8 Pages Price 50,000 Rials 1.00 EURO 4.00 AED 42nd year No.13895 Tuesday MARCH 2, 2021 Esfand 12, 1399 Rajab 18, 1442

Resolution against extend Iran’s air quality Pandemic forces Iran’s at IAEA will disrupt the winning streak improving over Intl. Quran Competition situation, Zarif warns Page 2 to six: IPL Page 3 past decade Page 7 to go online Page 8

‘Time not right’ for nuclear deal talks, Iran says - Iran has rejected the sugges- “time was not right” to hold such talks. tion to negotiate directly with the United “There has been no change in Ameri- A Saudi-American States in an informal meeting proposed ca’s positions and actions,” Khatibzadeh by Europeans to revive the JCPOA that said in a Foreign Ministry statement. former President Donald Trump quit “The Biden administration has not set nearly three years ago. aside Trump’s maximum pressure policy, See page 3 Saeed Khatibzadeh, spokesman for nor has it announced its commitments” Iran’s Foreign Ministry, noted recent under the 2015 nuclear deal abandoned measures taken by Washington and Eu- by Trump. fiasco ropeans had led Iran to conclude that the Continued on page 2 Major oil industry projects worth over €5.6b inaugurated TEHRAN – Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Nam- According to Zanganeh, over €2.6 dar Zanganeh inaugurated three major oil billion has been invested in the Azar industry projects worth €5.569 billion in oil field development project and the Ilam and Boushehr provinces during a vir- ethane recovery unit of Kangan Pet- tual ceremony on Monday, Shana reported. ro-refinery. As reported, the minister officially inau- The other project, namely Kian Petro- gurated Azar Oil field development project chemical Complex in Assaluyeh, in Bushehr in the western Ilam province and Kangan Province, is also worth about €3 billion. Petro-refinery’s ethane recovery unit in According to Shana, the mentioned southwestern Boushehr province, while projects are going to create direct job commencing the project for the construction opportunities for 2,125 people. of a petrochemical complex in Assaluyeh. Continued on page 4

Owj makes doc about top anti-secular cleric Ayatollah Nureddin Hosseini TEHRAN – The Owj Arts and Media Or- on Sunday. Yemeni forces advance toward ganization has recently produced a docu- The title of the documentary refers mentary that chronicles the political and to his nickname naib ul-Imam, which is Marib despite U.S.-backed religious life of Ayatollah Seyyed Nureddin given to a successor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Hosseini al-Hashemi, a top anti-secular during his disappearance era. The nick- Saudi brutal campaign clerics who lived from 1896 to 1957. name acknowledges Ayatollah Hosseini’s Directed by Mohammad-Ali Yazdani, high religious, social and political status

File photo “Naib ul-Imam” had its premiere at the during his life. Sarcheshmeh Cultural Complex in Tehran Continued on page 8 Former chief Annual sales of nano companies U.S. mysteriously removes 3 names from of Marketing rise by 100% Khashoggi report Committee not TEHRAN – Iranian nanotechnology compa- cited in the Journal Citation Reports in 2019, The U.S. intelligence community has replaced report confirmed that he had directly approved nies have increased sales by 100 percent over while in 2018, it was placed 64. its long-awaited report on the murder of Jamal the assassination. satisfied with results the past year, Vice President for Science and Iran ranked 4th for the highest number of Khashoggi with another version that saw the Khashoggi, a former advocate of the Saudi Technology, Sourena Sattari, has announced. nano-article publications. names of three men it had initially identified royal court who later became a critic, was of FFIRI’s elections Some 270 companies are active in the na- Technology development in Iran as complicit removed. brutally murdered in the Saudi consulate notechnology field and it is predicted that their Despite sanctions putting pressure on the CNN reported on Monday that the Office of in Istanbul on October 2, 2018, after he en- BY FARROKH HESABI revenue will reach up to 80 trillion rials (nearly country, a unique opportunity was provided the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) tered the premises to collect documents for adegh Dorudgar, former head $1.9 billion at the official rate of 42,000 rials). for business development and the activity of switched the report several hours after it was his planned wedding to his Turkish fiancée of Marketing Committee of the Sattari inaugurated 40 industrial and 17 de- knowledge-based companies in the country. published on Friday afternoon. Hatice Cengiz. SFootball Federation, believes velopment projects in the field of nanotechnology Currently, over 5,700 knowledge-based com- The first link to the report that was sent out According to Turkish officials, Khashog- that despite some amendments in during a ceremony on Saturday. panies are active in the country, manufacturing by ODNI stopped working and was replaced with gi was killed and his body was cut into the federation’s statutes, the gener- Iran improves in nanotechnology diverse products to meet the needs of the do- a second version, whose file name on the ODNI pieces by a 15-man Saudi squad inside al format of the presidential election Iran’s ranking in nanotechnology articles mestic market while saving large amounts of website includes “v2”, that removed three of the the consulate. has remained the same as before. citation in 2019 has significantly improved com- foreign currency. men it had just announced had “participated The Washington Post, where Khashoggi was Shahabeddin Azizi Khadem has pared to 2018, as it moved 26 levels higher, The fields of aircraft maintenance, steel, in, ordered, or were otherwise complicit in or a columnist, reported in November the same been voted President of the Football according to the StatNano’s statistics collected pharmaceuticals, and medical equipment, oil, responsible for the death of Jamal Khashoggi”. year that the CIA had concluded that bin Salman Federation Islamic Republic of Iran from the WoS database. and gas are among the sectors that researchers in CNN said the change went largely unnoticed had personally ordered the murder. (FFIRI) after the governing body held Based on a report Nanotechnology Publi- technology companies have engaged in, leading amid outrage over the failure of Joe Biden’s During his election campaign, Biden pledged its long-awaited election on Sunday cations report, Iran ranked 38 worldwide for to import reduction. administration to impose sanctions on Saudi to treat Riyadh as a “pariah”. Feb.28. the average times the nano-articles have been Continued on page 7 Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman after the Continued on page 5 The presidential election was delayed several times after FIFA demanded changes to the FFIRI’s statutes, due to the government interference. Rare relics put on show for first time at Tehran museum after five-year closure MBS seems hasty for In November 2020, the new statutes TEHRAN – Collections of rare relics have been nados, researchers and journalists. design of the lobby of Dafineh Museum. normalization with were approved and the dispute with put on show for the first time at Tehran’s Dafineh Achaemenid-era (c.550-330 BC) scepter made The building’s architecture was inspired by FIFA was solved after removing the Museum, which opened to the public on Sunday of gold, busts and figurines, oil paintings, Sel- the works of late American architect Frank Lloyd Israel: ex-Japanese Iranian Sports Minister as an assem- after some five-year closure due to an extensive juk-era earthenware, personal ornamentations, Wright. The building’s architecture was inspired bly member. restoration. calligraphic works, banknotes, ancient coins, and by the works of late American architect Frank diplomat The museum is owned by the Mostazafan Foun- rare rugs are amongst objects on display at the Lloyd Wright. However, Dorudgar thinks that in BY MOHAMMAD MAZHARI dation of Islamic Revolution, which is one of the museum. Also, the doors of Kakh-e Marmar (“Marble the new statutes, the provincial football TEHRAN – A former Japanese diplomat says that largest commercial enterprises in the country. Last year, Iranian architect Seyyed Moham- Palace”), a historical royal residence in Tehran, associations still play a key role in the Saudi de facto leader Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) The opening ceremony was attended by Parviz mad-Hossein Rahmati was honored at the 35th opened to the public on Sunday as an art museum FFIRI’s assembly and the presidential is enthusiastic about normalizing Riyadh’s ties with Fattah who presides over the foundation, and a edition of the WA Awards, which is organized after more than four decades. election. Tel-Aviv despite the fact that most Saudi people host of cultural officials, artists, cultural aficio- by the World Architecture Community, for the Continued on page 6 “What we saw in the elections was have a negative view towards Israel. that still and again the unity of the pro- «Saudi Arabia, especially MBS, seems hasty vincial associations which played the for normalization with Israel, but the Saudi crown major role in electing the new president prince is still cautious about pushing normalization of the federation and the members of with Israel,» Shuji Hosaka, the visiting professor of the FFIRI board of directors. Despite Waseda University in Japan, tells the Tehran Times. the increase in the number of assem- In the closing months of 2020, the UAE, Bahrain, bly members, the vote of provincial Morocco and Sudan have normalized ties with Israel. associations has the main impact on Armed Analysts firmly believe that normalizations would not the results of the elections. We must have taken place without a greenlight by Saudi Arabia. respect the assembly’s decision and Forces Despite the Saudi-U.S. honeymoon during Trump›s I hope that Iranian football will see presidency and rapprochement between some Arab better days in the future,” Dorudgar regimes and Israel, the Biden administration has said in an exclusive interview with receive decided to shift policies when it comes to West . Tehran Times. While certain Persian Gulf Arab states established Sadegh Dorudgar was the Head overhauled a coalition against Iran in collaboration with Israel, of the Marketing Committee of the the result of presidential election in the U.S. have Football Federation in recent years. changed the balance against these regimes. He resigned from his post just after aircraft Hosaka says Saudi Arabia enthusiastically sup- the results of the FFIRI’s elections ported Donald Trump “because of his hostile policy were announced. In a ceremony attended by Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hat- against Iran.» “Due to the economic plans that have The release of an intelligence report by the Biden been presented by the FFIRI’s new pres- ami, 9 military planes, 10 helicopters and dozens of engines overhauled in administration, in which it has been revealed that ident, I concluded that I’m not able to the Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi implement these plans as the head of the Aviation Industry Organization run by the Ministry of Defense, were was murdered in October 2018 upon a direct order the marketing committee so I decided of bin Salma, the relations between Washington and to resign,” he explained. ISNA delivered to the Armed Forces on Monday. Riyadh is entering a new phase. Continued on page 3 Continued on page 5 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y POLITICS MARCH 2, 2021

Atlantic Council: Resolution against Iran at IAEA will A compartmentalized approach at the talks By Azin Sahabi disrupt the situation, Zarif warns POLITICAL TEHRAN — Moham- to meet because of his ill-advised ‘Max While the Biden administration explores ways to reengage Iran deskmad Javad Zarif, the Ira- Failure’. With sanctions in place, same over its nuclear program, the Atlantic Council, has shed light on nian foreign minister, on Monday warned still applies. Censuring is NOT diplomacy. the issue from various aspects. the three European parties to the 2015 It doesn’t work with Iran,” Khatibzadeh In this regard, on Feb 25, the think tank released a piece of nuclear deal that a resolution against Iran tweeted. opinion penned by Mehran Haghirian titled “With Iran, nuclear by the IAEA Board of Governors would Speaking at the parliamentary meeting, diplomacy comes first.” disrupt the current conditions. Zarif also said the U.S. has no right to re- Speaking to reporters after a meeting turn to the JCPOA – the official name for with members of the Parliament National the 2105 nuclear deal- until it recommits Security and Foreign Policy Committee, itself to its obligations. Zarif warned of agitation in case the Inter- In accordance with the Iranian Par- national Atomic Energy Agency’s board liament’s legislation on lifting sanctions, issues a statement against Iran over its Iran has halted the voluntary imple- decision to suspend the voluntary imple- mentation of the Additional Protocol mentation of the Additional Protocol of because the signatories to the 2015 the NPT. nuclear deal have failed to fulfill their “The Europeans (the UK, and commitments. Germany) have begun a wrong move at the Following last week’s visit to Tehran Board of Governors with backing of the by the IAEA director general, Tehran and United States. We believe such an action the UN nuclear watchdog issued a joint would upset the conditions,” Zarif noted, statement declaring that Iran will stop its The article argues that, notwithstanding the bitter experience according to Tasnim news agency. confusing the status quo. Khatibzadeh also reiterated Iran’s posi- voluntary implementation of the Additional of dealing with the Americans in terms of its nuclear program, He also stressed that Iran’s ambassador “We hope wisdom would prevail, other- tion in a tweet on Sunday. Protocol and will deny IAEA inspectors now Tehran seems willing to reengage the U.S. on the issue. to the Vienna-based international organ- wise, we would have (other) approaches,” “Considering U.S./E3 positions & ac- access to its nuclear facilities beyond the Therefore, “it is past time that the Biden foreign policy team izations has already warned the Board of Zarif warned. tions, time isn’t ripe for the proposed in- Safeguards Agreement as of February 23, implements what they have been preaching and reaches out to Governors about the consequences of Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed formal meeting. Remember: Trump failed 2021 for three months. Iran in a constructive manner.” Grand bargain: A path doomed to fail The analyst points out that some in Washington have been arguing for concluding a new deal that encompasses nuclear, ‘Time not right’ for nuclear deal talks, Iran says regional, and bilateral U.S.-Iran issues as a whole pack. In this 1 Biden has insisted the United States will return to towards Iran, saying, “The good-will gestures included an from Washington. regard, he quotes Secretary of State Tony Blinken, who in an the deal if Iran first returns to the commitments it made abandonment of a failed effort by the Trump administration He asserted Iran will “return to its commitments” if interview with NPR on February 16, said if both Iran and the when it was signed. Iran has demanded that the U.S. lift all to force the re-imposition of United Nations sanctions that sanctions are lifted. But, he warned, it will also “respond U.S return to compliance under the JCPOA, “we need to work on sanctions against it, and it has recently taken steps to increase date to before the 2015 deal. Trump argued that since Iran to aggressive actions accordingly.” an agreement that’s longer and stronger than the original one.” uranium enrichment and limit the access by International had resumed the production of nuclear material at levels According to the Times, Rome said “Washington and Blinken also stressed that the U.S. would require to engage Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors to its nuclear sites. prohibited by the accord, those sanctions should automat- Tehran will zig and zag in efforts to build up leverage and “Iran’s ballistic missile program” and what he called Iran’s “dest- That impasse prompted European signatories to the deal to sug- ically snap back into place.” handle their own domestic political considerations.” abilizing actions in country after country.” gest an informal meeting in which the Americans would attend as a “The State Department also eased travel restrictions on Iran is also angry of a move by the U.S. and to Haghirian believes that Iran does not intend to renego- guest and the two sides would get the opportunity to engage directly. Iranian diplomats coming to the United Nations and accept- adopt an anti-Iran resolution at the IAEA Board of Governors tiate the JCPOA framework and does not want any other “Privately, American officials have expressed confidence ing Europe’s invitations to direct talks,” the Times added. which started its session on Monday. topics to be included in the 2015 deal, either. He argues that the timing questions could be resolved, noting that Iran is also angry that the U.S. and Europe are trying We hope wisdom will prevail at IAEA Board” that if it were so, Tehran would have made such a move when the nuclear deal was being put into effect in early 2016, to take an anti-Iran step at the IAEA Board of Governors. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif warned that if under harsh sanctions of the “maximum pressure” cam- Iran and the United States engaged in a series of precisely Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif a resolution is ratified it will worsen the situation. paign during the last four years. coordinated actions that eliminated the question of who was A White House spokesman said Sunday that the United “We have given the necessary explanations about this It is worth mentioning that just a day after Trump’s withdrawal making the first move,” the New York Times said. States was “disappointed” by Iran’s rejection of the talks but situation to all members of the board of governors. We hope from the JCPOA, Robert Einhorn, a nonproliferation expert at the The American newspaper said the political sensitivities that “we remain ready to re-engage in meaningful diplomacy.” that wisdom will prevail.” Brookings Institute, told Reuters: “For quite some time, and I am talking are high and stressed, “Biden is aware that Republican op- Henry Rome, a senior analyst who follows Iran for the The chief diplomat warned if a resolution approved the about years, Iran will resist any kind of negotiation on a new deal.” ponents of the deal are looking for any signs that his new Eurasia Group, a political-risk consultancy, believed Iran’s Iran will have its own approaches. 2015 deal: Based on realistic perceptions administration is making concessions without getting anything decision in part reflected its leaders› desire to look resilient Khatibzadeh also told a press briefing on Monday that The Atlantic Council believes that the JCPOA was achieved in return. And Iran has a presidential election in less than in the face of U.S. pressure. Iran won’t hold “bilateral talks” with the United States until due to the realistic framework that all parties worked to re- four months, meaning no Iranian officials want to appear “This is far from a death knell for negotiations,” he added. Washington changes course. solve the dispute. to be bending to American will.” In his remarks Sunday, Khatibzadeh said Iran would In certain cases the Biden administration is even “worse” In this context, the author cites Blinken as the deputy secretary It praised the U.S. moves to abandon Trump’s failed policy respond in kind to both pressure and concessions than the Trump administration, Khatibzadeh lamented. of state under the Obama administration in 2017. On September 21, 2017, in an interview with NPR, he stated: “The only issue that our partners were prepared to negotiate, was the nuclear program. Had we got engaged in a negotiation trying to bring Europeans circulate draft resolution against Iran at IAEA board everything on the table with Iran into the negotiation, we never POLITICAL TEHRAN — Britain, France and Ger- ment valid for up to three months and aimed at creating a would have gotten anywhere.” deskmany draft a U.S.-backed resolution at window for diplomacy. In parallel, in an event held by Woodrow Wilson Center on the IAEA’s board to criticize Iran for limiting cooperation Diplomacy, however, is not moving quickly if at all. Iran March 22, 2017, Catherine Ashton, former High Representative with the Agency, despite Russian and Iranian warnings of said on Sunday it would not take up a proposal by European of the EU for Foreign Affairs and coordinator of the nuclear nego- serious consequences, according to Reuters. Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell to hold an informal tiations, expressed similar remarks. She argued that the regional The IAEA’s 35-nation Board of Governors is holding a meeting with the United States. countries “did not wish us to start engaging in broader questions quarterly meeting this week against the backdrop of faltering It is unclear how many countries would support a resolution. that affected them and not the people in the [negotiating] room.” efforts to revive Iran’s nuclear deal with major powers now Moreover, Russia warned that a resolution could hurt efforts Against the backdrop, the Atlantic Council underlines that U.S. President Joe Biden is in office. to revive the deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive that pushing for an expanded framework may just breed Iran scaled back its cooperation with the IAEA last week, Plan of Action (JCPOA), and that it would oppose it. further mistrust and end up the U.S. and Iran in a worse ending extra inspection and monitoring measures introduced “Adoption of the resolution will not help the political place than the starting point. under the deal, including the power given to the IAEA to process of returning to the normal comprehensive imple- Compartmentalize issues with Iran carry out snap inspections at facilities that have not been mentation of the JCPOA,” Russia’s note to other member Thereupon, the think tank proposes some recommendations declared to be related to nuclear energy. Tehran’s move is a voicing “serious concern” at Iran’s reduction of transparency states said. for the Biden administration. It highlights that, in collabora- response to the U.S. withdrawal from the deal in 2018 and and urging Iran to reverse its steps. “On the contrary it will hugely complicate those efforts tion with five permanent members of the UN Security Council the reimposition of sanctions that had been lifted under it. Iran has warned to cancel a deal struck a week ago with undermining the prospects for the restoration of the JCPOA plus Germany, the Oval Office should address bilateral, re- The European trio (E3), all parties to the 2015 nuclear the IAEA to temporarily continue many of the monitoring and for normal cooperation between Iran and the Agency,” gional, and nuclear issues with Iran via a compartmentalized deal, circulated a draft resolution for the Vienna meeting measures it had decided to end - a black-box-type arrange- it added. approach. The author also underscores: “Any modification of the JCPOA should only be about the nuclear issue and in exchange for removing more sanctions.” The Atlantic Council suggests that in parallel with nuclear Rouhani says Iran has succeeded to neutralize sanctions talks, regional issues and Iran-U.S. bilateral concerns can be POLITICAL TEHRAN – President He emphasized that Iran had been first reverse its nuclear steps. Iran has its decision if sanctions are lifted. desk pursued in other forums, but for the process to be sustainable, Hassan Rouhani says able to neutralize the sanctions imposed said it is still a party to the JCPOA and it Iran started to reduce its commitments essentially the U.S. and Iran should return to full compliance his administration has succeeded to on the people during the economic war, has only taken remedial measures based exactly one year after the U.S. abrogated with the JCPOA. neutralize sanctions by supplying es- which were meant to create famine and on paragraph 36 of the JCPOA which the deal and imposed sanctions on Iran. Regional actors for regional Issues sential goods for the people, according economic insecurity in the country. has provided a mechanism to resolve Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Leader of the The analyst believes that Iran’s regional activities should not to Iran Press. Donald Trump, the former president, disputes and allows one side, under cer- Islamic Revolution, has said the U.S. must be excluded from negotiations at all but the relevant parties Speaking at a meeting of the govern- unilaterally withdrew the U.S. in 2018 from tain circumstances, to stop complying lift all sanctions in a verifiable manner if via proportionate mechanism should be included. The Atlantic ment’s economic coordination headquar- the JCPOA, which required Iran to limit its with the deal if the other side is out of it wants Iran to meet its commitments Council emphasizes: “Iran’s regional actions must be negotiated ters on Sunday, Rouhani stressed the nuclear program in exchange for the termi- compliance. under the nuclear agreement. with regional actors” and recommends the U.S. and other world need to increase non-oil exports in efforts nation of economic and financial sanctions. Biden’s demand that Iran first returns “If (the U.S.) wants Iran to return to powers to work with the UN secretary-general to facilitate a to reduce dependence on oil revenues. The Trump administration imposed the to full compliance does not seem politi- its commitments, it must lift all sanctions dialogue among Iran, the GCC, and . “The development of non-oil exports toughest ever sanctions on Iran in order cally, legally and rationally acceptable. in practice, then we will do verification Make bold moves but verify, verify, verify is crucial as one of the powerful tools of a to strangulate the Iranian economy. From the very first day that Iran stated then we will return to our commitments,” With plenty of Obama’s key nuclear negotiators already at the resistance economy to counter oppressive Biden has said he will seek to revive the to reduce its commitments to the JCPOA the Leader asserted in his first comments White House, the Atlantic Council mentions that Biden’s foreign and illegal U.S. sanctions,” he noted. agreement, but insisted that Iran must it stated that it will immediately reverse on the matter after Biden took office. policy team enjoys many fellows who are fully aware of how valuable the agreement is. On the other hand, these old handed negotiators are very clear-eyed on the best ways of approaching Iran. Thus, there exists enough incentive “to make bold moves Experts urge Iran, U.S. to find modus vivendi while remaining in the framework of ‘don’t trust and verify.” POLITICAL TEHRAN— In an article in The National the adoption of the nuclear deal appear as two potential commitments reversibility between the United States and JCPOA: An iterative process deskInterest, two experts offer solutions how solutions, but they are not practical and realistic. Rath- Iran—or the relative ease and speed with which Washington To underline the importance of reviving the JCPOA before to make the Iran nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint er, what can save the Iran nuclear deal, in the long run, may snap back its sanctions and the arduous and lengthy delving into other matters, the author cites current CIA director Comprehensive Plan of Action, “durable”. is resetting the Iran-U.S. relationship and establishing a process of rebuilding its nuclear infrastructure and low-en- William Burns in October 2019 who helped lead the back-chan- “What can save the Iran nuclear deal, in the long run, modus vivendi between the two countries. riched uranium reserves for Tehran—makes these concerns nel talks with Iran that led to an interim nuclear agreement in is resetting the Iran-U.S. relationship and establishing a The record of the JCPOA’s enforcement over the past more acute for Iranian policy-makers. The experience of the November 2013 and set the stage for the JCPOA in 2015. On modus vivendi between the two countries,” Abolghasem five years demonstrates that the main threat to any nuclear U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA has only validated these Oct. 14, 2019, in a New York Times op-ed, Burns wrote: “The Bayyenat, currently a Stanton nuclear security postdoctoral agreement with Tehran emanates in large part from Wash- fears for Tehran and exacerbated the atmosphere of mutual nuclear deal agreed to in 2015 was meant to be the beginning, fellow at Harvard University’s Belfer Center for Science and ington’s desire to preserve most of its economic leverage over mistrust between the two countries. not the end, of diplomacy with Iran.” International Affairs, and Princeton University researcher Iran and minimize the actual benefits of sanctions removal Overcoming this dilemma would not be possible without He stresses that to the American side, the JCPOA is an iter- Seyed Hossein Mousavian wrote on Feb. 28. for the country. This is basically because the core dispute departing from the current zero-sum mentality plaguing the ative one in which one agreement becomes a foundation stone The article, titled “How to make the Iranian nuclear deal between the United States and Iran is about the region, not Iran-U.S. relationship. Both Washington and Tehran need for further negotiations. durable” is as follows: just the nuclear issue. Trump’s withdrawal from the JCPOA to recognize that their intractable conflict over the past four Ronald Reagan invoked “trust, but verify” during disar- The fate of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in May 2018 and the reimposition of unprecedented U.S. decades has produced no clear winner and has only brought mament negotiations with the former Soviet Union. Ernest J. (JCPOA), or what is more commonly known as the Iran sanctions against Iran clearly bear out this assessment, as about lose-lose outcomes for them. The United States and Moniz, the U.S. Secretary of Energy under President Obama, nuclear deal, is hanging by a thread. As diplomats are jock- they were meant to regain and expand U.S. bargaining power Iran should aim for reaching a modus vivendi keeping their mentioned that in the JCPOA talks their North Star was “don’t eying to find a way to revive the nuclear agreement, the against Iran in the hope of securing a better nuclear deal political conflict within manageable limits. However, it would trust, and verify, verify, verify.” bigger question hanging on policymakers’ heads is how to and addressing the regional issues. not be possible to minimize animosity without anchoring Now, it is obvious that for the Biden administration in any prevent a revived JCPOA or any other similar deal with Iran The fear of U.S. defection along with security motivations U.S. strategy in a more realistic assessment of Iran’s capa- future talks with Iran, the North Star will remain identical from suffering the same fate under President Joe Biden or also incentivizes Tehran to refrain from undertaking irre- bilities and intentions in the region and divorcing it from and this is up to the other parties to fix their compasses not his successors, and ensure its durability. Reaching a grand versible commitments and to preserve a significant portion exaggerated and alarmist views. to lose their interests. bargain with Tehran and involving the U.S. Congress in of its nuclear capabilities as leverage. The asymmetry of (See full text at tehrantimes.com) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y MARCH 2, 2021 IRAN IN FOCUS 3 SPORTS Former chief of Marketing A Saudi-American fiasco Committee not satisfied with POLITICAL TEHRAN – Yemen’s es told the AFP news agency that more deskgovernment forces have than 20 members of the Saudi-backed results of FFIRI’s elections launched a liberation campaign to cap- forces were killed in the last 24 hours 1 When asked about the results of the elections and about ture the strategic province of Marib while in the fighting. the new-elected president, Dorudgar said: initiating a new operation against Saudi Marib is the last bastion of the Sau- “Honestly speaking, Mr. Azizi Khadem was not my choice in Arabia, a move that indicates the grow- di-baked forces in northern Yemen. the elections and I preferred another candidate to be chosen, ing capabilities of the Sanaa government “Fighting continues unabated on all namely Kiumars Hashemi. I also believe that Ali Karimi didn’t despite the Saudi-led war on Yemen. fronts in Marib province,” the source said. enter the elections in the best way possible as he didn’t follow The Saudis began a war on Yemen in In an attempt to prevent Marib city the standard processes needed for the federation elections. 2015 in the hope of eradicating Yemen’s from falling in the hands of the Yemen Generally, I think Azizi Khadem was the supported candidate Asarallah movement, which they accused forces, Saudi Arabia has launched an air by the Ministry of Sports, and contrary to rumors, Hashemi of being backed by Iran. campaign against the Yemeni forces in was not,” Dorudgar added. But after more than five years of non- a number of provinces. stop aggression, the Saudis not only failed However, Saudi Arabia failed to stop to defeat Ansarallah, but they also helped the march of the Sanaa forces toward the movement become even stronger than Marib. This debacle is the latest in a series Persepolis extend winning ever by continuing their aggression. of failures that Saudi Arabia has faced in This fact was on full display in February Yemen in recent weeks despite enjoying streak to six: IPL when the Ansarallah-led forces launched overwhelming international support, in- to separate operations against Saudi Ara- cluding from the United States. SPORTSTEHRAN — Persepolis football team edged bia and its allied groups inside Yemen. Of course, the U.S. has most recently deskpast Saipa 1-0 to extend their winning streak On Sunday, Brigadier General Yahya sought to distance itself from the Saudi to six in Iran Professional League (IPL) on Monday. Sare’e announced in a statement that Yem- fiasco in Yemen by taking a series of meas- Persepolis captain Jalal Hosseini scored the only goal of the en’s Air Force along with the Missile Force ures that seemingly restrict American match just after six minutes. successfully carried out a large and joint The fact that the Yemeni forces were missiles as well as drones. support for the Saudi war on Yemen. The Reds could have won the match with more goals but the offensive operation deep inside Saudi Arabia. able to launch the fifth operation against The fifth operation carried a long- The Biden administration has ended team’s players failed to capitalize on their chances. The operation, formally called “5th Saudi Arabia while fighting with Sau- term strategic message at the regional Washington›s support for offensive op- Persepolis remained top of the table with 33 points, two points Operation of Balanced Deterrence,” tar- di-backed forces inside Yemen is in itself level, especially with the ongoing bat- erations in Yemen. above Sepahan who also defeated Gol Gohar courtesy of Sajad geted sensitive sites in the Saudi capital a telling indication. The government in tles between the Yemeni army and the “This war has to end. And to under- Shahbazzadeh’s goal in the 68th minute. of Riyadh. Sanaa has been under Saudi bombard- coalition forces in Marib, according to score our commitment, we’re ending all Earlier in the day, Esteghlal were held to a 1-1 draw by Mes “The 5th Operation of Balanced Deter- ment right from the start. It not only Al-Masirah TV. American support for offensive operations Kerman. Masih Zahedi was on target for the hosts but Mes defender rence came in retaliation for the kingdom’s survived, but also managed to become Citing observers, the channel network in the war in Yemen, including relevant Hamed Noormohammadi scored an own goal in 52nd minute. ongoing escalating aggression and siege strong enough to fight on various fronts. said the operation proves once again the arm sales,” President Biden said in a Tractor escaped a defeat against 10-man Naft Masjed Soley- on our dear people,” Sare’e said. The first Yemeni operation that tar- increase in Yemeni military capabilities recent speech at the State Department man. Sajad Jafari found the back of the net in the 76th minute He explained that the operation was geted the oil-rich country was launched and the failure of Saudi Arabia at the while underling the U.S. commitment but Mohammad Abbaszadeh equalized the match in the dying carried out with a Zolfaghar ballistic mis- in mid-August in 2019 when ten drones tactical and strategic level despite the to ensuring Saudi Arabia’s security and moments of the match. sile and 15 drones, including 9 Sammad-3 targeted the Shaybah oil field in eastern capabilities it possesses. territorial integrity. Foolad also remained on course thanks to Ayanda Patosi’s drones, targeting sensitive sites in the Saudi Arabia. The observers emphasized that the The Biden administration also removed goal in Ahvaz. enemy›s capital, Riyadh, according to The Yemeni Air Force launched one of strike at this time is a warning message Yemen’s Ansarullah movement from the Rock-bottom Machine Sazi drew 1-1 with Shahr Khodro and Al-Masirah TV. its most consequential operations against to stop the mobilization of takfiri and U.S. government’s list of foreign terrorist struggling Nassaji were held to a 1-1 draw by Aluminum. Paykan The spokesman pointed out that 6 Saudi Arabia in mid-September 2019, terrorist organizations to Marib. And also, organizations. also defeated Sanat Naft 2-0 in Ahvaz. Qasef-2K drones targeted military sites targeting Saudi Arabia’s eastern oil pro- that the Saudi regime may pay a lot for But these measures were taken only in Abha and Khamis Mushait, stressing cessing facilities of Abqaiq and Khurais, the consequences of not responding to after the new U.S. administration took that the hit was accurate. and cutting off half of the country’s oil it, in the event that the Yemeni forces are office with a clear understanding that the Ex-Iran U23 coach Zlatko Sare’e stated that the 5th Operation production – nearly five percent of global forced to carry out a Sixth Operation of Saudi war on Yemen is bound to end in of Balanced Deterrence continued from oil supplies - for a few days. Balanced Deterrence. failure and thus American support for Kranjcar passes away Saturday evening until Sunday morning. Five months later, the Yemeni forces Marib has become a battleground this war will make no difference in the He confirmed that “our retaliatory launched another operation in which they that would determine the fate of the fate of the war. SPORTSTEHRAN —Former Iran U23 football attacks are continuing and will expand hit Saudi Aramco’s oil facilities in Yanbu Yemen war. Over the past few days, the The U.S. threw its weight behind Sau- deskteam head coach Zlatko Kranjcar passed more and more as long as the aggression with 12 drones, three medium-range and Sanaa-based government forces have in- di Arabia over the years of the Yemen away on Monday. and siege on our country continues,” re- long-range missiles. creased their military activities in a bid war, selling it state-of-the-art offensive He died at the age of 64 at Merkur Clinical Hospital in Zagreb, newing caution to residents of these areas Last year in June, the Yemeni forces to liberate Marib from the Saudi-backed weapons. But this all-out earned the U.S. Croatia due to severe illness. to stay away from all military sites and launched their fourth operation in which forces who appeared to endure a series nothing but a heinous reputation as com- The Croatian coach was named as Persepolis coach in 2009 airports or places that may be used for the Saudi capital of Riyadh was hit with of defeats on various fronts. A military plicit in the worst humanitarian disaster but left the team to head Montenegro a year later. military purposes. a large number of ballistic and winged source close to the Saudi-backed forc- of the world. Kranjcar has also coached Iranian team Sepahan in two stint and helped the Isfahan based football team win Iran Professional league and Hazfi Cup. He was appointed as Iran U23 football team head coach in 2019. Iran rejects EU talks offer, says U.S. must first lift sanctions Kranjcar collected 11 caps and scored 3 goals for Yugoslavia from 1977 to 1983. He also has two caps and scored one goal for POLITICAL TEHRAN – Iran once again rejected an possible meeting between Iranian officials and their U.S. the Croatian national team and is notable as the first team captain deskoffer by the European Union to engage counterparts.” of the Croatian team in their first international match against in direct talks with the United States over the 2015 nuclear The U.S. and its European allies’ intention to put the United States on 17 October 1990 in Zagreb. deal, underlining that Washington should lift sanctions forward a resolution against Iran in this week meeting before any kind of talks can go ahead. of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s board of Spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry Saeed Khatibzadeh governors might have prompted Iran to reject the Euro- said Iran has received an offer from the EU foreign policy pean offer of talks because accepting such an offer while The world never forgets chief, Josep Borrell, to start direct talks with Washington by the West is pushing for adopting a resolution against Siamand Rahman’s smile attending a session of the nuclear deal’s Joint Commission. Iran would have been tantamount to succumbing to Speaking at a weekly press conference on Monday, diplomatic pressures and bullying. SPORTSTEHRAN — One year ago today, the world›s Khatibzadeh said Tehran received an offer from Borrell Iran has recently struck a deal with the UN nuclear deskstrongest Paralympian Siamand Rahman passed without a specific date to attend an informal session with watchdog on how to continue cooperation in light of an away due a heart attack. It was one of the most unexpected things the United States. Iranian nuclear law that came into force on February 23. that has ever happened to the world of the sports. The spokesman said Iran gave a clear response that The nuclear law, officially called “Strategic Action The two-time gold medal- the U.S. should recommit itself to UN Security Council “The Islamic Republic of to Lift Sanctions and Protect the Nation’s Rights,” ist in London 2012 and Rio Resolution 2231 and lift the sanctions that it imposed on stipulates that if the remaining parties to the JCPOA 2016, who was preparing to Iran if it wants to rejoin the nuclear deal, formally known Iran will respond to actions – Germany, France, , Russia and the UK- failed win his third successive gold as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). with action, and just as it to facilitate Iran’s oil exports and the return of Iranian at the Tokyo 2020 Paralym- “This trajectory does not require negotiations and trade- will return to its JCPOA oil revenues in two months, the Iranian government pic Games, died on March 1, offs,” Khatibzadeh asserted. would be obligated to stop inspections beyond the IAEA 2020 and his death shocked He pointed out that the U.S. still tries to maintain commitments with the safeguards, including the voluntary implementation of the world. pressure on Iran and move forward with what the Trump removal of sanctions, it the Additional Protocol, which allows unannounced Rahman broke the 300kg administration initiated. will also answer in kind to and intensive inspections of nuclear sites. barrier in the men´s over 107kg “Unfortunately, it seems that the present U.S. admin- The IAEA chief paid a visit to Iran a few days before at the Rio 2016 Paralympic istration, with a cognitive mistake and by using passive all hostile measures and the law was implemented. He succeeded in securing Games, lifting an unprecedent- multilateralism, seeks to move down a path on which behaviors,” Foreign Ministry a deal with Iran that would ensure the IAEA access to ed 310kg. The mark he set is Trump failed to make progress for four years,” Khatib- Iranian nuclear sites. the equivalent of three baby zadeh pointed out. spokesman Khatibzadeh Under the deal, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran elephants. Earlier on Sunday, Khatibzadeh said in a statement that points out. (AEOI) and the IAEA agreed to continue cooperation The Iranian powerlifter had the time is not ripe for an unofficial meeting with the U.S. and in a new way. already won three gold medals in the E3 proposed by Borrell considering the recent stances JCPOA coordinator. “In order for the Agency to continue its verification the last three (2010 , 2014 Incheon and moves by the U.S. and the three European countries. “Censuring is not diplomacy” and monitoring activities, the AEOI and the IAEA agreed: and 2018 Jakarta). “In view of the recent stances and measures taken by Khatibzadeh also reiterated his position in a tweet on 1. That Iran continues to implement fully and without Rahman, who was always smiling everywhere and every time, the United States and the three European countries, the Sunday. limitation its Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement with could not wait to compete at Paralympics but the death didn’t Islamic Republic of Iran believes this is not a good time for “Considering U.S./E3 positions & actions, time isn’t ripe the IAEA as before. 2. To a temporary bilateral technical let him to pursue his dreams. holding an unofficial meeting on the accord as proposed by for the proposed informal meeting. Remember: Trump understanding, compatible with the Law, whereby the “It›s great to be part of this awesome campaign. I am so excited the European Union foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell,” failed to meet because of his ill-advised ‘Max Failure’. With IAEA will continue with its necessary verification and to see we are getting closer to the Games. I can›t wait to compete the statement said. sanctions in place, same still applies. Censuring is NOT monitoring activities for up to 3 months (as per technical in Tokyo 2020 . In Tokyo, everything is going “There has been no change in the United States’ stances diplomacy. It doesn’t work with Iran,” he tweeted. annex). 3. To keep the technical understanding under to be between the bar and me. I will redraw the boundaries,” and behavior, and the Biden administration has not only The statement came a few hours after The Wall Street regular review to ensure it continues to achieve its pur- Rahman said a year before his death. failed to abandon Trump’s failed policy of maximum pres- Journal reported that Iran rejected a European Union poses,” according to a joint statement issued by the IAEA ’s National Paralympic Committee (NPC) sure, but has also failed to declare its commitment to the offer to hold direct nuclear talks with the U.S. in the and the AEOI following the signing of the deal. Mahmoud Khosravi Vafa said the ‘Siamand Rahman Grand Prix’ implementation of all its obligations under the JCPOA coming days, risking renewed tension between Tehran However, the deal did not prevent the U.S. and its will be held after him. and the UN Security Council Resolution 2231,” it added. and Western capitals. European allies – namely France, Germany and the UK The world will never forget the strongest man who surprised “All options for give-and-take were exhausted According to the American newspaper, the EU floated (E3)- from pushing for a new resolution against Iran at the the fans by his incredible power. five years ago” the idea of holding talks in Europe that would include meeting of the IAEA’s board of governors. The world will never forget Siamand Rahman’s smile. Khatibzadeh noted that the implementation of com- all of the remaining participants in the 2015 deal—Iran According to a Bloomberg report, U.S. diplomats circulated mitments by all parties to the JCPOA is not a matter of plus China, the UK, France, German, and Russia, as a draft resolution on Thursday which lists Washington’s negotiation and give-and-take, and all options for give- well as the U.S. The Biden administration immediately grievances and orders Iran to fully cooperate with inspectors. and-take were exhausted five years ago. announced it would attend a meeting, with Washington’s The proposed resolution would “underscore strong Sayyadmanesh chosen Man “The path forward is quite clear: The U.S. must end its envoy Rob Malley set to participate. concern at the IAEA’s findings” and “express the board’s of the Match unlawful and unilateral sanctions and return to its JCPOA “EU officials had been trying to get an agreement on deepening concern with respect to Iran’s cooperation,” commitments. This issue neither needs negotiation, nor a Bloomberg said, adding that this resolution would suggest dates for a meeting and had floated the possibility of talks SPORTSTEHRAN — Zorya Luhansk striker Allah- resolution by the Board of Governors [of the International in Vienna or Brussels in the coming days. EU foreign policy that Iran could be providing incomplete information on its deskyar Sayyadmanesh was chosen as Man of Atomic Energy Agency],” he continued. chief Josep Borrell said last Monday that he was ‘reason- nuclear activities, something that has potentially serious the Match for his glittering performance against Shakhtar “The Islamic Republic of Iran will respond to ac- ably optimistic’ talks would happen. However, Iran this consequences, including another referral to the United Donetsk. tions with action, and just as it will return to its JCPOA weekend sent a note saying it wouldn’t attend a meeting in Nations Security Council. He provided a stunning assist which helped his team beat commitments with the removal of sanctions, it will also the current circumstances,” The Wall Street Journal wrote, As the IAEA’s board began a virtual meeting on Monday, Shakhtar 1-0 in dying moments of the match in Ukrainian Pre- answer in kind to all hostile measures and behaviors,” adding that Iran proposed a different approach instead. Reuters reported that Britain, France and Germany are mier League. Khatibzadeh pointed out. Citing Western diplomats, the newspaper claimed that pressing ahead with a U.S.-backed plan for a resolution The Iranian forward sent a pass to Dmytro Ivanisenya in the He finally stressed that the Islamic Republic will continue “Tehran told the EU that it wants the EU to serve as a by the UN nuclear watchdog’s board criticizing Iran for injury time. its close bilateral and multilateral consultations with the mediator, brokering a step-by-step process in which the curbing cooperation with the agency, despite Russian and Sayyadmanesh has scored three goals and provided two assists current parties to the JCPOA as well as Mr. Borrell as the U.S. and Iran would each agree to concessions before a Iranian warnings of serious consequences. in 14 matches for Zorya. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 4 ECONOMY MARCH 2, 2021

Housing rental rises 30% in Majlis continues Tehran in a month

ECONOMY TEHRAN— (CBI) has deskannounced that the rental price has increased reviewing details 30.6 percent in Tehran city during the eleventh Iranian calendar month Bahman (January 19 – February 18), from its previous month. The CBI also stated that the housing rental in the has risen 33.9 percent in the mentioned month, as compared of next year’s with the same month of the previous year. budget bill By Ebrahim Fallahi figure of the current year. It envisaged 3.175 parliament, and this time Majlis approved reserve account. quadrillion rials (about $75.595 billion) of the amendments of the national budget bill It was also agreed that the Ministry of TEHRAN – Every year after the government incomes, while 6.37 quadrillion rials (about in mid-February. Defense and Armed Forces Logistics would be submits the draft of the national budget bill $151.666 billion) of expenses. After approval allowed to use up to 300 trillion rials (about for the next year to the Iranian parliament Revenues from exporting oil, gas, and gas After approving the general outlines, the $7.1 billion) equivalent of crude oil and gas (Majlis), the parliament’s budget review condensate were estimated at 1.99 quadrillion budget review committee would hold several condensate on the condition of processing committee immediately begins assessing rials (about $47.3 billion), up 323 percent sessions for reviewing the details of the bill. it in the refineries run by the private sector. general outlines of the bill including the from 454.9 trillion rials (about $10.83 bil- The first session of the budget review com- The decision has been made to promote incomes and the expenses. lion), approved in the current year’s budget. mittee was held on February 20 in which the the contribution of the private sector in the After the mentioned assessments, the The bill was mainly criticized for being parliament determined the share of NDF from country’s oil and gas sector. details of the bill will be subject to review unrealistic about the oil revenues and the the country’s oil and gas export revenues in The Defense Ministry is constructed to so that by the yearend a refined version of the government expenses. The budget review the newly amended budget bill. process the allocated share of crude oil and bill would be prepared and approved to be committee urged the government to reform Majlis continued to review the details of gas condensate only in those refineries which The Statistical Center of Iran (SCI) has announced that the used as the base guideline for the country’s the bill and submit it to the parliament again. the national budget bill for the year 1400, in have increased their processing capacity in housing rental in the capital city Tehran has fallen 3.1 percent in monetary framework in the next fiscal year. The amendments an open session on Sunday, February 28. This recent years. the third quarter of the current Iranian calendar year (September The budget bill Therefore, in the reformed bill the gov- review session was mainly focused on the As for the Energy Ministry, the MPs allo- 21 – December 20, 2020) from its previous quarter, while rising Considering the country’s special eco- ernment proposed to reduce its expenses expense aspects of the national budget bill. cated the ministry 300 trillion rials (about 40.9 percent as compared to the third quarter of the past year. nomic conditions in recent years, the Iranian by 400 trillion rials (about $9.5 billion) to During the session, the MPs came up $7.1 billion) for renovating the country’s elec- The center has previously announced that the inflation rate parliament has mostly rejected the primary prevent the need for increasing tax incomes. with some decisions regarding the various tricity infrastructures. The mentioned funds of housing rentals in the country reached 24.3 percent in the drafts of the budget bill and required the It also reduced the National Develop- aspects of the bill including the resources are going to be mainly spent on renovating 12 months ended on September 20 (end of the first half of the government to make some amendments. ment Fund (NDF) resources and increased allocated for the renovation of the country’s the country’s power plants and worn-out current Iranian year). This year too, in early February, the par- the ceiling of the incomes from publishing electricity network, the resources allocated electricity network sections. As reported, the point-to-point inflation rate for house rent liament rejected the general outlines of the treasury bonds by 530 trillion rials (about for the Defense Ministry, and the obliga- The allocated money, however, should be rose 28.9 percent in summer (June 21-September 21) compared primary draft of the budget bill for the next $12.6 billion). tions of the Oil Ministry regarding oil and supplied only from the sale of government to the same period last year. Iranian calendar year 1400 (which begins “The most important factor in the amend- gas condensate exports. assets, bonds, and privatization of govern- The rental price index of residential units in urban areas reached on March 21). ment was the discussion of the subsided for- MPs instructed the Oil Ministry to submit ment-owned companies. This allocation is 195.8 in the summer of this year, registering an increase of 2.7 The proposed bill, first submitted to Majlis eign currency and the amount of oil revenues; a monthly report on the amount of exports of also considered as payment for a part of the percent compared to the previous season. in early December 2020, amounted to about the oil revenues in the amended bill were crude oil, gas condensate, and major oil and government debts to the power plants owned In the mentioned season, the highest seasonal inflation rate 24.357 quadrillion rials (about $579.928 bil- not changed, and the subsidized foreign gas products to the parliament’s Planning, by the private sector. was related to Hamedan province with an increase of 16.4 percent, lion at the official rate of 42,000 rials), with currency would still be allocated for essen- Budget, and Energy committees and also to In the few weeks remaining to the end and the lowest was related to Sistan-Baluchestan province with a 20-percent rise from the current year’s tial goods like medicine and crops” Mojgan the Supreme Audit Court of Iran. of the current Iranian calendar year, more an increase of 3.8 percent. approved budget. Khanlou, spokeswoman of the Parliament The government is also obliged to deposit sessions would probably be held for further The housing market in Iran has been experiencing inflation The bill estimated the government’s budget Budget Committee said. the surplus oil and gas revenues - from the assessing the details of the national budget and rise in prices, both in terms of rentals and sales in the current at 9.298 quadrillion rials (about $221.38 bil- After making the necessary amendments, exports of more than one million barrels per bill to make sure that the country would be- Iranian calendar year (started on March 20). lion), with an increase of 47 percent from the the government resubmitted the bill to the day (bpd) - to the country’s foreign exchange gin the new year on solid economic ground. According to Hesam Oqbaei, the deputy head of Tehran Real Estate Association, 37 percent of the country’s urban population are tenants, who are from the low and middle classes of the society and their salary increase has been up to 22 percent, so if the rent Tehran hosts conference on Iran-Syria trade opportunities prices were supposed to grow along with the house prices people won’t be able to afford it. the portal of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines the condition of the two countries’ trade and pointed to and Agriculture (ICCIMA) reported on Monday. some of the major potentials and challenges in the way of The conference was attended by senior officials from the expanding mutual economic ties. two sides including the Head of Iran-Syria Joint Chamber of He further announced that soon a database contain- ‘Iran not to receive goods in Commerce Keyvan Kashefi and the head of the Federation ing the main economic needs of Syria will be unveiled and of Syrian Chambers of Commerce Fahd Mahmoud Darwish, provided for Iranian traders so that they would be able to exchange for its claims from Iraq’ as well as the Head of Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization prepare their business plans based on the demands of the (TPO) Hamid Zadboum. destination market. ECONOMY TEHRAN— The chairman of Iran-Iraq Joint The security situation in Syria, the political and Elsewhere in this conference, Zadboum pointed to the desk Chamber of Commerce said that Iran will not economic relations between Iran and Syria, trade conference as a prelude to the development of Iran-Syria import Iraqi products in exchange for its claims from that country. opportunities and the commodity and services needs relations in the upcoming Iranian calendar year 1400 (begins Yahya Ale Eshaq said, “It should be noted that Iraq does not of Syria, the ways of presence in the Syrian market, on March 21) and said: “Ideological and political common- have goods that we want to import in exchange for our money. the Syrian trade structures, Iran-Syria credit lines alities have brought the two countries closer together, but Therefore, we will not import goods in exchange for this money, and money transfer strategies, routes and methods of the existing opportunities between Iran and Syria have not and the money itself will probably enter the country.” transportation between Iran and Syria, and the Syrian been used as they should be, and level of economic relations Head of Iran-Syria Joint Chamber of Commerce Keyvan government tenders and procurements were the main is not favorable.” Kashefi delivers speech in Iran-Syria trade conference subjects covered in this conference. Darwish for his part noted that both Iran and Syria are in Tehran on Monday. The attendees of this gathering especially stressed the under unjust sanctions and in an economic battle. ECONOMY TEHRAN— Iran-Syria Joint Chamber of need for focusing trade strategies on the development of He also called for the implementation of a free trade deskCommerce organized and held a conference the relations between the two countries’ private sectors. agreement between Iran and Syria, which was signed in on the business opportunities of the two countries in Tehran, Speaking in the event, Kashefi presented a report on 2011 but has not yet been implemented. Major oil industry projects worth over €5.6b inaugurated 1 Speaking in the opening ceremony, the field’s oil output.” of nearly $1 billion and a production ca- Zanganeh mentioned the desirable state Zanganeh put the cumulative produc- pacity of 3.5 million tons per year, is one of the development projects in joint oil tion of the field since it went operational of the mentioned projects.” and gas fields and said: “Fortunately, we in the Iranian calendar year 1392 (started Azar, one of the joint fields with Iraq, spans are in a good situation in all joint fields in March 2013) up to the current year at an overall area of 482 square kilometers in “Iran’s relationship with Iraq is a strategic and developing compared to our neighbors,” 36 million barrels. southeast of Mehran town in the western one,” he said, adding, “Our estimate is that by the end of the “The production capacity of crude oil The official further mentioned Kangan Iranian province of Ilam. [current Iranian calendar] year (March 20), our exports to Iraq in the joint fields of west Karun region has Petro-refinery project and said: “We had The field is estimated to hold 2.5 billion will reach $9.5 billion-$10 billion, up from $12 billion last year”, increased from 70,000 barrels per day to plans to inaugurate 17 petrochemical pro- barrels of oil in place. The volume of pos- the official stated. 400,000 barrels,” the official added. jects worth $11.4 billion and with a total sible oil reserves to be extracted from the “The two sides agree to increase trade between the two Mentioning the development of the Azar of the investment made in this project has capacity of 25 million tons in the current Azar field is estimated to be around 400 countries to $20 billion over the next few years. But the cir- oil field, the minister said: “Over €1.4 billion been returned from the revenues earned by year; Kanhgan project, with an investment million barrels. cumstances that arise may change; for example, the corona- virus outbreak, have decreased the bilateral trade by 15 to 30 percent”, he added. In mid-December 2020, Iranian Energy Minister Reza Ar- Iran’s passenger maritime transportation capacity to hit 25m by late Mar. dakanian said that Iraq is going to open a euro bank account ECONOMY TEHRAN— Head of Iran’s Ports passenger ships with a total capacity of 7,500 people oper- region and the world. to pave the way for settling all the country’s gas and electricity deskand Maritime Organization (PMO) has ating in the country’s ports, most of which are sailing in a Despite the restrictions and limitations created by the dues to Iran. said the country’s passenger maritime transportation route between southern Bandar Abbas and Qeshm Islands. outbreak of the coronavirus, Iranian ports managed to “Based on an agreement which is going to be implemented capacity is going to reach 25 million people per year There are also 12,000 registered boats, 500 of which are attract 3.57 trillion rials (over $85 million) of investment in the coming days, Iraq is going to open a euro savings bank by the end of the current Iranian calendar year (March operated by marine clubs, the official said. in the first quarter of the current Iranian calendar year account in which the country’s debts to National Iranian Gas 20), ILNA reported. He further noted that in addition to the mentioned passenger (March 20-June 20, 2020). Company (NIGC) and the Power Generation, Distribution, and “The passenger transportation capacity of the northern boats, ships and fairies, there are 50 landing crafts operating The mentioned investments were done mainly with Transmission Company (known as Tavanir) will be saved,” Ar- and southern ports of the country is currently 24.8 million in the country’s ports; these landing crafts have a total capacity the aim of developing and maintaining infrastructure and dakanian said on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting. people per year, and considering the ongoing develop- for transporting 2,500 cars and 8,000 passengers. equipping ports. “Iraq’s recent and past debts to our country will be transferred ment projects in the mentioned regions, this figure will The mentioned landing crafts mainly transport passengers PMO also implemented or studied over 580 projects and saved in this account after being exchanged to euro,” the reach 25 million people by the end of the current year,” and cars from the mainland to Qeshm Island in the south- worth 151.025 trillion rials (about $3.59 billion) in the minister said. Mohammad Rastad said. ern Hormozgan Province; such vessels are also operating mentioned period. This way, transferring the money or using it for purchasing Speaking in a ceremony for signing a memorandum of in other coastal areas, including Kish, and also between The construction of six floating wharves for passen- basic goods and medicine will be less problematic considering understanding (MOU) between the Transport and Urban Genaveh and Khark, according to the official. gers and tourism in Soheili and Gurzin ports in Qeshm the U.S. sanctions, he emphasized. Development Ministry and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Having about 5800 kilometers of coastline in the north and Hengam Islands, and continuing the third phase of According to the official, the savings in this account can also Handicrafts and Tourism for the development of coastal and and south of the country, Iran has great capacities in Shahid Rajaei port’s development project are also among be used for paying Iranian contractors and companies’ dues in maritime tourism, Rastad noted that there are currently 57 terms of natural attractions of maritime tourism in the the PMO achievements in the first quarter. the mentioned country. Ardakanian announced the formation of a committee for working on the issue and said: “As the Iranian head of the two countries’ Joint Economic Committee, I will monitor the process on a daily basis until we achieve desirable results.” TEDPIX loses nearly 4,000 points on Monday Also, during a meeting between the governor of the Central ECONOMY TEHRAN— TEDPIX, points, and the second market’s index Social Security Investment Company, Amir-Baqeri told IRNA that Iranian stock Bank of Iran (CBI) and the managing director of the Commercial deskthe main index of Teh- dropped 7,731 points. Tamin Cement Company, Amin Invest- market is moving in the right direction Bank of Iraq on Saturday, the two sides discussed the ways for ran Stock Exchange (TSE), fell 3,944 TEDPIX dropped 2.7 percent during ment Bank, Mobarakeh Steel Compa- and will reach stability in the near future. the transfer of Iran’s funds in Iraq. points on Monday. the past Iranian calendar week. ny, National Iranian Copper Industry “Market authorities are currently using Iran and Iraq have several times discussed the issue of releasing Over 4.198 billion securities worth The index stood at 1.205 million points Company, Tehran Oil Refining Company, asymmetric fluctuations to improve the Iran’s financial resources in Iraq over the past months, based on 54.947 trillion rials (about $1.308 bil- on Wednesday (the last working day of and Bandar Abbas Oil Refining Company market situation, but we must move in a which Iran was supposed to have access to its funds which are lion) were traded at the TSE on Monday. the week). were the most widely followed indices. direction where there is no volatility in related to the gas export to Iraq. The first market’s index fell 2,957 During the past week, the indices of Last week, market analyst Amir-Ali the market,” Amir-Baqeri said. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y MARCH 2, 2021 ANALYSIS/INTERVIEW 5 Everyone has known that MBS is new U.S. mysteriously removes 3 Saddam Hussein, professor says names from Khashoggi report 1 The ODNI declined to clarify why the names were originally inscribed on the list and what roles, if any, they “HOPE is an excellent step in the right direction, and Iran should continue to may have had in the crime. “We put a revised document on the website because the original promote it in various international forums” one erroneously contained three names which should not have been included,” an ODNI spokesperson told CNN. By Mohammad Mazhari of lofty American ideals such as human A top administration official had argued on Friday afternoon rights and the rule of law, but the reality before the change was noticed that the report contained no TEHRAN — By releasing an intelligence is continued weapons sales, economic new information. report implicating Saudi Crown Prince Mo- and military support and investments, Yet three of the names that ODNI had first listed had not hammed bin Salman (MBS) in the murder of and the same levels of diplomatic and previously been mentioned in reports on Khashoggi’s killing. Jamal Khashoggi, the U.S. has done «nothing political support and alliance. The three names that disappeared are Yasir Khalid Alsa- much» because it has been quite clear that Saudi Arabia says Persian Gulf lem, Ibrahim al-Salim and Abdulla Mohammed Alhoeriny. MBS in the new Saddam Hussein of West countries should be consulted in any CNN cited a person familiar with the inner workings of Asia, a university professor says. U.S. return to the JCPOA? Why do Saudi intelligence as saying that Alhoeriny is the brother of «Everyone has known for a long time they make such a suggestion? Is it General Abdulaziz bin Mohammed al-Howraini, a minister the Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is the reasonable? who is in charge of the powerful Presidency of State Security new Saddam Hussein of the There are two things that Iran needs which oversees multiple intelligence and counterterrorism (West Asia),» Mehran Kamrava, director of to realize in relation to the Persian Gulf agencies. Abdulla appears in Saudi reports as the assistant the Center for International and Regional countries. First, these countries have an chief of state security for counterterrorism. Studies (CIRS) at Georgetown University, existential fear of Iran and view it as a threat tells the Tehran Times. to their very existence. An unclassified U.S. intelligence report Second, and related, is a deep distrust released on Friday confirms for the first- and fear of Shia sectarianism. As irrational Syrian air defenses intercept time what role top U.S. intelligence officials and misplaced as these fears may be, they believe Saudi Arabia›s de facto ruler played exist among populations and political leaders Israeli missiles targeting in the 2018 killing of Khashoggi. across the Persian Gulf and they are very Damascus suburb Former U.S. President Donald Trump›s real. In addition to great regional tensions, administration held back the long-awaited the Arab states of the Persian Gulf have The Syrian military says the country’s air defenses have inter- report despite a 2019 law passed by Congress successfully sold this narrative of «Iran as cepted Israeli missiles coming from the direction of the occupied requiring its release. “As is typical with U.S. foreign policy, a destabilizing regional actor» to the rest Golan Heights. Khashoggi, a columnist for the Washing- especially with Democrats, there are often of the world, especially to the European Syria’s official news agency SANA quoted a military source as ton Post who had been critical of the Saudi Union and the United States. saying that the Israeli missiles were fired hours before midnight government, was dismembered inside the proclamations of lofty American ideals such So, Iran needs to proactively try to counter on Sunday at targets in the vicinity of the Syrian capital Damascus. Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October 2018. as human rights and the rule of law, but the this narrative and take actual, concrete steps The source said almost all of the missiles were successfully Following is the text of the interview: reality is continued weapons sales, economic to allay the fears of its Arab neighbors. This intercepted by the Syrian air defenses. How do you see the new Ameri- should be done outside of the JCPOA frame- Israeli media claim the airstrike was a response to a recent can administration›s attitude toward and military support and investments, and work, whose focus is on the nuclear issue. attack on an Israeli-owned vessel in the Gulf of Oman, which West Asia? the same levels of diplomatic and political How do you assess Iran›s Hor- Tel Aviv blames on Iran. The new administration›s foreign pol- moz Peace Endeavor (HOPE)? What Israel frequently targets military positions inside Syria, espe- icy team is still not fully in place. But we support and alliance.” are the challenges to peace in the cially those affiliated with the resistance movement, which has are beginning to see a few trends already issues he is facing and needs to address – Biden has been slow in approaching the Persian Gulf? played a key role in helping the Syrian army in its fight against in its approach to the Middle East (West Trump›s second impeachment, the pandem- JCPOA so far. HOPE is an excellent step in the right di- foreign-backed terrorists since 2011. Asia) that differ sharply from the Trump ic, economic relief package for Americans, How may the release of the “ex- rection, and Iran should continue to promote According to Press Tv, The Tel Aviv regime mostly keeps administration: less overt support for Is- confirmation hearings for his nominees, plosive” U.S. intelligence document it in various international forums. But very quiet about the attacks on Syrian territories which many view as raeli expansion into Palestinian territories; etc. – complex foreign policy issues have affect U.S.-Saudi ties? few actors are likely to accept any frame- knee-jerk reaction to the Syrian government’s increasing success a more balanced approach toward Saudi had to wait to be addressed. These «explosive» documents do not work for regional security that has already in confronting terrorism in country. Arabia; liberal interventionism in conflict In fact, we see that apart from statements reveal anything that was not known be- been devised by someone else and in the Early last month, Israeli air-to-surface and surface-to-surface zones such as Syria and Iraq; and a desire saying «the U.S. is back as a member of the fore. Everyone has known for a long time crafting of which they were not themselves missiles were intercepted by the Syrian air defense systems over to engage in discussions with Iran. global community,» little substantive policy the Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is involved. Parallel to HOPE, therefore, Iran the country’s southwestern province of Quneitra. Why is Biden is moving too slowly initiatives have been taken in the interna- the new Saddam Hussein of the Mid- should invite countries like Saudi Arabia to revive the JCPOA even if he wishes tional arena by the new administration. dle East (West Asia). The question is and the UAE to join it in devising a com- to do so? Also, there continue to be tremendously «what will the U.S. do about it?» As we prehensive regional security accord from For a number of reasons. To start, the deep anti-Iran feelings in the United States, have seen over the last week or so, the scratch, with their input. This is urgently Suu Kyi hit with new Biden administration is still trying to devise fueled by various lobby groups, the media, answer is «nothing much.» As is typical needed as now Israel is trying to devise a a comprehensive policy toward Iran and and individuals with powerful positions with U.S. foreign policy, especially with security arrangement that would involve charges as Myanmar the nuclear program. Given the domestic throughout the U.S. political system. So, Democrats, there are often proclamations Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the UAE. protesters rally again

Myanmar’s deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi appeared in a court MBS seems hasty for normalization with Israel: ex-Japanese diplomat hearing via video link and was charged with additional criminal offences on Monday, as anti-coup protesters rallied across the 1 “The victory of Biden was a big shock for the current the move initiated by Mohammed bin Salman. Saudi political country again in defiance of a security force crackdown that killed Saudi regime,” the former Japanese diplomat notes. leaders do not proceed with democratic reform, but, at the at least 18 people the previous day. Following is the text of the interview: same time, many Saudis don’t want bold political reforms, The 75-year-old looked healthy as she took part in the court How do you see Saudi Arabia’s role in sponsoring causing frictions among society and sometimes don’t want hearing from the capital, Naypyidaw, and asked to see her legal extremist groups in West Asia? democracy itself. As a person in a free democratic country team, lawyer Min Min Soe told Reuters news agency. I don’t think the Saudi Arabian government is sponsoring like Japan, I am really disappointed. The leader of the National League for Democracy (NLD), extremist groups and ideologies in Central Asia and other Is there any hope that Iran and Saudi Arabia can which swept last November’s now-annulled election, has not Muslim countries in recent days. However, before 9/11, resolve their differences now that Biden has taken been seen in public since her detention on February 1 when some NGOs related to official organizations or private insti- power in the U.S.? Do you think that the Iranian the military seized power, alleging widespread electoral fraud. tutions of KSA had helped such extremist groups in Muslim Hormoz Peace Initiative is practical? Shortly afterwards, she was charged with illegally im- countries. After 9/11, especially after 2003, when al-Qaeda I still remember the time of the intimate relations between porting six walkie-talkie radios as well as violating a nat- or terrorist groups had targeted KSA with similar ideology, Saudi Arabia and Iran during the period of then Crown Prince ural disaster law by staging a campaign rally during the the Saudi government started to suppress such groups or Abdullah and Presidents Khatami and Rafsanjani. That coronavirus pandemic. individuals inside the Kingdom. Officially, Saudi Arabia is means both countries can solve the problem. And leaders of A third charge, filed on Monday, was under a section of the supposed to stop supporting most extremist groups inside both countries claim the problems should be solved through colonial-era penal code prohibiting the publication of information and outside the country in the early 2000s. Of course, a lot dialogue and diplomacy. that may “cause fear or alarm” or disrupt “public tranquillity”, of clandestine terrorist groups that remain in Saudi Arabia reason for Biden’s unfavorable attitude towards Saudi Arabia. However, there is a mutual distrust right now. It is very Min Min Soe said. continue to finance extremist organizations abroad and still I understand Saudi Arabia enthusiastically had support- difficult to achieve peace in the region by one-sided initiatives, Another charge was also added under a telecommunica- have some influence among Saudis. ed Trump because of his hostile policy against Iran. So, including Iran’s Hormoz Peace Initiative. tions law, the lawyer said, which stipulates that equipment Why has the Biden administration decided to re- the victory of Biden was a big shock for the current Saudi How do you assess the Israeli-Saudi relations needs a licence. duce its support for Saudi Arabia? Is Biden punishing regime. But, as many Saudi princes are realists, they are after a normalization between some Persian Gulf Saudi princes because of their close ties with Trump? going to adjust their foreign policy, I believe. states and Israel? Even during the election campaign, Biden declared the Some believe that bin Salman’s social reforms Middle East (West Asia) Peace Process has stalled for long Resistance News change of the policy towards Saudi Arabia, mainly due to in Saudi Arabia are a pretext to cover up lack of years, while Israeli pressure is getting harder and harder. the Saudi role in Yemen, human rights, and the Khashoggi democracy in the country. What is your comment? Arab countries have to do something to restart the process, Over 400 EU lawmakers murder case. Their close ties with Trump was not the main Partly yes. But even though many young Saudis welcome either forward or backward. Normalization is one of the urge leaders to stop Israeli answers for restarting the peace process from Arab countries’ viewpoints. Saudi Arabia, especially MBS, annexation seems hasty for normalization with Israel, but the Saudi crown prince is still cautious about pushing normaliza- INTERNATIONAL TEHRAN— More than 400 European law- tion with Israel because the majority of Saudis harbor deskmakers have urged leaders to stop Israel’s Vacancy Notice ill-feeling towards Israel and believe in a Palestinian “de-facto annexation” of the occupied West Bank. cause, including the King himself. The parliamentarians said in a letter addressed to European If MBS and Saudis recognize that the Iranian influence foreign ministers and EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell in Arab countries is getting bigger, it will bring Saudi that the administration of former U.S. President Donald Trump Arabia and Israel into a closer relationship. had left the Israeli-Palestinian conflict “farther away from The Office of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in I.R.Iran, How do you foresee developments in the West peace than ever”. Asia region given the continuing war in Yemen “The Biden administration presents a chance to correct course,” intends to recruit a Programme Analyst/Reproductive Health and and possible fate of bin Salman? the politicians, including members of national legislatures and Humanitarian I think there are three important points for predicting senates, as well as members of the European parliament said in the future of the Middle East (West Asia); one is the the letter, cited by Agence France-Presse. for its office in Tehran, Iran. COVID-19, second is America’s return to the JCPOA Trump adopted a pro-Israel policy during his presidency. and the Yemen war. He sparked controversy by officially recognizing Jerusalem Details of the vacancy can be found on UNFPA website on the following link: President Biden has shifted the U.S. policy towards al-Quds as the Israeli “capital” in December 2017, before moving the Middle East (West Asia) since his inauguration. the U.S. Embassy there from Tel Aviv in May 2018. Biden stopped the support for the coalition led by Saudi Israel lays claim to the entire Jerusalem al-Quds, but the https://iran.unfpa.org/en/vacancies/national-post-programme-analyst-reproductive-health-and- Arabia and the UAE in Yemen and at the same time, international community views the city’s eastern sector as humanitarian he promised the U.S. would defend Saudi Arabia from occupied territory and Palestinians consider it the capital of Iranian threats. This will be a big step for Saudi Arabia their future state. to withdraw from Yemen while saving MBS’s face. United Nations Security Council Resolution 478, adopted on Please apply online by 15 March 2021, 5 PM Tehran Time. This vacancy is open only If the U.S. return to the JCPOA will trigger the change August 20, 1980, prohibits countries from establishing diplomatic of Iranian foreign policies, a more positive situation will missions in Jerusalem al-Quds. for Iranian Nationals. come out in Yemen. Anyhow, the establishment of peace Palestinians, who seek an independent state in the occupied in Yemen needs bold compromises from every stakeholder West Bank and Gaza, with East Jerusalem al-Quds as its capital, Notice: in the region, including Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Iran. have condemned the U.S. pro-Israel agenda.  “There is no application, processing or other fee at any stage of the application process”. As for the future of MBS, Saudi Vision 2030 will be a Emboldened by the anti-Palestine policies of Trump, Isra-  “UNFPA does not solicit or screen for information in respect of HIV/AIDS or disabilities and very important key in his stable rule, and he will have to el stepped up its settlement expansion in defiance of United produce great results from his vision after restoring the Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, which pronounces does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status and disabilities”. Saudi economy heavily damaged by the COVID-19 and settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem al-Quds “a strong decarbonization policy in the Western countries. flagrant violation under international law.”


Archaeological site in Qazvin to turn into outdoor museum 30 dams to be turned into

TOURISM TEHRAN – The prehistoric site of Khalehkuh, desksituated in northwestern Qazvin province, is planned to be turned into an outdoor museum due to the signif- icance of its antiquities. tourism destinations Located in Takestan region, the ancient site is one of the most TEHRAN – A total of Back in May 2019, the Ministry of Ener- valued in the region and is of great significance to archeological TOURISM desk30 dams across Iran have gy inked a memorandum of understanding studies, the provincial tourism chief said on Monday. been selected to be developed into tourism with the Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Establishing an open-air museum seems important due to the destinations, Deputy Energy Minister for Handicrafts Ministry to lay the ground for historical antiquity of the site and the necessity of introducing Water and Wastewater Affairs Ghasem Ta- launching dam tourism. qizadeh Khamesi said on Sunday. Though much of Iran is composed of A total budget of 1,300 billion rials (some arid and semi-arid lands, the country has $30 million at the official rate of 42,000 rials) many rivers, waterfalls ponds, and wetlands has been allocated to develop the tourism offering scenic vistas to nature lovers and infrastructure of the dams, the official said. eco-travelers, backpackers, birdwatchers, Water tourism of the dams is estimated and fishers. to generate 3,000 direct jobs when fully Water tourism involves traveling to loca- operated, he added. tions specifically to take part in water-based “We have negotiated with several tourism activities. Some people who do not wish to agencies to arrange water tours, and it seems partake in water-related activities embark on that people are keen to learn how potable water tourism trips so that they can visit tourist water is produced [within dam zones],” the sites that sit close to bodies of water such official said last year. as lakes, seas, or even dams. Water tourists The official noted that 182 national dams are often independent travelers, although have been built in the country, most of them some travel firms do organize group trips. have the potential to be tourism destinations. and displaying the works obtained from historical layers and architectural remains discovered during different excavations, Alireza Khazaeli added. A new archaeological survey has also commenced at the site under the supervision of a team of archeologists and cultural Qajar-era public bathhouse turns into traditional restaurant heritage experts, the official added. TOURISM TEHRAN – A Qajar-era (1789–1925) better maintenance in some cases. There have been reports With an area of five hectares, Khalehkuh archeological site deskpublic bathhouse in Sanandaj, western that some of the historical monuments have been mistreated dates back to the 5th millennium BC. Relics related to the agri- province of Kordestan, has been repurposed into a tradi- by private investors, such as damages caused to the walls, cultural life dating back to the Neolithic and Chalcolithic eras tional restaurant, aimed at achieving higher productivity arches, or the lack of proper restoration. have been found in the region as well. and better maintenance. Bathhouses or ‘hammams’ in Iran were not only places Qazvin was once the capital of the mighty Persian Empire, After being abandoned for years, Hammam-e Khan for bathing and cleaning up. They had a social concept for under Safavids, from 1548 to 98. It is a major tourist destination (“Khan Bathhouse”) has undergone some rehabilitation people who gathered at these places weekly. with a wonderfully restored caravanserai-turned-arts precinct, works and is ready to be reopened as a traditional restaurant, It was a place where people talked with each other about some quirky museums, and a handful of decent eating options. the provincial tourism chief, Yaqub Guylian, said on Monday. their daily life and shared humor and news. There are still For most travelers, Qazvin is also primarily the staging point for The project, which was fully carried out by the private bathhouses in Iranian cities but they do not have their social excursions to the famous Castles of the Assassins and trekking sector, aims at reviving the historical structure that is one function anymore since most people have bathrooms in in the sensational Alamut Valley. of a kind for its construction method, interior decoration, their homes due to the modern lifestyle. Also known as the castle of the Assassins, the 12th-century and size, the official added. Some cities had separate bathhouses for men and wom- Alamut castle is nestled on top of a peak. It was once a shelter for More than 20 job opportunities are expected to be en. They were usually built next to each other. However, the followers of Hasan-e Sabbah (1070–1124) who was a spiritual generated by the opening of the traditional restaurant, there were some bathhouses, which were used by men and leader of an Islamic sect. In the early 1930s, British-Italian ex- he explained. women at different times of the day. plorer and travel writer Freya Stark described her exploration The bathhouse was built in 1805 by the order of the There were also male and female public bathhouses; at The name Kordestan refers to the region’s principal of the place in her book “The Valleys of the Assassins”. governor of Kordestan, Amanollah Khan Ardalan. The daybreak, a longhorn (booq-e javaz) was blown to announce inhabitants. After the Turkish invasion of Iran in the 11th Qazvin is also home to one of the biggest roofed caravanserais building has very prominent decorations of seven-color that the bath was ready. Men came to the baths from day- century CE (Seljuq period), the name Kurdistan was ap- of the country, Sa’d-al Saltaneh caravanserai. Dating back to the tiles with various hunting, animal, plants, and geometric break till the afternoon. Women could use the bathhouses plied to the region comprising the northwestern Zagros Qajar era, it’s a place for discovering tens of Hojreh or shops, designs. from then to sunset. In some cases, five days were allocated Mountains. It was during the reign of Abbas I the Great of cafes, yards, and a stunning . It’s a place for visitors who Such a trend is being practiced during the past couple of to men and two days to women. Iran’s Safavid dynasty (1501–1736) that the Kurds rose to want to experience the culture, culinary, and hospitality of Iran. years under the close supervision of the Revitalization and is full of proverbs, narrations, and folk prominence, having been enlisted by Abbas I to help stem Utilization Fund for Historical Places, however, there have stories about bathhouses, which indicate the importance the attacks of the marauding from the east in the been many opponents saying the scheme will not result in of the place in the past time. early 17th century. Permanent sales exhibition of stone objects inaugurated in Gang of excavators arrested in western Iran TOURISM TEHRAN – A gang of The culprits were handed over to the the rise and fall of many great empires once HERITAGE TEHRAN – A permanent sales exhibition, deskillegal diggers has been judicial system for further investigation, bordering Mesopotamia, Ottoman Turkey, deskdedicated to objects and utensils, which are arrested by the Iranian police in Bedreh, Abdolmalek Shanbehzadeh added. and Czarist Russia. made from Harkareh stone blocks, opened its doors to the public western Ilam province. Home to almost half of Iran’s UNESCO From the fecund Caspian coast to the on Sunday. A metal detector and some digging tools sites, western Iran is a land of hospitable stark, mountainous northern borders, and “The art of stone carving has always been one of the were seized from the six-member team, who people, wild extremes, and wilder history, and the crumbling desert ruins of the southern special and unique arts of Mashhad, and in this regard, were traced following reports by local people, it may be an independent traveler’s adven- plains, the region hosts everything from the creativity and innovation of the local artists has the provincial tourism chief said on Monday. ture playground. The region also witnessed paddy fields to blizzards to . led to the production of new art that combines sever- al arts,” a local cultural official said, addressing the opening ceremony. Harkareh stone utensils are amongst the popular traditional handicrafts in northeastern Iran, which are believed to have Glimpses of Persian foods for holidaymakers many medicinal and effective properties. Iranian food is a highlight of traveling in the country, Teahouses: Traditionally where Iranians would with considerable variety on offer. While you may go to socialize and eat, with tea, qalyan (water pipe), often eat cheap meals on the run, remember that for and food. many Iranians, eating is a social event in which food Kebabis: Simple kababis tend to be found around is only half the story. major meydans (squares) and serve, yes, kababs. Eat If you take time over the meal, to savor both the where the locals eat. tastes on offer and the company you’re sharing it with, Take-away: Fast food is popular and begins (and you’re halfway towards becoming a local, according often ends) with bread-roll ‘sandwiches’.

to Lonely Planet. Restaurants: Found across the country; most serve

The basics: Iran is an excellent place to eat out (or ash-e jo (pearly-barley soup) and salad as standard in, if you’re lucky enough to be invited to a meal in a starters local family home). At home: Possibly the best food you’ll ever taste.

نوبت اول Second Announcement N.I.S.O.C1399.7150 Rare relics put on 1399.7150 show for first time at Despite the influx of Teflon and Pyrex utensils, some families NATIONAL IRANIAN SOUTHN.I.S.O.C OILFIELDS COMPANY still prefer to make broth or even some stews in these pots. Tehran museum after AHVAZ-IRAN “Serpentine” stone with the local name of Harkareh, which NATIONAL IRANIAN SOUTH OILFILDS COMPANY AHVAZ-IRAN means a pot that does everything, is taken from the southern five-year closure TENDERTENDER NO.: NO. :01 01-31-9680036-31-9680036 mountains of Mashhad and is transferred to workshops to be National Iranian south oilfields company (NISOC) intends to purchase the following goods turned into dining utensils, such as stone pots, bowls, glasses, 1 The palace served as a museum for a year decorative items, samovars, etc. before the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Items Material Description Quantity Harkareh is famous for its flexibility. Enjoying iron and mag- Now, it is turned into a venue for showcasing Per- nesium ions in their structure, these dishes have many medicinal sian arts and cultural heritage handcrafted from 6 P/F”ROLLS-ROYCE” INDUSTRIAL AVON GAS GENERATOR 582 and effective properties against diseases such as anemia and the first millennium BC onwards. AVON MK . 1533-34-76G/101G REF.ROLLS-ROYCELTD osteoporosis. Vendors who intend to participate in aforesaid tenders are requested to send their" Intention To In addition to reducing the amount of water in the food, these Participate" letter via fax to the following number along with their resume according to Qualitative utensils provide the nutrients needed by the body by releasing the beneficial salts in the stone and gradually provide the food Assessment Form no.2, available at: www.nisoc.ir, not later than 14 days after the second announcement, with the extra flavor it needs. otherwise, their requests for participation in the tender will be disregarded. Stone utensils can be used to cook broth, stews, and other dishes, but they never cook rice or fry anything in them. With The applicants should have relevant background in supplying the required goods and capability to the help of a hatchet, they cut the unevenness of the stone and provide and submit a bid bond of 22.028 EURO or RIAL, in favor of NISOC. make a hole in it. After that, the desired inscriptions are etched on the container. Tender documents including the materials thorough technical specifications and Qualitative Assessment Iran exported $523 million worth of handicrafts during the Forms can be accessed via: www.nisoc.ir-material procurement management tab calendar year 1398 (ended March 19, 2020). Of the figure, some $273 million worth of handicrafts were exported officially through ONLY ACCEPTABLE DELIVERY TERM IS D.D.P., NISOC'S WAREHOUSE, AGHAJARI IRAN, customs, and about $250 million was earned via suitcase trade Iran embraces hundreds of historical sites such PAYMENT TERM IS C.O.D., SUBSEQUENT TO NISOC'S MATERIAL APPROVAL NO ADVANCE (allowed for customs-free and tax-free transfer) through various as bazaars, museums, , bridges, bathhous- PAYMENT WILL BE PAID provinces, according to data provided by the Ministry of Cultural es, madrasas, , churches, towers, and FOREIGN PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts. mansions, of which 22 being inscribed on the UNE- FOREIGN PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Bldg. No. 104, Material Procurement Management Complex Ceramics, pottery vessels, handwoven cloths as well as personal SCO World Heritage list. Under the 2025 Tourism Bldg. No. 104, Material Procurement Management Complex, Kouy-e-Fadaeian Islam (New Site), Ahvaz, Iran Tel. No.: 061 34 12 34 55 Fax No.: 061 3445 7437 ornamentations with precious and semi-precious gemstones are Vision Plan, the country aims to increase the number Kouy-e-Fadaeian Islam (New Site), Ahvaz, Iran of tourist arrivals from 4.8 million in 2014 to 20 Public Relations www.shana.ir www.nisoc.ir traditionally exported to Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, the U.S., Tel. No.: 061 34 12 34 55 Fax No.: 061 34 45 74 37 تهران تایمز : نوبت اول 9/12/99 نوبت دوم the UK, and other countries. million in 2025. 99/12/12 Public Relations www.shana.ir www.nisoc.ir http://iets.mporg.ir

نوبت اول تهران تایمز نوبت اول 9/12/99 نوبت دوم 12/12/99 روابط عمومی شرکت ملی مناطق نفتخیز جنوب نوبت اول N.I.S.O.C N.I.S.O.C 1399.Second714 Announcement8 1399.7148 1399.Second7147 Announcement 1399.7147

NATIONAL IRANIAN SOUTH OILFIELDS COMPANY NATIONAL IRANIAN SOUTH OILFIELDS COMPANY N.I.S.O.C N.I.S.O.C NATIONAL IRANIAN SOUTH AHVAZ OILFILDS-IRAN COMPANY AHVAZ-IRAN NATIONAL IRANIAN SOUTH AHVAZ OILFILDS-IRAN COMPANY AHVAZ-IRAN TENDERTENDER NO.: NO. 01 : 01-31-9680033-31-9680033 TENDERTENDER NO.: NO. :01 01-31-9680031-31-9680031 National Iranian south oilfields company (NISOC) intends to purchase the following goods National Iranian south oilfields company (NISOC) intends to purchase the following goods Items Material Description Quantity Items Material Description Quantity

16 P/F”ROLLS-ROYCE” INDUSTRIAL AVON GAS GENERATOR 627 10 P/F”ROLLS-ROYCE” INDUSTRIAL AVON GAS GENERATOR 136 AVON MK . 1533-34-76G/101G REF.ROLLS-ROYCELTD AVON MK . 1533-34-76G/101G REF.ROLLS-ROYCELTD Vendors who intend to participate in aforesaid tenders are requested to send their" Intention To Vendors who intend to participate in aforesaid tenders are requested to send their" Intention To Participate" letter via fax to the following number along with their resume according to Qualitative Participate" letter via fax to the following number along with their resume according to Qualitative Assessment Form no.2, available at: www.nisoc.ir, not later than 14 days after the second announcement, Assessment Form no.2, available at: www.nisoc.ir, not later than 14 days after the second announcement, otherwise, their requests for participation in the tender will be disregarded. otherwise, their requests for participation in the tender will be disregarded. The applicants should have relevant background in supplying the required goods and capability to The applicants should have relevant background in supplying the required goods and capability to provide and submit a bid bond of 33.539 EURO or 9.508.878.897 RIAL, in favor of NISOC. provide and submit a bid bond of 29.140EURO or 8.261.718.509 RIAL, in favor of NISOC. Tender documents including the materials thorough technical specifications and Qualitative Assessment Tender documents including the materials thorough technical specifications and Qualitative Assessment Forms can be accessed via: www.nisoc.ir-material procurement management tab Forms can be accessed via: www.nisoc.ir-material procurement management tab ONLY ACCEPTABLE DELIVERY TERM IS D.D.P., NISOC'S WAREHOUSE, AGHAJARI IRAN, ONLY ACCEPTABLE DELIVERY TERM IS D.D.P., NISOC'S WAREHOUSE, AGHAJARI IRAN, PAYMENT TERM IS C.O.D., SUBSEQUENT TO NISOC'S MATERIAL APPROVAL NO ADVANCE PAYMENT TERM IS C.O.D., SUBSEQUENT TO NISOC'S MATERIAL APPROVAL NO ADVANCE PAYMENT WILL BE PAID PAYMENT WILL BE PAID FOREIGN PURCHASING DEPARTMENTFOREIGN PURCHASING DEPARTMENT FOREIGN PURCHASING DEPARTMENTFOREIGN PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Bldg. No. 104, MaterialBldg. Procurement No. 104, Material Management Procurement Complex, Management Complex Bldg. No. 104, MaterialBldg. Procurement No. 104, Material Management Procurement Complex, Management Complex KouyKouy-e-Fadaeian-e-Fadaeian Islam Islam (New (New Site), Site), Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran Iran Tel. No.: 061 34 12 34 55 Fax No.: 061 3445 7437 Kouy-e-Fadaeian Islam (New Site), Ahvaz, Iran Tel. No.: 061 34 12 34 55 Fax No.: 061 3445 7437 Public Relations www.shana.ir www.nisoc.ir Kouy-e-Fadaeian Islam (NewPublic Site), Relations Ahvaz, Iran www.shana.ir www.nisoc.ir Tel. No.: 061 34 12 34 55 Fax No.: 061 34 45 74 37 Tel. No.: 061 34 12 34 55 Fax No.: 061 34 45 74 37 تهران تایمز : نوبت اول 9/12/99 نوبت دوم 12/12/99 تهران تایمز : نوبت اول 9/12/99 نوبت دوم 99/12/12 Public Relations www.shana.ir www.nisoc.ir http://iets.mporg.ir Public Relations www.shana.ir www.nisoc.ir http://iets.mporg.ir 99 12 12 99 12 9 تهران تایمز نوبت اول 9/12/99 نوبت دوم 12/12/99 روابط عمومی شرکت ملی مناطق نفتخیز جنوب تهران تایمز نوبت اول / / نوبت دوم / / روابط عمومی شرکت ملی مناطق نفتخیز جنوب


Iran’s air quality improving Atlantic Ocean current at weakest state in ‘over a millennium’ over past decade The Atlantic Ocean current that plays a major role in the world’s By Faranak Bakhtiari 2019, met WHO targets for PM2.5 levels. weather is at its weakest state in “over a millennium”, researchers Some 13 Iranian cities are also listed have found. TEHRAN – The exposure of Iranians to among the top fifteen clean cities in the re- The research combines various lines of evidence to create particulate matter less than 2.5 microns gion, while eight Iranian cities top the list. a “consistent picture” of how the ocean current system, which (PM2.5) in 2019 decreased by about 3.4 Iran ranked 27 for average PM2.5 con- is known as the “Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation” micrograms per cubic meter compared centrations in the world country ranking, (AMOC), has changed over the past 1,600 years. to 2010, according to the 2019 World Air while the capital city of Tehran is listed 24 Quality Report. in the world regional capital city ranking. This is while ozone pollutants in Iran PM2.5 concentration is widely regarded increased by about 5.9 one part per billion as most harmful to human health. PM2.5 (ppb). is defined as ambient airborne particles Air pollution constitutes the most pressing which measure up to 2.5 microns in size. environmental health risk facing our global Its microscopic size allows the particles to population. It is estimated to contribute toward enter the bloodstream via the respiratory 7 million premature deaths a year, while 92 system and travel throughout the body, caus- percent of the world’s population are estimat- ing far-reaching health effects, including ed to breathe toxic air quality (WHO, 2016). asthma, lung cancer, and heart disease. Air In less developed countries, 98 percent pollution has also been associated with low of children under five breathe toxic air. As birth weight, increased acute respiratory a result, air pollution is the main cause of infections, and stroke. death for children under the age of 15, kill- Airborne particulate matter can origi- Sometimes called the Atlantic’s “conveyer belt”, the AMOC is ing 600,000 every year (WHO, 2018). In nate from a range of sources. Combustion a vast ocean current system that moves warm, salty water from financial terms, premature deaths due to air from vehicle engines, industry, fires, and the tropics to regions further north, such as the UK. The gulf pollution cost about $5 trillion in welfare overall, with only 6 of 355 cities included located in the South Asia region. The region coal-burning represent the most common stream is part of the AMOC. losses worldwide (The World Bank, 2016). meeting WHO annual targets in these areas includes 30 of the top 40 most polluted cities man-made sources, whilst sandstorms, As the AMOC carries warm water northward, it releases Regionally, South Asia, Southeast Asia, collectively. and four of the five most polluted countries. agriculture, and chemicals reacting in the heat into the atmosphere. The release of ocean heat keeps and West Asia carry the highest burden of The majority of the most polluted cities Only one city in this region (Sanandaj, Iran), atmosphere represent the most common countries warm – and without it, winters in the UK could be fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution and countries included in this report are out of 147 cities with monitoring data in natural sources. close to 5C colder. Scientists have previously raised concerns that the AMOC could be “slowing down”, with the climate crisis likely playing a role. In 2018, a study found that the AMOC had weakened by Annual sales of nano companies rise by 100% around 15 per cent since the mid 20th century. The new study, which is by the same research team, combines 1 year (March 20, 2021). In recent years, the vice presidency for science and a range of different data to better understand how the AMOC has Fortunately, last year, companies achieved a record sale of technology has been supporting knowledge-based companies behaved over the past 1,600 years, the Independent reported. 1.2 quadrillion rials (nearly $28.5 billion), which is expected active in the production of sanctioned items. “For the first time, we have combined a range of previous to increase by 40 percent this year.” Sattari told the Tehran Times in October 2020 that “U.S. studies and found they provide a consistent picture of the AMOC To date, 42 knowledge-based companies with a total sanctions caused exports of knowledge-based companies to evolution over the past 1,600 years,” said Dr Stefan Rahmstorf, a value of 2.8 quadrillion rials (nearly $66.6 billion) have been decline three years ago, however, it has returned to growth climate scientist from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact listed on the stock exchange and they will soon turn into the and is projected to reach the pre-sanctions level of more Research and an author of the study, which is published in the biggest businesses in the county, Sattari said. than $1 billion by the end of the current [Iranian calendar] journal Nature Geoscience.

“The study results suggest that it has been relatively stable

until the late 19th century. With the end of the little ice age in

about 1850, the ocean currents began to decline with a second, Iranian Covid-19 vaccine platform among world’s most successful: WHO more drastic decline following since the mid-20th century.” SOCIETY TEHRAN – Iran has one ciation for the medical staff efforts, and vaccine made by Iranian researchers of the The research’s main advance is that it combines several dif- deskof the most successful highlighted that in the light of the pandemic, Headquarters for Executing the Order of the ferent types of climate “proxy data” to study changes to the platforms in the world for Covid-19 vac- the importance of the front-line forces of Imam, was unveiled and injected into three AMOC, explains study lead author Dr Levke Caesar, an ocean .volunteers during a ceremony on December and climate researcher from Maynooth University in Irelandنوبت اول ,cine production, Christoph Hamelmann, the health system became more apparent N.I.S.O.C1399.7150 the representative of the World Health IRNA reported. 1399.Second7129, 50Announcement 2020; which will soon start the second “Proxy data” is a term given to natural records that can be Organization in Iran, said. During a recent visit of Ahmed Al-Man- phase of the clinical trial. used to study past changes to the world’s climate. Examples of “Considering the production line of the dhari WHO Regional Director for the Importing vaccine from COVAX, a global proxy datasets include ice cores, tree rings and ocean sediments. Pasteur vaccine, Iran is very advanced and Eastern Mediterranean to Iran, he was initiative to ensure rapid NATIONAL and equitable IRANIAN access SOUTHN.I.S.O.C“The OILFIELDS major difference COMPANY is that we didn’t look at just one or two successful in developing a vaccine while impressed by the preventive efforts and to COVID-19NATIONAL vaccines, is also IRANIAN on the agenda. SOUTH AHVAZ OILFILDSproxies-IRAN – COMPANY we compiled a AHVAZ-IRANtotal of 11 proxies and found that they being able to help other countries, I am such an active database. On January 27, Health MinisterTENDER TENDERSaeed NO.: NO. :01 01-31-9680036tell-31 a- 968003consistent6 story of how the AMOC evolved over the last sure that Iran’s vaccine production plat- Iran started mass vaccination with Rus- Namaki said that there are four different ways 1600 years,” she told The Independent. form is one of the most successful ones in sian-made Sputnik V vaccine, with the priorityNational to supplyIranian the south coronavirus oilfields company vaccine, (NISOC) includ- intends to purchaseThe likely the following causes ofgoods AMOC weakening were not specifically the region,” he said. population lives in cities, the same PHC given to medical staff, the elderly, and peopleItems ing direct purchase from a foreign country,Material Descriptioninvestigated in the study. Quantity Iran is a special model in the primary network and quality services are available with underlying diseases; and is also going to procurement from the World Health Organ- However, previous research has found that the climate crisis healthcare system and using healthcare in rural areas. During the pandemic, we be co-produced by the two countries. ization’s COVAX facility, a joint production could be contributing to a weakening of the AMOC by causing land providers (called Behvarz), who are the measured the capabilities and potentials of While, the second Iranian coronavirus 6 with aP/F”ROLLS Cuban company-ROYCE” as well as INDUSTRIAL domestic AVONand seaGAS ice GENERATOR in high northern regions to melt at an582 increasingly connection between the physical health the network system in densely populated vaccine, Razi Cov Pars, started the clinical productionAVON of MKthe vaccine. . 1533-34-76G/101G REF.ROLLSfast rate.-ROYCELTD The fast melting of ice is adding more freshwater to the system, the facilities, people, and families areas, and now we know where the system trial by injecting it into two volunteers duringVendors He who emphasized intend tothat participate Iran will soon in be aforesaid one tenderocean,s are which requested could beto interferingsend their" with Intention the normal To functioning who refer to it, he stated. should be strengthened.” a ceremony on Sunday. Participate"of the world’s letter important via fax to manufacturers the following of number alongof the with AMOC, their scientists resume have according suggested. to Qualitative “Although about 70 percent of the Hamelmann further expressed appre- COVIRAN BAREKAT, the first coronavirusAssessment the COVID-19 Form vaccine.no.2, available at: www.nisoc.ir, not laterA recent than report 14 days on oceans after from the thesecond Intergovernmental announcement, Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the world’s leading climate science otherwise, their requests for participation in the tenderauthority, will be concluded disregarded. that it was “very likely” that the AMOC will The applicants should have relevant background in supplyingweaken further the overrequired the 21st goods century. and capability to Fossil fuel cars make ‘hundreds of times’ more waste than electric cars Some researchers have raised concerns that the AMOC could Fossil fuel cars waste hundreds of times more raw material exhaust emissions of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases. battery materials,provide onlyand submitaround 30kga bid of bond metals of would22.028 be EURO or 6eventually.245.200. 962hit a RIAL,“tipping in point” favor and of shut NISOC. down – with potentially than their battery electric equivalents, according to a study The accelerating move to electric vehicles will entail en- lost – roughly Tender the size documents of a football.” including the materials thoroughdisastrous technical consequences specifications for theand world’s Qualitative climate. Assessment However, cur - that adds to evidence that the move away from petrol and vironmental costs. Higher battery production will require Developments in battery technology will reduce the rent evidence suggests that an AMOC shutdown is very unlikely diesel cars will bring large net environmental benefits. more mining of minerals such as lithium, cobalt and nickel. average amountForms of can lithium, be accessed nickel and via: cobalt www.nisoc.ir required for-material procurementto occur this century. management tab Only about 30kg of raw material will be lost over the However, T&E argued that the cost of oil extraction for each car, mitigatingONLY ACCEPTABLE some of the increased DELIVERY demand for TERM the IS D.D.P., Nonetheless,NISOC'S WAREHOUSE, the findings reinforce AGHAJARI the need to IRAN, urgently take lifecycle of a lithium ion battery used in electric cars once fuel represents a much greater environmental toll. The re- materials as well as lowering car prices. At the same time, action to address the climate crisis, said Dr Caesar. recycling is taken into account, compared with 17,000 litres port pointed to a “double standard” used when assessing circular economyPAYMENT regulations TERM requiring IS C.O.D., higher SUBSEQUENT recycling TO NISOC'S“The AMOC MATERIAL has very likely APPROVAL weakened and NO will ADVANCE very likely do PAYMENT WILL BE PAID of oil, according to analysis by Transport & Environment the relative merits of electric and fossil fuel vehicles, which rates could cut demand further. so in the future,” she said. (T&E) seen by the Guardian. A calculation of the resources takes the use of oil for granted. T&E calculations suggest that battery electricFOREIGN cars will use PURCHASING “We DEPARTMENT don’t know for sure what consequences that will bring, used to make cars relative to their weight shows it is at least “When it comes to raw materials there is simply no com- 58% less energyFOREIGN than a petrol PURCHASING car over its lifetime DEPARTMENT and emit 64% but given the size and impact of the AMOC, I would not want to Bldg. No. 104, MaterialBldg. Procurement No. 104, Material Management Procurement Complex, Management Complex 300 times greater for oil-fuelled cars. parison,” said Lucien Mathieu, a transport analyst at T&E less carbon dioxide.Kouy-e-Fadaeian Emissions associated Islam with(New electric Site), cars Ahvaz, are Iran riskTel. a No.: substantial 061 34 weakening.” 12 34 55 Fax No.: 061 3445 7437 Kouy-e-Fadaeian Islam (New Site), Ahvaz, Iran The campaign group said battery electric vehicles were su- and an author of the report. “Over its lifetime, an average mainly produced in the energy-intensive manufacturingPublic Relations of www.shana.irThe findings www.nisoc.ir are “very novel”, said Dr Andrew Meijers, deputy perior to their petrol and diesel counterparts across raw mate- fossil-fuel car burns the equivalent of a stack of oil barrels batteries, whileTel. the No.: vast 061 majority 34 12 of 34 emissions 55 Fax associated No.: 061 with 34 45 74 37 science leader of polar oceans at the British Antarctic Survey, تهران تایمز : نوبت اول 9/12/99 نوبت دوم 99/12/12 rial demand, energy efficiency or cost – as well as eliminating 25 storeys high. If you take into account the recycling of internal combustion engine cars Publiccome from Relations its use. www.shana.ir whowww.nisoc.ir was not involved http://iets.mporg.ir in the study.

نوبت اول تهران تایمز نوبت اول 9/12/99 نوبت دوم 12/12/99 روابط عمومی شرکت ملی مناطق نفتخیز جنوب نوبت اول N.I.S.O.C N.I.S.O.C 1399.Second714 Announcement8 1399.7148 1399.Second7147 Announcement 1399.7147

NATIONAL IRANIAN SOUTH OILFIELDS COMPANY NATIONAL IRANIAN SOUTH OILFIELDS COMPANY N.I.S.O.C N.I.S.O.C NATIONAL IRANIAN SOUTH AHVAZ OILFILDS-IRAN COMPANY AHVAZ-IRAN NATIONAL IRANIAN SOUTH AHVAZ OILFILDS-IRAN COMPANY AHVAZ-IRAN TENDERTENDER NO.: NO. 01 : 01-31-9680033-31-9680033 TENDERTENDER NO.: NO. :01 01-31-9680031-31-9680031 National Iranian south oilfields company (NISOC) intends to purchase the following goods National Iranian south oilfields company (NISOC) intends to purchase the following goods Items Material Description Quantity Items Material Description Quantity

16 P/F”ROLLS-ROYCE” INDUSTRIAL AVON GAS GENERATOR 627 10 P/F”ROLLS-ROYCE” INDUSTRIAL AVON GAS GENERATOR 136 AVON MK . 1533-34-76G/101G REF.ROLLS-ROYCELTD AVON MK . 1533-34-76G/101G REF.ROLLS-ROYCELTD Vendors who intend to participate in aforesaid tenders are requested to send their" Intention To Vendors who intend to participate in aforesaid tenders are requested to send their" Intention To Participate" letter via fax to the following number along with their resume according to Qualitative Participate" letter via fax to the following number along with their resume according to Qualitative Assessment Form no.2, available at: www.nisoc.ir, not later than 14 days after the second announcement, Assessment Form no.2, available at: www.nisoc.ir, not later than 14 days after the second announcement, otherwise, their requests for participation in the tender will be disregarded. otherwise, their requests for participation in the tender will be disregarded. The applicants should have relevant background in supplying the required goods and capability to The applicants should have relevant background in supplying the required goods and capability to provide and submit a bid bond of 33.539 EURO or 9.508.878.897 RIAL, in favor of NISOC. provide and submit a bid bond of 29.140EURO or 8.261.718.509 RIAL, in favor of NISOC. Tender documents including the materials thorough technical specifications and Qualitative Assessment Tender documents including the materials thorough technical specifications and Qualitative Assessment Forms can be accessed via: www.nisoc.ir-material procurement management tab Forms can be accessed via: www.nisoc.ir-material procurement management tab ONLY ACCEPTABLE DELIVERY TERM IS D.D.P., NISOC'S WAREHOUSE, AGHAJARI IRAN, ONLY ACCEPTABLE DELIVERY TERM IS D.D.P., NISOC'S WAREHOUSE, AGHAJARI IRAN, PAYMENT TERM IS C.O.D., SUBSEQUENT TO NISOC'S MATERIAL APPROVAL NO ADVANCE PAYMENT TERM IS C.O.D., SUBSEQUENT TO NISOC'S MATERIAL APPROVAL NO ADVANCE PAYMENT WILL BE PAID PAYMENT WILL BE PAID FOREIGN PURCHASING DEPARTMENTFOREIGN PURCHASING DEPARTMENT FOREIGN PURCHASING DEPARTMENTFOREIGN PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Bldg. No. 104, MaterialBldg. Procurement No. 104, Material Management Procurement Complex, Management Complex Bldg. No. 104, MaterialBldg. Procurement No. 104, Material Management Procurement Complex, Management Complex KouyKouy-e-Fadaeian-e-Fadaeian Islam Islam (New (New Site), Site), Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran Iran Tel. No.: 061 34 12 34 55 Fax No.: 061 3445 7437 Kouy-e-Fadaeian Islam (New Site), Ahvaz, Iran Tel. No.: 061 34 12 34 55 Fax No.: 061 3445 7437 Public Relations www.shana.ir www.nisoc.ir Kouy-e-Fadaeian Islam (NewPublic Site), Relations Ahvaz, Iran www.shana.ir www.nisoc.ir Tel. No.: 061 34 12 34 55 Fax No.: 061 34 45 74 37 Tel. No.: 061 34 12 34 55 Fax No.: 061 34 45 74 37 تهران تایمز : نوبت اول 9/12/99 نوبت دوم 12/12/99 تهران تایمز : نوبت اول 9/12/99 نوبت دوم 99/12/12 Public Relations www.shana.ir www.nisoc.ir http://iets.mporg.ir Public Relations www.shana.ir www.nisoc.ir http://iets.mporg.ir 99 12 12 99 12 9 تهران تایمز نوبت اول 9/12/99 نوبت دوم 12/12/99 روابط عمومی شرکت ملی مناطق نفتخیز جنوب تهران تایمز نوبت اول / / نوبت دوم / / روابط عمومی شرکت ملی مناطق نفتخیز جنوب

Prayer Times Noon:12:16 Evening: 18:09 Dawn: 5:19 (tomorrow) Sunrise: 6:31 (tomorrow) MARCH 2, 2021 ART&CULTURE I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y www.tehrantimes.com Managing Director: Mohammad Shojaeian Editor-in-Chief: Ali A.Jenabzadeh Pandemic forces Iran’s Intl. Editorial Dept.: Fax: (+98 21) 88808214 — 88808895 [email protected] Switchboard Operator: Tel: (+98 21) 43051000 Advertisements Dept.: Telefax: (+98 21) 43051430 Public Relations Office: Tel: (+98 21) 88805807 Quran Competition to go online Subscription & Distribution Dept.: Tel: (+98 21) 43051603 ARTTEHRAN — Iran’s Hojatoleslam Seyyed Mehdi Khamushi, Printed at: Jame Jam Bartar Borna - 44197737 deskInternational Quran also attending the conference, said that the Competition, which is organized every awards of the 37th edition have increased year before the holy month of Ramadan compared to the previous editions. Tehrantimes79 Tehrantimes79 Tehrantimes79 in Tehran, will hold its 37th edition online “Respecting Quran as the book of this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. thought and action, as well as honoring No. 18, Bimeh Alley, Nejatollahi St., Tehran, Iran Fifty-seven finalists from 26 countries Quran reciters and memorizers, and P.o. Box: 14155-4843 Zip Code: 1599814713 will be competing in the contest, which achieving happiness among the Muslim will open on Saturday, director of the nations are among the other major goals competition Hamid Majidimehr said in of the competition,” he said. a press conference on Monday. He also added that establishing proper The competition will be available fields to achieve solidarity and unity among on different platforms, while the IRIB Muslim nations will be other goals of the Quran Channel will broadcast the competition, while the event will help carry competition live. the message to the world that Islam and The primary stage of the competition Quran are alive and that the Islamic society went online last year with 411 participants is active and dynamic. GUIDE TO from 67 countries in different fields “The International Quran Competition of recitation, memorization and of Iran is the only competition in the SPIRITUAL AWAKENING interpretation out of whom 122 found world which will be held online despite ways into the semi-final stage, he said. the pandemic,” he added. Kindness is a mark of faith and whoever “Moreover, in January, the semifinalists “The State Endowment and Charity had competed under the supervision of a Affairs Organization as the main is not kind has no faith. jury panel consisting of individuals from organizer of the event is ready to provide Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Indonesia, other organizations with the necessary Prophet Muhammad (S) Sudan and Tunisia, who will also judge knowledge to hold the competition the finalists,” he added. A Quran reciter attends the primary stage of the 37th International Quran online inside and outside the country,” The director of the organization Competition. he concluded. Owj makes doc about top anti-secular cleric Ayatollah Book of 1st National Photo Nureddin Hosseini Festival published 1 Owj, a major institution that produces revolutionary works in art and cinema, in a statement published last week said, “There and its Persian digital version was already published. child,” expert Khaleqi Motlaq wrote in the introduction are some great people among the outstanding personalities who The Shahnameh National Photo Festival has been organized of the book. have influenced the history of the country, however, they have to focus on the representation of Persian poet ’s “Instead, I like the images and photos taken by a group remained unknown in the wake Shahnameh in people’s life. of people published in the book. In this collection, it is as of negligence.” The first edition opened in the Iranian city of Tus beside the if Ferdowsi and his Shahnameh have become an integral “Ayatollah Seyyed Nureddin tomb of Ferdowsi in Khorasan Razavi Province in May 2017. part of people’s lives,” he said. Hosseini al-Hashemi is one of The exhibit displayed a collection of 57 photos that were “Ferdowsi has been with people in the streets, and alleys the people who has played a key taken by ordinary people and mostly focused on the main and bazar, and in people’s conversations and has his shares Cover of the book of the 1st Shahnameh National Photo role in the political and religious topics of the festival. in their sorrows and happiness,” he added. Festival in Persian. events in the country over the past The topics included the tomb of Ferdowsi, the statues The 2nd edition of the festival was held at Tehran’s Eshraq CULTURE TEHRAN – A selection of photos from of Ferdowsi installed in different locations across the Cultural Center in June 2019. century,” the statement added. desk One of his significant works the 1st Shahnameh National Photo Festival country, naqqali, which is a style of storytelling dedicated to Over 35 selected photos went on display in the 2nd was the establishment of the has been published in a book. Shahnameh epic stories, and the reflection of Shahnameh edition with the motto of “Iran a Gallery for Shahnameh”. Baradaran Party (Brothers’ Party) Published under the supervision of the director of festival, in the daily lives of people. The exhibition was previously held in the Iranian cities of in the Fars region, which sought Kurosh Javidi, the book also carries introductions by three “I am well aware of the artistic value of the old Mashhad, Gorgan, Qazvin and Rasht. to change “the regular traditional Ferdowsi experts, Jalal Khaleqi-Motlaq, Jalaleddin Kazzazi miniatures, however, I don’t like the image of Rustam The festival is organized every two years by the Association Islam into an animated and and Qadamali Sarami. with all that grandeur but with a bald head and Mongolian of Shahnameh Reciters and the Association of Shahnameh political Islam.” The English version of the book was published in Cambridge eyes who has been sitting in a corner like an orphan Researchers. He also began struggling against Reza Pahlavi and his A poster for the documentary son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, “Naib ul-Imam”. Iran’s last monarch, Western and Vancouver film festival to screen “Doll”, “Song Sparrow” from Iran Eastern colonialism, deviant Islamic sects, and the Westernophile ARTTEHRAN – The short will be killed if she stays in the city. This short animated movies qualifying for the intellectual currents. deskmovies “Doll” and “Song film is about people who need peace, but Academy Awards 2021 longlist. One street in Shiraz, his hometown, has been named after Sparrow” from Iranian filmmakers have are on the battlefield. “This year’s virtual festival showcases Ayatollah Seyyed Nureddin Hosseini al-Hashemi, however, most been selected to be screened at the 16th “Song Sparrow” by director Farzaneh an international lineup of short and people have little knowledge of him. Vancouver International Women in Film Omidvarnia will be screened in the Your feature-length films, from narrative Consequently, director Yazdani and producer Mohammad Festival (VIWFF), which will open in the Worst Enemy category. and documentary to experimental and Jafari spent six years making the documentary to raise public Canadian city on March 4. A group of refugees flee in search of a animation,” the organizers have announced awareness of the personality. “Doll” directed by Nasrin Golreyhan better life. They pay a smuggler to take The event, which will run until March 14, Yazdani said that they have scrutinized over 40,000 documents will be competing in the Be Like Water them across borders, in a refrigerated truck, celebrates the complexity and diversity of to make the film. section. however, the freezing temperature inside ways girls and women choose to challenge, “All these efforts were made to reintroduce one of the forgotten The film is about a woman journalist the truck turns their hopes for a better overcome and inspire themselves, each personalities of contemporary Iranian history who was influential who finds a baby girl in a war-torn city. “Song Sparrow” by director Farzaneh future into a fierce struggle for survival. other, their communities and our world in shaping the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry, Fadaiane The borders are closed to the girl, and she Omidvarnia. “Song Sparrow” is among the 96 today. Islam group and several historical decisions in the National Parliament,” he added. The documentary has been produced with contributions from the Sarcheshmeh Cultural Complex and Maha Film and will also “The Case of the Crushed Petunias” arises at Tehran theater be screened in Shiraz on Wednesday. ARTTEHRAN – American writer Tennes- poetry, seeds for wild roses, and a business card from desksee Williams’ short comedy play “The “LIFE, INCORPORATED,” the young man endeavors to Case of the Crushed Petunias” is on stage at Tehran’s convince Miss Dorothy of the tremendous inspiration Mexican agricultural Mehregan Theater. that lies beyond what one can buy or sell in a shop with Puya Purhamedani is the director of the play four walls. traditions under starring Mojtaba Karimi, Sara Judat, Farid Golriz, Williams’ plays have always been regarded by Iranian Mehran Mahjub, Mina Nojavan, Rasul Abed and stage directors and theatrical troupes. spotlight at Tehran photo, Nilufar Delir. A reading performance of his memorable play, “The ceramics exhibit The Case of the Crushed Petunias was written in 1941 Glass Menagerie”, directed by Romina Jahandideh went and is the story of Dorothy Simple, a woman trapped on stage at Tehran’s Jamshid Mashayekhi Theater on CULTURE TEHRAN – An exhibition of ceramic works in her job at a prim and proper shop in Massachusetts. Saturday. deskand photos entitled “Seeds of Identity” is She has barricaded her house and heart behind a dou- The play translated into Persian by Hamid Samandar- presenting Mexican agricultural traditions at the Farzaneh ble row of petunias. Today, however, she has woken up ian was also directed by his wife, Homa Rusta, in 1972. Ceramic Museum in Tehran. to find every single petunia crushed by the footprints of a In July 2020, director/actor Hamed Sheikhi merged size-eleven-D shoe. Persian play “Shut up, Honey!” and Williams’ “The Case When the perpetrator, a young man, arrives to confess of the Crushed Petunias” and “Talk to Me Like the Rain his crime, he comes on a mission to alert Miss Dorothy A poster for “The Case of the Crushed Petunias” on stage and Let Me Listen” to stage a play named “Talk to Me” to the “miraculous accident of being alive.” Armed with at Tehran’s Mehregan Theater. at Tehran’s Malek Theater.

“The Flowering of Muslim Theology” by Josef van Ess published in Persian CULTURE TEHRAN – A Persian theology in the classical period and offers faith and knowledge: the enduring question desktranslation of Josef van acute and illuminating comparisons with of how one can know whether something Ess’ “The Flowering of Muslim Theology” the Christian traditions. is right or true. has recently been published by Hekmat Van Ess looks at the issue of heresy, at A work of intellectual history enlivened Publications in Tehran. early ideas about straying from true belief. by vivid examples, “The Flowering of A poster for the photo and ceramics exhibit “Seeds of Iden- The book has been translated into In a substantial and original instance of Muslim Theology” gives a wider audience tity” underway the Farzaneh Ceramic Museum in Tehran. Persian by Sara Mesgar. Quranic exegesis, he considers a problem rare insight into Islam’s rich classical past. The exhibit, which has been organized in collaboration with Van Ess is the world’s most distinguished much debated among classical theologians: Van Ess, an emeritus professor of Islamic the Embassy of Mexico in Tehran, features photos by Mexican scholar of classical kalam, the Muslim whether it is possible to see God. studies and the Semitic languages at the photographers Ariadna Cuadriello and Juan Pablo Cardona. theology that was the precursor to, and He examines the different ways, in University of Tübingen in Germany, has Speaking during the opening ceremony of the showcase, Mexican foundation for, modern Islam. which early Muslim thinkers appropriated published widely on the history of the Ambassador Guillermo Alejandro Puente Ordorica elaborated This book is the fruit of Van Ess’s thirty- atomism, a natural philosophy that was Islamic world, Islamic theology and on the importance of local culture and cultural commonalities five years of work in the field. A lucid and originally materialistic and atheistic, philosophy, especially with respect to the between Iran and Mexico. authoritative introduction to classical Islam, for their own theological purposes. He formative period (8th-10th centuries) and Envoys of Argentina, , Chile, Tajikistan, Switzerland it opens a window on the intellectual world explores the explosive mix of theology Islamic mysticism. and Ecuador in Tehran and several art and cultural figures that gave rise to Muslim theology. and political thought, in an analysis of His most famous work is “Theology and attended the opening ceremony, which was organized on A sustained look at important issues the development of ideas about the role Society” (“Theologie und Gesellschaft”) in Front cover of the Persian translation of Friday. in early kalam, “The Flowering of Muslim and authority of a ruler. And he considers 6 volumes, the first four volumes of which Josef van Ess’ “The Flowering of Muslim The exhibition will be open to the public until March 4. Theology” discusses the emergence of the relationship, or contradiction, between are now published in English. Theology”.