etric & Colorimetric Kits etric & Colorimetric Assay Fractionation Kit

siRNA Vectors Cloning Insert Quick Screening Kit Mitochondrial & Genomic DNA Isolation Kits 5 Minutes DNA Ligation Kit 20 Minutes Gel Staining/Destaining Kit Recombinant Adiponectin, Survivin, & Leptin Assay Kits & Drug CETP Activity Discovery Total Cholesterol Quantification Kit Kits Assay cAMP & cGMP Kits Assay Akt & JNK Activity Kit Assay Beta-Secretase Activity Mitochondria/Cytosol HDAC Fluorometric Kits & Drug & Colorimetric Assays Discovery Kit & Reagents HAT Colorimetric Assay DNA Damage Quantification Kit Glutathione & Nitric Oxide Fluorom Annexin V Kits & Bulk Reagents Kits & Reagents Caspase Assay Mitochondrial Kits & Reagents Nuclear Apoptosis Kits & Reagents Kit Assay Proliferation Quick Senescence Detection Kit Kits Assay High Throughput Apoptosis/Cell Viability Kit LDH- Assay Kit Assay Cytotoxicity Bioluminescence Live/Dead Cell Staining Kit Nuclear/Cytosol Fractionation Kit Membrane Protein Extraction Kit Rapid Separation Cytosol/Particulate Kit Mammalian Cell Extraction Kit FractionPREP Fractionation System • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Growth Factors and Cytokines Molecular Biology & Reporter Assays Adipocyte & Lipid TransferAdipocyte Signal Transduction Cell Fractionation System Cell Damage & Repair Apoptosis Detection Kits & Reagents Cell Proliferation & Senescence RELATED PRODUCTS:

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EGFP is identical to GFP purified from as microinjection of EGFP into cells and of EGFP into as microinjection cells and escence. Endotoxin has been removed, so the GFP include: expression studies. Applications be conjugated to other proteins. GFP antibody be the EGFP can be detected both by His-tag ll culture applications. The recombinant EGFP is a g μ recombinant EGFP protein (Cat.# 3999-100). C for long-term storage o 97% by SDS-PAGE and HPLC 0.1 ng/ E. coli E. coli > 4999-100 100 4999-100 Ready tonoReady additives use liquid in PBS with

1 mg/ml in PBS : < -80

For research use only 4999-1000 1 mg mg 1 4999-1000 ______CONCENTRATION: #: LOT SOURCE: PURITY:

Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP) CATALOG #: #: CATALOG . APPLICATIONS: The protein is suitable as control reagent for Use as standard for SDS-PAGE, Western blot analysis, calibration of fluorometers, flow and cytometers, fluorescence microscope, as well The recombinant EGFP can also tissues, etc. recognizes the which is also available FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY! Not to be used in human subjects! DESCRIPTION The recombinant EGFP is expressed and purified from transformed ENDOTOXIN: FORM: STORAGE: that ensures high and purity maximal GFP fluor protein is suitable for in vivo injection or ce 29 kDa monomer 265 with amino acids (Gene Bank Accession no. U57607) tagged with 6XHis on both N- and C-terminus. Therefore, antibody (Cat.# 3998-100) and GFP (Cat.# antibody 3999-100) on The Western Blot analysis. for the excitation and emmissionrecombinant spectra Aequorea Victoria (Chalfie et al, 1994), Ex/Emwith = 488/507 nm and