Autumn 2005

Pensioners News The UK Pension Fund

Pages 2 - 3 Financial development of the Fund

Pages 4 - 9 UPA news round-up

Pages 10 - 11 Unilever brands Financial development of the Fund

The Unilever UK Pension Fund Fifth Report The Fund’s assets are invested in line with the investment and Statement of Accounts (for the year ended strategy which is set by the Trustees, taking account of the liability to pay benefits into the future. The diagram 31 March 2005) is now available by request. on the right illustrates the current strategy, which will John Wilcock, Financial Controller of the also be reviewed in light of the valuation results. Fund, outlines some of the highlights below. The Fund’s investments are managed by the following external investment managers:

The recovery in the value of the Fund’s assets continued Equities Barclays Global Investors, during the year ended 31 March 2005. Over the last Capital International, two years the value of the Fund’s assets has increased Fidelity and Goldman Sachs by more than 20%. Bonds Deutsche Asset Management, Expenditure £265m Goldman Sachs and Prudential M&G

Property CB Richard Ellis Benefits paid (Pensions and lump sums) £241m Transfers to other funds £8m Private Equity Pantheon Ventures Expenses £16m During the year ended 31 March 2005 the Fund’s investment managers achieved a collective return Income £229m of 11.9%. This return reflects the continued recovery in global equity markets following an extended period of negative returns. Over the last ten years investment Investment Income £104m returns averaging 7.8% a year have been slightly Contributions £122m ahead of the comparable market indices and well Transfers from other funds £3m ahead of inflation, as measured by the Retail Prices Index, which averaged 2.6%.

Expenditure during the year, mainly benefits in the If you would like a copy of the Unilever UK Pension form of pensions and lump sums, exceeded the Fund’s Fund Fifth Report and Statement of Accounts (for the income by £36 million (see diagrams above). Company year ended 31 March 2005), please contact the Fund and member contributions have been payable at the Secretary, Andy Rowell. Write to him at Unilever UK full rate since January 2004. Contribution income also Pensions (see address on the back page), remembering includes Special Company Contributions payable at please to quote your pensioner record number. the rate of £62 million per annum since January 2004. Contribution levels will be reviewed later this year based on the results of the 2005 actuarial valuation.

2 Pensioners News Autumn 2005 Investment Strategy

UK Equities 25% North American Equities 20% European Equities 15% Japan/Pacific/Emerging 7.5% Market Equities UK Bonds 17.5% Property 10% Private Equity 5%


4,3 4,2 4,2 4,1

3,8 3,7 3,6 3,5

3,1 Value of Investments 1996 - 2005 (as at 31 March)

Property Private Equity

£billions Ordinary Shares Fixed Interest Cash, Deposits and Others 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Autumn 2005 Pensioners News 3 UPA Ashford

Members on the Isle of Wight trip

Down here in deepest Kent, UPA Ashford’s Then there was the Hampton Court Flower Show. third year has exceeded the committee’s Again we had a packed coach and the weather was fine. Loading all the plants into the coach was our expectations. Membership is up on last year only problem. and every event has gone well; people even In August Maureen Cox and Ann Macey decided enjoyed our trip to France… when it rained to have a Garden Party for those who had been able hard all day! This report could fill pages, to come on our trips. But just like Topsy this ‘growed’ so here are just a few of our highlights. and so our neighbours Shirley and Ken (non-Unilever) lent us their much larger garden. Again the sun shone on us and we packed 100 people in. We borrowed We have managed to coerce Maureen Cox and tables, chairs, tea-urns and anything else we needed. Jan Robinson onto the committee, so we have Members gave raffle and tombola prizes, cakes and more help to make things tick. The Theatre section, plants. Lots of people made scones, Chairman John Luncheon club and Walking section are all up and Wright made clotted cream and Ann made strawberry running and are well supported. jam for the cream teas. We even auctioned two pots of John Nicol’s jam for £5. The result was that we 53 members attended a four-day holiday to raised a magnificent £823 for our local hospice. the Bembridge Coast Hotel on the Isle of Wight. Adding this to the money given in aid of the Tsunami The hotel, food, facilities and entertainment were at our January meeting, our members have raised over first-class. The weather could not have been better. £1000 for charity this year. We had trips to Osbourne House and Ventnor Botanical Gardens, as well as the spectacle of the Coming up for this year we have: a trip to Greenwich Round-the-Island Yacht Race. Our problem now Naval College and the Nelson Exhibition; the Theatre is finding somewhere as good for next year. section is going to to see ‘Mama Mia’; we have our winter trip to France (to restock!); we are seeing ‘Aladdin’ at Hastings and, of course, we have our Christmas lunch.

Thank you to our members for their support, without which we could not continue, the committee for their hard work, and of course Cynthia, Kate and Kimberley for their help and guidance.

Overheard at a Unilever Luncheon. “You really ought to join. It’s given us something to live for.”

4 Pensioners News Autumn 2005 UPA Colworth

The Colworth and Welwyn Pensioners on some of the publicans faces when confronted by Club has undergone a number of changes 40 hungry and thirsty geriatrics has been an interesting mixture of horror and £ signs! We have also continued during the last 12 months. For a start, we our twitching activities and the promised ‘pensioners are no longer the Colworth and Welwyn cycle ride’ will become a reality in September. Pensioners Club! At our 2005 AGM we On the events and excursions front, a foray into wine changed our name to Unilever Pensioners and cheese tasting proved very popular (surprise, Association Colworth. We have been surprise!). Seven unlabelled reds of varying grape type and country of origin (for each table of ten) formed the a UPA in all but name for a few years, basis for an identification parade. This, together with so the transition is now complete. half a dozen unlabelled cheeses, provided a quiz with around 25 questions to answer. A lot of slurping and cheese sampling eventually produced a winner. The At the 2005 AGM we also had a change of chairman. winner had correctly identified just over 50% of the After seven excellent years in the harness, Peter wine and cheese samples. Many of us were well short Butler decided to stand down and was replaced by of this percentage, but had a great time none the less. Charmaine Willey. ‘Cham’ is happy to be referred to as our ‘chairman’ (most of us are still compos mentis Our holiday this year was to Bruges. We had good enough to tell the difference!). Peter, of course, has weather which made for a great time, at this very not escaped; he is currently drawing up the detail of interesting destination. Our day excursions have our 25th Anniversary Newsletter which will be published included trips to the Royal Show at Stoneleigh and to celebrate our quarter century in March next year. walking in London’s Docklands; in December we have a Christmas trip to Chatsworth and the Bakewell Pudding Historically we have communicated with members by Shop. We have continued to offer our usual mix of ‘post and paper’, but in June this year we began to events and excursions, including local theatre trips, move into the electronic age with the launch of the talks, backstage tours, and our annual Pensioners UPA - Colworth website. Initially the website will supper. So, although our activities in 2005 could be concentrate on offering an electronic version of the summed up as basically the same as 2004, support has information which we traditionally distribute by post continued to build. Due to popularity, we had to book – newsletter, trip offers, events information, etc. In the two coaches for our Docklands excursion, and are longer term, however, we hope to extend the scope of continually seeking ‘something different’. We shall take the site to include articles which we cannot currently the same approach in 2006 and are already evaluating include within the limits of the four pages of the some of the options our members have suggested over newsletter. Perhaps a picture gallery and some form the year… probably, however, a trip to Las Vegas for the of interactive message board to allow members to World Poker Tournament is unlikely to make the final list! post information themselves onto the site… could be a sort of ‘pensioners chat room’! For us, the advantages of electronic communication are ; a saving in Charmaine Willey (taking some samples!) from the committee members’ time in printing, packing, and brewery visit in Bruges posting and the associated cost-saving in materials and postage. In the few months since we launched, around 10% of our membership has opted for this sort of communication without any persuasion (as yet).

In 2005 our ‘Crawlers’ have prospered. We have arranged a programme of around 20 walks of varying length from 5 to 12 miles, with a couple of ‘away days’ in the Cotwolds (Chipping Campden to Broadway) and Derbyshire (Ilam, Wetton and the Manifold Track). Support continues to grow and we have had more than 40 participants at some walks this year. The look

Autumn 2005 Pensioners News 5 UPA Gloucester

Members on the visit to

Here in Gloucester, we are working morning at our hotel by Charles Evans, a Unilever hard to put a varied programme pensioner from UPA Wirral, who acted as our guide around . With his considerable knowledge together for our members. of his home town and unique sense of humour (a story for every monument and building), Charles To bring 2004 to a close, we arranged our first made our city tour most memorable and enjoyable. weekend away, a ‘Turkey & Tinsel’ weekend! On a We then travelled out to Port Sunlight where we were lovely, bright, but cold, November day, 50 members met at the Lever Club by some of our friends from the boarded a coach and travelled to the most popular UPA Wirral Committee who had organised a splendid of all seaside resorts – Weston-Super-Mare (or, as it buffet lunch for us. After lunch they acted as our guides is popularly known down here, Weston-on-the-Mud!). around the village. Everyone agreed that our visit was But, hey, it was ‘Christmas’ and we were all prepared far too short and all too soon it was time to leave (we to have a great time. And, indeed, we did. In the Fancy were farewelled by a torrential thunderstorm). We left Dress competition, our members took the first three Liverpool on Sunday, making a stop at the Percy Thrower prizes. After lots of eating, drinking, and making merry, Garden Centre in Shrewsbury, and we arrived back in we left Weston tired, but happy, and everyone Gloucester after another successful weekend away. agreed it had been a great ‘Christmas’. In July we made our annual pilgrimage to the seaside, We held our usual Christmas lunches over two days this year to Bournemouth, and enjoyed blue skies and in December, at which 320 members and partners sat sunshine – another ‘grand day out’! down to an excellent lunch. Our 2004 programme came to a close with our annual evening of Christmas carols We are now looking forward to a visit to Bristol and music. Hippodrome in September to see the stage musical ‘Thoroughly Modern Millie’. This will be our first Our first event in 2005 was our Spring reunion lunch theatre trip, but hopefully not the last. attended by 190 members. Our reunion lunches are always so popular that we are holding our Autumn We still have a couple of events to look forward reunion over two days. By doing this we will ensure to this year, and we are also busy working on our that all members who apply will be accommodated programme for 2006. Our committee remains strong and no-one will be disappointed. and unchanged, and we are all doing our utmost to ensure we maintain a happy membership. Still on a high after the success of our Weston weekend, we decided to organise another away trip. In May we embarked on a three-day trip to Liverpool and Port Sunlight. We travelled up to Liverpool via , where we stopped for a couple of hours for lunch and shopping. We were met on the Saturday

6 Pensioners News Autumn 2005 UPA Leeds

Leeds UPA started a little over 18 months In late summer, members had the opportunity to ago. Already we have more than 200 take part in a green bowls tournament and a visit to Liverpool and Port Sunlight (kindly hosted by members and we will have held 21 events UPA Wirral). by the end of this year! Our first AGM In the final months of 2005, we are holding six events: will be held in December. a social afternoon of food, drink, dance and plenty of chat; a one-day course on dry stone walling (well At the end of 2004, we held our first four events: we are in Yorkshire!); a lunch at the Leeds catering a guided walk, a trip on the Settle to Carlisle rail-line, college; a guided walk; a visit to spectacular Chatsworth a shopping excursion to Salford Quays and a day trip House to see it ‘dressed’ for Christmas, and our first to Scarborough that included an afternoon music hall AGM that will be followed by our Christmas lunch. show. These events were well supported, giving us Next year we plan to hold our first overnight excursion an encouraging start. – probably to Holland at the height of the tulip season. Food and drink were prominent in the event We look forward to welcoming still more Pensioners programme at the start of 2005, which began with into the UPA. a games evening in January. In February, we held our first lunch club at a hotel in Leeds city centre, and in March there was a tour of the Sam Smiths brewery at Tadcaster, followed by the opportunity to sample a good pint(s)! A narrow boat on the Leeds-Liverpool canal was the setting for a lunch in June, when the boat took us for a three-hour viewing of Leeds from the water – it did look different!

Country walks remain a popular event, so both moderately testing and gentler walks have taken place throughout the year. The walkers have stepped onto the Yorkshire Moors, walked alongside the River Wharfe and strolled around Thruscross Reservoir.

The RHS Flower Show at Tatton Park in July was greatly enjoyed, with many members bringing plants and gardening accoutrements onto the coach for the journey back to Leeds. Members ready to set out on a walk from Otley

Autumn 2005 Pensioners News 7 UPA

The group who went to Holland

With only 150 members, UPA Warrington We made an extended shopping trip to Barden Mill is a small Association compared with most in July. We enjoyed an excellent lunch which was served in the conservatory, followed by a cruise of the other UPAs. However we are blessed on the Leeds-Liverpool canal during which we were with an excellent level of member support. served a cream tea. There was also a well-stocked bar at reasonable prices for those who wished to partake of something stronger. Unfortunately, our committee has had a number of setbacks this year due to illness. This has necessitated Perhaps the highlight of this year was a trip to the redistribution of work amongst our small hard- Holland in May. We set off from Milner Street at working committee. Nevertheless, this has not hampered 9.30am, stopping at York for lunch and some sight- us in achieving tremendous success this year. seeing before arriving at Hull for the overnight ferry to Rotterdam. The next day was spent at Keukenhof Lunches are always well supported at Warrington Gardens, the showplace for Dutch bulb growers. and have been held at country pubs and city centre Finally, we took a coach tour along the coast to our hotels – the crowning glory being the Christmas hotel and into the bar for a well earned pre-dinner lunch at Statham Lodge. The Christmas lunch had an drink. Dinner was served, followed by a further visit outstanding attendance of 80, an excellent turnout. to the very comfortable lounge bar for a night-cap. Theatre trips are also a big favourite with the members. The next morning we visited a flower auction at Various trips have been arranged to Liverpool and Aalsmeer which amazed everyone. A visit to a cheese Manchester to see and hear ‘A Tribute to Nat King farm followed and then off to Delft for lunch and a Cole’, ‘Chicago’, ‘Miss Saigon’, ‘High Society’, bit of sightseeing before joining the ferry at Rotterdam. ‘Thoroughly Modern Millie’ and a carol concert at On the way back we stopped for lunch and sightseeing Liverpool Philharmonic Hall. In addition, we organised at Harrogate. Altogether a wonderful break with a three-day trip to London to see ‘Chitty Chitty Bang numerous requests for a similar break next year. Bang’. While in London, members visited Hampton To this end, plans are in-hand for a trip to , Court Garden, Buckingham Palace and the London taking in Bruges, Brussels and possibly Ypres and, Eye. This was our first venture into weekends away most importantly, travelling overnight by ferry to and proved to be very successful. Zeebrugge: the ferry playing an important role in In April we enjoyed an informative and interesting bringing the members together and making the visit to Liverpool, taking in the Catholic and Anglican holiday so successful. cathedrals and many other notable sights in and That’s all for this year; speak to you again next Autumn. around the city centre.

8 Pensioners News Autumn 2005 UPA Wirral

Since our last report UPA Wirral has had The bi-annual quiz was the first event of 2005 with a very full programme of events, starting 50 members in attendance. This was followed in March by a visit to the Library Theatre in Manchester off with a visit to Bardon Mill and Towneley to see ‘The Real Thing’. Gavin Hunter, our local Hall near Burnley in early September. Later historian, gave 55 members a history lesson on that month we held our second Bowls Fun Quarries, illustrating his talk with amazing photographs of bygone times. Later that month Day, expertly instructed by the ladies of 90 members enjoyed a visit to Cadbury World. The the Port Sunlight Bowls Club. This event is highlight of our programme was the trip made to now bi-annual and is proving very popular. the Rhine, taking in Cologne, Koblenz and the tourist centre of Rudesheim. This was an outstanding event.

Richard Clark led a group of 22 members on our A spring ramble took us through Brotherton Park and first ramble in the Clwydian hills, through the gorge we had another visit to Manchester to see ‘Larkin with of World’s End and below the white terraces of Women’. A full coach transported us to Powys Castle Craig y Forwen. As one member put it, “the weather in mid Wales which is home to the ‘Clive of India’ may have dampened our clothes but not our spirits!” dynasty. In July we took another four-day break in the Scottish Highlands. On 4 October, 50 members set off on a four-day break to the city of Dublin. The first day was free for all of While all the above was going on, the monthly us to take in the many sights and sounds of “this fair luncheon clubs were taking place at various venues city”. On the second day we all boarded our coach throughout Wirral. The committee has mapped out for Avoca, the little town which was featured in the our next six months… we are looking forward to T.V. series Ballykissangel. We meandered through the them with eager anticipation. Wicklow Gap via narrow mountainous roads and the evening was spent enjoying some Irish Craic at the Nancy Hands Pub. The following morning we took a short tour of Dublin before boarding our ferry to arrive back at Port Sunlight later that evening.

Our annual social evening took place on 19 November and was attended by more than 100 members and guests. While the attendance was a little down on previous years, this did not take away the atmosphere and enjoyment of the evening. Two other successful events during the month were a trip to the Trafford Centre for some pre-Christmas shopping and a visit to the Palace Theatre for a performance of the ballet ‘Romeo and Juliet’. Our annual AGM was attended by a full house. Members enjoying the Bowls Fun Day

Autumn 2005 Pensioners News 9 Unilever brands

Every second, millions of UK consumers choose one or more Unilever brands. And when you look at the labels that make up our business, it’s hardly surprising. Here they are, from A to Z: the brands that are the heart of bringing vitality to life…

Childhood friends and dedicated Colman’s, the world-famous mustard hippies Ben Cohen and Jerry brand, was founded over 180 years Greenfield started an ice cream ago in Norwich, making it the factory in a renovated gas station oldest brand in Unilever’s portfolio. in 1978. Now their ice cream is famous around the world for its First introduced in 1969, Comfort funky flavours and fun philosophy. is now the UK’s favourite fabric conditioner with 40% of the Started in 1870, Bertolli is the world’s market. Comfort has always been leading olive oil brand. Today the at the forefront of innovation, range, which represents healthy and recently launched the first Mediterranean cuisine, includes unit dose capsule in the UK. oils, sauces, pesto and spreads. Launched in 1976, Wall's Cornetto In the 1920s, American Clarence is now established as the number Birdseye discovered a process for two brand in the ice cream market, freezing food and changed the with overwhelming leadership of face of home cooking forever. In the cones sector. 1946 Birds Eye grew its first 404 acres of peas in the UK – now The first name in home hygiene, 33,000 acres of peas are grown and has been protecting frozen every year. The famous Birds families from germs for 70 years. Eye Fish Fingers followed in 1955 and What began as a humble bar with the help of the iconic Captain of soap is now a range of world- Birds Eye, introduced in 1967. famous products, including bath, Boursin made history in 1968 shower, liquid hand wash, hand when it became the first cheese and body care, deodorants, and to advertise on French TV. hair-care products.

One of our oldest brands launched Elmlea was launched in the UK in in 1873 and a British classic. In 2004 1984 as the first cream alternative got a new lease of life as for people with busy lives and it changed to a vegetarian recipe is now the leading brand in the to appeal to more consumers. double cream sector.

More than one in 10 people in the Flora was launched in 1964 and UK have now eaten Carte D’Or. now sells over three million tubs a week. Flora has promoted a Jif Cream heralded a revolution healthy heart for more than 40 in household care when it was years and has been the official launched in 1974. Now rebranded sponsor of the London Marathon as , the products aim to help since 1996. people enjoy a beautiful, clean home. Hellmann’s was the first mayonnaise Carb Options is a collection of launched in the UK in 1961. 17 products made by and Hellmann’s is now the brand leader Hellmann’s that include reduced carb with 65% market share. The pasta, soup and low carb mayonnaise Hellmann’s range now includes where the carbs have been curbed salad dressings and sauces. by between 30% and 95% without compromising any of the taste.

10 Pensioners News Autumn 2005 In 2003 ICBINB! was relaunched is firmly established as the with a brand-new pack design, UK’s favourite laundry brand. Since changing the colour from yellow its launch as the ‘amazing oxygen to an eye-catching bright blue. cleaner’ in 1909, Persil has been at the forefront of caring for the The UK’s favourite body spray, nation’s clothes. comes in an upbeat range of nine different fragrances, inspired PG Tips was first launched in by the brightest trends in perfume, 1930 and this year celebrates fashion, colour and culture. its 75th Birthday. In 1996 PG Tips revolutionised the tea market with The Jif brand name and squeezy its Pyramid tea bags followed lemon pack have become in 2003 by Freeflow bags making synonymous with pancakes. an even quicker brew.

It’s Unilever’s no. 1 brand, with annual Physio is a range of eight sports global sales of more than É3 billion. toiletry products track-tested by In the UK over 25 million consumers professional sports people, including regularly buy Knorr soups. Chicken over 1,000 of the world’s top athletes. Tonight, Sizzle n Stir and Ragu all come under the Knorr banner. The brand is a true impulse brand – around 50% of Cha is an exciting business purchases are unplanned – and solution that provides freshly brewed claims 95% of the £105 million traditional (e.g. Earl Grey) and new instant hot snack market. (e.g. spiced cha and cha latte) teas through the T-bird machine in front Scottish Blend is no ordinary tea. of consumers’ eyes. Created in 1990, it was the first tea specially blended to match the Lipton Ice Tea is the 15th biggest softness of Scotland’s water. selling soft drink brand globally and is now available in over 30 Slim.Fast is committed to making countries. It was launched in the dieting simple, successful and UK in 2002 and is now available affordable. The range is available in Peach, Lemon and Mango. in a wide range of retail outlets, including supermarkets and The name , taken from the pharmacies, making it easy to word ‘luxury’, is renowned as the pick up with the weekly shopping. soap of the stars. Over 400 stars have featured in its ads since the Wall’s is the biggest brand 1930s, including Elizabeth Taylor, in the UK refreshment sector, both Brigitte Bardot, Marilyn Monroe in impulse and multipack sales. The and Sarah Jessica Parker. groundbreaking technology behind the application of the fruit sorbet Lynx is Unilever’s number one male coating is patented to this day. grooming brand, with more than eight million men using a Lynx Since its launch in 1920, Stork deodorant at least once a week. margarine has established itself as one of the most trusted names Some 60 million Magnums are sold in home baking, dominating the every year in the UK – that’s just £40 million baking sector. over one for every person in the country. is the UK’s fastest ’s range of shampoos and selling impulse ice cream brand. conditioners is based on a deep understanding of the problems The question is simple: are you that women have with their hair a lover or a hater? Ever since it was and the emotions that these first introduced to the UK in 1902, problems trigger. this iconic brand has caused a great divide in Britain. A range of deodorants in 10 fragrances for both men and Peperami may have arrived in the women, Sure has over 12 million UK by mistake but it has certainly users – who are responsible for 172 been in the right place ever since! Sure sales a minute! Known as much for its spicy taste as its crazy, award-winning advertising. More brands overleaf

Autumn 2005 Pensioners News 11 Unilever brands continued

Universally associated with the has been caring for skin Sharon and Tracy characters for over 140 years. From simple from the ‘Birds of a Feather’ beginnings in the 19th century TV advertising campaign, is a as a means to soothe cuts and common-sense biological laundry skin abrasions, it has developed detergent, designed to provide into a range of products to help good all-round cleaning. create truly healthy-feeling skin.

The original nature-inspired This famous ice cream gateau was haircare product; inspired by an illustration in a relaunched in 2000 with new cook book of the time-honoured products to reflect the changing French recipe for millefeuille needs of today’s women. cake. This flash of genius has resulted in one of the major Unilever Foodsolutions provides innovations in the modern ice products for professional chefs cream industry. under such brand names as Knorr, Hellmann’s, Colman’s, Lipton, PG More than a billion Wall’s ice Tips, and Flora. It’s rare creams are eaten in the UK every to find a professional kitchen, year. The brand provides an ice whether in a top restaurant or cream or dessert for every mood a pub, without a Unilever and occasion with products like Foodsolutions product in the , Cream of Cornish, Feast, store cupboard! Mini Milk and Twister.

Contact details

For queries regarding this publication, Unilever Other useful contact details: UK Pensioners Association or Regional Groups please contact: Unilever Private Insurance: 020 78225547 (and extensions 5551/5553/6746/5134/5536) Cynthia Elliott, Pensioners Liaison Manager Unilever UK Pensions Unilever UK Pensions Tax Office (ref. 951/V): Walton Court, Station Avenue HM Inspector of Taxes, Chapel Wharf Area, Trinity Walton-on-Thames Bridge House, 2 Dearmans Place, Salford M3 5BS Surrey KT12 1UP Tel: 0845 3000627

Tel: 01932 261657 Unilever State Benefits Helpline: 01494 729796 Fax: 01932 261885 Pensioner Elected Trustee: E-mail: [email protected] UUKPF website: Richard Clark 52 Wentworth Drive For queries about your pension payments, or to tell us of personal changes (eg. change of address), please contact: Wirral CH63 0JA

Unilever UK Pensions Team E-mail: [email protected] Hewitt Associates Outsourcing Ltd 6 More London Place London SE1 2DA Pensioners News – Spring 2006 Freephone: 0800 0280051 (from within the UK) Tel: +44 20 79394909 (from outside the UK) Next edition we plan to update you on legislative E-mail: [email protected] changes to the Pensions Act and Finance Act and Fax: +44 20 79394047 the implications for pensions in the UK.