Highway Infrastructure Report FINAL

Highway Infrastructure Requirements for Urban Extensions


November 2011

Highway Infrastructure Report FINAL

Highway Infrastructure Requirements for Yeovil Urban Extensions


November 2011


Prepared for Somerset County Council County Hall TA1 4DY

Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff Riverside Chambers Castle Street Taunton TA1 4AP



Project: Highway Infrastructure Requirements for Yeovil Urban Extensions Client: Somerset County Council Address: County Hall, The Crescent, Taunton TA1 4DY PREPARED BY Name: Rebecca Liggins Position: Principal Transport Planner Date: November 2011 AGREED BY Name: Marcus Chick Position: Associate Consultant Date: November 2011 AUTHORISED FOR ISSUE Name: Marcus Chick Position: Associate Consultant Date: November 2011 DISTRIBUTION

Name: Stephen Walford Position: Interim Group Manager Strategic Planning & Road Safety Somerset County Council Date: November 2011

Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff for November 2011 Somerset County Council

CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION...... 1 1.1 Previous Work ...... 1 2 SUMMARY OF COSTS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED ...... 2 2.1 General ...... 2 2.2 Option 1 ...... 2 2.3 Option 2 ...... 2 2.4 Option 3 ...... 3 2.5 Option 4 ...... 4 2.6 Option 5 ...... 4 2.7 Option 6 ...... 5 2.8 Summary ...... 5 3 OPTION 7 – LUFTON WEST ...... 6 3.2 New 3 Arm Roundabout on A3088 ...... 6 3.3 A3088 to Western Avenue...... 6 3.4 New 4 Arm Roundabout at Western Avenue...... 6 3.5 Western Avenue ...... 7 3.6 Summary of Preliminary Cost Estimate for Option 7 ...... 7 4 OPTION 9 – , KEYFORD & BARWICK...... 8 4.2 Little Tarrat Lane Roundabout on A37 ...... 8 4.3 Keyford Roundabout on A37 ...... 8 4.4 Placket Roundabout ...... 8 4.5 Sandhurst Road/Yeovil Road ...... 8 4.6 Priority Junction with Road ...... 9 4.7 Summary of Preliminary Cost Estimate for Option 9 ...... 9

TABLES Table 1: Cost of Option 1 Table 2: Cost of Option 2 Table 3: Cost of Option 3 Table 4: Cost of Option 4 Table 5: Cost of Option 5 Table 6: Cost of Option 6 Table 7: Summary of Costs Previously Reported Table 8: Summary of Preliminary Cost Estimate for Option 7 Table 9: Summary of Preliminary Cost Estimate for Option 9

FIGURES Figure 1: Indicative Access Locations for Options 1-6 Figure 2: Indicative Access Locations for Options 7-9 Figure 3: Highway Infrastructure Option 7 Figure 4: Highway Infrastructure Option 9

Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff for November 2011 Somerset County Council


1.1 Previous Work 1.1.1 Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) has been commissioned by Somerset County Council (SCC) to consider the highway infrastructure requirements that would be related to the development of an Urban Extension for Yeovil. 1.1.2 This study follows previous work by PB that was commissioned by District Council (SSDC) and SCC, these are reported in: x Non-Technical Forecasting Report – FINALv2a, February 2011 x Non-Technical Forecasting Addendum Report – Final, June 2011 x Non-Technical Forecasting Addendum Report 2 – Draft 1.2, September 2011 1.1.3 Six locations, listed below, for the Urban Extension were investigated to deliver 3,719 dwellings, 23ha of employment land and primary and secondary schools, as shown in Figure 1: x Option 1 – Lufton West x Option 2 – Combe Street Lane x Option 3 – East Yeovil and Over Compton x Option 4 – East Coker, Keyford and Barwick x Option 5 – and Coker x Option 6 – East Coker and Keyford

1.1.4 Three further options were considered, listed below and illustrated in Figure 2, for an Urban Extension with a reduced quantum of development with 2,500 dwellings, 13.5ha of employment and primary and secondary schools: x Option 7 – Lufton West x Option 8 – Lufton West x Option 9 – East Coker, Keyford and Barwick

1.1.5 The “Non-Technical Forecasting Report – FINALv2a, February 2011” included results of traffic modelling for Options 1-6 and indicative construction costs associated with the access and immediate highway infrastructure proposals. 1.1.6 The “Non-Technical Forecasting Addendum Report – Final, June 2011” reported on further traffic modelling testing of the six options but did not include any additional work in regard to access and infrastructure costs. 1.1.7 The “Non-Technical Forecasting Addendum Report 2 – Draft 1.2, September 2011” looked a Options 7-9. Options 7 and 8 locate the Urban Extension to the northwest of Yeovil at Lufton West (same location as Option 1) and Option 9 is a variant of Option 6 with a reduced scale of development.” The report updates the traffic modelling assessment of all nine options, but does not include any further assessment of costs associated with access and nearby highway infrastructure.

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2.1 General 2.1.1 To establish a common price basis for the options the contingencies have been increased to 20% across all highway infrastructure requirements to reflect the uncertainty of the design assumptions at this early stage. 2.1.2 More details on the breakdown of these costs can be found in the Non-Technical Forecasting Report – FINALv2a, February 2011.

2.2 Option 1 2.2.1 The access junctions and additional modifications to the existing highway infrastructure for Option 1 were previously reported to be:

Table 1 : Cost of Option 1 New 3 arm roundabout on A3088 ^ * £642,000 New 3 arm roundabout on Ball’s Hill ^ * £642,000 New 3 arm roundabout on Thorne Lane ^ * £642,000 Link from A3088 to Ball’s Hill ^^ £792,500 Western Avenue ^^ ** £50,000 Western Avenue/Thorne Lane Junction ^^ £1,062,500 From Junction to Site Access Point along Thorne Lane ^^ £850,000 Thorne Lane from Western Avenue to Larkhill Road ^^ £600,000 Thorne Lane from Larkhill Road to A37 ^^ £600,000 Larkhill Road ^^ ** £70,000 Sub Total £5,951,000 20% Contingencies £1,190,200 Total £7,141,200

^ February 2011 report Table 2-1 ^^ February 2011 report Appendix 7

* - These figures have been adjusted from the February 2011 report to ensure consistency. 5% contingency removed from reported figures.

** - Minor junction improvements costs were not calculated

2.2.2 This gives a total cost of £7.14 million for Option 1.

2.3 Option 2 2.3.1 The access junctions and additional modifications to the existing highway infrastructure for Option 2 were previously reported to be:

November 2011 Page 2 Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff for Somerset County Council

Table 2 : Cost of Option 2 Convert existing junction at Rd/Lyde Rd to 4 arm * £824,000 roundabout ^ Convert existing junction at Stone Lane to 3 arm roundabout ^ * £729,500 New 3 arm roundabout on A37 Road ^ * £642,000 Link from A37 to Site Area ^^ £380,000 Marsh Lane ^^ ** Extension of Link from A37 to Marsh Lane Access Point ^^ £300,000 Stone Lane ^^ *** £125,000 Coombe Street Lane ^^ ** Sub Total £3,000,500 20% Contingencies £600,100 Total £3,600,600

^ February 2011 report Table 2-1 ^^ February 2011 report Appendix 7 * - These figures have been adjusted from the February 2011 report to ensure consistency. 5% contingency removed from reported figures.

** - Costs were not calculated

*** - Loss of residential property costs not calculated

2.3.2 This gives a total cost of £3.60 million for Option 2.

2.4 Option 3 2.4.1 The access junctions and additional modifications to the existing highway infrastructure for Option 3 were previously reported to be:

Table 3 : Cost of Option 3 New 4 arm roundabout on A30 Babylon Hill ^ * £735,000 New 3 arm roundabout on Lyde Road ^ * £642,000 Lyde Road ^^ ** £300,000 Access to Site Area from Lyde Road ^^ £1,900,000 Sub Total £3,577,000 20% Contingencies £715,400 Total £4,292,400

^ February 2011 report Table 2-1 ^^ February 2011 report Appendix 7 * - These figures have been adjusted from the February 2011 report to ensure consistency. 5% contingency removed from reported figures.

** - Minor junction improvements costs were not calculated

*** - Loss of residential property costs not calculated

November 2011 Page 3 Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff for Somerset County Council

2.4.2 This gives a total cost of £4.29 million for Option 3.

2.5 Option 4 2.5.1 The access junctions and additional modifications to the existing highway infrastructure for Option 4 were previously reported to be:

Table 4 : Cost of Option 4 Additional arm onto A37 Dorchester Road roundabout (5 arm * £118,000 total) ^ Conversion of existing priority junction on A37 Dorchester * £824,000 Road to 4 arm roundabout ^ Conversion of existing Newton Rd/Two Tower Lane to 3 arm * £729,500 roundabout ^ Newton Road ^^ £3,125,000 Sub Total £4,796,500 20% Contingencies £959,300 Total £5,755,800

* - These figures have been adjusted from report to ensure consistency Alternative access via Two Towers Road has not been included as it would double count Newton Road

2.5.2 This gives a total cost of £5.76 million for Option 4.

2.6 Option 5 2.6.1 The access junctions and additional modifications to the existing highway infrastructure for Option 5 were previously reported to be: Table 5 : Cost of Option 5 Conversion of existing Gooseacre Lane/Camp Road to 4 arm * £824,000 roundabout ^ Creation of new 3 arm roundabout on Camp Road ^ * £642,000 Access to Site east of A30 (Lane to Holywell) ^^ ** £287,500 Camp Road ^6 *** £1,000,000 Alternative access using Gooseacre Lane ^^ **** Sub Total £2,753,500 20% Contingencies £550,700 Total £3,304,200

^ February 2011 report Table 2-1

^^ February 2011 report Appendix 7 * - These figures have been adjusted from the February 2011 report to ensure consistency. 5% contingency removed from reported figures.

** - Diversion of overhead BT lines costs were not calculated *** - cycling facility costs not calculated

**** - Costs were not calculated

November 2011 Page 4 Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff for Somerset County Council

2.6.2 This gives a total cost of £3.30 million for Option 5.

2.7 Option 6 2.7.1 The access junctions and additional modifications to the existing highway infrastructure for Option 6 were previously reported to be:

Table 6 : Cost of Option 6 Conversion of existing A37/ Little Tarrat Lane and A37/Two * £918,500 Tower Lane to 5 arm roundabout ^ Additional arm onto A37 Dorchester Road roundabout (5 arms * £118,000 in total) ^ Conversion of existing Placket Lane/Yeovil Road to 4 arm * £824,000 roundabout ^ Sandhurst Road into Yeovil Road ^^ ** Alternative access with a link from the A37 to be used instead £937,500 of Sandhurst Road ^^ Sub Total £2,798,000 20% Contingencies £559,600 Total £3,357,600

^ February 2011 report Table 2-1 ^^ February 2011 report Appendix 7

* - These figures have been adjusted from the February 2011 report to ensure consistency. 5% contingency removed from reported figures. ** - - Costs were not calculated

2.7.2 This gives a total cost of £3.36 million for Option 6.

2.8 Summary

Table 7 : Summary of Costs Previously Reported Option 1 £7.14 million Option 2 £3.60 million Option 3 £4.29 million Option 4 £5.76 million Option 5 £3.30 million Option 6 £3.36 million

November 2011 Page 5 Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff for Somerset County Council


3.1.1 The previous reports identified locations for access in order to assess the effects in the traffic model; they may not be feasible in engineering terms. 3.1.2 These access points have been reviewed, any new locations identified and cost estimates developed. The cost estimates have been based on the same assumptions as used in the previous reports. 3.1.3 The design of this infrastructure has been based on 1:10,000 scale mapping with the vertical alignment being based on the contours from 1:25,000 scale ordnance survey mapping. 3.1.4 We have only considered the site accesses and the highway infrastructure required to get vehicles to the nearest appropriate road for the volume of traffic predicted. The provision of estate roads within the site was not to be investigated. 3.1.5 An indicative layout of the highway infrastructure is provided in Figure 3.

3.2 New 3 Arm Roundabout on A3088 3.2.1 A new three arm roundabout on the A3088 would be required, this would be located slightly further west than previously shown due to the topography of the area. 3.2.2 This roundabout would entail the realignment of a section of the A3088 in order to allow the junction to be constructed whilst maintaining the use of the A3088 and to obtain sufficient entry arm deflection on the new roundabout.

3.3 A3088 to Western Avenue 3.3.1 A new 7.3m wide distributor road with a 3m wide cycleway/footway on one side and a 1.8m wide footway on the other side would pass initially through a cutting up to 8m deep and then pass on embankment up to 4m high before crossing Ball’s Hill. 3.3.2 A side road diversion would be required for Ball’s Hill in order to cater for local traffic movements. 3.3.3 Culverts would be required for Ball’s Water to cross the side road diversion and the new distributor road. 3.3.4 The new road would then cross the proposed site approximately 250m north of Ball’s Hill much closer to the existing ground level. 3.3.5 Just to the north of the electricity sub station the new road would be on a gradient of approximately 6.5%, the maximum gradient permitted for a distributor road is 7%. 3.3.6 The new road would be 2.5km long and terminate at a new four arm roundabout with Western Avenue.

3.4 New 4 Arm Roundabout at Western Avenue 3.4.1 The previous work identified a new roundabout to the east of Thorne Cross as access to the development and then another roundabout for Western Avenue and an improvement to Thorne Lane between the two. 3.4.2 It is considered that it would be more efficient to have the internal distributor road continue to one new roundabout at Western Avenue providing a direct access into the site from Western Avenue and Thorne Lane to the east. 3.4.3 The design of this roundabout may involve the relocation of the gas valve compound located off Thorne Lane to the west of Western Avenue. 3.4.4 It has been assumed that traffic from this point would use the western corridor (Western Avenue).

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3.5 Western Avenue 3.5.1 The traffic model has shown that for an non-eco traffic development for Option 7 1,113 vehicles would use Western Avenue to leave the site in the AM peak hour and 905 vehicles would use Western Avenue to enter the site in the PM peak hour, this equates to approximately 18 vehicles per minute and includes any existing traffic in addition to traffic generated by the development. 3.5.2 Along Western Avenue the carriageway width is adequate and wide verges are present. There is a footpath on both sides of the road but no provision for cyclists. There is no direct access to properties. 3.5.3 There appears to be very little (if any) dedicated on-carriageway cyclist facilities in Yeovil and so we have not specified any new cyclist provision as there is nothing to tie into. 3.5.4 No extra works are proposed for Western Avenue.

3.6 Summary of Preliminary Cost Estimate for Option 7 3.6.1 The following qualifications and assumptions have been made for these preliminary estimates: x For new roads any excavated material will be re-used or deposited on site x Drainage is assumed to discharge into existing watercourses x No structures have been included x Arms to roundabouts assumed to be 50m unless specified otherwise x Roundabout centre island diameters taken as 50m with 10m carriageway x No demolitions have been included x No vehicle restraint systems included x No planting included (just grass seeding) x No allowance for VAT, land purchase or future fluctuations in costs

Table 8: Summary of Preliminary Cost Estimate for Option 7 Element Comment Cost New 3 arm roundabout on 300m and 100m long arms allowed for to tie in to £2,400,000 A3088 A3088 7.3m wide distributor Road 2500m of 7.3m wide carriageway + 1.8m wide across site footway + 3m wide cycleway/footway. £3,150,000 Stream Crossing (box culvert + headwalls) £30,000 Additional earthworks (cutting & embankment) £220,000 Diversion of overhead electricity lines £150,000 Diversion for Ball’s Hill (5m wide road, no structure) £260,000 Relocation of Gas Valve Compound may be required. £500,000 New 4 arm roundabout at 200m and 100m long 7.3m wide arms and 250m £1,130,000 Western Avenue long 5m wide arm Sub-total £7,840,000 Contingencies 20% £1,568,000 Total £9,408,000

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4.1.1 The previous reports identified locations for access in order to assess the effects in the traffic model; they may not be feasible in engineering terms. 4.1.2 These access points have been reviewed, any new locations identified and cost estimates developed. The cost estimates have been based on the same assumptions as used in the previous reports. 4.1.3 The design of this infrastructure has been based on 1:10,000 scale ordnance survey mapping; no vertical alignment has been assessed for this option as the topography in the area is much less severe. 4.1.4 We have only considered the site accesses and the highway infrastructure required to get vehicles to the nearest appropriate road for the volume of traffic predicted. The provision of estate roads within the site was not to be investigated. 4.1.5 An indicative layout of the highway infrastructure is provided in Figure 4.

4.2 Little Tarrat Lane Roundabout on A37 4.2.1 The existing junction on the A37 with Little Tarrat Lane and Two Tower Lane is a staggered crossroads. It is proposed to convert this to a five arm roundabout providing for the four existing arms and a new one to tie directly into the estate road network.

4.3 Keyford Roundabout on A37 4.3.1 The existing junction is a four arm roundabout on the A37. It is proposed to convert this to a five arm roundabout providing for the two A37 arms, Church Lane, a new arm to access the development to the south east and a fifth arm to tie directly into the estate road network for the main site. This fifth arm could then link into an improved Pavyotts Lane or be part of a new estate road network possibly leaving Pavyotts Lane for cyclists and pedestrians.

4.4 Placket Roundabout 4.4.1 The existing junction between Pavyotts Lane and Yeovil Road is a “Y” shaped priority junction, Placket Lane is an un-surfaced track. 4.4.2 A new three arm roundabout is proposed, two arms tying in to Yeovil Road and the third arm joining the internal estate road.

4.5 Sandhurst Road/Yeovil Road 4.5.1 The traffic model has shown that for an eco successful development for Option 9 145 vehicles would use Sandhurst Road to leave the site in the AM peak hour and 253 vehicles would use Sandhurst Road to enter the site in the PM peak hour, this equates to approximately 4 vehicles per minute and includes any existing traffic in addition to traffic generated by the development. 4.5.2 From the A30 West Coker Road as far as Lower Wraxhill Road, along Sandhurst Road the carriageway width is adequate and wide verges are present. Widening would be necessary to deliver a full 7.3m carriageway but this is not possible due to the level difference between properties along either side of Yeovil Road. There is a footpath on both sides of the road but no provision for cyclists. There is direct access to properties on both sides of the road. 4.5.3 Between Lower Wraxhill Road and the proposed new junction the carriageway width reduces slightly but is still considered to be adequate for the predicted levels of traffic. 4.5.4 There appears to be very little (if any) dedicated cyclist facilities in Yeovil and so we have not specified any new cyclist provision as there is nothing to tie into. 4.5.5 No extra works are proposed for Sandhurst/ Yeovil Road.

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4.6 Priority Junction with West Coker Road 4.6.1 The area of land of Option 9 that is separate from the rest of the development, to the north west of Bunford Hollow roundabout would have a priority junction from the internal estate road onto the A30.

4.7 Summary of Preliminary Cost Estimate for Option 9 4.7.1 The following qualifications and assumptions have been made for these preliminary estimates: x For new roads any excavated material will be re-used or deposited on site x Drainage is assumed to discharge into existing watercourses x No structures have been included x Arms to roundabouts assumed to be 50m unless specified otherwise x Roundabout centre island diameters taken as 50m with 10m carriageway x No demolitions have been included x No vehicle restraint systems included x No planting included (just grass seeding) x No allowance for VAT, land purchase or future fluctuations in costs

Table 9: Summary of Preliminary Cost Estimate for Option 9 Element Comment Cost Little Tarrat Conversion of existing A37/ Little Tarrat Lane and £920,000 Roundabout A37/Two Tower Lane to 5 arm roundabout Keyford Roundabout Additional arm onto A37 Dorchester Road £118,000 roundabout (5 arms in total) Placket Roundabout New 3 arm roundabout £642,000 New Junction with New priority junction £7,000 A30 West Coker Road Sub-total £1,689,000 Contingencies 20% £337,800 Total £2,026,800

November 2011 Page 9 Prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff for Somerset County Council


CLIENT/PROJECT DATE PRODUCED BY September 2011 Tracey Gent South Somerset District Council (285333AN-HLT/1/1)

CHECKED Craig Mason

Parsons Brinckerhoff APPROVED TITLE Marcus Chick Riverside Chambers, Castle Street, TAUNTON, Figure 1 TA1 4AP Tel: (01823) 281190 Indicative Strategic Site Locations & Highway Accesses for Options 1-6

© Copyright Parsons Brinckerhoff Limited

CLIENT/PROJECT DATE PRODUCED BY South Somerset District Council (285333AN-HLT/1/1) September 2011 Craig Mason

CHECKED Craig Mason

Parsons Brinckerhoff APPROVED TITLE Marcus Chick Riverside Chambers, Castle Street, TAUNTON, TA1 4AP Figure 2 Tel: (01823) 281190 Indicative Strategic Site Locations & Highway Accesses for Options 7, 8 & 9 © Copyright Parsons Brinckerhoff Limited Project Number: Drawing Number: Revision: Login: Liggins, Rebecca 285333BK/101 - Plot Date: 10/11/2011 14:43:21 File Name: T:\WHT\285333_Somerset_CC\Projects\285333BK_Highways_Inf_Yeovil_UE\acad\Option 7.dwg l C O T R e e h r a r v o d i d s w n

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