THREE in the unity of the Holy Spirit, VALLEYS one God, now and for ever. Amen. INFORMATION



Batcombe Initials Competition Keep us, good Lord,

“Batcombe are organising an Initials Quiz in under the shadow of your mercy. aid of church funds; the questions are free from [email protected] (Hilary Sustain and support the anxious, Brocklehurst) and, if you wish to participate, be with those who care for the sick, submit your answers by email or to Scotley Farmhouse with a £2 donation to PCC and lift up all who are brought low; Batcombe (bank details available on re- quest) by Saturday 18th July in order to get that we may find comfort the answers and to enter for a prize of £20. knowing that nothing can separate us This might be a bit of fun for you and your families.” from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord.

ALWESTON CAR BOOT SALE Proceeds to Folke Church

For Info: contact 01963 23525 We look forward to seeing you Zoom – There have been Zoom parties, Zoom On Monday 31st August drinks, Zoom conferences, Zoom choirs. Prior to @ 8.00am March 23 it was a name barely heard of but now Please come along and support the above everybody seems to be using it and it has proved a very useful tool for coping with lockdown. It has certainly helped to achieve a little bit of social con- (Please note that all of the above events are subject tact although it looks as though self-isolating rules to cancellation/change due to the Corona Virus and are gradually being relaxed for many. if in doubt, it may be advisable to check with the or- ganisers of the event to see that they are still going ahead) Compline Worship & other service details

Monday – Compline - at 6.00pm via Three Valleys Prayer for the Day Team Facebook page (Rev. George Moody)

Lord, you have taught us Wednesday @ 6.00pm – a Reflective Night that all our doings without love are nothing Prayer led by Rev. Richard Kirlew worth: Friday 6.00pm – Evensong with Marianne M. send your Holy Spirit and pour into our hearts that most excellent A Message from the Clergy Team gift of love, There has been some concern expressed that the true bond of peace and of all virtues, the clergy are not seen so much in the without which whoever lives is counted dead villages during the lockdown. We are aware before you. of this and want to assure you that we are Grant this for your only Son Jesus Christ’s still available for telephone consultations or sake, via skype, zoom and all the other electronic who is alive and reigns with you, methods of communication things that can be ordered on-line. I understand that delivery is very prompt and efficient. Clergy Contact Details

Team : Tony Gilbert: 01935 873 044 And finally, Thank you! [email protected] Many thanks to Tony & Nicola who delivered last Team Vicar: George Moody: 01935 873 214 Sunday morning’s service. On Monday 22nd June [email protected] George will be leading Compline at 6.00pm. Next Sunday, 28th June at 10.00am, it will be Richard Team Vicar: Richard Kirlew: 01963 23 570 leading an online Service and you can also join him [email protected] in a ‘Reflective Night Prayer’ this Wednesday at 6pm via Zoom (please contact Richard if you wish for him to send you the link for joining this meeting). On Friday 26th June at 6.00pm, we are hoping Benefice Office Contact Details that Marianne will be leading Evensong (arrangements still be finalised). Jubilee Hall, Church Street, Yetminster DT9 6LG Tel. 01935 872600 [email protected]/

Please send items for this Pew Sheet to: Word for the Day [email protected] Benefice Website: During Covid-19 many of you may already know that Rev.Tony Gilbert has been live- • Please send items for publication on the streaming a ‘Word for the Day’ on the Three website (especially forthcoming/recent Valleys facebook page. (The text used for events) to itemsforwebsite@threeval- these can be read at your leisure on the Three Valleys Website page and found under the heading ‘Announcements’ – Word for the Day).

Community Life

Thank you from us all in the Wriggle Valley to ARRANGEMENTS the NHS and vital Key workers. Residents of every age, throughout the benefice have FOR OPENING expressed their gratitude to the above people from their homes in many colourful and CHURCHES creative ways to say ‘thank you’. Rainbows have long been believed to be a promise of good things to come and they are seen as a Yetminster St Andrew 8am - 12 noon symbol of hope and promise. The posters that daily we see when we are out and about serve to will be open for individual prayer remind us of how important these individuals are to us, ensuring whilst we stay safely in our daily from Monday 15th June homes that our post continues to be delivered, 2020: 8am - 12 Noon. shelves are stocked with supplies, bins There will be a one way system, go- emptied and our sick ones cared for. ing in at the main north door and ex- The Wriggle Valley Mothers’ Union iting from the south door opposite.

A coffee morning is planned on October 24th in the On arrival please make sure you use Methodist Church, Yetminster to enable them to do the hand sanitiser. some much needed fund raising. The above charity, like so many others have suffered due to Visitors are encouraged to remain the Covid-19 epidemic. If you have time, do take a standing although there will be one look at their wonderful range of cards plus other pew available for those who need to sit. This pew will alternate each day. Please exit by the south door. The pew and doors will all be cleaned Re-opening of Churches

each day, and we would ask that The change in the Government's guidance last people try not to touch anything. week means that those of our churches, that If you feel more comfortable wearing are able to do so safely, can now open for pri- a mask and your own gloves, please vate prayer. do. There will also be gloves availa- ble at the entry door. We want to en- sure everyone coming into church feels safe and comfortable. For now, please bring your own prayer books too.

Leigh, St Andrew’s open daily 10am to Those who have been able to open up for a 4pm few hours each day or at set times during the week have found themselves negotiating the Batcombe, St Mary Magdalene open long list of measures that they need to put in place to keep us all safe. 24/7 As things stand at the moment it is likely that Holnest, Church of the Assumption, churches will be permitted a limited re-opening open on request for some services in early July. When the lock- down restrictions are eased and we can re-en- Chetnole St Peter's will be open ter our church buildings the worship team ex- on Wednesdays and Sundays from 10 pects to make a graduated restart. For the first am to 4pm (possibly earlier or later de- month after we are allowed back into church pending on the day). we intend to hold simply three services per Sunday, one service in each of the Three Val- ley groups (Wriggle Valley, Gifle Valley and Thornford, St Mary Magdalene open Vale of the White hart). These will rotate on Mondays & Wednesdays – 10.00- through the various churches in those ar- 4.00pm beginning Sunday 21st June. eas. We will also continue broadcasting a weekly service via the internet. It seems likely Bradford Abbas – 9.00am – 7pm on that initially, distancing rules will have to be ob- Sundays & Wednesdays served in church and that hymn singing will not be allowed as the deep breathing needed to Beer Hackett, St Michael’s – 10.00am- sing is believed to increase the risk of spread- 4.00pm Sundays & Wednesdays ing the virus. Details of where the services are to be held will be published in the weekly elec- Folke, St.Lawrence’s – Tuesday & Sat- tronic pew sheet, on our Facebook page and urdays 10.00am – 4.00pm (starting 24th our website nearer the time June) Music in our Churches? Howell, St Lawrence’s – this will be opened by appointment – phone num- Some good news that we have recently heard, bers on Church notice board and porch is that Organ practice is now permitted provid- gate. ing the usual precautions of social distancing are observed. We look forward to a time where worship and music can once again be combined and our choirs are allowed to sing in When we have more details of other our churches and cathedrals. churches opening, we will add them.

Despite being in lockdown for the vast majority of her ministry since, Liz - who lives and works at the Othona Community near Burton Bradstock - has been busy working along her colleagues in the ben-

efice. Local Prayer Spaces But she has also found time, like many others in Local Prayer Spaces have been launched our Diocese, to do some sewing for the NHS and local care homes. as a way to encourage prayer - even if Liz posted on social media: you can't open your church. While all our churches will be allowed to open up for "Just finished my third set of scrubs this evening! Pleased to have been one of the West Dorset private prayer, many - especially those Scrubbers."

who look after our rural churches - will Since late March, all over the Diocese churches find this difficult or impossible to achieve, and the wider community have shown their support for our frontline NHS doctors, nurses, GPs, care and so our Rural Hope Team, with the homes and support workers, by helping to produce additional numbers of scrubs and PPE. help of Bishop Karen, has developed a way to make sure everyone can find a Many provided material and sewing accessories, while others like Liz helped out by sewing ‘scrubs’ place to pray. for local hospitals, care homes and surgeries.

Liz explained that in West Dorset alone, over 500 Church Warden’s Meeting! people have been involved in sewing, delivering and collecting materials and completed items, and in organising the whole operation. She said: The next meeting will be held on Monday 29th June @ 10.30am via Zoom. "It's great teamwork. So many people are involved - it’s great to be a small part of the enterprise."

The Sherborne Team office are still at their The Great Sewing Bee old address 3 Abbey Close, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 3LQ I have found the following article in the Grape- vine Magazine (the diocese’s newsletter) which Tel. 01935 812459 some of you may receive and thought that this The Sherborne Team might be of interest to many of you who may The Right Reverend Karen not have read this - Gorham Back in April the Grapevine featured our Dio- cese's first-ever online licensing, when the the 01258 444521 Revd Liz Howlett was licensed by Bishop Ka- bishop.sherborne@salis- ren as an Associate in the Bride Valley On social media: Benefice. The Ven Antony MacRow- Wood of Dorset

01258 444521 [email protected] On social media:

The Ven Penny Sayer

01258 444521 [email protected]

The Area Team has recently moved! (Pre- viously at Corfe Mullen (also correspond- ence address for Bishop Karen New address: - The Sherborne Office area team Tel. 01258 444521 Sherborne Office, Dairy Barn, Ash Farm Court- yard, Stourpaine DT11 8PW.

Office hours: 8.30am-4pm, Monday to Friday. The office answer machine is on when there is no one is the office available to take your call. Please leave a message and they will contact you as soon as possible.

Finally, if there is anything that you would like for me to mention in the Pew Sheet please email the office [email protected] asap. I am hoping to continue working at the office on Monday mornings and Tuesday after- noons for the foreseeable future.

Take care - Jeanette