2 Contains Ordnance Survey Welcome to y a W Sunny Hill Vector Map OpenData Grahame Park Park © Crown copyright and Platt Halls Middlesex Northern line Boule database rights 2010. vard e

D v Welcome to rive i Cartography by Steer ve r A D A le e k Davies Gleave 2011

a rod r a University, nd ro 1 P Getting to Campus Hendon Campus li m Co e Hendon Rd M By Underground Silk Stream Middlesex University is well Park served by public transport. Hendon Central station

Middlesex University is Gr There are a number of ways (Northern Line, 1 eyh oun dedicated to unlocking Colin d Hill deep Lane to travel to Hendon Campus. branch) is only 30 minutes potential – in our students, away from Central London. Colindeep Church Road s through our research and WATFORD WAY A41 h g Accessibility u The walk from the station o within businesses. r r u Hendon Central to Hendon Campus takes L B a We teach 35,000 students n e e Rushgrove h Underground station and approximately 10 minutes. W T on Middlesex courses Park A T Middlesex University FO in London, Dubai, and RD Turn right out of the station, A5 W Hendon campus are Mauritius, as well as with AY E walk up the road to the main d both fully accessible. g 3 partners across the world. w junction and then turn right a re We advise that you arrive via into The Burroughs. As Our expertise is wide Road W A T the main entrance. you approach the campus, FO ranging, from engineering, R D Steps, pathways and the Hendon Town Hall and information, health Rd W ry 1 A

sbu Y ing building entrances are Library are located on the K M Campus Hendon and social sciences, E Road Buses to

d g displayed on the campus left. Cross the road here

w n Middlesex to business, arts and io t

a to Welcome r a University e t map. Alternative routes and continue past the fire S H Hendon Central education - and we’re Road 143, 326 E N Northern line and entrances are clearly D station and you will shortly national leaders in O N signposted on site. A5 arrive at the main entrance. work based learning. W A Y Hendon Station A 4 Buses to Middlesex University 183 1

Hendon Campus Beaufort Park By rail By car Fast and frequent rail From the North: College Building Williams Building MUSU Building redLoop services run via Hendon Use junction 2 to exit Main Reception Business School Students’ Union The Middlesex University rail station to central the M1 and join the A41 University Executive Learner Development Unit Design and Innovation Centre London and destinations (Watford Way), then turn Further Information Student Services International Foundation Fenella such as Luton and Gatwick left into The Burroughs. MoDA Programme airports and Bedford. Rickett Quadrangle Academic Registry From the West and East: Spar shop Museum of Domestic Design Useful contacts Café Admissions & Architecture Catch the 183 bus from Use the A406 (North College House Alumni & Development Station Road directly to Circular) and join the A41 Transport for London Travel Information Grove Institute for Work Based Learning Cash Office & Credit Control Watford Way the main entrance. (Watford Way) at the Brent Telephone: +44 (0)843 222 1234 School of Arts and Education Centre for Learning & Cross Interchange, then turn Textphone: +44 (0)20 7918 3015 Sheppard Library Department of Media Teaching Enhancement Colinhurst right into The Burroughs. Online: www.tfl.gov.uk By bus Department of Art and Design Corporate Marketing & Learning Resources Hendon Reception +44 (0)20 8411 5976 Communications Computing and Communication Buses 143, 183 and 326 From the South: Café Café Systems Service Use the A41 northbound, University Security +44 (0)20 8411 6200 Financial Services provide a direct service IELTS Testing Centre Estate and Facilities from the main entrance to then turn right into Town Hall Human Resource Services Management Service Archway, Golders Green and The Burroughs. Feedback The Forum School of Engineering and Student Marketing This is a free map which will be updated regularly. If & Recruitment Barnet. These services also Parking at Hendon Information Sciences (EIS) you have any comments on the map please contact: Fitness Pod provide links to Brent Cross Campus is limited and School of Health and Shopping Centre, Hendon [email protected] Real Tennis Court Social Sciences (HSSc) Ravensfield only provided for staff and Central Underground and Nursery Goods In pre-arranged visitors. Hendon rail stations. Restaurant Model Farmhouse Languages Department Hendon Campus Middlesex University Research and Business Office Hatchcroft The Burroughs Barn 1 & 2 London Laboratories/Lecture Theatres NW4 4BT www.mdx.ac.uk 1 Hendon Campus 2 B Primary oulevard

Drive r

School D Sunny Hill

k 1 2 Ae r ro a

d P

M Park Ro rom Greyhound Hill towards ad e Beaufort Park 10 mins G R Platt Halls 15 mins E YH Colindale Station 20 mins O U Sports N Silk Stream D G 1 rey Pavilion H Park hou I n d Hill LL Portakabin 8 Colindeep WATFORD WAY A41 Church hs g u o r L r PH a u n B e

C H W e UR h CH A T Sports Pitch Barn EN T F D OR D W Model AY Farmhouse 3

Sheppard A41 Library The Forum 2 Beaufort Park Williams Building Allotments E





College A redLoop

PH E Building G BOU A LEVARD T D R S D IV EAUFORT I E B Portakabin Q Rickett R N 6 & 7 E U E Quadrangle H A

R H Colindale Avenue towards E C


College Colindale Station 10 mins E

U V House I

H R Grove Park E A D C








Buses to Greyhound Hill towards Hatchcroft Archway 143 Hendon Campus 10 mins Golders Green 183 Barnet 326 1 Grove Usher Hall BABING 3 Watford Way S H TON R Old Fire G 1 Station U Clinic O The Burroughs towards R Fenella R O Hendon Campus 5 mins U AD B Library E S TH GH Hendon OU URR Town Hall Station Road towards B W S HE T Hendon Station 20 mins T A JO T S F E Ravensfield O PH Key S D R A D GR RO O ON W Step access VE ATI Goods In ST A Cycle racks Y

Buses to A Colinhurst 4 Redrawn from Ordnance Survey with The Burroughs towards Brent Cross 143 326 1 permission of HMSO © Crown Copyright Colinhurst 5 mins Pinner 183 2010. All rights reserved. London Borough Hendon Central 12 mins Watford Way towards of Barnet 100017674. Cartography by Hendon Station 25 mins GAR Hendon Central 7 mins Steer Davies Gleave 2011. RTON DEN 3 EGE S