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The susceptibility of silver ( auratus langsdorfii) to infection with herpesvirus (KHV)

Kim, Hyoung Jun; Kwon, Se Ryun; Olesen, Niels Jørgen; Yuasa, Kei

Published in: Journal of Diseases

Link to article, DOI: 10.1111/jfd.13054

Publication date: 2019

Document Version Peer reviewed version

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Citation (APA): Kim, H. J., Kwon, S. R., Olesen, N. J., & Yuasa, K. (2019). The susceptibility of silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus langsdorfii) to infection with koi herpesvirus (KHV). Journal of Fish Diseases, 42(10), 1333-1340.

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Received: 12 March 2019 | Revised: 11 June 2019 | Accepted: 14 June 2019 DOI: 10.1111/jfd.13054


The susceptibility of silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus langsdorfii) to infection with koi herpesvirus (KHV)

Hyoung Jun Kim1 | Se Ryun Kwon2 | Niels Jørgen Olesen3 | Kei Yuasa4

1World Organisation for Health Reference Laboratory for VHS, National Abstract Fishery Products Quality Management Koi herpesvirus (KHV) infections cause high mortality in carp ( carpio). This Services, Busan, Korea study compared the susceptibility of silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus langsdorfii), 2Department of Aquatic Life Medical Sciences, Sunmoon University, Asan‐si, also called , and koi carp to KHV infection. Silver crucian carp and koi carp Korea were challenged with KHV by both intraperitoneal injection and immersion, respec‐ 3World Organisation for Animal Health Reference Laboratory for VHS, National tively, and kept in tanks at 22°C. All KHV‐exposed koi carp died within 14 days post‐ Institute for Aquatic Resources, Technical infection (dpi), whereas no clinics nor mortality was observed in the KHV‐exposed University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark silver crucian carp. KHV DNA was detected in both koi and silver crucian carp shortly 4World Organisation for Animal Health Reference Laboratory for KHV, Fisheries after infection. At 7 dpi, the copy numbers of KHV genome were increased in koi carp Research and Education Agency, National but decreased in silver crucian carp. Using reverse transcriptase PCR, KHV mRNA Research Institute of Aquaculture, Mie, Japan was detected in koi carp but not in silver crucian carp. Cell cultivation on brain (CCB) cell samples from koi carp caused KHV‐associated cytopathic ef‐ Correspondence Kei Yuasa, National Research Institute fects in CCB cells. Therefore, we concluded that KHV replicated in koi carp but not of Aquaculture Fisheries Research and in silver crucian carp and that silver crucian carp is not susceptible to infection with Education Agency, Mie 516‐0193, Japan. Email: [email protected] KHV.

Funding information KEYWORDS National Fishery Products Quality ginbuna, koi herpesvirus (KHV), mRNA‐specific RT‐PCR with KHV, real‐time PCR, silver Management Service of South Korea; Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and crucian carp, susceptibility Forestry of Japan

1 | INTRODUCTION 2008), and nested PCR has been used to confirm the presence of KHV genome copies in several varieties as well as in grass Koi herpesvirus (KHV; syn. cyprinid herpesvirus 3, CyHV‐3) is a viral carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), ide ( idus) and ornamental pathogen causing severe mortality in varieties of Cyprinus carpio catfish (Ancistrus sp.) (Bergmann et al., 2009; OIE, 2018). Moreover, such as the common carp and ornamental (koi) carp. Cyprinus carpio KHV has been detected in tissue samples and separated leucocytes appears to be the only species susceptible to KHV disease (Hedrick from goldfish by PCR, in situ hybridization (ISH) and immunofluores‐ et al., 2000). Moreover, the World Organisation for Animal Health cence antibody technique (IFAT) (Bergmann et al., 2010). To demon‐ (OIE, 2018) stated that the KHV host range includes carp hybrids strate KHV replication in goldfish, El‐Matbouli and Soliman (2011) and goldfish–carp hybrids, such as crucian carp × koi carp, koi × com‐ attempted to detect viral mRNA by reverse transcriptase PCR (RT‐ mon carp (ghost carp), goldfish × common carp and goldfish × koi PCR) using a KHV thymidine kinase gene primer set (Bercovier et al., carp. However, KHV genome copies have been detected in gold‐ 2005). Furthermore, an RT‐PCR with improved specificity for mRNA fish (Carassius auratus) cohabiting with KHV‐infected carp by con‐ has been developed using a primer set designed to cover an intron/ ventional PCR and loop‐mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) exon junction in the KHV genome (Yuasa et al., 2012). (El‐Matbouli, Saleh, & Soliman, 2007; Sadler, Marecaux, & Goodwin, Interestingly, goldfish did not show any clinical signs after KHV ex‐ posure (Ronen et al., 2003). Hedrick, Waltzek, and McDowell (2006)

Hyoung Jun Kim and Se Ryun Kwon contributed equally to this work.

J Fish Dis. 2019;00:1–8. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 1 2 | KIM et al. also reported detection of KHV genes in goldfish injected with KHV Experiment Station. Silver crucian carp (N = 80, body length, ap‐ without mortality, and Yuasa, Sano, and Oseko (2013) reported that proximately 5 cm) were purchased from a commercial farm in Japan goldfish exposed to KHV did not transmit the virus to carp. Thus, there where silver crucian carp is cultured separately from other fish. Ten are contradictory results on the susceptibility of goldfish to KHV. fish of each species were tested for KHV by PCR (Gilad et al., 2004) To propagate and isolate KHV, CCB (common carp brain) and and cell culture using the CCB cell line to ensure that the fish were KF‐1 (koi fin) cell lines, which were derived from common carp and KHV‐free. koi carp, respectively, are commonly used due to their susceptibility to the virus. The AU fin cell line from goldfish displayed cytopathic 2.3 | Infection experiment effects (CPEs) when inoculated with KHV but was not included in the study because the viral titre remained very low (Davidovich, Fish were intraperitoneally injected with 0.1 ml of KHV at a dose Dishon, Ilouze, & Kotler, 2007). 3.8 4.8 of 10 × TCID50 per fish, placed in 4‐L aquaria with 10 × TCID50 However, a newly developed cell line derived from silver cru‐ per ml of KHV and transferred to a larger aquaria after 1 hr. Ten koi cian carp, Carassius auratus langsdorfii (), demonstrated and silver crucian carp were kept separately in two 60‐L aquaria to to be as susceptible to KHV as CCB and KF‐1 (K. Yuasa et al., un‐ monitor mortality over 4 weeks. The remaining 70 silver crucian carp published). This could indicate that silver crucian carp is more sus‐ and 15 koi carp were kept separately in two 90‐L aquaria for sam‐ ceptible to KHV than goldfish. Silver crucian carp is known to be ple collection. Water temperature was kept at 22°C using a ceramic highly or partly susceptible to infection with the goldfish herpesvi‐ heater. The water was recirculated with an aeration filter. Adequate rus CyHV‐2 (Ito & Maeno, 2014; Nanjo et al., 2017). However, there amounts of commercial dry pellet were given daily at maintenance are no reports on the susceptibility of silver crucian carp to KHV. level. Approximately 20 non‐virus exposed koi carp and silver cru‐ In this study, we investigated the replication of KHV in koi and cian carp were placed in separate 60‐L aquaria as negative controls. silver crucian carp after experimental exposure to KHV in order to evaluate their susceptibility to this pathogenic virus. 2.4 | Sampling

2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS Ten silver crucian carp and three koi carp were randomly selected from the sampling aquaria at 0, 3, 5, 7 and 14 days post‐viral inocu‐ 2.1 | Virus lation (dpi) to determine KHV genome numbers and re‐isolate the virus. The gills and fins (GF) as well as the spleens and kidneys (SK) In this study, we used KHV‐type strain NRIA0301 originally isolated were recovered and pooled for each fish as GF and SK tissue sam‐ from naturally KHV‐infected common carp at a fish farm in Japan ples. The pooled organ samples were divided into two parts; approx‐ in 2003 (Sano et al., 2004). The virus was identified as genotype imately 15 mg was used for DNA/RNA extraction and the remainder variant A1 using a method according to Kurita et al. (2009). The for inoculation onto CCB cells. virus was propagated in CCB cells maintained at 20°C in MEM10, a minimum essential medium (MEM, Gibco, Invitrogen Co.) supple‐ 2.5 | Extraction of nucleic acids and PCR mented with 10% foetal bovine serum (FBS) and 1 × concentrated antibiotic–antimycotic liquid (Gibco, Invitrogen Co.). Common carp DNA/RNA AllPrep extraction kit (Qiagen) was used for both DNA brain cells inoculated with KHV were also incubated at 20°C. After and RNA extraction. KHV DNA was quantitatively analysed by the 10 days, when CPE was observed in more than 80% of the cells, the method of Gilad et al. (2004) on Mx3005P (StrateGene), and viral cell culture supernatant was harvested and centrifuged at 2,000 g mRNA was detected according to the mRNA‐specific RT‐PCR method for 15 min at 4°C, divided into aliquots and stored at −80°C. (Yuasa et al., 2012). Reverse transcriptase PCR was performed using –6 A 10‐fold dilution series (up to 10 ) of the supernatant in MEM2 SuperScript® One‐Step RT‐PCR System with Platinum® Taq (Life (MEM supplemented with 2% FBS and 1 × concentrated antibiotic– Technologies) and the forward primer (KHV RT F3: 5′‐ATT GCC GCT antimycotic liquid) was prepared, and 50 μl of each dilution was in‐ GGA AGC CAG GT‐′3) and reverse primer (KHV RT R1: 5′‐TCA TGG oculated in eight replicates on 24‐hr‐old CCB cells seeded in 96‐well GCA TCG ACA TCA TG‐′3) at a final concentration of 0.5 μM each. plates. After incubation at 20°C for 14 days, the virus titres were The PCR programme was modified using 40 cycles and 65°C as an‐ measured as 50% of the tissue culture infective dose (TCID50) per ml nealing temperature. The amplified products (219 bp) were sepa‐ according to the method described by Karber (1931). The virus stock rated on 2% agarose gels (Agarose HS, Wako) and visualized using a 5.8 solution had a titre of 10 × TCID50 per ml. Gel Doc/UV transilluminator (FAS‐V; Nippon Genetics).

2.2 | Fish 2.6 | Virus inoculation

Koi herpesvirus‐free koi carp (N = 25, body length range: 12–15 cm) The sampled organs were homogenized in 10 volumes of MEM con‐ were provided by the Niigata Prefectural Inland Water Fisheries taining 1% v/v of 10 × concentrated antibiotic–antimycotic liquid KIM et al. | 3 using a disposal homogenizer (BioMasher II; Sarstedt). The homog‐ KHV genome copy numbers detected in GF and SK samples de‐ enized samples were centrifuged at 2,000 g for 15 min at 4°C and creased to 8.9 × 101 and 1.09 × 104 copies/mg at 3 dpi and to a the supernatants recovered. After incubation with 1% antibiotics minimum of 1.94 and 3.14 × 102 copies/mg at 7 dpi, respectively at 4°C overnight, 10 and 50 μl of the supernatants were inoculated (Figure 2). However, at 14 dpi, KHV copies were still detectable at 2 2 onto 24‐hr‐old CCB cells seeded in 1 ml MEM2 per well using 24‐well 6.59 × 10 and 8.58 × 10 copies/mg in GF and SK samples, respec‐ plates and incubated at 20°C for 14 days to monitor CPE. tively (Table 1).

3 | RESULTS 3.3 | Re‐isolation of infectious KHV using the CCB cell line 3.1 | Mortality The supernatants of homogenized GF and SK from exposed koi In the mortality monitoring aquariums, koi carp showed typical signs carp and silver crucian carp were inoculated onto the CCB cell line. of KHV disease such as exfoliation of the epidermal cells and haem‐ Infectious KHV were re‐isolated from GF and SK pooled tissue sam‐ orrhage on the body surface and fins at 3 dpi. Moribund fish showed ples of all exposed koi carp, while no KHV was isolated from any abnormal swimming, fin rot and enophthalmia followed by mortality pooled tissue sample collected from silver crucian carp (Table 2). at 5 dpi. Cumulative mortality in koi carp reached 100% at 13 dpi (Figure 1). In contrast, silver crucian carp showed neither signs of 3.4 | Detection of KHV mRNA in koi and silver KHV disease nor mortality during the monitoring period (Figure 1). crucian carp During this period, no clinic nor mortality was observed in non‐ex‐ posed koi carp and silver crucian carp kept in separate tanks as nega‐ Reverse transcriptase PCR confirmed the presence of KHV mRNA in tive controls (data not shown). GF and SK pooled tissue samples of koi carp at 3, 5 and 7 dpi, and the corresponding RT‐PCR product bands became gradually stronger 3.2 | Detection of viral DNA and copy numbers over time (Figure 3). In contrast, KHV mRNA was not detected in any of the pooled tissue samples collected from silver crucian carp The KHV genome copy numbers in the gill/fin (GF) pool and the within 7 dpi except for 1–2 faint RT‐PCR product bands detected at spleen/kidney (SK) pool of each fish are shown in Table 1, and the 3 dpi in three fish (Figure 4). average copy numbers of 10 silver crucian carp and three carp are shown in Figure 2. KHV DNA was detected in all individuals of both species at 0 dpi (Table 1 and Figure 2). The average copy numbers 4 | DISCUSSION per mg tissue were 4.88 × 103 and 2.06 × 104 copies/mg in GF and SK silver crucian carp samples, respectively, and 1.15 × 102 and Koi herpesvirus is associated with significant morbidity and mor‐ 3.38 × 102 copies/mg in GF and SK koi carp samples, respectively. tality in carp varieties. However, the susceptible host range among In koi carp, the average KHV genome copy numbers in GF and SK Cyprinidae species remains to be investigated. In this study, KHV‐ex‐ samples increased to 1.36 × 105 and 1.23 × 106 copies/mg at 3 dpi posed koi carp by bath and intraperitoneal injection caused 100% and peaked at 7 dpi with 2.14 × 106 and 2.29 × 107 copies/mg, mortality within 14 dpi (Figure 1). In contrast, silver crucian carp ex‐ respectively. However, at 14 dpi, KHV genome copy numbers in posed to KHV in the same way dose showed neither mortality nor GF and SK tissue samples from the only surviving koi carp signifi‐ signs of KHV disease during the post‐exposure monitoring period cantly decreased to 5.60 × 104 and 6.58 × 104 copies/mg, respec‐ (Figure 1). Thus, we confirmed that silver crucian carp is not suscep‐ tively (Table 1). Contrastingly, in silver crucian carp, the average tible to KHV, although a cell line isolated from silver crucian carp displayed CPE after inoculation with KHV. Similarly, it has been reported that goldfish did not show any clinical signs after KHV exposure by intraperitoneal injection or by cohabitation with KHV‐infected koi carp (Hedrick et al., 2006; Yuasa et al., 2013), and KHV DNA was also not detectable in surviving goldfish at 25 dpi (Hedrick et al., 2006). In this study, we compared KHV genome copy numbers and the infectious KHV load of GF and SK pooled tissue samples from KHV‐exposed koi and silver crucian carp up to 14 dpi (Table 1 and Figure 2). At 0 dpi, KHV DNA was detected by qPCR in all individuals of both fish species (Table 1). The calculated average KHV genome copy numbers in GF and SK sam‐ ples of koi carp were 1.15 × 102 and 3.38 × 102 copies/mg, respec‐ tively (Figure 2). At 3 days, the average KHV genome copy numbers 5 6 FIGURE 1 Mortality in KHV‐exposed koi and silver crucian carp in GF and SK samples of koi carp increased 1.36 × 10 and 1.23 × 10 4 | KIM et al. 4 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 3 × 10 1.17 5.81 × 10 6.58 × 10 4.84 × 10 8.70 × 10 UD × 10 1.95 1.04 × 10 – – UD 4.88 × 10 2.49 × 10 SK 4 1 1 UD 2.55 × 10 4.04 × 10 UD UD UD UD 5.60 × 10 – – days14 UD UD UD GF 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 6 7 3 7 1 2.86 × 10 7.46 4.27 × 10 × 10 1.76 5.32 × 10 1.92 × 10 5.46 × 10 1.54 × 10 × 10 7.57 × 10 3.16 3.61 × 10 × 10 1.18 1.40 × 10 SK 5 1 6 6 UD UD UD UD UD UD UD 4.73 × 10 6.25 × 10 1.07 × 10 7 days 1.06 × 10 8.86 UD GF 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 1 × 10 7.74 × 10 1.11 × 10 9.30 1.73 × 10 2.72 × 10 3.90 × 10 1.65 × 10 4.35 × 10 3.01 × 10 1.06 × 10 5.08 × 10 2.86 × 10 8.00 × 10 SK 2 5 2 1 5 2 1 5 UD × 10 6.96 6.87 × 10 1.84 × 10 UD UD UD × 10 9.49 4.64 × 10 3.78 × 10 5 days 5.12 × 10 1.26 × 10 UD GF 4 4 6 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 1 1 × 10 7.77 × 10 7.29 × 10 9.57 × 10 1.18 5.92 × 10 6.98 × 10 1.67 × 10 8.72 × 10 3.07 × 10 2.62 × 10 1.58 × 10 3.22 × 10 1.80 × 10 SK 4 4 5 1 1 1 2 1 UD 3.92 1.47 × 10 2.82 5.71 1.12 × 10 UD 6.39 × 10 3.08 × 10 3.39 × 10 4.04 × 10 3 days GF × 10 1.17 × 10 7.86 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 b × 10 9.77 × 10 1.11 1.73 × 10 6.55 × 10 5.26 × 10 2.65 × 10 6.57 × 10 1.43 × 10 4.06 × 10 1.09 × 10 1.86 × 10 2.28 × 10 SK 3.64 × 10 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 a × 10 9.34 9.04 × 10 1.07 × 10 8.90 × 10 1.31 × 10 1.21 × 10 1.85 × 10 4.56 × 10 1.23 × 10 1.66 × 10 3.27 × 10 4.68 × 10 Sampling days 0 days GF 3.00 × 10 1 9 3 2 5 6 7 8 2 4 3 1 10 Fish number ) Cyprinus Cyprinus ) Carassius auratus carpio ( langsdorfii Koi carp ( Fish species Fish Silver crucian carp Spleen and kidney. Gill and fin. Abbreviation: UD, under detection limit. detection under UD, Abbreviation: a b TABLE 1 CalculationTABLE of KHV DNA genome copy numbers per tissue (mg) using qPCR KIM et al. | 5

FIGURE 2 Tissue‐specific KHV load was determined by averaging KHV genome copy numbers per tissue (mg) using qPCR. (a) KHV copy numbers in gills and fin (GF) of silver crucian carp, (b) KHV copy numbers in gills and fin (GF) of koi carp, (c) KHV copy numbers in spleen and kidney (SK) of silver crucian carp, (d) KHV copy numbers in spleen and kidney (SK) of koi carp per tissue, respectively (Figure 2). Thus, it was confirmed that the CPE caused by KHV was observed in CCB cells inoculated with su‐ KHV genome copy number had significantly increased in koi carp pernatants of homogenized GF and SK samples of infected koi carp 3 days after infection. At 7 dpi, the average KHV genome copy num‐ (Table 2). Thus, it was demonstrated that KHV genome copy number bers in koi carp GF and SK were at a maximum level of 2.14 × 106 largely increased during the initial 7 dpi period and it showed a cor‐ and 2.29 × 107 copies/mg, respectively (Figure 2). At 3, 5 and 7 dpi, relation between the mortality and the presence of infectious KHV

TABLE 2 CPE of inoculated CCB cells using GF and SK of KHV‐exposed fish

Sampling days

3 days 5 days 7 days 14 days

Fish species Fish number GFa SKb GF SK GF SK GF SK

Silver crucian 1 − − − − − − − − carp (Carassius 2 − − − − − − − − auratus langsdorfii) 3 − − − − − − − − 4 − − − − − − − − 5 − − − − − − − − 6 − − − − − − − − 7 − − − − − − − − 8 − − − − − − − − 9 − − − − − − − − 10 − − − − − − − − Koi carp (Cyprinus 1 + + + + + + + + carpio) 2 + + + + + + N/A N/A 3 + + + + + + N/A N/A aGill and fin. bSpleen and kidney. 6 | KIM et al.

FIGURE 3 KHV mRNA analysis in KHV‐exposed koi carp. (a) Gills and fins (GF) and (b) spleens and kidneys (SK)

recovered from tissue samples. At 14 dpi, infectious virus was re‐iso‐ CPE was observed in CCB cells inoculated with homogenized super‐ lated using the CCB cell line from only one surviving koi carp, but the natant from GF and SK samples of silver crucian carp (Table 2). Thus, KHV genome copy numbers significantly decreased to 5.60 × 104 the non‐susceptibility of silver crucian carp to KHV infection was and 6.58 × 104 copies/mg of GF and SK tissue, respectively (Table 1). supported by the decrease and lack of detection of KHV DNA in Thus, it was suggested that the surviving fish appeared to recover GF and SK over time. Similarly, Hedrick et al. (2006) reported the from the KHV infection. absence of detectable KHV DNA in KHV‐exposed goldfish at 25 dpi. In silver crucian carp, the KHV genome copy levels in GF and In this study, KHV‐infected koi carps 1 and 3 had 3 × 104 and SK tissue samples were already reduced at 3 dpi and continuously 4 × 104 copies/mg of the KHV genome, respectively, in GF sam‐ decreased during the initial 7 dpi period (Figure 2). Moreover, the ples at 3 dpi (Table 1) and caused CPE in the CCB cells. In contrast, reduction in KHV genome copy numbers in the external organs of samples from silver crucian carp 2 had a higher KHV copy number silver crucian carp (i.e. GF samples) was larger than in the internal (8.72 × 104) at 3 dpi but did not cause any CPE in CCB cells (Tables organs (i.e. SK samples), which may be caused by water exchange 1 and 2). These results indicate that KHV lost infectivity in silver and secretion of mucus. Furthermore, during the 14 dpi period, no crucian carp and that the KHV genome copy numbers detected were

FIGURE 4 KHV mRNA analysis in KHV‐exposed silver crucian carp. (a) Gills and fins (GF) and (b) spleens and kidneys (SK) KIM et al. | 7 not related to infectivity in the cell cultures. These observations are ORCID equivalent to an earlier study by Yuasa et al. (2013) who showed that Hyoung Jun Kim KHV‐exposed goldfish did not transmit the virus after 48‐hr cohab‐ itation with naive carp.

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