Metro Goldwyn Mayer Ars Gratia Artis Trade Mark ® - animated logo (US DVD version)

Kennedy Miller Presents A Film

Flirting with Noah Taylor

Thandie Newton

Nicole Kidman

Director of Photography Geoff Burton A.C.S.

Production Designer Roger Ford

Casting Liz Mullinar

Editor Robert Gibson

Post Production Marcus D'Arcy

Associate Producer Barbara Gibbs

Producers George Miller Doug Mitchell Terry Hayes

Written and Directed by John Duigan Title: Rural 1965

Narrator (Noah Taylor as Danny):

I remember the smells most, the stale lockers with fruit cakes rubbing in to the wood, crusty shoe polish, damp towels, Quink ink for fountain pens, disinfectant on the floors of the shower block, fresh chalk, mouldy oranges blue with mildew, and on a rainy day, the deep, rank, wild smell of discarded football boots.

(flash white intercuts of a caning, with sound effects)

And I remember pain, but only vaguely.

(the sounds of the caning continue, as we come across boys lined up outside the headmaster’s office waiting their turn)

I had a thick eye by then. They'd sent me to boarding school so I, I wouldn't become a delinquent …

‘Backa’ Bourke (Josh Picker, turning to Danny and mocking his stutter): Don't w w w wet yourself Embling)

Danny: For some reason … (headmaster’s voice off: Next!) …this caused the letters 'h' as in 'h h heaven' and 'w' as in... (Danny’s friend ‘Gilby’ Fryer emerges from the headmaster’s office and murmurs ‘Psychopath’ to Danny as he passes) … and 'w' as in 'w w women' to sometimes be unsayable …

(Danny then goes into the headmaster’s office, the opening voice over ends, and a caning scene follows)