AVERAGE DAILT OlBCULATlON On Friday night, Nov. 19, at eight Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Keeney Daughters of Liberty No. 128, Mlaa AUce Benson, daughter of for Um Month of Uetobw, 1887 ABOirrrowN o'clock, there will be a meeting of o f Buckland and the family of thetr L. L. O. L., will meet tomorrow eve- «nd Mrs. John' Benson of WEATHEH the Golden Rule club In the Talcott- daugbter, Mrs. Charles E. Thresher, ing in Orange hail. Yearly reports Myrtle street; left yesterday for Foreeuet el D. S. Weather Bwnaa Hartford vlUe Congregational church parlors. left today for their winter home in will be submitted and district Dep­ New York, where she will be em­ Free G lazing 6 ,0 1 4 Mrs. McNally and Mrs. Talcott will Bradenton, Fla.' uty Mrs. Lillian McCaughey will-In­ ployed by the Rossla Insurance Cloody with rate begteatea late t1i« aamMl banquet of the Man- be in charge of the meeting. Mrs. On Member et the Audit abaater Graan A. C. will be held to­ stall the new officers. A social will company,' being transferred there u m i i t g tonight or Wedaeeday; ehaaglna to Beal and Mrs. Kent will be host- The Just Us club will meet to­ follow in charge of Mrs. Georgina from the Hartford office. The CORK Bnieua et CIreatatione •now aad colder Wednesday aftcr- morrow erenlns at Mooae ban on soon er night. Bralnard plaoe. morrow evening with Mrs. Elcatrice Tomlinson, Mrs. Sarah Tomlinson, Fur Collars and Manning of Maple street. Mrs. Margaret Trueman, Mrs. Eliza­ MANCHISTHt COHN- - MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM The annual meeting and election beth Thompson and,-Mrs. Margaret Eaishet Lodge, L O. O. T„ wOl ot officers of the Manchester C u f f s VOL. LV IL, NO. 40 hold ita regular meeting Saturday Bgcmi. > Advertiatat es FSfa tS.) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1937 Permanent Armistice committee EMgar H. Clarke of 28 Cobum SPECIAL On every fnr (rimmed lady’s (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Mgtat at 8 o'dock at the home of will be held in the Army and Navy road, and Mills Newberry of South Self Serve and Health Market Hr. and Hra. Oscar Johnson of club this evening at 8 o’clock. Plana Windsor, spent the week-end in Surplua federal commodities will coat that we clean and press be issued Friday, November 19, at Summit street. * will be made for the 26th anniver­ Philadelphia, as guests of Mr. Innersprlng at our regmiar price. Kittel’a market on Bissell street, ac­ sary of the Armistice in 1938. Dele­ Clarke’s sister. Miss Evelyn Clarke. TUESDAY SPECIALS ' Mrs. Arlyne Oarrity's musle stu­ gates from all local ex-service cording to Assistant Charity Super Call 4836 dio in the State Theater building groups are requested to attend this visor Albert Rehrend. Ail persons MATTRESS THREE KffiNAPERS teiU ha closed alt this week, owing The Manchester Raulio Club will now on aid, or receiving supp-c- Important meeting. Arthur E. Me. meet tomorrow evening at 7:30 For Quality Cleaning: Arable Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales to the death of her father, David J. Cann is the retiring cbairma.1 of the mentary relief from the town arc Moriarty at 88 Florence street. o’clock at the home of Stephen eligible to receive some of the gov­ All Day Tuesday ANTI-LYNCHIKG BILL committee. Loyzim of Gardner street. Follow­ ernment supplies Mr. Behrcnd saiA $12.95 ing the business meeting, a social OF J. J. O’CONNELL The Philip Embury group of the To be given out are apples, pruner PEERLESS Sanllght Lnrga Selected . . marriage license was Issued get together will be held with the Wasleiran Guild will meet at the today by Town Clerk Samuel J. and eggs. Those asking lor supplies South Methodist church tomorrow newly formed Rockville Radio Club should bring Identiflcation cards. Turkington to Aloysius Eugene as guests of the Manchester group. a ^ m o o n at 3:30. The speaker Mozier of 126 Capitol avenue, Hart­ The charity department requests KEMP'S Geaniiig Works E G G S Dog. 2 9c will be Mias Hopson of Hartford that all persons in need secure their DEUYS ROOSEVELT’S ford, and Ethel Margaret Clark of 93 Wells Street IN DARING ESCAPE share of the food. who will give a timely talk on 28 Pitkin street. Marriage inten­ Mrs. Richard Hylan and Mrs. lO-Poond Ctotli Bog Domino or Jack Frost china and glassware, and setting tions were filed Saturday aftem ojn Cary are co-chairmen of the weekly the Thanksgiving table. She will by Philip George Blancy, 23 of Blast card party, Wednesday night in St. bring with her a number of the Suffleld, and Frances ScolsKy, 23. Bridget’s church. Others assisting SUGAR Got Bars lo CeD, Bmd And newest Ideas in tabla equipment. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph will be Miss Irene Jacobs, Mlsq SEE JAFJUIESE SPECIAL LEGISLATION Tea win be served and all Interest! Scolsky of 89 Winter street. Helen Jamroga, Mis- Stella KrieskI, ad will be welcome. . Tickets ma; Mrs. Anthony Toumaud, Mrs. REGISTER .S4V^>Poimd Bag Gold Medal or Plllsbury Gag Matron And Poor be purchased at the dpor- -- Tomorrow at 2:08 o’clock over Frank Nackowskl and Mrs. Paul MOVING PROBLEM Cervlnl. BEFORE i m i G Signs Of A FQibnster In Sen­ Station w n c, Hartford. Miss Bell- FLOUR Keepers, Kidnap Another; Mrs. David B. Heatley of 332 TONIGHT BRITAIN GREETS SOLVED FOR HIM edna Nelson of Center street, con­ for L^dali street has receiv^ word of tralto at the South Methodist Derby ate Over Measure; h The the death of her mother, Mrs. church, and a pupU of Miss Annie Were Armed With Gnns. Unable to Transfer One Ton t Juliette Plentler of Paris, France. wmNMoirni Moulton of Hartford, will present a LEOPOLD,ENVOY Organ to New Apartment, Several years ago Mrs. Plentler vis­ CORNED BEEF 2c.n. 35c ;>rogram of vocal numbers as fol- Faith Ee Spillane’ s Tenant Finds "-Jnstrument House Repablicans Block ited her daughter in Manchester, 'lows: "Do you Know my Garden" by I Jamerville, N. Y., Nov. 16.— (AF) and will be remembered by the Hale’s Orange Pekoe Prediction Of Foreign Ob­ Stolen. Wood: ""Iris’’ by Wolfe; and —Three men convicted o f the kid­ GOES T O E R U N many friends she made while here. Lullabir*’ by Cyril Scottg Mias Nel­ Democratic Efforts To Ballroom Class naping o f John J. O’Connell Jr., of Mount Vernon. N. Y., Nov. son will be accompanied at the At servers; Chinese In Fligh Members of Gibbons Assembly, piano by Miss Anne Strickland. BEAK WHEEL TEA 1 Lb. Bag 39c Albany, escaped today In daring 16.— (A P )—The problem that Catholic Ladles of Columbus, are re­ ALIGNM ENT baffled Jacques Wardlaw Red­ Adjonm Until Friday; Tinker Hall fashion from the Onondaga county Halifax Sets Oil On Visit To way when he moved from a quested to meet this evening at All town welfare workers are In­ Safety Lane Rale’s QnaUty Bed Bag Jail here after they bad bount and From Three Cities; Fresh Between 7 and 9:30 P. M. house to an Hpartmefit two 7:48 at the K. of C. clubrooms. vited to a meeting of the Connec­ Equipment. gagged four keepers, a matron and Farm BOl Not Yet Ready. From there they will proceed to the ticut Valley Public Welfare Work­ Specialized Hitler, Welcome To Bel­ months ago has been partly Classes for Beginners kidnaped another keeper. Soviet’Japanese Friction. solved by thieves. W. P. Qulsh Funeral Home, to pay ers’ Association to be held In Mid­ Brehe Service and Advanced. COFFEE The prisoners were Percy Geary a tribute of respect to D. J, Morl- dletown. November 18 at the com­ ______19c Redw.ay, who Is Westchester Private Lessons By Appointment. and John Oley o f Albany, sentenc­ ,srty. Mrs. Moriarty and her daugh- gian King Is Marked By county’s forecaster, waa able to Wanhingrton, Nov. 16.— (A P ) munity room, Middletown Savings f ilB S O N ’S GARACJt Telephone 4801 Given With Cash Sales In ed to 77 years, and Harold Crowley 'ter, Mrs. Harold Garrity are both Bank. Clayton Jones, W PA super­ BUIXETIN! move all of his furniture except — The Senate side-tracked th# 188 Main SL Phone 8UI2 of New York <31ty, who was given a one-ton organ, valued at $3,- members of Gibbons Assembly. visor of community centers and W a ln u t M e a t H alves lI 2 9 c Nanking, Nov. 16.—AP)— a 28-year term. Pageantry; Allies Nervous 000, which he left in the vacant admini.ttration program today recreation will speak. The government decided tonight A daughter, Gall Fay, was bom All Depts. Of Both These H. H. Paddock, superintendent of house. as it prepared to take up the Lemon, Orange or Citron the prison, said the escape occurred to move to Hankow, on the Saturday night at the Oak Nursing The Asbury group will serve a Yangtze nearly 800 mllea to the Now the organ has diaap- controversial anti-lynching bill. home to Mr. and Mrs. Truman harvest supper at the South Metho­ sometime between 2:35 and 3:48 from the J a ^ o f sharks who circled menacingly for 30 hours In the stormy seas off London, Nov. 16.— (A P )—Britain peared, he told police today, (est) thia morning. west, because of the threat to Senator Byrnes (D. S. C-), Oowles of 831 Main street Mrs. dist church Wednesday evening at the eapllal by Japanese armies H i t I ’ ® the crew were brought to Norfolk, Va„ aboard the cutter Mendota. which today dispatched Viscount Halifax but thus far baa not been deliv­ Stores All Day Tuesday PEEL (Bulk) Lb. 2 9c Paddock said the three convicts announced on the floor that a Cbwles prior to her marriage was 6:30. It Is Important that the com­ advancing from Shanghai. • * « " "potted by searching plane.a By torchlight one of the sur- on a "feeler" visit to Chancellor ered to his new apartment. In­ mittee know by tonight or tomor­ were armed with two guns. Recon­ Vivora, kU of whom sulFor from oxposuro, Is carried ashore by coast g^\mrd8inen« vestigators said It probably motion would be made for con­ Miss MUdred A. Beebe o f Strickland Fancy 'The cW I departmenta win be Hitler o f Germany and welcomed street row noon bow many to prepare for. structing the escape, Ehtddock said moved, but officials emphasized wdk dismantled and carted sideration of the controverslai Reservations may be made by tele­ the bars of one of the cells in that this did not mean aban- youthful Leopold, King of the Bel­ away by intruders. lynching measure. phoning Mrs. Thomas Vennard, which the prisoners were conOned ment of the capital and avowed gians, to her shores for diplomatic Mr. and Mrs. Ralph O’Brien of MIXED FRUITS Lb. 3 9c He said leaders had decided Corona, L. L, spent the weekend at 8661, or the church. - TIm JWIULC c o I.1 ! For Fruit Cake were sawed and placed together that the army would defend talks of pos.slbIy far-reaching ef­ with chewing gum to avoid detec­ Nanking unHI the last with not to permit him to move for the home of Alexander Berggren of MANCHeSTER CONR* CENSUS OF © L E STARTS; Late News fe ct 77 Laurel street. Mrs. O'Brien, the The Standard Bearers will meet tion. Chlang Kal-Sbek, premler-gen- A flotilla of British destroyers, consideration of the govern-' former Gertrude Berggren was this evening at 7:48 at the parson­ When John Corbett, a keeper, en­ erallsslmo, himself In oomitiand. escorted by nine Royal A ir Force GOV. CROSS ment reorganization bill, only tered the cell block on the groiind guest soloist with the Swedish Glee age of the North Methodist church. PRUNES 4 Lbs. 2 5c Flashes planes, steamed out to meet the vis­ one of President Roosevelt’s Club in its concert at West Hart­ Tomorrow evening at 6:30 the floor to punch a clock, a routine Shanghai Nov. 18— fA P )—Thou­ RELIEF RISE IS FORECAST iting king In mid-channel— the first ford yesterday afternoon, attended church school board will have Blue Rose duty, one of the prisoners pounced sands of panic-stricken Chinese fled PRINCE DIES IN CRASH of the fanfare for Leopold’s formal LINKED WITH measures ready for considera­ by a large number of local persons. supper and meeting. Ob him, bound him with sheets from three of Cfliina'a great cities Ostend, Belgium, Nov. 16.— (A P ) state visit to seal the friendship of tion. CfHOUSC'^SON. RICE ^ e n from the ceil bed and took tonight to escape advancing Jana- — Eleven persons, including il%-e his kingdom and the British Em­ There were immediate signs 4 Lbs. 25c hla keys. The prisoner then llb e r a t-___" ______. •’“ P*- (hrer 150,000 Posimes D i^|TR lAt OF STRIKERS pire. INC. neso armies and widespread bomb- members of the former royal fami­ STRIKE RIOTS of a filibuster to block action ed the other two convicts and tne [ Halifax, lord president o f the ing by Japanese warplanes, a ly of Hesse, died today In the flam­ trio made their way to the guard council, enroute to Germany by on the anti-lynching measure. BULK Special for great exodus was under way from Iribsliiq Questioiis Today ing wreckage of a Belgian airliner / MANY SPECIAL VALUES THROUGHOUT THESE room on the same floor. Paddock j HARTFORD train and channel boat, will arrive There waa a short, sharp ex­ SPARE RIBS Nanking, the nation’s capital and which crashed near here while try­ KRAUT P E A B E A N S 4 Lbs. 25c said. at Berlin tomorrow morning and, TWO STORES FOR TUESDAY object of a tremendoua Japanese ing to land at 8 tee no Airport dur­ Prosecutor At Rand Trial plosion on the part of the lb. 25c November Bound and Gag Keepers In Every Section Of Na- ___ among other things, probably will DcIIcIods drive into the Interior from Shang­ ing a fog. southern Senators who have There they encountered three discuss German r’s colonisi aspira­ 10c lb. hai. Similarly, civilians were flee- 3 12 Cabinet Prints 16 Qt. keepers, Leroy Pease.Pease, ESarl Brown i „ T f i The dead Included Prince von tions with Hitler at Bavarian Declares Chief Exeentive been opposing it. ^ HesM; the Dowager Grand Duchess Oanaed K n o t Fresh Pigs’ Feet, and APPLES Bekt. ^ y C juj^Franch, Crowley, Paddock re- of toTsfaTgSI; lion; Is Basis For Study. Fourteen Members Of The Berchtesgaden on Thursday. Senator Wagner (D., N. Y -), von Hesse, the Oraad Oochesa and To Keep AlUea Informed backing the measure, has said 2 Cans 25c two children, Ludwig and Alsenbsch Pulled Out State Pofice lb. SVzc. 1 8x10 Enlargement They bound and gagged them with 2^1 ^ “t Halifax’s conversations with Hit­ he believed any fllibiuter Always For Honest Re-Upholstering Work, Come. Here! Washington, Nov. 16.— (A P )—The Truck Drivers Ihuon Are von Hessa ler and other German leaders were Peck Bu. r o o ^ whe^Miu'^**NBlU* 'Htn” between Shanghai and Nanking. ** Two other OermaM were In the expected to enable the Briton to would be short lived. Eckhsrdrs or First Prize Skinless Frankforts P O T A T O E S 19c 6 9 c room when Mrs. Nellie Hills, a| Japanese Jananeae planesnlatiM dumpedrfnm—.< bombs government began a whirlwind cen­ Becanse Of Thdr Actions. matron, satored. l>addock said. party, eareute tr tlw wedding of report to Prime Minister Neville The House, meanwhUe, was la a $6-50 9y®^. * ^despread area of the sus o f the unemployed today amid Charged VTith Conspiracy Florida M n . m ils was alho txmad and Prince Lndwlg von Hmaa, aodai at- Chamberlain as to whether • there tangle over adjouraing for the day. , White Regular 88.50. HBaiqiHii psnhtstnir -ih' InhaQt a predMUfiia~Oat new ndmdBB'must oay _ ___ A fter rebellious RtnubUeana had RE-UPHOLSTERING left In the guard room with the way to Nanking for tnops and tedie t6' the GerMha Diiiiiassj HWWHSveh," Hor. IS.—(A P ) '■« telixSiBj Demoeratle leadire eCovta thioe keepers,' the supsrlntendent be spent for their relief. tendon, nnd Margaret campheU C A U LU ’LOWER ...... each 18c Vour S-Pleoe Living Room 8et, choice of c o v e rin g ORANGES Doz. 1 5 c naval vessels. Foreign military ob­ Hartford, Nov. 16— (A P )—Tfrlal llie name of Qovernor WIRmr to quit week until Friday, Rep new springs, new cushions, woodwork reflnlshed • • said, and the convicts went into the A fbroe of 180,000 regular and Oeddea daughter o f M r AnckJaad (Ooatlnued oa Pag* M x) Iceberg servers predictsd the Japanese of John J. Murphy and 14 other Croas was injected Into the trial of eai Leader BasU fsroed a ri caU prison yarda could reach Nanking within extra postmen distributed unem­ and Lady Oeddea They Wire t i have oa adjourning Iw tomorrow. Freshly members o f the truck drivers union James H. Rand, Jr„ and Peart GREEN BEANS, 2 qts. 25c ALL THREE. There they encountered Edward month. ployment census questionnaires to been mnrrled on ffn ln id ij Byrnes’ dtecloeure la the Senato Fallot Studio Hayea a keeper Who waa reporting every home, apartment houae, hotel oo charges of con^iiraey to violate • 0 • Bergoff In Federal court today in Chopped LETTUCE Points bombarded included Fu- followed coafcrencM of Democratic 472 Main Street Phone 8808 PIECES . . . Head for work. They forced Hayee to the and tourlet camp In the land in an the law during tne drivers strike in MARINE OFFICaSRS KILLED RESCDH) SAILORS connection with state poUce aetivi Leader Barkley with other admlnte- $ latteA] automobile, took hie keys attempt to find out how many peo­ ties during a strlks at the Rem­ tration leaders. 39-00 Hartford county in September and Ground GREEN PEAS .. .2 qts. 25c (Contteued on Page 8 U ) Fredericksburg, Vsu, Nov. 16. — aad bound him. ple want Jobe. October was started before Judge ington-Rand plant In Middletown. Senators Wagner and Van Ntnrs PHONE 8618 for Our RepreaenUtlve To Cali With SAMPLES. Unable to start the automobUa The 14 Inqulrlee on the question­ Arthur F . Ella and a Selected Jury Two marine officers stationed at The Chief Executive’s name was (D., Ind.), offend yeeterday to de- Beef IJuantloo were killed Instantly In ARE RECUPERATING Potatoes, . , pk. 22c, bu. 79c 1 YEAR TO PAY! HEALTH MARKET Paddock said, they Uberated Hayee naire are to be answered voluntari- in the Superior Court today. mentioned on the croee-examination lay consideration of the anti-lynch, Other Low Price.—Aa Little As 88.70 Per Month. momentsuUy to permit him to start ly by persons who want full or part the crash of a plane neai here to­ of State Police Sergeant Michael Ing b it until after the farm HU had It took six days of examination day. MattreM and Box Spring Renovating Like New! the ear, and then sped away with BREACH BROADENS time work. The cards must be mail- covering a period of two weeks to D. Smith, who was in charge of a been dlspoeed of, If BarUey would Hayes in the beck seat to Syracuae, back to the government by Sat­ obtain a Jury acceptable to the de­ The two killed were Staff Ser­ detail of troopers at the etrlke zone agree not to push any other major 3 3 c Florida Oranges, dozen 25c PORK CHOPS Lb 27c-35c live miles away. urday midnight. geant Herman L. WUilama at Recom Fron Slock An from July 8 to Nov. 3, 1936, aa the leglateUon In fremt o f the farm fendants and to the state repreaent- 8 SPECIAL VALUES at the Keeper Is Released OVER CROP CONTROL The information, officials said, ed by State’s Attorney Hugh M. A l­ Greenville, 8. C., who was piloting trial o f Uie two men on charges of measura MANCHESTER UPHOLSTERING There they released Hayes un­ will show not only the number of corn and Asslatant SU te’s Attor­ the plane, and Sergeant d e o S. Exposure After Their Slup violating the ao-caUed "anti-strike­ This would have entaUed the Ben- 48 MadiMn Street ongy y,„ce ma* harmed. Paddock quoted Hayea as Jobless who need relief but also the neys Harold E. Mitchell and H. Bower, of Coming, Ark. breaking" law entered tU sUth day. ate’s marking Ume until the farm "When did Gov. Cross come down H A M B U R G or saying the three traneterred to total number— many of whom do Meade Alcorn, Jr. • • • biU eras reported, posaibly next G f v e e n / 9 n c \ to Middletown T" Prosecutoi Manchester Public Market another ear but he waa unable to not need relief—deriring work. The Jury la: Sank; Three Stifl M s ^ . week. 1 DIAL 4151 y 302 MAIN ST REFT'1 Grraps Formed lo Congress ANOTHER SHIP ATTACKED Charles H. Carr asked the witness Bat One BUI Beady describe the automobile. To Be Baals of Study Robert Lane of Canton; William Defense Counsel George H. Cohen NORTH OF POST OFFICE ■ ONE BLOCK FROM STATEARM0r \ Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 16.— (A P ) The action today left the reor- Paddock said none o f the prisoners Results of the census probably E. Bates of Elast Granby; William objected at once saying there was TUESDAY ONLY SAUSAGE M EA T 2 Lh. 45c in the cell block where the convicts For And Against Compnl- will be known In late Ctecember J, Cooley of Bloomfield; James Ran- — The British merchantman Car- g-anixation biU, only one o f the Pres- -P dlum radioed in 8US today, saying Norfolk, Vs., Nov. 16.—(AP)— no evidence that thh governor had A NICE CHICKEN DINNER FOR LITTLE MONEY Fresh- escaped gave out an alarm. after being checked by a special son of Hartland; Erneat R. Hinman Ident’e meaouree which is ready tor she was being attarked off the Twenty-one sailors, saved from the any connection with the case but 1 Fresh Cut Up Fowl, regularly 79c — 1 Pound Onions — Prison officials were apprised of of Burlington, George Callaway of conslderaUon now, remaining on the sory Clauses In The BHL canvass on 1,800 scattered man Spanish coast by airplanes but with­ Greek freighter, Tzenny Chandrts. the question waa allowed after Carr 1 Bunch Carrots — 1 I.oaf Home Made Bread— the escape only after Corbett freed routes as an accuracy test. They Bloomfield; Hamlin Robbins of said: calendar to be conetdered later in SHOULDERS Lb. 21c out Identifying the attackers. The waa foundered nnd sank In a storm th. session. 3^1 STORM SASH 1 Vegetable Bunch — A L L F O R ...... 5/ / C himself and noUfled them. may form the basis not only tor Rocky Hill, Lewis W. Hale of Rocky call was beard here during early off Cape Hatteras Saturday, re­ 1 want to show that the govern­ Hill; Charles T. Lewis of Windsor; or came down and polled them (the These devehmmenta er.pbaslsed To Fit Any Window. rooming. cuperated today from shock and eX' the confusion o f the general leghda- (Oonttened oa Page Six) Washington, Nov. 16— (A P )__ (Oonttnoed on Pa^o Two) Raymond Hall of HarUand; Brad­ posure. Also Painted and Hung If Desired • • ■ Uve aituatioB and that Prestdeat FANCY FRESH PORK TO ROAST President Roosevelt’s appeal for en­ ford Snow of Canton; William Dem- (Oonttaned oa Page Six) Honeycomb TRIPE Lb. 19c actment of an "all-weather" farm The Coast Guard cutter Mendota RooseveK’e program waa bogged SCHALI.ER’S Ing of Farmington. MARKETS AT A GLANCE. brought 18 o f the survivors Into Rib Roast Pork, .3 to 5 lbs. each ...... 25c lb. 3 * U K program widened today the breach down before the epectel aeaeUm was WOODWORKING SHOP Some of the men are charged New York, Nov. 16.— (AP)— port here yesterday while six oth­ fuUy under way. Silver Lane Sauerkraut...... 2 lbs. 15c between advocates of compulsory with conspiracy to burn a truck at Slocks: Heavy, steels lead far­ 899 Center Street CALLS JEFFERSON and voluntary crop control. ITALY MAY BOLT ers. first to be rescued were taken FaUure o f the agriculture commit- Pork Chops, all center cuts...... ;j;tc lb., 2 lbs. 65c Windsor Locks, others are charged ther decline. off the tanker Swlftsure at Boston. Legislators favoring a program SIT DOWN STRIKE teea to have farm MUa reaefy for For a Nice Beef Loaf— Freshly Ground Hamburg, 19c lb. LIVER SPECIAL with conspirady to commit an as­ Bonds: L«w er; U. 8. loans duck Seven members o f the crew of 28 that would force farmers to limit downtrend. either chamber may coat tte admin­ Home Made Sau.sage Meat...... 25c lb., 2 lbs. 45c SAVE MONEY THE EASY WAY sault and with assault and breach died. Three bodies were still miss­ istration a fuU week out o f the HIGH COURT HATER production said they interpreted bis BRUSSEl^ PARLEY of peace. Curb: Soft; specialties off sharp­ ing. Salt Spare R ib s ...... 19c lb. scheduled live-week sessioii. remarks as a call for compulsory Four Groups of Men ly- COMES TO AN END B EEF L IV E R control. • The tanker Swlftsure picked up Sign Petittea CALL 7100 Lb. 19c There are four groups of the men, Foreign Exchange: Firm; sterl­ the first survivors after an SOS VEGETABLE DEPART.MENT W n n 1. fl* L opposing group, on the other all included in the charge of con­ ing advanoea split the air shortly before daybreak One move was in the direction of DELCO Sec. Wallace Describes ffim ^ intended that since Mr spiracy. Cotton: ()alet; lower eables; lo­ Saturday, enacting the Presldei-t’s program. Cauliflower, medium size...... I c ea., 2 for 25c WE DO THE REST Roosevelt's message to Congress did When Sessions Resome On cal selling. House members began e i^ n g a 3 John J. Murphy of 23% West Attacked By Sharks Two ThoosaiMl Men Walk CALVES' LIVER Lb. not use the word "compulsory,” he Sugar; Lower; easier spot mar­ lieUUon to arrest Uie administra- Yellow Clobe Turnips...... igc peck 39c street, business agent of the truck­ Mountainous seas, exposure and Oil Burner ANTHRACITE HAS k et ' Joi 'a wrages and hours bUl from the Sealdsweet Oranges for Juice...... , .25c doz. As Greatest Hater Of So- left them a free hand to go ahead Monday th e Next Move men's union, Raphael Lacafta of 84 thirst threatened the seamen with Coffee; Easy; trade selling. Rules committee which blocked ito with proposals for baaing the new Vine street and Wlillam Renaud of insanity and death as they clung to Out Of Fisher Body Hant Witli the Money-Saving farm hill on present voluntary soli consideration In the House last see- 101 Pleasant street. East Hartford wreckage of the freighter. Com­ AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT PIGS' LIVER Lb; 15c , ^ preme Tribunal 1b History conservation practices. May Be Pnt Up To U. S. slon. are represented by Attorney John LT. FBOELIGEB DIES mander Henry Coyle, roaster of the Chairman Smith (D-8. C.) called Under Orders Of Leaders (Chairman Norton (D., N J .), of Rome Made Crullers, plain or sugar ...... 21c doz. A. Danaher. Mendota, related the story told by the House Labor committee, filed Thin-Mix Control the Senate Agriculture committee Ira L. Bniyette o f 212 Sheldon survivors o f one sailor being pulled Currant B u n s...... joz. into session for the first Ume. He Torrington, Nov. 16.— (AP) — the petition and a long queue of NO PV,’ Charlottesville, Va.. Nov. 16. — Brussels, Nov. 16.— (A P ) —Dele­ street, Henry A. Rodgers of 32 Wol­ bodily through his life belt by rtpresentaUves formed quickly at Home Made Rye B read...... 10c loaf (A P ) —Secretary of Agriculture i voiced jjvrsoiuiipersonal oppoeiuonopposition to any gates to the Far Eastern peace con­ Lieutenant CHemena' M. Froellger, n shark. Pontiac, Mich., Nov. 16.— ( A P I - cott street, William Burns of 36 member of he Torrington police t - Speaker's rostrum to follow her Henry A. WallaM described Thomas I Torai o f compulsion and to process- ference, in recess until next Mon­ Capt. George Coufopandelis, mas­ Sit-down atiikers who had occupied Jefferson in a speech today as a Capitol avenue and Benjamin Osele- department for over 20 years, died In signing IL ~ *' - ing ta xes as the means of flnsnclng day, sought counsel of their govern­ ter of the freighter, c^d bow a fel­ the Fisher Body Corporation plant SPIiCIALS FOR TUESDAY ONLY greeter hater of the Supreme Court the program. ger of 297 Wethersfield avenue are this afternoon at his home here aft­ When the Houie adjourned by a ments today on how far they could low ..eaman, driven mad by 33 bidars here for nearly 12 hours left at 8:23 SILENT GLOW OH, BURNERS "than any President before or go in trying to halt the hostilities. er a long illness. He was retired on vote of 228 to 120, there were 46 Potatoes, native, they cook nice and m e a ly ...... Senator Pope (D-Idaho) aaserted (OoDtiaoed on Page Two) of exposure and thirst, attacked m. today and the management SMELL since." the "ever-normal granaiy" biU The conference was threatened a pension only a week ago. took possewkm of the factory. aiinutoriee on the patiUon. Ra'ea ...... 15-lb. peck 19c him aa they floated in the open Speidcing at Monticello, Jeffer- which be knd Senator McGill (D- by disaffection of four of the 10 Dorr Mitchell, president o f the require 218 before the Rules com­ • Everyone knows how Anthn- Sugar* Domino, in cloth b a g s...... 10 lbs. 52c ■oa. The man died before Coast mittee can be discharged from fur­ ^altece said that “one Kans.) introduced dovetailed with participating governments, princi­ United Automobile Workers of cite tnd liquid fuel, compare for RANGE AND FUEL 01 Guardsmen arrived. ther conaMaraUon o f whether the Eggs, Fairmont Farms Eggs, selected for quality, cold movus of the Jefferson' Mr. Roosevelt’s suggestions. pally Italy, and It was expected America local here, said union oSl' •mcli. Anthracite ia odoriru be­ Coast Guard headquarters here wage-hour bill will have right-of- coming into power was Details of the BIU that Italy Would bolt the conver­ ctels ordered the' men to evacuate fore burning, while it is buiniitg, M : the Federal courts which sations Monday when the question reported another rescue was enact­ v/ay. .Flour, Gold Medal ...... 5 lb. bag 28c These Included consei-vstion at Notifying the President ed yesterday when the Brltteb the plant because the strike waa and after it is burned. This means, packed by Adams wlUr the soil, "fair’’ i n e W ^ ftSSne?. of positive help for CSilna and pres­ Aa this action proceedtd. Chair­ Campbell s Tomato Soup, real value...... 3 cans 20 c steamer atendene picked up two “ unauthorised." He said a oonfer- man O'Coniior of the Riilea commit­ with Anthracite heat, the air ii HAROLD T. WEST, In lUc Feder^lsta Just before I protection for consumen, “majority sure on Japan will come up. ence bad been arranged between not heavy with objectionable *Wone Such Mince M eat...... 9 oz. pkg 12c The Initiative for the next and men from a sinking salUns: cutter., tee expressed the opinion that the As a et «»P«tetlag farmedand Is Just A Make Believe union and company officials on vapor. Nothing to affect the appe-’ Lemon Peel, Orange Peel and Citron Peel (bulk), lb 29c 29 Bissell Street Phone 5202 perh ^ most critical stage of the named Adrift, about 800 mUes east Preaident’a message ym^ntey out- of Norfolk. grievances which caused the sit- .Unlng his objectives fOr Congress iite, or offend guests. In addition. White Raisins, extra fancy...... ’k' ^5 ' fort” , be said, conference appeared to lie with down at 8:30 o'clock test'n igh t cused The Oleodene’s message "was not very enthuatestie" for the Anthracite heat is clean, depend­ te the most Violent te rm s '^ Norman H. Davis, the United Washington, Nov. 16.— (A P )—.rbead Representatives Rayburn (D The principal grievance, he said, Pumpkin Royal Scarlet, fancy golden .. .2 Igst. cans 25c wanting to destroy the Federal Ju States’ chief delegate, who re­ Henry Veaderhefer and Donald wage-hour blU. able, even heal. It is 100% safe, That solemn ceremony—Ctongress ■^Texas), Snell (R.. N. Y .), and waa the teying-ofl o f 600 employes., dlctery'and-subject aU things to hu| “ ®„ « « - mained in Brussels while most of Moore were taken from the deck of Chairman Sm lU (D-8C) caUed h offers greater savings than ever PLAIN GARMENTS CLEANED AND PRESSED There waa no demonstration wUL" would operate only when re- the other delegates went home to notifying the President that it is in Doughton, (D., N . CX) to speed the the cutter which sailed from Mon- ALL THIS WEEK approximately 3,000 men marched the divided agriculture committee The most economical brtore. Let us send you a supply Fifth Annual The secretary spoke In connecuSn ^ ® ‘‘8 »«te *y think out a "common attitude." session— turned out today to be a news to President Roosevelt , tauk Nov. 4 for MtemL The Glen- W CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED The five legialatore walked up tha together to begin dratting a bill, of real Pennsylvania Anthracite. Special Sale of Beech-Nut “Foods of Finest Flavor” with the 76th armiversary of the es- " ’V overflowing, aad How iter to Oa dene win put In A t Houston,' Tek. from the plant Many of them,were ■ m and dependable oil piece o f national make-believe. aisles o f their respective bouses, day shift workers who had replaoed- But neither he noi any other mem­ Beech-Nut Coffee...... ^ 3 2 ^ n, tabllahment o f the Land Grant col- ‘ 'Fo-thlrds o f the The negotiations bad reached a “Since you’ve asked", eald Ser- ber would forecast prompt agree­ E xh ibition o f O il Paintingg disappeared in the cloakrooms. The nigbt shift 7 a. o u . n burner you can buy. Beech-Nut Peanut Butter, large size . ' 19 c tege system and the United States cootrote. M D t where it seemed the Waah- geant-at-Anna Kenneth Romney of TBBASUBY BALANCE ment. G. E. Willis & Son, Water Colors and Sculpture Crafts Department of Agriculture. (D-Ala.) said ragtoa EBVsrnment must Issue In- Senate recesaed for tench, but aft­ T he Pontiac Motor Company F O R the Houae, “you might as well know er a few minutes, Rayburn reap^ AlthoiM:h PresideDt Roosevalt Beech-Nut Strained Foods...... i a’fVr 20e 2 $1.00 JeOersoB’s BeHef compulsory MnittlCiW oa bow far the United Woshlngtoii.. Nov. 16.—(AP)— plaat, dependent on the Fisher dl-< Be sure and see na abont the facts —they stopped actually peared In the Houm and ja M : tried to get the aeaeion off to a quick Beech-Nut Tomato Juice, 50 oz...... 25c BY LOCAL AMATEUR ARTISTS A s an educator. Wallace said. Jef- «“ "M ure for cotton aa part Statas snu raa4y to go, with faidl- vision fqr bodlea clcMd’ I t f Uhdro-‘ Inc. sending word to him a long Ume "The President of the United The poeltion of the Treasury Nov. start by sending his opening" jaes- yooi new heating system. This Special Price AppUea To Two o f the FeUowingt Maa’a 8-Pa fersoa beUeved "educated farmers r * J r * * * “ •**• program, eatiena that the others of the "Big ago." bly line shortly before noon. OonH Coul. Lumber, .Mattona’ Supplies, 12'/i oz...... 3 for 25c.’ 96c doz. States baa been advteed that tha 18: 'RaoaipU,. .822,962,789.88; ex- eage yeeterday Inetead ot waiting Suita (Coat, Veat, Tronaera), Topooata Hata Ftaonel Bobea were tb9 stuff out o f whldi domoc* I bouos culture cooznittae Three" Jsadershlp—Britain and Why go through the motions? penditures, 818.431,774.64; balance, paay officiate said 3IU8 trite dohJ « Also Air-Conditioning _ Paint Beech-Nut Cooked Spaghetti...... 3 for 25c Woniea’B Plain 2-Pa 'Tailored Stilta Plata 1-Pa Ureaaea and Plate 8to M arjr'g P ariih K ail Houae of RepreaentaUvea la tb ses­ 'a Uttle woric would be left Ibr the day, HouM leaders aieo found ragr could be hunt T o that faith resumed drafUng its bui without France would besitote-to take any “Oh’.’, said the 8. A . A . "They sion.” 13,662,068,783.68: customs reoelpis' 'S 2 Main SL xeL 8128 Beech-Nut Oven Baked Beans...... 2 for 23c Coata Whites Not Inclnded. Special Qtoeoant On Any Other 103 Church Street Jefferson gave most at hie Ufe.” agreeing flnaUy whether marltetlng drastio action uhleas assured of night ahlft” themselves killing time. They Want­ have to. I t wouldn’t be I m l with­ Visitors, startled by . the speed, fo r the month, $11,279,210^3. Beech-Nut Tops ...... V. ;/ ' ' f S ' Two OnrmentB. One Gnmient A k iie Bntea No DtaoonnL A s a beUever In democracy, ” he V*otMa would ha aiqitoved. Neither complete American cooperation. out I t " ProdneUon Onrtalled ed to receos until Thursday, H ff Ke- THE SOLID FUEL gasped. Receipts for th> flscal year (since poblican objeetjona forced g -noMioo Beech-Nut Cheese Wafers...... 5 r”! STARTING TUESDAY, NOV. 16, 7 P. M. TO 9 P. M. displayed his faith in the eapadUea

h V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16. 1937 "■ PAGE POUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1987 would seam to be a strange thing to verdicts of ascond dagrst murder “IF m DREAMING, DON’T WAKE ME” Morgan;' 6 Vox Rap; 9:80 Rosa and . ilatirt^rBlPr do fbr a “savior of the nation." Hr, or manslaughter in homtdda eases BY Buttarworth, also Bddis Cantor; RED CROSS HONOR 10:45 Unsmploymont census pro­ too, takes tbs posltlos that there where first degree findings wars AMRY RAYMOND DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Overnight News B.S. A. HONOR COURT gram; 12 Trump DivMon orchestra. YD VET TO HEAD overwhelmingly indicated, but where Recreation Svntitt^ Ifpralb Is a "business recession” —and .pres­ CopyrlgM, I93T, MCA Ssnic*. Iita TUKSDAYg NOVKMtCR 16 (C «strtl u d Kftit«ni SUndard Tima) WABC-CB8—7:15 new ’'Series, Of Connecticut ently, no doubt, we shall hear from prosecutors have not appealed, In PYOfram* to and b ^ e ebataa or i r o m th«r*of unltao •ptd- ROLL LISTS TOWN George McCall on Hollywood; 8 rtlMLJlIHKi/ ttl THB ____ flods ooaat to eoapt (• to o) doifraatloni Ineludo all aiwlab)o otatlona Edward G. Robinson plav; 8:30 Al (By •) TO MEET ON NOV. 26 p n iN T IN O C O M PAN I, DNX him alMut some brand-new New many cases, because they appre­ ARMISTICE# • BOARD CAST OF CHARAOrEBS Froaramt aubjoet to ehanpo by atatlona without prtviouo notleo. Pt M. Jolson and Edward Evere'tt Horton; Center Items II BlRMli Ardath With that Innocent look she HftnebM l*! OooA. Deal scheme for curing It. hended just such defense action as J n x WENTWOBTB, hendae, at­ NBC-WEAP (RED) NETWORK M OUNT«~kvor kla koh kal keva kfbb 9 AJ Peorace gang; 9:30 Jock Ookle Greenwich-Mro. Adellr.e Bml'h TSOMA8 rEhtiUSOH had at times, looking up at a Jury COAST~knz koln kol kfpy krniafo boy Nevertheless we are no more Im- has been taken In the Palka case— tractive debutante. •Adie->->Saatt waaf wnae wUe^wlar college; 10 Benny Goodman swing Huated of Greenwich was elected Tuesday! 0«n«rftj through a mist of tears, swearing wtac wcah kyw wfbr wro way whan CanL East. Hmd Of Hatboal Associa­ school. Povn4*4 Oe(f»h*f 1; lift preased by the President's accept­ the claim of double Jeopardy—and A L A N JEFFR Y, hero, rising stats regent of the Daughters ot AH Scoots And Leaders To young artlsL ehe was being mads a victim to wcaa wum wwj waal wdel: Aldwaat: SiSS—**Ooar Taaahor** Program WJZ-NBC — 8 Husbands and 3:00-5:00— Women Bowlers, East Edward Frazier Named As ance of the "recession” Idea than by they have submitted to Ute Inade­ save Jill. had wmaq who wow wdaf wlr* katp; 4 :4^ 8:4S*Hllttep Houaa* Sklt-^o e American Colonists. O'her officers Side. r«bll«R*4l Bv«r} Bvftnlni Bte«pl BARKY WENTWORTH, JIU'B MounUlm kdyi; Southi wmb«: S:0S— S:00—All Handa an Oaek Show tion Writes Letter To wives; 8:30 Edgar Guest program; elected Included: Second Vice- Re­ •■ndavB ADl HolUlAVi C n t«r*l Rl tli« anyone’s else. quate jury action rather than risk "1 don't Delieve you would tell the komo khq kpo k*u; S:K^ Pfoaa»Radlo Navra Porlod 9:30 Night club; 10:45 Cells Oamba, Take Part h Meeting At 5:00-6:00—Handball Men. m i stepbrother. gent, Miss Helen E. Royce, Hart­ P OfflM • ! Cftnn» M truth even to eave Jill’s Ufe, Patty OPTIONAL utatlons oparata lnt*r> 8:S^ S:8S—Oeorga Hall A Orehaatra stylist violin; 11:30 Jimmy Dorsey 6:16-7:00— Beginners Swimming, Chairman For Next Year; iM ofil ClAM yall A blind child should have realized the ultimata complete escape ot the JACK WENTWORTH, Jill’s ehanraably on •Ithtr R t e or BLUB •:4 ^ S:4S>—Sang Tima at MIcrophona ford; Registrar, Mrs. Edwards Women. brother. cried out suddenly. natworka); BASIC — Baatt wlw wfaa g:0■■P“- -7:00—Poatl “ - t i e ...... MaiodHa oaat: Manchester Chairman. orchestra. that the extraordinary boom In the killer on appeal. "Let's bops It won’t come to y y ? work wool; Midwoats wood w«l Harboft Poota*a Enaambta waat Standreuter, Old Greenwich; Direc­ Sonth Methodist Chorch. 7:0*-7:45— Beginners Swimming, fTIBUTRIPTfOII llATBf S Y LV IA SUTTON, oil belrees. 0 « « t«& r by H rII .•••••••«• In the present case, however, Uie OTHER i:1S— 7tlS—Hollywood Saroanteopo tors, Mrs. W. B. Farnsworth, Hart- Women. production of consumer goods which that," Ardath smiled, carefully us­ OPTIONAL STATIONS — Canadiam •tSS- 7iifr-Halan Manktn*a SarTah- 13 hat to expect Wednesday: pRf Mnfitb Mr)) ••••*-••••••• I If ing her compact. "A fter all, Patty, oret cfcf; Cantralt well wtmj wlba wday baale: Law White at Organ—Dlzla Ard, and Miaa Sara Mead Webb, 7:00-8:00—Rec Volley Coll Team. UnslR 0»P7 •' B• 9 started In 1935 and extended Fairfield County prosecutor has al­ Yesterday l JIU Is picked np by Talka — WABC-CB-S and WJZ- you couldn’t expect me to tell the r a r koam; South: wtar wptf wla wja* 7:00— S:00—fEdward Q. Rabintan Play Dr. Robert P. Knapp, chairman Stamford. 7:45-8:30— Intermediate Swimming ORllTRrRi (to* T * «r ...... I i l l ways had an "ace In the hole” In police aa she drove almleaaly oboul wfia-wiun wlod waoo wfbc wwnc wcae 7:E^ t:S0—Al Jolaan with Hla Shaw NBC 1 p. m.. President Roosevelt, The Manchester District Court of through 1938 and into the early world 1 was at Alans Just to clear y va warn wme wab wapi wamb w|da o t the Monebeste Red Cross Chap­ Women. Edward Frazier, Commander o t tbe city. The net la last closing in S:0(^ t:0O—Al Paaraa and Hla Gang .•Secretary of Agriculture Wallace New Haven—Henry L. Mencken, Honor Boy Scouta of America will w w n iC R o r t h e AnroriATEO part of this year was in excess of the second and as yet untried mur­ Jill Wentworth's skirts. What kind 5^2® •'pro woal klha t:M— t:IO—Jack Oakla Cellasa—to e and Assistant Secretary Harry noted editor and author, dellvonng hold a regular session on Friday 8:00-10:00—Basketball Practice. tbe Manchester YD Association was PRESS about her. But what about Barry, tebz ktba Hark kync; Mountain: krlr 6:00—10:00—Oaodman Swing—also eat ter, yesterday received a personal der case. In the unexpected event o f girl do you think 1 am anyway ?'' kthi ktar kob — ...... Brown from Mt. Vernon, Vs., In night, November 26, at the South 8.30-9:16— Nurses Private Swim­ elected chairman of.the 20th Armis­ Th« A*RiM3lR(*4 PP**9 •• •AVlU*IV*lJ the current consumer demand—and Jill recoUeots? No, It couldn't have Pacific: kfbk kwg k ^ 6:10—lOlSO—Dal Caalno*a Sanga—ba- letter from ciry T. Orzyson, execu­ a Bergen Foundation lecture at ming Class. •otlt)*8 to tb* ot ropublioRtfon "I don’t have to puzzle about IL kom ■t»,^t. Louie Polly Felliaa—midw connection with -^ 75th anniversary Methodist church at 7:30 o'clock. An was Intended to be. The country that the Supreme Court should in­ been him, she reasons. What must tive chairman ot tbe National Red Yale, said conaolioatlona were max­ 7:30-8:30—Morlsrty Girls Bowling, tice Day celebration at the «nnu«i o( All n*w* dUpRtrh** cr*dit*d to It 1 know," Patty replied grimly, Cant. East. 6:46—10:4S—Tha Pour ttara Rhythm Cross association, expref-'-Ing bu of department of agriculture, talks ing better American newspapers. invitation Is being extended to Ml or not othvrw u* er«dlt*d In thtt was building up its Inventories of validate the first degree conviction, ¥ she doT 10:00—11:00—Tommy Daraay Orahaa.-* West Side. meeting of tbe Permanent Armio- pap*r Rnd Rior th» Io« r1 n * v » DOb* Thors was nothing else to do. No Jack Armatrono. Sarlal— baale: Paatia Matodlaa—waat rpt tu oomi os port of land grant col­ "Very few papers are subservient the Boy Scouta and their leaders In CHAPTER XXTV Jo«h Higgina. Skatch—waat appreciation for 'he work ot tne tice Day Committee loot night Al­ llBbod b*r*tn commodities for the first time .since the state can start at the beginning one else who could heljL In a flash 10:10—11:30—Oaorga Olaan'a Orehaatra lege program of the WJZ-NBC for-n Manchester to attend this court (or ' Wednesday; Alan's apartment was locked ^•99— 6 :4^U ittla Orphan Annia — lltOO—12:00—DIek Hlmbar Orehaatra— volunteers conducting the local Red to the advertisers,” he asserted. bert Downing of the Dioabled At) rirbto ot r*pubtteailonB of the stocks were slowly but certain­ again and try Palka for the second It came to her. There was the old _ Johnnia Johnaton. Songo—w baale: Orrtn Tuekar Or.—mldweat Cross Roll Coll and praising the and home hour running from 12:30 a special program Is to be held, 5:00-7:00—Handball, Men. •ti^tRi dlirpRteb** b*p*lD or* r I*c> ro« Shades were dra«ra. A prolonged to 1:M. Greenwich—The Greenwich Dally American Veterans was elected murder. woman with the red scarf Jill fa' 11:10—12:30—Tad Flerita Orehaatra— work of tbe Manchester Chapter. which Is being arranged by the 5:00-7:00— Business Men's Volley •«rro4 ly depleted during the depression. pounding by Patty, after continuous WInalow of tha Navy baale: F. Maatara Orehaatra—weat News-Graphic announced tbat on Boll. treasurer and James McCullough ot given her. _ Proao-Radlo Na%*a Period In tbe Roll Coll last year the W EAF-NBC— 1:15 p. m. Words Court of Honor committee. A movie Pol) oorvloo olt*nt of N B A B*nr« For years dealers had been buying And If the Court decides that ringing of tbe bell, brought no re­ S'Jt" Phythmalroa Appaar NBC-WJZ (BLUE) NETWORK and music; 2 Your health program; and after Thursday it would pub­ pctgrnm Is to be presented which 7:00-7:45—Life-Saving, lien. the British War Veterans was re­ She must And her. Her testlmoiq'i Manchester Chapter enrolled a elected secretary. too iBA from hand to mouth and It was not there has been no double Jeopardy sponse. * ■ 9 ^ S:45— Billy A Batty—weof: Tha BASIC — Eaat: wjs wba-wbsa wba) 6 America’s schools. WABC-CBS— lish as the Greenwich Time, it also will be of great interest to every 7:45-8:30—Swimmers, Men. and the scarf would clear Jill. Thrao Rancntrea — waat; Littia wham kdka wgar ways wjtn wayr sufficient number of members m announced Wythe Williams, form­ Retiring Chairman Arthur Mo- Ifombor Am*rlflRn K*w*pRp*r Pob* in this case it will have ruled. In She went to the apartment next m Ap"*o~mldwoat ropoat 2:30 School of the air; 4 Curtis boy present, the movies will be in 8:30-9:30— Plunge. until two years ago that they re­ But nobody on 67lh street had 7 w —Amoa ’n* Andy — oaatl wmal wfll waby wabr weky waan proportion to the population of tne er correspondent for New York ana (Tonn thanked tbe membnra o f the llohoro AMoeiRtlon door and pressed tbe bell. An el­ seen an old beggar woman wearing wloe wleu: MIdwaat: wanr wta kwk koil uiuolcols. WJZ-NBC— 8:30 Little charge of Charles Banks. Every 7:00-10:00—Basketball Practice. gained confidence and courage and effect, that a state a appeal In such derly man answered tbe door. No, Loula Panioe A Orehaatra— waat wren wmt kao wowo wetn: South: town to obtain a place on the list ot Variety show; 4:30 Parenta-TeacJi- London newspapers, would be edi­ .scout that has merit badge applica- committee for their cooperation and a red scarf. Varlatlaa by Choral wrtd wnbr krgv kfdm wrol krla wJbo Thursday: P«bltBh*r* f|*pr«**ntAit**o Tho could command capital or credit a trial In any state—at least where he didn’t know the occupant on the 0 :3 ^ 7 :M ^T h t Singing Beye—wea?; Honor Towns In th ensUon. Only two ers program. tor and general manager. fiuna should turn them In to their assistance during the past jreor. Jnlloo llR ib*«* 8p*cIr) Ac^noy ~N*w "Beggars don’t come on this wdan waga wagn kzys: Mountain: klo 5:00-7:00—Handball Men. The (wmmittee planned to devote the state has a statute like Connec­ other aide. He bad often planned to ^bammy Watkln*a Orehoetra—chain kvod kghf: Facifle: kgo kfid kez kga other itstes enrolled « greater pro­ Some Wednesday short waves: scoutmasters by Monday, Nov. 22. fork. ChiORSo. D*trott ond Bostoa enourh to build up the heavy sur­ street," one Irate woman told Z ‘iS r “ Zsfi—Banno RablnefTa Violin kaea kir Hartford — Personnel Director 7:00-7:45— Advanced Swimming, tbe next three weeks to. a study of call on a fellow artist. And, now. Moi^an A Orehaatra portion of their population than ZTJ Jobnannesburg 1 p. m. Songs A t a recent meeting of the scout­ plusage which In any normal times ticut's. specifically legalizing such Patty. "Some ot us may be poor, (N O TE : Baa W EAF-NBC for optional Harry W. Marsh announced that Women. plana for observance o f the 1986 MEMBER APHTT BttREAO o r Kina’a Orehaatra Hit of atatlona.) did CJonnecUcut and these two from shows; JZK JZJ Tokyo 4:45 ing coromisalonera and the court ot ClRC*lLATIuNS the young man was gone. He hail Popwra A Quaationa examinations for 21 sta.. social 6:30-8:30—Knoflas Bowlers, West constitutes the nation's selective an appeal—does not Infringe upon but we’re all respectable, and able Cant. EaaL states, Nevada and Wyoming, have Navy Day program: DJD Berlin honor committee a group of men Armistice anniversary and after de­ see him leaving this afternoon In a to take care of ourselves. Who •sjf—.•sJ^Roaa A Buttarworth—to c worker Jobs would b* given Dec. 11. Side. termining the approximate oMt, tha Tb* Rtrold Printing Compony Ine. stock of com modules. the defendant's constitutional right ! ^J^Iar, Talk—to e 4:30- 6:30-Tha Slnglni Lady—eaat; much imaller populations than tnis S ;li Ukranian folk songs and 10:15 were selected and who have volun­ cab. He bad carried several large ever heard of such a story 7 An old •:4o—10:46 — Unemployment Canaua Julana Pallatlar at Plano—waat Bridgeport — Bronson Hawley 7:00-8:80— Senior Life Saving, group will appear before the Boiud RROom** DO Anonolo) roBpnn*ihlllty suitcases with him. Prog. stats. Autumn aonga; 2KO Rome 6 Amer- tarily consented to be examiners ror (or typ« gropbioo) *rmr* Rpp*Rrlng lb And It was Just as Inevitable that to be free from double Jeopardy. In lady, begging at that time ol morn­ 4:40— 6 :4 ^ T o m Mix. Skateh—baale: Post, 134, American Legion, went Women. of Selectmen to ask for an appro­ Patty turiied away In panic. 10:00—11:00—Lou Braaaa Ore. — eaat:. Al Vlarra and Hla Orehaatra—w eit Because of the bad weather on ica s Hour: PCJ Netherlands 7 Hap. the various merit badges (or which R4**rtt*«m*nio lb tbo Mooebootof when consumer-business stocks were which case the procedure of a state's ing." Andy — repeat for west 6:00— 6:00—Nawai Rakov'a Orehaatra py program: HAT4 Budapest 7 on record as opposing tne estaemsb- they are assigned, dbeaminers s.e All classes that would regularly priation. BtobIos HoroUL Alan had gone away from this Saturday when most of tho Roll appeal from an inadequate verdict Patty turned away. Well, of Donahue * Orehaatra 6:3m- 6:30—Praaa Radio Nawa Parted ment of a German-American buad be held on the gym floor at the' The committee voted to invito the restored the demand would become place. It would be like looking for 22‘^*2?'95^®^nf Blaina'a Orehaatra 6 :3 ^ 6:36—Oala Page Song Program C!all workers were free to work in 1 olklore melodies; YV6RC Caracas chosen for the Merit badge examin- course Jill hadn't said the old lady U —lt:3(^Harald Starn’a Orehaatra 8:40— 6:4S—Lowall Thamaa — eaat: camp in Soutbb.iry and mapped a West Side Recreation building, will toltowing and industrial . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 may be expected to be employed a 590 their districts no reports were 8:30 Dance Music; OSD GSC GSR o.lons who are experts In thslr field normalized. That Is what has a needle In a haystack, sure enough, was a beggar. But she had ke\pt Eaeerta—w; Tam Mix—mdw. rpt. London 9:80 NBC Empire orches­ campaign to carry this opposition of work, and when a scout has been be cancelled this week, because tbe leaders of the town to asslat tn great deal oftencr than In the past. CB8-WABC NETWORK 6:00— 7:00—Eaay Aeaa. Skit—alao eat gathered Saturday night. The first happened. If that can be called a trying to find an unknown young the money Jill had given her, which tra; 1T»A4 Paris 11:45 Records; to tbe State and National offices ot awarded a merit badge It la because floor is being scraped and waxed. planning next year’s 20th Armistice man in a large city. BASIC—Eaat: wabc wado woko weao 6:im— 7:16—Mr. Kaan A Laat Paraana general report will be had on Thurs­ (Tlasaes will be resumed next week. celebration: Willard B. Rogers, THE JOBLESS CENSUS "recession In business" then there amounted to the same thing. And 6:30— 7:30—Lum A Abntr—eaat only; JZK Tokyo 12:45 Japanese Navy tbe Legion. he has atudlec that test and has "Thank heaven for Ardath!” Pat­ weal war wkbw wkrc whk wjr wdre Oaorga Orlffan. Taner Soloa—west day of this week. Roll Coll (2ioir- Charles Holman, Charles Itay, these cold mornings, she would be wcau wjaa wpro wfbl wJav wgar; Mid- 6:46— 7:46—John B. Kennedy—wja; band. Waterbary—Four hundred paiisn- passed It to the satisfaction of this President Boosevelt'a radio ap­ Is a recession, not otherwise. THE SOUTH AFRICAN WAY ty thoughL wildly. Adding men­ waat: wbbm wfbm kmbe kmoz whaa man, Earle Rohan has asked each Thomas Ferguson, C. Elmors Wat­ sure to wear that- red woolen scarf. kfab kmt Vivian dalia Chlaaa, Songa—netwk. ioners and friends of the Rev. examiner. Through a study that TEACHERS RELAX peal to the people of the nation for What real recession there has tally: "And donT you dare give me 7:0m— 6:00—Huabanda A Wivaa. Talk worker to report his total to ms Joseph Valdambrlni attended a din­ has been made It was found that kins. Christopher Qlenney, Herbert Hitler is coi.imonly believed to She bad covered every place In the e a s t —wbni wpg wbp whec wore efrb 7:Sm— 8:3(^Ed Ouait, It Can Ba Dona captain by Thursday, and each cap­ WHILE MACHINE WORKS B. House, W. George Olenney, W. their aid In making the unemploy­ been has been a recession In cxpcc- any trouble, Ardath, or I'll tear you block. No, there was the apartment ckao wlbz wmaa wesg wnbf wlba wkbn 8:0m- f:0(V—Rap. Mavarick an Can* ner In his honor In celebration ot many a boy has found hla life's cast longing eyes at the British apart with my hands. You’ve al­ whlo wgbi graaa tain to report tbe total (or his team W. Robertson, Judge Harold Gar^ ment census as completely succcsa- 'tatlona. Those who anticipated a next door to Alan's, occupied by an OIXIE—wgat wafa wbrq wqam wdod his 25tb anniversary as pastor ot V orh through merit badge work. possessions In South Africa. Per­ ready caused too much trouble. It’s 6 : 1 ^ 6:16—Marak Wabar'a Orehaatra to Red Cross Headquarters at the BOY SCOUT NEWS Following la the list of ment Austin, Tex.— (A P )— A robot that rity, Edward J. Holl, Arthur tiling, veritable building boom In the face elderly artist. She would go bach klra wrec wlac wwl wtoo W d ktrh 8:M— 6:30—Night Club of tha Radio the Chur.ih of Our Lady of Lourdes. automatically grades students’ pa­ Charles W. Ktmbon, '^Albert U i' ful as possible should meet with you who should be investigated. ktaa waco koma wdbo wbt wdae whig 6:00—10:0(^—Oan. Johnaen'a Comment office of R. J. Smith Inc., 963 Mam badges and their examiners: Art, haps it Is with a view to convincing to him, and tell her story once more. wdbj wwva wmbg waji wmbr wala New Haven—Corone- James J. pers ia making life easier for pro­ trery atom of sympathetic and of Inflated prices for structural ma- But women like you get by with 6:1^—10:1^—Tha Choir Symphonatta street between 3 iqd 5:30 on Thurs­ By DANNY SHEA School art ‘ teacher; architecture Crowell, Clifford Cheney. If he couldn’t help, she would ask ktul kgko wcoa wdne wnoz kwkh know 6:3(^10!60—Celia Oamba and Violin Scouts and Scouters: (Jorrigan ordered the release from fessors at the University of Texas. him tbat he could not Improve the anything." wmmm wjno weha wpar wmaa weoc day when there will be Girl Scouts The committee voted to oend s . Jiclpful response that can be given. teriaJa and labor have been disap­ B u s i n e s s the police to keep a lookout for an 10:0m-11:00—Nawa Vagabonda Quartet custody of john A. Ruffin, 47, ot surveying, Millard Park; athleUcs The robot can grade only certain .situation there, even from the view­ wrva 10:1^—11:1^>Klng*a Jaetara Orehaatra at headquarters to take the reports. Congratulations again for the letter of censure to a Hartford ' I t baa been a long time coming, this pointed. They were bound to be. Having indulged herself by this old woman wearing a red'scarf. Be­ MIOWE8T — wmbd wlan wlbw kfh West Haven, after questioning con­ ard physical developrient, Charles tjrpes of tests In which the student newspaper for on account of the mental berating of the despised A r­ Kh3m-11:30—Jimmy Daraay Orehaatra Chairman Rohan also wishes ,o turn out for 'J>e Storrs-(k>ast Guard S. Wlgren, Wilfred Clarke: auto- point of the sternest Nazi, that the yond that— but Patty wouldn’t wkbb w u q wkbh wcco wabt kac>~wnaz 11:00—12:00—Joa Ralehman’a Orchactra football game. Despite the weather, cerning the death of his housekeep­ merely checks the right, or wrong, Armistice Day parade cairied ^ take part. fSach scoutmaster will church publication. which this la even approximately up there by Incantation, and then two or three glasses of water, aa left you at the door ot Alan's apart- Is In great trouble," Patty said. P.uddell; plumbing, Raymond Mer­ sets for him, 8 1-2 hours a day. Tbe First to s^eak Is Philip Murray, 6:80— WrightvIUe Clarion. 10:30— Tony Wons and bis Scrap­ take his troop on a different route Baltimore, Md.—Mrs. S. Bryce discover all at once that physically For A. F. ot L. hot as It may be taken In the menL" "This young man and an old woman book. ______Day cer; pioneering, Hayden Griswold; ^ true. It will probably prove to be vice president of the United Mine First of the delegates of the 6:45— Whispering Jack Smith. as directed by the committee prior Wing, well-known In steeplechase „niU AM bef Mt Pka ta MC» Vktu PsciMsij camp Inmate must stay not less mouth. If you have found from "So, she told you that?" Ardath who was bugging In front the day 10:45— Ruth Carhart — Songs. Eastern Standard Time pathfinding, William Qulsh; paint­ ‘ the case that the Post Office's con- we are still at tbs bottom, that Is Workers’ Organizing Committee American Federation of Labor past experience that the taking ot was smiling queerly. "I guess she's 7:00—Amos 'n' Andy. to the start. The routes V.-1U sdl wind and bunting circles in ihe east. ing, Cecil Kittle; photography, Leon not very good evidence that we than a year, not more than five. He has a voice so soft and mellow to come from the room is George my friend came here are the only if 7:16— Vocal Varieties. 11:00— Magazine of the Air. up at a camp which ia owned and . tacts with the unemployed or par­ a little baking soda In warm -water pretty scared. Women who arc two people who could help her.” 11:30— Big Sister —Dramatic Skit. Fallot; radio, William E. Krah; This may seem incredible but tbe it pours. He t stifled befo-e a sen­ Harrison, prcsldc-it of the rail brings rellet from atomach gas. it scared will say moat anything." 7:80— News Reporter. New York, Nov. 16— (A P )—Tele, kept up by Troop IS, of the Second HIS MAJESTY THE KINO stfety, Samuel G. Gordon; scholar­ tially employed' are far from com have done a "toboggan" to get "W e have no beggars," tbe man 8:00—Johnny with Russ Morgan. 11:45— Aunt Jenny’s Real U fe 18 A TOUGH LANDLORD bald statement of fact was contain­ ate committee during its inquiry way clerks. All the delegates are Is all right to use this treatment as "Tell the truth,' Patty spoke, vision, aa displayed on occasion ('kingregatlonal Church. A pro­ ship, Mr. Bentley: slgna.llng. Arthur Fifth Annual down where we now are. began stiffly’. 8:30— Wayne King's Orchestra. Stories,- while field testing Is under way In plete. It la vary much to be doubt­ Into steel strikes. He didn't an­ weil dresced, but Harrison perhaps an emergency treatment. However shortly. gram will be arranged and put on Anderson; sculpture. Art teacher; Perhaps our readers will recall ed on Sunday In a Johannesburg ''I’ve heard that before." Patty 9:00— Vox Pop. 12:00—Noon—Mary Margaret Mc­ New York, ia widening tbe scope ot London.— (A P ) — Think of the ed If every person properly to oe swer questions yes or no, but us-d Is more casually careful in dress this measure should be regarded as "W hy didn't you go to Alan Jef- upon arrival at the camp. The com­ soil management, Arthur Dean' dispatch to the New York Times. answered. "Just the same there 9:30— Hollywood Mardi Gras. Bride. Its demonstrations. mittee will neet tomorrow night British nobility, when rent day rolls Exhibition of Oil Paintings entered in this ceiuua will receive some of the numerous times when every questl.'n as an avenue for than the rest. He looks a bit like a a temporary treatment and not as a try'.’" Ardath asked. stamp collection, LaBlrge Geer, was an old woman In front of this 10:30—Jimmy Fiddler. P. M. Within the next week a half- and make last minute plans for the around. Many of them hold estates we have refused to conionr to the The flag that files down there Is a gument. H i leans toward the bank vice-president and talks permanent cure. "1 did. He wasn I at home. The Leonard wood carving, Water Colors and Sculpture Crafts one of the census blanks. It la building, and my trlcnd gave her 10:45— "How to Fill Out Unemploy­ 12:15— Your News Parade. dozen or more test showings have event before asuing tbe orders and which theoretically still belong to not German, not Italian, not Riia- theatrical aide and becomes tire­ man-to-man with high railroaa The drinking ot the hot watei people next door saw him leave this woodwork, wood turning, Henry practice of speaking of the "recent" some to a few, but ranks aa the some money and a red wcxilen ment Census Blanks." 12:30— Romance of Helen Trent — been docketed—one for fashion ex­ routes to the troops. the king. So they pay their grasp­ BY LOCAL AMATEUR ARTISTS equally probable that a certain pro­ officials. Pre.sldent Jeffers of Union will usually cause the ImmedUte ai'lcrnoon with his suitcases." Miller. depression, taking the ground that aian. It Is British. The motto Is. teat negotiator for Joan L. Lewis's Pacific once introduced Harrison scarf—'■ 11:00—News. Dramatic Skit. perts and all the others (or amateur And now as we near tbe holidays, ing royal landlord the terrific rent el portion of those who do not receive belching of gas and you will then Patty immediately regretted the In all probability, "N o nonsense." CIO. as speaker at a banquet, saying "A red scarf!" the man exclaim­ 11:16— Pollah Orchestra. 12:45— Our Ool Sunday— Dramatic nidlc station owners. AU will orig­ let us think of the good turns which —a snowball or a red rose. the depression could never be con­ words. She had seen a look in Ar- Skit EXPENSIVE DATE them In the general distribution something to thLs effect; We differ note that some of the tenderness at ed. "Oh, of course. Will you come 11:46— Al Donahue's Orchestra. inate from the RACA-NBC picture are left open for ua to do. A few One family holds an estate sim­ St. Mary*! Parish Hall win not concern themaelvea over sidered a thing of the past so long FOR CIO on many questions, but Harrison the top of the stomach la relieved Jalh's eyes that she recognized. The In?" 12:00— Weather Report. 1:00— Betty and Bob— Dramatic studio In Radio City via the Empire troops may tike to collect toys ply because their ancestor, years 103 Church Street look of the rat slipping between the Skit Philadelphia—The new creases In as a quarter o f the population was David Duhlbsky, .president of knows railroad operation. The next thing to do is to lake Patty walked In. She had a nerv­ 12:02—Jerry Blaine’s Orchestra. State building trananiUer. around town (or distribution to the ago, was always ready to do the the omission, or perhaps even tie a plain warm water enema, in ordei cal's paws and into Its own dark 1:15— Betty Crocker — Household his trousers “ost William Henry living on rcllrt or on shockingly low the ladies' garment workers, Matthew Woll. like Diiblnsky, Ij ous feeling that maybe she shouldn't 12:30— Harold Stem’s Orchestra. The fashicu guests, nere for the needy children at Christmas time king a good turn. He was prepared STARTING TUESDAY, NOV. 16, 7 P. M. TO 9 P. M. aware that the government is try­ sole. Hints. Snyder, Jr., 27, $5.65. In New York pops out tl.rougb the door and shoulder high to most men. He to produce an almost immediate el he following him. HIs eyes had 1:00—Silent annual style spectacle, fashion Others may want to do their spon­ to carry a sliver bowl and accom­ .standards. We have been gradual­ 1:30—;Arnold Grim’s Daughter — pany the king when he crossed the He paid that amount for break­ ing to contact him. I By Qsors* Ro— heads for the elevator. He seldom wears a wing collar. 1s dressed os feet In the lower part ot the large "Pretty dumb of me," Patty gleamed so queerly at the mention Tomorrow's Program. futures, naturally will see by air a soring Institution a good turn. There THROUGH THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18 ly, slowly, fumbllngly getting out. o o vh groaned to herself. Dramatic Skit. sea—In case the sovereign got sea­ ing a window to get hU suit after It ia further Improbable that talks to masses of reporters, and If he had come from a corporation Intestine. Great rellet often ( 11 . of tbe red scarf. A. M. program of fashions. This showing are many things which a Boy Scout the use ot this simple treatment. "Gone away, has he?" Ardain 1:45— HoIlyw(x>d In Person. will be Thursday afternoon. sick. Mrs. Sarah Spltler’s tailor shop had Tea Served Each Evening, 7 P. M. to 9 P. M. . there will be anything like a full hut we never have got t.ll the way BROADWAY WELCOMES HOME hli only comment Is that he Is go­ directors’ meeting. Not all labor They were walking dowL a hall. 6:00— Blue Grass Roy. may do to help his community. Let’s ing to New York to help elect La groups like him, but he la vlce- In some cases the fermenting food mu.sed. "Well, even It he were here, 2.00— News Through a Woman's The amateurs arc to take a look think this over and make sure that Quit rents, these are called. closed for the night. Snyder told response by those who do receive out. Business has been marvelous BO) WHO 5IADE GOOD IN And now the man was throwing a 6:30— "Reveille". Ciiardla. He Is chunky and short, pre.sldent ot the A. F. of L., vice- producing the gas la still In tho and even If 1 were at his place 6:55— Studio Program. Eyes— Kathryn Cravens. at television next Monday and Tues­ every one of as Uvea up to the seC' They’re rellca of the feudal aya- tbe Judge he bad to have tbe suit Admission 10c. In the last couple of years —but only HOIJ.lW(K)D door wide. 2:15—News Sendee. the cards, unless a very great num­ comes about up to your vest pock­ president of the pheto-engravers Intestine and you will not be able which, reinemoer. I m not admitting 7:00—Morning Watch—Ben Haw­ day night, the demonstration to be ond phrase tn the Boy Scout Oath— tem. for a date. 2:30—American School of the Air. divided into six sectlo.ia, three each ber of other persons Interest them­ as compared with the deeper de­ By OEORGB ROSS et. He has a white-toothed sllce-of- a;-(< president of th Union- Laboi to re.ach It with the enema, but It wouldn't help you any. Jlil Seated near a glowing fire, knit­ thorne. 'T o help other people at all times.” 3:00— Ray Block’s Varieties. night, to accommodate all of them. pression depths. Yet we are still apple smile and talka with s clippy Life Insurance company. That last nevertheless, considerable good will Wentworth is not telling the truth. 1 ting briskly, was an ancient-looking 8:00— Newa A t this time may we compliment selves In making the purpose of the accent. He la a master at keeping 3:30—John J. Duffy. New York. Nov. 18—The Stage; sort of mokes him a corporation di­ be apparent, as the cleansing of the didn t see her that morning arounu old woman. About her shoulders 8:15— Good Morning Melodies. Troop 47. St. Mary's Boy Scouta (or census clear, unless the census is stumbling as we make our way. So hla organization of garment work­ 3:45— Academy of Medicine. Next In tbe series of fight broad­ Evei since Clifford Odets, the rector. colon gives the food a bettei chance 8 o'clock. You can tell her for me was a cheery red scarf. 8:30— Radio Bazaar. the record they hold In the Charter we object Just as stoutly to calami­ ers loyal. He is a CIO man. In turn these men will soon oe casts WJZ-NBC 1s giving round oy made so much a subject of general theater's white hope, succumbed to to move on further down and the ihat she’ll have to think up another "Nanna," began the man sternly, 9:00— "Musical Stage." Oak Council for reglatratlon. The ty talk now as ive did last year and And a third CIO man, over six tr.lking to William Green, presi­ round comes Friday night at 10 Interest and conversation that con­ HolIy%vood, Broadway had been gas will be encouraged to escape ol alibi.” "did you take some money from a 0:15— Gretchen McMullen. boys have never been late In getting feet, taller even than Murray, dent of tho A.F. ot L. Like Lewis, itself. "Why you—you terrible, uncon­ 9:30— Food News. when Henry Armstrong, New feath­ their money in and we understand viction will be carried to even the the year before to any i retense that awaiting his new play young woman when you went out bicrges out of the door. It Is Joseph j'ou also know him. It was unaer 0:45—Artistry of Homemsklng. POUCECOURT erweight champion, meets Billy that once more they ore right on everything was lovely. Had the movies tarnished bis Many patients under my direct scionable liar—you." for a breath ot air early yesterday most physically and socially Isolat­ c urrsn, president of the National h m that labor split. He'd like co 10:00— Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Besuhuld of Jersey Ctlty, N.* J. deck aa their registration time ap­ talent? Corrupted his social point supervision have reported that ex­ "Haul out all the compllmentr morning ? And where did you get ed. of view? Made him a Mammon Murttlma Union. He Is young, in patch it up. cellent results were obtained by us you happen to have with you," A r­ Patch. After a trial In which the state Clem McCarthy and George Hicks proaches. Frank Crawshaw leads worshipper? And diverted nla that scarf?" 10:16— John's Other Wife: produced four witnesses and the de­ will announce. the tr(x>p. Any moderately educated person PALKA APPEAL Ing the enema and 1 frequently dath replied calmly. "I gucM 1 can Tbe old woman's bright' eyes dramaturgic eye to the eventual recommend It in my practice. Usu­ take them 1 always knew you 10:80—Juat Plain Bill. fense a like number George A. Avery And now may ws leave you with will have no trouble In understand­ twinkled. "Did aUe repent her bar­ Listening tonight; The appeal of Frank Palka, con­ scenario? Broadway had been ment from tbe audience and awhile than return to Hollywool ally the heart rate steadies down, didn't like me, Patty." 10:45— Today’s Children. of Addison was found guilty of vio­ the reminder that troop scribes gain and want the pretty scarf Talk—WJZ-NBC 9, Rep. ing the requirements to be met In asking these questions a long lime shushes people who whisper. His when " I ’d Rather Be Right" bloating disappears, and pains due “ 1 don't like you,' Patty spoke 11:00— David Harum. lation of the rules of the road and Maury must have their write-ups In before victed murderer of a Bridgeport oack? Or mayoe sac didn't know fined $10 and costa by Deputy Judge Maverick of Texas on What's filling out the blanks. There will I ntll Odeta came along with a collat'orator, George 8. Kaufman, reaches tbe end. to accumulated gas disappear soon bluntly. "But my feelings toward 11:15— Backstage Wife. Wednesday night In order to Be policeman, which was argued be­ It was a beeg bill she was giving Thomas Datmaher at the session of >heod of Congress." new drama, entitled "Golden also paces tbe auditorium but us­ after the enema is used. you haven t anything to do with 11:30— How to Be Cba,rming. printed In Thursday night’s troop be, however, a considerable number ually comes to rest. me?" 11:45—"Hello Peggy.” the Town Court held lost night W EAF-NBC— 7:3b Rudolf Friml. fore the United States Supreme Boy." Piracy In those cases where sever colicky this. You were at Alan's because news. p i: of addresseea who are not even 8. N. Behrman attends bis own The man shook bis head In mock 12:00— "Getting the Most Out of Avery proved to be a better sUte Jr., orchestra; 8 Johnny and Russ Court last week and on which a It ia a play he announced that Mere frequently than they pains have been present, It Is a JIU said you were. And I'll find Take it easy. moderately educated, or who lack he would write, even while he premieres with a party of friends W'ould prefer, deriartment sttircs disapproval, "You'd never know L ife "—Rev. William L. witness than a defense witness leclslon may be expected In the and sits quietly among the paying good plan to follow the enema with Alan, and he'll say so. U you that you were the nioUiei ot a ce- Stldger. when be took tbe stand. Jba hear­ confidence In themselves or for some tolled In Hollywood’s Jute mill. discover that somenne l.ns walked hot applications over the*entlre ab­ think he'd snleld you when Jill a in near future, poses a question of It Is said to be based on tbe lUe guests. speclable painter. Shameless. Tak­ P. M. ing was tl)|B result ot on accident on off with a trifle here and there, hav­ domen for the purpose ol producing danger, you are not as smart as 1 other reason will need to be helped of Lou Ambers, erstwhile light­ Richard Rodgers takes in hla ing money. No wonder this young 12:111—"Young Wldder Jones.” South Main street a week ago Sat­ Kreat Importance In criminal court ing evaded the vigilance of the relaxation. The beneficial effect ot In doing their part. weight champion of the world; cun shows calmly with bis wile. think you are. You should Knuw lady was out searching for a beg­ 12:30— Organ Melcxilea with Wal­ urday. Tbe car In which James bouse detectives. such hot applications are usually prec'dure In the United States. and It la the story of bow a aensl- But hla partner, Lorenz Hart, is oetler than anyone that be love.-- gar." ter Dawley. GIgllo was a passenget was over­ Every citizen In a position to do But when one of those giant most apparent In the case of tbe Jill." Palka, It will be remembered, young fellow must sacritice another floorpacer. He turned to Patty: "She get up^ 12:45— Singing Sam. turned and GlgUo suffered a frac­ so should willingly as.sLst any shops suddenly finds itself unable nervous patient. Perhaps twenty Ardath did know better than any­ was tried for the killing of a police hla hands from the violin for the Jed Harris declines to attend to account for a canoe mls;-iiiig every morning at 6 and goes ^ , J:00— News and Weather. tured collar bone. neighbor or even strangci who asK» minutes before he was sure he was one. Hale was unveiled In her eyes l allouB trade of pugilism, because Lis own opening nights. Crijm stock, that constitutes hews tor a onet while. She nau tne 1;15—Joyce Jordan. Gerald Demensy of 118 Pine flker during the comtnlsalon of a going to die, but vvltb the taking ot "1 suppose you think all this bis advice or aid In filling out a ot the unbalanciid social struc­ When a Maxwell Anderson among the most ambitious ol (jack In France, and I naven 1 1:30—Marjorie MUls. street, arrested yesterday afternoon robbery. He was convicted of sec­ show opens up. the author re­ the enema and the application ol sweet conversation is helping youi 2:00— Marc Williams. on tbe charge of reckless driving questionnaire card. And. if he hap ture. And It approaches Its dra­ shoplifters. That Is exactly wnat atile to break ner ol It, though mains by bis fireside In tbe coun­ tbe heat, be begins to quiet down. friend. Well, It isn't. She can look 2:15— Beatrice Fairfax. after bis truck was in collision wltb ond degree murder. Probably sup- matic crux when those hands happened to one of the behemoth winter mornings here and in pens to know of one who should try or partonlzea a neighborhood It is a wise precaution for you to to her smart lawyers. And If they 2:30— Carlile, London—and Bon a pleasure car on Parker otreet bod [sirted by the knowledge that they which once trembled o\er a con­ stores recently. T ils la how de­ south of France are very different."' have a card and has not, .^hoiilil see movie. keep these Instructions where you put me on tbe stand. I'll swear she Bon. hla cose continued until Wednes­ certo or sonata. Kill a man In tbe tectives decided It was done: "She looked at her watcb and would have a fresh hold on Palka Marc Connelly goes home after may find them easily and thus you IS crazy. As for Alan, don't you 2:45— Men of the West. day. His truck after being In tbe The to It that he gi ts one at the near­ ring. Two fellows, attired In work said, 'It’s scex o’clock,'" the :old In a second n.urdcr charge for the Those questions that Broadway the final rehearsal, switches 11 will be prepared when you neeti think If he were going to do any­ 8:00— Pepper Young’s Family. collision with a car driven by Mrs. est post office. clothing, wandered Into the apo.t woman oroke 111 merrily. “ And 1 asked about Odeta were satlstac- Ctrnial clothes, goes to a palatial them. They are particularly help- ' thing for her, he d have called hei 3:15— Ma Perkins. Rutb J. Hall o t Lydoll otreet over­ Killing of a second |>ollecman on the Ing goods department, casually said, 'You don't have to tell me tire It is, after all. a kind of elec­ ••irlly answered by "Golden Loy.' place for a patrician dinner and ful for those who suffer from gas oefore this?" 8:30—Vic and Sade. turned. causing injuries to Mrs. ■caled from the verdict lamishcd by his stay out there Host unruffled of them all is colitis. Pelvic disorders of women “There are ways to make people Donald Slmnl5hs o f Center street ■ bring you the outstanding musical event est not In a political candidacy but were hardly que.stioned; when the back." Pl.t that did not assure hU play George Abbott, who visits his own elevator runner a-sked them are generally made worse by disten­ talk,'' she said slowly. "And per­ passenger In the truck complained and obtained a new trial. This Patty sat down weakly.^PY^lekse of the year—the concert by the In an essential step .stalling, con­ of u universally enthusiastic re­ premieres as If they belonged to where they were taking the tion of the Intestines with gas. jury Is a punishable crime. Don t of a bead injury. lime Palka was foiuid guilty in the someone else. excuse me. But I feel a UtUU faint. ceivably, the solution of the unem­ ception. . Thos* who greeted It cuioe, they responded that It waa which forces the Intestine against forget that when you’re sum­ WDRC WUUsm Howell o f North School After 1 recover a bit, 1 w iM .you first degree and sentenced to death with praise, spoke In the most on Its way to the advertising of­ the sensitive pelvic organa. Very moned." street was given a 80 day JoU sen­ ployment problem. And 1/ lialf as and your son to go wltb me to tbe n s Hartford, Conn. 1880 tence oh tbe charge breach of the Then his counsel appealed, on the flattering terms. Those who did B ri^ w a y Greatest Joy fice, to be photographed. Thence often painful periods are quickly "Nobody can prove 1 was there, o l many people Interest themselves In not care for "GolJeti Boy".' dis­ police. Tbe girl who gave you tbe peace. He woe orreeted at his home WESTMINSTER CHOIR About that young lady, Joy to the street where a waiting relieved by tbe use ot s abort fast berause I wasn't," Ardath persisted 'Bastem Standard Time ground that the second trial was il­ paraged It in no uncertain words. red scarf is in trouble. Tbe pollcs lost night by Officer Michael Fitz­ seeing to It that the wholly or par­ Hodges, who baa within a fort­ truck boro it to an unknown des­ and the use of one or two enemas "And If Alan says so. I'll say he is legal in that It had violated the The majority vote, nevertheless. claim she was somewhere else at 8 gerald, who told the court that High School Hall, tially employed fill out their cards night burst upon tbe scene aa tne tination, sans sales s ip. to cleanse the colon. Men who are no gentleman and Ip only trying to v.a» on "Golden Boy's aide. romantic ingenue In the smash yesterday morning." Tneoday, Nov. 16. Howell was breaking uj furniture. (^institution by placing Palka's life ruptured must be on guard against save Jill from prison. 1 guess with or have cards to fill out, as interest I' is being acted now in the late hit, "I'd Rather Be Right", as one "They do. do they?" began the P. U. Stephen KroU, arrested at the In Jeopardy for a second time for r r s SM ART TO .-vtnr d u .m b , excessive gas preasure. all her looks and money, she'll gel MONDAY, NOV. 29 at 8 p. m. themselves at election time In hunt­ Havid Belusco'a ornate playhouse of the stars In a current talkie old woman. "I^ose police! Well, 4:00—Between the Bookendo. f(x>tball gome Sunday afternoon was BRlUilT GIRL SAYS Those who are especially troubled by with a few years In prison the same offense. This appeal went by the Group Theater, where a I who has become the darling 1 guess this win prove something. 4:15—Bob ^ r o n . Shod 310 and costa on the charge of Tickets On Sale ing up stray voters and telling them by excessive gas or flatulence are When she oomes out, she won t be up to the national Supreme Court, Odets had Lis artistic start, and of the various broadcasting apon- Are those the girl’s— what do you 4:30— Story o t Industry. IntoxlcaUoo, the breach of peace how to vote, the undertaking might its chief protagonists are Luther Falrbum, Ga.—(A P )—"Don’t be welcome to send for my three ar­ eo bighhat, 1 imagine." 6:00—Ad-Llner. charge being nolled. By AU Mem­ Tickets has been heard there and awaits de­ Bora. She Is a lissome-figured a 'smarty' ’’ Is Martha Bledshoe's say lo your Engleesh-tneetiais?’’ well be a pretty complete success. Adler and Frances Farmer— she lady, brunette, in her early 'a ticles along this line. Get the ar­ 5:30— "M agic Island.” A further continuation was cision. 20 advice to girls everywhere. ticles and study them and learn how She took tbe red scarf from her Make your doubting nelghtxir un­ o> tbe films. Miss Farmer, who and halls from Des Moines, where There was no help here. Patty 6:45—"HlUtop House." granted until Wedneedsy to ’Ter­ bers and At Martha la only 14 and has been to avoid tbe causes of flatulence, shoulders and handed it to Patty. 6:00— News Service. It Is the contention of the state is lovely to look at and blonde, sLe attended dancing; school, she admitted to heraell that Ardath had rance Cunningham of Cedar street $ 1-00 derstand that filling out the card is pretty busy getting to bo a high but U you suffer from excessive gas Inside were the letters, embroid­ 6:16 — Hartford fhibUe ' School Watkins and that the first trial, the appeal and lured far worse than Odets In tbe made her way Into the movioa tbe upper band. There were times on a charge of reckleee driving. He not going to get him anything— general consensus. school senior and the Georgia spell­ before the tendency to flatulence is ered on a silk marking band, Series. the second trial were all parts ot via a dance orchestra with which ing champion at this age but she has when Ardath could look so sweet J. W." was arrested two weeks ago, when either Immediate benefit or trouble she sang. completely overcome, do tbe things 6:80— Dick Delbert, organist his automobile woe In eoUlsloo with KeUer’a the same procedure. In contradic­ had time to figure out the follow­ and appealing. She could picture (To Be Concluded) —-but ia merely calculated to help First Night 4lri>ny Moss Hart discovered her for ing: whk^ 1 have told you about today, 6:86—George Hall's or^eatra. a bicycle on which two boye were tion of the defense's claim of double 8pcaking of plays and First his musical lampoon while listen­ and gain relief. Tbe articles may 6:48— Song Time — Ruth Coihort riding at Pork and Chestnut atreeta. the government help him by and by. Nights, it long has been a mat­ •’It takes a pretty smart girl to be secured by writing to me in care or rayon? Also, la there any color —Bill Perry. Jeopardy. ing to a broadcast In Hollywood know when to act dumb. The Ihe average person living m a city and jrou will have been doing your ter of wonder aa to what play­ one night. Her true name Is not of this p a^r, asking for the three wblch is best (or the health of the and working indoors wui- an ade­ 17:00— Poetic Melodies. ACnviTY MAN The case is an extraordinary one. smarter she is the less she will ex­ 7:16—To Be Announoed. Mt In this unusual but necessary wrights do while their brain chil­ Joy. She says that she changed hibit IL articles on E1XUE8SIVE GAS, and wearer?" quate beating system la instaued Appeals by the ststs from verdicts dren are aborning. Well, Investi­ it to Joy when a numerologist enclosing a large, self-addressed, Answer: Any ot these mate'nais 7:30—Pomoua Actors' Guild Pre­ Seattle—A Unlvorslty of Wash­ "There are times w-hen aha might may find It poastole tc use cotton sents Helen Menken. STEPMEADilQ) in any kind of criminal Uiqls are gation reveals this much; Udets told her that 1937 would be the cultivate a mild stupidity: stamped envelope. may be considered entirel; sanitary or silk or rayon underwear the year ington freohmon, listing bis oeUvl- generally stands In the back ot luckiest year of her life. providing they ore cleonoed often 8:00— "B ig Town.” Uea for the sludent yeoihook, said unusual. In homicide cases they "Boys don’t like smart girls.” around and still remain comfurlaoie i. 8:80—A l Jolson. ROOSEVELT, TOO >.be darkened orchestra, leans The Idol of her Uie, at the mo­ QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS encugb. As a genera, rule, tnoac be belonged to: were almost U not entirely un­ a^-alnat a side wall and. hopes for even in the coldest weatner. I'he :00—Watch the Pun Go By. BE MOSET AHEAD ment, is George M. Coban, who (Clothing) living In colder climates ore to*, color chosen muft depeno ujwn tne "F lat feet, earache and appendl- M r. Roosevelt has joined the known until this case developed. the best. Jnck Oolde’e Oollege. dUa once.” buys her Ice cream several tlmaa A platinum wl-e has bean mads Question: A. B. A. Inquires: ones most likely to prefer either Individual taste o' the wearer - -bne 5 ■ImHy bowlers, uicAili tbat Moss Hart wandesB around the a week. And she thinks that she'd with a diameter ot oiuy on a-thir­ 10:80-^Del C aalno-Songsr^ He apparently hod mlotaken “ ef- Many kiUers have apeaped with "WhlcL ia the/most sanitary under­ Wuolen underwear or a loixture ot color csui not be sold to ^ mofe 10:46-^Four Store. DBIVEAN- i/bola tbaatsr. aseklna encourage- rather kang around Broadway ty-thousandth of an iweb filisUons^ to r "aSUettono.” wear—cotton, Wool, Unen, pure silk woolen wUh aoma othoz mattinoL healthful than arty other* ' * OIDSMOBUE I

■ '■i and all withdrew as candidates. It WESLEYAN OIIIJ) nCES^ cation o f the Amalgamated Cloth­ three years and dutrtct officers and teresting session. The ru u t speak M NORIB END waa then voted to empower the d ty ing Workers. His father was a SEE JAPANESE delegates to be held in Gilead er waa Mlaa Qarab H. Abbe of South BRITAIN GREETS GOV. CROSS committee to fill any vacancy on the textile manufacturer, but from Grange Hall on Friday. Windham, whose subject was, Washington instead of to headquaz' ITS NEW PRESIDENT ticket. boyhood Charles associated himself Mlro Harriett Fuller of Bristol TradMBsrk Heitlstsred U. ■. Patsat Offlea. with the cauM of the working man "Puerto Rico, Isle of Enchantmnt,' tera In the state. * PARKING RELIEF Will Show Fletom spent the week jnd here with her A t the annual meeting of Ashford A bronze tablet will be placed on before NANKING Commander Edward L. New­ and has fought for It all bis life. Christian Endeavorera at the HOLLYWDOD FRANCIS v v aJ O C L LEOPOLD, ENVOY LINKED WITH slater. Miss Rachel Anne Fuller. Grange Joseph Dlmock w m elected the stone marking the grave of Mra. green and vicinity to the number of Mrs. George McKinney Elected market will show seven reels of mo- The dance in K. of C. hall follow­ DSC “ MOCMA John R. May, Of Blffclow Th# Misses Jane apd Edith Craven overseer for the next year and Wil­ Angelina Lortag Avery. Connecti­ about ten attended the Wllllaman To Head Sooth Methodist Qo^mces tto| pictures st the meeting ot ing the mass meeting is open free liam Ddwnea a member of the exe. StrMt, Entcm Birds In Show COMMON COUNCIL 0. lUS to all textile workers and friends of West Hartford spent the wees cut's last real daughter of the tic Christian Endeavor Union rally Women’s Gronp This Year, WITMNMONTH SHB LiCFrCHtCAOOtte Sbbiley Doboas Post of the A'meri- end aa guests of Mr. and Mrs. cutive committee for two years. Ameriesm Revolution. at Soqth Coventry Sunday evening. Depot Square Merchaots popi HOLLWwoon GOES T^BERLIN To Open Here Tomorrow. STRIO RIOTS can L ^ o n to be held this evening. of Rockville and vicinity. There The Daleville pearl button mill Henry J. Blakeslee. George Lowry. 60, died al hli Services here were omitted on ac­ (Oontiniied from Page One) cmeuep ntM AS cp u jot The pictures will Include the French will be no admlssloa charge what­ remains closed for the third week. Mrs. George McKinney of 93 (Oonttmied from Page One) BUDGET FOR THE YEAR soever, and refreshments al«o will The Dorcas society wUl hold Ita In Mansfield Center. Thursday count of the rally. John H. May of Blgolow street (OOBttnned from Paga Ona) battlefields and other scenes which Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Robertson morning. For many years he oper­ Seek Remofal Of West Footer street was elected preeldent returned last night from Danielson be free. The dance a ^ l open with­ regular meeting a. the library Wed­ Children in the family of Ira Shan. Yangtze river port on the he took while on the A. B. F. pil­ nesday oftarnoon. ai'd Mra. Agnea Woodworth motor­ ated ona of the most extensive poul­ Turshen ha'-e been iD with chickeu of the Wesleyan Guild at its month­ water route to Nanking, and Chi­ aln and Germany could enter Into a where be brought back hla bantams state poUoe) out because o f their Schedule Of City Expenses grimage to France. out charge to all the textile work­ ed to Hartford Saturday. new friendship. ers, their families and fellow work­ Schools Ir town will be closed try plants in the sUte at East Wil­ pox, but have recovered and are PkrUet There. ly meeting of ml, groups held laat nese troop concentrations between that were exhibited In the show held aetlvtuca.” Orange Meeting A meeting of the young people of The Hallfaz-Hitler talks wUl cov­ Now To Be Put Before Vot­ ers In the outlying towns. Thursday afternoon as the teach­ ton. His white leghorns were hack In sch(X>l. The fam ily ot the Chinese Defense lines and Nan­ In that placa Tbey will be entered Smith's Tasttmoiiy. The Tolland Qrance will bold their South Wllllngton waa held Sunday night at the South Methodlit er a wide range of topics, Including ers A t Meeting In December Sojka’s orchestra of Rockville ers wUl attend the teachers' meet leading in that breed of'pens and Charles Woodward In Amston it the king. In the show which opens under the Smith than teetlfled the governor regular meeting this evening st evening at Memorial church. Mem- one year -a white leghorn scored church. Mrs. McKinney suceeeda the new Rome-Berlln-Tokyo pact went to Middletown before bla men baa been engaged to play for the tag in Oolcheste.'. latest to be visited by the disease. auspices of the Manchester Poultry which time the first and 'second de­ ders o f the Tolland young people's highest In record of all entries in AdTocatinc an Immediate cbangre Mrs. Paul Dalke who with Mr. Japan's North China forces were against Ckimmunlsm. Berause of left on Nov. 2 hut he did not know RockvlUe, Nov. 16—A t the meet­ dancing which will begin at 8 The (^rlatlon Etadeavor aoctety Mlaa Nancy Kulynych waa home Association In tha State Armory grees will be conferred on a does society were guests and related In the Storrs laying contest Mr. la the praaent layout of Depot Dalke is now living In Columbia. approaching the Yellow River, five reported uneaalneaa In Paris and If the governor’s order for ^ with­ o'clock and continue until mid for the week-end her work In here tomorrow and will oontlnue ing of the Common (Council held of candidates. The flrat degree will wlU hold Ita November Fellowablp teresting facta about their society. Lowry was Itorn In Hung.iry. He Square. Karl fCeUer, north end Mo. Mra C. A. Goodrich, vice presi­ miles north of Tslnanfu. To stem Rome over the meeting, Britain and drawal of the. constabulary resulted night. meeting at the home of Mr. and the office of a Hartford and Newing­ through the remainder of the week Monday night, the budget for* the be worked by the regular officere The mid-week prayer meeting Uavea his wife and two daughters. ton firm. merchant, preeented a petition to dent of the Guild, presided at the the advance, Chinese were said to a c t i n g u j R c p Germany wl!> keep their respective from any complaint about their ac- Mrs. Ajian Bllah Sunday night. Mr. May’s eotrles took second In ilecal year ot 1938 was adopted, to and the second degree by the lades will be beld at the home of Mrs. Ida Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gross of the Board of Selectmen laet n l^ t business meeting which wee attend­ have blown up the Tlentsin-Pukow Him -f r o m d .» c . c la ss- dlplomatte aJlies— France and Italy tlvlUes while on strike duty, or did Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Bllah and M. Brown on Wllllngton Hill Thurs* f “ " t for the eetabltahnieut -< of railway bridge spanning the river cock, second In ben, first, second and degree team of the Grange. Amston were week-end visitors in ed by more than 50 of the members. nooMS, amateur stage. —Informed of the progress of the third In cockerel and fln t In pullet be have knowledge of whether the be acted upon at the city ifleetlng daughter. Mlaa Eleanor were guests day evening at 7:80. Miss Elsie greatly Increaaed parking facilitiee opposite the provlhcial capital. L conversations. governor’s aecretary made an In- Bale and Card Party BOLTON New York City. They were called Mrs. Elzekiel Benson was In charge In the black cochins class. In black In December. of Mias Fanny A. BllaUi the first Layton will conduct the aervlce. to the city on account of the Illness up to *300, get it here .. there. The petition was signed by of devotions and led in the tmglng Most of the refugees leaving- The Duke o f Gloucester and other veatigation of the state police In the The following le the budget as Burpee Woman's Relief Corps will of the week. Ben Robblna of WUlington Hi’ l HEBRON about twenty merchants and Inter- rose comb claaeea hie birds won first strike area. — A t the laat regular meeting of the of a relative. They visited other of hymns, with Mrs. Marion Legg Tslnanfu headed for Tslngtoo, on British dignitaries were at Dover to adopted: Department of Public bold Its annual (Tbrtetmaa sale -and Mr. and Mrs. John C. Vergaaon baa a display of Ingenious mlnlatu:e eetod persona who claim that the seacoeat. In oock, flrat in hen, first In pullet Smith denied that be ever had Orange the followlhg members were Hall fell here Monday, with stones relatives and went to aee the alck entirely on your own'. Burr at the piano. Mra. Dorothy welcome the Belgian steamer Works, General Maintenance (12, card party In the G. A. R. hall on were callers In Maromaa the flrat ot reproductions of Colonial furniture - cramped parking now Injurea busl- One column of Japan's Shanghai and second, third and fourth In clubbed any of the striking Rand Wednesday. The card party will elected Into office; Master, Keeney about the size of large gravel. The onf* At the hospital Keeney played a piano solo, "Invita­ Prina Albert which carried Leopold cockerel. 000; OUlng, $6,000; Parke, $1,800; Hutchinson; Overseer, Joseph the week at Mr. and Mrs. Harry In the sale of the Connecticut So­ The bungalow which Is being put nees at their eatabllahmenta. It la armies was almost within sight of employes or had seen any of htj start at two o'clock and the sale ciety of Craftsmen at Hartford. The storm lasted only a short time, but tion to a Dance" by Weber, and from Belgium. King George him­ The local show will be given as Roller, Salary, repaln, fuel. $1,800: Mack; Lecturer, Ujllan Hutchinson Fenton's. up b) John Lewis of Now Haven on • Repay to suit your propoeed, as a means of relieving Soochow, city of 260,000 about 80 self arranged to meet the Belgian men do so. He said tha stats po­ will Include aprons and other ar­ copies are accurate and beautifully waa lively while It did last The gave an encore In response to en- Engineering, $750; Culverts, gutters Wllllaiti Caffyn and family are t i l Andover road, Is raised and con. oongestion, to entirely do away with miles west of Shanghai. Miss aiatance by members of the Wllll' lice were served "soda and seat- ticles. The regular meeting will be Secretary. Elsie Deer; Steward. made. day was mixed as to weather, with thusiaatlc applause. monarch here at Victoria Station, mantle Poultry Club. Already tbere and Storm sewers, $1,600; Inciden­ moving to Rockville where Mr. structlon Is going m at a rapid the west parklet at the Square. Mr Sarah Glenn of Chester. S. C„ ar­ wlchea" on the Rand plant premlset held in the evening with the presi­ Donald Tedford; Assistant Steward, Lost week Bugbee'u Chevrolet sunshine, rain and hail. purse a Quick, Friendly The speaker of Lbe evening was then drive with him to Buckingham tals, $250; Salary ol Superintendent, Caffyn has secured the acency for rate. Keller said that with the space this rived at Nanking today and report­ Palace. are appllcattone in sufficient and agreed with Cairr that there dent, Mra. Kate Williams presiding. Ray (>>cconl; Chaplain, Mlaa Adella defeated B'nal B'rltb 3 to 0 in the Mr. and Mra. George Rose and Miss Marlon Tinker of Park street. amounts to fill all of the pens that waa a "sort of continuous lunch $8,5(10; Snow and Ice removal, $2,- Loomis; Treasurer, Margaret Man- Dodge and Plymouth cars. Miss Barbara Tennant attended a change would make available, the ed Soochow virtually deserted fol­ Belglaa StablUty Meeting Good Will League bowling matches. two children of Bolton were visito'a She was Introduced by Mra. George the association baa and which arc stand" In operation for their use. 000; Trap rock, $8,500; Sidewalks, eggla; Ceres, Erma Morra; Pomona, M lliUry Ball al Connecticut SUte Service a Strict Privacy. problem would be solved In part. lowing heavy Japanese bombard­ Leopold, who at 35 years of age The regular meeting of Hope Ben’s Grille won two out of three at the morning service at St. Peter's E. Keith who recalled her work In loaned for such purposes. Tbere Strack by Rock. Curbing, Gutters and aewer, $1,500; College Saturday evening. TO provide Ideal parking conditions. ment yesterday. Thousands of Chi­ steered Belgium Into her new "Iso­ Chapter No. 60, O. E. 8., will be held Jane Tedford; Flora, Barbara Cal­ games from the Pearl Buttons of Episcopal church, Sunday. The Rev. 1918 during the influenza epidemic. will be exhtbitora from all parts of He said on direct examination Skating rink, $500, making a total Among week-end visitors here It was said that both parkleta, or at nese leaving the d ty crowded roads lation" policy, will review the entire this evening at Masonic Hall. A houn; Lady Assistant, Norma Wllllngton Hill. Leonard Fllsher of St. John's Mis­ Come in - or phone us Miss Tinker explained that the Kcd the state and from out of the state. that a rock struck him In the back of $34,100. Pesce; Executive Committee 1 year, NIGHT a U B RANSACKED sion. Eaat Hampton, and of ths were Mr. and Mra. Herbert Adama least a part of the east parklet as and canals. diplomatic situation with British class of candidates will be Initiated. Mrs. Emma Oandall of South and their Infant daughter of Weth­ ] well as the western one. would have Cross Is a non-poIlUcal, non-sec­ Many of the birds that will be of the head but on cross-examina­ Department of police. Police sal­ Emily Calhoun; 3 years, Henry Wllllngton entertained the Valley East Haddam Episcopal church, Missionaries Stand By leaders, combining the pleasure of aries, $10,000; Special police, $1400; Mrs. Helen Jewett la chairman of ersfield at the home of J. B. Ten­ to go. The railroad owns all of the tarian organization, making no dis­ shown in the armory here will be tion he waa unable to Identify any Maasley; Juvenile Matron, Lydia Trldge club last week at the home preached on 'T h e Surplus. " the formality with the business of Running expenses $2000 or a total the refreshment committee for BY HOODED RAIDERS nant. Mrs. Adams’ father, and Mr. property In question, and leases it tinction between ciasa or creed. Jt Three American missionaries— taken to WllUmantlc after the close aasallant even in general terms. Young. of Cniarles Allen of whom ahe Is theme being suggested bv the PERSONAL statecrafL of $18,400. November. and Mrs. John Lewis of New Haven. to the town for one dollar a year. maintains permanent local disaster Rev. H. H. McMlIlian of lysurlnburg, of the show where their annual The witness told of scenes at the Louis Albaal, Birch Mt. school, nurse. The prizes were awarded miracle of the loaves and fishes. N. C.; C. G.'McDaniel of Blacktsone, Engliah newspapers lauded the plant July 8 when the riot act waa Lighting department, $12,200. To Bowl Mra. Howard Kelsey sang an of. FINANCE COMPANY Tears ago, both parklet sites were centers which take care ot emer- show opens next week. The B. B. G. club will bowl this pupil ft] the 7tb grade, wrote the fol­ Miami. Fla., Nov. 16.— (A P ) Mra. Arthur Spicer of South Wll­ Va.; and H. A. McNulty of New 'stability" of Belgium which en­ read to the asaembled strikers. He Fire department. Salaries, $5,400; fertory solo at the morning service large sandblows, and the plots were gency needs unti: the national lowing report of Mr. Malley’a visit: Authorities Invextigated today a llngton and Mrs. Ira Wilcox of York City—remained In Soochow to abled the king to leave despite the said there was a "lot of booing and Running expenses, $3,000; Repair­ evening at the Rockville Bowling at the Hebron Congiegatlonal rsa Main ntrarts Room 9. fitata Tkaatav grassed and graded to provide a mobilization of workers are speed­ fact that his country was techni­ center. The memben are asked to “ Wednesday Mr. Malley came to raid by men and women In Ku Klux Eaglevllle. The refreshments were AN'n-SEMmC PLOT BI4«. Tal. Iraalna. ed to etricken areaa. aid frightened Chinese. hiaelng” but the atrlkers stayed ing Wires and Crosi Arms, $250; our achool. He is a World War vet­ pumpkin pie, cheese and codec. church Sunday. A number of the sightly area at the Square. cally without a government since where they were. meet at the alleys at 6:45 o’clock. Klan regalia on the La Paloma Japanese planes and warships 18 POWER COMPANIES Transportation, $100, making a to­ eran. He waa a sailor assigned to a Miss Clara Miller Is being treated Gilead church people attended the Rata of lataraai tS) pmw cant aMiatk- Defending the proposed change. Miss Tinker devoted the greater the recent resignation o f the Van Sergeant John S. Ward of the night club. The proprietor said l^r «a anpald principal aol aKcaadluN bombarded the Wutung and Shut- tal of $8,750. Union Oatbering. submarine chaser. While on a tub- foi- eye trouble at the hospital In Hebron church. It being the last of REVEALED IN HOUYWOOD Selectman Joseph Pero stated that part of her time to an account of Zeeland cabinet Middletown police said on resum­ Aa another step in the campaign the place waa ransacked, entertain­ the aeries of union servlcea held S1U0, aad 19) parcant m oallili* on nnp the sltiiatlon at Depot Square now zuwel forts In the vicinity of Amoy, Health and Sewer Department: marine be became blind. Mr. Mal­ ers were asMuIted and a sum of Talmer, Mass. ramatndar. her work aa area director of Wash Last March Leopold came to Lon' CHALLENGE TVA’S POWER ing the witness stand today that hs. Health, $8,500; New aewert, $1,000; to build a solid union throughout there between the two churches. nmults In a dangerous fire hazard, South China seaport. A party of ley told us about bis times In the money atolen. Saturday night the dramatic Ington County, Ohio, during the don strictly on business. Later bla had taken one of the strangers School nurse, $1,200; Meat Inapec-, the woolen and worsted Industry, a Next Sunday the Hebron church Tnna In **Tona ITnaaan Frlani** as choked traSle lanes cm a shop­ Japanese marines was said to have submarine chaser. One of bis du­ Al Youst, operator of the resort singing society "Svornost" present­ Los Angeles. Nov. 16— (AP) — fiooda In the Ohio River Valley m kingdom completed a new defense (BergolTa mlllwrlgbU) into cus­ tor, $300; Inspector of Public Eat­ m an meeting and free dance will people arc Invited to Join with Gilead Erary •atnrdar»« p. m.. WDRO ^ ping night would make near ap­ explored landing poaBlbllltles, Indi­ ties was to chop the Ice that was on the outskirts of town, reported ed a three act comedy "Mlnulost Leaders of an alleged anti-Semitic January of thia year. She said that plan after breaking away from Demand Records Of Govern­ tody because a lot of strikers were ing Placas, $300; Maintenance of be held in Rockville next Saturday, at the Sunday ser.'ice at 11 a. m. proach at a fire engine Impossible cating that Japanese planned a He MADE LOVE TO HER IN F ilm ROLB, IT-roOK.^ w e d IN1933,THEYtlE on the boat. He told us that they to the sheriff's office the hooded Pana Rady" (The Past of Mr. plot to bomb Jewish film notables’ roacuing maroonba victims was the mutual assistance agreement writh ment Agency; Declare It Is crowding around him an ' be didn't Nov. 30 under the sponeorsblp of The Gilead church will be opened home.s are under surveillance, hut Mr. Pero said that the danger of campaign In that rich, populous and SbARRiNaTOGewit? again in' wells Farg o ; heS 31*, SHE'S 29, Sewers, $500; Filtration plant, did not have fresh food or warm I alders descended laat night follow­ Radyl at ths C. S. P. S. bungalow. first thing accompUahed by utiliz­ Germany, France and Britain. know what might happen. the Textile Workers Organising for the flrat time following the no arreata have been made since the a costly fire spreading In this sec­ hitherto war-free section. Ar> Invasion Of States’ $4,700; Survey of filtration plant, things to eat. The food they bad ing a public Initiation of 150 new Members of Climax Chapter. ing coazt guard cutters and all Under that plan of "independent ' The stranger showed the officer Committee of the CIO. A ll textile Or.ler of Eastern Star visited Wol­ period of closing for renovation. It district attorney's offics began on tion la great Town Engineer (Dispatches from Tokyo reported Rights. $3,000, making a total of $13,400. came from cans. He told us that Klansmen at a city playground, or­ available boats. The people were action," Belgium stands alone, i his “ millwright” card. Ward tostl- workers and their friends In Rock­ cott Chapter at Stafford Hollow win be a service of redcdlcatton oqd Inquiry six weeks ago. (3hlef lu- Frank Bowen, questioned ooncem- continued friction between Japan fied and was asked In return “ what Salarios, Mayor, $500; d t y derk. the submarine that be was on went dered his patrons to leave and then brought to a mass ahelter, neutral state protected by Ita neigh' $800; d t y treasurer, $300; Corpora­ ville and vicinity are invited to both Thursday night wjien a supper was Thanksgiving, with the pastor of '•estlgator Eugene Williams said to- Ing the width of the highway, said and Soviet Russia. The Japanese (Thattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 18 — a millwright waa" and “ha didn't events free of charge. about forty miles per hour. This forced the club to close. baatily set up In schools, churches bora but lending its army to none. tion Counsel, $300; Tax Collector, given. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bd- the two churches, the Rev. B. A. day. that It Is about nineteen or twenty foreign office protested to Russia (A P )—Eighteen power companies seem to toow ." The m an meeting, during which submarine could move out of the He charged $860 In cash and a $7 Lewis, In charge. and similar public buildings. About Pageantry Called For $850; Aaaeasora and Rate Maker, w a ^ of South Wllllngton attended. "Apparently the conspiracy never fast wide at the point of congestion against what waa termed forcible challenging constitutionality ol No Interference. Charles W. Ervin of Now York, way of a torpedo very quickly. Mr. watch was atolen from him and Mrs. George Loomis of Westches­ 50 per cent of the- private homes N. Y . Stocks Local Stocks Leopold's present three-day visit the Tennessee Valley authorlty'i $300; Board of Relief, $15; dty that someone kicked a hole In’ a Miss Flora Schuebeler, a nurse at got beyond the conversational migration Inflicted on Koreans liv­ John 8. Pomfret, another Middle- MaJley said that when he went to Selectman U. T. Wood suggested were used In title way. Emergency waa under different drcumatances. outstanding journalist, will apeak the Windham Community Me­ ter visited her aunt, Mrs. Helen stage," Williams added. He did not ing In Soviet territory. (ow er program today demanded ac. town officer on strike duty, said os Sheriff, $35; d t y auditors, $60; sleep he had to strap himself to hla $125 baas drum. The club was IFs The as an alternative that parking be will take place In the Town Hall White last Friday forenoon. She hospitals were established and In­ Whereas lost March be traveled ceta to communications and other MUk Inspector, $100; d t y (%urt, badly damaged. morial hospital, has been visiting explain why he disclosed the plot. restricted to one side of the street. River Blockaded Adam Ehep ___ Furnished by F. R. Shaw, Inc. wdtbout public show, the arrange' did four other Middletown officers at 2 p. m. and the dance with free bed because the submarine swaya. visited her brother, Paul Jonea, In Early In October, he said, he re­ dividuals treated for injuries and . .. lO 'i files of the government agency. yesterday, that he saw no Interfer­ $2,200; Probation officer, $100: Virginia Daw, an entertainer, re­ her mother, Mrs. Rose Schuebeler Immediate objection was voiced by The bombardment o f Fushan A ir Reduc ...... 125 fmmbull St. ments this time called for Britain's refreebmente and Sojka's orchestra He could not take off his clothes be­ the afternoon. The thermometer at ceived complaints of secret anti- shock. A small percentage ot . . . 61)4 WlUlam C. FltU, Jr., T V A attor­ ence with the pickets by the ''mill­ Health officer, $200. total $4,950. ported she waa choked unconsrioua and family a few days. Mr. Keller, who said that such a paved the way for an expected at­ Alaska Jun ... Hartford medieval-modern pageantry. will take place In the Knights of cause be had to be ready for any the White place registered 15 de­ Semitic meetings In Pasadena at fatalities—only two—occurred In . . . 12 ney, objected to the procedure, say­ wrights.'' as they entered the planL MIsceUaneoua Items were as fol­ and $10 waa taken from her. The Ladies’ Aid Society will meet l^an would seriously cut Into local tack on Klangyi-., (China's Yangtze Allegheny ...... IH William R. Martin This afternoon's program Includ' Columbus hall, Preocott block on emergency. The sailors stay out Wednesday morning at 10:30 at the grees above aero Friday morning. which a,purported "execution list" Trath ! Mias Tinker's area. Food trucks had ing "It la clear tbey (the utility lows: Elections, $1,000; Rent, $500; ITie Klan initiation was held at business, « river defense point some Do miles to Allied Chem . .. Local Representative When the strangers came out, be Park atreet from 8 p. m. to mid twenty-four days on the submarine The Hebron "Corahuskers" foot­ was being drawn. the right of way over other vehi­ ...1601/4 ed a call on Queen Mother Mary at enmpanlea) are trying to denude our said, “ a group of pickets crowded Printing, $760; Stationery, $50; In- city-owned Moore park by the light Wllllngton Hill church to sew. In Provided that the area Is opened the wesL There the Japanese navy Ain Can ...... Bid. night choror. As soon as they came Into ball team went down to a rather dis­ WE NOT ONLY MEET cles, as nany aa 50 came through in .. . 89 Asked Marlborough House, then a call files. The law la plain In protecting around them, booed ahd jeered and ddentale and Contingency, $1,200; of three flaming crosses. the afternoon the mission study Several persons were questioned to parking, it la asked by the .peti- must destroy a barrier of sunken Am Home Prod Capt. Nat. Bk. A Tr. . — Committees In charge of the maee shore they changed their clothes and astrous defeat at the hands of the a night and the food was distribut­ . .. 37S SO right across the way at St. Jamea official government documents.” called them 'strlkebre^ers and Water rent for Hydrants, $2,800; class win be held under the leader­ but undercover operatives failed to COMPETITION—WE BEAT Uooeia that the Square be oiled and junks In order to proceed 80 miles Am Rad St S . Htfd. (Jonn. Trust .. 62 67 meeting and dance met with Cal took a bath and ate some fresh food. "Silver A. C.'s," In the game play­ obtain evidence' to justify arrests, ed the next morning, and literally .. . 13T4 Palace to be welcomed by the Lon­ The utilities asked to see minutes scabs'.” Expenses of Milk Inspector, $100; HEAYTT SNOW IN KANSAS ship of Mrs. Charles Vickery of otharwiae surfaced as la the adja­ upstream to Nanking, Am Smelt ...... Hlfd. Nat. Bk. A Tr. 26 Bellaver, TWOC organiser for Then they were ready to go to sea ed Sunday afternoon at Amston Williaras sald.^ COMPETITION! acrea of clothing bad to be sorted ...5 0 % 28 don Ckiunty Council oud the city of of TV A directors' meetings at which U. 8. Attorney Robert P. Butler Memorial Fund, $600; Expenses New Haven with the subject Chinese troops moving toward _ Rockville within the past few days Lake. cent roadway. Action by the Board Am Tel and Tel ...151 Phoenix St. Bk. A Tr. 280 Westminster. electric power waa discussed, com- again. Mr. Malley said that we Chicago, Nov. 16— (A P )—Win­ •Khadljah." Published stories here that Eddie ■'¥ 5 and given sway. Nanking from Soochow and Chang- made his first active appearance In Juvenile court, $50; Interest on to complete arrangements. Unemployment cards were de­ was postpooed until the Highway Am Tob B ...... 71% Insnrance St >cks Leopold's subjects In London ar­ municationa with the Public Works were very lucky, that we could see try weather with snow spread over A t the firemen's whist held In Cantor and Loula B. Mayer were Miss Tinker said the menace ot Shu, points on the Chinese "Hlnden- the case today on a croae examina­ Sewer bondi, $880; Interest on The m an meeting and dance are livered Tuesday, the 16th, about the Oemmlttee with the Town Ehiglneer, Am Wat,^WkB . . .. 14% Aetna Casualty ...... 73 77 ranged a welcome for him a little Administration concerning loans for tion of Pomfret, from whom he the different things In the world. the Great Lakes region and the Eaglevllle Wednesday night when .euggosted victims went unconfirm­ fire was always present, due to the biirg Line," were strafed from the Aetna Fire ...... Temporary loons, $2,500; Rockville aftermaths of the appearance here green and all through the circuit ed. Super-Radio can survey the situation and make Anaconda ...... 29V4 43% 45% later at the Belgian embassy. The construction of power facUltlee, and drew that "the first time anything He told us that we must never talk Missouri valley today, accompanied ten tables were in play, prizes were use of natural gas, and oL and gaao- air. Japanese were within 12 miles Armour. Ill ... Aetna Life ...... 23% VIsiting Nurse Association, $1,000; two weeks ago of Hyman Blum' served by the local Post Office at a report of their findings. . . . 7 25% day's program ends with a state correspondence relating to estab­ In the nature of a disturbance to berg. New Ehigland dllrector of the about war, but talk about peace. He by a forecast of colder tonight. taken by Mrs. Emma Crandall, Mrs. Cantor, unperturbed, told the As­ llne floating on the water Inquiries of Soochow, key point on the line Atchison ...... 39 Automobile ...... 25 27 Christmas seals, $25; Sewer bonds the green. Mrs, C. E. Porter, Post sociated Press he never bad heard banquet tonight at Buckingham lishment of municipal power sys­ the peaceful air In the strike area TWOC, whose explanation of the said If we talk about peace we will Heavy snow fell la some parts of Arthur Spleer and Vincent Ckippola as to safety of friends and relatives which stretches north and south Aviation Corp . .. . 3% Conn. General . . . . _ 26 28 Nos. 17 and 18 due July 1, $3,000; get it. He said tbere was a man of South Wllllngton. Ice cream, r.’ lstrcss at the center, delivered the of the alleged plot. Mayer's studio Palace with King George ami Queen tems. was on June 26 when the strangers Oompensatlon Insurance, all d t y poaslbllltlea for unionism In the southeastern Kansas, eouthweatern came constantly over the air, and some 126 to 150 miles southeast of Baldwin. CT ...... 8 ’« Hartford Fire ...... 65 67 that just died In Hartford from war. cookies and coffee were served. cards by hand, making her trip by salil It had received no Information Elizabeth as hosts "IVe expect to show by minutes came In." departments, $1,000, or a total ot woolen and worsted Industry gave Missouri and northern Oklahoma. THREE KIDNAPERS volunteers took over moet ot this Nanking. Balt and Ohio . . .. 12% Hartford Steam Boiler 68 62 He -was In the hospital nineteen Mra. Daisy Eldredge, wife of automobile, as It is not allowable to on the case. of TV A directors meetings that the John E. Campbell, who said be $14,455. Immediate impetus to the drive In Chicago had snow flurries, an 8 send the cards by mall. CHiarles work. Rehabilitation was the next Soochow suffered heavily from Bendix ...... 14>,4 National Fire ...... 63% 55% authority la primarily, if not wholly, answered a m illw rl^ t advertise­ years. He died from a bomb that m. temperature of 32 and pros­ Clinton Eldredge, baa taken her SALEFI m Rockville. Mr. Blumberg said that Schmid, Amston Post Master, la Ik. Trained aoclal workers inves­ Japanese bombardment, os did Beth Steel ...... 5 2 Phoenix Fire ...... 71 74 TT Public Works department paralyzed him. Mr. Malley said children and left the farm and rent­ FALSE ALARM OF JOHN O’CONNELL LOAD OF FURNITURE a power corporation," said Ray­ ment July 26 testified he srent to the possibilities for stabilization of pects of a minimum tonight of taking care of hla vicinity In the tigated each family, using a case Wusih, 25 miles northwest, and Borden ...... 19'4 Rossla Insurance . . . . 5 «% also wishes an Item Included about 36. ed a tenement In Mansfield Hollow. mond T. Jackson, power company work the next day but stayed only the woolen and worsted Industry for that we must never want war, we matter. Albert W. Hllding, rural We Give Manufac­ number for record. They considered Wuklang, 10 miles south. All Amer­ Can Pac ...... 7% Travelers ...... 415 430 attorney. "forty or fifty minutes" because bs $8,600 for new rowers on South must work for peace.” Saturday evening the D. A. Sokol Philadelphia, Nov. 16.— (A P ) — Case (J. I.) ...... street, and the fire committee rec the benefit of the employe, employ­ mall carrier, la delivering cards their assets and UablUtles and rated icans bad evacuated Wualb, but . . . 9 8 Public Utility Stocks FOR A VACANT LOT "W e expect to show an Invaaioo was sfrald of the strllms. er and the community In general Miss Norma Pesce will give a TESTS NEW PLANE will hold a dance at the C. S. P. S Policeman Clarence Johnson called turers Name. IN DARING ESCAPE Cerro De P a.s___ ommende that $6,900 be taken from through hla route, and all the work their homes and busineas places ac­ four Americana, all of snuttaern . . .4 3 Conn. Lt. and Pow. .. 54 58 b ' state rights and that the author, Butler drew from him that be were unlimited. The M. T. Stevens card party Nov. 33, at 8 p.m. at bungalow, when a turkey will be an ambulance os Frank Trommer, Chca and Ohio . .. the reserve fund to repUce the old will probably be completed Tuesday cordingly. Presbyterian missions, remained in . . . 3814 Conn. Pow ...... 44 46 ity La evading itate laws which we had a criminal record and had Company, aa second largest woolen Bolton Center church basement for New York, Nov. 16.— (A P )—Lord drawn. Jerry Soukup's orchestra J r . lurched from the wreckage of Chrysler ...... Brookaway truck which la now out will furnish music. Although It la plainly stated that These Are Philco 'W- (Oonltnaed from Pago One) An emergency period lasts about Klangyln, where an attack was Im­ . .. 64% Htfd. Elec. L t...... 55 67 But Fort Lee, N. J„ Driver have to obey. This public agency served a sentenee in New Ham])- and worsted manufacturer in the the benefit of the Men's and Beaverbrook, British newspaper an automobile and a tnick. hla hair, Coca Cola ...... 116 o f date. cards an- not to be aent out or re­ tlx months, said tha speaker. Eigh­ minent. Hartford Gas ...... 27 31 Finds That Address Given certainly has nothing to conceal ohlre. United States, la on Important ob­ Women's club. Four prises and two fiubllsher, left Rooeevelt Field In Wedne.sday night John R. Ed­ face and clothes streaming blood and Grunow Radios State police Immedllately Issued Americans In Danger Col Carbon ...... 8 0 So, New Eng. Tel. Co. 146 nhen it boasts Its acta are open to 1 got tangled up with a little The council voted to provide a rc' wards. past master of Uriel Lodge turned except from the 16th to the red. teen hours a day are devoted to the 151 Him Was Wrong; Finds The jective In the campaign of the door prizes will be awarded. The ils new $50,000 amphibian plane to­ 20th, Mra. Porter states that she an alarm over the teletype syrstem work. An area director takes a great Col Gas and El .. . . . 9% the sun and stars." girl,” was the way he explained the serve fund, such a sum to result TWOC. Already the union has day on a leisurely flight to King­ of Masons, A. F. and A. M.. and Trommer. protesting he was un­ They were: Mr. and Mra. A. Alll- Coml Inv Tr . . . . Slonufacturing Stocks public Is invited. Refreshments will has received Information from and troopers and local authorities deal of pride in cleaning up her . .. 46% Acme Wire ...... Owner. Fltta countered: situation on cross examination by from one quarter mill on the Grand organized the Ayer and Wood ston, Jamaica, where he planned to LcRoy Walker, treasurer of Climax hurt, pointed disgustedly Into the sou. ; Miss Katherine ComI Solv ...... 30% 32% be served. Winners of last week Washington that some of the Post were scouring Syracuse and vicini­ work aa completely and quickly aa Thompson, Washington, D. C., and . . . 9% Am. Hardware ...... 20 22 "Such a petition aa this ran only the chief prosecutor. list next to be completed, and also mills of the American Woolen com­ spend the winter fishing. Chapter, Eastern Star, attended wreckage. Johnson looked and TAKE Cons Edison ...... 26% A truck owmed by the (Tharlea A were as follows: ladles first. Norma past patrons' night of Eastern Star Masters of the state have failed to ty In an effort to apprehend the possible. Miss Tinker gave several Miss M. C. Wilcox, Elberton, Ga. Arrow H and H, com. 40 42 bi granted after preliminary evi­ to recommend that action on the pany In Lawrence. These are the He waa accompanied by Lord saw—shattered catsup bottles. Cons on ...... 10 Heit Company of Port Lee, N. J., Peace; second, Lillian Gambolottl. odge In WllUmantlc. trio. amusing incidents In her experiences In their fan-shaped advance, Jap­ Billings and Spencer . 4% dence has been Introduced showing matter of laying a tax rate be de­ two largest mills of this company Forbes and Pilots Harry Downes Cont Can ...... 46 3% C' trying furniture from that place Men's first, Albert Franceschtae. Oley, Geary and Crowley were anese troops have occupied about Bristol Brass ...... 35 38 th- purpose In obtaining auch data. ferred until the second Tueeday In which la the largest woolen and and Hume Ernest of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stross, Jr., and then passed anapsbota sbowmg Com Prod ...... 67 to an address given to the driver as HEAD OF HOSPITAL second, Richard Morra. Door prizes, have returned from their wedding among eight convicted of the O'Con­ views of the flood and the destruc­ 4,000 square miles of territory east Cknllns Co...... 105 115 Slhould the court allow this data to Jima, 1988. %’oreted matnufacturer In the coun­ They planned to stop at Woshlng- Del Lack and West . .. 814 32 BtsseU street, arrived on Blssell bu introduced In this court. It would Lillian Gambolottl, Eddie De Dorste. trip and rented an apartment In nell kidnaping In Federal Court in tion caused by a tornado wnich of a line from the Yangtze to Hang­ OoU's Pat. Firearms . 49 52 One petitioo was received at last try. The union agreement between ^OONT A MOESt - » f T HOR«t-»0»V|K. fcy O.SOCLOty^ Douglas Aircraft . ... 34 % street shortly before noon today mean this trial wdll lost for a long night's meeting, that of Anthony the employees of the Wood and Merrow. Mr. Strosa Is employed on Binghamton, N. Y., on August 12 visited this tame area a few months chow Bay, In Chekiang province Eagle Lock ...... 15 17 5% OFF Du Pont ...... GIVEN A RECEPTION after a trial which lasted almost 11 .. .n8>4 Fafnlr Bearings...... 100 only to And that 32 Blssell street It time, aa we will be forced to anewer Zarkey to build a hot house 25 x 14, Ayer mills already baa been writ­ Dumboy, national dish of Ubena, Wllllngton Hill In the FrSnk Parl- later. Homes were levelled to the south of Shanghai. Eoatman Kodak . ...161 110 a vacant lot. rek button factory. wecka. Gray Tel Pay Station 6 7 and explain In detail every question to be made of wood and glass at 88 ten. It has been ratified by the may be used either as ammunition ground and appeared like stacks ot South of the line's center at Soo­ Elec and Mus ...... 4>,4 The goods were owned by C. H MARLBOROUGH Hart and <3ooIey . . .. ___ brought up about conservation be­ West street, and this was granted. employees and now awaits formal Wllllngton members of Aure Of Competitors In addition to the prison terms, kindlings. chow, Japanese drove toward the Elec Auto Lite .. 225 H. C. Smith Welcomed By or food. Whan dried and fried after .. . 22*4 Hendey Mfg. Co. ... WUcox. who told the owner of the tween our directora at their meet­ Tbs first W ar Memorial bills were ratification by the board of direc­ Wood Elderkln Chapter, D.A.R., at- each was fined 110,000. A t the clooe ot the talk the Cbapu-Plnghu-Kashlng defenses and Gen Elec ...... 7% 9% Friends And Associates At The Southern New England Tele­ . . . 40% Landers. Frary A CTk. 25% moving van that he was moving ings." received and voted paid by tha (3ty tora of tha Anlerican Woolen com- The sentences were to be served Gleaners group served gingerbread reported they had reached the larg­ Gen Foods ...... 30% 27% Into a 14 room house, located at 82 phone Co., la extending Ita llnea in Mann A Bow. Clas.s A ___ Party Laat Night. Treasurer out of the epedal fund pany. A dvertised at Alcatraz prison, but appeals and est lake of the peninsula, Talhu, Gen Motors ...... 37% 8 P.lssell atreet, Manchester, (Tonn the south part of the town to ac­ with whipped cream, mints, tea and New Brit Mch., com. 22 for this purpose. As explained by Mr. Blumberg, other legal moves delayed their re­ with a fleet of motorboats and Gillette ...... 11% 24 The driver showed the card with commodate four new subscribers. coffee. do., pfd...... 92 The reception last ulght tendered The matter of voting booths was the TWOC once It hoe organized a moval. Junks. North of Soochow, tha Jap­ Hecker Prod ...... 7 101 iJio address to prove that he was Mra. Henry J. Blakeslee baa been North and Judd . . . . 25% 27% UNBREAKABLE LENSES Superintendent Harry C. Smith of number of the big companies, plans Prices Below Others Convicted anese were said to have, come with­ Hershey ...... 48% right as- to the address and name. brought up again and the flnanee spending a few days In Durham Peck. Stow A Wilcox 7 8 % the Manchester Memorial hospital conunlttee reported they hid held a to call them into coherence and Others convicted at the time CALLS JEFFERSON in sight of Changabu, threatening Hudson Motors ...... 7% Russell Slfgi Co...... On the side of the vnn waa the In was attended by oeveral hundred peo­ negotiate to Improve working con­ with her aon Heaton P. Blakealee. National OUR Int Harv ...... 25 28 OFFERED BY STONE meeting with the Board of Select were: John McQlone, New York Isolation V>f 60,000 .'hlnese troops. .... 65% ScovlII Mfg. Co...... scriptlon: "N ot a scratch In a car­ ple, offldale, members of the hoHil- ditions which will go Into effect In Mr. and Mrs. Bugeae Ouderklrk LUt Price SALE PRICE Int Nick ...... 28 30 load". men to consider repairing the same. City: Charles Hanigan, New York To support the northern wing of . . . 42% Stanley WorKS ...... 38 tal auxiliary groups and friends. the entire Industry at one time. have returned home after spending Int Tel and Tel . . . 40 When the driver discovered that A new wooden voting booth would city: George Gargulllo, New York HIGH COURT HATER the advance, 70 Japanese warships . . . 7% Torrlngton ...... 27 Richard Stone, optician of 739 Ctarles W. Holman, chairman nt The union alma eventually to ralro some time with her daughters m N o. 1—6380.00 Johns ManvlIIe ...... 8 3 39 the address waa a vacant lot he coat $5(X>.and for a voting machine Thanksgiving D i n n e r City and Thomas Dugan, New York were said to be concentrated In the Union Mfg. (3o...... 5 7 Main street announcee that be bae the board of trustees prertded asslzt- wages, shorten hours, get overtime Pittsburgh, Pa. Her daughter, Mra. $ 149.00 Kennecott ...... 33% started acratching hla head. After $1,100. Following considerable dis­ City, all of whom received 77 year lower Yangtze, ready wdtb a steam U. 8 . Ehivelope. eom . — ed by Mlaa Doris J. Hutchlnaon and pay. divide the work equally during WUUam Eveson and her husband N o. t — 6194.50 (Oontinued from Page One) Lehigh Val Rd ... 70 making several Inqulrlea as to the made arrangementa with the Un­ cussion in regard to the voting sentences and fined tlO.OOO each er equipped as a battering ram to . . . 7'4 do., pfd...... members of the boipllsl unit. the slack periods, eatabilab senior­ returned with them for a abort stay. LIgg and Myers B . 118 125 whereabouts of such a bouse and a breakable Leas (Company o< Ameri­ booths, it was voted that the pres­ $112.50 and Manning Strewl of Albany, demolish the barrier at Klangyln. . . . 80% Veeder Root, new . .. 46 49 ca Inc., of Beverly Hills. California Superintendent S ^ t h took office ity rights, establish a system to Mlaa Mary Johnson of Durham la No. 3—664.95 with a greater hate than any preel- Loew’a ...... 58 Mr. WUcox, a visit wraa made to the as the first male aupervloor of the ent booths be repaired temporarily. settle grievances by which every at the “ V” aeutenced to 58 years and given a dent before or since, and there have Whitlock Coll Pipe . , — 10 to supply service to hla patrone for spending some time with her niece $59.90 Lorillard ...... 17% office of the Manchester Electric hospital on Nov. 1. It waa voted to transfer the unex­ employee will have a chance to go 810,000 fine. oeon many good hatera. Jefferson, New York Bank and Ina Stock the new and improved Tulea un Mrs. Henry J. Blakeslee. Mo. 4— 684.95 Mont W a r d ...... 37% Company and there he not only Refreahments of coffee and cake pended ArnaisUce Day fund to the beyond hla straw boeros In taking Tomato Juice or Fruit Cup O'Connell was kidnaped in front with bla agricultural Virginia back­ Bank of New York ..4 1 5 425 breakable lenaea. TTie Young Democratic club will Table $57.50 DONT WANT TO LOSE Naah Kelv ...... 12% I'-arned that the address waa 132 Bia- were served the guests ~ following Memorial Day Fund. up hla complaints, and to stabilise Celery N o. 5— 644.95 of his home in Albany on July 7, ground, no doubt thought that his Bankers Trust ...... 50 82 aell atreet, but also met Mr. WUcox The new type optical lenses are sponror a dance at Wimmer’a Hall and Relishes Nat Btsc ...... 2 1 the reception. A letter waa read from the Rock­ the Industry ao that -there will not Table 1938. He was taken to Hoboken. N. activities as President were funda­ Chase ...... 32 34 w h j waa at the office signing for unbreakable, will not warp, discolor Saturday night, Nov. 20. » JtlCHLUBC . $33.75 Nat Cash Reg ...... 20% CTherolcal ...... 45 47 ville Lodge of Elks Inviting the be peak periods and slumps. Mr. Cream of Celery’ Soup XuL-WCATMCff No. 6—682.95 J., In a truck and a ransom letter mentally soimd. But New England, Nat Dairy ...... electric current and will not scratch If bandlad care­ Paul Roberta 1- building a house DEPOT SQUARE PARK ... 15% Continental ...... 13 15 mayor and members at the Council Blumberg said It waa ridiculous MriTOR OilL Table was sent to Edward J. O'Connell, with her Industrial trading and N at DtatlU ...... 2 3 fully. In addition ordinary scratches on the New London read for Julius Roast Turkey Nut Dressing Cranberry Sauce $23.00 Com Exchange ...... 49 51 to attend a meeting next Tuesday that the textile workers should No. 7— 625.00 his uncle. Strewl, later to be the banking actlv'tlea, waa terribly an­ N Y Central...... 19% on the face of the leniea can be re­ have to rush three shifts a day dur­ Gutterman. Mashed Potatoes Guaranty Trust ...... 245 2,55 LODGE PROMOTIONAL night at the Elks Home when Table first person arrested In connection gered by them." North End Groop Believes N Y NH and H ___ ... 3 LOCAL VOLLEY BALLERS moved by using a epeclal buffing “Traffic Control Night" will be ob­ ing A part of the year, and then The Mlaaea Dora and EaUUe Dtck- Choice of (2) $21.25 Turning to present times, Wallace First National...... 1820 1870 aon of East Hampton will show N o. 8— 625.00 with the Clime, was selected by the More Space Should Be Pro­ North Am ...... 23 Irving ...... 11% 13^ powder. served. Acting upon the recom­ loaf completely during other parte kidnapers as a go-between from said "W e can only guess what Jef­ Packard ...... of the year. moving pictures which they took on Table vided But Want To Keep .. 6 % Manhattan ...... 23 25 Because of their outztandlni DIREaOR IN TOWN mendation of Grand Ehialted Ruler Baby Lima Beans Mashed Turnips $ 19.20 several list* submitted from Albany. ferson would isy and do today. Param Plct ...... 18% TOP WEST SPRINiaiELD characteristics, their unbreokabui- It le In line with this objective thalr trip to the Paclllc Coast last "Somehow I am Inclined to think ManufacL Trust ___ 40 42 Hart, members of Elks lodges are Cauliflower au Gratin Later In July, Strewl left A l­ Park. Penn ...... 33% ty, lightness In welghL i-ulca un­ for the woolen and worsted Indus­ summer for the benefit of the Dor­ If Jefferson were to come back today National City Bank . 29 81 J. E. Little To Confer With entering upon an intensive Safety bany with $40,000 ransom, accom­ Phelps Dodge ...... 22% New York Trust .... 105 109 The Morlarty Broe. volley baD breakable lenses reprceent the and Traffic control program for the try that the TWOC is organising cas society at the Congregational Jellied Fruit Salad and Homemade Rolls 50% Off On AH he would adapt himself to the the emptoyees of the Stevens mill panied by Louis Snyder, Albany at­ The propoaal made to the Select- Phil PeU ...... 43 team traveled to West Springfield greatest contribution to the optical Field Workers In This Dis­ year. church. Friday night, November 19. I changed situation with remarkable Public ...... 30% 32% here. The procedure o f the TWOC Dessert Radio Tubes torney. n en last night that they remove Public Serv N J . . . .. 37% Title Guarantee . . . . 6% 7% Saturday to defeat the latter team industry since eye-glasses were flrat trict Thursday Night. The petition of Stanlelaw Kulo of Miss Dora Dickson is a former I skill, but hold fast to one thing Radio ...... has been to organize the employees Pumpkin Pie or Freed After 22 Days the west plot of the two parks on .. 7% on their boma court. The locals invented. 57 Market strrot to sell alcoholic teacher of the Center achool In this Mince Pie I above everything else— his belief In Insurance and then oek for an election super- Twenty-two days after the kld- rellroad property on Depot Square Reading ...... 22% were fortunate In having Thomp­ liquors was tabled to a epeclal meet' town. Ice Cream with Sauce democracy." American (Newarkl . 10% 12% Tht use of the new type lenses re- J. E. Little, general field dlreeto: vlaed by the National Labor Rela­ Nuts and Raisins 25% Off On ’ naping, on July 29, O'ConneU was Is not meeting with the approval ot Rem R a n d ...... 14% son once more In the lineup after e of the Knights of the MsccabiMn^ Most ot the milk producers from American Reserve ... 10 21 tiiovea the danger of serloue eye in­ tng to be called by Mayor HlUe. tione Board In order to establish Coffee taken from the Hoboken apartment the majority of merchants and Repub Steel ...... 18% Blcknesa which has kept him out this town have been tavltsd to at­ American Surety . .. 38% 40% juries, always dlsadvanUga of tha working at present In OoonecUeui., Mayor Mills Renominated 1 Its undisputed right to represent Radio Repair re.iidenta of the north end. accord­ Rev Tob B ...... 45% of the aeaeon'a games. Tlie scores tend a dinner and the annual meet­ where he had oeep held captive and Excess ...... 5 % 6% ordinary gloss lent. from the home office In Detroit, will Mayor Claude MlUe was renomi' the workers In eoIlecUv* baigaln- ing to expressions made this morn­ Safeway Stores .. .. 24% Fid and Deposit . . . . 100 105 of the games were as follows: 15-4, lead a conference of men end wom­ A du lts...... $1.25 Keaerrationa Cloae driven to the Bronz where he was HEBRON Schenley Dla ...... Orders for the new type leoeee n^ad at the general Republican tag. By this method, the TWOC ing of District No. 10 of tha Con­ ing. .. 20% Great American .... 21 23 15-6, 15-3. 15-9 and 15-8. Thomp­ en field workers from Norwich, Children under 12 .. .75c National turned over to Strewl. Sears R oebuck___ uan be made at once at Stone s caucus held last evening In the was able to estabUeb Itrolf aa the necticut MUk Producers association November 22nd. OUR Receiving the best wishes and Several of those who signed the .. 62% Halifax ...... 22 34 son, Komar, Mordavaky and Miller r'.irtford, Waterbury and other List i%loe He arrived at the Hel,ieroerg Shell Union ...... 17% Optical etudlo, 739 Main street. Town Hall with about 160 present. eollectlve bargaining agent of the for the election ot a director for SALE PRICE camp of Daniel O'Cormell, another congratulations of many friends, petition asking the selectmen to Hanover ...... 29 81 starred for the Morlarty Broa, l.irge centers throughout ths state, Philip M. Howe was chairman of the Socony Vac ...... 16% players with Gibbon, Holland. workers In Lawrence without Indus­ No. 9—6129.50 uncle, the next morning. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph GrUflng cele­ take action to provide more park­ Home Ins...... 27% 29% at the Hotel Sheridan, ‘nuraday meetittg and R. B. Hunt was clerk. trial strife. It waa the first time ing space In that vicinity say they South Pac ...... 20% Schubert and Lewie comprising the evening of this week. The gang was rounded up after brated the 25tb anniversary of their South Rwy ...... Home Fire Security . 3% 8% T b ^ .w e r e no contests and the that recognition had oome to the $72.00 did not consider that It would be .. 18% rest of the lineup. State Commander E: N o. 10—6114.9$ the arrest of Francis Oley and bis marriage at their home In Hebron St Brands ...... Mass. Bonding ...... 80 42 HOSPITAL NOTES vem beia of the ticket were Lawrence workers without strike, necessary to remove the entire .. 8 % The local team flashed on to the who makes hla home la wife In Denver, Colorado. Francis on Mond.iy, a reception being held St Gas and El . . . . National Liberty .... 7% 8% os follows: City Clerk, and Is In line with the peaceful alms $74.25 park. .. 6% floor Saturday with their ni ha 7 extended an tnvitati^, No. 11—694.95 Oley, brother of John, one ot the it. the evening In honor of the event St OU Cal ...... North River ...... 24 26 E. Hunt; treasurer. Char- of the Textile Workers Organising Plana that have been considered .. 31% Prof. Wash...... 20 81 sparkling suits and packets. The Admitted yesterday: Arthur Kiss- tavld Chambers to atteafi escaped prisoners, hanged himseit At the time of bis marriage Mr. St on N J ...... lo.T ii. Squlrro; aeseeaors, F. C. Har- Committee. $67.20 Grlfflng was working In Hebron and In the past would provide for mov­ .. 48% Pref.-Accldent ...... IS 16 aulta are a bright blue with white man, Jr., 48 Griswold street, Jsmea ference meeting, and Mr, N o. 12— 664.9$ In the Utica jail alter being brougnt Tex Corp ...... %fw and JuUut Kosiorek; Sheriff, M. Barring unforeseen clrcum- Mrs. Grlfflng, the daughter of Mr. ing back of the curbing around both .. 40% Seaboard Surety . . . . 27% 29% lettering slmller to the jackets. Brozowekl, West Wllllngton. has accepted. Tlie confei o. easL Timken Roller ^ a r .. 50 This was the first game at which j. Webster; auditor, Harold Roths; stances, Mr. Blumberg wUI be ROOFIMO- $61.20 and Mrs. Thomas D. Dally, resided parks and cutting down the grass Security Ina...... 27% 29% Dlscbargsd yesUrday: Mra. Rus­ caned for 7 o’clock. ent e t the maro meeting la CEMENT No. IS—699.9$ Hayes, the guard, describing nia Trans America ... .. 11% the team wore the new array. Four sJdermen at large, J. Stanley In Bolton. After a wedding cere- plots and In this way give more Sprlnglield Fire A Ma. 105 110 sell Saunders and Infant son of 101 hall Saturday. Cal BelUver wUI ride, said: space between the curbing along Union Carbide ...... 71% The locals are still undefeated Flotenes streat. McCroy, Arno R. Weber, Paul $67.50 iiwny In Hoboken, N. J., the coupie Union P a c ...... Sun Life ...... 380 430 be chairman o f the meeting. J. o. So»i.ow J N o. 1$—679.9$ "Two got In the back seat, gag traveled to New York by train Depot Square and the park. North .. 91 this season having downed both TAKINO A ORANCET Mongo, Charles Underwood. Unit Aircraft...... U. 8. F. and G...... 14 18 Death: Yesterday at v:40 p.m., WlUlara Belanger, TW OC director $53.50 ged me, put their feet on me and w-Lere they spent their honeymoon. Main atreet and the park and In the .. 18% Westchester ...... 27% 29% Bntekton and Providence In former Mies Stella Dubiol, 480 Hllletown The Democratic caucuses were LUMBER N o. 15—679.9$ for the fltato wtil be am onf the held a muzzle at the small of my Unit Corp ...... 3% games. Oklahoma CSty—Olen Rlchard- held in the Superior court room at -TILE Mr. Grlfflng has always followed his vicinity of the depoL road. back. We came Into the city over Unit Gas Imp ...... 11% They will meet Bristol at their •on, 28. and Ruby *silsnt. 35, have ths same time last evening. George jpeakero. A t least one prominent $58.30 closen work of farming and today As a result o f the request that Admitted today: Mrs. Emma Polish speaker also will appear. No. 16—669.95 South State street and 1 heard them U 8 R ubber...... 27% RUSSIA On'ES PRIZES home court this Saturday for the never seen each other, but they Duna presided at the caucus. Bern­ operates a successful telry farm the entire west section be removed Mannlse, 85 Garden strset. Mist Polish speakers bring oonsldcnd We Bay Direct From Factory—Compare Oar Prices Armchair talk about a Tommy gun. They there is under consideration calling U 8 Smelt ...... 62 TO SPEED PRODUCTION second set of matches In the South­ started married Ilfs today confident ard Batiyb aad Edward J. Carvey $52.70 aided by his two sons George and U S S te e l...... Margaret Bron, 29 Buckland. Har­ are ^ Krsyckl. a rice prroldent No. 17—$59.9$ were looking for someone to meet a meeting of the Manchester Im­ .. 56% ern New England Volley Ball of success. , were aomiaated aaseaaors and Her­ Joseph., Jr. A daughter, Lillian, at­ Vick Chem old Lane, 54 Coburn road. o f the Amalgamated Clothing tends the Teachers' College at Wll- provement Association and getting .. 37 Moscow.— (A P ) — Premiums and League. Olen was born blind. Ruby lost ROOFING (Covers 106 square feet) ...... 9 5 c $42.25 them. All the way Into the city Jiev Western Union .... Discharged today: M ra MeUle bert Carrey waa named auditor. A Workers of America, and one of No. 18—669.9$ llmantlc. aa expression from the members ot .. 29% prizes have been awarded to 14,(XKI her sight st IS months. Their ro­ kept toaslng keys out of the ear one West El and lafg ., Farr, 647 Main street. Solomon oommittro o f five waa then named the outstanding labor osators o f to- by one. Thf Hebron Cornhuakera suffered the association as to the proposed .. 101% coal miners in the Donetz basin by DOUBLE FIND mance started 13 yean ago In to being In a slate for the remainder 2 - PL Y r o o f i n g (Covers 106 square feet) ...... $1 ^ 5 $46.25 Woolworth 39 Roeenberg, 39 Elro street. Mra diy. iwd Anthony Joalae of the "Tbey drove around by the New their second defeat c the season change. Lazar Kaganovich, commissar of school. o f tha ticket aa follows: Alderman Elec Bond and Share (C u rb ). 11% Omaha, Neb.—Mrs. Geraldine Jamas Ferry and Infant daughter TWOC staff In' Rhode Teieed ^ Tork Central depot," Hayes con­ Sunday at Lake Amston Field at heavy Industry, to atlmulata lagging '1 can. keep bouse, but my cook­ Je Middle o f thoM 00 the slate with the ex­ HYGRADE OIL CO.. Inc. left tha "samples." North Oarolina. i ^ h ^ y during ths perlotMiM hsav- ception of Mr. Ryan were present try. He also is associate editor of 22 Charter Oak Avenue - Hartford„Conn. are the four most common dlseasss. ata harm. ^ A gea •The Advance," the official pubU- _CHFIELD dealers are independent home merchants R «d llu BenU V

MANCHKTER EVENING HERALD, ^lANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16,198T PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHES-PKK, CONN.. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1987 PAGE NINB band against bis brother blood hat BULLET IN NECK been shed, yes riven ot blood and SflOnJFTERS HERE OBITUARY Up Or Down Question KING OF BELGIANS still the red stream Is flowing. Na­ SEEKINQ FO RM IM Williet Youngest (and Maybe Best) tions are perplexed; men’s hearts falling them In fear of the things Of Seven Golfing Turnesas, To Seek LEFT GOODS BEHIND DEATHS IS FATAL TO GIRL VISITING ENGLAND thmt are coming that threaten the TO UGHTEN TAXES Pitt Holds Place As Leading Puzzles Selectmen peace ot tbe world. The p rn m t JohB gobnaoii outlook is gloomy, but let ua take His Fortune Away From Fairways John Johnson of Bolton died Mon­ hope and with courage go forward day at hla home after a short Ill­ Seeks His Third State Title Miss Stella Dabiel Dies Last Revival ot the Manchester Sub-^ as to the feaalUIlty of bridging Leopold Met At London By knowing that ultimately truth and Hook By BARRY GRAYSON Young Turnesa’s peak achiew*- Prep School Star Amazes Stok Articles' From Serera] ness. He has been engaged In farm. Main street for the purpose in mind. righteousness shall triumph, when Gronp, Spurred By Ing In Bolton (or 43 yeara. He leaves way System propoeltlon was Sports Editor, NBA Service fnent tbe season was breaUmg Local Sport THREE TOP TEAMS brought about last night when Se­ Selectman Pero coiutdered a bridge the nations shall mobilise for peace. r Bobby Jones' course record at hla wife, two daughters, Mrs. Inge Evemiig ~ AeddeotaDy would be unsightly. King George And Escort- . We have the Divine promise that Stores, Then ffid Them Loomis of Westfield, Mass., and lectman Mathias Spless, reporting The President’s Message, New York, Nov. 16.—There are Winged Foot with a 68 ^Grid World With Prowess "You are ell trying to steal my out of the darkness of sorrow and seven golfing Turnesas, and If the At 22, he has competed In a faaif Mrs. Osta Azplnall of Manchester; a for the Board of Police Commis­ pain ahd tragedy a new day aball Chatter REMAIN UNCHANGED son, Eklward A. Johnson of PhlUpa- Shot Week Ago. baby," exclaimed Selectman David ■Ik professionals are as bright as dozen i.atlonal amateurs. At GeoDey’s. sioners, said that the building of-a Cauimbers. “Nearly four years ago dawn when men shall "beat their Speeds Up The Work. the amateur, It oughtn't even be a He bae been playing golf since burg, N. J., and three grandchildren. tunnel to connect the. two sections swords Into plowshares and their Chicago, Nov. 16.—(AP)—^Thefbair. The speetators leave the field Whan Joa MoOuskay captured The funeral will be held from the I proposed the tunnel you ere now contest. he waa six years old, and says the nation's roost amaxlng prep alar, with looks of amaxement In their of the present high school plant dtacusalng.'' It developed that Mr. spean Into phuung hooka: nations The only simon-pure Turnesa greatest experience ts that <>f a the sonlOT matropoUtan AAU cross INGRIDRAN^GS home Thursday at 2 p m. Rev. Al­ Mlse Stena Dublel, 16, of 480 had been dlacussed at the Commis­ wild Bill De C^irrevont of Austin eyes, oonvlnced that what they have country championship at New York FmzIiic thmt they were belnK fred Kline, pastor of the Bolton Chambers’ "baby,” If bom. will have London. Nov. 16.—(AP)—Leopold, aball not life up a sword against na­ Washington, Nov, 18—(AP) — A and tbe jroungest member of the cadly I, high school. Is making 'em forget read about tills lad ts true; that be HlUstown road died at 8:40 last sioners’ last meeting. Splees* re­ to be some twenty-four feet deep on King of The Belgians, arrived at tion, neither shall they learn war Hodse tax sub-committee, spurred famous fairway tamlly, developed •’('.o-r. Is a matter of raoroen*v«," Sunday, it waa the twenty-third ftdlowed, two women shopUften Center church will officiate and night at the Manchester Memorial the exploits of Harold "R ^ " is as great a high school player metropolitan distance title he’s won late yeaterday afternoon entered bi rial will be In the QuarryvUle port was made to the Board of Se­ the bottom. Just east of Main flag-draped Victoria station lOday anymore." But they “shall ait ev­ by a Presidential suggestion that not far from tbe sidewalks of New asserts Willie Turnesi "The main Grange, famed as the Galloping his record indicate# hospital from an accidental bullet lectmen. He said that school au­ 'street at the point where the tun­ ery man under his vine and undet York, is WlUle, Holy Cross senior. thing Is to get away to a good in nine years of major campaign­ Cafifornia Second, Alabama Glenney'a men'a store on - Main cemetery, Bolton. Funeral arrange­ wound in her neck suffered a week on ‘a state visit to Ehigland. "Ineqaltable burdens” ot small busi­ Ghost of Illinois a decade ago. De (3orrevont is the nation’s ing . . . and these In addition to the ments are In charge of W. P. QulsY thorities are Interested In the tun­ nel would be dug, la a dry brook, hla fig tree, and none shall nmke ness men be lightened, attempted If for no other reason, Willie storL and set a stead} pace. There After De Correvont carried the leading scorer whether It be tUgb street, left a slteable haul taken ago yeatorday while she was strip­ nel from a standpoint ot safety and about six or seven feet deep In total King Gerrge, resplendent In the them afraid: for the mouth of tbe Turnesa Is notable because he has are rrsvont and which is Austin's home field, to the final standing and gave West puffs. 1 bottle of Pond's face lotion SL James's church as deacon and and several other women were costly, and that money can better Many persons, far beyond school Garter across bis cbesL Increased. enough to give toe Pasadena Rom two pair of men's sox. The last Rev. Frederick Clark, aaalatant The Compensation Act. meda, (or the second straight year. John Montague can be so much his mates win the public high school hunt out flaws In De Oorrevont's Hartford runner-up honors . , , tbe working in the shed at the time. be spent by building another class­ yeara, have been In favor of a croaa- Drive To Palace Already the committee agreed to He repeated In the Westchester better than the top-ranking golf- championship next Saturday, no football ability. They found him to Tigers, crowned (XHL champs two Bowl pickers an earache. For tha Item. It was soon legmed. was taken pastor of SL Bridget’s church, as Cota Windpipe room unit on the Franklin School ing tunnel at Main and Center exempt from tbe levy corporations second straight week Dr. John Bain from Montgomery Ward's. sub deacon. Jeroma Walab of New The Duke of Gloucester, who bad whose profits do not exceed $3,000 county, N. Y., amateur, and oagged ers as stories claim. less Uian PO.OOO spectators wUl be a polished player with remark­ weeks ago, got a break when Bris­ Tbs .22 caliber bullet struck Miss aide of the streeL Ideas as to the streets, instead of at the high officially welcomed Leopold when Bridgeport, Nov. 16.—(AP)— the Metropolitan amateur. He col­ "Our better pros have achieved watch him in action against the able coordination, a speedy, shifty tol was penalised five yards for de­ Sutherland’s marry young men are R Is thought that the women may Haven, nephew of Mr. Moriarty, as­ Dublel In the right side of the neck, cost of building a connecting tun­ schooL Sentiment aeems united In a year, thereby cutting down Fed­ have been operating here for some sisted at the iltar. his yacht docked at Dover) King (barging that many insurance com­ eral revenues by some $10,000,000. lared tbe qualifying medal tn the practically maximum effccUveneas. Catholic league champions In May­ runner who reverses his field with laying the game with the ball on on top of toe national football tank­ coursed horizontally through the nel range from $20,000 to $30,000. this regard: we have got to dig In George and Leopold then drove to panies, through their adjusters, are national Intercolle^ate. He led and 1 don’t believe that Montague or Edward J. Kelley’s (Christmas the agility of a cat. They agree Middletown's (our-yarder, first down time, taking goods from any num­ As. Mrs. Arlyne C. Oarrity, the neck bones to the W t side, severing Selectman Harold Reed enquired somewhere. That would bring to more than ing poll conducted by the Assoctat- ber of local stores. Further check regular organist, la the daughter of Buckingham Palace In ar open car­ nullifying the Workmen’s Compen­ $169,000,000 the aggregate which qualifiers for the national open or anyone elae can beat them con­ fund game set for Nov. 27. with the three coaches under whom and only three minutes to play . . . ed PreoB. be. windpipe. The girl was placed sation Act throughout the state by . from the metropolitan area by sistently.” he explains. "In my own De (Jorrevont played that he Is Bristol elected to try (or s field goal at Ward's showed over a dosen pair Mr. Moriarty, John J. McCarthy of un the critical list ImmedlatMy af­ riage drawn by six Windsor greys, would be lost to tbe Treasury by tax The public has been attracted be­ The Panthera were rated the top of sox missing. Checkup by other SL Patrick’s church, Hartford, was with the Sovereign's escort ot Koyai forcing Injured or ailing workmen revisions under consideration or flashing a 143. With Virginia Gil- case, I the 68 at Winged Foot was yond conception to the 17-year-oId the greatest prep star they have after this setback and missed the team by 43 of S3 experts contribut­ ter her edmlsslon. to sign the waiver clause carried (oyle, he took tbe medal In the about as close to rock bottom as ever seen. ’ try . . . merchants may reveal more loot. the organist at the maas this morn­ Elest Hartford poUca said August Hdtse Guards clattering ahead and tentatively agreed on by the sub­ iad with a eowllck in his blonde ing to the consensu# California, The women stopped In the Olenney ing. Thera was only one solo, that HENRY STREET MAY BE behind. In each contact, John J. Egan, of committee. national mixed. foursomes. It Is possible to come on that second, drew only five votes for first was originally arrested on a charge ABOUT TOWN this dty, executive secretary of the course, and, bonestiy, 1 don’t see store for about flfteen minutes, and being sung by James Breen. c ' discharging firearms without a An hour before Leopold's arrival. Revenue# Reduced Bristol scored In the first period place and Alabama, again in third during that time nothing auspicious The bearers were Michael Mori­ Viscount Halifax left for Berlin to Connecticut Federation of Labor, Repeal of the capital stocks and Veteran Amntonj at i t bow Montague could Improve on It place, drew t'wo. Two experts in their actions was noted. arty, Francis Donohue, John Tier­ permIL He was released on a bond Mr. and Mrs. George Weir of 173 EXTENDED TO PARKER made known today that tbe coming WUlle, the Turnesa collegian, much, regardless of hla tools." on a 80-yard drive but mtddletown split first place between the Pan­ of $300. confer with (Chancellor Adolf Hit­ convention of that group will be excess profits taxes wculd cost some was edged out ‘.n the Jess Sweet- Using clubs that were too heavy retaliated In tha second quarter and ney, John Server, Terrance Shan­ Wethersfield street have left for ler on matters ot Importance to $140,000,000. Permitting capital thera and either California or Ford- non and Theodore Zimmer. Dr. Henry N. Costello, Medical New Smyrna oeach. Florida, where asked to take atepa toward abol­ ser victory memorial toiirnarrent for him as a kid. even after they CALIFORNIA DOMINATES converted the extra point on a for­ ham. Eximlner of Hartford and Dr. H. J. British-German relations. As tbe ishing tbe waiver clause In tbe act. losses to be carried over from one at Wingfoot aa Ray Elllows un­ were cut down, gave Wlllle Turn­ ward paos to settle the Issue . . . ANTI-LYNCHING B H l The burial was In SL Patrick's Onderdonk of East Hartford per- they plan to spend the winter New Residential Tract Would German ambassador to London, year to offset capital gains In an- As the three top teams held cemetery. East Hampton. Rev. montba The "wholesale nullification" has cther would reduce Federal income leashed a 283. With Udo Rcinach esa one of the fastest swings In Bristol tried another field goal later their places, Yale and Minnesota k jrmed an autopsy today on the Be Opened If Smith And Joachim von Ribbentrop, saw bis been brought to light through num­ be attained the final of the John golf, and enable a sliglit 145-pound­ in the game but this try also missed James P. Timmins conducting the tody of Miss Dublel. train off, tbe tall, austere lord presi­ by $19,000,000. rose In the “top ton" and Louisiana DELAYS ROOSEVErS committal services at the cemetery. All A. A P. stores In Manchester Holl Plans Carry. erous complaints from workmen In A sum running Into tha millions, Q. Anderson memorial four-ball er to whack 280-yard drives. ALL-WEST COAST TEAM . . . the outcome made the final State entered toe charmed circle Last Saturday John Dublel, the dent of the Council said: all parts of the state who are "be­ only to have Eddie D'lggs hole out WlUle’a Idea Is that professloiials standlags as foUows: girl's father, brought a fI5,(H)U were closed ..hla morning from 8:30 Vinson said, would be kept from for toe first tima In a month. William N. Andrews and remained closed during the fu­ ‘Tll be back next Monday.’’ coming sick, sore and tired of the the Treasury by permitting a carry, a chip shot on the 18th to grab the are better competitors, but lack W T Pet. SPEGAL LEGISLATION negligence action against James The possibility of extending Henry methods In which adjusters endeav­ bacon. In the national amateur at the aggressiveness of amateurs. PICK OF PACTFIO. ? Mtddletown ...... s 0 IS The tabulation, with points count* The funeral of William N. An August and Philip Hoffman, on neral of David J. Moriarty, who or to gyp" them of their compen­ over of operating losses for offset ed on a 10-9-8-7-6-B-4-S-3-1 baste: draws will be held Thursday at 2 came to Manchester in 1918 to open street from Its present Juncture against later Income subject to the Portland, Ore., he knocked off a Perhaps that Is because they Golden Bears Place Five; West Hartford ...... 3 1 1 10 First Tea Points whose property the shooting oc- sation, Egan said. dozen who tied (or the quabfying play for dough, which WUlle, to Position First Team Bristol ...... 2 1 2 8 (Oontinned from Page One) o’clock from the Holloran Funeral .urred. Miss Dublel Is survived by the flfat A. A P. store here, and re­ with Princeton street through to “If this apparent successful eva­ undistributed profits tax. End ...... Stone, Stanford 1. Pittsburgh (43 first places, Home. 173 Center streeL Rev. mained In the employ of the com­ BYRD’S PILOT RECEIVES Methods of making up the total ■pot, only to lose In tte final play­ bis credit, hopes to obtain in an­ Manchester ...... i 2 1 4 her parents, two sisters, Julia auo meet Parker street is being discuss­ sion of the law Is permitted to con­ off. other tine. Players On Eleven Picked i Tackle ...... Wolff, Santa (Jlara I 2 ties (or first)...... filTU ductlon still was unsettled by the James Wright of the Talcottville .iophle and two brothers, Joseph and pany continuously until his last Ill­ loss have not been worked out. A Guard .. . .Sllvlnskl, Washington ' Meriden ...... i 8 0 8 FRANCIS LEABY 8 California (B first plaess, Avenue Congregational church. ness. ed by Robert J. Smith and Eklward tinue, we might as well repeal tbe Beat Hertford ...... 0 B 0 0 Agriculture committee. c rank Dublel. * J. Holl, who own property In the CONGRESSIONAL HONORS Workmen’s (Compensation Act," be tax revision bill may be vetoed un- O nter ...... Herwig. California Newly-crowned New Etogland cross country eharoplon, and win­ 1 tie for first) ...... 48$ While waiting for the farm bill. Hartford, will officiate and burial The funeral will be held Thurs­ added. lesa tbe losses are compensated by By Thornhill Of Stanford;! Guard . ... Stockton, California 8. Alabama '($ first places) 898 will be in the Elmwood Cemetery. Lady Roberts Lodge, Daughters vicinity. ner of every one of his 22 starts In the past three years, Francis 4. Fordham (1 first place, House chieftains sought to pry day morning at 8:30 at the T. P. Originally extending only from He sold that aa a result of an new levies. Tbe President said In Tackle . Grimstead, Wash. State All (XHL schools were officially Leary will seek his third state title this Saturday at Wesleyan Univer­ loose the President's other major Vernon. riolloran funeral home, 175 Center M St. George will hold Its regular Harold I. June Gets Medal bir message to Congress yesterday; End ...... Schwartz, California notified over the weekend by the 1 tie for first) ...... 377H Holloran’s Funeral Home will be meeting tomorrow evening at 8 Main street to North Elm street investigation by the Federation tbe Herwig And Karamatic sity's course in Middletown as Manchester High defends Its team proposal—the wage-hour bill—which street, followed by a requiem mass From Gov. Cross During executive council has voted to rec­ "Nor can we at this time accept NEW AAU PREXY FACES ' Quarter ...... Meek, California League secretary that the method honor# Leary annexed the state diadem In 1933 In 14:28.8 and sat a B Yale ...... 960 open to friends of the deceased aft­ o'clock in the Robbins room ot Cen­ Henry street has been developed a revision of our revenue laws which Halfback . . . . Bottari, (California of scoring In football has not been 6. Santa Clara ...... 179 bad been locked In the rules com­ er 7 o’clock tonight. at SL James's church at 9 ^ until it Is now one of Mancnester’i Ceremonies In Hartford. ommend to tbe coming convention new record of 13:34.7 In repeating last year. Hailed os one of the mittee since summer. o'clock. The burial will be In St. ter church bouse. that Its legislative program Include Involves a reduction In the aggre- Holdovers Of Last Year. | , Halfback ..Gray, Oregon State changed since 1926 and consists of greatest schoolboy barriers in the East, the local captain ts favored 7. Minneeota ...... 143 James's cemetery. principal residential highways. Mr. oOU. revenues or an Increase In tbe Fullback .. Karamatic, Gonzaga three points (or s victory, one point 8 Louisiana State ...... 191 Despairing of getting approval Smith extended Henry street east Hartford, Nov. 16.— (AP)—Har­ a move to abolish the waiver clause to gain hla 23rd triumph but should get plenty of opposition from from the rules committee. Chairman St. Bridget’s Guild will hold a In Danbury, work application aggregate tax burdens of those FIRST TEST IN 24 HOURS lOr a tie and nothing for a losa . . . the large field expected to compete. 9 Dartmouth ...... 104 rummage sale >' riday morning from .In his development of “Elizabeth old I. June, pilot during both ot forms which carry waiver clauses least able to bear them." ! Positton which eliminates all argument on 10. VUIanova ...... 78 Norton (D-NJ) of the Labor com­ PLEADS INNOCENT 9 o’clock on, in the Coughlin build­ Park," and in further developing Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s expedl Immediate Taok By TINT m O RN inLL Second Team Second ten: 11, Nebraaka, 38; 19, mittee started circulating a petition tlons to the South Pole, today re­ clearing the employers from any re­ Stanford’s End ...... Strode, U. C. L. A. ' tbe title even before Middletown FATHER GETS 30 DAYS ing, Depot Square. Mrs. George Hi that area extended the street tur- sponsibility in the event of Injury Mr. Roosevelt said i n Immediate Tackle ...... Zagar, Stanford oeet Bristol . . . Notre Dame, 33; 13, Stanford, 89; to bring the bill directly to the Bryan and Mrs. John Mahoney are ther to meet Princeton street wbicn ceived the .Congressional Medal of task "Is to try to increase the use Judge S.L Hoyt Of New 14, Holy (jross, 90; 13, fUee, 94; House floor. TO DOUBLE MURDER Honor from Governor Ooss. or illness are Issued In wholesale PLAYOFF TO CROWN Palo Alto. Calif., Nov. 16.—It la Guard . Hoptowit, Waah. State co-chairmen of the commlltee of ar­ runs southerly to Middle Turnpike lota, specifying particularly mer­ of private capital to create employ- no easy task to name 11 young foot­ Center . Dougherty, Santa (Clara Windham High aosorbed a 18-0 16, Colorado, 91; 17, North (3aro- The petition oust be signed by FOR BEATING BABY rangements. Articles for the sale east. With delegations present from curial poisoning or the ailment n ent," and declared "the present ball stars who supposedly are supe­ llna, 19; 18, Vanderbilt, 18; 19, 218 members, but It can not become the American Legion, Veterans of Haven And Aides Head Guard ...... Evans, California trimming from Norwich Free Acad­ CLARK OF UONS WANTS Ohio State, 16; 20, Indiana, IS. Maine Youth Who Drove will be collected If donors will tele­ The further extension of the known aa "hatters' shakes." declini has not reached aerious pro­ rior to any other 11 men at their pO' Tackle ...... Stoll. California emy yesterday . . . (ffiapman Tech effective until December 13. That phone Mrs. Bryan, 3037 or Mrs. street would make available a large foreign Wars, the Connecticut Na­ portions.” BILLIARD TITLIST aitlons, but with the able aaalatance End ___ • Also ran: Auburn 10. Texas would leave only a week of the Thtouprh Six States With Hartford, Nov. 16.—(API—Burt Mahoney, 3303. tional Guard and other groups. Gov. Most members of (Congress and Coughlan, Santa Clars Deal Wllllmantlc by the same score Christian and Duke 8 each, Baylor Steele, arrested on complaint of his tract of land for residential pur­ Cross sketched the duties of Pilot For Washington To Tackle of other coaches and critics, 1 finally Quarter • Schindler, South. Cat. and we understand the latter eleven special session for ..coati and (or Bodies In Auto Is Declared poses that cannot now be reached. some Industrialists commented with have lOtrlved at what I consider as Halfback TO RETIRE AS PLAYER and Arkansas 7 eaeh, U. of Wash­ ironing out any differences between wife for brutally beating their two- A cheat clinic will be held at the June on the trips to the Antarctic. favor on business and tax angles of ..(Chapman, California nos won only one game out of five ington 3, Texas A. and H. 4, Cor­ Sane. Possibility of even further de­ PLEA OF INNOCENCE good an All-West Coast team as can Halfback ...... Fay, Stanford or six atarte . . . which shouldn't the House bill and the one passed vear-old babv, was today sentenced hospital clinic Haynes street on De­ The governor said: the message, togetbisr with Mr. First Problon; Seek Great­ be selected. .rullbAck nell 8, Tulsa and Lafajrstta 9 each. to jail for ao days by Judge Francis cember 1, the Manchester Public velopment In that Suction has been “The people of this country, Greenleaf Seeks His 16th ..Anderson, California make Manchester (eel too confident way (or many of them to get good With toe northeast still holding by the Senate in July. noted by Camille Andlsii who owns Roosevelt's reiteration of bis tw- California, with five men on the Fourth Measore South Paris, Me.. Nov. 16.—(AP) Murphy In Police Court. 60 days Health Nursing Association an­ through their duly elected Repre­ ENTERED BY O’HARA llei that next year’s budget can ba first squad and four on the second, of the outcome ot Its finale with Greatest AIl-Aroimd Per­ Jobs and establish themselves. In or five first places In toe first group, —Elghteen-year-old Paul N. Dwyei being suspended. nounced today. land between Woodbridge and Ver­ sentatives hi Congress, havs voted brought into definite balance. er Harmony With Colleges Windham here Friday as the viators out of athleUcs. the south supplied toe greatest The fourth measure on the Presi­ Coe Diadem Against Irv­ dominates, but this Is not unequal finest collection of talent on the dent's program—regional planning of South Paris, unemotionally plead­ Mrs. Steele set about raising s non streets. Mr. Andlslo says tnal to award the Congressional Medal to There was disagreement among distribution when you consider that nave a knack ot playing their best Oiuldn’t Coach College change. Duke, whose tub toump- $300 bond set by the court for an If the Henry stieet extension goes certain members of Rear-Admiral Denies Violation Of Federal members, however, on whether to western seaboard, but please don't game against the Red and Whits . . . former lo Pro Football ors were already singing “(Califor­ —was locked In the Senate Agricul­ ed Innocence In Superior Court to­ Dana S. Purinton of 257 East the Bears this season as one of the blame me If your favorite Isn't men­ Asked whether he woulu prefer to day to an Indictment charging he appeal to Superior Court. Center street is elated over the fact I through he may open a strieet Byrd's second Antarctic expedition Corrupt Practices Act; Out attempt any tax revision immedi­ Boston, Nov. 16.—(AP)—Storm ing Crane To Break He. finest clubs the golden slope has pro­ nia. here we come," was bounced ture committee back of the farm through the Bdgewood form con- This medal is one of the highest tioned. coach pro or Clark out of the elect division by North bill. The House committee has not murdered his elderly benefactor. Mrs. Steele told the court she that his two dogs entered ,in the On Bond Of $2,000. ately or Walt until the regular sec- duced tn years. The Manchester Green baseball Dr. James O. Littlefield, of South went out Friday evening and when Boston Terrier Club s show at the i nectlng Woodbridge and Vernon honors which Is within the power el on In January for a mere compre­ warnings were flying today as 61- Holdovers on the first team are In this "AU" business, there sim­ team, runners-up tor the town title Says Legs Are Beginning made this surprising reply: Carolina's unruly operatives. The completed bearings. of the American people to bestow. ply are not enough places to go "I don't know enough to coach a Paris. .she returned went to the crib to Douglas Hotel Newark, won honors. streets. This would make another hensive approach. ycar-old Judge Samuel Eugene Philadelphia, Nov. 16.— (AP) — George Karamatic. Qonzaga full­ this past summer, will hold their defeat also shaded ^ k e 's hopes D ^ lte the President's obvious Trial was set for November 30th cover the baby. She noticed marks "Mighty Sweet” In the 15-20 pound I fine tract available for residential "I am very proud to have been Providence, R. I.. Nov. 16—(AP) Senator Vandenberg (R., Mich.), Hoyt, state's attorney from New back, and big Bob Herwig, the Call around, and I doubt that the editor annual banquet tonight at the college jeam . That's not aa billy aa for a southern conference title. attempt In his .message to hold Con­ asked by Admiral Byrd to present —Walter E. O'Hara, head of the Ralph Greenleaf, of New York, 13 has space for the list of lads worthy To Feel Strain Of 15 it sounds because there Is actually A report on the sanity of the on the child's body. In the morn­ class, and "Ace's Ritzy Miss" In ’ purposes. said he "totally disagreed” with Mr. Haven, Conn., headed for Washing­ fornia center. of honorable mention. Moose hall on Bralnard Place at The retirement of the Blue Devila gress to the four-point program, youth, also charged with murdering ing the little one told the mother dogs under 15. one of the medals to you, a native Narragansett Racing Association, Roosevelt's conclusion that recovs’^y times world’s pocket billiard cham­ Again Karamatic is the outstand. 8:30 o’clock ; . . B big difference li, the two job# The made way (or Louisiana State, a tb delay on those measures gave her eye hurt, and Investigation dis­ and citizen of Connecticut, and an Inc., today entered pleas of inno­ depends more on private business ton with eight advisors to grapple pion, today needed only a victory Ing Individual. “Automatic" Kara' college coach must concentrats on perennial eoutoern leader, which Dr. Littlefield's wife, Lydia, 63, and outstanding member of both expedi­ cence for himself and the corpora­ Years Of Play; Gi?es His Impetus to demands for legislation driving by automobile with both closed It ./as practically closed be­ FLYING BISHOP TO RETURN BISHOP CONSECRATED. policies than on the policies of with the flret problem he will en over 23-y«ar-old Irving Crane, of matic once more made Oonzaga of The Pollsh-American girls wUI fundamentals, such os blocking and downed Auburn Saturday. “ne to spur business activity—particu­ bodies through six nortbeastero cause of a beating administered. tions." tion to Federal grand jury Indict­ governmenL counter as president of the Ama­ Spokane an outfit to be feared. This practice tomorrow night from 7 tackling, where as In pro football Tigers have lost only to VanderbUL larly tax revision. Scranton, Pa., Nov. 16.—(AP)— ments charging violation of the teur Athletic Union. Livonia, N. Y„ to clinch bis 16th Jay Berwanger of the far weat Is Grid Views. we take It for granted the players states to North Arlington, N. J.. The court record, as read by Newark. N. J., Nov. 16—(API — title. HGERS niRN BACK to 8 o'clock at the East Side Rec, Yale drew away from toa other A House Ways and Means sub­ was not submitted. County Attor­ Judge Murphy, disclosed that on The Rev. Senior Joseph F. Leanlak. Federal Oimipt Practices AcL There, only 24 hours after his a Jack-of-all-trades and master of while the PAAC boys will practice know these rudimentary things. If "Ivy league” nominee for national committee* was meeting dally to (Canada's 70-year-oln "Bishop of tbe of Springfield, Mass., today was O'Hara and the Association were surprise election, ho and bis A. A. The veteran Greenleaf and the all. Running, kicking, passing, or ney Robert Smith said, however, June 18 Steele had been arrested as Wind." the Most Rev. Gsbriel Brey- OPEN FORUM from 8 to 9 o’clock . . . all players not they don’t last. The pro coach­ honors, Dartmotuh, with the rout work out modifications in the cor­ that Dr. T. C. Tyson of the State a result of a beating administered consecrated bishop of the New Eng­ Indicted last week by the grand jury PRKSDENT SUFFERING U. committeemen will confer with youthful Oane flrished In a dead­ blocking—any way you look at him are requested to report on time . . . By ALAN GOI’LD ing Job is concerned primarily wito ot Princeton and now heads for its porate surplus and other business his eight-year-old boy. Judgment nst, bishop of the Vlcarlate-Apos- land states diocese of the Polish which reported the track paid "close groups from the National Ckilleglate lock for first place last night In the the IfiOpounder from Aberdeen, HEIGHTS BY 22-20 yearly rendesvoua wito toe Har- hospital, who made the examtna- trlic of Mackenzie, set forth by THE ARMISTICE P.ARADE New York. Nov. 16.—(AP)—Earl team strategy, condlUonlng and taxes, but Chairman Vinson (L)-Ky 1 , tion, had found the youth to be at that time w u auspended. National church at a pontifical to $100,000 of Its funds within Athletic Aasoelation and the Na­ 1937 tournament and will meet to­ VVaah., Is tops. The bowling team of Gold Star spirit. Don't let any one tell you vards. Dartmouth dropped In the was pessimistic ovei the prospect ot The couple have seven children, plane today to return to bis post m high maas. single year” to committees and per­ FROM INFEITED TOOTH tional Association of Amateur Oars­ night In a play.'ff for the title. California contributes Johnny Harry Qark, Ctolorado's "Flying standings as a result of its Ua with "sane." the sub-Arctic. The ceremonies In St. Stanislaus Editor. The Herald; Meek, 200-pound blocking quarter­ Port, V. F. W. of WllllmanUc, wUI the professionals Just go torougn framing legislation In time for a Dwyer was brought back to Mrs. Steele said. Ctcele, In hla own Aa the Armistice Parade went by sons Identified with polities. men about more equable represen­ Greenleaf defeated Wlllle Mosconi. bowl the team of An'derson-Sbea Dutchman" of the professional grid­ the motions. They have to be ban­ powerful (Cornell. vote at this sesaiin. defense, said he had been drinking The flying churchman, who has church were attended by church The track executive. Indicted on tation on the American Olympic of Philadelphia, 125 to 79. In 28 In­ back, and Vic Bottari. left half, to Wm First Cage Game Of Sea­ irons, wants to retire from active Stanford, apparently on the make South Paris yesterd^ (or trial aft­ dignitaries from many parta of the many thoughts stirred within me, An Engagrements Caneened the backfleld. Coach Stub Alli­ Post at Farr's Alleys, Oak street died and brought to 'peaks' for the Almost iinanlmous sentiment in er h.ovlng been at the State hospi­ and remembered nothing of the af­ been visiting Catholic misalonary my mind Instinctively recalled tbe (our counts, was released In $2000 Games committee. nings while (?rane triumphed over Friday night at 8:30. The Willl- competition after this season be­ mo?t Important games, just like any since Bill Paulman returned to country. ball, furnished by Vernon (X Nor­ For The Day—Naval Dentist During the A. A. U.’s 49tb con­ Erwin Rudolph, of Cleveland, 125 son of the Bears rates Meek the cause, he Insists, he's "slowing up." form, marks Its challenge to Cali­ both Houses for modification or re­ tal for the past three weeks. fair. He Is employed In a diner. stations In his 60V,U(M) square mue Armistice Parade of nineteen years finest blocker and signal-caller In the son When S. Grzyb Scores mantlc team will be managed by college outfit." peal of the corpoiate surplus tax The youth was recommitted to vicariate by plane since IIUU, plan­ ton, reporter on the Providence Star Is Called To White House. vention, a three-day affair that to 38, in 38 Innings. Nine other clubs tn the National fornia for coast leadership and that ago. I do not think that anyone Tribune of which O'Hara Is pub­ collegiate game. Bottari has few Post Department (tommander Clark, first Rocky Mountain col­ Bowl bid by climbing to ISto place. produced dozens ot proposals (or the county Jail here to await triah ned to stop off at Montreal and CAUFOR.V1A QUAKE who witnessed It could ever forget closed here yesterday with his elec­ 'Mosconi, tied with Greenleaf and peers as a ball carrier and pass­ James J. Lee, postmaster of WlUI- League will be glad to get this changes In the law. EXPLORER’S FILMS STOLEN Quebec en route borne to bis bead- lisher. tion, President Hoyt, a Yale gradu­ (?rane for first place previous to news, though they will believe It s legian to be pickec for All-Ameri­ The Indiana were not ranked tn any Dwyer walKcd unfalteringly Into IL All the night before we were Washington. Nov. 16.-L-(AP) — er. " In Orertime Period. mantle and tbe local five will be in ca honors, was on the first all-star previous poll. The House subcommittee agreed the court room, apparently recog­ quarters at Fort Emltn, District of Palm Springs, (^If., Nov. 16.— waiting In anxiety as to what would U. S. Attorney J. Howard Me ate, sensed that the delegates were last nlghL dropped to a third place Joe Gray, the Oregon State spark charge of (Tlarence "(top" Peterson. true when they actually see Clark Rocbestar, N. Y„ Nov. 16.— (AP) Oratb said a trial date would be aet President Roosevelt cancelled all of eager to compromise with the op­ tie with Jimmy Caras, of Wilming­ on the bench next year. They not backfleld picked by toe A.ssoclated to exempt corporations whose nizing none of the many friends and —Thieves who stole an automobile Mackenzie. (AP)—Residents at this winter re­ be the result of the negotiations bis engagements today because,of a plug, lands the other halfback posi­ The team from the local post will I’reSH In 1928. rhe .Hullo profits do not exceed 13.000 a year. acquaintances who thronged the sort were awakened a t 4:30 a. m. Would there be an agreement and later and that O'Hara would be al­ painfully Infected tooth. posing groups for control of the ton. Del. Mosconi will meet Caras tion. A 60-mlnute climactic player only doubt the declining powers ot from a driveway at the Eastman lotted 10 days In which to file any Olympic track and field, swimming, to decide third and fourth places Last night the Tigers opened be made up of the following play­ Press In 1928. He gets a chuckle now Throughout the comment on the little hall. His plea of "not guilty" Kodak CJompany's plant nere this Scorpions are born fully develop­ (pet) today by two sharp earth­ a truce be made? We awoke In the The trouble developed last night who does everything well, he tossed their 1937 cage season at the Y. M. ers; Mathlason, Peterson. Laklffg, the Detroit club's versatile playing President's message yesterday ran was delivered In a firm, quiet voice. ed but wrapped up In their egg- quakes which shook furniture, rat­ morning with the same heavy bur­ pleas or demurrers. O'Hara was wrestling and eight-oared crew prior to the Grcenleof-Crane match. pass to edge Washington In the coach but they still rats him, by out of the (act that many ot bis morning got more than they know. represented by hie counsel, Ray­ after dinner and caused the Presi­ teams. (?rane. who finished fourth In a A. by defeating the HelghU of Fortin, Olson, Frasier. warmest admirers back L. his days general approval for his proposal Dwyer was arrested In New Jer- The car belonged to Annand envelopes. The mother carefully tled windows and dishes but ap­ den on our hearts and mind. Was dent to lose considerable sleep. closing seconds and for the second long odds, tha greatest all-around .sey October 16. He was found in mond J. McMahon. Every move made during the last year’s tournament, defeated straight year stood out in every the south end In a hard fought bat­ performer tn pro football. at Colorado College were slightly Powlirit^ to revise corporate taxes to aid liberal^ the young from this mem­ parently caused no material dam­ A navzU dentist called to tha Denis of Putnam, CJonn., an ex­ there ever such a longing (or tbe convention was harmonious, includ­ Greenleaf In their tournament George Leary of Fordham placed skeptical when he gained this small business. North Arlington asleep In Dr. Lit­ plorer, who said that $S,0(X> worth brane. age. cessation of war? White House this morning found the game. tle which had to be extended Into 104th In the IC4-A cross country Legs Feel Htrnln WEST RIDE LEAGUE tlefield's car. which also contained tooth Infected. Dr. Roes T. Mc- ing the elevation of Hoyt, a com­ match, 12.3 to 72, In 30 Innings. "It’s fun working with the great recognition. They weren't entirely Hamilton’s Comment of movie film, taken in African Jun­ At last sirens, horns and the The final standings of the play- an overtime period. The final championships yesterday over tbe convinced until be made good In the (Rec Alleys) Republican Cha.rman John Hamil­ the body of the slain physician and gles. was In the car. He bad come clanging of the bells conveyed the WAPPING Intlre, the president's naval physi­ promise candidate, to the presiden­ Best, But Not By Far score being 22 to 20. The game five-mile course st Van (tortlandt bunch of fellows we have on the De­ hla wife. They had been killed a cian. then was consulted and found cy. After Jack Rafferty of Hous­ Grant Stone of Stanford and Perry troit club,” said Dutch, "they ve pro game, first at Portsn.outh, O. ton said last night' to Kodak Park to do experimental glorious news. It seemed as If the w. L. waa marked by the brilliant passing Park in New York . . . hla team was I’ete Hansen hammered toe wood "Republicans In and out of Con­ few days previously In Maine, po­ work with tbs film. whole city, the entire population An entertainment of music and the President had a slight tempera­ ton, Tex., one of this year’s vice- Schwartz of California are the ends. of Server and the shooting of the 30:44 . . . Fordham was 16tb in the kept their college spirit. 1 like my snd then with DetrolL last night (Or a high three string lice said. Girdle Silhouette Needs Slip ture. presidents, and CoU Frank E. Lowe Irvlng Crane, LI- onla. N. Y. 8 3 Stone calls plays for the Cardinals, Grzyb brothers. Four Slates On Team gress can be bopetul now that their 'The car was a 1936 sedan, and 8top{>ed all at once and at that mo­ nadlngs to which the public Is U) Ralph Greenleaf, New York 8 so gives the mythical allstar aggre­ team atanding' as Michigan State own job and I think I’m still able to total of 363 and led Renn'a Tavam repeated warnings have iprceo bore Connecticut license plates ment sent up one great note ot cited will be given lu-dar the aus­ Shortly afterward officials an­ of Portland, Me,, withdrew to 3 Carablno tied the score with less retained Its title . . . take my share of the hard knocks Four former Rocky Mountain In a 3 to 1 victory over Dillon's nounced cancellation of all engage­ clear the way, Hoyt was nominated Jimmy CAras, Wll’i’gton, Del. 7 4 gation a second skillful field marshal. than ten seconds remaining to play, products, besides (Jlark. are on the Pre.oldent Roosevelt at last to face WI-S18. ^ gratitude and thankfulness to our pices of the Mothers C3ub, of the Wlllle Mosconi, Philadelphia 7 4 Schwartz, a converted halfback, la a but I’ve lieen playing football for V8's. Ernie Dowd gave the veteran' realities. That Fits Smooth as Dress Heavenly Father. Suddenly the Wapplng (Community church, ments for the day. Including tha hy Murray Halbert of New York, forcing the game Into an overtime the better part of l.'i years ann my current roster of the Detroit Lions West .Siller plenty of oppoolUon but HOLLYWOOD FOCUSES usual Tuesday press conference. and seconded by (Jbarles Ornstein, Andrew Ponzl. Philadelphia 6 5 marked man ivhen the Berkeley period. In the overtime the win­ Dutch laments the fact that this "He finally promises us tax re- streets were filled with people that Thunday evening, at 8 o'clock. The also of New York. Erwin Rudolph, (^eveland 6 S boys throw passes. legs are beginning to feci It." toe V8's didn't have the power to vls' - His promises are indefinite NAME DAT DIRECTOR BY CAROL DAY had gone mad with joy. Everything following artists will participate: They said the dentist would ning basket waa made by S. Grzyb, C3ark has threateneo to retire be­ year's No. 1 prospect, Byron (Whiz- off-set the work of (Clarence Ven- treat the Infected molar for several During the nominating speech, Benny Allen, Kaneae (Sty 3 6 Bill Wolff of Santa Clara and Bob who coDeetod a total of 8 points WRESTLING zerl White of Colorado University, t il, but It does seem that the CAMERA ON ITSELF I TNDEIR these new molded that could contribute.towards mak William (Joopei, tenor, of Hartford. Onofrio Lauri, Brooklyn S Grimstead of Washington State rate fore but has yet to make It stick. bert and Sam Nelson. Hartford, Nov. 16.—(AP)—At­ Ing a noise was pressed into service a h( will be accompanied by Mrs. days before determining whether It Hulbert made several references to 6 for the evening. prefers a Rhodes scholarship at Ox­ ■•elt recessicn has tauget torney George H. Day, Jr., former LJ dresse*, just any old ilip should bo extracted. *.hc "ominous times for the election Marcel Camp, Detroit 3 6 the tackle posts. It would be diffi­ By ASSOCIATED PRESS The man that pro football follow­ The West Side Tavern, which got eve;, Mr. Roosevelt that you cannot and a great Joyful jubilee of praise Cooper; Miss Carolyn Burger, so­ cult to point out a more formidable There wae no outstanding star ers compare most often with Jim ford to any Idea ot turnlo pro. off to a poor start, continued toe Judge of the Hartford police court, will not do. Your ilip must fit prano; Russell Wilson, vloUnlst; of a president," remarks which the Joe Diehl, Rockford, 111. 4 7 for the Tlgeni as the team worked (toloagn—Everett Marshall, 212, "I coached the In bas­ Ignore economh laws and get away Piclurt* At The State Today smoothly if the lovely lines o( went up like the roar ot a Niagara. delegatee construed as warnings of Charles Seaback, Boston 3 8 pair Of guards than Steve Sllvlnskl very well as a unit while the pass­ Chicago, drew with Bobby Bruns, Thorpe. Ernie Nevers, Walter Eck- pace they set last week and again with It forever " and former chairman of tha Board the dress are not to be marred. Rich and poor marched together, Mrs. Gerhardt E. Rast, elecuUonist. INFANTS LIFE SAVED of Washington and Yard Stockton of eraall and others, when the subject ketball." said Clark, "and I’ve seen carved themselves out 3 points while .And Tomorrow Teila Story of Police Commissioners, is elected u-nd Miss Brown, piantsL There the difficulties that might be ex­ George Kelly, Philadelphia 2 9 ing of Server was the thing that 218, OUcago, (60:). bim play football. They tell me Comment on the other portiona Make such a slip (or your ward­ there was no criticism as to per pected to arise during toda}r’a California Both are excellent block- Portland, Me.—Daxmo O’MohonOT, of "all time greats" comes up (or Paganl's Barbers were able to salv- . Of Fiim Capital Life. a director of the Aetna iFlrri and robe with Pattern 6019. It gives sonal appearance, the workman just will be no admission charge. Brockton, Mass., Nov. 16.—(AP) era, rocks on defense, and quickly kept the Heights In tha running. Yale’s CUnt Frank Is toe best m tns ct the Pre-ldetit s message ran along The County YM.C~A. Is again Olympic discussions with the N. C. The Tigers, who have won 21 221, Ireland, defeated George Clark, debate, says tbe pace Is gettmg age but one. Frits Wilkinson led ■ party lines. affiliated companies. President W. a smooth, flat line at the dia­ as be left his bench, the girl from —A newly-born twin boy, appar­ diagnose opponents’ plays. business but White does everything toe West Side Tavern with a. high Hollywood turns the camera on Ross McCain announced today. phragm that is becoming to ev­ functioning In our mIdsL Bojrs and A. A. and N. A. A. O. groups. games and lost 9 last year, plan to 217, Scotland, two of three falls. faster all the time In the pro game. Administration supporters, pre­ the office, the bousswlle from the ently dead for aome time, was re­ Hoyt succeeds Judge Jeremiah T. Herwig at center stands six feet, enter the ^ M . C. A. Intermediate Wilmington, Del.—Mike Mazurki, "Then, too," he pointed rut. "there well and n i take him in preference three toUl of 310 while Billy Pa- itself In Columbia's latest produc­ Judge Day, whose father, Ueorge ery frock in your wardrobe. kitchen while the children filled the y-ung men from tbe ages of ten vived today by a group of firemen four inches. He la a tremendous to any college boy I've aeen In ac­ gani's 308 was high for toe Bar­ dicting Ccr.gtess would adopt Mr. tion, • Happened In Hollywood,” H. Day, Sr., served aa a director ot This snug line at tha waist gives to twenty are eligible for member Mahoney, recent unsuccessful New Racing Notes league'this veaf and hope for a suc­ 228. New York, awarded decision Isn't the prejudice against pro foot­ Roosevelt's principal recomraenda- street all joining In the rejoicing of who labored over the Infant wlth-wn factor In California’s pass defense, a cessful season. The game was over Joe Cox, 221, Cleveland; Cox ball that formerly existed among tion. bers. Pete Hansen again copped showl I today and tomorrow at the the Aetna from 1896 until his deaui a smart uplift to the bust also— ship. Their meetings are held every InbaJator until breathing was re­ York mayoralty candidate. good line-barker, and an accurate "Every section of the tioii. said the message showed he State theater. Richard Dlx and • detail that is comfortable and the hour. Wednesday evening at tbe Com­ Four vice-presidents were chos- By A8S(XTATED PRESS well handled by Ronald Daigle and disqualified for attacking referee. college men. It not only draws big­ eoimtry-i-h)(jh single (or the evening with a In 1907, was born in Harttord, Hept. Those who had suffered the loss stored. feeder. Ed Kosak. turns out fine football players now,' score of 131. \va-s pushing ahead with hli objec­ Fay Wray play the leading roles— 22, 1891. He entered Yale Universi­ becoming. The skirt of the slip munity Church house. lei Lowe, James E. Rtch- Plenty of other Grade A play­ Atlantic City, N. J.—Qino Gari­ ger and better crowds but attracts tives. Crltica cal'ec the program those of screen players. Victor is cut straight so that it does not of loved ones shed tears, but put Harry P. Files, Jr., and two The first of the boys, k-1 Multnomoh A. C.. Oregon; Jack Campbell is running into sn baldi, 211, Italy, pinned Jack Hader, more good college players than ever Clark added, "but we like these Paganl’s Barbers (I) ty from Pomfret school and was their sorrow by for the Urns and re­ Mrs. James Dodd, wife at « unusual kind of difficulty at Bowie ers displayed their wares on the southern boys. They have real nre.' too omorel ensive for the brtet Kilion, Billy Burrud and Franklin twist or turn: once you meke f iends from Maine, speut tbe week­ Hay lctt, Kiinsao State Tcach- Pacific coast this fall, and it Is un­ P B F T 218, New Orleans, (13:81). before. That's because it opens the B. Pagan! ...... 108 106 94—808 graduated In the class ot 1913. this slip you'll have It in your joiced with those that rejoiced. Al­ nent leather dealer, was in _ —that or trying to acatter the en­ 0 H. Grzyb, If ...... 4 0-3 8 N. A ngelo...... 92 109 95—296 special aeaaloh. Pangbom are included In the cast end at the home of nls mother, Mrs. health. But when Dr. John A?, 'CoIIcge, and Owen E. Van tries around so all tbe owners and fair to disregard their talents. Senator McNary (R-Ore), the Harry Laehman directed. Ethel werdrobe again and again. though we laughed and rent Harr} P. F*1ea of Wapplng O n ter imp, Chicago. As a matter of (acL one draws 0 Parchark, If ...... o 0-0 0 R. Russell ...... 72 — 81—163 Hill. Harvey Ferguson and Sam FIRST WOMAN JUROR. If you have never sewn be­ the air with huszaha we did not for­ tey delivered tne second chlM trainers will be satisfied they’re get­ 1 Da viz, r f ...... 2 0-0 4 D. Hagenow .,. .102 88 94—284 minority leader, described the mes­ fore, do not hesitate to make Se^rml members of Wappmg Immediately ordered the flremeh Among the other actions taken ting their chance to win now and mighty fine lines In naming any of sage aa "conciliatory," whereas Fuller WTote the screen play, from get those that a short time before G.onge are preparing to neighbor during yesterday’s final session, our far western backs idiead at 0 Zlamlatls, rf ...... 0 0-0 0 L ast Night’s Fights W. Hand ...... 100 90 87—277 the story of Myles Oonnolly. New Britain, Nov. 16.—(AP)— this slip. The pattern includes had marched away ao bravely to the called. then. With a large number of 8 Vlneek, e ...... o 0-0 0 Senator Barkley (U-Ky), the ma­ City court offlclala expressed belief a complete step-by-step acw with Goodwill Grange this Tuesday A squad worked over the Infant which tabled selection of tbe site ol horses stabled at the Maryland Sam (Chapman and Dave Anderson Moriartys Hope To Even A. Carlson . . . . . --- 94 ------94 jority chieftain, called It "persua­ “Front" those dear faces we would evening. next year's golden jubilee conven­ of California and Pete Fay of Stan­ 0 Olbert e ...... o 0-0 0 HOOtXR TO .\TTEND GAME today that Hiss Gertrude A. Benz, chart that tells you exactly never see except In memories for 15 minutes before thera waa any track, he had to toas out from 30 0 Rubacha, c ...... 0 0-0 0 sive." a clerk In the office of tha city what to do. Three motor vehicles were badly sign of life. tion, were tbe awarding of the 1938 fo 40 would-be atartera in every ford, and Amby Schindler of South­ London—Harry Mlxlcr, England, 474 487 431-1412 dream; they sleep on a foreign amashed and three peraons slightly national Ice hockey championships ern California has tremendous drive. 0 S. Grzyb. lb ...... 4 0-0 8 outpointed Al Roto, New York West Side Tswrn (8) Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 16.— clerk, was the first woman chosen Pattern 8079 is designed for raite and thoae that are thrown out 0 E. WIerzbIckI, Ig ...0 0-0 0 Title Series On Sunday to serve on a jury In this state. She sizes 34, 38, 38. 40, 4XT|. 46. 48 shore. They died believing that hiiured at Statloa 81, Saturday to Boston and the publicizing ol tbe don’t Hke lt» lightweight (10). L. Maloney ...... 91 78 86—253 tAP)—Former President. Herbert and SO. Size 38 requires 3 yards they had helped to make the world nlghL Antlxmy Angelica of 40 6FECIAL FOOD FOB PRINCESS. list of candidates for the Sullivan "AU" Ftaoea Too Few 1 H. WIerzbIckI. rg ..1 0-0 2 Cliicago—I.arvey Wods, 127. St. Q Armstrong .. . 83 113 94—299 SIT-DOWN STRIKE ^ Hoover will be one of several distin­ was a juror in a suit brought by a safer place to live In. That peace Proapect sUeet, ThompsonvUle, may The systM followed la to have 0 Bycholskl, rg ...... o 0-0 0 F'aul. and Kid Irish, 130, Bfeld. III., Dr. B u rette D. Radcliffe to evict of 33 inch material or 2 7-8 New York, Nov. 16__(AP) __ award. the horsemen themselves draw to It also seems a shame to place B ^ t e n ^ last Sunday ^ U r bokl-Sa first class grid machine but some­ 8. Gustafson ... .. 86 108 87—281 guished guests of President James Dr. John P. McIntosh from prem­ yards of 39 inch. 1 yard of rib­ would be the outcome. Alas’ here have a frmeturied knee. Hla wife, When the Queen Mary sails for Ehi- The latter is presented to the Woodrow Wilson Strobe, U. C. L. drew. (8). A. Frelbelt ..— , 97 86 119—302 Bryant Conant of Harvard at the bon for the shoulder straps. we have no abiding peace. Mrs. Ida Angelica, baa head and decide which lorees will run and 8 11 0-8 22 t h the OriolM to a senrelest Ua in | thing has been lacking all season, Toronto — Frankie (tenovetc. COMES TO AN END ises which they formerly shared as lopo tomorrow, its pantries will ba year's outstanding athlete, who Is which won'L Oceastonally the same A,’s accomplished all-round Negro Belghte (96). the opener of the annual sertes fo r, It’s either lack of spirit or lack of W. Wilkinson ... . 87 119 104—310 Harvard-Tale football game next The new Fall and Winter Pat­ Once again the Brea ot greed and body Injuries, and Mias Clara ‘ner- a ^ e d with special rices, curries, ■elected by 6(X) A. A. U. members. athlste and end, on any kind of e 146 H, Toronto, outpointed (Seorge Saturday. putnsra Both are veterinarians, tern Book is ready for you now. horse is thrown out of two or more P B F T toe town fMtbrtI UUe, Moriarty | pracUce and Angelo Intends to cor- llie actioo ended In a non-sulL hate are aflame, the boom of the ney of Springfield, a passenger In frulte and vegetables to appease the This -year's candidates are beaded races tn succeaeioa. Campbell la second team.' Likewise Pete Zager Salvadore, 144 H, Houston, Tex. 444 506 490-1440 (Oeattmied from Page One) President Conant also will be host It has 32 pages of attractive de- 1 Carablno, If ...... 4 3-4 11 BroUwrs will J^ld pracUee sessions reel both these weaknesses this ( 10). cannon and ahell are heard amid the tha A ngdca car, baa minor In­ ^ ^ t i t e of a member of one of the by J. Donald Bu'lge of Oakland. hoping that departure for winter of Stanford and Bill StoU of Cali­ 1 Server,, rf ...... 2 tOTight Md f^lday ^ h t a t 6:80 weak. "If toe Orioleo win the third DUkuis V8‘e (1) to Lewis Douglas, former director figna for every sire and every cries of the wounded and dying; juries. All were treated by a local *^*|heat families In the world. fornia. tackles who know their way 0-0 4 Pittsburgh—Jack Trammell, 183, flMnt of the 480 men, he explained, TIME OUT occasion. Photographs s h o w Cil., U. 8. Davis Cup ace, Wimble­ tracke wUl reduce the number so 0 Mordavaky, e ...... 1 1-2 8 o dock at toe West Sloe Oval In an I game of the series they will be D. Muldoon...... 86 101 99—979 of the budget and now president of thniisands of heipleaa women and rhjraiclan. (Constable George Stone Prohibited by her Hindu religion don and national singles tennis that the cheaper racers can get a around. 0 Brody, Ig ...... ff Youngstown, O., outpointed Marty E.' Dowd ...... 126 111 114—831 would neccasltata a 16-hour week McCtll University, and Mrs. Doug­ dresses nude from theae pat­ and John J. Hartnett, Ji., InvasU- from using meats, eggs, fish, poul- Al HootowlL handsome Yeklme 0-0 0 strengthen up to t tba|forosd to pUy A No. 1 ball to do Gallagher, 210, Washington (10). (or an employes. Frederick, Md.—The Rev. Dr. terns being worn; a feature you children are bomeiesa Refugees champion. ehanc# now and thw.. 1 Wadas rg ...... i 0-0 3 third clash next Sunday, Bvary ■o", Angelo declare# Dr. (Caillouett ... . 93 88 91—979 las: President James P Baxter of Amos John Traver plucked a note will enjoy. Let the charming pouring Into clUea already heavily grted and reported that an auto tnr OT anjrthlng of animal o r i^ , Indian who pulls out of tha line to member of toe squad is requeotod to Butte, MonL — Tony (toavex, A* Brows . 99 96 94—282 V te itT said he "knew nothing" ot Williams college and. Mrs. Baxter, driven by Leo LaFootaln at 186 the P rta c ^ Rajkumari Uellavathl, lead Washington State’s Interfer­ Moriartys made only one threat 13344, Los Angeles, stopped Robert tilans to reopen the plant at 8 p. m. out of tbs ooUsctloD plats In Evan­ designs ip this new book help burdened finding but little aid and WUUam Zleglar J r , Bspoea re­ r 1 4-8 90 ■how up for these practice sessions In Sunday's clash and spent tbe rest J. Chapman . . . . . 97 109 •1—990 and President Charles Seymour of gelical Lutheran church, eyed the you in your se w i^ One pat­ shelter. Front StreeL Hartford, and ownad S i!? “I fabulously wealth-.' HUFFMAN RETURNS TO ence, has every qualification to be Dennis, 135, Bozemaa, Montana ibday. Mltcbcn had announced the Yale. by the (joldle Motora cf East Hart- cent conqueror at Seahleeult, esm. listed among the finest of guards. He Score at half. 7-8, HelghU. unless a leglUmato excuse can be at toa Ume In vain attempts to lightweight champion, (4). congregation apologetically and tern end the new Fill and win­ The dark menacing war cloud Mysore, India, and SCHOOL. out of tbe race In poor ooodlUon and Referee, Ed Koaak, R. Daigle. presented. ward off toe onslaught of toe 494 498 482-1474 night ahift would report at that During the game, however. Presi­ ter Pattern Book—23 cents. Fall ford, was beiag towed ^ Monroe has another year of competition and Newark, N. J.—Tippy . Larkin. tlm^. said: hangs over the srorld like a black -Sfi retinae wUl not start again before next Coach Nick Angelo said today champs, who sewed up toe game Rena’s Tavern (3) dent Seymour srill sit across the “I don’t like to make the an- and Winter Book alone—15 centa. paU, men and nations engaged In Townsell of T1 Woodbridge asemte. will be specially catered to aa they Bloomington, Ind.—Vara Huff- spring. should ba pounding on the door of that to# showing at his team as a 183, (Sarfield. N. J., outpointed XXnioa eflndals Indicated they gridiron from his bosL Bast Hartford, toward East Hart­ iD&n, voted tll# inosl VAlusbl# pisy* Al-Amertca fane In 1938. with a nifty leld goal In toe second Maxie Fteher. 187(4, Newark. (10). C Vennert ...... 117 87 109—303 Louneemsnt M this time, but sev­ For a PATTERN of this at­ remorseless combat deceived Into is?,,.**"" Mft India PLATS FOR FTO. whole was very unaaUsfactory in quartar and then added a touch­ B. Bissell...... 93 ------ts would demand that the company re­ eral persons now in church have tractive model tend ISe in Coin, ford when the accident occurred eight months ego on a world cruise er in the Big Tan aa tha Indiana NEA Sarrice's AU- West (toast Buffalo. N. Y. — Ralph OeJohn. instate the empleyca srho had beat thinking that "Might is RlgbL" The Angelica car waa following, the E. K. Bryeou’s Calumet Otek has team posses# aU tha lagredienu of last Sunday’s Ult with the cham­ down In toa final period. Jilbllant 16314', Syraciue, N. Y„ outpointed F. Mahonejr . . . . . 88 101 ios...T n Grubs of tha Japanaie beetle, aa been tagged fay tfae polios." your NAME, AODIUBSS. STYLE priding themselves in thslr fancied quarterback lost aeasoo, wUI return recovered from hla recent Injury and SL Louis, Nov. 16.—It is said pion Oriole# Bvary effort will be told ett and that the woric available Insect pes^ are located by their en­ NUMBER and SIZE to TODAY’S constable said, and the LaFbataln Biouch heat U radiated by tne to his alma mater to raauma law dream tsaipa They would be capa­ that Roily Hemaley, Browns' stai over the outcom# toe north ends Lou Presto, 16714. Buffalo, (6). S. Nelson...... 103 87 lQO-r308 The "sevefsl persons" left their superiority. George Washington will be named for both the $100 ooo made to Improve the play of the are confidant at toelr ability to wind Huijroke, Mass. — Oxoa Kid. F. H ansen...... 130 181 104—MB te dIsMsd aawtig the endzo. force. emies. a variety of sresp, by the pews sbsspisfaly sad retnoved their p a t t e r n s e r v i c e . 11 Slid Angelica cars collided with a average Individual to raise the tem- atudlaa with the eloaa o f' the Da- Santa Anita Handicap and the $30 - ble of moving rapidly and wUh , paid mors than $4,000 in south enders (or the third encoun­ liBBt BonttaUy emp)oyaT7,S00. said “War is a Blague to all man- track driven by Darid Broderick of troE profeaalanal Liona’ siaann great force In either direction. up the Mriea next Sunday and 14814, New Haven, Coon., knocked J. Breen ...... a 78 wmip’e eense of smell. can (ran Pjptrtctsd pvttag arses. PLACR brook- im tim of 30 cuMc feet of Hr ai 000 Wldener 'Challenge Cup, fines during the 1937 season, which ter, Coach Angelo (eels that be promise & shoot toe works tn toelr -....L kUM." Krar Mnol Ckin lifted 1 9 hU Statloa S&. the rate ct 9 degrees F. • mln|t% Thar Darhaos oomnoaed of tha Is more than k«is his salarT. out Bonny Jones, 14314, Alberta, . has toe nsesssary material to m te Md for l ^ r third Utl# Canada, tn Mxth round. 388 434 4 8 M ]^ V A G B T E lt MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TDESDAT. NOVEMBER 1«. 198T TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1937

Poor Babel '9A 6000 THlME 1 COOUD NDO 6DM21 AV3 O A .y o u cAiorr l i t n o u CMAE 9REDARROI OLO h a m J06T A BITE SENSE and NONSENSE CHPA6E AhMDAER HEAL*. , POOQ MOT eAOUl MAVI r THIM* MOT BAD IV. A colored boy was strolling The man who doesn't pay his toll 4 7 w r # 7 through B cemstery (in tbs daytime, bills may not be so dishonest hut Bucvce of course) reading ths iBBerlptloaa merely an optimistic fool. t-;nw Jm on the tombstones. He came to one many of us beUsve we could pay al­ which'read: most anjrthlng If we were just given "Not dead, but sleeping.” SOratoh- a fair amount of' time to do It In— LUST AND ROUND MOTORCYCLES— HELP WANTED— WANTED TO RENT 68 finale, the Harvard game in Cam­ Ing hia head, he remarked, “He sure when experience should teach us. BICYCLES 11 MALE OR FEMALE 37 bridge Saturday. ain’t foolin’ nobody but hlsself." that when the debt Is due, we'll LOST— XONCAT MIORT poltM YOUNG COUPLE would Uke 8 or Sports Roundup Coach Ducky Pond and his dog. Alwirm to nan* o i Spot. No rOR SALE—1930 Henderson motor­ WANTED—BOYS AND girls to 4 room tenement or flaL CaU RINK VETERAN MAY probably be less sb’ ' to pay It than ^'lO>Dn: BKIETZ aosistanta laid emphaajs on offen­ The Daze of Days m aresvhen we make It! huiMM or collar. Rwao tlU . cycle, In good condition. Inquire pick barberry berrlet lUc per 8310: sive play In today's contact work. P o w l i r i j i New York, No». 16.— (A P I—Mid­ "What la today?” I heard you say; At 144 Eldrldge atreet. pound paid caab when berrtea are 'They will stress defensive drill la­ Well, let me tell you. If 1 may. LOST—BLACK SOOTTIB dog. An west Oiacbes are burned up adth ter In the week. BON AMI LEAGUE Federal offtceri say It’s up to the delivered at office Alien Place. Not FARMS AND LAND SKai WITH AMERKS Today, my lad, has alseaya bssa, taxpayer to balance the budget. We ■wars to name of Bonnie. Call 8S85 'neeeasary to call o - phone, wui the offlciaUng out there and will do The first eleven was excused from (T Alleys) or lOB Benton atreet. MOVING— TRUCKING- FOR SALE 71 plenty of howling about it at the Team No. 4 (1) Since this' old earth began to sptai. thqugbt tt would get around to this take all clean berrtea brought in. contact work yesterday, but plug­ And, whether filled with Joy or sor­ STORAGE 20 winter meeting . . . . when Henry ged through the rain for two houra Bslch ...... 76 103 81 260 eventually. ' C El Wilson A Co. FOR SALE—COVENTRY. 79 acre Cotton, high bat British open Thompson . ...■. 87 78 92 257 row. In passing, kicking, pass defense Ching JohnsoD Considers Of* Today ta yesterday’s tomorrow. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 LOCAL AND LONG dlaUnce mov­ going dairy farm. Nice 9 room chomp, failed to show up for the and signal drills. E. Talcetta ...100 95 114 309 ing. iCxperlenced men, covered houae, bath, furnace beat, etc. last round of a tourney at South­ Sheldon ... ___ 99 129 112 340 Or put It In another way. 1BS7 PONTIAC aedan, 1M'< FOnUac vana, all new qullta for pncklng. POULTRY AND SUPPUBS 43 Bam, large henhouse with mnning ampton, the public got even by Coleman .. ... 103 112 104, 319 Today is tomorrow's yesterday. Providence—Brown gets down to - fer; New York Riyals Tomorrow will be yesterday QuoU-tiors— [OQOAiaeTaTiiiAagwmflW. T.w.Mo.u.6-rAT,oer, eoadi, IBW Chevrolet aedan. ISSO- L. T. Wood Oo. NATIVE TURKEYS 35c and 40c lb. water. Garage. Four milking cows ducking a testimonial dinner for serious preparations today for Its Pontiae ooach, 193B Chevrolet included. 93700 F. U B. mortgage .Henry,... (P. S.: Dinner waa called Totals . . . . ___ 465 517 503 1485 When we have reached the follow­ Geeae 30c, roasting chickens B6c ’Thanksgiving day football joust ing day. Toonerville Folks Bv Fontaine Fox coach. 1935 Plymouth aedan. 1934 and S8c lb. B. T. Allen, 37 Doane at 4 percent Price reduced to 94,- off for lack of attendanoe.)... .word with Rutgers. Yesterday waa a Team No. 1 (8) To Clash On Ice Tonight Every driver Involved In a fatal I'AINTING— PAPERING 21 McCarthy . Believe tt or sot, then yestsrday Ptyn»uth aedan. Cole Motora, 6463. street. Telephone 7616. 900 for quick sale. A real bargam. from the south la if you can get a day of rest but this afternoon work ---- 88 83 68 239 aocldant should be taken to the Southward-Lewis Agency, 77U loyal Pitt aupporter to give you will be resumed at the usual prac­ Thomas .., ___ 79 82 78 234 Waa both tomorrow and today. nearest police station and shot by Tme Terrible-Temperep Mr. bans anp the new straight up anp down rOR BALE—1934 FORD Deluxe PROPERTY OWNE1R8— AttenUon Melinda ... Today is now, tomorrow, when 96.96 re papers room, calling paper- NATIVE YOUNG com and milk- Main street, WUlimantlc. Tele­ Duke and seven on November 27, it tice pace. • ___ 97 112 81 290 a special firing squad. coach, 39.000 mllea. 9290. Call 6329 Rubaha ...... 107 96 119 By ASSOCIATED PIUSS - And yesterday we might call then. . _ ^ LAMP Shape OUR BOARDING HOUSE ad oi kalaomlned. llateHal, laoci fed turkeys, roasting chickens, phone 1971-W or 616-J. won’t even be gambling. 322 —Suggestion received by Buffalo after 7 p. m. Kebart ... .. 157 156 126 439 The Rangers and the Americans Changed when the midnight Safety Commlaelon. complete Intdde, outalda ppinHtu heavy fatted fowl, and broilers. We Worcester, Mass.-’The famous cuckoo call, dress and deliver. Otto H. Herr­ Nebraska toted 65 G’a out of that aye, ear, nose and throat man. Doc clash tonight, and if that were not M O — I CAKJMOT, A S V H T , PiVULOSL SAV, H A S THMI Largs aavlnge Work guaranteed. LEGAL NOTICES Totals .,. -628 529 467 1624 Today has -even names in aU. Hollywood . . , makes plctur W V U M C LK Lang. Phone 8692. mann. Phone 5086. Pitt game Saturday and will spend Anderson, coach of Holy Cross, be­ enough good news for New York’s n-IE m a t u r e o p M V S C H E M E '—^ SCMBLME aO T gan working up today toward his Oh, Pshaw! The whole thing Is a that scandalise oavagea and bar­ M E R B S K r LIQUOR PERMIT part of the dough on a' new eight- hockey fans, Chlng Johnson Is al* "mix” . RAPP-KAPF —^1 WAVE, MOWeVER, M a n d ie s fc r FANCY QUALITY broUera, roaat- usual Friday night prediction—‘Td Team No. « (8) barians and are expurgated in Jap­ AWVTHIMa TO WAS ALWAYS WOTICB OF APPLICATION acre practice field ... .most coaches most ready to try playing s g ^ . This maze of days Is full of tricks. M A U I-tsP IT OUX A M D A S SOOKJ A S T tng chickens and fowl, dressed. This 'iB to Vive notice that I settle for 7 to 6 right now.” T. Falcetta ___ 87 120 84 291 an. China and India. OO WITW THAT *TR V lM a REPAIRING 21^ say they don’t need It . ... Coach Walker .... ---- 94 For more than ten years Chlng Fresh eggs delivered direct crom Biavgio BelAore of 114 Charter Oak ’The doctor’s talk today was, 92 103 289 waa a figure who stood out In every —Rev. lames !W. aillla, editor, WWIR A PHW t?ETAILS IWTO SHAPE, X IDEA 'tOU HAJD Evoiinsr flerald atreet. Mancheeier. Conn., have filed Charlie Bachman of Michigan State Frazier ... .. 100 108 89 297 The ouatandlng triumph of hope T O D O OKIE EXPERT FURNITURE reflntsber Carlson A Son Poultry Farm. Tele- was surprised to read In the Grand ’This game against Came^e Tech battle between the rivql New York CathoUc. Worid. s h a l l BKITERTAIW A PROPOSITIOKJ OP R U H M IM B n.A«. !■ owned by troit, la the best fistic card in New Yesterday, the varsity engaged Finnegan ...... 88 79 85 252 said he’s considering i t With or Bo the officer wended his way to To nature, the life of an empire •Mb dar. Sueanns Stavnltsky of 320 Oak street. the Smith home and knocked on Is no more than an hour . to you J ta ^ a tarblda FOR SALE — SEASONED bard Orleans right n ow ___ football men In a duiffmy scrimmage with the M.tchell ...... 113 110 92 315 without Chlng, tonight’s Ranger- wood, sawed stove length and un­ Manchester, Conn., and w ill be con­ hereabouta can't figure out that Rand ...... 113 133 106 the door. When Mrs. Smith an­ and me. aaM _ BUSINESS ducted by Andrew Stavnltsky of 220 ”C” team, with End Coach Wes 352 American game ought to be a lively 1 Bat be raaaaaatbla der cover 96.00 per load, cash. L. Oak street, Manchester, Conn., at Michigan Investigation into sub­ Fesler playing the role of Yale’s Allen ...... 98 121 95 814 affair. swered the summons the visitor —George Bernard Shaw. I laaam tt laaartlea OPPORTUNITIES 32 T. Wood Co. Phone 4496. permittee. sidizing ___ Michigan’s football Clint Frank In the ”C” backfleld. The Montreal Maroona and Bos­ said: HBaat atdarad tar ANDREW STAVNITZKT record certainly doesn’t Indicate Coach Dick Harlow refused to halt Totals ...... 509 563 464 1536 ton Bmlns clash at Boston In to­ - "Is this where Widow Smith I believe In showing a little FOR RBNl—IN BUSINESS si Dated Gth of Nov.. 1937. Mvra?” oiurtssy, no matter bow much tlon, brick mercantile tmlididg anything out of the w a y ___ Glenn even for darkness, and transferred night’s other game. A victory W M p^Maatiaaar adtSSSa? wm'ba H.ll-16-37. Lee, crack coast middleweight, and the squad indoors to the lighted "1 am Mrs. Bmith, but I am not a need to burry. <2> with 8000 f t of ground floor ipace. HOIISEHOl.U'GtNiUS 61 FOUND IN ARCnO would put the Bmlns on top of ths "• M ill a ^ br aaaaanatlaa et tba NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNER­ his manager, Jole Greenberg, hit the baseball cage for a long signal widow.” —E. A. Stoetzel, Chicago, U ■••tfa M i l far lbs aarvlas raadarad Suitable for light manufacturing. FOR SALE—EASY washing ma­ PREHISTORIC MONSTER American division or Uft the Ma­ AB advaitlaanaata m at aaafena SHIP stem today to talk business, with drill. roons out of the International group And the caller said simply. “What years an auto driver nithout on Apply Edward J. HoU. chine, Chambers tireless gas range, We, the undersigned, do hereby Mike Jacobs. will you bet?” Bcldent. to atoto aanr aad traadrapbr witb give notice of the formation of a Moscow— (A P )—An expedition cellar. ladalatfaaa aateraad br tba-pabUsb* 9 piece Duncan Phyfe dining room limited partnership as follows: Hanover, N. H.—Warned by will be sent to Wrangel Island, In Tonight’s hockey schedule; aad tbar raaarva tba rl«bt to set, all in good condition, (^an be If You Cannot Make Light of The national dish of America Is adit, lavlsa er raiest HELP WANTED— 1. The firm name of the partner- Marchy Schwartz of Creighton Is Coach Earl Blaik to expect ”a very the Arctic, next spring to examine •MxtIiiRiils seen at 87 Brookfield street. Tele­ •hip shall be the KEYSTONE ROBIN­ the latest football coach to go on close game” with Columbia In New Your Troubled Keep Them In the the hot dog, especially if computed MALE 36 SON VENETIAN BUND MANUFAC- the well-preserved, complete body Montreal Maroons at Boston. Dark. by tonnage. C L O d ^ ~ BOOKS—Oaaiifltotf phone 6674. the pan . ... -he school has only 800 York . Saturday, Dartmouth’s In­ of a mammoth, or prehistoric ele­ Americans vs. Rangers at New rUHlNQ COMPANY diana went back to work today, —George Rector, faroons chef. *»,>•/?**'*?**• ^ a— t b* as* WANTED—FARM HAND, sober 3. The names and addresses of the students, but they can’t understand phant, found there by the natives. York. •S S " to to afalaab aaaas batardara FOR SALE—SIX ROOMS of fuml- why Creighton can’t win from after their usual Monday rest. Father (Visiting son at college)— and reliable. Steady job with good general partners are Jacob T. Robin­ The discovery la considered of Interoatlonal-Americao League ture including electrical equip­ son, 166 Albany Avenue. Hertford. larger schools.... the 19-0 defeat by Except for bruises, every man on A nice sort of welcome. I am hard­ Tve always swum better on a lit­ V H 6 home for right party. Call 4217 Conn., Joseph Nachinson, 9 Frederick great scientific Importance, since No games scheduled. ly out of the train when you ask tle liquor. It might hurt some TBLEPHONB TOUR after 6 p. m. ment, refrigerator, washer. Phllco Xavier brought the Jeering section the squad was In fit condition for Model X radio. 26 Walker street. Street. Hartford. Conn. out In full force... .extra: One of the season's windup against the the body la believed to be tMe first American Assodatlon me for money: ' icople, but never me. It relaxes me. 3 The namea and addreaaea of the St. Paul at Wichita. lO HIT rfiniain* foil W A N T AOS the first deals made at the Decem­ Lions, who, Blaik said, "have been one of Its type ever found. The few Bon—Well, dad, you must admit I’ve trained for most of my big apeeial partnera are Percy D. Stone. others which have turned up In the (No games last night.) HELP WANTED— FOR 8AL& -O NE REX GAS hot 44 Woodbrldge Street. Hartford. ber baseball meetings will see old much stronger this year than their the train was twenty minutes lata. races in night clubs. water heater, price 96.00. Cali Conn., Henry W. Nelson. Jr., 24 Wood- Al Simmons changing scenery again record would imply.” past two centuries were usualy de­ —Eleanor Holm, swimming star. S( ()R( HY SMITH______MAi.E OR FEMALE 37 8514. bridge Street. Hartford, Conn. void of flesh, which had been picked And Who Is This?______2. ysT Ssa s;inr2ssu‘2 e score of a negro football First Item on Blaik’s program CANNED BARN Lecturer (describing some of the ______By JOHN C TERRY 4. JACOB T ROBINSuN. the gan- game at Bastrop. Tex., the other waa a scrub demonstration today off by wild anlmala, says A. A. sights abroad)—There are some Humanity everywhere Is hungry towWNfr RLUN6 MAM9 ANP STONES, 6C0HCMV FORME TO . PATltKltT tt paid at tba baal- WANTED — AN EXPERIENCED eral partner, la authorised to traoa- COSTS FARMER 28e dopes DON'T 1 •*!. fcMtDE* tlM MTMItk bookkeeper. Write p. O. Box 511, day was 136-0 when the referee of Columbia plays. The scrubs, Borisyak, director of the Paleontho- spectacles that one never forgets. both for a new freedom and a new TW P0W&60H6 TO FW f P U M E Y ------A W.INDIN6 BXPtOSION THROWS 6C0RCHV TD | FOR SALE—DINING teble and 4 aci the Dartnerahlp buslnese and algn KNOW THAT.'- THSY'Wt A (Kzn> Fifiwfif Ttm ifi a m im t him, nux«^ 1 Manchester, Conn., klvlng quallh- the firn> iiume. stopped the thing in the third quar­ the only players to work out yes­ loglcal institute. Old Lady I in the audience)—1 d.scipllne. chairs, reasonable. 149 Higb St. ^mlnole, Okla.— (A P )—Farmer AND Ulft WHY fTILL-/f ------— cations and references. 6. The amount of capital furntahed ter . ... when you think of the terday spent the day polishing up Charles Tate’s bam Is built antlrsly wish you would tell me where I can —^Agrioaltore Secretary Wallace. 4C- INJ5^PAN6€H.' by each special partner la Two Hun­ the Lions’ repertoire. get a pair. m mm btodVgttoVnW FOR SALE —GLENWOOD gra dred and Fifty (250) Dollars In cash, weather they had to play In Satur- ALL IN FUN. of empty oU cans—4,100 of them aad tbair aaearaar —nt« ...... • Mta • M «SB • • « Write or apply Real Silk Inc., 410 room suite In perfect condition. kins when he got thla letter; pa.5sing colored boy. "Be careful, come out of him, those are Ihe.v C M •€ Tteafes •••••••••••09•« Asyluir street, Hartford. Call 4945 after 6, New Haven, Nov. 16.—(A P )— "Dear Postmaster—I am enclos­ big boy” , yelled the darky, you that defile the man.—Mark 7:15. a a • * « « • w v b aaswa m The Yale varsity gridders who have ing a three-cent postage stamp. I made me bite m tongue.” tASM aM Fo«a4 FOR SALF,- BARSTOW combina­ CONCOROIAS BEATEN yet to lose a game this season went used one once that I shouldn’t have.' dAawmeeawnia ...... I Such aa thy words are, such will tion coal and gas range, gray through their first scrimmage to­ Watkins sent the stamp to Wash­ • • • • a #• aa #B a 8 The Concordia Luther League day in preparation for the grand Those Who Have, Must In the Ghid thy affections be esteemed; and AmM m MIrb enamel, 926.00. Call 8131. ington for the “ conscience fund.” Give, No Matter How "niey May lost its flrat bowling match of the such thy life as thy deeda.— ^■tonobOaa tar dale ...... « Hold Everything! Try to Avoid IL Socrates. AataaaobUas tar Kxobaasa . » . • season to St. Paul's Luther League Aata Aeearaorlas—Ttras .....a . t Aata Rspalriaa—TatatlaA . . . a t EMERGENCY WEARING APPAREL of Bridgeport at the IfMCA alleya Aato deboela ...... FURS 57 Saturday night. The local men and Aatoa Bblp br Tnieb...... i ' . i ’-' FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser Aataa—For Blra ...... • ^OR SALE—MAN'S navy blue glrla both,lost two games out of FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia WASHINGTON TUBBS By Crane Oaracas-^mea—Storaoa . . . „ la CALLS overcoat, like new. Size 42. OU. three to the visitors. Welzer and OUT OUR WAY ttatareralsa—BlereUa ...... ii -QevMCA«ciivicc.Me. r. M. Ma » t. HT. efr- |b-_uiN 6 BREE2E A6 A SHIELD, JES35 W ATT AND H S T By Williams Waatad Aatoa—llotore^as .... 11 Call 8131. Slaver tied for high single with 125 O m t h e 0PEMM6 PLm; lOM6fr- ^ BAND OF CUT-THgO;ff| REACH THE ■atoasaa aad Frstaaaiaaal anvltn POUCE each and Kulpinsky had high three TDM lUTfeRCCPTED A FORA/ARO ■/ci torrloaa Offsrad ...... It string of 340. For the girls, EUle QOHZ RA9S AMD dCOREO BTK mottVS. Offarad ....It-A ROAUUEKS WANTED 59-A Roth hit high single of 108 and high SMADlfSIPg 7HCM BBCCIVRD B alzac—CoBtraetla« ...... it y»rUta-^Bra*rlaa ...... 1| 4343 triple of 282 Faaarol Olraetors...... i« 'ITie scores: THAT MTBRCemOMOF A SUP­ ■*atla«—PlamblBC—Boadaa .... It ROOMERS OR BOARDERS. Phone POSED 9URP8I9C BA94k LOOKBP ^.^.raae* it FIRE 8456. Dempaey ...... 96 95 106 297 BAD PDA PSBCMLC5.' O iO HBTIP MltoB*rr-J>r*eemablnr ...... 1* Dubu ...... a s : Kevtaa*—Traeklac—Stora«* . . . to South 108 119 109 336 OUe HAMDf l U WriNHOLD JUOB jBbUa Paasaacar Barvls* ...... t«-A Slebart ...... 87 96 87 270 MEMT IWTIL I SOS WMAT^r; £»^tiaa—^parUa ...... |i APARTMENTS—FLATS— Welzer ...... 125 85 95 305 HE DORS DM THIS |— ^tsulaoal larvlBn ...... it 4321 TENEMENTS 63 Duckley ...... 111 iOl 101 313 • • • • a a * a a a a a p a a a p a * * * T^lerfap—t^alap—Oaaalap .. It ^Uat O o ^ and Oarvfaa ...... U North FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM lower Totals ...... 528 496 498 1521 niOL Waatad—Baslaaas Sarriea M flat, ateam heat, modem, garage, Manchester Concordia _ Edaeatlsaal at 150 Biasell atreet. Inquire 117 E. Retchenbach .88 80 — 168 ^araaa aad Claasas...... ft 5432 Birch street. F. Marks ... , .92 110 96 298 Prlvata laatraetloaa ...... It R. Kulpinsky.. 111 120 109 340 •••••■•• ...a.. . •tt'-A FIVE ROOMS FOR RENT, mod- — IdasSeal—l>raaatla ...... It AMBULANCE W. K le in ...... 86 95 181 ■ Waatad—laatractloas to em Improvements, 3 West street. J. L a n g e...... 109 92 95 296 Plaaaelal (D ougan) Apply Fradln's Store, 757 Mam W. Staven___ — 125 82 207 Brads—ttoeka—Mortcapsa . . . . ri atreet. BBstaaas OpportaalUsa ...... It Totala...... 486 527 477 1490 Uoaar to Loss ...... U 5630 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, _ _ Bclp aad Bltaatfara (HoUoran) all modem Improvements, with ga­ f& V E t R t h e GAS,eEt?«OKH0!P(P) ^EUPPEMLV, B R E E X E TWBTS HERSELF FffEE ANP PivES 5*Jb Waatad—Pamala ...... ti Bridgeport Girls _WE PULL A FAST OME/ Z/ OVgRBOAgP. r Balp ...... tt rage. Call 14 Edgerton street. Tele­ Lydia Yapps . .60 79 82 221 'Faatad ...... tt-A phone 8301. L'artha Kaaulal Balp Waatad-Bala ar PaaMtl*.. tt 3060 76 82 92 250 ^aata Wanted...... tt-A Lillian Kaaulat .82 86 85 253 dttostloaa Waatad—Panala ... 11 (Q uish) HOUSES FOR RENT 65 Jane Patteraon ,_ 77 __ 77 •itoaUeaa Waatad—Ba la ...... It Emma Kaaulat 83 __ 83 166 KBplormaal Aaaaeta*...... t* Idv* tfevk—Pots—Psaitvr— Vebirlas FOR RENT—6 ROOM SLVaLE Helene Kaaulat .86 100 86 272 Oosa—Birds—Pata ...... «i 4310 bouse, all modem Improvements. Uv* dtoek-Voblelas...... 41 143 Cooper HIU streeL Apply Fra­ TotaU ...... 387 424 428 1239 Praltry aad Buppllaa ...... 41 HOSPITAL dln's Store, '57 Main. Manchester GIrla toaatad— Pst»— Poaltrr dtaek 44 "Batch” Lercb .94 78 79 251 ‘ Wink” Wlnzlet Artlela* Par"*a*l*” ?T?^^^^^7?. di 81 95 100 276 Aooaaaoriaa ...... M . 5131 SUBURBAN FOR RENT 66 •KlU” Wrosek .96 __ __ 96 Mldlaa MaUrtala ...... 4t "Mux” Anderson 90 76 90 256 Ptanfinila TTbti baa i l aaalif .. at FOR RENT—SECOND floor flat, 3 "Bob” Roth .. 109 92 81 282 s-ff / BIsetrleaJ AppUianaa Badta .. It WATER UEPT. large rooms and bath, Bolton Notch "Fran” Klein — 76 70 145 P ^ aad Paad ...... dt-A Pond, on Main highway, Mrs. TouH get awfully tired standing up. Fanny.” •ardaa— Paras— Dalrr Ppalaata fa "H’hat makes me tired is being stood up.” Boasabold Oooda ...... II 3 < # 7 7 Donald UlUer. Totala y-r* 470 416 420 1806 I IJarai*^ aad Teals ...... U “Which one of you bozos gave my husband this haircut itralaaj laatranmu ...... U (After 6 P. M.) Mlaa aad Btora Piiatpnaat ..aa 14 tpaeW* at tk* Staraa —...... Id toaartra Apparsl—Para ...... It MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Queenie Will Talk Plenty ’**7 ^ atavicSrW D’Jr.vmu.ia'E Waatad—Te Bar ...... tt 7868 By THOMPSON AND <.»LL T . t t aca u. a. p a t . o 6 » WALKIN'S PIKJE. Bu na Piai f Bi lala Bnaata MANCHESTER VeA AMO JACK ENTEe THE CELL ao»a.raSr>a«swmS.s IN TOOrtAtt' HOWK.' VMAS MADE/HJiuce , TH'THfif — JACK... AAAIMST 7MB NOW LooK\HiMsaF/^ rrX WATTED '^QAW 5H,rO 5974 HELP MECAReV MOBOM A AT WHAT S O -IF WE AparuaratA Plata Traamaata HEtZ OOWAJ10 PLUMB FOR60TTEK) Mslaaas la aatloas tar BsM . BOLOEM PtXnES/ HAPPEMEO/^------PONT WNJTA ftv-.- b a iM Par Brat ...... GAS CO. SUB6En A U ABOUT QUEEN •abarbaa Par Beat LOSE oue •rawar Wsaira Par Boat .... JOBS. UMRitTEEDLE Waatad ta Brat 5075 ELECTRIC CO. - . . . i n i DETORE the‘‘Praying Colonels,” of little Centre Colleg^ Danville, 5181 Shined national fame by defeating Harvard in they met West Vitfinia at Charleston, WeaLVa ‘TJncle Charley" Moran, better >n»wnaaabiglia|raibMebannmpire. In tbe second half, Murphy, a Centre aubstitnte, ran onto the Held, elad i»t to a football n^onn. but tom flimsy track init and track sho« with

■YsiAaaawct.1 saj