Congress of Mexican-American Unity 3045 WHITTIER BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90023

YBC Project (Accion de Bronze Collectiva) Hammel Parents Group Aquila Real Group Happy Valley Parents Association Aliso Village Parents Council Harrison Mens Club ALMA Help Movement Service Organization Punerican G. L Forum Hollenbeck Cultural Center E.L.A.La Puente. Pacuima, Burbank Instituto Norte-Amaricano de Intercambio Cultural The Inner-American Club The Congreso of Mexican American Montebello, Pico Rivera and SAn Fernando Unity io organizing a community con- Vuierican Legion International Institute Asociacion Ministerial Evangelica International Union of Electrical Workers #1206 vention for sometime in January. The Association de Charros Regionales de Calif. convention wiUl select candidates for Association of Educators of Meoicao-Arnerican Intersationnl Opholsters Unian, AFL-CIO. Local 15 the Junior College Board of Educa- Descent Intra Neiqhbxrhaod Parents Cnuncil tion and L.A. City Schools Board of Association of Mexican-American Educators Joint Ventures Education electionstobe held Un Barrio Union for Scholastic Coruiiunity Action LA CASA April. Any persons who are planning BUSCA LA JUNTA Belvedere Businessmen's Association (Newspaper) torun for thoseoffices,or any Oeloedere Coordinating Council La Universidad Hispasu Miericanos organizations wanting to par- Belvedere Democratic Club L.A.N.L.S.S. ticipate should call 269-8829. Belvedere Fathers Club Las Abuelitas More than any others, the offices Belvedere Optimist Club Latin Alliance - U.A.W. in the Boards of Education are of Belvedere Rotary Club Latin American Civic Associativo (LACA) great importance to chUcanos. The Aorrinquen Democratic Club Latin American Council of higher Educati vn Boyle Heights Camunity Service Center Latin Americans of St. Benedict's future of our children and, therefore, Boyle Heights Improvement Association Latin Mothers of La Raza depends on the kind of Boyle Heights Optimist Club League nf Mexican-American Homes education we are able to give them. Breed Street Parents Club League of United Latin Panericao Citizens (LULAC) What the community io most con- Brooklyn Fathers Club Lincalo Heights Coordinating Cauocil cerned about io the quality of educa- Lincoln High Schmal Parents Vrnup Logia Progresista lexicana tion our children are going to get Bruin Young Democrats in Butcher Workmen, Local 563 Los Fiesterns the public schools. Up to now, California Association of Educators of Los Hambriados our children have been victimized by Mexican Descent L.O.C.H.A. whatever education the school sys- Californians for Liberal Represention Malvbar Mothers Club tem gave, but NO LONGER that is the Camera de Comercio de Dumas Mexicanas de Calif. Maravilla Friendship Circle case. Catholic Youth Organization (ELA) Mariana Men's Club The election of Dr. Nava, the Walk- C.Y.O. Mothers Club - San Fernando Maten Social Club Centro Hispano Mexican-American Action Committee (MAAC) outs, the Educational Issues Coor- C.E. T. P . F.O. R. Meoícan-Aneican Adult and Vvuth Leadership Conf. dinating Council (EICC), the Return Chicano Legal Defecse Mexican-American Business & Professional Men's of Sal Castro to Lincoln High School, City Terrace Fathers Club Scholarvhio Association and the Mexican American Educa- Clanton & Market Mexican-American Group Mesican-American Chamber of Conunerce nf San Fernando tion Commission are the highlights Clunton Social Club Mexican-Averican Citizens Association (MACA) ofourstruggle for better educa- Cleland House uf Neighborly Service l'eoican-Aoerican Comnunity Programs Foundation tion. Cleland House Mothers Mexican-American Educators nf California Club Benito Juarez de Cuidadanos Mayores Mexican-American Electrical Society In future issues, LA RAZA will Club Cadena Mexican-American Labor Council give information aboutthe school Club CiclistaAzteca Mexican-American Opportunity Foundation districtsin this area, and on the Club Latinas Unidas Menican-Pxnerican Lawyers importanceoftheJuniorCollege Mevican-Aniorican Political Association Board and will work hand in hand Club Opti-Damas 40th, 41st, 48th (MIGUEL NILBALGO). 49th, 50th, Club Reameutixo Arizona 51st, 64th and 68th Assembly Districts with the community to guarantee ano- Club Recreativa #96 Mexican-American Progrvm Service ther VICTORY yet. Club Social Aguas Calientes Menicao-Anerican Unity Council Club Social Alamo Menican-Ammrican Students Association (MASA) VIVA LA RAZA Club Social Avalos Chihauhau E.L.A. and Los Angeles City Colleges Club Social Camargo Chihuahua Mexican Chamber of Commerce Club Social Cultural Pan-Americano Mustang Baseball Assaciativs Club Social tarazan Latina Narcotic Prevention Project Club Social Durango Club Social Estancia Neighbnrhond Legal Services CHICANO 18 continued Club Social Fresnillo Office & Prnfessinnal Employees jJnion Club Social Gavez Palacio de Los Angeles Orqasizocion Latino Americana our socoety in open court, it couldnot but have y Sao Pedro Pan-American Optimist Club oproduced a sickness deeply inthe pit, right Club Social Guadalupe Victoria Patronato Mexicano de Becas o,down to the marrow of the bone. Club Social Hispano Plaza Comunity Center o And yet. Club Social Internacional Sonorense POLARA (Pueblo Clubs) . there was no support from the Club Social Jxlapense Police Mal-nractice Center CELA) ocommunity.There was but one meagre de- Club Social Juchitense Political Unity nf Meaican-Americans ibmonstration and attendance the first day of Che Club Social Nochistlense Protection of Our Rights Connnittee three week hearing. The press and Chenews Club Social Teocalitche Reinfnrcing Iron Yorkers, Local 62 media ignored the case, despite notification of Club Social Yahualica SALUD Ehe importance of the issues. San Fernando Cnnmnunity Inpravnent Council Club Social Zacatecana Neither Black, or White, nor Brownwere tornite Civico Patriatics San Fernando Holy Nane Society- Santa Rosa Catholic = Commission as Christian Social Concerns Save Hazard Park Cnmitteo there to help. Is it that we do not yet believe? Canavittee for 'che Protection of Our Rights Senoritas de Las Americas The 13 are faced with forty five (45)years Community Service Organization (CSO) Sociedad Mutualista in State Prison. Community Youth Council (Valley) Sociedad Progresista Logia #25, 27 45 years, hermano! In case you cannot count, Council of Mexican-American Affairs Suciedad Protectora Feninil, Inc. that means, in effectalifesentence. Why? Council of Mexican-American Women Southern California Soccer League What didthey do that was so wrong? Was C.P.A. Students for a Liberal American Society Doantvwn Maravilla Property Association Teamsters Union, Local 595 it worth it? Were the Walkouts that impor- East Los Anqeles BreakfasClub Toastmaster Hispann INnericano tant? East Los Asqeles Community Improvement Council Town Meeting Association nf Clelund House Wherearethesupposedly brave Chicano East Los Angeles Education Cauncil UBCW Students now? East Los Angeles Improvement Council (ELAIC( Union de Cantantes, Artistas y Compositores de Calif. And whatoftheorganizationsthatblab East Los Angeles Junior Chamber of Camerce United Auto Workers )U.A.W.) their mouth about their involvement? East Los Angeles Peace Carvaittee Political Action Committee #216 East Las Angeles Pap Warner, Inc. Usited Brick 8 Clayworkers Onion, AFL-CIO, Locals Where was LUCHA? And the BROWN BERETS? East Los Angelus Town Meeting 820 and 774 Who is LA JUNTA? Eastmans Fathers Club United Council of Comunity Orqanizations What happened to the Ministers? The Bap- Eastman Parents Club United Electrical Workers, Local 1421 tist, the Episcopalians, the Presbyterians? Eastmont Neighborhood Council United Fanilies i:: And,ohyes, Where was the EICC? Are Eastside Democratic Club United Mexican-American Students (OMAS) campuses are:iithey all now gone the way of ALL FLESH? Educational Clearing House Cal State, L.A., E.L.A. College, Loyola UniversitySi And what of the defendants themselves? The Educatianal Issues Comnittee San Fernando Valley State, U.C.L.A. and U.S.C. i: El Calvario Community Center United Rubber Workers 13 alleged leaders have shown thesame amount El Serena Community Action Committee United State Postal Sational Alliance Uof interest and involvement in their caseas El Serena Mothers Club United Stoel Workers Union of America, Locals: Aihas the community at large. Most of them El Siloe Presbyterian Church 1414, 1SU2, 154g, 2029, 4511, 5038, 5127, 5415 were too busy with their careers as profes EPC Upholsterers International Union sional to even attend the Euclid Heights Neighborhood Association Valley Latin Knights hearing. Eoclid Heiqhts Demxcratic Club Wabash-City Terrace Community Service Center Euclid Parents Club Welfare Rights Vrqanizativn and Center What will it take to arouse all of them? Gemini Club P00mg Bachlors Perhaps the prosecution is correct inassum- Greater East Los Anqeles Citizens Cumittee ing that the Mexican is in factnot qualified for Grand Jury service. A grand juror does haveto have some social consciousness in order to fulfill his responsibilities. It appears, to this writer at least, that the cliche of the lazy, apathetic, indolent Mexican isnot too far from its mark. He would only add that the paranoia, the infantile jealousy UNIDOS between organizations, the cannibalism between VENCEREMOS brothers of La Raza, that these are the hall- marks of our fame. And this will be the cause of our destruc- CiOOas a people.
