Local FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2015

Conspiracy Theories

By Badrya Darwish Mubarak

[email protected]

alaam alaykum! I was not given the chance to offer (most companies do, in fact) but what I’m worried about meal, ghabqas or suhoor. This means these helpers are in you greetings on the first day of Ramadan but nev- are the laborers in the street. The street cleaners, the the kitchen nearly 24 hours. Fasting is not only fasting Sertheless greetings can continue throughout the valets, construction workers, security, all of those people but having mercy on the people who work for you. Give month. I wish the whole Muslim world peace and tran- who work outside, I hope that their bosses will have the them ample time to rest and give them a day off to rest. quility during this holy month. As for Kuwait, I have many heart to supply them with an air conditioned kiosk for the I’m not talking about government laws, I’m talking about wishes actually. Ramadan Mubarak and I pray to God in worst of the heat. Actually these workers should be pro- humanity and God’s law. this soaring heat there will be no electricity cuts. So far it’s vided with these places even outside of Ramadan. Beyond that, I hope this will be a peaceful month for going well, we’ve only minor cuts so far but I hope they I hope also that many families will consider giving everyone from Yemen to Syria to Kurdistan to Palestine. do not get worse. I hope the Ministry of Electricity took enough rest to their domestic helpers. Many people have We need some peace and calm in our beloved region. into consideration the fact that everyone is fasting and many social obligations like giving food and late ghabqas After all Ramadan is a holy month and a blessed stacking their refrigerators with food. and working in the kitchen. And so domestic helpers month so I hope some of its blessings spread around all Second of all, I hope that the employers take more have to work in the kitchen preparing for and then of us and purifies our souls. mercy on their employees by cutting their working hours once iftar is over they have to start preparing for the next Have a nice Ramadan guys.

Ramadan Kareem Ramadan Fanous (lantern) Ramadan and Patience

By Teresa Lesher ne of the most prominent outcomes of fasting the The second kind of patience required for Paradise is month of Ramadan, especially in the summer heat, reactive, and it is demonstrated by our reaction to things Ois the development and perfection of patience. outside of our control, such as illness, injury, loss, calamity Nobody can fast without having a degree of patience, and all circumstances related to our physical vulnerability which is mentioned in the Quran as one of the qualities of and mortality. The Quran guarantees us that “And We will someone who will go to Paradise. For example, “I (God) surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a have rewarded them this Day [with Paradise] for what they loss of wealth and lives and crops, but give good tidings to have endured patiently; they are indeed the ones that are the patient who, when disaster strikes them, say, ‘Indeed, truly triumphant!” (23:111) we belong to God, and indeed to Him we are returning’” As successfully completing fasting in Ramadan requires (2:155-156). Our reaction in adverse circumstances beyond patience, so does entrance into Paradise. In fact, Paradise our control should be to turn our thoughts to God, who requires two kinds of patience: one is proactive and the describes Himself as wise, merciful and caring. We should other reactive. The proactive type is striving to adopt a not disagree or be dissatisfied with what He does. As the way of life sanctioned by God. It means making the effort Quran reminds us, “He cannot be questioned as to what to learn what God wants from us and then applying it in He does, while they will be questioned” (21:23). Instead, our lives. we should believe that God allowed such circumstances The Quran, which is God’s final message to mankind, for our ultimate benefit. The Quran reminds us that “per- tells us exactly what God expects from us, and Prophet haps you dislike something and it is good for you and per- Muhammad demonstrated practically its teachings, mak- haps you like something and it is bad for you. And God ing it easier to understand. As it is a lifelong process of knows, while you know not” (2:216). We must trust in God study coupled with conformance to God’s teachings and and His knowledge of the “big picture.” to the example of Muhammad, it will take determination Both kinds of patience - making the effort to follow to and patience. the way of life God envisions for us, and then truly submit- But the reward is worth the effort, according to the ting to God and His management of our lives - should have Quran: “The ones who fulfill the covenant with God and the characteristic of beauty. The Quran describes real do not break its solemn pledge to Him, who keep joined all patience as beautiful. “Therefore, be patient with beautiful the relations and obligations that God has commanded to patience” (70:5). Beautiful patience is one of contentment be joined and stand in awe of their Lord, and fear an evil and absolute conviction of God’s goodness and care. In reckoning, who endure with patience seeking the counte- Ramadan, for example, patience means being cheerful and nance of their Lord, who establish the prayer and spend productive throughout the month, and anticipating God’s charitably from what We have provided them, secretly and pleasure, forgiveness and generous rewards. openly, and who avert what is evil with what is good... the The Quran encourages us to be patient: “Indeed, angels will say, ‘Peace unto you for that you persevered in mankind is in loss, except those who believe and do right- patience! Now how excellent is the final Home!’” (13:20- eous deeds, and exhort one another to uphold truth and 24) exhort one another to persevere with patience.” (103:2-3) Those who repent, believe, do not bear false witness, “Those who show patience and work righteousness - for pass by vile talk with honor, and heed the verses of God... them is forgiveness and a great reward” (11:11). “So perse- Kuwait celebrated the start of the holy month of fasting “those are the ones who will be rewarded with the highest vere in patience, for the Promise of God is true.” (40:77) yesterday. Restaurants, cafes and many shops closed until place in heaven, because of their patient constancy.” What a greater way to show patience than Ramadan! after Iftar, the traditional breaking of the fast. Hotels, (25:75) Courtesy of the TIES Center, the social and educational shops and malls often decorate with colorful lanterns, “Those who believe in the unseen, establish prayer and hub for Western in Kuwait. For more information, famous, as a tradition during the holy month. The tradi- spend out of what We have provided for them, and who please call 25231015/6 or email [email protected] or visit tional use of fanous as decorations associated with believe in what has been revealed to you [Muhammad] www.tiescenter.net. Ramadan is believed to have originated during the and what was revealed before you, and of the Hereafter , primarily centered in , where tra- they are certain - those are upon guidance from their Lord Courtesy of the TIES Center, the social and educational dition holds that the Caliph Al-Muizz Lideenillah was and it is those who are the successful” (2:2-5). The patience hub for English-speaking Muslims in Kuwait. For more greeted by the Egyptian people holding lanterns to cele- required for Paradise needs a level of commitment and information, please call 25231015/6 or e-mail brate his arrival at during the holy month of effort beyond the everyday patience of the common man. [email protected] or visit www.tiescenter.net. Ramadan. Its use has now spread to almost all Muslim countries.— Photo by Yasser Al Zayyat