rojects C:\Userswo92277 We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or used purpose, containing error omission which is due to an in data supplied us parties. This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and specific purposes connected with captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other or used purpose. © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 OS [100021326] ADutoCAD.dwg Feb 21, 2020 - 09:11AM Autodesk

neDrive - Mott MacDonald

126.45 126.46 126.28 126.35 126.24

126.33 126.20



126.43 126.37

126.23 Tarmac 126.11 CL:126.40 MH 126.55


126.53 126.40 126.52 126.50 126.24 Tarmac 126.28 126.39 126.15

RS 126.12



Wall/fence 126.36 126.07 STNI Wall/fence 126.31 G 126.29

126.49 126.00

RS 126.36 126.22 126.25 125.88 126.11

126.14 125.83 126.73 125.71 LC RS 126.03 RS

126.58 126.03 NO ENTRY NO 125.65


126.51 Tarmac 125.52

125.92 126.38 BT ST 126.49 CL:126.50 MH 126.42 125.81 TP 125.50 126.41 125.80 125.46 126.52

126.30 125.69 126.73 125.41

125.68 125.40 126.62 Wall/fence

126.17 125.52 SV RS 125.54 G 125.54

125.33 124.89 125.29 124.86

125.43 124.78 DALE ROAD SV Tt


126.55 125.40 125.21 126.45 126.31 125.14

125.27 125.31 LC 126.39 126.45 126.19 125.89 125.17 125.06 126.58 Tarmac 125.01

Catv 125.19 Catv ST 126.52 126.34 125.78 Tarmac

ST 126.10 124.93 125.07 RS 124.86 WO 125.08 RS 126.21

126.43 125.62

126.43 125.93 124.95 124.82

RS 126.81 Wall 124.85

126.56 126.30 124.97

126.07 125.49 Wall/fence

126.67 Catv 125.81 Catv 126.52 124.84 124.82 124.85 Wall 124.83

126.12 125.95 126.65 126.09 Catv 124.79

LC 125.35 124.82

125.50 124.71 G 126.53 125.68

Catv 125.99 Drainage channel 124.78 Catv 125.82 124.69 G 124.73 Tarmac

125.97 125.23

125.53 124.58

Catv 125.08

126.47 ST 124.66 TP

125.93 125.66 Tarmac CL:125.02 MH 126.66 126.61

125.43 CL:124.96 MH Catv Catv

Tarmac 126.63 125.85 124.94 125.55 125.79 DALE ROAD 124.69 124.74 125.29 IC 124.57 RS 125.72 Catv

125.41 124.77 126.91 125.21

125.67 Catv Tt


126.80 ST DALE ROAD DALE 125.33 Rotation of pedestrian signal head might need to Proposed parallel crossing for cyclists. Cyclists to be adjusted to visible by cyclists follow existing signals from pedestrian crossing. CL:124.62

125.52 MH 126.75 125.07 124.68

Catv 126.62 Ds Catv 125.44 ST

Tarmac 125.20 125.36 Catv 124.92 Catv CL:124.64 MH

125.31 124.64

126.68 125.05 Catv 126.55 124.54 124.62

125.24 124.79 124.63

RS 126.69 124.54

Catv 125.18 Catv 124.91 Tt Catv SV 124.67

125.08 Catv

CL:124.67 126.76 126.74 Catv MH 125.02 Catv 124.79 124.55

Catv 124.69 127.00 124.95 ST

126.82 124.90

STNR 126.93 126.69 RS


124.61 WO

124.74 RS RS



124.62 Mkr 126.76

124.58 126.64

ST WO 126.77 Catv Catv

124.45 126.91


127.06 126.87 126.79 126.99 RS

124.60 124.43 TP


124.39 Tarmac

RS 124.53



126.86 127.15

124.54 127.05 126.99


Catv 126.87 Tt Catv Tt ST

124.36 124.40 126.97

124.50 126.92

124.50 Wall/fence



126.79 124.47



127.08 126.94

ST 126.98 BT 124.47

124.30 Catv 126.85 Catv G


127.03 127.17


127.13 124.40

124.45 126.84



126.99 124.39

127.11 126.97 Tt

RS 124.30 G



Tt 127.04

124.26 Catv Catv 124.46 BT

124.38 RS


127.00 G


126.93 127.13


127.06 126.98 BT

124.38 RS RS




Panel fence Panel 127.25 ST

SV 124.22 127.13

124.35 Tarmac RS SV Tarmac Ds

Catv 127.20

ST ST 127.08 Catv 124.43 ST

124.22 127.17 124.34 Catv



124.28 127.26

127.02 127.15 ST


Post to be reused for Existing 20mph and proposed cycle signs

30mph speed limit

signs to be removed.


127.32 127.14 BT

FH 127.21 Tarmac

Catv 124.32


124.28 BEG Catv

RS 127.28 124.18 Catv


124.29 127.17 127.45 127.07

127.45 124.37

127.22 Catv 127.36 124.17 127.32 TP

127.37 124.26

Catv RS 127.23



127.36 124.34 Catv 127.37 Catv 124.16 RS

127.28 LC


127.36 124.37 127.50 124.19 SV 127.35 124.17 BEG 127.24 G

127.26 G Catv



124.35 SV 127.39

SV 124.25 127.28


IC 127.25 CL:124.32 MH


CL:124.30 MH NO ENTRY Tarmac 124.26 124.25 127.41

127.38 124.09

124.19 127.40 127.47 ROAD NORTH SV BT Gas 127.52 127.23 LC

127.35 BEG G 127.25 124.16

127.43 BEG 124.35 G

127.26 G 127.23 CL:124.28

124.15 MH 127.37 ST SV 127.30

127.39 124.23 124.26 Catv STNH

127.45 Catv 127.47

STNO RS LC 127.29 124.24 SV




Drainage channel Drainage 124.01

Elec 124.29

127.45 124.09 Catv 127.39 124.26 WO


127.29 G 124.34


127.49 Mkr

BT 127.41 127.47 127.31 SV Tarmac



124.04 127.29

123.97 124.14 127.35 124.05 Tarmac



See Sheet 0002 Sheet See

127.34 SV


127.46 127.56

RS 127.41

ST 127.47 127.53 127.37

123.94 124.04 Catv

Catv 123.97

123.86 124.07 127.44

123.94 124.09


127.54 124.12 Drainage channel Drainage 127.60 Tarmac

BT 127.57 SV 123.79 G TP

Elec 127.49 127.39


127.53 127.62

124.05 127.53 123.89

Catv 128.03 127.43 123.97 127.59 129.15 ST

123.89 ST



123.92 Catv Bench Tarmac 127.84 Ds

128.01 124.06 127.90 127.53

Tt 127.59

Gas 127.47 124.03 RS 127.81 129.01

127.71 127.62

2.0m 127.43

CL:127.74 MH 127.57

Wall 128.87

128.76 128.92 2.5m 127.56 123.84 123.92




124.00 Catv

123.86 128.83 Catv


127.53 127.62

Elec 128.80

128.69 127.92

128.58 128.04 127.47 127.58 ST TP

Knee rail 127.64 128.71 Elec

Tarmac 123.76 128.11

LC 123.82 Tarmac LC


123.91 123.80 127.62 123.97

Tt 127.78 Catv 127.89 SV


123.90 123.95 128.59 123.86 128.52 Catv

128.41 RS

128.57 128.63 127.46


ST 127.58 Tt 128.53


CL:123.96 MH 128.46 127.62 123.79 ø=0.2 S=6

Elec 127.83 127.64 G 128.36 123.80 BEG 128.26

128.35 127.66 127.54 Paved/slabs


123.76 128.43 rail Knee 123.88 TP

128.52 127.75

BT 127.48 123.82


127.47 127.56 123.92 BT ø=0.5 S=14 ST 123.92 Paved/slabs 128.30

Elec Bushes 128.21 127.88 128.15 128.26



Knee rail Slabs/paved

127.59 123.71 RS 128.09 BT


128.46 ROAD DALE

Sign 127.87


128.23 127.75 127.49 RS 128.14 127.40 RS 128.13

128.07 127.52

123.72 127.96 123.83

I/R fence Bench 127.47

123.77 123.66 Boll

Boll 123.86 Boll

127.80 123.76 128.53 123.83 128.00 Boll


Bin 128.18 Elec 127.60 127.80 SNP

128.29 Boll 127.85 LC


127.71 127.55

TL FH 127.75

127.47 MH

127.78 CL:127.55

127.91 127.38 127.43

127.99 127.75 127.49 Tt 127.79 G Tt

128.35 Elec Drainage channel Drainage DALE ROAD 128.01 123.78 TL Gas 123.68 127.75


128.13 127.79 Sign

123.73 127.69 123.62 Proposed signs to be mounted

on existing lighting column 127.63 123.82

BT 123.68 Catv

IC 127.75 Tarmac 127.54

127.48 G

I/R fence 127.64 127.35 127.67


127.39 127.51 Tarmac 127.93 G

128.17 TL

127.83 123.75 Tt

127.96 ST


123.77 123.64 127.32 123.85

G 123.85


G 123.65 123.76 SV

127.69 123.90 Paved/slabs 127.47


127.28 G 127.44 123.72

123.68 123.57 IC

123.79 127.83 Wall 123.62 LC Elec

127.31 STNF

123.73 127.89 127.30 RS

127.61 123.73 Tt Catv



123.86 127.39

127.73 SV



123.61 123.81

TL IC 123.74 RS 123.78 SV Elec Catv 127.52 Slabs/paved MH 123.48 CL:127.40 G


127.66 127.53 Wall 127.36 123.66

I/R fence 127.21 123.64 Tt

123.70 127.28 123.75

BT 127.66 127.19



BT 127.54 Mkr SNP Box


Tt 123.70



123.85 Elec 127.87 TL


Boll ST 127.72 127.45

IC FH 123.79 Boll

LC 123.61 Paved/slabs Tt 123.89

127.62 G 127.13 TL

123.67 123.73 127.77 BT ø=0.1 S=2

123.67 123.76

127.67 123.77 123.61 RS 127.13 127.08 123.71 LC 123.74 CL:127.07 MH 127.16 123.77

ST 127.01 127.59 Tt

G 123.59


Gas 127.31

Catv 123.72 Drain

127.41 BT G

127.88 127.43

Tarmac SV 127.76 Bus Boll



Paved 127.17 127.72 123.87 128.03 127.15

TP 127.31 123.68 BT 126.98 123.75 IC

127.52 BT 126.89

128.09 127.98 127.02

Paved 127.46 I/R fence

Elec 126.92

127.86 123.59

TL 2.4m 127.55

127.80 127.10 Gas



123.73 TIVERTON ROAD TIVERTON 127.50 127.24 123.70

Tt ST I/R fence 126.89 123.69

Paved/slabs Slabs

Elec 127.62 127.28


123.59 Catv 128.07

127.02 128.29 Post Box 123.70

127.96 BUS 123.83


Catv Box 127.97 123.75

127.62 SV


LC 127.68 126.97 126.25 Box 126.95




127.08 126.82 Slabs/paved RS 127.72 Elec 126.12

128.23 126.72 Gas 126.04 128.13

Gas 126.76 123.76

ST 123.73

STOP 123.68


128.09 Catv

127.72 126.69 RS 126.29 Tt 123.75

127.13 123.57

127.80 127.83

126.83 123.69 ST



TL 123.80

Panel fence Panel 126.23 126.08 126.11

123.61 123.73

123.73 123.57

CL:123.68 Tt LC MH

127.84 Paved/slabs


128.18 Catv

127.76 BT 126.73

126.66 123.54



123.76 123.67

Box Catv 126.56 126.40

126.11 123.74 I/R fence Slabs/paved

Catv 126.52 125.88 123.68

CL:123.73 MH

125.97 123.71







126.19 ST

127.98 126.66

126.38 123.71



126.79 Wall



123.66 126.04 126.55 123.59

Paved/slabs BUS RS 123.77

RS 126.47

126.45 Ds RS

123.70 123.77

RS CL:126.44


ST 128.13 STNG








126.02 Elec 123.71 Catv BT FH


123.69 126.07

Slabs/paved 123.51

123.78 126.53 123.62


126.67 126.38 126.27 SV

Slabs 126.22 123.69

126.26 G

123.69 126.45 123.75 BT

Gas 123.65

NO 123.53



126.81 Gas



125.98 123.68

Tarmac 126.42 SNP ø=0.1 S=1 126.57 126.08 Road to be converted one-way Existing two-way section of Grange Existing car club permit parking ST ENTRY northbound only for general traffic resident permit parkings make space for the relocated bay to be moved by approx. 1m




126.14 123.47



Bus shelter 123.54 126.18 126.01

Elec 123.72 123.54

126.09 123.66

RS 123.73

Box 123.69 LC

123.67 123.71

126.26 STNN


126.16 126.08

126.29 123.66 123.69


126.53 126.40 123.62 123.68


123.72 123.73 123.63

Paved/slabs 123.46 G Slabs/paved DALE ROAD DALE

126.17 123.55 Paved

126.09 G Catv 123.68 123.69 Slabs

Paved 126.49 123.72 Tarmac Catv 126.11 Slabs

Paved Bin

125.98 123.63

123.62 Catv 126.09 123.51

123.63 126.14 123.67 126.25 LC Post to be reused for Existing 20mph and proposed cycle signs

30mph speed limit

signs to be removed.


123.53 LC ST 123.71 123.71 Catv ST



123.64 ø=0.1 S=2 123.49 123.72 ST

ø=0.4 S=8

ST Wall


125.98 126.02 123.74 123.62 Tarmac



125.99 G

125.89 123.49

125.99 123.48

123.44 G

ø=0.5 S=14 123.72 Elec

123.71 123.60 125.95 123.60 Slabs

126.08 IC

2.5m Gas 123.58 RS 123.70 LC Slabs/paved

Gas 123.49

125.93 Paved


Catv 123.76 123.65



I/R fence 123.60


123.74 123.62 123.65

Bus shelter 125.84 125.86 123.60 123.47 Catv

125.99 Tt

Paved LC

Recycling RS




Bin 125.86 123.57

ø=0.1 S=2 125.83 123.60 BT 125.71 123.72




123.78 Tt 123.73

Boll 123.75 123.47

125.80 Boll 123.69

123.58 123.57

123.62 123.83 123.58 IC

126.09 Bin Boll SV Tt

125.69 BT LC

125.86 FH Slabs

RS 123.77 123.59 Box ST 123.67


125.73 123.72 Slabs


123.58 123.58

125.60 123.89 Bench


BT Slabs

ST 123.77 123.44 123.75

Elec Wall

BT 123.56

Boll 123.66


123.60 G


125.61 123.64


123.64 123.89 CL:123.57 123.58

Bin ST


123.76 123.96

Boll 123.98 ST BT Drain

125.65 123.90 LC


Slabs I/R fence I/R

Erod 123.80 RS Boll 125.90 125.51 123.93 Paved Slabs Boll Tt Paved LC

Paved/slabs Gas 123.73

124.03 Boll


123.56 123.43 SV

125.57 TL 123.52

123.66 ø=0.1 S=2

125.71 ø=0.1 S=2 123.98 123.44 Boll

123.82 123.48 123.61

Slabs 123.56

Gas 123.90

Drainage channel Drainage



123.78 123.63 123.73 125.59 124.08 123.72 CL:123.79

125.52 MH 123.52



123.85 CL:123.98 TL MH


123.75 123.53 123.83


Boll 123.78 123.94

Slabs Catv 124.13 123.56


Boll 123.62 125.49 123.73

125.44 Paved 123.46

RS 123.63

125.46 G

125.31 Wall 123.80


125.61 123.97 123.51 123.80 Catv

123.84 Slabs

123.43 SV

125.75 123.55

Boll 123.56

ø=0.1 S=2


124.36 124.19 Slabs Slabs/paved 123.84 123.59 CL:124.09

MH 123.46 123.45

Sign 123.76

124.17 123.71 Paved CL:123.54 Boll MH


123.43 123.51 LC 124.05 123.89

LC ø=0.1 S=2

123.87 G

124.08 G ST

BT 123.94 Paved/slabs Tarmac 124.24 123.68 LC 124.11



Boll G MH 125.44 125.37 CL:124.23 123.66 LC 125.41 123.84


ST 125.27 123.81 125.65 123.79 Slabs

124.13 123.59

ø=0.1 S=2 Tt 123.78 Wall 123.76

124.11 123.46 124.09 123.57 Tt

124.16 Tarmac

123.74 Slabs I/R fence 124.10

BT 124.10 123.99 Erod 123.85



CL:124.11 123.67 123.60 125.34 124.20 123.44 125.51 G Drain 125.47 TP


123.61 123.46

123.73 124.32 RS 123.54

125.31 ST

Catv 125.40 123.87 125.19 123.90 123.57 Slabs/paved

125.36 ST TL Tt


124.57 124.50 FH 123.59 123.43 124.03

124.11 123.54 123.81 LC

BT ø=0.1 S=2 123.42

Boll 123.50


RS 123.40 125.39 124.27

123.96 123.94

124.12 123.55 123.53 Slabs/paved 125.35 G


125.46 Tt

124.68 TL 123.44

Boll Wall


125.23 124.48

BT 124.04 125.28 124.36


125.37 124.74 Boll fence I/R Paved Gas 125.19 G CL:124.20 MH Slabs

125.33 Tt LC

ST Gas 124.23


124.59 123.52 123.96 124.83

124.47 123.45


123.39 124.07 STNP Gas RS

125.34 Box

124.90 Elec 123.50


125.20 124.69


124.42 123.58 124.04 125.27 SV 124.58 Paved/slabs

124.96 Slabs/paved Catv Box 124.97

125.01 124.85


RS 124.17


124.12 125.06 124.79 Elec

125.07 123.59


Boll 124.66

CL:125.08 MH 124.10

125.11 125.32 ST 123.46

Box Boll


Proposed southbound cycle lane to 125.19

parallel crossing proposed shared use footway and be terminated prior to the signalised continue their journey though ST ROAD GRANGE

junction. Southbound cyclists to 124.62

125.15 Boll

125.20 Gas BT 124.27 125.15 Catv 124.76

125.16 Slabs/paved

125.30 124.88 Tt STNJ

RS 123.61 Boll

125.21 124.99 Catv

CL:125.06 MH 124.90 ø=0.1 S=2 124.97


MH RS CL:124.26

SV Catv

124.99 Paved

124.78 124.27 123.37 124.84

Wall 123.46 Tt

RS 125.04


123.57 123.49

ST 123.57 123.36

124.24 124.91

BT 124.38

124.26 123.47 123.48 LC RS 124.94 124.38


124.81 124.72


125.12 125.44




124.99 125.10


125.02 Tt


RS ST Catv 124.49

125.14 WO 124.98 ST BRISTOL ROAD 124.92 124.41

124.77 123.59 Paved/slabs


124.96 ST

124.42 124.54 124.26 ST

125.02 G


ST 124.93

125.44 CL:124.27 MH

125.03 SV 124.85 124.48

MH CL:124.27

SV 125.02


CL:125.06 MH 124.63


124.46 123.58 125.42

SV 125.04 124.56 125.21 123.34

125.31 SV Catv


Box 125.08 SV 123.53


124.68 123.46

Catv 124.51 Catv

ST 124.68

SV 124.93




LC 123.45

123.32 124.75


125.22 125.36


BT 124.61


124.89 Paved G 124.88 124.91 ST

Tarmac 124.83


124.85 124.91


124.86 125.01 124.86 ST

BT 125.14

124.93 ST Paved




124.86 Paved ST DAWLISH ROAD DAWLISH 124.96


124.98 123.44

CL:124.94 125.02 MH


Paved/slabs 124.89


125.37 Catv MH ST

CL:124.95 124.83 ST 124.77 BT 124.94

Paved/slabs 124.95 124.81


Catv 124.95 124.94 Tarmac

125.02 CL:124.73 MH


123.55 125.17 LC

124.99 123.31

125.04 123.49




Paved 125.20 124.91 RS 124.92 124.94 RS


SNP 124.58 125.00

RS 125.09

124.74 124.80 123.46




125.09 Catv Catv SV 123.52



125.03 124.90 125.12

124.69 124.49


ST 124.82 124.69

124.63 123.51 TP IC Elec


123.27 125.07

Paved 123.37

125.03 STOP 125.16


I/R fence 123.35 Paved/slabs 125.11 pedestrians be reallocated to Space could potentially 124.83 124.72 Gas

124.45 Catv 125.21 124.62


123.32 123.41

123.37 BUS Tt 123.22 125.26 Catv


RS 124.66 123.46 124.78 Tarmac

124.53 123.38

BT 124.38 124.49 123.17 Existing 18m resident permit Existing cycle facilities parking (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) to be City Centre (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) to be relocated to the western kerbside suspended connecting with 4no. pay by phone parking bays


123.33 123.30 Tt LC

124.48 G



123.24 124.38 123.13

124.40 124.54 123.38 Gas STOP 124.63

Catv 124.26 124.36

Catv 124.36

G 123.07 Bin

124.44 123.23 BUS 123.24 Paved Slabs


124.45 Post & rail fence rail & Post LC Box Catv




123.03 123.28 ø=0.7 S=14 ST 124.22

124.50 123.20

124.25 124.26 124.40

Bus 123.00


123.14 123.16

124.17 Catv ST

TL Gas 124.07 123.23 11.0m 124.28

124.40 Boll LC Tt

Gas 124.14 Gas 124.11 Tarmac Box

124.24 124.12 123.09


123.04 Ds 122.93

MH CL:124.32 122.95 RS 124.31 ST


123.06 123.09

BT 123.04 123.97 124.08 Tt Box 124.01 124.16 Elec Paved/slabs 124.11 Tarmac


ST 123.12

124.29 124.04




122.82 122.97 123.01

Catv 122.95

124.02 123.05

123.84 123.94

Tt 123.99 122.94 123.90 122.97 124.06 TL Erod 124.00 124.24 LC Ds

Paved Wall 124.11 Tarmac

123.88 123.00 Ds


122.71 122.90

Paved/slabs 122.82

ST 122.85

124.15 123.79 123.70 123.80 122.79 122.68 123.94

123.83 122.81 122.85 LC

123.86 122.90 ST 123.96 ST

124.15 123.70 123.85 Gas Ds


123.72 122.56 122.76 123.57 Box

123.65 122.67 Gas 123.91 122.67



122.63 122.52


Catv 122.71

BT 122.67

123.74 Bus shelter Catv Boll

123.71 123.79

123.57 MH CL:123.85

123.45 ST 123.58 123.56




122.42 122.68

123.77 ST




Paved 122.53 123.44 G 123.45 G LC


122.55 122.50 122.38 Paved Catv 123.57 Catv


123.69 123.57 123.32 Gas


122.60 122.51 Catv SV

123.53 MH CL:123.56


123.63 122.43

CL:123.66 123.55


122.49 122.28

Catv 122.40 Elec


123.37 122.38 122.27

123.23 122.43 123.34

MH CL:123.68 122.51 Elec 123.65 LC BT

ST 122.44 Slabs Catv


123.51 122.33 123.44

123.26 123.29 122.17

123.42 122.37 122.44

Tarmac 122.29


123.21 122.33

123.47 122.28 122.17 ST


123.44 G Wall 122.33 Catv

123.23 123.20

123.28 122.36 122.23 ST ST ST ST

Tarmac 123.30 Notes Drawing Number Scale at A1 Dwg check Drawn Designed Title Client Rev Reference drawings Key to symbols 1. In general, arrangements and symbols shown in: NB: this drawing is a work in progress and therefore subject to change Symbols: 5. 3. 2. 4. 1:500 UNCONTROLLED COPY Exact sign position and installation to be determined by the Contractor on site. Existing signs in conflict with proposed arrangement are to be covered or Existing road markings and street furniture arrangements are indicative for installation is required, Contractor to ensure existing utilities are determined. removed. incorporate temporary drainage system and maintain access to utility chambers. GREY Contractor. ORANGE Signs should be mounted on existing street furniture where feasible, if new post cushion is to be removed and made level. Method proposed by the arrangements are shown and they subject to verification on site. the purposes of illustrating proposed design arrangements only. Not all Where temporary footway buildout is to be constructed, the Contractor Where existing speed cushions intersect proposed cycle lanes, the ANY OTHER COLOUR Northfield (Sheet 1) Pop-up Cycle Lanes: to Developed Design EBTP Road Space Reallocation Date 419867-MMD-C02-XX-DR-D-0101 WORK IN PROGRESS BCC) Proposed coloured surface treatment (exact colour to be agreed with Proposed new footway construction / buildout Proposed plastic wand Proposed sign and post Proposed kerbline Proposed route using existing cycle infrastructure PURPOSES ONLY FOR DISCUSSION Drawn Status PRE Description represents proposed represents existing to be removed represents existing to be retained Rev Approved Coordination Eng check F T W B3 3PU Birmingham 35 Newhall Street 44 (0)121 200 3295 +44 (0)121 234 1500 -- Security STD Ch’k’d - App’d - rojects C:\Userswo92277 We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or used purpose, containing error omission which is due to an in data supplied us parties. This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and specific purposes connected with captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other or used purpose. © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 OS [100021326] ADutoCAD.dwg Feb 21, 2020 - 09:11AM Autodesk neDrive - Mott MacDonald

Wall LC RS

141.32 TL 0003 Sheet See

Elec 141.18

141.25 141.12 CL:141.10 MH Gas Proposed pop-up cycle lane to be tapered from 3m Paved 140.87 to 2m wide Hoarding 140.89 140.77 Elec Elec TL 140.70 140.58 140.56 Tt


140.42 140.30 Elec 140.24

140.23 140.16 LC Elec 140.63 Paved/slabs

139.97 139.84

140.69 139.87 140.57 G 139.74 139.66 140.25 139.69 140.68

140.78 Paved Box Elec 141.05 139.41 140.01 139.44 Box Post Box 15m to accommodate an access point for Box FH Box Road to join the pop-up cycle lane. Colour Proposed entry point for cyclists from Hubert Bus stop to be relocated north by approximately conflict zone cycle lane cyclists from Hubert Road to join the pop-up surface treatment to be applied at the potential

Tt 140.30 Box 140.33 Elec 139.32 TL 139.27 Bus Paved Elec 140.49 BT 140.04 139.08 140.12 Hoarding 139.59 139.05 Gas 138.98

139.72 139.82 140.11 BT Paved/slabs

138.71 138.64 138.59 Paved/slabs 139.41 139.09 139.83 139.52

138.38 138.33 138.27 139.56 Box 139.08 139.18 3.0m 138.79 G 138.12 138.66 138.05

137.93 139.22 138.89 Paved LC utility chamber existing dropped kerbs and conflicts with Temporary footway buildout is not two-way cycle lane on carriageway.

BRISTOL ROAD feasible at this location due to series of Approx. 35m section of 2m wide pop-up buildout to ramp down at existing dropped kerb 137.76 Temporary footway 138.32 Sign Hoarding

LC 138.50 138.61 137.58 137.52 138.86 ST

137.50 137.37 137.43 138.22 137.95 138.33

137.24 138.54 137.25 137.12

137.93 Paved/slabs 138.05 137.61


136.96 BT 136.83 137.66 136.90 137.75 BT

137.95 137.27 FH Paved/slabs Bridge

SV Wall So:142.23m

136.70 137.36 136.72 136.60

137.46 STND


136.60 Ds Box 136.48 G

ST 136.57

137.05 Bridge 137.42 137.14 ht:142.09m Paved/slabs 136.75 G SV 136.74 G 136.74 136.39 2.0m

Paved 136.25 BT 136.28 pop-up cycle lane (Mon-Fri 1.00-4.30pm) to be 3no. existing parking bays suspended to accommodate the Wall SV 136.85 Catv

137.06 ST

Box 136.25 SV CL:136.62

MH 136.12 Paved


136.83 136.73 Ds

Box 136.42

136.98 137.13 136.63 RS 136.04 proposed parallel crossing cycle signals will be required) carriageway in two stage by using the Southbound cyclists from pop-up

two-way cycle lane to join southbound 136.03 ST 135.90 136.93 G

ST Wall BT


136.67 ST G 137.33

137.19 136.39 136.19 137.10


ST 136.73

137.03 Tarmac FH Paved

BT LC 136.25 135.74 135.65 ST

137.47 135.61 ST 136.86 136.38


ST 136.76

136.97 136.57 BRISTOL ROAD

Paved/slabs 137.40 MH

CL:137.33 Gas 135.96

RS 137.32

ST 135.45 137.03


Box 137.31 136.00 135.39

137.66 136.14 Wall 137.10 136.34 135.29

Paved/slabs 135.75

Wall CL:137.45 MH 137.22

Wall LC 137.65

Catv 137.53 135.29

135.18 BT LC 137.52

135.75 Paved

Catv ST 135.00

Box 136.06 135.54



137.48 137.46 Catv Box

137.85 135.87 137.72 Catv 135.04

134.91 137.99 Tarmac 134.85



137.98 135.60

137.85 135.72

Paved/slabs Wall

137.56 137.72

134.90 2.0m 137.68 135.20 134.78 134.65 BT

135.57 TP 137.98 135.21 135.34

Steps 134.70 137.75 134.99 134.57


Catv 134.44 137.87 (additional


ST 137.90 Paved/slabs

ø=0.1 S=2 134.91

135.06 134.79 Paved/slabs 135.18 134.45 134.34 134.32

134.20 Paved ramp down and up to match existing dropped kerbs Temporary footway buildout to 134.68 134.27 BT 134.99 BT 134.16 Wall 134.81 Paved/slabs ST 134.06

134.16 134.04 ST Catv BT 134.37 134.06 133.95 BT 134.43 BT

134.73 ST 134.58 133.85 Paved BT

134.16 133.87 Paved/slabs 134.58 133.73 BT 134.17

BT 133.78 134.31 133.70 Catv LC 133.65 G Wall ST Catv 133.96 Tarmac 133.63 ø=0.6 S=14 133.51 134.29 133.37 133.92 BRISTOL ROAD 134.07

133.46 133.28 LC 133.32 134.12 TURN Paved

133.75 Catv


133.59 RIGHT

133.56 G 133.28

133.15 133.14 ST LC ST NO Paved/slabs

133.85 133.70 ST

133.13 WO 133.00


133.34 133.72 Catv 133.53 Paved/slabs

132.96 RS Wall 132.81 133.23 132.78

133.47 132.76

Catv 133.11 132.60 133.02 132.59 133.27 SV FH

Catv 132.53 132.99 Paved 133.31 132.42132.59 ST


132.81 132.96 132.44 Catv

ST 132.27 132.26 ST Catv ST

133.05 ST


132.82 132.24 ø=0.8 S=18 132.52 132.08 Paved 132.10 Ds

RS 132.15 132.50 131.99 132.89 132.66 132.04 Paved/slabs

Paved/slabs I/R fence 131.94 132.28 G

132.37 Elec 132.50

132.65 TL 131.79

ø=0.8 S=18 131.89 Ds

132.17 131.77

Tt 131.73 IC

132.16 TL ST I/R fence 132.12 131.58

132.43 132.00 131.70 131.60 131.57

Bin 131.98

132.32 LC 132.13 Catv


Paved 131.43 131.35 lane accommodate the pop-up cycle signed) to be suspended 4no. existing parking bays (not

131.75 I/R fence Ds ST 131.80 131.94 132.08 131.34 BT BT TL

Catv 131.33 131.20 131.18 Paved/slabs Boll Elec 131.15 IC LC Boll

131.85 Box 131.56 Tt

TL 131.69 131.15 Gas Elec Box 131.40 Elec 131.03 G Elec 131.97 Boll 131.45 130.98 130.93 131.59 CL:131.10 MH Ds

Tarmac I/R fence 130.97

130.89 130.86 Sign


131.34 131.19 131.87 Catv TURN

131.47 ST 130.75 ø=0.6 S=18 RIGHT 130.84 130.76

131.11 ST Ds

Boll 130.68 131.04

G 131.07 Ds 131.46 NO Catv

131.76 Paved/slabs Boll ST Boll 131.71 130.65 FH 131.21 Boll 130.57 130.45

130.46 Ds Boll

BT 130.83 10.0m

131.22 STNE Boll




130.93 131.01 131.29

Catv 130.46 130.41 Boll

Boll 130.38

CL:130.76 MH 130.38

RS 130.87 STOP


131.15 Catv Boll 130.58 BUS

130.93 G RS Boll

SV Bus shelter 131.64 130.30 130.22 Boll

SV 130.21 130.21 131.14


130.97 131.03 131.31 Box

BRISTOL ROAD Boll 130.63

Boll Tarmac

Boll 130.77 130.57 Paved


G 130.64 130.17 BT Paved/slabs 130.07 Paved/slabs

130.32 130.06


131.14 131.46


131.17 131.64


Paved/slabs 130.76 Knee rail HUBERT ROAD HUBERT 130.69 BT 130.03

Gas 130.36 129.93

130.91 Catv 130.46

131.58 130.17


131.02 129.94

131.29 Catv 131.30 Paved/slabs Catv RS ST


131.48 130.55 131.38 131.08 LC

130.17 BT 129.87

Box 130.30 130.02 129.78 131.13 NO 131.19 ST Box


Catv 131.15 129.80

131.53 ST 129.94

LEFT RS 130.37 Paved Bench

129.71 131.21 129.99

Gas TURN 129.63 130.11 131.31 LC ø=0.5 S=14


131.42 131.36 129.60

130.22 Gas 129.78 BT 131.48 Gas 129.87 0001 Sheet See

131.43 129.99 ST 129.53 129.42 129.66

130.13 ø=0.8 S=18 Paved/slabs Tarmac

129.38 G 129.47

Knee rail 129.65 129.54 ST CL:129.44 129.77 MH 129.36 129.26

129.99 Catv Sign BT 129.31 129.41 129.51

ST 129.63

129.19 129.08 Catv Elec Paved/slabs Gas

129.27 BT 129.15 129.33 129.45 129.70 Bench

129.03 128.92 Catv

129.12 129.01 LC

129.16 2.0m 129.55 129.28

128.87 128.76 128.92 2.5m

Paved 128.97 128.83

Gas 129.01

129.39 FH 128.91 129.12 G Gas Catv

Elec 128.80

128.69 128.58 129.05 128.83 Knee rail

129.29 128.71 LC ST

Catv 128.80 128.92 128.59 128.52 128.41 128.57 Paved/slabs 128.63 Bench 128.97 Ds 128.53

128.64 128.46 Gas ø=0.1 S=1 Elec Gas 128.75 Proposed 2m wide temporary footway localised pinch points. narrowed to no less than 2m at those removed, other street furniture and trees up cycle lane to be introduced utilising the northbound traffic. 2.5m wide two-way pop builout, retaining 3m width for adjacent 128.36 are to be retained and cycle lane is guardrails along proposed cycle lane to be existing and widened footway. Existing 128.26 128.35 Paved/slabs 128.43

128.84 128.52 TP Catv 128.64 128.30 128.21 128.15

128.72 BT 128.35 128.46 128.23

127.96128.07 I/R fence


Bin 128.18 128.29


128.35 128.01 Gas

128.13 Proposed signs to be mounted on existing lighting column Catv

I/R fence 127.93 128.17 G 127.83

127.96 ST 127.72 G Paved/slabs

127.83 LC

127.89 127.61 Tt Catv

127.73 TL Elec



BT 127.54 Mkr SNP Tt


127.87 TL ST 127.72 FH Paved/slabs

127.62 G

127.77 RS 127.67 ST



SV 127.76



128.03 TP

128.09 127.98






Elec 127.62


128.29 Post Box 127.96



LC 127.68

127.72 128.23 128.13



127.72 RS

127.80 127.83

Panel fence Panel 127.84 Paved/slabs

128.18 127.76


128.00 127.98


128.11 ST 128.13 Post to be reused for Existing 20mph and proposed cycle signs 30mph speed limit signs to be removed. Notes Drawing Number Scale at A1 Dwg check Drawn Designed Title Client Rev Reference drawings Key to symbols 1. In general, arrangements and symbols shown in: NB: this drawing is a work in progress and therefore subject to change Symbols: 5. 3. 2. 4. 1:500 UNCONTROLLED COPY Exact sign position and installation to be determined by the Contractor on site. Existing signs in conflict with proposed arrangement are to be covered or Existing road markings and street furniture arrangements are indicative for installation is required, Contractor to ensure existing utilities are determined. removed. incorporate temporary drainage system and maintain access to utility chambers. GREY Contractor. ORANGE Signs should be mounted on existing street furniture where feasible, if new post cushion is to be removed and made level. Method proposed by the arrangements are shown and they subject to verification on site. the purposes of illustrating proposed design arrangements only. Not all Where temporary footway buildout is to be constructed, the Contractor Where existing speed cushions intersect proposed cycle lanes, the ANY OTHER COLOUR Northfield (Sheet 2) Pop-up Cycle Lanes: Selly Oak to Developed Design EBTP Road Space Reallocation Birmingham City Council Date 419867-MMD-C02-XX-DR-D-0102 WORK IN PROGRESS BCC) Proposed coloured surface treatment (exact colour to be agreed with Proposed new footway construction / buildout Proposed plastic wand Proposed sign and post Proposed kerbline Proposed route using existing cycle infrastructure PURPOSES ONLY FOR DISCUSSION Drawn Status PRE Description represents proposed represents existing to be removed represents existing to be retained Rev Approved Coordination Eng check F T W United Kingdom B3 3PU Birmingham 35 Newhall Street 44 (0)121 200 3295 +44 (0)121 234 1500 -- Security STD Ch’k’d - App’d - rojects C:\Userswo92277 We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or used purpose, containing error omission which is due to an in data supplied us parties. This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and specific purposes connected with captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other or used purpose. © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 OS [100021326] ADutoCAD.dwg Feb 21, 2020 - 09:11AM Autodesk neDrive - Mott MacDonald Lane on western footway; shared use footway and toucan management (one lane for each direction on Bristol Road) crossings. Prior to completion of the Selly Oak Triangle construction works. Proposed pop-up cycle facilities to tie in scheme, cyclists to merge with traffic under temporary on-footway cycle track between Lodge Hill Road and Chapel with the Selly Oak Triangle scheme consisting of two-way Area subject to review and be coordinated with ongoing

143.29 G

143.53 143.65 WO

SV 143.43 SV



I\R fence I\R

143.67 143.81

143.52 G 143.62 ø=0.2 S=5 143.81 143.53 G

143.73 143.58 Tarmac MH CL:143.90

143.95 143.84 143.70

Sign 144.00 143.86


143.71 RS CL:143.86 MH

I\R fence 143.80 Step Cam 144.03 143.86 143.98

143.89 Elec 143.88 143.76 143.65143.74 Box 144.13 Gas

143.81 143.90 ST 144.14 LC 143.64 TL Elec

144.05 143.97 143.98 BT 143.70 BT 143.85 P\R fence 143.61 I\R fence 143.72 144.12

143.95 143.62 143.82 143.74

143.56 G 143.63 143.91 Bin Box 143.76 143.69 Paved/slabs 144.06

CL:143.86 MH

144.00 143.52 STOP 143.68

143.98 143.56

144.09 143.65 143.80 143.78 143.68 144.21 144.12 BUS Bus shelter 143.77 143.63 Tarmac 143.49 143.61 P\R fence 143.87 BRISTOL ROAD 143.49 SV 144.01 143.73 143.61 Elec 143.99 TL CL:144.08 143.94 MH 143.88 144.11 Bin 143.65 ST 143.39 143.55 143.53 ø=0.1 S=4 143.69 143.42 ST 143.94 144.04 143.82

143.85 143.93 143.39 G RS 144.00 143.36 143.50 144.01 143.37

144.06 143.61 Bus shelter CL:143.45 MH 143.58 Box 143.87 143.75 143.98 143.79 LC 143.44 143.95 143.85 I\R fence 143.29 144.00 143.89 northbound cyclists Proposed light segregations continuous protection for across junction to provide

143.53 Paved/slabs


143.95 143.80 143.66 143.37

143.88 See Sheet 0004 Sheet See 144.04 143.85 143.71 143.77 143.36

143.93 I/R fence I/R 143.94 143.25 143.98 ST

144.03 143.22 143.44 G BRISTOL ROAD 143.20 STNA


Elec 143.78 143.72 143.57 143.64 143.27 143.66 143.68

143.87 143.38 143.74 CL:144.02 MH 143.80 143.99 Tarmac 143.35 143.26 143.90

RS 143.32 143.78 TL 143.16 143.20

144.00 143.48 Elec 143.65

143.77 Catv 143.60 143.25

143.42 143.57

143.67 Bolli 143.19 143.60 143.76 143.88

LC 143.13

Post 143.08 143.92 143.70 143.49 143.99 143.69 RS P\R fence FH BT 143.56 FH 143.12 143.15 143.60 Paved G

143.99 143.48 G 143.00 P\R fence P\R 143.98 143.60 143.48 143.05

BT 143.20 142.99 G FH

143.45 143.06 FH ST 143.10

BT 143.28 143.54

ST 143.63 142.94 SV 142.99 143.56


143.61 143.69

143.90 143.60 Paved 143.35 143.03

Tarmac 143.55 142.97

143.37 SV

143.66 SV 142.92 143.51 142.87 BT 143.73 143.31 142.95

143.62 143.36 143.46 G 142.92 142.84

143.68 1.7m 143.67 Post 142.81

143.63 143.41 BT Tarmac Drainage channel 143.54 143.22 142.78 143.16 142.80 143.50 142.71 Flag 143.49 142.69

143.56 143.34 BT Paved/slabs 143.44 142.73 2.0m SNP P\R fence LC 143.52 BRISTOL ROAD 143.08 142.66 143.15 Flag G 142.67 142.68 BT 142.68 Paved Flag 143.25 142.59 142.63

143.45 ST

143.35 143.00 143.34 142.65 Sign

BT 142.62 143.34 Flag 142.55 142.57 142.92 142.62

143.29 Boll 143.32 142.48 142.55 142.50 LC Drainage channel BT P\R fence 143.08 142.51 142.42 142.85 STNB

Paved/slabs 142.45 143.25 143.17 142.51 MH CL:142.45 Cam Gas 143.01 142.47 BT

143.12 Barrier 142.78 FH

Sign 142.49 ST 142.43 143.13 142.96 Tarmac 142.36 SV

143.05 142.40 142.44 SV SV BEG

142.70 142.42 G

143.44 G FH SV ST

Paved 142.37 143.35 RS Wall FH 142.84 Drainage channel

143.25 BT 142.95 142.64 142.33 ø=0.7 S=12 ST

143.16 LC 142.78 142.39 G 143.18 Tt 142.90 143.19 WO 142.34 142.43

BT Paved/slabs 142.59 142.70 142.26 142.56 G

Wall Post RS 143.16 Box 142.82 Tarmac Box

142.35 142.43 G 143.11 BT 142.61 142.53 142.73 142.21 142.29

142.92 142.55 142.48 BT Elec 142.64 RS Box 142.90 Catv 142.14 142.22 142.50 142.90 LC 142.58 Drainage channel Wall 142.78 142.44 142.38 142.11 G Paved Wall Paved 142.52 142.16 142.70 142.04 Bin 142.12 Bus 142.37 BUS 142.31 142.44

142.65 STOP LC 142.32

Sign 142.04 142.39 142.05 BT

141.94 BT 142.57 142.26 142.22 142.35 Steps Elec 142.48 142.50 142.20 141.97 LC 141.86 142.30 Tt 141.97 Sign 142.12 141.96 Wall 141.96 BRISTOL ROAD 141.92 141.80142.09

142.41 CL:142.09 MH 142.09 142.20 142.24 FH

142.02 141.86 142.41 Paved 141.83 141.92 BEG

142.00 G 142.10 141.98 142.18 141.69 Drainage channel Wall

Catv 141.82 Paved 141.92 BT

Elec Wall 141.87 TL 141.97 141.80 141.79 142.16 141.92 RS Catv 141.84 141.63 141.79 141.93 141.71 141.73 Elec Paved IR/ fence I\R fence 142.01 141.92 141.72 141.60 141.81

Wall Gas 141.74 141.65 141.90 141.59 141.86 141.72 141.54 STNC Wall Tarmac LC RS Wall Elec 141.85 141.65 141.66 141.32 141.94 TL Security fence 141.79 Elec 141.59 141.18

IR/ fence 141.25 141.12 141.61 CL:141.10 MH


141.75 Gas 141.52 0002 Sheet See

141.86 Paved Post TL 140.87 Elec Hoarding

Box 140.89

Elec 140.77

RS 141.63 141.49 Elec Wall 141.75 141.53 CL:141.29 MH 141.34

141.78 Elec CL:141.81 MH TL 140.70 140.58 140.56 Tt 141.28 141.36

RS 141.07

141.71 141.83 140.42 141.90 140.30 141.27 Elec BT CL:141.52 MH 140.24 BT

140.23 141.55 140.16 Paved LC Elec 140.98 140.63 Paved/slabs

141.01 141.90

141.78 142.00 CL:141.36 MH 141.40 139.97 139.84

140.69 139.87 141.18


142.06 140.57 G 140.97 139.74 139.66

140.25 139.69 Elec 141.08


141.98 140.68 I\R fence I\R 141.30 Paved 140.78 Paved

CL:142.03 Box



141.68 Boll 141.35 142.07 MH 141.87 G 141.05 ST TL 139.41 Elec 140.01 139.44 Box

Post Box

141.95 Box FH Box 142.04

Tt 140.30 Tt Box 141.59 140.33 141.63 Elec

G 139.32 TL 141.66 139.27

Bus MH CL:141.89 141.71 Paved Elec

BT 141.92 140.49 140.04 139.08 Paved 140.12 Hoarding

139.59 141.84 139.05

Gas 138.98

141.96 142.02 Boll 139.72 139.82 140.11 BT Paved/slabs

138.71 138.64 138.59 Paved/slabs 139.41 139.09 139.83 139.52

138.38 138.33 139.56 Box 139.08 139.18 138.79 G 138.66

139.22 138.89


LC 138.50 138.61


138.22 138.33



proposed parallel crossing Southbound cyclists from pop-up cycle signals will be required) carriageway in two stage by using the two-way cycle lane to join southbound 137.99 (additional Notes Drawing Number Scale at A1 Dwg check Drawn Designed Title Client Rev Reference drawings Key to symbols 1. In general, arrangements and symbols shown in: NB: this drawing is a work in progress and therefore subject to change Symbols: 5. 3. 2. 4. 1:500 UNCONTROLLED COPY Exact sign position and installation to be determined by the Contractor on site. Existing signs in conflict with proposed arrangement are to be covered or Existing road markings and street furniture arrangements are indicative for installation is required, Contractor to ensure existing utilities are determined. removed. incorporate temporary drainage system and maintain access to utility chambers. GREY Contractor. ORANGE Signs should be mounted on existing street furniture where feasible, if new post cushion is to be removed and made level. Method proposed by the arrangements are shown and they subject to verification on site. the purposes of illustrating proposed design arrangements only. Not all Where temporary footway buildout is to be constructed, the Contractor Where existing speed cushions intersect proposed cycle lanes, the ANY OTHER COLOUR Northfield (Sheet 3) Pop-up Cycle Lanes: Selly Oak to Developed Design EBTP Road Space Reallocation Birmingham City Council Date 419867-MMD-C02-XX-DR-D-0103 WORK IN PROGRESS BCC) Proposed coloured surface treatment (exact colour to be agreed with Proposed new footway construction / buildout Proposed plastic wand Proposed sign and post Proposed kerbline Proposed route using existing cycle infrastructure PURPOSES ONLY FOR DISCUSSION Drawn Status PRE Description represents proposed represents existing to be removed represents existing to be retained Rev Approved Coordination Eng check F T W United Kingdom B3 3PU Birmingham 35 Newhall Street 44 (0)121 200 3295 +44 (0)121 234 1500 -- Security STD Ch’k’d - App’d - rojects C:\Userswo92277 We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or used purpose, containing error omission which is due to an in data supplied us parties. This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and specific purposes connected with captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other or used purpose. © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 OS [100021326] ADutoCAD.dwg Feb 21, 2020 - 09:11AM Autodesk neDrive - Mott MacDonald Lane on western footway; shared use footway and toucan management (one lane for each direction on Bristol Road) crossings. Prior to completion of the Selly Oak Triangle construction works. Proposed pop-up cycle facilities to tie in scheme, cyclists to merge with traffic under temporary on-footway cycle track between Lodge Hill Road and Chapel

with the Selly Oak Triangle scheme consisting of two-way Area subject to review and be coordinated with ongoing

See Sheet 0005 Sheet See

See Sheet 0003 Sheet See


143.28 143.35 Notes Drawing Number Scale at A1 Dwg check Drawn Designed Title Client Rev Reference drawings Key to symbols 1. In general, arrangements and symbols shown in: NB: this drawing is a work in progress and therefore subject to change Symbols: 5. 3. 2. 4. 1:500 UNCONTROLLED COPY Exact sign position and installation to be determined by the Contractor on site. Existing signs in conflict with proposed arrangement are to be covered or Existing road markings and street furniture arrangements are indicative for installation is required, Contractor to ensure existing utilities are determined. removed. incorporate temporary drainage system and maintain access to utility chambers. GREY Contractor. ORANGE Signs should be mounted on existing street furniture where feasible, if new post cushion is to be removed and made level. Method proposed by the arrangements are shown and they subject to verification on site. the purposes of illustrating proposed design arrangements only. Not all Where temporary footway buildout is to be constructed, the Contractor Where existing speed cushions intersect proposed cycle lanes, the ANY OTHER COLOUR Northfield (Sheet 4) Pop-up Cycle Lanes: Selly Oak to Developed Design EBTP Road Space Reallocation Birmingham City Council Date 419867-MMD-C02-XX-DR-D-0104 WORK IN PROGRESS BCC) Proposed coloured surface treatment (exact colour to be agreed with Proposed new footway construction / buildout Proposed plastic wand Proposed sign and post Proposed kerbline Proposed route using existing cycle infrastructure PURPOSES ONLY FOR DISCUSSION Drawn Status PRE Description represents proposed represents existing to be removed represents existing to be retained Rev Approved Coordination Eng check F T W United Kingdom B3 3PU Birmingham 35 Newhall Street 44 (0)121 200 3295 +44 (0)121 234 1500 -- Security STD Ch’k’d - App’d - rojects C:\Userswo92277 We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or used purpose, containing error omission which is due to an in data supplied us parties. This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and specific purposes connected with captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other or used purpose. © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 OS [100021326] ADutoCAD.dwg Feb 21, 2020 - 09:11AM Autodesk neDrive - Mott MacDonald 11.4m presence of cyclists installed along the bus lane to strengthen Cyclists to join existing bus lane continue

the journey. Cycle symbol markings to be See Sheet 0006 Sheet See management (one lane for each direction on Bristol Road) Lane on western footway; shared use footway and toucan scheme, cyclists to merge with traffic under temporary crossings. Prior to completion of the Selly Oak Triangle on-footway cycle track between Lodge Hill Road and Chapel construction works. Proposed pop-up cycle facilities to tie in with the Selly Oak Triangle scheme consisting of two-way Area subject to review and be coordinated with ongoing 7.7m 10.4m Existing advisory cycle lane and nearside traffic lane to be cyclists. Bus lane to operate at all converted to a wide bus lane shared between buses, taxis and

time. See Sheet 0004 Sheet See Notes Drawing Number Scale at A1 Dwg check Drawn Designed Title Client Rev Reference drawings Key to symbols 1. In general, arrangements and symbols shown in: NB: this drawing is a work in progress and therefore subject to change Symbols: 5. 3. 2. 4. 1:500 UNCONTROLLED COPY Exact sign position and installation to be determined by the Contractor on site. Existing signs in conflict with proposed arrangement are to be covered or Existing road markings and street furniture arrangements are indicative for installation is required, Contractor to ensure existing utilities are determined. removed. incorporate temporary drainage system and maintain access to utility chambers. GREY Contractor. ORANGE Signs should be mounted on existing street furniture where feasible, if new post cushion is to be removed and made level. Method proposed by the arrangements are shown and they subject to verification on site. the purposes of illustrating proposed design arrangements only. Not all Where temporary footway buildout is to be constructed, the Contractor Where existing speed cushions intersect proposed cycle lanes, the ANY OTHER COLOUR Northfield (Sheet 5) Pop-up Cycle Lanes: Selly Oak to Developed Design EBTP Road Space Reallocation Birmingham City Council Date 419867-MMD-C02-XX-DR-D-0105 WORK IN PROGRESS BCC) Proposed coloured surface treatment (exact colour to be agreed with Proposed new footway construction / buildout Proposed plastic wand Proposed sign and post Proposed kerbline Proposed route using existing cycle infrastructure PURPOSES ONLY FOR DISCUSSION Drawn Status PRE Description represents proposed represents existing to be removed represents existing to be retained Rev Approved Coordination Eng check F T W United Kingdom B3 3PU Birmingham 35 Newhall Street 44 (0)121 200 3295 +44 (0)121 234 1500 -- Security STD Ch’k’d - App’d - rojects C:\Userswo92277 We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or used purpose, containing error omission which is due to an in data supplied us parties. This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and specific purposes connected with captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other or used purpose. © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 OS [100021326] ADutoCAD.dwg Feb 21, 2020 - 09:11AM Autodesk neDrive - Mott MacDonald 7.2m Existing bus lane to be widened be removed. Minimum 6m wide carriageway to be retained for two

4.5-5.0m wide and time restriction to

traffic lanes See Sheet 0007 Sheet See 10.9m 7.8m 7.6m Existing 40mph speed limit to be removed. repeater signs to be bagged or removed. 30mph. Existing 40mph and subsequent streets to be modified accordingly Speed limit signs on intersecting side

The carriageway is to be retained as See Sheet 0005 Sheet See Notes Drawing Number Scale at A1 Dwg check Drawn Designed Title Client Rev Reference drawings Key to symbols 1. In general, arrangements and symbols shown in: NB: this drawing is a work in progress and therefore subject to change Symbols: 5. 3. 2. 4. 1:500 UNCONTROLLED COPY Exact sign position and installation to be determined by the Contractor on site. Existing signs in conflict with proposed arrangement are to be covered or Existing road markings and street furniture arrangements are indicative for installation is required, Contractor to ensure existing utilities are determined. removed. incorporate temporary drainage system and maintain access to utility chambers. GREY Contractor. ORANGE Signs should be mounted on existing street furniture where feasible, if new post cushion is to be removed and made level. Method proposed by the arrangements are shown and they subject to verification on site. the purposes of illustrating proposed design arrangements only. Not all Where temporary footway buildout is to be constructed, the Contractor Where existing speed cushions intersect proposed cycle lanes, the ANY OTHER COLOUR Northfield (Sheet 6) Pop-up Cycle Lanes: Selly Oak to Developed Design EBTP Road Space Reallocation Birmingham City Council Date 419867-MMD-C02-XX-DR-D-0106 WORK IN PROGRESS BCC) Proposed coloured surface treatment (exact colour to be agreed with Proposed new footway construction / buildout Proposed plastic wand Proposed sign and post Proposed kerbline Proposed route using existing cycle infrastructure PURPOSES ONLY FOR DISCUSSION Drawn Status PRE Description represents proposed represents existing to be removed represents existing to be retained Rev Approved Coordination Eng check F T W United Kingdom B3 3PU Birmingham 35 Newhall Street 44 (0)121 200 3295 +44 (0)121 234 1500 -- Security STD Ch’k’d - App’d - rojects C:\Userswo92277 We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or used purpose, containing error omission which is due to an in data supplied us parties. This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and specific purposes connected with captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other or used purpose. © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 OS [100021326] ADutoCAD.dwg Feb 21, 2020 - 09:11AM Autodesk Proposed bus stop cage marking on presence of bus stop and potential existing bus stop to highlight stopping bus neDrive - Mott MacDonald Existing advisory cycle lane and nearside traffic lane to be converted to bus lane (min 4m wide)

8.2m See Sheet 0008 Sheet See 7.3m 7.2m

7.3m See Sheet 0006 Sheet See Notes Drawing Number Scale at A1 Dwg check Drawn Designed Title Client Rev Reference drawings Key to symbols 1. In general, arrangements and symbols shown in: NB: this drawing is a work in progress and therefore subject to change Symbols: 5. 3. 2. 4. 1:500 UNCONTROLLED COPY Exact sign position and installation to be determined by the Contractor on site. Existing signs in conflict with proposed arrangement are to be covered or Existing road markings and street furniture arrangements are indicative for installation is required, Contractor to ensure existing utilities are determined. removed. incorporate temporary drainage system and maintain access to utility chambers. GREY Contractor. ORANGE Signs should be mounted on existing street furniture where feasible, if new post cushion is to be removed and made level. Method proposed by the arrangements are shown and they subject to verification on site. the purposes of illustrating proposed design arrangements only. Not all Where temporary footway buildout is to be constructed, the Contractor Where existing speed cushions intersect proposed cycle lanes, the ANY OTHER COLOUR Northfield (Sheet 7) Pop-up Cycle Lanes: Selly Oak to Developed Design EBTP Road Space Reallocation Birmingham City Council Date 419867-MMD-C02-XX-DR-D-0107 WORK IN PROGRESS BCC) Proposed coloured surface treatment (exact colour to be agreed with Proposed new footway construction / buildout Proposed plastic wand Proposed sign and post Proposed kerbline Proposed route using existing cycle infrastructure PURPOSES ONLY FOR DISCUSSION Drawn Status PRE Description represents proposed represents existing to be removed represents existing to be retained Rev Approved Coordination Eng check F T W United Kingdom B3 3PU Birmingham 35 Newhall Street 44 (0)121 200 3295 +44 (0)121 234 1500 -- Security STD Ch’k’d - App’d - rojects C:\Userswo92277 We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or used purpose, containing error omission which is due to an in data supplied us parties. This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and specific purposes connected with captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other or used purpose. © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 OS [100021326] ADutoCAD.dwg Feb 21, 2020 - 09:11AM Autodesk neDrive - Mott MacDonald Existing advisory cycle lane and nearside traffic lane to be converted to bus lane (min 4m wide)

7.5m See Sheet 0009 Sheet See Proposed bus stop cage marking on presence of bus stop and potential existing bus stop to highlight stopping bus 7.2m 7.6m

6.8m See Sheet 0007 Sheet See Notes Drawing Number Scale at A1 Dwg check Drawn Designed Title Client Rev Reference drawings Key to symbols 1. In general, arrangements and symbols shown in: NB: this drawing is a work in progress and therefore subject to change Symbols: 5. 3. 2. 4. 1:500 UNCONTROLLED COPY Exact sign position and installation to be determined by the Contractor on site. Existing signs in conflict with proposed arrangement are to be covered or Existing road markings and street furniture arrangements are indicative for installation is required, Contractor to ensure existing utilities are determined. removed. incorporate temporary drainage system and maintain access to utility chambers. GREY Contractor. ORANGE Signs should be mounted on existing street furniture where feasible, if new post cushion is to be removed and made level. Method proposed by the arrangements are shown and they subject to verification on site. the purposes of illustrating proposed design arrangements only. Not all Where temporary footway buildout is to be constructed, the Contractor Where existing speed cushions intersect proposed cycle lanes, the ANY OTHER COLOUR Northfield (Sheet 8) Pop-up Cycle Lanes: Selly Oak to Developed Design EBTP Road Space Reallocation Birmingham City Council Date 419867-MMD-C02-XX-DR-D-0108 WORK IN PROGRESS BCC) Proposed coloured surface treatment (exact colour to be agreed with Proposed new footway construction / buildout Proposed plastic wand Proposed sign and post Proposed kerbline Proposed route using existing cycle infrastructure PURPOSES ONLY FOR DISCUSSION Drawn Status PRE Description represents proposed represents existing to be removed represents existing to be retained Rev Approved Coordination Eng check F T W United Kingdom B3 3PU Birmingham 35 Newhall Street 44 (0)121 200 3295 +44 (0)121 234 1500 -- Security STD Ch’k’d - App’d - Notes

1. Existing road markings and street furniture arrangements are indicative and for See Sheet 0008 the purposes of illustrating proposed design arrangements only. Not all arrangements are shown and they are subject to verification on site. 2. Where existing speed cushions intersect proposed cycle lanes, the speed cushion is to be removed and made level. Method to be proposed by the Contractor. 3. Where temporary footway buildout is to be constructed, the Contractor is to incorporate temporary drainage system and maintain access to utility chambers. 4. Existing signs in conflict with proposed arrangement are to be covered or removed. 5. Exact sign position and installation to be determined by the Contractor on site. Existing advisory cycle lane and Signs should be mounted on existing street furniture where feasible, if new post nearside traffic lane to be converted installation is required, Contractor to ensure existing utilities are determined. to bus lane (min 4m wide) NB: this drawing is a work in progress and therefore subject to change Key to symbols

7.5m In general, arrangements and symbols shown in: GREY represents existing to be retained ORANGE represents existing to be removed ANY OTHER COLOUR represents proposed

Symbols: Proposed route using existing cycle infrastructure Proposed kerbline Proposed sign and post Proposed plastic wand Proposed new footway construction / footway buildout Proposed coloured surface treatment (exact colour to be agreed with BCC)

Reference drawings



- -

Rev Date Drawn Description Ch’k’d App’d

35 Newhall Street 7.6m Birmingham B3 3PU United Kingdom

T +44 (0)121 234 1500 F 44 (0)121 200 3295 W


Birmingham City Council

Title EBTP Road Space Reallocation Developed Design Pop-up Cycle Lanes: Selly Oak to Northfield (Sheet 9)

Designed Eng check See Sheet 0010 Drawn Coordination

Dwg check Approved Scale at A1 Status Rev Security 1:500 PRE -- STD © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 OS [100021326] Drawing Number This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and for specific purposes connected with the captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or used for any other purpose. We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or being used for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties. 419867-MMD-C02-XX-DR-D-0109

C:\Userswo92277neDrive - Mott MacDonald rojectsADutoCAD.dwg Feb 21, 2020 - 09:11AM Autodesk Notes

1. Existing road markings and street furniture arrangements are indicative and for the purposes of illustrating proposed design arrangements only. Not all arrangements are shown and they are subject to verification on site. See Sheet 0009 2. Where existing speed cushions intersect proposed cycle lanes, the speed cushion is to be removed and made level. Method to be proposed by the Contractor. 3. Where temporary footway buildout is to be constructed, the Contractor is to incorporate temporary drainage system and maintain access to utility chambers. 4. Existing signs in conflict with proposed arrangement are to be covered or removed. 5. Exact sign position and installation to be determined by the Contractor on site. Signs should be mounted on existing street furniture where feasible, if new post installation is required, Contractor to ensure existing utilities are determined.

NB: this drawing is a work in progress and therefore subject to change Existing advisory cycle lane and Key to symbols nearside traffic lane to be converted In general, arrangements and symbols shown in: to bus lane (min 4m wide) GREY represents existing to be retained ORANGE represents existing to be removed ANY OTHER COLOUR represents proposed

Symbols: Proposed route using existing cycle infrastructure Proposed kerbline Proposed sign and post Proposed plastic wand Proposed new footway construction / footway buildout Proposed coloured surface treatment (exact colour to be agreed with BCC)


Reference drawings


- - 7.5m Rev Date Drawn Description Ch’k’d App’d

35 Newhall Street Birmingham B3 3PU United Kingdom

T +44 (0)121 234 1500 F 44 (0)121 200 3295 W


Birmingham City Council

Title EBTP Road Space Reallocation Developed Design Pop-up Cycle Lanes: Selly Oak to Northfield (Sheet 10)

Designed Eng check

Drawn Coordination

Dwg check Approved Scale at A1 Status Rev Security See Sheet 0011 1:500 PRE -- STD © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 OS [100021326] Drawing Number This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and for specific purposes connected with the captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or used for any other purpose. We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or being used for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties. 419867-MMD-C02-XX-DR-D-0110

C:\Userswo92277neDrive - Mott MacDonald rojectsADutoCAD.dwg Feb 21, 2020 - 09:11AM Autodesk Notes

1. Existing road markings and street furniture arrangements are indicative and for See Sheet 0010 the purposes of illustrating proposed design arrangements only. Not all arrangements are shown and they are subject to verification on site. 2. Where existing speed cushions intersect proposed cycle lanes, the speed cushion is to be removed and made level. Method to be proposed by the Contractor. 3. Where temporary footway buildout is to be constructed, the Contractor is to incorporate temporary drainage system and maintain access to utility chambers. 4. Existing signs in conflict with proposed arrangement are to be covered or removed. 5. Exact sign position and installation to be determined by the Contractor on site. Signs should be mounted on existing street furniture where feasible, if new post installation is required, Contractor to ensure existing utilities are determined. 7.4m

NB: this drawing is a work in progress and therefore subject to change Key to symbols

In general, arrangements and symbols shown in: GREY represents existing to be retained ORANGE represents existing to be removed ANY OTHER COLOUR represents proposed

Symbols: Proposed route using existing cycle infrastructure Proposed kerbline Proposed sign and post Proposed plastic wand Proposed new footway construction / footway buildout Proposed coloured surface treatment (exact colour to be agreed with BCC)


Reference drawings

WORK IN PROGRESS UNCONTROLLED COPY FOR DISCUSSION 7.3m Existing 40mph speed limit to be removed. PURPOSES ONLY The carriageway is to be retained as 30mph. Existing 40mph and subsequent 7.9m repeater signs to be bagged or removed. Speed limit signs on intersecting side streets to be modified accordingly - - Rev Date Drawn Description Ch’k’d App’d

35 Newhall Street Birmingham B3 3PU United Kingdom

T +44 (0)121 234 1500 F 44 (0)121 200 3295 W


Birmingham City Council

No change to existing carriageway consisting of two traffic lane. Noted that nearside traffic lane has a 'No Waiting Mon-Sat 4-7pm' Title restriction and the nearside lane is observed to be used for on-street parking with one EBTP Road Space Reallocation free traffic lane remaining Developed Design Existing 30mph speed limit signs no longer required and can be removed Pop-up Cycle Lanes: Selly Oak to Northfield (Sheet 11)

Designed Eng check

Drawn Coordination See Sheet 0012 Dwg check Approved Scale at A1 Status Rev Security 1:500 PRE -- STD © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 OS [100021326] Drawing Number This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and for specific purposes connected with the captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or used for any other purpose. We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or being used for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties. 419867-MMD-C02-XX-DR-D-0111

C:\Userswo92277neDrive - Mott MacDonald rojectsADutoCAD.dwg Feb 21, 2020 - 09:11AM Autodesk Notes See Sheet 0011 1. Existing road markings and street furniture arrangements are indicative and for the purposes of illustrating proposed design arrangements only. Not all arrangements are shown and they are subject to verification on site. 2. Where existing speed cushions intersect proposed cycle lanes, the speed cushion is to be removed and made level. Method to be proposed by the Contractor. 3. Where temporary footway buildout is to be constructed, the Contractor is to incorporate temporary drainage system and maintain access to utility chambers. 4. Existing signs in conflict with proposed arrangement are to be covered or removed. 5. Exact sign position and installation to be determined by the Contractor on site. Signs should be mounted on existing street furniture where feasible, if new post installation is required, Contractor to ensure existing utilities are determined.

NB: this drawing is a work in progress and therefore subject to change Key to symbols

In general, arrangements and symbols shown in: GREY represents existing to be retained ORANGE represents existing to be removed ANY OTHER COLOUR represents proposed

Symbols: Proposed route using existing cycle infrastructure Proposed kerbline 7.4m Proposed sign and post Proposed plastic wand Proposed new footway construction / footway buildout Proposed coloured surface treatment (exact colour to be agreed with BCC)


Reference drawings



- -

8.1m Rev Date Drawn Description Ch’k’d App’d

35 Newhall Street Birmingham B3 3PU United Kingdom

T +44 (0)121 234 1500 F 44 (0)121 200 3295 W


Birmingham City Council

Title EBTP Road Space Reallocation Developed Design Pop-up Cycle Lanes: Selly Oak to Northfield (Sheet 12)

See Sheet 0013 Designed Eng check

Drawn Coordination

Dwg check Approved Scale at A1 Status Rev Security 1:500 PRE -- STD © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 OS [100021326] Drawing Number This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and for specific purposes connected with the captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or used for any other purpose. We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or being used for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties. 419867-MMD-C02-XX-DR-D-0112

C:\Userswo92277neDrive - Mott MacDonald rojectsADutoCAD.dwg Feb 21, 2020 - 09:11AM Autodesk Notes

1. Existing road markings and street furniture arrangements are indicative and for the purposes of illustrating proposed design arrangements only. Not all arrangements are shown and they are subject to verification on site. 2. Where existing speed cushions intersect proposed cycle lanes, the speed cushion is to be removed and made level. Method to be proposed by the Contractor. 3. Where temporary footway buildout is to be constructed, the Contractor is to incorporate temporary drainage system and maintain access to utility chambers. 4. Existing signs in conflict with proposed arrangement are to be covered or removed. 5. Exact sign position and installation to be determined by the Contractor on site. Signs should be mounted on existing street furniture where feasible, if new post installation is required, Contractor to ensure existing utilities are determined.

NB: this drawing is a work in progress and therefore subject to change Key to symbols

In general, arrangements and symbols shown in: GREY represents existing to be retained See Sheet 0012 ORANGE represents existing to be removed ANY OTHER COLOUR represents proposed

Symbols: Proposed route using existing cycle infrastructure Proposed kerbline Proposed sign and post Proposed plastic wand Proposed new footway construction / footway buildout 7.5m Proposed coloured surface treatment (exact colour to be agreed with BCC)

7.1m Reference drawings


- -

Rev Date Drawn Description Ch’k’d App’d

35 Newhall Street Birmingham B3 3PU United Kingdom

T +44 (0)121 234 1500 7.8m F 44 (0)121 200 3295 W

7.6m Client

Birmingham City Council

See Sheet 0012

Title EBTP Road Space Reallocation Developed Design Pop-up Cycle Lanes: Selly Oak to Northfield (Sheet 13)

Designed Eng check

Drawn Coordination

Dwg check Approved Scale at A1 Status Rev Security 1:500 PRE -- STD 9.0m © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 OS [100021326] Drawing Number This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and for specific purposes connected with the captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or used for any other purpose. We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or being used for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties. 419867-MMD-C02-XX-DR-D-0113

C:\Userswo92277neDrive - Mott MacDonald rojectsADutoCAD.dwg Feb 21, 2020 - 09:11AM Autodesk Notes

1. Existing road markings and street furniture arrangements are indicative and for 7.8m the purposes of illustrating proposed design arrangements only. Not all arrangements are shown and they are subject to verification on site. 2. Where existing speed cushions intersect proposed cycle lanes, the speed cushion is to be removed and made level. Method to be proposed by the Contractor. 3. Where temporary footway buildout is to be constructed, the Contractor is to incorporate temporary drainage system and maintain access to utility chambers. 4. Existing signs in conflict with proposed arrangement are to be covered or removed. See Sheet 0011 5. Exact sign position and installation to be determined by the Contractor on site. Signs should be mounted on existing street furniture where feasible, if new post installation is required, Contractor to ensure existing utilities are determined.

NB: this drawing is a work in progress and therefore subject to change Key to symbols

In general, arrangements and symbols shown in: GREY represents existing to be retained ORANGE represents existing to be removed ANY OTHER COLOUR represents proposed

Symbols: Proposed route using existing cycle infrastructure Proposed kerbline Proposed sign and post Proposed plastic wand Proposed new footway construction / footway buildout Proposed coloured surface treatment (exact colour to be agreed with BCC)


Cyclists to utilise existing one-way on footway cycle track Zig-zag lines to be pushed out from kerb to allow blue paint treatment on the approach to the crossing 9.0m Widen existing advisory cycle lane to 2m wide (assumed 3m wide can be maintained on adjacent traffic lane). Light segregation measures to be installed if kerbside loading can be suspended

Reference drawings



- -

Rev Date Drawn Description Ch’k’d App’d

35 Newhall Street Birmingham B3 3PU 3.0m 7.6m United Kingdom Cyclists to join existing bus lane to continue their journey on Bristol Road T +44 (0)121 234 1500 South (Northfield High Street) F 44 (0)121 200 3295 W


7.5m Birmingham City Council Proposed cycle symbols to emphasise cycle movements at the junction

Title EBTP Road Space Reallocation Developed Design Pop-up Cycle Lanes: Selly Oak to Northfield (Sheet 14)

Designed Eng check

Drawn Coordination

Dwg check Approved Scale at A1 Status Rev Security 1:500 PRE -- STD © Crown copyright and database rights 2020 OS [100021326] Drawing Number This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and for specific purposes connected with the captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or used for any other purpose. We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or being used for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties. 419867-MMD-C02-XX-DR-D-0114

C:\Userswo92277neDrive - Mott MacDonald rojectsADutoCAD.dwg Feb 21, 2020 - 09:11AM Autodesk