On the Cover: Mitlyn Todonga, 15, prayed for help to pass state exams in the Solomon Islands. Read how God answered her prayers in a marvelous way on page 22.

NEW CALEDONIA 20 Miracle Milly | Aug. 31 4 Banana Boy | July 6 SOLOMON ISLANDS 6 Saved by a Finger | July 13 8 Owner Said Nothing | July 20 22 Extra-Easy Exams | Sept. 7 10 Special Gift From God | July 27 24 Little Church Grower | Sept. 14

FIJI PAPUA NEW GUINEA 12 Giving Away Money | Aug. 3 26 Taking a Visitor to Church | Sept. 21 14 Only One Leg | Aug. 10 28 Thirteenth Sabbath: Getting Rohi Out of Bed | Sept. 28 NEW ZEALAND 30 Future Thirteenth Sabbath Projects 16 Standing With God | Aug. 17 31 Additional activities AUSTRALIA 35 Leader’s Resources 18 Jaxon’s Journey | Aug. 24 36 Map Your Offerings at Work South Pacific Division Three years ago, part of the Thirteenth Sabbath ission ©2019 General Conference of M Offering funded children’s Sabbath School classrooms Seventh-day Adventists®• All rights reserved at two churches on the island of Maré in New 12501 Old Columbia Pike,

dventist Silver Spring, MD 20904-6601 A Caledonia. Read a story from Maré on page 6. 1-800-648-5824 • 2 Dear Sabbath School Leader, Andrew McChesney Editor

This quarter we feature the South Among this quarter’s Pacific Division, whose territory includes Thirteenth Sabbath projects American , Australia, , is “Save 10,000 Toes,” which will provide Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Nauru, health training to prevent the amputation New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, of the toes of people with diabetes. Across Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn, Samoa, the South Pacific Division, doctors Solomon Islands, Tokelau, , Tuvalu, amputate 80 toes every day, the division’s Vanuatu, and Wallis and Futuna Islands. associate health director Paul Rankin told God is doing amazing things in this me. He said 19 percent of the region’s region of 40.5 million people and 518,016 population of 40.5 million suffer from Type 2 diabetes, a disease caused by poor Adventists, or a ratio of one Adventist for lifestyle choices. The figure jumps to 47 78 people. I always pray for God’s blessings percent in American Samoa, one of the during trips to collect mission stories. But seven countries that will benefit from the this time I started praying extra early — Thirteenth Sabbath Offering. four months before the trip began. Every Another project focuses on bringing morning, I asked God to provide the best to Tonga. A 2016 stories in the South Pacific Division. Thirteenth Sabbath Offering made Hope God answered in a mighty way. While Channel available to all homes in New traveling to six countries over three Zealand, and many people have entered weeks, I noticed an incredible increase in Adventist churches as a result. Let’s pray powerful mission stories. I am convinced for a similar blessing in Tonga. more than ever that Jesus is coming soon! Special Features Make your Sabbath School class come alive with extra photos and other Opportunities materials posted weekly on our website, The Thirteenth Sabbath Offering, and Facebook, this quarter will help: You  “Save 10,000 Toes,” a campaign to could show the photos to the children prevent toe amputations through health while you read the mission story. services in Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon You also can download the PDF version Islands, Samoa, American Samoa, of the youth and adult Mission magazine Kiribati, and Tonga. at, and Mission  Construct Hope TV and radio studios in Spotlight videos at Tongatapu, Tonga. A printable mission-bank image, which  Produce “Daniel Children’s Series,” a the children can color, can be downloaded 13-part animated series for children aged at 8-12 following the adventures of Daniel and his three friends, in Australia. Thank you for encouraging children to be mission minded!  3 NEW CALEDONIA | July 6

Banana Boy

Albert Andrea, 11

leven-year-old Albert Andrea was can I have a banana? Amen.” Ehungry when Mother picked him up Mother was happy to hear the prayer. at school in Noumea, capital of New “That’s good,” she said. “You’ll see that Caledonia in the South Pacific. Jesus will answer your prayer.” He had only eaten half his lunch because Arriving at the outdoor market, Mother he didn’t like the other half — spinach. told Albert to wait in the car while she “Mommy, I really would love to eat a shopped. Albert waited as long as he banana,” Albert said. “Can we go to that could, but the car grew terribly hot. He little market and buy a banana?” got out to wait. The first thing that he Mother also wanted to go to the market saw was a man selling bananas. to buy parsley and spring onions to cook Then someone walked up to Albert. He tuluk, a traditional Vanuatuan dish made was a white man wearing white clothing of cassava and coconut milk. But she only and a white shawl over his head. In his had 500 francs, just enough money to buy hands, he held a bunch of yellow bananas. parsley and spring onions. “Albert,” the man said, softly. “Here are Albert couldn’t forget the banana. As some bananas for you.” they drove to the market, he spoke about Albert was surprised. “How does he

South Pacific Division how nice it would be to have a banana. know my name?” he wondered. But he

“Albert,” Mother said, “you need to accepted the bananas and said out loud, ission

M pray about that banana because you really “Thank you!” want to eat one.” “Bye-bye, Albert,” the man said. dventist A Albert prayed out loud, “Please, Jesus, “Bye-bye,” Albert replied. “Thank you!” 4 bananas?” sheasked. “Where didyougetthose bananas. eating surprised —andworriedtoseeAlbert a banana.Itwasniceandripesoft. plastic strings thatplastic strings children weave into colorful (pronounced: “Scooby-Doo”), before schoolthat hewanted scoubidou immediately caught thefish. the ocean. walked byMother andsaw abigfishin One day, was fishing, asAlbert parents. many prayers. said. “Thebananaswerereallynice!” told anangeltogivemebananas,”he was anangel. my bananas.Amen.” his hand,prayed,“Thankyou,Jesus,for whether AlberthadthankedGod. had answeredAlbert’s prayer. Sheasked Mother’s eyesassherealizedthatJesus couldn’t findtheman.Tears filled Mother said.“Let’s thankhim.” Albert said. Albert catches andsellsfishto helphis Albert says hasanswered God Albert Part ofaThirteenthSabbathOffering “I prayedtoJesus,andJesusmusthave Albert believesthatthemaninwhite Albert, holdingahalf-eatenbananain Mother andAlbertlooked,butthey “But, Albert,whereistheman?” “From themaninwhitehoodie,” When Mothercameback,shewas Albert returnedtothecarandpeeled On anotherday, told Mother Albert He threw outhisfishinglineand prayed,Albert “Can Ihave that fish?” “Wow, that’s a bigfish!” shesaid. Two MorePrayers 

the basketof scoubidou at home. prayer thismorning.” she said. is ananswer to my son’s“This take itfor your son?” basket ofscoubidou. you Do want to the houseowner said, “Here isabig money for bus fare to goto work. someone’s house, saidsheonlyhad who works asahousekeeper, cleaning keychains andotherhandicrafts. Mother, By AndrewMcChesney mission offering. Thank youforyourSabbathSchool on Maré,anislandinNewCaledonia. children’s SabbathSchoolclassrooms three yearsagohelpedbuildtwo Story Tips      After school, Albert was to thrilled find After school, Albert lookedat himinshock. Mother “Wow!” Later that day was cleaning, asMother prayed.Albert prayers inAlbert’s family. Mother, whose hasansweredmany Share thatGod he willsufferseizureshiswholelife. born withaholeinhisheart.Doctorssay She learnedrecentlythatAlbertwas a specialplaceinHisheartforAlbert. Share thatMotherbelievesJesushas the map. Find Noumea,NewCaledonia,on Find photosforthisstoryatthelink: Watch avideoofAlbertat thelink: and shewasbaptizedin2015. ButFatherprayedformanyyears, God. name isAnnieAndrea,didn’t believein


Catherine Buama, 17 Saved by a Finger

he airline representative at the airport Unknown to them, Father had read the Tcheck-in desk shook her head. Bible and decided 10 years earlier that he “I’m sorry, but your ticket isn’t for this wanted to become an Adventist. But he flight,” she said. didn’t want to be the only Adventist in Sixteen-year-old Catherine Buama his family, so he had prayed for 10 years looked at her e-ticket. Sure enough, for his wife to become an Adventist. Father and Mother had purchased a At the meeting that evening, Catherine ticket with the wrong date. Catherine began to pay attention when the pastor had just finished a vacation at home on spoke about alcohol. the island of Maré in New Caledonia. “Alcohol destroys the body,” the pastor She needed to fly back to the main island said. “You shouldn’t drink because the to resume her high school studies. Bible says our body is the temple of the But every seat on the plane was occupied, Holy Spirit.” and the plane left without Catherine. Catherine poked Father in the arm. Catherine’s parents decided to spend Father drank every Sunday. the night near the airport and to try to get Father felt guilty when he received the a seat on the airplane the next day. poke. He knew that he shouldn’t drink.

South Pacific Division That evening, Father noticed that a But he didn’t know what to say, so he

three-week evangelistic series was starting smiled at Catherine. ission

M at a Seventh-day Adventist church Then the pastor spoke about smoking. near the airport. Catherine and Mother “Cigarettes destroy the body,” he said. dventist A had never visited an Adventist church. “You shouldn’t smoke because the Bible says 6 She ateatMcDonald’s every weekend. and itcanmakeyouill,”hesaid. what tosay, soshesmiledatCatherine. shouldn’t smoke.Butshedidn’t know every day. Mother smokedapackofcigarettes isthetemple oftheHolySpirit.” our body Story Tips      AMAZING Catherine feltguilty. Sheknewthat Father andMotherpokedCatherine. atMcDonald’s“The food isn’t healthy, Then thepastorspokeaboutMcDonald’s. Mother feltguilty. Sheknewthatshe Catherine pokedMotherinthearm. Find photosforthisstoryatthelink: Watch avideoofGeorgesat thelink: She isgladtosavesomuchmoney! francs ($270)everymonthoncigarettes. calculated thatshehadspent30,000 After Motherquitsmoking,she Mission magazine. story aboutherintheyouthandadult Mother’s nameisSophie.Reada Father’s nameisGeorges,and Find NewCaledoniaonthemap. NATURE found inNewCaledonia. planifolia, tahitensis, pompona, Vanilla for theiraromatic pods: of these, onlythree are cultivated about 100ofthemare “vanillas.” And species oforchid intheworld, only Although there are almost25,000 whichis and Vanilla

Vanilla also wentthenextnight. the evangelisticmeetingthatnight.They on theplaneandflewofftohighschool. left deepinthought. her parents. didn’t knowwhattosay, soshesmiledat she shouldn’t eatatMcDonald’s. Butshe By AndrewMcChesney family lives. School classroomsonMaré,wherethis helped buildtwochildren’s Sabbath Sabbath Offeringthreeyearsagothat answeredFather’sthat God prayers. stop eatingatMcDonald’s. Sheisglad liked hernewhome,andshedecidedto Mother hadquitsmoking.Catherine parents. Fathernolongerdrank,and vacation, shesawbigchangesinher the lastSabbathofmeetings. up! FatherandMotherwerebaptizedon give theirheartstoJesus.Motherstood meetings, thepastoraskedwhowantedto During thesecondweekof Father andMotherdecidedtoreturn The nextmorning,Catherinegotaseat When themeetingended,family Thank youforyourThirteenth When Catherinereturnedhomefor 


Felix Wadrobert, 59 Owner Said Nothing

eventeen-year-old Felix Wadrobert church every Friday evening to sing with Shad graduated from high school and the church’s youth choir. But he didn’t go to was working at a bookstore in Noumea, church because he had to work Saturdays. capital of the South Pacific territory of One day, the church pastor told Felix, New Caledonia. “I’m glad that you are spending time with Felix wanted to earn money to send to the young people at church, but you also his parents on his home island, Maré. His should study the Bible.” parents were poor farmers who grew sweet Felix liked the idea and began to potatoes, yams, bananas, cabbage, lettuce, study 24 Bible lessons with the pastor. radishes, and taro. When they reached the lesson about One day, a coworker invited Felix to a Sabbath, Felix read that God created the music concert at a Seventh-day Adventist Earth and set aside the seventh day of church. Felix belonged to another the week to rest. He read that the Four Christian denomination, but he decided Commandment says the seventh day is to go to the concert because the church the Sabbath. was located just down the street from the The pastor said the seventh day house where he lived with relatives. was Saturday.

South Pacific Division At the concert, the young people Felix was surprised. He had always

welcomed Felix warmly. It was like they thought that Sabbath was on Sunday. ission

M knew him already. Felix felt good, and he Back at work, he wondered which day is quickly made new friends. the true Sabbath. He suddenly remembered dventist A After that evening, Felix returned to that he worked in a bookstore and could 8 seventh dayoftheweek. “Saturday” andreadthatSaturdayisthe the firstdayofweek.Heturnedto for Sunday. HereadthatSundayis look foranswersinadictionary. wondered what wouldhappennext. the drive.Felixalsowassilent, andhe home bybus. drop youoffatyourhouse,” hesaid. the bookstore. as heworked.Finally, itwastimetoclose the Sabbath. his parents.Buthedidn’t wanttobreak bookstore andwantedtosendmoney say anything. owner justlookedatFelixanddidn’t again andaskedforSaturdayoff.The say aword.Felixreturnedtohiswork. every daytomakeupforit.” Felix said.“Icanworkanextrahour Saturdays becauseitistheSabbathday,” The ownerwhowasnotaChristian. bookstore ownerbehindthecashregister. for Saturdaysofforquithisjob. suggested thatheaskthebookstoreowner he askedthepastorforhelp.The Saturday istrueSabbath. during Biblestudies!”Felixthought. On Friday, Felixprayedespeciallyhard Felix prayed.Helikedworkingatthe On Wednesday, hewenttotheowner The ownerlookedatFelixanddidn’t “I wouldliketostopworkingon On Monday, Felixapproachedthe But hehadtoworkonSaturdays,so From thatmoment,hebelieved “This isexactlywhatthepastortoldme Felix openedadictionarytotheentry The ownerstopped thecarinfrontof The ownerdidn’t sayanythingduring Felix wassurprised.Healways went The ownerturnedtoFelix.“I’dlike Felix’s house,andFelixopenedthedoor By AndrewMcChesney learn aboutprayer andthepowerofGod. mission offeringsthathelp otherchildren up. ThankyouforyourSabbath School on Maré,theislandwhere Felixgrew children’s SabbathSchoolclassrooms three yearsagohelpedbuildtwo best forus.” time, notourandHeknowswhatis difficulties,” hesaid.“HeanswersinHis New Caledonia. Seventh-day AdventistChurchforallof a pastor, heistheleaderof andtoday pastor andwasbaptized.Helaterbecame touchedthe owner’sthat God heart. give himSaturdaysoff.Butheiscertain know exactlywhytheownerdecidedto work onSaturdays.To thisday, hedoesn’t work extrahourstomakeupformissing in thebookstore.Healsoneverhadto immediately prayed,“ThankYou, God!” can gotothechurch.” to getout. Story Tips    Part ofaThirteenthSabbathOffering isalwayswithuswhenweface “God Felix finishedtheBiblestudieswith Felix neverhadtoworkonSabbath Felix wasshockedandhappy. He “Felix,” theownersaid.“Tomorrow you Find photosforthisstoryatthelink: Watch avideoofFelixatthelink: Caledonia onthemap. Find theislandMaréinNew 


Julius Philomin, 13 Special Gift From God

other woke up 13-year-old porridge as Mother drove in heavy traffic MJulius Philomin at 4:30 a.m. in toward school. their hometown of Mont-Dore in After eating, he took a toothbrush and New Caledonia. a bottle of water from his school bag and “Julius, you have to go to school,” she brushed his teeth. Every time he needed said. “Get ready.” to spit, he motioned with his hand for Julius got up and went outside to play Mother to stop the car. with the family’s three dogs. Mother and the two boys arrived at Mother called him back inside. school in time for classes at 7 a.m. Mother “Did you forget that you have to go to silently prayed for both sons as she left, school?” she said. but she prayed extra for Julius. At school, Julius felt bad for not listening and the other children were mean to him. He put a pot of water on the outdoor fire to stayed away from them and only played boil water for his bath. After bathing, he with those who wanted to play with him. dressed in his school uniform. Mother Usually he played alone. reminded him to put on his glasses, to Julius is a special gift from God. He place hearing aids in his ears, and to grab was born dead. His heart wasn’t beating

South Pacific Division his school bag. when Mother gave birth to him. Doctors

After Mother reminded Julius about somehow started his heart, but he lay in ission

M breakfast, he poured cream of wheat a coma for two and a half weeks. Doctors porridge into a mug and climbed into the said his brain was damaged and he would dventist A car with his 8-year-old brother. He ate the not be a normal child. 10 wanted himtobegenerousandhelpful, about helpingLittleBrother. Mother packed breakfast,heneverthought aids, schoolbag,andbreakfast. reminds himabouthisglasses,hearing the dogsand,again,togetdressed.She she hastotellhimstopplayingwith wake upandgetdressed.Everymorning, morning Motherhastoremindhim He justrequiresconstantreminders.Every Story Tips        MISSION Julius alsowasselfish.Whenhe Juliusisnormalineveryway.But today Find photosforthisstoryatthelink: Watch avideoofJuliusatthe link: Julius’ motherisBarbaraPhilomin. hasdoneforthem. what God sermon everytimetheysharewithothers Tell thechildrenthattheyaregivinga hasdoneforhim. about whatGod his firstsermon.Itispersonaltestimony sermon willbe.Suggestthatthisstoryis Ask whatthechildrenthinkJulius’first Mount” inFrench. Share that“Mont-Dore”means“Golden capital, Noumea. Dore islocatedalittlenorthofthe Find NewCaledoniaonthemap.Mont- RECORD were someofthemostdifficultareas Pacific. intheSouth Sydney for 23,1925. Noumea, NewCaledonia, onOct. The islands island group were Captain G.F. Jonesandhiswife, who sailedfrom The Adventist firstSeventh-day to missionaries work inthe

morning and evening for God togive her morning andeveningforGod Julius again.Instead,sheprayedevery for him.” to tryputyourbrotherfirstandprepare to prepareporridgeforyourself,youhave “Jesus hasasharingheart.Ifyouaregoing to haveaheartlikeJesus,”Mothersaid. and shespokewithhimafterschool. By AndrewMcChesney worksinmysteriousways.” Him. God answer myprayerforJuliustowork He did,”Mothersaid.“So,canalso prayer formysonnottobeselfish,but willhelphim. believes God would liketobecomeapreacher.Mother people. Recently, hetoldMotherthat become helpfultoLittleBrotherandother his ownmug. and filleditwithporridge.Thenhe breakfast, hewashedLittleBrother’s mug heated apotofwaterforyouonthefire.” out toLittleBrother. surprised onemorningtohearJuliuscall son asharingheart. Mother didn’t raisethematterwith Julius didn’t sayanything. “If youwanttogoheaven,have “I don’t answeredmy knowhowGod Little bylittle,Juliushaschangedand Mother wasoverjoyed! When MotherremindedJuliusabout “Come takeabath,”hesaid.“Ihave Several weekspassed,andMotherwas  11 NEW CALEDONIA FIJI | August 3

Litea Cavalevu, 15 Giving Away Money

ather pulled out several banknotes as Litea was surprised, and she sat down at F15-year-old Litea ate her breakfast of her desk. Teacher looked in the book again oatmeal and bread. and began to call out the names of students “Here,” he said, handing her 80 Fijian who had not paid their fees. One of those dollars, or about U.S.$40. “This is for the students was Litea’s friend, Ilisavani. school fees that you need to pay for the Litea knew that Ilisavani’s family didn’t year. Make sure that you pay your teacher have much money. Ilisavani’s father was and bring home the receipt.” working in faraway Australia, picking The new school year had just begun oranges as a seasonal farm laborer. But he for Litea in Fiji. Tuition was free at her wasn’t earning much money to send home Seventh-day Adventist school, just as to Fiji. Ilisavani’s mother was struggling to it was at all schools in Fiji. But students feed her and her three brothers and sisters. needed to make a special payment for field Litea went over to Ilisavani. trips and other expenses. “Here,” she said. “Use this money to Litea took the money. “I’ll give you the pay your fees.” receipt after school,” she promised. “No,” Ilisavani protested. “I can’t take When she arrived at school, she your money.”

South Pacific Division immediately went to Teacher and held out Litea pressed the money into her

the money. Teacher opened a book. hand. Ilisavani, with tears of gratitude ission

M “No,” he said after a moment. “I don’t in her eyes, accepted the banknotes and need the money. Your fees already have gave them to Teacher. Teacher filled out dventist A been paid.” a receipt. 12 Father, who worked at the church’s headquarters in Fiji, wasn’t at home when Story Tips Litea returned from school. He forgot about the money until the family was  Find Fiji on the map. eating a supper of taro and soup. Litea  Pronounce Litea as: lit-EE-a. looked uncomfortable when he asked.  Pronounce Ilisavani as: il-ee-sav-AN-EE. “There was a problem,” she said, hesitantly. “I went to the teacher to pay  Pronounce Save as: sa-VAY. him the money, and the teacher told me,  Watch a video of Save Cavalevu at the ‘Your fees have already been paid.’” link: At that moment, Father remembered  Find photos for this story at the link: that his workplace had taken the money for the fees from his salary and sent it FIJI directly to the school. He had forgotten “Thank you for looking out for your friend.” about that. Litea heaved a sigh of relief. “Thank “What happened to the money that I you for understanding,” she said. gave you?” he asked. The next day, Ilisavani’s mother called Litea told how she had given the Litea’s mother on the phone. She was crying. money to her needy friend. “Thank you very much for what your Father and Mother were shocked. daughter did,” she said. “You know our Eighty dollars was a lot of money. They family situation. Thank you.” exclaimed in unison, “WHAT?!” “You can thank Jesus,” Mother said.  Litea squirmed in her seat. She didn’t want her parents to be unhappy. Father, whose full name is Save Then Father and Mother looked at each Cavalevu, is glad that Sabbath School other and smiled. They realized that Litea taught Litea how to love others, and he was putting into practice a Bible verse that hopes that many children will learn the she had learned in Sabbath School. The same lesson at his Narere Seventh-day verse, Matthew 22:39, says, “You shall love Adventist Church. Thank you for your your neighbor as yourself.” offerings that helped build children’s Father turned to Litea. Sabbath School classrooms in Fiji. “We’re glad that you did that,” he said. By Andrew McChesney

The first Adventist missionary to arrive in Fiji was John I. Tay, in 1891, on the mission vessel Pitcairn. After a few months he became ill and died. The work was taken up again in 1895, when J.M. Cole from the United States began work in Levuka, then the capital of the islands. The same year, the islands were organized as a mission. MISSION MISSION RECORD 13 FIJI | August 10 Only One Leg

Senitiki Roqara, 55

enitiki Roqara put on his work The long hours passed, and the workload Sclothes on Saturday morning and eased up at 2 a.m. It was dark, and Senitiki headed for the door. sat down on some stairs to rest. He chatted His wife, Vasemaca, wearing her with some coworkers, who also were taking Sabbath best, stopped him. a break, and then stretched out his legs to “Where are you going?” she asked. take a nap. He fell asleep. “To the wharf to load and unload Suddenly, a searing pain shot through shipping containers as usual,” he said. his body. Senitiki jumped to his feet, Senitiki knew that his wife wanted and someone shouted, “Oh no! Look at him to go to church with her and their your leg!” children. When she was baptized a few Senitiki looked down. He saw that his years earlier, she had invited him to pant leg was torn and soaked in blood. church every Sabbath. But he didn’t go, He fell to the ground, unable to stand and eventually his wife stopped inviting anymore. A forklift had driven too close him. Instead she prayed for him. to the stairs where he had been seated and Senitiki walked out the door on the run over one of his legs. sunny Saturday morning and headed An ambulance whisked Senitiki off to

South Pacific Division for the wharf in Fiji’s capital, Suva. the hospital, and the doctor said sadly that

It was going to be a long day. He had he couldn’t do anything to save the leg. ission

M work from Saturday morning to Sunday The leg was amputated that morning. morning, loading big cargo containers Someone called Senitiki’s wife, and she dventist A onto ships and off of ships at the wharf. rushed to the hospital. As she stood beside 14 his bed, Senitiki looked up at her sadly. “This might be the end of me,” he said. Story Tips His wife reached out to hold his hand. “You have to go to church,” she  Find Fiji on the map. said, softly.  Pronounce Senitiki as: sen-e-TIKI. “OK,” he said. “I’m going to church.”  Pronounce Vasemaca as: vuh-suh- Senitiki remained in the hospital for muh-kuh. a month. During that time, his wife  Watch a video of Senitiki at the link: and Adventist church members visited regularly. None of his own friends came to  Find photos for this story at the link: see him. The church members shared the love of God and told him that God loved him. Senitiki was amazed that the church members were so kind and decided that its own church building. Senitiki was so FIJI God was with them. happy! Even though he only had one leg, He went to church on the first Sabbath he had planted a church! after he was released from the hospital. Now Senitiki is planning to plant Soon he was baptized. The pastor was another church in a neighboring village. happy to see him in church, but he had He is working with several church an idea. members to hold evangelistic meetings in “There is no Adventist church in your the village. village,” he said. “Let’s open a church in He said that he is thankful God for your home.” the terrible work accident that cost him Senitiki agreed. his leg. Relatives and neighbors began to “If I hadn’t had the accident, I don’t attend the Sabbath worship services in think that I would have become an his home, and after a while eight people Adventist,” he said. “I love this church! I were baptized. The church got so big that love to take the gospel to the villages.”  it moved out of Senitiki’s house and into By Andrew McChesney

Fijian women play a game on New Year’s Eve called “veicaqemoli” (kick the orange). Played by two teams, the winning team must give gifts of new garments to the members of the

NATURE losing team, so there’s really more AMAZING AMAZING incentive to lose than to win. 15 NEW ZEALAND | August 17

Grace Teao, 11 Standing With God

en-year-old Grace liked playing tag kept hoping that the pain would go away. Twith her friends in a big field across A month passed, and Grace couldn’t bear the street from her home on the outskirts the pain any longer. She told Mother. of New Zealand’s capital, Auckland. Mother looked worried. “It might be She liked running back and forth, the same thing as your brothers,” she said. laughing, tripping, playing. Grace had two older brothers with One day she suddenly she felt a pain in SUFE, a condition of the hip joint that left leg as she ran around the field. Her leg requires an operation. hurt! Grace stopped and rubbed her leg. It Grace didn’t want an operation. “I don’t felt like she had a cramp in her calf. think I have that,” she said. The pain remained for the rest of the Mother didn’t do anything, and Grace day and then the next day. Grace tried to kept limping. Several days passed, and ignore it, but the pain moved up her leg. Mother abruptly told Grace, “We have to Teacher noticed that Grace was go to the doctor.” limping at South Auckland Seventh-day Grace was scared, but Mother assured Adventist Primary School. her that everything would be all right. “Are you OK?” Teacher asked. Before leaving the house, Mother prayed,

South Pacific Division “Yeah, I’m fine,” Grace replied. “Please help Grace, and be with us if she

Grace’s friends noticed the limp. needs to go to surgery.” ission

M Mother noticed, too. Everyone asked At the doctor’s office, Grace lay Grace if she was all right. “I’m fine, I’m down for some tests. The doctor asked dventist A fine,” Grace said. She wasn’t fine, but she her to raise her leg and move it back 16 With a big smile, Mother thanked God Story Tips for the successful operation. Grace left the hospital two days later  Find New Zealand on the map. and, after using crutches for a few weeks,  Watch a video of Grace at the link: was walking normally. She was happy that the pain was finally gone.  Find photos for this story at the link: For five months. Then Grace noticed a pain in her other leg. She had to undergo a second operation at the hospital, but and forth. It hurt to move her leg. this time she wasn’t scared. She knew The doctor looked serious. “You have God was with her. to get an X-ray at the hospital,” he said. “We prayed before the surgery,” Grace Mother prayed in the car. said. “But I knew God would take care of After the X-ray, Grace waited nervously. everything. No problem.” She told herself that the leg pain wasn’t a God did take care of everything. A big deal and that she would go home soon. few weeks after the operation, Grace was After an hour, the nurse came out and walking on crutches and looking forward told Grace that she had to be admitted to playing tag again soon in the big field to the hospital immediately for surgery. across from her home. Grace was frightened and began to cry. Grace has advice for other children Mother comforted her. “God will be who are scared. with us,” she said. Grace stopped crying. “Don’t be afraid,” she said. “Know that Grace underwent surgery the next day. God is always with you.”  ZEALAND NEW While she was sleeping, the doctor put some pins in her hip to make it stable. Thank you for your Thirteenth She woke up, feeling dizzy, and a nurse Sabbath Offering three years ago that gave her an ice cube to suck on. Then she made it possible for Grace and everyone saw Mother waiting for her in the room. in New Zealand to watch Adventist TV “Are you OK?” Mother asked. programs for free on Hope Channel. “I didn’t feel a thing,” Grace said. By Andrew McChesney

As early as 1874, an interest in Seventh-day Adventist teachings was kindled in New Zealand by publications sent from friends or relatives in the U.S. In October 1885, U.S. Adventist minister S.N. Haskell came to Auckland from Australia and lodged in the boarding house of Edward Hare who, with his wife, became the first converts in New Zealand. MISSION MISSION RECORD Within four weeks, a small group began to observe the seventh-day Sabbath in Auckland. 17 AUSTRALIA | August 24 Jaxon’s Journey

Jaxon Stacey, 14

and she wanted her family to team up with two other Australian families to construct the building. The project would hirteen-year-old Jaxon Stacey take a week of their three-week vacation. Tgathered with his parents and three Jaxon thought to himself, “I’m not sure younger brothers in the living room for what this is, but I’ll give it a shot.” Out “Family Night.” loud, he asked, “What would I do?” It actually wasn’t nighttime. It was only Mother said each member of the family 4 p.m., and the boys had just returned would have a task. Jaxon’s brothers would home for school. The family met for 20 hammer nails and paint walls. Jaxon and minutes every day to discuss life. Father would saw wood for the walls. At this particular “Family Night,” Mother also said Jaxon and his three Mother wanted to talk about family plans brothers each needed to raise 1,000 to travel far from their home in Australia Australian dollars (U.S.$740) to pay for for a vacation in Cambodia. Jaxon was project expenses. Jaxon and his brothers looking forward to the trip. He hoped to got to work. For several Sundays, they see old Buddhist temples and eat fresh shut themselves in the kitchen, baking pineapples and papaya. But Mother didn’t cottage cheese patties, quiche, muffins, want to talk about that. She wanted to and puff pastry stuffed with vegetarian change the vacation plans. “Today, I sausages. They advertised on Facebook,

South Pacific Division was talking with a woman from church, and church members bought the food.

and she suggested that we build a school Soon Jaxon and his brothers had raised ission

M classroom during our vacation,” she said. the money, and they flew to Cambodia Mother explained that the 10th-grade The family spent the first week exploring dventist A students at the school needed a classroom, the ancient Angkor temple in Siem Reap 18 and eating fresh pineapples and papaya. Then the family got into a minibus and Story Tips rode several hours to the school. There, they and the two other families began to  Find Jaxon’s home near Sydney, Australia, on the map. Show the plane work on the classroom. route to Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Jaxon quickly noticed something different. Every morning, the group  Ask whether the children have gone on a trip (mission or otherwise). What prayed for God to keep them safe and did they learn about God? to help them finish the project. During the day, the group paused from work to  Watch a video of Jaxon at the link: pray for more help and protection. Every evening, prayers of thanksgiving were  Find photos for this story at the link: given to God for safety and the work that had been accomplished. The group also prayed before every meal. eighth grade. But something is different. Jaxon had never prayed so much in his When he wakes up in the morning, he life. At home, he didn’t pray when he got thanks God for the new day and asks for up in the morning or when he went to bed protection. At school, he pauses to ask at night. He often forgot to pray at meals. God for help with his schoolwork. When He liked the many prayers in Cambodia. he lies down to sleep, he thanks God for Jaxon was exhausted after work every the good day and asks for a good night’s day. He took a nap, woke up for supper, rest. He also prays before every meal. and then went straight back to bed. Jaxon said the Cambodia trip taught When the week ended, the classroom him about the importance of prayer. was finished. Jaxon was delighted! God “I pray now more than I used to,” he had answered their prayers — they said. “I see that God is answering my finished on time, and no one was injured. prayers. I asked for help before a math “When we finished, we felt like we had exam, and I did pretty good!”  achieved something very big,” Jaxon said. By Andrew McChesney

Jaxon is now 14 and back at Avondale AUSTRALIA School in Australia, studying in the

Australia is home to a variety of

unique animals, including the koala (pictured), kangaroo, emu, kookaburra, and platypus. NATURE AMAZING AMAZING 19 AUSTRALIA | August 31 Miracle Milly

Lara Hawkins, 14

unday morning started quietly at the called for Milly, but the puppy, who was SHawkins home in Cooranbong, Australia. usually obedient, didn’t come. After breakfast, 14-year-old Lara and “Where is she?” Laura said. “Milly! Milly!” her little brother, Jack, said goodbye to Father tried to enter the house to look for their new puppy, Milly. Then Father the puppy, but the smoke drove him out. drove them to the sports field at Avondale The children, tears streaming down School, the Seventh-day Adventist school their cheeks, ran to the front lawn. Lara where both children studied. Mother was said to Jack, “We can’t do anything about away on a business trip in Fiji. the fire. Let’s just kneel down and pray.” Jack played soccer with friends for an Oblivious to the crowd, the children hour. Lara and Father shot hoops on the knelt on the lawn. basketball court. “Dear God,” Lara said. “You know what Afterward, as the car neared their is happening, and You know how much we house, Lara saw smoke rising from the love little Milly. You said You look after the roof. People were gathered on the front sparrows, so please look after Milly. Please lawn, talking excitedly and pointing. help the firefighters find Milly.” Lara and Jack jumped from the car and Soon eight fire trucks, lights flashing South Pacific Division

raced to the back door. It was locked. and sirens wailing, raced up to the house. “Where’s Milly?” Lara cried. “Hurry!

ission As the firefighters unwound their hoses, M Open the door!” Father pleaded for them to look for Milly. Father opened the door. Thick black The firefighters couldn’t find the puppy. dventist A smoke filled the room. Lara frantically Lara and Jack, still crying, crossed the 20 They had called the fire station while Story Tips the family was still at the sports field and stuck a water hose into the window of  Find Cooranbong, Australia, on the map. The town is near Sydney. the room where the fire had broken out. The water flowing into the room had  Ask how the children know that contained the fire and prevented the God is real. Have they, like Lara, experienced an answered prayer? house from exploding in a ball of flames. Firefighters later said the fire had been  Watch a video of Lara at the link: ignited by a short circuit. The fire changed Lara’s mind about  Find photos of Milly and more for this God. Several months before the fire, story at the link: she had begun to pray for God to show Himself to her. She had heard stories in street to the neighbor’s house to wait. church about God performing miracles After a short time, Father’s voice rang and wondered why she had never seen out. “Lara, Jack, come out!” he shouted. God in her life. The Bible promises that Lara and Jack ran out of the house. God will show Himself to those who seek Father held Milly in his arms. Her white Him. 1 Chronicles 28:9 says, “If you seek fur was black with soot, but her tail was Him, He will be found by you.” wagging happily. Sad tears turned to happy Now Lara knows God is real. tears, and Lara and Jack threw their arms “The fire was a big game changer,” she around the puppy and each other. said. “Before that, I was questioning God. “Thank You, God! Thank You, God!” I wanted a real God moment like the the children exclaimed. stories in church. I was praying silently Firefighters called Milly a miracle. for God to show Himself to me, too.” After putting out the fire, they had found Lara has given her heart to Jesus and Milly hiding under a bed. Somehow a plans to be baptized exactly one year after pocket of air had formed under the bed, the fire miracle. and Milly had been able to breathe the Milly, meanwhile, is back to her normal AUSTRALIA air instead of the poisonous smoke. happy self. Only she has a new nickname. But that wasn’t the only miracle. The Lara calls her “Miracle Milly.”  neighbors also helped saved Milly’s life. By Andrew McChesney

Seventh-day Adventist teachings were first preached in Australia by Alexander Dickson, of Melbourne, Australia. While serving as a missionary in Africa, he encountered another missionary, Hannah More, who told him about what she had learned of Adventists when visiting New England in 1861. MISSION MISSION RECORD 21 SOLOMON ISLANDS | Sept. 7

Mitlyn Todonga, 15 Extra-Easy Exams

ourteen-year-old Mitlyn Todonga felt her parents to join her. Fnervous because she had to take three Father wasn’t sure that prayers would big exams that would decide where she help. Mitlyn had to earn the highest would study for the seventh grade. marks to go to the Adventist school. If she got low or average marks on the Many other sixth graders across the exams, she would have to stay in her country also wanted to enter the school. village in the Solomon Islands and attend To many, qualifying for the school was like public school. But if she got high marks, winning a million dollars. she could study at one of her country’s 10 For Father, the school also was expensive. national schools. One of those 10 schools He didn’t have much money. But Father was Betikama Adventist College in the decided to pray anyway. nation’s capital, Honiara. “Dear God, please help Mitlyn pass the No one in Mitlyn’s home was Adventist. exams so she can attend seventh grade at But she had attended the local Townend the Adventist school,” he prayed. Primary Adventist School since first grade, The day of the first exam arrived. The and she had gone to church many times subject was English. Mitlyn prayed and with a school friend, Janet. Now she wanted prepared to take the exam. As she started,

South Pacific Division more than anything in the world to study she was amazed. She found that the exam

at Betikama Adventist College, located very easy! ission

M three hours by boat from her village. Then Mitlyn had to take the second Mitlyn decided to pray for God to exam. The topic was mathematics. dventist A help her pass the exams, and she asked Mitlyn prayed and, to her surprise, 22 found that the exam was very easy! At home that evening, her parents Story Tips asked her about the first two exams.  Mitlyn is pronounced: mit-LINN. “They were rather easy,” Mitlyn said, happily.  Find Solomon Islands on the map. “God has answered your prayers,” Point out Malaita Province, where Mitlyn lives, and show the boat route Mother said. that she took to the nation’s capital, The next day, Mitlyn had to take the Honiara, where Betikama Adventist last exam. It was the most difficult and College is located. covered three subjects: science, health,  Ask who planted the first seed in and social studies. Mitlyn prayed — and Mitlyn’s heart that led to her baptism. the exam was very easy! Mitlyn first went to church seven years

ago, as a first grader, because her friend ISLANDS SOLOMON That evening, Mother asked, “Did you Janet invited her. Ask the children finish your exam?” how they can plant seeds. “Yes,” she said.  Read more about Mitlyn’s adventure in “Did you find it very easy?” Father asked. the youth and adult Mission magazine “Yes!” Mitlyn exclaimed. or at the link: Father, Mother, and daughter bowed  Watch a video of Mitlyn at the link: their heads and thanked God. “Do you think that you will pass all  Find photos for this story at the link: three exams with high marks?” Mother asked. “Yes!” Mitlyn said with a big smile. Mitlyn. “He passed you so you could do While waiting for the exam results, something that I thought was impossible Mitlyn went some distance away for a — go to the Adventist school.” vacation. While there, Father called her Mitlyn is now 15 years old and on the phone. studying in the seventh grade. She has “The exam results are out,” he said. been taking Bible studies and plans to be “What kind of scores did I get?” baptized soon. Mitlyn asked. In two years, when she finishes ninth “You passed to get into Betikama grade, she will have to take another set of Adventist College!” Father said. big exams. If she gets high marks, she can Mitlyn was overjoyed to hear the news! stay at the Adventist school. If she gets Father suggested that Mitlyn cut her low or average marks, she will have to vacation short to prepare for the move. return to her home village, Mbalelea, in That evening, Mitlyn returned home Malaita Province to attend public school and joined her family in thanking God for for 10th grade. His goodness. Father especially thanked God for hearing their prayers, and he But Mitlyn isn’t worried. promised to work extra hard to pay for “I’m not worried about the exams because the school tuition. I know God will help me,” she said.  “God has a plan for you,” Father told By Andrew McChesney 23 SOLOMON ISLANDS | Sept. 14

Joseph Samani, 13 Little Church Grower

en-year-old Joe Samani watched all over South Pacific Division. Joe really Tmovies and played video games with wanted to go, and Mother worked hard to friends at his home in the Solomon save the money for the plane ticket. Islands. But he wasn’t happy. Joe loved the camporee. Joe’s family was poor, and life was Back at home, when the neighborhood rough in their neighborhood in the boys came over that evening, he told South Pacific country’s capital, Honiara. stories from the camporee. The boys loved Neighbors sold illegal drugs, and children the stories, and they asked to hear more stole and got into trouble with the police. the next evening. Joe’s house was a popular place Then Joe thought to himself, “These for neighborhood boys to hang out boys like to hear about Pathfinders. Why every evening. Joe noticed that one not also tell them about Jesus?” He kept friend didn’t talk like the other boys, telling Pathfinder stories but began to and he participated in a Pathfinders include Bible stories, too. club every Sabbath. Joe decided The number of boys coming to Joe’s to follow him to the Seventh-day home grew as one boy told another about Adventist church to learn more. the stories. Soon 30 to 40 boys were South Pacific Division

Soon he joined the Pathfinders and meeting every evening. Although Mother went to church every Sabbath.

ission didn’t have much money, she began to M After a while, Joe and the other cook food for the children to eat after story Pathfinders were invited to fly to Australia time. She somehow always had enough food dventist A to attend a camporee for Pathfinders from for everyone. 24 see the evening meetings for himself. Story Tips The Pathfinder leader was amazed at what he saw. Afterward, he said to  Find Solomon Islands on the map. Mother, “This neighborhood would be a Point out the nation’s capital, Honiara, where Joe lives. good place to open a church.” He noticed that Joe’s house had a large  Ask the children how Joe opened the church and whether they could unfinished living room that no one used do the same. Joe told Pathfinder and and asked whether it could be used for Bible stories and invited children to Sabbath worship services. Mother agreed. Pathfinders. His family was hospitable, Several dozen neighborhood children inviting people over and feeding them. came to Joe’s house for church the next  Watch a video of Joe at the link: Sabbath. All the Pathfinder leaders and their families came as well, and they ISLANDS SOLOMON  Find photos for this story at the link: brought food for everyone. Then something happened that made Joe very happy. Mother decided The boys began to ask Joe if they could to be baptized. After that, a 20-year- join Pathfinders, and four went with Joe old cousin was baptized, and so were to church the next Sabbath. More boys three neighborhood boys who Joe had went the following week. introduced to Pathfinders. The Pathfinder leader couldn’t Today Joe’s living room is packed understand where all the boys were every Sabbath with about 70 people, and coming from. plans are under way to open a permanent “Joe, why are so many kids from your church in the neighborhood. neighborhood coming to Pathfinder Today Joe is 13 years old. He is short club?” he asked. “What did you do?” and humble in appearance and speech. “I didn’t do anything,” Joe replied. But no one doubts that God is using him “I just tell stories about what we did in a powerful way. in Australia, and we have evening “I may be small, but in God’s hands I devotions. That’s all.” can grow a church,” Joe said.  The leader asked to visit Joe’s home to By Andrew McChesney

The conch shell is an instrument used widely across the Pacific, including the Solomons. It is used as a traditional form of trumpet, summoning people to gather and signaling the start of important events. The blowing hole is created by removing the NATURE

AMAZING AMAZING end of the shell or making a hole in the side. 25 PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Sept. 21

Andrew Seth, 14 Taking a Visitor to Church

eacher made a big announcement to “I went to Sabbath School, and my Tthe children’s Sabbath School class in teacher told me that we are having visitors a church in Wankun, Papua New Guinea. day next Sabbath,” Andrew said. “She “Next week, we are going to have told us to bring a visitor, and I thought of visitors day,” she said. “I’d like each of you you. So, I am here to ask you if you can be to bring a visitor. my visitor on Sabbath.” Four-year-old Andrew Seth listened Mr. Gini, who went to church on attentively as Teacher spoke. He Sundays, thought for a moment and wondered, “Who am I going to bring to replied, “Andrew, I’ll think about it.” Sabbath School next week?” Seeing Andrew’s disappointed face, he Walking home after church, he quickly added, “It’s OK. I’ll be your visitor remembered a friend of his father named on Sabbath.” Mr. Samuel Gini. Both his father and Andrew went home and told his Mr. Gini worked as teachers at the same parents. Mother was really excited and school. Andrew thought, “I could ask him said, “We’ll prepare lunch for Mr. Gini to be my visitor on Sabbath. That would and his wife after the worship service.” be great!” Every morning during family worship

South Pacific Division Early Sunday morning, Andrew went that week, Andrew prayed for Mr. Gini

to Mr. Gini’s house and knocked on the and his wife. ission

M door. Mr. Gini came out and saw Andrew. Sabbath arrived, and Andrew was the “Hi Andrew,” he said. “It is early in the first to wake up and get dressed in his dventist A morning. How can I help you?” church clothes. He had nothing to give to 26 his special visitor, so he picked a flower to present as a gift. Andrew hurried to Mr. Story Tips Gini’s house with the flower. Hiding the  Find Papua New Guinea on the map. flower behind his back, he knocked on This story happened in Wankun, a the door and called out, “Mr. Gini!” village located about 60 miles (100 He heard the door open and saw kilometers) west of Lae, the country’s someone coming out. It wasn’t Mr. Gini. second-largest city. It was his wife.  Know that Andrew is now 14 years old “Andrew, how can I help you?” she said. and in the seventh grade. He is the “I am here for Mr. Gini,” said Andrew. youngest in a family of five children, including three older sisters and a brother. “I told him that he would be my visitor in Sabbath School class today.”  Andrew and his family still live in Mrs. Gini was surprised, and she said, Morobe Province, and his father is a missionary teacher at Ragiampun “He didn’t tell me about that. He left for Adventist Primary School. his village yesterday.” Andrew felt sad. Then a thought  Ask the children who they can invite to Sabbath School next week. sprang into his mind. “Mrs. Gini,” he Encourage them to bring someone. said. “Since Mr. Gini is not here, would  Find photos for this story at the link: you care to be my visitor today?” Now Mrs. Gini was very surprised. But she wanted to honor Mr. Gini’s promise. of studying the Bible, she was baptized. “Give me a minute,” she said. “I’ll get Mr. Gini joined her afterward and also myself ready and come to church as your became a member of the church.  special visitor.” When she came out, Andrew gave her Thank you for your Thirteenth the flower. Then he took her hand and GUINEA NEW PAPUA Sabbath Offering three years ago that led her to church. After Sabbath School, helped build Sabbath School classrooms she stayed for the sermon and went to for children like Andrew — and visitors Andrew’s home for lunch. After that, Mrs. Gini came to church like Mrs. Gini — in Papua New Guinea. every Sabbath. She learned that the Bible By Samson Obedi, personal ministries and Sabbath School teaches that the seventh day, Saturday, director, Eastern Highlands Simbu Mission, Papua New is the true Sabbath. After a few months Guinea. Andrew is his cousin.

Early Adventist work in Papua New Guinea was difficult because the government had divided the Papuan territory between three mission bodies — the Methodists, the Anglicans, and the London Missionary Society — and it was hard for any other missionaries to purchase land or work in these territories. MISSION MISSION RECORD 27 13th SABBATH | September 28

Rohi Goiye, 16 Dwight Ope, 14

Getting Rohi Out of Bed

Narrator: Dwight and Rohi are best friends Rohi (hesitantly): OK, I’ll come. in Goroka, Papua New Guinea. They walk home from school together. They play Narrator: But Rohi was thinking: together. They dislike saying goodbye to Rohi (to audience, shaking his head): each other. But Dwight was sad. No, I’m not going to go. Dwight (speaking to audience): Rohi was Narrator: Rohi was shy about going to missing out on Pathfinders and interesting church. He didn’t have many friends there. Sabbath School lessons every Saturday at On Sabbath, Dwight looked for Rohi at my church. church and didn’t see him. On Monday, he saw Rohi at school and invited him to go Narrator: That night, Dwight decided to the next Sabbath. pray for Rohi to go with him to church on Sabbath. Dwight: Come for the Sabbath program, and then we will go for a large Dwight: Dear God, please help Rohi to lunch together. come. Help us to stay good friends. Help us to all go to heaven together. Rohi: OK, I’ll come. Narrator: At school the next day, Dwight Narrator: Rohi felt bad for not keeping South Pacific Division spoke with his friend between classes. his promise, and he didn’t want to

ission disappoint his friend again. He thought: M Dwight (speaking to Rohi): Come for the Sabbath program, and then we will Rohi: I’ll probably go — if I can wake dventist A go to my house for a big lunch. up early. 28 Thirteenth Sabbath Program

Before Thirteenth Sabbath:  Send home a note to remind parents of the program and to encourage the children to bring their Thirteenth Sabbath Offering on September 28.  Remind everyone that their mission offerings are gifts to spread God’s Word around the world, and that one-fourth of our Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will go directly to help four projects in the South Pacific Division. The projects are listed on page 3 and on the back cover.

Narrator: Dwight prayed for Rohi every night that week. Story Tips Dwight: Dear God, please help Rohi to  Five children are needed for this skit to come. Help us to stay good friends. Help play the roles of a narrator, two boys, a teacher, and a school classmate. The us to all go to heaven together. children don’t need to memorize the script, but they should know it well Narrator: On Sabbath morning, Rohi enough that they don’t have to read woke up at 8 a.m. Sabbath School began every word. The scenes can be acted at 8:30 a.m., so he had only 30 minutes to out as the narrator reads. get ready and run to church. Rohi sprang  Pronounce Rohi as: row-HEE. out of bed, dressed, and rushed to church. But when he arrived, he was too scared to  Show Goroka, Papua New Guinea, on the screen when the narrator introduces go inside. He stood outside the building, to the story. wondering what to do. A school classmate  Optional story features: Watch a video saw him and led him to the Sabbath of Dwight and Rohi at the link: School class. Dwight was thrilled to see Rohi-Goiye, and show photos of the his best friend in the class and jumped up children in this story from the link: bit. and down with joy! God had answered his ly/fb-mq. Also, encourage audience members to follow Dwight’s lead by prayers. Rohi liked the Sabbath School inviting a friend to Sabbath School class. The boys and girls talked about next week. Dwight said, “I decided to social media. invite Rohi because I saw that he was missing out on Pathfinders and the Teacher: The time spent on Facebook Sabbath School class. I wanted him to and Instagram could be better spent be part of what we were discussing in Sabbath School.” reading the Bible. Narrator: Rohi realized that the teacher was right. He thought: Narrator: After Sabbath School, Dwight Rohi: Social media takes up most of my invited Rohi to sit with him and his time, and I could be doing better things. family for the sermon. Rohi found the 29 worship service a little confusing. His Narrator: Dwight still prays for Rohi own church didn’t have a children’s story every night. before the sermon or a Pathfinders club Dwight: I hope Rohi will be baptized. afterward. But he liked them both. He God answered my first prayer and brought also enjoyed lunch at Dwight’s house. him to church. I’m sure God will answer The next Friday night, Rohi set his this prayer, too. alarm clock for 6 a.m. Normally, he didn’t set the alarm for Saturday morning, but he Narrator: Three years ago, part of the didn’t want to be late for Sabbath School. Thirteenth Sabbath Offering helped When the alarm went off, he promptly construct children’s Sabbath School jumped out of bed. classrooms in Papua New Guinea and other His mother was surprised and asked: countries in the South Pacific Division so children like Rohi could learn about Jesus. Mother: Where are you going? Today we are taking another Thirteenth Sabbath Offering for the South Pacific Rohi: I’m going to church. Division. The money will help “Save Narrator: Rohi was waiting outside the 10,000 Toes,” a campaign to prevent toe church building when Dwight arrived for amputations through health services in Sabbath School. Dwight was so happy to Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Samoa, see his friend! American Samoa, Kiribati, and Tonga. The A year has passed. Now Rohi sets the money also will be used to construct Hope alarm for 6 a.m. every Sabbath. He also TV and radio studios in Tonga and produce a children’s animated series about Daniel is a Pathfinder and takes parts in other in Australia. Thank you for your generous church activities. He likes his new life. Thirteenth Sabbath Offering.  Rohi: I didn’t used to be busy on weekends, and I stayed at home. But now I come to [Offering] church and am very busy. It’s fun! By Andrew McChesney Future Thirteenth Sabbath Projects

The Thirteenth Sabbath Offering next quarter will help the East-Central Africa Division to:  Construct classrooms at Goma Adventist  Open field headquarters, Wau, South Sudan University, Democratic Republic of Congo  Establish Juba Adventist Secondary School, South Pacific Division  Build three auditoriums at Philip Lemon South Sudan Adventist University, Democratic Republic ission

M of Congo  Construct Kisumu Adventist Hospital,

dventist  Expand health services at Kinshasa Adventist  Build four children’s Sabbath School A Clinic, Democratic Republic of Congo classrooms, Ethiopia 30 Play the Game


The Walbiri people of central Australia played a stone-bowling game. One player threw a stone, which then was used as a target by the second player. Players alternated turns with each aiming at the other’s stone. The game is named “weme” after a word from the Eastern Arrernte language of central Australia that refers to “throwing something at something else and hitting it.” The game can be played alone, one player against another player, or one pair of players against another pair. One player starts the game by rolling their ball toward the line marked on the ground 5-10 yards (meters) away, depending on age. If the ball is rolled beyond this line, then the other player scores a point. If the first player’s ball stops before the line, the second player rolls their ball to try to hit the first ball. If the ball is hit, the second player scores a point. Both players then collect their balls and the game is restarted from the other end. Players alternate turns. The second player now has the first turn. If the game is played in pairs one player from each pair stays at each end. Teams alternate turns. One point is scored for each hit. The first player or team to reach 11 points is the winner. Play continues until the game is decided.

Sing a Song


Tena koe – hello to one. Tena korua – hello to two. Tena koutou – hello to all. Haere mai everyone. Welcome everyone! (Repeat)

A downloadable lyric sheet is available at the link:, and a video with the tune and lyrics can be found at the link:

31 Color The Flag


DIRECTIONS: The main background is dark blue. The stars are white. In the top left corner is the Union Jack. The big middle cross is red and the cross around it is white. The big X is white, with red stripes in the middle of it. The rest is the same dark blue as the main part of the flag.

FIJI DIRECTIONS: The main background is light blue. In the top left corner is the Union Jack. The big middle cross is red and the cross around it is white. The big X is white, with red stripes in the middle of it. The rest is dark blue. South Pacific Division

On the right of the flag is a shield. The top section and the cross in the middle are red. The lion is yellow. ission

M The sections in each quarter of the cross are white. The dove is white, and the bananas are yellow. The trunk of the tree is brown. The palm fronds, sugar cane, banana stalks, and leaves in the beak of the dove are all green. dventist A

32 Color The Flag


DIRECTIONS: The top right triangle is red with a yellow bird. The bottom left triangle is black with white stars.

SOLOMON ISLANDS DIRECTIONS: The top left triangle is dark blue with white stars. The bottom right triangle is green. The diagonal stripe in the middle is yellow.

33 Color The Flag

NEW CALEDONIA New Caledonia has two flags: the blue, white, and red French Tricolor, and this one. DIRECTIONS: The top third is dark blue. The middle third is red. The bottom third is green. The circle is yellow and the figure in the circle is black.

NEW ZEALAND South Pacific Division DIRECTIONS:

ission The main background is dark blue. The stars are red. In the top left corner is the Union Jack. The big

M middle cross is red and the cross around it is white. The big X is white, with red stripes in the middle of it. The rest is the same dark blue as the main part of the flag. dventist A

34 Leader’s Resources

EDITORIAL Be sure to download your free Mission Spotlight video, featuring Andrew McChesney Editor video reports from around the South Pacific Division and beyond. Wendy Trim Editorial Assistant Download or stream from the Adventist Mission website at Emily Harding Layout Editor missionspotlight. A printable mission bank image, which the children can color, can be downloaded at OFFICE OF ADVENTIST MISSION Online Information Gary Krause Director Rick Kajiura Communication Director Following are sources of information that may be helpful in Homer Trecartin preparing for the mission segment of Sabbath School. For more Centers Director information on the cultures and history of the countries featured in Jeff Scoggins Program Director this quarterly, visit your local library or a travel agency, or visit the websites listed below. COMMUNICATION Andrew McChesney Editor, Mission Australia: government website Laurie Falvo Projects Manager Information Planet Kayla Ewert Projects Manager Fiji: government website Ricky Oliveras Video Producer Nations Online Earley Simon Video Producer Donna Rodill Editorial Assistant New Caledonia: government website Special thanks to the following organizers and CIA World Factbook interpreters: Tolemo Cakobau (Fiji), Mary Roze New Zealand: government website Falau (New Caledonia), Joanis Fezamo (Papua New New Zealand Tourism Guinea), Brad Kemp (New Zealand), Victor Kulakov (New Zealand), George Manimu (Solomon Islands), Papua New Guinea: government website Litiana Turner (Australia), Felix Wadrobert (New Lonely Planet Caledonia) Solomon Islands: government website Web site: World Travel Guide Mission (ISSN 0190-4108) is produced and Seventh-day Adventist copyrighted © 2019 by the Office of Adventist Mission, South Pacific Division General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904, U.S.A. Australian Union Conference New Zealand Pacific Union Conference Printed in U.S.A. Papua New Guinea Union Mission Third Quarter 2019 Trans Pacific Union Mission Volume 108, Number 3 ADVENTIST® and SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST® are the An offering goal device will help focus attention on world missions registered trademarks of the General Conference of and increase weekly mission giving. Determine a goal for your class’s Seventh-day Adventists®. weekly mission offering. Multiply it by 14, allowing a double goal for the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering. Permission is granted to reproduce material from this quarterly for local Sabbath School and children’s Remind your Sabbath School members that their regular weekly ministries programs. Permission to reproduce mission offerings will help the missionary work of the world church any portion of the material for sale, publication in and that one quarter of the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will go another periodical, or other commercial use must be directly to the projects in the South Pacific Division. On the twelfth authorized by the editor at the above address. Sabbath, report on mission giving during the quarter. Encourage For subscription inquiries, e-mail Rebecca Hilde members to double or triple their normal mission giving on Thirteenth at [email protected] or call 1-800- Sabbath. Count the offering and record the amount given at the end of 545-2449 or 1-208-465-2527 Annual subscription Sabbath School. rates per edition: domestic, U.S.$7.50; international, U.S.$14.50. North American Division churches can Bible texts are from the New King James Version ® Copyright © receive a complimentary subscription by contacting 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by Permission. All rights reserved. the above telephone numbers or e-mail address. 35 Taiwan

SOUTH PACIFIC DIVISION PROJECTS Philippines 1 CONFERENCE CHURCHES COMPANIES MEMBERSHIP POPULATION Produce “Daniel Children’s Series,” a 13-part animated series for children aged 8-12 Cambodia Vietnam Australian Union Conference 429 107 61,338 24,487,000 following the adventures of Daniel and his three friends, in Australia New Zealand Pacific Union Conference 146 50 20,474 5,378,000 2 “Save 10,000 Toes,” a campaign to prevent toe amputations through health services Papua New Guinea Union Mission 1,045 3,182 315,759 8,317,000 in Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Samoa, American Samoa, Kiribati, and Tonga Trans Pacific Union Mission 530 701 120,445 2,333,000 Division Totals Palau 2,150 4,040 518,016 40,515,000 3 Construct Hope TV and radio studios in Tongatapu, Tonga Brunei


Kiribati 2

Indonesia Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands

Timor Leste (East Timor) 2 Port Moresby Samoa Vanuatu American Samoa 2 2 2 Fiji 2 2 3 Tonga 1



New Zealand
