Pesach Schedule 5778

Tuesday Nissan 11, March 27 Chol HaMoed Monday – Thursday, Nissan 17 – 20, April 2 - 5 Children’s Yud Alef Nissan Rally & Mivtzoim Shacharis with abridged ‘’ 8:00 AM 10:00 AM – 12:15 PM / 7:05 PM

Erev Pesach - Friday Nissan 14, March 30 Kinus @Bnei Ruven 7:00 PM Shacharis 7:30 AM Count the Omer Days 3 - 5

Followed by Siyum for First Borns (or their father) Thursday Evening, Nissan 20, April 5 Burning of Chametz (parking lot) 8:30 – 9:00 AM Eruv Tavshilin After burning chametz recite ‘kol chamira’, refrain Light Candles 7:01 PM from eating any more chametz. Mincha 7:10 PM Light Candles 6:54 PM Maariv 7:50 PM Mincha with Hodu 6:55 PM Count the Omer Day 6

Recital of Seder Pesach Before 7:14 PM Class for Men at the Epstein Home after your meal Maariv with Hallel 7:40 PM 2954 W. Morse Finish Afikoman 12:54 AM Friday Nissan 21, April 6 We drink wine on Yom Tov & Chol HaMoed Shacharis 10:00 AM

1st day of Pesach - Shabbos Nissan 15, March 31 Children’s Program 10:40 AM

Shacharis 10:00 AM Light Candles AT 7:02 PM Begin saying ‘Morid HaTal’ during Musaf Mincha with Pasach Eliyahu 7:10 PM Maariv 7:45 PM Children’s Program 10:40 AM Mincha 6:55 PM Count the Omer Day 7 Maariv with Hallel 7:55 PM Eating ‘gebrockts’ is encouraged

Count the Omer Day 1 Shabbos Nissan 22, April 7 Followed by Bubby Miriam Pesach Seder – In Shul Shacharis 10:00 AM Light Candles after 7:57 PM Children’s Program 10:40 AM

Yizkor Approx. 11:35 AM 2nd day of Pesach - Sunday Nissan 16, April 1 Seudas Moshiach for women 5:00 PM Shacharis 10:00 AM Hosted by: Mrs. Epstein 2954 W. Morse Begin Daily Study of Masechet Sotah Mincha and Seudas Moshiach for men 6:30 PM Children’s Program 10:40 AM Before Shabbos please bring Matzo and Wine (ONLY) Mincha 7:05 PM First for Maariv 8:00 PM Maariv 7:54 PM Count the Omer Day 8 Begin ‘V’sain Bracha’ Yom Tov/Shabbos Concludes 8:05 PM Count the Omer Day 2 Standard Yom Tov Ends 7:58 PM Please wait a ½ hour before using ‘sold’ chametz. Havdalah with wine only THIS YEAR IN YERUSHALAIM!!