À l’affiche / What’s On In and Around La Roche Canillac

JANUARY 2021 NO. 101

OUR LOCAL HERITAGE: Every month, an article about our local heritage; this month: “Le Tacot”

Nick-named “Le Tacot” because of its slow speed, the small Transcorrézien train was for almost five decades (from 1913 to 1959) a symbol, for the villages and hamlets of the Corrézien plateau, of the arrival of modernity and of a beer access to the countryside. There were twenty staons on the line from to Ussel, with a detour to La Roche Canillac from Le Morer - staon. It was somemes difficult for the Tacot to go uphill: during busy mes, some passengers had to get off to help push the train. Some savoury anecdotes have come to us from that period : for instance, the story told by one of the train drivers (in a documentary by 3 Limousin : Spécial Terroir): “we had too many opportunies to have a drink and I had too many… at every staon there was someone who paid for a round”. Another memory is related by Josee Bello: “When we were young, aer our swim at the étang de La Borde, we could hear the train hoot as it le Le Morer and we would get up to the track and race it so we could arrive at the La Roche staon at the same me - it was that slow!”. There were three kinds of staons: the first class had buildings in stone with rendering and had a cket office and a waing room with toilets; second-class staons only had a cket office while third-class staons had a much smaller office. All three had a raised plaorm and a wooden store room for goods Out of the twenty staons, six have been renovated, including and the one in Saint Pardoux - Les Chemineaux. There are also signs that mark the route of the Transcorrézien which show the old staons and the villages that were once served by the train. At Le Morer the old workshop and staon have also recently been renovated. La Roche Canillac had a first-class staon - see the 1915 photo above - which sll stands near the roundabout by the entrance to our village. Sadly the staon is in a very bad state of repair and is mostly hidden behind the old garage. You can see the staon in the 1960’s photo to the le ( the red-roofed building ). An interesng project would be to restore the staon (perhaps with some of the original or copies of wagons) and rebuild it in a locaon visible to all. A few references: L’association Les Fermes du Doustre a pour objet de mettre en relation les Le Transcorrézien, by Gilbert Gannes with cartoons by Gabriel Edme, Édions Denoël, 1980; consommateurs et les producteurs de la région. Le dernier tramway à vapeur de France, Histoire et Souvenirs de voyages sur les tramways de la Corrèze en 1958 et 1959 Le but est d’inciter les consommateurs à acheter localementby Claude Wagner with colour plates by des produits de qualité Michel Viers; Édions LR Presse 2009; La Corrèze 1900-1920, Mémoire d’hier by Lucien Most; édions Gérard Tisserand, 2001 permettant ainsi aux producteurs de vivre de leur production et d’inciter de nouveaux producteurs à s’installer dans notre région. L’organisation est simple : Vous recevez toutes les semaines un mail vous informant des produits disponibles, vous les commandez directement auprès des producteurs et vous venez le vendredi soir récupérer votre commande soit à Gros- Chastang, soit à Saint-Paul. Pour plus de renseignements : 05 55 29 14 77 – [email protected] SAVE THE DATES

Subject, of course, to favourable COVID condions, we are looking forward to the following events: • Easter Market on Sunday 4th or Monday 5th April: following a successful Christmas Market we are planning an Easter Market featuring family THE “ROCHERS NOIRS” VIADUCT entertainment such as Easter Egg hunts, acvies relang to the environment, arsans’ stands and, perhaps, a photo compeon. • Fete at the Étang de La Borde: weekend of 7th and 8th August On its route the Transcorrézien had to pass over the Luzège river and • Medieval Fete: weekend of 14th and 15th August this imposing 140m long viaduct was built over two years at a height of 92m. Opened in 1913 by President Raymond Poincaré and listed as a For informaon about the Easter market, please contact : [email protected] historical monument about 20 years ago, the viaduct has been closed to traffic, including pedestrians, since 2005.. The viaduct is one of eighteen endangered heritage sites (and the only one for the Aquitaine region) which will benefit from the 2020 financing of the “Mission Patrimoine” led by television celebrity CLOSURE OF THE PHARMACY LA ROCHE CANILLAC Stéphane Bern in cooperaon with the Française des Jeux. This is great news for those who have been fighng for over thirty years to save this We are sorry to announce the sudden closure of the pharmacy in La Roche, great work of engineering such as the associaon Asstre 19 - as well as effecve 31st January 2021. for the villages of and (on both sides of the viaduct). There is no doubt that it is a project of great importance for the For more informaonsyou can read the following arcles: heritage and tourism of the area. hps://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/la-roche-canillac-en-correze-perd-sa- A cheque of 500,000 euros has recently been presented by the Mission pharmacie-pas-assez-rentable-1611596035 Bern and will be added to some other important funds allocated to the and restoraon. Work will start in 2021 and will be managed by the hps://www.lamontagne.fr/roche-canillac-19320/actualites/la-pharmacie-de-la- Département. roche-canillac-correze-ferme-ses-portes_13907077/ WIND FARMS NEWS FLASH- SAINT-PARDOUX-LA-CROISILLE OLD BOULANGERIE LA ROCHE

The old boulangerie premises will soon be available again. It is a In January, the mairie of Saint-Pardoux organised a wide consultaon by large commercial space with a possibility of an apartment on the mail of its populaon regarding the new wind farm project by developer first floor and offers many possibilies. A bakery or any kind of ENGIE. Replies were counted on Saturday, 30th January and the results are food-related business will be given priority but any serious project unequivocal: out of 232 inhabitants consulted, 188 people replied. 107 are would be considered.. against the village renng out municipal land for the installaon of two wind turbines, 78 are in favour and there were three blanc or nul bullens. For informaon, please contact the Mairie of La Roche Canillac.

In a communiqué by the Maire of St Pardoux, the Conseil municipal agreed to follow the decision by the majority of inhabitants and to refuse any new proposion by ENGIE regarding new wind farms in Saint Pardoux. FOR DOG LOVERS

Amadéa Michael, 26 years old , was born in England and she spent her A newcomer in our local sky: childhood in La Roche Canillac, living with her family at La Clauzure. She is THE RED KITE a dog trainer with a state diploma (the Brevet professionnel - Gramat) and offers private instrucon and training for dog owners and their pets. No, it’s not a UFO ! But among our feathered friends we can now observe red kites ( milan Training can take place in your own home rouge ) regularly flying around La Roche Canillac. with individual sessions. For instrucon on They are beauful and graceful birds of prey, obedience, agility and sociability you can flying with great agility, constantly moving tail join collecve classes or walks. She can also (an inversed “V” shape reminiscent of a look aer your pet in your absence within swallow). The red kite has a rusty brown plumage with a lighter area reasonably close distance of La Roche. under each wing and this colour disnguishes it from from the more Amadéa is totally bilingual French/English. familiar milan noir or black kite….out with your binoculars ! The photo to the right was taken at the entrance of a Tacot tunnel near Marc-la- Tour For more informaon, you can contact her on:07 82 31 50 55 “Drought in the Limousin: Why ponds are the actual problem and not the soluon” FOR CHILDREN - COLOURING - “PETIT “Sources et rivières du Limousin” is a polically, financially and philosophically independent associaon which started over 30 years ago. LOUVRE” It is recognised on the regional level as an acve defender of the environment under the environmental code. The “Pe t L o u v r e ” a p p i s The above arcle (Sécheresse en Limousin: Pourquoi les étangs sont-ils le specifically designed for children. It problème et non la soluon) looks at the problem generated by the offers stories and fairy tales taken creaon of numerous small lakes/ponds in our region and suggests it from the most fascinang items in could be one of the causes of drought in the Limousin. the Louvre Museum collecon as You can find this arcle on the associaon’s website: well as treasure hunts within the museum and the Tuileries gardens. hps://sources-rivieres.org/publicaons/plaquee-secheresse-2020- etangs/ Website: hps://petlouvre.louvre.fr/coloriages/c/0

CONSEIL DÉPARTEMENTAL DE LA CORRÈZE Cizens’ parcipaon in the Budget

For the fih year in a row, the département of Corrèze wishes to The associaon Rando Doustre (20 years old in 2020) is affiliated to the hear the views of its inhabitants regarding the forthcoming budget Fédéraon Française de Randonnée Pédestre and also to “Handisport”. It has also applied for the label Rando Santé. which will be presented to the Assemblée in the middle of April. The associaon organises walks on Wednesdays and at week-ends (some of If you have ideas or projects which are important to you, you can which start in La Roche Canillac) throughout Corrèze - as well as some hikes in the Auvergne and a one-week annual oung. submit them by 10 February 2021. Rando Doustre has its own cerfied marking team who regularly parcipate in the updang and upkeep of GR and GRP paths for Dordogne/Ventadour, Infos: hps://www.correze.fr/le-departement/les-grands-projets/le- “Xaintrie blanche” and “Xaintrie noire”. budget-parcipaf

Informaon and contacts: hps://randodoustre.fr/ Étang de La Borde in the snow Photo: Isabelle Blanzat

La Roche Canillac, its inhabitants and businesses welcome you.

(Every month we publish this list given to us by the Mairie. Please contact the Mairie if you would like to amend this document)

Médiathèque: Wednesday 2.30pm to 5.30 pm and Saturday 9.30am to 12.30 pm: 05 44 40 55 36 Doctor: Dr. Andrée Demichel: 05 55 29 18 65 / 06 80 08 91 37 Village shop: la Terre du Milieu: 09 72 56 12 58 Travelling Butcher: Wednesday around 4pm, various locaons; M. Courdurié: 06 89 30 57 28 Travelling Cheesemonger: Wednesday around 11am in front of the church Travelling Fishmonger: Tuesday around 2pm in front of the church; M. Dissoubray: 06 80 02 17 22 Taxi : Sylvie Birolini : 06 81 79 05 34 Camping of La Roche: Jan Teske : 06 33 25 91 89 Translaons : English/Danish/French - Evelyne Fusilier : 05 55 29 19 48 Computer trouble-shoong: Serguei Boutorine : 06 95 68 87 11 Graphic arst : Laure Hélène Bourgeois : 06 83 62 52 42 Musical entertainment: Associaon Temps d’Accords; Carole Lecry , Présidente: / [email protected] Property : Jean-Luc Fromenn: 06 82 47 27 24 Restaurant: Gouenègre/épicerie/tabac: 05 55 11 29 32 (Champagnac la Prune) Various services: painng/carpentry, etc... Eric Rouanne: 06 37 23 37 77 (Gumont) La Croisée des chemins: exhibions, events… Anne Lemoine 07 83 05 93 72 Gym: at the Mille club, Monday at 7pm Yoga: Philippe : (Gumont) Walking/trekking: Mary Lagriffoul : 05 55 21 32 97 Horse-riding: Nicolas Bidault : 06 17 72 36 10 (Champagnac la Prune) Rubbish collecon : Every second Wednesday; in July and August, every Wednesday Waste disposal: Philippe 06 78 62 92 09 Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 2pm to 6pm and Saturday morning. (Gros Chastang)

To visit the gardens of the Château de Beaufort: 06 42 59 59 18

Pictorial website about La Roche Canillac’s history: www.canillac.fr

Tourist accommodaon: La Clauzure: 06 87 34 38 43 Gîte du Barry: 06 70 99 90 45 Gîte du Lavoir: 06 45 26 69 53 Gîte le Clos des Fonlhas: 05 19 07 11 20 Chambre d’hôtes, table d’hôtes, La Vérénerie: 06 41 31 07 17

Other secons will be added according to your/our ideas. Please don’t hesitate to inform us before the 20th of the preceding month about any informaon for inclusion: [email protected]

If you do not wish to receive this newsleer please let us know at the above email address This leer is edited and translated into English by Annie FRANKLIN