E1018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 6, 2006 leaders that they cannot continue to sponsor IN MEMORY OF PERRY BASS man made the ultimate sacrifice for the secu- terrorism and call for the destruction of Israel rity of his country and for the defense of de- and expect to receive American financial and HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS mocracy worldwide. He was an outstanding diplomatic support. America will stand firm OF TEXAS young man and we should all be grateful for with Israel against any enemy who seeks to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his noble contributions to this nation and the terrorize its people or disrupt the lives of its Tuesday, June 6, 2006 advancement of freedom. citizens. I am proud to call Specialist Garcia one of Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to our own, and am, again, deeply sorry for his With that being said, it is also important for give tribute to Mr. Perry Bass of Fort Worth, family and friends who have suffered this loss. the Palestinian people to know that America is Texas, for his lifelong contributions to his com- His legacy will remain, as the men and women not an enemy, but that we seek to help estab- munity and to his fellow citizens. lish a two-state system, with Israel and Pal- Born in Wichita Falls, TX, on November 11, of our armed services continue to fight for lib- estine coexisting side by side in peace. Amer- 1914, Mr. Bass attended prep school in Penn- erty—both abroad and on our home soil. ica strongly believes in the peace process and sylvania and in 1937 received a science de- we hope to facilitate that process so the entire gree, specializing in geology, from Yale Uni- f region will be better for it. When Congress versity. Mr. Perry died the morning of Thurs- passed H.R. 4681 it was not a vote against INTRODUCTION OF LT. COL. JAMES day, June 1, 2006, at the age of 91. MEGELLAS the Palestinian people, but a vote against ter- Mr. Bass began his career in the legendary BILL rorists of those who have called for the de- oil fields of Texas, where he worked with his struction of Israel and who have sponsored uncle beginning in the 1930s. In 1942 Perry terrorism in the past and continue to do so. Bass joined the armed services as a naval ar- HON. THOMAS E. PETRI Congress understands that we must be res- chitect designing torpedo boats before later OF WISCONSIN olute against terrorist leaders, but also show continuing his career in oil and gas. humanity and compassion towards the poor Perry Bass’s professional exploits are only a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES small part of his life-long success. Throughout and innocent children and destitute people of Tuesday, June 6, 2006 the Palestinian territories. That is the only way his career Mr. Bass and his family donated we can achieve peace and stability in the re- generously to a wide variety of charities, learn- Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, today I am intro- gion. Madam Speaker, I will continue to sup- ing institutions, the arts and hospitals. As a ducing legislation to honor a true American port the peace process between Israel and the former chairman of the Texas Parks and Wild- hero by awarding him the Medal of Honor. On Palestinian people along with my colleagues life Commission, he championed a law to pre- January 28, 1945, during the Battle of the here in Congress, and America will continue to serve the population of redfish and spotted Bulge, Lt. James Megellas led his platoon of provide humanitarian aid and assistance for sea trout in the Texas coastal waters and the on a surprise and those people who need it most. We will not let worked to preserve the natural beauty of the devastating attack on a much larger advancing the election of Hamas hijack the road to peace State of Texas. German force, killing and capturing a large that we have all sought for so long. The Bass family’s investments have number of the enemy and causing others to changed the landscape of downtown Fort flee. In an act of fearless courage, Megellas f Worth, transforming aging and often-vacant single-handedly destroyed an attacking Ger- buildings into trendy restaurants, hotels and man Mark V tank with two hand-held gre- IN HONOR OF GENERAL T. clubs, all anchored by the $65 million Nancy nades. He then led the charge of his men and MICHAEL ‘‘BUZZ’’ MOSELEY, USAF Lee and Perry R. Bass Performance Hall. seized Herresbach, Belgium, during this fierce He was a dedicated civic pioneer and out- action of the . Due to his spoken philanthropist, and it was my honor to aggressive, fearless and superior leadership, HON. PETE SESSIONS know him and to now represent part of the Lt. James Megellas inspired his men to excel. great city of Fort Worth that he helped develop OF TEXAS After serving 4 years as a rifle platoon lead- into one of the best places to live in the United er during World War II, including many combat IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States. He leaves behind a legacy of gen- jumps into Italy and Holland, Megellas left the erosity and encouraged others do to the active Army and served for 16 years in the Tuesday, June 6, 2006 same. His wife, Nancy, and four sons, Sid, Army Reserve. He retired after 20 years of Lee, Edward and Robert, have continued that Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to service as a lieutenant colonel. honor my fellow Texan and good friend, Chief legacy of philanthropy and public works. I ex- His awards and decorations include the Dis- of Staff of the Air Force GEN T. Michael tend my deepest sympathies to his family and tinguished Service Cross, two Med- ‘‘Buzz’’ Moseley, who received the high honor friends. He will be deeply missed and his serv- als, two Bronze Star Medals, two Purple of being knighted during a ceremony at the ice to his community will always be greatly ap- Hearts, and he is credited with being the 82nd British Embassy in Washington, DC on May preciated. Airborne Division’s most decorated officer. 30. f During World War II, Gen. James Gavin se- General Moseley was awarded the honorary TRIBUTE TO SPECIALIST J. ADAN lected one 82nd officer—Lt. James Megellas— knighthood due to his contributions to British- GARCIA to receive the Military Order of Willhelm Or- American relations during his tour of duty as ange Lanyard from the Dutch Minister of War the commander of the air war over Afghani- HON. KENNY MARCHANT on behalf of his division. stan and Iraq. OF TEXAS To this day, James Megellas continues to In addition to being the Chief of Staff of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES inspire. In February, 61 years since that mo- Air Force, General Moseley can now add the Tuesday, June 6, 2006 mentous battle, James ‘‘Maggie’’ Megellas set honorary title of ‘‘Knight Commander of the Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ex- foot on a battlefield with fellow 82nd Airborne British Empire’’ to an already impressive serv- press my condolences and heartfelt sympathy Division soldiers, this time in a current theatre ice record. General Moseley becomes the next to the family and friends of United States of war—Afghanistan. Megellas was impressed in a long line of some of our Nation’s most im- Army Specialist J. Adan Garcia, 20, of Irving, with what he saw of the and their pressive leaders and skilled military com- TX. work. He listened to their stories of their past manders to be so highly honored by our Brit- Specialist Garcia died on May 27, 2006 at year of deployment and shared with them his ish allies including President Ronald Reagan, the National Naval Medical Center in Be- own experiences during World War II. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, GEN Jimmy thesda, MD, in support of Operation Iraqi I urge my colleagues to also recognize Doolittle, GEN Carl Spaatz, GEN Tommy Freedom. He died of injuries sustained on James ‘‘Maggie’’ Megellas by supporting this Franks, and Secretary of State Colin Powell. May 22, 2006, while serving in Baghdad, Iraq. bill to authorize and request the President to I congratulate my friend General Moseley on Specialist Garcia was assigned to the 1st Bri- award him the Medal of Honor for his acts of his knighthood, and thank him for his out- gade Special Troops Battalion, 10th Mountain valor on January 28, 1945, during the Battle of standing service in leading the United States Division, in Fort Drum, NY. the Bulge. As time goes by, true heroes Air Force in its continuing operations in the I would like to take this opportunity to pay should never be forgotten, so please join me global war on terrorism. tribute to Specialist Garcia. This brave young in honoring this outstanding American hero.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:39 Jun 07, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JN8.037 E06JNPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS June 6, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1019 STATEMENT ON THE MARKEY will see the dangers of nuclear reprocessing A REMARKABLE MOVE TO AMENDMENT ON GNEP and oppose this program when the final EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP version of the Energy and Water Appropria- HON. RUSH D. HOLT tions bill is considered in the next couple of HON. BERNARD SANDERS OF NEW JERSEY months. OF VERMONT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Tuesday, June 6, 2006 Tuesday, June 6, 2006 Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, before Memorial MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVANCE Mr. SANDERS. Mr. Speaker, I want to take Day Recess, during consideration of the Fiscal the opportunity today to recognize the remark- Year 2007 Energy and Water Appropriations HON. C.W. BILL YOUNG able story of Bill Carris and the company he bill, Mr. MARKEY, the gentleman from Massa- formerly owned, Carris Reels. OF FLORIDA chusetts, offered an amendment that would Carris Reels, Inc. had been a family owned have cut $40 million for the Global Nuclear IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES company. It has been supplying wood, metal Energy Partnership, a dangerous program Tuesday, June 6, 2006 and plastic reels to the wire and cable industry about which we are still not fully aware of the for over 45 years, and it provides the most Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise consequences. I supported Mr. MARKEY’s comprehensive product line of any reel manu- today to share with my colleagues in the amendment, which unfortunately failed last facturer. Carris Reels has 710 employees, in House the text of a Memorial Day speech de- night. This amendment would have funded 15 plants, in eight states. livered by the Mayor of Largo, Florida, Mrs. GNEP at $80 million. The Energy and Water I said that Carris Reels was formerly owned Patricia Gerard. Subcommittee already cut funding from this by Bill Carris. In 1995, at a time when the program, stating ‘‘serious reservations’’ about Like so many of my colleagues in the company had sales of $83 million, Bill Carris the new program. Until there are no reserva- House, I was honored to attend numerous Me- decided that in the future the company should tions about the program, we should not con- morial Day services in my Congressional Dis- be owned by its employees. So the company tinue to fund it. trict to pay tribute to those who have sacrificed began an employee stock ownership plan The Department of Energy claims that the greatly in defense of our great Nation. It is al- (ESOP) by contributing about 10 percent of its Global Nuclear Energy Partnership will prevent ways humbling to join with veterans young stock to an ESOP. Since then, employee misuse of civilian nuclear facilities for non- and old and to share moments of remem- share of ownership has increased—and in- peaceful purposes by developing enhanced brance with the families that survive them. creased. safeguards over these programs and tech- Those that we honored on Memorial Day have This past December an issue of new shares nologies. According to DOE, the program will secured our freedom and our safety, and this of stock to the ESOP meant that employees account for materials, control technology, pro- point could not have been more clearly made owned half—50 percent—of Carris Reels. Also vide transparency to validate peaceful uses, than by Mayor Gerard’s comments and her in December, a loan to the ESOP enabled it and review international agreements and obli- reference to the words of Mr. Charles M. Prov- to buy almost a third of Bill Carris’ remaining gations. ince. shares. That meant that, by the turn of the Despite the claims of the Department of En- I submit to you the text of Mayor Gerard’s year 2006, 65 percent of Carris Reels was ergy, there are many consequences of this Memorial Day remarks so that we may all re- owned and controlled by the company’s em- program that are costly and potentially very flect on the debt we owe to our men and ployees. The intention is for it to be 100 per- dangerous to Americans and the international women in uniform. cent employee-owned within 10 years. community. Memorial Day is the time for Americans to Bill Carris strongly believes in community Nuclear reprocessing is a dangerous en- reconnect with their history and core values building and in the major role employees deavor. Reprocessing nuclear waste produces by honoring those who gave their lives for should play in running the business in which separated plutonium, which can be used to the ideals we cherish. they work. That’s why he decided on a long make nuclear weapons. If the plutonium re- More than a million American service term plan to move his company from family to members have died in the wars and conflicts mains bound in large, heavy, and highly radio- employee ownership. He hoped, and his active spent fuel assemblies, it is nearly im- this nation fought since the first colonial soldiers took up arms in 1775 to fight for hopes are being borne out, that in doing so he possible to steal. In contrast, separated pluto- independence. Each person who died during could remake the whole work situation at nium is not highly radioactive. The simple fact those conflicts was a loved one cherished by Carris Reels: employees would be—in fact, is it will never be as secure as it would be if family and friends. Each was a loss to the they are—owners responsible for charting the left in the spent fuel rods. By producing addi- community and the nation. course of the corporation, keeping it a profit- tional materials that aid in the production of We in this country owe a great debt of able business, and securing its long term fu- nuclear weapons, we are potentially enabling gratitude to those who sacrificed their lives ture. Those who work at Carris Reels have terrorists and other non-nuclear countries to so that we could live free. We can start to moved from employees to owners, from hired pay that debt by not forgetting, by remem- create nuclear weapons. This is not the exam- workers to stewards of the company and its ple we want to set for the world. bering what they did and what they stood for. future. They share in the company’s profits. Reprocessing also does not decrease radio- In the words of Charles M. Province: Today, in Vermont, the Vermont Employee active nuclear waste. The Nuclear Regulatory Ownership Center is recognizing Bill Carris Commission has said that spent fuel could be It is the Soldier, not the reporter, Who has given us freedom of the press. and Carris Reels for taking the enormous step safely stored in spent fuel pools or dry casks It is the Soldier, not the poet, to majority ownership by the corporation’s em- without significant environmental impact for at Who has given us freedom of speech. ployees through their employee stock owner- least 100 years. For the past thirty years, we It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer, ship plan. The recognition is well-deserved. I have been able to dissuade countries from Who has given us the freedom to dem- believe Bill Carris and his employees, and creating nuclear reprocessing programs on the onstrate. Carris Reels as well, can serve as a model for premise that we ourselves are not involved. It is the Soldier, not the lawyer, our Nation. Another problem with GNEP is that the Ad- Who has given us the right to a fair trial; f ministration has not been able to demonstrate And I would say: to Congress how costly this program will be. And it is the Soldier—who leaves his or her PAYING TRIBUTE TO SHIRLEY Since the program was announced in Feb- family and goes off to war, KOBRAN ruary of this year, the Department of Energy Who allows the protester to speak out against that war. has not provided Congress with an overall HON. MAURICE D. HINCHEY Far too often, the nation as a whole takes cost for this program. Congress has not had OF NEW YORK the opportunity to evaluate the merits of this for granted the freedoms all Americans enjoy. Those freedoms were paid for with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES program or determine if it is in our best inter- lives of others few of us actually knew. Tuesday, June 6, 2006 est, in the long and short term. With such a That’s why they are all collectively remem- great undertaking, we must fully understand bered on one special day. Mr. HINCHEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the effects of this program. Please join me as we all remember those honor the achievements of my friend and con- I am disappointed that the Markey amend- men and women who have made our way of stituent, Shirley Kobran. For more than four ment failed. It is my hope that my colleagues life possible. decades, Shirley has been an active resident

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:39 Jun 07, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06JN8.042 E06JNPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS