DOUGLAS-FIR/DULL OREGON-GRAPE Pseudotsuga menziesii/ nervosa Original prepared by J. Pojar, S. Flynn, and C. Cadrin

Plant Community Distribution Information Global Originally these forests were widespread in the drier Description warmer portions of the Pacific coastal formation of Old forests of this community are moderately open western North America, from northwestern United to closed stands of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga States to southwestern British Columbia. menziesii), with some grand fir (Abies grandis) and British Columbia western redcedar (). The last two species are more shade tolerant, but Douglas-fir can This community is restricted to low elevations along also regenerate in these stands, especially in small southeast Vancouver Island from Bowser to Victoria, canopy gaps resulting from the death of . The the Gulf Islands south of Cortes Island, a narrow moderate to dense layer is dominated by dull strip along the Sunshine Coast between Powell River Oregon-grape (), salal (Gaultheria and Lund, and near Halfmoon Bay, and on the Fraser shallon), oceanspray (Holodiscus discolor), and River delta. trailing blackberry (Rubus ursinus). The herb layer is Forest region and districts sparse but broad-leaved starflower (Trientalis borealis Coast: Chilliwack, South Island, Sunshine Coast ssp. latifolia), sword fern (Polystichum munitum), and bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) are usually Ecoprovince and ecosections present. The well-developed moss layer is dominated GED: FRL, GEL, NAL, SGI, SOG by Oregon beaked moss (Kindbergia oregana) with electrified cat’s-tail moss (Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus) Biogeoclimatic unit and step moss (Hylocomium splendens) (Green and CDF: mm/01 Klinka 1994). Broad ecosystem unit This community occurs on middle slopes, on all CD aspects, at low elevations in the relatively dry and warm Strait of Georgia of coastal British Columbia. Elevation Parent materials are mostly morainal, occasionally 0–200 m colluvial or marine. Soils are mostly sandy loams with some gravelly, sandy, and silty loams, and are Community Characteristics classified typically as Orthic Dystric Brunisols. Sites Structural stage have a moderately dry moisture regime (relative 5: more structurally complex stands, usually within subzone) and a very poor to medium >80 years nutrient regime. 6: mature forest 7: old forest

1 Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife – Accounts V. 2004 1 2 Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife – Accounts V. 2004 Natural disturbance regime Conservation and Infrequent stand-initiating events (NDT2) (MOF Management and MELP 1995), primarily medium to high inten- sity but relatively small crown fires (perhaps every Status 150–200 years and 5–50 ha, on average) and occasionally windthrow. Individual or small groups The Douglas-fir/dull Oregon-grape plant com- of trees suffer direct mortality due to root rots, bark munity is on the provincial Red List in British beetles, or indirect mortality via predisposition of Columbia. In British Columbia this community is attacked trees to blowdown. Locally, surface fires, ranked S2. Its global status is unknown; however, due to aboriginal and post-contact burning as well two similar plant communities in Washington and as natural causes, were more frequent (perhaps every Oregon are ranked G3 and G2G3. [20–] 50–100 years; see Brown and Hebda 1999) but were smaller and usually not stand replacing. These Trends small surface fires likely contributed to the main- Almost gone. Less than 1% (possibly <0.5%) of the tenance of a moderately open forest canopy and entire CDF zone remains in mature or old forest contributed to Douglas-fir regeneration. Gap condition in British Columbia. These forests have dynamics prevail in old forests. been heavily logged virtually everywhere and Fragility sizeable areas were cleared for agriculture and human settlement. Approximately 30% of the Moderately fragile. At some sites, soils may be rather original forest land in the CDF zone in British shallow around rock ridges and outcrops, so can be Columbia is currently non-forested developed land. susceptible to degradation due to soil erosion and The remaining secondary forests in both British nutrient losses. These ecosystems may recover Columbia and the U.S. Pacific Northwest have relatively quickly after stand-destroying distur- largely been industrialized and are managed on short bances, provided biological legacies such as standing rotations. Consequently, very little of this kind of dead trees, large old live trees, and large downed logs coastal old growth is left in the world, and virtually persist on site and there has been no damage or all of it is in fragments. displacement of soil materials. Periodic summer drought could delay forest regeneration and slow Old remnants of this community are all small recovery after disturbance. These forests are very fragments (<40 ha) including those in protected susceptible to the introduction and spread of areas. Most of what little remains outside of invasive species, especially after clearcut logging. protected areas occurs on private land, and will Stands adjacent to urban or farm areas are suscept- continue to be lost to urban development and forest ible to invasion by introduced garden species such as harvesting (as recently on Denman Island). English ivy (Hedera helix), spurge-laurel (Daphne Saltspring Island still has a few significant areas of laureola), Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius), and old forest of this community on private and Crown gorse (Ulex europaeus). lands (T.L. Fleming, pers. comm.). Threats

Threats include urban and semi-rural development, small-scale but intensive agriculture, forest harvest- ing, livestock (sheep and goats) grazing, ungulate browsing (on Sidney Island), the introduction and spread of invasive species (e.g., daphne laurel, Scotch broom in early seral stages), and probably climate change.

3 Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife – Accounts V. 2004 3 Legal Protection and Habitat Identified Wildlife Provisions Conservation Sustainable resource management and There is no legal protection for plant communities planning recommendations except for those within protected areas and parks. This plant community was originally the matrix About 3% (~6700 ha) of the entire CDFmm sub- community type for the CDFmm. It was the most zone occurs in protected areas, of which little is common and widespread community type of the mature or old forest. There are 27 small, mature, or subzone and may have covered as much as 135 000 old occurrences of this plant community in or partly ha. Today most of the remaining occurrences within within protected areas including John Dean, the CDF are younger secondary forests. It is Goldstream, Gowlland Tod, South Otter Bay, Prevost recommended to: Island, Tumbo Island, Ruckle, South Texada, ™ maintain or recover at least 20 occurrences in Jedediah, and Sargeant Bay provincial parks, and good condition across the range of the plant Woodley Range, Mount Tuam, Mount Maxwell, community; Saturna, and Lasqueti ecological reserves. Thetis ™ maintain or restore occurrences to as close to Lake, Mill Hill, and Francis-King regional parks on natural condition as possible and practical; Saanich Peninsula, and Mill Farm Regional Park on ™ maximize connectivity of old forest within the Saltspring Island all support occurrences in older CDFmm; and forest stages (T.L. Fleming, pers. comm.) as do ™ wherever possible, protect remaining occurrences Rocky Point/William Head and parts of Mary Hill through the placement of old growth management areas. (Dep. National Defense lands), and parts of Royal Roads (A. Ceska, pers. comm.). Wildlife habitat area Even within protected areas, much of the forest is Goals secondary forest (i.e., logged from the mid-1800s Maintain or recover known occurrences that could on). Ecological integrity of all occurrences has been not be addressed through landscape level planning compromised by the unnatural ecosystem dynamics and the designation of old growth management resulting from decades of fire prevention and sup- areas. pression, from attrition of native species, from the introduction and spread of invasive species, and in Feature many cases from grazing and browsing by domestic Establish WHAs at occurrences that have been stock (sheep and goats in particular). These changes confirmed by a registered professional in consult- are exacerbated by the insular nature of the remnant ation with the B.C. Conservation Data Centre or older forests. Ministry of Forests regional ecologists. Priority for The Forest Practices Code guidelines for riparian WHAs should be any old or mature (structural stage management areas would not apply to this 6 or 7) occurrences of this community that are in a community. In addition, it is uncertain whether old relatively natural state and included within a larger growth management areas (OGMAs) will protect area of younger forest. As a lower priority, establish known occurrences because little old forest remains WHAs within regenerating younger forests (<1%) within the CDF zone and current policy belonging to the same plant community, to recover requires OGMAs to be selected from the non-timber community to climax condition. Select areas that are harvesting land base wherever possible. (in order of priority): • the oldest, most structurally complex secondary forests available, ideally stands containing some old residual conifers;

4 Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife – Accounts V. 2004 • relatively lightly damaged and can be expected to 5. Prevent physical disturbance, especially of the recover to a more natural state; soil. • adjacent to occurrences of other natural plant 6. Minimize introduction and spread of invasive communities; species. • part of a network of reserve areas; and Measures • in areas where the forest community has been severely depleted. Access • Do not develop roads or trails. Size Harvesting and silviculture The size of the WHA should be based on the extent • Do not harvest or salvage except when required of the plant community occurrence including areas to create windfirm boundaries. of younger stands where adjacent which will maxi- • Do not remove non-timber forest products. mize the long-term viability of the plant community at a site. WHAs will be ~50 ha when in relatively Pesticides pure composition, or where recovery is the main • Do not use pesticides. objective. However, WHAs may be larger (~200 ha) when the understorey community or tree layer has a Recreation patchy distribution or when the community occurs • Do not develop recreational sites, trails, or in complexes with other at-risk plant communities. facilities.

Design Additional Management The WHA should include the entire occurrence of Considerations the community plus a minimum of 80 m within Minimize impacts to vegetation, soils, and hydrology adjacent natural area, or more at some sections if a when operating adjacent to a WHA, particularly barrier (e.g., road, agricultural area, developed area) during adjacent road development and maintenance. is encountered at other sections of the boundaries. Boundaries should be designed to minimize edge Prevent or eliminate livestock grazing. effects and to the extent possible, be windfirm. Restrict recreational use (i.e., dirt bikes, mountain General wildlife measures bikes, and other off-road vehicles). Goals Reduce fuel accumulations and shade-tolerant 1. Maintain or restore plant community to a natural understorey vegetation through controlled pre- state (i.e., same species composition, physical scribed fire (where practical), manual or mechanical structure and ecological processes as natural removal, which may or may not be combined with examples of the plant community) (see Roemer piling and burning. 1972; Meidinger and Pojar 1991; Green and Klinka 1994). Information Needs 2. Maintain or enhance old forest structure 1. Further inventory and confirmation of (i.e., some large old trees, range of tree sizes, large classification to clarify the extent of this snags, down logs, canopy depth and roughness, community. multiple vegetation strata, horizontal patchiness of understorey) (Spies 1998). 2. Mapping and assessment of the quality of remaining occurrences. 3. Maintain the ecological functions and processes of the plant community. 3. Identification of candidate forests for recruitment. 4. Maintain interior forest conditions and minimize edge effects.

5 Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife – Accounts V. 2004 5 Cross References Meidinger, D. and J. Pojar. 1991. Ecosystems of British Columbia. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Spec. Rep. Lewis’s Woodpecker, “Interior” Western Screech- Ser. No. 6. Owl, Keen’s Long-eared Myotis, Red-Legged Frog Roemer, H.L. 1972. Forest vegetation and environments on the Saanich Peninsula, Vancouver Island. Ph.D. References Cited thesis. Univ. Victoria, Victoria, B.C. Spies, T.A. 1998. Forest structure: a key to the B.C. Ministry of Forests and B.C. Ministry of ecosystem. Northwest Sci. 72:34–39. Environment, Lands and Parks (MOF and MELP). 1995. Biodiversity guidebook. Victoria, B.C. Forest Practices Code of B.C. guidebook. Personal Communications Brown, K.J. and R.J. Hebda. 1999. Long-term fire Ceska, A. 2001. B.C. Ministry of Sustainable Resource incidence in coastal forests of British Columbia. Management, Victoria, B.C. Northwest Sci. 73:41–43. Fleming, T.L. 2001. Capital Regional District Parks, Green, R.N. and K. Klinka. 1994. A field guide to site Victoria, B.C. identification and interpretation for the Vancouver Forest Region. B.C. Min. For., Victoria, B.C. Land Manage. Handb. No. 28.

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