cql eqlou,(?urlI lnq unlJeqJoqpu? osnoqsselS e^lsualxotuo{ peumBo8pel,trou{ lueJnJJo srsaqlu,(se sr aouttadsltaT ns snfiqDJng zqlJo tueuleor slql lsql sseJlsol qsr.talA

'elqtssodst sorJoseql urqlr1[uoqnlo^e pw sdlqsuollBlalJo luotussosss elsjnJJe u8 oJoJaq pepoou sI IJo,,t,iSJotx qcnuresneceq tcsdseJ slql uI IEuuoJul{lolereqllopsIlueulserl rno se^qeloJr?alc ou pu?srolJeJeqJ 'souos qJnso^"q lBqlsol3ods a13uts ro; ro eqluI eJeq^toslau"es lou sJel3s.ruq3elou Joouo elBqs leql '(I 'selcedsredns serJedsJo sdnoJ8roJ /6I) uosuqofpue rod.r4 3ur,'tlo11o3 puuoJutesluSocar e16

'(Dru pat 'g'a'r) sarcadscrqd:our.{1od 'A a13u1se 3o slu?rje^s? papJu8ereq plnoqsstsuapuausap ldeJxeatnuadst^aI saqas snldtlDJ fl eql ul popnlJurlt\ou pu? ueql ol u1(ou)IBXE lp lsql pesodordoq,'!1"(st6l) rsuprPg pue (6/8I) Jollen]r'{Jos^\el^ e{l sJuqslou opf,Iruals a,{{'(I elqsJ) ssues eql uI posluSosaJ,\\ou selJods 8z qlua

'r3ddoH aearw(t,{ - uapplN anuladu,el sauas ntd\ocng C uaqd.ls ? ra{oorg H l hl Nuytsia vol. 8, No. I (1991)

Ourtaxonomic method is basedexplicitly on thewholeliYing plantwith somecmphasis upon its environment.We do not hold to thenotion that genetic fixity andexpression is necessarilyshown adequatelyon herbariumspecimens,label information included, particularly for treesin contrastto herbs(which can often bc preservedwhole in herbaria).

"Great Davisand Heywood (1963) stated that caremust be talen not to assume, ab initio,lhat spccieswe have recognisedin the herbarium(often from limitcd samplesthat are not even contemporancouswith oneanother) are valid representativcs of naturalpopulations in thegenepool sense", "limited We extendthe idca of samples"to limited information,as speciationin Eucalyptus inyolvessitc adaplation, natural colour ( segUJrderE.xantho nema),bark chancter istics, lcaf category, leafdispositionetc., all ofwhichcannotbe expressed in a dricdherbzrium specimen and, to be useful, requirea standardisedglossary of termsin thecollector's notcs.

Theseries Lsvispsmde , until ourresearch, is a cauli(xtaryexample of taxonomybased on limil.ed data.


Eucallptus seies LevispermaeMaiden Crit. Rev. Gcn. Eucalyptus7: 144 (1925).E. scrics "Koy "Class. SubcornutaeBlakely, Eucalypts"llI (1934).E. series"Reduncae"Pryorand Johnson, Eucalypts"44 (1971).

'Iype: E. reduncaSchaucr.

Trces,mallets or mallccs,wilh or withoutlignotubcrs. Bark wholly smoolh,wilh parlly decorticatcdIIakcs, or roughon lowerpafl of trunkor sl.cms.Branchlcts with or withoutpith glands, glaucousor not. Cotylcdonsbisected. Scedling lcaves pctidatc, oppositcfor 2-6 pairs,elliplic to ovato,green orglaucous, glabrous orhairy. Juvcnile leaves petiolate, alternating, lanccolatc, clliplic, deltoidor cordalc,grecn or glaucous,glabrous or hairy. Adult lcavcspcliolatc, alternaling, linear to broadlylanceolate, concolorous, grecn, bluish grccn or glaucous,dull or glossy.Irflorescences axillary,unbranchcd. Pcdunclcs always flattened, broadening towards thc top. Budspcdiccllatc or sessile,fusiform to doublc-conic,sometimes curved, outer operculum lost carly in bud formation, inneroperculum acutely or obtuselyconical or horn-shaped,sometimes uncinate. Outer filaments crcctwith anthersheld upwiuds, orerect for mostoftheirlcngth and finally dcflexcd near the top with antherspendulous, inncr ones erect for halftheirlength, then inflexed with anthcrspcndulous towards thc basoof the operculumcavityi rarely with all filamcntsinIlcxed. Anthers versatile, dorsifixed, narrow-oblong,opening byparallcl longitudinal slits. Filaments white, cream, oryellow. Ovary sunk into hypanthium,of 3-4 loculi; ovulesin 4 veflicalrows on an elongaledplacenta. Style bng, to undcrsidcofoperculum. Fruitpedicellate orrarely sessile, cupular, cylindrical orbarrel-shaped. Seed subsphericalto spherical, or sometimessomewhaf cuboid, rarely ovoid, smooth, whitish to lightgrcy- brown:hilum ventral. -r

'luasqs oJespuelS qyd qcltrn u1,.aopuntaog,, o1 ,,aot1olttorllJ,, salJes Sutst:duroc raqlo e6 pue'spue13 qlrd go eruese:d sql .(qpasuelcereqc fle8rel sr (aDLundshaTotl"l lqe:eq1 Sutpnllut puB),,aDqagdoxctT,,ol,,aDtnurcJ,,seuos?ulsFdurocouO,{tll3lldxopoulJeplouq8noqtluepl^oole sdno:Eqnse8ru1o.,'tl'(I/6I) uosuqol pue Jor..'Jdxr,,DItrypastg,, uoll3es Jo seyesJo lopro cql UIoJC

' (Dt o[t tpu!1 fu g),,amaau o rqt tr E,, aqtpuu (su ap a r rD A),,sa Ju a p a J J V,, eq1Jo sorcedsol J?lrrulsaJB s!suapuowsap'gJosadeqs lrnrg pue pnq aqJ sJalsanqJsllsouSutp ou se:uqs oqe qJrq/r\",s2J u zpal Jv,, oql sr (I86I) uosuqolpuu rofrg ut aari.irrdsl^r? oql ol ssuesluecefps leqlo eqJ

'aowtadntaT at1lqlt.4\ penqs aJelsw sn ol u,4\ouI,.rrur?r.rly'l,{.r3',, oql uI srolJurcq3 cqsou6epou eruereqlnq'aDfiunJ eqlJo DllUdouara gql.{\ uouurocut slolcuJuqcJeolsuqJlosll rwaao.tptta'g ',,anwauo.nqlfug,,souoseqldqrrJz?.rops,,t1a1u1g urpepnl3ul selJadsaql uo{ potsJudos em(,,aocunpaA,,'xAs)aDu.trads!^a7ot|' uolteJlllssotJ JuouoSol,iqd (l L6I) s.uosuqolpuu ro.{r4 u1

'prcryadnsoq o1drqsuolleler rJoql roptsuoc o.,tr puu'solras o,lr1 osoql ol uorur[oJeqolJ?eddesjalceruqcc4sou8elpreqloou'ro.ro,troH'(sollosslqltuo4oTnqdacoqdwoS'g apnlcxeeN\) aDtnuJoS eql;o sercads1p ut punoJunlnJredo pale8uola oql e:eqs sepods aDw.tads!^a1 'A 'g eql Jo ^wW uopeueldxe$otl1l//' a\fiutoJ sellos lolJ?aDfiunJqns souos poJetd(t€6I) Kleqelg'swdtlocnTur sraqto ol solrosoqlJo dlqsuolutol oqlJo uolssnJslp lIJIIdxo ouJo.lnouI ai6

'(I I elnEl{) slueuBlrJluuruels poxcuul fu€u pueltoJo ,,i{cJ Jo pnq oql uIqlL\ oJuoJJnJJooql (lll :(ZI om8rd)pcas Iecucqdsqns ro pct.tcqdsoqt (ll :unrqlued,iqoql usqlroEuol unlnJrado oql qll\l pnq uljoJlsnJoql (I

:epnlJulserJcds lsoul ur punoJsJolJgJtrrlt Jcuorlrppv

'(ZI ern8rd)qloours ,{tqctdruoJ sr lDoopeas oql (ll :.(llBlsrp uopr,rpue (peuollug fpcu4srp selceds otuos uI) pouoll?Uleq,nsuos s,(u,r,rle eru soltunpod oql (l

',arwtads1ta1 sapas A,oql JoJsJotseJ€qr orlsouSelp o.t1 aru oroq;

'oJurspJqsrlqnd uJJq a^eq sorJods orour 'lJos '9,, ,{uuu-rprm (1161) uopsf,rJrss?lcstuosutlol pue Jo.&d uI selcedsggl ueql e:our (.DunQaslg '(9 sB) sasudruoJ,.uolsr^tp,, sIqJ ern8l{) suopel^loJ otll Jo ?urtxsl pepl^tp f,1daepaq13o ssneceq 'saloN (I €6I uap1ehl),.rDtrrs.rBr uors!^!p,, oArel eql ur poceldeq pFon' arwtadsyv1 sessntdtprnq

'sIUOpsllEgpUP uOlJsAAl UCA,\\leq pU€lUI 'feg 'suer8 pue e111eers1o1 (Jo^rl{ uosrq nIAIaql Jo quou) uolSet pJBqlsX eql uo{ palsoroJ llsJuBl 'uoanqloslQ lsoq8rq eq uo{ tJ?dE(EI eJn?r.d)?rlp.qsnv (uelsold urolse^{-qlnosut peoJdseprlt

ae$su,{W - uaptyl.r'{,r,a ladsl^"1 saues sntdqDrn4 !6ddoH C uaqdals ?t.tatoorg H l-W NuytsiaVol. 8, No. 1 (1991)

The anomaly in this arangementis the Levispermae,which includesmost specieswith conspicuouspith glands,one without, and somewhere pith glandsare present but rareand often 'ft difficult to detect(a similaranomaly applies to theseries crassatae"in section"D umaria").This factor,and the absenceof sharedderived characters in commonwith otherseries, suggest that the seiesLevispermae is taxonomicallyisolated.

It is ofinterestto notethat rarc inter-series natural hybrids with membersoftheLevispermaehave been found (seeend of taxonomictreatment below), involving speciesof the "Loxophlebae" (E. loxophlebaxwadoo),theAccedentes (8.accedensxpluricaulis),the"Erythronemae" (E. recondita x mnthonema), the Cornutae s.lat. (8. spathulataxwandoo)the"Grossae"(E. grossaxhistophylla), "Dumosqe" lhe (E. conglobatax wandoo,E. arachnaeax obtusiflora), lhe "lncrdssatae" (E. desmandensisx incrassata, E. intassata x medialis,E. incrassatax pluricaulis,E. incrassatax phaenophyllastbsp. phaenophylla). Several of thesehybrids represent an intersectional cross, as the "Dumosae" seies and"Incrassatae"ate ln section"Dumaria".

Twenty-eightspecies arerecognised in thescries. E. desmondenstsstands apart from all othertaxa, andis placedin themonotypic subseries Desmondenses which is distinguishedin thefollowing key.

Key to subseri€so[ E. ser,Levisperntae

1. Stemsslender with sparsesometimes drooping crown; branchlets glaucous, lackingpith glands;operculum broadly conical, g equalto hypanthrum; all stamenscompletely inflexed subseriesDesmondenses

1. Stemsthick with crowndense, erect or spreading;branchlets glaucous in few taxa,pith glandspresentl operculum narrowly conical to attenuate, usuallylonger than hypanthium; not all stamenscompletely inflexed exceplin E. microschema,...... slbseriesLevispermne

Twelveinformal superspecics are recognisablewithin theE. subserieslevjspermae (Table 1). The "wa'doo" superspecies is characterisedby thetree or tree-malleehabit, large, often hairy seedling leaves,dull adultleaves more than 1.5 cm wide and compact spindle-shaped buds 1-2 cm long. It comprisesa groupof parapatricallyreplaced taxa, with E. pdndo, distinctin its glabrousseedlings from E. capillosa,E. livida andE. nigrifunda,all of whichhave hairy seedlings.

Thesuperspecies'p haenophylla" comprises agroupof ma.llees with glossyadultleaves more than 1 cm wide andbuds more than 1.5 cm long,often with theoperculum conspicuously nanower than thehypanthium at theirjunction.Again, thisis a widespreadparapatrica[y replaced group of taxa. Theeastelnmost species, E. tumidand E. histophylla,havemore allantoid buds than their western congeners.E. arachnaeastands apart from all othermembers of thesuperspecies in its roughbark andvery slenderoften uncinate opercula.

"Jubangusta" The superspecies includesthree species ofsmooth-barked mallees (orrarely small mallets)whose adult leaves are usually dull andnarrow (less than 1 cm wide)and with smallbuds lessthan 1 cm long. Thetaxa in thissuperspecies replace each other parapatrically or allopatrically. E. subtilishas the narowestseedling and adult leavesin the serieslevisp ermae, urd is isolated geographicallyand morphologically from theother two speciesin the superspecres. -".l'

" " na.nrynd'dsqnsoopuDd|E'qI " " " " " s8qrds oarqJol el€p.Iaquoo3pue 'L Jnense'IuAI tuo4lleqlmq.t\ N :snorqBlSse.tuel eltue.tn1 'e7 osolyldoc'dsqns osolltdoc g selzus1trJo ld ol lloqlcaq,t - plual lsee:d.Ilcq sa^sel ollue^nr L urur9 x 0I ol lln{ :uru t x 6I ol spnq:epl\{ ultx tZ ol so^?olllnpf, :{uld uouilcslo o8ucJo 'urBerJ',{eJ3 'olrq,r '9 rlloorusry?q IBsEq " " "'uosoc opunltfiru €Iloltl^ l€ar9:txtut x g ol lrn{:uru Z x 0l ol spnq fl't '9 :apt,rruru sI ol sc^eelllnp8:{rrp'q8nor dlpnsn 1nq lusuq snocnelSslalqcuurg I a1c,(cq1r'ro:8 lnoq8no:qy lnp Eurunuras3^ncl ltnpv " "" 'V uJa./;r,'dsqnsDaDuqJD.tD g'q8 e^{uloII puD^loua8url ucc.,(\loq:q8nor1:eg """" " Dlos!^!l2g'EI 11t11dnlupus8 puu 'dnre8ug ', e8u€l{adroqlsue^?6 :qtoouls{Jeg ueuE-on1q11np'e1u^o ol plollep sc^ccl '€ olJuo^nf:tuolurur gI uuqlssol unlncJodo "" 'clelootunl npr,rol!X'y1 a1Foo61u1;og pw N :uoo.I3.{ssolE so^?o[olruo^nf:8uol ruru sI u€qlaJou unln:rcdg E (11npeq feu ecrddoc:o ql.,*'or3.anou) ql.^\or3 Jo rDO,4 'Z puo3osdq ,{ssol8Sururoccq:o fsso18 so^scl llnpv (suonlulJopllq8q oos)lcllBur Jo ccrJ I

'Jasqns aowrads.r^aI sndtqtnn eql Io salJadsqnspug salJedsol ,{aX

'uorleSrlsJ^urJaqlJnJ lurJ[.^l 'auwods^a1 'Jas scrcads:ednscsaql ulqll,tt pue Euour€ sdlqsuoleleU a oql uI sxrl JaqloIp tuo{ uoql ot?losrlEql slelcereqo snonctdsuoc alouJ Jo euo SurAcq qf,eo'JId^louotu Ile eJE,,slsuapuousap,, pue.,wodsrtt,,'.,npt^D[,,',,Dln!^uJ,,',puuclDds,,',.D pqD,,',,Dtlotoaqa{,, selJodsJodns aqJ

'se^eol llnpo uooJS-en1q.{lsnonctdsttoc puu q1mor8 ,,neuqslldrnd e,req s.r nld flpwDsuap g'uauprDS'g ollq^l'so^Balllnp? qs1nlq.{Ic:rucsuaerS uD 'selJodsredns pueq1.,iro:6 r,reu uaalE-aollo.{ 3ul^€q rr n^ g p\eErunpat g tlll/r\ eqlulqll^\ sar3eds Jo sdnorso,/r\laqolrpoddEereqJ'(sllnDJuryd'flpuEuauptnSg'E a) klcdurds prlqderSoo8Jo S3ser 'suoulsls eruosere ereql qEnoqllB'dlpsll?deJed leqlo qa?e otsldcJ ssel Jo erou ExellueuoduoJeqJ, ,no11a,(pue ?uol urc A'g ol spnqeleSuole Jttsltolc?rsl{3 aql'se^?ol 11npe ueerS-en1q 11np dlensn 'se^eelSurlpees npqlu(sle surloseelpurJosolsedsoAlJsepr.lxu't!,,DJunpaJ,,selJodslodnscqJ,

'ryuq Jeffiqq8noJ sll uI sslJodsJeqlo oql ruo{ l:ud€spuels 'e1n:.Iado DtrlqdouDlzut'E 'll3ql€eq./i\ursqlnos eql uI uollnqJrlsJppolJrlsar e seqlI rleut:un uego el?nuell?,ttaulJ qll^\ SuolurJ S'I ol spnqpedBqs-eputils ,torruu pue ept,u u.IJ 9'I ueqlsssl dllBnsn sa^saltlnps nnp qll,{ slelpul Jo soolpurJo soJ}adslnoJ seu,.Dwauoqum,selJodsledns oqJ

'reddoH ee.os!,{N - uaprcW aa4rads^"1 sau.s snrdttpnlg ( usqdels ?9re)toorg H I I NuytsiaVol,8, No. I (t991)

5. Branchlehnot glaucous Basalbark rough; buds to 15 x 3 mm; lower CorackerupCreek and Pallinup River areas; E of theStirling Range...... 21.E. melanophitra 8. Basalba* smoothor with scattered partly-detachedflakes; buds to 26 x 5 mm 9. Operculummore than 10 mm long;crown intenselyblue-green, new growthusually purplish 10. Adult leavesmore than 15mm wide; usuallyon lateriticridges 11. Operculummore than 15 mm long; west centralwheatbelt - Cadouxarea ...... ,,.,,, 23a. E. gardnerisubsp. gard,neri 11. Operculumless than 15 mm long; RavensthorpeRange...... 23b. E. gardneristbsp. ravensthorpensis 10. Adult leavesless than 12 mm wide; usuallyin depressionsor flat country;southern wheatbelt from Ongerupeast to Ravensthorpeand no h-east to Hyden...... 24a.E. densasubso. densa 9. Operculumless than 10 mm long;crown grey-green to blue-green;new growthnot purplish 12. Budsto 7 x 2 mm;fruit to 3 x 3 mm;small mallet to 5 m tau; northernwheatbelt, particularly Mullewato PaynesFind ...... l6b. E. subangustaslbsp. pusilla 12. Budsmore than 7 x 2 mrfl 13. Mallet or smallto medium-sizedhee maturing to morethan 8 m; new barkcreamy grey, pinkishor yellow;adult leaves green or blue-grey; juvenileleaves not hairy 14. Mallet;bark cream, grey or pinkish,often with looselyheld non-decorticated dead fragments held on the lower 1 m; blackhorizontal insect scars oftenpressnt on lowertrunk; buds to 14 mm long;BeaufoIn1et.....,...... 22.E.nraetermissa 14. Smallto medium-sizedtree; bark white,grey or yellow,often with scatteredloosely held darkrough-barked fragments; insect scars absent; budsto 19 mm long;Darling Range and westemwheatbelt, south-east to StirlingRange andlower Pallinup River .....,...... ,.. la. E. wandooslbsp. wandoo 13. Smalltree to 7 m; newbark orange;adult leaves conspicuouslygrey; juvenile leaves hairy; westem and southemgoldfields 3.E.livida 'dsqns """" """" wsnSuoqns A'p9I tl$qlller?N $ou pue'ooroql?ldpue SuluuBuruet { uoa,rtoqlleqleoq^r :6uol rurx 0I ot s6lJunped 'tZ :epl,i{ulttl 0I ol s0^B0lllnpu :l.llooursryBq l€ssg olodsttt'g'91 "" ""'uoJeBqqeoug-D[oouepu?l :8uol u x 9I ol solJunpad:epr^r uu SI ol se^eelllnpe :se{pu '€Z Eurtrnrpal?rruorop dll€Fred sD luetslsred ]J?q IEs?g 'ZZ Suotrxr I u8qlssol spng spnqe:n1eu uo uro!1e urnrqluud,(qse qlpr,r olxBsunlnc:edg '91 'A'eg "" """'lloql?oq,r DaDUIJDJD'dsqnsDaDuqJDro I€IuoJpu€ ureqlou :sr6lsnl,droprds u1 3uo1 uLr 8I ot spnq 'ltere :opr^ruu SI ol ,(nusuluoJdlou se^sal:plaq fllqErl Uuq Iesuq IZ owoclsnds'E'L '''''"''"""" " " " """ " "aomdncourq3 a1u1-dm8ur4 :6uoluur 0l ot spnq:opJ^\ruru 0I usqlssol 'IZ lreJesa^€ol:ptoq dlosool rysq lEseq '6I q8nor{mq ps?g 'dsqns """"" suarD[raiu! o tuldouaa$ fl'q6 e6ueged:oqlsuo^?U ot ls?e sltrg poo,4\xogprlu dnBunuru::a1 :f l88urlssuals :urnlqlu?d,{q uaqlra/uol?u .tPqE11sdluo "uJEIp '02 urnln.rado uruit ot spnq 'dsqrs '?6 "' Dlltqdouanld o1\&ldouaoqdg lloql€oq,rureqtnos puE Isquoc :lqSlsJtsT suols:unrqluud.tq ueqlro/t{oJJeu {lsnoncrdsuoc '02 unlnrJedo'uierpujur S'Z ol spng qloorxs{rDq ps?q 6I spnqemle ul uo uloflB unlqluEd,4quuql Jo,roJJeu unlnJJodo '8I uaerEol uear6qslnlq'JInp so^?ol '11 olruo^nf:8uolur"u SI u€rgssal unlncradg "" """' Dp!^Dtl'9" elFooEle;,1Jog pu?N:ruru 9 x 0I ol qtn{ :,,!\ollo,t$o,,r\ou 'fssolS :u6oJE se^Belollua^nf:6uo[ rurx SI uEqloJoru unlnc:edo 41 (u^roJceplsu! se^?ol mo,( puoJos uo tuople eq ,{luo ',{sso13 '91 ,(Bu.rscllsualrelpqi aJnl?u) uee$ se,,iee111npy 'sI srolcsJBqsJo uollEurquoJ0^oq8 eql lnoqtl]{A 'g s$uapuowsap 8z oAUBUofu oqlsue^Bu :unlqluEd.tq 'llnp'urc ol pnbe +'pcluoJ rxnlnJredo:.(eJE-enlq g'g x 0I 'snoJn?l8 ol se^B3lllnpB :spu8l8 qlrd lnoqlr/'\ slolqJu8Jq 'ru :ut\oJJ6uld6e,{\ seurleuros asruds qlr,,ir.lepuels ? ol suJals gI 'I (suonrurgap]lqeq ees) eelpw

eee.e!,(t^I - uopt"Ii,t ,n radst^?.7 sauas tktdqoang leddoH ( uaqdals A raloorg H I' Nuybia Vol,8, No. I (1991)

22. Budsmore than 1 cm long 24. Leavesconspicuously erect 25. Budsmore than 15 mm long;between FraserRange and Balladonia ...... 12.E. histophylla 25. Budsless than 10 mm long;east and south-eastof Newdegate...... L8,E. mitoschema 24. Leavesheld at variousangles 26. Basalba* smooth;adult leayes to 20 mm wide; juvenileleaves to 6 cm wide 27. Adult leavesto 11 x 2 cm; maturebuds allantoid.to 20 x 3 mm:E andNE of Ravensthorpeto IsraeliteBay ll. E. tumida 27. Adult leavesto l0 x 1.5cm; maturebuds fusiform. to 15 x 4 mm: Jenamungupand Boxwood Hills eastto RavensthorpeRange 9b,E. phaenophyllastbsp. interjacens 26. Basalbark loose, rough; adult leaves to 12 mm wide;juvenile leaves to 3 cm wide;E of Hyden,90 Mile Tank area 10.E. luteola 16, Adult leavesdull throughoutthe crown, blue-green or green 28. Leavesconspicuously erect 29. Budsmore than 15 mm long;between FraserRange and Balladonia ...... 12. E. histophylla 29. Budsless than 10 mm long;E andSE of Newdegate,...... ,...... 18.E. microschema 28. Leavesheld at variousangles 30. Leavesless than 10 mm wide 31. Basalbark rough; buds to 30 x 4 mm; salineor swampyground; DalyupRiver-Gibson...... ,.26b. E. variastbsp. salsuginosa 31. Basalbark smooth 32. Crownblue-green; buds to 20 x 4 mm 33. Adult leavesless than 9 mm wide, new growthoften purplish; maximum height3 mi Ravenstholpe-Jerramungup iirea...... 24a.E. densastbsp, improcera q8nor'esoo1lruq pseg'17 'Euo1 '97 lunlq ro el8nuolle uur 91 ueqlssal urnlncradg po^inmr uelJoxede unlncrodo '9€ :8uolruru ZI u?qleJour spnq eJnlen """"" DlDdsrtJl'gI ?eJeBqqeeug-3)loouepue^ :sd?^\s{Barq Juualq uo :sFnc '6€ pel€cluocepdlued ur es?ql? Ir?g DlstrSuaqns'dsqns Dtsn?uoqns 'A 'E9I """"""""' llJql?eq^ruequou aql ut uruldpuus '69 ,ro e,(uo ,{lqslou:qtoorus ryBg lleql?aqaJe4uec pue uroq ou:esnlqo '8t urnlncredo:snocrul8 lou slelqcwJg 'dsqns "" ou1nc nlsn?uDqnsg'J9l lleqleoq.\lIDIUoJ urols€o reJ :elnJ? ueuo unln edo:snocnelEslelqcuerg 35 'r€ uju g x 0I ol spnq:uiu g x t u?qlerou lFrg o111snd'dsqnsolsn8uDqns 'g'q9l slllH w8uol[ ol qlnos puld seu,&dpu? ?,rollnl^I 'rg :uru Z x rot spnq:uu € x € ol trnjC dp le peyrnc1ou urnlncrodo '9t lEuolr.uu.r 71 u?qlssel spnq elnlsy{ '0€ epl.^l\uur 0I u?qloJorx so^Bo'I 'wuesjoNJo slvqns fl'Ll s ol rysI et!fiI06 :opr^{ruur 9 ol se^80[llnpE 'l?cluoc :dn lE poloorllou unlncredo 'tg :6uol rurx, ol'loJrpadot Suuodqspng DllsoddD'dsqns DuauolltuDx 'g 'e6l """"""" " """"' eEueaEuyFrt5 's€ :epld\ruru 9I-6 se^?e'I owauoqlunx'dsqns m)tauolguox 'g 'e6I dnEunu€lel ot sur?lll4[ Jo AS :epld\tutu, u?qlssal sa^uo'I 'Sg 'elenueoe dp le pe{ooq uego urnlnorodo :EuolururyI ol 'elello3rpedFllrullslp spng 'tg 'zg uru € x rI ol spnq:u6e.rau^rorJ 'e9Z otrD^'dsqntsDltD^ fl (Je^eI ssuroqJ ol ls"o re,ra dnfp6) unldpues ocueredsg :u L lq8requnmx?ur :u6eJ3-aollo,{ 'tg ql^\or8,Y\ou 'ep!1r\ urur gI-6 se^selllnpv

'roddoH aBersu,q^I- uaprEn ar&adst^4 sauessvd.qor A C ueqdels?ra{oorg HlI^l NuytsiaVol.8, No. I (1991)

42. Thin stemmed(to 10 cm diam.); leavesto 15 mm wide;buds to 14 mm long:Kalgan Plains, StirlingRange 20.E. medialis 42. Thick stemmed(to 20 cm diam.); leavesto 18 mm wide; budsto 17 mm longl Jitamingto Tincurrinand Dryandra ...... 5. E. hebetifulia 41. Basalbark smooth 43. Branchletsglaucous; newly exposed barkbright orange;central eastem wheatbelt,...... ,... 2b.E. capillosaslbsp. polyclada 43. Branchletsnot glaucous 44. Leavesalways dull 45. Leavesgreen; newly exposed barknot orange:buds fusiform: operculumacute; seedling leaves glabrous;Stirling Range... l9b. E. mnthonemassbsp, apposita 45. Leavesconspicuously grey; newly exposedbark bright orange; buds allantoidor fusiformioperculum blunt; seedlingleaves hairy; Coolgardiedistrict south to Kumarl- PeakCharles ...... 3,E.livida 44. Leavesmaturing green and slightly glossy,at first blue-green;buds fusiform; operculumacute; W of Dandaragan...... ,..... ,,., 6, E. abdita 40. Operculummore than 12 mm long,attenuate 46. Basalbark rough; saline or swampy ground;DalyupRiver-Gibson 26b.E.variasubsp.sdhrgilara 46. Basalba* smooth;slopes, plains or lateritichills 47. Stragglyshrub; maturg adult leaves purplish;Tadn Rocksouth to StirlingRange and Fitzgerald River NationalPark...... 25b.E. pluricaulis slbsp.porphyrea 47. Erect-stemmedmalleesi mature adult leaves green or blue-green 48. Leavesgreen; coastal from CapeRiche to FitzgeraldRivgr NationalPark and RavensthorpeRange ...... 27. E. redunca 48. Leavesblue-green -I I I I

'proqnJ 'u,norq-{a,r3 ol Iulrroqdsqns o1u,^\olq:lq3lt pcJS 'urJ90xI01'lrruprrrl,{JolleJruoJqo'clclloJrpodlrnrCclrqnsrc.r,rolgdolcqltcpa^rno,{ltq8rTs 'lcJruoJ sJrurlcuosJo lqirnrts clnr-rcdo'ruci0x6I ol'ruroJlsnlspng 3uo1urog 1o1salrunped :pcro^\ol-I-rlot:^JrrrJrsirouul ,{cr8-cnlqo1 .{cr8 qsruccrfl'(,{ssol8,{tcrsr)llnp:urJtZxgI ol 'clrlocJul]l sJ^[ol llnpy srrcurDrdslleqlDJq,,\\ uJJlso,\\ puo ure qlrou ur.{xt.,rr pun,{uB 11np'suaur:eds 'cl"^o '3 oiuug 3ur1.Ir15 o1 ciuug 3ur1.req ur u:lc:8.{sso13 f 11q3 r1s :tuf, 0 I x t I 01 01clupjoo uqcurclp 'sJred ucrll t Jo t rol clrsoddoSurur0uror Surlpccs crll Jo sc^[c'l l[lnpuB[8 qlrd :lou Jo snoJncl8 slJlLlJrrl]rgi^tuouSr:-1 prljrq-q3nor lrcp plcq,{lcsoolpcrcllsss qlr.^^uclJo {unrl ctoq,\\:IrEq f]cp,lAod ,{1tq3r1sqtrm (,oata,rprdclsqns) sucrul:eds ulequou :o8uproelnd ro ,\\ollo,{',{cr8 'alrq,r 'qloorus ',{.rf 'sno:qr1 '(cA s,{r^\lr soojlojnluul uo qsr,,dollc^ot ,{crf lqfrl siurldcsuo 1:tg c:n8rg)lqsopcd l:1ncrro puno.rf-l,r.oqrrr IsrJotinrrrlJ nro{ 3urpucasI uol.Jo sJJJI plo cSlnl ur oloq :llq ul gZol eorJ

'irf iu00l)'ir l.\l) ryr.\\{n).rB xotlDltttllt tnal0)

() :rlIs) rrs p/ry'p1o'crlurtsnv uJJlsJy'A'rc^r1 ucfl1cS1 :adt1

'(l.9Ul)tEZ:t lrritsnVlC"rlluogr/rJl, nr^ rJnrqJ S ,Jti,/r, .t g-: )t.tDdo.td'(lrg:D LZfl ssnrd Id 'rrqo1 ur.rJnur{JSDrutp).t ll - (ttfrt) Zt t ,.sldfln3ngoql ol .(o),,'^lc{clg rroprrrasntd{pJn-i'I

'lsrJlsrpcoroqlsuJ^nu oql ol polruls0r st s)!1t)pltoutr)oi^or.ro:^qns lrd,(louou oqJ ( ornSrg)slr:os oql J0 c3u[J InJrqdDrSorS:)loq,r orll sJaAoJ'(l:t1t1|1) anu adstnl tos ?oql ut sJrJod"'8ztqlto 17 Sursr.rduroc'sclrosqnssrqtr

'pro,to,{1o.rl.r'proqntouros ur lo'lnJrJoqdsol 'dol 1u:uoqdsrlnr^poo5 .ro11:r.{.roolrqm srr,,'rolJ luo urrlr.l o qt jo qtSuol.ql j lnqlnoqu uro.U poxou ur ro 'lm.n 'urnt .llou paxal-lrrrol Luo.rl6ur,{lua sluournlr-J llurLLnlS olcnuJllc ol lrlruoJ I I,l.lorroLr qlundfq ol qlpr,r ur Il;nbJio rrrql .ro,ro.r.nu:rofrrol qcnu :o urnrqlurdXqol qlSuolur Innbo+ unlnc]odo '.riprrsls 'poluSuolo 'lnols 'puo uoq)1roq"^ ,{1o,rr1r1o.l.1r pul ur.roJrsn.lspnB Jo Jopuols lxlsrpsp]n,\\ol SuruJpr,rplnpouJllru s,{rrllc solounpoSspun13 qlrd ;noqlr,trro rltr,tlslclqrunrg (upc^o xr^\ lqfrl 'srocnr131ou '3uIpr,loJds q3noq1llurlsrprl)r.,rr:o scruJJso.roUurpuu s)Jlq3uuJg snolnpuod lou JoloaJa 'o:^rrop rr,^orl:.rJpuo1s,{lsnoncrclsuo:10u s1un1d crnlcu.r ur sLLrJlSIunIiosLuclsJolsoruol.ll[qJc o 'sorll.l 'qloours ,roosuclcql;u qSnor J o potrrruorop ,{11:cdq1r,n .to I.rI g scclll]urJos'lcllBru'sccJJ

oDr u n d stl a.I satJas{ln S

,r./rl dsqnsDi.tD^ fl'r,r)Z (:e,lrg scuoql ol lsBc,lJ^lUdn,{ls() unldpucs a:uc:adsg :uaor3-,l.rollo,{ qlmor8 ,trou:opl,tl tutu tJ ol se,tuo'I 6z srTrrnrrrrTrldsqns srlttotrttld geg7 c8urg 3uy1l1gcq1 o1 qlnos sBuudg ccrql uorj tloqtBoql. cq1ur pccrdsopt.triqslldrnd uego qt.aro:3,,tcu:cpr,\\ ruru 8I ol se^pe'I 6t

'raddo ."rrpri,{t{ uipruy,Jari,ladtlnd'I sanasst4dqn Z C uaqdats ?9raloortr Il t n NuytsiaVol. 8, No. I (1991)

:",',ffi*"1':Tif:"ff',iiiti:;:i";::#::::,tr"":;;::'::^i:i,:::iherud(o),andbuds.rrui,s,adu,rieavesand I

'Lt6I 'tdcs 6'.{rnqqSrHJoN etru I :(HJUAd',,\[SN'-lfhl'gNVJ'qV) tt00l rrToolg H I W'8861 '8nV ',8t 'pcor "IAht'SNVJ '(IV) €Z "rtt S,90oZg proqdeqgjo g tu11 9 :(HJUSd'ndSN 6016 'urSuroC "I! nlootg lf J W' LB6I,(lnl gI spr?,rol'Surpen?nOJoASuD{I t:GIUEd',^[SN ^I'SNVJ 'oV) 'urSuroJ LOL6nlootg lLf W'L86I,{lnfgI spru,uotSurpsrrtrnoJo AS u{ 0Z:(HJUgd',^&SN 'tAht'SNVJ'gV) '186I,{tnl 'SurpsrrunbJo '-]iII,t g0L6nloo.tgtf IW gI Srq g:(HJUAd'A\SN 'gNvJ) OtI6.rrloo.tgH lW'986I uv,IBZ'q.U "9II S.St .09'fe,r{q8rquo 3urqs1u16go g5 g ru1y "Iaht'sNVc) 'ro(I 'ut8u:o3 :(HJxad',{,\sN rEr6 'o4oo18I1 w'986r 8 a,rt "rII 5.E7"39 "IEI 'gNVJ) 'S86I'xa18 Jotds'Sursso.rr IrB.rJo N ur00I :(HJdAd',^\SN I 0€t6 ra?ootg'EI'W 'A,8, 'urf '3:(HJl{Ad',^\SN'-IgW'SNY)) 'H'f "LII S.rZ .Zt uroJJot(\S S u.I{ 9I (888nl ootq n 's86I qrlcl^I €'a,Ot.8II s.6I "t€'pBo)I qlnos dndurooJuo Sulssorrtuo{ urPsrlsdn'{e3rJ "ISht'SNVJ) dnqctuot{:(HJUAd',tSN 9188l too.tg'ttfW'9861ttrrBttt'4.Et.8II5.6t.tt 'puor "IAl{'SNVC) .{tg :auajg - uop.rog:(HI){Ad',4tSN 8988nloorg lf f IAt'S86I qodZZ 'peou 1rc4puo4r51cSucg 3u1:rl5;o p rc^rulps :(HJdAd'ldSN'gNVJ) I0I8 nlootg tI'/! 'tU6I 'A, 'pcor - {cn t gt .rI I S,99oZE qlrursrrcll ur3orretr1uopcod qtroN urrlnourJ Jo /A ru)tt I :(HIdEd',\,\SN'SNVJ) g96LtaYo.tB If IW't86I qog9I's[rH u?3uol[spru,f ot'trt3u1p3;o 'S '286t'lro 'poor AN u{ g'9I :(HJUgd',AA.SNNy)) E69L'269Lta2loo.tg J! | t^t ,'o3u0uSuIIInS ',^dSN'SNVJ) Ilou) JJnlguo{ Ilcr1crrl f:cpunoq p 3uot3ur{ Z'Z:(HINSd 169Lr loo.tg'lff I/{ '286I 'tro 'eiucg 'poor 1 8ur1:r1g llou) lJnlg uro{ Ilt?rl.rIJ ,{rnpunoqN Suot€utl 6 I :(HlUAd ',4(SN'SNVJ) 06SL.taloo.tgIllW'2861 8nV9Z'a,tt "9fI S,69o0g'IuureJ lP Sutssorc1ur - JoA ur)t9 ZI :(HJUAd)06St.t lootg H I W'2L61ltldv OZ'p.""o1e1uiepmctr1ecer0 elB'I urBul cqlpuednSu:ng uoc,tlcq Itrq lscqilq:(HIUAd'SNVJ) 0S9Zo)loo.rg tf I W'016I,{tnl€I'uIInXJo '016I Ssctru 8:(HJdgd'SWI I'SNVJ) gggTDlootg tf I W i[IZl'8utperrun] 1o16 sc11ur 11 'OL6I,{tnJ '8urpc.rmno :(HJdgd'.IAW'SNV)) ZETZt too.tg t.l f hl ZI sprD.^\olIroI uro{ sclltu 'qlluslur]H 8I:(HJUAd',4[SN'BNYJ)ggZZ.tDtoo.tgIt IW'696I ^oN € spru,noluttl:1:r,1i;ogg 'uol{oorg solrruLI:(HJ)igd 0SLI'6VLI l tootg Ll I W'696I AEINBI sp.ru,^Aolqucd luo{ solltuSg 'r'.(HLEAd,) 'r€6I '.{BdpooJ %trnlS'g/A' L{,6I'ceq'.{ueq1y:(g1Xg.A) VS UDtrDtg'Z tt qcrejl 'g51y3) rllosseH 'T?6I ioou :(HJUAd cSungSullrltS tJI rv.xulpuuag Wll usf'c8uug3utp45 'proJpllnC :(HJUAd) u'sr',ra.rpuy2'1961lr.tdy :VI'lVUISnV NUSJ 9g1,6pauuuvra suawtcadg

'I 06'rt'L'aS'qS scrn8ld)ruJ,x0I01 dnsc^Bol olrua^n[:sno3nclE lousloll{cuuq pmr',{cr8ro clrq,r 01Surciu'qscrj ucq,,'r ,to11ed elnd sr luql lrcq ,4lcp,\aod-uouqll.,'r lx SZot coJJ

ooprr,{ dsqnsdla)EIB oopuD{ sud&oJnfl 'eI

'serJJdsqnso^\l JJBJtJqJ

'('ururof, sJJd'u.^.\oJgd) a?^JBI 'sJBe,( lJesur Suuoq-poo,a\ol ,4[urEuranp ]uo3oJul lt?qotp u.f olc poleJJns6^?q spu?lse^tsuelxa

'ErlEJ]snv uralse,r-qlnosul [oIuoJ [lrurlesroJ uorlDlsJJOJJcJJ ur puc sradealeeq ol tueuodut os1usI tI raqu.qlslqemp puu pJ€I{,{Ieuarxe us s?q oopuud!

'wq,r3u lnJrnolosssslprm "(dou?Jltnpe uoo:3-anlq'se,\eolSulpeesslE^o ol31ep:oc snorqelS'uuo] roll?l puElrqsq mI tuelsrsuof,slr ,(q (nsolltdnc g) ooptrc,t uJelsseuorJ paqstn8uqstpsr u.uor8er prnllncnSe rrreqlno5leerg pue e8ueg SuITrBqcql Jo runSalrq,,tt. u,litou{-Ile,{. eqlsr oopuDttrg'saloN

eeereurl^l - uaprcI I ar&ua.l!1^"l satras sntdKtDrnfl !.ddoH tI uaqders T, rotoorg tl I'y'I Nuyrsiavol. 8, No. I (1991)

, ."!I

lttslaift aLrstaAlrANhiBBA6lllf,l

FigDre 15. Holotype ofg. wanlo" Blakely subsp.pullerca Blooker &HoplP't. ',{?r il-roquraoso'pot.tadSuuaaoll

'scl.ros€l ',surts uorlr?^Jcsuorur pclucscrdcr11ci[ luupunqcpuB pucJdsapr1! r/ottluasuoJ

'u lJJel Sunelnpun ur po:nlxel euq .{pueuru.ropcrdcJa slros pcrrcJcrd 'qlucrl ucdo I[[Bnsn sr,{eJolsJepun 'tscroJ oqJ ucdo u" Sururroj spuelscrnd sscl Jo cJourur sJnJJooopuDtt|dsqns oopuoa,, X f,11etrdia 'eJucrrnJJo 'uccqucJeN uluu oqt Jo lsca 3ql ol UDI0zI cruos Jo lsBo ru)I 09 do:r1no elruorSe uo Jcrllno lrun fs^rpperc,tocsrp ,t1luarer e sreJoqI (iI ernBr{) Jo,r15dnurl p4:e.no1puu a8ue113ur1.r115 cq1 ol lleqlceq,r cqt lo lJsd ruolsa^l eql qSnorql lsr?o-qlnospun {oorq,{uuo( sprB,rol qlnos rpurg rpurg 'lDJrqoU puu uriurg ruo:.1urnld lntseoJ puu sllrqlooJ1ucJB[pD puu cSueg3u1y:u6 paDuounqtJJsle

'(BNVJ)'u s /Jrl/t44IlW W'196l cunlg'Suoperut{ :GJUgd).i.rors' /,V r'tS6I lrO'arprntuso-I'dr?rSSullrpC:(g1ag4)7radg Iy',rg 'gf6l 'ullrr?g '296I 'loorqu?r3 cunl I :(Hluad) L09I ytlus t!1 r3( II rsou'sul?rlll[ Jo s sclrrx68 :(Hluad) z69I qrlws 9 !'2961'lco 6l'qtrcdrxorJsclrx t? pr]or{ro^:(Hluad) 'dc1p1 'lto 099loo.tqoas|'8L6I AetN euc1a11:(HJdgd) ?roryrs N t'LI6I tZ SurprS.solBoJ 'uolSurtrBq 't :(HJliAd)Z-rrot|y B'6t6I flnl g :(HJUgd tg) EIElaztudVg' 106IIUdV'lrrJlsrp 'I'018I uo^V:(('D StZss? arJ \rrelNr')tro^ ol punoseSroeD SurX :(OT) ItZSsta.td T'Ol8I'qci 'lroA "MN'X'SNVJ'tug'AV) ol punosc8rocC Surx:(HJUgd',4(SN srlo{rrN O'016I ^oN8l 'dnuofoylo 'puor 'c'puor 169 dnrc.rolJo y'd sclrur Z druqoy{S :(HIUAd) 260 E [2q6 a N'X'016I LI 'ucf 'dnltcquBJ 'V06I1t:tly 'yllqouoorg Io g solrurtI :(HJUSJ aos!.t.toWV 91 :(HJUAd) ?lrl.t 'I 'uefi'A,6[ S'L96t "r]I S,Zt .1g'e11nfunglo 1.1'{roUcuucpuog:(HJUAd'gNVJ) urgrl,{ 7 '996I 'oBrog.rc,lrg '{oorg 'ZS6I rcO I cuc1c11 ucqoC:(gNyJ)arDltDATgtaX tdos9Z'Suruu?lex '086t 'dnuu.{og Jo /ANl[ sclrur9 :(HJEAd)ZrSt tlaq1nx /, ,rog 1y pLrudnuuprtq usc,trlcq 'Ioorg 'cunu.drrs's1pg pcIOorJ:(HJuad'SNVJ)g8E7Lnq3tay 1 9'6 y6I ,4lnt S curlucd:cg1o 5 ' u13'pno5fo11enSurrdS:(HIUgd) USEItIToX W L06Iourr'ootorooi&:(HJdAd) IultlDrqILp aLlS '9961 'Suruuplpx:(HJuEd) 'A,6S 8ny 71 €9g7nddo116 9'966ltro I o8II S,/0 oZ€'uaequarsN ' 'a,6s Joa'c^roscu orntnSl eur,n1;o .{rupunoq a:(HJuad 9711nddolJ6 5 s86I sunl tI "LII 'p?or 'r 'u's S,rZoZg rlrurpuox- ur8uroJuo IJ0E c8rogJo ,{\N ru)tZ :(SNVJ) wpH A'L96l '8nv ',{.t[g gI're^urnqtrvJogsctftu / 0:(H1Ag4.)gEl a,nag W V'LL6t'ldrggt uo11oo:g3uo1e 'qtrursurEH {f,ou raptnogJo A sclru 9I :(HIUgd) t\IZ nupn) V )'rZ6I qrrBtI 9 :(HJUgd tZ '026I 'dnlloqur8J'.(IIL&AA 'I06I 'uon3unl .taup.tD{)V C cunl gZ ppraSzttC,l lt qrml I puplplN "Ifl{) '1de5 'pBor :(HJUAd S96|ltosltt xaUt996l 97'se1e1eq1Jold slru I qlrodolIroI:(HJdgd 'gNy)) "Jrp L6g6zlDwa1H'EB6IqrrcIN9Z s[rqlool:(C-D t8'IgpaowwruO'I r're^ry uB.4\S ' 'dl(H :(HJdAd) ggzI ztDrua1H 696I ounl ZI uot)toorguo ?edelrur Z/I 97gSou:nl peog , e1ceyr1 'u's 'I061 'qcd '(,(cdpooJ :(HJEAd) pztLra Tv I lt splo g 7 C 8nV T =) clls?r,\tcNl(HJXgd) '! 'R88I 'cgJ) s utuot).f.r/r{ rr^ru poo^\)rBlgrql JosrJrnos :( HJuad v Ltg dslrJ cl.l'6L6l 'uPI 'surel ZZ'A.9t .9I I S,8I o€€ rld ol psorEuop u?{rB(I ruo{ lu)Ig:(HJugd'l!\sN'ol^l'SNYJ '9gJ)'0619 'uefSI'A,8t ',&SN dslr, OW'0L6I "7115,7y "ggSuruu8l€X Jo g urt 8 :(HJUAd '8NyJ 'CSJ) '6L6I 'E,99 'dnraSwr'Aoug BLISds!.t) O N upl SI "lII S,t9 ott ol p?orSuoIB '4.08.8II Ilrqoruoorgruo4 uDI6z:(HJuad"/y\sN'caJ) 9919 ds,rrJ c I^l'6161'ueI S.60.tg '31ou:n1 'peor 1oo4dnuqllqJ ruo{ l N ulI gZ dndurool - IIIH poo^{xog:(HJ{Ad'SNVJ) 8808 'uol{oorgJo a7ptqng J N'EL6I up,f6I ldS'drBqcuBSeunsduISB,(og:(gNyJ) I ggTaSptqng'19

'raddoH 3p'rr"utrr,^,r- uoprey,r 2,a t2.tsl^?j sauassntdqDrrg C saqdars ? ra{oorg HIt{ NuyrsiaVot. 8, No. 1 (1991)

Nole'r' subsp ]rdrdoo diffcrsfrom subsp.purvereainthe absence ofpowder bz'k, its consistently yellow new bark,irs smallerseedling leaves,ancr its non-gtaucousurancttets. The two subspecies a^pp_earto rntergrade noflh of Cingin,c.g. M.I.H. Brooker 9889 (AD, CANB, MEf_,nSW, pi:niiij rs lrom a population with very slightpowder bark and palc yellow new bark.

The Twinc Rcservedisjunct population , eastof Narcmbcen (M.l.l!.'recognition. Brooker 10541)has glossy adult lcaves within the canopyand may warranttaxonomic This popufoti"oni,, presumablva relict from wcttertimes when thedistribution of E. wanioo extend"d"";t'i"";;.ry ; thecastcrnwheatbelt. Likc thcJilakin Rock population ofjanal, anJttrecoddard,s soar population of E rridr, theTwine Rcserve stand of E. iaidoo occuiswett'tottreeastorthe main range o[the spccrcs'and is confincd10 favourabre soilsreccivi'g high runoff from a lz'ge graniteoutJrop.

lb. Eucallptus wandooBl|tkely stbsp.pulvereaBrookcr & Hopper,subsp. nov. (Figurc14, l5)

A subsp^ccicryphr slatura parviore, , corticepulvcreo, saepe palrido-aurantraco ubinovo glaucisdiffcrl. etramulis

Typus: 8.7 km N ol Wathcroo,Wcstcm Australia,3 Fcbruary' lggg, M.1.,. Brooker9gg5 & C. ^larurrc.rs(holo: PERTH; iso: AD, CANB,MEL, NSW).

Trcc10 r 5 n lrt wirhpowcrcrv Ixrk oftcnpllc orangcwhcn frcsh agcirg 10 whilc or grcy, graucous branchlcls,and juvcnilc lcavcs up ro l3 x lb crn.

Specinensexanined. WESTERNAUSTRALIA: c. I milc SE ot.Mt Lesucur,6 Jan. M I II Brookar235l(AD, 1970, CANB,PERTH);7 milcs N ofThrc"Sp.i,W, iE ap.il f Gu yNEof 9.l0,M.1.. Brooker ?:19!PERTH); Mrpcror,30"06,5I15. 12,8, irvrr?r, rcs:,,Vr rr. Brooker B00l (CANB,NSw, PERTI{);6.1km NE, of ArrinorowarO, rvrura*o, iSJi:,s I t 5. 38,8,I Nov.1984, M.LII.Brooker 8733 (CANB, NSW, MEL, pERTH); 6.9km Se oiArrrn towardsThrce Springs, 29" 28'S I 15"40'E ,3 lunc 1985,M.t tr. Bt.ookergl32 (CANgtEi;,\sw, pERTH);7.4 km N of Coombcrdafc, 30. 24'S I 16.03'E, 27 Jan. 1986,U t.U n,",otril',)t69(CANB, MEL, NSw, PERTH);5.2 krn N of Moora. 30"i5.S 1r 6. 01,8,1 Feb. i S8i,i.i.ri. u _ ot "r 9876(AD, MEL.Nsw, 'ERTH); 12 km CANB, N of Moora.:0" :z;s r ro. oiln, i"r."i. , *s, ,y r a . Brooker9886 (AD,CANB, MEL, NSW.PERTH);5.7 mitcsN of ThrceSpit,-Ur, iS b.t. 1966,G.M. C hippendole 38 (CANB,PERTH): proposed Ml Lesucur Rescrv",e of irlt f"._, i0" 06,5 I 15. 13,E,21 May t981, t.A. GriJJin3ts2 (pERTH).

Disu'ibutionancr habitar. Northern whcatbclt from thecahby areato Morawadistrict (Figure r4). The subspcciesoccurs in more scarercd srandsthan typicarE. wandoo.but occursin simirar vcgelati0nslruclurc and soils. c-o'setration st,,tu' widcsprcadin disjuncfpopuhtions.often Iocallyabundantbutpoorryrcprcsented rn conseryaflonrcseryes. -T t

'eelpu-ooll lsnqol e Jaqloeql pw eoll u euo'sslJedsqnso,^l.l efl olaql

'aegpelruq aSuero-,,rro11a.(.{pueurutord qJnsdluoeW sl rsollldrJ A'oJoqM sacutd's1coa uoe3t4;o16 reqolJouo pueSuLLrDn Jeou raqolc6 uo unSeseo! paryuq-,,ilottodoseql peJelunoJua sell9 tZ €I ",, '.,IJ€q^\ollof, qll.\\ seorl-snldf,Ptne uaoJ8lla,'rJoJoqurnu €olo,{\eJeql poduBJ J,4\ elJq./Y\ poloueq '(688I 'g ?urrd5euo1c16 uaenO Jo i[Ill[ sollulgZ podurBi uaq,,t\ 9L8I g loqolto uO sollo),"so111d'r uo suoue^Jesqoqsllqnd ol uuedornglsrr.; aql se,{\sellg lseurgraroldxe eq1 luq1 alqlssod sI lI

'dsqlsDsoiltdD,aueo,rroqsap,arelurpa{$qqloousaqolr?"uu"""ri!n'!*f{t"#:ffi;iffi; 'oopuDt polslosr^{eJ s ls?eJeqljnl aJo IJeq ,\{ollodInJJnolos ssol oql qlJ^\slselluoJ ,.roli rd'J 3r 'ut3t.uo3 Jo IJ€q e8u?ropesodxe f1.,ireu eql uaqn\Jelut.t uI os duBtnslu€dsr srql 0l lsso-qlnos ul.uaqrellextIJo{ lleqB ul roqtoEol^\o tB oopunu'g pueosoll!(IDTg eJeqt lsopl^ooJ€ (slsouaelp eqlupaulllno)srolJ€l?tlJAurl$rluoJoqJ'oopus.tulclsBeJolleqlsor.l.4\3qlstnsolltdDJg s)toN 'K?otowfuE '(^naq'snsollldDcxrl€'I) s8ullpeesdrsq eql ol sroJorlsqllde rlJlJodsoql

.epll^ 'oopurd{ rurx g ot erBseltunpod pu? snoJnBIS eru slelqJuBJq oqI A ul uBql(oBuslo lqSlrq) InJlnoloO eJou sr eallBruro ee.qernl?u eqlJo IJsq posodxadl,{\ou eq1 snornelEro traeJS-onlqu0ql raql?r uee:8ere osle qctq,n so^eol llnpe pu?'stuols Eullpoos luecseqnd'(9lo g) so^Bol ellsoddoJo sJlsd erou 3ur^?qs8ullpoes fui?q gl'r'ooltou lo aor1lollrus e ,{lleJaueEEupqt.:: oopult''1 4 tuo{ sloJJI(

'(,$SN 'SNYJ :osl :HJUgd :oloq)029, '8rIP-usnV tu{ :srd{J r tootg H'I'W'2861requolde5SI uJolselfi'peoJuuu8unNuor.rlpouaw]o N 9'6

'uoJJIpsnqnueJsoqnd unrelnluuld stlto;'s1cncl8 stlnulu:'oJurluEne 'lllqBIJ?^ o^ou eJnJoJ:oorluJ Io^ oloqJ? nllq€q snb e sruIJJE^le{etg oopuD,l\oJdQDJng

'rI '9I '8', ',rou (SI sern8ld) ds'raddo11ry ral.loorgosontdorsntdtpcng'Z

'ocqJns(qloouls lou) el€lncll0rE qll/( p00sploqnc 'slln4 u,{orq-,(eJ8puB'urnrqlwd^q e|-[l u8ql nuoqs urnlnJJedoIEJIuOO e qll,t spnqJouoqs Je{JItll JoAJBI'se^pel Sulpeas elrqr'r-,{e$ Euhoq uI SJ6JJIpsrapaJJ, A'ra^eaoH'uorSoJ€qqeeuE Jql ul sJlrs 'see4 'dsqns 'g'pelaler pra,res1e raqleEol ,uorE pue serey wr5 4oo1oa nqnd oopuDM'g pnesu apa 3 JD 'oopu?1[ dlasolJlou qEnoqllv {uq]6p^\od s? u/t\oul dlpnsn uoxulJaqlo oql SuroqsuapalJD'g 'soopue^\ 'dsqns Iwqrep,rod oal ,nou erea:n\l'oltl^lnd oopuo,tta Jo uolldutsopaql qllld

'oopuoat'dsqnsoopuDdt E wo:gDan^lL'ld qsm8unsJp so^Be1 oltualnf .re6.qeq1 pu€'slelqJueJq snocneyE eql'qsa{ uotl,\\eSmJo elud uauo'{Jeq d.np.trodeq1 salo11

'(^$np'sna:tr.^Ud 'tSolowtta nlt?T)ryeq drop,t\od eql ol sraJalleqlrdo crJlcedsqns aq1

'u,ttou{ull pouad Suuauo17

'rsddoH aeacsu,{l - uaplel I,trz.tadsr^4 sayassnYl&tung ( uaqdals ? raloorg HIhl Nuytsiavol. 8, No. 1 (1991)

-t -)1( I -r-t il 11- NNIu_ t\ry]1 SOUTHWEST N

.\ r ,l if

Figurc 16. Distribution of E. capillosa snbsp. capilloso (.) and E. capillose stbsp. polfclada (o\, ndbuds, fruiB, adutr Ieaves and silhouelte of a fifth node seedlinSleaf of E. cdpillosa st'bsp.capillosa (scatebar = I cm). '(HJr{gJ '996I 'sso.rJ rpJ W 9 S A ;IIV'rIL uosltA4I d IudV ZI ' '€Iuolsela 'gNVJ) ureqlnosJo A\ ru)t0t :(HJugd) lrr{rs J w l LI6I dtnl LZ :(Hldgd 9198 artoll e'u'696I'rEW9Z'eopru) S tu Z€:(HJUgd) 6669 ar{oy gy'g961lgdy SI'uno:(HJl{gd) '186 '8nV 'alprsftooJ 'r 'uonIBJ 7919taqua 1t1y t ZZ Jo t&NN tu{ tOI Jo lds tu)tZI :(HJUAd) uloN llV'996I eunlp'ur.ruflun1q o1pEor uo urperctl JoN solrul9:(HIUAd) 09LI tuaqBDX t9 '81,6I '8urqqoundloo11o 's1lg '8L6I ,(sI I 9I g1r1 urqyc8unq:(EJuad) pg91tuaq3oS1 t 9 AEINZ 'urTrlorla/t\Jo N'e^reseg11t113utdooc:BppltlJ:(IXAd) tgEg.raddotI OS'886Idlnlt'g,II .rII S,ZI oZ€'uolloojgJoANu{ gZ'{Bad(urqutsn0),{tunoJJo sedots IAN:(Hll{gd) g7p9nddo11 qg '986I 'n, 'pue[oH rdcAg tO "6I l S,ZI o€€ l] I Jo,^dN :(HJUSd) EZZ; laddoll Q'S'98618nY LZ 'a,gt.gII 'pu 'c s.z?.zt lstraqErcpad tuo{ p5 q1no5urre31e1 3uol3 s tu)ttl :(HJxgd) z0tt '4,9S 'o^r0sel{ernl?N nddo11q g'996leunltI .LI I S,,0t,L0 oz€'urluqcgJo rld tu{ 6'8 s,uosualoS :(HJUgd)96€t./r./doH O S'986Ioun I EI'A,LV.Ltt S,50.Zt'qqog lhuo idru{ t:(HIUAd ZZII 'ld3s 'a,9t 'IOou '1coa nddoll o S'BL6l 9 .8I I S.8Eo0€ cluuoglo gsg txl 6€ Sutuourqe,{p16 '696I '^oN 'ultuuel '696I 'ururtu?J :(HIXAd) a^ar.t9 ['g gZ :(fffXAa) a^atr1 [ g ,(8]l 0Z 'utqsx?3 'V') :(HJXAJ 60LI uaat7 A t' L96I 3nV I t Jo A s3[Itu€ :(HJXgd) Zt06I )auprD) '996I 'oetrng '616I '3ut11nqel1nS lro 8 t cry1 :(HJdAd) I LZ6nup.tDt V J fulq 1g :(HIUgd) 'llrH '3ut11nqe11ng puattl V l'886I ounl I unouu) JoN tu{ g :(HJUgd)?, DrI If t'8261 8ny '9.89 ':r8uoo1rl N :GJdgd',\\S N) (.aUaqDJ|g E ILtBtuz^oC )1'9t6t tdc5at .8I S,0Z.1g Jo 'Bluolscld '()troU :(HJ)iAd'SNVJ) Z6 alDpuaddulJW t'L96I qcrnl^I9 JogN sc[tu , ploJuos '(tr.r) =) s{JoU.ur{ur{ro^ :(HIxSd'SNVJ) 68 apPaaddryJ'W'J'L96I qrrcr{ 9 utqlrr?JJo A scuurI'S:(HJUAd'gNV)) SgalppuaddtLlCW g' L96Il:jutL[g'ulpclowJo,^dSsclttu 9't:(HI)Igd ',4dSN'1AN 'SNVJ 'OV) '9,8[.tII 80L6.tntoo.tgIf IW'LB6l Atnt9I S,80oZ€'Sulporlon} ',^(SN"ISW 'SNVC 'qV) Jo S ru{ It :(HJUSd t0L6.t too.tg'lIf W'L86I,{lnf gI'Sulp?lmno ',^[SN'-rAhI 'SNVJ) Jo S ur)tZ :(HJUSd 08E6l loo.tg'lf|1l'986I ,(tnlZ'g,gI .rII S.09"08 'psor - ',(SN "ISN'SNYJ) crucdJoord lrqquU uo puolsproo) xnopBJJo S tuL't:(HIdAd '986I 'uut 'Sutudurl SgL6rDloo.tg H I'W 9Z'9,9, "9II 5,71"19 Jo l(\ tu{ I€ :GJUgd',,\\SN '1AW'SNVC) '986I WI6t lootg'If fW uulgZA,90.rtI S.ZI.It'Lucqr1c1lr:{161o16ur4 1g 'gNVJ) 'H 'plror :(HJdAd"\\sN 8ttu -/27arr8 1't41'186Iuvt 9Z'g,rI . I S,Z9oOt llc{Bcrguo ' 'qag 'frnpunoq peor8uru,{ar1.;o 16 tu{ t'0 :(HJUAd'ASN'SNVJ)916r./Dlootg lf l W E861 tI ',^\SN'SNVJ) '286I g'c^resad crnlBNSurdoocrrpprq3 :(HJUAd SZ9, talootg tl In ldrs I 'a,gs.LII 'rurl7{nN 'r s.6 t oI t Jort[ url 9z :(HJugd "/y\sN'sNvJ) 029L nloo.tg lf f hl'286I 'ldcs 'A,SZ 'pll SI .8I I 9,97.19 urru8unNuo ulpollowJo N ruI S 6 :GJUAd',t\SN'SNYJ) ,1,t9 'qrulJllng .tattoo.tgH f W'6L6I 8nV?Z'g.tl .6II S,r0 .I € sprt,lnolssorJ uraqlnos Jo ldN url t SI 'SNVJ) 'S,00 'srpm8loo:)Jo :(HIUAd'./tSN I Ltg ntlootg flf 141'61613nV €Z .0ZI S.9I .I g ld Lrr){EZI :(HJdAd',,\d.SN'gNVC) 6889 ra{oots IW'6L6I 8nV0Z'4,20.0ZIS.9I oIg'ullppog 'gNVJ) 'tucqlel Jotd urt 9'ZZ:(HJ){gd I69Z irloo.tg 11[ W'0161,{lnf 9I spro./!\olulrreqroltex '1aN'SNYJ) '016I selru gI :(HJuad 6ZlZ t22lou8',HI n u?I 9I'(cls) {ro}I proJpu€s Jo N s 'n :(HJ)IAd) u'ssrrrog l,tl' wp s'RurutzlJ'Iueqlo^BIA urrud el?puexo :G{JUgd) t}S rtldv A t '696I 'urcqc1e1p.{16 'pautwDxa aunl gg Jo N satlu Z :YITy11JS1Y NIIAJS:I11 saawaadg

(llsl ru zI ot) seJlpezrs-lunrpcru ol llstxs Y

(t9I :066I)'3tute11ry :e:1oorg 'uouo4sn 1 noloJ

'9I '8 ', (LI sorn8rd)osol4dnc dsqns roddoll ry reloorq osondDrsntdnnrng'EZ

'r3ddoH 'O aparyufN - ueppw ,rrrr adstt"T sa]dassniKtDrn? uaqdals T ra{oorg HIW Nuytsiavol. 8, No. I (1991)


vaEsll8N AUgliALlAl t1*i64{rL_rrr

Figure 17. Holotype off. capillosaBrooker &Hopper subsp.cdpr'ttosa. '986I '$lrol{ eunl tI'S.gf .8II S,ZZoZ€ roue^ rsJo,4[s url 8:GJXad) EIl, raddoH'o's '986I 'A,6t.8II 'slcol{ ounltI S,,0€.6Iozg reuo^Irrs JoN 'x:l t'0:(HJxad) zlrr.nddoH os 'S86I '9.9S "IIII^I'SNVJ) eunl tI "8I I S,,0g,IZ.Z€'sdurnH eqJJo ids tu)Ig:(HJ{Ad'/\&SN €S96 'qlruspqlJog'peo11qAnoroqesogJo r loot{'Il IW'LB61 .{e116y g uDIg'0:(-1!trr,1',41SN'HIXAd 'SNYJ'qV) '986I 'p?or - IBV6r looig'H'lW TcOrc'A,r0 .6II S,rt oZ€ IroU ltoH 8uu€8uld 'nd.sN'HIUAd '[INY3) puu {cor uee^ueq's^lasauIJol{ uo8€l( :(14 I ZIZ6 r loorg'H'I'W '986I 'ereqlrd 'r '11&sN"E 'gNVc) qrrul^t gI Jo s tu)ts'0 :(HJusd ^I t9I6 tapoq H I 14 '986I uelgZ'A.90"LII S,ZI oI€'uaqclewdidJo i txlIe :(HHgd'l1[sN"IahI'sNv))7816 're(I "I! Dloo.tg H I'/I'S86I 8'A,02 "LII S,LZ.ZE'ululpuoXJoANN:(HJESd'A\SN ^l'SNYJ) '^oN "IahI 9906Dtootg H I r{'s86I t':I.0t.9I I s,9Zo0g'€rsqlldJo s uq I :(Idldgd'/\[sN ' 'a,82 €rNy))gTgsnloorg'H lW'r86l EnV6 .61I S,€ZoZ€'{c?Jl rlsou{Eooqs uo {3PJl uep^H 'uapfg uro{ uDtt'9 :(gNyJ) tZEgrr{oorg'H I W'6161'8ny g1 3oA uI g gI :GIUAd) 9t9Z t loorg H'I w'0L61 .{1n171'uepdgspruaol{3ol{lloHJo li\N sellurg:(Hldgd"I!MI'SNVJ) z99z 'uop,{g3o raYoorgH I W'0L61f1n171 g selur 9 8 :VIIYUISnV NU!IJSE,^&p dulaDxa suawlrdds 'sdelpl puorq3o ssdols ',{pues 'llq?q ,(11e,re:E sardnrJopu?'lpl tx 9 ol eettBuoqt ,{q sorJodsqns pclddl eqluro{ sreJJIplI '(99I 'uo!tDusnll! :066I) Slulalx d' ror{oolg rnopJ

'(rl[SN "IAW'SNVJ'(Y :o$ :HIUgd:oloq) SL00I Dlootg'H'I'I'tl '9961 'e1p4snv 1da571 urolseA'g,Zl.8II S,8Eozt'p?ou ululpuox uo urtn)JoEt\l txl8't:srd(J

' aJJrpunJosopE^ '(.,eolletu,,) unlllpl soooeuolesosooJu[8 so^llc lluednJco l3 osoclln{ nllq?qecld,{l olcadsqns Y

(8I'91 sorn8ld) 'Aou 'dsqns'reddoH 'qz T' ra\oorg opnlrtlod'dsqns reddoll d' le{oorg osollldDcsrydtqxng

'eleudordde 'slsllq€q 'so8utrr sueesluer cttrlcadsqn5 luoJoJJIplsq,,traulos JeJeJd pu€ JleqlJo lsou.I 'Jo^e,]t\oH 'delJo^o JO^Oslrqsq lJullsp JlaqlumloJ sxsl o,itueql ul8uJoJJEou .{llulsedsa soSualllaql ejoq^rlloq/(orJeu B ur ?xst o.,l\l oqlJo uon?pslSlolul o^Isuelxastlenttrl opolcQod'dsqnsDsolltdw n 'dsqns se ,roloq eslu8ocerel\t uroJ eollsu I ol peleleJflosols sr.Dsollldm osol|doc a sarcN

i - ,iJenJqadPouad Suuanolg

'ssllJSJJ slnleU UOp:IUCSO:da: 'suollslndod 'swDls llelA'lu"punqs {lpcol uelJosl lI eJaq,^{ lcunfsrput puerdsepll6 uouD^lasuoJ

'q1eeq,noluedo,{rar uelgo sr ferolsrapuneq1 s,{e.'rreleerqcpluerS Sutsodurocep uo selrspe1elele sordnJco lr olpre8looJpue ssorJ ureqlnoS uoemleq a8uer qr Jolmd urolseeeql uI 'dsqns 'sadols ,{1qe1o51's11os,{lesq uo slsoJoJuedo stuJoJ ,trllldrJ DsoIItdDJg Sutpunounsaq1 uo 'uolloolg ,!\olaqsJn3Jo aaptlral g e11q,,ir'fe.,ne1eelqpu?lltutuns eql uosr'ror8 satcedsqns eql eJoll,^,r '{eed,tuno3 '(9I Jo llN urt sz p reqlnodFalsa,Tr e sI eleqJ ernSlc)ulEllloc pu? ulrroqrslle) '2.r?qlrd '|D|!qDa uee^ueqauII 3 Jo ls83 ,tlqeur 1leq1eoq.tu.Iels?e pus leJJne) puD uounqutst1

'raddoH 9n eeer4r,(t{ - u3pf?r{ a,,! ads!^4 sayas Nt4dqornfl C ueqdals d' r.)toorg H I hl 46 NuytsiaVol.8, No. I (1991)

w!5rt1lfr arsf rlALin|l]itn8A,1$r,

Figure 18. Hololype of E. capillosa Brooker &Hopper subsp.polyclada Brooker & Hopper. 'proqnJ 'u,^aoJq ,{lerBrol Isouoqdsqns 'peuesxe 'rrJ 'JBIndnJ 'etnral 'paxogur tqEIIpeas lou se^p^ S'0x ,'0 ol lrnrC uooslou sJe,trol{ Ip 'lrore 'urt 'urroJrsnJ ,{1a1e1durocro,{1ged seuo reuur sueuelsJolno ouos t'0 x 6 I ol ro proluBII?spng 'epl,r 'pere1(ou-I ruc g'0 ol seljunped I ol saJuecserouulueerS-,te:? ,(yemr :o ,ter8dlsnonJrdsuoJ 'llnp 'ul' 'el?loecuBl'Suqsuroll?'eloloued 'f:Ieq 'uee:3'rur 'ale^o S'I x 0I ol so^?o11ynpy g't x I ol 'SuqeulellB usql's{ed9-?roJolrsoddo Sulupue:8u1pees eqtJo se^Be'I e8u?ro lqEuqre^o,{a$rysg 'snocnq8 'relnpuB13 'suels 1ouEalqJu?rg slelqcuaqgo qld qloous qlr,r oo4 II€tusJo oolp] I

'(99I 'uotp.asn :066I)Srurely ry rcloo:g ! floloJ

'0\\SN "ISr '(V t'sNvJ :osl :HI{gd :otoq)6266 ftIoolg H I W'886I ludv €'?rl€Isnv urotsold'solr?qJ{eod spre.ir\ot.(?.trq6rq uorl u4 41 :snrl,t"; ' eJJrpsnqrJousnqoJ onbsnqlJuJ sFls?q?le 'snqrJon€l srlnJunped 'sro:ourc olcu4srp 'lluoloqop slllnpe sntoJ uraurpacnelSenb ? srurJJsroddoH T to\oorg aDsollldDJoidtpJng

'^ou 'ds 'roddoH 'E OZ'02'6I sern8rg) pusro{oorgrJp!^n sntd(prng

'(urEuro3 '6'o) gogp pue1q rsollrdoldsqns 'dsqns nso\ydnc g'oopuv,r lloql?aq/$eql qlr.,rrsrnrco-oc seceld ur pueqlr^r sapeJ8jeur DpDlJtlod Dso ldoJ 'g'spnqUotuelp pueso^Eol ,(e.rE 's1e1qcue:q snocnelEuou eql ,{qpoqsrnEurlsrp sr qcrq,,rr 'Dp!^!l E pe$pr eW.{q paculdar s111 sderuorl eql s?qcns scaru ur uop,(g;otrsug'lleqlocq,r urelsue IeIuoJpuBuorflJou Jo.,i{ol eqlJo r.oopu€^\ oo[?ur,, uoruruoc a\lsrDpDptlod'dsqnsosolltdm'g satoN

'(suals 'rp"1, ' puD^ueur (lad 1ea:9)lrqsq eelluu eql ol s:o;a:leqlrda cgrcedsqns aqJ-'(.Solowttg

'ut\\ouJrufl'pot.0 d Suuaholl

'se^JeselalnlBu ur palueserdell'luepunqe,{lleJol uoUo sl lr qtr q,{rur'suotelndodlJun[slp ul SJnJJOswDts uottDMasuo J

'ur?rJolduuBlnpun 'eelJullr ur sadoysuo spues,{11a,rerE Euuno,re; llsl ur srnccosarcadsqns aqJ (9I orn8rC)SurX o{EIpu?u6pi(HJols?eollso,r-quoueqlurereqlrduro{'lleql?eq,rl?IueJ'lD|lqmlpu'uopnqtt$re

'GJuad'gNVJ) 'purd ISSBaT[0VO-V696I qrre] I tZ'qto'I Ie^rE^t s.uqueqJJoSselru0I:GI)dAd) LrZqpX V 'A. 'p?o11 4 .radoy y'g961aunl €I S0oLI I S,0g.0€ Euruu?uuetrI qtr,,!\ uorlaunl uo.rg peog apg 'A,,0g,rS Suoppur46 g'xnop?JJoldSS uq S'8:(HJXAd%ttraddoH O'S'5861eun{tI .rI I 'ululpuox '986I S,,0E.SZ.Z€ ol p?or uo ur8uloJ Jo AS u:l gI :(Hf{Ad) 77pp nddo11 crs 'g.ZI 'q'g eunttI .911 9.77 "gg'SupapuoqJogNA u{ L'a^rasoxamlpN :(H 1ag.4) 61yy nddop '586I '8ugepueg '.(HIAE{.) eunftI'A,,0€,t€.8II 9,,99.16.gg JoANA url 9Z 9tr, nddoH AS

esecs!,{W - urpt€I t ,m./ adst^r7 sauas snrdqDrnfl !:ddoH ( uaqdars ? raloorg H I t! NuytsiaVol. 8, No. r (1991)

t-riilf I ililf

WrrlIiIl1*l SOUTHWESI .i i- r' \:rti I I lir i iii l-.1


Figtrrc 19. Eucalfpus L ,idd distribution, buds, fruits, adult leavesand silhouetleofa fifth node seedlingleaf(scale bar I cm).


l 'rrddoH T,rrlooJg qpr^r/i' Jord{rotoH 0z rngrj


,ir qarr:l:3u rs:rcr j0rior$r^ra 0&n

- ,loddoH .O .H.l.I eEaregfN uaprcW ,rrzladsl,rz7 seuassudqDrrlA ueqdots? Joloorg l Nuylsiavol. 8, No. I (1991)

Specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: N of Bullabulling,25 May 1964,J.S. Beard3336 (PERTH);44km SEof Coolgardie,3l' 15' S 121'28' E,9 Nov.l98l,M.l.H. Brooter 7055 (CANB, NSW,PERTH);8.9kmW ofCoolgardie Norsemanroad onHyden track,32' 0l'S 121' 35'E'7Nov. 1983,M.I.H. Brooker 8351(CANB, NSW, PERTH):74 km W of highwayon Lake King Road, 32'42'5120" 48'F,,l2Feb1985,M.I.H.Brooker8845(CANB,MEL,NSW,PERTH)iNWofNorth Ironcap,E of Hyden,32" 20'S ll9" 37'E,24 A:ug.1988,M.l.H. Brooker10054 (AD, CANB' MEL, NSW, PERTH);North Ironcapsummit,32o 21'S 119'40'E,M.I.H Brooker10060 (AD, CANB' MEL, NSW, PERTH); on Hyden track betweencross roads and Marvel Loch' 8 Dec. 1966, S. Chambers184 (PERTH);46 km from Coolgardiealong Eyre Highway towa-rdsNorseman, 31" 15'S,121" 29'E, l Feb.1979,M D.Crisp 5624 (CBG,NSW,PERTH);Hyden-NorsemanRoad' 135 milesW of EyreHighway, 6 Feb,1963,A.S. George 4334 (PERTI{); 21 km NW ofHoltRock P.O.on tlack to Hy den,32"32'S 119" 16'E,5 Oct, 1976,L. Haegi l20g (AD, PERTTD;96.6 km W of Norseman-CoolgardieRoad on trackto Hyden,3 km w of McDermidRock, 32' 01'S 120' 46'E' 7 Nov. 1983,K. Hill 615andL.Johnson,D.Blaxell,l.Brooker mdS. Llopper (CANB, NSW' PERTH): 115.7km E oflake King,32' 41'S120' 42'E, U Sept.1976,R. Hnatiukl60778 (PERTH);' Kumarl Road,l6kmWNWof Kumarlsiding,24.5 km NE ofPeakCharles,32" 44'S 121' 20'E,6 Sept.1982' S.D.IIopper250l QERTH);9.6 km SEalong mainroad from DiggersRock toHatters Hill,32' 45'S 119"36'E,30 Aug.1986,5.D. Hopper 5305 (PERTH); Hatters Hill,32' 51'S 119'59'8,30 Aug. 1986,SD. I'lopper5308 (PERTH); 15.9 km S of Mt Hollandon LakeCronin-Southern Cross road, 32" 18'S 119'45'E,2 Sept.1986, S.D.llopper 5402 (PERTH); Top slopesof NorthIroncap, 33' 22'S 119' 40'E, 3 Sept.1986, Sr. tlopper 5430(PERTH); 13.5 km NE ofHattersHill onLake Hopetrack, 32o 44'00'5 120"04'00'E, 28 Sopt.1988, S, . Hopper6868 (PEF.TH); 5.6 km NE of HattersHill on LakeHope track, 32'47'30'5 120'01'00'E,28 Sept.1988, SD Hopper687 | (PERTH);Hatters Hill, 3 Sept. 19?0,K.R. Newbeys.n. (PERTH);North Ironcap,7 J:ulyL919, K. Newbey5213 (PERTH);29 km SW of McDermidRock, 114km W ofNorseman,15 July 1979, K.Newbey5304 (CANB, PERTH); 0.3 km SEofHatters Hill,40 km NE oflake King,8Aug 1979' K. Newbey5449 (PERTH): 3 km NW of LakeCronin, c. 83km E of Hyden,17 Jttly 1981,KNewbey 8305 (PERTH); Gibrallar,c. 24 km W of Coolgardie,11 April 1966,P.G Wilson 4102 utd S.G.M.Carr (PER'|H); near Gibraltar, c.22 km WSWof Coolgardie,25Aug. L968,P.G.Wilson182 PERTH).

DistributionandhaDilcl. Ccntral and southern goldfields, particularly from Coolgardie to Norseman, and southto thc Kumarl - Pcak Charlesarea and west to the North Ironcap- HattersHill area (Figure19). E. livida growsin a pure tall malleeformalion, usually confined to small elevated breakawaysof decorrposinggranite or rarely bandedironstone. Detailcd ecologicalnotes on associatesarrd habi tats of E. livida arc givenin Newbeyand Hnatiuk (1988: 24, 27,99' 111)'where the speciesis refen'edto asE. aff. wandooor E. aff. redwtca'

Conservalio,tr/a/r.t. Locally abundantbut in widely disjunctpopulations on vacantCrown land. Poorlyrepresented on naturereserves,

Floweringperiod. Unknown.

Etymology.Theepithet refers lo the canopycolour (-atin /rvidas,blue or leadcncolour).

Notes.E.lividq,which maybe a treeor mallee,is theeastern and south-eastem representative of 'tr0proqnJ le^ urueeqdsqnsturueg uorlsn8uuorqluedfq eJn ado rlcqoq,crpur^-oprlled,ululoJJustu1lnpc [lloC 'auq?t8 'oxry str1uEId'opr^€Ulcdns oosu8 o:dsuerorregur eJnJoJ .snlp u g pe..oollBuJ,,xeln.rC

,:eddog (92'92'tZ sorn8rC),iou'ds 4 ralroorgDtlottpqaq sntdtptng.S 'opun{u8ru'g pueosolltdoc A uoo.rloqsopurS:e1ur aq ,(eurpuu llnq cql 'sorzuow IJ€lq {rcl ((HJr[Id) Z€06InaUDg trJ Jols.^r p uB ccJB eoJreg ery1cq1 ur'3 0)lsem eq1 o1 suoqplndod'l:osc6elJolcr4 leotg eqluor,J soruoc utrol lccrd,{l eql.,{Jrcq sSurtpoes eql puD snoJntrla or€slelqJueJq oqJ nsolltdot E pre oopuDtftg u€qllln{ puespnq,so^ecl rellutus qlr^\ pu€Ircq qBno:psrq lrup q1r,udllcnsn ocr1 B sl lI oopuc,rUcsop porsaocsrp ,{11ue:sr c s r oputrlu7tu.V salop

'(uonoq 'rrpr,y' pu€IJulq'r.rtu uge-I) nq )tlBpoqt o1sjegc: lcqlrdo crl lneds a\L.tBoloweg

'u,roulull pouad Suuauo111

'a^Jaser sJnlDuc uo psploJclloN puq u,\\olc luesc^uo ',{a,\lns suouplndodlJUn fsrp,^roJ uto{ u,rou),I JoqlJnIJopccu ur lnq,oJnl,{lqrssod.sn:rts uouDMasuoJ

'suruld pur sodolsluecrfpe pue elruu:8 Sursoduro:cp jo s,{u,1\eltcJq ol pcuUuoJpu0lpoo,^\ ,rol ? sruJoJlJoroq,{1.'(27 ornBrg) gcscq nrrolcl^ luclg cql uorl .{1uou,nrouy rrlrqDq puD uo!rnEl$!O

'(HJUqd) 'uosnu g puowq ll'IL6I ^oN r r{lt-I3o5 ,{:1unotxcJrurds ,4puns '.Iaw 'gNV)) ,lrosco ur uorra^?'I:(Hluad'A\sN 1898n\oo.tg t w'ng ,(onl euolrr^ 'pautwoxa 1uu9'dr:1srrego 16N ru:l SIZ'uoscg oID'I Jo A\:Vl.lVUJSnV NUAJSA16 saawnadg '(ur t'0 x S0 oD lln{ pup(urJ Z 0 x I ot) spnq'(urrS I x I I ol) sc^cclllnpp rclleus '{Joq 'q3 '1csuq aqtpuB sSurlpscs lucJsoqnd oql Icnlq no: cql^q flo]0lB dopilrlt g ruo{ sJaJJr(I

'(1.91 'uottD.I$ry11 :066.l)SruIct>t d' ro{oorg .tttoloJ

'(,4a.SN"lSW'SNVJ'qV :osr:HJUgd:olo\) nddoH e S n Lgggr lootg H't ht ,t86I .?rt?rlsnv .uotruJ ^BWtI u.rotsetd lht Jo /\\S,^c(a,oE "EzI S.09.gZ)turod IIog :.srd,{J

'pajyp snquor,rrtldenbsnq4cn.r3 sulsuqele'snlnpe sr!loJlc snqrluof,scqndsln1ue1d'rseq orElu oleJrlJocep-uou oc4roc ,41e1e19 oop uDtr oldf,ponA qV

'raddo11 (gZ'ZZsorn8l{) ,rou'ds 4r n4ootg npunluSrusnfitprng', 'punoJE ,(uolspal?^olo uo ,{uelnJnJed,{IunoJ ,4Jpur FrluotodIBJnllnJruoq '(IZ seqlI emArC)uoqelo8e^ Jorllo o^oqu luaE.roruc ,tlpnsn lueuruop snonJrdsuoJ c sr Dpt^ll fl

',funq 'salJunpod eres8uqpees eqJ lrn{ pm spnq lsnqorelou prrusolaol 'slelqcuaq '3' ,(e:3,(13ur1rgs snoonulS-uo u xqtu!DSollldoJntl]o{sJeJJrptI ,,oop?r,n,, serceds:edns

- 'raddoH apsrsu4{ uapr€I rrr?./ads,^r7 sauat snd{to)n? C uaqdels ? r.Ioorg H I.I{ NuytsiaVol. 8, No. 1 (1991)

Figure 21. 8. livida showing mallee habit (NE of North lroncap)' 'sllnlJ 'spnq = rsq apcs) Pel Surpeesapou rlIJ e Jo atanows pu?se^?al Unp? .uoonqulstp ,lzlrfr Stusnitp"ng .ZZeJnR$

\ -tS3/v\HInOS d(\ ff -t;l) (

esrca!,q{ - ueppw ?r&ladst^q salres ftttdqDrng leddoH ( u.qdals ? r$toorg H'I y{ NuytsiaVol. 8, No. I (1991)

1r y cs|noovrgroN0|aontsr

-;;-1i ";::.:'.1:4:.-1 .i.""-- i\t t tt r' :.::.

Figurc 23. Holotype of t. ieriJunda Brcoker &Hoppel

I 'alqeue^ l8rl,{ieuos$ lelJsJsqseql qf,lq /r\ ur'sua JD haul'dsqns oll(t|douaoqd x ruo4gede'uroIaq11e ' unrqluBd{qeql wql ro,jrloJJeurunln edoeql selJedsrodnslEql qlla uoururoJur sBvDto{uaqaq x lnq'se^eel np str [q .,o11trqdouaoqd,,selmdsJedns'g uro.r; paqsrnSugsrp ,{lsee sr U'{$q pseq 'sEurpees q8noJpue slelqJ[Brq snocnelE-uou snorq€I8qr ur sJoJJrplr qcrq^\ uro t1'opolcQod'dsqns DSollrdDJ'gJo nqpnq!!slpoqlJotsar\ SuurnJJo oollatu pe^Bol-llnp lsnqor? sr Dtlo[oaqaq'A Sa:,N

'Qea1'wn11o{pue ynp 'saqaqu$1) Dtt&1douarydAlose^?el, ssop eql qlr^r ls€.quoc qJrq^\ so^€el llnp oql ol sJoJeJtoqlldaartrT'tSoloutttg

',fupnuef-roquoJaq'pot ra d 3uua Moll

',(e^.rnsJoqInJ soJrnbol{ oNosoJ oJnleu euo fluo ruo{ pepJocousoprspeoJ uosuorlEtndodlcunfsrp lpurs tro:; f,1ureuu,r\ou{ pue pelcLqsu.tllecrqdaEoag'swDis uo!iD^rasuoJ

'olt(tldotdat'JJe 'g 'dsqns 'g 'oopuult 'dsqns pue Dll&ldouaDqd olltr1douaoqd7'otossotcul oopuon !' epnlJur sld,{prnepol?rcossy'qe,rerE,{pues oreslos'ureuel EUF?[npun urpunor8 q6rq uo s/r\org'(tZ ornErd) 'SururErl 'lleqleeq,r 'tDtlqal erpue.&qpuB uFJnJulI uee^\taqdlut?ur l4r'lueJ puo uounqt4stq

.GJUgd,SNVJ) . 8Vtg raddo H q S, 8861 'pr \xmINIt'!],,Lv "Ll1 5.ggo7g'Surprs urrrnrurJJo N u{ z'I utrncurl :(HJulId'sNvJ) ,tg9 'A,r? 'Surprs raddoH'O'S'g86lWrBIllI I .LI I S.8SoZg uurncurlJol[N tu00, :(HIUAd'SNVJ) 'A,EE.LU 'qllursurBH 'pEoU gpggnddo11 c",S'886Iqu?I t II S,Z0ott Jo l(SS sdurgJo N 'psou 'rda5 '".0s rl|)IS'I qlnosqlrursureH:(Hlugd) oLgTraddoH as'2861 11 "rI I s.s0"Et'rtB 'peor '0N0s0U 'rl ,{qSSS rrj)I Zt .{qSurprs uurncurlJo ASSurl I'9I :(HIUgd) LyS, uaatg t'9L6I 'lro 'uuolnx 'v 'r'IlnusurBH 6z Jo i[ ur{ s'9 :(HJugd 90lz raupro) 3'176I rlu8l I s :(HJulId '.A[SN'.ISI,{'SNVJ'qv)9&66l loolg H I n'886I ttrt6I'5.,L9 "LIIS,ZS "7,€'SururelrfsprB,y\ol "IaI 'SNVJ'(v) ururynq uo{ rlj)(g'0I :GJxgd'l[sN I proluDa t 3 8 0166.6tootg H'l w '886I ,(sll{€'peoUquoN urJJncurl uo psoll qlrursu:u11-utdalcuAJo S uI Z:(HJUgd',t[SN'gNVJ 'qy) '98616unLZ'A,89 'pU ggE6.tloolg H I W'EB6t "9II S.8t "Zg Brpwituq'rttotgerpuEdro '/r\sN 'sNvJ) 'H'rw '886r 'a.Ls.rII 'utde1ct16 :(Hrugd 8018tapoq fel,I g 5.97.39 'paulwDxa sprs.,r\olEulssorr IIer EururslrlJo g ur{ I'9 :VIlVt{ISnv NUAISIIIA suaunad5 'ploqnc 'u,norq-,{er8 ol lzcuaqdsqns lq8rl poos'urJ9'0 x ,'0 'JelndnJ'els[ecrpad 'unlqluad,{q ol 11ru9'e11qr'r,{ureeJJ ol ,{\olle^eJDd,&eA sre.\rold ueql:e.norruu 'Euol 'uee:8 urnlnoredoq1;.,t'ruc g'gx 1'101spng uIJ 8'I ot seltunpod'p3Jo,ll\ou-tIol saruacsorogul 'eleloecu?l 'snolqBl?'uaerE lqEI'llnp'ur3 8'I x ZI ol se^?elllnpv qsnlq'urc t x 0I ol'olsloarwl 'Euqeurelp 'sr.sd 'relnpu?la dlpuorq ueql E n z ro! elrsoddoSulupruoJ Suupaas eq1 Jo s6^pe'I 'ru slelqrwrqJoqlld'e^oqe qloorus I ol{Jsqqanor.ro[ad:a.ro,{e:3 asool qlr/t\ llsl ur 5 ol eelp] I

'OdSN '(V "Igf'l'SNVJ :osl:IlJdAd :o1otlpto{uoy 1'3 zg 1p66 'H nloolg I n<8861fe1r1 g'erpasny ruolssrta'psollquoN uurnsulJ uo urlJnJulJgo 5 uq 7'9:sttd(1

eeersufhl - uaprBl ,r\ar ads^"l saual Miqnnfl laddoH C url{d3rs,t' raloorg HIht Nuytsiavol. 8, No. I (1991)


$ {\ \ ry SOUTHWEST N


I I r"

Figurc ?,4. Ettceryptus,treb.!/r/id distriburion. buds, fnrils, adull leaf and silhouette of a fifth node seedling le3f (scale

t- 'raddoH Tfr3loo.r{,4oy'r?qav gJoad^lotoH 9Zarn8u

....- - - :.,'..-: -.:::.:::::'::l:.:...:-:t:,.-,


r, !1d!r,it! rr}rr, r'l rcrtr,1ral,rr$

'.t:ddog aBareu.{],,'t - uaprel l ,r.r.radtl^"7 sauas sntdttpJ g q uaqdat5 :y raloorg H I W (1991) 58 NuytsiaVol. I, No. I

Filnre 26. E. hebctifolia mallee habit (N ofTincunin), and trunks. '(rur 'slrng 'spnq 'uorlnqutslp,r I = srnqatp.s) Jeol3!rtpaas rpou tnJU?Jo a|lcnoqtlsnu?ttrrt llnN ryqDsrt!1,1Dn.J Laat''.AH



.l-Sf/v\ HInOS ^\ t\\ \\ \|

'reddoH '( 6e.reu.q,,{ - u.ppy{ ,rrutdds^4 sauas sxldtqDrrt uaqdas d, rcloorg It l t^l

l NuytsiaVol. 8, No. I (1991)


figure 28. Holotype of E. drdtla Brooker & Hoppcr.

E --T

'g runlnc,ndoo q1esnu xeg'sllnlJt.otld g Jo csoql uuql ,,oop!./r,r,t,,satredsradns ptrc otlot4aqaq gp 'q1.mori csoql erour elquosa.rrclluI oqJ spnqelenuellp ssel ]euoqs s1tut puu ,,ncuuasrS-an1q 11np eq1 qlrM Surts?rtuoJ"^e^eel ernl€tu .(sso13,{ltqAlls ue€r8strur sqnoJunld g .JJ3qsr.JJrp DiryqD fl'sa|oN

'ser'ee1 '(peluecuoc'\ttpprf's\ltpqD trle'I) stltlq7l.otld g ol pclBloJunejo]eJeql pue 11npef,sso18 ,{llqSrls qlr,r uoxl]l ,reu l3ur'lsrpe sBsaneds eql pesruSo3crc,^\ l[ql 886I ]cqucldcs ut uo-tlccdsut 'DttpqD osolr uo trluo su,r lI n tr.p.sistg e,lt ucq,t 886I qJrul I uL{douPJeql uI soleel ernleururtueerS -cnlq ltnp puq uorletndodcd.{t eql ur slucldlsol\I'sqnDu.nl.l A sB,!\selJeds otll leql uotssardu-tt1srt1 ue{pls(.u BJo csnf,req ,{1r1nco1ad,{1 cql tt, nl1pqo gfltnqoolte^o rno ot sraJarleq[dz eql {Soloutf,tg

'u^\ouluO porud 3ututtol7

'clquJculn^ pue ern: ,{puc:uddy ',{o^JnsleqlJnJ seJInbc[snlols uotlo,vasuoJ


T lcloo'lg rlsr/ryrt ! prc'DaouqxDlD'dsqrsDaDuqJnJD g am sld^lnJnopclctcossy s,{u,ne1ue.tq rr;cusJunlcrxos slros orlr.ro]ul uo s.llor8U (42 crnfrC) sSuIrdSccJqlolquou pu?uoJcd lI/.{ ol lsclr 'unSnflpuuO 'uollnqtllsIp quou Jccu,{rosrl,^{ lW t[oJJu,lAoul lsunfsrpJO lDltqDqpuD uo!lnqtttstO

'GJdsd'.,\\sN '.tght 'SNVC 'ev) '986t 'pU .teddotlO S A L0V6ntao.r8 l! t W ,ilnf EZ'g,0Z.SII S.9Z.6Z scSrnguo pg surlLuol Jo N rul I't'c^r.scu ernlsNstuupy 111 pcsodord;o ,{rupunoq g l(g1r1y3) '^lll?rol 'E86I ZE00Il loo.tg'Ht W'986Ilsn6nv 8t cdfl:(SNYJ) I66,.rr?oo.tgll f W \xrlrlN 'uorod 'qBtuBurBJ IAI drersuroqtnos ,rol3q :(gNVJ) LLgLDloo.rg l] t r{'zli6I lsnSnv0z z Jo '0161 'Eqquoua spru,ro'lrqqpcua lo lsrc ru{ 0t:(HJUgd'gNVJ) 99EZnlootg II fW ,{ronutl spJP.rols?uuds csJqJ.Io lscM-qlnos sollu g 0I :vITVuJsnv NdEISa,^[ paulwox)su)wtJ)ds 'pt()qnJ ol Jc.)ucqdsclns'umorq 'pcduqs-taJnq 'ctelloJrped -,{cr81q3r1 pocs urJt 0 x 9 0 ol ^llq8usol lsJ[nJqo ]IuC'pc^rnJor 'unlqlundf xllq8rlssaurlcruos xedn c1ncu,{1d-ruqs r q}1.^\ q ol tclcttlclpuI lsnbeulnlnf,Jcdo :tuJ t 0 'c1e11cotpcd ',{ssol8 x t I ol'urjoJrsnJ spng'3uo[tu3 I ot sclJunpadpeJe^\ou-gl o'l soJUeJSeJoUuI 'llnp 'urJ 'el?locJuEl ,{pq311spuu uae:3 .{llEurJ pueuccrS-cnlq ISJIJ l? Z x 6 ol ss^€JlllnpV snorqf,lS 'ale^o 'Suueuroll€ 'srtud 'uee:8qsrnlq'ur g x g'8 ol .{lpsorq ucqt I Jo t.IoJ oltsoddoSulureurcr 'rBlnpuBlS Srrllpo3s.ql Jo se^po'I slolqJuDrqJo qtld sulels.{3lE qloous qlL{\IIB'I tx Eol asu?tuY

'(A\.SN"Is, t'gNVC'(Y :osl:HJuad iopq) DddoIl oS '886I 'stte:lsnY 'g, 'd:asryr11y1 1ggB00I nloolg lI I W tdes 0Z urelss,\\ rt .SI I 5,17 .gg :sad{";

'uoproqnj 'sourjoJrllop 1cl uctreeqdsqnscttrtxos tuJ t 0 x 9'0 p3 lell^ol IsAltruocqo 'uI3 'oqeu?Ip 'rlellaf,rpadsnlJnJd oJunpcj Jalr^el lonbrp le olnceectde ['0 x ? I p€ urnrqlued,{q 'eejou-I 'Blluellu rluenbc[olna]edo tc snqruroJrsnJsIJtsuqPP I pcePnueomJouul ruc Z x 6 p3 Jelr^ol 'ul3 '?Jrss€l?ql'31?^o '?rpur^oulerlsod '83lssEleql rEI^a[ ouud€llnp? ?[lod erqslS g x g'8 p3 elPl runlelnlue1d eryog ere1r1npurl8urnrolnu?r nllnpel l I^eeloJrlJoJ snlp tu t p? ..eellrttJ,,xelud 'ds 'reddo11 (gZ'LZ sernirJ) ,rou 4 relloorgollpqDsn dtqrng g

'raddoH arccr.utrt\ urptul/{ ankrads tTl saues sndqDrllA C uiqdals T raloorg ll I }{ 1

Nuytsiavol.8, No.I (1991)

equalsthe hypanthiumat thejoin, E. abditaappers notto be closelyrelated to E. phaenophyllaor E. arschnqea.Itsrelationships require further invcstigation.

7. Eucalyptussparsiroma Brooker &Hopper, sp.nov. (Figures29, 30, 31)

Frutex("mallee") ad 5 m altuscaulibus exilibus et canopiisparvis terminalibus. Cortex peculiads, superlatera occidentale in taeniisnon dccorticantibus tenentibus, orientale laevis vel omnino corticae aspero.Medulla ramulorum glandulifera. Folia adulta anguste lanceolata, ad 7 x 0.9 cm, nitentia, viridia. Inflorescentiaeaxillares, ad 11-florae; pedunculi complanati. Alabastra pedicellata, ad 1x 0.3 cm, operculodistincte hypanthio angustiore. Fructus pedicellati, cupulati, ad 0.8 x 0.5 cm. Seminasubsphaerica vel cuboidea.

Typas:0.8 km E ofChinocuproad, Western Austmlia, 11 Janruy 1988,M.1.H.Brooker9850 (holo: PERTH;iso: AD, CANB, MEL, NSW).

A malleeto 5 m tallwith slcndcr slcms and small lerminal crowns of smallnarrow leaves. Bark sometimesunusual wilh thewestem sides ofthe slems covered with non-decorticated ribbons ofrough barkwhile the easternsides are smooth pinkish grey and light greyiother mallees with roughbark allround the funk. Pith ofbranchlets glrmdular. Leaves ofthe seedling remaining opposite for 2 pairs, thenaltemating, elliptical to ovate,to 7 x 2.5cm, blue-green. Adult leaves nanowly lanceolate, to 7 x 0.9cm, concolorous,glossy, grcen. Inflorescencesaxillary, unbranched, to 1l-flowered. Pedunclesflattened, to I cm long.Buds pedicellate, fusiform, to 1 x 0.3cm, with operculum distinctlynarrower lhan hypanlhium.Some outer stamens orect, inner onespartly or completely inflexed,all fertile.Flowers not seen. Fruit pcdicellate, cupular, to 0.8 x 0.5cm; valves not cxserted. Seedlight grey-brown, subspherical to cuboid.

Specimensexaminerl. WESTERNAUSTRALIA: type locality, 11 January l988,M.l.l1Brooker9849 (AD,CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH); N of Nyabing- Pingruproad on Chinocup road, 8 March1988, M,II L Brooker9902,9903& S.D.I lopper (AD,CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH)10.9 km Eof Tincurrin Nth roadon StockRoute 3, 32"56'S 117o 48'E, 12Decembcr !988, M.l.H Brooker 10144 (AD, CANB,MEL, NSW,PERTH); Pingrup,22Feb. 1952, C.A. Gardner 10322 (PERTH).

Distributionand hablrat.Known only from nearTincunin andlhe southernside of LakeChinocup (Figure29), where it growsin whiteorpale brown sand or sandyloam on flat to gentlysloping terain. AtLakeChinocup,it formsan emergentshrub mallee formationw\1.}]lE. scyp hocalyx, E.aff. flocktoniae, E. aff. occidentalisalnd, E. phaenophyllastbsp. phaenophyl/a over hcath or low scrubof uncinata,sometrmes over a BoryasphaerocephalaR. Br. herbfield.

ConservationJ/a/rd. Requiresfurther survey.Appffenlly geographicallyrestricted but locally abundantand represcntcd on a naturcreserve.

F lower in g p eriod. December-March.

Etymology.The specificepilhet refers to thecharacteristic crown (Latin sparsus, sparse and cama, crownof leaves). .(TUJ I '.uorFqutsrp .62 = sreq ale.s) leal 3u!lp3es epou qUIJ E Jo atFnoqtls pu? Fel llnpe'sltruJ'spnq ,rzorrs./Dds srudqort4 ern?lf

"!- t1 ri T a'a i-r-..iil

""\tr \ | ISfM. Hl.nOS \j i x\A l \\ t- \| I d,

esrca!,{W - uaplel I,r&,pdsl^a7 sauas sntdqDn?t :r.ddoH ( ueqdals T rertoorg H I I,i{ Nuyrsiavol. 8, No. r (1991)

cgraotrvrtl4tof torrsf nrltanct .i

t.t' ,t rt,t r,., !r1t| .,r't ;1.'.,


Figurc 10. Holorype of f. rp"ffi.ofll Brooker & Hopper. '{eq .g ,tt pue ryrur pue'(dnrourqJ aIs.I Jo S) rrqgq ea|euJDtuo?Bt,ds arn?:l{

'raddoH 'C 'H'l asecsu,{t{ - uapptrl ar&?Jadtl^"l sauesswdKlDrll? uaqd4s ? raloora y{ NuytsiaVol.8, No. t (1991)

u { ..._,si i'' -rl-

.IN THE SOUTHWEST ".,"If "tr-if-f \ ffiaa

PEET]I I :il:v

Figure32. Distribution of E.arachnaea s[bsp. arachnaea (o) andE. arachrued subsp.drre.la (o), andbuds,fruits, adult leaves and silhouetteof a fifth node seedlingleaf of g. drochwea snbsp.arachnazd (scalebar = I cm). '+pq 'euEqts.roH pup suols pu? l9 trq?q oollEruDaDul2oto .dsqts DaDuUrD.tog .te .ln?ti

- 'raddoH .H.I a"arD!trt{ urpr"t{ ,r&zadst^4 sauasslltdKlwng C ueqdals ry raloorg I^l NuytsiaVoL.8, No. r tl9ql)

Notes.E.sparsicomahasglossyleavesandtheopelculumnalTowelthanthehypanthiumlite n. phaenophylla,butdiffers in its terminalcrown, rough balk hcldin looseribbons, smaller buds and its smallererect leaYcs.

8.E ucallptusaruchtt d€a Brooker & Hopper,nom. et stat. nov ' E. r edunc a Schaterv ar ' melanophloia Benth.":Fl. Aushal ." 3:253 (1867).Type:Chceanga thicket, Murchison River, Westem Ausfralia' Oldfields.n. (holo: K; iso:NSW)

A malleeto 7 m tall or a trecto 10m. BaIk loughand tightly heldon lowel partof stcmsat least, darkgrey ro grey-black.Pith of branchletsglmdular. Leavcs of theseedling lemairing opposite fol 3 or + pairs,inenalternating, deltoid to broadlylanceolate, to 12 x 5 cm, bluc-greento glaucous' slightly or very hairyparticularly on margins'Adult leaveslancoolate, to 9 x 1'5 cm, vcry glossy gre-en.inflorestencesio 13-flowered; pedunclcs to 2 cm long.Buds shortly pedicella(e, fusiform, to i. g ^ 0.3.r, op"."ulumnirnower than hypanthium at the jo in,horn-shaped, usually recurved at thc tip.Flowcrswhitc.Fruit shortlypcdicellatc, shorlly cylin&ical (iustlongefthar bfoad), to 0.7 x 0.5cm. Sccdlighf brown, more or lessspherical (Figures 5a, 32,33 '34,35).

Etymology.A ncw specificepil.hct is rcquirodfor thistaxon because the varictal ]name melanophloia uscdby Benthamis alrcadyin useat lhc specicslevel, i.e. Silvcr-leavcd ltonbar* E. melanoPhloitt spidclyclustors F.Mucll. of Queenslandand northern New South Walcs. The ncw namc lcfels to the of budsseen particularly in lhc frcshstatc (Lalin a| achnaeus,sp\dery)' "phaenophylla", Notes.D. arachnaeabclongs to thc supcrspccics I gloup ol'spccicslhrt is characlcriscdbythc opcrculum bcing clcarly narrowcr than thc hypanthium alld by thcglossy grccn lcuvcs.E. arachnaeais widcsprcad allhough sporadic as it chalactcrislicallyoccupies low slonyliscs or latcitic brcakawaysas in thc MorscbyRangc. It ditfcrs from relatcdspccics (E. phoenophyllq, E. tumirla,E. histophylla)by therough bark in maturcspccimens, vcrrucosc seedlings and morc dclicatebuds which arc oltcn scer in spidcrymasscs wilhin thc crown'

Thcrearc two subspecics.

8a.Eucalyptus araclzaea Brookcr& Hoppcrsubsp. aruchnaea, subsp' tlov '

Calourillustation. Brooker & Kleinig(1990: 181).

A malleeto 7 m tall (Figurcs32, 33).

Specimensexamined' wESTERN AUSTRALIA: 3 miless of Cz.Inamah,22May|962,.1..E.11. Ap|in 1480(PERTH); Berween Dongara and Norlhampton, Sept I932,W.E Blackall (PERTH);15 milcs from Northamptonon Lynton road, April 1952,G.E. Broclcway (PFRTH); 5 milesE of Brookton' 22 hly 1969,M.LH. Brool17.y :(HJNAd)u's rr,lolJ 9'996I ldcs8Z'eo8Dq eI I:(HJ-Ilg,d.)nupntT aurDJ.VZ6Ildog,s11y11 us8uo^\:(gNVJ)8 6g7aqptq.ng 1 p' Lt6I ldosZ,uolptueoJo N salluZZ :GJUAd.,^[SN,.IAhi 'SNVJ'(v)08001 n2lootg Lff W'886I ldrs0Z.9.91.SII S.00 ernloNsqqseug '{ro.rl oot.e^rosou qlnos s-N uo(ld-o oruoJJoN u)t I :(HIUAd'leSN'TgI I'SNVJ'qV) E g6atoo.tg,H.l.N '886I usl II'iI.IT, "LU 5,61.gg'ur8e6goA\NrxlI r:(HJdAd.,4 ,SN,.IqN,qNVC,CV),596 ' '(pso{ ,su.ro( nlootg H I W Lg6Ieunt ? rpr8qloolJo S) fi g0I uolleJo-I?Holcl^ prru,rauooJ '{ropped ',$SN 'HJl{Ad 'SNVC) ,986I dlcor :(.IU.{ VLt6 ralootg'H I t{ ounf LZ,S.,g0"LII 'a^rosaU 'l1[SN'HId'Ed'gNy)) S.€Zozg ornl?Nureoid:(TAhl 9LZ6r gIW,9B6I AeINg 'uoldu8qtroNJo.l1['peog.(uourr11rq3 loo.tg ruo:;puog qog 6uop ur{ 6 €I :GJUAd'l[SN,TAhI.SNVJ) 'tI'I 's86I 'a, ,ouurv ,nsN ..IaL/{ IE06 r loolg w cunl g Lz o9I I S.LZ06Z Jo A\s,/\\:(Hluad 'gNvf,) ?I88.ra?oorS ffI ht'986t qodt'A,90.9II S.t0 06Z,reuroHll^lJo AIUH:(HJUAd,.4d.SN 'gNy))EZLSDllootg'gIW'Vg6I'1xOIE'A,6E "r g.gg.99,1 .{u.rq8rq uo uoldruuq.uoNJo N url 'E86I 9'02:GIUAd'nd,SN'SNVJ) 98I8 ratootg H I W ounl6Z.g.It oglI S,I9 o0€,€el?sttrH ',(?^rlrer 'SNVJ) uuEuol61r1 pu?esnoq s,de,rruo3 ure,rleq :(HJUAd'/$,SN gEIg.tDtoo.tgltf lltt '€86I 'prror ,SNYJ) ,iuhl ,Z uo^rpurrJ uo a8puqre,rrg uosrqrrntr{Jo N ru{ 9 I I :(HJ){Sd'/tSN 'a.9e .uoldueqtroN 6118t lootg [I'fW'e86I ,{ul{ SZ "tII S.tg o8Z pueuolptcrog uoo,rleq 'duC 'SNV)) 'A,€€ ?Jreqle,roH:(HJUAd',t[SN 9g6Lntoo.tg H'f W'Eg6I'gog,9l .9I I 's11r11uuEuo16 5.69 .0€ spru,r,rolur8ulp3;ogp ur{ g'91:(HIUAd'A\SN'SNVJ) gt6r rrl oorg l! J I4l.Eg6I 'uBI '9.0I 'pBoU .l\SN ,gNVJ) 9Z .SI I S,S0 .62 sturng uo djJeq,rBrsJo tdN ru{ €Z :(HJUAd 'Eg6I'ueI .uotdur?rtuoN 6E6Lnloorg'H'I'W SZ'A,ZZ"V\ S./l .gZ puera^rU llnH uoe^\l6g :(HJuad'./dsN'sNvJ)EEgL'zEgLt tootg H I w'286r'ldos 'a,6r 'nd,sN'qNvJ) sI .Lrr s.8tor€'prrrrol. uoulrxrx€J uroq ur{ 0t :(Hluad I}gLr tootgH I w,286I'arryg(,,a,87,.gu S,t9 o0g'8urue^\BrdSurtt:(H11{Ad',ld.SN'SNVC) 869, npotg'H'lI I'Zg6I'6nV92,A.8€ .9II 'reAot 's1151 'id,SN 'gNvJ) S,ZSoot orp?r ol p?or ueEuol6:GJUAd g68st nlootg H'tt[ '286I '8nV 'g,It 'ruBr€J ,ldSN 9Z "9II 5,69 o0€ l? Surssorclpr Jo g ur)t 9 ZI :GJUAd 'gNVJ) I8Sr'089,nlootg'H'I W'ZB6I 8nV9Z'A.99"9II S,69o0g.tu8rsJJo 9.,{e^\.HUrequoN l?3rcJog ur{ 8z:GIJrEd'tdsN'sNvJ) \Lg Lt loorg'I.t I7tt1'7961.8ny61,eue8ur3peglo 1r1,p1 '286I 'rpurg rpreqlooJ:GIIUAd',^NSN'flNV3) IESLDlootg H'l W .{sI I IZ ryurgJo fl ur{ 9.ZI :C UAd',^d.SN'SNv))IZS Lmlootg H I W'286I IEINIZ'pII p€oqueer9-^\orooOpuu pU e8pnw

- 'rrddoH .C .H.t aea.w[lN $apVW aDu.tadst^"7 senas sntdqorng uaqdals T' ra)toorg l^l NuytsiaVol. 8, No. 1 (1991)

31 Aug. 1980,G.,r. Ke ighery 3334 QERTITI; c. 15.4km S ofNorthamptonalong Nw CoastalHwy' 28' 31'S 114"37'E ,21 At:g.1983,C.M Ilnclr 66(PERTH);HowathanaHillResorye,2l road miles N of Geraldton,25 Oct.1974,D. & N. McFarlandNMlOg?(CANB' NFLD' PERTH);ibid,9Feb' 1975,D. &. N. McFarland NM1087 (CANB, PERTH): SE from Po Gregory,26 May 1952' Road, D.H. Penny@FjR"]:F'); Watheroo,4 Nov. I954,R.D Royce4941@ERTII); 15 miles Lvnton 1 March 1966,E.M. Scrymgeourn3,274 & S.G.M Carr (PERTH);370 miles NW Coastal Highway,3 March L966,D.M.Scrymgeour 3L3 & S.GM. Car (PERTI{);

Distibution andhabitdt. Westeln palt of northernand central wheatbelt, to nolthof theMulchison River in the north-west,and to wagin in the south(Figure 32). Occursin tal1mallee often with E. pluricaulis,E.erythronema,E. ancep s,E.flocktoniae ,E. pyriformis,E' astringens andE gardneri, on gravellylateritic breakaways and slopes.

Consenationstatus.Widespreacl ancllocally abundant in disjunctpopulalionsthatarewellrepresented on conservationrescrves.

F lower i ng p eriod. APril.

Notes.A malleesubspecies wcst and nolth-wcst of subsp.artecta. Alot'tgwilh D. subangusta,lhis subspeciesis a commonmembcr of tho seriesthroughout the northcmwhcatbclt'

8b.Eucallptus arachnaeaBrooker&:llropper subsp. dff€claBIookcI& Hoppcr, subsp. nov. (Figurcs 5a,32a,34,35)

A subspecietypica habitu arboreo altiorc (ad 10 m) et foliis adultisnitentioribus'

Typas:west of Morawa,29' 08'S115" 44'E, Wcstern Australia,3 Feb. 1988'M'lII Brooker9879 &. C. Sounness(holo: PERTH; iso: AD, CANB, MEL' NSW).

It differsfrom the typicalsubspecies by thetree habit to 10 m tall andglossiel adult leaves.

Specimensemmined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: typclocality, 9 Sopt'1987 ,M I 11 Brooker9757, 9?60(AD, CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH).

Distibution and habirar.Known only from thc typelocalily westof Molawa(Figule 32) wheleit formsa low openforc stw\thq. subangustastbsp. pusilla. Thesite is a shallowcreeklinc on terrain high in thelandscape. Broombush (Me laleuca uncinata) is promincntin the undelstolcy.The soil is gravellyloam.

Conservationstatus. ln urgentnced of lufiher survey. The type locality hasbecn left uncleared deliberatelyby the presentowner. This is thc raresttaxon known in the senes'

Flowering period. Unknown.


'raddoH .A .te T' roloorg ,rrrz, dsqnsroddoH ? r3rtoo!{ o2t)utl.DrD lo ed,{toloH arn8rC

ate.su,{W - ueprcn ,rnrads^z7 sauessntdqDrng laddoH O ueqdersd, re{oor8 .H.l.ll Nuyrsiavol. 8, No. I (1991)

Fig]ure35. E. arachnaca subsp.arr.".rd trec habit at type locality, and hrnk and bad<. '(ruc I =req atert lEatSunpres 'sllruJ'spnq'uorlnqulsrp apouWJrJ s Joaltanoqln pu? sa^pal llnpp ,rr{fdou2rqd dsqnselltqdouatqd sndqDrng gt atnFlJ

-rf r-, J -J 6 lr I I vf"

\ 1Sl/v\ H_LnOS (\ Yr'"' I ( r# 1,,D

'reddoH ae'srsu,q{ - uaprBt{ ,r'1.!aclsr,r"l seues sxldtlo2l1A C uaqdals T raloorg H I }\l NuylsiaVol. 8, No. I (199r)

atrR00iyFr0noF fo36r {r!rraa}i ti,

FiSure. 37 tlolotype of E. phaenophtlla Brcoket & Hopwr svbsp. ptaenophltta I

'4req pue srualspuv'(decuorl quoN Jo iAtD trq?qaat]FtlJD (qdoua td dsqns,/tqdo "rfd t'8[arnBIC

eeoca}rtrN- urpr?t^ ,r!z rddst^4 sauasstlldtl'rrg l.ddoH Orcqdais Treloorg HIW NuyrsiaVol. 8, No. I (1991)

Etymology.From theLatin arrect s, upright,alluding to the hee habit.

Nores.This subspeciesoccurs to theeast of therange ofE. arachnaeasubsp. arachneea,fromythich itis completelyisolated (Figue 32). Itis a strikinglree to 10 m tall growingon very stonysites with avarietyof associatedspecies includingE. stowardiiMaiden,E. oldfieldiiF -Muell, E. subangusta subsp.pusilla, E. obtusilloraDCurd E. ftoristesJohnson & Hill, all ofwhich notablygrow on sandy soilselsewhere. E. a rachnae a stbsp.areoa iseasilyrecognisedamong thesebecause ofits treeform, heightand very glossyleaves, smaller than those of the equallyshiny leaves of E. stowardii.

9. Eucaltptusphaenophylla Brooker & Hopper,sp. nov. @igures36,37 ,38,39, 40)

Eucalyptoarachnaeae Brooker & Hopper affinis, caulibuscortice laevi, plartulae minus Dubescentibus.et floribus flavidibus differt.

Typas:N of Nyabing-Pingruproad on ChinocupRd, 33'34'S, 118' 23'8, WesternAustralia, 8 March 1988,M"LH Brooker9901 (holo: PERTH; iso: AD, CANB, MEL, NSW).

A malleeto 4 m tall with greyover coppery smooth stoms, occasionally wilh partlydecorticatcd ribbonsor flakesof barknear base. Leaves of thesecdling remaining oppositc for 3 or 4 pairs,thcn alternating,ovate, to 9 x 6 cm,bluish green, glabrous. Adult leaveslanceolate to broadlylanceolate, to 10x 1.5cm, glossy green. Inflorescences to 13-flowered;pedunclesto2 cmlong. Buds pedicollato, fusiform,to 1.8x 0.4 cm. Flowerspale yellow. Fruit pedicellate,obconical, cylindrical or barrcl- shaped,to 0.7 x 0.5 cm. Seedlight grey-brown,more or lessspherical.

Etymology.The specificepithet refcrs to theshiny leaves (Grcek phaeno, shrny and phyllon,leaf).

Notes.E. phaenophyl/a may be seen as a southernsister spcciestoE. arachnaea,from which it diffcrs in the smoothbark (which may often be blackish)and non-venucoseseedlings. The massed inflorescenceclusters ggnerally lack thespidery effect of E. arachnaea.The narrowedoperculum seenbest in E. arachnqea is still clearlyevident in E. phaenophyllastbsp. p haenop hyll a blutis lcss pronounced.This charactermay be seenparticularly in theyoung buds o f othertaxa, yiz., E. tumida andE. histophylla.It is a variablechara cter in E.p haeno p hyllas|bsp. interjacens which we consider to be a form linking E. phaenophyllasubsp. phaenophylla and E. rumida.

Thereare two subspecics.

9a.Eucallptus phdenophyllnBrooket & Hoppersubsp. pl, aenophylla @i.grrres 36, 37, 38)

Colourillustation Brooker& Kleinig (1990:182).

Stemsmore orless straight. Buds to 2.5mm diam;operculum always conspicuously narrower than hypant}liumat join.

-. I I

-urn1uop,{11Jo,1selru"r1'4)aleSap,teNJogselur8ZI:(HJ){Adortluaatg,yl'1-961'?ny6 'druo8uo 'odroqlsus^eU Jo g sollrr tI :(HJUAd 60ZI uaa4) ^ t' Lg6I qrrul I ?I Jo N so| ur SI 'dnrsSuo :GJif,Sd'SNVJ)9 LIIuaalg At'L96I qrreu €I Jog setltuSE:(HJUAd)rrrJ /,Vt5' '0gSL'899 'Eun,(e1qu.rno D L aBroaf S V'9961'qeg1g Jog selur6I :(HJUaD EIE 23nag SV 't96I 'qoJ 'Zg6I S'uep,(HJoA solrur99 :GJUa d) EZZE\InuptD) tsJ ,{tnl'SurqBdN:(HJUEd) '609I '?09I 60IZ' rc'Ilgt rzuprDg VC'rz6l r{3rEII9'qlrusrr€H :GJUAd) I}ZIJO.lpC O '661 ,{e417'8un,(alqunCJoAuI I I :(HtUga'qNVJ) suD^gJ' LL6I qJI' o,rrasalldu:1:cro3 'uef 'au83p^\oN '0L6I :(HJUAd LVZII ztoua1 H'986I lI Jo S :GIJU:Id) 90CZzlowa1 H 'qod 'JJo-urnl 'd^lH zI .(?greusrgJo ld sollut6 I less€H:(HJxgd s80l( z.rtLuao H'696I ueI u 'otuoqlsua^euJo d\seFulSZ:(HJl{Ad'gIM) ZZVappuaddtqC w g'8961,.pn1N97'ed;oq1suanv11 '8uni(elquino Jo lds solrru6'91 l(Hluad) I89 .trD) w c s'8961 lt.tdy 7 pu?ererc o{B'I uas,tloq 'd 'r11'g'9961 ru rtl :GJUgd'CSJ) €0r9 89/Vtd Sutuuo3 13O€Z'(lods truitdlu) sse4ung pea '{rPd pru,tole,rrrq e8ueg 3u11rqg Euop peoll ss?drqsoqJuoq solltu8'ZI IsuotlsNoSusu SultluS 'too 'eloousloo( '(260I '3o'D :(HIUgd) | SuDltng O A' LB6I Z I 96tgl e^reso{:GJEad'l1&SN '.I! 'SNVC 'qV) 'H't '886t 'ueI 'A,92.6I '{r?d /{ Wg6 Dlootg W ZI I S.€I ot€ teuotlsNre^e{ 'uenug ',^[SN"IAht 'gNVC 'qY) ppro8zlrg trWlseld Jo os"qreeu :GJUad Z136t loolq I]'lW 'LB6t 'xa1. 'p8or{ 'A.SN '-IEI^I'SNVJ) LI'S.,ET..Btt S,I€"€€ dnoourqJ:(HJdAd Stt6 '{co{ 'peo:1coultoH nloorg'H J'W'986I'1.OIZ'A,ZO .6I I S.09oZt uo3er63o5 Sutru8utdJoS "tE 'S 'qV\ '4.8t.LII urt TI :(FtJ.tftld',4ASN t/'l NVJ It86 Dtootg' H'f W' LS6I JJCI9l S.9S.Zt 'qlrusureH 'c "I! spr?.4ro1u1de1ct16 uorg u{ 0g :(HIUAd',4(1,SN ^'SNVJ)S816nlootg'LlIw '986I 'qod '4,69 'stu€IIIIIA 'al{ssrool "Iaw'SNVJ) 6I "9II S,0I . gg Jos :(HIu!Id ",\[sN 6t I6 'dn8urnq ''IA!^{'SNYJ) nloolg H'I'W'S86I ro(I6'S.69.8II S,00otf Jo,^dN:GIdAd',^\SN '986I '4.60.02I 'p?or 'a ES88r loorg H'[w qe{ 0z s.gs ott rdroqlsuo^Bduo uarBgII I "I! ol JJo-unluop3unl I Jo N ur{ 8 9 :fiJUAd'iASN ,^l'SNVJ) LZ98nlootg'H IN'V861 '8nV 6'9.62 .6I I S.ZZogZ'IrBI IroU {BoaqSuolr?rl uop,(H tuo{ ur{ g't:(HJUAd',^\SN'SNVJ) '^oN r r{'986I tz'a,90 "8II S,tZ otg'o8usu8ulllns'o^Iro tluocs uo p?ou )gEg lootg'H't 't861 '9,6t ss?drerser{JJoid url8 s :(HJl{ad"^[sN'gNY3) grE8rrloorg'H'lw ^oN gz .6I I 'peou ',t\SN 'SNVJ) S,St otE dnro8uoplo tuo{ o^lr( ,{e1s:erue11spr?,{\ol S urt I't :(HJUAd '{3eI }g'g hlootg H'1r'{'€86I ^oN L'S,,lI .OTI S.rI .Zg ueuosroN-urp{Huo puol^n( U^l urt grISn2loo.tg'HI'N' t86I ounl/'3,99 .61I S.SZ.€€'8ulx JotA 9€:GJUgd'/$,SN'SNVJ) 'SNVC) 'I '0I e{e'I ol pooruo p?o:dn8unurur:a1-efuoqlsue^?UJo N tu{ 9 6I :(Hn{Ad'l\ SN I 18 I8 'lltH 'SNVJ) r tootg'H J W'E86I,iehlS'9,80.8II S,St"Zg 8u|{Jouo8ruJrueu:(HJUAd',$SN '€86I '9. 'puo: VOIBnloorg H'fl{ dew S gS"tI I 5.17 .3g utde{rllA-utln) uo JJo-urqululpn( Jol|drIJ)l g'0 :GJUAd',^dSN'SNVJ)tt08 r2loortl H f W't861\xmIN EZ'A,IZ.8II S.0€.t€ 'ppordnuruqJ qlr.t rau:oc'peo:sBugd5 dn:eeuefol l(I{1194'l!\SN'qNYJ) 6L Lnrlootg H'f W '286I ':pe4 TcO 6'eBwU Eullrlls dn1e,(1oo1Jo roplnoqslsol\ :(gNVJ) 689L r loo.tg H'f I^l '786I'tr} 'e^reser 'IoerJ 'tlNVJ) 9 Jo Frspunoqa rPau dnJoltsroJ Jo la urt z :(HJ{ad ",\!sN 'gLgL'LL7L '286I 'tro 'dunp "[tr^I 'tlNVJ) D\ootg'H'tW 9 qslqqnrueprog :(HIUgd €S9Z 'uqnx 'llrH 'SNVJ) nlootg HJW'0L6I ,(lnl €I Jo S SuDIroueEr?JJo g allurZ/I :(HJl{Ad'IASN 'qlluslreH eL;ZZr lootB H I W'6961 ^oN [ sprur*o|utd:1:t16 10 gS sslItuII :(€NVJ) otz 'poor puDlog't'O'OL6l'lcA 17 eleEapn'oNuo e3BrO eIe'I uo{ sellu Z:(HJUgd'i\\SN'x) Ltzlgr,t[ 't'o's 'Ioorqu?rJ 'e8uQ{ "Ist{ 'x 'SNYJ llzxDlg L6I lro zz lBeu SulFDsJo puoIAN :(HJugd '(Iy) 'ht'fl '1861 'ed:oqlsua,reg 'J 'VL6I uauuag 1de5 Jo AN :GJUAd 1176pa1ot1a1qnoag V '8ny 'plure8zld 'S 17'pg druaEu6erlroqlsua.re11 Jo ids uq 6€ :(gNY)) ZSISprDag t'LL6I'l.O 'urln) '3.0t '8ut; ZZ Jog :(llJUAd)t6€fC l/rrqs4rDBf O't861lpdv 9l "61I S.0Z.gg :4e11o lAs ur{ 0g'3^rasauemleN {3ol{ uunc:(Hluad) s8r'r]?rv v'i4'296l'ftlllfiuuad rseu:(Hlugd) 'u's ulydy H A J'656I,(Pl I S'auolslrnge{e'I:VITV{JSOV NUSJSE4 pdutwDxasuawttadg

'raddoH .Earystr,at - uapIBI^I ,rkzads^"7 seu.s sntdqDrnq ( ueq&ls ? ra)toorg H I I^t Nuytsia Vol. 8, No. I (1991) oft),27 Sept.1975,J.W. Green4478 (PERTH); 27.2 rniles W of Ravensthorpc(5.4 miles W of West River), 28 Sept. 1975,J.W. Green4527 (PERTH);7.6 km NE of Dumblcyung,29 Oct. I975, J.W. Green4544(PERTH); 34km Wof LakeKing,29Oct. 1975,,/.W.Greer4561 (PERTH); 13 km W ofLate King,29 Oct.1975,J.W.Green4568,4569 (PERTH); 13 km E ofFitzgeraldtownship onRavensthorpe to Jcrramunguproad, 3 | Oct.1975, J.W. Green 4617 (PEP.'|H); Soulhern Ironcap, SEslopes,llNov. 1978,J.W. Green4898 (PERTH); l0kmNof DunnRockonOldNewdegateRoad, 18Nov. 1986,"r.W. Greea 5043 (PERTH); 54 km E ofNewdegateonOld NewdegateRoad, 18 Nov. 1986,1.W.Green 5051(PERTH); 26 km W ofRavensthorpeon Old OngcrupRoad,22 Oct. 1987, J.W. Green5572(PER'II{); 5.5 krn NW of Ongerupon property of K. Newbey,33' 55'S 118' 27'8, 23Qct.1983,K. ill338,L. Johnson& D. Blaxell(NSW,PERTH);0.7 km S alongNormanRd frorn CowalellupRd, SE of Ongerup,34' 11'S 118'43'8, 23 Oct. 1983,K. IIiU 344,L. Johnson& D. Blarell(NSW, PERTH); 9 kmNE ofKondinin,ncartrig point,3z" 27'S 118" 21'E,8 Nov. 1983, K.IIill &7 ,L. Johnson,D.Blcuell,I. Brooker& S.tlopper (CANB,NSW, PERTH): Cargonocking Hill, 6.5km SW of Kulin on roadto Harrismith,32" 42'S I18'06'E, 8 Nov. 1983,K. Hill 655, L. Johnson,D.Blatell,I.Brooker& S.llo2pei-, (CANB, NSW,PERTH); 16 km SEofKulin,32' 43'S 118' 17'E,8 July1977 ,I?.J. Hnatiuk1 70154 (PERTH); 5 km WNWof Ongcrup,4.5km N of Foster Rd fromOngerup Rd,33" 55'S 118' 27'E,31July1982, S.D. Ilopper 2404 (PERTH); 16 km SEof CowalellupRock, NE comcro[ CorackcrupNalure Reserve, 34" 08'S 118"42'8,31 July 1982, S.D,Hopper 2405 (PE'F.'IH); Stirling Rangc Nalioral Park,1 km S of SaltRiver Rd on internalEW fircbreak, 34" 20'S Il7" 42'E, 9 Oct. 1982, S.D. Ilopper 2648 (PERTH); c. 14 km SW of Ravensthorpc,1.7 km W of Moir Rd on thctrack to PhillipsRivcr, 30 Scpt. 1981, S.D. tlopper 616I (PERTH);l2milesEof LakcGracc,Fcb. 1958,PR.lef ies580207 (PERTH); 1km onRollands Rd from CarmodyRd (bcforeClarc Rd), 33'23'S 120"52'E, 20 Jan.1981,, C.l. Keighery3717 (PERTH);Rcscrvc No. 20U6,25 km NE of Nyabirrg,19 Jan.1978, .LM. Koch N30 (PERTH); Pingrup,2lkm S at 110 milepcg,2TFcb . L97 5,O.W.Loneraga, L231 (PERTH);Nyabing, Dcc. 1957, V.McDoudle083,084 (PERTH);6.4 km from Jcnamungup towards Ongcrup,5 Jan.1978,8. Mul Lins 371 (CANB); 14 milcsE of Ongcrup,29 April 1962,K. Newbeys.n. (PERTH);4 milcs E of Dumbleyungand 2 mileson road S, 30 Oct. 1968, M.E. P hillips s.n. (CANB, CBG 021982); Tarin Hill, nearLakeGrace,Junc 1924,llalph & Stanford(PERTH); 18 miles E ofLakc King, May 1969, B.A.Rockel,460 (CANB); 10 milesE of Broomchill,13 lat\.1954,R.D.I?oyce 4788 (PERTH); 25.5km (16milcs) E of LakeKing townsile, 9 Aug.1968, R.A. Sffiey 405(PERTH); about 30 krn N of BremerBay in lhc FitzgcraldRivcr Rescrvc,7 Oct. 1970.P .G. Wilson10203 (PERTH).

Distributionqnd habitat. Southernwheatbelt from Wickcpinlo thc StirlingRange, and to eastof Jenamungup(Figure 36). A commoncomponent of malleecommurilios ort plains and undulating terrain.

Consemation statu.s.Widespread and abundant.Wcll rcprcscntcd on conservationreserves.

F lowering period. Ianujry.

Notes. E. phaenophylla subsp.phaenopilll.r is the most aburdant taxon in thc scrics. In the past it has been called E. r edunca.It differs from subsp.interjacens in its more upright straight-stemmcd habit, and its more slcndcr buds with the operculum noticeably naffower than lhe hypanlhium at the join.

I I '(uI] I = r"q aprs) J?et Sunpaas 'uornqutsp 3pou qurt ? Jo ananoqlls pu€ Jeetltnps \trruJ'spnq pu" srrrDlatut dsqnsq$qdouaatd sniqotng 6ae'n3!J

_t llr %r a E

1 \i'"1 I c?M t-.rI noq 3Ht \ v\.1r \ tl T-" '

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'rlddoH aP3rs'u,t^ - uapr€I^I,r&r Ddst^"7 sxuassnfiqorrt O u3q&rs 4, J3)loorg H'l W Nuytsia Vol. 8, No. 1 (1991)

Figure 40. Holotype of E. phaenophylla Brooker & Hopper subsp.intarl.er.!_ '9761'eout:edsgruru:(HJUf,d '3uruuu1q4;o Z08t a)toY O'U'Vg6I\teI71 g ru0Z:GJUAd) tglt '191p'gg1p 'u€I 'tlqeuoorgJo actoy O A'196I tI A setrul0I :(]fl'J-].dgd)gVL.tVL$nDJ.S.l L6I 'unoladoH tdos EI pu€etuoqtsue^?U uoo./rUoq :(VSU'HJXAd'.I'SNVJ) 16llnDd'7'S'0L6I trBlgI 'odroqtsuo^el{Jo td solfiuI € :(HJUEd'qy) 699yp.totqttg flV'g96l TrO 0Z lelul so)tolslets?or 'r'988 're^rl{ oqtJo ldNN tu{ IZ uortsro'J Suno^rp.ou :(HJUgd'qNvJ) gtgz ?Vsrl,Vu.S,IL6I 'Jc( 0Z'psod dn8unrsrof-eJuerodsg'Surssorcrelrg Sunol :(HJdEd) s,11227111'g961 1de5.feg 'rdeS'.(sg .I reurerg;o1q'p11drus.rS :(HJUAd) sd4zry'1'r96I reuorg:(HJUgd) t6z19plapult A '91,6I 'pU tdes ZZ'A,gt "OU S,g€.tg edroqlsuc.trguo unolodoHrxo{ ru{ tZ :(HJUAd) '286I .ldos 'g,rS 're,nr11 .dnur16un14 6997nddo11 O S 0I .0Zl S.8t "€t dnpu::o;3o,t| uq I.g 'tro 'pBoU JogS uq 9'EI:(HDl!Id) Llg,uaatg l1't'9L6I I € dn8unura.rclo1 edroqlsua,rell uo 'A'l'g ,odroqlsue^eu drqsumol:c,rra plurc8zlrglo g tu1 g1 :(Hldgd t69t 1/,,tg L6I tco 0E Jo S 'edroqtsue^?UJo r!rr{9I :GJUad Z6SVuaalt A I'SL6I loo 0€ S ru{ SI :(HJUAd) LBSVuaatg ',At'9L6Itto0t'odroqlsuc^sdJoSrr{€Z:(HJUAd)gBfiuaarg,llt'L96Irl.mbl,El .dnje8uo 'a.Oto0zl Joasclrrx09:(HJuad) SILsI a3n29 s'v'6L6I cunl I 5,7g.gg,4aer3dnullpq '9961'3ny 're,rr6 rscu'200I uortsro-IpteUpto :(HIUAd ,9I9I nup.tD] V J g1 plauplo:(SNYJ) 'Lg6I ''lsm 'qNvC '(V) 'ft1 EEEZllDlDll V tlo 6 dnSunuruJJelrrrou :(HJUAd ,rggg7nypry '896I 'ro^rUptcUplOJo 'f€ tro IZ qlnouJoNur{ 0t . I I uolluro-J:(HJdgd'Oy)69661ngctn [p '896I'ldos9Z'lclulsc{otsluls?o3Jo\Iur1 '1co:3 '006 91 c dnlurstro1 Surpeel dllnE ur uorleJo-I 'L96I 'unolcdog;o l(tJIUSd'SNVJ)tlzalDpuaddltlJ W r qor?W9I 1.1salrur6.ZI :(HJUAd) t69t 'pg6l 'too 'g. 'pr?ol{ uowSng y 1,t1 St .0ZI S,9Z.t t'19 LI t c^rosol lurodlsol\ uopU uosurrly\?X Jo N ur{ € g :GJuad'SNVJ) arNry,lis T I90I umuStngy 1,tJ'€g6IqsrBl^l 9Z,A,LE "OZI 'pl{lulodlsold S.8Z.gg uo'{rol{trcqo,rur{onwJogSg ru{ Zt :(HJ){Ad',1\SN'.IghI'SNYJ) €688 'p0od Dloo.tg'lIlW'S86l qlray{IZ'A.20 o0ZI S,0€ og € retcold'psotssacr? oSueg sd:oqlsue,reg "Mht'sNvc) '986I 'a,9€.8II :(HJdgd ",\\sN tr88 r too.lg lrf w qcr?II t s.€I otg'p€or dnrolrproJ uopuor,{rgrcucrq-dn:cSuOJoN ur 00Z'r:(HJUAd'A\.SN'.If .4l'gNVJ) Egggnlootg 'H 'qad0Z'9,60 'peog 'A IW'S86I "0ZI S.tg .gg edroqtsua^Bgrro uorug l] J otJJo-unl uonJunf 'ANVJ) IJoN rx{ 8'9 :(HJ,dgd',\\SN 6L0BDtoolg IIf W'E861IIrdV0I'g,ZI .0ZI S,St.€€ 'pDor 'IlIW.VL6I .rdv unotcdoHrro JJo-urnl uouo^pla lo S Iu)I t' :(SNVC) 99tt Dloorg L 'roru 'o^roscd 1yr11dnlupueg :(HJdAd'SNVJ) 0tl, Dlootg'I[IW'rL6I'tdy g pt?re84rgo't S 're,,rrg JJo-urnlspeorssoJJ pleraSzlrg ruo.4 selrur 9 S:(HJtEd) fDtltzlJo.tggg'W61 ue1 dnul11u4 'l'O 'gL6I ,pEor :(HJl{Ad 689IUaxDM aunlZZ'9,00 oIZI g, St "€t etuoqlsue^?)Iuo rruEredsa '\r's '9961 'a8ueu 'SNYJ) lo td rlx{06 :(HJdAd.) tpuuag W 3' 1de5 edroqtsuc^?d:(HJUAd 6gSZ 'ldcs 'o8uuu 'p tJauaagW fl'896I Z cdrorllsuo^€)I:VI.IVdJSnv N!IIJSA,4[ aunuoxasuawnadg

'urol ,Curerp eqt tu unrqluuddqcql Jo q1pr,,ireq1 Surlpnba ssel lo croruurnlnJJedo pw uu t 01)spnq tsnqoJ cJou eql lrq€q . t33€Is €roureql ur seloodsqnspJrddt aql uJo{ srcJJrplI

'(A\SN'TEI^I 'SNVJ :osl:HJuad :olo\) VLEBnIootg H f I/!'886I nq].naoN EZ'?tl?Isnvurslser!\'dn8unruu:ra1Jo g uq S.g:snd,tJ

'lrsJJrpo{eu?rp 'eJorsnJJe unrqlueil.(qquenbez oyncrado le snquorprle^sulseqep nlrq?q?ord,q onodsqns V

(0t.69 sern8r.{) '^ou 'alsqns'reddoH T reToorgsuaJ0lJa,t/, dsqnsreddoH T, nqootgollttldouaoqdsntdtlnJng'q6

- a?ere{,{W u6pl?t{,ln rads tq sauassniqnnl leddoH ( uoqdars rt' r3){oorg.H I.W NuytsiaVol.8, No. I (1991)

D.L. Serventy@ERTH); 33.5 km N of Hopetounalong road to Ravensthorpe,33o 40'S 120"06'8, 4 Sept.1986, P.S. S hort 2698,M. Amerena& B.A.Fuhrer (MEL, PERTH);6 km from Munglingup alongroad to Ravensthorye,33" 41'S 120"48'E, 5 Nov. 1982,A. StidzLL59 (PERTH);l1 milesE of Newdegateonthe highway to Lake King,20March 1970, M.D.Tindale222 &B -R.Maslin (NSW, PERTH);20kmWof BremerBay township, l Oct. 1966,P.G.Wilson4344(CANB,PERTH);20 km Nof Hopetoun,5Oct. 1966,P.G.Wikon 5515(CANB, PERTH);Block 1136,Oldfield district, 33" 30'S120'45'8, 28 Sept.1968, P.G. ffi/son 8063 (CANB, K,PERTH);7 miles Nof Hopetoun, LL Oct. 1967, D. Yoirrg304 @ERTH).

Distributionand habitat.Jerramungup and Boxwood Hills eastto RavensthorpeRange, possibly extendingwestwards to Katanningand Broomehill(Figure 39). Commonin species-richmallee communitieson plainsand undulating terlain.

ConsemationstatuJ. Abundant and well representedin FitzgeraldRiver NationalPark and adjacent Ieserves.

F lower ing period. January-March.

Et moloBy.The subspecific ep i thet(Latin interj acens, coming between) indicates the morphological and geographicalsituafion of lhis subspeciesbetween E. phaenophyllasvbsp. phdenophylld and E. tumida.

Notes. This subspeciesappears to link E. phaenophyllasrbsp, phaenophylla nd E. tumida. The narowedoperculum maybe seen in theimmature buds ofsubsp. interjacens urdboth buds and fruits aresomewhat robust resembling those of E. tumidato theeast which has larger leaves, buds and fruit, The budsof subsp.interjacens ue Dsrallyfusiform while thoseofE. tumidaare allannid.

L0.Eucallptus luteala Brooker & Hopper,sp. nov. (Figures41,42)

"mallee" Frutex ad 4 m altus cortice emortuoferenti laxo ad basin. Medulla ramulorum glandulifera.Folia adultaleviter nifentia, viridia vel olivacea.Alabastra robusta fusiformia, ad 2 x 0.3 cm, operculoaequanti hypanthium diametro. Flores luteoli. Semina subsphaerica laevia.

Typus:2.5 km SW of 90-mile Tank, NE of Lake King, Westem Australia, 12 Feb. 1985, M.I.[L Brooker8847 (holo: PERTH; iso: AD, CANB, MEL, NSW).

A malleeto 4 m tall with looserough bark to 1 m, smoothabove. Pith of branchletsglandular. Leavesof theseedling remaining opposite for 2 or 3 pairs,then altrernating, ovate to lanceolate,to 7 x 3 cm, glabrous.Adult leavesnarrowly lanceolate, to 11 x 1.2cm, slightlyglossy, green to olive- green.Inflorescences to 1l-flowered;peduncles to 1.5 cm long, conspicuouslyflattened. Buds distinctlypedicellate, fusiform, to 2 x 0.3 cm; operculumequal in width to hypanthiumat thejoin, to 1.4cm long.Flowers pale yellow. Fruit pedicellate,barrel-shaped to obconical,to 0.7 x 0.6 cm. Seedpale grey-brown, subspherical .slrruJ .spnq ,uolnqulslp = sr€q elecs) Jeet Swlpees epou qug B Jo atenoqlrs puB Jsel tlnp? ,/or,trl tfird{prn| .b afiAilc.

r, -t.

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- .H.I.W esace!{W uaplEl I arlr.ra.lstr'.z1 sauas e\dKlDrng.loddoH O uaqdals ? ra:toorS Nuytsiovol. 8, No. I (199r)


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wElTgit{ a!61iaLufr llgR6d|luM

aSr,rco!!rara!..rrJiFlt nrs,\rc* I


!-igure 42. Holotypc oi E. lldeola Brooker & Ilopper.

I pdy6,e11u4snyur.,,"^.".un"u$f$.,f;ty*;:ily"ffi$;:L"gr*t;KrL,{[{,"i:r\}

IEJJIP '(urJ o4eurerpunrqlued,{q uuenbae ornl?u olnJrodolo snquorlsnqoJanbsnqycnr; srts?qep Z x I I p?)snquotpu srllp?strlplao ttldourr{d'dsqnsroddoHg rar{toorqaDtqdouaDqd oldqDrng

(y7'gy sern8rg)'lou 'ds 'reddo114:eloorgDpnary sntdlDzng'Il

'Dplwnl'a 'spnq 'llaq ue\l se^?elltnpB pus slln{ roll?russeq ,/rr,tfl a srqlur aperE.ralur,{eu pue'uepf11 spru,nol spru.rq ou pueod:oqlsue,r.ug reeu reqte8ot esolc ,riro:8 serceds o.rleql'upldpues^rolle,{roJocuoroJo:dsltpuu'urofeqlll]urnrqluBdfqoqls?qlpr.,rorxssaqllnoqB 'sal3unpod 'so^eol unln adoaqt pauellugdlsnonJrdsuoJ oJout llnp€lo,\\oJJsu dllensn uee:3 :e1qBq 'se^?el 'olllq ellue^nfJo,tl.oJJBu slr ur sJoJJrplr qcrq.r urorJ douaDr.ldX ol pe$lersr Dloalnl'A'saroN

'rnoloJ ',a\ollo{ ro,rou or.llol Eurpnll8 epd'snpaJnl ul!- IaW]UJoJtrtEolowtig

'1trdy- .tremqsgpouad Suuaaolg

'a^laseu atnluNls.{loow pasodoJd eql puuIJod leuoneNuueH {u?rd 'pusl 'sntDJS uo peprocau u^\or3 luBcD^uo spuulspoJollsos lcunfsrp ur peerdsap\M uoyD^.tasuoJ

'paut nddollzg n4ootgottpo.tods A pue'DJDSsDlJutE'xKloJofial E 'aDruoplrolj['JJe'A'oto;[tpuotq 'dsqnsntD\tliDds g'D|oqolSuor'fl t]tM qtvatlro^o ooJleu uedo ur sr"uool,{puus ro pues1'\olled ur s,toJC'(17 ern?rg)edroqlsuo^e1 Jeeu ol qlnosEurpuolxe ',(u^{q8rq o!p&3looJ-ueruosroNeqlpueecuoJJoordlrqqeroql uao,rleq'usp,{g;olsug lallqry puDuoltnq!trs!O

.GIUAd .X,6L6I Z8S9,(rq$aN 'aop '('4'51 'sqqlo y1 uur11)tu8r{)SurX o{B'IJo SNIA ur{ 9€ c lI Uo Srul 9 :(I EAd)rEVtuoW O '816I'8nv8'a.gl 'rysd 'I0€ '980 "oT,rs,zz oz€ IDuort€Nuu?H {uerc:(HJugd'SNVJ) {uo^l o 'BL6I'3r. 'ryud Z'A.ZZ "0ZI S,rt "Zt FuopBNuu?H {rrerC :GJUAd) 890?ro4l O'81.6Iilnl I I 'A.00 'rypd 'uop{H o0ZI S.69ozt IsuolDNuu?H luerC :(HJUAd) tIt lr.r.rrt y'996I lsnEnv 9I 'eo]" 't 'Ig6I Jo A pw oH II I :(HIl{Ad LILEKraqSlax 9 ueI 0Z'g,ZS.0ZI S.gZogg'(peou ereJJ0roJ6q) psou dpourrBJruo{ p8ot{ spueJlouuo UDII :(HJUAd'gNyJ) SI6L nddoH O'S '166I 'eruesaU IIrdV 8 6nleN JEr{looWpesodord Jo reuror gS uo pg dnuepool630 N rul1t'I 'edroqlsua^?U '886I puupeog p.{1oop1Jo,^A ur 00€ Jo gNN ru{ 0Z :GJUgd ggggraddoH OS 'fles n'gJn "0ZI S.It .Zg'{mJ oltw ,tleurNJoids rul t'0 :(HJUAd g6yTnddog 69'7961 'ldos 'a.It 'e8w11 'r1us;. 9 "0ZI S.I t ozt rourorg'essetDII I JoldSS UDItI eglq (1eurp:(g1gg4 '65p 'g1gy3);addag'S 'raloorg '^oN,'A.9I J' axDE O'uosullot7'EE9 lH X'Eg6l .0ZI 'usp{g 9.91 .39 o11ce4 uo pg arpruEloo3-uBuesroNJo1!\ u{ g €SI :(HJUAd) EIEVaBroag S V '€96I qeCA'uep,{HJo g satru99:(HIUAd'l[SN"M,^I'SNVJ'qv) VIOOIr tootU HIn'8g6I ,{lnl ZZ'peor,(alrp1uo speorssorrJoS rul1g'92:(HJUgd',^dSN'SNVJ) 09t8rqoo.tg H I n'Eg6I '^oN L'A,II "0ZI S.rI oZ€'IceJlueurosrolq-uepdg uo peor,{eCII I Jo lA ur{ 9g :(HJUAd'./\d.SN 'gtIVJ) 'H'f 'tg6l '^oN 'A.Zt '{rBrl SS€8rrlo orq I I , .0ZI S.t0 .Z€ ueruosroN-uep,{Huo peol{ ueuesroN-erpreSlooSJotd UDI I0I :(HJl{!Id'l\\sN')'SNVJ'SNYJ) r2{oorg HlwSvElsLt 'lro lggq amq { q' 516I €'uap,{HJoa u{ IZI :VI.1VU1SOVNUEJSgA'p auluDxasuaulrads

- 'r6ddoH .C 98 aeersu,q,lt uaprEl I ,rrdatlstrzT sauas sn1d,\ocng ueqdals ', raitoorg H.I I{ Nuylsiavol. 8, No. I (1991)

( r+fi l1 l-+-l $ {\'{ \ SOUTHWEST N


l i- :r"9 i T--' -'l- +*

Ftgnrc 43. EucolJptustt{nida dislribution, and immaturebuds, malurefnrits, mature adu[ leavesand silhouetteofa fifih node seedlingleaf(scale bar= I cm). 'IaddoH .fl ? mloorg qpr&trr, Jo ad,{roloH.}} ern8u

- .H.Ifi 3Rarqr,q^I uoprsr\l,nrrradst^4 seuasrntdqocnq.raddoH C ueqdats? raloorg Nuytsia vol. 8, No. I (1991)

Colourillustration. Brooker & Kleinig (1990:183).

It differs from -8.phaenophylla in the largcr adultleaves (up to 11 x 2 cm), the more robust allantoidbuds (to 2 x 0.3 cm) andfruit (to 0.8x 0.7 cm)and the operculum on maturcbuds equalling lhewidth of lheh)?anthium al thejoin.

Specimensemmined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: slopeof Mt Ragged,19 Oct. 1970'T E.I7.Aplin 434?@ERTII); 35 milesE of Espcrance,4 Nov. 1962,J.S. Beard 2317 (PERTH); 25 milesNE of Conclingup,16 Sept. 19?0, "r.S. Beard 6351 (PERTH); Scadden, IsFeb.1970,M I.H Brookr2503 (CANB, MEL, PERTH);Tower Hill, Mt Ragged,10 April 1974,M.I H. Brooker4530 (CANB' PERTH);1 km NELanesRd on CoolinupRd, NE ofEsperance,33' 4I'S 122' 2TE 12 Artg 1982, M.I.H.Brooker7 545 (CANB,NSW,PERTII);2.7 kmW ofStylesRoadon NorwoodRoad,33o 27'S 12L"52'E,9 April1983,M.LH. Brooker 8068 (CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH); Ned's Corncr Road, 3km Nof Cascadestownsitc,33" 28'S 121' 06'E,9 Aprtl'1983,M.I.II.Br-ortdr 8075 (CANB' NSW' PERTH);11.4 km from IsracliteBay trackon Mt Raggedtrack, 8 Aptil1985, M I.LI Brooker 891'7 (CANB,MEL, NSW,PERTH); 10 km dueSSW ot Mt Burdett,0.7 km NE of ScrddcnRd otr wittenoomRoad, 33' 33'36"5122' 07'21"E,2 Aug.1983, M.A. Burgn.an MAB 1593& S.McNe e (PERTH);520.6 mile peg on Norsemar-SalmonGums Rd, 29 March 1968,S.G M Catr 625 (PERTH)lGrasspatch,49 mls N of Esperancc,31 March1968, S.G.M. Caff 628,631(PERTH); 1.7miles S of GibsonsSoakon Norseman-Espcrancc Rd,3l March1968, S.G.M. Carr 642 (PER'[H)1 39.3milcs W of Esperancc,15 March !967, G.M.Chipendale 192(CANB, PERTH); 32.6 milcs E ofEsperance,25 March 1968,G.M.Chippendale 409 (CANB, PERTH); c. 75 km NE o[Espcrance' 1 Arg. 1980,M.A. Clementsl8L5 (CBG 8005162,PERTH); Mt RaggedRangc, 2.5 km S of Towcr Peat,33' 28'S 123"28'E,6 Jan.1979, M.D. Crisp4845 (CBG, NSW, PERTH); c. 40 km NE of Condingup,junction of BeaumontRoad and Parmango Road, 33" 30'S 122' 49'8,26 Nov. 1985' D.B.Forernan 1253 (MEL, PERTH): 2.3 miles N of SalmonGums, 15Dcc 1940,C.A. Gardner s-n. (PERTH);N of Scadden,Dcc. 1940,C.A. Gordner s.n. (PERTH)l 5 milessoulhward lrom Salmon Gums,7 Nov. 1953,C.A. Gardner 11171' (PERTH); 46 km N of IsraelircBay, 12 Fcb.1966, C.A.Gardner 16381 (PERTH): Mt Ragged,7 Dcc. 1960,A.S. George2109 (PERTH); 8 km S ol' Ravensthorpc,30Oct. 19?5,J.W. Green4603 (PERTH);Capc Arid NationalPark,33'45'S 123"00'E, 19 Sept.1976, R. Llnatiuk761072 (PERTH); along Point Malcolm Road, 33" 47'S 123"45'E,20 Scpt. 197 6,R.1'lnatiukl61139 (PERTH);5 km WSWof GoraHill,8 4 kmNEof Cape Arid N.P.W boundary,Mt Raggedtrack, 33'33'S I23" l9'8,7 Sept.1982, S.D. Hopper 2522 (PERTH);MtRagged,8km Eof Mt Symmons,Cape Arid NationalPark,33' 27'S 123 " 29'E,8Sept. 1982,S D. Hopper2533,2534eERTfD; SpringdalcRoad,5.5kmEofHopetoun-Ravensthorpcroad, 33" 55'S 120' 13'E,29 Sept.1987, SD. Ilopper6"144 (PERTH); 1 km S of junctionbctwccn CoomalbidgupandGriffithsRoads,33' 30'S 121' 20'E,21 Jan.1981,G.1. Keighety 3706 (PERTH); GriggsRoad, 10 km E ofLort River,21 Jan.198I, G.l. Keighery3755 (PERTH); 15 milcs SW of MountRagged, June 1973, O. Loneragdn 34 (PERTH);Kau RockReseryc,0.8 km from Coolittup Rd alongKau Rock Road,33" 33'S 122'E,22 Sept.1985.L.LNu.nn258 (PERTH);ncar YoungRiver, 20Oct. 1968, A. Orchard1669 (CANB); 10 m iles S of RedLake siding, l8 April 1953,R.D. Royce 4061(PERTH);W face ofMountRaggcd, 3 Oct.1970,R.A. Sdjf'ey 1322 (CANB, PERTH);Sheoaks Hill,29 kmE of MtRaggedand 19 km W of IsracliteBay,3Oct. 1970,R.A. Saffi'ey 1370 (CANB, PERTH);5 milesN of Scaddcn,10 April1966,E.M. Scrymgeolr 458 (PERTH); 9'8 km E ofScadden on ScaddenRd,2lAug- 1982,P.van der Moezel 163 (PERTH); 6 km E of Scaddcnon ScaddenRd, 'lBcreqdsqns'u.,'{orq-dor6 IqAIIpees ul3S 0 x 6 0 ol'lBJgpull^t 'peduqs 'el?lleJlpedllnJd'ueoslou sre,{lolg'ulofoqllB unlqluedfq ueql:a.'iro:reu,{lsnonotdsttoc 1ou 'ruroJrsnJ'olElte3lpad 'uooJ8 -u:oq runlnoredo:ruJ g 0 x z ol spng'8uol tttJ8I ol "{ssol8Fnq8lls 'uJJ 'elslooJusl 'se^eol ?uunlsur I'I x II ol lJoJo ploq ol oleloeouel,(l,a\olJuu 11npy snorqelE 'urJ 'clploeJuul 'Eu[uuJolle 'sjlud i x II ol ol alu^o uew t-Z loJ ollsoddoSulull]tuoJ Eullpoos oql 'qsppld ',ter8 ',(aB 'qloouls gose,reel elud-ro u.ro:q 1{3ll 1q311 lrup UDg ll€l uI t ol oallBulV

'(t8I 'uolu.usn :066I) SItlIolXry reloorg ! rnoloJ

'(gllv3 'c1prlsny :osl:HJdg 4:o1or4)1p67 nddoH CtS'886I d1n1g1 u:o1so16 'IJOII uBix,reNol puorJo a ur\ 9 9I :ulluosloNspj[^\ol lolohl sluopPllug3o 16 tu1 9 3g :sttd(-I 'urJ 9 0 x 6 0 ps'lcupulldJsnlJru{'elonsnSu? 'tEuol olrlluDdrr{xr^ olnJJedo'BlulJoJIsnJ s4s9qtlv tuJ 8'I pEIlncunpcd'eujou- 6I Puoellu0csarouul 'ullueual 'ujc 'urlualrurell^el ouelsod Eloqaqouud elcue I'I x II p0'st8looJul,'[[oA clEloo3u8[ 'ulpul^'Euuallu 'uJ '?luloocuul elsnEuee1lnpe sllod Joll^al ? x II p? [o^ clu^of,Illuo^nf ErloJ 'aesolqns 'eJeJItnpuelSunJolnuur cflnpo4 I0^ oclaulcsIA0B[ eJruoc snlle u t ps ..oallut[,,xelnq

',rou (9?'St somEld) ds':addo11ry ra4oortJDll,(qdoteq sn|df|ncng 71 'z 'spnqemlEu proluDll8pue so^eal llnpc J€.amlslrrtr DlltlldouaDqd uJ.oqsJeJlpDplunl g'sreturou 'se^col ^ro ef eIBdpu" spnqelcurtun lepuols aJour qslnlqIInp /(ox8u aql ul lrullslp .{lrsolJ$ lnq Dptutlt AJouognqlllqpaqlulqll,\{.tolS ol u.$oulsolloseqlJo sclcods roqlo dluo oql sr r.r'rr^ ?'slluJ 'se^uol 'sclJos puespnq lsenmlaw sttlDplwn, t eql ur selccdspc^col-{ulqs uJoq}nos aql Jo frJrN

'(uollo,rs'rrpru,u u11u1)ecuemodde ue o^\s3 i(lllnlf,u ll,'o^8q puE (slsrrprot{lsrp g Jo spnqoql supeoJq su tou) so!:eseq1 ut lsaErqeql aJEqJlqa spnqoql ol slaJoJoructl oIJItJds eq;'[SoloutKJg

'qre1,1-drcnuelpoltad 3auauolg

'S{JBO ISUOTIBU 'pee:dscpr,tr pnB so^JeseJeJnltru uo suopclndod.{ueur qltr'r puu uotulrroJ'sttlDlsttolDlnsuoJ

'umldpues plsror uo peprotorloN peEEBUlI,{ Jo apls u$lse,r oqluo seqtns sodolslllqpu8'urslJel EulelnpunJo sqeld uo eolpurqcu-solseds ul uouruloJ 'edroqlsue^eu '(€t em8ld) ,(eg etr11eers1ot ts8a Jo ls?o-quoupxz lsvl'lDllqoq puD uotJnq!4sl(I

'(HJl{Ad "Iflr{) 'uouros.to},1 Zsn ll H'I'E96I1da5 I ;o S seFu 69'e{?Tpol{puB felp^ elt{J usa.,rleqpsoU osuEredsA-u?uasoN:GJUgd) 97El2z2on op uD^ 1't86I qsrEI^I9Z

'raddot a"3rs'y,{},{ - uappy{ raa pdslAul sa,lJasetd{lwrA I O ueqd3rs 6' r3loor8 H l Lr{ 90 Nuytsia Vol. 8, No. I (1991)



Fig\\e 45. Eucalyptur hirtopl)//d distribution, and buds, fruits, adult leavesand silhouetleofa fifth node seedlingleaf (scale bar = r cm). 'raddoH 't T ra{oorg ,trlC{dortrrl Jo ad,{roloH gt ernBIJ

t,! r *r; )rir,, t!r!.!r .r.r}'

1:\''rr,rii!1nrrr.q 1.frnl'ri:;

aeecesxhl - uappt{ aazrads^q saual wdqoxng JaddoH Q u3qd31s 6' r3loorg H I n Nuy!siaVol. 8. No. I (1991)

Specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 131mile peg on Norsemanroad,IT lttly 1952, P.H.Barrett s.n. (PERTH);c. 26 km NW of Balladoniaon Norsemanroad, 32' 16'5 123"24'E' 22 Au,g.1979,M.LH.Brooke r 6447 (CANB, NSW,PERTH);30 km Wof Balladonia,28April 1982; M.I.H. Brooker 7485 (CANB, NSW, PERTH);37.8 km NW of Balladoniatowards Norseman, 32" l0'S 123" 15'E,10 Feb. 1985,M.I.H.Brooker8835 (CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH);40km NW ofBalladonia,32' 10'S 123" l2'E,91an.1986,M.LH.Brooker9147 (CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH); 33 km W of BalladoniaRoadhouse on Hwy 1, 32" 12'S 123' 19'8, 14 Nov. 1983,K. Hill705 & D. ,B/arell(NSW, PERTA; DundasNature Reserve, 4 km E of BoinganingRock, 21 Aug. 1989, S.D.IIopper7359 (PERTID; Dundas Nature Reserve, Boingaring Rock,21 Au e.1989,S D. Hopper 7362(PERTH); Mt Coobaninya,22Au g. !989,5D. Hopper7408(PERTH);Mt Buraminya,23 Aug. L989,S D. Hopper7446(PERTH);48 km fromNorseman on Esperanceroad,3 Jan.1978,E. Mullins 33i (CANB); DundasNature Reserve, Boingaring Rocks, 40 km WSW of BalladoniaHotel, 32'i3'05"S 124'21' 50"8, 30 Sept1987 , K. Newbey 11778 (PERTH).

Distributionand habr'rat. Between FraserRange and Balladonia and southwards on graniterocks to Mt Buraminya(Figure 45). E. histophyllais knownfrom sitesnoflh-west and west-south-wcst of Balladorriawhere it growsin tall matleewith E. eremophila(Dicls) Maiden,E. faseri (Brooker) Brooker,E. sp. nov. aff. transcontinentalisMaiden, E. leptophyllaand' E. indurataBrooker and Hopperin€d. However, it is commonthough sporadically distributed around granite outcrops further south,where it is oftenthe only eucalyptpresent.

Conservqtionstatus. Poorly surveyed but knownon DundasNature Reserve.

F lower i n g p eri o d. U nknown.

Erymology.Thespecific epithet refers to theerect leaves (Greek listos, uprightattd phyllon,leaf).

Notes.E. htstophylld,as the epithet implies, is characterisedby theerect leaves which make it easy to recognisein the field. The leavesare narrower than those of E. tumida,and only becomeglossy within the crownby thesecond year. E. histophyllahasnot been seen in flowerso comparisonsfor this characterwith thebeautiful, yellow-flowered E. flavida havenot beenpossible.

Surveysby S.D.Hopper in 1989establishedlhat E. histophyl/aoccurs predomirlantly on granite outcrops,an unusualhabitat for taxain theseries.

13.Eucallptus clivicolaBrooker & Hopper,sp. nov. (Figurcs2,47 , 48,49)

Arborparva ("mallet") vel frutex("mallee") ad 7 m altacaulibusexilibus etcortice laevi cinereo extuscupdno intus. Folia adultanitentia viridia. Inflorescentiaead 11-flores.Alabastra operculo aequantihypanthium diametro, redunco. Fructus doliiformes, ad 0.9 x 0.6cm. Semina subsphaerica vel rarocuboidea.

Typus:9.6km southof theEldverton tum-off on the Hopetounroad, Western Australia, 10 April L983,M.1.H.Brooker 8078 (holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, NSW).

Colourillustration. Brooker& Kleinig (1990:186).

L 'suadu!JlsD E 'ute!31 's,{s.^l\c)lseJq pw sndttold'g setl Jns slollf,rx Joqlo qlvtr ,lror8 .{etu 11 leu uo .{ler?r uo lsejoJ uodo,{olJospucls ornd suroJ uoUO'(Lt orn8IC)mrP BluaBEI traIu'I otll ol quoupue'llIH dnl?pu?g 'JDllqDq Jo lsee-q ou pue eSuegadjoqlsuo^t1d 3qt ol duoSuo Jo lso.{\urojd puD ltounqu$to

'(HJUAd) 't[IV 'E861 'dtpun; '.(111494) 6€It artoll Q A ludy 37 nup.ntg p saltyt'1 '996I'^oN 8'eFueuedroqrsuo^sU:(HJdgd) IzprcnbrW N'886If lnl €'lI,90 .0ZI S.9S"€t'lJPd '.Ic.trg 'ueru '1'9 leuoquNro^lll ptu.raSzltg sdr11rq4 ctuctd,(qclu-,{qJlld :(Hldgd) 6769fuaq8nSl 'I86I 'Irud den I I lcuortuNro^Jd p1e,:s8zlrg'11q1dnunrqtoolA ruau:(HJUgd) 6ILEtraqSDX t9 'I86I 'uEf ' '186I OZ'A,02oZZI S.0t .€€ tH dnt?pu€gJo S url I :(HJUAd)7719 .ndtlo11 O.t 'lco 'A,9I 'rtoorJ I "6I I S.8Sog€ dnl.Ie,^{l3oedols 16 uo'1re4 puopuN ra^lu plero8zllC:(Hldgd) 9919nddoJ1 q'g'r861 lco I'A.tI .6II S,8go€€'{red luuolluN ro^rl{ pteroEzllC Jo drpunoq 'pr{ 'A.tt N eqruo ssrnoJo A uI t t :(HIx:Id) 177pnddo11 crs't861 13OI .6II S.90.tt '{red '4cu.r;spe11o3 uo Sursso:c:e,rrAplere8zlrCJo /11 ur{ L I Iuuotl?NJo^IE pluJoS4IC :(HlUAd) '286I '8nV 'a,9€.02I '[IH pppTnddo11 OS' I S,8ZoEE dntupueqJo EN tu{ 8Z :GIUAd) 61p7nrldoll q'9'78618nV Z'A.I I .0ZI S,Zt "€€'dtpun)'puouseclI{Jo ASSu{ I I :(HJUAd) 'g.IE.8lI IIVZ taddoH A'S'ZE6I ?nV I 5,99"gg'pg dn8unulurrofuo dn:e8ug;og tu{ 9'€ 'SNVJ) :(HtdAd'l\SN tpr'Ig OTuosullot'7'M lH r'€86I lrogZ'!I,Et.8II S.II.t€ 'dnro8uoJo 'p[og gS dn11a1naro3uorj p0ol{uBurroN6uop S tx]t ,'0:GJUgd' l'[SN) axDlg'Ot '886I 'uo 'poou uosuqotT'60t lllH )t zz'\,s, .07,Is,zz og€ lulodlso16 3uo1e :e,rt1 8unotr 3o 'J ',A '^oN 'p0oll A uDlZ :(HJUSd,) 906, uaa.rg t'gL6I €l rronl uo odroqlsur^puJo ,/yLS tu)t Z'9I 'sdroqlsur^cu :(HJU3d)t09t'869iu)).t9 1.,rt'9L6tlJO 0[ JoS tul8:(HJUJ{) tjzl u tD'h t '1961 'ed.roqtsuo^r?uJoN qcruw71 se[u 8 :(HJuad'sNvJ) 60zappu|ddtq3 w c' L96Iv:.mINgl 'otuoqlsuo^cuJoSselu-rzgI:(Hrugd',/t\sN"I:,^{'sNvJ'qv)LEg6nlootg'H'fw'L86rAEylSI 'A,6I "IA 'SNVI) 5,19.79'pr dn:o8uouoprog uo dn:3ut4;o16 ur:tI :(HJUAd'A\SN "gII '11ttl 't Z168l lootg'Hll4'S86I IIrdV fi'A,ZZ "0Zl 5,69.gg dnlapuDqJo AS uq I :(HJUAd "IEJ 'peo11 "/Y\sN I'SNY)) Ig88n\oo.tg H'lW's86I'qag,rc'a,zt "8I I s,rs .gg dnEunue::e1 "IahI'gNVC) -dnroSuopuu p0olljou3u11;o rouroJ :(HJUAd',&SN 0S88nlootg'H'lw '986I 'qed 'A.00 'dn:SuldJo "IAI 6I .6yy 9,6g"gg A'pooulseg 3uo1e g ur>19 99 :(1IUAd'i\fSN { 'SNVJ) 'o&oqlsua^€UJo S088.rr7ootS LfIW'986I unl8I'9.20.02I S.8Zo€t N'Uorlsltr IJo g 'tf '7861 'puor :(SNVJ) 289, .rr1,o.tS I W 1rg 9 dn8unuteroluo dnro8uoJo A uI €'€ :(HJUAd ',14SN'SNVJ) '^oN '9.0I 'pcor 9r€8.t loorg'H'l'ht'E86I tZ o0ZIS.?t otg unotodoguo 33o-urn1 '9861 uotro^ptg6rtlJo s ur{ 8 6:(HI){ad "\\sN'SNYJ) I9l8 rqooq'H'IlN ounlt'9.80.02I 'puorusao 'SNYJ) 'E891'2891 'H'IW '2861 s.8€ o€€ lI t Jo opls i\\ :(HJuad'asN Dloolg 'pg 1cg 9 dnSuntu€rcfuo dnre8uoJo A uq g g :VIIVUISOY NUAJSE16'paurwoxasuawtsadg 'proqn:,{1arer oylucu:qdsqns 'u,rorq-de:3 'ut 'pedDl.lslslJEq'at?lleJlped '1'\olle^ lq8rl pees 9 0 x 6 0 ol llnrg apd sre.'no1g 'spnq ernlEuuo uroflBuntqtuudFq ol tBnbossel lo oJour'drleql l3 pa^JnJoJunlnJrodo:ulJ t 0 x 8 I 'uearE'fsso18 ot'olenluollBspng'3uo1 luct'I ol salcunped:per3,{\ou-IIol dn soJuof,sorouul 'ruc 'snorqr13'uaer8-an1q'fsso18 g'I x 0I ot'el€loeJuulol eluloeJu?t^t^loueu so^Dal llnpy fpq311s 'ur3 'soapo 'elB^o 'SullsulollB 6urruoJeq'nnplsJlJ lu 9 x 6 ol punoj€qleol puolssJco qlt,{' ol plollep 'snud 'os 'Jslnpu?lE usql t Jo t JoJelrsoddo Sulureurar Sulpaas eql Jo se^ueT ,(1eraseurpeuros '8uol 'ropuels slelr{Jue:qJo qlld txJ 0I-g sreJslJesul pluozuoq luauluto:dqll^\ uelJo suals lo 'qloous {unl] :IJeqfreddoJ ol ^\olto.{aIEd ra^o ,(oJB qll.t\JI?] tu ZI ol satl€txc,{[emJo lofieu V

amrE!,(t^{ - urptet ,n rtadsl^4 sauessniqDt ?'r3ddoH c ueqdals ? ratoorg HtW 94 Nuytsiavol. 8, No. I (1991)




I Te*u'p'v,l tt' F

Figwe 4'1, Eucallptus clrvicola dislribution, and buds, fruits, adult leavesand silhouetteof a fifih node seedlingleaf (scale 'A 'raddoHT, ra{oorB,lrrr^4r Joed,qotoH 8f ornBlc

*.*--, *. -":,::1:L:::1:::r_:.:-:a

'reddoH aesrsu,{t{ - uapr€tn{ ,tr.ur adst^v1 $yax srltdqoxng d uaqdars T' r.loorg H'I W I NuytsiaVol. 8, No. I (1991)

Figure 49. E. cliricoh showingmallet habit (NW ofRavenslhorye). '(urr r = ruq 'uonnqulsrp allrs) Jrel Sulpoosopou qtJrJ e Jo altanoqlrsprrB sa^eat Inpp'strruJ'spnq pue ,pr^ol{ nldqDrnn'O9 eln8|J

\'1- lr

\ ISI/vl HtnOS \ \\


eEca!,(I - uap$t{ ,t!ar adst^"j sau.s sqdqnnA'raddoH C uaqdarsT, ra)toorg Htyt Nuycia Vol. 8. No. I (1991)



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i igu'( 51.Isorypc of [ /,, 'iJz?l]rookcr & iloft. r. .(Hldgd) E7EEar{oA O A,996I uq 8Z '{soJJ 'eeleepunJ s,pruppoC:(gagg4)97gga.r,toU CA'996I wf /Z :(HIUAd) 0?€Sarfoy C'U '996I',ugl 'usl LZ'aapepunJ:(HJUgd)6EE9a3[otJ'Q'A'996I /Z'snqluezJoN'uorssIIAIeelsepunJ 's8uuds :(HJUAd)7679 actoy (IV'956I uq 9Z slrotcr^ uocno Jo S sollu 6 :(HII{SJ 6g6g 'A,9I nddoH'e S'786I'3nV tt .gZI S,I0 oIE'€^resedpoollepuss suuuooJJo drupunoqg 3uol8 '8nV 's8uuds dea,rlrer;o11 ru1 g'1 :(HD{Ad) 8t6t,rrddo O S'VB6I tI Euolrl^ ueenoJo S tu{ ZI 'e1Foo31z1Jo :(HIUgd)6r9t raddoH'CS'886I ^oNt'4,02 .IZI 5.17.gg N rx)I6€'leloq it\orrv 'gNy)) 'X pso]qJogS urtZ'I r :(HIdSd'nd.SN ra4oo.tg'IpuD amlg Q'uosulloI7rPI99lll 't86I 'peor '(alpooEley ^oN ,'A,OZ "rcI S.LZogt JoA ur ggl JoN tu{ ,t) peorel.rooEpy uo 'uoIssII ,ro]rv p?orgJoS ru{ I :(HJUAd 9198a 'rcat S V'996I'lxO 6I IeoleepunJJoNsaltu L'rI '^oN :(HJUAd) 6969a?.na) S V'€96I 6'cloqlf,or alltu ZI pu? uolsslt^[eoloopunJ uoe,,'\]c{ '/dro ' '.(?.^\lIEl{ 'o^raseU :(ttlugd) sJsa.to! 6t6I eunl 8 su?{ ru 901 sueuooJ:(HJUAd I9lI g€9 '.I96I '^oN ',^,1.orv 'u's 'J 'C96I '^oN cllrooale>f'ld a O stsa.to!J f O pcolg :(Hn{fld sa^DO I I ',rorrv ',&SN 'tflr{ 'SNVJ 'CV) 'u1fu14 pBorg:(fffUAa ,996 t tootg H I /.4i'L86Iounl 7g o1 "Ig^l'SNVJ'(V) '9,9I rdtBurn)uro{ ur{ gI :GJUSd',^t SN 6296r uloorg'Il IIAI .€ZI S.I S "0€ 'uu?uoo3 'a.sN "Ir 'SNVJ) '986I Jo gN uu{ l9I :(Hl,uad Al 9806 nlootg'H'IW ^oN EI 'A,OZ.IZI 'ao!V '3 ',^[SN'SNYO) S.8Zo0g p€orgJo S url Z :(HJUAd ZVtgr lootg'H I W 'a,E}.EzI 'cruor?x 'gNYJ) '886I S.Z0oI g Jo a uq z9 :(Hldad "^[sN I?ESt lootg'IlI'w '^oN t'a.zz .IzI s.8z o0t "torrv peolg lo s ur)lz:Yllvl{JsnYNdgISlL d.paulwDxd suawlrads 'lucucqds ssolro eroul'u.anorq-,{or8lqAU paos tuc9'0 x I 'pedsqs-lcxuq 'olsllcJlped 'ulo[ ol ,{llqSrlsol letupull.(c nrg .Trol1c.{sre.,lrold drl l3 po^lntor l? 'olsnuollu'pod?qs-uJoq '3uo1 urnrqluud,{quuql ro,rouuu ualJo utnlnr:edo'urt t 0 x g ol'tuloJlsnJ 'eluflasrpod spng 3uo1ruc 9 I ol salcunpod:p3J3.4^oLl-II ol sstuessoJouuluoolS lqall "issolE '8upeurcl1n'a1c1or1od ,(pq8rls'u-rcS'I x I t 01'olsoluJol oletocJut?l se,'rec111npy'sno:qe18'ueer? 'dsso13'rucSgxtIol'oluloccuul,{lprorq'8u4eu:elluucql'sJIudgloZ.to;Sututeruor3u11pooseql3o ',{arE'qloours '1req sa^ec'I'I[lnpu?t8 slclqouEJqJo qlld'stuols aloq.t Jc^odrcddoo Jo'uccr8-dc]8 ro 'rIJ?lq-u,rorq'8uqcg 'osruoc;o qSnol ru Z ol 8uD[3ots? qlr,t r3qll3'lpl u 8 01cor'l lo oalpu V

'(98I 'uoltottsn :066I) SIuIelX4' re{oorg ! tnoPJ

'(HJl{Ad 'X 'SNVJ '668I (I9 '09 'EI 't0I '6 sorn8ld) "IAInl :osl:ldSN :oloq)Z0I sulaH V I 'lIrJ,,'ueplBJ .{lnl'Ell?tsnvurolscld',rorrvp?org:ad'l.'QI6:D86iV.,'stdqDrng'uaj' sI^oU l Dltu{xo'm^ JJnr1pSDJunpz.t Z'^ou lllls l3 ulou'lcddogT Je{ooJgDpnol[ sntdtp)ng VI 'lquotu?ulo InJosnB eq o1.(1e111 'r11.qdouaor1d sr:lr 'sJeAoU /(ollaf, puesc,reol uae.r8 ,{ssol8 lq8uq llqeq loltuurslr Url11 g u uacs runlnlndope,tro::uucql seqlr spnqSunof ul f,douecuee:8oql ol Sulpn ?'ll JoJ,.latpuiuaal8,, orueu 'g'saloN uoururocoql esodord 416'puno:8 qSrq raqlo Jo sf,e,,'le{BoJquo SuFrn3colslpul E sI DloJ!^!12

'(flw11el..l.p'n1oc '.rfl4r1, pueIIrq uuE-I)saJuexn3to f,usulJo .(I{durSodol aql ol sroJaleulsu .Urmds aq1't3 olow&g 'de1q-requraceq Porn d Suuauo1 g

'e^rosoU€JnlEN slue8e4 elul puu lred FuorlsN Je^fUplersSzlrd se qJns sa^lasel uoqe Jesuocuo rntso qcIq,,trJols.talas'suop?1ndodlsunfslp urlurpunq? f,lPto'I'snla1S uolDMasuoJ

'raddoH apar"!,it,{ - uapr"I/,[ "r,z t2d s^a1 sauas eadKlDrrt C ueqdels T ranoorg HILr{ 100 Nuytsiavol. 8,No. I (1991)

Distributionand habitat.North andeast of Kalgoorlie(Figure 50). E. flavida growsin openlow woodlandsandmalleeusuallyon gently undulating terrain. Soils are red loam with qualtzoI calclete. Associatedeucalypts are E.aff .longicornis,E.grffithsiiMaiderl E. atf. tt'a scontinentalisMaiden, E. clelandii(Maiden) Maiden and E. rigidula Maiden'

Conseflationst.,tus. Locally abundantin disjunctpopulations, a few of whichare on reservessuch asQueen Victoria SpdngNature Reserye.

F lowerin g p eriod.November-Decembcr.

Etymology.Ane\N specific epithet is neededfor thistaxon because Maiden's varietal nal:l.e oxymitra is alreadyin useat the specieslcvel for Sharp-cappedMallee, E. oxymita Blxkely, of the central Australianregion. The new specific epithet refers to thecolour ofthe flowers (Latin/avidrs, yellow)'

Notes.The glossy grcen l ceolatejuvenileleaves ofthis species are unique in theseries. Its long slenderuncinatebuds, ycllow stamens and long barrel-shaped fruits suggest affi Irit\es wilh E rcdunca, E.pluricaulis, E. varia,E. densaand E. gardneri,butlheconsistent presencc of pilhglands and the "redunca" juvenileleaves in E./avidd isolatesthis species somewhat from the superspec ies . The copiousflower production and inlanddistribulion of E. flavidu indicatesuilability as a hardy ornamental.Birds such as Yellow-thrcated Miners and Red Wattlebirds have been observed taking nectarfrom flowersin the wild (Hopperunpubl.).

15.Eucallptus crirpal4 Brooker & Hopper,sp. nov. (FiguLes5c, 52, 53, 54)

Frutex("mallee") ad 5 m altuscortice inferiore decorlicanti crispxto superiore laevi cineraceo, foliis adultishebetibus vel nitentibus,et alabastrisplerurnque brevioribus crassiodbusque quam affirribus.Semina cuboidca vel plano-ovoidea.

7lpr.r: nea.rYandarrooka, Wcstem Australia, 13 March 1986,M.l.tl. Brooker9201 &S.D llopper (holo:PERTH; iso: CANB, MEL, NSW).

Colourillusnation. Brooker & Kleinig(1990: 180).

A malleeto 5 m tall, erector spreading.Bark towardsbase of stemsheld ill partlydecoflicated curls,smooth grey above. Pith ofbranchlets glandular. Leaves ofthe seedling remaining opposite for about2 pairs,then alternating, ovate to dcltoid,to 10x 9 cm,glabrous, slightly glossy, blue-grcen. Adult leavespetiolate, altemating, lanceolale to falcate,to 9 x 1.5cm, dull or glossy,green. Inflorescencesto 13-flowered. Peduncles to 1.6cm long. Buds to 1x 0.4cm, shorterand broader than mostrelated specics, operculum cylindrical to conical.Fruit sessileto shortlypedicellate, obconical to cupular,to 0.5x 0.5cm. Seed light grey-brown, cuboid to compressed-ovoid.

Specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Type locality, 13 Much 1986,M.I.fl. Brooker 9205,9208,9209& Sr. Hrpp?r(CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH); NE ofEneabba,21 Nov. 1986, M.I.H.Brookr9555(CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH); l kmN ofEW fenceonN-S track, west of South EneabbaNature Reserve, 30' 00'S 115' i6'E, 20 Sept.1988, M.I.H. Brool

L '(rur I =req aters)J":t Surfparsapou qtrl p Jo .nrnoqtrspuc se^e.tltnp"'qtruJ'spnq pue'uorlnqulsrp ,rrdst12 sniqDrnl ZSatn8tt

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'r:ddoH a"rrrlr,{t,t - uappt,I ar"?.?adsl^"7 sauasvadtp.tll o u.qdxs ?r3)toora HIW NuytsiaVol. 8, No. I (1991)

19re{or1,rsr0h ur rnrr.il !i:tratr$,

Figure 53. Holotype oft. cnsprrd Brookcr & Hopp€r.

\ '}peq puEsruats prrlr',ttlDJol ed.{l tPtlqDq ccllcul DlDdsltr'g 6 arn8tl

'i aEerpu,{t\l- uaplpN atkJadsl,t"7 saFassnld{lDrt1l addoH C usqd.ls 4' r.{oor8 Hlhl NuytsiaVol. 8, No. 1 (1991)

Distributionand habitat.Knownflom lateriticbleakaways south of Mingenewwhere it occursin severalsmall pure stands,and a singleoccunence near Eneabba (Figure 52)

Conseryationstatus. Rare and vulnerable. Currently declaled asEndangered Flora undertlreWildlife conservationAct (Hopperet a\.1990).Population sizes ale smalland will needto be monitoledto ensureagainst accidental destruction.

Floweringperiod. ? APil.

Erymology.The specificepithet refers to the curled,pafily detachedbasal bark (Latin crispatus, curled).

Notes.E. crispatais a raremallee known only from two localities. The crisped brsrl brrk is unique in theseries. ihe budsare relatively short and fat thoughvariable while the seedling leaves vary from ovateto cordate(sim ilar to E. accedensand E.leprophloiaBrooker & Hopperined. although not seon to segregatewithin family lorsof fourpalents tested). The seedare somewhat ovoid While of fairly unifo-rm-appearancein the field, the speciesmay be of recognisablyleccnt hybrid origin with the parentageof E. accedens and E. arachnaea,bolhof whichco-occu with E crispata'

16.Eucalyptus subdt gastd (Blakely) Brooker & Hopper,comb. et sfat.nov'; E reclunca Schater ,,Key var.subangusta Blakely, to theEucalypts." p. 111(1934). Leclotlpe(here designated): Cunderdin,Western Australia, W.Z F ttzgeralds.n. (Figures 3, 5f, 12b,55,56,57' 58' 59' 60' 6l ' 62)

A malleeor malletwith smooth,grey over pink or copperybark. Pith of blanchletsglandular. Leavesof theseedling remaining opposite for 4-6 pairs,then altenatillg, lnnccolale to ovate,to 9 x 4 cm,dull, green, blue-grey or glaucous,glabrous. Adult lcavcs petiolate, alternalinS, narrowly lanceolatetolanceolate, to 1I x 1 cm,dull or rarcly glossy (in subsp. virescen s),light green, maturing to blue-green.Inflorescences to l7-floweredipeduncles to I cm long. Buds shoflly pediccllafc, fusiform,to I x 0.3cm, operculum oblong, obtuse or acutcat tip; few strmens elect, flowers while. Fruitshortly ped icellate, cupulxr (i.e. about as long as broad), to 0.5 x 0.5cm (as brord as long)' Secd light grey-browu,subspherical to cuboid.

Typificarion:lntheprotologuefor var.r ubangusta,Bl|lkely presumably refers to Maiden'stlcatment of i. rrdurto ru. irSl,JlfolraBenth. that alludes fo twoDrummond specimens, 67 and 187, which arethe syntypes of vir. angustifutia(now E. xanthonenn).There are lhree furlher specimens which aremosisimply refened to by theirlocatities, 1,i2. cunderdin, Knutsford and Goldcn valley. Blakely thencited ore oflhese, cunderdin, in theillustmtions (Plrte 140, number6) which becomes the type of E. redwtcavar. subangusta.

Thisspecimen in NSWis clearlythe smooth-barked mallce olthe yellowsandplcins il) thecentral andnorthim wheatbelt. However, Blakely's description ofa tfec,7m tall,with rough bark is al odds with anyknowr specimcDofvar. sabcllflr,t/aas wg interyIetthe type. Wo feeljustified in rejecting the desariptionin Blakely rvhichfurther includes a comparisonof yar. subongltstdwith typical E retlwtca which he is unlikely to have ex&mined.We thereforepresent, above, the new comprehensivedcscription for thetaxon represented by lhe typespecrmen '009Lr 'SuIuEMsId 'A\SN lootg H'I W'286I'E\Y 97'A,EZ"9II S,tSo0€ Jo S UDIt :GJtIAd 'gNvJ) V6SLraryolgHIW'7861 8nV9Z'g,gt.9ff S,29.0€'dEC ol prorJo S u.rlI r'odols Surceg-gp's1pgueEuor\d:GJUAd'i[SN'SNYJ) 989,r lootg H'l W'2861 8nV9Z'A,Ig"9II 'ru?'rgJ ',t[SN 'SNVJ) 5.69 o0g ls SulssortIrer Jo g tu)I 9'ZI :(HJlEId ttSL D|ootg H'l W 'Z86I 'epIqlel 'SNYJ) iEIN IZ t lht Jo i&N's11111ue8uol6'I3dnU lI^I Jo S :GJUAd',,\[SN 'H'I'W '2861 'rpt,(ung;o gzgL rattootg AEII17 g tul 9I :(HIUAd'SNY)) Z69t r lootg Hl'Il 'ZL6I "IAt'{ 'SNVJ) ^etN ?'Breqlld Jo fl sellu 7I 0I :(Hlrr{d'A\SN 6892 D\oorg H'[l^l '0L6I 'euuool^l "I${ 'gNVJ 'IUS) dlnt 9I Jo lA solur , :(Hldgd nWZ'EWZ n|ootg H I W '016I ,(tnfgI'8uuepuogJo N elrurZ/I :(HJUgd)Z68I nlootg HIn'6961 ^lttI ZZ'urqqnf,uog g:(HJUIId'ASN Jo S ellu I:(HJUAd) 08Ll ratlootgHln'6961 euryg'ulxrxeJJo g sollu 'x'gNVJ) 'g'q's 'u3p,{H Srsr/l(\ arDE L6I'lro ? Jo idfl ur)t0z :(r )nla z98v DlrDlg',9.'[ 'e,{{ellnI '916I 'peor '0t6I 'ldes pue?un^ ueo^\leg:(HJNAd 9008ptDag S t lco S xnop?C I 'S't'916I 'lJO 'nuIIIe^lI8( uo 'sllll{ u?Euol\ ruo{ sellu ',GIJ.dAd.) Z Jo g sellul€9 ,I LL6LprDaS 'S't :(HIUgd) €S€rprr?g S1'tL6I ^oN S'uofuoredpu8qeu]?uJ?J uea,4\log:(gl{Y)) 0699pnag '€16I 'elt\eflnw idos 9z Jo S satlu 0I :(HJ,uad vEEtalng'J'a'sr61 1cA'euroqduru33o 'A'AJ'6S6I 'ururureJJo 'SNYO 'IUS) S selru Z :GIUgd) SOSundV eunl 6Z N so[u t :(HJUAd suawtraas zI LuDllv'w'x'I L6I .{lnl €z'BruqlrdJoa selu 6 :YITVUISnY N{AISIIA'p2u1wDx2 'ru3 S0 x s 0 ol lln{ puD'elnJJJdOJInJU Jo 'uJ 'llnp 'slelqcuuJq,{xc,4\-uou esnlqoqlr,r ru, €'0x I ol spnq I x I I ol sa^?olllnps qlL,!\aollulx v '(89I 'uollD4snn! :066I)SIuIel) ? lo{oorg noloJ

'dsqrs (gg .q61.g sarn6rg)DtsnSuoqns roddoH4, ro{oorg (A:':,Ijelg,)DtsnSuoqns srydt|ncng'e91

's:r:edsqns:no1 alc sJaql

'proqnJlDq,rJtxos uoql Suuapuor relnEnefpq811s Euloq loJ seuesoql uI lensnunem olsn8uDqnsA uI pcosoqJ'$ln{ pue so^Bel 'iEIuJ JellBurspue IJ?q qloouJsoql ul rJrrl.tlr, a uo{ pw Joll8ruspu0 spnq ralluuts'se,rec1 uea:8 -enlqol ueerBreleurs oql ul rpt^.f/ g ruo{ sJoJJrpiI lrnrJ Jetndnc.talleurs pun ulnJJodo olf,uIJun Jo^au 'g '1tqeq {l,roJjeuJo 8uo1qo 'se.reol raxoleu eqluI sJeJJIp ll zp DIJ tlod'dsqrs DS ol[ dr'r urorg Isrruoc 'A'oopuDt ae11ewaql ul opun!1t71ug ptteoso111doJ dsqns DSollldDJ g tuo{ sJoJJIpfljuelJ lI

'elnJlodoasruqo fllBnsn 'se^eol 'Suolqoeql ur pu"'ueer3-an1q8uFnturu lellsl aql llnpe pueellue^nfJepeorq eql ul sJeJJIpll 'arnlqs sllirqfls'Aurord'ursldpu€s loJ muereJerd pue se,real 11np .{llensn lf,ere ssel JolJos Je8r€lsll ul 'fl 'fl '(I owalpsor|lu uorJ sreJJrpD1st13 uDqns elquJ,),.oopl.rr,1.t,, selssdsledns qll^{ luolxa Jessal 3 01 pnesl|iqns 'g'DwaqJsor,lw g\lrt flosolsell seplulJJes\'munpat AqlrttrneqlJoql?U lloqlEeq^\ setl FIuoJ puerueq ou eql u1sureldpues ,uo1ed ;o sercadse^DJuusp e oq ol lI u1(oqs {Jo1(plerJ elJsuelxa'DJunpatg q1r,,r'posn;uoc,tluotutuoc ueoqsaq lBql ?xsl eqlJo Juo stotsnSuoqns g sarc\,tr

'sdeu 'pJoJslnuxlou lnq sdep-luosslduo sJEoddsdelp^ usploc 0JPIdauus oql 'rllJJ, prmeuo 6Jo^{ ss$lp3ol o^{l oql leql pslsplsuocueppj I J'dsqnsDlsnduDqnsa lapun J€l?l $e'4 'uepl8141 a^r ',(oIIDAueploC pue pJoJqnu1 i(q o1pauaje.t suourrJads aql Jo prlql pm puoJaseq1,

'raddoH eeecsu,(W " uapJew ,tt r adsl^4 seuas sntdqDrn7 C uaqdals d, 16:100rg Hl I^l 106 NuytsiaVol. 8, No. r (199t)

7602,(CANB,NSW,PERTH);c. 1.5kmNof Dowerinon CadouxRd,3l. 13'S 117.03,8, 14Sept. 1982,M.LH. Brooker76M,7605 (CANB, NSW, PERTH);4.3 km N of Dowerinon CadouxRd, 31' 11'S 117'03'E,14 Sept.1982, M.I.H. Broolcer 7608 (CANB, NSW, PERTH)l 21 km NE of Doodardingtowards Koorda, 30" 5L'5 ll7" 22'E 14 Sept. 1982,M.LH. Brooker 7612 (CANB, NSW, PERTII); 6 km SW of Koorda towardsDoodarding, 30.52'S It7" 27'8,14 Sept. 1982, M.I.H. BrookerT6L4(CANB, NSW, PERTH); Comer Scotsman'sRd and Clcary-paynesFindRoad, 30" 22'S tt1" 34'E, 11 Jan. 1983,M.I.H. Brooker 7914(CANB, NSW, PERTH);0.5 km W of WandanaRdat N end,N or Yuna,28' 03'S1 15. 03'E, 25 Ian. t983, M.I.H. B rooler 7938 (CANB. NSW,PERTH); c.4kmWof Kalannie,30. 20'S 11?"04'E,8Feb.1983, M.1.H. Brooker 7953 (CANB,NSW, PERTH); 6.1 km N of MerindoN. Roadon Kulja CentralRoad, 30" l8'S 117. 18'8, 9 Feb.1983, M.LH. Brooker T96I (CANB,NSW,PERTH);101 km Wof Cootgardic-Norsemanroad on Hydentrack, 32" 04'S I20' 42'8,1 Nov. 1983,M.I.H. B rooker 8355 (CANB, NSW,pERTH); Mason'sroad E of Watheroo,2Sept. L984, M.I.H. Brooker8687 (CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH); 0.5km Sof Tammin,31'39'S 117' 29'E, 15 Nov. 1985, M.1.[L Brooker 9104 (CANB,MEL,NSW, PERTH);17.7 km N of MurchisonRiver on NW CoastaLHwy,2T.40'S 114. 42,E,6 May 1986, M.I.H.Brooker9266(CANB,MEL,NSW,PERTH);NboundaryofKalbzrriNarionalpark,2T.24,s lL4" 26'E,9 Oct.1986,M.1.H.Brooker 9473 (CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH); 3.5 km W of Dowerin, 31' 13'S1160 59'E,23 tnly 1987,M.I.H. Brooker 9726 (AD, CANB, MEL, NSW,pERTH); S of Pintharukaroad, 9.6 km from Mingenew-Morawaroad via YandanookaRoad, W of Morawa, 29o06'S 115'38'E, 9 Sept.1.987, M.LLI. Brooker 9754 (AD, CANB, MEL, NSW, pERTH); 0.5 milesS of Wubin,21Oct.1966,G.M.C htppentlale 59 (CANB,PERTH); 3.6 miles S of Kalannic, 2I Ocl t966, G.M. Chippenrlale65 (CANB,PERTH); 22.8 miles SW of Merrcdin,6 March 1967. G.M.C hippendale 88 (CANB,PERTH); 1.4 miles W of Karatce,7 March 1967, G.M.C hippendale 104(CANB,PERTH); 9.1 milcs E ofPithara,9Aug. 1967, G.M.Chippendate250 (CANB, pERTH); 9.4milesNEofBruceRock, 10 Aug. 19 67,G.M. Chippendale 256 (CANB, pERTH);Cadoux.3 Nov. t981, II. Demarz9126 (PERTH); Mogumbcr, March 1901,Dr Diels & prirzei (pERTH);6 km E of Koorda,12 Nov. 1974,Forests DepartmentLlSz (PEP'TH); Dowerin, 19 Aug.1920, C.A. Gardner 657(PERTI{); 2 milesS of Dalwallinugare, Rabbit-proof Fence, 14 Jan.1947, C A. Gardner8523 (PERTH);Bendcring, 19Oct. t949, CA. Gardner9478(PERTH); 3 milesN of yerecoin,21Aug. 1957, J.W. Green1486 (PERTH); Tammin - CundcrdinRd, 26 JDne1959, B.J. cleve (PERTH);; Tammin,Oct.1959 ,B.J.Grieve (PEP.TH);40 mites S ofMullewa,3 Aprit 1967,8.11olrn s.n. (CANB); KalbarriNation al Park, c.2km NEofJungaDam,l3 Sepr. 1979, S.D. Hopper1301 (pERTH);5.2 km Nof Yerecoinsiding,4 km S ofPiawaningsiding, 30. 53'S 1t6.24'E,26 Alg.l9B2,SD.Hopper 2483(PERTH);5 kmWNWof ScrivenerRocks,32.19'30'5 118. 46,8,1.4luteJ.985,5 D.Ilopper 4415(PERTH); Dowcrin, west, 11 Nov. 19?4,O.W. Loneragan L233 (pERTH);6 milesout of WonganHills,3Oct. 1962,F. Lullfitz LI659 (PERTH);Wongan Hills,3 Oct 1903,A.Morrison (PERTH);9 milesfrom WonganHills towardsPiawaning, 3 Oct. 1962,M.E. phillips s.n.(CANB, CBG024965); Walebing, Feb. 1,950, Popplewell Bras. (PERTH); 7 milesN of BruceRock. 14 Anril 1953,RD. Royce3983 (PERTH); Water Reserve, Ceron, 10 miles S ofperenjori.1f Aprit 1962, R.D.Royce 6813 @ERTH); Watheroo Nationalpark, W. of Watheroo,8Oct. 1971,R.D. RoycegT 62 (PERTH);14.6 miles Lynton Road, 1 March 1966,E.M.Scrymgeour 272 & S.G.M.Car (pERTI{)l 390.8miles NW CoastalHighway, 3 March, 1966,E.M. Scrymgeour322,323 &, S.G.M.Carr (PERTH);212.6 miles Morawa-Perth Road, 5 Mnch t966,E.M. Scrymgeour393 & S.G.M.Car (PERTID;W of Manmanningtownsite, next to AvonLoc. 19405,30.51,S 1l?.05'E,24 March 1,987,B.H. Smith840 (AD, CHR,FRI, HO, MEL, NSW.pERTm. '(uc I =req stsrs) Fal Sunpaas '99 '|q!ruJ 'sPnq pu! 'uoqnqlrrslP ', tt1311oqns'dxqns Dtsk?uDqns snilDznfl ernev epou qlJu s Jo qlanoqlls puB sa^sel 1FPB

) 1l _-l t:


I \

\ IS3/v\HtnOS 1|$ \

- 'reddoH ( uaqdars r$loorg nl ae.cslr(l^l uappl I ,rtr.r.r 2dtt^?7 seuaEsnldqnnfl ? H t I^l r08 Nuyrsiavol. 8,No. I (1991)

Distribution and habitat. Centraland northernwheatbelt, north to Kalbarri and south-eastto Norseman@igure 55). Occursin low to tall mallee,usually on plainsof yellow or red sand.

Conservationstatus. Widespread and abundant. Well representedon naturereserves.

Floweringperiod. January- ?

Nores.This is oneofthe mostcommon mallees in thenorthernwheatbelt. It difforsfrom subsp.pnsllla in its largerbudsandfruits, its consistentmallee habit, and its preferencefor light sandysoil. Subsp. subangustalackstheglaucous branchlets and consistent acuminate operculum ofsubsp. cerina lthas dull leavesunlike the glossyleaves of subsp.vtrescels. l6b. Eucalyptussubangusta (Blakdry) Brooker & Hoppersubsp. pasil/a Brooker & Hopper,subsp. nov.(Figures 56, 57, 58, 59)

A subspecietypicahabitu variabili frutice ("mallee") vel arboro ("mallet") alabaslris ftuctibusque parvioribusdiffert.

Iyprs:15.8 km eastof Mullewatowards Pindar, Western Australia, 12 Jute 1985'M I.LI Brooker 9039(holo: PERTHi iso: CANB, NSW,MEL).

Colourillustration Brooker& Kleinig (1990:169).

It differsfrom the typical subspecies in the variable mallee or mallethabit, smallcr buds (to 0.7 x 0.2cm) and fruit (to 0.3 x 0.3cm).

Specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: YunaEast Reserve,24 Oct' 1974,1.5 Beard'7155 (PERTH);53 milesE of Dalwallinu,2 Oct. 1976,1.5.Beard7977 (PERTH); Between Kulja and Koorda,13 Oct.1937,W.E.Blackall35L9 (PERTH); 59 km NW of Wubintowards Paynes Find, 20lan.1976, M. Blackwel/ 34 (CANB);6.5 km S of MtGibson turn-offon GtNlhn Highway,20 Oct. I978,J. Briggs222 (CANB); 32.4 km NE Carnamahtowards Percnjori, 19 Oct 1978,J. Bri8gs314 (CANB);40milesNEof Wubintowards Paynes Find, 11Aug. 1969,M.1J'|. Btooker 1972,1973 (PERTH);15.3 km NE of Calingiritowards Wongan Hills, 30'59'S 116"33'E, 16 Feb. 1983, M.I.H.Brooker 7966 (CANB, NSW, PERTH)l 15.4 km E of Mullewarowards Pindar, 28'22'S ll5' 41'E,24lan.1984,M.l.H. Brooker 8414 (CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH); 84 km SW of Paynes Find.29' 40'S 117o08'E, 18 Oct.1984, M.l.H. Brooker 8718 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); 15.8 km E of Mullewatowards Pindar,28" 3l'S 115'40'E, 12June 1985,M.l.ILBrooker 9039 (CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH); 39 km NE of Wubin,29'53'S 116'53'8, 15April 1986,M.l.H. Brooker 9226 (CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH);82.5 km S of PaynesFittd, 18 April 1986,M.IJ'|. Brookr 9262 (CANB,PERTH, NSW, MEL); Stoke'sfarm, Franco Road, W of Morawa,29" 08'S 115'44'E, 3 Feb.1988, M.l.H. Brooker9880 (AD, CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH);69 milepeg from Geraldton onMagnet-Geraldton Rd, 19 March 1968,5.G.M. Carr 455 (PERTH);4 miles SSE of Kulja,24June 1978,S. Charltons.n. (CANB, PERTH); 0.4 milesE of Pithara,E of railwayline, 21 Jan.1966, G.M. Chippendale63 (CANB, PERTH);Tardun, 8 Aug. 1967,G.M. Chippendale246 (CANB, 'eln aoo 'olrrl,r IeJIuot flluolsrsuoJpue slalqJusrq,{xu,1,1 aql ,{q solJedsqnslerrdfl eq1uo{ sloJJrplI

'(0rI 'uoliDlsn :066I) Srurou ? roloolq ! floloJ

'(/y\SN'gNVJ .qai :osr:HJUgd :otoq) TL6L r loorg HIW,EB6I Ll '€rlr"Ilsnv 'puo urolsalA'A,ZVoSII S,I S o0€ lsuo'puord\-A'o^losou alnlpN SurdoorrepprqJ :srd(J ' eJJrpsrJruoc srTnJrodo :odutes le srlurecursrlnurur ecrddl erJodsqns v

(09'9S sarn8rC) '^ou 'dsqns'reddoH .xgl ? reloo:g rzl.raa dsqnsroddoH ? Ioloolg (fto{€lg) ,rsrtnDqnssnfiqDtng

'saa:saln 'dsqns .dsqns 3o sa^colfssolS oql puertr.rar go slolrlruerqsnoJnclS eql slJel lI .slros ,slln{ ror^BeqroJ o3ueroJord pu0 (8S ojn6td) llqBq lall€ur IBuors?cJo puBspnqlellpus aql ursJoJJrp lr 'sorJodsqns .A'saloN qJrq,rruo{ lucrdfleq1 uaql lsDo-rltlou roq nJspualxor//islld dsqns DJSnSaDqns

'(lleus ,(ro^'Jfll snd urls.I) 'sor:as 'slrn{ oql ul lsell0urs0ql eruqrrq,r puDspnq IIcrus cql ol sraJotloqlldo JIJIcadsqns eql'KSoloutlA

' uNou1nn pouad 3uua no1 g

'suollDlndod lJuni$p ur peo:dsopr.,irpuu luspunqe IIIeco.I 'pe.{e,unstqood'sn:z$ uottD^JasuoJ

'elqqn:,{uolsacu,J:ns qtr^\ uelJo 'qsJppol 'peJnlxol ourJ oJB sgos peJaJeld.llrH 'nprcopodotdal '7'n400tgoaptwo1t1todtt..g d, uosuf]ofsrrsl.1ory' E'D at!^'dsq|s saploJlsDlzJ 'DaDutloD.tD '(99 A qll.r ooltEurIIBI ro pu€lpoo^\^rol ur s,rolo eln8ld) purC sou,{edol lsua -qlrou3u1pue1xe ptre D,rellnntr ol slllH uEBuoldrxo{ 'tloqleorl,rAuJeqlloN ',,rJ qDll puo uounq!tstO

'GIUgd) 'H .urqn16 Trrds 1*1,9961,(1n1 g :(HJUgd)?rrdS H N'Z96I ,{tnI€'nuqt01|\pq:(HIUAd)? cadg'11'1,1'1961 Alnr g.sunung:(HJl{Ad) 'W'A '9961qrr€trr'{ 'p€oU rtDC I\t 0 S t 969noa8wLtcg S B.rBroJI-qilod sauu 9.ZIZ :(HJUAd) 'e{u.J rrDJ'W'tSn068r oaSwttrsn g'996I qrrpIAI9 s,ra8uo11metr1l(g fiJd) DJ.W.t.S 'p?oU q ggg noa?wfucg W A'996I qcrDlI S uolua:a4-u.tre:o1A1Suop selru 9.IZZ :(HJdAd) '8nV 'ul8eprcl 'rauror '..spBorssor),, SZI Dtnqatl ap d' 6L6I SI gS :GJlIad) ZO'dg,Ig.dlg 'tJo 'e^rasa{ rlnw't8'9L61 9I-ZI'e.rollnl i&NlA uI et'uolpprecaN u{ 0,'3 BunI ls?g 'Env '9,0€ 'Ired |(HIXAA 89ISraddoH crs'986I Z "VII S,VZoLZ leuorlsNursqt?XJo iftepunoq 'S86I 'g,SS ,ur{Bqeg N :(HIXAd) 6yp ntldoll OS eunl €I oLII S,,0€,r0"Zt Jo td uI 6.8 '€^rosol{ernteN s,uosuoros:GJUgd SBtZtaddoH'O'S'Zg6I'Etrv 9Z'g,rZ "9I I S,€9 o0€.8urprs '8nV Suruumer43og rul g'7'6urprsurocaratr;o N ru{ 8't:GJUAd) ZegIuaarg'^'t' Lg6I €2.€uuBJ 'lL6l'^oN 'elu Jo S seFu g :GJUAd) l8I-I luawl.oda1 slsatot ZI 902'uosqrDtl^l:(HJl{Ad

- 'roddoH e?ere!^l uipl?t{ arlrJadsaa'l sauasnlldKlDrng C uaqdas 6' raloorg HIhl NuytsiaVol.8. No. I (1991)

( u

i [\ 1\' \ )vu ln vYtr)l ;f\ €

\ \.J)8 TTI]- *q,") I I

Figure 56. DistribDtionof Eucalypt|s subangustasubsp.plrttla (o), subsp.c?rid (v) and subsp.viercrrd (E), andbuds, fruils' aaluftleaves and sillrouclteofa fiflh node seedlingleaf Gcale bar= I C]..n)of Eucaryptussubars6td sobsp p,r//ld. 'raddoH t raloorg ,llrrd dsqnsreddol{ ? reloorg (,{talel8) ,tsttSrrqrs g Jo ad,{lotoH /9 arnSI{

'leddoH 'C 'H aBerru,{t\I - uapJ"I l ,nz.radtr^77 sauas sntdKlornA uaqd4s ? laloolg I fi NuytsiaVol. 8, No. I (1991)

Figorc 58. t. rrlrargrBld subsp.prBilld mnllcl babit nearMt 6ibsorl. and !lxnk and b:r*.

\ !!- ')ir?q .lrosqrC pu?sruits pur tt l rerrrlrqxq oallvru ,//rsrd dsqns,trrfxr4,rra 69 crnFrC

- 'roddoH amrulrtrt{ t'.prcN "r!/ tadst^2'l sauassrltdQorrA C uaqdats T' roloor8 H l t { NuytsiaVol. 8, No. I (199r)

, ',,,,"".,",.,"" ,1".',..i,.,

w€srlFN AUSiF^!'all fl€itaaluM

t I l

--t:.- " - --' - -' i;.7; :iF:l',:/ :: :t; L l.-.:;-

& Hopper' Figu re 60. Ho lolype of g. r/lran8rlrld (Bl akely) B rooker & Hopper subsp ceriid B rooker

t 'ueer8 'sa,ree111npe,(sso1E dpq311s lq8rl eql ur sarradsqnspctdfl sq uoq sroJJIq

'OrfSN'14{ 'SNVJ 'OV '.olotD '886I :o$ :IIJUAd ptoluDy I J 78 SVO11Dlootg H I W '8nV 'c tZ'sllur;snv u]elso.,td'ueoquer?NJoiAfl'pBoU quoN ItnI uopuoU qoeoggo 1r1ut1 1 :szdr(-;

'ueJJIpsnqluollu relr^al snqrluesser^ srllnpe srltoJ ecrd,{l elJodsqns y

(29 'I9 '9S'J9 sernArd)'^ou 'dsqns':addo11ryra{oorq srrarsartddsqnsrsddoll4tro:1oo.tg (^loWIq),rsrrtu,qns snrdtpcng'pgl

'sarcadsqnspclddl eqt dq pordncco esoqluuql sllos Jal.reeq ro3 ecuara3ard sl! ur pu€'slolq3u?JqsnocnelS sql ur solcadsqnsreqlo uo:; 'lleqpoqx\ 'dsqns 'saJoN peqsm8tnlsrps! u lBruaf,uJats?a oql ol petcl.qsoJsr ,rtrrJ ,isn?uDqnsg .(,(xe^l '(3olo?r,{/g 'sn llrJ upe'I) sleUlJuBJq(fxp1{\'elrq^\) snoJnelS eql ol sJoJellaqlldo cultadsqns eqI

'ut our|.lurrpouad Suua olg

'aruesage:n1utr1 Eurdoo EppnlJs? qJns soNasaruorl?^lesuoc uo udrou{suoqslndod qlr,,ir 'luupunqs pue pBeJdseprl!\'swDls uolr,Masuo)

'DuDlqvaqs'7 ptrcoqalqdoxol JJD ? sc qJnssslJeds qttar' stuuol deloper uo ,(ypnsn'pwlqnJqs Jo oollpur 'puplpoo,4\ /(ol ul s,nor8naua: 'dsqnsasnSuDqns g '(gS 'llaql?eq.A{ ',tr,tlqDq emSrd)ssorJ uJaqlnos Jo ls?e ol Iuoqlol uro{ I?ruecuolsEll puDuoynqlr$!O 'HJUAd) 'W't'S 'OZIV '9 'ssor3 'c 'eluolsei[ ttDJ T tZL uostt6 A'996I pdy 71 ueqtnos Jo rt[ uq 0t 'lt '8L6I 'p?or puE urq"r?J uee,rleg :(I{Jl{gd) 9691tuaq81ay Aetn8'a,zv "ozl s.s0 oz€ '1coy "IfU 'SNVJ) ueuresroN-uap,{H deuy go16 uq ZE:(Hlffgd'.^eSN I 8IW )addoH Q'S'8861 'A,rE ,{InI9 "8I I S.tg o0€'!IlI Euruunr1ce4 Suop peog uoslrrol IJo SuDl g'I pw drpunoq A\Jog 'e1'JeseU 'O'S '986I '9.9t uDI€'0 arnleg EurdoocrrpprqJ:GIUgd) SIt? raddoH aunl tI o8I I S 'sIrol{ 'I68I ']3o "Y'.^d.'proJslnu) ,,0€.6Iozg roue^lrrsJo i[Ilrt[ uDts :O[sN) ,tu1aHu 6 rEeu 'ro(I6'!I.20 :GIXgd)$r1aH U'I68I "6I I S,€9.0€'(LtrugtlngJo N) delJe^ueplogmeN:(HJugd 'glltf J)06appuaddtltJ W't'L96Iq)nr tr9'urq8rreJJoAselrur I'9:(HJlIgd'ASN'TaI I'SNVC 'qV) 'p8ou LZL6r loorg'H I n'Lg6I flr{eZ'ruoqlelJo gS seurBg',.eppuexo,,:(HJXAd'ir\SN 'Ttr 'qY) 'txo 'qJuUIIng I'SNV3 V6V6'86t6Dloolg'H'l W'9861 Z7'9.,89"811 S,Z0 0Ig Jo 'ulllepog 1I\SII :Gruad'A,sN'SNVJ) 9908rapo.tg'H I W',t86l IIrdV''!I.0t .8II S.ZZoI€ ',{A.SN'SNVC) 'qeg. 'A.Zt.8II Jo ifid'unt tZ :GIUAd VL6L'o\ootg'H'I'W'88 rl S.I9.0g 'pue lsee'peor,1\-g'e,T rase11emp1q Surdooirupplq3:(HJUEd'nd.SN'gNVJ) tZ9 L)qooq H'l'W '286I 'ldes 'lurelnN 'r 9I'A,99.Ltt 5,6I "Ig Jo td ur{ SZ :(HJXAd I6LI ntootg'H'I'W '696I 'esmo3 'pautuDx] eunl t JIoc ulperal Jo g selluiz :vITruJSnv Nur[s:L/y\ suawlrdds

- 'roddoH 'H 9II aBarEtr,{I^l ueprchl ana Ddst^rl sauas sndqtu 3 ( uaqdrrs ? ra:{oorg I r'll NuyrsiaVol.8, No. 1(199r)

lt€gtaAr,r AugrRlUAN taniaFl!M

(jrN{r}rrrs or{f rosr'gr fir*rRar .,

...,i." rrta,N"' a.r*'trt 4

,11 .tr.,..e r1 .r',.\.

4"'r. )' "t'.' ,..",t, t. t1?6.11..

Figure 61. Ilolotype of E. rllbd,grsrd (BIakely) BrcokeL& Hopper rubsp. vlrercerr Brooker & LIoppcr. 'dsgns rrq?q aalEru 3ur^.,oqs .eatsan^ DtsnSuoqrs t Z9 arn8il

- 'H aea.eu,{W uoplel l ,r,t/radst^"7 seuas sntdqocng'rsddoH ( ueqd4s T' ro:toorg I I,i r

Nuy(siaVol. 8, No. I (1991) ll8

Narembeen'17 J ttly !970'l 'S' Beard Specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 14milesE of (CANB);25'7km Sof Koorda l'sio (CANB);20km NW of Hvden,4o ct.rg'75,D'BldxellwT5l75 I'H'Brooker7616(CANB' Nsw' ,"*.0. wyufi"rchem,31"00;S til" zl'e' 14 Sept'1982, M (CANB' MEL' NSW' penffD, frlo.on'. RoadE of Watheroo,2S;pr 19-34,M ILI Brooker8687 pithara, April 1986,M.I.H. Brooker9225 i,enrnii betweenMiling and 10. zi's rte. so'e, 15 Roadalong Jones Road' rtael-,NSw, PEi'TtI); w of Manmanning,2'8 km E of Hourigan ic-em, tvpelocalitv' :o' zo'! t tS" S:'e ,23oct.1986,MLH.nrooker9497 ICANP,MEL'NSw'PERTH); (AD' CANB' MEL' NSw' PERTII)' ii i"e.l98S,u.t.H. Brook"r 10046,1004? & C't' Ranford

it isknownfrom thetype locality Distributionandhabirol.Eastern part ofthe cental wheatbeltwhere 56)' Soilsoccupied range andat a few scatteredsites between Manmanning and Watheroo Figue kochiiandE' erythronema)to white clay ir"* V"U"* t""a t withE. flocktoniae,E.sheathiana,E (with E. yilgarnenstsandE. erythronema)'

roadverges in largelycleared Conseryationstatus.poorlyknown. All fourrecordedpopulationsarcon fuflher su ey' agriculturalland. The subspecies,therefore, is in urgentreed of

F Iow e r in g p eri od. Unknown.

of the adult leaves'which Etymology.Thesubspecific epiihet refers to the colour andglossiness (Latill vi idis' greenand -esceas' contrast"tothe dull blue-greenleaves of all other subspecies becoming).

Notes.Thissubspeciesistheleast.knowninthespecies.Itisnotablyvariableinitssitelequirements' differingfrom theother with soilsranging from sandto whiteclay. Morphologically it is consistent' manifestin theolder leaves threesubspeclsln its gre€nglossy adulileaves' These features become withinthe crown.

17. Eucalptus subtirtSBrooker & Hopper,sp' llov (Figures63' 64)

AbEucalyptosubangtlJ'a(Blakely)BIooker&Hoppelfoliisjuvenilibusadultisqueangustioribus, nervissecund;iis infirmis,et operculissemper attenuatis differt'

36'E' Westen Australia' Typus:0.7 km southof rail crossing,south of Norseman'32'-32-'S 121' ttrea. lj/ts, ul.a. Brooker8841(holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, MEL' NSw)'

Colourillustration. Brooker & Kleinig(1990: 171)

glandular'Leaves A malleeto 3 m tall.Bark smooth, dark grey and pinkish grey' Pith ofbranchlets lanceolateto lanceolate' oftheseedling remaining opposite for 3 ora pairs,then alternating' nanowly green;secondaly veins to 8 x 2 cm. Adult leaveslinear, to 8 x 0.6 cm, dull to slightlyglossy,light weakwithindistinctconnectionstothemidribandintmmalginalvein.Inflorescencestollflowered; Flowerswhite' to o.6.tn long.Buds short, to 0.7x 0 3 cm,opercula conical' attenuate f"Jonlt",'riuii cuboid' se.tite, .upotar,tJO.4 x 0.4 cm. Seecllight grey-brown'subspherical to '(ur. I = req 'sl!ruJ'spnq luolrrq!{slp '€9 elscs)Jeal Sqtpeesepou rtlJlJ s Jo errenoqF pue se^eelllnps pw ttllqrs nt, dgornt aJnS!8

r1 l1


\ rqfM Htnos \ \\ 5 ( I r,"l)

- 'H 6II eBacqr,q^l uappn ,rreilsl^rl teyes snrdQomT'raddoH C uaqdrls ? raloolS I'W Nryts'a Vol. 3, No. I (1991)

.. !rriuor/Bror\orunr rN:rr/R ! |

Figlrrc64.llolotype of f..v/rrilr.rllrookcr & llofper. 'ploqnJ ol lucusqdsqns'u,tro:q-,{ar31q311pee5'urc 9 0 x 9 0 ol'JBtndnJ ',\\ollo.( 'e1u11ecypecldp:oqs lrnJC apd lo ellq.^\,{ursolJ slo,tolC uloI lu unlqlucd'(quuql Je',r\orrEu 'tu.ro3rsn;'a1ellecrpcd puupeo:q 'etenuaiieurntn edo:uc t 0x I ol ,(tuoqsspn g pouelsg'{lEuorts ,(3uol urJI>) UOqssolJunpad.lJsrs pleq'u,roJJ eprsul dsso[6 Suunluur'11np ls:r; lu'uear3-el1lo 'ru3 'elBtoecuul '3ir1s 'snolqe18'uae:8-qs1n1q'u3 x ol'otcloocu?l 6'0x 8 ol ,41,tor.reu sa^ealllnpv € 0I rypuorqoieleno'aulleuiollB oql's{ed 9lo tJoJellsoddo auturcurerBwlpaes eqlJo sa^ge-I'JulnpwlS 'osuop qtl4\ ur ol eoll€I slslqJmq Jo qlld u,^oJJ sulolsqloours delS qsllutd :e,'roderS IIBI z tr '(ldsN ''Iahl 'sNvJ '9.92 'qv :osr:HJdad :oloq)tI86.raloo.{ s H lw'L86l loquc^oNtz'ell0llsnY urelsei& 06II ;pooU - p€od plo Suol? wI.-6'0Vrndq S, Z "gi a,rI)I 6{e'I olcBsp,^{aNuolJ edroqlsue^8u .lroJJIp ooc€lll6ruoocerourr olos ul uuoJsoJOlo'a.roqsnSuu olqturdi(q olnJrado'sllEuEIdtuoJ oplg^ stlnJunpod 'snquuollurall^et srtlnp0slltoJ 'erollsJtrl urnlels enb e r.;et?ocawsn|uDqns oldtplng setpeds'

(r9'99'99'cII sern8rg),rou ds':eddo11puorcloorgDwaqcsoriltu sn\dt\ocng'91

'DwatlJso.tJlut a uPqlllqDq rollcl s pueso^?ol lo^loJJf,u sEq lI'?lnJl3do pcluoc ,(puatsrsuocaql ul puu8u1uta,'i drupuoces 1ca,^ tllrld so^?olllnpe uoerSlqSll raJJusoql u! 'fl UiLorJsJeJJIp qlpl^\ ulo{ U[dV sollasoql ul sa^uolllnpe ptrc allua^nI lsa^\o[eu o$nSuDqns tl Jsol 'g 'saloN aql soq puDoJsn|uoqns a ol polllc solsadspo^Dof^loJrDu dlsnoncldsuoc 3 sl r.tllllgrls

'(Jopuols'ouIJ 'sl/Jlgrs ulle'I) sa^€ol,rr orjeu oql ol s.Ie;erleql1de :r;1cods a\J-'ISopwtlg

L - in qel'PotJad?ulntt ol{

'o^Josaruoll8^JesuoS 3 uo 'sntDls peprorerloN puEtu,^aol3 ltrcol,',\ uo stlouqndod lJUnfslp fqclud ul puo;dsap116 uo!lD^JasuoJ '(99 'u1e1dpuas ut sllospalnlxol auu uo puulqnJqsro ee11nu:'tro1 u! '{pucurtuopoJd orn8l{) puDuollnqltlslo uBuasroNJo qlnos?eJe llf,un)-soljcr]J {Dedeqt ol Iu0J a[ I i]6urN'JDJlqoq 'HJUSd) 66?Z url '{uBJ elll^l raddoH O'S'286I'ldos9'g,z9 "0?.1S,zl"Zt'e?uqlreuerg'oss8lgltr\IJogss S'8I tuBuosroNJo sellu :(HJtAd) ,itourNJoA u{ SI :(HJl{gd 09II I raup tDg'V 3'896I ^oN , S ,Z 'W't '896I 'pr uo Eedeltur g'rrt :GIUgd Zl9 Lto) S tlrrBN 6Z trutxosroN-stun9uoul8s II9 rrDJ rlt t's'8g61qr$tr tr0z'pr ucuesloN-sunc uoups uo 6edollulrtt:(HJugd'}qJ)uosTrot 'v '1 '9869 'q'7t1'6161ldes '4,6I 'salrBr.lJ 01psor T roltDJ l,869 dslq 0Z "IZI S,9V"ZE {Ded auqe fen,q?1qocucrodsg-ueuasloNJo i[S uDt8Z :(HJuad) ' aNrw'S T 6V6IuDu3)ng V W'886I '3nV 'g,,Zt.8Z gfl I I .0ZI S,,I g,ZI .gg'lIH dnulfnoJJo tDI€Z :(SNVJ)ZI naSptqrng J'N' Lr6I '1cle5 settul9Z:(HD{gd'leSN'gNY3)0I SLr lootg H I W'286I^uWZ'srlrEq:) 96'uetuesropJoS '^oN 'sunc psod:Gtuaa rapoq H IW'1861 0I uotulBspu? {eod ol "{[sN'gNv3) IL}L 'ottrsrodsg ue*".roN u"i^teg:(HIUAd',4ASN'SNya) y6yTn1ootg H f W'0L6I'qe1.gl sprs',*tol 'I eunl uauesroNJoSseltu t'92:(HJ){Ad',{[SN'gNVJ) ZrgI r9l amq'l 0'816I IZ'g,St .IZ.I S.Itozt'peoraouEr€dsAuoucluasroNJoSuDtgt:YIIYUJSOVNUAJS:^.'pzulwDrasuawtraos

a€.rs!,{t{ - uapret{ aruJ adsl^4 saqex sntdtl,2ttg laddoH ( rcqdels T ' ra)toor8 H'I W NuytsiaVol. 8, No. I (199r)

( )

$ {ir, \ SOUTHWEST N

h/ I

Figlurc65. Ducalyplusniclor.reda disLribulion,and buds, fru;ts, adult lcavesand sjlhoucrteofA fifth node secdlinplcaf (scale bar = I cm), 'raddoH 6, rqoor8 ,uarpro./rrtu g Jo 3d,{toloH 99 arn8rc

.: \ i

'd, r3{!!i:r! rsilo{ Jororsl,\rdosrsr

'roddoH aeereu,{I I - uapptll ,t!d adst^?l seuas sntdqDng C uaqdals T, laloorg H I W l-

NuytsiaVol. 8, No. I (1991)

FiBDrc6'1. E. icroscheaa showing compact mallee habit (SE of Newdegarc). 'lrnJJJelndn3 AllualslsuoJ 'Jo eq1pue urnlnuado 1?3ruoJ I qlt^\ spnq elellecrpad dpcurlsrp u?ql leqlB.I poJod4 oqseql urJoJJrp 'g q1qNotsn?uoqnsgJo suuoJ po^eel-r'ro:ruu pue silrJqr,r qll,t'posnJuoJ oq ^3u lI soleolre,rro:l?u pu?{.r"qqloours'ornlelsre,rolsllu!srlolpaw'x]J.l.o]gsrellplI'llruJrulndnsolpaduqs-laueqIpus puespnq e1eulJunJepuals'ueunJ" snonctdsuoc e tgt,n so,leal,tro:reu dlpnsn 11np'lIqeq eelPu oql,{q pesuelJsnqssllI 'BeJsdnSunuErel - eSuegSuq:r15eq13o oolplu uotutxoc ? aqol poslu8otol1r\ou sl DwauotltuDxfl'se\ Jods polJelloJ f,lerur pue enJsqo us se(g16l) eppueddlqJ.{q pepreSeg saro,11 'proqnc 'u,uorq-,(uE 'u.lc o1lucuaqds-qns 1q311pae5 S'0 x S'0 ',t1o113,4 'elnJa o1'rulndnc ol padeqsloueq'olqlacrpod ,{1uoqs llnrg oIEddJe^ ol ellqm sle,tolC 'IsJluoJ 'uJ 'ttuoJlsnJ'alulloJlpod,{nroqs unln ado g'0x ,'I ol spnq'3uo1ur3 ,'0 ol salJunped 'uoorE '11np'ulc 'uotunJu :pore.rou-II ol dnsacueJsoJouul 1q?11 9'0 x 6'0ol snonJrdsuoJuJppns B 'snorqu18'uoo:8 ',{sso13 'uc qlr,r 'urql rJaeurt01 eleloecuel ,(1,t'ouuu se^sal llnpv dpqBtls a 1 x g1 '8un?uJal[€ 'sr?d ol'el8loJsuel ot ele^o ueql 9-z JoJollsoddo Sululuursr 3u11pees eq1 ;o sa,reol 'relnpuelE 'u^\oro slelqcuarqJo qlrd osuoprotlleJ pu€ surals doJE qloous qlt,,trtu t ol oell€urV '69 '99 (91 sarn8rg)18I ou'uorlcelloJ 'Q98:D '1d,, rltspuounanlo puz DwauolluDy g toJse :satltl E97:t ,.'lslsnv qluagoyolysnSuo 're^ '>I 'C '-I{ 'A 'gOJ 'r^lq 'ou 'uollrolloJ rensqrs orunpat A :(TEL{ :osl) 19 pr' puowwnlq '€lpuelloH?^oN "XX '3sol^l'cos'leN'llnq'zolnl :ad,(Jl(LV8i EgI:I ,t rauoqluox snldtpxng'61

's!l!lqnsg 'sllos Joasoql uur{l lepsoJq oJ? se^eal sll .(?lcallq^\ f^eoq JoJ ecueJoJsld sll pu?slnclodo po,l\ouuu 'o3B 'llquq eq1'selcunped paualluu ,{tEuors qlla dssolSouoJeq l€q'l so^?ol lJare JJIIS Jell?tussll u! sreJJIpll q3!q^\ur ot1'otsnSuoqns g ol pollp sl{lqBqold satcadspere,r.ocslp .{[uetol slqJ'saroN 'oollBru 'uro3 'DuatlJs 'sotclu 'Ioorc slql Jo orrtlglsllsurs eql ol Surpnlp plle lleJJls oql li.J.oJd't3oloutJa

'r.quoldos - Aln['pottadSuuaMol!

'6AJoSoJ 'oroJareql'selJeds uorleuosuo3euou./[ouqlo1q',{e,uns:eqpn;gopeou 1ue3:n uJ sl oqJ aJueJEo1Jpuel 'suDJS prnllncuEeEuloBrepun seeje ur aJ€suop€lndod u,4\ou)l eql po,{e^lns,{lJood uouDMasuoJ

'E 'g 'o|Dalld 'DuoSDrH'g 'aouotS'dsqrs Dqa[.ldorot pueDplqP g'ollqdoua$ A epnl u\ 'sdol sld,{IscnapelslJossv IIIq Eullelnpunro supld uo dulc ellq,nJe^o pues e1rq,,tr-,ter8 ,nolpqs 'spnpl^pul ere flecrd,{1sllos /halJo sdurnlouI lue8Jeuepalellsts e sBpuulqnrqs .trol uI s^{olC 'JrJ.tqoq '(99 am8rg)11aq1eeq^\ tueqlnos oql u! otreEep,nelq3o lsea-qlnos puE lssg puDuolnqy$lo

'GIdAd) 'p€oU grSSr/, aq ^ t' Lg6I'1cOZZ edrot$sue^BUplo puepeod rol^sJ,Jo uollrunf '^oN 'E.92 :(HtuEd'.^d.sN'1flI'gNVJ'OV) ?186rapoq H'I I4l'186I tZ .6I I S.tZ.[€'puoU 'ldSN "I! 'tlNVJ 3u) a{e.I-€te8epnaNuroq p8od edroqlsue^?Uplo Suotstu{ E I? :GIUgd .41 'qv) '^oNtz'E.Ot.61 9186ra,lootaH rr'tl'L86l t s.Iz.tt'peox 6u1y:>p1-atcEap'4\eN tuo4 "Ifl/,I 'HJl{94'qNy3) psou odroqlsua^euplo Suoleuq t'Os :(qv "4[sN 'taddoHcs pue gIL6 'H'Iw' 'ale6ep,lrepJoauq rapoq L861,{1n191 €z:vITVuJSOV NuSrS:I/K pautwoxasuawrtadg

'reddoH 3so.eu,{hl - uappw ,t&r Ddst^77 saxas sudKlnnt C uaqders rt' l3)loolS H flll Nriylsiavol. 8, No. I (1991)


l N


t t?

Figure 68. Distribution of E. xanthonena nbsp. xantlonet a (a, andD.xa tho ena srbsp.upposita (o), and buds,fruirs, adult feavesand silbouelteof a iifih node seedlingleal of E. xanthonenn subsp.rdnrlrner?a (scatebar = I cm). '(lgIN) 'z.tlll .69 oa?uotltuo{dsqns ow?ltoqt|lox t lo adlpsl arn8u

'( aeatzy(l l - u+rel^l aowbdsr^zl $uas stttdqDrn7 "ddoH ueqdqs T' raloorg ,H.I,tt Nuylsiavol. 8, No. 1 (1991)

Theepithet given by Turczaninowsuggests yellow flowers, butan inspection of scveralisotypes andother collections indicates that the stamens arc white to verypale yellow when fresh and darken in colouron drying.

Thereare two subspecies.

19a.EucalJptus xanthonemaT\rcz srbsp. xsnth.onema (Figures 68, 69)

Colourillustration Brooker& Kleinrg Q99A:l12).

Adult leavesgreen, thin, to 0.7 cm wide.

Specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 10- 15 km Nof Dumbleyung,on MtPlcasant Naturc Reserveno. 15f97,1985, D. Backshall108 (PERTH); Stirling Rangc Nat. Park, 25 Sept.1975, J.S.BeardT 468(PERTH);4.2 km WofNcedilup-Boxwood Hill Rd,onroad to Ongcrup,6 Oct. 1982, M.1.H.BrookerT 086 (CANB, NSW,PERTH);roadside NE of Newbey'slarm, Ongcrup,6 Oct. 1982, M.I.H. Brooker7681 (CANB, NSW PERTH);Stirling Rangc, 2.5 km alongN boundaryfirc trail from Bluff Knoll Road,7 Oct. 1"982,M.I.H. Brooker 7696 (CANB, NSW, PERTH);0.4 km SE of ChesterPass Road on Bluff Knoll Road,Slirling Rangc, 34'21'S 118' 13'E,21 March 1983, M.l.IL Brooker8029(CANB, NSW,PERTH);Bcaufo Rivcr crossing, Albaly Highway,33' 50'S 117'04'E,21 Nov. 1983,M.l.ll. Brooker 8367 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); 8.4 kn W of Jcramungup- Albanyroadon StockRoad,34' 0l'S 118"52'8,23 Nov. !983,M.1.11. Brooker 8377 (CANB,NSW, PERTH);1.7 km S of Jerramungup,33'57'S 118'55'E,3 March 1,985,M.lll. Brooker8873 (CANB,MEL, NSW,PERTH);E of Amelup,34"16'5 118' 15'E,13April 1985,M.I.ll. Brooker 8951(CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH);6.6kmSofJcrramungup on Albany road,33' 58'S 118'55'E, 27Nov. 1985,M.1.ll. Brooker 9I2I (CANB,MEL, NSW,PERTH); 2.9 km N of PicsscvilleRoad, 33'09'S 117'03'8,9Dcc. 1985,M.I.l1. Brooke r 9145(CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH); 37 km SE ofPingrup-Bordcnroad on RPF road,33" 50'S 118" 45'E,27 Jan.1987,M.lJI.Brooker9567 (AD, CANB,MEL, NSW,PERTH);Nccdilup, i mostoppositeloadingshed,33o57'S118.47'E, 13Jan. 1988,M.I.II.Brooker 9866 (AD, CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH); 110 km NE of Albany,8 Nov. 1978, R.J.Cranfield LlLl (PERTH);lTkmSof Jcrramungup,2lNov. 1979,ri'. DemarzD7844 (CANB, PERTH);Ravcnsthorpe Dislrict, Nov. 1944,C.A. Gardner s.n. (CANB, PERTH); Fitzgerald Rivcr, 11Nov. 1935,CA. Gardner& AJ. Milesi(PERTH); 19 milcs E of Dumbleyung,21 Fcb.1966, A.S.George7560&S.G.M. Cnrr (PERTH); 31 miles E o[ Cranbrook,12 March 195'7,J.W.Green 1168A(PERTH); 34milesEof Cranbrook, 12 March 1957,J.W. Green 1170 (PER-fH)l 2kmEof Jerramungup,3lOct.1975,J.W. Greel4622 (PERTH);5 km NW of Ongcrup,33'55'S ll8" 27'8, 23Oct.1983, K. Hill332,L.lohnson &D. B/axe1l(CANB,NSW, PERTH);Nsideof Stirling Rangc; CamelLatc NatureReserve, N of StirlingRange, SW corneron SaltRiver Road,22 March 1982, S.D.Ilopper 2109 (PERTH);5 km WNW of Ongcrup,4.5 km N ofFoster Rd from OngerupRd, 33" 57'S 118'27'8, 31 July 1982,SD. Ilopper2403 (PERTH); Stirling Range N.P., adjacent to caravanpark, N boundaryof park,34'20'S 118"12'E, 23 Nov. 1983,S.D. Llopper 3591,3592 (PERTH);4.4 km E of QuissRoad on N boundaryof FitzgeraldRiver NationalPark, 33.58'S ll9" l4'8, I Ocl 1987, SD. Hopper6168 (PERTH); Gnowcllen Rd, 6 km N Ellen'sPeak, Amelup to CapeRiche, 1l May 1982,G.J. Keighery4837 (PERTH); Phillips Ranges,n.d., Maxwell3gS (MEL); 3 milesNW of Ongerup,17 Jute 1952,K. Newbey244 (PERTH);5 km NW of Ongerup, 14Sept. 1969, K Newbey2877 (PERTH); 10km Eof Broomehill,13 Jan. 1954, R.D. I?oyce 4789 I puuq1r,n .{1rur;ye slr ol Eulpnlp'eprs fq opls'lsup8e paJe1d'sursoddo 'upelerll ntotg't8o1ow{lg

',fuenue1-:equacaq i' po 1 n d 3ulta a.o1 g

'Ir?d l?uoll?Ne3uB11 3u11rq5 a4 ut suo4elndodperelpcs ul uotutuoS"ttllr.,s uooDMasuos

'pu?lqnJqsJo eolplu uI smcao'(89ern6!{) IJ?dlBuoueNo8ue{ Eurr$S eql ur cruepuo,{lluerEddv'rrttqDL! puD uott quist1 'GIr{Sd) ;OIZ raddoH O S '286t '9.8s 'pl{ wJP-INzz .tII s,8I o?€ re^t{ lps Suop pu druouuolel Jo g u.q I'L :(HJuad 'ndsN'SNYJ) 'pU €9€ lH'X'E861'lt} EZ'g,ZI"8I I S,8I ote ss?dralsoqJ uo dnleury;o 3 ur19 '9.0I 'p€oll :(HJUAd'.^ASN'SNVJ)€608'Z608 rr7oorg'H'I W'8861urdv I I o8II S.€Zot€ ss?d rolseqJuo JJo-umle^ O e8usuAullrts JoN u{ 8 :(Hldgd'ld.SN'SNVJ) SL Lnloorg'H'[W '286I 'tro 6'pBorre^lulJBSuo pDoreEuea Eu1Fn5-uep:oqJo A\ u{ 9'Iz :(HJl{gd "l\[sN'gNYJ) 6OLLraporg'H'fw'286I'lro8'3or33lucld3o3BI^lJogur{9'z'oEuEuEullllls'e^uprrue.s 'StWJ) 'e8uug 'pU :(HIUAd'^^dSN V69Lr too.ts'H'I'W'Zg611c61 Surt:llS [ouxJJntg u-roq '286I 'lto It?rlenJfr8punoqN EUoIB ruIZ'Z :GJdgd'/lr\SN'SNVJ) €r9Lhloorg H f W 9'e6u€U 'pa 8u11rug q1no5,(quroduo {eodol{ olJJo-urnl:VITVI1ISnvNUSISfL41 p EulwDxa suawlrads 'so^Bol llnpBuoor8-qsrnyq f pq311s 'elerpJ 'Ie8uol'(ep!^r ueuo're{Jlql ur S'I o, roporqoW.{qsoJtodsqns l8cld,{l oql uro{ sroJJrq

'C{[SN"Ifl/'t 'SNVJ 'H :ost:HJUAd :otott)0108 n|ootg t I4r'E86l ,pmbIZT 'etlB4snv urelsel['{rsdl?uoueNa6ueuEull:pg'1ce4dlleuuo(Jo g ur{ 9'0'IcB4 drre(pu].'.l:snd(J

' aJJrpslcnBIS 'snquonq 'snqlJoy8uol Jolr^alle srtsrlBJedees snquorssuc srllnpssrlloJ BJrddl erJodsqns qv

'^ou 'dsqns'reddoH (0r'89 sernBr.d) ? re11oorgorlsoddD'dsqns'zanJDwauoqtuDxsntd{prng'q6l

'se^sel 're^rouuu'roueerE 'dsqns Jouulql qlru'oltsoddn ueqlpeoldsopr,r{ olotr l'srioN

'.{run:qag-:aqureldeg'poua d 8uua uolg

'se,ueseJ uo[s^Jesuocuo eJB qJ!q^\Jo Isre^3s'suoleFdodpelelt€Js ulluepunqe ,{llEJo'I snv$ uollo^nsuo3

'pemlxoleuq eJ?slos pereJord 'sJoou ,(elp^ puorqJosqmld uo seqcads,{erolsJepun ue selseroJ uodo ^{olJo ee eu el ur ueUO'(89 eJn?r.d) 'lloqleeq^r 'tDitqDq dnEunurelelJo lsBeol su?rllrlAJo lssa-qlnosuro{ unqlnos puo uounqutste

'Gll{ad)t6ttLoslw'9d'9961'lcoZ',(?greuergJoNurr{SSpuBdn8unurprelJogSSuqSI 'r 'oN 'u's 'H'N',296I,{lnf'pu eruedJoord UFU$A z Suolv:G1ag4) 1rad5 ueprog-{oorqu€rJ 'u's 'g'H'896I'^oN 'urS?id '8t96 'ou :(HJUAJ 33r4{S' 9 Jo AS sotru 0I e^loso{ :(HJUAd)

- 'e 'H aBar?u.(I/{ uepl?I I ,r&2radst^"I seues rqd{lartlg'reddoH uaqdqs d, reloorg I r l NLryrsi.Vol. 8, No l (t991)

(!9ta6t! eriqr|}l!rroN rt t.,r.$r

,t\aita, -t-':- - - -'-:.* .--i7el6;"'o';'t::' :';

dlPdrird Bfooker & floPpcr' Figurc ?0. IIoloryPc of, xa'tho'et aTltcz s]bsp .(HJU3d) .9.6961 .p?or w p)trov , ?t^t 'sBu11:rlS uaproguo,tupqtvJoN sotrul LI :GJUAd)ESZt-t"r{ nZ'l'8961eun111 qlnos:GJl{gd) 't 'e8uu11 ,puoE .llrH SiBStnq8nx t'Zg6l',rop 91 3u11:r1gulSruur AS uelle^\ou9 rol I reeu (raqElax 'It 'Z86l,{e4 'eEuea '{pod :(HJUgd) 9g6t 11 6url{ts s,ue g Jo r!\S ur 009eule8pu ,o8ued :GilUAd ,LZZ ttatlStax |t'SL6I duI^I6.ssaccng 1y,1 ;o sadolsS Aullnts :(HJlIAd 'L86I 'lco '9.65 'orots LLIq raddoH'CS S orlI S,t€ ot€ dnltequJe)uorJ p?ordn11rueEoo16 EuoJu16p7q uI I :(HIUqd) gggTnddo11 CS'Zg6I'txo 6'5,2, oLII S,IZ ott.IBorqeIrJt11 Ieuolur uopUra^l{ltBSJoS uq Z't'Im4puorpp eBuulSultrrlS:(HJUAd) 6Z97ntldo1q.6g,7961 'lror'g.ZZ 'Ired o8II S,€Zot€'llou)IJJnlqJo IINA uq 0I luuoqetrlaBuegSurtrrrS:(HIUgd) I ISZ .oEuBU llorlDt A'V'696l t|I'relI0I SurupS,SoOlunol trpau:(SNVJ) 9€t r/rpuaddltlJ.W.t,g96l 'SNVJ 'qv) qrrel I8Z'p?orss?dunC pef,Jog uDttI :GIUAd'/(SN'.Mht IZ86raryo.tg.H'f IN '186I rsqule^oNsz'{md IsuorlBNoSueg Eu1Fn5'ft,.101 ur gs) peo{ ssudlolsoqD tUoJJ peot ltoux ggnlgEuolu uq p'g:GJ,U!Id',,\[SN'qNyJ) L988) tootg'g 179'996y drun:qsggg,e8ueg 3u11:r15 'ol{ fI I ts etlsslurtduro:g 11tqdn l(ggagd'nd,SN'SNyJ) €60B'2608ntoo.tg'II'I W'eg61IV1VII 'psoll ssedre$eqJ uoJJo-unl a^uq a8uuUSurrrusJo N rx{ 8 :GJUAd'l(\SN'.Iatr^I,SNYC),t08 'nlootg 'H'lI/I'EB6I 'drepunoq qcrEII E?,'A,07,"gII S,0Zotg N uo{ {r0rl ue1lgEuop 5 ur1 1 'a6ueU 'TEht 'SNVJ) '9.€I EulFuS:(HJUAd'n\SN 0t0Bnloo.tg'H I'r{'986I rtrrpl^tIZ .8II 'a8wd 'pBoU ',&SN S.IZ otg SullrqS llou) JJnlg uo p8or ssedrelsor.lJ Jo AS ul t'0 :(HJUAd 'TU^l'SNVJ) ,{ued,{ltouuoqJo ZZtLrayoorg H I W'Zg6IIrO 6.oEu?USull4lS l11S.p?ollro^rt{ 'SNyJ) '106 1pg u.ro:;1n4a:g ,{q S uI t'8 :(HJtAd'i[SN ZZLL) louq'H't'W'Zg6t 6'e8uea 'peouro^rUlps AultrrlS'{Bod,tllouuoqJoA\S uro4IrBIerrJ dq SuI t'8:(HJUgd',{LSN) ,tzlgrl$, amry [ e'9 L6I'lcg ZZ'eEuBUSurtrJtSJo puo N :VI'1ITUISnVNUAISfL41'pautwoxa suawnadg

'proqnc,{pq311s o1lsruoqdsqns'u^\orq -,(arE ',t11srpor 1q811pee5 spru,rlnoSurpeo:ds ro lcerapuz papesxe,{llq8!ls so^p^ qll^\'ruJ 9.0x ,.0 ol 'pcluotqo 'el?llecped 'pe,rrnr,{pqElls ol Julndnt lrn:C'Uoqsflo^rtslol unlnuedg'urc g'gx 7'1o1 ro 'elulloJrpod 'do1eq1 'Euol 'ueer6'11np'ruc uuoJtsnJ spng spre^rolEuruepr^\ rxJ Z ol solcunpod A 1 x g 'elslooJu8l 'snorqelE'uaajE-enlq 'urc 'e1u,r.o'Sullgulelle 'sIBd ol se^soltlnpv g x g'4 o1 ueql g ro t 'JDInpuBIS JoJellsoddo EuluJeurer Eurpess aql go se^?a'I slelqJuerqJo qlrd e^oq?eEusro opd JoAo ,{er81q311puefer8 ryupqloours'assq oql te peunla:4:uq qBnor f{uu ourosqlr,r IIetu Sol aellel l '(,{\sN"M{ 'gNVJ'(v '3361 'A.ZI :osr:HJUAd:oloq) L666 r tootg H l n dynlgg'ey1e4snv urelsel& ogII tryBd 'p?o{ S.€Zot€ lsuorr?NsBuBU SullrrlS qlnosfquro{Jo lIN ru{ g S'pBoussedretseq) :szdfJ

'soproqnJ 'sruasxo 'urJ 'JcruoJqo Jelr^elle^ eeproJeqdsqnseurues adaess1,rp,r 9'0 x ,'0 pe Ia^ llslndnJ '|l?flecryed 'sls^m3 'sleqoq snlJrud'urJ €'0 x t'I p€ relr^ol IoA'eruJoJrsnJelellecrped e4seqelv 'urJ 'oJerlueJnp-oprtlBd S'I x 8 p?'slsloecu"l sllnps ErIoC?JeJnnpuslS Bllnpotr I radnsoeJsJeur3 'oJd$ -oprTpdIa^ oeJBleurJo4? r^eq BJdns Jolr^elurseqp?e3!uo, snlp u Sp? (.oolleur,,) xolnrd

(EL'ZL'lLsen?q) '^ou 'ds 'reddoHpuu h\ooJg srlupaw sntdtplng'02

'sllDtpau'fl 'dsqnS'srtoN prreDxuauoqlum'dsqns uaa^{leq ozrs J?el ul elepourJelqsl ,/isrddz

'seroadsqnsepururou eql ol poJpduroJuoplsod pclqder?oa8

- 'reddoH aeecsu,{I uappl l ?rll2./adtl^27 seltes ffivltlo2tlq ( uaqdels T ra)toorg HI hI Nuytsiavol.8, No. I (1991)


i";:,s -r-\ r \$.(-. \' i r\ --i";N SOUTHWEST _,_-l -1L j t + fr-

Filltlne.t|.EcatJpt$n?di.]liJdislribulion'andbuds'fruits,adultleavesandsilhouctteofaiiflhnodescedlingleaf(sca|e 'raddoH T' ra{oorg r4npa!,.?Jo rd,(toloH .Z/ arn8rJ


wntutaa3FlNYnvtlgnv Nu!,t5f i

auarel!AtN - uaprctt aaarad|r^q .O .H.I.W saues sntdqDxtlg.raddoH uaqdsrs T, r€)toorg --j

NuyrsiaVol.8, No. I (199r) 134

'73. and brrk' Filntr E. nvdillisffirllce lrnbit, and stcms S,I I ot€'pBo){ dnllelE,a\oJuro{ pf,od rmuIIoNSuol8 S ru{ ,'0 :(HJUgd'DSJ) gVIg dsle'q W '6L6I 'reI 're,r1g 'trlrtsp ',41SN lI'A,8€ "8I I 9,17o7E dnuy11c4uo1oo4 dnu11y1lJ or,tg:(HIUAd 'T 'qoC 'A. 'psog I'SNVJ)Z8I6r loo.tg'HI W'986I 6I €t .8I I S,IZ .t€ dsg reuerg-uaprog "IAhI'SNVJ) uo 1 ,(e,nq8r11uro{ url Z 9 :(HJUAd'l(SN tggg t loo.tg H frll'S86I qorpll E 'g.I 'pnou t "8I I S.0Zot€ qtno5dndurool uo leerC druelcEroJJo1!\ ,{B.,'\el?erg:(HJdad'ldSN 'Tat^t'SNVJ) 'qcC egggr loo.tg l,f I ltl S86I rc'9'2, "gtl S,ZI .tE'pBoU dn otD,roJ uro{ '286I 'tio puol uuuro5lStroyu S ru)tL 0:(HtUAd'/\,\SN'qNyO) 889Lnloorg If J W 9'e^resarJo drepunoqgoqlruou'4eer3 dn:e1ccro3;o ld ru{ Z :VI'MISnV N1AJSg,11'pautwoxa suawtcadg

'proqnc 'u,r,ro:q-,{e:3 'urc 'rutndnJ o1lucueqdsqns 1q3rlpoos S'0x 9 0 ol o1padeqs-1eueq'e1u11ecrped 'o1rq.^r' flpoqs 1rn:g sro,rolC'unrqlucd.{quuql :c.r,ro:.ruu ,{llqBIls slnJrado .tu€ru qlr^\ rxJ €'0 x g'I ol 'ruroJrsnJ 'olucluJ spng uouncuourJ c qlr,rIo olunlcunuolJo'ueoJ8 ltnp'ulJ I x 8 01 ol stuloeruel 'uso:8 se,ree111npyfrreq ,tp qfrls qsrnlq'llnp'urt-€ x g1- 9'e1e1oecuu1,{1puo:q o1e1u,ro'8ur1eu:alp 's:1ed uoql g lnoqcroJ clrsoddo Surureura: Surlpeos oql Jo so^uo'I:e1npue13 slslqJuuJq Jo qlrd 'o^oqu 'I)pU ')ucp'qBnor dor8qloorus {urul JocsDq ,{luo ro oloq^\rs^o {mg IIDIur t ol lolluurV

'([rl 'uol|Dtsn :066I)3tuta111 4rra4oorg ! nopJ

'(OV'IU,1',/Y\SN'SNVJ:osr:HJUgd:oloq) 'srtellsnV 5888rrloorg'tff W'SS qrnlN€ urelsoti\ 'A,gt 'psor '{oorJ 'c "8I I S,0I ot€ qtnosdnduooJ Jo quou duolteroJ Jo 1se,r,ru1 1 :snd{";

'eopIoqn, ' 1a,recqecqdsqns cur r.ucs lx J 9 0 x 9'0p0 rtcllcJlpodroll^arq snttnrC lql€ sorold rur g 0 x I I pe 'BlrxJoJIsnJ 'D^Jnd'Blouo^ urlsuqulVrxc I x 8 pB ?loqaqsllnpD ?rlo{ DlluacsaqndJoll^olrxnrelnluuld 'rrlnlol '0llu €rlod unaunJllluollsc^ul lo^ ulscq pB osoJdol acrUoc r1rt p0(,.lelleu,,) u.trud:oqry '71se:n8tg)',tou (91'91 ds':oddog4t rol.loorgDulqdouDlau sntdflDcnfl IZ '$olqJuerq oqlJo qtld aqt u1 spuu13 snonrrdsuoc puu')Feq l?scq qAnoJ'lln{pue spnq rollI ursscq lr lnq, JunpatA otsa,.EafilnpDuaorS llnpJelrulssgrlslloryau A

'{rrnl cqlJo lsourro ucd rJ^olrcq qBnortJlrllslp qll,r lolprx e srqJrq^r 'o.ttlqdouolaut ggouorlnqrilsrp eqlJo lse,r'IJnd IeuorleN oBuag 3uq:qg eql ur aall[rx uouuroJ u sl lI 'sa^Dol rapuorqpuc I.rcq Isscq q8nor'eJnlcls Jollul slr ul rrl./ruotllum AuoJJSJaJJtpstlDtpaw g'satoN

'ntlqdouopw g pseDaauot uDx go1 lcodsar 'elpprrx'suDtpaw 'n1pu qll/( ,(Jurpouratur1ucr8oloqfuou-r slr ot uolsnll€ur Iaqt woq'tSolouh4

' uwou1rsly'poua d I uuau.o1 g

'{red lcrforlDNoBucd Surt4tS eql lnoq8norqluouluroJ,{[pxo'I'sw'Js uot|DMasltoJ

'pueselrqal ,(1pnsn ere slog 'DJossDt,urE 'g ptJEDuoSD.uai g qlr,.l'uollBIcossBul oollBru IlalJoluouodruoJ uowwo1E s\sttDtpaw '(11anErg)a8uug 3u1lrrt5 aql punoJupue ur sunldpue sedols:ar'ro1 'JDJqDq puD uoonql;.lslO

- 'raddoH orrreutrr{ ucp!tl^t aD&?.ladstp'Isauas studf,tbrng ( uaqdals T raloorg I{ I hl NuytsiaVol.8, No. I (1991)

118"43'E, 23 Oct. lg83,K. Htlt 341(CANB, NSW, PERTH); 11.6 km SEof CowalellupRock, NE cornerof CorackerupNat. Res.,34' 08'S 118' 42'E, 31 July 1982,S D. Llopper2406 (PERTH); 1.5kmSSEofChillinup on StockwellRd,34'21'30'S 118'38'30'E, 1Feb. 1988, A Napier& A. Taylor230 (CAM, PERTH).

Distrlbutionand habitat.Pallinup River ald CorackerupNaturo Reserve arcas, usually on stony breakaways(Figure 74). Growsin low closedoropenforest wilhE. redactaBfooker&Hopperized., E. platypusandE. dnnulata.

Conservationstatus. Locally abundantin disjunctpopulations across a narrowgeographical range. Known on onenature reserve.

Floweringp eriod.F ebruary.

Etymology-Frcmthe Grcck, melano, dark, black and2/ritros' bole, llurrk, alluding to theblack butt'

Nores.This is a recentlydiscovered spccies drawn to theatlenlion of SDH irt 1982by the late KenNewbey, who studied in detailthe vegelation of thccorackerup Nalurc Rescrve as part of his M.Phil.degree at MurdochUniversity.

we considerthe affinities ol E. melanoprir.dto be wilh E. xanthonema,[rcm whichit diffels in the mallethabit, rough basal bark, broader leaves, and occurrclccon brcakaways'and with E. medialis,whichisamallee, not ofbreakaways, with larger lcaves and only loose rough basal bark'

22.Euc{tlyptus prcteterraissaBrcoker & Hopper, sp. nov. (Figures77,78' 79)

fubor ("mallet")ad l0 m alfacorlice pro parle maxima llcvi cremeo,cilrcraceo vel subroseo, saepefragmen(is nondecorticantibus adbasin. Medulla rarnulor um glandulifera. Folio cdulta viridia, hebeta.Inflorescenliae axillaros, ad 15-llorae;pedunculi valde complanati. Alcbastra pcdicellata, fusiformiavel levitcrcurvata, ad 1.5x 0.4cm; opefculum decresccns in apicernlcnuem. Fructus pedicellati,obconici, doliiformes vel cupulati, ad 0.7 x 0.5crn. Semina cuboidea vel lcviter plano- ovoidca.

Typrd:Beaufort Inlet, north side,Western Australia, 29 Nov. 1984,M.l l!. Broaker 8744 (holo: PERTH:iso: CANB, NSW).

A malletto 10m tallwilh mostly smooth, cream, grey or pinkish brlk butolfen with loosely held non-decorticateddead fragments held on the lower 1 m.Black horizontal i'rsect scar s oltenpresent. Pithofbranchlets glandular. Leaves of theseedling remain iD g oppositefor abouf 4 or 5 pain,then altemating,ovate, to 7 x 2.5cm, green to blue-green,glabrous. Adult leaves petiolate, alternating' lanceolate,to l0 x 2 cm, concolorous,dull, green.Inflorescerces axillary, unbranched, to 15- flowered;peduncles strongly flattened, to 1.8cm long. Buds pedicellate, fusiform or slighlly curved, to 1.5 x 0.4cm; operculum tapedng to a finepoint Someoutcr stamens ercct, irner ones partly or completelyinflexed, all fertile.Flowers creamy white to paleyellow. Fruit pediccllate,obconical, cupularor barrel-shaped,to 0.? x 0.5 cmi valvesnot exserted.Sced light blownishgrey, cuboid to slightlycompressed-ovoid.

\ '(luc I = r?q rsrruJ'spnq etscs)Jeat Surlpees apou rIJIJ eJo olFnoq s pu? s3^?alllnps puD'uotlnqrllsrprrrt,/dorDlaa ffitdKlbJng'lLenBH

a + ir \ tsfn Hl nos \ ,\A \

'roddoH 'H aeorzu,{I{ - uaplet{ at rlads!^"l sepas sztdQDrng O uaqdas t ra{oorg I i^l NuyuiaVol.8, No. r (r991)

c9n{lorvtslor{of aoRr$ aryinFcH I

"'rt h r{ ir"4 L! *, . <{

&!{r!!r!i'43'.tt,q-'!,i! Fftj( rnrd r!r* .a 1:1! 'a{rl

Figu rc 75. Ho lofype of 8 . nelonophitra Brooker & Hopff..r. '(druaguo Jo aS) rrqeq rat:I-Lrguv oLlsDtrqdouql?u g gLerl?ti

'reddoH aBarstr,{W - uapr?t^ "tru.radlt^zl setns sntdttorrrg q u:qda5 ry J3IoorB H I W 140 NuytsiaVol. 8, No. 1 (199t)

t\ i(\ \.{ \ ,T

t J r+"t ll- I t''

FigDtP-77.Eucalyptus prd"lerrrisra distribution, and bDds,fruits. adult leavesand silhoueueof a fifth node secdlinSIeaf (scale 'reddoH ? r3rtoorg ,ururrrrrJd 3' Jo adi0oloH SL arngll

'r6ddoH 'H eDersu,{I/{ - uopf?W azrad|^?l saues smdqDJnA C uaqdals T raloorg I lt{ NuytsiaVol. 8, No. 1 (1991)

FiE\Jte'79.E. praelermissanullet habit, and tNnk aDdbark. '3uo1spn ',{a.r8-anlq t g'Euo1uc I'Z otselJunpod:pare,!\oU- I I ol soJueJselouuI ol qslnlq'llnpurc g'Z 'olsloecusl 'qst1d.Ind x 6 o1 se^e€tllnpY snorqtrlE'se8popunoJu peqlool ,tllq8Jls auros ro uaa:8 'ur3 'alu^o 'Sulleurollu 'srl0d -onlq'.{ssot8dltqBrls 9 y 0I ol ot plollep ueql t-Z roJotlsoddo Sulupu.Ier 6ullpoesaqt Jo so^es1 ru1npue13dlarul slolqJuErqJo qlld'seluU pol83u.ro3opdl ed u.to.rqqslppal 'qloou-ts )llupqlrr'r:o '>1urd uoups opd la^o do:8"{urtus uelJo dpsotu4:uq q11,,r{ ur 9l ol loll€tuv

(Zg'Ig'0g'qg1 'p9sorn8rg),,suaS ulsD g qtl^rsqlldor8 cIqJeIJJql SulturoJ'punorE "' 'ZZ6I 'ullellsnv Aursguo ruuold11e,tu3 ut ,, (,^l\SN)6EZI .rauprDgV J ,trun:qag9 uralsoi[ 'suuopuogruou :adQ @761gg :L,,s tdtprng'raC sr^og'lIrJ,,'uaprcJ^lrrauprn8 snitlDrnq'tZ

'stuouBu.lpalutn:ocop ,(lued lualslslod qll.,l{ {Juq qlootus pue oJnluls rcElol qtnu 'se.lra1:a8re1 llquq leueurstl.{q s tpryaw'n l:.l'orJptta sl1.{q z.ulqdounlaw g plueDwarlotlluor'fl wor! peqfln8uqsrpsl,ss twraJaDrl n'pa.eld lseqsuoes 1r e:eq a ,,DwauoLlluo(,,sarceds:ednsutqltl6

',,DJSrI|uDq 'elnluls s,,uo.r; tr qsln8u4srp1:uq padsgc puu spnq elsnuolle JaBJBI sll se\xadsrednsuor; lt qsrnSurlslppre "puauoLlluDx,,selcodsrodns puE .,2$n3uDqns,, ",oopuDtll, 'qltd solJodsrodns\l\ti Dsslu.DDD.tdg u8llEpaos ploqnt l0q/(otuoseq1 m1npurl6.{lluelslsuoc puespnq rauoqs slr ur,,DJrntpat., L;orJl Jttrlslp sl l!'souosoql u1selcadsrodns po^oot-llnp oql JO

'(6LoJnErd) pourJoJ st u^iorto8Jel ?'suollunlls popl{olJssotrllrrlr oJc lnur urol B qlL \ spunlsasuap ul sr*o:3lsql lollEtu lt€l € sl, ssrwalaotdg'salo1r1

'(pelco18au'snssttan JaD.td x\tE-I) salceds eqlpelJolloJ purl so,,rles:no puc.{aqi're5 uax olut6ql ueqlroqlo slslmloq ou'uaj? JDuollooJcoJ uxtoul 'oslv 110,4\€ ol ,{lru]lxord pue oJnl8ls aAlssoJdtul slI elldsop srue,(luece: ut suotloutlstp s1t pesluSocar Aluopue'oJwrpatg luerru^e eqol lr poraplsuoJe.,'\'0rllll auos JoC'I86I ur lI qll,,t\JolunoJuolsru Jo 'tSolou{Jg :no 3urr,ro11o3sro,( pra,res:o.1 setcads slql Sull3alEeulno ol sroJalleqlldo cglcads a\L

'iJx-nugf pouadquln$oll

's,(a,T:ns 'o^rasejuoUEAJosuoJ € uo u,,r\ou{loN e.tn1n; 'snJDJs uo,(qreeupalecol eq.{Bru suortutndod roqund luepunqP dlluJol lnq otqsleuln^ uo!|D^JasuoJ

'pues fer8 eu{ sl llos oqJ 'g'o11tt1dota1aq'm^ 'pau! l6,ddo]J?ta\oorg Dfiopa.r'g pttnfi.aquau sndtJDldg rll\,,i\slseloJ ldol osuopselsunuop-octI'lolu oql e^oqB sleg uo sadols plseocJo looJ eql l? srn3JolleJoq.\1'(r, arnSld) 'v'.,1(Jo ]sEoJqlnos oql uololul uoJn8agJoopls tllJou aqt uo{,(luo u./t\ou)'rrr.lgDl'!puDujlnqlrts!o '(HJUAd) 'A'X t?I {aq,./.aN 'Z96I 'uEI 'lulod 'd,S 't86I 'ldes 'A,gS.8II t sraulW:fiIUAd) y21gnddo11 8Z S,LZ.nE .peo{ "IAN'tlNVJ'(IV) deg rauargJo S ur)tL'1,'pEolllurod sro rw:GJUAd'^A.SN €S86'2986 'H'J 'uDf '(HIUAd'/!\SN'tlNVJ) tatoorg W'886I ZI 9988.r27oo.tgH'tI !'9861fmnlqoC IZ'(SNVJ) 'H'I '186I '^oN gglLl tootg I^l tI loluluoJn8og:vITVuIsoY Nualsg d'pauuuoxa suawnadg

osarEu{l,,,I- appw ,rrr.radst^zj seltas snldqDzn7 JeddoH ( noqdots 4' reloorg H'l J^l NuyrsiaVol.8, No. I U99l)

attenuate,to 2.6 x 0.5 cm,opercula recurved at the tip; stamens sometimes reduced to a singlewhorl, outererect, inner when present parfly or completelyinflexed, all fertile.Flowers pale yellow. Fruit pedicellate,barel-shaped, to 1.1x 0.7 cm. Seedlight grey-brown,more or lessspherical.

Notes-E. gardneri(blue mallet) is typicallya malletoflateritic breakaways. The trunk ofthe typical subspecieshas imperfecfly decorticated flakes of bark and the crownis easilyrecognised from a distanceby the dull bluishleaves. In thepast several other taxa have been incltdedin E. gardneri. We considerthem to be thedistinct species E. pluricaulis,E. densaand E. rednca whichdiffer in habit,habitat, crown formation and leaf characters (see notes under each specie sbelow). E. gardneri is usedfor roadsideplanting and is a sourceof nectarfor honeyproducers in winter(Smith 1969).

Thereare two subspecies.

23a.Eucalyptus gardneriMaiden stbsp. gardneri (Figures 5d, 10b,80, 81, 82)

ColouriLlusn'aion Brooker & Kleinig(1990: 175)

Budsnarrowly fusiform, matule operculum more than l5 mm long.

Specimensexaminerl. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Hyden, T Sept.1966,M. Barrru 70 (PERTH)i13.3 kmWSWof Wickepintowards Conigin,32'49'S lITo 22'8,4 May 1983,M.l.LI. Brooker 8094 (CANB,NSW, PERTH); 2.7 ktn E of WedinNth roadon Narrogin-Hanismith road, 32. 55'S 117"43'E,4May 1983,M.l.L!. Brooker 8100 (CANB, NSW, PERTH)I 6.1 km W of Jitarningrail crossingtowards Wickepin, 32' 46'5 l17o57'E, 5 May 1983,M.l L-l .Brooke r. 8107 (CANB, NSW, PERTH);c. 9 km NE of Koldininon Trig Road, 32' 27'S I 18' l7'E, 8 Nov. 1983,M.Ltt. Brooker 8363(CANB, NSW,PERTH);NW of Hyden,32' 18'S I l8' 43'E,9Alg.1984,M.1 .LI .Brookzr8632 (CANB,MEL, NSW,PERTH); NW of Burngup,33o 00'S I l8' 39'8,9 Dec.1985, M .l.LLBrooker 9138(CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH); 8.3 km N ofNyabingon Kukerinroad,33.26'5 118o 08'8, 9Dec.1985,M.l .Brooker9l43(CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH);Corrrer ofPiesseville rord and road to north,33' 10'S 117' 03'8, 9 Dcc. 1985,M.l.lt. Brooker.9146 (CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH): Toorackie,S of Williams,33' l0'S 116'-59'E, L9 Fcb. 1986, M.LH. Brooker 9184 (CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH); 5 km E of Cadoux,2llly 1986,M.l.H..Broater (CANB, PERTH, NSW, MEL): 26.6rnilcs W of Lakecrace on rd 10Dumbleyung, 4 ApLil 1968, S.C.M. Calr. 683 (PERTH); 9 km NE of Kondinin,ncar lrig point,32' 27'S1 l8' 21'E,27 Jan.1979, M.D. Crisp 5520 (CBG, NSW, PERTH);1 km N of Nurogin-Waginroad, 16 Sept.1984,D. Forematr 729 (CANB);Wagin, 13 June 1920,C.A. Gardner 509 (PERTH); Lyndhurst, nearWagin, 15 June 1920,C.A. Gardnerg (pERTH); Bendering,6Feb.1922,C A. GardnerI230 (PERTH)lLyndhursr, WagiD, T Feb.1923,C A.Gardner 1408(PERTH)I Wagin, 7 Feb. 1923,C.A. Gardner 1908 (PERTH); 4 milesN of Wagin,nr Jaloran "Lyndhurst", Road, C.A. Gardner 1996 (PERTH)I Wagin, 2 Sepr. 1923, C.A. Gardner 1496 (PERTH);HalTi sm i th,6Much 1924,C A. Gardner1615,2115 (PERTH); 22 mitesE of Dumbleyung, 21Feb. 1966,A.S. George 7 561& S.G.M.Can'(PERTH); 5km SEof Kukerin turnoff,39.9 km NE of Dumbleyung,33' 10'SI 18' 05'E,5 Alg. 1982,S.D. Hopper 2456 (PERTH); Bcndering Nature Reserve,18 km ENE ofBendedng,32' 21'30'S118'29'30' E, 14June 1985, S.D, Ilopper 4421 (PERTII);3.25 miles NE ofManmanning,on N sideofAyon Loc. 24909,30. 50'S 117" 09'E,6 July

I I 'eruese.re:nluu pesodord ? uo JnJtoqcrq,^\ Jo B'suoqulndodlcunfstp pe:e11ucs uI tuupunqs ,{11uco1 sn7z7s uolloMasuoJ

'DuoSDtaJ n pue '(Dlor!^!t) '(r/DJlDl'JJe A) lolpur uoor8 g)tollvw Jalltsqlt,n' sfer'tu1uorq,(11o,r.u? puesodols,{1co: uo sr'rorg'ed:oqlsue,,ieuJo ru:l0Z urqlr^\ e8uellefuoqlsuo^ud oql ot pasrJuoJ',tr,qDLl puD uounqulstO

'(nrUaa 'SNVJ) SZ6L.taddoHO S '166I '{BorqorrJ 'I 'eAwU llrdv 6 8uolu 5 uq I uoq ,(p^{rl8rgSuop edroqlsue,tegJo g uJ{ 0I 'SNVJ) '.41rp:o1 edroqlsue,,,eg:(HIUSd gg6pnddop q g' I66I IgdV 0I ad,(1:(HJUqd) I6SI 'e8uug nupnt V J'VT6I uu1 otuoqlsuo^eU:(HJUgd'gNVJ)Ir6Lqzrlraa1 H'6L6I'xeqIl 'edroqlsuo^suJo '/KsN '€61006, g uI 0t :(HJuad c€IJ'gNvJ) s86t dsl.rJcw'a,II o0T,I 'I 'o8usu S.99.€€ ,{emq8rggo e8po uo odroqlsuo^BuJoa uq ZI edloqlsuo^?u:(HJugd'i&SN 'TAIAI'SNYJ) ILIg.t too.tgtffW'9861 aunlt'9,00o0ZIS.tgot€'odroqlsuo^e[JoldN'8ur>I 'H e{0'I spru,^Aolpuor dnSunucrof-odroqlsua^udJo N ur{ 8 t :(HJUAd'SNVJ) I 6ZZ.ra|1o.rg J W '696I 'adroqlsuo.rug 'paulwDra ^oN 9 Jo g scllu g :VI.1VUIS1V NE;11SS16 suawlcadg 'so,r.oe1 e1ruaa.nf :a11urus spq osle lI'6uol ruu SI uuqlssol urnlnrodo 'spnq eJnluu roll€rxspuB uroJlsnJlsnqor aJouroql Il sercadsqnsIEJrd,(l e$ uo{ sJaJJrq

(/ASN'tU{ 'gNVC :osr 'trd 'p€oU :HJUAd:oloq)626 L.taddott e S'166I llrdv 0I Io^€rBSullcloSo^or ol A\\IN ru008 uoql 'odroqlsuo^uUJo dnBuglre33uo1u1 du,nqBrg.lo glqg u-r908 g url S ec'o8uegedroqlsuo^?U:sfld,{J 'lroJJrp snquor^Jndsrlnc:odo 1e snqr:orprtB^ sr4ssqeJe €JId,4l orcodsqns V

(08 orn8ld)'^oudsqns':addo114: reloor gslsuadroxl$ua^or dsqns ueptc111.raup.rD3 sntd(PJnfl'qEZ

'slsuadtotpsuatot'dsqns uuqlspnq:apuels 610lx pue JoSuol s€q lrrrp.rrS'dsqns uaupn8 A'saloN

'requoldes- rpmlN'pouad SuuaMoll

's0^iesoJoJnlBu 'suopelndod uo rnrro qJrq,rJo auros lcunlslpporallsos ul tu€punqB,{lleJo'I sntD$uouD^JasuoJ

's,{e,re{Borq cnuolsl uo ,&olsJopunosJ€ds ifto^ qll,t\tsoroJ pasolc o1 uado 3o spuuls orndsuuoyflpcldfi LtaupnSdsqnsuauptoS'n (ggan8rg) lleqluor{,u uJorluouaql ur xnop€JJotsue 'uaequreJeN ostv ol uot{oo.rqixo4 lleqlf,aq^\IcIuaJ ts:^\ :q1 ur flurn;4 tzl1gDl1puD uounqlus!O '(111494;) '886I '|.l€I aco11o,yX 97, '(8ZI9g oN o^resada:n1u1q)slcog uo8ero:(HIUAd'ASN) u11sD1a1y g 2 991appulJ'O'W'0L6I 'urra{nx '3un.{otqtunolo "ISr'D 'H'g'986I qJ'r"l/r{6I ol puoreql uo N solurZ :GJlIAd ,gglltlws

ayaxeutr1.a- uaptehl aDwradst^z7 sauas sltdqorn7 llddoH ( oaqdars T rotoorg H I W NuytsiaVol.8, No. I (1991)


-rr-\ i' 1 N\ \' \ \i SOUTHWEST -. h1 -I-l1i1 lf-", \ .r[ I 3o

ffi \

Figure 80. Distriburioo of E caUpttt Baftlneri srbsp.eaftl neri (.) annE. Bard etis:ubsp.rurensthar'lr?rrir(o), and buds,fruits, adulf leavcs afld lilhouetle ofa fifth node secdlingleaf ot E. Sa neti slbsp. gdrdze)l (scalebar=Icnr). ',.?rrp./r8 dsqns u:p'RI,{ uauprDs A ro aAhu(sosl I8 alnirC

\"flu.otrro !!lv4!i! *ltrpla :x{p&t ! ,

'raddoH a?o.r,u,{l^t- uaprtrj,,{,r!]r.radst^4 saLtessndqDrnA C uartd!1s?g rarioorg H t hl I NuylsiaVol. 8, No. I (1991)

Fiq]urc82. E. gar.lneri subsp.gdrl,€ri showing maller habir. vIEgr loolg tl I w'616I'3nv I I'a,0t.61 I s,tz .zt'(puorJo g UDIz 0) speorssorrJo 1d ruI 9 ',^\SN'SNV)) peoruo pU ueuresroN-uop^Hto S ru{ t t :(HJ}t!Id'SvVn [email protected] II '696I '8ury '8/6I 'tdos 'uopfH tdes g ery1 Jo S sopru0€ :(SNVI) 66 s88ttg 1 gI Jo A ru{ 08't:(HJUAd'tdSN) t€rl 14"1€, I O'8L6I ldostI'A,0I .0ZI S,Sto€E'pUarusredsg uo edroqlsue^suJoA u{ 9 0I :(HJUAd)0 LOE IIDtrolg g 14'[[6t tdas97'3uruuuru113o g'dn.I8ur4 'ZS6t 'urc1d :Gildad) W a.t.tDgH d ,,royg unolodoH:GJUAd) gg.lq U1r.tetrDgt O'VB6I 'rdvSI'A.09"6IIS.0Z.gE'8ur)o)tu'IJoldsurl 'e^raseU 0E ornleN{cod uunq:(HIUSd u's 'qeg'duc8uu.norrgru'reunc'I:VITyUJS1VNUSIS!l.,1d.'pruruDra )apuDxalvg A'0261 suau!radS

'I0AOI punoJnol uelJo u,roJ3 ssuepe qlriA lalleur polunjlllorls v

'(91.I :066I) Erurel;,1ry :arloorg uol|o.usnt nopJ

(S8't8'€8 sornfrC),srrap dsqns :eddog pLm :eloorg Dsuapsntdf,prng'BVZ

'sorJoosqnso,rl oroorcr.lJ pucso^Do'o,ro'ou.q,rq,ir,,,r,lilll"ffil:'.i,ftliliii;i'f"i;i:l'ff:Xi,:'I,#:ii,:il'i anlqpo^f,cl-ourJ c s0 pclu0ld flepr,r uooqscq tI s.{[,lrrDlltorquror;,{c,ru Surmo:3 Alltnsn'uaup.ut7 g 'pcu,rorJ-osuop JOrxroJ po^E3l-^{orcu oqlsD sreo^ ducur:o3 o1 porreJor uooq seq rsuap g'sarcN 'sr.!url, '(asuop urlu-l)u/',\orJ astlop aql o1s:o;er leqlrda .]J]nads aql't3 olou{:jg

'IrBq '(uc qloours^llcnsn pun a g x g o1)sa^eal llnpu ra.^\ouuu'(uc A'g x g ol) sa^uotoluo^nf re,roJJeu'ornlets JollErus or{l ur sroJJIp lr qrrq,\\uo{ uoprBJAInaup.ro7 sn tpng ol,(lrurJJEqll^\

'(IASN '1SI,^{'SNVJ 'uELI :osl:HJUAd :ototl)8LL8 Dlootg H I W'9861 'a.gs 'nllujlsnv 'c1ue3c141 .gl I s,6z o€g urc1se16 e{r'I sprc,rolprrou lsEa SuolD u4 [78 :sndKJ

.uqJrpJJor^Jcl JdJes aJ loJ le snquorlsnSucenbslllnpo snqllluo^n IsllloJ'orol^rcdumlsls Dnbp sruUJ?uopm] I l.ouploSoJdtpJng '98 'S8't8'98 (r8 sarnSrC),r.ou ds':addo11 ry nloosgosuapsnldQocng'y7

'so^rlclaresolJ ou qlr,r uoxelpnl3rlor D aq ol sIuoddDrl3rq,r 'slsuapuousap g ses11rq jo o8urroutrs aql ol pourJuoJsr lr',{lSunserolul'uoxul lBntJrlar Baq,(Bur 'dsqns stsuadtoytsuatotdsqns'osJI l.rr rprr8 Jo spnqJoAuolaql uBqlpo^lJop ssol em dlq€unseJd 'dsqns 'dsqns slsuadnqtsttatt.t 3o spnqJauoqs eqJ uauptnS uo uoossecerd lueJeqpp Il?us eql 'ostB 'sarcedsqns SuDIcel Jeqloourssnadds uolJo {ruq stl sa^?elapue^nlralpus sr 11a,rsu pc1d.{1oq1 u8r{lspnqlsnqojaroul puDreuorls s0qpuE ruo{lcun[srp sr srsuzdrol.psaa^Dt dsqns uaaptDS g'sa1o71

'pauquocsr sercedsqnseql qJrq,rol 'oBuEUafuoqlsue^sd eqt tuo{ uo{sl srlaq:nda eql'tSolou(JE

L- polradSuua,xoll

- 'roddofl .rar?ri,{t\1 tloplll^ aru1adit^"7 seres sttdqortlg C ueqdals ? 1610018 H I W Nuytsia Vol. 8, No. 1 (1991)

(CANB,NSW, PERTH); Upper Dalyup River, 12Nov. 1981,M.LH. Brooker 7118 (CANB, NSW, PERTH);roadside NE of Newbey'sfarm,6 Oct 1982,M.I.H. Broolcer 7680 (CANB); 19.6km N of Rayensthorpe-Jeramunguproad towardsLakc King, NW of Ravensthorpe.33" 25'S 119"56'E. 7 !\ne 1983,M.I.H.Brooker8172(CANB, NSWPERTIT); SheoakRock track,Eof Hyden,32' 24'S I19" 27'E,9 Atg.1984,M.I.H.Brooker8625 (CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH);13.8kmNof Needilup just S of RPFroad,30Nov. 1984,M.tH.Brooker 8747(CANB, NSW,MEL, PERTH);1 km E of TarcoRoad,33"14'S 119' 23'8,15 July 1987, M.l.H.Brooker9114,9715 (AD, CANB,MEL, NSW, PERTH);5.6km fromMillsteedRd onLong CreekRd, S oflakeKing,15 July1987,M.1.11 Brooker 9717(AD, CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTID; 43 km N of Needilup,33' 33'SIl9" 17'8,16July 1987, M.I.II.Brooker9725(AD, CANB,MEL, NSW,PERTH);24miles NofKojonup, l2December 1951, N.T.Burbidge 3674 (CANB); c.61 krnEof Hydcn,13 Aug. 1965,C-4. Gardner16114 (PEP.TIi)1 Forrestaniacomer,4 km S thcnI km E fromNorseman-Hyden ffack, 32" 27'S 119'41'8,7 Nov. 1983,K. Hill638 &L.lohnson,D. Blaxell,I.Brooker, S. Hopper (CANB, NSW, PERTH);37 km NNE of Holt Rock, 73 km E of Hyden, 32" 26'5 lI9'39'E, 16 Aug. 1978,S.D. Ilopper 1062 (PERT[I);2 kmSW of Middlc Ironcap,32 km ENE of HoltRock,32' 35'S 119' 4 4'E,17 Aug.1978, SD. Ilopper 1093@ERTT{); 9 krn WNW of Ongcrup,6 km ENE of OngcrupRock, 33'54'S 118"2?'E, 31 July 1982,S D. Ilopper2410 (PERTH); 8 km NNW of BanddupHill, N boundiryof West Point Farm, 33'24'S lZ0' 22'E,4 AL;.g.1982, S.D. Ilopper 2439(PERTH); 25 km NE of BanclalupHill, 33" 29'S 120'33'E, 4 Aug. 1982,S.D. llopper 2442,2443 (PERTH); 23kmWof LakeKing settlement, 30.5 km E ofNewdegatc,33' 06'S119" 27'E,5 Aug. 1982, S.D .I Iopper2454 (PERTH);4.2km E ofLakcKing general storc, 9 km WSWofBurkctt Rocks,33' 05'S 119'45'E, 5 Scpt.1982, S D. Llopper2492 (PEF.Ti].); S otJilbadgiNature Resefvc, whcrc tho road turns duc N, 34' 13'S119o 50'E, 2 Scpt.1986, S.D.,l lopper 5403 (PERTH); Frzrnk Hann National Park: 17.7 km E ofRabbitProofFence on LakcKing - Norscmanroad (at major bcnd NE), 33" 00'S 120' 15'E, 27 Sept.1988, S-D. Ilopper 6853(PERTH); Frank Hann National Park: 27 km SW of Nincty Milo Tank on Lake King - Norscmanroad,32'51'S 120028'E, 27 Scpt.1988, S.D. Ilopper 6854 GERTH);W cndofLake Hope;2.3 km SEofHatters Hill - Lakc Hopetrack along lrack to Ninety MileTank,32' 32'30"S 120' 19'8,28S ept.1988,5.D.l lopper 6860 (PERTH):W cnd ofl-akcHopc; 11.4km SW of Ninety Milc Tank trackalong Hattcrs Hill - Lakc Hope track,32'36'00"5 120' 12'30"E,28S cpt.1988,S.D.IIopper 6865 (PERTH); 15 km NE ofHattcrs Hill ak)ngLakcHopc lrack,32o 43'30"S 120' 05'00'E, 28 Sept.1988, S.D. i/opper 6ft67 (PERTH); 4 km NE of Halters Hill alongLake Hope track,32' 48'S 120' 00'30"E,28 Sept.1988,SD.llopper 6874 (PERTH); 20 kmESEofMtGibbs,FrarkHannNational Park, c.40km ENEoflakc King, I 1Au g.1979,K.Newbey 5504(PERTH); 15 km E o[ DunnSwamp, c. 90 km ENE ofRavensthorye,15 Nov. 1980,K. Newbey 8135(PERTH); Ravensthorpe,26 Junc 1924,I?alph & Stanfurd €ERTH);6 milesNof Ongcrup, May 1969,B. RockelA23 (PERTH); 15 milcs N ofRavensthorpe,May 1969,8.A.IlockelA52 (CANB); SWof gateinRabbithoofFence, E oflake Kirrg,T Aug.1968,R.A. Saffi'ey 336 (CANB, E, L, NSW, PERTH).

Distributionand habirar. Southem whcatbclt ftom Ongerupeast to theRavcnsthorpe area and north- eastto theHyden- Lale Hopcdistrict (Figure 83). Forms pure slands in closedor openlow forcstwith sparseunderstorey, usually on heavysoils in broadvallcy floors.Occasionally it is foundon higher groundin gentlyundulating tenain '(ur.I =reqapcs) 'strruJrsprq 'uolnq$s!p Jsat Supees apouqUtJ s Jo etanoqtls pw se^ealllnpe puB ,rurp .dsqns,f,I, ap ntdtlorng.tB etnelc


-l a t q t. \


!Hl, \ \\


- 'reddoH I9I eEaawSN ueprcl^l arwadst^"I sauas sniqot A C u.qdals T' raloorg H I'I,4[ NuytsiaVol.8, No. I (1991)

w€gratfi AU9ttAllaN l1g6&{fi lut

..'.... 'a

Figure 84. Holotype of g. dersa Brookcr & Hopper subsp./e,ra. ') Dqpuv ltlru] puulrquq t.lF$,szrl dsqns,srrp A 98 ,JnBU

'roddoH osac?utrII - ueplE { ar&.radst^vl seuasstltcltltrtq C ueqdals ? raloorg H I t{ NuytsiaVol. 8, No. I (1991)

Conservationstatus. Locally abundantin scattered disjunctpopulations, some on naturerese esand manyon undisturbedvacant Crown land east of theRabbit Proof Fence.

Floweringperiod.Newbey & Newbey(1987) recorded peak flowering at Ongerup bctween May and August.

Notes.This subspeciesis frequentlyseen in the southernwheatbelt as a dense-crownedmallet occupyingeither Iowlying sitesor higherground. With its compactstature, blue leaves and yellow flowersit hasconsiderable ho iculturalmerit.

Newbey& Newbey(1987) noted that numbers of Yellow-throatedMiners and Red Wattlebirds rosesharply and peaked during the flowering ofE. denscsubsp. densa (referred to asE. gardneriby theseauthors) in 1978near Ongerup. The subspeciesappears to be an importantnectar resource for birdselsewhere as well (Hopper,unpubl.).

24b. Eucalyptusdensd Brooker & Hopper slbsp. improceraBrooker & Hopper,subsp. nov. (Figures86, 87)

A subspecietypica statura inferiore, habitu fruticoso differt.

Typus:7.2kmW alongAerodrome Road from Lake King - Ravenslhorperoad, Western Australia, 19 May 1987,M.I.H.Brooker 9646 & P. Grayling(holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, NSW, MEL, AD).

Colourillusn'adon Brooker& Kleinig (1990:177).

MaUeeto 3 m tall wilh slenderstems and grey overcoppery smooth bark.Pith ofbranchlets usually withoutglands. Adult leaves to 9 x 0.8cm, dull, bluish green. Buds to 2 x 0.4cm. Flowers yellow. Fruit barrel-shapedto truncate-pyriform,to 1 x 0.8 cm.

Specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Hopetoun Phins, 8 Nov. 1952,P.H . Barreu 15,16 (PERTH)IRavensthorpe Range, May 1.979,E.M. Bennett (PERTH); 15.1 km from EastMt Barren carpark on HamersleyDrive, 33' 55'S 119"55'E, 10Apdl 1983,M.l.H . Brooker8080 (CANB, NSw, PERTH);20.1 km S of Jenamungupon AlbanyRoad, 34'09'S 118"56'E, 10 April 1983, M.I.H.Brooker808l(CANB, NSW,PERTH);Between BeaufortlnletandJeramungup,3 June1983, M.I.H.Brooker 8158 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); type locality, 19 May 1987, M.I.H.Brooker 9645 &. P. Grayling(AD,CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTII); 11.8km W of Ravensthorpe- Lake King roadon AerodromeRoad, L6lu'ly 1987,M.1. . Brookr 9722 & S.D.Hopper (AD, CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH)ic. 12 km N of Gairdnertum-off on highway,34"08'S118'57'E, 12 Jan. 1988, M.I.LI Brooker9851 (AD, CANB,MEL, NSW,PERTH);29 km NNE ot CoujinupHill, 33o05'S 120'30'E,l?May 1983,MA. Burgman1335&5. McNee(PERTH)I 1.4 miles from Jerramungup towardsAlbany, 1 Nov. 1968,E.M. Canning6945 (CBG, PERTH);between Ravensthorpe & Ongerup,3April 1968,S.G.M.Curr670 (PERTH); nearNoTreeHill, SofRavensthorpe,3 Dec. 1960, A.S.George 1979 (PERTH); 8 milesS of Ravensthorpe,14 March1957,1.W. Greer 1218(PERTH); 12.5km W of Ravensthorpe,31 Oct. 1975, J.W. Greez4608 (PERTH); 2.5 krn S of Ravensthorpe (Hwy1) along MoLRoad,30 Sept. 1987 ,5.D. Hopper6159 (PERTH);c. 14 km SWof Ravensthorpe, '!.r'upto8 E oeq peleleJeql ol lselluoJ '{SotowtJg rq '(rue1s's.rlnn: puu'f,uew'unld ur1z1)lrqsq ealpu oWol sre;er1eq11de cglcads e\L

'u,\\orq-,{or8 'pcgeqdsssel rc erou IqAIIpeos 'luc 'pedsqs-leueq'olellaJlpod 'd\ollo,( 9'0 x I ol lIuC sra.told dP le pa,rrncor'ut t 0 x S'Z o! 'uuoJrsnJ'EelleJlpodspng'8uol uc z'I ol solJunpad:pere^rou- I I ol saruoJso.rogul'uee:8-en1q'1np 'lxr 8'I x 0I ol'aeloecuel'8ur1uure1p'eploqadsereelllnpy'snorqe18'urc7x 8 ol'op^o'SulpulolJu ueq 'srpd g-g roJ otFoddoSqureruar Eurpras aql;o se,rual'spue18lnoqll^\ ,{lpnsnslelqcwlq 'IJsq (erE JOr{lrd r{loours,{oJ8 ttsquld ol dJeddoc:eaoulrorq-{a:8 ro qtrm11ul tlr s ol oelpu v '(,lt\SN'SNVJ :osl:HJUgd tolotl)ZZS L nporg H'I'W'286 [eINIZ 'pU 'BIIB.rlSnVulelse]1[ peequeero-^\oloo3pu? PU e6pnl I Jo uoFJesJolu!Jo .l1&uolssoJdep :snd(1

'eJuesqdso^snurur 'uJ 'sourJoJIIIop 'slJunpeJ 'ulc snld eulure5 x I ps tlslleJltlad snlcuC sllnJJodo ? 0 x 9'Z 9'0 'Eleqeq'eJn8l8 'u3 p3 'srrujoJrsnJ'ul?lleclpod ?4s€qelY 'o?Jou-II p3 eu4uoJsolouul 8'I x 0I 'elstopod 'e1e,ro'e1e1o4ed p? 'sl?loeruel'ellusulolp sllnpee11og'eu,(qfuod urnplolu! ult t x g pe '?llu?urelp 'Pa?l urnl sopouS-t ps 4eulq Bllluo^nt?llod ecPJoJsnlls tx € pe .,3011?tx,,xeluC '88't '^ou 'ds 'reddoH (06'68 sarnEld) T reloorg qlnocltnld sn1dt1ocng'97

'sJ8o,{,{uBtu JoJ 'dsqns 'srro pe{oollo^oueeq seq lI'oJnl4s re}\ol pueltqeq eelpur s1l ,(q rslap ulor3poqslnEuFsJ( 1

'sercodsqnsoleu,rurou 'pazlsrepun'uoqs',snta)udw! 'u9?'I eql ot paiedruoJeJnt4s sl! ol Eulpnlp eql uoJE'KSolowtJg

'Alnf o1 AEIN'PoltadSuua oll

'se^Jesel 'sruDls uoll?,{J3suocuo JncJoqJlrl^r Jo euos'suoqslndod perellersuI uoultl.loc uolDMasuoS 'sruq ',(elJ elDeurseduo serceds,(erolsrapun ue seeolJDur IIgI uI punoJs1 lr ,(lpuorsercA ro^o pueselrq^{ -^erE1,lollBqs paqslJe^odul uo puBlqruqsro eellBtu/t\ol uI sJnJJO'(98ojn8lg) lJulsp efuoqlsua^?u 'lDlIqDq eq1o1 dnEunuru:rafJo qlnos ulo{ lloql8el{^\ujeqlnos aI$ uI uotutuoJ puD Uoynqt4sto '7'A 'mwradsA 'SNVJ) 'V '9961'?ny 'GtXaa) &na,sas 'SV6I reeu:G{JUAd 66t tatSo5 v 21 'eururreddo3 ol lxeu ed:oq$ue,re{Jo gS ur{ II :(HlffEd) ptotraDisT tldfty'P761 aury 97 'u's '196I 'ro^ru 'etLoqtsue^su:GJUAd) {aqna\,tr'y llrdv Z 3 I96I q3lel I Z rouprmo:(HJUAd 'gNy)) 'edrol$sue^Q1 'ec 'e8ueg IE6LnddoH'O S'166I UrdV 0I Jo gN ur1 g etLoqlsue^uU 'crs '186I 'tdes 're^ld :(HI[AA 0glg $ddoq 0t sdlfiIqdq 1c?4SuoIE p"ou nol I Jo ld trDll,'I

- ra)toor8 9SI eeateu4l^l lapletfi aoluledst^4,eyes sntdqr g'r.ddoH C uaqdals T H I'hl T_

NuytsiaVol. 8, No. I (1991)





Figure 86. E. dersa subsp.improcera distnbtrtior|., aDd buds, fruits, aduh leavesand silhouetteofa fifih node seedlingIeaf(scale 'raddoH T ra)roojtr D.rrrordu' dsqnsraddoH ? ra)toorg ,srap t Jo edltolot{ t8 ern8rJ

'r:ddoH aua.B!trt{ - ueprEW ,r!/ ladst^aj sauassndKtDcr!' C ueqdets ? reloor8 H I I Nulrsia Vol.8, h\o.I (t991)

( )

t\ \ SOUTHWEST N '--_,#"

I J '/lil

Figure 88.Distribution o f E. pluricaulissrbsp. plaricaul!.r (a) and subsp. porplryrsa (o) , andbu ds. fr1] ils, adu It leaves and fiih nodeseedling leafoft. plu ca lis srbsp.pluricaulis (scale bar= r cnr. '.ninacr:nid dsqnsreddoHig la]iooJg sunmrrllld.A Jo ad&otoH.68 arn8r{

{, !f,*vri-D !sr!or rr:rNorsrAro 0!,$)


- ,raddoH aeerBu,{hl uoprs ,nzrrdst^4 seras sadqDhg ( uaqdets T raloorg H.l hl NuylsiaVol. 8, No. I (1991)

Notes.E. pluricauhs hasbeen referred to asa malleeform of E. gardrcri for manyyea-rs (e.g. Elliott andJones 1986). It differs from E. gardnerirn the malleehabit and smoolh bark, retaining these featureswhen growing on lateritic breakawayswilhin the geographicaltutge of E. gardneri. E. pluricaulisresembles E. reduncarnhabit but is clearlydistinguished by theblue-green leaves and, to a lesserextent, the longer more attenuate buds. It differsfrom E. vqria in its smallerstature, its lessdense canopy, its largerjuvenile and adult leaves and its purplishnew growth.

Thereare two subspecies.

25a.Eucalyptus plurrcaalrs Brooker & Hoppersubsp. p/arlcaalls (Figures 88, 89)

Colourtllustralion Brooker & Kleinig(1990: 178).

An erectmallce with blue-green adult leaves, and wilh inllorescencesup to I l-flowered.

Specimensexaminerl. WESTERNAUSTRALIA:41 milesEof Brookton,22 July 1969,M.l.l L Brooker 1868(PERTH);9 milcs S of Wickepin,3 Nov.1969,M.1.H. Brooker 2254 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); 16miles E of Quairadingtowards Corrigin, 12 July 1970, M.l.Ll . Brooker2637 (CANB, K, MEL, NSw, PERTH);road from The Humpsto Mt Walker,32" 14'S 118' 57'E, 3l Dac. 1979, M.I.l1.Brooker 6745 (CANB, NSW, PERTH);Williams' farm (Hi VaUee)Tootbardi rd, N of Badgingara,30'08'S 115"22'E, 19 Aug.1982, M.l.LL Brooker 7565 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); ToolbardiRd, N of Badgingara,19 Aug. \982,M.lll, Brooker'1572(CANB, NSW, PERTH)i WonganHills, c. 100m S of radiotowcr, 30' 52'SI 1603 8'E, 26 Aug.1982, M.l.l l . Brookerl599 (CANB,NSW, PERTH):c.4 km N of MtMichaudon EW track,30"07'S I l50 12'E,l March1983, M.III. Brooker7989 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); Hill SEol Ml BcDifl,30o15'S 115" 15'8,3 March !983,M.l J L Brooker'801 I (CANB,NSW, PERTH); 15.3 km S of Wickcpintowards Taalblin Lake, 32"53'S117"34'E,4May1983,M.l.LLBrooker8097(CANB,NSW,PERTH);c.l0kmESEof Wickepin,32' 40'S i 17' 35'E,5May 1983,M,I J-l. Brooker'8103 (CANB, NSW,PERTH);4.2 km Nof T junction,SEof MtAdams,29" 27'S 115' 19'F.27May 1983,M.l.Il.Brooker8140(CANB, NSW,PERTH);Newman Block, Chomley road, 19 June 1986.M.lJ'l.Brookcr9358 (CANB, NSW, PERTH);Newman Block, Chomley road, NW of Wagin,33'09'S 117' 10'E, 19 Juue1986, M.II I. Brooker936l(CANB,PERTH, NSW, MEL); Dryandr{t StateForest, Dryandm Block,27 June 1986,M.LH. Brooker 9367 (CANB, PERTH,NSW, MEL); Gura Road,Dlyandla StateForest, 27 June1986, M.l.H. Brooker 9372 (CANB, PERTH, NSW, MEL); E of Badgingarra,30' 34'S, 115'38'E,21 July 1986,M.l.II. Brooker9393 (CANB, PERTH, NSW, MEL); NorthBungulla NatureReserve,23 l:uly 1987, M.LIt. Brooker 9730 (CANB, PERTH, NSW, MEL): c. 16km E of YerramullaRoad, 30' 17'S,115" 27'E,14 4u9.1987 , M.l.L! .Brookef 9738 (CANB, PERTH, NSW, MEL); YandanHill, 30'45'S ll5'36'E, l8 Aug. 1987,M.l.ll. Brooker9739 (CANB, PERTH, NSW,MEL); 29 km NNEof CoujinupHill, 33o05'S 120' 30'E, l?May 1983,M.A. Btu gman1335 & S.McNee (PERTH); Coorow, 21 May 1961,n.S. Colenan(PERTH); Mudge Road, 2-3 km N of Coorow-GreenHeadRd,30'0l'S 115'44'E,6 Sepl. 1984,D .8. Forenan 573 (AD, CBG, HO, MEL, NSW,PERTH); Goomallirtg, 17 Aug. 1920,C.A. Gardner 130 (PERTH); Durnbleyung, 12 Nov. 1931,Gardner & Blackall1340 (PEP.TH): SE slopes of MtLesueur,neir the summit,25 Aug. 1948, CA. Gardner9088 (PERTH); 4 km NW of WongarHills (re:u railwaylinc), 30 Aug. 1976, A.M. George93(PERTH); NW ofBadgirrgana, 13Aug. 196 5,A.5. G eorge 6165 (?ERTH); Northam, Oct.19001ILGregory (PERTH); SEslopeofMl Lesucur, NEofJurien,30' 11'S 115o l2'E,17 Jriy ur{ 8'rS:GJUEd'/ASN'SNVJ) 6691.nloolg H J I/!'286I tcO/'o8u?U SulFuSJoN'dntoulvJo S 'I3olq ssauunos:Gllugd'nasN'gNvJ) LSgLraryoq H I w'2861'1log'peol dn:e8uguo peo11 'l3o ueurroNJo iA l]r)lr'?:(HJxad "4[sN'gNY)) gLgLDloors Hf w'786I g'o8u?u SurTrrlsot 'gNy)) 'o^r6sau p?oruouaprogJoS uDt ? :(HJUgd 9t , nlootg H I W'VL6I|rfV 9 pFro8zlrJ '016I '8nV spre,trol6urssor: ppraEzllggo S solur I'9I :(HJUAd) IILZnloo"tg H IW €'o eseu ppreS4rg'pue1g1y,l1Jo N'speorssortJo N selu t:vI.JVUlSOy NllgJ sglypr rj woxasuawnadg

'(gI- 'u,1aorJ I I) oJUoJsoJoUul:ad spnqe:out puB llnp? oql ur so^sal qsrrtundJooiuBpunq8'llq?q ,(l88eJls'srnpls re,rol oql ur sa!radsqnsprrd,4l eql uolJ sroJJrplI

'(6rI 'uopDtsnll! :066I)31ure1a 4:e4oorq rnop) '(,t[SN 'SNYJ :osr:HIUgd :otoq)2808 'H'f 'equ4s raloorg W'EB61ludy 61 ny tuolsol6'peor,4uuqlyuo dnBunueuelgoUnos uq g'rg:sradlq

'UeJJrp snquonlnusqseqzJa'srudqdrod snlnpu srylo;'esnggo ororroJur ntrquq Brrd,{l orJodsqns V

'88 't ',rou'dsqns'reddo11 'dsqns (06 somErd) ry nqootgoetttld,tod slln0clrnldsnrd{ptng'qgz 'ql.roJ8,nou eldlndo1 uae:6-an1q pue sa^?ol llnp? Jopl,r',{dou?cesuap ssal 'elnlels 'ddou?J 'suols unurlx?urJellstus sll ulllr^ !' uo{ SJaJJI( ueeJS-onlqpue lq8rJdnoJoru 'ernlslsrallsl slr uuar(qdnd 'dsqnspesJtsJol erou eql uo{ EuuaJJrpoallBru peodsopr,tr y 'sa.70.6"r



'sdu.ar€)IBorq 'oaDulJDlD reausadols smo^eJ uaUO dsqns oaouqcon fl pueDp)tDt g s? qonssclcods qlr,r '(88 eelJeurlpl u suonelndodpereltpos ur s^rorD arnBrg)odroqlsue,r.eg pue ssorJ ulaqlnos Jo lsuo 'JDJlqml ol quou eql ur uorodlI { Jeoupu? s8uud3 eerq;;o lse.nuror,; puo:dseprr11 puo uo!flqt0st1

'(HtUAd 'urdeqcrl6 268ltrrd S'IL6I1de5 91 o1 'urlnxJo 'ssorc psoruo d\ elu I :GJuad 9?8staqeoN x'6L6I]dos 0I ureqlnosJo i!\s ur{ sz ',{Jnqq841go '9S8SI :(HtUgd II84tar{ 9'S'6L6I 8ny g AS UDII I e^reseU:(HJUAd(I'Z)9,I '8nv rltlht tS'9L6I 8I pu?'(HJdAd Gdn rlnw'tg'91-61 [e1467'rturpuox gNN urt €Z '8€€0Zv'e^rosoU 'tdes 'arsr0 Suuepueg:(H Ad) O'dS 4nW U g'SL6I ?I e{B.IJo A\ u-Dl8Z 'c 'a^jasell 'lco 'sllrH IJolI uuEJ :(HJUgd) t/o.nrtow V'E06l I u?8uoiduroq A:(gNV3) 66lg 'C)'986I &pauuax eunf0€'snIHrrs8uot&'uqre,\\oJror€lsrr€{:G{ItAd) rcIE&aqqlax It'086I '6nV 'r'(suJel 9Z'{oor3 oJleurooJg\Iu.r)t 0I rtdlT C) uruJ.{all?A-rH:(Hldgd) 1yg9nddog 6g '986I'ce( 'A.I '?IcroN.ll\aNJo 0I I o9II S,€0 oI € 1[SSurl 9'6 3:(gNyJ) 9ZZ1'9771nddopqg '086I 'Eulu?/(erd 'r 't ' '8nv 'peoU eunl ZI Jo ld.S ur{ Z :(HJ{Sd) I8L}LL )fluouH V LL6l I I ueunl T, d,{rHpuerg ulJ[]?ou'IeerJ oll?ruooJJo g pseu Jrluol?luo :GJdad) 9gI? ufllltt Vg 'Sg6I '8nV 'le^leseU /'rnansa'Iltr lJo N Jnonsoltt{ reeu:(HIfftId'IINVJ) 9Z6I uglt9 Vg'616I

- esor4t^W urplpt^t,rz/ads,azl sauassntdronJ trddoH C urqdrts ?rrloor& Hlhl Nuyrsirvol.8, No. 1(199r)

SofJerramungup on Albany road,34' l9'S 118'46'E, 10 Apil1983, M.l.H.Brooter 8083 (CANB' NSW,PERTH);1.2 km S along HillsRoadfrom TarinRockRoad,33" 06'S 118' 10'E'16 Dec. 1987' M.l.H.Brooker9835(AD, CANB,MEL, NSW,PERTH);Corackerup Reserve, lFeb 1977'T Evans (CANB, K, MEL, PERTH); 12 milesW of Ongerup,13 March 1957,J.W. Greer 1174(CANB' PERTH);6km NNW of Bluff Knoll: Nboundary(Stirling Range National Park),4.8 km Eof Chester PassRcl, 34' 20'S 118' 15'E,24 March 1982,S D. Llopper2140 (PERTH); 9.8 km SWof Boxwood Hill,3.8km NW ofToompup-Bremer Bay Rcl, 34' 13'S1 18' 43'E,30 July 1982, S D. Hopper2395 (PERTH);2 km SW of TarinRock, Tarin Rock Nature Reserye, 33' 02'S 118' 12'E' 5 Aug. 1982' SD. Hopper2455 (PERTH)i 5.5 km SW of Ward Hill, 21 km E of Wagin on rd to Dumbleyung, 33'17'S11?'35'E,5Sept. 1982,SD.Hoppet2489 (PERTH); 5kmNof MonginingHill' 6.5 km S of CoomelberrupRock,33' 31'S 117'48'E, 1l Sept.1982, S.D. Llopper2565 (PERTH);8.8 km W ofWoodanilling,3.8 kmE of AlbanyHwyon WoodanillingRd,33' 33'S 117' 08'E 24July 1984' SD. Hopper3829 QERTH); Gnowellen Rd, 6 km N EllcnPeak, nr Amelupto CapeRiche, 11 May 1982,G.1.Keighery4838 (CANB, PERTH); Gnowangerup, nolth east,27 Feb. 197 5,O.W. Loneragan L234(PERTH); 11mEof Broomehill,13Jan. \954,R.D Royce4791(PERTH).

Distributionand habirar. Tarin Rock south to stirlingRangeand Fitzgerald N:tlionalPark (Figure 88). Growsin low to tallmallee on highground on fine-tcxluredgravelly loams.

Conservationstdt s. Widespreadin smalldisjunct populations, a few of whichoccul on nature rescrves.

F lower ing p eriod. March-June.

Etymology.Thesubspecific epithet refers to thepredominant colour of thecrown (Lalrn porPhyt eus, purple).

Notes.This subspecies has potential as an orDamental wilh ils purylelcaves and ycllow flowers. It isillustrated in Elliott and Jones ( 1986, p.100) underthe namc D.3arrlaeri. NoIth-western populations nearWooclanillingand Tarin Rock (e.9. B rooket 9835, LIoppet2455,3829) arc more upright and may beintergrades with the typical subspecies, but are still striking in theirpurplc-coloured new growth.

26.Eucalyptus varid Brooker& Hopper,sp. llov. (Figure91, 92, 93)

"mallee" Frutex habituvario, foliis juvenilibus et adultis immaturis glaucis vel flavo-viridibus, nonporphyreis non cinereis. Alabastra pedicellata, fusiformia, ad 2.5 x 0.4cm, operculis attenuatis, reduncis.Fructus pedicellati, doliiformes, ad 1 x 0.6cm. Seminaplus minusve sphaerica.

Iypzs:90km Eof EsperanceP.O.,Western Australia,33' 45'S I22" 47'E,7Feb1989,MI H Brooker 10168,5.D.Hopper & D.Vincent(holo : PERTH;iso: AD, CANB,MEL, NSW). 'raddoH ? Je{oorg ,a.rtr{dlod dsqns raddoH T, ra\oor[ trlnorurlld glo ad,{roloH 06 dnStg

rF{srr{Jd!(truq:s q4F!

{r !!svts,, $!so, ,o r\0r5t^1ooa$9

lt uyi69N nv|llltgnv _Na!$!,l\

'raddoH ava.ettft,{ - |daptet abwladst^"I seuai sudqDrnV ( uaqdats d, rsloorg HlII r

Nuytsia Vol. 8, No. 1 (1991)

A malleeofvariable habit, low andeffuse or erectto 7 m tall, with roughor smoothbark. Leaves of theseedling remaining opposite for 3-5pairs, then altemating, oyate, to 8 x 4 cm,glabrous, blue- greenor yellow-green.Pith ofbranchletsusually without glands. Adultleaves petiolato, alternating, lanceolate,to 8 x 1.3cm, dull, light bluishgreen, in thefirst 1-2years, older leaves inside crown and rarelyseen, glossy, green. Inflorescences to L1-flowcred;peduncles to 1.2 cm long. Budspedicellate, fusiform,to 2.5 x 0.4 cm, attenuate,recurved at lip. Flowersnot seen. Fruit pedicellate,barrel- shaped,to 1 x 0.6 cm. Seedlight grey-brown,more or lessspherical.

Etymology.From theLatin varirs, varying,refering to thc variablcstature, bark, adult leaf width andhabitat.

Notes.E. yaria rcsemblesE. pluricaulisbut it differsparticula.rly in tholcaf colourandwidth. Tho newgrowLh is bluc-green or yellowgreen, nevcrpurplish, while the adult leavcs arc light bluishgreen and nevergrey. The adult andjuvenile leavesare generallynarrower and thinnerthan thosoof E. pluricaulis.E. varlais pcrhapsmore closely related to E. redunc a, whichhas similar colouration on the ncw growth,but r. reduncadiffcrs in ils broadergreener adult lcavcs,lowcr slatureand consistentlysmooth bark.

Thcrcarc two subspecies.

26a.Eucalyptus voria Brookor& Hoppcrsubsp. r'aria

A mallcewith smool.hbark, varying in habitfrom a dwarfpl:url I m tall to an erectmallcc 7 m tall,not growing in salincsituations (Figures 91, 92).

Specimensexamtned. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 17.4 miles N of Esperance,18 Scpt. 1971, K.M.AUan163 (AD, CANB, PERTH); 16.3 milcs S of Scaddcn,14 Nov. 1970,.1Baker 77 (CANB): c. 15 km E ofEspcranccon roadto Capelt: Grand,33' 47'S 122"00'E,22 Jttnc1978, D.F. Blaxell 1678(CANB, NSW, PERTH); 18 km EDalyup,33" 48'S 121' 44'E,28Dcc.1979, M.t.H. Brookr 6699 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); I km S of FisheriesRoad on Tyncl's Road,33' 43'S 122"09'E, 9 April 1983,M.I.II. Brooker 8066 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); 19.4km N of FisheriesRoad on DempsterRoad, 33" 36'5 122' 00'E, 9 Aprtl 1983,M.l.H. Brooker 8067 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); corncrDalyup North and Speddingup West Roads, 7 Fcb.1989, M.l .LI. Brooker10166 (AD, CANB, NSW,MEL, PERTH)I45.1 milcs E of Espcrance, 25 March 1968,G.M. Chippendale 408 (CANB, PERTH);Buyi BillanakHomestead, c. 12km SEof CondingupPeak, 19 Sept.1968, N.N. Dozn er 2665 (AD, PERTH)rhcadwalcrs of ThomasRiver, c. 8 km SW of BoyatupHill, 5 Oct. 1968, N.N.Donner 29ll (AD, CANB,PERTH);Loc. 900 in gully lcadingto Yerritupcreek, 26 sept.1968, Hj. Eichler 19989(CANB); 10 miles N of Esperance,20 Oct. 193I, Gardner& Blackall 1093 (PERTH);67miles E ofEsperance,11Dec.1960,A.5. George 2187 (PERTH); 82km EofEsperance on Mcrrivalc Road,between Alexander Road and Daniels Road, 21 Nov. 1986,"r.iV. Green 5170 (PERTH);Maidavale Road, 33'48'S 122'20'E,19 Scpt.1976, R.J. Hnatiuk 761004 (PERTH); Escarymentof tributaryofThomas River, 9.5 krn SSWofBoyatup Hill, 3 km NNW ofBclinup Hill, 33" 49'S 123"02'E,9 Sept.1982, S-D. Hopper255l (PERTH);4km ENE of MtHawes,15 km SW of CondingupPcak ,33' 49'S122' 25'8,9 Sept.1982,SD. Hopper2552 (PERTH);2km from mouth ofThomasRiver(Cape Arid NationalPark),12 Oct,. 1985, G .J. Keighery1833 pBF.'l}l);near Howick Hill, 3 km E of woolshedsof Mt Howick Station, Localion 259, 18 Sepl.1968, A.E. Orchard1066 ' u moulun' Po ua d 3u t n,to1 g

'eJnllncu6€JoJ poJnslc ,{1erur st nsourBaslzrs'dsqns 'sntols nr.rn|g,(q peldnccol?lrqBq aulJus oqJ'fo nsrequnJ SuFtnbo.t'u,tou1d1:oo4 uottD^rasuoJ 'slDU lo.r d euos8os uo Jo sourlo8eur?Jp lps 3uol8s1r\orD (16 oJnBU)lo^QI dn,{p( oql Jo solJ?lnqllluo ,(Fqnclued 'ecueradsg;olsa,r-rluou pw quousoltrleJol ,tr4 e uor; fluo ut out'tDltqDqpuD uounqu$tg 'GJusd',{\sN"lEht'sNvc 'qy)tunulA'eT taddoHe S'S7|OIrDtootglt t I,\t<6861 qc{L'A,It oIZI S,I€ o€€'speo)Ilso^\ ''IAhl'gNYO) dn8urppedspu? sulqodJo uonrunlJo g uDtt t:(HIUSd',,\[SN S6LBr lootg HIW '986I 'g.,Zn 'peou ,tu€nuel.I "rcI S.I0 oCe lsoi\ddn8ulppadS uo.{emqSlqJo lN tul 6 € :(SNVJ) '6L6I 6699n2loorg H I W roq 8Z'dn,(lrqJo g :YIIYUISOV N1gJsa,1yprulwDxasuawtrdds 'l?llqurl oultespu?'Ircq q8nor'(u t 'llquq ol) emlelsunurlx?ur:emoy dlluulsuoc .(l8Eellsoql ul solcadsqnsl€Jld,{l otll tuo{ sJoJJIplI '0tstrt 'Ttr 'SNVJ 'CIV 'OS'L9I0Inloo.tg l : osl :HIUgd i olot\)flaculA'q V nddol-1 Hf W'6861 'qed 6'lI.zt "tzI s,6z o€€'?lp.qsnvurelsert'pDoulsol(\dnSulppeds uo fe,,rrqErqJold tu] t:snd,tJ

'uoJJrpBullBseuollsllqeq lo'oJods€ ecqJoJ'ossluep leluelsuoclsosnJJo nllqcq mlddl ottodsqnsv

',tou'dsqns'reddog 'dsqns (€6'I6 sern8rd) 8 re]tootgDsou!8nslrs ,!r'1 szrd(1ocng'q97

'slslrquq 'dsqns eules uouro3 ecuera;erd pus IJ?q qlootussll ur rsoll3zslas oltD^ g rxo4 sJoJJrplI'.,rJ?/npal,, selJedsJodns gaql Jouoxll lsoulluels?eeql sL]lra dsqnsDi.JD^1'9JoN ' ulaou\ln' poua d ?u|Dtrol I

'sntqls 'se^JoseJeJnleu uo JnJcoqJIq^lJo ^reJ e 'suopelndodlcunfsrp ut pee:dsopt11 uollDMlsuoJ

'ql?eqpw eollsurur sadolscprrelul :o uleldpuusuo (I6 ernArC)ro^IUSeuoqJeqtolls?a (soru dn,(po) orwredsgJolsa,,!{-quoN'.,rJqDL! puDuolnq!4s!O

'(Hruad 9108 uosll[ g gg '1ae.r3dnuISllSunIAI reou atu€radsAJo A ur{,9 :G Ldg.A V8EPzaow d'8961ldeg '^oN'slllH rapuDtrd'V861^lnlZ'pUsel,(ls uo uoppecsJoAu{ 0Z:(HI].dg. u,wpaatsH'676I 'ldas,I 'pllocwradsA-rmuosroN'd'u SIeuelC:(HJUgd) Z L 1.11!tus'9'l'Z96I tsg:(HJUAd'OV)

'rddoH 991 eeerwil l- 'reptew aouradst^4 sa es niqong C ueqdals?8 r3:toorg H t'I-t (

NuytsiaVol. 8, No. I (1991)

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i"lr\ I t\N \ SOUTHWEST N

Figure91. Disrriburionof EucalJphtswria subsp.rarra (.) andsubsp. sa/s,ginasn (o) andbuds, fnrils, rdult leaves silhouetteof a fifth nodeseedling leaf of g. Mna subsprdbr/8irz,rd (scale brr = I cnt. 'raddoH ? reloorg ,rrra dsqnsraddoH ? rrtoor8 ,ur^ !'Jo ed,qosl Z6 arnSrd

serrE!,lrl - urplet/{ ,trzr ddst^r1 seres s:rlidqDrn1 JddoH C urqdrts 4'.rr)toorA HIhJ I NuyrsiaVol.3, No. 1(1991)


Figure 93. Isotype oft. vdrid Brooker & I{opp€r subsp..rabugiroJd Brookcr & Hoppcr. 'lf,O '(HIdEd) p76 (.a.!/.{ogVII'016I 9'o^resouplur0nzllc 's86I '^oN 'uoljrg tunoIAIplht Jo n.NN curlqderSelol plo :(HJdad " (sN) 600spPoy N v /l 'A,ET, 'peo6 'p1durum5:(gJ)tgd 'nNV) ?lls'nl "6115,97 .7g .{cgraurorg lo N tu{ 0 I tZ8 Ug 'o/ei :rors 'u.rrugII rscgpuu r3^Iu,4alsrotucH uoe 1,\l3g :(Hruad) z16i pssal y'1261'?ny og I '9.99 'a'ryq 'uoje'fcg.ro,uerg :1g1Ag$ y1y7nddoH CS'Z861 8nVt .6t t 5,19.gg '{o1s:euu11 q ^tnf0€'9,9t u,rop rx{ I'I €'{BaderuuvloIASIN tul SZI :GJdAd 6627nddo1-7 9'796l .8I I s 'otl.rU 'u 't98I 'pEals[e/&JogS ur\ sdu3lo5 ur19 g :(HIUgd) s [2^rttg H 1'lt qrr€]I S,9got€ LI 'A,lg '8t0tz 'oqclUadeJ rsau :(HJUEd) Zt00I aS.toatS V'0L61{tnf SI .6t t S.0I o?€ e^rosag 'uuvra:(nruga) 'A.0g ro'rr1p;c:43211g"11 91g66a3.roag5 y'.g26I ,ilnl Z I .6I I S.90o?t'o^rrsot{ 'edroq g5 p1ere3-1rg.ror,ro1;o rrJ ^/ g g zgggg 2a?nag S V'996I qedZZ tsue'rr:63o 16:(Hldad)./ 'coq 'od:oqlsue 'S "d ;uou.np1g:1H1Xggg3g1 a3.roa9 ,S y'096I 1 ,'ie}IJo .(ctsloruEH:(HJdgd 'gNVJ) 'cd.roqlsue.tegJo 'rt'suosp!^DO'I I t6LO z.rrr(aO I I'6L6I'ral|I g ur{ 0I :GIUAd'OH) N 't86t 'tlNV3'9sJ) dslt3 dcN'g, tt .8I I s,9€otg'oqrr{ sdca:(HIl1g4',{\55 986t Q w'616r '"ri 'i, 'l 'ad.roqlsuo'tcag tu{ 'o?uuuodroqlsuo^ed ilr ri .ozr S,9t "€t .{amqSrg3o oSpe 3o zI '.lal{ 'SNVJ 'OV) 'Lrf '886I 'truf 'A.t€ :(Hru!Id "\{sN 0986't lootg w zI "6II S'0I 't€ 'olrsdurca '/r\sN"lsl1{ 'SNYJ 'oY) I ouuvld Jo,\\ ur09 IIIq:(HJ,ugd Z6L8 lootg H f w't86I 'reo '{rrd plcreSzlrg'.^uC.(elsloureHuo{wll qduSolalJoAu17'ZI:(HIUAd 8I lcuollny.rcrrg '4, 'ryDd .ASN,SNVJ)Zgrgtaloo.tg'utW'V86Irc( 8l €S.6I i S,tSo€€ lcuolleNpteroSzrld tqoatg 'eiuq rels:orl,uHuo 1cu.rl qdn:3c101 Jo aw\z'zl:HJuad',\\sN'sNv)) crLS Hfw 't86I '^oN 'gNVJ) nloo"tg 6Z'(t r^lot{ u^{)lllH dnroqo{uox:(HJugd'A\sN 8598 H I w '?g6I 'ldoS 'g.tS ')trud 'rc^tu '{elsloutcHol :(HJdgd t .6I I S,IS"tt Intlol]cNpluoSzUC {cerl '.rrr.stt'gNvc) 'puorunolodoH uoJJo-unl efo 8.tl)too.tgJI lw'886Illrdv0I'a,zI o0zIS.9t o€g odols uole^ptgJoS tu)t t gI :(SNVJ)6?tt.r tootg ll I W'VL6I[:dy 9'dnu:nq1oo16Jo N:(HJ){gd .gNvJ) ' 'o^rosoup1ua3z1rg 'la1u1 p1u:e3z]I{ 1(Hrtad 6692.rald o)g H r w'0161lsnSnV[ tI9g 'rng:c,tru 'pautuDra suawlzads iiii:n a:.i'ot6r rdes8 ptHoSzlIgttl :vITVursov NugJsa/t 'ulc 'pod[qslollcq'otcl1o:rpod 'lucgeqdsssol lo oloul'u,^AoJqlqSlt pocs 8'0x I I ol llnrg 'paduqs-uroq'3 .^{ollo,4 .dllor{t pc^rnial uotJo,alcn uolD uo1unlncrado :urJ t'0 x 8'Z ;lBdsro.^\olC tr 'ueer8 '*rol '.rttt.jtperispn g '3uo1urc ol sellunpod:peJo'{\oU-9I ol soJuaJse:ogrrl "{sso13 or tinl l 'elcloeJurl 'uoas,{lcrur puc u.^ orJ oplsur so^lcl laplo'uee:8'11np sreol Z-I rsrqeql ul'tuJ Z x 6 ol ,uooI3-cnlq'llnp 'ur 'ol0^o 'gupeu.te11e so^uolllnpv snorqcli € x g ol ol otuloatuf,l,{lpeo:q 'iJI0d ftoJslslotqJuulq qlld ueqr t-z roJclrsoddo Sututuutot Sullpocs oql.lo sa,teel :e1npuc16 Jo '+DqoButrro eludJo ,{u3 qsrlurd:o,r.ou.r,ro,rq-,(a.r8 otdari IqEII'qloousqlL^\ llPl tu g ol00llEulv

'GLI t}66l SIuIelXT ro)toolg uovDrtsnll!)nolo)

Q6' 96'r6'eT sernSld)(.Ifl^l eqluo puDs eluJls ,tIlo^EJB :oqel)ZEZSSta.td'eLI8:1snV ur3lsei[',,otlcll edcC J€au'dnJaqoluo) IIrq 'GVgi 'sslord'ld srudtqtng' u1,,:lpereiSlsep era \) zdttofia7 LU:I ulqol u ren?\csocunpar n

',,ntunpat,,salcadstedns AJo ex?l leqlo 'dsqns '7 puB pscq qBnor)tJlql eqJ 's'Jolv ll'- worJDsoutSns /,s 11rz,t qslnButlslpl8ltqEq oultus UEq '5o1cedseql f,q 'saculd 'upe'J 'tSolow&I perdncco1u11qrq euIlDs eql ol 3urpn1le qsllcetqu1'snsou18ns1,s aqtuo]{

:EarulljtrW- u.prDt,i ,rrzladshal sauassndqDznA laddoH c u3qdals a reloorg H I I'r{ NuytsiaVol.8, No. 1 (1991)

( )

i\ {\r( \ SOUTHWEST N

t , "t

FiE e 94, Eucaltplus redrr?cd dislribulion, and buds, fruils, adult leavesand sithouctteof a fi|h node seedlina teaf (scale 'nzrrps D"unpat E lo ed,{rorcal 96 ajn3rg

'.;' l;:.,1.1r. i.::r,ir ... 'l3r'{ ;,t.:,:,",t,'.,:',',".''; !'i t;6 r ld,{t Y

aeoca!,{I^l- uaptEtA ,nz !adr!^ r7 s4JeswdKtDJrS'roddoH q urqdtts ? rrtoor8 Hl hl NuylsiaVol. 8, No. 1 (1991)


Figure 96, Syntypes ofE. rcdu,].aSchau. (ry[. E. \\dndoo). '(e8ued edroqtsue^Bu)l{qDq aall?ru pwIurrellpl pu?'(uersg lt\I lse[) tlqrqeolleLu Islseor prtu$sDru]tpar E L6arfi'c

- 'reddoH aeooqill^l uepr?l I ,r,z.radtl^4 saues e4d{lo?/tz C uaqdars T, rDloorg H I y{ NuytsiaVol.8, No. I (1991)

Distibution endharitdl. Coastalarcas from CapeRiche east to FitzgeraldRiver NationalPark and the RavensthorpeRange (Figure 94). Usually in low or tall malleecommunities on plains and undulatingterrain in sand.On windsweptcoastal slopes it is reducedto an almostprostrate shrub in denselow heath.At the type localityit occurson the lower slopesof a lateriticrise andon nearby surroundingplain withE. goniantha,E. redacta,E.tetragona, E. angulosaatld Banksiamedia.Inthe RavensthorpeRange it is an upright mallee occurringwith E. uncinata,E. aff. occidentalis, E. conglobata,E. eremophilaand E. desmondensis,

Conserlationstalus. Occurs in smalldisjunct populations, most ofwhich areon reserves,including theFitzgerald River NationalPark.

F lowerin g p eriod. Not known.

Nole^r.As discussedearlier, the nameE. reduncahas been mis-applied for manyyears. It is now recognisedto beofres{ricted south coastal dislribulion and charactefised by lhe mallee habit, finally glossyadult leaves, long uncinate buds and pale yellow flowers. These latter characters indicate ils affinity with E. varia,E. gardnerl,E. densaattd E. pluricatLlis.

A notablefoature of E. redunc a is thallh e canopyis almostalwrys predominantly dull andgreen. Most leavosappear to retainthe dull wax of new growthfor a long period.The glossyadult leaves arerare and usually confined to olderwood inside lhe canopy. Also, thenew growrh of E. reclunca is yellowgreen, a featureshared with E, vdria,and contrastirtg with the purplish-blue new growlh of E. gardneri,E. pluricaulisand E. densa.

Thepreviously broad application of thenamc E. rcdw1caIo malleesexlcnding well inlandand to thenorlh of typicalpopulations on thesouth coast parallels tho taxonomic hislory of manyother south-westAustralian groups (e.g. Borya nitida (Liliaceae) and its alliesrecently described by Churchill(1987)). Many generaand speciesgroups were first collecl"edby botanistssuch as Labillardidreand Robert Brown who travelledwilh sea-goingexplorers along the south coast. Subsequenttreatments ofthe flora used the south-coastal taxa as a bascline,and often placed within themsimilarlooking taxa collected inland and further norlh. We anl.icipalcthrt [uturedetailed studies of south-wcsterntaxa will bringto lightother examples of thistrend.


Eucalrptusser. Leeispennae subseries Desn0rdensrs Brooker & Hopper,subser. nov.

A subserietlpicacaulibus gracilibus, canopio macilentopenduloque, alabaslds brevibus crassisque, filamentisstaminum omnium inflexis differt.

E. desmondensisMaiden & Blakelv

Malleewith smoothorbasally rough bark. Stems slender, crown thin, finally drooping. Branchlets shinyred with wax overlay;pith glandsabsenf. Peduncles stout, flaltened, widening distally. Buds shortand thick. Operculum t equalin lengthto hypanthium.All sfaminalfilamenls inflexed. Flowers vellow. Seedsoherical. efuoqlsue^Q{Jols€6-tluou-ls?aol puB'looddnllnJ?uuJpuep?orrrotr^lJolsa,r ol eSuvgad:oqlsua,reg 'sJod) .g eWuJ peeJdsepr/t\ pue luepunq? sr sorcods eq11eq1 pegodar oq,r CuuroJ lleuuoq Iq ^a^ns ',.srqlJo 'a8ueg luocere ,(qpatrroddns sr srqJ lsuoeql ol eJmlslpouros pue ed:oqlsua^?Ueql Jo eo.Ie 6ErBI.{lrsJ?ra^opqnqlqsrp,,sltl tu4 pel?ls(096I) roupreC'peor unotedoH-edloqlsue^egoql Suop uees,{lrs?elsour q lnq uorlnqrlsrypolJlsser!osr slsuapuotusap sntd(.pJng'ptlqDq puo uo\ q!.Os!O

.GIUAd .SNVJ) .}.U ,896I 'Eny ,puor 56, ta.{!os g1 uno1odo11uo 'ed:oqtsue^pUJo adroqlsua,reagogg lx{ 6 :GJXAd) S€Ir artull e'U'ES6l1r:dy g6 S'puousoq 'a&oqlsue,reu 'lood lW:C{IUAd Z0IS KaqaaNX'LL6I lcA 1g JoIASS ur{ SI dnlnq,txJo qNN 'aftoqnua^BUJo ru{€I:G }f{d 661taq aN X'2961\cruq 6g gS:(HJUgd)669'g6S assax'V 'y96y1ltdy 17'atuoqlsue^e1ruoupuoruseqlr{:(HJUgd'qNyJ)gg0gtuaq?nX'[t'Eg ^aINST, 'edrorgsua,reaspru,,*r.oldpun1gotr1ur19 6:GIUAA ItOttSsrl ntlat U'd' Lg6lqcmht'odror.llsue^uu ,ctuoqtsue^euJo ,puouso( Jo S :GJUgd ZIZI uaart'A't. L96l qcn11 p1 S sollurS :(HJUgd) '996J'qad 'edroqlsuo^?U ttDJ'W't'STgLSLa3roa9 S V ZZ JogS sollurZ/l 9:(HIdAd tgIgI '5961'EnV 'puousaq 'puo[uso( nuprDt'VJ 9I lI^I:(HIUgd)Zggtl J,up.tDD'V'J'W6Itro LI '^oN 'lorllslp 'u's 'V lI{:(HJl{ d rarprDt V'J'nV6l odroqlsuo^?U:GJUgd) .otlp.tDg J,gi6l 'wI'edror{lsuo^3llru'puoruscqlunow:GJugd) '^oN 66gI//r{ rol8lp rat9nc'lE6I sz'puorusoc '^oN 'odroqtsuo^?U .puorxsoo :GJUAd'SNYJ) 9€62tauprot'V'J'Ig6I SZ ruou :(HJ{Ad) '9661 'edroqlsue,ruu 'puoulsoq 'u's 'yJ ttnlrDlg * nuprog 1de5 reou :(HJUAd .taapng 'rZ6I 'edroqtsuo^?U 'puoursoq '6961'ccq fEINSl JU :(HJUgd) g00ZzrDwa1't.t 6,atuoqlsuereg 'xoldde 'SNVJ) 'urf Jo S sotru€ :(H111Ad'/r\SN 926yds1t3 O W'616t 6'A,80 o0ZIS.t€ .tt 'puorusoc 'o8urg 'SNVC) 'ya1'9 II I Jo ,ty1sru1 9'1 odroqlsuo^Dg:GJUAd gg7 appuaddul3 '196I 'atuoqlsuo^sd '.Mhl 'SNYJ) qrmw 9I Jo S sollur 8 S :(Hlu.gd 66ZZ.t toorg'H'lI! '696I '^oN 'drpunx '186I 'edroqlsue^?U 9 :(HJdgd) fgpDrg X ounl EZ Jo ,tASrul 9I :(HIU!Id) '^oN lLZZp.oag S't'296I Z'pooUunoladoll uo edroqlsue,rcUJo Ssolru g.puoursooltr^I:(HIUgd) 'Z56I '^oN 'drpunx 'pauJuora Z tta Dg II d 6 JtreN:VIIYUISOV NUAISA,4| suawtcadg 'lucuoqds 'u,tro.rq-fe:61qEll sselJo orour pacs'urJ6'0 x I'I ol 'leJupull,{tolJelndnc'elssesqnsolelrssas1rnrg,r,ro11edsre,rold'poxeuur$uauBIrJItB:unrqlucddq 'pcruor 'uJJoJrsnJ'otBllorrpod ol pnbe ssel ro orou unlnc:ado :uJ 9'0xI I ol ,(p:oqsspng 'Euol 'peualleg 'lnols ',{e1:s,ro urJZ ol i(l8uo.4s solJunpod:poje.^\ou-SI ol soJuoJsaJouul xuale q.nu 'lllnp'ur qlll\ sernlJn4seJuecserogul 11y',(er?-enlq S'gx 0I ol'olelooJuulflpro:q o1elnloecuel 'snorqulE',(uB tetupJoJ 'Sugeruolle se^Belllnpv qsnrq,rol snoJnrt8'urJ9 x 8 ol ol alu^o ueql 's{?d 'spuu13 .xn.r t ro g JoJalrsoddo SulurDruer SuIpoos oql Jo so^c6.I lnoq1r,,rlslolqcueJq Jo qlrd 'Ja^o ellq^rJo ,{EJc^ouB ql?oueq poJ',(ulqs slolqJuBjg Ip qlooursuels Jo d{eu pueq8not esBq lB 'so^?el,]!\eJ {Jeg Jo u/t\orJEurdooJp ^lJEug e Su4roddnssurols Japuels qlr,,!\ IIE ur t ol eollDuV

'(Z9I 'uollDtsn :066I) Arurol>I? reloorg ! rnop)

(00I '66 '86'qII sarnEld) '0[SN '€lleJ|snv 'atuoqlsue^€{ €8IZ rauprDt'VJ'rZ6I ^eIN u:a1sa16 reeu'puouse( :rdtrJ '(926I)g8I:69solerlAWnoS^roN'cos'Iog'1'.{lalelg4ueplat[flsuapuoutsapsnlil{\mng'97

'o8ueg edroqlsue,relleql uo pueol luacBlpefrlunoc ,t1IIq ^\ol serdnJJolreJoq^r lclqsry edjoqlsue^E{ eW ol peulJuocsr sauasqns sql ur sepodsel8uls oqJ

- .H.I.I/tl 9Lt oeoceu,{l l u.pt?l^l ?t!r./adsr&I sauas shtd|pnq :raddoH ( uaqdals ? ra)loolg r76 Nulrlis vol.8. No. I (I991) on bothsides of theCarlinup road, pa.rticularly on granitic sands (Figure 98). It grcwsas an emergent from heathwith associatessuch as A//ocqsuqrina campestt'is.

Conseryationstatus. Vulnerable. No populationsare known [o be on conscrvationreseryes. All are on Crownland covered by miningleases or onprivate property. The species is locallyabundant, and recoyerswell from thelignotuber after bushfires.

F loweri n g p erio d. May to Novernber.

Notes.E. desmonder.fisis the only species in subseriesDes mondenses.Itdiltcrs from all otherspecies in thescries by thepeculiar slender straggly habit somewhat reminiscent of lhe quiteunrelated E. sepulcralisF.Muell. and E. lansdov,neanaLF,.Brown. The peduncles are stout, the buds are fat andrelativcly shofi, and all staminal filaments arc inflexed. All inl'loresceDceslructures are glaucous. Theflowers are yellow. This combination of chalaclcrsmakes il clcrrlydivclgcnt fiom subseries Levispermae,several species of whichgrow in closeproximity, viz. D. recluttca,E. phaenophylla stbsp.interjacens, E. clivicola,E. gardneri stbsp.ravet$thorpetlsis and E. (lansa.


Systematicsludics ofnatural hybridisation ineucalypts have bccn much neglccled, although some datahave accumulated (Griftin e r a/. 1988).In thecase of lhe le,rsy.re,'r?d?, atfcmpls to reviewthe importanceof naturalhybridisation would have been futile before lhe currcnt revision in viewof the unusuallylarge nurnber of undescribedlaxa we have documenlcd.

In anyevent, Griffin et a/. ( 1988)noted thal no records ol intelspecil'ichybrids within the series existcdin Chippendalo and Wolf's ( 1984) EUCALIST hcrbiuium datl blse, nor in thelilerature. Two 'B pufativehybrids with membc$of olherseries of sectiot'r isactorfu werelisled, onc erch with a memberof seriesCor utae(i.e. E. gomphocephalax E. u,atuloo- whichwe havebeen unable to relocateand considcr a doubtfuldctcnnination bccause the putaliveprrcnts are allopatric rnd tuonomicallyisolated) and serics LaJo phleboe (E. lotophleba x E. u,artdoo- well documented, see below).No natural hybrids bctween Zevr'sperrrrze specics and thosc ofother sections within subgenus 'Symphyomyr tus' weLcknowlr.

Griftrnet al. (1988)supporlcd Pryor and Johnson's (1981) conclusion thrt membcrsof section 'B 'Symp iseclaria'had a" lowpropensity to hybrid ise". lt wass uggestcd lh0t, wilh in hyonyrtus',"the largesection -Bi.rcctaria (113 species) scems to hrvcthe most well developed barriers at thespecies level,since inter amd even inlraseries combinations are rare." Howcver, Griffin e/ ai. (1988)notcd thatsuch indicalioDs could be due to inadequatesrmpling or taxonomicinteryretation, rather than reflectingreal varialion in ralesof naturalhybridisation.

In thecase o[ lheLeyispennoe, we htve establishedthrough fi01d, gl0sshouse and hcrbarium studiesthe occurrcnce of naturalhybrids derived from many species combinittions. Specimens are citedbelow for six illterseclionalcrosses. seven inlersedes crosses and 12 crosses wilhin the series Levispermae.Becausemost of thesehybrids are easily overlooked (we collected specinrens from all putativehybrids encounlercd during the study, and these were few), if secmsprobable that additional combinationswill bediscovered in thefuturc. -689t0

'(urr I = req al?cs)JselSullpees tpou qUlJ pJo alanoqlls puv sa^eol lFp?'slrruJ'spnq puB'uo]rnqllslp trtt?rotusap sni\ornl 86arfi$

F-"i"" ) -I]I-J-s

ll\\\fxI t\


'reddoH eyaal1til4 - uapIeINamuradslAt| saues wdqDznt C ueqders 4 rrloorg HlI^l NuytsiAVol. 8, No. I (1991)

FigDre99. Isotype of E. derlro,rdeartr Maiden & Bl.*ely.


'puoursoc 1I^lrPru llqrq eellvtrlns?/aProraraP g 0o I ci nnI:I

'rddoH a€3rE'u,&{- uaprurI arrzads^4 saqass'.t]dq@ry C mqdals ?ra)loorg IlII^l Nuytsia Vol. 8, No. I (1991)

Theevidence for hybridisationin individualsdepends on morphologicalintermediacy between putatiyeparents in habit, bark, canopy,leaves, buds, fruits and seeds,combined with the rare occurrencein thc field in mixedpopulations ofboth parents.Where the parental taxa diffcr in their cotyledonsand seedling atlibutes, wc havcalso grown progeny of theputative hybrids to testfor segregatron.

We list belowspecimens that mcot these criteda. Rather than name these hybrids with theirown epithet,we haveused the hybrid formula ofthe putative parents in alphabeticalorder. In oneinstancc (E.crispata)wehavenamedplants ofpossiblc hybridorigin butin thiscase therearemanyindividuals inknownpopulalions,andlhese arerelativelymorphologicallyuniform. Theydo notvary continuously from the form of oneparent to thatof the otheras is seenin a hybridswarm.

Justasprevious taxonomic ffeatlnents ofthc scrics havc underestimated thenumberofrecognisablc t:xa,past heatments ofnatural hybridisation (e.9. Griffin era/. 1988)zrc hcrc shown to bcinadequate. Untilrevisionaryand extensivefield studies ofmany othcr g rotps 1n Eucalyptus havebeen completed, weurge caution in attemptsto derivcsignificartconclusions aboutmtes ofhybridisation from thcdata basesthat were reviewed by Griflil et al. (1988).


Eucalyptusarachnaea Brookcr & Hoppcrslbsp. arachnaea x D. obtusifloraDC.

Specimensemmined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: brcakawaySSE of Mt Horncr,north of Pinchcr's Road,29' 10'S115' 08'E, 4 Feb.1985, M.LI L Brool

Eucd,lyptusconglobata (R.Br. cx Bcnth.)Maiden x E. wandooBlxkely slbsp.wandoo

Specimenexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 3.7 km from highwayon road to Woodanilling, 33'33'S 117'07'E,8 March1988, M.I.II. Brooker 9897 (AD, CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH).

Eucalyptusdesmondensrs Maiden & Blakelyx /J. incrassataLabill.

Specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: c. 10 km S of Ravensthorpeon Hopctounroad, 33' 36'S120' 08'E,23 Jlune1978,D.F. B/arell 1696 (NSW, PERTH); hack toZ . benneuiae,c.50m off roadN of Mine, 33'38'S 120'08'E, 12 April 1985,M.LII. Brooker8943 (CANB, NSW, PERTH).

Eucalyptus incrassatdLabill. x E. nedialir Brooker & Hoppcr

Specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 0.9 km S of Bluff Knoll road on firetrail ncar ChcsterPass road, Sftuling Range, 10 Oct. 1982,M.I-IL Brooker7735 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); 6.5km WNW of Bluff Knoll, 0.9km SW of Bluff Knoll Rd, 34" t9'S 118"13'8, 5 Mav 1982, T

'(HIUAd) gggYnddoP q'g'9961 cun167'puo113urpe:run|-4ro1Suoppeog qgoSl ur8ueq;o A ull8'Z:(HJUS A S6EVnddoq QS '986I 'S.9I 'pN eunl EI .LII S,,08,I0"Zt {lo^ Jo eprss uo SuIIIeqInqol JJo-urnlJo a ru 09 'Surps.nBno "IAhl'gNVC 'CV) Jo td ur{ 9I :(HJUAd'nd.SN 9896.ralootgH I n'L86I l\rdY tz 'a.Ig nloorg "9II S.tt oIg'aulHtelJ :GJuad'asN'1r ^I'gNVl'oY) S896'V896 H I W '1,86I 'pU :(HIUAd IIrdV EZ'A,rt.9II S.tE.I€ uolrequnquo IIeH u,4tolqsrrlulo{ uIrI9'9 '^\sN 'gNV '9,9t 'p11ut8uro3 "IaI^I J'qY) LLg6Dloo.ts H f w' L86rqrr8hl I € .rI1 5.p7 .76 'ulale{3lld '60IZl 'paurulDra -urde1cr16 Jo crlqs e^rosc{ :VITV)IJSOV N1I1IISEAA. sudtarrdds

orprrrd dsqnsf,lo{Elg o1puna'fl x'\luegDqalqdoxol sntd(plng

(nrdad) '6861 'e.(unucrng uatutcadg gVrL taddol.l O S 8ny g7 lJ I :VITVUJSOVN1gg.Isg.I\\'paulwDxa 'd reddoHd' ra{oorg Dllttldolsry fJ x qlueg xc IIonJI sssolt sz1tl(\ocng '9.80 '(HrXAa',4\SN'gNyJ) I66L.o4oo.tSH fn'8861tlrrtl l Z "SII 'uored 'paulwDxduawnadg S,g0oOt ]1aq3o drucs tueqlnos,|roloq :VITVUJSOY NUAJSA,4d.

.s^e,rs1"olqcrtuolgI Uo ee.1g uojcd II I cql ut rnccoSluerud c,trtdunse.ld qlOg sqnwun4 A lo asot]l 'rc:uoqs uuqlesnlqo erou pucJollEJ c$ prrqfq e,rr1u1ndslql Jo uolxlJodsol8uls oql uo spnqoqJ

'rJsqns 'g n1noc1tryd teddoH dt rc)toolg .stPnllnld x'?zlrl' llL suapattD snfi&DJn'!

sp!rqAqsalresJelul 'qeg '4,€t '(Hrdsd',^d.sN'SNVJ) Iz .8II s,tI .t€ 9988./27oorglf Iw'986r 'paulu]Dxa 'peordn11aye.,no3 tuo{ psor u?turoN Suole S ur{ 8 g :VI-1V11JSOYN}IAISfL^[ uawIDdS

raddoll 'dsqns x DtDSSDrru!snitlDrng T r3{oorg nat&1dJorl reddoH 4' re{oorg slqDnrryil'g lllq?'I 's8ulnls .(HIUAd)LSZI-IZ|!rtUI t'E96I aunlrI 'qy) s,rrororg'l[:(HJdgd',^A.sN '1ahl'sNvJ 6966n1ootg177l{'886I flnr 6,I us'.qrodord '8ulq?.{N 'paulwDv2 'g,E0.8II S,ZZ.g€ Jo ,AdNtull 8 c :VI'IVUJS1YNEAISA,41 suawlrads .dsqns 'g ol\ttltlouaoqtl :eddo114' relooJgDlltrldouaDqd x lllqq-IotossorJutsntdtpcn'tr

'(HJuad) ' Suole'tuDpunoq tg roltuJ'v L86I lto L'wod sssdr31$qJ Jog uI 002{mrqenJ S-N 'u'snrdDN Slo N ru{,'g'{JPd 1uuor1e51aSueg 8u1FDS :(HDIEJ V'886I'qai n'9,'00,25 "LII 'p11 '6899 '88S8 5,,02,9€"tg 1oodqse16JJo esnoqs.equro3sn'I 3o 16 do1l1q:(HJ){ad) 0699 'S,II 'pU g 'ry€d nddog 6 g'99611ydvI I "8I I S,IZ .?t s$drelsaq3 uopll ttouyJJnlgJo S ur{ 'g,II ss?d IBuorl?Ne8ueU Sullrgs :(HJl{'{d) gp77nddog q'9' g86I lFdY II .8II S.IZ ot€'pll rotseqJSuole pullouxJJnlgJo s uq g'Irgdl€uoneNaSust{ Sullrrts :(Hluad) 9677nddop 6 5

sntdqDrns laddoH uatl&ls J3:loorg I8I ae.rsufw uaprgl "rw6dst^qsauas O ?8 HIl a

Nuytsia vol. 8, No. I (r991)

Eucalyptus phaenophylla Brooker & Hopper s\bsp- phaenophllls x E. spathulata Hook var' spalhulata

Specimenexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 0.3 km N of BeaufortRiver, Albany Highway' 37 Ocr.197 5. J.W. Green4625 (PERTH).

Eucaljptusphdenopftylta Brooker & Hoppersttbsp. phaenophylla x E ' uncinalaTrjfcz' specimenexamined.. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 13kmENEof Amelup,intelsection of sandalwood Roadand Salisbury Road, 5 Oct. 1981, SD. Hopper6185 (PERTID.

Eucallptus recondila Brooker & Hopper ined.x E. xanthonema Turcz. subsp- appositaBrcoker& Hopper specimenexamined.]wF/S IERN AUSTRALIA: StirlingRange Nationzll PaIk, adjacent to caravan (PERTH)' Eark,Nboundary ofNP,34" 20'S 118" l2'E,23 Nov. 1983,5.D Llopper3588' 3589,3590

Eucallplus spatlla,lntaKook. ''lar.spathulata x E. wandooBlakely srtbsp wandoo specimenexamtned. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 3.7 km from highwayon road to woodanilling, 33'33'S 117'07'E, 8 March1988, M.I.tl. Brooker 9898 (AD, CANB' MEL, NSW'PERTH)'

E. ser.Levi\perma€ hybrids

EucalyptusabditaBrooker & Hopperx E. ardchnaeaBrooker& Hoppersubsp. arachnaea

Specimenexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: MtMisery, 18August 1988, M.1 lI. Brooker10031 (CANB).

E ucalyptusaraclmaea Brooker & Hopper subsp-aracLnaea x E . capillosaBrooker& Hoppersub sp' capillosa

Specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA:4 km W of MtBcbb,32'05'S117" 47'E, 13 June 1985,S D. [Iopper 4398(PERTH); Sorenson's Nature Reservc, 8.7 km W of Babakin'32" 07'30"5 tIl' 55'E, 13 Jvrc 1985,SD. Hopper4403 (PERTH).

Eucalyptusarachna€o Brooker & Hopper s\bsp.arachnaea x E. wandooBl:akely subsp. ),at'd"

Specimensemmined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 12.6km E of rail crossingat Carani,30'59'S 116' 31'E,26 Aug.1982,M.I.H. Brooler 7589 (AD, CANB,NSW, PERTH).

Eucsllptus capillosaBrooket & Hoppersubsp. capillosd x E. subsngusta(Blakely) Brooker & Hoppersubsp. celina Brooker& Hopper '(HJrigd) '19tr7nddog 1Jg'7861 3r1Y9Z'A,0V .9Il 'sl?H 'drqsu.4\ol s,Ig.0g {3otuotrt Jo gN ru)t 6 sllrH uBSuoldJo .&\N ru{ 8 :GJuad'nd,sN 'gNy)) 'qod9I'fl,89.9II Lg6Ln4ootg HI W'886I S,69o0g'stllfl u?8uolA spre.'rol uISulFJ 'ld.SN'S ',H '2861'EnY '9,0t JoiIN rul €'9I :(HJUSd NYJ) 969L tzlool| f I I 9Z "9II S.ZS.09 'd€3 'J 'dolo8pu ol p?orJo d\ urll I SIIIHuu8uol& :VI'MIS1V NdS.lSE,4&p autwoxa suawnadg

oopuonr 'dsqns,{1a4u1g oopu D,A'fl r otsnSuoqnsdsqns:eddo11ry roloorg ([le{qg) ,rsnSuDqns sntdtprng

'(Hn{ad',\{SN "Isht'sNvc'qv) Evr}r nlootg H I'w'886r'xeqzl's'.8v .Llr s,99"T'E ,t olnou lcols uo pBorqlN uulnsulJ Jog url 6'0 :vIlYuISnv NUSJ Sg.liipautwuo uawpadS 'g reddoll ry :eloorq DwoTlsrrals x raddoll ry re>1oorqrlpltaqaq sntd{IoJng 'puog s1[g Suop p?oll ]3oU UIrBJJo qlnos ru{ g'0sarE {3ou uIr?Joql uI 886I q3]?lr'{I I uo H ('s ,{qpoqdu:8oloqd pu? pa^rosqo s3.{\ spuqdq 're^a,^\oH pw sorcodspluerud qloq 3o uoll?tndod? u.'$ou{aJP spFq.{q osaql Jo sueurJadsoN 'dsqns 'g \1noc1tryd toddoll ry :e1oo:g q Porlnld x veplc-INlraupro8sntdtlorng

HJuad) '3ullyuepoo16puor 1EgEnddofl'e S't86I dlnl tZ'S,80 "rI I S.gE.€€ ol 8uop,(ur'rq8tg,(ueq1y "Iay{'gNYJ'qv) qtr€I^l Joqur{ 6 z:(HJdgd'l\sN 9686hloo.tg lf |l{'886I 8'A,10"nI paulwDxasDwtrdds S.ttog€'8ul ru?pood\ol peoruo,{,,!\q u.Io4 uq t :VIIVUISnV NUl Sf tr ooprr,a dsqns^lorylgoopaudt'g x s!ftD rnld'dsqnsroddoH ry ro{oorg slqoJunld sn dtloJng

',ttsN 'raht 'gNvJ 'qY) 'H '986I '4.0I '(grxaa EBE6Dloorg l w dlnr z .rI I uawlraas S.€t o0€'p?olxnop?3 uo eulprDtoxJoS uI{ 8'€ :VI'MfiSOV N}ISJ Sgl\l\'paulwDxa

oopunu'dsgnstla4ulgoopaDtt 'g x DSoUldnJdsqns JoddoH T' JeIoorgDSoIIldDosntd{pJng '(HJusd '.&SN 'p?or "IgnI'SNVJ'o]V) 08V6Dloorg H II t'9861'txo K'5.V0 .6II S,rt ozg {3oulloH -SuneBur4pue>1coruse^!eq'e^rosaU$poAuoBe:q:yllygaSOVNUAISA,,1d,'pautwoxa uawltadg

reddoH d, raloorg D\lfuldouanqd'dsgrrs .g reclrloll 4, rcroorg Dlltuldouamld x osol[doc dsqnsroddoll 4r re[oolr osollldDr srytl{|ncng .G{J)TEIiD'U'S saang q' wp's'fluru,{erJ:(H}{gd'idSN'SNYC)I 16r'r21ootg'H'l W'886I' qadrl'A,Zt.8II 'e^rasou 'p)ulwDxa suatunadg S.I9o0g ernlBN Surdoo3repplqJ:VITtrILSOY NUAJSS,|I

'reddoH aEary'u&{ - uaptel l ?lz Ddst^"7 sauas snrltlDcng O uaqdelS ?9 r3{oorB H'I t{ Nuylsia vol. 8, No. I (1991)

Eucaljptuswandoa Blakely subsp.wandoo x E. xanthonemaTnrcz.s\bsp. xanthonema

Specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Berufort River Crossing,Albany Highway' 33'30'S 117'04'E, 21 Nov. 1983,M.I.H. Brooker 8368 (CANB, NSW, PERTH); 3.7 km E of AlbanyHwy on WoodanillingRd, 33' 33'S 117"08'E,26 Nov. 1987, M.LLI.Brooker 9828 (AD, CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH).

Eucalyptuswandoo Blakely subsp.wandoo x E. xantllonemeTurcz. subsp. ttpposita Brcoker & Hopper

Specimensemmined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA:2.2 km alongN boundaryfiretrail from Bluff Knoll Rd, Stirling Rango,7 Oct. 1982,M.I.H. Brooker1694 (CANB, NSW, PERTH);2.5 km alongN boundaryfire trail (Stirling RangeNationalPark) from BluffKnollRoad, T Oct.1982,M.1.[LBrooker 7697(CANB, NSW, PERTH); 0.4 krn SEof ChesterPass road on Bluff Knoll road,Stirling Range, 34' 21'S118' 13'E,21March 1983,M.LLI.Brooker8030 (CANB, NSW,PERTH); SaltRiverRoad, Nof StirlingRange N.P.,22 Feb. 1985, M.LLI. Brooker 8868 (CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH): Stirling RangeNalional Park, 100 km S of Bluff Knoll Rangcr'sresidence, 34' 19'30'S118'11'15'8, 2l Mry 1989,A. Ro.se1063 (PERTH).

Intergradesbetween species of E, ser.Levispermae

The following caseis an itrstanccof discrcte,morphologically uniform populaliorsthat are intermediatebctwccn wheatbclt wandoo and dcsert wandoo.

Eucalyptuscapillosa Brookcr & Hopper subsp.capillosa - E. nigrifunda Brookcr & Hopper intergrades

Specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 2 km E of Dio HardyRangc road on Dicmals- Menziesroad, 29'43'S 119' 34'8, 16 Oct. 1984,M.LLI. Brooker 8694 (CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH):23.8 km SE of Perril Vale on Menziesroad,29" 14'S 120'14'E,23 June1.987, M.1.H.Brooker 9662, 9662a (AD, CANB, MEL, NSW,PERTH); 30 km SE of PeronVale Slation, 29'13'S 120"16'E, 13 June1988, n./. Cranfiald6999 (PERTH); Lakc Barlee,18 Oct. 1966, C.A.Gardner 19032 (PERTH).


We are gmteful to B. Rockel, C. Sounnessand C. Ranford for growing specimensof all taxa in the glasshouseat CSIRO, Pe h, to SusanPafick and JohnRainbird for line drawings, to JanRayner and Raelene Hick for word processing, to Andrew Brown for cartoSraphy and other technical assistance,and to our colleagesL.A.S. Johnson,K. Hill andD.F. Blaxell for discussions.The late K.R. Newbey alerted SDH to the existenceof several undcscribed taxa of the Levispermae in lhe Ongerup and Jerramungupdisfficts on a field trip in 1982. ('elunoqI3I,.I 'SpIaDI 'ra{oorg 'I 'srd,{pcngol eptnc pI3Jc, (ts6l) pu€ H I I :ssard elr{sJ) .. ?IlBrlsnv (IlelsBe-r{1nos 1o1 v c 'eI-9 :, "lslfnN sllB4snvualsarlA ol rlurepuasep:ds .IF9H..I 'sa,ruaSry (686I) q 'mddoH 'H 'rc{oorg lAauaerql Butsgitruoc(3BacBu4,,,0 srld&a:rg 1o salras,,aau v S PUB I'W '9I€-Itg r'uo{ seDe'lspuPldn ^\eu 33lut Jo uold9csap :9 ?tsr,{nN?llv4snv ura$ad\ lsa^\-qFos 'ra{oor8 3ql uo soloN (986I) ( 'IeddoH pus ll l I"{ aqr pue (""ereu,{I D r,41i1oyg i ,,"";f.i1n*lrrlr{,, tlnor8 leulroJul s '8ZI-€II rt els nN (286I) 'raddoHpue 5e{oorB .lltwsnv uaFa/AJo (aeaceu.{},,1)s?t4r, A Ps?, lsa',. sni[lDtflg'r! sd\cedsqns/'reN G s I{ I I^I '08€-€lt:9?tsl^nN BrlulsnV urslse,^AJo uolSar BlBqlld (986I) ot{turo{ salceds^\au o^\l'(aBocsu,(I/{) trtrrrrq?td'Apw blorl\te!sndq'eng AiA'eqtrloce8papueH I I''{'leloorg '06€-18e:9rlsl,{nN Pllelsnv uralsaiAJo uolsr^rc feuaqu4x el{ru! 'Datznz '(g86:D 'ra4ooJg salceds,{au eettll '(aBacerriy} o\l&!dotol\. g pw t4rsa(lrlr'E s\dtlD'ng J ]'euoc Pu? H l l'{1 prrB 'IEZ-OZZfZBrslAnN ?llerrsnv urelsarrd uro'J sntdqocng lo sepedst aua^lJ (8/6I) J C'll€x"lg H I I^l'rrloorg ptre sl^eDPu nzao! sni&Dc'14 (886I) H I I I ral9ors 'tgg-gzgi 9 "tsr,(nN(aea3?u,{ l) salcods"heu Papler xls Pall 'Itr€-r9€ f9 ersdnN e?acsu,!,{- ,{lalelgaqpuv serrassniKlotng) aql salcadsqnspu? selcads ^\eN (986T) HlI^l'raIooIB uosuqol? ro,&A,,rr?o SocKlDC seltes stltilKlocrg,, Ieuuorq Jo '92-I r' sluoutug .uosgqol4'lo/fida,u,r,l,4oselJasqnsaqluopesgqs'4d(1,,,?snueSeqlJoJaJ,l,^o.saFasr'^6uv.(I86I)'H.I.W..lo{ooJg

'0rT'9ZI :Z ?Iuouru8 snua8eql q uolleFB^uo eqlJouolsl^ai (6/6I) s4oupuv1ug11.1otd,(lreng,snuaBeqlJo uosuqo l4tofu4aopuncaog saltes leujloJul v HII'raloolg 'reloolg n\auor't\J (9L6I) ',9-99 r, 9€t lsalod lellsnv ?llBJlsnv(uolsel^d urorJ s"d(7"'g uI suollgulqulo! H l !'{

'tIE-l6Z rI BIsl(nN BII?rlsnVua$e^\ ulolJrnilqocng trosepads l't.eu4s ('l'6I) gIhI'ra{oorg 'gr-t, r99Bqe4snv uals?A|cos .(€,6I) .u.I.,{ .le{ooIg 'I 'sllqsnv woysallol mtd(,,,'?a .,{o{ ..ojd ? ue$aiA ulo{ uoxg! /1leu?,D|'lcutq'loue4op.dsgns 'g9Z_ZtZrI e!sr,{nNsllBrlsnv uJelsoi$ tuo+ sudQocnfl,ogxEi,,t.ea roo{ (Z'6I) I{IW'r0{oorg 'H 'ra{oorg '9Iz{Iz :I 3!sl,{nN dpsownQse es"ni{lD"t8 $nuoSaqlq salP$S{z/6I) l It{ ( atllnoqlajl:uol?slw8ro qrrstsou "fc 'puslog s\dKlocng', (T86r) pue HIhI :e){ooJg IeFtsnpulolrruelrs pIJewlse,{uowuoc) ';peas /A'I'llnqunr 'fle{elg ( eItaqus3 :neorng$qu4J pu? ?0$arod) upaptt.. srd{leing eql or '{e)I V" G96D d'4 'J'ld ( ,{euprs rseersuJre{ort! eql) .. srd'{lecnaaql or {aX Y" 1t€6I) "qarylg

CrlFad (tS6I) g 'a^aFC g i sr?dsdsaaNuBllslsnv uels.dJ .,.sre^ro!lll/{r usllerlsnv ulo$al! ^tou)l ol x!oH,, I Pus ,{!'llg)tcBlg 'C 'ur€l{lue8 ( uopuo'I : oC ? e^aeI 'D .. slsuall?J$nveIoIJ,, G98I) 'pr"eg ('d!SN :lsrmluq{ stord oo.r?BuE) ,,€ll?JNnvvrelsarg Yo aJll tueld" (066I) S'I

'{rlsro^I$n) BllBr:snvuretse'ld Jo /hrun5 uo1pp8a21 ( spuBlpeN:Esord €llellsnv urals3iAJo ,. 'S 'prsaa .*^5 -1 '.,eoreIJD'll\s eI0 uolrsFSe^ aql" '(I86D I .s6uasuolrqs?e^ 000 006 1 ,1 r""q5 ol selou,{rol9u?lalxg Jo


raloorg 'H e7a.e$lw - tr;{wl taoturads!^4 selraswiltl\rng raddoH C ueqdals?t I I^I 186 Nuytsia Vol. 8, No. 1 (1991)

"Field " (Inkata Brookef, M.I.H. and KleiniS, D.A. (r990). Guide to Eucalypts,vol. 2, south-westemand souhem Australia Press:Melboume.)

Burbidge,N.T.(1952).ThesignificanceofthemalleehabitinS1]6dlPl..t.ProcRoySocQueensland62:73-78' cam, D.J. and carr, s.G.M. (1969). Oil glandsand ducrsin Eucdrypr"r L'H6rit. I. The pt oem and the pith. Austral. J. Bot. 1'7t471-513. .|he carr' D.J. and carr, s.G 'M. (|9s0,. lzhna,n,aade,' a natural Sroup of westem Australian Eucalypts. Austral' J. Bot' 28:523-550.

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Hill, K.D. and Johnson,L.A.S. (199r). Sysrcmaricsrudies in the eucalypts- 4 New taxa in Srcdl)rttur (Mynaceac). Telopea4: 321-349.

"A " Ilolliday, I. and Watton, G. (r980). Field Guide to Eucalypts (Rigbv: Svdney.)

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I C{aup,{s:suT oJ UDIIII?I{IJupa puz,. srtr"Ida^IrEN u?rtgllsnv- (t86I) I{'33"C pu" I'felSud\

( qurd:?rpNnv walsa/A srnllntu8v lueuluEd3c) 819€ utrallng .. elFrlsnv lrrelserlduI slu"td,(auoH,, (696I) OJ'Wlurs .I'uosuqof 'I'Jo,ftd ( "rrqu"J :ssardtrtrsra^run rsuoqpNu"!I"{snv) ., Edtrtyrng eqrJo uotlEoIJIss€lJY,, (I16I) S V Pl| C

( arunoqtaw : sscrd ^run aurnoqlara{) 99t 9}} dd..'slnslu"tuO ?uI^''IJo uoqnlo^ge{L, (pa).Iada3'I /d C l,/1 .sr4d?qrrrt' snua8aql urqlra spua4 &Euounto^aJo tueulssessE .qr ur s3uo3aryccrwouo xsr Jo ,(rrptIt^ "t{L (296I) q'I'ro,Lrd

'Et-rI .rddns ' - dd'0€ snl^t prtsnv rsrid rou ,,eer"uep,{H uolsuqol arP.I } ued ell€4snY lrrelsertJo sPlagPlog '{n!leuH 'Aaq^\aN urels"g aql Jo ,{a^rns lerrsotorg .qI' l, ?? .{ol.t V d !.I BrotCpuB uon4a8e^ (336I) fd PtrB )t )

( faup,{S:suos ? trlleetr,ftrns) t}€-Ite dd'..uouqe8e^ 'plotuv 'sJaPunBS a^rBN Jo stuEuuladJo rtou cql :uorlsdasuol arnrsN,,(spc) suttdoH t{ M a8plqrna V V ^\'O 'V 'drua8uo 'o^rcscu 'r3q^\3N ',{aq^\aN O ,l EJIpllsnVructsai^d rs?u peod rarsoCJo srlur?u,{pprlg 086I) t{) PUB I B '€ tddns snr^l lursnv lsat\'cad z ued llcqleer{r^[uy!l?lDnV tuolsel1Aaw Jo .{aNnS lecrSolorg aarasallSuuaPua8Jo lslrqeq pue uorteF8e^ 016I) 5 B'rlnlt{ 'rellenw ( arunoqtat{ :ratuud turutue^oC) ., erqdBr3ord,{tBrna,,(6/8I) J

'tI:II tBIsnV l,{qd ul8eu 1I8-828I) J'rattanl{

't8I 'uoplel :69 sctP/^dr{tnos ^r\3N tos ,(ou I (926I) rI/Yt'.{l3)t"lg pus H I I 'uaPlBI/'[ ( ,{cup.{S:ratulrd rucluura ^oO) gL vtrd ,, sndtlocrg snuco eql Jo uolsl^aUl"tllpC V- (I€6I) H'f 'uePl"r{ C{.upIS :r.rutr

( ,{oup,(S:ratuud rulurur^oo) 19'69 sued,. rnrd{lrrrg snuaC aql Jo uolst^au lPrll!:) V, (tZ6I) H I'uaplel^

(.feuptrS :ralutrd luoruurc^oD) gt uvd,; e4dtlorr!' snuao cqr Jo uolst^aU lec!1F3 V, (IZ6I) H I'u"P!3t41

( tr.up{S rJaluu

'I8-I9z:9€ 1oo I prlsnv uosuqor T' totud rt4dtlnouow sr.uagqnsleuuotrq y?H,'1sntd{lD.ng lo 'reloo:g 'sa "I 'seSlps'I sorcadsuer lertsnv u:otsa/dJo sIs {t"uB clqdvr3oa3o tq pue cls |pEIJ lfgOf) TI t t{ pue I J uqduFH d 't89-999 rI€ log |Ierrsnv lfrlrr't s.rrrds /'rau p tro uotdlrrsap atlr pue Mrl'llD,ouow snna8qrls2Du,11t1DP3(uy sauasqns leuroJur) sqdqo2ng fo doot8 lururaddad3rIu! suelledrlqdprSo.Solq pue sdtqsuonet rns'pPIJ (€86I) H I t{'ia)por8pue I3'sogqdunH"tr d'sa8p?T 'zt-t09 :t€ 10g f 'sasaqtod.{H 'l?rsnv uo$mursspo pue ^qd"r8oa3olg 3laua8ol,{qd rrtuoluastO PuezqDlPttd'J seues t lldKtDrouow 's)trDqfSuFls 'sayqdunH puB "tr 'soSrpe'I snua8qns lEuuoJul rIllH,'I sntdqwng eql ul sdlqsuollslad G86I) I J d 'ttI-s0I:/8'cos 'lzrJrrql,ryJo 'I 'uur.II (aeersu,qr0rrtdqnng pugD.toqdoSuv i(pnrsclrslpel3 V (986I) C'segqdumHpus tr'd'S38IPB'I 'tl9-I99 :Z€ log I l8.llsnv ',{SolouoqJo uorlsenb B - tq?Htsniqnn{ p\te ^eJ Droqdo?uvu!Eawoqcr|l Jo ,(pnls a^Irsredtllo3 V (}36I) I'd'se8IP€'I

Cptpllsnv:uostaNs?ruoql) Z Io .. sd?ilpcng,,(8r6D S',qlry

Celersnv ruostrNs?uroql) I IoA., sd.{terng,, (696D S'IIIe)

'ZZa-tOZ+ eadolal GzarultiriD2'tolttuuv pu!"rrr4rlrs sausslenporsrva sntd{lnt14 'lltH "S 'I'uosuqof isalradspal?tal pue qatrur8 aqr Jo uolsl^arV Z ' sd,{lsrnaaqr u-r sap$s olleulas.{S(166I) (),I pt| Y 'qrj5a '1uauF3"uEI,{pueT pu" rouBdasuoi) 'l3fqEd 'unrorg !'S 'ue,t\nea'I "d 'raddoH ruaulu"dac ., eroH peraSwpug s.slldlsnv lrJatss/A,,(066I) I S ptr" d V ue^ S

- 'reddoH eeeceull l uapr?trAlat&]lads|^vl sa$as ettdqonlg C uaqd4s ? ra{oorg H I I I Nuytsia Vol. 8, No. 1 (1991)

Indexto new speciesand subspecies of Eucalyptusser. Levispermae C)agenumber for maindescription in bold)

E. abdita L,',7,29,34, 59, 60, 67, 62, tgl t,3, 13,t7 , t 9, 28,62, 6E,76, 104,109 E. arachn4eas[bsp, arachtaea l,'7,31, 61, 66, 67 , 6E,',76, 160,179,181 E. arachtwea s\bsp. arrecta t,'7, t5,29,66,70,'.7 1,72,76 E. copillosa 1,7, 16, 1',7,18, 23, 28, 37, 4t, 5r E. capillosa snbsp.capillosa 1,7, 13,18, 29, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 105, 181, r82, 183 E. capillosa subsp.poficlada t,7 , t3, 34,42, 45 , 46,47 , 55, t05 E. clivicola 1,7, 10,16, t7 ,2t, 29, 92,94 ,95 , 96,99, 145 , t'l5 E. citpata t,7,15, 16,|',t,21,29.3r, 33,100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 E.de$a 1, 7, 16,19, 23, 29, 100,144, 149, |'.13, l'15 E. dtns.t $nbsp.densa 1,7, 13,30, 149, 15t, 152,153, 154, 155 E. densas[bsp, improcera t,'7, t3, 32,L54, 156 E. desmondensis r, 5,6,'t , 17, 19,2r,22, 28,29 ,31, 149, 1',73,l7 4, t75 , tI6, r11, 118,179 E.flarida r,3,'7, 13,16, r7 , 19,20,21,22,23,29,3r,92,97,98, 99, 100 E, gadneri 1,3,5,6,7,8,13, 15, 16, 11,t9,20,21,23,29,70, 100, 143, 144, 149, 154, 155, r59,16r,r't3, 175, 182 E. Sadneri snbsp.Sardneri r,1 ,30, t44, 145, 146,t47 , 148, t49 E. gardnerisnbsp, rdwks lhorpensis r,7,30,145,146, r49 E. heberifolia t,1 ,29,34,5L, 55 , 56,57, 58, 61, 182 E, histophrlla 1,7,t'7 ,23,2a,32,68,',7 6,89, 90, 9r, 92,r80 1,1,17,19,28,30,34,47, 48, 49, s0, 51, 52, 105 E.luleoh 1,1,2r, 23, 32,E2, 83 , 84, 85 E. nedialis 1,'t ,28,34, 125,t3t, 132,133 , 134, r35, 136,143 , 1'19 1,7,13,29,30, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 143 t, 1, 11, 19,21 ,22,32, tos, l2l, t22,r23 , 124 E. nisrifundg r,'7, 13,L't ,23, 28,29, 41, 51, 53, 54, 105, 183 E. phaenophylla r,3,1, fl, 19,23,55,62,68,76, 85, 88,89,99 E.phaenophrlla snbsp. interjacens r,7 ,3t,32,55,76,78,79, 80, 81, 82, 175 E. p haenophy I le sttbsp.p haenop hy I la r,'7,28,3r,55,62,13,'14, 75, 76, 78, 82, 180, r 8t, r82 E.plwbaulis 1,7,13,23,28,29,61,10,100, 144, 149, 155, r59, 163, 173 E. pllricaulis s'nbsp.plwicaulb 1,7,23,35,157, 158,159, 180, 182 E. pluricaulissnbsp. poryhyrea r,'7, 14,r't ,23,34, rs't ,160, r62, 180 E.praeternissa r, 1, 16,30ta6 , 140, r4t, t42, t43 E.redurca t,3,4,5,6,1,8,19,24,25,26,29,34,'t8, r$, n5, 135,r43, r44, t59, 163, 164, 768, 169,t7 0, r71 , t72, r't3, t'15 E. reduncavar. anqustifolia 4,5,104,125 E. reduncavzr, elata 4,5,6,35 E . redwDa var melanophloia r,4,5,6,68 E. reduncav{, otjt itra l,6,99,100 E. reduncavfi. redwrca 5 009-t6zt-6160

nN alBpuollBrJlqnd 166I aunf 0e :g raqunN , aurnloa uls Jo

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