DOI: 10.21120/LE/11/2/2 Landscape & Environment 11 (2) 2017. 10-19


Babeș-Bolyai University, Department of Geography in Hungarian, Cluj-Napoca, Romania *E-mail: [email protected] Received 16 October 2017, accepted in revised form 21 December 2017


Along its upper 3course, the Olt River (Romania) flows through several settlements, which3 are endangered by flooding. The multiannual water flow at Tomești station, the first hydrometric station along the Olt River, is 1.51 m /s, but in case of extreme events the river flow reached even 41.8 m /s. The aim of this study is to analyze the flood events along the upper course of the Olt River (section between Tomești and Cârța settlements) by using the HEC-RAS and the HEC-GeoRAS hydrological modeling software pro- grams. The river cross section model showed how the main channel narrowed (characteristic to some Keywords:locations) which can be considered as one of the causes of a possible overflow.

flood-flash flood, Olt River, Tomești – Cârța, hydrological modelling, inundation 1. Introduction Floods are the result of hydro- meteorological factors that take effect under In recent years numerous studies have specific catchment conditions. If societal been carried out on the topic of the flood systems are also involved in the process (as an and flash flood events. The European influencing factor and/or endurer), the term Environmental Agency declared that flooding flood disaster is used (EEA 2010). The term is considered among the most important flash flood is used to a flood event caused and destructive natural hazards in Europe by an excessive rainfall in a short period of in terms of economic loss (EEA 2010). time - generally less than 6 hours (EEA 2010; Studying the flooding events became more Lóczy et al. 2012), but in some works (Marchi and more important, since their frequency et al. 2010; Lóczy et al. 2012) flooding events and the damages they cause have increased. caused by storm durations of 16-31 hours are Barredo 2007 demonstrated that the yearly considered flash floods as well. occurrence of flood events was higher in Factors involved in the formation of a flood the period after the 1990’s compared to can be grouped into two classes: (1) causing earlier decades. The author (Barredo 2007) or generating factors - meteorological events, gathered the number of flood events from high intensity rainfalls producing high the period 1950-2005 that hit the European amounts of precipitation, (2) influencing Union, including Romania. For each decade factors - soil and lithology hydraulic and finally in the period between 2001-2005 properties, initial soil moisture, land use/ the number of flood events was as fallows: land cover, slope angle, catchment shape/ 11, 7, 21, 33, 64, 104. drainage path length (Pirkhoffer et al. 2009; 11 Landscape & Environment 11 (2) 2017. 10-19

Marchi et al. 2010; Borga et al. 2011; Czigány al. 2009), the Hydtare project (Borga et al. et al. 2011). The relationship between 2011), Vulmin project (Chendeș et al. 2015) climate change and hydrologic floods was are very important. The necessity of flood widely researched, but no concordant answer maps was put on official ground in the had been given since now. In some cases the European Union by introducing the EU Flood same reference – Kundzewicz et al., 2007 Directive (2007/60/EC) that resulted in a – is used for reasoning both the negative flood mapping wave in Europe (de Moel et al. and the positive relation between these two 2009). (de Moel et al. 2009; EEA, 2010). However, Flooding events got a great attention in it is generally accepted that the frequency Romania as well. Based on the number of of high intensity rainfalls, as a generating flood disasters that occurred in Europe in the factor of flash floods, is increasing (de Moel period 2003-2009, Romania was considered et al. 2009; EEA 2010; Marchi et al. 2010; the most affected country (EEA 2010). Flood Túri et al. 2013). The runoff coefficient can analyses conducted on continental scale be considered and quantified as an overall generally include examples from Romania effect of the influencing factors. Researches as well (Barredo 2007; Gaume et al 2009; on several European flood and flash flood Marchi et al. 2010; Borga et al. 2011). events revealed that the phenomenon can According to the WHO Flood Hazard occur at low runoff coefficient conditions as Distribution Map for Romania, the highest well (Borga et al. 2011). flood hazard indexes are characteristic to By analyzing 25 flash flood events from all in the Southern and Westernmost over Europe, (Marchi et al. 2010) grouped part of the country and to the River in the causing rainfall events into three groups: the Eastern part of the country. In central (1) storm events lasting up to 7 hours Romania, the Carpathian area and the producing less than 100 mm precipitation, Transylvanian Basin, rivers generally have characteristic to continental climate (2) medium flood hazard indexes with high storm duration of 7-22 hours producing values on some river segments (WHO 2010). 100-300 mm precipitation, characteristic to Romania has flood maps that cover almost Mediterranean and Alpine Mediterranean the entire territory of the country and are region, (3) rainfall events lasting for 22-34 mostly of flood extent and flood exposure hours with precipitation amount of up to 700 type (de Moel et al. 2009). mm, characteristic mostly to Mediterranean Flood analyses and maps on national, region, but they appear in continental catchment and sub-catchment level are regions as well. The latter category is a performed by the “Romanian Waters” transition between flash flood and flood. National Administration and are integrated Regarding the peak discharges, European in the National Flood Risk Management Plan flood/flash flood events were grouped based (Ministerul Mediului 2016). Event related on almost the same climatic conditions. The approaches are mostly characteristic to continental Central Europe flash floods can research articles and analyze mostly small be characterized by lower peak discharges river catchments from the Siret, , Mureș, than those from other parts of the continent, Someș, Prahova river basins (Haliuc and e.g. the Mediterranean region. Central Frantiuc 2012; Minea 2013; Miftode 2015; European flash floods mostly occur in the Hapciuc et al. 2016; Românescu and Stoleriu summer season (Gaume et al. 2009). 2017; Roșca et al. 2014; Ráduly 2014, Since flooding events can cause serious Hognogi et al. 2011; Sanislai Nicuşor 2012; economic losses that can reach billions of Zaharia et al. 2017). The Olt river basin is EUR in a year (EEA 2010) forecasting and not well documented from this point of view, researching efforts, like the European Flood even if a total length of about 1342 km river Alert System, Hepex initiative (Thielen et Landscape & Environment 11 (2) 2017. 10-19 12

Fig. 1. Digital Elevation Model of the upper course of Olt River between Tomești and Dănești (down- stream to Cârța) settlemets (based on 1:25000 and 1:5000 topographic maps) reaches are under potential significant flood local people. risk (Ministerul Mediului 2016). Our study area is represented by the The aim of this study is to better river reach located between Tomești and understand the response of the river channel Cârța settlements (Csíkszenttamás és and its close environment to different runoff Csíkkarcfalva) in the Upper Ciuc Basin, since values based on historical peak discharges. the area affected by the first overflows along Owerflow conditions at each analyzed cross the river is located at Cârța settlement (Fig. section along the upper course of the Olt 1). River are also investigated. 2. Study area and Olt River charac- Along the Olt River, the first hydrometric station is placed at Tomești village teristics (Csíkszenttamás) where water level and the flow of the river (discharge) are measured. The hydrometric station is located The Olt River is an important left tributary approximately 25 km downstream to the of the River and has its source in the source of the Olt River. Along this section Eastern Carpathians, Giurgeu Mountains, it collects about twenty one major first Romania (Ministerul Mediului 1992). After stream order tributaries, while between several kilometres of its source, the Olt River Tomești and Cârța settlements there are two flows through seven settlements in the Ciucul major tributaries flowing into the Olt River de Sus Basin (Upper Ciuc Basin), thus the (Ministerul Mediului 1992). The difference in annual water flow or its seasonal variability altitude between its source and its reach at relevantly influences the everyday life of the Cârța settlement is about 545 meters (1260 13 Landscape & Environment 11 (2) 2017. 10-19 m elevation at the source of the Olt River, based on the topographic maps of 1:5000 and 715 m elevation at Cârța settlement)2 with 1:25000 scales (Gauss-Krüger projection) a catchment area of about 250 km (Circab provided by by the Cadastral 2014). Office. The annual water flow can be characterized Topographic maps of 1:5000 scale have by spring high waters and winter low waters. contour intervals of 0.5 m inside the built- The seasonal water flow regimes show a up area and along the main water courses percentage of 44-45% in springtime, 21- and 2.5 m outside the settlements. These 26% in summertime and 10-24% in autumn elements were used to extract accurate – winter season3 (SGA Harghita 2012). The data about the topographic relief of the general multiannual water flow at Tomești flood plain site (Olt River environment) of station is 1.51 m /s (Circab 2014). the study area. The available 1:5000 scale Flood events have been recorded on the Olt maps cover only the close environment of River since the 1800s (Vitos 2002; edited by the settlements. The topographic maps of Dános-Kacsó 1970). In the last five decades 1:25000 scale have contour intervals of 5 the water level reached or exceeded the 200 m and were used for digitizing the major cm height seven times and larger overflows contour lines representing the elevation of occurred in four cases (SGA Harghita Tomești the relief towards the mountainous area station measurements). The river regime (Harghita Mountains on the western side shows high water levels in March and April, and Ciucului Mountains on the eastern side). which is due to the combined effect of the There were not digitized all the contour lines snow melting and spring rainfalls. However, of the catchment area. The contour lines were the major flood events occurred mostly in used to build a TIN (Triangulated Irregular July that can be very probably explained by Network) and a DEM (Digital Elevation the high intensity of the summer rainfalls Model) model, as digital representations of during thunderstorms. Thus flood risk is a the study area. These models are important crucial issue of the upper course of the Olt Hydrologicalelements of the data further processing analysis. and River endangering the built environment. modelling 3. Methodology

The hydrographical elements and The aim of this study is to analyze the hydrological data are represented by the main overflow conditions between Tomești and course of the Olt River, its major tributaries, Cârța settlements in order to understand the the riverbed/channel cross sections of the Olt causes of flooding downstream to Tomești River, free water level and water flow of the station. Olt River. The watercourses were digitized The main steps of the research process based on the topographic maps. Data involve the digital representation of the study regarding eight riverbed cross sections on the area, river channel field measurements, Olt River between Tomești and Cârța villages digital representation of the river channel was obtained by direct field measurements and flow characteristics. Topographical, in April, 2018. Water level and flow data hydrographical and hydrological data were were provided by the Harghita County Water used and processed in ArcGIS, HEC-RAS and Management Administration Office. DataHEC-GeoRAS sets and softwares. data processing The hydrographical and hydrological data regarding the main course of the Olt River were processed in HEC-RAS (Hydrology Contour lines and river network were Engineering Center’s - River Analysis vectorised using the ArcGIS 10.2.1 software System) software that has been designed by Landscape & Environment 11 (2) 2017. 10-19 14

Table 1. Selection of the most representative high water events at Tomești station between 1970-2016

Precipitation Precipitation Free surface Max. Water3 amount (mm) 0-1 amount (mm) 10 Date of flooding water level flow/ peak day before days before (cm) discharge (m /s) flooding flooding 1970. V. 13-24 400 No data No data No data 1997. VIII. 29. 7:00 201 22.3 No data No data 1993. VII. 23. 4:00 240 28.6 No data No data 2005. VII. 13. 6:00 230 26 78 No data 2010. VII.1. 7:00 300 41.8 28.5 120.2 2016. VI. 2. 20:00 210 23.5 48.5 133.3 4. Results and discussion the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) -Hydrological Engineering Center (CEIWR- HEC) and provides a multi-dimensional Table 1. presents a selection of the most representation of rivers and water flow, important peak discharges occurred on the alluvium flow and deposition, risk analyzes Olt River at Tomești station. The highest (US Army Corps of Engineers 2010). We used free water level of the past five decades the HEC-RAS 4.0.1 version, which can be that occurred on the upper course of the downloaded for free. Olt River was registered in May, 1970. We The HEC-GeoRAS is a module that can had not got peak discharge data for this be attached to the ArcGIS software in order event. The most extreme flooding event in to gain spatial data needed for hydrological terms of peak discharge in the last ten years model building and transfer it afterwards had been observed in July 2010 when 300 to the HEC-RAS platform (US Army Corps cm free surface water level was registered. of Engineers 2005). Application of the HEC- Considering the precipitation data, the 2016 GeoRAS module proved to be successful flood event can be recognized as a flash flood, in model building of small river basin even if the peak discharge was much lower watercourses (Nagy 2017). than the one registered in 2010. In 2016 a one hour long rainfall event produced 43.2 mm precipitation.

Fig. 2. 228 cm free water level on the Olt River at Tomești village in 2016 - digital representation in riverbed cross section (left) and real image of the same location (right) 15 Landscape & Environment 11 (2) 2017. 10-19

Fig. 3. Representation of the built up area between Tomești and Cârța villages on a 3D model During the high water events that the Olt River channel cross section at Tomești occurred in 2005 and 2016 along the upper station during the 2010 flood event with 228 course of the Olt River the hydrometric cm water level, prior to reach the maximum station registered maximum free water value. At 228 cm level the water is still in the levels of 230 cm and 210 cm respectively at riverbed at Tomești station. In 2010, the 300 Tomești settlement. In both cases the water cm max. water level meant already the slight was inside the channel. In the same time overflow at the uppermost station as well. each Tomești water level caused an overflow Since the reach of the Olt River between at Cârța settlement. Fig. 2. shows a digital Tomești and Cârța villages is undiked, representation and a real state condition of

Fig 4. Different free water levels represented on a multiple channel cross section plot between Tomești and Cârța villages Landscape & Environment 11 (2) 2017. 10-19 16

Fig. 5. Different free water levels represented on a multiple channel cross section plot (8-6 cross sections) at Tomești village the high-water events endanger the built result a high vulnerability to flooding hazard. environment. Fig. 3. presents the location of River channel cross sections are the closest buildings relative to the Olt River. represented on a HEC-RAS digital model It can be observed that the area adjacent to (Fig. 4.). The model shows overflows at 300 the river is almost completely built up that

Fig. 6. . Different free water levels represented on the 7th channel cross section plot at Cârța 17 Landscape & Environment 11 (2) 2017. 10-19

th Fig. 7. Different free water levels represented on the 8 channel cross section plot at Cârța village cm water level, but not in case of all sections. conditions at 300 cm water level (measured On the upstream area, at 300 cmth water level, at Tomești station). Because of the changes the overflow appears at the 7 section. On in the river channel cross section shape, at the downstream area the overflow at 300 the lowermost section (at Cârța), an overflow cm does not occur at the last section, but it is doesn’t take place. However, the area can be present at the penultimate section. affectednd by the overflow that occures at the Fig. 5. presents the first three sections 2 cross section. We need to consider the in the upstream area. The model makes it discharge of that tributary that enters into easy to visualize the narrowing of the river the Olt River between the first and second channel. Among the possible water levels cross sections for the interpretation of the which were simulated in this model we flooding at Cârța village. That means, that interpret the 300 cm water level situation. high amount of precipitation is needed on the Because of the narrowing of the river channel tributary’s drainage basin as well in order to the water-filled section is getting gradually produce an overflow at the last cross section. closer to the river banks. At a water level of Each cross section width is lasting until 300 cm measured at the hydrometric station the first building’s placement in the close (cross section 8), the river does not produce environment of the river. Thus, it can be an overflow yet. In case of the following cross- concluded that at 228 cm free water level sections which show a narrower channel condition there is no overflow in either case. shape (data recorded at sections 6-7), the At a slight increase of the level over thend 228 300 cm water level already indicates water cm,th the first overflow appears at the 2 and overflow. 7 cross sections. Fig. 6-7. present the downstream Landscape & Environment 11 (2) 2017. 10-19 18 5. Conclusions env/wfd/Library/framework_directive/ implementation_documents_1/information_ In this study high water conditions were consultation/romania analyzed along the upper course of the Olt Czigány, S. – Pirkhoffer, E. – Nagyváradi, L. – Hegedűs, River. Representation of a multiple channel P. – Geresdi, I. (2011): Rapid screening of cross section of the upper course of the Olt flash flood-affected, watersheds in Hungary, River was made for the first time. Between Zeitscrift für Geomorfologie 55:(Suppl.1) 1-13. Tomești and Cârța settlements, in the absence Dános, M. – Kacsó, J. (edited) (1970): Árvízkönyv, of flood protection dykes, the terrain features Kriterion Könyvkiadó, Bukarest, 263. allow the high water levels to easily reach the De Moel, H. – van Alphen, J. – Aerts, J. C. J. H. (2009): built up area. This situation can happen over Flood maps in Europe – methods, availability the 228 cm free water level condition. and use, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 9, 289-301. In order to better understand the flooding EEA, (2010): Mapping the impacts of natural hazards conditions at Cârța area, more measurements and technological accidents in Eurpoe. An are needed on the Olt River tributaries. overview of the last decarde, EEA Technical Acknowledgements Report 13, 64-73. This work was possible with the financial support of Gaume, E. – Bain, V. – Bernardara, P. – Newinger, the program called “Márton Áron Tehetséggondozó O. – Barbuc, M. – Bateman, A. et al. (2009): A Program 2017/2018” initiated by the Hungarian compilation of data on European flash floods, Government, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Journal of Hydrology, 367 (1-2): 70-78. The authors thank the Harghita County Cadastral Haliuc, A. – Frantiuc, A. (2012): A study case of Office and the Harghita County Water Management Baranca drainage basin flash floods using the hydrological model of Hec-Ras, Georeview, Administration Office for data providing. We Geography Series, 21 (1) 118-133. would also like to extend our thanks to Dr. Balázs Boglárka, Nagy Bálint and Abriha Dávid, University Hapciuc, O.E. – Romanescu, G. – Minea, I. – Iosub, M. – of Debrecen, for their help in improving our Enea, A. – Sandu, I. (2016): Flood susceptibility analysis of the cultural heritage in the Sucevita knowledge in landscape modelling. catchment (Romania), International Journal of Conservation Science, 7(2): 501-510. 6. References Hognogi G., Nicula G., Cocean G. 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