
Theory of the structural phases of 5B–6B and their transport properties Neme O. Nnolim, Trevor A. Tyson, and Lisa Axe

Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 93, 4543 (2003); doi: 10.1063/1.1562751 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1562751 View Table of Contents: http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/JAPIAU/v93/i8 Published by the AIP Publishing LLC.

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Downloaded 23 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 93, NUMBER 8 15 APRIL 2003

Theory of the structural phases of group 5B–6B metals and their transport properties Neme O. Nnolima) and Trevor A. Tyson Department of Physics, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey 07102 Lisa Axe Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey 07102 ͑Received 26 July 2002; accepted 3 February 2003͒ In order to predict the stable and metastable phases of the bcc metals in the of the defined by groups 5B–6B and periods 4–6, as well as the structure dependence of their transport properties, we have performed full-potential linearized augmented plane wave computations of the total energies per unit cell as functions of the unit cell volume and the c/a ratio. In all cases, a metastable body centered tetragonal ͑bct͒ was predicted from the calculations. The energy barrier separating the calculated stable and metastable phases ranged from 0.09 eV/cell ͑vanadium͒ to 0.38 eV/cell ͑tungsten͒. The trends in resistivity as a function of structure and are discussed in terms of a model of electron transport in metals. Theoretical calculations of the electrical resistivity and other transport properties show that bct phases derived from the early group 5B elements are more conductive than the corresponding bcc phases, while bct phases formed from the early group 6B elements are less conductive than the corresponding bcc phases. Special attention is paid to the phases of tantalum where we show that the frequently observed ␤ phase does not result from simple tetragonal distortions of bcc tantalum. © 2003 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.1562751͔

I. INTRODUCTION in addition to typical experimental analytical tools. In order to predict and understand the bct structures formed by thin Under equilibrium conditions free standing early group 5 films of the bcc transition metals in groups 5–6 of the Peri- ͑ ͒ and group 6 metals form body centered cubic bcc struc- odic Table, we have carried out total energy calculations as ͑ ͒ tures. The bcc and the fcc face centered cubic crystal struc- functions of the unit cell volume and the c/a ratio. We have tures can be regarded as special cases of the more general also computed the electrical resistivity and the plasma fre- ͑ ͒ body centered tetragonal bct structure in metals in which quency, important quantities in the areas of transport and the a and the b lattice parameters are equal to each other but superconductivity. The electrical resistivity is a readily ob- not necessarily to the c lattice parameter. The bcc and fcc tainable characteristic property and the plasma frequency is structures result when c/a ratios of 1 and &, respectively, directly proportional to the zero temperature conductivity of are obtained while deforming a structure having the general metals. The temperature dependence of the electrical resis- bct symmetry (aϭbÞc) along the ͓001͔ direction with the tivity is calculated for all the studied metals except Cr, for constraint that aϭb, according to the Bain1 transformation. In the course of preparing thin films of bcc metals on reasons which are described in part A of the theoretical back- various substrates, conditions such as impurity levels in the ground section of this article. The zero temperature plasma preparation environment, substrate strain, and substrate tem- frequency is calculated for all the studied bcc metals. Its perature can result in structural phases other than bcc being pressure dependence is also calculated for Nb and Ta. Our formed. Accordingly, numerous investigators have prepared, results for the plasma frequency are compared to other cal- mainly by vacuum evaporation and sputter-deposition tech- culated values as well as to values obtained from experimen- niques, thin film noncubic phases of bcc metals, which were tal measurements at low temperatures, and in the case of the found to be metastable ͑i.e., which reverted back to the cubic resistivity, our results are compared to experimental data. phase upon heating or further deposition͒. These phases are Among the metals we have studied, metastable phases in often observed to have mechanical and transport properties elemental form of vanadium2,3 chromium,4 ,5 different from those of the corresponding bcc phase and their tantalum,6–18 and tungsten5,19,20 have been reported in the exact structural forms are usually not immediately deducible literature. These metastable phases are usually formed most from standard experimental analytical techniques alone. An easily as thin films and have been observed to contain a insightful analysis usually requires applying theoretical significant amount of defects and noncrystallinity. They also methods in the form of ab initio band structure calculations exhibit a number of interesting electronic phenomena, for example, the superconducting transition temperatures in a͒Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; electronic mail: metastable phases of and tantalum are believed to 21,22 [email protected] differ appreciably relative to the bulk bcc values. A brief

0021-8979/2003/93(8)/4543/18/$20.004543 © 2003 American Institute of Physics

Downloaded 23 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 4544 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 93, No. 8, 15 April 2003 Nnolim, Tyson, and Axe discussion of the metastable phases of the metals in this theoretically predicted metastable tetragonal phase of vana- study, which have been reported in the literature, follows. dium. The films had many defects and poor crystallinity and eventually collapsed into ͕110͖bcc vanadium. The high den- A. Metastable phase of tungsten sity of disorder and defects in the thin film of tetragonal vanadium was attributed to the small energy barrier between Tungsten films are technologically important because the strained metastable state and the bcc ground state of va- they are used as x-ray masks, metallization layers, and inter- nadium. connects on silicon-based devices. Several authors19,20,23 have reported a metastable form of tungsten with a lattice constant of approximately 0.504 nm, which crystallizes in C. Metastable phase of tantalum the A-15 structure and is referred to as ␤ tungsten. The A-15 ␤-W phase has been prepared by sputter deposition,19,24,25 The formation of tantalum metastable phases on a vari- 22 26,27 ety of substrates has been reported in a large number of evaporation, and reduction of tungsten . This 6,8–18 metastable phase has been reported to transform to the stable sputtering experiments. The metastable phase, referred ␤ cubic A-2 ␣-W upon heating, although the reported transition to as the phase, is sometimes formed alongside the stable ␣ ␤ temperature ranges vary widely. The content of the bcc phase, referred to as the phase. The phase of tanta- A-15 ␤-W phase is believed to influence the transition tem- lum occurs mostly as a thin film and is not easily formed as perature range, with higher oxygen content films requiring bulk material. It is harder, more brittle, and less ductile than longer transition times and higher heating temperatures. The the bcc phase. It is known to have a 45% smaller average A-2 ␣-W structure formed from A-15 ␤-W in this manner grain size than bcc tantalum, and to frequently contain a high has the same oxygen content and x-ray photoelectron spec- concentration of impurities and defects, in addition to having ͑ ␮⍀ ͒ ͑ troscopy ͑XPS͒ binding energy as its precursor, but much a resistivity 170–210 cm much higher than that 15–60 ␮⍀ ͒ 10,11,17,21,29,30 ␤ lower resistivity, on the order of 80% less.20,23,28 The de- cm of the stable bcc phase. The phase of tantalum has been reported to nucleate preferentially on cer- crease in resistivity has been ascribed to the elimination of 12–16 ␤ tain kinds of substrates, and may be stabilized by oxy- the -W defect structure and an increase in particle size. The 6,12,13,16–18 ␤ 24 gen impurities. A-15 -W phase has been reported to systematically 2,3 ␣ From work such as that of Tian, Jona, and Marcus and evolve to the A-2 -W phase with decreasing oxygen con- 31 centration and lattice parameter. The stability of the A-15 Marcus and Jona, who have used total energy calculations ͕ ͖ ␤-W was also determined to decrease with decreasing oxy- to show that the bulk structure of a thin Ti film on an Al 001 gen concentration, implying that oxygen impurities stabilize substrate is strained fcc Ti, it is evident that the nature of the the A-15 ␤-W phase. substrate on which a thin film is deposited can determine the kind of stress prevailing in the deposited film, and therefore the final structural form of the film. ␤-Ta has been observed B. Metastable phase of vanadium to form preferentially on certain substrates, so the nature of Tian and co-workers2,3 have used the full-potential lin- the substrate upon which thin tantalum films are deposited earized augmented plane wave ͑FLAPW͒ method in the den- appears to play an important role in the subsequent formation sity functional theory ͑DFT͒ formalism to carry out total of the ␤ phase. It is not known, however, whether metastable energy calculations for vanadium as a function of the c/a tantalum structures are formed at any stage of the creation of ␤ and V/V0 ratios, where V0 is the equilibrium volume. They tantalum in a substrate-strain mediated process analogous predicted a metastable phase of vanadium with c/a and V/V0 to what has been related above for vanadium. In this article, ratios of 1.78 and 1.02, respectively, and then proceeded to we try to predict the metastable tantalum structure that would prepare metastable phases of vanadium on different sub- result from such a process, calculate its transport properties strates, which they identified as strained states of the theo- and then compare them to the observed transport properties retically predicted metastable phase. In the first of those of ␤-Ta. The primary motivation for this work then is to experiments,2 vanadium was deposited on Ni͕001͖ with an a investigate whether tetragonal distortions of the stable bcc lattice parameter 0.8% smaller than the theoretically pre- structure of tantalum can form a metastable phase that can dicted square side ͑2.51 Å͒ of tetragonal vanadium. The va- account for the large resistivity of ␤-tantalum relative to ␣ nadium films could be grown only up to thicknesses of about bcc tantalum. We do this by calculating, for tantalum as well 20 Å before defects were observed. Since the lattice param- as for the rest of the bcc metals in groups 5B–6B and peri- eter of Ni͕001͖ is smaller than that of the predicted tetragonal ods 4–6 of the Periodic Table, the total energy per unit cell phase of vanadium, the vanadium film was believed by the as functions of the unit cell volume and the c/a ratio. Meta- authors to be compressively stressed. Making use of the Bain stable bct phases corresponding to local energy minima in 1 path concept, the authors conjectured that using a substrate the (c/a,E0) plane, where E0 is the minimum volume- with a lattice parameter slightly larger ͑by 2%͒ than that of dependent energy at each c/a ratio, are predicted for all the tetragonal vanadium would result in more ordered vanadium studied metals. The electrical resistivities are calculated for thin films undergoing tensile stress, and chose Cu͕001͖ (a all the bcc metals and their predicted bct phases using the ϭ2.56 Å) as a substrate. Quantitative low energy electron lowest order variational approximation ͑LOVA͒ formalism diffraction analysis was subsequently used to determine that for the solution of the Bloch–Boltzmann transport equation. very thin films of tetragonal vanadium were formed on the Different combinations of the metals in this study have Cu͕001͖ substrate, with structures derived from strain on the been prepared as metastable phases before.32–34 In addition,

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35 4 5 ␭ metastable fcc phases of Ta, Cr, Mo, and W have been with the electron-phonon interaction parameter tr given by observed experimentally; except for V, no metastable bct phases of these metals which do not have the fcc or bcc ϱ d␻ ␭ ϭ ͵ ␣2͑␻͒ ͑␻͒ ͑ ͒ structure have been prepared in elemental form. Hence, we tr 2 tr F ␻ . 6 hope that this work will stimulate experimental work on the 0 metastable bct phases of the early group 5B and group 6B metals. The mass enhancement factor ␭ determines the strength of In Sec. II of this article, the theoretical background ma- the electron-phonon interaction and is related to the Eliash- terial is reviewed. In Sec. III, the computational method we berg spectral function by a formula analogous to Eq. ͑6͒.36 have used is described in detail. In Sec. IV, our results are The enhancement factor ␭ also determines the superconduct- presented. In Sec. V, these results are discussed and then we ing transition temperature Tc according to McMillan’s conclude in Sec. VI. formula38

⌰ ϩ␭͒ II. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND D 1.04͑1 T ϭ expͩ Ϫ ͪ . ͑7͒ c 1.45 ␭Ϫ␮*͑1ϩ0.62␭͒ We now give the theoretical background needed for the discussion of the transport and electronic properties studied ␭ in this work. The term tr is closely related to the mass enhancement fac- tor ␭ by39 A. Electrical resistivity At temperatures above ⌰ , the Debye temperature, the ␭ ϭ ␧ ͒ D w N͑ F dominant contribution to the electrical resistivity of pure k,kЈ k,kЈ 2 Ϫ1 metals comes from electron-phonon scattering. Other trans- ͚ w ͉M ͉ ͑ប␻ Ϫ ͒ ␦͑␧Ϫ␧ ͒␦͑␧Ϫ␧ ͒ ϫ k,kЈ k kЈ k kЈ port properties strongly affected by electron-phonon scatter- , ͚ wk,kЈ␦͑␧Ϫ␧ ͒␦͑␧Ϫ␧ ͒ ing include the thermal resistivity and superconductivity. The k,kЈ k kЈ electrical and thermal resistivities of metals are well de- ͑8͒ у⌰ scribed by LOVA, which is most accurate for T D , where T is the temperature. LOVA neglects the energy dependence where ͉M k,kЈ͉ is the electron-phonon matrix element of scat- and anisotropy of the electronic distribution function, and ␧ tering from state k of energy k and group velocity vk to a therefore assumes that the Fermi surface displaces rigidly in ប␻ state kЈ by emission of a phonon of energy kϪkЈ . The response to an external field.36 In the LOVA formalism the Ј weighting factor wk,k is 1 for ␭ and (v Ϫv )2 for ␭ .In electrical resistivity is given as an upper bound to the true kx kЈx tr an isotropic system, ␭ and ␭ differ by the factor ͗1 resistivity by the expression36 tr Ϫcos ␪͘ which is of the order of unity, ␪ being the transport ␲ ϱ ␣2 ͑␻͒ 2 ␻ ␭ ␭ 6 VkBT trF x d process scattering angle. The terms tr and usually agree to ␳͑T͒ϭ ͵ , ͑1͒ 36,39 ␭ 2ប ␧ ͒ 2 2 ␻ within 10% for d band metals, so we approximate tr by e N͑ F ͗v ͘ 0 sinh x ␭, which is obtained from electronic tunneling data and Mc- ϭប␻ 40 where x /2kBT, V is the volume per unit cell and Millan’s formula for Tc . ␣2 ␻ trF( ) is the transport spectral function given by We attempt to use our calculations to reproduce the ex- perimental resistivities of all the studied bcc metals ͑except ␣2F͑␻͒ϭ␣2 F͑␻͒Ϫ␣2 F͑␻͒, ͑2͒ tr out in Cr͒ over a defined temperature range. We also try to repro- ␣2 ␻ ␣2 ␻ where outF( ) and inF( ) are, respectively, the spectral duce the observed trend in the magnitudes of the resistivities functions for scattering out and scattering in.36 The transport at room temperature in order to have some degree of confi- spectral function is closely related to the Eliashberg spectral dence in our ability to use the calculations to differentiate function ␣2F(␻)37 which occurs in superconductivity and between possible structures of ␤-Ta based on comparison of measures the contribution of phonons having frequency ␻ to calculated resistivity values to experimental data. The electron scattering processes at the Fermi level. In the high method we are using to calculate the resistivities does not temperature limit, the expression ͑1͒ for the resistivity be- permit calculations for Cr, because bcc Cr is not a supercon- comes ductor. Accurate resistivity data41 for the rest of the metals, 6␲Vk T ប2͗␻2͘ from which the residual resistivities have been subtracted, ␳ϭ B ␭ ͩ Ϫ tr ϩ ͪ ͑ ͒ have been used for comparisons to our calculations. 2ប͑␧ ͒͗ 2͘ tr 1 2 2 ¯ . 3 e F v 12kBT The room temperature resistivities of ␤-Ta thin films The resistivity can then be rewritten as with thicknesses ranging from 100 to 20 000 Å have been measured10,11,17,21,29,30 by the four-point probe method and ␳ϭ͑ ␲ ␻2͒͑ ␶͒ ͑ ͒ 4 / 1/ , 4 the values obtained fall in the range 170–220 ␮⍀ cm. The where ␻ is the plasma frequency and 1/␶ is the electron- value of the bcc Ta room temperature resistivity is 13.6 phonon scattering rate given by ␮⍀ cm,11,41 1200%–1600% less than the range of values that have been reported for ␤-Ta. It is therefore crucial that the 1 ប2͗␻2͘ ϭ ␲ ␭ ͩ Ϫ tr ϩ ͪ ͑ ͒ errors associated with our calculated resistivities remain well ␶ 2 kBT tr 1 2 2 ¯ 5 12kBT below these boundaries.

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␧ B. Plasma frequency states at the Fermi energy, N( F), was determined to de- crease with increasing pressure, satisfying the relation The plasma frequency ␻ is directly proportional to zero ͒ ␧ ץ temperature metallic electrical conductivity and is defined ln N͑ F 42 ϭ1.2, ͑14͒ by d ln V 8␲e2 ␻ ͗ 2͘1/2 ប2␻2ϭ ͑␧ ͒͗ 2͘ ͑ ͒ while the plasma frequency and v were determined to ͒ ␲␧ N F v . 9 ͑3V 4 0 increase with increasing pressure. The calculated energy bands were observed to broaden with increased pressure, re- The quantity N(␧ )͗v2͘ can be represented as F sulting in reduced electron–electron interaction as measured ␧ ␧ ͒ 2 ϭ ٌ͉ ␧ ͉2␦ ␧ Ϫ␧ ͒ ͑ ͒ by the Coulomb pseudopotential. An N( F) value of 10.68 N͑ F ͗v ͘ ͚ k nk ͑ nk F , 10 nk states/Ry atom spin was obtained for Nb from our calcula- tions, which is well within the range obtained by Neve, Sun- where the sums on the indices n and k are over occupied dqvist, and Rapp.42 states. It is illustrative to transform the sum in Eq. ͑10͒ into an integral over the Fermi surface III. COMPUTATIONAL METHOD V The WIEN97 code developed by Blaha, Schwarz, and ͒ ͑ ␧ ͉2␦͑␧ Ϫ␧ ͒ϭ ͵ ٌ ␧ ٌ͉ ͚ k nk nk F 3 k nkdS, 11 43 nk 8␲ S Luitz implementing the FLAPW method in the DFT for- malism was used for the calculations in this article. The showing that the plasma frequency is directly proportional to WIEN97 code solves the single particle Kohn–Sham equa- the Fermi surface average of the velocity tions for the Kohn–Sham eigenvalues, ground state , e2 and total energy of a many electron system using the ͒ ͑ ប2␻2ϭ ͵ ٌ ␧ 2 k nkdS. 12 FLAPW method without making any shape approximations 12␧ ␲ S 0 to the potential. Core states are treated in a fully relativistic ␧ 2 N( F)͗v ͘ was then subsequently calculated according to manner while the valence states are treated semirelativisti- Eq. ͑10͒ for all the bcc metals in this study and their corre- cally. The exchange-correlation part of the total energy is sponding bct phases using the FLAPW method. represented by the generalized gradient approximation ͑GGA͒ using the parametrization of Perdew–Burke– Ernzerhof.44 DFT in the GGA is now supplanting DFT in the C. of states local density approximation ͑LDA͒ for electronic structure The density of electron states at the Fermi level per atom study and prediction of ground state properties of different and per spin is given by materials and systems. The GGA formalism addresses the nonuniformity of the electron gas using its density gradients, V dS ͑␧ ͒ϭ ͵ ͑ ͒ while the LDA formalism assumes electron homogeneity. N F ␲3 ٌ͉ ␧ ͉ . 13 8 Sn k nk Lattice constants are usually overestimated by the GGA and ␧ underestimated by the LDA, but lattice constant values tend N( F) is a Fermi surface average of 1/v, where v is the ␧ to be closer to experiment when calculated with the GGA electronic velocity. N( F) is therefore inversely proportional than when calculated with the LDA.45 The calculations in to the average velocity on the Fermi surface. this article consisted of calculating the total energy per unit cell at Tϭ0 K as a function of the unit cell volume at a series of c/a ratios in order to determine the energy minimum E D. Pressure dependence of transport properties 0 in the (V,E) plane at each c/a ratio and thereby determine Since we are attempting to predict the structure depen- the absolute energy minima in the (c/a,E0) plane. All cal- dence of transport properties from band-structure calcula- culations were begun by defining a unit cell, which was sub- tions, we test the accuracy of our computational method by sequently divided into nonoverlapping atomic sphere and in- trying to reproduce the calculated and experimentally terstitial regions. The solutions to the Kohn–Sham equations determined42 pressure dependence of transport properties were expanded in a combined linear augmented plane wave such as the density of electron states at the Fermi level, ͑LAPW͒ basis set consisting of plane waves in the interstitial ␧ ␻ N( F), and the plasma frequency for the metals Nb and region of the unit cell and a linear combination of products Ta. The experimental method used to determine the pressure of spherical harmonics and radial functions inside the atomic dependence of the plasma frequency for Nb involved making spheres. The muffin- radii chosen for the atomic spheres use of the measured pressure dependence of the temperature ranged from 2.3 bohr for V and Cr, through 2.5 bohr for Nb T, published results and Mo, to 2.7 bohr for Ta and W. The charge densities andץ/␳ץ gradient of the electrical resistivity ᐉ for the superconducting transition temperature Tc , and the the wave functions were expanded in partial waves up to compressibility. The theoretical method consisted of a self- ϭ10 inside the atomic spheres and the potential was ex- consistent linear muffin-tin orbital ͑LMTO͒ band-structure panded up to ᐉϭ4 inside the spheres. The RKMAX param- calculation in the atomic sphere approximation ͑ASA͒. The eter, which is the product of the muffin-tin radius and the plasma frequency ␻ was found to be somewhat insensitive to cutoff for the plane-wave expansion, was chosen to be 10. ␧ small changes in the Fermi energy level, F . The density of The magnitude of the largest vector in the Fourier expansion

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of the charge density, represented by the GMAX parameter, and therefore to a metastable bct phase. The lattice param- was chosen to be 14 bohrϪ1. The structure optimization com- eters of the predicted bct phases are shown in Table I. The putations were carried out using over 1000 irreducible k calculated bct equilibrium volume increases slightly ͑always points in the first Brillouin zone for all the studied elements. by 2%͒ over the calculated bcc equilibrium volume for all The k points were generated on a grid, which was used in a the metals. The total energy per unit cell as a function of the modified tetrahedron integration method46 to calculate the minimum volume-dependent energy at each c/a ratio is Fermi energy. The total charge density per unit cell was con- shown in Figs. 3͑a͒–3͑f͒. A saddlepoint at c/aϳ1.4 can be Ϫ5 3 verged to within 10 electrons/a0 self-consistently and then observed in Fig. 3 for all the cubic metals, corresponding to converged with respect to the number of k points in the re- theoretical fcc phases of the metals. The c/a ratios at which ciprocal lattice. Twenty-one structures, each with a different bct phases are formed as well as the energy differences, ⌬ bct-bcc c/a ratio, were created for each cubic element studied. The E0 , between corresponding bcc and bct phases, are following procedure was carried out for each structure: keep- listed in Table I. Within the studied groups, the magnitude of ing the c/a ratio constant, the unit cell volume of the struc- the c/a ratio at which a bct phase is formed is inversely ⌬ bct-bcc ture was optimized by calculating the total energy per unit proportional to the atomic number Z, while E0 is pro- cell as a function of the unit cell volume, which was varied portional to Z. In each studied , bct phases formed in various subranges of the range of volumes consisting of— from group 5B elements had the same or higher c/a ratios 20% to 25% of the initial unit cell volume, depending on the than bct phases formed from group 6B elements. The ⌬ bct-bcc magnitude of the volume corresponding to the energy mini- E0 values calculated for the group 6B elements were mum at that c/a ratio. The LAPW calculated energies were all greater than those calculated for the group 5B elements. 47 ⌬ bct-bcc then fitted to the Murnaghan equation of state to determine The E0 values for all the bcc metals ranged from 0.09 the energy minimum E0 in the (V,E) plane. In this manner, eV ͑vanadium͒ to 0.38 eV ͑tungsten͒. two energy minima in the (c/a,E ) plane were obtained for 0 A. Densities of states all the studied cubic elements. Over 33 000 irreducible k points were used in the calculation of the derivatives used to The densities of states ͑DOS͒ as functions of energy, ␧ 2 ␧ determine N( F)͗v ͘ and hence the plasma frequencies and N( ), were calculated for all the studied bcc metals, includ- the electrical resistivities. The derivatives were calculated ing the calculated metastable bct phases of these metals. without accounting for spin polarization. The calculation of From the N(␧)vs␧ figures, the total and angular momentum ␧ the pressure dependence of the plasma frequency for Nb and decomposed densities of states at the Fermi energy, N( F) ␧ Ta was carried out while keeping the ratio of the muffin-tin and Nᐉ( F), respectively, were computed for all phases. The sphere volume to the total volume per unit cell constant for total DOS figures for the bcc and bct phases are shown in each structure. Figs. 4͑a͒–4͑f͒ and the d DOS figures for both phases are shown in Figs. 5͑a͒–5͑f͒.

IV. RESULTS 1. Bcc phases ␧ Since some of the column VB and VIB metallic ele- The calculated N( F) for all the studied bcc metals are ments have unpaired d-shell electrons, values for the total listed in Table II. Proceeding down the periods and also to energy per unit cell of these elements were calculated using a the right across the groups of the studied block of the Peri- ␧ spin-polarized formalism, which included spin-orbit cou- odic Table, N( F) was seen to decrease for the metals. The ␧ pling. The total energies calculated in this manner for the highest value of N( F) among the bcc elements was ob- elements were practically the same ͑less than 0.1% differ- tained for V, and the lowest value was obtained for W. The d ͒ ␧ ence as the energy calculated without spin-orbit coupling, densities of states, Nd( F), were responsible for the largest ␧ indicating a negligible influence of spin-orbit interactions on contribution to N( F) for all the studied bcc elements, and ␧ the total energy per unit cell. The volume optimization car- also followed the same trend as N( F). The cubic symmetry Ϫ Ϫ ried out at each c/a ratio resulted in two energy minima, one splits the d states further into the d eg and d t2g irreduc- global and one local, in the (c/a,E0) plane for all the cubic ible representations. There is a single narrow peak due to the Ϫ metals in this study, corresponding to stable bcc and meta- d eg states located in the upper conduction band region of stable bct phases. The total energy per unit cell as a function all the DOS figures ͓Figs. 5͑a͒–5͑f͔͒, which broadens down of the unit cell volume at a c/a ratio of 1, which corresponds the periods of the studied Periodic Table block ͑i.e., as the to the bcc phase, is shown for each in Fig. 1. The atomic number Z and the lattice constant a increase͒. The predicted bcc lattice parameters agree quite well with conduction d bandwidth correspondingly increases down the 48 Ϫ experiment, differing by 0.6% on average from the data periods. A double peak feature due to the d t2g states is also ͑Table I͒. The calculated bcc theoretical volumes differ from seen near the top of the valence band. For the group 5B ϩ ͑ ␧ experiment by 2% 2% greater than the experimental vol- elements, the double peak feature extends through F . The ͒ ϩ ͑ ͒ Ϫ ͑ ͒ ϩ ͑ ͒ ϩ ͑ ͒ ␧ ume for Ta, 1% Nb , 3% V , 2% W , 1% Mo , double peak feature does not extend through F for the group and Ϫ4% ͑Cr͒. The total energy per unit cell as a function of 6B elements, which occurs at a minimum in the DOS for Ϫ the unit cell volume is shown in Fig. 2 for each metal at c/a these elements. The height ratio of the d eg single peak ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ Ϫ ratios of 1.72 Ta , 1.8 Nb , 1.8 V , 1.7 W , 1.75 Mo , and feature to the d t2g double peak feature is highest for V and ͑ ͒ Ϫ 1.8 Cr , for which the minimum in energy E0 in the (V,E) Cr, and decreases down the periods. The d t2g states are ␧ plane corresponds to a local minimum in the (c/a,E0) plane responsible for the largest contribution to Nd( F) for all the

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FIG. 1. ͑a͒–͑f͒ The total energy per unit cell E as a function of unit cell volume V for the bcc group 5B elements Ta, Nb, and V, and the bcc group 6B elements W, Mo, and Cr. The total energies shown for Ta, Nb, and V are with respect to Ϫ31252 Ry, Ϫ7640 Ry, and Ϫ1898 Ry, respectively. The total energies shown for W, Mo, and Cr are with respect to Ϫ32332 Ry, Ϫ8099 Ry, and Ϫ2101 Ry, respectively. The open circles in each of the figures represent the LAPW exp t exp tϭ 3 calculated energies and the curve is the fit to the Murnaghan equation. The experimental volumes V0 are calculated according to V0 a /2 using lattice parameters taken from Wyckoff ͑Ref. 48͒.

studied bcc metals, slightly more so for the group 5B than those computed for their corresponding bcc phases. The re- ͑ ͒ ␧ the group 6B metals Table III . The s and p total densities of verse relationship to the bcc phase N( F) values was seen ␧ states were insignificant compared to the d and have there- for the N( F) calculated for bct phases derived from the ␧ fore not been included in the figures. group 6B bcc elements. The trend in the computed N( F) observed for the bcc phases was mirrored by the trend in 2. Bct phases ␧ calculated N( F) for the bct phases, except that the calcu- ␧ ␧ The calculated N( F) for the bct phases derived from lated N( F) for bct Nb is less than that computed for bct Ta. ␧ the group 5B bcc elements were consistently lower than The calculated Nd( F) for the bct phases followed exactly

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TABLE I. The calculated c/a ratios of the predicted metastable phases of the cubic metals studied, the calculated equilibrium lattice parameters and the total energies per unit cell for both phases of each metal, as ⌬ bct-bcc well as the calculated energy differences E0 between the phases for each metal are tabulated. The values in parenthesis are experimentally determined lattice constants from Ref. 48.

⌬ bct-bcc c/a ratio of E0 ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ bcc ͑ ͒ bct ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ Metal abcc Å abct Å bct phase E0 Ry E0 Ry eV Ta 3.3246 ͑3.3058͒ 2.7894 1.72 Ϫ31 252.2353 Ϫ31 252.2234 0.162 Nb 3.3110 ͑3.3004͒ 2.7402 1.80 Ϫ7640.9485 Ϫ7640.9378 0.146 V 2.9978 ͑3.0240͒ 2.4747 1.80 Ϫ1898.6478 Ϫ1898.6409 0.094 W 3.1865 ͑3.1647͒ 2.6895 1.70 Ϫ32 332.2762 Ϫ32 332.2480 0.384 Mo 3.1625 ͑3.1473͒ 2.6429 1.75 Ϫ8099.1806 Ϫ8099.1566 0.326 Cr 2.8475 ͑2.8839͒ 2.3571 1.80 Ϫ2101.7828 Ϫ2101.7629 0.271

␧ ␧ ␧ 2 ␧ the same trend as the calculated N( F). F was observed to N( )͗v ͘ vs figures for the period 4 bcc elements V and Cr increase for all the predicted bct structures relative to their look remarkably similar to each other, as is the case for the corresponding bcc structures. period 5 elements Nb and Mo. The highest peaks in the ␧ The total and d DOS figures for the bct phases are also figures occur below F for the period 4 and period 6 ele- ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ␧ shown in Figs. 4 a –4 f and Figs. 5 a –5 f . In the DOS ments, while they occur above F for the period 5 elements. Ϫ Ϫ ␧ figures for the bct phases, the d eg and d t2g states are These peaks occur at 0.24 and 0.34 eV below F for V and split further into the two dz2 and dx2Ϫy2 irreducible represen- Cr, respectively, while they occur at 0.24 and 0.12 eV above ␧ tations, and the three dxy , dxz , and dyz irreducible represen- F for Nb and Mo, respectively. The period 6 elements Ta tations, respectively, by the tetragonal symmetry. The contri- and W both exhibit their most prominent peaks in the N(␧) Ϫ ϫ 2 ␧ butions to the DOS from the d eg derived states have a ͗v ͘ figures at 0.32 and 0.46 eV, respectively, below F , double peak structure and are flattened relative to the sharp farther below what is seen in the figures for the period 4 Ϫ 2 d eg peak seen in the bcc DOS figures. The contributions to elements. The N(␧)͗v ͘ vs ␧ figures for the bct phases of all Ϫ the bct DOS from the d t2g derived states are also flattened the elements show more structure than the corresponding bcc Ϫ relative to the double d t2g peak seen in the bcc DOS fig- figures and exhibit peaks of generally lower intensity, al- ures and have a more complex peak structure. The dϪe ␧ g though prominent peaks below F at the same positions seen derived states are responsible for the largest contribution to in the bcc N(␧)͗v2͘ figures still exist in the bct V, Cr, and Ta ␧ Ϫ Nd( F) for the group 5B bct phases, while the d t2g de- figures. rived states are responsible for the largest contribution to The calculated values of N(␧ )͗v2͘ are shown in Table ␧ ͑ ͒ F Nd( F) for the group 6B bct phases Table III . The complex II. The highest value among the bcc elements is obtained for Ϫ set of d bands derived from the d eg states extends from the Ta ͑5.565 Ry bohr2͒, and the lowest value for Nb ͑1.692 ␧ top of the valence band through F to the bottom of the 2͒ ␧ 2 Ry bohr . Among the group 5B elements, N( F)͗v ͘ values conduction band. There is a double peak feature due to the for the bct phases of V and Ta increased by 17% and 70%, Ϫ d t2g derived states extending through the conduction band. respectively, over the bcc values, while the N(␧ )͗v2͘ value Ϫ F Significant contributions to the DOS from the d t2g derived for bct Nb decreased by 58% from the bcc value. Among the states can also be seen in the lower part of the valence band group 6B elements, N(␧ )͗ 2͘ values for the bct phases of Ϫ F v region. The ratio of the height of the d eg derived feature to W, Mo, and Cr decreased by 95%, 60%, and 36%, respec- the height of the dϪt derived double peak feature in- 2g tively, from the bcc values. We have also calculated the creases down the periods, being lowest for bct V and bct Cr square root of the mean squared Fermi velocity, ͗v2͘1/2, for and highest for bct Ta and bct W. The ␧ for the bct phases F all the elements in their bcc and bct phases from Eqs. ͑10͒ derived from the group 5B elements, similar to the ␧ in F and ͑13͒, assuming a spherical Fermi surface. The highest their corresponding bcc phases, occur in a relatively high value of ͗v2͘1/2 ͑Table II͒ among the bcc elements is ob- density of d bands. The ␧ for the bct phases derived from F tained for W (9.34ϫ107 cm/s), and the lowest value for Nb the group 6B elements occur in a higher density of d bands (3.09ϫ107 cm/s). Our calculated values of ͗v2͘1/2 are com- relative to the ␧ in the corresponding bcc phases. F pared in Table II to other values of ͗v2͘1/2 obtained by the electron-lifetime model and the augmented plane wave B. Plasma frequencies and Fermi velocities ͑APW͒ band-structure method,49 Slater–Koster interpolation N(␧)͗v2͘ is shown plotted as a function of energy for all of APW data,50 and experimental measurement.51 Our calcu- ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ␧ 2 ͗ 2͘1/2 the studied metals in Figs. 6 a –6 f . N( F)͗v ͘ is obtained lated v for the group 5B elements V and Ta and the ␧ 2 ␧ from the value of N( )͗v ͘ at F , which has been adjusted group 6B elements Mo and W differ by an average of 10% ␧ 2 to 0 Rydberg in Fig. 6. The quantity N( F)͗v ͘ began to and 2%, respectively, from these previously reported values. converge within 1% only when over 33 000 k points in the However, our calculated value of ͗v2͘1/2 for Nb differed by irreducible wedge of the Brillouin zone were used in evalu- 39% from the literature reported51 value. ating Eq. ͑10͒. Four peaks are noticeable from the figures for In each studied period, the group 6B bcc metal always all the studied elements, although the peak at highest energy had a higher value of ͗v2͘1/2 than the group 5B bcc metal in is barely discernible for the period 6 elements Ta and W. The the same period. Bct values of ͗v2͘1/2 increased relative to

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FIG. 2. ͑a͒–͑f͒ The total energy per unit cell E as a function of volume V for the predicted bct phases of the group 5B elements Ta, Nb, and V, and the predicted bct phases of the group 6B elements W, Mo, and Cr. The total energies shown for bct Ta, Nb, and V are with respect to Ϫ31252 Ry, Ϫ7640 Ry, and Ϫ1898 Ry, respectively. The total energies shown for bct W, Mo, and Cr are with respect to Ϫ32332 Ry, Ϫ8099 Ry, and Ϫ2101 Ry, respectively. The open circles in each of the figures represent the LAPW calculated energies and the solid curve is the fit to the Murnaghan equation. the corresponding bcc phase values for the group 5B ele- experimentally52–56 and theoretically37,50 by other authors ments, while the bct values of ͗v2͘1/2 decreased relative to and are mostly well within the ranges reported by these au- the corresponding bcc phase values for the group 6B ele- thors. ments. The plasma frequencies calculated for all the studied C. Electrical resistivity metals according to Eqs. ͑9͒ and ͑10͒ are also shown in Table II. The highest magnitude of ␻ is obtained for cubic Mo Experimental resistivity data41 are compared to our cal- ͑8.50 eV͒, while the lowest is obtained for cubic Nb ͑4.63 culated resistivities over the temperature range 20–700 K in eV͒. Our values are compared in Fig. 7 to values obtained Figs. 8͑a͒–8͑e͒. At room temperature, the calculated resistiv-

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͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ FIG. 3. a – f The minimum volume-dependent total energy per unit cell E0 as a function of c/a ratio for the group 5B elements Ta, Nb, and V, and the group 6B elements W, Mo, and Cr. The total energies shown for Ta, Nb, and V are with respect to Ϫ31252 Ry, Ϫ7640 Ry, and Ϫ1898 Ry, respectively. The total energies shown for W, Mo, and Cr are with respect to Ϫ32332 Ry, Ϫ8099 Ry, and Ϫ2101 Ry, respectively.

ities differ from the experimental data by less than 15% for D. Pressure dependence of transport properties all the studied bcc metals except for Nb, for which an The calculated pressure dependence of transport proper- anomalously large value of the resistivity ͑350% greater than ties such as N(␧ )͗v2͘, ␻, ͗v2͘1/2, and band properties such experiment͒ is obtained from our computations. Over the F ␧ ␧ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ temperature range 300–700 K, the average discrepancies be- as F and N( F) are shown for Nb and Ta in Figs. 9 a –9 e . ␧ ͗ 2͘ ␻ ͗ 2͘1/2 tween experimental and calculated resistivities are 5% ͑Ta͒, N( F) v , , and v show a general slight decrease ␧ ␧ 360% ͑Nb͒, 13% ͑V͒, and 7% ͑Mo and W͒. The order of with pressure while F increases and N( F) decreases with resistivity magnitudes seen in the experimental data at room pressure for both metals. This pressure dependence behavior ␧ ␧ 42 temperature is reproduced by our calculations if the calcu- of F and N( F) is the same as previously obtained for Nb, ␧ 2 ␻ lated value for Nb is not considered. while the pressure dependence behavior of N( F)͗v ͘ and

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FIG. 4. ͑a͒–͑f͒ The densities of states as functions of energy N(␧) are shown for the cubic and the tetragonal phases of the group 5B elements Ta, Nb, and V, and the group 6B elements W, Mo, and Cr. In each of Figs. 4͑a͒–4͑f͒, the Fermi energy is at 0 eV. The thickened full lines and dashed lines represent, respectively, the total and d densities of states for the tetragonal phase. The thin full and dashed lines represent, respectively, the total and d densities of states for the cubic phase. in this article is opposite to what was observed in that work. by depositing vanadium on a Ni ͕001͖ substrate which had a ͗v2͘1/2 and showed a slight increase with pressure increase in lattice constant 0.8% smaller than the theoretically predicted Ref. 42 which is contrary to what was observed in this study. square side of tetragonal vanadium. The high density of de- fects and disorder in the experimentally prepared sample of V. DISCUSSION metastable vanadium was attributed to the low energy differ- Metastable phases of vanadium have been prepared ex- ence per unit cell ͑0.14 eV͒ separating the calculated stable perimentally and correlated using low energy electron dif- and metastable phases. In this work, the energy differences fraction to a calculated metastable bct phase produced by separating the calculated stable and metastable phases ranged tetragonal distortion.2,3 The tetragonal distortion was induced from 0.09 eV ͑vanadium͒ to 0.39 eV ͑tungsten͒. It may be

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͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ␧ FIG. 5. a – f The d decomposed densities of states as functions of energy Nd( ) are shown for the cubic and the tetragonal phases of the group 5B elements Ta, Nb, and V, and the group 6B elements W, Mo, and Cr. In each of Figs. 5͑a͒–5͑f͒, the Fermi energy is at 0 eV. The thickened full and dashed lines represent, Ϫ Ϫ respectively, the dz2 and the dxzϩyz densities of states. The thin full and dashed lines represent, respectively, the d eg and the d t2g densities of states. possible that all the metastable phases predicted in this ar- strains would also determine the mechanical and structural ticle by tetragonal distortion of the corresponding bcc phases properties of these hypothetical metastable phases. Such can be prepared experimentally in a manner similar to that metastable film phases might also be expected to transform related above for vanadium. Substrates which could be used to the stable cubic phases upon heating, since the calculated to stabilize the bct phases we have predicted would have energy differences between their tetragonal and cubic phases lattice parameters very close2 ͑ϳϮ2%͒ to the bct lattice pa- do not differ appreciably from that of vanadium, for which rameters given in Table I. A whole range of metastable thin metal this characteristic has been observed by Tian and film structural phases could also exist, stabilized by suitable co-workers.2 It is not known with certainty if the substrate substrates and derived from the bct phases predicted in this strain mediated process discussed above for forming meta- study by substrate lattice parameter dependent strains. The stable phases occurs at any stage of the ␤-tantalum formation

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␧ TABLE II. The calculated total density of states at the Fermi energy, N( F), the total d density of states at the 2 ͓ ͑ ͔͒ Fermi energy, Nd(EF), N(EF)͗v ͘ see Eq. 10 , as well as the square root of the mean square Fermi velocity, ͗v2͘1/2 are shown for bct and bcc phases of all the studied metals. The numbers in brackets next to the bcc ͗v2͘1/2 values are values of ͗v2͘1/2 obtained by other authors. The calculated plasma frequency values, ប␻, are also shown for the bcc phase of each metal ͑see also Fig. 7͒.

2 2 1/2 ប␻ c/a N(EF) Nd(EF) N(EF)͗v ͘ ͗v ͘ Metal ratio ͑States/eV atom͒ ͑States/eV atom͒ ͑Ry bohr2͒ (107 cm/s) ͑eV͒

Ta 1.00 1.34 0.83 5.565 6.04 ͑6.70͒a,t 8.34 1.72 1.33 0.75 9.434 7.90 Nb 1.00 1.56 0.93 1.692 3.09 ͑5.10͒b,e 4.63 1.80 1.26 0.67 0.714 8.24 V 1.00 1.85 1.32 2.370 3.36 ͑3.73͒c,t 6.36 1.80 1.47 0.97 2.772 4.07 W 1.00 0.41 0.27 4.063 9.34 ͑9.60͒a,t 7.60 1.70 0.74 0.48 0.212 1.59 Mo 1.00 0.59 0.38 4.974 8.61 ͑8.60͒a,t 8.50 1.75 0.93 0.65 1.994 4.34 Cr 1.00 0.66 0.53 2.490 5.76 7.04 1.80 1.07 0.86 1.592 3.62

aReference 50. bReference 51. cReference 49. e—experimental, t—theoretical.

process. We have studied this question by comparing the from the group 5B bcc elements were consistently lower than resistivity calculated for our predicted bct Ta phase to values those calculated for their corresponding bcc phases. The re- ␤ ␧ obtained from resistivity measurements on pure -tantalum verse relationship to the bcc phase N( F) values was seen ␧ films of varying thicknesses. for the N( F) calculated for bct phases derived from the A. Densities of states group 6B bcc elements. The distortion of the bcc structure to ␧ form the bct structure causes F to shift upward in energy for The bcc metals in this study span periods 4, 5, and 6, and all the metals studied, while leaving the structure of the DOS groups 5B–6B of the Periodic Table. The calculated total in the immediate vicinity of ␧ essentially unaltered; ␧ is ␧ F F densities of states, N( F), for the bcc metals followed a located to the left of the DOS minimum in the group 5B bcc decreasing trend when proceeding down the periods and metals while it is located to the right of the DOS minimum in moving rightwards across the groups of the studied block of the group 6B bcc metals. The upward shift in ␧ due to the ␧ F the Periodic Table. The magnitude of N( F) is inversely pro- bct transformation therefore shifts it closer to the DOS mini- portional to the d bandwidth and directly proportional to the ␧ mum for the group 5B metals, causing a reduction in N( F), d band energy. It also follows a trend inversely proportional ␧ while for the group 6B metals, F is shifted away from the to the magnitude of the atomic number Z. The order of the DOS minimum, increasing N(␧ ). ␧ F bcc N( F) values down the periods is due to the d band- Within each studied group, the magnitude of the c/a width, which increases in this direction. The order of the bcc ratio at which a bct phase is formed from the bcc phase is ␧ N( F) values across the groups is due to the decrease in the ⌬ bct-bcc inversely proportional to Z, while the size of E0 is d band energy caused by band filling across the groups. The directly proportional to Z. Within each period, the group 6B dominant effect of the open-shell d occupancy is expected elements formed bct phases with the same or lower c/a ra- because from Table II, the d densities of states were respon- tios than the group 5B elements, and had higher values of sible for the largest contribution to N(␧ ) for all the studied F ⌬Ebct-bcc . This dependence of the c/a ratio on Z and the bcc metals. The calculated N(␧ ) for the bct phases derived 0 F number of outer shell electrons is exactly the same noted ␧ ⌬ bct-bcc earlier for N( F), while the dependence of E0 on these quantities is the exact opposite. We explain this by noting TABLE III. The total d densities of states at the Fermi energy, Nd(EF), as well as the symmetry decomposed components of Nd(EF) are shown for the that the percent change in the fraction of occupied d states bcc and bct phases of all the studied metals. having bonding character for the bcc to bct phase transition is appreciably greater ͑47%–50%͒ for the group 5B elements Nᐉ(E ) F than for the group 6B elements ͑3%–19%͒. We can therefore tot tot Metal d d d d d 2 d 2Ϫ 2 d d ϩd bcc eg t2g bct z x y xy xz yz conclude that within each studied group and across each Ta 0.83 0.14 0.69 0.75 0.20 0.31 0.06 0.18 studied period, the magnitude of the bcc d bandwidth is in- Nb 0.93 0.17 0.75 0.67 0.15 0.24 0.08 0.19 versely proportional to the c/a ratio at which a bct phase is V 1.32 0.22 1.10 0.97 0.24 0.38 0.09 0.27 formed from the bcc phase and also inversely proportional to W 0.27 0.05 0.22 0.48 0.11 0.07 0.09 0.21 ⌬Ebct-bcc . If the magnitude of ⌬Ebct-bcc is taken as a measure Mo 0.38 0.11 0.27 0.65 0.11 0.10 0.13 0.31 0 0 Cr 0.53 0.12 0.41 0.86 0.16 0.15 0.13 0.43 of the degree of difficulty in forming a bct phase from the bcc structure, this suggests that heavier elements are less

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FIG. 6. ͑a͒–͑f͒ N(␧)͗v2͘ as a function of energy is shown for both the bcc ͑solid lines͒ and bct ͑dashed lines͒ phases of all the studied group 5B and group 6B metals. In each of Figs. 6͑a͒–6͑f͒, the Fermi energy is at 0 Ry. likely to form bct phases and that the bct phases derived ranges of values obtained by these other works. We have also from the group 6B elements are less readily formed from the calculated the plasma frequencies of Nb and Ta as a function corresponding bcc phases than bct phases derived from of pressure. Our results for the pressure dependence of the ⌬ bct-bcc 42 group 5B elements, because E0 increases appreciably plasma frequency, similar to those of Neve and co-workers across groups. show a slight dependence of the plasma frequency on the pressure, but we do not observe the monotonic increase of B. Plasma frequency the plasma frequency with pressure as seen in that reference, The calculated plasma frequencies are compared to however. The fact that our calculated plasma frequencies do plasma frequencies obtained experimentally and theoretically not increase monotonically with pressure as seen in Ref. 42 by other authors in Fig. 7. Our values are well within the might be due to our evaluation of Eq. ͑10͒ without taking

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␧ 2 2 1/2 group 6B metals, we predict that N( F)͗v ͘ and ͗v ͘ will increase with an increase in pressure or reduction in unit cell volume for the group 6B bcc metals.

D. Electrical resistivity The electrical resistivities for all the studied metals have been calculated over the temperature range 20–700 K ac- cording to Eq. ͑4͒ and are shown in Figs. 8͑a͒–8͑e͒. The calculated resistivity curves appear linear over the entire temperature range and lie above the experimental curves at the lower end of the temperature scale for all the metals. The reasons for this are discussed below. As previously men- tioned, over the temperature range 300–700 K, the average discrepancies between experimental and calculated resistivi- ties are 5% ͑Ta͒, 360% ͑Nb͒, 13% ͑V͒, and 7% ͑Mo and W͒. The discrepancies between the calculated resistivities and the resistivity data are attributed to the shortcomings of the LOVA model, the approximation which we have used to cal- ͑ ͒ FIG. 7. Plasma frequency values, ប␻, obtained experimentally and theoreti- culate the resistivities represented by Eq. 4 , and also to the ␭ ␭ cally by various authors for the same metals in this study are plotted and approximation of tr by . LOVA assumes that the Fermi compared with the plasma frequency values calculated in this work. surface displaces rigidly, and also that the electronic distri- bution function, and hence the electronic relaxation time, is energy independent and isotropic, the angular variation being 57 into account spin-polarization effects. By not including spin proportional to vkx . Higher-order corrections to LOVA aim polarization we have averaged over the spin-up and spin- to incorporate the angular and energy dependence of the dis- down states. On the other hand, our results might be more tribution function, as well as the effects of allowing different accurate than those of Ref. 42, where only 1053 irreducible k sheets of the Fermi surface to displace differently, into resis- points in the Brillouin zone were used in the LMTO-ASA tivity calculations. Resistivity curves calculated using LOVA scheme, whereas we have used over 33 000 irreducible k usually lie above the experimental curves at temperatures points to determine the transport properties in this article. below 100 K, and refinements to LOVA such as the n sheet The large discrepancy between our calculated Nb ͗v2͘1/2 approximation, which allow different sheets of the Fermi sur- ͗ 2͘1/2 face to have different velocities, lower the calculated resis- value and the experimental Nb v value reported in the 36 literature51 is also attributed to the manner in which we tivity relative to experiment in the low temperature region. evaluated Eq. ͑10͒. The calculated resistivities appear linear because the linear term in Eq. ͑4͒ dominates the other terms over the entire ␭ ␭ temperature range. The approximation of tr by neglects Ϫ ͉ ͉2 the factor ͓1 (vkx vkЈx)/ vkx ͔, which preferentially C. Pressure dependence of transport properties • weights backscattering processes. The transition metals pos- The calculated pressure dependence of transport proper- sess very complex, highly nested Fermi surfaces; therefore, ␧ 2 ␻ 2 1/2 ␭ ties such as N( F)͗v ͘, , ͗v ͘ and band properties such backscattering contributions to tr could be significant and ␧ ␧ ␭ ␭ 58 as F and N( F) are shown for the group 5B metals Nb and lead to tr being significantly different from . ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ␧ 2 2 1/2 ␻ ␧ Ta in Figs. 9 a –9 e . N( F)͗v ͘, ͗v ͘ , , and N( F) The calculated temperature dependent resistivity for Nb show a general slight decrease with pressure increase while had the worst agreement with experiment of all the metals ␧ F increases with pressure. over the entire range of temperatures. We attribute this to the ␧ The observed decrease in N( F) with pressure increase following factors in addition to those mentioned above: 1. ␧ ␧ 2 mirrors the trend in N( F) down and across the studied Our calculated value of N( F)͗v ͘ for Nb, being smaller ␧ 42 block of the Periodic Table, where N( F) is seen to decrease than usual, causes the calculated resistivity curve to shift down the block and across it due mostly to, respectively, an significantly upward from the experimental curve. The large ␧ 2 increase in Z and a slight contraction in the lattice parameter, error in the value of N( F)͗v ͘ calculated for Nb might be both of which result in an increase in the electron concentra- due to the fact that Eq. ͑10͒ was evaluated without taking ␧ 2 tion per unit cell. N( F)͗v ͘ is observed to decrease slightly into account spin-polarization effects. 2. Superconductive for bcc Nb and Ta with pressure increase or equivalently, tunneling experiments on Nb single crystals have revealed with a decrease in unit cell volume. This behavior of that the Nb Eliashberg spectral function ␣2(␻)F(␻), which ␧ ͗ 2͘ ␣2 ␻ N( F) v is consistent with the previously noted increase is related to the transport spectral function trF( ) by Eqs. in its bct phase values over its bcc phase values for the group ͑6͒ and ͑8͒, is strongly anisotropic.59 Due to this anisotropy, 5B metals, since the transition from bcc to bct leads to a the errors introduced into the resistivity calculation by using volume increase for all the studied metals. Since the bct val- LOVA could be more severe for Nb than for the rest of the ␧ 2 ues of N( F)͗v ͘ decrease relative to the bcc values for the studied metals. When the anisotropy and energy dependence

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FIG. 8. ͑a͒–͑e͒ Measured ͑Ref. 41͒ and calculated values of the electrical resistivity over the temperature range 20–700 K are shown for the group 5B metals Ta, Nb, and V, and the group 6B metals Mo and W.

of the distribution function are accounted for in the Nb re- for considerable negative deviations from linearity in the sistivity calculation, the calculated resistivities below 100 K resistivity.36 are appreciably reduced relative to experiment and the LOVA The metals with the largest values of the calculated room results, while the calculated resistivities at higher tempera- temperature resistivity are Nb and V, while the lowest values tures are negligibly affected.36 3. The measured temperature are obtained for W and Mo. The experimental resistivity data dependent resistivity of Nb is known to exhibit a significant mirror this trend ͑Fig. 8͒. Within each studied Periodic Table negative deviation from linearity at high temperatures.60 group, the order of the resistivity magnitudes is as follows: ␳ Ͼ␳ Ͼ␳ LOVA and higher-order corrections to it neglect Fermi 3d 4d 5d . The in-group order of resistivities is due to smearing effects, which are significant at higher tempera- the magnitude of the d conduction bandwidth, which in- ␧ tures, and which along with anharmonicity, are responsible creases down the periods. N( F) is largely of d character for

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͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ␧ 2 ␻ ␧ ␧ 2 1/2 FIG. 9. a – e . The pressure dependence of the quantities N( F)͗v ͘, , F , N( F), and ͗v ͘ are shown for Nb and Ta. V0 is the calculated bcc equilibrium volume.

␧ all the studied metals, so an increase in d bandwidth should energies near F in the group 6B bcc elements is again con- correspond to a greater average velocity of electrons on the firmed by our calculated values of ͗v2͘1/2, which, as was Fermi surface. This is confirmed by our calculated values of previously noted, are higher in each period for the group 6B ͗v2͘1/2, which except for the Nb value, also increase in this elements than for the group 5B elements. The room tempera- direction. The Fermi energies of the group 5B metals V, Nb, ture resistivities of the group 6B metals are all less than those and Ta occur inside a high density of d bands, unlike the of the group 5B metals, so the combined effects of the d ␧ Fermi energies of the group 6B metals Cr, Mo, and W, which bandwidth and the position of F in the band structure deter- occur near a minimum in the DOS ͑Figs. 4͒. This means that mine the order of resistivities. Applying this logic, the bct the states in the range of the Fermi energy are more diffuse phases derived from the group 5B metals, including bct Ta, in the group 6B metals and have little contribution inside the should in general be more conductive than their correspond- ␧ muffin-tin spheres. The greater extent of the electrons with ing bcc phases, since the F positions in the bct phases are

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shifted to lower DOS, while the d bandwidths are approxi- its metastable precursor,19,20 which is known to be about mately the same as the bcc d bandwidths. Conversely, the bct three times more resistive than bcc tungsten.23,28 phases derived from the group 6B metals should generally be In order to determine whether the bct phase of Ta pre- less conductive than their corresponding bcc phases, since dicted in this work is produced at any stage of the ␤-Ta ␧ the F positions in these phases are shifted to higher DOS, formation process, we compare the calculated resistivity of without any appreciable changes in the bct d bandwidths the bct phase with resistivity values obtained from measure- relative to those of the bcc phases. These general conclusions ments on pure ␤-Ta films of varying thicknesses. We can can be confirmed for some of the metals by comparing the carry out the comparison in two ways. The calculated trans- ␧ 2 2 1/2 values of N( F)͗v ͘ and ͗v ͘ calculated for the bcc and port properties of bct Ta and the measured resistivities of bct phases. As noted in Sec. III, among the group 6B ele- ␤-Ta can be used to obtain a range of empirical values for ␧ 2 ␭ ments, N( F)͗v ͘ values for the bct phases of W, Mo, and tr , which should be on the order of unity. Alternatively, ␭ ␤ ͑ ͒ Cr decreased by 95%, 60%, and 36%, respectively, from the reasonable values of tr for -Ta can be used in Eq. 3 , bcc values. The resistivities of the bct phases predicted for together with the computed transport properties of bct Ta to the group 6B metals Cr, Mo, and W should therefore increase directly compute the resistivity, which can be compared to appreciably over the respective bcc phase values not only the resistivity values measured for ␤-Ta. Using the value of ␧ 2 according to Eq. ͑1͒, but also because the calculated bct N( F)͗v ͘ computed for bct Ta and the measured resistivity 2 1/2 ␤ 21 ͑ ͒ ␭ value of ͗v ͘ decreases from the bcc value by 37%, 50%, of -Ta at 400 K in Eq. 3 , we obtain an empirical tr and 83% for Cr, Mo, and W, respectively. Among the group value of 20 for ␤-Ta, which is clearly unreasonable. Con- ␧ 2 ␭ Ϫ 5B elements, N( F)͗v ͘ values for the bct phases of V and versely, using a reasonable range of tr values (0.5 1) in ͑ ͒ ␧ 2 Ta increased by 17% and 70%, respectively, over the bcc Eq. 3 together with the value of N( F) ͗v ͘ computed for ␧ 2 values, while the N( F)͗v ͘ value for bct Nb decreased by bct Ta results in a calculated bct Ta resistivity range of 6.68– 58% from the bcc value. The calculated bct value of ͗v2͘1/2 13.38 ␮⍀ cm, which is less than the experimentally 41 increases over the bcc value by 21%, 160%, and 31% for V, measured value ͑18.22 ␮⍀ cm͒ and the value calculated Nb, and Ta, respectively. The bct phases predicted for the ͓Fig. 8͑c͔͒ in this article ͑19.78 ␮⍀ cm͒ for bcc Ta, and studied group 5B metals V, Nb, and Ta should therefore be therefore certainly less than the measured resistivity of ␤-Ta. more conductive than the respective bcc phases. This does not agree with numerous experimental findings The calculated resistivities at room temperature, taken to discussed previously. It is therefore highly probable that the be 293 K, differ from experimental data by at most 15% bct tantalum phase predicted in this work is not the same ͑except in the case of Nb͒ and follow the trend in the order of metastable ͑␤͒ tantalum phase that has been observed in so magnitudes seen in the experimental data. The measured many experiments. ␤-Ta resistivity is 1000%–2000% greater than that of ␣-Ta, therefore we believe that our calculations can determine if VI. CONCLUSION the frequently observed ␤ phase of tantalum has the bct structure predicted in this article. The bcc metals in groups 5B and 6B, spanning periods There is some evidence that impurities such as oxygen 4–6 have been studied using the FLAPW band structure may stabilize the beta phase of tantalum.6,12,13,16–18 Meta- method. Within each studied group and across each studied stable phases of tantalum have been observed to readily period, the magnitude of the bcc d bandwidth is inversely transform to the stable cubic phase upon heating, with a sig- proportional to the c/a ratio at which a bct phase is formed ⌬ bct-bcc nificant decrease in resistivity and oxygen impurity from the bcc phase and inversely proportional to E0 , content.9,14 It has therefore been suggested61 that the rela- the energy difference between corresponding bcc and bct tively high resistivity of beta tantalum is due to the effects of phases. Heavier elements are less likely to form bct phases incorporated impurities and its small grain size, which was and the bct phases derived from the group 6B elements are determined to be about 45% less than that of bcc tantalum. less readily formed from the corresponding bcc phases than However, studies of ion-facilitated metal film growth62 have bct phases derived from group 5B elements. Bct phases concluded that the decrease in grain size from bcc to beta formed from group 5B elements are more conductive than tantalum should only account for a twofold increase in resis- the corresponding bcc phases, unlike bct phases formed from tivity, not the nearly tenfold increase that is observed. Fur- group 6B elements. thermore, metastable tantalum phases which have been pre- A metastable bct phase of tantalum with a c/a ratio of pared with low levels of contamination still exhibit high 1.72 has been predicted. This bct phase is not produced at values of resistivity,11,12 therefore the experimentally mea- any stage of the ␤-tantalum formation process. The calcu- sured high resistivity of beta tantalum is believed to be due lated resistivities of this bct phase and the bcc tantalum less to impurities and grain size effects, and more to the phase show that the observed high resistivity of ␤-tantalum intrinsic transport properties of its crystalline structure. Un- relative to the bcc phase, which is impurity independent, is certainty regarding impurity contributions to the resistivity of not due to simple tetragonal distortions of the bcc phase, metastable phases is not confined to tantalum. Thermally in- such as were used in this article to produce a metastable bct duced structural transformation to the stable bcc phase has tantalum phase. The relatively high resistivity observed ex- also been observed with metastable phases of tungsten.19 perimentally for ␤-tantalum is likely due to the intrinsic There have, however, been conflicting reports regarding the transport properties, which are largely determined by the oxygen content of bcc tungsten formed by heating relative to Fermi surface, of a crystalline structure more complex than

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