Cathcart & District Community Council

Chair Flora Wardlaw Secretary David McKendrick Treasurer Iso bel Baird

Meets last Wednesday each Month in Couper Institute at 7.15pm

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 25th May 2016 in the Couper Institute Clarkston Road at 7.15pm.

In attendance:

Chair: Mrs Flora Wardlaw Secretary: Mr. David McKendrick Treasurer: Mrs Isobel Baird

Members: Mrs H. Robertson, Mr W Baird, Mr J Mair, Mr. B McQuillan

Ex-Officio: Councillors Emma Gillan, Susan Aitken, and Bailie Josephine Docherty. Others: M. McMillan I. Rennie W Pearson, Sarah Ireland, and R. Andrew Dewar. Ass. Member: Police: PCs McPartland and Mooney. Apologies: Mrs. G. McFarlane, Mr. B. Shaw and Val Kennedy. .

The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming all present. The meeting was declared quorate. All apologies were intimated to the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting having been circulated and in the hands of the members, were noted, and a correction was made to the amount of money received for community groups, £1,000 corrected to £10,000. The new minutes were then proposed by Helen Robertson and seconded by Bill Baird.

The Chair’s Report.

Once again it was noted that there were no Councillors present at the meeting. A letter was received from a local resident asking if our C.C. is planning to hold a public meeting in the near future to discuss the upcoming EU vote. The meeting voted 6 against holding a meeting and 1 for, and therefore no meeting will be held by our C.C. The meeting was informed that Trinty Church would also not be holding any public meeting on the issue. The biomass unit at Cartvale Home has now been painted, as per planning permit and planning considers the case closed. Work should start in 2017 on Holmlea School, with Cathcart Housing Association and Homes for converting the site for social housing.

Police Report.

16 incidents from the including: 4 traffic offences, 2 vandalism, 3 assaults, 1 drugs, and 1 anti- social behaviour. 23 incidents from Cathcart including: 8 traffic offences, 2 breach of the peace, 1 assault, and 3 housebreak-ins. The officers were told of numerous acts of vandalism on /OLA school grounds, and were asked to check if there were any communications between the CCTV cameras at the school and the Police. The Chair thanked the officers for their reports.

Councillors’ Report.

Councillor Aitken: Commercial premises in Holmlea Road have been contacted and told that they will have to advise their commercial waste collectors to clean up after collections. It is the shop owners who are responsible for arranging their own commercial waste uplifts. The area will be monitored. Dog fouling has been raised as a serious problem in the Cathcart/ Battlefield area. LES is to take a closer look at the problem. The Victoria Forum is still active, but the NHS is not keen to get into discussion with the Forum regarding the sale/future development of the site. The NHS does not have to meet with the forum, and any concerns that the Forum has, may have to be raised with future developers. At this time there is no further information available on the Scottish Power site closure/development.

Councillor Gillan: also noticed that the Scottish Power site and the Merrylee Lodge developments have both been quiet of late. There has been some interest shown in the proposed IT classes. Glasgow Life will help to get the classes up and running, but numbers, and what level of skills are required to be taught, will have to be gathered, and also what preferred day/time. There is at present a “computer pal” available for a 1 to 1 at the library on Thursday afternoons. The fences around playing fields at Merrylee/OLA schools have been vandalised by cutting holes to give access to the pitches. City building will look into the repairs. Roof repairs will be taking place in Muirskeith Road, resurfacing in Friarton Road/ Glasserton Road, and painting will take place at the swing park in Merrylee. It was not known if temporary repairs had been carried out on Muirskeith Road; it is on the list for a full resurfacing. The Councillor was told of problems with pot holes in Ashmore/Elrig Roads. A new Environmental Task Force will be launched on the 26th May. This should show a marked difference in all aspects of environmental issues, resulting in improving neighbourhoods. The Councillor was asked what the money raised by Glasgow Life for lets was used for, specifically why some of the money raised from lets at Merrylee/OLA could not be used to buy 7 a-side goals. The charges rise, but the facilities are less. Councillor Gillan will contact Glasgow Life. Is the grass on Ashmore Road cut by the Council or the Housing association?

Bailie Docherty: Repair to roofs of flats on Cherrybank Road is on-going. Parents Assoc. of Merrylee/OLA schools have carried out a traffic/parking survey, which will hopefully provide a solution that, will be suitable to all. Muirskeith road/pavement will have changes due to the development of Merrylee Lodge, with the pavement probably made narrower. The 374 bus causing problems with times into Ashmore Road. The Bailie was asked if bus could run along Ashmore at 8:30 am, 3and 4 pm.

The Councillors/Bailie were asked if any problems regarding cycling on pavements by adults had been raised at any time, Councillor Aitken agreed that this had given her concerns in the past.

The Chair thanked the Councillors for their reports.

Treasurer’s report:

The Treasurer reported that the previous bank statement showed a balance of £1,919.45 in the bank. Expenses: hall rent £ 9.00

This gave a new balance of £1,910.45.



Planning, no objections to the following;

a) 21 Lochinver Ave. the erection of a two storey side extension to a dwelling house.

Correspondence: A list of the last months’ correspondences was sent to all members prior to the meeting and an opportunity to raise any issue was given at the meeting. No points were raised.

An e-mail from Councillor Cunning confirming that there are no plans whatsoever to close the Linn Park Golf Course. Our web page ( received a complaint about the floodlights at Holmlea Park constantly on. Councillors Aitken and Richardson were asked to follow this up. The lights are now on the correct timing sequence. Information concerning applications for candidates to be put forward for the Mary Barbour Award was read to the meeting. A letter from James Dornan, our local MSP, was read out regarding his now, availability to constituents after re-election in the Scottish Parliament. He also passed on his gratitude to all organisations for their excellent work in the community.

A.O.B. A local resident expressed her deep concern regarding the possibility of fracking in Glasgow and also the rest of Scotland. The meeting was informed by Councillor Aitken that in her opinion there will be no fracking in Scotland in the foreseeable future. It is written into the City Plans for Glasgow that fracking will be refused. The resident asked if a video could be shown at a future C.C. meeting, but as it lasts for one hour, a separate meeting would have to be arranged to accommodate this. The video would be shown the following day in a café in Victoria Road.

As there was no further competent business, the Chair thanked all those present for attending, and pronounced the meeting closed.

Please note that the next meeting will be on 29th June, starting at 7:15.

There are no meetings in July, August or December