LLooddddoonn MMaalllleeee RReeggiioonnaallllyy SSiiggnniiffiiccaanntt TTrraaiillss SSttrraatteeggyy LLooddddoonn MMaalllleeee TTrraaiillss NNeettwwoorrkk AAuugguusstt 22001100 Disclaimer The information contained in this report is intended for the specific use of the within named party to which it is addressed ("the communityvibe client") only. All recommendations by communityvibe are based on information provided by or on behalf of the communityvibe client and communityvibe has relied on such information being correct at the time this report is prepared. communityvibe shall take no responsibility for any loss or damage caused to the communityvibe client or to any third party whether direct or consequential as a result of or in any way arising from any unauthorised use of this report or any recommendations contained within. Report Date: August 2010 Prepared By Wendy Holland and Shaun Quayle 5 Allison St, BENDIGO VIC 3550. Ph: 0438 433 555. E:
[email protected]. W: www.communityvibe.com.au Karoline Klein PO Box 927, BENDIGO VIC 3552 Ph: 03 5444 0015. E:
[email protected] www.communityvibe.org.au Matthew Elliot PO Box 421, BENDIGO VIC 3552 Ph: 03 54421033. E:
[email protected] Acknowledgements The support and assistance of the following Steering Committee Members in the development of this Strategy is much appreciated: Name Organisation Jesse Sherwood Department of Planning and Community Development Jenny Dyer Department of Planning and Community Development Keith Oberin Campaspe Shire Council Anna Druce Campaspe Shire Council