Whose Piano Is This, Anyway? University Library and the Looted Heritage of the University‘s Jewish Luminaries: a Double Case Study

Monika Schreiber Vienna University Library, The Jewish Studies Library Vienna,

AJL 52nd Annual Meeting, NYC, June 19, 2017 1 National Socialist Provenance research at Vienna University Library Books from the University Library The University‘s Research and Teaching Collections

• Since 2004 • Since 2014 • 400,000 item-per-item • Expansion of book project inspections • 2 projects completed • 20 book collections restituted • 1 project initiated

AJL 52nd Annual Meeting, NYC, June 19, 2017 2

Guido Adler Berthold Hatschek (1855 – 1941) (1854 – 1941) [1920s] [Around 1927] © https://www.gustav-mahler.eu/ ©University of Vienna Archives

AJL 52nd Annual Meeting, NYC, June 19, 2017 3 Two Luminaries: Biographical Sidelights

Guido Adler Berthold Hatschek • 1855: Born in Eibenschütz • 1854: Born in Kirwein (Moravia) (Moravia) • 1885 – 1898: Prof. of musical • 1885 – 1896: Prof. of zoology, history, Prague Prague • 1898 – 1927: Prof. of , • 1896 – 1925: Prof. of Zoology, Vienna Vienna • 1941: Natural death in • 1941: Natural death in Vienna Vienna

AJL 52nd Annual Meeting, NYC, June 19, 2017 4 AJL 52nd Annual Meeting, NYC, June 19, 2017 5 The Guido Adler Instruments (Department of Musicology / Instrument Collection)

Grand piano (Adler-Flügel) © Dept. of Musicology Harpsichord © Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien Clavichord © Marianne Siegl

AJL 52nd Annual Meeting, NYC, June 19, 2017 6 Loan letter by Ludwig Bösendorfer, Jan. 1899 © Dept. of Musicology Archives

Loan entry in the departmental chronicle, Guido Adler, Jan. 26, 1899 © Dept. of Musicology Archives

AJL 52nd Annual Meeting, NYC, June 19, 2017 7 AJL 52nd Annual Meeting, NYC, June 19, 2017 8 Zoological collection: Section through larvae of lancelet (amphioxus), prepared by Hatschek (1881)

AJL 52nd Annual Meeting, NYC, June 19, 2017 9 Zoological collection: Boxes containing Berthold Hatschek ‘s estate

AJL 52nd Annual Meeting, NYC, June 19, 2017 10 Estate Berthold Hatschek: Hand sketch from manuscript

AJL 52nd Annual Meeting, NYC, June 19, 2017 11 Estate Berthold Hatschek: Siddur Tefillat Yisra‘el [book of daily prayers] (published Vienna, 1883)

AJL 52nd Annual Meeting, NYC, June 19, 2017 12 Estate Berthold Hatschek: Last will of Baruch Hatschek (1853)

AJL 52nd Annual Meeting, NYC, June 19, 2017 13 Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg – ERR (Belgrade): Report on confiscated Estate Berthold and Marie Hatschek (Rosenthal)

AJL 52nd Annual Meeting, NYC, June 19, 2017 14 Zoological collection: Boxes containing Berthold Hatschek ‘s estate

AJL 52nd Annual Meeting, NYC, June 19, 2017 15 Benefits of National-Socialist Provenance Research

Evidence for loot (Re)writing of: Finding Heirs Intellectual history Restitution History of Academia Biographies

Restoration of: Further Research: Memory Inspiration Historical Knowledge Funding Historical Fairness

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