FEBRUARY,1915. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 85 naturaliet. Columbus, 0. v. 15. 1915. iU~tt.nrnlr~:risr~l/t~Ztkwhrif. Bramrchti~ei~~.Bmd $2. Febritar 1915. Smith, J. Warren. Predicting mininiuni temperatures fnr frt 1st Maurer, J. Ncue Diiniiiieningsstiidien auf Grund lsngjiihriger prntectim. p. 405-405. (January.) Zudi:i.k:illii.Iitr~eobxc..ht,iingenvon Frieclr. Schmid (Tnggen- Smith, J. Warren. EBicacy of lightning ruds. p. 437442. (Fcb- burg.) p. 49-5G. ruary.) Hann, J[ulius] v. Die: jiihrlichen iinel Otiglichen Anderungen in Physical reilieiir. Lancastcr, Pa. 2d sm. 11. 5. Fcbrziay, 1915. der Richtung nnd Stiirke des Siidost-Pmsnt.s iiii Atlnnt.ischen Brown, S. Leroy. A new form of resifktnce thermometer. p. 12G- Oxeaii. p. 5f;-f;1. 134. Defant, A[lbert]. Zulu t$.glichen Chng dcr rclnbiven Feuchtigkeit. Lassalle, Leopold J. The diurmil variation of the enrth's pene- p. GI<'?. trating radintion at Manila, Philippine 1sl:inda. p. 135-14s. Liznar, J(oseph1. Die ~vahct.llerinische Anonialie nuf der Erdo- Popular astronomy. h'orthficld. Minn. 1'. 23. J31nrdi, 191.5. h?rfliiche. 1). GD-73. Pickering, William €I.hIeteorology of the niimii. p. 129-140. Hann, J[ulius] v. Neue Beit.rSge zur Pennt.nis der tiiglichen Royal society. Phi~osophicd transactiviis. Lo~idon. scr. 11. i?. 212. Prrintlc*der tiwitter. p. 7SS2. -4 495. 1913. Franz Siegel. p. S.44 [Obit,iiary]. King, Louis Vessot. On the scattering and absorption of light in Dries, Johannes. Uber die Entwickelung der eiirnpiiischen IIoch- gaseous media, with applications to the intewity of sky ndia- c1rnckpc~l:liet.i.. p. 89-91. tion. p. 375433. Orkan zii Port hnelia (Portugiesisch-Oatnfrikn)ani 12. . Selrorrl srieim atid niathc~~~iatic~s.C'hicnyn. iv. 15. iUmA, 191.5. 1'. 92-93. Pettit, Edison. Height of clouds at sunset. p. 81:3-'31ti. O~tl~i~i~~.i~~li;~~lil~l.'lrc!i-Zcitxrlr~ft. 11-ie)i. 9. .Jtlfr~ga~ig.Fcb. 1915. Scicnrc. Neiu 1b-k. P. ;I. Mitrch 12, 131.i. Horbiger, H. C~1:ixialkosmogoiiisrli~Beit.rtige zur Physik der At- Greely, A[dolphus] W[ashington]. The meteornlogy of IdPlir~ niiiq~liiirt~im.1 dw Sonne. p. 41-46. Land, Antarctica. p. 395497. Hiirbiger, H. ~.~1:i~ialko~~i~,rronisr11cBcitriige zur Erdbebenfor- ,S&ntiJie dnicr*icrrn. 1Vcii9 Yvrk. 19. 11 .'. Mvrili b. 1:~1.5. st.*h1111C. 1). 4;-50. Talman, C[harles] Flitzhugh]. Dark c1:ip and fu Krebs, Wilhelm. Cicsrhiitzdnnner nls Echo roil der IIorhntnios- Scottish gcogmphicwl ntuyct:iiic. EtliiiL~iir1711.1'. .:I. phtire. p. 51. Wallis, B. C. The riiinfall of the c6tton belt of I'rum~tltt~iin. kcrIiii. Ji~ltr~qaq%. .J?iii~tar9, 1915'. and its results. p. 71-81. Wolf, ICarl. 1J:is \Yesen der Pugelblitze. p. 2S232. deadhiie des stiunces. C'uiiiptes rt mltts. Pciris. Tuiiic 1~.S j?i rit-r Ili-ttc~r. b'dilr. SI. Joitryawy. Dcotihcr IIi1-i. 1915. Meissner, Otto. Die Windrichtung in Swinemiinde iiii Juni. Bigourdan, Guill[aume]. Ap lication du conipnmteiir angulnirc p. 2G.5-37. cdeate I la d4termination $e la r(.frac-tion astronuinique de sa Thraen, A[ugust]. Die Niellerschliigsverhiiltnisse auf der nord- constante. p. 190-194. lichen uncl iist1it:hen Abdarhung des Sucletensystenis. dage- Areliires (ks scieiices pltysiqitcs 1-t i~ntiirclkcs. C;t.)i:i~.. Tunit. .SD. 191.5. skllt iiach 31 jiihrigcu streng gleichzeitigen BeoliachDungen. Quervain, A[lfred] de. Sur les obserl :itions sismom6triques faites p. 26i-2X. en Suisse. p..47-58. (15 jnn. ) Naegler, W[ilhclm]. n'ittcrungsrinfluse bein] Schiessen. p. 2Sl- Schmid, F[riedrich]. Nou\ elks obren ntiilnr sir 1% ri:iturr de In 2s2. lumiPre zodinc.de. . 14Y-lGti. (15 fi\ .) [Author believe# the Rudel, [Kaspar]. ?;iichtlirhe Hngelfiille? IJ. 2%:. zodical light to be tEe reflcction uf dnr light in :I lens-rhspcd Rudel, [Kaspar]. ~iviit~~baromcter.p. 'sS3-2S5. terrestrial atniospher~.] Gk,J. Ein (it?witter im Prnfil. p. 2S5-2SG. Animlun der ph1~8ik. Lcip;ig. Bad 46. Heft I. 1915. Rot+th sisiiiidtoyiw i/izliciii~r. Lhllettino. Xodc?irr. 21. IS. N. 3-4-5. Quincke, b[eorgl. Ionenwolken in feuchter espandierter Luft. I9l.f. p. 3Y-67. Yalladra, A. J,'iinpi:into sisniico dell'Osservntorio Vesiiviano. Beitragc air Geophysik. Lcilxig. 1.3. Band. 5. it. 6. €&I?. 191;. p. 194-?2$. Scheltie, Hans. Die Erdbeben rleutdilands in den letzten Jahren Oddone, Emilio. Intorno ad alcuni problemi che intercssnno In und ihr Xiisammenhang niit der Tektmik. p. 3S5-404. viilciiiioIc+~ e In sismolwgi,rrin. p. 3;59-:3T4. Harboe, E. G. Dns isltindische Hekla--Ueben ani 6. Msi 1912. kl. Mitt. p. 173-183. Gutenberg, B. Beobnchtungen uber die Perioden dcr ErdLebcn- vorliiufer. kl. hlitt. . 1S4-196. NOTES FROM THE WEATIIER BUREAU LIBRARY. Meissner, Otto. Uber $n Zusnnimenhang der mikrcisc+mischen Bewegung mit meteornlogiwhen Faktoren. kl. hlitt. p. 204- C. ]?.ITZIIUUH TALMAN,Professlr in Charge of Library. 809. Hecker, 0. Vegleichung der Ergebnisse zweier in paralleler Auf- THE SINGULAR OF " SASTRUGI." stellung registncrender Horisontalpendelappamte. 3d pag. p. 101-106. Szirtes, S[iegmund]. Dm mikroseismische hfnterial des - In the glossary prefised to "Scott's Last Especlition" Bebens am 20. Februar 1914. 3d psg. p. 112-114. (New Tork, 1913, vol. 1, p. ssiii) occurs the following Szirtes, S[iegmund]. Das niikroseiamische hlaterial des Sangir- definition: Bebens ani 14. Mars 1913. 3d pig. p. 115-121. Sasfriigrcs. An irregulnrity formed hy tlic wine1 on Q snow plain. Dcic tsde Li!f!fahrer Ze itsdi rift. Bcrl in. 19. .hili ryo jig. 1915. Eckhardt, Wilh[elm] R. Luftfahrt, Wetterknrte und Wetter- I

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/26/21 08:42 AM UTC 86 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. FEBRUARY,1915 b the narrative of Wran el’s travels coinpiled Noch muss icli hier eine Notiz iiber die Sastnigi machen, die erha- familiar beiicn Rippeu oder Wellen. die sich mif dem Schnee der Tundra oder from the 9atter’s journals and pub7 ishecl by En,qelhardt des Jeiiissei hei Stiirmen bilden und von den Bewolinern ziir Orienti- in 1839. Bn Eiiglisli triinslation (by Mrs. Sabine,, of riing benut.zt werden, indem die Riditung der Sastnigi genau mit der Engelhardt’s book (notable for the fact that ueither the Richtung des letzt.vor,rherg.eg:mgeneiist5rlierIi Windes iibereinstimni t. conipiler’s nor the translator’s iianie appears on the Der ntJrdiSChe Bc!ilitt,enfiilirer fiihlt mit deni Piiss. wenn er wegen Schnees, Nebels ocler Dunkelheit keine Fernsiclit hat, die Richtnng title- age) appeared in 1S40, and in it the Gcrinan spell- der Sastriiga heraus, und weiss d~in,in welcheni Wiiikel ziir Smtniga ing oP the above term was preserved. Wrangel’s descrip- er sein Gefiihrt lenken niiies, narhdcm er sich zii Anf:mg der Reise wohl tion uf sastrugi follows: uher die Birhtung der iiltern untl neiiern Sastrugi unterrichtet hat. Die iiltern erkennt er an ilirer grossern Hiirte und daran, dmihnen To enable 11s to fOlIcJ\v 118 straight a line as pos*ible. iw tried to fis der Ibpf fehlt. Die frische Sastruga bildet niimlich eincn 1 bis 4 our eyes on so~iiereni;irkdde piece of ice at a distant e: if there w:~ Blilfter Imgcn Rucken, der nndi den1 Winde zii oben wharf ist. mit none mch, we were giiicled IJY the wavelike stripcx ni’ FIIOW (sastriigi) einer vorapriiigeiiden Spitzc (der Kopf, der allmiihlich vom Winde which are formed, either on the plains on lancl or IJII the level ice of wider ahgetragen wird 1 und nach der eritgegengesetzten Seite (der the 86%. by any wind of long twitini1:anre. These ridges always intli- Schmaiiz) sich ahihcht. and verlireitcrt,. Iin Bleiiien kann man die cate the quarter froin wliich the prevniliiig winds IJ~OW. The inlinbi- Hast.lagi vort.refflicli :auf deni Pchnee der Newa, nnch eineni starkcn tants of the Tundrsd often travel to n settlement eeveral hiindred Win(l:>, beobacli ten. versts off with no other giiide throng11 these unvariccl wastes than thc mtrugi. They know hy experience at \\-lint angle they niiist crws The word zrbsfriip. has a number of meanings in Rus- the greater and the lemer n-iives of HIICIX- in order to arrive at their sinn. It is :ip >lied to rough splinters clue to planin destination, and they never foil. It often Iinppen~that the trcw prr- iiianent siwtniga has lieen olilitt.ratcd by nnother priitltccwl by tenipu- wood against t\ le grain: to tlie end of a stick tapere i rary winds, brit the traveler is iiot dcceired tlieidiy; liis prwticed wit,h n spoko-share or siiiiilar tool; to the overhanging eye detects the chaligc, he c~relull rcm.wc‘s the rrc~ntlydrifted 1)nnk of a stream, scoured briieath by the current; to mow, and corrects liiv coiirse ~>ythe Tower sastniga anc~ tlie angle n siii~llbay or inlet; nlso soiiietiines metaphorically to fornied by the tin). inmtd perturbnticm or unsiety. Whether it is actually It will be noticed that in the forcpoiiig passage :i iqqiliril in Russian to one of the snow ridges whic.11 are single snow ridge of the character nieiitionecl is referred k11ow11 collectively :w zastrirqi is iiot clear from the to as a smfmga, which is the German trunsliteratioii of clic thiaries acccssil)le to the i esent writer. Dal’s the Russian singular zastmga. The same singular occu~s Dic tionnry of the Modern Great k;lssian Language (3d in the following passage froin another work: cd., 1003) assigns this meaning only t,o tlie plural, which is t.lius defined : Zm!rcig; or :.d~trugi.Jagqed. wsvy ridges thrown up by water on a saiitly Imttmi; also, wiiid-swept snow drifts, wavy nt the top, steep and riinipltd on the wiiiclward side, mid gently sloping to leeward.

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