rEGIONAL COMMITTEE WPR/RC24/p&B/3 29 Twenty-fourth Session Wellington 28 August - 5 September 1973 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH


1. Introduction

This document describes the main features of the 1975 programme and budget estimates (dooument WPR/RC24/2) as compared with 1973 and 1974 and lists the modifications in the programme and budget estimates for 1973 and 1974 as compared with the programme and budget estimates considered by the Committee last year.

2. Form of presentation

;'.1 It will be noted that the format of the document has been changed completely. The 25th World Health Assembly (resolution WF~25.2~) approved a new form of presentation of the programme and budget estimates. The regional estimates have been developed and are presented to meet the new requirements.

2.2 Immediately following the explanatory notes is the Regional Director's programme statement which gives an overall view of the activities in this Region and the future trends of the health programmes.

2.3 The programme classification structure has also been revised; it is based on the Organization's fifth general programme of work covering the period 1973-1977. Each of the principal programme objectives is reflected in a separate appropriation section.

2.4 The documen t includes on page 10 a summary of the regional health programme financect from regular budget of the Organization and from other sources.

Pages 11-15 co'-tam a 5 11mmary by programme and source of funtis; on pages 16 ·19 th"-p. is a s'.l'TllTtary by programme and organizational level. These two summari"s provide information with regard to the distribution of resources by subject heading as well as the location of activities viz., regional, country, or inter-country.

10ff• Rec. Wld H1th Org •• 1972, No. 201, page 11. WPR/RC24/P&B/3 page 2

On page 20 there is a surrunary by appropriation seotion of programme and budget estimates 1973-1975 planned to be finanoed from the regular budget of the Organization with a tentative projection for 1976.

2.5 The surrunaries are followed by programme analyS4Is oonsisting of the regional programme and sub-programme statements and Sohedule ~ indioating the cost of the programmes.

2.6 On page 140 is a summary of servioes and assistanoe to governments whioh provides estimates of assistanoe to individual countries during the years 1973, 1974 and 1975.

2.7 Detailed tables for the Regional Offioe, Regional Advisers and \>/HO Representatives appear on pages 144 to 157. These are followed by individual country statements with tabulations and. inter-country tabulations. The oountry programme statements contain the fundamental information with regard to the main health problems in the oountry, the relation of WHO's objectives and projects to the national health plan and the approximate time sohedule for the aohievement of the objectives of the WHO-assisted programmes.

2.8 A number of requests or components of requests whioh could not be accommodated within the regional allocation established by the Director-General have been placed on a Supplementary List (Annex VI green pages of the programme and budget estimates). If the governmentz concerned so request, these projects may be implemented should savings occur as a result of non-implementation or delayed implementation of other proJeots.

2.9 At the end of the proposed programme and budget estimates is a supplementary list of projects expected to be financed from UNDP and lrnFPA funds (Annex VII - yellow pages of the document). The projects lncluded in these pages are those for which assistance is still being negotiated and for which final approval has not yet been received.

3. Main features of the 1975 proposed programme and budget estimates

3.1 From the summary of regional health programme on page 10 of document WPR/RC24/2 it will be noted that the regular budget estimates for 1975 amount to $9 620 000 compared with $8 640 800 for 1974 and $7 520 839 for 1973. For 1975 there is an increase of $979 200 or 11.33% over 1974. This summary shows also the funds available from sources other than the regular budget to the WHO Western Pacific region during the years 1973, 1974 and 1975. The totals are $3 981 750 for 1973, $719 430 for 1974 and $321 320 for 1975. They are made up of funds approved from the VFHP, UNDP, UNFFA and Funds in Trust. There is a significant decrease in the level of assistance shown in the years 1974 and 1975 as compared to 1973. This results because under "Other Sources" only those projects WPR~C24 /P&B/3 page 3 have been included 1n the proposed programme and budget. eS.:t.imates for which financing was assured at the time of preparation of the, document. The additional funds which' may be made, avallal;l1e ,by UNDP during the years 1973. 1974 and 1975 should pepding governmental requests be. approved are $150 600; $902 560; and $1 092.,420 respectively. For UNFPA the amounts for 1973. 1974 and 1975 respeotive1y are $1 650 505; $3 343 369; and $2 679 521. The details of the additional activities expeoted to be carried out are given in Annex VII - yellow pages of the document.

).2 The summary by programme and organizational level (page 19) shows a sum of $5 781 202 allocated to country projects, or $581 605 more than for 1974, an increase of 11%. The inter-country projects ~11l1 cost a sum of $1 470 143'as compared to $1 213 533 for 1974. an increase of $256 610 or 21%.

3.3 The Regional Office estimates are contained in the table on pages 144 thru 148 of the document. The total budget proposed for 1975 1s $1 218 134 compared with $1 116 309 for 1974. an increase of $101 82' or 9%.

).4 The estimates for Regional Advisers are shown on pages 150 to 154 of document wpR/Rc24/2. An amount of $697 435 is proposed for 1975 as oompared to $662 026 for 1974, an increase of $35 409 or a 11 tt1e over 5%.

3.5 On pages 156 to 157 are the estimates for WHO Representatives. The budget proposed for 1975 is $424 686 as oompared to $404 535 for 1974, an increase of $20 151 or 5%.

4. Modifications to the 1973 and 1974 regular programme and budget estimates

!l .1 Annex 1 shows the maj or programme changes with brief explanations for the 1973 estimates. Annex 2, which is presented in the same format as Annex 1, compares the 1974 revised estimates in document WPR/RC24/2 with the 1974 original estimates considered and recommended by the Regional Committee in 1972.

JI.2 The Regional Office estimates for 1973 and 1974 in document WPR/RC24/2 are $205 916 and $253 823 more than envisaged last year. The increase 1s because of the transfer of the posts of 4 ADHSs and 5 secretaries from Public Health Services to the Regional Office, resulting from the change in the programme classification structure.

)L) The estimated cost of Regional Advisers for 1973 and 1974 in document WPR/RC24/2 are $317 697 and $278 577 less than the amounts provided last year. The reasons for the decrease are (a) the transfer of 4 ADHSs posts and 5 secretaries to the Regional Office as explained in paragraph 4.2 and (b) local staff salary scales and the post jdjustment levels for professional staff have not increased at the rate" "xpected when the estimates were prepared last year. WPR/RC24jP&:B/3 page 4

1;. J~ The estinlated oosts of WHO Representatives for 1973 and 1974 are $21 899 and $19 426 less than the amount provided last year. The deorease results from a reduotion in the post adjustment rates for Khmer Repub1io, Laos and Repub1io of Vietnam beoause of the changes in the exchange rates for the currenoies of these countries.

. , , I ",


Revised. Operatimal Estimates Budget Estimates Difference Country and Proje.ct No. U~ uS1l111 ~ us.t ~

American Samoa HMD/99 (4(Jln) Fellow:;;hlps 4 800 4 800) Advanced to 1'TI2. HLS/99 (4241) Health laboratory services: fellowships 4 800 4 800~ Advanced to 1'T12 HMD/99 (4841) Fell owships 5 100 5 100) Advanced to 1'TI2. HND/99 (4441) Nursing: fellowships 5 800 5 800) Advanced to 1'TI2. NCH/99 (5141) Maternal and child health: fellowships 2 900 2 900) Advanced to l'TI2. HMD/9') (631n) Fe llowships 9600 9 600) Advanced to 1'T12.

Australia HMD/99 (4041) 26 200 ~ "3CC' 21 900) British Soloman Islands Protectorate r.wD/Ol (2001) Mall'l.rla r}[l programme 20 74G 25 368 4 622 Conversion of the tednicir.:.!i post (P3) to epidemiologist (r4).

Brunei ESD/Ol (2901) International quarantine adVisory services 1 lJ.~C 5700 I; 300 x 2 S;,·:; mos. def'err€ll ~rc:'ml~)~:~ t-:-; 1~73. 3ES/Ol (3001) Environrner!.'tal sanitation training 20 00C 6 000 14 000) l,,: 10 S'!'C :n·s. defer~jt~ 1974.

Cook Islands ~CH/99(5141) l~ternaland child health: f~llowships 7 700 4 Roo ;:> 900) 1 x 6 mos .. ft> lloWEh:i p adva.,·.... Cf.'d to 197~.

HHD/99 (631n) Fellowships 7 100 7 700) x 12 mof'.• 8: 1 x C m~::s.:''?::,~ws ....,i~s l'1.dvanced to 1972.

Fiji MPD/Ol (1001) Ad\;Jsory services on skin dlfieases 4 'TI5 I: 'TI5 U;,gradiIlg from gree~pab'~Y· .. HMD/99 (4041) Fellowships 7 700 7 700) Ad':anced ',c 1'TI2.

HMD/99 (4441) Nursing fellowships 9 Goo 4 800 4 800) Advar;.c'?~3.::'0 1972. DNH/01 (5541) Dental health advisory service, 7 700 7 700) 1 x 12 mos. & 1 x 6 moo. fellowships advar;c:( ': t.o 1972 HMD/99 (63111) Fellowships 9 600 9 600) Adva.'1ced to 1972. DHS/99 (4941) Development of health statistical 4 800 4 800) Advanced to 1'T12. services: fellowships French Polynesia CVD/01 (8201) Cardiovascular diseases advisory services 6 000 6 000 To provide ~ STC mor.ths.

Gilbert & Ellice Islands JIT>!D/99(4041) Fe llowships 4 Roo 4 800) Advanced to 1'T12. 11ED/99 (4541) Health education: fellowsbips 4 800 4 800) Advanced to l'TI2. '0 ,.; ~~ Guam CEr/01 (3101) EnVironmental pollution control 12 680 340) 1 x R weeks fellowship advanced to 1'?72. ~ 9340 3 ,... ,,"0 '" Hongkong HMD/99 (4041) Fellowships 4 800 4 800) Adv~~cedto 1'TI2. '" HMD/99 (4841) Fellowships 6 100 Ii 100) Advanced to 1'TI2. ~ DNH/99 (5541) Dental health: fellowships 18 020 18 020) 2 x 24 mos.; 1 x 6 mos. fellowships advanced ~ to 1'TI2. ReVised Operational Estimates Budget Estimates Difference

Country and Pro\!ect No. Title uS$ US$ uS$ Remarks >,.; .=5 :ll Japan E8O/99 (lCJ4l) Fellowships 2 800 2 800) Advanced to 1972. " co ~ " 0 SES/99 (3oln) Fellowships 3 500 3 500 1 x 3 mos. 19r2 fellowship deferred to 1973. ~t-''''.,. SES/99 (3141) Fellowships 5600 5 600) Advanced to 1972. HIIID/99 (4441) Nursing felLn,.5hips 5000 2900 2 100) 1 x 3 mos. fellowship advanoed to 1972. 1tIH/99 (5441) Mental health fellowships 3000 3000 1 x 3 mos. fellowship deferred to 1973. ~

~r Republ1c MBD/01,(1201) Tuberculosis control 27 419 'Z7 419 Ccntinuation of medical officer post. E8O/01 (2901) Epidemiology and health statistics 59 421 22 Bll 36 610) Statistician post postponed to 1974. !IMD/99 (4041) Fellowships 6 100 6 100) Advanced to 1972.

HLS/Ol, (4202) Health laboratory services 32 458 18 596 ( 13 862) Delay in filling laboratory adviser post. !IMD/03 ("01) Nursing education 30 500 30500 Addetl 5 x 12 1108. fellOWships M::H/Oll (5101) Family health 46 255 28067 ( 18 188) Delay in filling past of nutritionist. JM}je2i (5501) F'aetllty of _istry 4} 136 'Z7800 ( 15 336) Delay in fil11n& tlE posts. 1IIH/99 (5441) Mental health fellowships 13 310 ( 13 310) Advanced to I gr2. !IMD/99 (6341) Fellowships 5500 ( 5 500) Advanced to 19r2. !IMD/Ol (6401) EducatiC!1 and training of health persC!1nel 88 067 65991 ( 22 076) 2 x 3 years fellowlt1ips advanced to 1972.

Laos lED/Ol (l3ol) Leprosy control 6000 2 500 ( 3 500) DeletiC!1 of 2 STC months. IILS/Ol (4201) Health laboratory services 73205 52 738 ( 20 467) Delay in filling laboratory ad"i ... r past. RED/Ol (4501) Health educatian advisory services 21 316 ( 21 316) Project deleted. 0IIS/01 (4901) Vital and health statistics adv. services 24 948 B 68:; ( 16 265) Delay in filling statistician post.

Malaysia MPD/O? (2002~, Eradication programme - East Malaysia (Sabah) 43 988 24900 19 088) Malarialoglst post not to be filled in 19r3. IILS/Ol (4201) Institute of Medical Research 12000 12 000 To provide 6 STC mooths. HIIID/tP. (4401) Post basic nursing and midwifery education 15 700 15 700 To provide I x 24 mos. fellowship & 1 x 3 mos. STC HMD/05 (620j) Assistance to the Naticnal UniverSity 25500 25 500 To provide 3 STC mooths and six 8 _ks fellowships.

New Hebrides MPD/Ol (12001) Malaria c antrol 58 367 46780 II 587) Delay in filling malariologist post.

New Zealand HMD/99 (4341) Fellowships 13380 ( 13 380) Advanced to 19r2. SQ.P/99 (7!441) Fellowships 4 /160 ( 4 460) Advanced to 19r2.

Niue SES/99 (3041) Fellowships 3 500 ( 3 500) Advanced to 19r2. rNH/99 (5541) Fellowships 2700 2700 1 x 6 mos. fellowship upgraded from green pages.

Papua New Guinea HMD199 (4041) Fellowships 58<;0 5 850) 1 x 6 weeks & 1 x 12 mos. fellowships advanced i to 19r2. STR/02 (4101) National health planning 24 376 8675 15 701) Delay in filling P.II. Administration post. SES/Ol (3001) Advisory services 198TI 19 R77 Projects upgraded floom green pages. MCH/99 (5141) Fellowships 7300 7 3(0) AdvlIIlced to 1972. HMD/03 (5541) Fellowships 4 000 4 000) Advanced to 1972. HMDY99 (6341) Fell owships 4 800 4 800) Advanced to 1972. HMDY04 (6401) Education and training advisory services 40 512 31 gr9 8 533) Delay in filling adviser on training post. DHS/Ol (4901) Medical records 26 Roo 10 100 16 7(0) 11 STC mos. deferred to 1974.

Philippines CAN/Ol (Blol: -~a;l~',=Y'cont!"~l 2 900 6 900 4 000 2 STC months post~cnedfrom 1972. I y I ',.I,

Revised Operational Estimates BudGet Estimates Difference Cotmtry and Project HD. Title USL.. uS$ US~ ---Remarks Republic 'If Korea r·mD/02 (1301) Ieprosy control 10 600 10 600 6 STC mos~upgraded frem the green pages. ESD/Ol (2901) Spjnem1010gy advisory services 71 199 77 600 6401 Added 1 x B weeks ~llowshipand supplies 2 000 BSM/Ol (3201) Advisory services on community water supply and sewe rage 38 233 31 350 6883) 1 x 6 mos. fellowship advanced to 1972. STR/01 (4001) General health services development 95 334 70 425 24 909) Medical officer post not tc be filled in 1973. ADA/99 (7401) Narcotic cantrol: fellowships 11 200 11 200) Advanced to 1972.

Singapore ESD/Ol (1001) Communicable diseases advisory services 4 700 4 700 To provide 2 STC mcnths. MBD/99 (1341) Mycobacterial diseases: fellowships 2360 2 360) Advanced to 1972. SES/Ol (3001) Environmental health advisory services 20 500 24 000 3 500 1 x 7 weeks STC postpooed ~rom1972. HMD/99 (4441) Fellowships 9600 1 800 7 800) Advanced to 1972. ooH/99 (5541) Dental health: fellowships 2 100 2 100) Advanced to 1972. HMD/99 (6041 ) Fellowships 5 000 5 000 1 x 9 mos. extenslrn of fel10wshipB. HMD/02 (6301) Development of medical specialties 8 920 Ij 460 4 460) 1 x 4 mos. fellowShip advanced to 197? CAN/99 (8141) Cancer fellowships 1 800 1 800 1 x 3 mos. carry over fellows~ips.

Tonga MPD/99 (2241) Parasitic diseases: fellowships 2 100 2 100) Advanced to 1972. OCD/Ol (8701) Diabetes survey and advisory services 6 500 6 500 Added 3 STC months and supplies 500

Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands HMD/99 (4441) Nursing fellowships 11 600 11 600) Advanced to 1972. HED/99 (4541) 'lealth education: fellowships 4 800 4 800) Advanoed to 1972. llMD/99 (6341) lJealth manpower development fellowships 5 800 2 900 2 900) 2 x E mos. f'ellowSiips :)ostr,med tc' 1974. DHS/99 (4941) :Jov. of health statistical services fellowships 12 050 12 050) Aa.vancE:'u to 1972.

Viet-Nam VDT/Ol (1101) Venereal disease control 12 000 23 430 11 430 F,xtenSion of medical offioer post by 3 montn-o MElD/02 (1301) Leprosy ~ontrol S GOO 6 000 1 x 3 mos. STC upgradin~fr0m gre~npages. STII/02 (4001) Development of health services 24 000 24 000 To provide medical offi8er and sanitarian pnsts. STR/03 (4301) Hospital design 20 000 20 000 To provide 10 STC llDnths. STR/04 (4801) Rehabilitation of the physically handicapped ROOD 8000 To provide 4 STC mrnths. HMD/03 (5501) Training of dental auxiliaries 4 800 4 800 1 x 1'< mos. fellowEhip 'lpgra.-:ied from ~reenpages. HMO/Ol (6001\ Medical education 12 000 4 000 8 000) Deletion of 4 consultar.t mcmths. HMD/02 (64 0 1) National Institute of ?ublic Health 260 744 2"16 382 24 362) :)elay in filling smitari3.ll tutor p,~stand deletion 0f 8 c'11Snlta'lt ~cnths. Western Samoa MP0/01 (1001) Advisory services on skin diseases 2 'JOO 2 COJ 1 x 1 mos. STC upgraded from creen rag-.'s. MPD/02 (2201) Filariasis control oec 4 000 1 x ;::: mos. STC postpr,r,'-""'; "';, ~>-~":"-'2. '0.. I>g .:~ FMD (6041) Fellowships 34 700 24 l~OO 10 300) 3 fellClwshlps advCI1ced to 197~. /99 ~n~ -.,j 0 ... Intcr-c',untry Progr~",'IlesMP'JjOl (2001) Malaria eradication training centre, Manila 133 817 ;)3 99:) 69 illB) Project terminated 30 June 1973. ..'" ~lPnj02(2002) Mal~riaeradication assessment team 12 600 30 Goo 18 000 Adried <) STS montl:s. MP1)/05 (2101) Schlstcsom1~sjs:3urveYI Kr1!lp.r Republic and ~ ~ Laos 4il 582 37 947 10 035) E~ide::liC'10gistP8St n-ot to be fll1e'1. Revise" Operational Estimates 0udget Estimates Diff~rence Country and Project No. Title uS$ US'f; ust Remarks J:'0 I"§ ;g~ .. ~ ':'il Inter-country Programmes CEP/02 (3102) Environmental pollution control advisory co 0 services 6 000 12 000 6 000 Added 3 STC months. .... '".." S'ffi(D4 (4102) Advisory services on national health , planning 40 124 15249 24 875) P.H. admInistrator post not to be filled. ~ lIMD(oa (4402) Technical advisory committee on nursing 18 000 22 000 4 000 1 x 2 moS. STC added. ~ lIMDy06 (9202) Course for teachers of immunology in medical schools 34 100 39 270 5 170 1 X 1 mo. STC adde~ HMD/07 (6002) Teacher training centre for health personnel - University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 46000 76 100 30 100 Deletien of 12 conSlltant months, change 10 x 3 months fellowships to 1 X 12 mos. Addition of supplies 4 000

MBD/06 (1301) Leprosy centrol, advisory services, South Pac !fie 16 600 16 600 Extension of project for 6-1/2 months. MBD/03 (1206) Regional BCG vaccine laboratory, Philippines 11 600 11 600 To provide 1 x 3 mcnths STC and 2 x 3 months fellowships , \ 'f ! .', ~


Original Revised Estimates Estimates Difference Country and Project No. Title ~ ~ US$ Remarks

BSIP MPD/OI (2001) Malaria eradication programme 3 000 26 6B4 23 684 The post of epidemiologist upgraded from green pages. MED/02 (1301) Leprosy control advisory services 000 8 000) 4 STC months deferred to 1975.

Cook Islands HMD/99 Fellowships 50 600 47 200 3 400) 3 x 12 mos. fellowships cha,~eto 1 x 12 mos. and 1 x 6 mos.

Japan HMD/99 (4041) Fellowships 12 500 \} 000 3 500) Ch

Khmer Republic HMO/02 (5501) Faculty of Dentistry £1 947 45 595 16 352) Change in duration of fellowships from 2 x 12 mos. to 1 x 12 mos. and delay in filling of posts.

Malaysia STR/ol (4001) Development of Health Services 60 790 71 052 10 262 Addition of 6 STC months. HMD/ol (6201) Assistance to the University of Malaya 70 619 31 400 39 219) Nurse educata: post and 24 mos. fellowships in nursing education transferred to HMD/02. HMD/02 (4401) Post basic nursing and midwifery education 40 908 40 908 Ttansferred from HMD/O!.

MPD/01 (~OO~ Malaria eradication IXogramme.

West Malaysia 132 928 152 771 19 843 Continuation of 2nd Malariologist post ~eviouslyenvisaged to funds in 1973. HWP/ol (5201) Occupational health advisory services 38 208 43 451 5 243 Deletion of industrial hygienist post and addition of 1 x 12 mos. fellowships in occupational health (f

New Hebrides MPD/Ol (2001) Malaria control 61 917 40 321 21 596) The post of Malariologist transferred to the:.>List of Additional Proit;>cts

Papua New Guinea HLS/Ol (4201) Health laboratCl'Y services 15 200 20 757 5 557 To provide for the post of microbiolo~,istin lieu of 6 STC months. HMD/99 rellowships 5 300 400 3 100 Addition of 1 x 3 mos. fellowships in Epidemiology. HMD/OI (6201) Medical Faculty. University of Papua New Guinea 15 300 17 557 2 257 Deletion of 3 STC mos. and 2 fellowships and provision of a MCH adviser post. MPD/02 (2002) Malaria control training centre 30 45B 30 458 To lTovide the post of a Sanitarian and a Laboratory technologist. VDT/01 (1101) Venereal disease advisory serviCes 4 100 4 100 Addition of 1 x 6 mos. fellowship in VD SES/01 (3001) Environmental health advisory services 29 744 29 744 Continuation of the Sanitary Engineer and addition of 3 STC months.

Philippines DNH/ol (5501) Dental heal th advisory services 13 500 500 000) 4 STC mos. deleted.

RepubUc of Kttea MCH/Ol (5104) Maternal and child health services 26 784 26 7B4 Upgrading of Fl'oject from green pages (Medical Officer in MCH, 4 x 2 mos. fellowships and supplies and equipment $200 ). '0 a: Vietnam STR/02 (4001) Development of Health Services 38 999 38 999 To JXovide the posts of medical officer and public health nurse. ::lI ..~ i 'DO Ifller-Country Programme HMD/07 Regional reacher [raining centre for health '" I\) (6002) personnel. University of New South Wales. Sydney 78 100 75 457 2 li43) COllvetsion of 12 STC mos. to long term post of Medical Officet. MPD/06 (2004) Malaria training projects 77 200 77 200 Addition of 9-1/2 STC mos •• fellowships and supplies and equipment $1 700. ~ DNH/Ol (5501) Dental health advisory services 28 250 28 250 Continua.tion of the post of Dental Officet.

MPD/Ol ('~001)Malaria eradication training (','ntrt', Manila 142 :37G (142 876) Cancellation of the proje.ct.