Recommendations for open standards for the national IT policy

By : Khawar Nehal

Date : 31 October 2016

This document and updates are available on Open Standards Requirement for Software

The Requirement An "open standard" must not prohibit conforming implementations in open source software.

The Criteria To comply with the Open Standards Requirement, an "open standard" must satisfy the following criteria. If an "open standard" does not meet these criteria, it will be discriminating against open source developers. 1. No Intentional Secrets: The standard MUST NOT withhold any detail necessary for interoperable implementation. As flaws are inevitable, the standard MUST define a process for fixing flaws identified during implementation and interoperability testing and to incorporate said changes into a revised version or superseding version of the standard to be released under terms that do not violate the OSR. 2. Availability: The standard MUST be freely and publicly available (e.g., from a stable web site) under royalty-free terms at reasonable and non-discriminatory cost. 3. Patents: All patents essential to implementation of the standard MUST: • be licensed under royalty-free terms for unrestricted use, or • be covered by a promise of non-assertion when practiced by open source software 4. No Agreements: There MUST NOT be any requirement for execution of a license agreement, NDA, grant, click-through, or any other form of paperwork to deploy conforming implementations of the standard. 5. No OSR-Incompatible Dependencies: Implementation of the standard MUST NOT require any other technology that fails to meet the criteria of this Requirement. OASIS Committee Categories

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OpenDocument Overview • View • Revisions

Book page: Submitted by cbgurl1 on Tue, 2006-08-22 14:01. Last updated on Sun, 2013-03-03 12:10. The OpenDocument Format (ODF) is an open XML-based document file format for office applications to be used for documents containing text, spreadsheets, charts, and graphical elements. The file format makes transformations to other formats simple by leveraging and reusing existing standards wherever possible. As an open standard under the stewardship of OASIS, ODF also creates the possibility for new types of applications and solutions to be developed other than traditional office productivity applications. ODF is defined via an open and transparent process at OASIS and has been approved unanimously by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) as an international standard in May 2006. It is available for implementation and use free of any licensing, royalty payments, or other restrictions. From a technical point of view, ODF is a ZIP archive that contains a collection of different XML files as well as binary files like embedded images. The use of XML makes accessing the document content simple because content can be opened and changed with simple text editors if necessary. In contrast, the previously used binary file formats were cryptic and difficult to process. The ZIP compression guarantees relatively small file sizes, in order to reduce file storage and transmission bandwidth requirements. ODF was the first broadly used document file format that used the concept of a ZIP package containing different XML files. ODF uses the same set of XML files for different application types. In addition, definitions for elements like tables are consistent across application types as well. The OpenDocument format has a long tradition of openness. The first work on the file format started as early as 1999. Right from the beginning ODF was designed as an open and implementation neutral file format. The open specification process started in 2000 with the foundation of the open source project and the community efforts within its XML development project. An even higher level of openness was established in 2002 with the creation of the OASIS Open Office Technical Committee (TC). Many organizations and companies are participating the ODF specification process. In addition, a growing number of applications implement the OpenDocument file format. The OpenDocument Format was designed to be vendor neutral and implementation agnostic. In order to simplify transformations and to maximiz interoperability, the format reuses established standards like HTML, SVG, XSL, SMIL, XLink, XForms, MathML, and Dublin Core. ODF files of different application types (e.g. , spredsheet) include the same set of XML files within the ZIP packages. Features and benefits • View • Revisions

Page: Submitted by admin on Mon, 2006-08-28 19:17. Last updated on Tue, 2006-09-05 00:44. Feature Benefit OASIS standard Open, transparent specification process with multi-vendor participation Approved by ISO as Well known and broadly accepted standard ISO/IEC 26300 ISO standard Relax-NG schema types (ISO/IEC Well known and broadly accepted standard 19757-2:2003) Supported by multiple Choice between free open source and commercial implementations applications including, StarOffice, KOffice, IBM Workplace, Textmaker, Abiword/Gnumeric, Google Writely, and AjaxWrite. Broad industry support ODF guarantees long-term viability. The OASIS ODF TC, the OASIS ODF Adoption TC, and the ODF Alliance include members from Adobe, BBC, Bristol City Council, Bull, City of Largo, , EDS, EMC, GNOME, Google, IBM, Intel, KDE, Novell, Oracle, Red Hat, Software AG, and . As of June 2006 the ODF Alliance has already more than 300 members. Shipping products since ODF files can already be created and used today. The first products with September 2005 ODF support started shipping in September 2005. Free open source ODF is supported by multiple free open source office applications “reference” including, KOffice and Abiword/Gnumeric. implementations, for example, is developed by large community including vendors like Sun Microsystem, Novell, Intel, and Red Hat. Due to the availability of the source code, support for additional platforms or languages can be added by anyone. ODF implementations Applications with ODF support are available for , available for all major , the Solaris OS, Apple Mac OS X, and FreeBSD.< desktop platforms Open standard W3C The forms concept integrated into ODF is based on the W3C standard XForms technology is XForms which is supported by multiple applications and vendors. used for forms Reuse of existing Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel and to make interoperability as standards where simple as possible, ODF reuses established standards like HTML, SVG, possible XSL, SMIL, XLink, XForms, MathML, and Dublin Core. Very mature The first work for the ODF file format started as early as 1999 (see the ODF history). ‹ OpenDocument Overview up Why an open file format matters › Why an open file format matters • View • Revisions

Book page: Submitted by erwintenhumberg on Tue, 2006-08-22 13:59. Last updated on Fri, 2008- 02-08 16:08. In a world where paper documents increasingly get replaced by electronic records, long term access to the data becomes critical. This is especially the case for legal contracts and government documents which stay valid and relevant over decades, or even centuries. Like paper and pens have been available from multiple vendors, and not just one single source, document file formats and the applications creating these file formats need to be supported by and available from multiple vendors. This guarantees long-term access to data, even if companies disappear, change their strategies or dramatically raise their prices. Open standards that are equally accessible and do not favor one particular vendor, help maintain a diverse ecosystem of vendors. This as well causes competitive pricing, thus ensuring the best use of money from investors or tax payers. Open standards also lower the barrier of entry, allowing new companies to join the ecosystem. For example, the SQL standard for relational databases allowed the emergence of various implementations including free open source and very specialized high-end database management systems. As long as only standard SQL features are used, database management systems can be exchanged without much effort. Vendor lock-in only happens based on special features not included in the SQL standard. Thus, vendor lock-in becomes a voluntary choice, not a mandatory one. In the case of public documents provided by governments to their citizens, it is also important that no citizens, or at least as few as possible, get excluded from data access. For example, nobody should be forced to buy software from one specific vendor or for one specific platform. Public data should be accessible to citizens independent off their income and their physical abilities. ‹ Features and benefits up Assistive Technologies › Assistive Technologies • View • Revisions

Book page: Submitted by erwintenhumberg on Mon, 2006-08-28 09:37. Last updated on Wed, 2007-11-07 13:46.

Assistive technologies are comprised of hardware and software offerings that serve the needs of persons with disabilities. These include screen readers and screen magnifiers for the blind and visually impaired persons; speech recognition for persons with mobility impairments; and Braille translation and formatting facilities to automate the process of conversion from regular print to braille (and vice versa). Solutions are also available for individuals with color blindness, cognitive learning disabilities, and varying degrees of paralysis (mobility) impairment.

Current ODF assistive technologies include: • Orca (Screen Reader) • GOK (On-screen Keyboard)

See also: - OpenDocument Accessibility FAQ - OASIS OpenDocument Accessibility Subcommittee. • Accessibility FAQ

Accessibility FAQ • View • Revisions

Book page: Submitted by carolgeyer on Mon, 2007-02-05 14:27. Last updated on Wed, 2013-04-24 17:26. Review answers to frequently asked questions on OpenDocument Accessibility below. Post new questions and additional comments at the FAQ Forum. • How was accessibility addressed in OpenDocument v1.1? • Who participated in making OpenDocument v1.1 accessible? • Can OpenDocument be converted to DAISY book format? • How well do OpenDocument applications address the needs of people with disabilities? • How can implementors ensure their OpenDocument applications are fully accessible? • Are OpenDocument accessibility features preserved by applications that export to other file formats? How was accessibility addressed in OpenDocument v1.1? • View • Revisions

Book page: Submitted by carolgeyer on Mon, 2007-02-05 16:01. Last updated on Mon, 2007-02-05 16:10. The changes needed to make OpenDocument 1.0 accessible were relatively minor. The OASIS OpenDocument Accessibility Subcommittee did a gap analysis of v1.0 based on these criteria: • Support for W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 • Interoperability with assistive technologies • Preservation of structural semantics • Increased usability of presentations over that available in today's office document formats

As OpenDocument v1.0 was largely based on W3C standards, the required changes were minor. They included: • Alternative text for non-text objects • Proper association of captions to captioned content • Encoding of pagination information • Preservation of table semantic structure imported from other file formats • Proper encoding of authored table header content • Author-defined logical navigation of page objects in presentations • Provision of alternative text hints for hyperlinks

OpenDocument version 1.1 adds alternative text to document elements such as drawing objects and image map hot spots; preservation of structural semantics such as headings in tables: and associations between drawngs and their captions. The OASIS OpenDocument Accessibility Subcommittee took the opportunity to provide not only short alternative descriptive text but also lengthy descriptions for the same objects should additional help be needed for users who are blind, low vision, or who suffer from cognitive impairments. To improve the usability of presentations, OASIS also added the provision for the author to supply a keyboard navigation order. Users who are blind may be confused when accessing a slide because the keyboard navigation order does not match the visual flow of the slide.

Who participated in making OpenDocument v1.1 accessible? • View • Revisions

Book page: Submitted by carolgeyer on Mon, 2007-02-05 16:13. Last updated on Mon, 2007-02-05 16:19. The OASIS OpenDocument Accessibility Subcommitee was formed in January 2006. Participating in this effort are topic accessibility experts from Design Science, IBM, the Institute for Community Inclusion, the U.K.'s Royal National Institute for the Blind, and Sun Microsystems, as well as several unaffiliated individual experts.

Can OpenDocument be converted to DAISY book format? • View • Revisions

Book page: Submitted by carolgeyer on Mon, 2007-02-05 16:31. Last updated on Mon, 2007-02-05 16:42. Yes, The U.K.'s Royal National Institute for the Blind is building a DAISY talking book converter for OpenDocument v1.1 rich text documents.

How well do OpenDocument applications address the needs of people with disabilities? • View • Revisions

Book page: Submitted by carolgeyer on Mon, 2007-02-05 16:19. Last updated on Mon, 2007-02-05 16:30. While OpenDocument v1.1 includes a number of specific improvements for accessibility, it's important to note that many of the concerns around accessibility have to do with the applications that implement the OpenDocument format. This includes questions about the built-in features of OpenDocument applications that meet the needs of people with disabilities, and questions about how well OpenDocument applications work with specialized assistive technology applications used by people with more severe disabilities.

To improve support for assistive technologies on the Windows platform, IBM donated an extension to Microsoft's Active Accessibility API to the Free Standards Group (Now the Linux Foundation) which was designed to provide advanced access to office applications and expose all the accessibility features of OpenDocument 1.1. This API, called IAccessible2, was designed with the help of Freedom Scientific and GW Micro during its implemenation in support of OpenDocument v1.1 in the upcoming Notes 8 Productivity Editors. Furthermore, IBM worked with assistive technology vendor Freedom Scientific to ensure their office suite implementation of the ODF 1.1 specification worked well with assistive technologies.

Also on Windows, the OpenDocument applications StarOffice and already work with the ZoomText screen magnifier from Ai Squared.

On the UNIX platform, StarOffice and already work very well with the open source UNIX assistive technologies. This includes the Orca screen reader/magnifier used by people who are blind or have significant visual impairments, the GNOME On-screen Keyboard which provides rich support for people with a variety of physical impairments, and Dasher, and innovative alternate text entry system used by people who can move only their head or eyes. How can implementors ensure their OpenDocument applications are fully accessible? Book page: Submitted by carolgeyer on Mon, 2007-02-05 14:28. Last updated on Mon, 2007-02-05 14:33. The OASIS OpenDocument Accessibility Subcommittee is developing a guidelines document to help implementers create OpenDocument applications that are fully accessible. More information on this will be posted at the Subcommittee's homepage.

Are OpenDocument accessibility features preserved by applications that export to other file formats? Book page: Submitted by carolgeyer on Mon, 2007-02-05 16:37. Last updated on Mon, 2007-02-05 16:39. This depends on the application. StarOffice and, for instance, make full use Adobe PDF tags for accessibility when OpenDocument files are exported to PDF, so long as the user selects the "Tagged PDF" option.

OpenDocument Community Book page: Submitted by carolgeyer on Wed, 2007-11-07 13:41. Browse, edit and add to this section of the ODF Wiki Knowledgebase. • List of organizations using ODF

List of organizations using ODF • View • Revisions

Book page: Submitted by carolgeyer on Fri, 2006-09-01 21:24. Last updated on Wed, 2007-11-07 13:46. OpenDocument is being deployed worldwide. Review and contribute to this growing list of deployments in the following categories. (See Case studies for detailed descriptions of representative implementations.) • Deployments: Public sector • Deployments: Education • Deployments: Private sector • Deployments: Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

Deployments: Public sector • View • Revisions

Book page: Submitted by ropelatofabio on Fri, 2006-09-01 22:01. Last updated on Wed, 2010-08- 11 10:51. National and local government agencies around the world are deploying OpenDocument. If you are aware of additional support in the public sector, please add to this page (log in and select the "edit" tab above). International • North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)

Asia • China: Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer • India: Election Commission • India: The State of Haryana • Malaysia: Administrative Modernisation Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) • Pakistan: Federal Data Center Project • Singapore: Ministry of Defence • South Korea: Postal Service • Vietnam: Ministry of Information; Communist Party Office; • Japan: Aizuwakamatsu City Government

Australia • New South Wales Judicial Commission

Europe • Belgium: Region Brussels Capital • Belgium: Federal Public Justice Service • Czech Republic: City of Prague • Denmark: The Psychiatry in the County of Aarhus • France: Paris Administrations • France: French Gendarmerie • France: Tax agency (Direction Générale des Impôts) • France: General Board of Customs • France: Ministry of Interior • France: Ministry of Equipment • Germany: Federal Government Co-ordination and Advisory Agency (SAGA) • Germany: City of Berlin • Germany: City of Munich • Germany: City of Mannheim • Germany: Tax authority in Lower Saxony • Germany: City of Schwäbisch Hall • Italy: City of Rovereto (Trento) • Macedonia: Ministry of Finance • Netherlands: Sonneburgh foundation, Rotterdam • Norway: City of Bergen • Norway: The Municipality of Sarpsborg • Poland: Gdańsk • Romania: The Municipality of Alba-Iulia uses since version 1.04 • Spain: Extremadura OS News • Turkey: Central Bank of Republic of Turkey • Turkey: Scientific and Technological Research Council • Turkey: Ministry of Water Resources of Turkey • Turkey: Directorate of İstanbul City Health • UK: City of Birmingham • UK: City of Bristol

North America • Canada: Legal Aid Manitoba • USA: City of Largo, Florida • USA: State of Nevada, Department of Corrections

South America • Brazil: Postal service • Brazil: Metrô-SP - Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo • Brazil: Prefeitura Municipal de Jaraguá do Sul - SC • Brazil: São Bento do Sul - SC - Escolas Municipais

Deployments: Education • View • Revisions

Book page: Submitted by carolgeyer on Tue, 2006-09-05 00:54. Last updated on Mon, 2008-01-21 16:06. Universites and schools around the world are deploying OpenDocument. If you are aware of additional support in the education community, please add to this page (log in and select the "edit" tab above).

Asia • University of the Philippines • Parshvanath College of Engineering, Thane, India: "Today, we have over 2,500 users on our network... Using, we have saved roughly Rs 70,000." • Asia School of Arts and Sciences, Philippines. Will start implementing beginning schoolyear 2006-07. • Hong Kong Schools

Australia • University of Melbourne, Australia Distributes OpenOffice CDs to students for free or a minimal charge. Europe • Handsworth Grammar School, Birmingham, UK - runs a GNU/Linux Thin Client network with OpenOffice as standard - since 2003. • Ilford Preparatory School, London, UK - runs a Windows network with Open Office as the primary office suite. • Swadelands School in Kent UK • Mall School for boys in Richmond, UK • The Portuguese Ministry of Education has installed 15,000 PCs in 1,000 schools with Linux and following an agreement with Sun Microsystems. • Escola Superior de Educação João de Deus - Lisboa, Portugal • Hayesbrook School in Tonbridge, Kent, UK - Deployed OpenOffice 2 to over 400 Desktops & Laptops. • University of Salamanca in Spain

North America • Brandon Elementary School in Atlanta, Georgia, USA: 250 desktops running on K12LTSP. Project began in May, 2005. • Noxon Schools in Montana, USA: 185 desktops moved to OpenOffice in December 2005. (60 run OOo on Windows, 125 on Linux.) Also summarized on EdTech. • Earlham College, a Quaker college in Richmond, Indiana, upgraded all of its public computers to OpenOffice at the beginning of 2005. • Bacone College in Oklahoma. • SUNY Albany: ResNet, the campus IT services group, provides incoming students with the ResNet Software Suite CD, which includes Firefox, Thunderbird,, anti- spyware and anti-virus applications. • University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy: 268 desktops in summer 2003. • Public Schools in Portland, Oregon, USA • The US State of Indiana will deploy up to 300,000 Linspire Linux computers with over the next few years: Linspire press release. • Glenwood School for Boys and Girls, Glenwood, IL, USA: Migrated to 2 on over 100 desktops in our Grades 2-8 school in September 2005 (started with beta release), replacing MS Office 2000. Distributed 100 installation CDs to students to take home in December 2005. Have deployed OpenOffice or StarOffice to every computer on our campus, approximately 200 desktops in all. While MS Office is still used by many staff members, this was our first year to use OpenOffice exclusively for our students in the academic program. • Ontario Ministry of Education

South America • High Schools in Chile, via Enlaces • Senai - SC Unidade de Jaraguá do Sul - Santa Catarina - Brazil - replaced MS-Office in computer labs since 2004

Deployments: Private sector • View • Revisions

Book page: Submitted by rsandu on Tue, 2006-09-05 00:58. Last updated on Tue, 2009-03-24 03:42.

Companies around the world are deploying OpenDocument. If you are aware of additional support in the commercial sector, please add to this page (log in and select the "edit" tab above).

• AOL PCs (as AOL Office)

• ASIGEST, a Romanian insurance company.

•, a US-based ecommerce retailer of ski, snowboard, hiking, climbing and outdoor gear.

• Banco do Brasil has replaced with on 35,000 PCs. An additional 30,000 PCs running OS/2 will be migrated to OpenOffice by the end of 2006. • Banca Popolare di Milano 4,500 SUSE Linux desktops with a Mozilla web browser, web client for Lotus Notes, Sun’s StarOffice suite, and a Java-based custom suite of banking applications in its 500 branch offices.

• Bangkok Airways, Thailand

• De Bortoli Wines, Australia

• Ernie Ball Guitars, San Luis Obispo, California

• Future Publishing, UK. A leading tech magazine publisher, with 700 users.

• GB Engineering Ent. Pvt. Ltd, India.

• Health First, Inc. in Brevard County, FL, USA: Migrating 6,000 IT users on 3,500 PCs from Microsoft Office 97 to "Migrating to Linux at Health First" case study by Novell. • Kervan Gida, Turkey with 80+ desktops

• LIC, India. (life insurance provider) Approximately 60,000 users and five to six thousand servers will migrate to Red Hat Enterprise Linux

• LVM Insurance in Munster, Germany: 7,700 Red Hat Linux desktops

• Marisol S.A. - Jaraguá do Sul - Santa Catarina - Brazil

• Miller Industries, Inc.: World's largest manufacturer of vehicle towing and recovery equipment. About 200 OpenOffice 2.0.x users

• MIP Holdings New Zealand

• MOBEXPERT Group of Companies, Romania. The leading Romanian furniture manufacturer and retailer. • NAFECO INC. NAFECO (North America Fire Equipment Company), a US based corporation, has switched its users to OOo. Approx. 125 desktops/notebooks

• Novell with 5,000 users (most of them on Novell Linux ), The Novell Migration to Linux

• PROFI Rom Food, a Romanian food producer and retailer (store chain), with headquarters in Timișoara. • Resolvo Systems Pte Ltd: Asia's open source solutions provider based in Singapore has been using OpenOffice company-wide since OO version 1.0. Assisted Singapore Ministry of Defence to migrate to OpenOffice. • Sun Microsystems: Its 36,000 employees use StarOffice.

• Total Cont- Sibiu, Romania, a finance and bookkeeping company.

• ZANDO COMPUTER, an IT consulting company located in Bucharest, Romania, actively recommends and deploys and other OpenDocument format solutions to its clients. Zando Computer is also a member of ASRO/CT210, the Romanian standardization body on document formats

Deployments: Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) • View • Revisions

Book page: Submitted by pescetti on Tue, 2006-09-05 01:00. Last updated on Fri, 2008-06-06 20:27. NGOs around the world are deploying OpenDocument. If you are aware of additional support in this sector, please add to this page (log in and select the "edit" tab above). • C.P.T.R.T (Centro de Prevencion, Tratamiento y Rehabilitacion de las Victimas de Tortura y sus Familiares). • European Youth Forum is using ODF only for communications to its 94 member organizations. • Greenpeace Spain, Madrid and Barcelona offices: • WEC Australia: "Reaching people, planting churches"

OpenDocument Standardization Book page: Submitted by carolgeyer on Wed, 2007-11-07 13:42. Browse, edit and add to this section of the ODF Wiki Knowledgebase. • Specification • History of OpenDocument • Committees Specification • View • Revisions

Book page: Submitted by carolgeyer on Tue, 2006-09-05 20:24. Last updated on Wed, 2007-11-07 13:47. The complete OpenDocument v1.0 OASIS Standard specification document is available in ODT and PDF formats. The specification defines three Relax-NG schemas, which are also available separately: 1. OpenDocument v1.0 Relax-NG Schema, the schema for office documents defined in chapters 1 to 16; 2. OpenDocument v1.0 Manifest Relax-NG Schema, the normative schema for the manifest file defined in chapter 17; and 3. OpenDocument v1.0 Strict Relax-NG Schema, the strict schema for office documents that permits only meta information and formatting properties contained in this specification itself, as defined in appendix A. The OpenDocument v1.0 (Second Edition) Committee Specification is available in ODT and in PDF formats. This second edition of OpenDocument v1.0 includes a few editorial changes compared to the original OpenDocument v1.0 specification. The schemas defined by this specification are identical to those defined by the OpenDocument v1.0 OASIS Standard. Please see appendix E.3 of the specification document for a detailed list of changes.

OpenDocument v1.0 has been approved as the ISO and IEC International Standard ISO/IEC 26300:2006. The complete OpenDocument v1.1 OASIS Standard is available in OpenDocument, PDF and XHTML (zipped) formats. It was approved as an OASIS Standard on 2 February 2007. The three schemas defined by the OpenDocument v1.1 specification are also available separately: 1. OpenDocument v1.1 Relax-NG Schema (extracted from chapter 1 to 16 of the specification) 2. OpenDocument v1.1 Manifest Relax-NG Schema (extracted from chapter 17 of the specification) 3. OpenDocument v1.1 Strict Relax-NG Schema (extracted from appendix A of the specification)

All versions of the OpenDocument specification use these open standards: • Dublin Core • XSL:FO • SVG • MathML • SMIL • XForms • XLink

History of OpenDocument • View • Revisions

Page: Submitted by admin on Mon, 2006-08-28 20:17. Last updated on Fri, 2008-02-08 16:19. The OpenDocument format has a long tradition of openness. The first work on the file format started as early as 1999. Right from the beginning ODF was designed as an open and implementation neutral file format.

The open specification process started in 2000 with the foundation of the open source project and the community efforts within its XML development project. An even higher level of openness was established in 2002 with the creation of the OASIS Open Office Technical Committee (TC).

Date / Time Event / Milestone Frame 1999 The Development of an XML default file format begins at StarDivision. Limitations of the old binary format and a need for Unicode support trigger the change. The goal is to create an open interoperable file format that can be used and implemented by other vendors as well. August 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc. acquires StarDivision. 13 October The open source project gets founded by Sun Microsystems, Inc. 2000 13 October The XML community project gets setup on with the goal to define 2000 the specification of the XML file format as on open community effort. 2002 Definitions for CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and complex text layout languages get added to the XML file format specification. 2002 The first collaborations with the KOffice project begin. 16 OASIS Open Office Technical Committee (TC) holds first conference call December 2002 May 2002 1.0 and StarOffice 6 get released, both using the XML file format as the default file format. August 2003 KOffice decides to use ODF as its default file format. 2003 / 2004 The original XML file format specification gets modified to reflect recent developments in the XML and office application area, e.g.:

* Introduction of XML namespaces that conform to the OASIS naming rules * Switching from XML DTD's to Relax-NG as the schema language * Improvements of the schema to better support the validation of documents * Adaptation of the schema to new versions of standards Date / Time Event / Milestone Frame * Adaptations for additional office applications (KOffice) * Adaptations for new office application versions ( 2.0) * Removal of inconsistencies in the specification * Error corrections December A second committee draft gets approved, and the tile of this draft gets changed from 2004 “OASIS Open Office Specification” to “OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument)” January TC is renamed to OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications 2005 (OpenDocument) TC. February The third file format specification draft including public review feedback gets 2005 approved as a committee draft. May 2005 OpenDocument Format (ODF) is approved as an OASIS Standard September Sun Microsystems releases StarOffice 8 with ODF support. 2005 September OASIS submits ODF for ISO/IEC approval 2005 September INdT (research group belonging to Nokia) contributes ODF filters for Abiword and 2005 Gnumeric. October 2.0 is released with ODF support 2005 October Sun issues a patent covenant statement: 2005 “Sun's public non-assertion declaration may be summarized unofficially as an irrevocable covenant not to enforce any of its enforceable U.S. or foreign patents against any implementation of the OASIS OpenDocument specification” December Softmaker releases Textmaker 2006 with ODF support 2005 January IBM releases IBM Workplace with ODF support 2006 March 2006 ODF Alliance is founded to promote ODF in the public sector March 2006 OASIS ODF Adoption TC gets founded April 2006 KOffice 1.5 which uses ODF as the default file format gets released. May 2006 ISO and IEC approve OpenDocument OASIS Standard February OpenDocument 1.1 is approved as OASIS Standard 2007 ‹ Specification up Committees ›

Committees • View • Revisions

Book page: Submitted by cgeyer on Tue, 2006-09-05 20:32. Last updated on Wed, 2009-01-07 21:14. OpenDocument is advanced by three Committees within OASIS: • The OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Technical Committee defines the specification as an open, XML-based file format for office applications. For more information, see the Committee charter and member list. • The OASIS OpenDocument Format (ODF) Adoption Committee members collaborate to provide expertise and resources to educate the marketplace on the value of OpenDocument. By raising awareness of the benefits offered by OpenDocument, the Committee increases the demand for and availability of OpenDocument-conforming products, resulting in a greater choice of tools and platforms and expanding the OpenDocument community of users, suppliers, and developers. For more information, see the Committee charter and member list. • The OASIS Open Document Format Interoperability and Conformance (OIC) Committee helps implementors create applications that conform to ODF. The OIC TC works to ensure that the growing number of ODF-compliant applications are able to interoperate. For more information, see the Committee charter and member list. All three Committees operate under the RF on Limited Terms Mode of the OASIS IPR Policy.

OASIS Sponsor members represented on these Committees include: • Adobe Systems • Google • IBM • Intel • Microsoft • Novell • Oracle • Sun Microsystems • U.S. Department of Defense

All Committees invite participation from new members. See Join OASIS for details.

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