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1. Ust here at lesst3 websil€sor other music-telatedlesoulces (music-stote catalo& library book,etc.) fhat you found usefulIor lhis proiect Give a short de.cription oI each(in Englislt,if you want). Aim for lhesekinds of rcsources:Iists of usefirl linls (for example,clubs where that hnd of music is played);personal inlormation about peopleinterested in lhe music (r€sm€s, chahooms/ btnbtin boards),debned d€6criPtionsof the music(often on personalwebpages, but alsoin chatgor fan-goup elechonicnewsletbis or advertisemmtsfor bands);audro and vieual resources(MP3 do\^i oads,etc.)

URL or other idmtification d€EcriDtion http:/ / www.mp3.delhusik/ Long list of German bands and downloads oI their music fiom nearly all serues httD: / /www.deutschDusikland.com/ Enslish-lansuase Germrn music news site http://wrvw.deubchemusik.net/ English-languageGerman music airewith bios,dips, and band linls, affiliated with deutsc-lmwilJand.com http:/ / ww.l,v.radiogoethe.orgl Site for an independentC'eman radio stationwith music info, ne{,s, and interyiews "Die http://www.diFanderen-bands.de/ sile deficated to andercn Bands" of the former DDR (most of which are now defunc0 with music cliDs, bios, and chat forudr.s http:/ /www.indiepedia.del German-language,WikiFdia+tyled site sFcilicaly for independent and altema6ve Germanmusic http:/ /www.webchatde/ them6/ Unte German-language chat roome, music chat rooms divid€d by genres of ftaltune/Musik/ music and individual bandg http:/ //de.wikipedia.orgl German version of Wikipedia that rncludes numerous articl€3 on cerman Eru3ic hends, band6, histoticai backgtoun4 and links to

outside source6in G€iman

2. List h€re two piec€6of music (oriline fil€s, conventional rccordings, hlrsical scores)ftom the targ€t culture that you {ound in your resourc$, and provide tlre soures music (tide, group, et€.) sourceruRL, etcj

Tombe htte:/ /www.bom!e.de/

OsEonensupp€nwiidelmachenkrebs http:,//in&epedia.de,/ Blumfefd ftttD: / /www.blunfeld.del Tocotronic httD: / /www.tocohonic.del

FreyFdng httD:/ / www.frevsansband.del 01'tI t ? "no_dictionaty" - 3. Using your resources(course maEdals, websit*' and - as an excePtionto the usual policy rlictioniries), find expressionsfor'like" in fte senseslisd below.Write out the key telm ("go fol')' quite urc---. "o.ro.rlrair.g t""g"ug" 1* you can stealentir€ phras€sor senbnc€s["I realy realy go for tladitional Bluegrassl), and Fovide the souce (tiRL, Fobabl, of fte languagefound.

English koy equlvalent (cole eurroundinglanguago (a rich soun0e wordrDhrase wordl Dhraseor gimplesentencel to enjo, find mogen hallo, ich mag skeptiker und ich www.aLe-anderen-banals.de -> inter$tin& "go bin Imncaise... Foren-Ubersicht Die Bands to r€quBt politely Ich mitchte...qaber) Ich mijchte ein SchalPlatten http://dicttu{hemnitz.de// sometldngyorr o_q,l haben. So gem ich auch dttkhte, ich kann would like to have sj.r^t_ das nicht haben. to provide an beispielsweise Ich beilze beispielsweie exklutiv www.die-anderen-bands.de -> exadple ("such ein Demotapevon Form-UbeEicht Suche/ as," "Ior example") DISHARMoI.IYzBV aur dem Biete/ Tausche Ialue 1985 to state a similarity ebqfals EbenlallsgroGm Einfluss auf das hftp:/ /de.wikipedia.oi&/wiki ("just like," "dos€ Wirk$ der HamburgerSchrde /Hamburger-Schule,%28PoP to") ,l-X hatte AtH HilsbergsIab€l musik%29 Whtt'Eso funnx abovt? .

OVER . OVER . OVER . O!'ER . OITR' OVER' OVER' OVER' OVER' OI'ER' OVER t,Uq1't'l l uvv' 4. From your Gsourcesmake two vocabularylists of 10 or more itefi$ each FRSI nBeD mm NCrSS BELOW THE CHART. ";uic1i' useful genetal muaical tenns word: ior describhg your specialklnd of muaic der Kii.neder artist or peformer €rSchule Schoolof Hamburg (type of tock music,pun off Ale term of n€o-Madist schoolof thought "Franldurfer Schule") die Schalplatte record Osfrock Rockmusic from former EastG€rrflanv "The die Sendung broadcasting Die ander€n Bands Other Ban

Notes about sear.hingfor vocabulary:Expect lo find most of your words riSht on the websites,and in sodrecas€t ro have to ulrdelstandtlem by conrertrather tlEn looking 0€m up in a dictionary or uring d|e Englishversion of a website.There are two reasons:1) someof the words that aremost useful may well not be in youl dictionary; 2) word6 changemeaning over titre and sPace- your dic-tionaiymay not glve dreright word ffyou do ugean fingltsh€ermin di*ionairy, you mwt be cautious.After you find a word you ihink rs lhe oneyou wanb look it t P "scale" "Tonleitel'; "scale" ;t [.u Cur-""-f"4Ut ai.*tion. Example:a in musiciE a in meas.ring things, a is-can "skala" "Geb{ihenordnmg" be a "Waage" (for-weighingednge), a (distanceon a maP),or a (tableof financial charges).If you usedone oi trose last threewords in a conversationot mes6ageabout mu,sic, only a nalive spealer of Gemranwith extrelrely advancedEnglilh skille would be ableto decipherwhat you meangand even the$ it might take quite a while to do lhat write herefor yourinsttuclor any questions or requeststhai will helpyou it youthink you mayneed to reviseafter your pmjec't is scoredand retumed to you. 0q."LT'€'


Deutsclrkurs1 03

Hi Margie,

As per our conversationlast Motday in foMore class,I'm setrdingyou a bit of info on my researchinto social and political movementswithin Germanrock music.

Ofticial music sitesin English are pretty rare and a lot of the bandsare deflmct now, but

I'll recapwhat I canfrom the dozensof Germaasites I found,

Untike our own fairly apatheticGen-X nusic ofthe 80's, (like entire songsabout sturglassesand beach parties), the German music seemsto have thrived on being #[+ politically critical and active. In fac! it reninds me a great deal of the Amedcan rock

similar to ffiffi- music ofthe 1960's,in intention ifnot subjectmatter. Musically, it's somewhat ' a lot of the quasi-undergrormdmusic movements here in the statesin the 80's, "'&*yu',ra"

with a little punk, a little gunge, and good amountof elecaonicathrortn iD

What I found reatly interestingthough, is that both sidesof Germauy,bolh East

and West, werc so heavily involved in social and political ideals,despite tleir separation.

The llamburger Schule(named after the city, not the saldrich...) pushedthe movement

for German-languagepop music, which was apparendyfairly rare before then. Their

lyrics w€re frlled with social criticism and postmodemist ideals, though my

rmderstandingof the laquage isn't quite up to zummarizingthose... The East German

rock, or "Ostrock " was even more interesting.They too sanga gleat deal about social

and political issues,but in East ,that was illegal. Thosegroups wele known as

"Die anderenBands" and they were heavily involved in the rermificationof the country-

Their albums,gigs, and radio showswere often banned.They evensent a petition to the Q41I-v i govemment demandingreform and that they legalize opposition ftom other political groupscalled the "Resolutionder Rockmusikerud Liedermacher."

You can find information about the HamburgerSchule, Die anderesBands, and

Ostrock otr the German Wikipedia (http://de.wikipedia.org/)by simply gaing any of those words into the searchfield and clicking "Suche." Lucky. for you, there's also an

English versior, but it has quite a bit less information.Also, try throwing in band names into http://www.google.de./and it vr'ill leadyou to quite a numberof sites,(not to mention the obvious: 'Deutschmusik'). I formd one site completely devoted to Die anderen

Baods, appropriate\ titled http://www.die-anderen-bands.de/.The altemativemusic site "Bands http://www.indiepedia.de/is also quite interesting,just click on the link und

KituBd€1' for a list of names. Many of the genressimply use borrowed words, like

"Pwk," "Grunge," and "Pop," as well as many intem€twords, so you shouldn't have1oo much trouble.

To give a little bit ofan idea ofwhat the songsare like, here's a rough translation of a fairly simple one by one of Die anderenBands called Freygang,that's stitl arouod today.

Dein Name Yout name stehtaufden Mauem is on the walls von Hiitten ofhuls urd Paliisten. andpalacgs Wir spr'rih€nihn mit roter Fa6e We sprayit with rcd paint mittsn fan ils cesicht in the face DeDSchlagem The goons den Z.eichen The signs ihrer Pliine Their plans Dein Name soll Your nameshould iluen Schiidelbrennen bum their minds brcDnen bum Dein Name Your lame 0\,rv,] stehtaufden Mauem is on tbe walls i,tt" von Hutien und Pal5sten ofhuts alld pa]aces , ' Dein Name soll Your nameshould itl ihretr SchAdelnbrenoen bum their minds Die Kinder spielenweiter The childrenkeep playing Abend the evening l{-;!iY,fu der ist noch laug is still long \- o:br'/'* deo neuenMorgen the new moming *hrtkq erwartestdu tricht mehr you no lolger €xp€ct Die Kinder The children spielenweiter keepplaying Die Kinder spielenweiter The chilclrenkeep playing Die Kinder The children I'm uot exactly sure what this song is referring to, that would probably require somegreater knowledge ofthe context,but the lyrics are quite powerirl all the sane' I'll have to do a bit more res€arch(couldn,t find arything specifically on this song yet) or chat with someoneftom Ggrmaoywho may understandthe refercncasmore than we would.

While I'rn not a big fan of 80's rock for ihe most par! at least the Amedcan

verion, I love a good history story and I thought you would too. It's interestiogto see

how music ohangesin the midst of political upheavalno matter where you ale irl the


Till qext time, . . . ',r / t* ,;L' tr-lnf r t !*j r.k 4 ,, 011+'o r ,.. n qzL@r. ..lsn 7o,@ \ Ne''b1*;) . a"'"t oeo.l li| h 26/4toj

DeulschkusI 03

LiebeNwid:, t / h,ir b^ ,on -\ '/ Hallo, es ist mich wieder, Amy. Diese Woche,(/ habe gehdrt zu deutsch

Rockmusikund jetzt I habeFragen ftil dich. Du weiBtdoch, ich rnagMusikgeschichte r2->---.. ebeosogut wie Musik. Leider:ic(I€i9,hicht viel modemeDeutschgeschichte rmd so ich ,------_--\ kann viele Lieder6erstehen6chl,Ich weiB nicht der Kontext. Kao$t du mir trber Musik ,r fl wdhrenddie Wende sagen?Natlllich/I /eiB das du warst sebrjunge, ich aucb, aber du 6 t hasrwohnsrr# Deuts"ht*d. T

Ich will iiber das Band Freygaogwissen. Sie siod ein Ostrock Band aus Be in' ''-'----...'-.- Sie babenlggryi{t)ffir viele Jatue\nd sie habcn gespielt wiihrcnd die Wende. Ilne -\ ... \-'f:b- L,J/i-| Melodien scheifg.dmeikaniscbmusikein biBchen.Der Liedtext sind seh systemlritisch. t s f t'* "Deio Esgibt ein Lied Name''heiBen. vielleicn(a@bs mirerkliiren. ,to "" uo('" 1"71,

ein spezifisch Ding? Ich bleibe, es ist almlich zu Amedkaniscbmusikvom 1960's. Es wiheschwer die Liedte*t u"ot"=-n"n ono" aild-C"f# i**ioi" uo* andercnBands

wissen auch wie Tomte, Blumfeld, und Ostzorcnsuppenwiirfelmachenkrebs.Ubrigens,

ras ist OstzonenzuppenwiirfelmacheDlsebs?-'-- Es ist ein fiemd rmd sehrlange Wort' -'-'-- u4 Viele dank ftir deineFlilfe. fnd wann besuchstdu bier? Wir vermissendich!

cz^zn ba-i//'* t Jntok^1 Mit lieb€n GdiB€o, Q*$<-n'^: