A. Vermeulen

Post Graduate School Management University Of Johannesburg, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa [email protected] JHC. Pretorius Post Graduate School Engineering Management University Of Johannesburg, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa [email protected] A J. Viljoen Post Graduate School Engineering Management University Of Johannesburg, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa [email protected] ABSTRACT PURPOSE OF THE PAPER To integrate Six-Sigma and Design For Six Sigma (DFSS) includes different strategies and are critical success factors when implementing internal processes. The research objective is to (i) critically analyse critical success factors (CSF’s) impacting on the integration of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) and DFSS as they are frequently misunderstood and applied in industry and to (ii) develop a framework guiding organisations towards operational excellence complemented by Lean operational strategy (LOS) applications when utilising Six Sigma and DFSS. The design of the “newly” develop framework links together “synergistically” key components impacting on the successful implementation thereof supporting Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) in terms of a business strategy. The framework also integrated the (TOC), Agile and Scrum, Lean Six Sigma (LSS), Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) in a multi- framework capability maturity model. RELATED WORK Literature shows that original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s) in Europe, Japan and America has been giving rise to fundamentally disseminate the core concepts and opportunities within Lean, Six-Sigma and Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) to fundamentally drive operational excellence throughout the product and process life cycle. Numerous examples exist over the past two decades in the automotive manufacturing industry where it is observed that during the design phase of products and processes that critical success factor (CSF’s) of DFSS does not fully unlock the opportunity towards performance and operational excellence.

RESEARCH DESIGN The nature of this research is primarily exploratory and descriptive (Cooper, D.R. Shindler. P.S. (2011). The main elements of the research are formed by Phase 1 by means of thorough literature reviews in terms of Industry4.0 technologies in Six-Sigma, DFSS, Lean Six-Sigma (LSS) and CMMI. Phase 2- survey questionnaires and interviews with industry specialists. Phase 2 therefore, targeted knowledgeable, LSS and DFSS industry participants across South Africa and internationally. The questionnaires and interviews were designed with specific objectives to determine:

i. Research objective 1: The most significant CSF’s required for LSS successful deployment in an organisation. ii. Research objective 2: The most significant CSF’s for successful DFSS deployment in an organisation. iii. Research objective 3: The design of a framework assisting organisations to achieve successful integration of LSS, DFSS, within CMMI.

FINDINGS The research results obtained assisted in the design and testing of a comprehensive integrated LSS, CSF’s, DFSS and CMMI framework. The developed framework was tested at an international auto manufacturer in South Africa assisting the organisation to optimise processes and product quality coupled with product performance transcending into successful capability maturity outcomes in the pursuit of increased customer loyalty.

PRACTICAL AND VALUE Lastly the research identified possible shortcomings of existing continuous improvement techniques used by manufacturers and as such provide critical success factors assisting organisations utilising LSS, DFSS and Industry4.0 technology in order achieve overall business excellence. The research also identified a significant contribution in terms of reduced project effort when combining Agile and Scrum within CMMI. It is anticipated that the result of the research will serve as a detailed customised implementation “framework” for both manufacturing and service industries to become more competitive.

Keywords: Six-Sigma, Design For Six- Sigma, Lean Six- Sigma, Capability Maturity Model Integration, Critical Success Factors, Industry4.0


Lean Six Sigma (LSS) and Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) are operational strategic tools oriented toward achieving the shortest possible cycle time by eliminating waste and reducing variation. According to Bozdogan, K. (2010) the Lean Six Sigma (LSS), Total Quality Management (TQM), Design For Six Sigma (DFSS), Theory of constraints (TOC), Agile manufacturing and Reengineering (BPR) have been introduced as universally applicable best methods to improve the performance of enterprise operations through continuous process improvement and systemic planned enterprise change focusing on Lean.

Despite certain differences, Curtis, B. and Alden, J. (2007) suggest that the methodologies potentially complement each other and established the foundation of the maturity capability model. The methodologies, are closely interconnected as highly complementary approaches and can be brought together to define a first-approximation “core” integrated management system, with Lean enterprise system serving as the central organising framework. Specific elements of the other approaches can be selectively incorporated into the “core” enterprise system to enrich its effectiveness, (Corsi, P. and Neau, E. (2015).

To achieve the above, Albiwi. S (2014) observed that Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) and LSS are two of the best proven improvement-oriented initiatives, with many overlaps. When comparing CMMI to LSS, CMMI is domain specific, whilst LSS is not. It is noted that here the basic difference between CMMI and LSS pertains to the scope of application. CMMI therefore aims at process improvement in specific disciplines or process areas whilst LSS, on the other hand aims at solving specific product or process related issues within the context of overall organisational process improvement. Thus, while CMMI is a domain specific improvement engine, LSS has a much wider application, serving as both an enterprise governance model and a tactical improvement engine cutting across domains.

In terms of CMMI and Six Sigma, - CMMI provides a framework for continual benchmarking and an improvement strategy whereas performance is directly linked with the application Six Sigma. CMMI delivers structure to organisational processes where these are often non-existent or poorly designed.

To integrate CMMI and DFSS one can include different strategies whereas for such implementation CMMI, Six Sigma and LSS are key choices in implementing internal processes. The implementation of the “model” as such is best illustrated in Figure 1 where CMMI and LSS “mature over time” and can therefore not provide a quick fix solution.

To review the contribution to Lean Continuous Improvement Strategy (CIS) and the contribution of Critical Success factors when integrating Lean Six-Sigma (LSS) and Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) when implementing internal processes. The research objective is to (i) critically analyse Critical Success Factors (CSF’s) impacting on the integration and deployment of LSS and DFSS to maximise the (CIS) with widespread deployment failures and successes (ii) develop an integrated framework guiding organisations towards operational excellence complemented by CIS applications when deploying LSS and DFSS selectively and (iii) constantly review and align Industry 4.0 technological advances to compliment CIS within Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). The design of the “newly” develop framework links together “synergistically” key components impacting on the successful implementation thereof supporting (CMMI) in terms of a business strategy. The framework also integrated the Theory of Constraints (TOC), Agile and Scrum, Lean Six Sigma (LSS), Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) in a multi-framework capability maturity model.


Literature shows that original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s) in Europe, Japan and America has been giving rise to fundamentally disseminate the core concepts and opportunities within Lean, Six- Sigma (LSS) and Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) to fundamentally drive operational excellence throughout the product and process life cycle. Numerous examples exist over the past two decades in various industries where it is observed that during the design phase of products and processes that critical success factor (CSF’s) of DFSS does not fully unlock the opportunity towards performance and operational excellence.


The nature of this research is primarily exploratory and descriptive. The main elements of the research are formed by Phase 1 by means of thorough literature reviews in terms of emerging Industry 4.0 technologies, LSS, DFSS and CMMI. Phase 2- survey questionnaires and interviews with industry specialists. Phase 2 targeted knowledgeable LSS and DFSS industry participants across South Africa and Internationally.


The nature of this research will be primarily exploratory and descriptive. The main element of the research is formed by thorough literature reviews, survey questionnaires and interviews with industry specialists. The objective is to document relevant and essential current scientific literature. The literature study is key for clarifying the problem statement and answering the research questions. Therefore, the literature review and the data (knowledge) collection included studying and analysing existing articles, papers and journals from scientific journals and from various databases such as: ABI/Inform, ProQuest, JSTOR, ScienceDirect focusing on Six Sigma, Lean or LSS, DFSS and Capability Maturity Model (CMM) or a combination of these databases.

The structure of both the survey and interview questionnaires developed and distributed to a total target of 200 LSS and DFSS industry participants across industries and internationally, including academics who have conducted research to further examine the CSF’s for LSS and DFSS methodologies and the relationship within Maturity Capability Model evolution.

The survey and interview questionnaires included:

i. Background of the respondent and organisation. ii. Requirements for successful deployment of LSS and DFSS. iii. Critical success factors (CFS’s) for LSS and DFSS implementation. iv. Respondent organisational maturity capability status. v. What are the relationships for capability maturity model in relation to LSS and DFSS implementation. vi. Application of industry4.0

The research therefore targeted organisations, institutions, consultancies and academics, (irrespective of industry sector) which have already implemented LSS and DFSS inclusive of organisations with significant Continuous Improvement Programs (CIP) in both services and manufacturing industries.


The research results obtained assisted in the design and testing of a comprehensive integrated LSS, CSF’s, DFSS and CMMI framework. The developed framework is undergoing testing at an international auto manufacturer in South Africa assisting the organisation to optimise processes and product quality coupled with product performance transcending into successful capability maturity outcomes in the pursuit of increased customer loyalty.

Research objective 1: The most significant CSF’s required for LSS successful deployment in an organisation.

The CSF’s contributing to effective LSS deployment was confirmed in comparing previous literature reviews of 31 similar research documents. Research survey results obtained across multiple industries (Financial, Insurance, Pharmaceutical, ICT, Aerospace, Automotive, etc.) and participant responses from global geographical origins (Asia, USA, Canada, Europe, South Africa, etc.) and industry specialist interviews to determine geographical and industry relevance. Table 1 summarises CSF factors determination of LSS deployment according to Cronbach’s alpha.

Table 1. Survey results in Critical Success Factors determination for Lean Six Sigma Deployment.

Noted is that the results confirmed Management commitment as the single most important CSF in achievement of successful LSS deployment and concurring previous survey results (Laureani, A. and Antony,J. 2012). The significant changes in CSF ranking is observed in the 2016 survey results where the increased prominence in ranking position is found in CSF’s number 4, 5, 6 and 8 compared to earlier research in Laureani, A. and Antony, J. (2012). Interviews conducted also confirmed that the metrics should not be exclusively linked to

financial improvements but also customer LSS metrics in CSF number 4. LSS staff selection has emerged as a significant CSF in personality testing on Black Belts and Master Black Belts. Hoerl, R. (2001) confirmed that management commitment as the single most important CSF in achievement of successful LSS deployment and concurring previous survey results (Laureani, A. and Antony,J. 2012). The significant changes in CSF ranking is observed in the 2016 survey results where the increased prominence in ranking position is found in CSF’s number 4, 5, 6 and 8 compared to earlier research in Laureani, A. and Antony, J. (2012). Interviews conducted also confirmed that the metrics should not be exclusively linked to financial improvements but also customer LSS metrics in CSF number 4. LSS staff selection has emerged as a significant CSF in personality testing on Black Belts and Master

Noted form the from above authors rankings that Black Belts - LSS financial accountability emerged as prominent CSF ranked in position number 6 where more than half of the respondents in both survey and interviews confirmed the importance of linking LSS metrics with financial metrics and typically this would include divisional and organisational annual financial reports. Berry, O. - the vice president at Ford South Africa (2017) stated in an interview on Industry 4.0 that although this may be the case for many organisations it is an outcome of many other input processes rather than a metric for many others. Extending LSS to the Supply Chain was also ranked in 8th position, however, this study showed that it is not practical to target 4, 5 or even 6 Sigma Quality when your supply chain is not delivering similar sigma metrics with their input processes as the single highest risk to the attainment of Six Sigma quality and metric targets. Interviews conducted confirm Industry 4.0 as a significant technological enabler of achievement of both Lean and Six Sigma objectives.

Research objective 2: The most significant CSF’s for successful DFSS deployment in an organisation. The CSF’s determined for effective DFSS deployment was limited to the survey results and the responses obtained from interviews conducted. Figure 1 reflects the of organisation DFSS maturity of the survey responses at 84, 7%.

Figure 1. DFSS Integration % of survey responses

CSF’s for DFSS is illustrated in Table 2 Critical Success Factors identified for DFSS deployment shows the significance of VOC and Kano analysis tool usage ranked 1st according to Cronbach’s alpha result of 0.8600 and a mean rating of 4.077.

Noted is that LSS organisation maturity is ranked 2nd with a mean rating of 4.295. Leadership and management commitment rank in 7th position with a mean rating of 4.525. CSF’s 12, 13 and 15 each relate to a different constituent within Innovation and the importance is also affirmed in Chemical industry research participant who has developed a unique Capability Maturity approach with McKinsey and Company distinguishing between DMAIC Black Belts and Innovation Master Black Belts who exclusively focus on innovating improved and new product and process with reported savings of $144m in 2015 and $564m in the period 2011-2015 which is more than 2% of Sales.

Table 2. Critical Success Factors identified for DFSS deployment

The significance of Maturity of Agile and Scrum ranked in 8th position during product development holds relevance in research conducted when Agile and Scrum was combined with both CMMI level 1 and level 5 maturity seen in Figure 2. In Johnson, R. (2010) and in Justice, J. (2015) three project scenarios are presented when combining Agile methodology and CMMI maturity level 1 delivering typical 50% work and 50% rework per project, this is then reduced to 10% rework from 50% when reaching CMMI maturity level 5 and yielding a 9% process focus for a combined project effort reduced to 69% from original 100%. The addition of Scrum during project development when combined with CMMI maturity level 5 and yielding a 4% process focus, only 25% work effort and only 6% rework levels for a combined project effort of only 35% from the original 100%. This empirical result achieved does warrant further research to explore replication possibilities in other project domains but should not be ignored as a significant catalyst within DFSS deployment when combined with other DFSS CSF’s in Table 2.


Figure 2. Agile CMMI Performance Analysis when combined with Scrum and varying CMMI maturity levels

Sutherland, J. (2015) also reflects that the breakthrough results achieved at Systematic is attributed them being the only Scrum company in the world appraised at CMMI level 5 integrated with Lean. The significance I the approach are including the customer during product testing and closing the gap in VOC and QFD metrics. CMMI will improve the Sigma Quality but not the rate of production, Scrum enables project delivery and speed increases. Industry 4.0 presents increasing levels of

continuous and sustainable improvements being realised because of Cyber Physical Systems made possible with quantum computing and Big Data and real-time predictive analytics.

Research objective 3: The design of a framework assisting organisations to achieve successful integration of LSS, DFSS, within CMMI.

Industry 4.0 presents several supporting enablers to Capability Maturity Model and to LSS and DFSS methodologies. Figure 3 depicts the 9 pillars of Industry 4.0 supports both LSS and DFSS methodologies in using Big Data computing, Autonomous Robotics, Design Simulation, System Integration, Internet of Things, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, Additive Manufacturing and Augmented Reality enabling cost, reliability and speed parameters not possible previously.

Figure 3. Industry 4.0 and 9 technological pillars presented in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS).

Melanson, A. (2015): What Industry 4.0 Means for Manufacturers, means-manufacturers/


A Capability Maturity Model (CMM) addresses the capabilities of a business process and the entire organisation, expressed as overall maturity, to deliver higher performance over time. These capabilities are represented in models such as European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award (MBNQA) and CMMI, which are systematically assessed and improved. The study has elaborated on the theoretical model components to specify

what is being measured by a CMM. The proposes integrated framework titled CMMI 4.0 was developed to consist of staged Continuous Improvement implementation using CMMI maturity and Industry 4.0 technologies to facilitate the integration of improvement methodologies and best practices available in the 9 pillars of Industry 4.0. In Table 3 - Industry 4.0 Primary Industry Benefits. Table 3 therefore, illustrate a significant wider improvement over and above typical productivity improvements enabled through Industry 4.0 technologies.

Table 3. Industry 4.0 Primary Industry Benefits.

Integrated capability maturity framework The Integrated Capability Maturity Framework designed and developed is illustrated in Figure 4. The framework harness the varying Continuous Improvement methodologies deployed in both hard and software industries due to the need for improved speed and agility in design-end product to market execution and the constant increased connectivity of CPS and consumer solutions where one methodology could become the constraint as opposed to the needed improvement solution.

The Capability Maturity Model has been labelled (named) CMMI 4.0 due to the compositions and the direct link to Industry 4.0 enabling technologies to achieve high yield sigma product quality, JIT deliveries, Jidoka process management and ultimately maximising Return on Investment for improvement projects.

The framework designed in Figure 4 support the basis of CMMI level 1 to 5 maturity whilst including the and making provision for Theory of Constraints, Lean and Six Sigma to be utilised throughout all maturity stages and the respective ISO standards developed to guide the user or organisation in effective deployment. It should be noted that the maturity model and maturity level is not of key importance although this is recommended to become and remain an Innovative and self-regulating industry participant or organisation.

During the study, it emerged that limited successes are reported within organisations attempting higher levels of Continuous Improvement Methodologies such as DFSS, QFD, Innovation, Agile and Scrum before establishing LSS as a baseline continuous improvement methodology. Maturity level of CMMI level 2 is a minimum standard although CMMI level 3 is the suggested maturity level for sustained data driven decision making in reviewing existing and new process and product development and often also an industry requirement for the supply chain. The increased contribution in innovation possibilities within DFSS and CMMI maturity levels 4 and 5 warrants further research, not included within the scope of this research document.

The constant review of Industry 4.0 as enablers to increased cost and customer satisfaction metrics are pivotal in achieving CMMI level 4 and 5 but also economically. The CMMI 4.0 framework includes a plethora of existing ISO standards and some in advance stages of review and development, affording the user a navigation map in achieving increased levels of Continuous Improvement with a linear increase in organisational maturity capability.

Impact research in Schlaepler, R.C. and Koch, M. (2015), Otto, H.P. (2016) and in Geissbauer, Vedso, J. and Schrauf, S. (2016) underlines the significance and the necessity to comprehensively position and also strategically adjust the organisations position to use Industry 4.0 technology to improve the customer relationship, market penetration, operational efficiency such as cost and speed and ultimately secure a sustainable and integrated organisational CI strategy inclusive of capability maturity. The flexibility offered by the integrated CMMI 4.0 is practical and based on user maturity and tool selection for improvement.

Figure 4. CMMI 4.0 - Integrated Capability Maturity Model developed to harness multiple Continuous Improvement methodologies within CMMI.

CONCLUSION The research identified possible shortcomings of existing continuous Improvement methodologies used by industries and as such provide critical success factors assisting organisations utilising LSS, DFSS and Industry 4.0 technology in order achieve overall business excellence. The research also identified a significant contribution in terms of reduced project effort when combining Agile and Scrum within CMMI. It is anticipated that the result of the research will serve as a detailed customised implementation “framework” for both manufacturing and service industries to become more competitive.

It is noted that strong leadership is central to Agile and Scrum as it will improve capability. Innovation in a similar is a result of sustained strong leadership and DFSS deployment. Scrum in Sutherland, J. (2015) provides a platform for learning and a learning organisation is positioned extremely favourably for Innovation when combined with DFSS and CMMI. Also of importance is that the maturity of the organisation must be sustainable within the environment of big data analytics as it is of significance in assimilating data for quality yields of 6 sigma and higher, which will

be a necessity to sustain Innovation of existing processes with the necessary organisational Agility to respond to stakeholder’s expectations. The vision of the integrated maturity framework CMMI 4.0 will be able assist with the migration to excellence through zero defect repetitiveness at efficiencies previously not envisaged.

The integration of both LSS and DFSS as well as considering the CSF’s in the developed framework will ensure the need to monitor capability maturity to maximise ROI during CI program. The CMMI 4.0 model therefore integrate LSS, DFSS, TOC, Scrum and Agile components. The innovation opportunities that are realised within this model augmented reality simulations combined with multiple DOE’s and regular Agile and Scrum testing iterations will save significant cost and increase responsiveness to the market needs.

The increased value will be delivered in this all comprehensive framework ensuring supporting Industry 4.0 to continuously driving cost, process and quality improvements, reducing waste and continuously improving margins. This will furthermore accelerate the NPI process and afford the clients make to order and highly customised products.


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