DIRECTIONS Complete the dynamic warm-up before doing the workout. The chart below breaks down the workout. Perform the circuit of for the designated number of reps unless otherwise noted for time. Complete the first circuit before moving on to the second. Complete at minimum 2 sets (twice through all the exercises) in each circuit, or up to 3 sets. There should be minimal rest between exercises. For all single-leg or single-sided exercises, perform repetitions on both sides.


PUSH PRESS 8-12 reps 8-12 reps 8-12 reps

WIDE 8-12 reps 8-12 reps 8-12 reps

ELEVATED GLUTE TAPS 8-12 reps 8-12 reps 8-12 reps

TRICEP PUSHUPS (KNEES) 8-12 reps 8-12 reps 8-12 reps


SPLIT CURL 8-12 reps 8-12 reps 8-12 reps

“I” UPPER BACK EXTENSION 8-12 reps 8-12 reps 8-12 reps

DEADBUG 30 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds

X-JUMPS (STEPPING) 30 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds

Visit RENEWEDYOU.USLI.COM for more information WEEK 7 LEVEL 1

PUSH PRESS Stand with feet hip width apart with dumbbells in hands. Start with elbows bent at 90 degrees and dumbbells overhead. With palms facing forward, sit back on your heels and lower down slightly. In one fluid motion, as you stand, press upward until arms are fully extended overhead. Lower back down and repeat.

WIDE ROW Begin standing with knees bent slightly, back straight and hips hinged at 45 degrees. Grasp dumbbells with arms extended and palms facing your thighs. Bend your elbows to pull dumbbells towards your upper chest, keeping your arms slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Squeeze your shoulder blades together. Slowly return dumbbells to starting position. ELEVATED GLUTE BRIDGE TAPS Lay on your back on the floor or a mat with arms at your sides and your feet flat on top of an elevated surface, hip width apart. Slowly, lift your hips into the air by pressing your heels down onto the elevated surface. Pause when your hips are in a straight line between your knees and shoulders. Hold position for 2-3 seconds and then lower your hips back down to the mat. If you don’t have an elevated surface then just do them on the ground. TRICEP PUSHUPS (KNEES) Position your body weight above your knees with your hands directly under your shoulders on the floor or a mat. Keeping your body straight, slowly lower yourself towards the mat, squeezing your elbows straight past your sides, until your are parallel to the ground. Press back up to your starting position.

Visit RENEWEDYOU.USLI.COM for more information WEEK 7 LEVEL 1

SPLIT LUNGE CURL Stand in a split stance with one leg in front of you and dumbbells in hand. Drop straight down into your lunge while your front knee slides towards the front toes and your back knee is bent at 90 degrees and just above the ground. Bend at elbows to lift dumbbells to- ward your shoulders then slowly lower them back down. Return to starting position. Repeat on the opposite leg.

“I” UPPER BACK EXTENSION Lie face down on a mat with your toes down and your arms resting on the mat. Place your arms behind you in a “V” position, palms up. Slowly raise your chest and arms off the mat. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, acting like you are pulling your chest apart. Make sure you squeeze your glutes. Keep everything below your upper back on the floor.

DEADBUG Begin lying on your back with your hands extended above you towards the ceiling. Bring your feet, knees and hips up to 90 degrees. Exhale while flattening your back on the floor while squeezing your glutes. Slowing raise your mid back, shoulders and head off the ground and reach towards the ceiling while maintaining control. Slowly return to your starting position and repeat.

X-JUMPS (STEPPING) Begin standing with feet together, shoulders back and chest open. Step or jump your left leg wide. Keeping your left leg straight, bend your right knee and sit backward while simultaneously reaching your left hand to meet your right foot. Step or jump back to your starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Visit RENEWEDYOU.USLI.COM for more information