






Jandary27, 1816.

Read and referred to the committee on Military Affairs.




Department of War.

7'he honourable the Speaker

of the House of Representatives,


In obedience to the resolution of the honourable, the House of Representatives of the

22d instant, I have the honour to transmit the en-

closed documents ; which, it is believed, contain all the information required, which it is in the pow- er of this department to give.

/ have honour to be

Your most obedient

Humble servant, JVM. H. CRMVFORD. t# [ 33 ] ^

Adjutant and Inspector GeneraVs Office,

January 25th, 1816. SIR,

I have the honour to lay before you, such copies of the records as contain all the informa- tion in this office, relative to the resolution of the House of Representatives of the , of January 22d, 1816, viz. A Register of the Army, corrected on the 1st of January last, together with a resolution of the Senate of the United States, of March 2d, 1815, containing a list of all the promotions which have been made in the army since the peace. No officer is retained on the peace establish- ment who was not in service during the war, and none have been promoted since the passing of the act for reducing the army.

I have the honour to be,

Sir, With perfect respect,

Your obedient ser\'ant,


Adjutant and In.speclor General.

The Secretary of War. [33]


In addition to the official report which I had the honour to lay before you this morning, I take the hberty to state, that there being no 3d lieu- tenants provided for in the peace estabhshment, (except in the corps of artillery,) it appears to have entered into the views of the board of officers, who reported a selection, to retain all of that rank who had been promoted from cadets, of the mili- tary school ; and it appears that none, except those, were brought in from other corps. One 3d lieu- tenant however, declined remaining in the army on the peace establishment, and 3d lieutenant W. H. C. Wright, was brought in with his ori- ginal rank in the regiment of hght artillery.—He would have ranked all the cadets who were ap- pointed on the 2d March, after the peace. The promotion and selection of cadets seems to have been considered an exception to the general rule, as well by the board of officers, as by the war de- partment.

I have the honour to be.

With perfect respect,

Your obedient servant,


January 25^ 1816.

Hon. W. H. Crawford. [33]

In Senate of the United States,

March 2d, 181j.

Resolved^ That the Senate do advise and con- sent to the following appointments :

Cadet Henry Middleton, to be 2d lieutenant in the corps of engineers. Henry R. Dulany, to be 3d Heutenant of Hght artillery.

John R. Sloo, . . do. Henry Griswold, do. James Monroe, do. Robert C. Brent, do. Abraham Wend all, do. Georg-e A. Washington, to be 3d lieutenant in the corps of artillery. Robert J. Scott, do.

Alonzo Brower, . do.

Francis W. Berrier, . do. George Cooper, do. Henry Smith, do. Alexander F. Cochrane, do. Michael F. Van Deventer, do. Milo Johnson, do. Aaron G. Gano, do. Robert M. Forsyth, do. Thomas W. Lendrum. do. 8 f 33 ]

Cadet William W. Rigal, to be 3d lieutenant of Ordnance.

James Simonson, . . do.

John Hillj . . . do.

James R. Stubbs, . . do. Simon Willard, to be 3d lieutenant o^ Ord- nance.

John Symington, * . .do.



Adjutant and Inspector GeneraVs Office^

January 25, 1816.

A' true copy of the original on file in this office.


Adjutant and Inspector General.

JVote.-—Cadet Stubbs, declined the promotion and remained a cadet at the military academy.


Adjutant and Inspector General.

Residence of the within officers when they were appointed cadets.

Middleton, . South-Carolina.

Dulany, . . Maryland.

Sloo, . . Ohio.

Griswold. . do. [33] 9

Monroe, JO f 33]

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24 [ 33 ]

Lineal Rank of Regiments and Corps.


Moses Porter, 1 artil. brig. gen. Thomas A. Smith, rifle, briar, ffen. brevet Hugh Bradj, 2 mfantry John Miller, 3 infantry Joseph G. Swift, eno-. brio^. oren. brievet Daniel Bissell, 1 inf. briof gen. brevet William King, 4 infantry James Miller, 5 inf. brig. gen. brevet Henrj Atkinson, 6 infantry 11. C. Nicholas, 8 infantry James M'Donaltl, 7 infantry


John R. Fenwick, 1 artillery, col. brevet David Brearly, 7 infantry, col. brevet W. K. Armistead, eno^ineers George E. Mitchell, artillery, brevet James House, artillery Joseph L. Smith, 5 infantry

William Lindsay, artillery • Duncan L. Clinch, 4 infantry William S. Hamilton, rifle George Croghan, 1 infantry, brevet J. Snelling, 6 infantry ]\Jatthe\v Arbuckle, 3 infantry Ninian Piiiknev, 2 infantry William M^Rea, artillery

Wilham A. Trimble, 8 infantry brevet . t 33 ] 25

Lineal Rank of Regiments and Corps.


Abraham Eustis, 1 art. lieut. col. brevet

George Bomford, engineers. It. col. brevet William Vl'Ree, engineers, col. brevet George Armistead, artil. lieut. col. brevet Thomas S. Jesup, 1 infantry, col. brevet

John E. Woo], 6 infantry. It. col. brevet James B. Many, artillery J. Hindman, artillery, col. brevet

Charles K. Gardner, 3 infantry, It. col. brevet James Bankhead, artillery Henry Leavenworth, 2 infantry, col. brevet J. M*Neal, junior, 5 infantry, col. brevet T. Chambers, rifle, lieut. col. brevet Daniel Appling, 7 infantry, col. brevet

William Lawrence, 8 infantry, It. col. brevet George M. Brooke, 4 infantry, col. brevet


Charles Woolstoncraft, artillery, major brevet

John B. Walback, artillery, It. col. brevet Moses Sweet, artillery Charles Gratiot, engineers Wilham Wilson, artillery John Nicks, 8 infantry, maj. brevet Enoch Humphreys, artillery, major brevet Uriah Blue, 8 infantry, maj. brevet John Machesney, 7 infantry, maj. brevet Gad Humphreys, 6 infantry, maj. brevet Richard Whartenby, 6 infantry, maj. brevet Alden Partridge, engineers E. Cutler, 4 infantry, maj. brevet P. Muhlenburg, 4 infantry, maj. brevet 9rt [33]

Lineal Rank of Regiments and Corps.

James Dinkins, 4 infantry, maj. brevet Alexander Cummlngs, 4 infantry James Dorman, 8 infantry, maj. brevet Daniel Baker, 3 infantry, maj. brevet James Reed, artillery Angus M'Dowell, 1 artillery W. Morgan, rifle, maj. brevet F. W. Armstrong, 7 infantry, maj. brevet Isaac D. Barnard, 4 infantry, maj. brevet Angus L. Langham, 7 infantry, maj. brevet Robert Gray, 2 infantry, maj. brevet J. B. Crane, artillery, maj. brevet R. Jones, artiilery, It col. brevet James H. Boyle, artillery, maj. brevet xAlexander S. Brooks, artillery, maj, brevet

Nathan Towson, 1 artillery. It. col. brevet S. B. Archer, artillery, maj. brevet Saunders Donoho, artillery Thomas Biddle, junior, artillery, maj. brevet John Sproull, 2 infantry, maj. brevet Josiah H. Vose, 5 infantry, maj. brevet William Bradford, rifle, major brevet Samuel D. Harris, 1 artillery. It. col. brevet John A. Burd, 4 infantry, maj. brevet Joseph Selden, rifle, lieut. col. brevet Turner Crooker, 6 infantry, maj. brevet J. T. B. Romayne, artillery, David E. Twiggs, 7 infantry, maj. brevet Alexander Gray, 1 infantry Thomas Sangster, 4 infantry

I White Youngs, 8 infantry, maj. brevet Wm. Taylor, 4 infantry Wm. J. Adair, 3 infantry Wm. O. Allen, artillery John T. Chunn, 3 infantry, maj. brevet [33] 27

Lineal Rank of Regiments and Corps.

A. 1*. Madison, 4 infantry

J. G. Totten, engineers. It. col. brevet Thomas Stockton, 6 infantry, maj. brevet C. Larrabee, 3 infantry, maj. brevet S. Babcock, engineers Wm. Davenport, 8 infantry Thomas Ramsey, rifle Wm. Whistler, 3 infantry A. W. Thornton, 1 artillery Thomas Murry, artillery Wm. Gates, artillery A. C. W. Fanning, artillery, major brevet John M. O'Conner, artillery Wm. S. Foster, 6 infantry, maj. brevet S. Burbank, 5 infantry, maj. brevet Stephen W. Kearney, 2 infantry J. L. Baker, 1 infantry, maj. brevet W. O. Butler, 1 infantry, maj. brevet J. Roach, jun. artillery Thomas M. Read, jun. 6 infantry Peter B. Van Beuren, 2 infantry J. F. Heileman, artillery George Bender, 5 infantry John Bliss, 6 infantry Hopley Yeaton, artillery James H. Hook, 4 infantry George Stockton, 3 infantry WilHs Foulk, 8 inlantry Thomas Bennett, artillery Robert G. Hite, artillery M. Marston, 5 infantry, maj. brevet John Jones, 1 infantry

G. H. Manigauh. I artillery R. H. Bell, 7 infantry S. Churchill. artillery 28 [33]

Lineal Rank of Regiments and Corps.

Benjamin "Watson, 6 infantry, maj. brevet George M*Glassin, 6 infantry, maj. brevet A. Brownlow, 8 infantry Daniel Ketchum, 6 infantry, maj. brevet B. K. Pierce, artillery Armstrong Irvine, 1 artillery John Biddle, artillery H. Chotard, 1 infantry, maj. brevet Sylv. Thayer, engineers, maj. brevet W. L. Foster, 5 infantry Francis Stribling, 1 artillery George Vashon, 7 infantry John S. Peyton, 1 artillery H. K. Craig, 1 artillery M. M. Quackenbos, 8 infantry Wm. Lavai, 1 infantry, maj. brevet George P. Peters, artillery J. Robertson, 7 infantry Peter Pelham, 5 infantry

Anatole Pejchaud, 1 infantry

Ferd. L. Amelung, 1 infantry Abner P. Spencer, 2 infantry Joseph Kean, rifle

W. Martin, ^ rifle Benjamin Birdsall, rifle, maj. brevet John O. Fallon, rifle Henry Shell, 2 infantry H. Bradley, 3 infantry L. Austin, 8 infantry, maj. brevet G. H. Grosvenor, 3 infantry Elijah Montgomery, 7 infantry, maj. brevet Alex. R. Thompson, 2 infantry Edmund Ship, rifle William Christian, 1 infantry J. Fowle, junior, 5 infantry [33] 29

Lineal Rank of Regiments and Corps.

J. S. Allison, 30 [33]

Corps of Engineers,

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.


Jos.G.Swift,3lJuly,l812 brig. gen. brev. 19 Feb. 1814. LIEUTENANT COLONEL.

Walker K. Armistead, 34 July, 1812.


George Bomford, 6 July 1812, It. col. brev. 22 Dec. 1814 William M'Ree, 31 do. col. brev. 15 Aug. do.


Chs. Gratiot, 23Feb.l 808 A.Patridge,23July,l8lO professor milita. academy J. G.Totten,31do.l812 It. col. brev. 11 Sep. 1814 Sam.Babcock,20 Sep. do Sylv.Thayer,130ct.l813 maj. brev. 20 Feb. 1815 Wm.Cutbush,7Sep.l814


Ed.DeRussey,6Jul.l812 japt. brev. 11 Sept. 1814 Fred. Lewis, 20 Sept. do. Ja. Gadsden, 17Mar.l813 T W.Maurice, 13 Octdo. Hip.Dumas,20Feb.l814 D.B.Douglas. ITSep.do. capt.brev. 17 Sept. 1814 [33] 31

Regiment of Light Artillery,

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.


Go.Trescott,160ct.l813 lstIt.brev.llSept. 18U J. L. Smith, do. Hor.C.Story,llMar.l814 Istlt. brev. 17 do. John Wright, 30, do. S. H. Long, 12Dec. 1814 H.Middleton,2Mar.l8l5

Regiment of Light Artillery,


Mo9.Porter,12Mar.l8l2 br. gen. brev. lOSep.1813


J.R.Fenwick,2Dec.l811 col. staff& brv.l8 Mar.do.


Abr.Eustis, 5Mar. 1810 It. col. brev. 1 Sep. do.


A. McDowell, 1 Apr. 1812 Nat. Towson, 6 July, do. lt.col.brev. 15Aug. 1814

Saml. D. Harris, do. It. col. brev. 25 July, do. Arthur W. Thornton, 20 Jan. 1813 m 1 33 ]

Regiment of Light Artilhry.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.

Gabriel H. Manigault, 1 Aug. 1813 raaj. staff, 9 Sept, 1815 Arms. Irvine, 1 Oct. do. Fras. Stribling, 1 Nov.do. Jno. S. Peyton, 1 5 Dec.do. Hen. K. Craig, 23 do. Jno. R Bell, 10 Oct. 1814 col. staff, 28 Oct. 1814


Wm. F. Hobart, 5 April, 1813 maj. staff, 27 July, 1814 G. N. Morris, 23 Oct. do J. H. Wilkins, 3 Dec. do. John Gates, jr. 3 do. Nels. Freeland, 21 Feb. 1814 Thos Lamar, 1 1 Mar. do. Wm. Ljraan, 10 June, do. J. F Ross, 20 July, do. S.M.Mackay, lOOct.do. aid to maj. gen. Brown Fred. Kinloch, 10 do.


G E.Wells, 2 Oct. 1813 E. Lyon, 23 do. S. Washburn, 13 Dec. do H. Stanton, 7 Mar. 1814 capt. staff, 12 July, 1813 G. Drane, 17 dor W.Smith, 12 May, 1814 3

[ 33] 33

Corps of Artillefy.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.

H.F.Evans, 2 June 1814 R. F. Massie, 31 Aug. do. J. Irvine, 19 Sept. do W. Wells, 10 Oct. do.


Lewis Dunham, 12 Dec. 1808

surgeon's mate.

W. H. Livingston, 26 July, 1814

Corps of i/irtillery.


^G. E. Mitchell, 3 March 18J3 col. brevet 5 May, 1814 James House, 3 do.

Wm. Lindsay, 1 2 do. Wm. Macrea, 1 9 April, 1814 MAJORS.

G. Armistead, 3Mar.l 81 It.col. brev. 12Sep. 18U Jas. B. Many, 5 May, do. J. Hindman, 26 June, do. col. brevet 17 May, 1815 " Jas.Bankhead,15Aug.do.|col. staff, 9 Sept. 1813 5 3

34 [ 33 ]

Corps of Artillery.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.


Charles Wollstoncraft, 15 March, 1805maj. brevt. 15 Mar. 1815 J. B.Walbach, 31 Jan. 1806 h. col. brevt. 17 May, do. Moses Swett, 30 June, 1807 V\^ra.Wilson,3May.l808 E. Humphreys, 9 Jan.

1809 maji. brevt. 28 Dec, 1814 Jas. Reed, 12 Mar. 1812 J. B.Crane, 6 July, 1812 maj. brevt. 13 Nov. 1813 Roger Jones, 6 do. U. col. brevt. 17 Sept.l 814 J. H. Boyle, 6 do. maj. brevt. 5 May, do. A. S.Brooks, 6 do. maj. brevt. 11 Sept. do. S. B. Archer, 6 do. maj. brevt. 27 Apnl,1815 S. Donoho, 6 do. Th.BIddle,jr.6 do. maj. brevt. 1^ Auff. 1814 J.T.B.Romayne, 6 do. maj. stafi; 11 Feb. 1815 Wm. O. Allen, 6 do. Th. Murray, lOFeb. 181 Wm. Gates, 3 Mar. 1813 A.C. W. Fanning, 13 do. maj. brevt. 15 Aug. 1814 J. M. O'Conner, 13 do. maj. staff, 20 June. 1814

I. Roach, jr. 1 3 April, do. J. F. Hieleman,5 May do.

H. Yeaton, 20 May, dc j Th. Bennet,20 June, do.j Rt. G. Hite, 26 June, do.jmaj. staff, 6 Aug. 1813 S.Cliurchili, 15 Aug. do.;maj. staff, 29 do. [33] 35

Corj)s of j^rtiIleri/>

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.

B. K. Pierce,! Oct. 1813 Jolm Biddle, 1 do. G.P.Peters.2lFeb.l814 maj. staff, 29 Aug. 1813 H.H.ViIlard,14July,do. H. J. Blake, 1 Sept. do. Nathl. N. Hall, 30 do. maj. staff, 25 April, 1814 M.P.Lomax,17Nov.do. maj. staff, 3 Mar. 1814


MiloMason,29Feb.l812 aid to brig;. o;en. Porlei C.Vandeventer, 12 Mar. 1812 maj. staff, 20 Mar. 1813 J. L. Tracy, 6 do. John Farley, 6 do. Wm. M. Read, 6 do. Harold Smyth, 6 do. capt. brevt. 11 Sep. 1814 L. Brown, 6 do. Luther Scott, 6 do. capt. brevt. 20Feb. 1815 R. R. Ruffin, 6 do. J. H. Daring, 6 do. .l.Erving,jr.l6Aug.l8l2 maj. staff,! April, 1813 A.L.Sands,10Feb.l813 T. J. Beall, 3March,do. capt. brevt. 17 Mar. 1814 Richard A. Zantzinger, 13 Mar. 1813 capt. brevt. 15 Aug. 1814 W.R. Duncan, 13 do.

Chester Root, 1 3 do. apt. brevt. 1 1 Sept. 1814 aid to maj. gen. Macomb T.Randall, 13 do. capt. brevt. 1 Dec. 1814 J. L.Edwards. 28 do. 36 [33]

Corps of Artillery.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commisssions.

Gus.Loomis,5Maj, 1813 capt. staff, 19 April, 1813 P. D. Spencer, 1 3 do. maj. staff, 17 Oct. 1814 J. Mountfort, 20 do. capt. brevt. 1 1 Sept. do. F. Whitino;,20June,1813

Edwin Sharpe, 26 do. -*A G, Dearborn, 1 Oct. 1813 adjutant

Felix Ansart, 1 do. Wm. King, 1 do. Th.C. Legate, 29 do. Nat.Clarke,! May, 1814 S. Spotts, 22 do. L, Whiting, 14 June, do Lewis Morgan,! 7Nov.do. W, H. Nicoll, 22 do.


AdrianNei], 6 Julj,l8l2 1st It. brevt. 6 July, 1812 J, W. Kincaid 6 do. Robt. Goode, 6 do. Fras.0.Byrd,6 do. Istlt. brevt.20Feb.1815 Th. Reynolds, 6 do. Istlt. brevt. 13 Mar. 1813 J, W.Lent, jr. 12 March. 1813 Jos. Bosque, 12 Apr. do. C. D. Cooper, 16 do. Jo. P. Prince, 16 do. jRich. Bachc, 17 do. Istlt. brevt. 17 Apr.1813 P. I. Neville, 20 do. M.B. Massey, 13May, J813 3 [33] ^.

Corps of Artillery.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.

C.Anthony, 20 May,l 81 adjutant W.M'Clintock,20June 1813 L. H. Osgood, 20 do. J. Henderson, 26 do. P.Melendy, 29 do. Ja. D. Brown, 15 Aug.do. R. M. Kirby, 1 Oct. do. capt. brevt. 17 Sep. 1814 aid to maj. gen. Ripley H.M.Campbell, 12 do capt. brevt. 25 July, 1814 Robt. Beall,14Nov.l813 John A. Dix,l Mar. 1814 S. W. Gordon, 1 1 do. 1st It. brevt. 11 Mar.l 8 14 R. Lyman, 1 1 do.

I, L. Gardner, 28 do. T.I. Harrison, 19 do.

J. Watmaugh, 19 do. 1st It. brevt. \5 Aug. do. aid to maj. gen. Gaines G.W.Gardiner,lMaydo. C. S. Merchant, 38 [33]

Corps of Jlrtillery.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.

G.S.Wllkins,3May,1814 P. A. Dennis, 20 do. J.Ripley, 1 June, 1814 F.G.de Lamos, 7 July, do Isaac E. Craig, 21 do. C. M. Thruston, do. H.W.Fitzhugh, do. Jacob Davis, do. E. Humphrey, do. S. VVhetmore, do. D, S. Andrews, 22 do. N. G. Wilkinson, do. Tim. Green, jr. 25 do. Wm.G. Shade, 31 Aug. 1814 Elis. Brimhall, 1 Sep. do. Istlt.brevt. 1 Sept. 1814 H.H.Minton, 12 do. A.CTowler, 30 do. J.S.Abeel, lOct. 1814 Istlt.brevt. 1 Oct. 1814 J as. Archer, 1 do. W. S. Willard, 1 do. Jas. Gigniliat, 1 1 do. M. F. de Graffenreidt, 26 Nov. 1814


R.H.Lee, 17 Mar. 1814 Istltbrvt. 17 Sept. 1814 Rice L.Stuart,15 July,do* W. L. Booth, 21 do. [ 33 ] 39 3

40 [ 33 ]

First Regiment of Infantry.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.

First Infantry.


Dan.Bissell,15Aug.l812 brig. gen.brvt.9Mar.l 814


Geo. Croghan, 21 Feb. 1814 brevet, 2 August, 1813


Tho. S. Jesup, 6 April, 1813 col. brevt. 25 July, 1814 CAPTAINS.

Alex. Gray, 6 July, 1812 IsaX.Baker, 5 Apr. 181 maj. brevt. 23 Dec. 1814 Wm. O. Butler, do. maj. brevt. do. John Jones, 29 July,18K Hen. Chotard,9 0ct. do. maj. staff, 17 Oct. 1814 maj. brevt. 23 Dec. do. Wm. Laval, 15 Feb. 1814 naj. brevt. 7 Nov. do. Anatole Peychaud, 1 1 March, do. Ferd. L. Amelung, do. Wm. Christian, 31 May, 1814 John Reed, 15 July, do. maj. brevt. 23 Dec. do. 4

[ 33 ] 41

First Regiment of Infantry.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.


Nat. Smith, 29 July,l 813 S. Farrow, jr. 1 Aug. do. J ac. Whistler, 15 do. Jn. C. Kouns,2(>Feb 1814 J.P.Thibault,llMar.do. Wm. Gibbs, do. capt. brevt. 23 Dec. 1814 John Tarrant, 1 5 Apr.do. Archimedes Donoho, 15 April, 1814 Hy.Saunders, 14 July do Rch.K.Call, 15 do. capt.brevt. 7 Nov. 1814


Geo. Watts, 1 Aug. 1813 1st It. brevt. 5 July, 1814 Robt. L. Coomb 4 do. R.B.Hyde, 18 Feb. 181 Geo. W. Boyd, 9 Mar. do W. Christie, do. Chs. Cooper, 1 May, do. Trueman Cross, do. Sam. Houston, 20 do. T. C. Hindman, do. Robt. Davis, 30 June, do.


Ed vv. Scull, 8 April, 1814

surgeon's MATES.

W.S.Madison, 12Dec. '12 C.G.Gerrard, llMar.'H ' 42 [ 33 ]

Second Regiment of Infantry.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.

Second Infantry.




Ninlan Pinkney,15 April.

1814 col. staff, 1 Dec. 1814


Henry Lavenworth, 16 Aug. 1813 col. brevt. 25 July, 1814


.Robt.Gray,6July, 1812 maj. brevt. 1 J Aug. 1813 John Sproul, do. maj. brevt. 25 July, 1814 Stephen W. Kearney, 1 April, 1813 Peter B. Van Beu ^n, .30 April, 1813 Abner P, Spencer, 14 March, 1814 Hen. Shell, 21 do. Alex. R. Thompson, 1 May, 1814 G. D. Smith, .30 June, do. maj. brevt. 25July,1814 W. J.Worth, 19 Aug.do. maj. brevt. do. Hen. Whiting, 1 Sept. do. [33] 43

Secotid Regiment of Infantry.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.


Chs. J. Nourse, 7 May, maj. staff, 14 Sep. 1814, 1812 capt. brevt. 15 Aug 1813 W.Browning,150ct.l813 capt. brevt.3lOct. 1814 Wm.Hoffman,ll Nov-do. B. A. Bojnton, 25 do. Owen Ransom, 19 April, 1814 John Kirby, 19 May, do adjutant Jas. Young, 30 June, do. Wm. G.Belknap, 19 Aug, 1814

S. B. Griswold, 1 Sep. do. Walter Bicker, jr. do.


JohnG.Munn, 13 Mar. 1813 Ist.lt. brvt.l5 Aug.1813

Jas. Palmer, 20 Dec. do 1st It. brevt. 5 Aug. 1814 John Wood, 1 May, 1814 Jos. Hopkins, 2 do. Wm. Kendall, 16 June,

1814 1st It. brevt. 1 Jan. 1815 R. M. Harrison, 30 do. Elisha Clark, 25 July, do. Scth Johnson, 20 Aug.do, Joshua Brant, 1 Oct. do. John CHtz, 19 do. lstlt.brevt.17Sep.l8l4 44 [33]

Third Regiment of Infantry.

Brevets and former and Rank. Names commissions.


Franklin Bache.

surgeon's mates.

S.H.Littlejohn,3Ap.l813 Josiah Everett, 21 Jul.do

Third Infantry.




Matthew Arbuckle, 9 March, 1814


Charles K. Gardner, 26 June, 1813 col. staff, 12 April, 1814


Dan.Baker,12Mar.l812 maj. brevt. 15 April,1814 Wm. J. Adair, 6 July, do John T' Chunn, do. maj. brevt. 15 Aug. do. Chs. Larrabee,12 Sep.do maj. brevt. 9 Aug. 1812 [33 ] 45

Third Regiment of Infantry.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.

W.Whistler,3lDec.l8l2 Geo. Stockton, 20 May, 1813 Hez. Bradley, 19 April, 1814 G.H.Grosvenor, 21 do. John Green, 25 Sept. do. W.M'Donald, 1 1 Nov.do. maj.brevt. 25 July, 1814


James Hackley, jr. 13 Mar. 1813 T. Mountjoy, 13 do. John Garland, 31 do. Chas. L, Cass, 20May,do. Rt. Sturgus,9Mar. 1814 Dan .Curtis, 15 April, do.

Hen. Conway, 1 9 do. Lawrence Talliaferro, 30 June, 1814 Yurley F. Thomas, do. Collin M'CIaud, 4Aug.do.


Ash.Philips,20May,l813 Jon.B.Clarke, 9Apr.l814 Ed. E Brooks, 1 May, do. Sma.Keeler,jr.7June, do Jas. Dean, 28 do. 4

46 [ 33 ]

Fourth Regiment of Infantry.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commisssions.

Raimey G. Saunders, 14 July, 1814 Cy. Saunders, do. Hillary Brunot, 22 do.

Gab. J. Floyd, 1 Oct. do. J. Beckwith, 1 Dec. do.


A. G. Goodlet, 10 Feb. 1812

surgeon's mates.

John Gale, 9 July, 1812 Alf. Foster, 15 Apr. 1814

Fourth Infantry


\Vm. Klng,21 Feb. 181 col. staff, 18 July, 1813


Duncan L. Clinch, 4 Aug. 1813


G.M.Brooks,! May,1814 col. brevet 17 Sept. 1814 J

[ 33 ] 4^

Fourth Regiment of Infantry.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.


Enoch Cutler,3 Sep. 1810 maj, staff, 18 Mar. 1813 brevet, 1 May, 18J4 P. Muhlenburg, 1 Oct.do. maj, brevt. 1 May, 1814 Jas. Dlnklns,6Feb. 181 maj. brevt. 15 May, do. A. Cummings, 1 Nov. do. ' J.D.Bainard,6JuiT,18l2 maj, brevt. 26 June, 1813 John A. Burd, do. maj, brevt 31 Oct 1814 Th. Sangster, do. Wm. Taylor, do. A.L.Madison, do.

• Jas. H. Hook, 13 do.

FSRST LIEUTENANTS. Kenneth M'Kenzle, 6 July, 1812 capt. brevt. 6 July, 1812 F.S.Behon,20Jan.l8i;> maj. stafl; 18 Oct!' 18U Mm. Neiison, 7 June, do. 0th. W. Calhs, 26 do.

Dan. Sackett, 1 1 Nov. do. Wm. P. Pendleton 30 May, 1814 J. M'Gavock, jr. 24 June, 1814 Jas. H. Gale, 29 do. J.M.Gla.ssell,12July,do. adjutant E.B.Rando!ph,3lDec.do. Is'tit. b)evt.2.jJulv,18i4


Beverly Turpii:, 6 July, 1812 1st It. bievt. 6 July, 1812 48 [ 33 ]

Fifth Regiment of Infantry.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.

F. H. Lissenhoff, 1 Aug. 1813 John Strother,20 Nov. do. F.L.Dade, 31 Jan. 1814 Philip Wager,17 Mar.do. J. Shommo, 24 do C.Wright, 19 April, do. Hen. Wilson, 19 do. J.P.Dieterich, 14June,do. Istlt-brevt. 5 Feb. 1815 R. M. Sands, 9 July, do. quarter master


M.C. Buck, 2 July, 1813

surgeon's mates.

J. B. Hill, 6 July, 1812 R. C.Lane, 11 Mar. 1814

Fifth Infantry.


Jas. Miller, 9 Mar. 1814 brg.gea.brvt.25J uly , 1814




J.M'Neal,jr.l5Aug.l8l3 col. brevt. 2i»July, 1814 1

[ 33 ] 4t

Fifth Regiment of Infantry.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.


Josi.H.Vose,6July,18l2 maj. bre»'t. 4 Aug. 1814 S.Burbank, 13Mar.l81,3 maj. brevt. 25 July, 1814 Geo. Bender, 1 3 May, do maj.brevt. 15 Aug. 1814 M. Marston,26 June, do W.L.Foster, 15 Oct. do. Pet. Pelham,28 Feb. 1814 J. Fowle, jr. 10 June, do. E. Childs, 20 July, do.

David Perry, 1 Sept. do. James Pratt, 30 do.


H. Wh itin^, 20 Aug. 1 8 1 capt. brevt. 17 Mar. 1814 Geo. Gooding, 15 Feb. 1812 capt. brevt. 1 5 June, 1814 I. Plymton, 31 July, 1813 G.W.Hovey, 15Aug.do. J. Cilley, 7 Mar. 1814 capt. brevt. 25 July, 1814 Otis Fisher, 20 July, do.

Jos. Gleason, 25 do. capt. brevt. 1 5 Aug. 1814 J. W. Holding, 31 do. captbrevt. 25 July, 1814 B. F. Larned, 4 Aug. do capt. brevt. 15 Aug. 1814 Isaac Clark, jr. I Sept. do.


S.Butterfield,3jan.l812 1st It. brevt. 21 Feb.lSU Nat. Clark, 19May,1813 3 bO [ 33 ]

Sixth Regiment of Infantry^

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.

Edm.Kirby,3lJuly,18l3 adjutant

Sam. Keeler, 3 1 Jan. 1814 T. Hunt, 19 March, do. J. Craig, 23 June, do. G.H.Belding,25July,do. Arn. B. Dake, 13 Sep. do. P. R. Green. 1 Oct. do. C. Blake, 31 do. quarter master.


Sylv. Day, 13 Mar. 1813

surgeon's mates.

E.L. Allen, 21 July, 181 J.P.Russell,25May,l814

Sixth Infantry.


Hen. Atkinson, 15 Aptil^ 1814 col. staff, 25 April, 1813

lieutenant colonel.

J.Snelling, 21 Feb. 1814 col. staff, 12 Aprils 1814

MAJOR. JohnE.Wool,13Apr.l813 lt.coLbrev.llSep. 1814 [33] 51

Sixth Regiment of Infantry.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.


Gad. Humphreys, 31 Dec 18{)9 maj. brevt. 18 Apr. 1814 Tur.Crooker. 6Jul},1812 maj. brevt. 4 July, 1814 T. Stockton, lOSep.1812 maj. brevt. 15 Apr. 1814 Wm. S.Foster, 13 Mar 1813 maj. brevt. 15 Aug. do. Tho. M.Read, iGApr.do. John BJiss, 13 May, do. Ben. Watson, 15Aug.do. maj. brevt. 25 July, do. Geo. M'Glassin, do. Dan. Ketchum,30Sep.do. maj. brevt. do. N.S.Clarke, 1 Oct. 1814 capt. brevt. 25 July, 1814


Elijah Boardman, 3 May, 1810 capt. brevt. 1 Aug. 1813 Wm. Hale, 15 Aug. 1813 Eph. Shaylor, 15 Aug. do. Geo. M 'Chain, 30Sep.do. Fd.A. Sawyer, 12 Decdo J. P. Livington, 19 do. capt. brevt. 25 July, 1814

Sara. Tappan, 1 4 June, 1814 Alphonso Wetmore, 9 July, do. Th. Staniford, 1 Sep. do. Delafayette Wilcox, 2 Oct. do. 52 [ 33 j

Seventh Regiment of Infmtrp

Brevets and former -• » and Rank. • - - . Names commissions.


Jon. Ellison, 17Mar.l814' J. A. Harding, 28Apr. do. Th. Tupper, 2 May, do. Caleb B.Carapbell, do. Hazen Bedel, 15 June,do. Jas. M'Ilvaln,l9 July, do. Ben. Fitch 25 do. Jac. Brown, 1 Sept. do. John Mansfield, 30 do.


T. G. Mower, 30 June, 1814

surgeon's mates.

Chs.Loring,20May,I813 Wm.Sterne,llMar.l814

Seventh Infantry,


Jas. M'Donald, 17 Sept. 1814 Lieutenant colonel.

Dav. Brearley, 6 July, 1812 col. brevet 12 Mar. 1813 4

I 33 ] ^

Seventh Regiment of Infantry.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.


Dan. Appling, 15 April, 1814 col.brevt. II Sept. 1814 CAPTAINS.

John Machesney, 10 June, 1809 maj. brevt. 21 Mar. 1814 Rd. Whartenby, 3 May, 1810 maj. brevt. 1 May, do. Francis W. Armstrong, 6 July, 1812 maj. brevt. 26 June, 1813 A. L. Langham, do. maj. brevt. 15 Aug. do. D. E. Twiggs, do. maj. brevt. 21 Sept. 1814 Rich.H.Bell,15Aug.l813 Geo. Vashon, 29 Nov. do. J.Robertson, 21 Feb.] 814 Elijah Montgomery, I May, do. J. S. Allison, 25 June, do.


Geo. Birch, 1 Nov. 1811 .T.R.Corbaly,6July,1812 capt. brevt. 28 June,1814 Wm. Bailey, do. capt. brevt. 19 July, do. J.H.Mallory,5May,18J3 Wm. Bee, jr. 14 Aug. do .T.J.Clinch, 15 do. .Tno. Gassaway, do. John Hays, 9 April, 181 51 [ 33 ]

Seventh Regiment of Infantry^

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.

T.Blackstone,15May, 1814 A. Ross, 9 June, do.


G. R. Bridges, 24 March, 1814 Edmund Hall, l9Apr.do. F. S. Gray, 2 May, do. Mic.Crupper,24 J une, do., J. W. Allston, 30 do. ' H. L. Oneale, 1 1 July,do. R. H. Goodwyn, 24 do.

J. Leftwich, 1 3 Aug. do. R. W. Scott, 1 Oct. do. Lewis Lawshe, do.



surgeon's mates.

R, C. Walmsey, 1 July, 1813 S.M.Ingersol, 16 Sep. do. fas] 65

Eighth Regimtnt of Infantry.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.

Eighth Infantry.




W. A. Trimble, 30 Nov. 1814 lt.col.breyt.l7Sept.l814


W. Lawrence, 19 April,

1814 It. col.brevt. 15 Sept. do.


John Nicks, 1 July, 1808 maj. brevt. 9 Oct. 1813 Uriah Blue, 9 May, 1809 maj. brevt. 13 Mar. 1814 J. Dorman, 9 Nov. 1811 maj. brevt. 28 June do. White Youngs, 6 July, 1812 maj. brevt. 11 Sept. do. W.Davenport,28 Sep. do. VV^Foulk, 20 June, 1813 Alex. Browlow, 7 Sep. do Mangle M. Quackenbos, 7 Jan. 1814 L. Austin, 21 April, do. maj. brevt. 5 July, 1814 Lewis Bissel, 30 June do. Se [33 "5

Eighth Regiment of Infantry.

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.


L.B. Willis, 6 July, 1812 capt.brevt. 31 Jan. 1814 Dav.Riddle, 13Mar.l8l3 maj. brevt. 17 Sept. do. J. Culberton, 1 Oct. do. Chs. B.Hopkins, 5 do. D. Frazier, 31 Dec. do.'maj. brevt. 25 July, 1814 Th.Wright,17Mar.l8l4 Wm. Ligon, 30 do. John R. Guy, 3 May, do. Wm. Arnold, 1 1 do. Sam. Brady, 1 Oct. do.


Luth. Hand,30Sep.l813 C.Stephens, 15 Apr.l814^1st It. brevt. 20 July,1814 Thos. Rogers, do. W. Bryan, 25 do. W. V. Cobbs, 1 May do, R.Humphreys, 19 do. Nat. Young, 2 June, do. G.R. Horter, 15 do. Sara. Riddle, 21 Sept. do. John Brady, 25 do. lstlt.brvt.5Feb. 1815


P. Woodbury, 30 Mar. 1814 surgeon's MATES.

Claj. Reily,22Mar. 1813 S, C. Muir, 7 April, do. 3

t33] 57

Rifle Regiment,

Brevets and former Names and Rank. commissions.

Rife Regiment,


I Th.A. Smith, 6 July,! 812 brisj. gen. brevt. 24 Jan. 1814 LIEUTENANT COLONEL.

W.S. Hamilton, 21 Feb. 1814


T.Chamber s,2 1 Feb. 1814 It. col: brvt. ]7Sep. 1814


Will.Morgan,6Julj,1812 maj. brevt. 26 June, 1813 Joseph Selden, do. h. col. brvt, 1 May, 1815 Wm. Bradford, do. maj. brevt. 20 Aug. 1814 Th.Ramsey, 30 Nov. do. Jos. Kean, 17 Mar. 1814 Wm. Martin, do. Ben. Birdsall, do. maj. brevt. 15 Aug. 1814 John O'Fallan, do. Edm. Shipp, 26 Mar. do. W. L.Dufphey,12Aug.do.


Louis Levai.28July,l 81 ttH i 33 J

Rifle Regiment.

Brevets and fortner Names and Rank. commbclons.

J. S. M'Intosh, 31 Dec. 1813 J. Calhoun, jr. 24 Jan. 1814 J.H. Ballard, 17 Mai. do. Lewellen Hickman, do. Stouo-hton Gantt, do. J.M'i[jiinneole,28 Apr.do. Sam.V.Hamilton. 17 Sep. 1814 A. Fine, do. J.Heddelson, 30 do.


W.Armstrono;, 24Jan.do. W. J.Gordon,"l7 Mar. do. Th. Griffith, do. A. Harrison, do. J. Hollin2:sworth, 26 do. Bennet Riley, 15 Apr.do. W.Markle,jr. 19 do. Jas. S. Gray, 1 1 May, do. T. F. Smith, do. T. F. Hunt, 29 June, do.


W.Thomas, 18 Feb. 1814

SURGEON^S MATES. Sm.P.Hugo, 12Mar.l812 W.H.Henning20AplB14 [ 33 ] 09


The preceding Hegister contains the correc- tions of the array list since its reduction on the 17th May, 1815. Selections will be made from the dis- banded officers, who served in the late war, to fill vacancies, until the 17th of May, 1816; after which promotions ^^ ill be regularly made throughout the army.

B)j order of the Secretary of War.

D. PARKER, Mj. ^' ksp. Gen.

Adjt. and hisp. Cai. Office.

January 1, 1810. ::

60 [ 33 ]


The northern comprises Jive Military De- partments^ to nil

No. 1. New-York, above the Highlands, and Ver- mont. No. 2. New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode- Island, and Connecticut. No. 3. New-York, below the Highlands, and that part of New-Jersey which furnishes the first division of militia. No. 4. Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and that part of New-Jersey whicii furnishes the second division of militia. \o. 5. Ohio, and the Territories of Michigan and Indiana.

The southern division comprises four Military De- partments^ to wit

No. 6. Virginia, North-Carolina, and the District of Columbia. No. 7. South-Carolina, and Georgia. No. 8. Louisiana, and the Mississippi Territory. No. 9- Tennessee. Kentucky, and the Territories - of Missouri, and Illinois.

r 3 9157 00000965 7





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