bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 29, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Microeconomics of : Overflow metabolism as Giffen behaviour Jumpei F. Yamagishi and Tetsuhiro S. Hatakeyama

Department of Basic Science, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan

Abstract (12), (13), and E. coli (14). In the context of the War- Biological systems such as intracellular metabolism are ratio- burg effect for cancer, many hypotheses have been proposed: nally regulated to maximize the cellular growth rate through e.g., respiration requires larger solvent capacity or intracel- evolution (1–4), whereas microeconomics investigates the be- lular volume because the turnover of glycolytic enzymes is haviour of consumers assumed to rationally maximize their util- much faster (15, 16); respiration retards the cellular redox ity (5, 6). Despite this analogy as optimization problems, the state (24); with lactate secretion is more efficient link between biology and economics has not been fully estab- in the production of another essential metabolite, NADPH lished (7, 8). Here, we developed an exact mapping between the (9). Similar hypotheses have also been proposed for overflow regulation of metabolism and the theory of consumer choice, metabolism in bacteria (16, 25–27). Nevertheless, no unified thereby revealing the correspondence between long-standing theory of this ubiquitous phenomenon has been developed. In mysteries in both fields: overflow metabolism and Giffen be- addition, reversal of the Warburg effect, called the inverse or haviour. Overflow metabolism, particularly known as the War- reverse Warburg effect, has been recently reported wherein burg effect in cancer (9, 10), is a seemingly wasteful but ubiq- uitous strategy where cells utilize aerobic glycolysis instead of drug administration, mitochondrial inefficiency, or intercel- the more energetically-efficient oxidative phosphorylation (9– lular interaction between cancer and stromal cells stimulates 16), whereas Giffen behaviour is the unexpected consumer be- respiration (19–22). Its relationship with the Warburg effect haviour where a good is demanded more as its price rises is still unclear, and it cannot be explained by the existing hy- (17, 18). We revealed that the general conditions for these phe- potheses. nomena are trade-off and complementarity, i.e., impossibility In microeconomics, Giffen behaviour represents the coun- of substitution for different goods. This correspondence im- terintuitive phenomenon where the demand for a good in- plies that oxidative phosphorylation is counterintuitively stimu- creases when its price rises. This is in stark contrast to the lated when its efficiency is decreased by metabolic perturbations general pattern of human economic activities in which the like drug administration. Therefore, Giffen behaviour bridges demand for normal goods decreases when their prices rise, the Warburg effect and the reverse and inverse Warburg effect called Giffen’s paradox (5, 17). Even though the existence (19–22). This highlights that application of microeconomics to metabolism can offer new predictions and paradigms for both of Giffen goods was theoretically predicted more than a cen- biology and economics. tury ago and a few possible examples have been considered, their practical existence and mechanism remain controversial metabolic systems theory of consumer choice Warburg effect optimiza- | | | tion trade-off (17, 18). | Correspondence: [email protected] Here, We apply the theory of consumer choice to under- Metabolic behaviours can be often explained as a conse- stand metabolic systems (Table 1). Our general theory shows quence of rational regulation to optimize cellular growth rate, that a trade-off is essential for overflow metabolism and that as successfully predicted by biological theories suchDRAFT as flux all types of trade-offs in the aforementioned hypotheses can balance analysis (FBA) (1–4). In contrast, microeconomics be formulated as an identical optimization problem with the describes the behaviour of individuals assumed to have per- same universal structure (detailed in Supplementary Note 2). fect rationality to maximize their utility (Box 1). There is In the main text, we explain only one of these for simplicity, an apparent analogy between the two fields as optimization i.e., the allocation of limited resources other than nutrients problems (7, 8). We pushed beyond this analogy to pre- imposes a trade-off. We consider a simple metabolic sys- cisely map metabolism onto the theory of consumer choice in tem that comprises the intake flux of the carbon source as microeconomics, and examined the correspondence between a nutrient, JC,in, and fluxes to metabolize the nutrient to en- overflow metabolism and Giffen behaviour. ergy molecules in the and TCA cycle, Overflow metabolism is a seemingly wasteful behaviour, JC,e, and glycolytic pathways, JC,g (Fig. 1a). JC,in corre- also known as the Warburg effect as a therapeutic target in sponds to the income, and JC,e and JC,g correspond to the cancer (21–23), where aerobic glycolysis is favoured over demand for goods. The budget constraint line is thus given the more energetically-efficient oxidative phosphorylation by by the carbon balance as fast-growing mammalian cells. Those are termed fermenta- JC,in = peJC,e + pgJC,g, (1) tion and respiration in studies on microbial cells. It is ubiq- uitously observed even in the presence of abundant oxygen, where the “prices” of the electron transport chain and aer- across a variety of cells ranging from bacteria to eukaryotes obic glycolysis, pe and pg, are the inverse of the efficien- such as cancer cells (9, 10), stem cells (11), immune cells cies in their metabolising the nutrient to downstream metabo-

Yamagishi et al. | bioR‰iv | February 29, 2020 | 1–5 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 29, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Table 1. Mapping between microeconomics and metabolism stoichiometry is identical to the concept of (perfect) com- Microeconomics Metabolism plementarity in microeconomics, which is represented by a Utility Growth rate Leontief utility function, i.e., the least available element of Income Intake of nutrient all goods (17). Hence, the growth rate is represented by a Goods Metabolic pathways Leontief utility function as Demand for goods Allocation of nutrient Price of goods Inefficiency of metabolism 1 1 ⁄(J ,J )=min J , J , Complementarity Stoichiometry C,e C,g s E s BM 3 E BM 4

where sE and sBM are the stoichiometric coefficients for en- lites. Note here that the price in economics quantifies the ergy molecules and biomass precursors to synthesize biomass inefficiency of conversion from money to goods. As eco- respectively (Fig. 1b). Then, the contour (i.e., indifference nomic experiments control the price of goods, the price of curve in microeconomics) is given as a two-valued function, each is defined as a quantity controllable as shown in Fig. 1c (Eq. [S7] in Supplementary Informa- without any genetic manipulation. For example, if leakage tion). The growth rate is maximized at the tangent point of or degradation of intermediate metabolites is increased by the budget constraint line (Eq. (1)) to the contour with the drugs, the price of the metabolic pathways increases. largest growth rate. The cellular growth rate, ⁄(J ,J ), which is given as C,e C,g We first show that the response of overflow metabolism a function of the metabolic fluxes, is the utility (objective against the intake of carbon is explained as a result of opti- function) for a cell. Because cells have to build their com- mization. As shown in Fig. 1d, the dependence of the optimal ponents from precursors of biomass and energy molecules carbon allocation (Jˆ ,Jˆ ) on the income J , called for successful division, ⁄(J ,J ) is determined from the C,e C,g C,in C,e C,g the Engel curve in microeconomics, is calculated in the case production rates of energy molecules JE(JC,e,JC,g) and without inefficiency in metabolism, i.e., pe = pg =1(Eq. biomass precursors J (J ,J ). The energy produc- BM C,e C,g [S8] in Supplementary Information). This Engel curve and tion flux, J , is the sum of the fluxes of ATP synthesis via ox- E the dependence of the optimal growth rate on J (the blue idative phosphorylation, J , and aerobic glycolysis, J , C,in E,e E,g curve in Fig. 1e) are in good agreement with experimental which are proportional to J and J with different coef- C,e C,g observations (14–16, 25, 27). ficients, respectively: If the influx of carbon sources JC,in is lower than e0 = sBM ‘e ‘e J (J ,J )=J + J = ‘ J + ‘ J , fltot/( + ‘ ), the budget constraint line has no tan- E C,e C,g E,e E,g e C,e g C,g ‘BMÕ sE eÕ gent point to any contour, and the maximum growth rate is where ‘e and ‘g are the efficiency of metabolism determined achieved at (JC,e,JC,g)=(JC,in,0) (see the light-blue area from stoichiometry, and satisfy ‘e > ‘g > 0 because oxida- in Figs. 1d and 1e). In this regime, the occupancy of limited tive phosphorylation produces a greater amount of ATP than resources fltot does not limit cell growth, and all the carbon glycolysis from the same amount of the carbon source. intake is used for oxidative phosphorylation to produce en- In contrast, by denoting the total amount of a given resource ergy molecules more efficiently. other than carbon (e.g., the intracellular space in the solvent When the carbon intake JC,in is sufficiently high, the budget capacity hypothesis (15, 16)) by fl , the competition for tot constraint line has a tangent point to a contour. The set of the limited resource is described as fle + flg + flBM = fltot, such tangent points with various JC,in is given as the line on where fle, flg, and flBM are the resources allocated to ox- 1 1 which JE = JBM (see the ridgeline in Figs. 1b and idative phosphorylation, aerobic glycolysis, and production sE sBM 1c, represented by the dashed lines): of biomass precursors, respectively. Based onDRAFT the law of mass action, each flux is proportional to the allocated re- g0 JC,g = JC,e + g0, (2) source in the steady state: JE,e = ‘eÕ fle, JE,g = ‘gÕ flg, and ≠e0 JBM = ‘BMÕ flBM. It follows that sBM ‘g ‘g where g0 = fltot/( + ‘ ). Accordingly, the growth ‘e ‘g ‘BMÕ sE gÕ JBM (JC,e,JC,g)=‘BMÕ fltot ‘BMÕ JC,e ‘BMÕ JC,g. rate is maximized at the intersection between the above ridge- ≠ ‘Õ ≠ ‘Õ e g line (2) and the budget constraint line (1). Because the slope Empirical observations show that oxidative phosphorylation of the ridgeline (2) is negative due to the trade-off between requires more resources than glycolysis with lactate secre- the efficiency of energy production and resource occupancy, tion, and thus ‘eÕ < ‘gÕ holds (see Supplementary Note 3 for when JC,in increases, the growth rate ⁄(JC,e,JC,g) and estimation of the parameters). Consequently, there is a trade- JC,g increases and JC,e decreases along the ridgeline (see the off between JE(JC,e,JC,g) and JBM(JC,e,JC,g). light-green area in Figs. 1d and 1e); i.e., overflow metabolism Here, each cellular component including biomass, is built by occurs. From the viewpoint of microeconomics, this indi- metabolic reactions following the rules of stoichiometry. In cates a negative income effect. Because the Leontief util- general, due to the law of mass conservation, the compounds ity function has a null substitution effect (28, 29), overflow involved in biochemical reactions cannot be replaced by each metabolism is immediately identified as Giffen behaviour in other. Accordingly, the total amount of the product is deter- which the electron transport chain or respiratory pathway is mined by the least abundant component. This property of a Giffen good.

2 | bioR‰iv Yamagishi et al. | Microeconomics of metabolism bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 29, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

a trade-off JC,e JE Growth JC,in min λ JC,g JBM 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 b 2.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 C,g C,g C,g 2.0

0.2J 0.2J 0.2J 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 λ 0.0 0.1J0.2C,e0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1J0.2C,e0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1J0.2C,e0.3 0.4 1.0 0.6

0.5 Fig. 1. Overflow metabolism and Giffen behaviour as 0.5 d an optimization problem. a, Schematic illustration of 0 0 0.4 JC,g the microeconomics model for overflow metabolism. b, JC,g JC,e ^ Landscape of the growth rate ⁄(J ,J ). c, Con- 00 C,e C,g Indifference Curves 0.3 tour map of the growth rate. Contours of the growth c ^JC,e rate (i.e., indifference curves) and the budget constraint Budget Constraint Line 0.6 0.2 line (Eq. (1)) are represented by black and red solid high lines, respectively. The grey dashed line is the ridge- g0 2.50.1 line of the objective function (Eq. (2)). The background 0.5 0.70.0 colour represents the growth rate ⁄(JC,e,JC,g ). d, ˆ ˆ 2.0 0 Dependence of the optimal strategy (JC,e, JC,g ) on 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 e JC,in (Engel curve; Eq. [S7] in Supplementary Note JBM/sBM 0.5 ^ 4). JC,e (cyan line) and JC,g (magenta line) in the opti- 1.5 ˆ

0.3C,g mal solutions are plotted against JC,in. e, JE /sE λ 0.4 ˆ ˆ ˆ © J JE (JC,e, JC,g )/sE (blue line) and JBM /sBM ˆ ˆ © 0.2 1.00.3 JBM (JC,e, JC,g )/sBM (dark-red line) in the optimal JE/sE ^ solutions are plotted against JC,in. The blue line also 0.2 ˆ ˆ 0.1 0.5 corresponds to the optimized growth rate ⁄(JC,e, JC,g ). 0.1 The top panels depict the contour maps and the budget e0 g0 constraint line for the cases JC,in e0 (light-blue area), low0 Æ 0.0 0.0 g J e (light-green area), and J g 00.0 0.1 0.2 e00.3 0.4 0 0 Ø C,in Ø 0 C,in Ø 0 0 JC,e 0.00 0.1 0.2 0.3JC,in0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 (pink area). J_{C, in}

0.6 0.6 When JC,in increases further and exceeds g0, the optimal so- 0.5 0.5 Jˆ ,Jˆ ,g 0.4 0.4 lution always takes the value ( C,e C,g)=(0 0) (see the 0.3 0.3 C,g C,g

0.2 J pink area in Figs. 1d and 1e) because the global maximum of J 0.2 0.1 0.1 the growth rate is achieved at this point. In this situation, the 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1JC,e0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1JC,e0.2 0.3 0.4 efficiency of producing energy molecules is no longer a pri- 0.5 mary concern given the excess carbon sources available, and the occupancy of the limited resources is the only selection 0.4 criterion for the two metabolic pathways. JC,g ^λ Notably, if there is no trade-off, i.e., both ‘e > ‘g and 0.3 ^ ‘e < ‘g hold, the maximal point of the growth rate is ‘eÕ ‘gÕ 0.2 not (JC,e,JC,g)=(0,g0) but rather (JC,e,JC,g)=(e0,0). ^JC,e Then, cells allocate the carbon intake to only the electron 0.1 transport chain until reaching the upper bound determined by DRAFT εe/εg the available resources at JC,e = e0, whereas JC,g remains 0.00 at zero; that is, overflow metabolism cannot be observed. A 1.01 1.2 1.4pe/p1.6g 1.8 2.0 trade-off is thus required for overflow metabolism and Giffen behaviour. Fig. 2. Dependence of the optimal strategy on the price of the electron transport chain p . J > ‘e e and p =1are fixed here. The cyan, magenta, and Based on the correspondence between overflow metabolism e C,in ‘g 0 g green curves depict Jˆ , Jˆ , and ⁄ˆ ⁄(Jˆ , Jˆ ), respectively (scaled C,e C,g © C,e C,g and Giffen behaviour, our theory can explain the mecha- with different units). The top panels depict the contour maps and the budget con- nism of the inverse Warburg effect (19–22, 30). In Giffen straint lines for the regimes (I) pe < ‘e/‘g (light-green area) and (II) pe > ‘e/‘g behaviour, the demand for a Giffen good increases with its (yellow area). price. In metabolism, when uncouplers of oxidative phos- phorylation are administered, it becomes less efficient due haviour also connects drug-associated overheating with over- to dissipation of the proton gradient to produce ATP (31), flow metabolism by the same mechanism: drug administra- i.e., the price of the electron transport chain pe increases. tion increases the flow in the more dissipative oxidative phos- Then, the carbon flux toward the electron transport chain phorylation. will counterintuitively increase (Fig. 2). This seemingly Of note, the property of optimal carbon allocation wasteful behaviour is indeed observed ubiquitously, e.g., in (JˆC,e,JˆC,g) qualitatively switches depending on whether the yeasts (32, 33) and fungi (34). Moreover, addition of such price ratio pe/pg is higher or lower than ‘e/‘g. In regime drugs is known to induce hyperthermia (23, 31). Giffen be- (I) pe/pg < ‘e/‘g (the light-green area in Fig. 2), the de-

Yamagishi et al. | Microeconomics of metabolism bioR‰iv | 3 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 29, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

mand JC,e increases along with the price pe, i.e., Giffen metabolism (Supplementary Note 5). behaviour is observed. In contrast, in regime (II) pe/pg > We have paved the road for the field of microeconomics ‘e/‘g (the yellow area in Fig. 2), using only glycolysis as of metabolism, using overflow metabolism and Giffen be- (JC,e,JC,g)=(0,JC,in/pg) is optimal in terms of growth haviour as stepping stones. This will bring about further rate. In this regime, considering the imbalance in price, the development in both biology and economics. For instance, glycolytic pathway becomes more efficient for both JE and since overflow metabolism is commonly characteristic to JBM, and thus there is no longer a trade-off (Supplementary both cancer and stem cells, our theory will contribute to un- Note 2). As shown in Fig. 2, the optimal allocation of carbon derstanding the origin of cancer stem cells (38). We also fluxes discontinuously jumps from regime (I) to (II) when pe expect that the metabolic behaviours characteristic to can- increases, whereas the optimal growth rate changes contin- cer such as serine and glycine metabolism (39, 40) and the uously. In addition, in the case of ‘ee0/‘g >JC,in >e0, metabolic responses to drugs (23) will be understood by the JˆC,g reaches zero at pe/pg = JC,in/e0 and then JˆC,e con- microeconomics of metabolism. tinuously decreases before switching from regime (I) to (II) (Supplementary Figure 1). In fact, sudden stimulation of fer- Box 1 Theory of consumer choice in microe- mentation and reduction of respiration against the addition of conomics uncouplers above a critical concentration has been observed experimentally (see Figure 2 in ref. (33)). The theory of consumer choice explains how the price pi of goods and income I determine consumption behaviour, i.e., Our study was based on the spirit inherited from constraint- the demand x for each good i under the given utility (i.e., based modelling in that evolutionary processes force i objective function) u(x ,x , ,x ). If the consumer is suf- metabolic systems to become optimized (1–4), but we 1 2 ··· n ficiently rational in their decisions, the decision-making pro- adopted a reductionist approach here. By constructing a sim- cess is mapped onto an optimization problem of the utility plified utility landscape comprising only a few variables with n under the budget constraint p x I. When the num- the aid of microeconomics, we uncovered the minimal, uni- i=1 i i Æ ber of goods n is two, the utility landscape is represented versal structure for overflow metabolism, which no longer as a curved surface, and theq demand for each good is basi- depends on the specific assumption of limited resource al- cally determined from a tangent point of the budget constraint location (Supplementary Note 2). Hence, besides overflow line, p x +p x = I, to the indifference curve (i.e., contour metabolism, a variety of metabolic systems are expected to 1 1 2 2 of objective function) on which the utility takes the largest show Giffen behaviour as long as they satisfy the two require- value. In the example of the utility function u(x ,x ) shown ments of trade-off and complementarity. Here, perfect com- 1 2 in the Box Figure, the demand for each good increases when plementarity necessarily holds in metabolic systems owing its price decreases or income increases, and vice versa. Such to the law of mass conservation, i.e., complementarity rep- goods are termed normal goods in microeconomics. resents the requirement of balance among metabolic fluxes for optimization. Hence, Giffen behaviour will be general Indifference Curves Budget constraint Budget Constraint Line for metabolic systems with a trade-off such as the Embden- Utility landscape u Meyerhoff-Parnass and Entner-Doudoroff glycolysis path- 1.5 2.5 ways (35, 36) and the mixed-acid or lactic-acid 2.0 pathways (37). Notably, same as overflow metabolism, if the 1.0 I=p1x1+p2x2 2 u

1.5 flux of a metabolic pathway drops against the increased sub- _

x 2 strate intake, the flux is predicted to increase by making the 0.5 1.0 metabolic pathway less efficient. The optimal solutions on DRAFTUtility x2 0.5 the ridgeline in our theory can reproduce the phenomenolog- ical model in ref. (25), though it is not explicitly formulated 0.0 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 as an optimization problem and thus, cannot systematically x1 x1 x_ 1 explain the metabolic strategies in response to drugs. There- fore, it could not address, for example, the link between the The influence of a change in price on the demand for goods Warburg effect and the inverse Warburg effect. can be decomposed into two distinct effects, known as the Slutsky equation (5, 6) (see Supplementary Note 1 for de- From the perspective of microeconomics, we provide a con- tails): crete example of and a novel prediction for Giffen goods. The results are consistent with and contribute toward resolving ˆxi the mechanism for an economic experiment (18) in which = “Substitution eect” “Income eect”. ˆpj ≠ Giffen behaviour is observed with moderate income, but can- not be observed in the case of extreme poverty. In our model, The substitution effect is caused by relative changes in the Giffen behaviour occurs in the intermediate range of income combination of the demand for goods. Since the self- at which the trade-off matters (Fig. 1), whereas a good be- substitution effect has to be non-negative (6), the demand for haves as the perfect substitute for the other one when the a good cannot be increased by the substitution effect when its income is sufficiently low. Note that perfect complementar- price rises. In contrast, an increase in a good’s price effec- ity does not necessarily exist for Giffen behaviour outside of tively decreases the budget to spend freely. Such an effective

4 | bioR‰iv Yamagishi et al. | Microeconomics of metabolism bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted February 29, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

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