⁃ October 2001: Ph.D. in Mathematics at the International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA) of Trieste ().

Title of the thesis: “Free-discontinuity problems: calibration and approximation of solutions”. Advisor: Prof. Gianni Dal Maso.


⁃ September 2001—May 2004: Postdoctoral Associate at the Center of Nonlinear Analysis of Carnegie Mellon University of Pittsburgh (PA, USA).

⁃ June 2004—November 2010: Researcher (Ricercatore universitario) in the Sector of Functional Analysis and Applications of the SISSA of Trieste.

⁃ December 2010—December 2015: Associate Professor in Mathematical Analysis at the Università di Parma.

⁃ December 2015-present: Full Professor in Mathematical Analysis at the Università di Parma.


⁃ American NSF postdoctoral fellowship at the Carnegie Mellon University (2001 —2004).

⁃ Fellowship granted by the Hausdorff Center of Bonn () to lead a research group within the Junior Trimester Program in Analysis (Fall 2008). The activity of the group culminated in the publication 21) of the list below. In turn, such a publication was the starting point for the investigations carried on in publications 24) and 35).

⁃ Principal Investigator of the GNAMPA grant “Variational Methods in Materials Science” for the year 2010. The funding has been granted by the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica.

⁃ One-month visiting position at the level of Professor granted by the Université de Paris 7 (May/June 2012).

⁃ Fellowship granted by the Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP) de Paris within the program “Research in Paris” for the period June 19th to July 10th 2015.

⁃ Principal Investigator of the GNAMPA grant ``Variational Methods for Nonlocal Geometric Motions’’ for the year 2016. ⁃ Principal Investigator of the GNAMPA grant ``Nonlocal Geometric Flows’’ for the year 2018.

⁃ Principal Investigator of the GNAMPA grant ``Variational Methods for Nonlocal Geometric Flows’’ for the year 2019.



In all the institutions listed below I also gave an invited lecture on some of my research topics.

⁃ Max Planck Institut of Leipzig (Germany), July 2002, invited by Prof. Stefan Mueller;

⁃ Ècole Polytechnique de Lausanne (), June 2004, invited by Prof. B. Dacorogna;

⁃ Carnegie Mellon University (USA), October 2005, invited by Prof. I. Fonseca and Prof. G. Leoni;

⁃ Carnegie Mellon University, November/Dicember 2006, invited by Prof. I. Fonseca and Prof. G. Leoni;

⁃ University of Warwick (UK), May 2007, invited by Dr. V. Slastikov;

⁃ Carnegie Mellon University, November/December 2007, invited by Prof. I. Fonseca and Prof. G. Leoni;

⁃ University of Bristol (UK), January 8th —18th, 2008, invited by Dr. V. Slastikov;

⁃ Carnegie Mellon University, February 19th —April 16th, 2008, invited by Prof. I. Fonseca and Prof. G. Leoni;

⁃ Hausdorff Center of Bonn (Germany), September 1st —November 14th, 2008, within the HIM Junior Trimester Program in Analysis;

⁃ University of Bristol, January 15th —31st, 2009, invited by Dr. V. Slastikov;

⁃ Istituto Tecnico Superior of Lisbon (Portugal), June 21st —30th 2009, invited by Dr. M. Baia; ⁃ University of Bristol, August 3rd —14th, 2009, invited by Dr. V. Slastikov;

⁃ Carnegie Mellon University, October 25th — December 6th, 2009, invited by Prof. I. Fonseca and G. Leoni;

⁃ Ècole Polytechnique de Paris (France), April 8th —23rd, 2010, invited by Prof. A. Chambolle;

⁃ Carnegie Mellon University, February 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 invited by Prof. I. Fonseca and Prof. G. Leoni;

⁃ Carnegie Mellon University, February 2012, invited by Prof. I. Fonseca and Prof. G. Leoni;

⁃ University of Bristol, March 19th —28th, 2012, invited by Dr. V. Slastikov;

⁃ Université de Paris 7, May 28th —June 18th 2012, through a fellowship granted by the university itself;

⁃ Indiana University (Bloomington, USA), June 30th — July 7th 2012, invited by Prof. P. Sternberg.

⁃ Carnegie Mellon University, February 2013, invited by Prof. I. Fonseca and Prof. G. Leoni;

⁃ University of Jyväskylä (), May 2013, invited by Prof. P. Koskela;

⁃ University of Bristol, July 8-14 2013, invited by Prof. V. Slastikov;

⁃ Carnegie Mellon University, February 2014, invited by Prof. I. Fonseca and Prof. G. Leoni;

⁃ University of Jyväskylä, April 2014, invited by Prof. P. Koskela;

⁃ University of Texas at Austin (USA), May 2014, invited by Prof. L. Caffarelli and Prof. F. Maggi;

⁃ Istituto Tecnico Superior of Lisbon, July 2014, invited by Prof. Josè Matias;

⁃ National Tsing Hua University of Taiwan, October 2014, invited by Prof. C.N. Chen;

⁃ Carnegie Mellon University, February 2015, invited by Prof. I. Fonseca and Prof. G. Leoni;

⁃ Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP) de Paris, June/July 2015, stay funded by the program “Research in Paris”;

⁃ University of Jyväskylä, August 2015, invited by Prof. V. Julin;

⁃ University of Bristol, September 9-11 2015, invited by Prof. V. Slastikov;

⁃ University of Jyväskylä, April 2016, invited by Prof. V. Julin;

⁃ Carnegie Mellon University, April 2017, invited by Prof. I. Fonseca and Prof. G. Leoni;

⁃ University of Bath, October 2017, invited by Prof. L. Scardia;

⁃ University of Sussex, April 2018, invited by Prof. F. Cagnetti; ⁃ Carnegie Mellon University, May 2018, invited by Prof. I. Fonseca and Prof. G. Leoni.

⁃ University of Jyvaskyla, February 2019, invited by Prof. V. Julin.

⁃ Carnegie Mellon University, October 2019, invited by Prof. I. Fonseca and Prof. G. Leoni.

⁃ University of Magdeburg, November 2019, invited by Prof. H.C. Grunau.

⁃ Heriott-Watt University of Edinburgh, February 2020, invited by Prof. L. Scardia.


⁃ Workshop “Recent Advances in Calculus of Variations and PDEs”, Pisa (Italy), March 2005;

⁃ Minisymposium “Special Session on Calculus of Variations” , within the AMS meeting, Lincoln, Nebraska, October 2005;

⁃ Workshop “Calculus of Variations in 2005”, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh (USA), October 17th -19th 2005;

⁃ Minisymposium “Contemporary Developments in Calculus of Variations and PDE”, within the SIAM Conference on PDE, Boston (USA), July 2006;

⁃ Summer School and Workshop on Calculus of Variations and Applications, Ponta Delgada (Azores), September 2006;

⁃ Workshop on New Trends in Calculus of Variations and Mass Transport, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, March 13th -15th 2008;

⁃ Minisymposium “Current trends in the Calculus of Variations”, within the SIAM Conference on the Analysis of PDEs, Mesa, Arizona, December 2008;

⁃ Minisymposium “Variational Methods in Image Processing and Interface Problems”, SIAM Conference on PDE, Miami (USA), December 7th -10th 2009;

⁃ Minisymposium “Variational Methods and Nonlinear PDEs in Imaging”, SIAM Conference on PDE, Miami, December 7th -10th 2009;

⁃ Minisymposium “Variational Models in Image Analysis II: Regularity for Degenerate PDEs”, SIAM conference “Emerging Topics in Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations”, Barcelona (Spain), May 31st – June 4th 2010;

⁃ Minisymposium “Modern Methods and Applications of the Calculus of Variations”, ICIAM 2011, Vancouver, July 2011;

⁃ Workshop on Variational Analysis, Erice (Italy), May 14th -22nd 2012; ⁃ Workshop on Geometric Inequalities in Calculus of Variations, Pisa, July 9th- 13th 2012;

⁃ ERC Workshop on Geometric Partial Differential Equations, Pisa, September 10th -14th 2012;

⁃ Selected as a member and a speaker of the Italian delegation for the “5th Trilateral Meeting on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations between Australia, Italy, and Taiwan”, Wollongong, Australia, December 2nd -7th 2012;

⁃ Minisymposium “Mathematical Methods for Epitaxial Growth", within the SIAM Materials Meeting, Philadelphia (USA), June 9th -12nd 2013;

⁃ Minisymposium “Nonlocal variational problems", within the SIAM Materials Meeting, Philadelphia, June 9th -12th 2013;

⁃ ERC Workshop on Variational Views in Mechanics and Materials, Pavia (Italy), June 24th -26th 2013;

⁃ Minicourse “An isoperimetric problem with long-range interactions”, within the ERC School on Geometric Functional Inequalities and Shape Optimization, Naples (Italy), September 9th -13th 2013;

⁃ Workshop on Partial Differential Equations and Applications, Pisa, February 21st -22nd 2014;

⁃ Minicourse on "Local and global minimality results for an isoperimetric problem with long range interactions", within the ERC School on Free Discontinuity Problems. Centro De Giorgi, Pisa, July 7th -14th 2014;

⁃ Workshop "Trends in Nonlinear Analysis", held at the Instituto Superior Técnico of Lisbon, July 31st - August 1st 2014;

⁃ Workshop “Analytic and geometric methods in Calculus of Variations and Pde’s”, Roma (Italy), September 9th -10th 2014;

⁃ Workshop on Calculus of Variations and related topics, held at the National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, October 29th -31st 2014;

⁃ Minicourse "On a nonlocal isoperimetric problem", at NCTS, Hsinchu,Taiwan, October 27th, 2014;

⁃ Conference on Calculus of Variations, PDE, and Geometric Measure Theory, University of Sussex, September 7-8 2015.

⁃ Workshop on Mathematical Models of Defects and Patterns, New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, January 5-8 2016;

⁃ Workshop on New Challenges for the Calculus of Variations Stemming from Problems in the Materials Sciences and Image Processing, Montreal (CA), May 16-20 2016; ⁃ Lecce Conference in the Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, Lecce, October 4-7 2016;

⁃ Minisymposium “Nonlocal variational problems", within the Mathematical Congress of the Americas, Montréal (CA), July 24–28 2017.

⁃ Minisymposium “Progress in Non-local Variational Problems", within the SIAM Conference on Analysis of PDE’s, held in Baltimore (USA), December 9– 12 2017;

⁃ Workshop on Topics in the Calculus of Variations: Recent Advances and New Trends, held at BIRS, Banff (CA), May 20—25, 2018;

⁃ Workshop “Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory at Sussex”, University of Sussex, Brighton (UK), July 2—4, 2018;

⁃ Workshop “Fifth Workshop on Thin structures'', Napoli, September 13-15 2018;

⁃ Workshop “Quantum trails and surroundings'', Politecnico di Torino, September 27-29 2018;

⁃ Selected as a member and speaker of the Italian delegation for the “7th Trilateral Meeting on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations between Australia, Italy, and Taiwan”, Tainan, Taiwan, January 23 – 27 2019;

⁃ Workshop ``Mathematical models for pattern formation´´, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh (USA), March 8-10, 2019;

⁃ Workshop “New trends in variational models: from semiconductors to liquid crystals”, Fields Institute, Toronto (Canada), June 17-21 2019;

⁃ Minisymposium “Recent developments in nonlocal geometric variational problems”, within the ICIAM2019 conference, held in Valencia, July 15— 19 2019;

⁃ Minisymposium “A broad view on least gradient problems”, within the ICIAM2019 conference, held in Valencia, July 15—19 2019;

⁃ Workshop “Recent advances in the Calculus of Variations”, held at University of Münster, September 16-19, 2019;

⁃ Workshop “Modeling of Crystalline Interfaces and Thin Film Structures: A Joint Mathematics-Physics Symposium”, held at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute of Vienna, November 11-15, 2019.


I have been co-organizer of the following workshops, minisymposia, and schools:

⁃ Workshop on ``Advances in Nonlinear Analysis'', Carnegie Mellon University, June 2003; ⁃ Minisymposium ``Contemporary Developments in Calculus of Variations and PDE'', within the SIAM Conference on PDE, Boston, July 2006;

⁃ Minisymposium ``Variational Methods in Materials Science'', within the SIAM conference on PDE, Miami, December 2009;

⁃ Summer School: "Topics in Calculus of Variations and Applications", at l'Università di Parma, October 1st –4th 2012;

⁃ “6th Trilateral Meeting on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations between Australia, Italy, and Taiwan”, held in Parma on December 14-18 2015.


In addition to several Master theses, I have supervised the following PhD theses:

⁃ PhD thesis of Filippo Cagnetti, defended on October 25 2007 at the SISSA of Trieste. Dr. F. Cagnetti successfully continued his academic training at various important international institutions and got recently hired by the University of Sussex (UK) as a Lecturer.

⁃ PhD thesis of Marco Bonacini, defended on October 25 2013 at the SISSA of Trieste. Dr. Bonacini is currently a post-doc at the University of Bonn (Germany).

⁃ PhD thesis of Riccardo Cristoferi, defended on September 2015. Dr. Cristoferi is currently a post-doc at the Carnegie Mellon University of Pittsburgh (USA).


1) N. Fusco; V. Julin; M. Morini, The surface diffusion flow with elasticity in three dimensions. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 237 (2020), 1325–1382.

2) E. Acerbi ; N. Fusco; V. Julin; M. Morini, Nonlinear stability results for the modified Mullins-Sekerka and surface diffusion flow. J. Differential Geom. 113 (2019), 1–53.

3) A. Chambolle; M. Morini; M. Novaga, M. Ponsiglione, Existence and uniqueness for anisotropic and crystalline mean curvature flows. J. Amer. Math. Soc. 32 (2019), 779--824.

4) A. Chambolle; M. Morini; M. Ponsiglione, Existence and uniqueness for a crystalline mean curvature flow. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 70 (2017), 1084–1114. 5) A. Chambolle; M. Morini; M. Ponsiglione, Nonlocal curvature flows. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 218 (2015), 1263–1329.

6) I. Fonseca; N. Fusco; G. Leoni; M. Morini, Motion of three-dimensional elastic films by anisotropic surface diffusion with curvature regularization. Analysis & PDE 8 (2015), 373–423.

7) A. Figalli; N. Fusco; F. Maggi; V. Millot; M. Morini, Isoperimetry and stability of balls with respect to nonlocal energies. Comm. Math. Phys. 336 (2015), 441– 507.

8) E. Acerbi; N. Fusco; M. Morini, Minimality via second variation for a nonlocal isoperimetric problem. Comm. Math. Phys. 322 (2013), 515–557.

9) N. Fusco; M. Morini, Equilibrium configurations of epitaxially strained elastic films: second order minimality conditions and qualitative properties of solutions. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 203 (2012), 247–327.

10)G. Dal Maso; A. DeSimone; M.G. Mora; M. Morini, A vanishing viscosity approach to quasistatic evolution in plasticity with softening. Arch.Ration.Mech.Anal. 189 (2008), 469–544.

11)I. Fonseca; N. Fusco; G. Leoni; M. Morini, Equilibrium configurations of epitaxially strained crystalline films: existence and regularity results. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 186 (2007), 477–537.

12)I. Fonseca; M. Morini.; V. Slastikov, Surfactants in foam stability: a phase field model. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 183 (2007), 411–456.

13)G. Leoni; M. Morini, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the chain rule in $W^{1,1}_{loc}(R^N;R^d)$ and $BV_{loc}(R^N;R^d)$. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 9 (2007), 219–252.

14)H. Koch; G. Leoni; M. Morini, On optimal regularity of free boundary problems and a conjecture of De Giorgi. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 58 (2005), 1051–1076.

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Parma, 28/04/2021 Prof. Massimiliano Morini