The Red Baron Reading Guide Preface

1.) What is a preface? What role does it serve in story telling?

2.) What war is going on during this time period?

3.) Who gave the Richthofen the name “The Red Baron”? What does it show how they felt about him?

§ Hunters in the Sky 1.) What did the German pilot due when his gun jammed?

2.) By the time Baron Manfred Albrecht Freiherr Von Richthofen was on the British radar, how many pilots had he killed?

Thinking question: Do you think this type of was easy for the pilots considering the technology of the time? Why or why not?

§ The Guns of August 1.) What type of warfare was Richthofen thinking about planes replacing?

2.) Why couldn’t pilots carry anything heavy at the beginning of this war? 3.) What was the first method a pilot used to taking down another plane & pilot?

4.) How did early engineers solve the issue of probably shooting off one’s propeller?

§ The Scourge 1.) Why was the Eindecker respected and feared as a plane?

2.) Why did Von Richthofen put a on the top wing, even though this was not popular?

Thinking question: Why were confirmed kills only counted on one’s own home territory?

§ Jasta Boelcke 1.) What did Boelcke teach the Jasta men?

2.) Take a look at the . Do any of these rules seem unnecessary to you? Why or why not?

3.) What does Von Richthofen equate hunting pilots to?

Thinking question: Do you think that the accident with Boelcke was in people’s mind when they invented retractable landing gear? § Taking Command 1.) What triggered Von Richthofen to paint his albatross blood red?

2.) How did Von Richthofen teach his own students?

3.) What incident led Von Richthofen to seek a new plane?

§ 1.) Why was castor oil originally used in planes? How did it affect the pilots?

2.) What was the average life expectancy of a British pilot?

3.) What did it mean to be an “ace”?

§ Fame & Injury 1.) How did the German pilots react to Von Richthofen being injured?

2.) How did the German’s fare in battles while Von Richthofen was in the hospital? § Hunters & Hunted 1.) In what way was the triplane superior?

2.) Why did Von Richthofen not want to take an administrative job?

3.) Why did Von Richthofen not approve of the triplane (Fokker DR.1)? (3 things)

§ Blow & Counterblow 1.) What was “Operation Michael” intended to do?

Thinking question: The German’s were winning in the air, but failing on the ground. Why do you think this is?

§ The Last Patrol 1.) Describe how the Allies finally ended Von Richthofen’s reign of the skies.

§ Last Days of the Circus 1.) What was the final tally of victories the Flying Circus had?

How many of those were from Von Richthofen?

What was the ratio of wins of Von Richthofen over the total for the Circus?

What percent of victories could Von Richthofen claim? The Red Baron Reading Guide Preface

1.) What is a preface? What role does it serve in story telling?

The first part of the book before the story begins that sets the background and tone for the story ahead.

2.) What war is going on during this time period?

WWI or the War to End All Wars

3.) Who gave the Richthofen the name “The Red Baron”? What does it show how they felt about him?

British, US, and Americans, it shows that they felt he was a great pilot with amazing skills.

§ Hunters in the Sky 1.) What did the German pilot due when his gun jammed?

He cleared it out quickly and gunned down the other plane.

2.) By the time Baron Manfred Albrecht Freiherr Von Richthofen was on the British radar, how many pilots had he killed?


Thinking question: Do you think this type of aerial warfare was easy for the pilots considering the technology of the time? Why or why not?

Answers may vary.

§ The Guns of August 1.) What type of warfare was Richthofen thinking about planes replacing? Cavalry.

2.) Why couldn’t pilots carry anything heavy at the beginning of this war? Planes hadn’t were built of hardwood frames or steel tubing with fabric stretched over the frames. They were very light. 3.) What was the first method a pilot used to taking down another plane & pilot? Ramming it.

4.) How did early engineers solve the issue of probably shooting off one’s propeller? They created a system that makes it improbable to fire while the propeller is crossing the line of fire.

§ The Fokker Scourge 1.) Why was the Eindecker respected and feared as a plane? It was faster and more maneuverable than other planes.

2.) Why did Von Richthofen put a machine gun on the top wing, even though this was not popular? Because he wouldn’t be caught without a weapon to defend himself with.

Thinking question: Why were confirmed kills only counted on one’s own home territory? Because it could be independently confirmed on the ground if on one’s own territory.

§ Jasta Boelcke 1.) What did Boelcke teach the Jasta men?

His rules for aerial combat.

2.) Take a look at the Dicta Boelcke. Do any of these rules seem unnecessary to you? Why or why not? Answers will vary.

3.) What does Von Richthofen equate hunting pilots to? Hunting wild boar.

Thinking question: Do you think that the accident with Boelcke was in people’s mind when they invented retractable landing gear? Answers will vary.

§ Taking Command 1.) What triggered Von Richthofen to paint his albatross blood red? The enemy began to recognise him.

2.) How did Von Richthofen teach his own students?

The same way he was taught: on the ground and in the air with the same rules. 3.) What incident led Von Richthofen to seek a new plane? His wing broke.

§ Bloody April 1.) Why was castor oil originally used in planes? How did it affect the pilots?

Lubricant for engines. Gave the pilots diarrhoea.

2.) What was the average life expectancy of a British pilot? 11 days.

3.) What did it mean to be an “ace”? To have 5 confirmed kills.

§ Fame & Injury 1.) How did the German pilots react to Von Richthofen being injured?

They fought extra hard and took many kills.

2.) How did the German’s fare in battles while Von Richthofen was in the hospital? Not well at all.

§ Hunters & Hunted 1.) In what way was the triplane superior? It could climb easier and slip­turn quickly.

2.) Why did Von Richthofen not want to take an administrative job? He considered that a despicable person to take valour, then a pension while others were still fighting.

3.) Why did Von Richthofen not approve of the triplane (Fokker DR.1)? It didn’t have the speed to keep up with British planes, the triplane limited a pilot’s vision, and materials in Germany were limited.

§ Blow & Counterblow 1.) What was “Operation Michael” intended to do? Finish off the British and French before the Americans could muster their full strength. Thinking question: The German’s were winning in the air, but failing on the ground. Why do you think this is? Answers will vary.

§ The Last Patrol 1.) Describe how the Allies finally ended Von Richthofen’s reign of the skies. A novice, May, was bait while Brown, an experienced fighter, shot the tail of the plane. May led Von Richthofen along the ground while ground troops fired at the plane. A single .303 bullet through his lungs is finally what killed him.

§ Last Days of the Circus 1.) What was the final tally of victories the Flying Circus had? How many of those were from Von Richthofen? What was the ratio of wins of Von Richthofen over the total for the Circus?



80/644 = 0.12 or 12% of the kills were from Von Richthofen.