DAUGAVPILS UNIVERSIT¬TES AKAD«MISKAIS APG¬DS ìSAULEî ~ 2019 ~ Saleniece, I., atb. red. VÁsture: avoti un cilvÁki. XXII. Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universit‚tes AkadÁmiskais apg‚ds ìSauleî, 2019. 336 lpp.

Daugavpils Universit‚tes Humanit‚r‚s fakult‚tes VÁstures katedras zin‚tnisko rakstu kr‚jums ìVÁsture: avoti un cilvÁkiî ir anonÓmi recenzÁts periodisks izdevums ar starptautisku zin‚tnisk‚s redakcijas kolÁÏiju. T‚ mÁrÌis ir prezentÁt aktu‚lo pÁtÓjumu rezult‚tus vÁstures zin‚tnes, k‚ arÓ historiogr‚- fijas un vÁstures palÓgzin‚tÚu jom‚. Izn‚k vienu reizi gad‚ latvieu, angÔu un krievu valod‚.

Zin‚tnisko rakstu kr‚jums ìVÁsture: avoti un cilvÁkiî pieejams EBSCO datub‚zÁ.

RedkolÁÏija IrÁna Saleniece (Daugavpils Universit‚te, Latvija) ñ atbildÓg‚ redaktore Sandra GrigaraviËi˚tÎ (Vitauta Di˛‚ universit‚te, Lietuva) Aleksandrs Ivanovs (Daugavpils Universit‚te, Latvija) «riks JÁkabsons (Latvijas Universit‚te, Latvija) Tatjana KuzÚecova (Daugavpils Universit‚te, Latvija) Olaf Mertelsmann ( Universit‚te, Igaunija) Ilgvars Mis‚ns (Latvijas Universit‚te, Latvija) VaÔerij NikuÔin (I. Kanta Baltijas Feder‚l‚ universit‚te, Krievija) Henrihs Soms (Daugavpils Universit‚te, Latvija) Geoffrey Swain (Gl‚zgovas Universit‚te, Apvienot‚ Karaliste) Vit‚lijs –alda (Daugavpils Universit‚te, Latvija) Juris Urt‚ns (Latvijas Kult˚ras akadÁmija, Latvija)

Liter‚r‚s redaktores Jana But‚ne-Zarjuta, Sandra Mekova, GaÔina Sirica Tehniskie redaktori Sergejs Kuzmins, Vita –totaka MaketÁt‚ja Marina StoËka

ISSN 1691-9297 © Daugavpils Universit‚te, 2019 Saleniece, I., ed. History: Sources and People. XXII. Daugavpils: Daugavpils Univer- sity Academic Press ìSauleî, 2019. 336 p.

The collection of articles ìHistory: Sources and Peopleî of History Department of the Faculty of Humanities of Daugavpils University is a double- blind peer-reviewed periodical with the international editorial board. It publishes articles aimed at presenting the research findings in the field of history, as well as historiography and auxiliary historical disciplines. It is published once a year in Latvian, English, and Russian.

Editions of the collection of articles ìHistory: Sources and Peopleî are indexed in EBSCO database.

Editorial Board IrÁna Saleniece (Daugavpils University, ) ñ editor in chief Sandra GrigaraviËi˚tÎ (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania) Aleksandrs Ivanovs (Daugavpils University, Latvia) «riks JÁkabsons (University of Latvia, Latvia) Tatjana KuzÚecova (Daugavpils University, Latvia) Olaf Mertelsmann (University of Tartu, ) Ilgvars Mis‚ns (University of Latvia, Latvia) Valerii Nikulin (I. Kant Baltic Federal University, Russia) Henrihs Soms (Daugavpils University, Latvia) Geoffrey Swain (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom) Vit‚lijs –alda (Daugavpils University, Latvia) Juris Urt‚ns (Latvian Academy of Culture, Latvia)

Literary editors Jana But‚ne-Zarjuta, Sandra Mekova, GaÔina Sirica Technical editors Sergejs Kuzmins, Vita –totaka Lay-out Marina StoËka

© Daugavpils University, 2019 . SATURS / CONTENTS

Ilga Apine Starp div‚m dzimtenÁm: Latvijas krievu piemÁrs ...... 9 Tatjana Bartele Krievu kult˚ras dienas svinÁanas pirms‚kumi RÓg‚ 1925. gad‚ .... 17 KristÓne BeÌere Latvieu Nacion‚l‚s padomes politisk‚ darbÓba (1948ñ1951) ..... 28 Edgars Ceske Da˛as veicieu astronoma Johana III Bernulli ceÔojuma aprakst‚ caur Jelgavu un RÓgu (1777, 1778) pieminÁt‚s un Kurzemes kult˚rvÁsturisk‚s ainas ...... 38 Евгений Гребень, Алеся Корсак Восприятие военной действительности населением Западной Беларуси (по материалам полевых исследований) ... 45 Sandra GrigaraviËi˚tÎ Authorized Representatives of the Council of Lithuania and Their Activities in Ukraine in 1918 ...... 58 Галина Яковлева «Хочу быть хорошей работницей на еврейской улице»: Витебский еврейский педагогический техникум и его студенты в 1920-е годы ...... 72 «riks JÁkabsons VÁsturnieks BoÔeslavs Bre˛go (1887ñ1957): nezin‚mais biogr‚fij‚ ...... 83 Vytautas Jokubauskas Activities of the History Section of the Society of Military Sciences in Lithuania (1923ñ1933) ...... 94 Iveta Krilova Daugavpils prese par sievieu kr‚pnieciskiem darÓjumiem (1953ñ1964) ...... 102 Сигитас Лужис Пярлойская республика: между мифом и реальностью ...... 112 Vladislavs Malahovskis KatoÔu un luter‚Úu attiecÓbu atspoguÔojums latvieu nacion‚li un klerik‚li konservatÓvaj‚ presÁ (1920ñ1934) ...... 121

5 VÁsture XXII VÁsture: avoti un cilvÁki

Arvydas Malonaitis Hillforts in the Eyes of Residents: Preliminary Findings ...... 130 Максим Моисеев Выкуп пленных как форма деловой активности представителей знати Крымского ханства ...... 138 Евгения Назарова Научные интересы подпоручика Рудолфса Клинсонса ...... 147 Alise Ozola 6. RÓgas k‚jnieku pulka krituo karavÓru pieminekÔa celanas biedrÓbas darbÓba (1925ñ1939) ...... 155 Guntis Pakalns K‚rlis Ar‚js un ìD˛˚kstes pasakasî ...... 167 Silva PocytÎ The Formation of a New Society in KlaipÎda Region after 1945 ...... 174 Andis Rasums No padomju milicijas darbinieka lÓdz nacistu DroÓbas policijas virsniekam un nacion‚l‚s pretoan‚s kustÓbas dalÓbniekam: Jura Aires VDK krimin‚llieta ...... 183 Тереза Рончка-Езиорска, Павел А. Езиорски Базилианский «монастырь» в Якобштадте в свете источников из архива графов Борхов в Вараклянах ...... 191 Galina Sedova (nun Euphrosyne) Closing Orthodox Churches in in the 1960s ...... 201 Mindaugas SereiËikas Geographical Localization and Intensity of the Lithuanian Wars of Independence with the Red Army ...... 215 Raitis Simsons 13.ñ14. gadsimt‚ Pr˚sij‚ izdot‚s dzirnavu un krogu tiesÓbas: to raksturojums un analÓzes iespÁjas ...... 225 Henrihs Soms Latvieu periodisk‚ prese par Daugavpils kauj‚m 1918. gad‚ ..... 239 Elita Stikute Luda BÁrziÚa daudzpusÓg‚ zin‚tnisk‚ un pedagoÏisk‚ darbÓba .... 248

6 VÁsture XXII VÁsture: avoti un cilvÁki

Kaspars Strods NoziedzÓba Latvij‚ (1918ñ1940): historiogr‚fijas apskats...... 262 Елена Сумко Послевоенная действительность в воспоминаниях жителей Западной Витебщины (по материалам полевых исследований) ...... 273 Гинтаутас Сургайлис Бои Литовской армии с Красной армией в Илукстском уезде в 1919 году ...... 281 Vit‚lijs –alda Latvieu biedrÓbas PÁterburg‚ (19. gadsimta otr‚ puse ñ 1914. gads) ...... 291 RamunÎ –migelskytÎ-StukienÎ The Parliamentary Activity of the Livonian Exiles in 1792 ...... 308 Манвидас Виткунас, Гинтаутас Забела Военная археология в Литве: новейшие исследования ...... 316 ZiÚas par autoriem / Authors ...... 334

7 RamunÎ –migelskytÎ-StukienÎ The Parliamentary Activity of the Livonian Exiles in 1792

Key words: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Livonian exiles, Constitution of 3 May 1791,

The final years of the existence of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth witnessed an intensive parliamentary life influenced by the changed socio- political situation within the country as well as geopolitical factors. The resear- chers of parliamentarism consider the period of the Four-Year Sejm (1788ñ 1792) the epoch of essential changes which did not only bring radical reforms establishing a constitutional monarchy in Poland and Lithuania but also developed a qualitatively new approach towards self-government, which is primarily linked with the creation of civil-military commissions. Civil-military commissions set up in all administrative units ñ districts ñ by the decision of the Sejm of 1790, which also had to involve the representatives of the towns- people from 1791, became the first institutions of local self-government that were elected in district and did not depend on a single social class. The impact of geopolitical factors on parliamentary life and the political consolidation of the nobility was revealed in the course of the sejmiks of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth convened in February 1792. Facing the threat from the , the sejmiks of the Grand of Lithuania demonstrated solidarity and unanimous approval of the Constitution of 3 May 1791, thus confirming their readiness to strive for the strengthening of the state and the assurance of its existence. Out of 34 sejmiks, which had to be convened in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the spring of 1792, Piltene sejmik was the only one that did not take place. It was due to the activities of the opposition, which was against the reforms, as well as the general specific situation of the districtís nobility who tended to associate themselves with the Duchy of Courland rather than the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Szczygielski, 1994, 329). Despite the numerous studies dedicated to the Constitution of 3 May 1791 and the implementation of the decisions adopted by the Four-Year Sejm, the abundant historiography also has nothing to say about the course of the Livonian sejmik which gathered in Il˚kste in February 1792 (Bardach 1992,

308 RamunÎ –migelskytÎ-StukienÎ The Parliamentary Activity of the Livonian Exiles in 1792

23ñ32; Butterwick 2012, 748ñ749, 751; Sobczak 1995, 167ñ168; Glem˛a 2012, 18ñ27). The positions of the nobility attending the sejmik were construed hypothetically based on the speech of Lithuanian Sejm Marshal, Kazimierz Nestor Sapieha given at the Sejm of 15 March 1792 (Szczygielski 1994, 331). The records of the documents of Livonian sejmik found in the registry book of the Lithuanian Tribunal as well as the study of the correspondence from the personal archives of Castellan of Trakai and Livonian Starosta Kazi- mierz Konstanty Plater (1746ñ1807) opened opportunities to re-address the problem of the stance of the Livonian nobility (Rolnik 2009, –migelskytÎ- StukienÎ 2016). Based on the analysis of the parliamentary life of the local nobility during the period of the Four-Year Sejm, this paper aims to approach the parliamentary activity of the Livonian exiles in a broader context of sejmik development with a special focus on the positions taken by the Livonian nobility in respect of reforms. The study will not cover the research on the positions of the nobility of the Duchy of Courland who enjoyed an independent status and did not fall into the domain of parliamentary life of the Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth (Zajas 2013, 118ñ119). The present research centres on Livonian exiles, i.e. the nobles of the Livonian (other- wise known as the Duchy of ), which was lost during the first partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. With their estates located in both the former territories of the Commonwealth and a small part of Livonia, the so called ëLivonian meadow,í that was still part of the Commonwealth, the Livonian nobility recovered their right to participate in the parliamentary life of the Commonwealth and to elect 6 representatives to the Sejm as far back as 1778. Two representatives from Poland, two representatives from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and two representatives from Livonia were elected (Szczygielski 1994, 326). It should be noted that, after the reform of administrative division and the Law on Sejmiks were adopted in 1791, the Livonian sejmik was assigned to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Besides, it established two sejmiks in Livonia ñ the sejmik of Livonian exiles and the sejmik of Piltene district, which was directly subordinate to the Common- wealth (Volumina Legum 1889, 233ñ240). In February 1792, the sejmiks had to convene in conformity with the Law on Sejmiks enacted on 24 March 1791. The Law eliminated landless nobility from the sejmik activity. Only those nobles who possessed land in that district and paid taxes had the right to vote. All tenant nobles and nobles under 18 years of age were deprived of the right of decision-making. In order

309 RamunÎ –migelskytÎ-StukienÎ The Parliamentary Activity of the Livonian Exiles in 1792 to apply to one or another position, age limit was even higher ñ the age of at least 23 years was required (Volumina Legum 1889, 333ñ334). From February 1792, landless nobility who were usually dependent on lords and used to provide political backup for them could no longer participate in sejmiks. In addition, the possibility for the children of the nobility with little land to apply to various positions was limited, though it had been quite a common practice before. The introduction of the book of landed nobility had to ensure the elimi- nation of landless nobility from sejmik gatherings. Local institutions of self- government ñ civil-military commissions ñ had to start keeping such books, in which all landowners in the district had to be registered (Sobczak 1995, 168). However, the law did not provide for the introduction of such books in case of exiles, including the nobility from Livonia (Inflanty), the Duchy of Courland, and Piltene district. Nevertheless, the Law on Administrative Division of the Polish-Lithu- anian Commonwealth adopted in November 1791 provided for the registra- tion of the exiles from the into the books of landed nobility in the future. The right to participate in the sejmik activity in the future had to be provided for those nobles who represented ìthe old families of Livonia under the books of the knights (ërytterbankí) and those who were entered into the books of landed nobility.î (Volumina Legum 1889, 334). The Law on Administrative Division governed the venue for the gathering of the sejmiks of exiles and the right to become their members. The law stipulated that the exiles of the Livonian Voivodeship and the nobility of Courland would gather to the general sejmik on the territory of Courland, in Il˚kste, ìin the house designated for that purpose,î whereas the nobility of Piltene district would convene the sejmik in Hazenpote (Aizkraule). As mentioned before, the Piltene sejmik was the only one to which the nobility did not gather. However, with reference to the letters addressed by Livonian nobles to Kazimierz Konstanty Plater, it cannot be firmly concluded that the passive- ness of the nobility of Piltene district in respect of the sejmik was driven by the stance of Livonian Starosta Plater. Livonian Starosta Plater took an active interest in sejmik affairs, in particu- lar the sejmik of the Duchy of Livonia, the organization of which was discussed in the seat of the Plater family in Kr‚slava. The nobleman from the Braslaw district, Micha˘ OgiÒski, and the client Bielikowicz were entrusted the sejmik preparatory work. OgiÒski asked Plater for instructions on the manner of sejmik organization and was convinced that there would be much work to

310 RamunÎ –migelskytÎ-StukienÎ The Parliamentary Activity of the Livonian Exiles in 1792 do at the sejmik (LVIA, 1276. f., 2. ap., 194. b., 14. l.). Candidacies of the would-be officers of district institutions were also coordinated with Plater: by the common agreement of Plater and Livonian Castellan JÛzef Zyberk, Kingís Chamberlain Dominik ŸabuÒski had to become the record-keeper of the Livonian books of landed nobility (LVIA, 1276. f., 2. ap., 194 b., 54. l.). The archival sources enable a detailed reconstruction of how the sejmik of the Duchy of Livonia proceeded. We know from the documents of the sejmik that on the date prescribed by law, i.e. on 14 February 1792, ìthe senators, dignitaries, officers, noblemen, citizensî of the Duchy of Livonia gathered to the location where the sejmik had to take place. By complying with the new legal requirements, they elected the sejmik management, com- pleted all the required procedures and elected their deputy to the Lithuanian Tribunal on the same day. Chamberlain Tadeusz Weyssenhoff was elected the deputy of Tribunal. The economic sejmik took place on the following day, whereas on 16 February the Il˚kste sejmik moved to the issue of election of land court judges and other local officers (eldership inspector) (LVIA. SA f., 185. b., 570ñ571v. l.). The noblemen of the Duchy of Livonia took an initiative to elect 6 civilian military commissars by a unanimous vote. Micha˘ Benis˘awski, JÛzef Oskierko, Wincenty Weyssenhoff, Raymund ŸabuÒski, Jan Schroden, and JÛzef Soko- ˘owski were elected the commissars. It is interesting to note that, due to the specific situation of exiles, the Law on Establishment of Civil-Military Com- missions should not apply to them. The first job assigned to civil-military commissars was the registration of landed nobility into the Livonian book of landed nobility, though law did not regulate the introduction of such a book to exiles as well. The correspondence addressed to Livonian Starosta Plater shows that, at the beginning of 1792, the Livonian nobility were tormented by strong doubts. With the pressure from the Commonwealth and Russia, the Livonian exiles did not only doubt the success of registration of the nobility into the books of landed nobility. Tensions between the Livonian exiles and Curonian nobles were sensed as well. Voivode of Brest Jan Zyberg expressed his doubts in the following words: ìWhereas the noblemen of Courland showed no intention to join our gatherings, it means that they will not be registered in the register of landed nobility as well.î (LVIA, 1276. f., 2. ap., 194. b., 58. l.). Livonian Chamberlain JÛzef Zyberg was also sceptical about Curonian nobles. He observed that ìthe gracious lords of Courland showed no intention to

311 RamunÎ –migelskytÎ-StukienÎ The Parliamentary Activity of the Livonian Exiles in 1792 exercise their right of contributing to [the implementation of] the Constitution, except for three of them observing everything at a distance. They did not attend our gathering [i.e. the sejmik] anymore.î (LVIA, 1276. f., 2. ap., 194. b., 66. l.). In addition to economic and administrative affairs, another important issue on the agenda of the Livonian exiles gathered to the sejmik in Il˚kste was their oath in support of the Constitution of 3 May. King Stanislas August Poniatowski had addressed Livonian Chamberlain Zyberg by his personal letter on this matter. The King hoped that Zyberg would take an oath to the Constitution together with the whole sejmik (LVIA, 1276. f., 2. ap., 194. b., 66ñ66v. l.). However, the incitements arriving from Warsaw ran into the wall of doubts of the Livonian exiles. As shown by the letters from Livonian Chamberlain Zyberg to monarch Stanislas August and Starosta Plater, the exiles gathered to the sejmik were driven to abstain from the oath to the Constitution of 3 May by the caution associated with the fate of their estates (LVIA, 1276. f., 2. ap., 194. b., 62. l.). Most of Livonian noblemen had estates on both sides of the border; they therefore tried to maintain loyalty to the local government (LVIA, 1276. f., 2. ap., 194. b., 64ñ65. l.). For the sake of security, the sejmik agreed not to take an oath to the Constitution but to write a letter of gratitude to their deputies elected to the Sejm. Interestingly, the wording was selected in the letter of gratitude so carefully that the Con- stitution of 3 May was not once mentioned in the text. The sejmik of the Livonian exiles expressed its delight about the report on the job already accom- plished by the Sejm, marvelled at the magnitude of works of the ìFather of the Nation, the Most Gracious King of All Kingsî by declaring their respect and gratitude for the fruits of labour achieved by the whole legislative corps. Special gratitude was expressed for the enactment of the law granting the privilege of the sejmik to the Livonian exiles (LVIA, 1276. f., 2. ap., 194. b., 56. l.). Together with the above address, the second letter expressing the aspira- tions that were far more down-to-earth was also sent from the participants of the sejmik to the deputies of the Duchy of Livonia in Warsaw. The members of the sejmik obliged their representatives at the Sejm to make every effort that an exclusive right for the Livonian exiles to acquire the nearby state elderships of Braslaw, Opsa, DaugÎlikis, Kupikis, Pienionys, AnykËiai, and Vabalninkas was established by law ìas a gift for their loyaltyî (LVIA, 1276. f., 2. ap., 194. b., 57. l.).

312 RamunÎ –migelskytÎ-StukienÎ The Parliamentary Activity of the Livonian Exiles in 1792

In summary, we can state that the specific legal status of exiles in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth resulted in the specificity of their parlia- mentary life in 1792. Not all the regulations of the Four-Year Sejm could be directly applied and the issues debated differed from other gatherings as well. At the Livonian sejmik convened in Il˚kste in 1792, the Livonian exiles abstained from voting on the Constitution of 3 May, as they feared the loss of their estates outside the monarchy. They limited themselves to expressing gratitude to King Stanislas August and the deputies from the Duchy of Livonia for their work, as well as for the ability to meet even though their domains were not within the borders of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Never- theless, the research points to the fact that numerous actions were undertaken to introduce the reforms of the Four-Year Sejm in Livonia by local govern- ments even though these territories were outside the jurisdiction of the Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth. References Copy of the letter of JÛzef Zyberk to King Stanislas August Poniatowski of 18 February 1792, Lietuvos valstybÎs istorijos archyvas (hereafter ñ LVIA), 1276. f. (Pliateri¯ fondas), 2. ap., 194. b., 64ñ65. l. Copy of the letter of Livonian nobility to the deputies of Parliament of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of 15 February 1792, LVIA. 1276 f., 2. ap., 194 b., 56ñ56v.l. Copy of the second letter of Livonian nobility to the deputies of Parliament of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of 15 February 1792, LVIA. 1276. f., 2. ap., 194. b., 57. l. Letter of JÛzef Zyberk to Kazimierz Konstanty Plater of 18 February 1792. LVIA. 1276. f., 2. ap., 194. b., 66. l. Letter of JÛzef Zyberk to Kazimierz Konstanty Platera, 18 II 1792, I˘˘ukszta, LVIA, f. 1276, ap. 2, b. 194, l. 62. Letter of ŸabuÒski to Kazimierz Konstanty Plater of 13 February 1792. LVIA, 1276. f., 2. ap., 194 b., 54ñ54v.l. Letter of Michal OgiÒski to Kazimierz Konstanty Plater of 18 January 1792, LVIA, 1276. f., 2 ap., 194. b., 14ñ14v. l. Record of the Laudum of the sejmik of Livonia, LVIA. SA f. (Senieji aktai), 185. b. (Lietuvos Did˛iosios KunigaiktystÎs Vyriausiasis Tribunolas), 570ñ 571v. l. Volumina Legum (1889) t. IX. KrakÛw: Nak˘adem Akademii UmiejÊtno˙ci, 1889. 506 p.

313 RamunÎ –migelskytÎ-StukienÎ The Parliamentary Activity of the Livonian Exiles in 1792

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Ramune –migelskÓte-Stukiene Inflantijas trimdinieku darbÓba: 1792. gads AtslÁgas v‚rdi: fieËpospolita, Inflantijas trimdinieki, 1791. gada 3. maija konstit˚cija, sejmik Kopsavilkums fieËpospolitas pirm‚s dalÓanas laik‚ (1772) Inflantijas kÚaziste (, PoÔu Inflantija, Inflanty Polskie) tika pievienota Krievijas impÁrijai. Inflantijas Ôahtas nezaudÁja sakarus ar fieËpospolitu, kur piederÁja zemes Ópaumi. T‚ k‚ neliela Inflantijas daÔa (ìInflantijas loksî) arÓ pÁc dalÓanas palika fieËpos- politas sast‚v‚, 1778. gad‚ trimdiniekiem tika dota iespÁja piedalÓties Polijas un Lietuvas apvienot‚s valsts politiskaj‚ dzÓvÁ un vÁlÁt Seimam seus p‚r- st‚vjus. No 1788. lÓdz 1792. gadam fieËpospolitas Seims izskatÓja jaut‚jumu

314 RamunÎ –migelskytÎ-StukienÎ The Parliamentary Activity of the Livonian Exiles in 1792 un pieÚÁma likumu par seimiku reformu, kas b˚tiski ietekmÁja Inflantijas trimdinieku seimiku darbu. 1792. gad‚ Inflantij‚ bija j‚sasauc divi seimiki: Inlantijas trimdinieku seimiks Il˚kstÁ un Piltenes novada seimiks AizkrauklÁ. SaskaÚ‚ ar administratÓvo iedalÓjumu Inflantijas Ôahtas seimiki tika pakÔauti Lietuvas lielkÚazistes jurisdikcijai. Rakst‚, pamatojoties uz arhÓva materi‚liem, tiek analizÁta Inflantijas trimdinieku seimika darbÓba Il˚kstÁ 1792. gada 14.ñ16. febru‚rÓ. Seimiku koordinÁja Inflantijas st‚rasts Kazimirs KonstantÓns Pl‚ters. VÁstures doku- menti liecina, ka inflantiei trimdinieki atbalstÓja Liel‚ (»etrgadu) Seima refor- mas, kuru mÁrÌis bija modernizÁt valsti. Taj‚ pa‚ laik‚ trimdinieku seimika dalÓbnieki, baidoties zaudÁt zemes Ópaumus Krievijas impÁrij‚, atturÁj‚s balsot par 1791. gada 3. maija konstit˚ciju.