Guntakal Municipality

Overview and Characteristics:

Guntakal is a Grade-I town in District. It is an important Railway Junction in region, for both Broad gauge and Meter gauge lines. It is located on the Chennai-Mumbai broad gauge line. Many important trains pass through Guntakal Junction to places like , Delhi, Hyderabad, Cochin, Trivandrum, Kanykumari etc., Many goods trains pass through this station carrying iron ore up to the sea coasts National Highway (No.63) allowing large amount of vehicular traffic. The Tunga Badhra High Level Canal and HNSS are passing through this town and serves as major drinking water sources to the town.

Guntakal Municipality has an extent of 40.87 Sp.Kms consisting of population (provisional) 1,26,479 as per 2011 Census. The town is divided into 37 Election Wards and 23 Revenue Wards. There are 48 notified slums and 11 EWS layouts in the town.

LOCATION: Guntakal town is located at 15’-10’ North latitude and 17’-23’ East longitude at an altitude of 1400 MSL. It is 83 Kms away from the District Headquarters, Anantapur. Commercial towns like of District and Bellary of Karnataka State surround it. These towns are away from Guntakal by about 60 Kms.


Guntkal Town is a commercial center as it is surrounded by a good number of villages. There are two public sector Oil distribution centers i.e., I.O.C and H.P.C. Guntakal is a center for Film Distribution business for Rayalaseema (ceded) region. The F.C.I has a warehouse godown and two groundnut oil mills under private sector.



Constituted as Grade – III Municipality on 01.04.1948 Upgraded as Grade – II Municipality on Health 01.06.1956  No.of Government Hospitals 01 Upgraded as Grade – I Municipality on 28.04.1980  Municipal Ayurvedic 01 ( vide G.O Ms.No. 293 MA dated: 28.04.1980 ) Dispensaries  Urban Health Centers 02 General Education 77 018’E /  Location (Longitude / Latitude) 15006’ N  No.of Government Schools 01  Area 40.87 Sq.Kms.  No of Aided Schools 01  Population as per 1948 Census 24800  Municipal High Schools 03 Population 1991 02 107592  Municipal Upper-Primary Schools Census  Municipal Elementary Schools 24 Population 2001 117403  DPEP Schools 05 Census No.of Burial Grounds 07  2011 126479 Census  Hindus 03  No of House holds as per  Muslims 03 20188 2001 census  Christian 01  2011 Census 27392  Vegetable Market 01  No of Layouts 84  Slaughter Houses 02  No of Open spaces 102 Civic Society Organisations  Distance from State Capital 320 Kms  No of TLF 01  Distance from District Head  No of SLFs 63 85 Kms Quarters  No of SHGs 1940 Master Plan approval vide G.O. MS.No. 684  Colony Welfare Associations 06 dt 26.12.1986  N.G.O.s 07  No of Election Wards 37  Gravel Roads 14.70  No of poor settlements 48  Kutcha Roads 55.36  No of Notified poor settlements 48  Un served Area % 78%  Poor Settlement population as 52650 Drains in (Kms): per 2001 census  Total Drains 284.00  BPL Population as per 2001 33350 census  Pucca Drains C.C 240.55 Rs. 166.28  Yearly Demand (Property Tax) lakhs  R.R 12.90  No of Assessments 23184  Katcha Drains R.R 24.50 Rs. 16.67  Storm water drains 5.20  Total Yearly Income 2013-14 Crores  Un served Area % 70% Rs. 11.23  Total Yearly Expenditure 2013- Street Lighting 5676 Total 14 Crores  70 W S.V Lamps 618 Nos

 150 W S.V Lamps 220 Nos Water Supply  150 W M.H Lamps 25 Nos Protected Water Supply source T.B.P. H.L.C. (G.B.C.)  40 W H FTL (Four feet tube 4459 Nos lights)  S.S. Tank(Old) 1900 ML  High Mass 6 places 250 W 34 Nos  S.S. Tank (New) 3800 ML  Management Building 370 Nos  No. House Service Connections  Unserved areas % 23 %  Commercial 57 Rs. 9.58 13352 Nos  C. C. charges  General 11524 Lakhs  BPL 200/- 1726  No. of Public Stand Posts 1600 Nos Sanitation :  No. of power bores 262 Nos  Garbage Generation per day 60 Mts  No. of hand bores 130 Nos  Garbage lifted per day 56 M.tons  HSC Monthly Tariff Rate 120/-  No. of tractors 06  Pumping main 21.70 Kms  No. of Autos 07  Gravity Main 9.60 Km  No. of dumper placers 01  Total Length of Distribution mains 132.63 Kms  No. of Trycycles 13  A.C. pipelines 64.65 Kms  No. of Houses covered 25592  R.C.C. 2.13  Regular workers 132  G.I 0.75  Contract workers 125  C.I. 5.50  Service deficiency 07%  H.D.P.E. 59.60

 Old ELSR’s ( 3.80 ML) 7 Nos Roads (in Kms) : 182.50  New ElSR’s (3.88 ML) 6 Nos  C. C. Roads 105.60  Unserved areas 19%  B.T. Roads 2.71  Distance from TBPHLC (T.B.Dam) 244.35 Kms  From Nimbagal G.B.C. 61.75 Kms  W.B.M. Roads 15.00

 From Guntakal GBC 2.15 Kms RS. 10.00  C.C. charges H.T Lakhs Rs.4.50  C.C Charges L.T. Lakhs Rs.0.00  Other Services W.S Lakhs Rs.  Total water supply C.C Charges 14.50Lakhs

 Ongoing Developmental Activities

Water Supply:

A) Under 13th Finance Commission nearly 10 Kms of feeder mains and distribution mains are going to be laid with Rs.1.60 Crs. These works are under agreement stage and the work is going to be started shortly. On completion of these lines Municipality is going to supply Water to the un served areas and also improve the present supply. B) AMRUT Scheme: Guntakal is one among the 30 towns, of population more than 1.00 lakh, chosen for implementation of AMRUT scheme. Under this scheme administrative sanction was accorded for Rs. 16.45 crores for the year 2015-16 for taking up water supply tap connections in the town. Another 0.50cr was sanctioned for taking up a major park in the town. It was proposed to develop open site near S.S tank as major park with this amount. Under water supply sector it was proposed to take up the following component of works with the sanctioned amount of Rs. 16.45 Crores.

1 Providing new HSCs including meters 5725 Nos 2 Providing water meters for existing tap 13800 Nos connections 3 Providing HDPE Distribution network 30Km 4 Construction of 1MLD Filtration plant 1 No 5 Construction of new off-take well cum pump 1 No house at HNSS canal 6 Providing 200KW Raw Water Pump sets 3 Nos 7 Providing MS Raw Water pumping main from 125 Mtr R.W pump house SS tank 8 Providing HDPE gravity main from Old Guntakal 2930 Mtr ELSR to Donimukkala area Roads and Drains:

A) Under 13th Finance Commission about 5km Storm water and Major drains are going to be constructed with 1.00 cr amount. These works are under agreement stage and the work is going to be started shortly. SC-Sub Plan :

For Improvement of road and drain networks in schedule caste areas, Government has sanctioned an amount of Rs. 306.58 Cr for Guntakal town. Tenders have been already called and work is going to ground shortly.

Construction of Auditorium cum Shopping Complex:

Governement of vide their GO MS No. 63, MA& UD(A1) Department dt: 01.04.2015 accorded administrative sanction of Rs. 8.50 Crores for taking up “Construction of shopping complex and multipurpose Auditorium in the premises of Old Girls High School at M.G. road, Guntakal. Guntakal municipality proposed to pool up funds for this venture by means of “ Good will Auction”. Very good response is expected from various business people for owning a peace of space “ Good will Auction”.

Swachh Bharat Mission:

i) Community Toilet:

Under Swachh bharat mission 12 Nos of community toilets are going to be construced in the town along with the IHHTs to achieve the open defecation free Guntakal town. Important locations were traced and proposed for the community toilets. Already tenders were called for and few toilets are already grounded and some are yet to be grounded soon. ii) IHHT’s:

Hon'ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Sri. Nara Chandra Babu Naidu with a goal to achieve the newly launched campaign "Swachh Bharat Mission" on 2nd October 2014 by Hon'ble Prime Minister of has found Swachha Andhra Corporation which was incorporated on 1st May 2015. Under this programme 2526 Nos Individual Household Toilets were sanctioned by Guntakal municipality. Out of 2526 Nos 1207 IHHTs were grounded and 560Nos toilets were completed till date.

LED Lighting:

Government of Andhrapradesh has directed to change the Stree lights by the LED bulbs. For this an agreement is taken with Energy Efficiency Services Limited to change street lights by LED Bulbs. This work will be completed with in three months.

Effective mitigation of drinking water crisis in summer season:

 Repairs to Filtration Plant:

Guntakal Municipality is supplying drinking water at “ once in 3 days frequency” since long back. Recently we have taken repairs to filter beds for restoration of its original filtering capacity. There are 2 filtration plants in head works of 17.5 ML & 4.5 ML Capacity. There are four beds in 17.5 ML Capacity plant, out of which efficiency of one bed is drastically reduced due to damaged air blowing system and for want of replacement of filter media. An estimate was prepared for repairs to filter bed for an amount of Rs. 5.00 lakhs and tenders were called. While removal of existing filter media, it was noticed that lateral pipe net work which is meant for blowing of air while doing of back wash was positioned in the sand media instead of in pebble media. Due to this relatively small particles of sand were entered in to the lateral air pipes and they were completely clogged by sand media, denying any chance for blowing of air. Because of this, back washing became in-effective and efficiency of filter bed is drastically came down.

Photograph showing alignment of air pipes after repair

In order to restore the efficiency to its original, the clogged air pipes were replaced with new pipes and they were positioned in the pebble layer in order to minimize the risk of entering sand media in to them as shown in sketch. Damaged sand media was completely replaced. On repairing of the bed filtering capacity of the bed was excellently restored and back wash (combined with air blowing) is very effective. Due to improvement in filtering capacity, clear water output is maximized and enough water is available for operating two pumps in the clear water pumps house, where as its only one previously. Because of this improvement the municipality has stated supply of drinking water at “Once in two days” frequency from 1st April- 2016.

Under Ground Drainage System

Detail Project Report was prepared for implementation of under Ground Drainage System with a cost of 293.46 Crores in Guntakal Municipality and submitted to the Government for consideration. The Hon’ble MLA of Guntakal Constituency Sri. R.Jetendra Gowd is vigorously pursuing with the Govt. for obtaining funding for the project.

NTR Sujala Pathakam

Under the Scheme of NTR Sujala pathakam, 2 Centers are started distribution of purified drinking water at the cost Rs 2.00 per 20 Ltr. Under this scheme Municipality constructed building for establishing the plant where as equipment was arranges on their own by the agency which is interested to run this plant.

Photograph showing the Opening of Water plant by Hon’ble MLA garu.

Night Shelter:

Provided Night shelter to beggars and shelters less people with food and cloths in 15th ward as per direction of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.

Tree Plantation:

In the Municipal surroundings Municipality has taken the special care for Tree plantation so that to achieve greenery all around the municipal area. Periodically the special drive is taken to plant the trees and motivating the public to plant more and more trees and also distributing the trees. In the 2015-16 financial year only municipality planted nearly 12100 trees planted and distributed.

Photograph showing Honble Chairperson Distributing the plants to the public

Providing of Chalivendrams:

In Municipal Town 12 Nos of Chalivendrams were provided at impotent centers and also in public offices with a help of donors and 1 No is at Municipal office and along with water butter milk is also providing and the center was opened by Hon’ble Chair person Smt. Kodela Aparna garu, Vice Chair Person Sri. R. Srinath Gowd garu along with respected ward members.

Photograph showing Honble Chair person and Vice Chair person opening chalivendram at M.O.