Snaf’s Last Good Bye

By azmom2624

Snarf opened his eyes and looked around. He was in his room, but something strange was going on. For the first time in years, he felt no pain, not even a twinge in his old knee. All around were the other Thundercats, but they all looked so sad and he heard sobbing.

“Snarf, what's going on here?”

He walked up to Pumyra, who was bending down over something and spoke to her. “I don't know what you gave me, but I haven't felt this good in years. Thanks!”

But Pumyra said nothing. She continued to examine whatever it was that had captured her interest. Lord Lion-o and Lady Kylynne knelt down beside her. After a minute, Pumyra stood up and bowed her head.

“I'm sorry, he's gone. You should know that he felt no pain.”

The sobbing increased, even Lion-o's broad shoulders shook.

“Who's gone?” asked Snarf. “Why is everyone crying?”

He went over to Lion-o and placed his hands on his back. “Don't worry Lion-o, Old Snarf is here for you.”

“I can't believe he's gone.” said Lion-o. “He's been with me since I was a cub!”

Kylynne hugged her husband tight, tears in her eyes. “It's ok, my love. He's gone to a better place. He's no longer suffering.”

“What on Thundera is everyone looking at?!” Snarf was getting scared and he was determined to find out what was happening. He moved to the other side of what appeared to be his bed. What he saw shocked him. There on the bed was... HIMSELF!!!

“That's, that's me!!! But how is that possible? I'm right here!”

“What you are seeing is your mortal shell, Snarf.” said a voice behind him.

Snarf turned and nearly jumped out of his skin. “Great Jaga's Ghost!” he shouted.

“In the flesh, so to speak.” For it was indeed the spirit of Jaga, one of Thundera's greatest warriors.

“Is this some kind of joke?” Snarf looked around for the Twins, this was something they would do. Then Snarf remembered that the twins were on Third Earth.

“This is no joke Snarf, it's very real. You are no longer among the living. You have died, and your friends are here to mourn your passing. Observe.” The bedroom melted away to be replaced by a familiar meadow.

Snarf saw all the Thundercats, even those from Third Earth, gathering around a freshly dug grave with a small headstone adorning it.

“Snarf was a friend, a mentor, and a confident to all of us.” Lion-o was fighting back tears as he spoke. “He was also a fount of wisdom. When something eluded us or we were down, he always stood up and took the initiative. Sometimes I think that he was more of a Thundercats than we were. He was worth his weight in Thundrillium. I'm sorry that we under appreciated him at times.” Lion-o bowed his head, tears freely flowing now, “I'll miss you, old friend.”

Snarf was sniffing himself. “I never knew he felt that way, snarf, snarf.”

“You made a big impact on his life, on all their lives. That is no small task.”

“Snarf, no I didn't. I might have given out some words of advice, but mostly I was a nurse maid. What kind of impact was that?”

“Let me show you Snarf.” The scene once again faded. This time they were in the New Thundera Cats Lair. Everywhere was draped black and maroon, the official colors of death. Food and drink was available, but no one seemed to have much of an appetite. Snarf wandered around, catching snatches of conversation.

“Remember when we got stuck in that time capsule.” said WilyKit, laughing slightly. “While everyone around was trying to figure how to get us out, he just jumped up, gave the thing a good whack with his tail, and it popped open.”

“I remember.” answered her brother, his wife Nilam listening to the story. “Who knows how long we would have stayed in there if it hadn't been for him.”

Snarf continued on, smiling to himself. He remembered that incident too. Actually, he had been shocked that it had worked. Next he came to Tygra, Cheetara, and . “You know,” said the panther, “I never really thought much of him back when we first arrived on Third Earth. I always thought he was weak and forgetful. But you know, after that body switch thing happened to us, I really understood how strength can come in many different shapes and forms.”

“I agree.” said Tygra. “I remember when we had all been captured and it was Snarf and his ability to talk to animals that saved us. It took a lot of courage to enter Mumm-Ra's pyramid like that.”

“And he was always so loving and caring. When that space ship had taken control of my mind, leaving me weak and helpless, Snarf never left my side.” remembered Cheetara, then began to cry. Tygra pulled her in close.

“It's ok, Tara. Go ahead and let it out. We're all going to miss him.”

Snarf was touched by their words. “Brrr, maybe I was more to them than just a nurse maid.”

“I'll always remember how he made me feel welcomed when I first arrived on Third Earth.” he overheard Linda say to Pumyra.

“He made us feel that way too when we became Thundercats.” replied Pumyra. “And when I had Renee, he was the first to help me with her. I never had to ask, he would just know what was wrong and take charge.” Pumyra glanced over at her now 19 year old daughter with her fiancé. “With Snarf's help, Renee became a wonderful young woman.”

“Momma?” Linda looked down at her own child. Jonalia was 7 years old now and was the spitting image of her adopted father Bengali.

“Yes hun?”

“Is Snarf in Heaven now?”

Linda hugged her daughter, shedding tears as she answered. “Yes dear, I believe he is.”

Jonalia began to cry. “I miss him momma, things aren't the same without Uncle Snarf.”

“We miss him too sweetie.” said Bengali, hugging his wife and daughter. “But remember, he'll always be a part of us.”

“It's time to go Snarf. We have stayed too long already.” Snarf turned to face Jaga.

“I never knew I meant so much to them. They never told me in life.”

“Sometimes it's hard to say what you feel to someone until it's too late.”

A bright light reached down from above, the sound of music surrounding Snarf and Jaga. Snarf looked toward the Light and saw loved one who had gone before him, waiting to greet him. Snarf turned and looked at all his friends.

“Snarf, snarf, I love all of you, and as long as you remember me, a small part of me will always be with you. Good bye my friends, I'll see you all again some day.”

Snarf stepped into the light and was pulled upward, where friends and family waited to welcome him to paradise. He looked back one last time. “I guess I did make a difference.” Then the light faded, taking Snarf with it.

Jaga scanned the room, seeing the love and caring that the Thundercats shared about their recently departed friend. “Yes Snarf,” said Jaga to no one in particular, “You most certainly did make a difference, one that will live for many years.” Then Jaga himself melted away.

The Thundercats raised their glasses as one and toasted their comrade. “To Snarf, the greatest of us all.”