ANN ARBOR REGISTER. I TU'UVH VOL XXI NO. 18. ANN AEBOK, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1895. WHOLE NO. 1002 AGAINST APPROPRIATION. IT WILL. INTEREST YOU. For tlie Poor Indian. The Lecture by Prof. ELelsey Next The U. S. Government takes good Saturday Night. care of its poor Indians, seeing to it THE LEGISLATURE *OT UKELV I 'rof. Francis W. Kolsey will give an that a liberal allowance is made for the DON'T DO IT! TO HELP THE ni Illustrated lecture on "A Summer at red men. If the Indians do not have THIS YE.VIt. Pompeii'' in the Presbyterian church, plenty to live upon comfortably it is be- SALE OF Saturday evening, May 4. Neapolitan cause he trades off what Uncle Sam DON T BUY DNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN < liociiiion. Kelsey was recently given at the Uni- some of the articles and the quantity o A A The editor of THE REGISTER, in versity of Wisconsin and proved to ba each which the government furnishe Hats and Gents' Funish- order to accommodate Miss Emma Bow- highly entertaining and instructive, in- to the needy redskins: 47,900 pounds o WE LEAD AU i-eat Record Keeper of the L. O. troducing us into the minutest inci- lard: 594 barrels of mess •pork; 34,15 CUT IN TWO. ing Goods. T. M., of Michigan, who was compelled dents of Pompeiian life and illustrating pounds of rolled oats; 7.J7,7OO pounds o IN to have more ofiice room, has given up many of the wonderful discoveries oats; 166,535 pounds of coarse salt: 179, IT IS THE EVENT OF THE SEASON! his former office in the Hamilton there. 380 pounds of fine salt: 245,000 pound LOW PRICES Block and taken temporary quarters in The proceeds of this entertainment We have got the strongest line ever of wheat; 8,000,000 pounds of flour: 27. broughi to this market, and all at extra another part of the same building. En- will be for the benefit of McMillan Hall 000,000 pounds of beef on foot: 3,800,00( Stylish Spring Garments to low prices. trance to our office must now be made and tho Presbyterian guild. pounds of dressed beef; 013,000 pound be sold at 1-4, 1-5, 1-6 and 1-8 If you are looking for an extra fine BEST from Pourth-ave. at the northwest cor- AJmission, 23 cents. Tickets can of bacon: 12,500 pounds of sole leather hat for less price than can be found else- ner of the building. This office will be be secured at Moore and Wet- 44.000 gallons kerosene oil: 23,001 of their value. where, a?k to s cia] ai $2.50. QUALITIES used only for a time or until other quar- more's book stores on Main and State- pounds building paper; 12,000 pounds o We arc sole agents for the celebrated ters much firer and more commodious sts.; also at the B. & M. drug store on sheet zinc: 1,830,000 pounds of corn Ladies Jackets, worth from Youman Hat. than have ever been occupied hereto- State-st. meal: 150,500 pounds of feed; 117,9© ¥5.00 to $6.50, to be sold at fore by THE REGISTER are available. Frederick D . ujjlass memorial Servi- pounds of hard bread: 85,000 pounds o: Although somewhat cramped for room ces. hominy. $I.OO. for the time being our friends are al- At the memorial service in honor of This seems like a sufficient amount Prederck Douglass at the Unitarian ivelcome. for a whole nation of "braves" but he- Last week we placed on sal WADHAMS. RYAN & REULE church next Sunday evening there will sides this a large quantity of agricultu- Agaiost University Appropriation. be addresses as follows: ral implements, wooden ware, harness, 25 Ladies' Jackets, the former A recent issue of the Detroit Tribune Rev. J. M. Henderson, of Detroit, saddles, traps, glass, paints, oiis, etc., price of which was from $5.00 contained the following dispatch from upon ", his Life, are supplied, and all of it is for the In- Lansing: "The ways and means com- Character, and Influence." dians in only one of three districts in to $6.50. This week we cut mittee is expected in a few days to make Judge N. W.,Cheever: "A Visit to tho the conntry, the other two agencies, this price in two and sell tlierp port to the house on the special South: Personal Observations as to the one. at X. \. (Ity and one at Sun Fran- -sity appropriation. A majority Condition and I rospe ts of the Colored cisco, each taking more supplies than at of the committee oppose giving the in- People.'' the one at Chicago. Mr. Jacobs is $1.00 Each. stitution any of the sum asked for. The Rev. A. W. Moore: "borne Wrongs member of the purchasing committee 1 most that any committeeman advocates that Still Need -Righting." and must look over numerous bids offer- Ladies Jackets worth from UOO for the electric light plant, Judge W. D. Harriman: "The Career ing parts.or the whole, of all these sup- $6.50 to $8.25, to be sold at and $20.0DO to make up the deficiency in of Douglass as an Incentive to his plies. Certainly the government is Rebuilding and repair account. One Race." liberal in the amount of money expend o favor the electric light item A.n appropriate reading will be given ed to take care of its aborigines. If it $1.50. by W. K. Childs. alone." could only devise some way to compel The two colored churches of the, city Last week we advertised 25 Since the above appeared the ways the Indians to use these supplies for Jackets, former price, Ready to Jump and means committee decided not to re- will join in the service, and both pas- themselves and families instead of trad- tors will have parts in the exercises. from $6.50 to $8.25, to be port the bill to the house, in this un- ing off ten dollars worth of supplies for IN A NEW SPRING SUIT practically killing it unless the The addresses will be short. Music for seventy-five cents worth of poor whis- old at house orders it reported. This it is not the occasion will be furnished by the key it would do a good work. $3. OO. OF COURSE YOU ARE ! — «m—T*^ at all likely to do unless a vigorious Fancher Quartette Club, of Detroit. tight is made. Even then it is doubtful The "Old Kentucky Home" and other /nn Arbor Needs One. This week we reduce this Spring is here.—Give that Heavy Winter Suit a rest. favorite songs and hymns of Douglass if a majority could be secured in favor A recent1 occurence from Mimoie, In- )ri<-", one-half the lot going to Put from $10 to $18 in one of our Nobby Spring Suits. You'll will be sung. of calling it from the committee when diana, is thus given in last Sunday's In- !eel better, more comfortable, and what's more, you'll be dressed so large a majority of the committee is Home From Their Tr lp. ter Ocean. Ann Arbor would be fortu- $1.50 Each. ust as stylish as the other fellow who pai$ twice as much just to opposed to the appropriation. nate if there were some such a woman The 5:15 train on the Michigan Cen- in this city. "At the Wisor Grand lave a tailor's name in his coat. tral Saturday evening brought home Ladie's Jackets worth from Special tfeeting. Opera House last night Mrs. Anna 8.25 to $10.00 to be sold at Tho Council met Monday night es- the Glee and Banjo clubs in their pri- Griffin sat three seats from an aisle. pecially to consider liquor bonds and vate car. A few of them remained in When the curtain dropped after the the bonds of the city officers. The com- Chicago, but most of them came direct- first act two men occupying the next $2.00. Special Sale! mittee on bonds reported the bondsmen ly home from Davenport, where they seat arose to go out. The lady refused of the city officers as follows: jave their last concert on Friday even- to permit them to pass. The men re- Last week we advertised 50 ing. The trip was the most successful mained standing, finally calling the ;adies' Jackets worth from and exhibit of fine Glen V. Mills, Clerk—Fred Schleieh- Art Statuary from er, John Burg. one ever taken by the clubs, and their house police, but Manager Wisor stat- 8.25 to £10.00, offered to the reception throughout the west could such sculptors as Jeremiah Walsh, Constable—Fred. ed that the lady had paid for the seat rade at Bayre, Thorwald- | Wurster, Fred. Kirn. not have been more cordial. They ar- and could do as she chose about getting ; rived in Chicago at 6 a. m. Saturday. son, Luca Delia Chas. Schneider, Constable—Moses up. When the men sat down the house $4.00. Robbia, and others. Seabolt, David ltinsey. It would be hard to tell which city fairly shook with applause. The con- Paul Schall, Constable—Fred. Rei- was most hospitable, but the reception gratulations of the people and press of This week you get them at mold, Eugene Oesterlin. at every place was most cordial. Es- the city for Mrs. Griffln"s bravery has alf that price all M. (:. Peterson, Constable — Fred. secially was this at Chicago, St. Louis, resulted in Manager Wisor's deciding Howlett, Chas. Dwyer. Des Moines and Davenport. In Colo- to issue no more pass checks between $2.00 Each. YOU ARE INVITED! Peter Herchen, Constable—A. A. ado the receptions were the most acts." Mouth. G. Hoefer. elaborate, owing to the fact of there Ladies' Jackets worth from jeing so few alumni. In Pueblo schools May Opera House Program. The bonds of H. J. Brown, E.E.Calk- 10 to $20, to be sold at were let out, flags raised and every During May there will be some of the "K John Moore and Bassett & Mason, mark of honor possible shown in Colo- best attractions that have appeared in were also received and accepted, as was 1895 rado ; Springs and Denver, every- the opera house this season. Manager those of the two brewing' companies. $2.50. thing was done to please. The clubs Sawyer announces the following list: I For the retail liquor business there are most enthusiastic over their recep- May 4-The Cork Man. Last week our "ad."read 50 Utopia ire only thirty bonds presented. ion and regret that this most success- May 6—Nellie McHenry. .adies' Jackets, former price ' There are a number of others that have ful of trips is ended—U. of M. Daily. May 10—University Comedy Club', en handed in since. Whether or not rom $10 to $20, to be sold at will present "Woodcock's Little the increased tax will reduce the num- Game," and "Lend Me Five Shillings," $5.00. 1 ^r of saloons in the city remains to be College Mori.-. The above is the title of a neat little under the management of Prof. dePont. This week we divide this SPRING niLLINERY I These Were Successful. book in pretty paper covers issued by May 20—Stewart Robson. May 28—The Mikado, by the Lyra ensational price by 2 and sell We extend to All a cordial invitation to There were thirty-six applicants for Judge N. W. Cheever. The volume Society, under the management of u those Elegant Stylish Gar- see our fine display of teachers' certificates at the examina- contains 08 pages and is illustrated with Prof. R. H. Kempf. n held last Friday and Saturday. a number of half-tone engravings. The nents at 1-8 of their value, all frontispiece consists of a group of four French Pattern Hats and Novelties, 0' these twenty were successful. They Flower Sale. are as follows: Maude E. Mills, Allie noted U. of M. men, Dr. Tappan, Prof. Williams, Prof. Andrew White and Dr. The arfnual flower sale of the First $2.00 Each. Russell, Emma J. Stroh, Ann Arbor; Baptist church will be held in the & Mae Bullard, Alice Brown, Carrie Winchell. The full title of the volume NO. 59 is "Stories and Amusing Incidents in church parlors tomorrow. As usual . Havens, Ypsilanti; John Conlin, S. MAIN S1REET. the Early History of the University of potted plants, and cut flowers, will be on UTOPIA MILLINERY PARLORS, llie Bross, R. E. Geraghty, Dexter; SILK SHIRT WAISTS. Michigan." To any one interested in sale. There will be tables of fancy work, Ed»th A. Foster, Bertha Spauiding, college fun this book will be found in- household articles, etc. The doors will Hattie Spaulding, James F. Hathaway, A Superb Line of Ladies' tensely interesting, even to students of be open at 3 p. m; and supper will be FLORENCE STERRETT, Prop. FRANCES OWEN, Trimmer. ^m. Doll, Chelsea; Clara H. McCorm- Silk Waists, representing the later years although most of the stories served from 6 to 9. The supper promi- ^ Anna L. McCormick, Salem; Cora atest artistic ideas of the best and jokes are connected with men and ses to be an especially attractive fea- Witherell, Clinton, Lenawee county; events of over 40 yeirs ago. The book is ture, as it is to be served by the men of ashion makers at prices far be- laticho Cady, Napoleon, Jackson on sale at the book stores and should the church. owyou can have the same ma- Cou%, W. E. Dillon, York. have a large sale. Price, 50 cent. erial made up. The are worth Pioneer's Society. Awarded you inspection. "^tensive arrangements are being Still They Mi Highest Honors—World's Fair. ade for the annual meeting of the pi- The following is from a recent issue FARMERS n DR ° eersat Dexter,on Wednesday June 12 of the Detroit Journal and indicates Can find the most complete ae that the homoeopaths are still disconten- [ . executive committee held a meet- line of lnS in Dexter last Saturday. The com-ted in matters relative to their school. NEW LINES. *llt consisted of Isaac Terry, J. Q. A. Dr. Eggleston, of the homoeopathic India Dimities. FARMING IMPLEMENTS ^ E. A. Nordman, D. Warner. medical faculty, has received a number of replies to the address he sent out to Trish Dimities. ilorreii Goodrich, J. W. Wing, and G. his brother physicians over the state, WAGONS and 1 "eters. A number of general com- and says they indicate that the homceo- Corrie Dimities. •tees were appointed to make full ar- biths are willing to meet the board of CREAM Cordile Dimities. BUGGIES er regents in its recent resolution, K Qents. These committees are re- declaring the full independence of the Imported Duck Suiting. lated to meet at the Dexter Savings homoeopathic school. He thinks that IN THE CITY- Bank, May 18 at 1 p. m. a full assurance of fair treatment. The other branch of the profession is quite BAKING VERY DAINTY AND CHEAP! HEADQUARTERS IN THE he FINNEGAN BLOCK! , D- A. C. base ball team met dej elated over the prospects of removing fe the school to Detroit. It is freely stat- ^ on the athletic grounds last Satur- id that if the legislature takes an'v aet- y at lll COR. DETROIT AND FOURTH STS. Th e hands of the U. of M. team. fcion at all it will be for removal, aid the POWDER PRICES THE LOWEST. Jll stood 11 to 21. local homoeopaths who favor such a MOST PERFECT MADE. plan state emphatically that a vast ma- SPECIAL!—5 discount ever made in *"e city for SPOT CASH! r-Price's Cream Baking Powder jority of their professional brethern A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free over the state also favor it. MACK & SGHMID. worM»s pair Hizhent Award. from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. HENRY RICHARDS. i'lili ! lx«Jb •.:•< • ^ MAY 2, 18D5

IV. «'. T. V. YOl'NG WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN ASSO- ANDREW E. GIBSON, Oood New*. No other medicine in the world was CIATON. "DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN jiven such a test of its curative For God, and Home and Native Land. qualities, aa otto's Cure. Thousands Edited by .Mrs. A. E. Van Valkenburg. Class in English. ATTORNEY AT LAW. of bottles of this great (icrman remedy Press Buperintem A class has recently been formed in are bsing distributed free of charge, by The next regular meeting of the lo- ersational English. Especial at- jV#. W t. Huron St. druggists in thia country, to those ANN AKBOK MICH. .•(I with Consumption, Asthma, cal \V. i!. T. fj. \\i:i be he}d May 9 at 3 tention is paid lo the avoiding of com- SAPOLIO Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia ami Hall. mon mistakes in speaking, spelling, all Throat and iving - Mary A. Wadsworth, for many and writing, and to the correct and IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. thep- at Otto's Cure will J. J. FERGUSON, cure them, and that grandest years a national W. C. T. CJ. lecturer, use of language. The class ' triumph of medical scienoe. For -;(!••and who several years ago folli at the V. W. C. A. rooms Monday by 3 Samples Miss Willard through the Southern evenings from 8 to 9, and will ;n free. Large bo1 states, was present at our last meeting modate a number more. The class Builder and and gave a very interesting account ot dues are, for members of the Associa- "Where Arc Wo At!" the hopeful results of temperance labor tion, 25c for ten lessons; for those not A This question perplexes the whole in the south. She spoke of the "Four members, 50c. The term is just begin- Jobber. usiness world. People interested in Mile Law'' which has resulted, in chart- ning and it would be well to join at he Northwest can iind where they are ered schools being established so close once. at by consultiii las containing A new broom sweeps well. All who have tried •Estimates given on Short Notice. together in some sections, that a thirsty me up to date maps and much valuable LITERARY NOTES. our new Ftlfiutiwe StOTB, one-half block west Ktpairing, Bebuilding and 'fob--eference and descriptive matter, sent man might ride day after day without o any address (or lo cents in stamps by of Main street, No. 9 and 11 West Liberty street, bing a Specialty. being able to quench his thirst with The Atlantic Monthly for April con- F. I. WHITNEY, G. P. & T. A., Gre»1 anything stronger than water: and said say it is the place to trade. Why? Because we have Northern Railway, St. Paul, Minn. 9(5 tains installments of the two serials the general temperance laws were far now running: A Singular Life, by Mrs the only entire new stock in town and are selling at ORDERS PROMPTLY AT- better and better enforced than in the Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward, and prices that are acknowledged by all judge of goods Fruit Growers and Small Northern states. She emphasized, how- The Scats of the Mighty, by Gilbert and value to be the lowest ever offered. TENDED TO. Farmers. ever, the growth and developmant of Parker. Southern women, during the last few Fiction is further represented by the SHOP AND RESIDENCE, Homes and Living for Thousands. years. From mere butterflies of fash- second part of Gridou's Pity, by Grace Furniture, Carpets, Straw Mat- ion, as helpless as infants, many have Howard Peirce, and a touching single- tings. Draperies. Lace Curtains, Win. • B W. Summit St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Read what western papers and fruit become prominent workers in educa- raisers say about a special number of number story, by Annie Trumbull dow Shades. Baby Carriages, etc. ;he Great Northern Bulletin, devoted tional and reformatory lines. Slosson, entitled Dumb Foxglove. All we ask is a chance and a trial. ;o the fruit business in the Pacific She read the following extract from a An atmosphere of Spring is given to Northwest: letter written to her recently from the issue by a delightful paper on '"Contains a multitude of interesting Columbus, Mississippi, by a woman of and valuable articles, notes and hints. Flower Lore of New England Children, SGHALLER'S •resented by a close student and inves- this class. by Alice Morse Earlo. Two papers of tigator. " — Daily Spokesman - Review, ''Since you visited Columbus, the educational interest are The Expressive Spokane, Wash. cause of temperance has grown and Power of English Sounds, by Professor HENNE & STANBER "The best thing of the kind that has strengthened, until now, we not only Albert H. Tolman, and The Basis of yet been published. * * The future have closed the saloons here in this of the fruit business is brought out our Educational System, by James Jay No. 9 and n West Liberty Street. BOOKSTORE town and county but in every strongly without exaggeration."—Rural Greenough. Northwest, Portland, Ore. county of the state, except Poems and the usual departments •'The Fruit Bulletin isa storehouse of seven of the seventy-two counties, and coinplete-the issue. 19 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. facts interesting to our growers. It is the prohibition feeling is so strongly —Houghton, Mifllin & Co., Boston. also calculated to show eastern people ingrained into the hearts and minds of that the Pacific Northwest is 'strictly The Forum for April has for its lead in if as a producer of staple fruits."—J. our men, that I feel quite .confident B. Holt. Manager Snake River Fruit that the next legislature which con- er a brilliant essay entitled "The Real JOHN KOCH, A well selected stock of Association, Wawawai. Wash. venes in January, '96, will pass a state 'Quintessence of Socialism,'" by Mr. ".Most artistically printed and oon-prohibition, to supplant the present W. H. Mallock, the eminent English Successor to KOCH & HENNE. tainsmore horticultural matter relating "local option law. " student of Socialism,—one of the most High to the northwest than we have ever be- luminous expositions of the fallacies of fore seen in one publication."—Pacific The female college, Dr. Steele told My March Bargains are Lower Than You Ever Heard of! Farmer, Portland, Ore. you of, is the brightest jewel in Missis- Socialism that have ever appeared in Grade "I am delighted with the Bulletin. I sippi's crown. Columbus gave the state periodical literature. An article on a do not think I ever saw anythiny more $50,000 worth of properly, and $50,000 kindred topic is by Mr. Henry Holt who Parlor Suites, $18.50. comprehensive on the fruit business. concludes his series of papers on "The Fine now style Chamber Suite with bevel glass, $13.75. Stationery My belief that the country out here is in cash to locate it here. Several cities The latest style Side Board $13.00. the best part of the Union for home- sought it, and bid high for it. I have Social Discontent."—Forum Pub., Co., A nice Set of Chairs—antique, $5.00. seekers is stronger than ever."—H. II. heard of no one here regretting the in- N. Y. A nice Lounge, well Upholstered and Springs, $4.T-"i. -o all the latest publications of th Spalding, Treasurer State Board of vestment. The faci^ty numbers twenty- The April number of the Eclectic has A nice Bed Stead, $2.26. Horticulture, Almota, Wash. A nico Fine Spring-, $1.B0. . present day ran be found two, every one of whom1 is a'Mississippi a number of excellent articles—opening "Should be in the hands of every with one from the Quarterly Review,' It is nearly house-cleaning time—call and look at our new Stock of Carpets, woman except the President, Dr. Fraz- all grades, from 17e to $1.00 per yd. -AT- frnit raiser in the Pacific Northwest. on "Oliver Wendell Holmes." On the * * Shows in an interesting way ier, of Virginia. It is the policy of the Our importation of Matting has arrived, please call and look at the new de- just whut our country otters to fruit state to employ only women of our own same order is a critical article on "The signs, prices from 12e to 50c per yd. Poems of Robert Bridges," by Mr. J I have the latest novelties in Draperies and Rugs at the lowest prices. SCHALLER'S growers and men who believe in small section, as long as they can be secured farms well tilled."—Northwest Horti- C. Bailey, and a tribute to "Christina Baby Carriages in all styles and grades. Prices lower than ever before. of suitable capacity. The standard of Window Shades complete, only 17c. Shades made to order. NEW BOOKSTORE, culturist, Taeoma, Wash. Rossetti, by Mr. A. C. Benson.. Mi-. scholarship is high. Three hundred "There is not a topic likely to be of W. Hill James contributes an interest- .-3 E, Washington St.. Op. Hangsterfer' and fifty girls are in attendance, and Cabinet Work and Upholstering Made to Order— interest or value to the inquirer that is ing paper entitled "Recollections of the overlooked. A most complete all receive industrial training in addi- Our Great Specialty. Chinese War." The papers on trave and attractive compendium of the hor-tion to the literary course. It is a fact and adventure take one through a wide Repairing of all Kinds of Furniture on Short Notice. ticultural interests of the West."— that every young woman who has grad- Daily Oregonian, Portland, Ore. variety of scenes.—Published by E. R. uated from this college has a good posi- Call in, and Buy One of the Best Air Mattresses in Did You Ever This valuable publication will be sent Pelton, 144 Eighth Street, New York. tion, and the President receives many the World. to any address, together with "Facts applications for teachers to go all over About a Great Country," containing *• I-;IIIII Central Station Attendants. Eat Any? large map, for four cents in postage, by the country." "A practical demonstration of the Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, who speaks wisdom establishing a free messengei A fresh lot of F. I. WHITNEY, G. P. & T, A., Great in University Hall this afternoon, is a and guide service at the New York Gunther's < landiea Northern Railway, St. Paul, Minn. Central station in was Just received man whose purity of lite and character given a few days ago," remarked a gen- JOHN KOCH, In sealed boxes. have secured for him the respect of tleman who had just returned from the The motto is not good people everywhere, and for this metropolis this morning. "1 went to How cheap, but reason wo give his clear-cut utterances the big town on'the 9:20 evening train, Sucessor to KOCH & HENNE, How good. WINANU CO. arriving at New York at 7:30 on time on the pending question of woman's to a minute, as usual. In the car that franchise. He signed the petition in I was in was a charming old lady who finest Chocolates, - - 60c its favor and when.asked whether he had a big satchel. When we got ofl 56,58 AND 60 S. MAIN ST., -• ANN ARBOR, the train I prOposed to carry the ole Finest Mixture, - - 60c The Secret of Success. had always been a friend of the move- lady's baggage to the street from awaj NOT in Selling Cheap ment, replied as follows: up at the forty-fourth-st. end of the de*- The Very Best Butter Goods. We don't wan't any "Well. I think I must be content to pot. It's a long walk, you know, from Cups, - - - 40c trash In the house; but iiibe in the light of a convert. I have that end to the Forty-second street selling Good Goods Cheap. the error of my ways. That and the old lady was all al 'Die people appreciate up-to- I was just about to take her satchel THERE IS NONE Store-keeping. The ap- is, I think that times have changed. from the porter when a smart young preciation at this stoi • Woman herself is different in some re- man in a blue uniform, wearing a roum WCOL BETTER pands in every direction be- spects to what she used to be. She owns red hat such as British soldiers wear JKADt BABg. cause there is Good Value and having embroidered on the front TO BE HAD. and (iood Treatment al- a large amount of property from which in gold letters, 'Grand Central Station ways hand-in-hand I she is taxed. She has become a great Attendant,' stepped up to her, ton JET VAI I UAVCany derangement of industrial factor. She has a right to his hat and politely asked where Stomach, if your Bloozz^_i.d i i tJs LivG impurei , l\lQnGy, i" troubleS Or d wished to go. He took the satchel from with constipation, or if your whole system is B. & M. nay !- and under < run down and needs building up, try LINGOi-N Silk Selling. the porter and carried it to the en TEA. Why pay a DOLLAR for a vile com- what laws she shall conduct her busi- tram- i, after protecting he pound, when for 25 CENTS you can get a DRUG STORE, Livi more- sat- 1 think the beginning of package of LINCOLN TEA, made from pure, ory to \ on, too, to know my from the horde of hackmen, he put hei fresh herbs, with curative quali+ies far ex~ 46 SOUTH STATK NT. that every day adds new opinion was in Wyoming H few and her baggage on a cross town cai needing any other tea. or preparation on the sago. I was travelling through the and went back into the station. () marKet. freshness and brightness, to course it was only what he was hired to lotions simple arts, .-va:r " ; *irs*-class the ever-changing Stock. state and met a great many of the aruggists sell UNCvLfr fHA. Beware oV In- do. but he did it so nicely that I was ferior teas that cir>..g{rists try *o sel« yoi as "just J.S goo.'i linent men. I asked them about greatly pleased, and the little old ladj ir Lincoln Tea.'' None of them are *R good TAM an o»njr» | Colored Dress Goods Selling. the workings of woman's suffrage, and was pleased also. There was a troublec •i nothing but praise of it., I found look on her face when she stepped oil THE BEST fain Prices flying around the train, but when she saw the uni like Shavings. 3,000 yds. 36out that my old ideas about ail the hor- form of the young fellow who spoke 1( 38 inch Plain and Fan- rible things which would happen to the it all disappeared. She knew shi THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK cy Dress (loon's, 12c Inhom- e were unfounded. 1 think that was in good hands and need not worrj Organized 1860, under the General Banking Law ol this State. stead of 25o. 6,000 ycU. Pur-woman has a right to the suffrage, and more. The messenger service is i est Wool, imported Plain that giving it to her will do good rather great institution. When a lady board Fancy Dress Hoods. 36 a New York Central train for Xo\ CAPITAL, $59,000. SURPLUS, $150,000. TOTAL ASSETS,"$1,000,003 and 38 inch (Sashme than harm; so when the,, question was York alone nov she knows that she wil ea, Henriettas, and High pending in New York state I signed be protected from the time the trail Novelties. Pure t he petition in favor." starts till she is safely in a carria Busirxss _1/-H, Gu,%rdians, T)-ust< », /. i lies an I other persons will find tins Bu>.k a Wool French Challies, etc., car in New York City. What mor ALL <.'.>(• Instead ol 5QQ per could be asked of a railroad than that' Safe and Convenient NURSER. yd. Several Thousands yds. T ornado, Cyclone and \\ iiul-siorin —Rochester Union and Advertiser. Testimonial*. beautiful imported French Place to make Deposits and do Business. Interest is allowed at the rate of 4 PEIi Cretonea at S/icand 50c Ln- Anybody is likely to have, his house Wonderful BeneSt. CENT, on all Savings Deposits of $1*00 and iipwards, according to the rules of tut NE{V~YORK INFANT ASYLUM— stead of 75c and $1.00 per yd. "My wife takes Hood's SarsapaHU bank, and interest cmnpounded s< mi-annually. nursing bottle known aa "Thi Best," or barn destroyed by a cyclone, wind- storm or tornado. It cost bin B every Spring, and it is the only remedy hat been tried at the, Asylum and is re- that helps her. She said she would a' Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000. commended mp*l warmly especially for pittance to be insured against danger Selling Black Dress Goods. from these sources. soon think of being without clothing, a Secured by untocutnbered real estate and other good securities. i I . iih which it can be kept being without Hood's Sarsaparilla. D1REC1OES: Christian Murk, w. 1). Harriman, William >Deubd, David werfeoHy cleiiii. We want you to know that Call uponWJf. Childs,.in the County Court House for rates. 20 cents on a am troubled with biliousness, and hav Itinspy, Daniel Hiscock, W. II. Smith and L. Qrunev. j NEW YORK I X ING-IN ASYLUM— this is the very best Black taken Hood's Pills with wonderful ben Dress Goods Store in this thousand dollars per year is certainly OFFICERS: Christian Marl,-, President; IT. I). Harriman, Vice-President; Choi have used the nursin^^tottle "The loiv enough. You can afford to pay this eflt." Geo. B.Schwab, 81 West Wash .O««t,"'and find ij, si|p^ovtp, any I have State, Belling more and buy- ington-st., Ann Arbor, Mich. K. Jliaciirk, Cashier; M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashier. Ing more Black Dress Goods merely for the satisfaction of being in- seen dajRHSVm^.wiiib'aujtli.ltll essential sured. 60tf qualities J t hiM-rfiii-i' ln'artly recommend 1 han any other retail house Hood's I'ills cure all liveriils. it. E,JC JI.-1.1J. M. L>. -•""" in Michigan. Out-of-town REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK people who send us their The Largest Camellia. Terry's Silvereen. NEW YORK MEDICAL COLLEGE Torhaps the largest camellia In exist- At Anil Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, December 19,1894. AND HOSPITAL F.<_)U )Y\>.M l mailorders never regret do- Among the many discoveries of th ing SO. ?nce is at the Piluitz castle, near Dres- KKSOURCES. ;am pleased with yoilr Nurste "The Sen, Germany. The tree is twenty-four present age, none rank higher than th LIABILITIES. Best, It (loos all you claim fKLL, rf*A .0,000 blossoms. great durability and cheapness is boun etc 498,813 fir,Surplus fund 150 000 00 time conies for you to Undivided profits 22,827 SI to take the place of silver in the manu Overdrafts 1,318 85 Dividends unpaid 2ES W ing Silks. Dress Goods, factufe of lino tableware. Banking house 20,500 00 If all-wives and mothers could fully Furniture. Fixtures and Goods, Kid Gloves, Hosiery. I'n- Silvereen is a beautiful white mota Safety Deposit Vaults... 9.856 72 realize how apt each one is at all times will not tarnish or rust, and all good Other Real Estate 6,497 07 PEFOHT8. Scathe "i^Vir-lnici '.' derwear, Corsets, i Laces, Trimmings, to be bereft of the protector and sup- made from it are warranted. Current Expenses and port of themselves and their children Taxes paid 4,585 31 easilyadjustel M a j Ribbons, or anything in the line of Dry We want everyone to have a chane Banks and Bankers 8 1,125 31 ( they would be more fully able to ap- esimot leak or be pulled out; "»«K am lurselvea to qave to compare silvereen with silver, so fo CASH. Certificate* of depoett.... 106.767 90 oy babv) lots in air preciate the real benefits of a life in- the next sixty days we are gfoingto giv Due from banks in reserve Commercial deposits 195 185 01 yt\u money,.'- f \ \?'^ V\ \.'.\ surance policy. As an investment it is cities S1O3,TD7 71 Savings deposits 607,742 09 -«91O,820 81 fast as rood is suckefl-oat/am] awaj one half dozen Silver Tea Spoon Due from other banks and impossible for atppTSw) collapse and as safe and profitable as a saving's hank Free, to every person who will send fo T^peetfuUy, ^ while in case of accident or fatal illness bankers. 1,189 50 thus prevents wind colic. See how easi- > one of our Silvereen.sets, containing si Dae trom Wuhtenaw 81.133.906 15 ly "THE BEST" is cleans.,!: •the return is much larger. Persuade Tea Spoons, one Sugar Shell, one But County 11.118 JS your husband to lay by something in a Chirks and cash items... 860. 7ft A clean bottle prevents bowel trouble. ter Knife. If at any time the Silveree Nickles and pennies 241 59 STATE OK MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF WASHTKNAW.88' life Insurance policy and be protected goods do not prove satisfactory, retur Gold coin 85,400 00 AT DRUGGIST, 85C. ; if yours declines e< in case of misfortune which sickness or them and your money will be ivfumlet Silver coin 2,000 00 I, CH AS. E. HISCOCK .Cashier of the above nan> - ~M get it, send us WINANS U. S. and National Bank accident may bring. A policy in the Bank, do solemnly swear that the above st»w- Remember wo jfiw you the Sllve Notes 18,615 00-S173.312 70 n< old reliably-New York Life Insurance Spoons. Send at once- as this 0 meut is true, to the best of my knowledge » * Com pans feli&ejiualled for protection belief. CHA8. £. HISCOCK, Cashier- WOODWARD AVENUE. and investment. for lin days only. Price Silvereen 81,133,906 15 P. s. GAGE. Agent, *2.oo. CORRECT—Attest: CHRISTIAN MACK, W. D. HARRIMAN, L. GRUNEB. Directors. TBE GOTHAM CO., 70 Warren St., Ua 3-Willard street. TOLEDO SILVER CO, Subscribed and sworn to before me this J9»d day of Dec^nher, mi, MICHAEL ./. i'Rl TZ, l1(;- TOLEDO, OHIO Notary P' .0IMH02 'Ituii i ARBOK REGISTER: THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1885

l.nn- IN TWO PENINSciiAts. t««il iiuu tiie rivet n i was drowned. Keep the Baby Fat. ar-old boy played with matches MICHIGAN PEOPLE AND V/HA1 ,n ,\ rs,i lenry A1 itchell s barn at IV- "CAVE SPRING, GA., May 21, 1894. THEY ARE DOING. " My baby was 9, living skeleton. The doctors said he was dying of Maras- konsha. Loss $1,000. mus, Indigestion, etc. The various foods I tried seemed to keep him alive, but -Mrs. Hugh Jones, a farmer's wife did not strengthen or fatten him. At thirteen months old he weighed exactly Fire Caused a Loss of ?SlO0,000 at i)u near Dowagiae. had her right cheek what he did at birth—seven pounds. I began using "SCOTT'S EMULSION," some- torn out by a mad dog. times putting a few drops in his bottle, then again feeding it with a spoon; then Town of Melbourne. — Coruuiiu ;ilso 1 Charles I'ulren. of Milan, had two again by the absorption method of rubbing it into his body. The effect was mar- Keoelves a Scorching Official Cauvrt velous. Baby began to stouten and fatten, and became a beautiful dimpled boy, coal kilns and about 700 cords of wood • IT FLOATS * W of the Vote in the Spring Election. destroyed by fire near .Milan. Loss a wonder to all. SCOTT'S EMULSION supplied the one thing-needful. $1,500. "MRS. KENNON WILLIAMS." The Commercial hotel, tog-ether with Michigan Militia Called Out. the contents, burned at Williamston. POKTT niLLION CAKE5 YEARLY. The striking1 ore trimmers and the The cause of the fire is unknown. THE "-CCT-r! a GAMBLE CO., CIN'TI. new men had a collision on No. i dock I,oss, $3,000. Scott's Emulsion at Marquette. The I'ontiac arrived at is especially useful for sickly, delicate children when their other food (> o'clock, and William O'JViara, who The Cliffs Iron company, has a contract to trim her, starte 1 for of Negaunee, is constructing large fails to nourish them. It supplies in a concentrated, easily digestible the dock at the head of ISO men, mostly charcoal kilns and a chemical plant at THE POPULAR ROUTE 1 THE BEST LINE 10 TIE SOUTH. form, just the nourishment they need to build them up and give them imported from Ishpeming . They were Cooks, (Schoolcraft county. TO escorted by Sheriff iiroad and 10 health and strength. It is Cod-liver Oil made palatable and easy to James Thompson, aged 50, of Grand special deputies taken from the im- Rapids, jumped into the mill race at assimilate, combined with the Hypophosphites, both of which are ported men. The old trimmers met Chelsea with suicidal intent and niuv GRAND RAPIDS them in front of the first pocket and die from the effects of his bath. AND most remarkable nutrients. on the first attempt to advance further a collision ensued. The deputies tied • The Planter house and barns at Don't be persuaded to accept a substitute f without a blow, leaving the sheriff Highland Station burned. Twelve WESTERN MICHIGAN. Scott & Bowne, New York. AH Druggists. 50c. and 51. helpless. Quite a number on both horses were consumed. The loss b fft,0 !0, with insurance of SI,:.'00. sides had their heads broken, but IS THK CH&D there are no serious injuries reported. llentou Harbor thinks that some one FAJ One of the rioters was arrested by had designs on the city because a Dile THE DIRECT LINE TO ^ Marshal M. alone v. The sheriff has of rag-s and jute soaked in oil wa.- D. L. & N. called on the local company of the t'ound behind the Hotel Benton. Michigan National Guard and they DETROIT, LANSING & NORTHERN. Cincinnati and the South. I were placed under arms. The Pontiac The common council of Flint has STATIO.\S. GOING WEST. left with her load without trimming. granted a thirty-year franchise to I'l-tiOlt L.V. •, 10 1 10 p m 6 00pm John A. Nolan, of Saginaw, who will Plymouth "[ 8 i6 1 4» 3 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY from DETRC| build and equip an electric street rail- Nmi li Lyon .. " 8 iS 2 til T M Two Attempts to Wreck a Train- way. Howell June. " 9 14 7 29 4 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY from TOLEDO, Two attempts were made to wreck a EJoweH " 9 20 2 3fl 7 36 TO The young wife of Sherry Laprese Lansing " in a: :i 80 8 87 Mio- lour train near Benton Harbor. GrftDd Ledre. " lc 88 3 ofi' 9 00 DAYTON, The first attempt was made five miles made an attempt to commit suicide at Grand Rapids " 12 4" p m 5 20 10 45 south of Kenton Harbor, where the Casnovia by taking an ounce of chloro- Tonla " 11 60s rr,4 4iVp 1U 00 Howard city.. Ar. I 36 p in CINCINNATI RIPANS train struck a dummy car, which had form, but a physician succeeded in 11 45 pm been placed en the track. The car saving her. STATIONS. GOING EilST. and the SOUTH. was demolished, and the forward part (hvosso supposed it had nearly got Howard city 1 v B M a in 4 00 p ni The Best Line From of the engine was injured. Two rid of its floating debt of 8111,000, but loDla '• 80 1 86 p in e 68 Qrand Rapids ' 1 1 80 miles further, while moving- at a slow was much suprised to learn that, on to 1 : MICHIGAN flND NORTHERN OHIO Grand Ledge. • s »l •> 4. ! 7 i" ; rate, the engine struck' a pile of ties, the contrary, the debt had increased Lil f 1-- i 11 rr ' s 54 8 i ii 1 26 TO ONE GIVES &ELIEF. causing a delay of two hours. This $10,000 during the year past. Bowell v 63 s n e a last accident occurred at the most Howe]I June.. • '.)M dangerous part of the road, and had Some villain placed a dynamite Somli Lyon... ' III •M 4 "8 FLORIDA and a!! tha Souta States. bomb on the steps of the home of Rev. 1'1\ moth ' 111 i>7 4 47 9 20? the train been running at its regular II 4(1 ;i ir D. B. TRACY N. P. «., Detroit. Mich. Arthur Metcalf at Bancroft, but it I'.- roll ,' 6 w p m1" 10 p m JOHN BASTABLE. 0. P. A.. Toledo. 0. speed a fearful accident would have D. G. EDWARDS, G. P. A., Carew Bid.. CimnnaH, been the result. There is no clue to failed to explode. No cause is apparent Connections at Grand Rapids with the as he has no known enemies. Chicago &nA West Michigan It//, for the perpetrators. PeTosky, Traverse City, Manlstee, Jlus- The committee soliciting for the kegon, (Jrand Haven," Benton Harbor, S50.000 Fire jit C'orunna. Sl-VOOO bonus to secure the construc- CIO RA CLEVELAND tion of the railroad from Port Huron and St. Joseph A fire started in the Phoenix block, to Lexington have failed to raise the LOUIS ROHDE, Corunna; and on account of the un- T. A. A. ,<•• If. M. Agents Sell required amounted and it is probable Through TUkets. favorable wind the fire could not be that the project has met its final ^ BUFFALO subdued until the whole block was a death. GEO. I). HATEN, G. P. A , VIA "€. A a. mass of ruins. The buildings were Lehigigh Valley Goal, Hard & Soft Wood oommenclne wi'^ npmi"c of navigat'on nbont James McDonough, a supervisor Grand Rapids. occupied by the Corunna Journal oi Aprt Is-. ^I-cTiifincn* sidp-wheel Rterl .steamer offices, l>. l-.tohmann, furniture dealer; West Hay City, was reported as dl \c\vVork." CALL AND GET PRICES. OFFICE: 35 E. HURON ST. YARDS: 50 W. HURON.ST. and the Masons and A. O. U. W. b Adam Serr"s saloon, Tanner's harness V 'IIMK TABLE. Ann Arbor, Michigan. shop, Minto's feed store, House's res- making- preparations for the funeral, p , CENTRAL. SI MIAY lNCIATKI). taurantt , MaecabeMb e halhl l andd Corunna but were suprised upon calling to con- Lodge, I. O. (). !•'., and .several other dole with the widow to find Mr. Me- I.v. f>vc'and. fi-RO P. v. I Lv. BuffWIo, frSOp.M. societies whieii lost all their effects Uonough in fairly good health. "The Kiagf*ra FallsJRvuU." Ar. Buffalo, 7:30 A. M. | Lv. Cleveland 7 30A. M. with little or no insurance. When tin- A disreputable house kept by Maggie CENTRAL STAXDARP TIME, GIBSON & CLARK, hotographers lire was first discovered the odor of TatJ! ii.. • i- rrt cnjnv a Murphy was destroyed by tire at Man- kerosene was so strong that people rerre(sh!r,g night's rest when en route to Kuiltll , SUCCESSORS TO istee under unmistakable evidence of Nlagora 1'iilK, Toronto \<-\i \ «rk, suspected incendiarism. The loss will incendiarism: loss, $3,000. This is the (JESJUAL STARDAMD TIME Boston. Albai>y, 1,0(10 I«laii ROLLING CHAIRS, ETC. PHYSICIANS' OFFICE FURNITURE. The state board of canvassers met at backed up to a certain extent by some 35 - 35 Lansing and canvassed the vote of the Boston, N. T. & Chicago Address, HAMMOCK INVALID BED CO., Indianapolis, Ind. of the testimony already introduced. Be sure and buy a "Big Foni" Ticket I spring election for supreme judge, North Shore Ltd 9 25 University regents,etc. The plurality The Maecabee commission appointed will save lime and money. of Hon. Joseph B. Aioore for supreme to try Valley tent, Grand Rapids, for Fast Western Ex 2 li P. N insubordination, it is learned, will re- justice was fO,487; R. YV. liutterfield Grand Kpds & Ktil Ex 6 .",7 ELECTRIC TELEPHONE for regent, 90,140; Chas. II. Hackley quire Valley tent to ex-punge from its Bold <>"trif lit, no rent, no royalty. Adnptftd records txerything pertaining to the to City, VUlasa or Country. Needed Ln every for regent, 84,848. A total of t80,l»S Chicago NigLi Express m s home, shop, f-tore and oflBce. Greatest conven- ballots were cast on the salaries i.oynton-lioughton controversy. The ienco and best (seller on earth. » tent is to deal with its belligerent Pacific Ex 12 In tui-m-. matte from s."i to $50 por day. amendment, which was lost by an One in u, resilience means a sale to flll thi adverse majority of 88,974. Compared members as it sees fit. As the bellig- DelKhbora. fine iiwrrumentH, no toys, work< erent members are in majority, it is I . \f. RUGGI.I S, H. \V HAYE8,i anrwbere, any distance. Complete, ready foi with last year's vote for governor the u*e when shipped. Can be rut up by any on*\ Republican vote shows a (ailing off of not believed they will be severely pun- G. I' \T A., Chicago. Aft't..ann never out of ordpr, no rp{'ftirinK, Inst" n life ished by t lie tent. ,, ttimei . Wnrrnnted. A money maker. Write 47,931; Democratic, 32,016; Populist, •^ W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk 10, Columbus. O 4,069; Prohibitionist, 3,611. 11 vai-inth ( harrom. of Grayling, re- cently i!:.\. e well about 24 To Consolidate the l!uy Cities. feet deep. Upon pumping the noticed RESTORE West Kay City is now for consolida- yellow particles with tin: sand. The tion with hay city. A movement is on er pronounced the particles gold foot to bring about this end, and if and sent samples to an assayer at Chi- r>av City does not oppose it. the likeli- cago. Everyb •• • i>• in i he vi I la LOST YI60R hood is that both cities will bi e awaiting the result of the analysis, Ulty. Loss of Sexual P and if the gold is pure several after next April. Wes1 Bay City has may be sunk. Visions of untold always been opposed to consolidation. wealth dazzle the people. Bay Cit y lias • move. The UEDICINH C change in public sentiment has been Auditor-General Turner in the ad- gradual. vance sheets of his report commends the general tax law. The receipts of Throe Wom-.'u Drowned. the state treasurer during the year Mrs. Mary Post, her daughter, Mrs. ending June 30, 1894, were Sl.'l.i.- 1*. l'inley. and little Ethel i inlev were 619.28, and the disbursements 83,669,- drowned in the Au Train river in A1- 8OS.73. The disbursements exceed the ger county. They were missed from receipts by 835,686. W, which deducted Superior in Workmanship home and a boat was also gone. The from the balance at the close of the 1 lodiesofall three were found in the previous year, which was 8647,511.74, Strong and Easy Running river after a lengthly search. leaves a balance in the treasury June 30, 1894, Of J531,835.37i HE POSITIVE MICHIGAN HAPPENINGS. The Bay View assembly this year ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren 8U New T Hartfords are the sort of bicycle most will enjoy lectures by such men as Michigan grape vines wintered well. Pro*. John Fiske. Pro! Hjalmer 11. makers charge HOO for. Kendall is to have a $50,000 brick Boyesen. Col. Homer II. Sprague, John and tile plant. It. Clarke. 11. II. Kagan, George Ken- Columbias are far superior to so-called nan. Chaplain MoCabe, Bishop Charles Con Murphy, of Mt. Pleasant, died I!. Galloway, Rev. Russell II. Conwell, "specials," for which H2$ or even H$0 is asked. from the kick of a horse. Frank (i. Carpenter. Dr. John I!. De The ministerial association of Sagi- Motto. Prof. Graham Taylor, and Tell the It is well to be posted upon the bicycle naw will take hold of Pingree's potato others. President John M. Coulter, of 1 price situation. patch sch ; Lake Forest university, will be at the The 7-year-old daughter of A. Ep- head of the summer school, with 15 : ors. Children The great Columbia plant is working for pink was burned to death in a brash pile near Holland. Over a dozen French Canadians of the rider's benefit, as usual. the vicinity of Houghton have re- Tho state encampment of Michigan turned from Vernor, ( They Sons of Veterans will be held in Te- swear vengeance on i'r. Par ad is for about this. konsha, June ! t, 12 and 13. deceiving them. The,- say the land is Cut out three of these winged trade marks, which will appear in this Claude Urodi I (Greek youth, all rocks'and swamp and the swamps fell under a train at, the Port Huron are covere i with w a ter. Thi paper, and send them to the manufacturers of tunnel and both arms ha 1 to be ampu- that some of their comrades who had tate.I. no money left are walking back to the. Seven eonvi"! ions in one week in on the railroad track. Willin)&i?tic Star Hillsdale county almost convinces Five hundred French Canadians are POPE MFG. CO. waiting at. Vernor for the water to V ilh your address, and a two cent stamp. In return you will receive a General Offices and Factories, whisky settle! : is a subside s i they can locate their farms. beautiful act of paper doll dresses, in colors, for <'ir!s and ' HARTFORD, Conn. success. In the i .»s. oirc : irl ai Grand instructive 1 wing. WillimanticStarThread i ;bc :'. /or machine BRANCH STORESi The ' '.vo-ve < • ' ->v of ,\(lel!>ert II . • 1 i) ! I ' V - i rveral counterfeiters were sewing or hand sewing. Ask the dealer for it. Boston, CMcago, San Frr>r-*sc., •.-.••,. •.. • : ion Hew York, Boffalo, Providence. rass WILLiMANTIC THREAD CO., WILLIMANTIC, CONN. for I - i - oi Cadillac, I - mont tis and a ti; The Cnlambia Catalogtie, a work .V i ,. :•..-• .ive, ' -. ' '., is re- of iiigh"st ur*. 'elling of and pictur- the incarceration not to terminate rnx clearly all the new Columbias ii irted by local | -.-•,, have a until the tine be paid, Adolph < han- and Hartfords, is free from any Col- seven- i-.i-i • .. Many !iave cer, ASH Kilbourne and Ilirum Jones, umbia Agent, or is mailed for two a-cent stamps. been expos of LakerieW, were each given two Forest fires .- llegan burned years an I the same tine under the several thousand dollars' worth of cut game conditions. Edward Edling. the ZeelanU young man who ma le bad FARM ANNUAL for 1895 wood. Ft.ia t! > arbutus ttel< s "TheThe Leadingleading American SeedSed Ct Catalogue.'l have been > silver dollars, was given 15 months in A handsome book of 174 panes with many new features the house of correction and to pay a for 18^5—hundreds of illustrations, pictures painrinl from Ceo. .!. ' fine of $100. •It tclla all about tiie BEST SoEDSt'atgrow, includiiii-rare novelties that cannot be had -ashed to death lei?ewfaen*. Auy seed planter is welcome U; ; i .'. &erut vov" mUircss ti~<<- & Co., Agent for Columbia and at Detroit ' .. Q i I in holding 'ie. of the eiec- The Port Huron '' timer W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO. S El.»HIA- Hartford Bicycles. Ann Arbor:Midi. ;'!< AJNJS AEBOfi tf,EGUSTE& I'HOiJSDAST. [MAY 2, 1895

THE farmers among our readers will Fred Wuerth of George Wahr's, Mr. A. A. Pearson will enlarge the One Way to be Happy THE liElrlSTER. be especially interested in the following and Wm. Reule with John (loetz. jr.. une number of The Alumnus so as to Is at all times to attend to the comfo,rts PAINTERS AND PAPERHANGERS made a trip to Manchester and return PUBLISHED VTSBKLY BY table showing the increase in the im- aake it include all that is usually given of your family. Should anyone of them on their wheels.—Courier. a slight cold or cough, prepare WANTED ! ports in tbose articles which the farmers • Comtnenceme"nt Annual. This 8ELBY A. MORAN, Did they? We think that they hired yourself and call at once on John 253-358 of Michigan produce. The more we a team to take thorn back.—Manches- s a good idea. Moore druggist sole agent, and n'eta FRED FAMFOBD & CO., Jefferson Avr. ANN AHBOH, MICH bottle of Otto's Cure, at German import the lower necessarily must be ter Enterprise, DETROIT, price of our home product. Doubt- X"\t Sunday evening Rev. C. M. Remedy, Free. WV give it away to MICH. TERMS: our readers will readily Bee why Justice Gibson complains because the '<>!>• T:I will begin a series of lectures prove thai we have a sure Cure for Q" Atrip through the land of Pbilis- olds. Asthma, Consumption, One Dollar per \ car in Advance. products are so low. and as is al constables do not arrest the women as and all the diseases of the throat and FINE 1.50 II'not paid until after otic year ways the result, every other industry well as the men who ride their wl la." Five years ago Mr, < 'obern spent lungs. Large sizes 50c. demoralized. upon the sidewalks. Andrew should early a year in foreign lauds and I Fij Year additional to Sub- ectures will embody personal remin- Notice to Creditor*. Millinery orWere outside of nmhtenaw County. know that it is an honor to be crowded 1 TATE OF MICHIGAN, I .'•'ifty Cents additional to /•'» riet. -8? from the sidewalk by a lady cyclist in scencea of hifi travels in the desert S' 111 \ IV OF WASHXKNAW, . "• AND ltd at Ann Arbor Postoffiee as Second- among the ruined cities of l'hilistia, in Notice is.hereby given that by an or- - !i S- -• QD *• ffl s> S so a bloomers! 'Uus .1. Moslem villages and in Bedouin camps. der of the Probate Court for the County 2 2 Andrew J. Fuller, who resided at 2!) of Washtenaw, made on the 29th day of Dressmaking N X ^ Hope lodge. No. 420, Order of Good THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1895. Thirteenth-st., died Sunday morning of April A. D. 1895, six months from that New Importations of the latest 5 g ° X 2 Templars, elected the following officers date were allowed for creditors to pre- 3 consumption. The deceased was 46 shapes and styles of n " a g ast Wednesday evening: C. T.—Thos. sent their claims against the estate of THE BEGI8TEB requests all of its _ years of age. A widow and two daugh- Solomon F. Sears, late of said County, 2" M ters survive him. Funeral services odkins; P. C. T.—Alvin Felch; Treas. deceased, and that all creditors of said friends, uilw have business at the Probate 3,3 deceased are required to present their FINE S- were held Tuesday morning at 9 a. m. —M. Lennon; Sec'y.—Sarah Felch; Court, to be sure and request the Judqe or Fin. Sec—Johana Sharp; B. P,— May claims to said Probate Court, 'at the in St. Thomas' church. > Probate Office in the city of Ann Ar- Probate or Probate Beqister to send their Pierce; P. H. A. P.—Maude Murray; bor, for examination and allowance, on SPRING pnnUnq to THE BEGISTEB. Bea- The Ann Arbor Concert Co. was Marshal—J. B. Saunders, jr.: Asst. r before the 29th day of Oc- rates only are charaed. greeted with a good sized audience at Marshal—Nellie Greenman ; Guard— ;ober next, and that such claims MILLINERY the armory last evening. The concert Julia Sharp; Sentinel—Wm. Godkins. vill be heard before said Court, was one of the best given before a Dun- n the 29th day of July and on the 29th o A son of one of Ann Arbor's ex offic- . . . JUST RECEIVED ! IF we do our work at home our labor dee audience in some time, and it is day of of October next, at ten o'clock in 7. als got into trouble last Friday night. he forenoon of each of said days. at home will be employed and the wages hoped that they may again appear in I would be pleased to have the ladies I He had too much liquor aboard and Dated, Ann Arbor, April 29th, A. D. of Ann Arbor and vicinity call paid at home will be spent at home r t*s i<> • • a city may adopt it or not just as it came and took the youth home. Arbor, on Saturday, the 27th day of of things in the blue grass state. The ~ to w choses. April in the year one thousand eight MISS MARY BELL, reports say that "at separate undertak- too q*c- *-J- Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 44, Knights of hundred and ninety-five. PROPRIETOR. ing establishments in Louisville lie the Mrs. O. P. Campbell, of Lawton, Pythias, visited Queen City Lodge, No. Present, J. WILLARD BABBITT, Opera House Block. The item of wool is one of especial in- when she heard that a man had been 167, of Ypsilanti, which conferred the Judge of Probate. bodies of perhaps two of the most prom- In the matter of the estate of Daniel inent people in the state of Kentucky." tereest to the farmers of Washtenaw found in the river near here, wrote amplified third degree on O. E. Caswell, county which produces more wool than L. White, deceased. One was the son and private {secretary Marshall Banfield for a description of of Ann Arbor. The visitors were given On reading and filing the petition, of Gov. Brown, of Kentucky, the other any other county in this state. The the body. Her husband had disap- a fine banquet at the Occidental Hotel. duly verified, of Carrie Freeman, pray- GRAND OPERA HOUSE! thatof Mrs.Fulton Gordon.The husband amount of wool imported under the Mc- peared April 11th. The man found There were thirty who went down from ing that a certain instrument now on Kinley tariff was 20,9f>l,338 pounds; un- file in this Court, purporting to be of the latter caught the two above men- here had been in the river much longer here. The motor line and the street der the Gorman tariff for the same cor- the last will and testament of said de- Monday, May 6, '95. tioned prominent people in the act of than that. railway both made extra trips to accom. ceased may be admitted to probate and adultery and riddled both of them with responding period this amount was in- that administration with the will an- Mrs. Deborah Wallington died at the odate the boys on their'return at mid- bullets. If two of Kentucky's most creased to the enormous amount of*102,- nexed of said estate may be granted to home of her daughter Mrs. R. L. Speech- night. Ann Arbor Lodge, for this favor, William H. Freeman, the executor in prominent people art guilty of such a 521,206, or almost exactly five-hundred The Autocratic Empress of the Farce- per cent, increase in our consumption ly, Tuesday morning of old age. She wishes to extend thanks to both roads. said will named having refused to act crime what must be the moral or to some other suitable person. of foreign wool in six months under the was 82 years old. Mrs. Wallington Comedy World, condition of society as a whole Ann Arbor is becoming decidedly Thereupon it is ordered, that Mon- in that commonwealth? This 'is Gorman tariff. And this at a time too was born in England. She came to this metropolitan. The latest evidence is day, the 27th day of May next, at ten when people are buying for less than country in 1847. Funeral services will the opening up of a railroad ticket brok. o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for probably, in a measure, indicated the hearing of said petition, and tha toy the action of the coroner's jury ever before. With these facts staring be held at the house this afternoon at er's office. Geo. R. Kelly has recently NELLIE McHENRY him in the face there will be very few the devisees, legatees, and heirs which rendered a verdict of "justifiable half past two o'clock. been elected a member of the Ameri- at law of said deceased, and al And her Circo-Comedy, wool raisers in this county who will not can Ticket Broker's Association and, in other' persons interested in said eg' homocide!" Because one or two per- It is reported that the Maccabees of be able to see wny he cannot get a bet. addition to selling wood and coal, wil tate, are required to appear at a ses- sons committed a crime, a third is just- Michigan are to have a new paper. It ter price for his wool. If this condition look alter the interests of the traveling sion of said court, then to be holden a ified in shooting both of them in cold will be called the Maccabee Herald and the Probate Office in the City of Ann of things were only temporary it would public. Mr. Kelly is an energetic A Night blood! We should probably expect such will be issued monthly from an office in Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, not be so bad but unfortunately it must young man and says that he is bound to why the prayer of the petitioner should a verdict from a jury the members of Detroit. Joseph Loughead will have AT THE •which are parts of a social fabric where remain so until the people have a chance work up a good business in this line by not be granted. And it is further or- editorial charge and Mrs. Sarah J. La- dered, that said petitioner give notice to the "most prominent people in the to put a different administration at the strict attention to business and by head of affairs at Washington which Tour is to edit a department for the the persons interested in said estate, state" are so frequently guilty of such square dealing. of the pendency of said petition, and will be nearly two years hence. Lady Maccabees. Circus. crimes. the hearing thereof, by causing a copy A. E. Mummery has just put an ele of this order to be published in the Michael O'Mara, of 93 E. Ann-st. gant new soda fountain in his drug store ANN ARBOR REGISTER a newspaper ADDITIONAL LOCAL. died last Friday night. The deceased Under one canvass, THE question of street sprinkling is in the Washington block. It is a low printed and circulated in said county ALL in one ring. one that should receive careful consid- was 73 years of age and has resided in art tile fountain similar to the ones three successive weeks previous to said Mr. G. Frank Allmendinger is day of hearing. eration before any conclusion is reached this city for nearly fifty years. Funeral used in Saunder's pavilion in Detroit WAIT for the big show. modeling his house on S. Fifth-ave. services were held in St. Thomas J. WILLAKD BABBITT, by the council. The dust nuisance is a This is the first tile fountain in Ann * Judg-e of Probate serious one in A.nn Arbor and if it can Prof. G. P. Coler will preach at the church on Monday at 9 a. m. Mrs. Arbor. Mr. Mummery makes his own (A true copy.) be abated without too great an expense Church of Christ uext Sunday morning O'Mara, two sons and one daughter flavors from pure rock candy syrup and WM. G. Doty. 65 PRICES, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 survive the deceased. it should be done. It seems that the and evening. the finest fruit juices obtainable. He Probate Register. only way to get at the matter justly is L. H. Clement is away again for a The Register acknowledges receipt also uses the best ice cream and Ver for the council to decide what streets it nor's ginger ale. When you wan in especially needful should be sprinkled ten day's business trip for the Ann Ar- of an invitation to the marriage of Mr. bor Organ Co. Fred N. Henion, formerly of this city something very cold and very fine, try and then tax 'the property along such the new fount. streets for, we will say, one-half the ex- The Schumann evening at Unity to Miss Myrta M. Morrill, of Portland pense, the city bearing the other half Club last Monday night was a very Oregon, where Mr. Henion now resides, Ann Arbor is going to have a regular Then if the residents along any other pleasant affair. The oeremony takes place day after to- case of impeachment. It has a board o Alwaysjjnjop! street, not included in the limit fixed morrow. We extend our hearty con public works, a sort of double tail to Misa Flora Finley has been engaged by the council, desire their street gratulations to the happy young couple cat, and its president has been charge We lead and others follow. A new and complete line of to edit a page in a paper called "The sprinkled, grant them the privelege with some kind cf direlection of duty Spring Goods in all the latest styles and fad. Scores of American Youth" published in Chica- The man who can look about our when at least three-fourths of the resi- something of omission or commission styles to select from. Be sure and call and see our stock and go. streets and then vote against the pur dents along any portion of such street chase of a stone crusher, is not the right by ex-Aid. Manly, and the charges hav get the great reduced prices before you buy. for at least four blocks petition the The Political Equality Club meets at kind of a looker or reasoner, that's all been formulated and denned, and re council to have that portion of the McMillan Hall at 3 o'clock Friday af- —Courier. ferred to the council, which convene! street sprinkled. As it is, the business ternoon. Important business is to be The man "who can look about our as a high court of impeachment Maj Here We Give, Just A Few of Them: considered. streets" these days,and not get his eyes 8th, and will sit in solemn conclave U men are bled unmercifully fcr sprink- Ladies' Dress Shoes, 98c. ling the business streets which not only The lecture of Senator Daniel, which so full of dust that he cannot see how tc listen to the evidence. If Clark is foun benefits them but benefits every resi- was postponed from the original date, vote at all is a rare specimen,neighbor guilty it is probable that he will be be Ladies' $4.00 Sample Shoes for $2.00. headed.—Adrian Press. dent in the city as well. By adopting will be given tomorrow evening in Uni- A lady followed her husband into i Ladies' Oxford Shoes, 57c. the plan suggested above those especi" verstiy Hall. prominent saloon, one day last week Ladies' Wales Goodyear Rubber. 28c. ally benefited would bear the larger but found him not—he was in a seclud DR. KILMER portion of the expense while the whole Ginn and Co., of Boston, will thi Men's Dress Shoes from 98c up; all ed spot. But she improved the oppor city would also bear a part, and justly summer issue a new work on Plane and styles and colors. tunity to invite tha assembled crowd to as the more streets are sprinkled the Solid Geometry by Prof. W. W. Beman, listen to Murphy, and left. The hus Ladies' Gilt Edge Polish, 14c. more benefit to the whole city. of the University, and Prof. D. E. Smith, of the State Normal School. band and his chum left by separate Carpet Slippers, 19c. doors, and the crowd remained.—Ypsi "Medicine and the Bible" will be the lanti Sentinel. subject of the lecture before the Uni- Don't Forget the Place. ir and beautiful versity Bible Class of the M. E. chnrch John Dunn is spending ten days in —the woman who keeps next Sunday at 12 m. It will be deliv- jail for carrying concealed weapons, 1 at a distance the com- ered by Dr. D. A. McLachlan. The young man who was put into the plexion beau*.ifi • rs, paints and powders, city's lockup last Friday night carried NEAR ARLINGTON HOTEL. i whichsoon ruin the face. Yesterday the liquor licenses were weapons but they were not concealed 20 N. 4th Ave., A healthy «low to the due. Out of the 80 or 85 in the county It was a slat from one of the beds in skin, a face without only 16 had paid up to lasv night. All wrinkles, and sparkling the lockup. With it the crazy youth KIDNEY LIVERS BLUE SIGN. eyes, will be yours if you the others are running with the liabil- I keep the system and the smashed every glass in the city prison ity of an action being entered against about $10 worth. special internal organs them. Biliousness in good condition. The young girl, or wo- Headache, foul breath, sour stomach, heart- man, often grows pale, wrinkled •jnd thin, At a joint meeting of the trustees and burn, pain in chest, dyspepsia, constipation. eats little, everrything we;aries her, she com- The T. & A. A.' R. R. people are talk- plains of herseIf as achinig and sore and as ing of running a new ljne partway be- building committee of the Bethlehem sleeping poorly. Often she is troubled with tween here and Hamburg to avoid the Evangelist church, it was decided to Poor Digestion backache, or a tender spine, with a bearing- offer their building and lot cor. 1st and Distress after oatinp, pain and bloating in the down weight in the abdomen, or at periods heavy grade. This would leave Whit- •tomach, shortness of breath, pain in the heart. she may be irregular, or suffer extreme pain Washington-sts., for sale. Particulars from functional derangements. more Lake out in the cold, which would Dr. Pierce, chief consulting physician to certainly be a mistake. regarding the sale can be obtained from Loss of Appetite the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of the following building committee A splendid feeling to-day and a depressed one Buffalo, N. Y., in his long and active experi- John Koch, T. Hutzel, August De Fries to-morrow, nothing seems to taste good, tired, ence, met many cases of this kind, for which The Baptist Sunday School has ar- sleepless and all unstrung, weakness, debility. lie used a prescription which was found to ranged' for a series of special lectures and A. C. Schumacher. Swamp-Hoot builds up quickly a rundown ctu-e such difficulties permanently in ninety- to be given in the near future just after constitution and makes the weak strong. eight per cent, of all cases. Having proven The entertainment given in High At Druggists 50 cents and $1.00 size. Wool Twine! so successful, Dr. Pierce put his " Favorite the morning services. Rev. Mr. ' Invalids' Guid* to Health" free—Consultation free. Prescription " on the market, and it is to-day Young, Profs. Hinsdale, Thompson, School Hall last Friday night was wel DR. KILMER & Co.. UINOHAMTGN, N. Y. We have a large stock of Wool sold more largely than any other medicine for the ills of woman. Johnson, Markham, and others will attended by the ladies—no gentlemen Twine which was bought at a low For all functional derangements, displace- speak. being admitted. From all reports the price, and will close it out ments, ulceration, inflammation, and the rendition of the play was par-excel DETROIT catarrhal drain from the lining membranes The rumor that Ann Arbor had sub- lence. We have heard a rumor that of tlie special internal organs of women, Dr. mitted a proposition to the Northville Pierce's Favorite Prescription reaches the council and the railroad company, to the play will be repeated in the near 'origin of the trouble, and corrects it. tap the depot pond for a water supply, future and gentlemen be admitted. I FRUIT STORE ! Mrs. MARY CRIM, of Frankfort, Franklin Co.. illl., writes: "A few cannot be traced to any reliable source. so the proceeds will go to the co-ed an years ago I took cold, —Adrian Press. Great Variety of Fruits. which resulted in female nex. irouble, and affected my No sir, it cannot be traced any further Best in the City. whole system. About a than the Adrian Press. Fred. Moon, of Pittsffeld, caugh year ago, I took chills, had one or two a month; more of a fish than he was expecting Cheapest in the they were very weaken- ing. Had pains in my Two members of the notorious Flying when angling in ex-governor Winani At 5 Cents! sides.more frequently in Rollers, of Detroit, came to Ann Arbor lake near Hamburg: about a week ago leftside; gradually grew worse until, finally, I Monday, and attempted to persuade His catch consisted of a gar fish ove >er pound. A full stock of Sheep had to take to bed. I . . ALWAYS FRESH . . had a bad cough and pros. atty. Randall that the chief wit- four feet long and weiging nearly II hears at the lowest price. •couldn't rest. I com- ness against Prince Michael, May Web- lbs. It has been purchased for the Uni- menced taking your medicine, took it about ster, was willing and anxious to admit versity Museum, and will be preserved E. Huron St. four months, taking seven bottles of Doctor that she had sworn falsely, and wanted as it is one of the largest of its speciei Pierce's Favorite Pre- MRS. CRIM. to be punished for her crime. It is a ever known. .scription and five of his " Golden Medical Dis- covery." My weight has increased, and I feel great scheme to get Mike out of the H. GOLDflAN better and stouter than I have for years." penitentiary but it won't work. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder PROPRIETOR. Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair.. Su Francisco. EBERBACH HARDWARE CO. AKflUii -.i XKUitSiJAY. MAY 2, 1895

Mrs. L. D. Wheeler, formerly of this Campus. Personals. city, has been spending a few days in townjjvisiting friends. She Is on her The Ca-stalian will be out In a f< w Mrs. Noah YV. Cheever is visiting in way to Hamilton, N. V. where she ex- flays. Detroit. pects to reside for a time. There will be aboul 240 graluatess in John W. Goodspeed may remove to Grand K;ipi-i-. Mr. and Mrs William Blaokman, of the lit. department th's year. Flint, who formerly resided in the town An effort is being made to organize Prof. J.B. Steere is seriously ill at his of Northtield, visited Mr. and Mrs. the Kansas students iato a club. home in Pittslield. Spencer 1). Lonnon, of the Fifth ward Miss Carrie Owen is home from her a few days last week. They are on Hereafter all money paid Uy the eq-winter's stay in N. Y. their way* to San .lose, California. eds tor base ball will be given io the Homer Henderson, of Mason, is in the Official Records, fund for the woman's annex. city visiting liis mother. The S. C. A. gave a Michigan recep- Herbert Randall will leave for New LATEST COUNTY NEWS, Showing the tion at Newberry hall lastFriiay night. I taven, ( onn., in a short time. vie This is the last reception to be given by Stewart Millen, of ColumbuB, O., is visiting his parents in the city. WHITnOKG L.IKE. the S. C. A. this spring. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Shuart spent Nothing-definite has as yet been set- A. K. Jennings, of Detroit, was in Sunday in Dixbero. Best Baking Powder. tled about the game with California. the city last Friday and Saturday. M tea( ; race Haven has gone to Napo- Mrs. John Stevens, of Toledo, O., is It depends upon whether Beloit will leon. Ohio, to visit for a snort time. visiting relatives here. agree to cancel her date. Am. Robison has gone to Chicago to Miss Louisa Dalkey is visiting her The United States Government, after elaborate tests, reports The faculty members of the board of purchase another carload of horses. sister, Mrs. Chas. Burd in Emery. the Royal Baking Powder a pure cream of tartar powder of •directorsof the Athletic Association are Mrs. E. F. Mills and family returned Mr. Will Seek, of Toledo, O.' was the Drs. Nancrede, and Campbell, and Saturday from their visit in Detroit. guest of Wm. Roper one day last week. greater leavening strength than any other. Profs. Rolfe and DePont. E. J. Ottaway attended the wedding Social hop at the Clifton House on —Bulletin IJ, U. S. Ag. Dep., p. 599. * The U. of M. met with a defeat in its of a friend at St. Claire last Tuesday. Saturday evening, May 4th. All invited. oratorical battle at Evanston, 111., last Rev. C. G. Stanger, of Detroit, visit- Mr C. Weber and daughters, Mollie Friday night with Northwestern. The ed his parents for a few days last week, and Nora, of Chelsea, have been visit- ing friends and relatives here. The Canadian Official Tests, recently made, show the Royal marking stood IT. of M. 1539*, North- Henry Krause has returned from an western 1628. Vice-president Steven- extended trip in the wild and wooley Mr. Elmer Latson, of Webster, con- Baking Powder highest of all in leavening strength. son presided at the debate. west. ducted the Epworth League meeting in —Bulletin 10, p. 16, Inland Rev. Dep. The University of California will send Sheriff Wm. Judson was in Chicago the M. E. church on Sunday evening. the following men on the eastern trip: Monday on business connected with his Married at the Catholic church by the Capt. Frederick Koch, William C. Pat- office. Rev. Fr. Goldrick, Miss Pier, of Green I find the Royal Baking Powder superior to all the others Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Coborn will be Oak, and Mr. Frank Foliey, of this terson, Robert W. Edgerton, Chester •'At Home" this afternoon until five place. in every respect. It is purest and strongest.— Walter S. Haines, Wolsey, Melville Dozier, L. W. Mer- o'clock. •win, Harry B. Torrey, Ernest Dyer, Chas. F. Kyer is home from Seattle, (Crowded out last week.) M. D., Consulting Chemist, Chicago Board of Health. Philip Bradley and Theo. Barnes. Washington. He reached here last Mrs. Thomas Sears, of Chelsea, is the The U. of M. Daily makes a vigoritfus Thursday. guest of her sister Mrs. E. Suell. Mr. Randall, of Birmingham, visited Mr. H. Foster, of Ann Arbor, spent kick at the way the recent debate be- his brother, Seth C. Randall, pros, atty., last week with Fred Shuart. Hence, in practical use, tween the U. of M. and Northwestern last Thursday. Miss Nellie Galpin, of Dixboro, visit- •was managed. It claims that the deci- Miss Nellie Carr, of Auburn, N. Y. is ed relatives and friends here last week. The Royal Baking Powder goes further, makes sion of the judges was notoriously un- visiting her aunt, Mrs. G. M. Hawes at Mr. Chas. Todd is the guest of his fair and further that it was secured by the Arlington. T>arents Jos. and family. purer and more perfect food than any other. a trick which was worked upon the Aid. Geo. L. Moore, who has been suf- Social hop at the Clifton House Sat- judges. fering with a severe attack of rheuma- urday eve., May 4th. All are invited. tism is able to be out again. Miss May Spiegilberg and Mr. Chas. The Brooklyn Eagle contains the fol- Mrs. W. D. Adams was called to lowing relative to the recent gift of Hanby spent Saturday with friends in Jackson last Thursday afternoon, by Dixboro. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. Mrs. Stranahan to the University: the death ot her aunt Mrs. Ketchum. Mr. Dell Fohey has accepted a posi- "Mrs. Stranahan's gift of 25,000 to the Leroy McClure, of the Cook House, tion in Toledo, 6., and will leave here University of Michigan, in memory of left on Saturnay evening for Joliet, 111., Saturday. her distinguished father, the lamented to visit with his father, E. T. McClure. Seth Harrison, is as generous as it is Master John Butterfleld is home from wise. Her action with regard to the Mrs. T. W. Young returned from his school at Clinton, but expects to re- The I. O. G. T. met with good suc- Miss Cora Taylor is spending a few Miss Elizabeth Johnson, of Grasg University of Michigan is not only in Louisville, Ky., Tuesday morning, turn again this fall. cess at Emery with their play. The weeks with her parents. Lake is visiting friends here. itself creditable to her humanity and to where she has been visiting; since Eas- Mr. Wm. Weed and Miss Stocking of hall was filled and everybody was well Miss Kate Winters, of Jackson, spent Mr. and Mrs. Myron Webb enter- Geddes, were the guests of Lydia Han- pleased. The receipts were a little Sunday with her mother. her judgement, but it is also a means of ter. over $18.00 tained guests from Milan Sunday. strengthening one of the best founda- Librarian R. C. Davis, of the law de-by over the Sabbath. Mrs. Barlow has returned from a visit Misses Lottie Wallace and Amelia- tions of learning in the worid. It is a partment, will speak at the Sunday af- Henry P. Dodge has purchased the •Everything' in this vicinity begins to with relatives in Pittsburgh. Cullon spent Sunday in Tecuraseh. gracious and grateful testimonial that ternoon S. C. A. meeting in Newberry lot where the old meat market stood show signs of spring. Boats all painted Miss Agnes McKune, of Detroit, spent will indentify her father's name and and will erect a barn there. and in the lake again, and one of our hall.—Courier. young ladies thinking; it was time to go Sunday with her parents here. her own with a benefaction that will be Mrs Frank Powers and Mrs. Wilson Mrs. James Hanby and Mrs. Free- "A Nlgbt at the Clrem." active forever in its outflow of good to bathing, walked out on the dock and Mr. Frank Broderiek, of Detroit, Nellie McHenry, at the Grand Opera men and women who, in getting educa- Oyer, of Springport, Mich., are visiting man Shuart attended the Ladies' Aid fell in the lake. She did not object to spent Sunday with his mother. at the home of Mrs. E.. F. Benham on Society in Dixboro last week Wednes- being suddenly pulled out tho'. House, May 6, will present her comedy tion for themselves, will be acquiring E. Liberty street. day. Miss Nen Wilkinson returned Friday called "A Night at the Circus." Miss it to spread its blessings among the from a visit with Detroit friends. McHenry has for many years been one race." C. P. McAllister, of Oak Hill, Cali- Miss Sybil Styles, of Fowlerville. and MILAN fornia, is spending a couple of weeks Mr. Volney Styles, of Bixbie, Ariz., are Freeman Fenn left for Jnckson Fri- of the most prominent figures among visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. the guests of their brother L. J., in Mrs. J. Blakeslee is quite ill with la day where he has secured a position. American soubrettes, and undoubtedly Card of Thanks. P. McAllister, of E. Washington st. Green Oak. grippe. The entertainment given by the jun-one of the most popular. She was one of The undersigned, the husband and Mr. F. Bray visited his parents the ior class on Friday night was a success. the first to appear in the light »rder of Mis3 Florence Benham returned last Miss Nell Holmes, of St. Johns, who last of the week. entertainments that hare since been father and mother, desire to extend Wednesday night from Ithaca, N. Y., has been visiting her parents here for Dr. and Mrs. Avery and son, Arthur, classified as farce comedies. The play sincere thanks to the many friends who where she has been visiting her aunt, the past three weeks, left for her home Mrs. H. W. Fuller is in Ann Arbor were the guests of relatives in Stock- in which she is appearing this year has, by their great kindness and sympathy, Wednesday. for medical treatment. rendered so much assistance during the Mrs. O. L. Dean since early last fall. bridge over Sunday. according to all accounts met with J. Q. A. Sessions was in Dexter last Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stevens and Mrs. Olen Pepper is entertaining much greater success than .any other illness and death of Mrs. Georgia guests from out Of town. Miss Edith D. Noyes spent the latter Haw es Hess. It is impossible for us to week Saturday making arrangements Miss Helen were called to Toledo, O., part of last week in Ann Arbor, the stage production in which Miss Mc- express how grateful we fee', in the for the next annual meeting of the Pio- Monday, to attend the funeral of their The fire department will meet for guest of Miss Ella Morton. Henry has given her vicacious pres- neer Society to be held their this fall. nephew Edward Stevens. practice every Monday evening. ence. There is more or less of a plot to time of such great bereavement, to- Mr. Charlie Wurster and sister, Miss the piece. It introduces her as Mile. wards all those whose kindly assistance Major W. C. Ransom, a member of There will be a box social at the res- Arbor day will be observed the third Cora, of Webster, were entertained by Electra, a circus rider, who, having was so acceptable. the lit. class of '48, and now auditor of idence of Mrs. Geo. Darkens on Wed- of May by several of our citizens. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wurster, over Sun-1 the Saginaw, Tuscola and Huron rail- nesday, May 1st. Good program. Pro- day. trouble with her manager, resigns. The FRANK H. HESS, Mrs. J. Simmons has been the guest manager seeks to force her to keep her GEO. M. HAWES, road, was in the city last Thursday on ceeds to go on pastor's salary. All are Rev. M. Ewing, Sunday School agent business. invited. of Mrs. A. B. Smith and Mrs. A. E. Put- contract, and attemps to have her ar- ELLEN HAWES. man. for the Congregationalist of this state, rested. She goes to two lawyers for ad- preached at the Congregatianal church vice, and these gentlemen of the bar Miss Helen Ames, of Ann Arbor, waS here last Sunday a. m. and held a Sun- are fascinated by the queen of the saw- the guest of Mrs. G. R. William day School Institute at the same place dust arena and become her devoted fol- Wednesday. in the afternoon. lowers. But the lawyers have obsta- The Presbyterian Missionary society cles in the way of their love making- will meet at Mrs. McGregors on Wilcox WEBSTER. with the fair Electra in the presence of street Tuesday. Miss Scadin spent a few days in Anntheir wives. When EUectra discovers Mrs. Chas. Gauntlett and daughter Arbor recently. the presence of these better halves she Cecil, returned from their Detroit visit Next Saturday evening the Webster sets about for revenge on the two err- Saturday evening. Arena meets at Mr. Latson's. ing la vyeiM. In the last act she suc- Miss Cole entertained her sister Mrs. It is expected that a U. of M. student ceeds in obtaining it by getting them Runsell, of Toledo, Friday and Satur- to assume two characters in the circus, Spring Cleaning will occupy the pulpit next Sunday. much to their humilation and the ridi- day at M. A. Palmers. Mr. Larrie Latson and Miss Lottie cule of their associates. Is such a trial that men say " Let the house take care dangerous if allowed to continue. What every man Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Woolcott and Latson visited friends in Howell last son, of Ann Arbor, spent Sunday with week. of itself." But the conscientious wife feels bound to and woman needs in the Spring is Hood's Sarsapa- Mr. Woolcott's mother. rilla. It keeps the blood vitalized and enriched, and Some Websterites attendod tho Jack- <;raiid Opera House. risk health and strength in this annual struggle with Married, April 24th, by Rev. Ward son Association of Congregational Herbert Cawthorn, in "A Cork dust and dirt. She is altogether too liable thus sustains the nerves and holds all the Stone. Mr. Page Tewksbury and Miss churches held in Ann Arbor last week. Man," will be the attraction at the however, to let her bodily house, most im- bodily functions in strength and regular Leah Gould both of this village. Last Sunday evening, the delegates Grand Opera House, May 4. In the action. With its help you will not feel Mrs. G. Heins, of Detroit, preached to the C. E. convention gave very in- role of I. M. Looney, in "A'Cork Man." portant of all, " take care of itself." The two very interesting sermons at the Mi- teresting reports. Many helpful which was written for him by Geo. consequence of her feverish anxiety over Now that intense exhaustion, and your natural lan Presbyterian church Sunday. thoughts were brought out. Hooy, Mr. Cawthorn, is said to have a extra work is depletion of the blood, the source of all fatigue at the close of the day will give way to fresh ac- Mr. A. E. Putman, Miss M. A. Pal- Mr. H. T. Phelps and family, and Mr. wide field in which to display his abili- life and strength, manifested in*that weak, tired, ner- tivity in the morning. Therefore we say, besides clean- mer, and Mr. D. Jennings are putting Geo. W. Phelphs and family, who have ties as a merry maker. The character down cement walks in front of their resi- recently held forth in Ann Arbor spent is that of an Irshman whose matrimon- vous condition too prevalent at this season and very ing your house, be sure to take Hood's Sarsaparillato last week at their homes in Webster. ial adventures cause most of the fun. denceon First st. Bright specialties will be scattered The Baptist ladies wiU indulge in a The birthday social last Saturday through the performance, among the musical at the residence of Mrs. Chas. evening was well attended. In all $28.14 most enjoyable of which will be Caw- Schmidt on County st., Wednesday were taken in as birthday money, thorns concertina playing. An exceed- evening. each person contributing as many cents ingly strong company of 20 specialty Cleanse Your Blood Mr. Otto Bennet, of Ann Arbor, ar- as he was years old. An enjoyable people are in the cast, and includes rived in Milan Monday evening to re- time was had by everybody present. such well-known favorities as Charles sume work on the new addition on Mr.The proceeds will be to the church. A. Mason, Fred. Eckhart, Morris Mc- With Hood's We'll Conquer Makes the Weak Strong Rouse house on County street. Farmers about here have pretty well Cullough, Susie Forrester, Rena Trum- Mrs. A. B. Smith and Miss Lucy Cur- gotten their oats and barley in. Corn bull, Fanny Miaco, Georgia Emery, "Now that house cleaning in upon ui, I know " Last spring I had to give np work, being unable tis w« re delegates to the Woman's For- and beans come next. Wheat is grow- Marie Hawkins, Lillian Gale, Aim* that with Hood's Saraaparilla to help, we'll paas to walk to my place ot employment, a diatanc* of eign Missionary society of the North- ing pretty well this week, but is still May and May Montford. through that trial all right." MBS. HELEN only half a mile. I suffered almost incessantly west held in Detroit last week. backward. Roads have not yet been HISCERD, Tully, New York. from sick headache. I had racking pains all over worked, but Webster has pretty good Probate Order. my body. The least exertion would tire me out. Pullen and Lewis charcoal burners "I take Hood's Sarsa par ilia every spring, and It is south of here had a fire Sunday morn- highways nevertheless. State of Michigan, County of Washte- the only medicine I use through the year. It en- Going up one flight of stain would make my heart ing. Two kilns were spoiled and sev- naw, ss. ables me to do my house cleaning and farm work beat at a terrible rat*. I was induced to take eral hundred cords of wood. Loss about MANCHESTER. At a session of the Probate Court for all through the summer. It helped me very much Hood's Sarsaparilla, and now, after taking leaa than $1400. House cleaning is also in vogue. the County of Washtenaw, holdeu at two bottles, the pains and ache* have all left me. the Probate Office in the City of Ann. for palpitation of the heart. I think Hood's Sar- Late Friday night a switching train What is the excitment? "Base Ball." Arbor, on Monday, the 29th day of saparilla is the medicine for everyone, and all who I have only had a slight headache once since. on the Wabash was run into on the J. Briegel, the barber, was in Brook- April, in the year one thousand eight take it will never be without it. I have also used Hood's Sarsaparilla gave me a good appetite, and I main line. Several cars were demol- lyn last week on business. hundred and ninety-five. Hood's Pills and they are the best I ever tried." can now do a hard day's work." Miss ELfllK ished. Among them was a car load of Mrs. Roberts, of Jackson, is visiting Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge MM. P. H. ANDREWS, Soutn Woodstock, Conn. JENKINS, Queensbury, New York. oats. There was no one hurt. her daughter, Mrs. J. D. Tracy. of Probate. The M. E. ladies elected the follow- Joseph Lamb has five weeks more In the matter of the estate of Michael ing officers at their last annual meet- school at the Rowe Corner school. Timmins, deceased. ing. President, Mrs. J. M. Edwards; Catherine Timmins executrix of the 1st vice-president, Mrs. C. F. Buxton; Mr. August Oversmith, of Jackson, last will and testament of said deceased, 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Alex Smith; spent Sunday with his uncle, C. Wolff. comes into court and and represents Hood's Sarsaparilla All the section foremen on the Ypsi- that she is now prepared to render her Secretary, Mrs. Olen Pepper; Treas- urer, Mrs. H. A. Taylor. lanti branch were called to Hillsdale final account as such executrix. "My health has been poor for a good many years last Saturday. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, " My nerves were in such a condition the closing the 28th day of May next at ten o'clock of a door was sufficient to throw me into a spell before I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Finally illKLMil. The Sharon sports organized a very strong ball team last Saturday with Ed. in the forenoon, be assigned for the of trembling which would last for hours. This I decided to take Hood's and can honestly say that Charles Miller was a Detroit visitor, examining and allowing such account, Friday. Uphouse as manager and Ed. Wolff as was after a severe attack of the grip, which shat- it has done me more good than any and all other captain. All they need is good pratice. ind that the devisees, legatees and treatments. I was troubled with dyspepsia, food tered my health. I could not sleep, my food dis- Mr. Fred Vogel, of Pittsburg, has Mrs. John Brown has at last passed heirs-at-law of said deceased, and all tressed me, and I had darting pains through my distressed me, and I had but little appetite, was been spending a few days with his fam- to that other shore in peace after a long other persons interested in said estate, shoulders and back. At the suggestion of a friend weak and nervous. In fact my trouble bordered on ily here. illness. The funeral was held at two are required to appear at a session of I tried Hood's Sarsaparilla. After taking one nervous prostration, from which I had previously Leo. Staffan spent Sunday with Dex- o'olock Sunday afternoon at vhe St. said Court, then to be holden at the suffered. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla last summer ter friends. Probate office, in the City of Ann Ar- bottle, my food no longer distressed me, and my Emanuels church. Revs. Geo. Shoetle bor, in said County, and show cause, if nerves were quieted. Have taken three bottles and and it did me ever so much good. It does not seem Alfred Glenn, of Florida, arrived in and Yocum officiating. Many friends any there be, why said account should I am cared. The asthma trouble, from which I as though I am the same person. My appetite is town Friday. followed the remains to their last rest- not be allowed. And it is further or- have not been free for years, has entirely disappeared. greatly improved, I am less nervous, have more Lorenzo K. Taylor, of Detroit, was in ing place, the funeral being one of the dered, that said executrix give notice Hood's Sarsaparilla haa done wonders for me, and I strength and a can eat heartily without distress. town over Sunday. largest ever known in this place. to the persons interested in said estate, am glad to recommed it highly." MRS. LUCINDA Such a condition was unknown to m* before taking Mr. Sam Hesleschwerdt is spending a "Living well, we shall not fear of the pendency of said account, and KOSTELL, North Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Hood's Sarsaparilla." MBS. Q. C. CLAY, Barre, Vt. few days in Detroit. When the angles come for all; the hearing thereof, by causing a copy Though our friends may drop a tear, of this order to be published in the Mr. Blashfield, of Homer, is spending We'll be happy at the call." Ass AKBOR REGISTER, a newspaper a few days in town. printed and circulated in said county Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wood spent Sun- SALINE. three successive weeks previous to said day in Stockbridge. Mrs. J. H. Alber is seriously ill. day of hearing. Be Sure to Get Hood's Mrs. William Judson, of Ann Arbor, E. W. Wallace spent Tuesday in De- J. WILLARD BABBITT, spent Sunday in town. troit. (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Munson Burkhart, made a business Mrs. Eddy, of Morrice, has been visit- W. G. DOTY, trip to Detroit, Monday. ing here. Probate Register. 65 VkUt aiuaOb t&CGIHTBB: THTJB&DAY, MAY|2, 1895

Wonderful ISanylon. QUIET AT COBINTO THREE MEN DIE BY FIRE. MAKING CANDY. Ancient Babylon may perhaps be THE ADVERTISERS called the most wonderful city of the (JROSSMAN & gCHLENKER II< me of Samuel Weaver Destroyed ami A Formula Which Will Greatly Aid world. No less remarkable were the Feminine Amateurs. hanging gardens referred to in the Old FOR 1895. BRITISH ORGANIZE THEIR OWN lie anil Others IVrish.SB Testament and described by some of GOVERNMENT. Pittsburg, Pa., April SO.—A frame Feminine amateurs, who find it diffi- the early profane writers. The city it- HOBNINC, KVKMMM SINIKVY *M> dwelling, owned by Henry Snyder and cult in boiling sugar for making candy self was fifty miles in circumference, its WEKKLV EDITIONS. occupied by Samuel Weaver and his to fix the exact amount of its fitness walls being 350 feet high and 87 feet r.T>iy Occupy Mori* Territory in Xiea- family, burned last night. Weaver was for the purpose, will be aided by the thick. The city was built in the center Aygn. Park Row, Ne»v York. view of Nicaragua's tactics the At this instant an outside porch which when in dipping the fingers into cold last proposition made by Unit- was burning gave way and swung water, and then into boiling sugar, ed States Ambassador Bayard to the against a door. The door fell in and a and back again into the water, the STOVES British government for a fortnight's mass of burning wood followed it, some sugar can be rolled between the fingers You should tfciie for Nicaragua to pay the indem- of it falling on Weaver on the men until it forms a ball. 237 deg. "Large -AND- 25 HOUR nity In will be accepted/' around him. The cot could not be moved ball," when the sugar has boiled longer and the rescuers were forced to leave and the ball becomes harder and larger, think of the invalid and run for their own safety. 247 deg. "Small crack," when the sugar HARDWARE. SOLID YESTIBLE TRAIN BRITISH HIM, GROWING. The fate of young Snyder and the nurse is taken up between the fingers and the con- was not known until the morning. fiies apart with a light crack or when —WITH— England Will A«k N'ot Only the Indem- bitten sticks to the teeth, 290 deg. venience 10 West Liberty Street» nity, but Expenses. "Great crack," when it breaks between DANCER NOT UNKNOWN. PULLMJN DRAWIN5-R03M SLEEPERS Washington, April 30.—Dr. Guzman, the fingers with a sharp erfcek and the Nicaraguan minister, was at the bites clean and crisp, 310 deg. Caramel, state department at 11 o'clock to-day. Warning Concerning Condition of Epinal the eleventh and last product, comes The Sunday Sun. He had not up to that time received ad- Reservoir Had Been <;iven. of a temperature of 350 deg. The lower degrees of heat are employed in the The first of American Stowtpap- CINCINNATI ditional advices as to the situation at Paris, April 30.—The Epinal reservoir, crs, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor, Corinto. It was stated here to-day that making of soft candies; the higher in —TO — the bursting of which caused the de- the making of the crisp sorts. Write us. Agts. wanted. Great Britain will ret) lire Nicaragua to struction of over $10,000,000 worth of pay not only the original cash demand, property and the loss of more than 100 The American, Constitution, the but all the expenses Great Britain is RAPID PEN FACTORY, lives, had a superficial area of 3,000,000 THE CZAR'S SWEETHEART. American Idea, the American JACKSONVILLE ut to in occupying and holding Corta- square feet. In 1SS4 a large fissure in the Spirit. The, first, last, and all the WITHOUT CHANGE o, and the expense of such other steps main dam developed. This was filled G. St. N. W., as she will take. This will Include tli \ with cement and oak beams. The Mystery of a Beautiful and De- time, forever. speftsee of landing the n voted AVonian. Washington, D. C. —VIA THE— t me lie on land, and the In 1SS5, the feed canal burst above Bouzey and carried away a length of The Polish dancer who was brought Daily, by Mail $6 a year, many incidental expense P of taking pos- sixty feet. Several Louses were de- into world-wide prominence through Daily and Sunday, by Mail.. 8 " ession of a city. It is said that th< as- stroyed on this occasion, but no lives the devotion to her of the Czar Nicho- SOUTHERN RAILWAY. embling of the fleet at Corin: were lost. Some time before this an in- las II. of Russia has not long survived The Weekly 1 " Expenses while on board ship will not spector of roads and bridges announced her dethronement, her death being now $2,000 SAVED IN LANSING. be included, as these are usual :ii,il that the condition of the dam was dan- reported. She is described as very Leaving Cincinnati at 8:30 a. m. Pas- lecessary without reference to the lo- LANSING. MICH., DEC.3. 1894. sengers are only gerous a . aft- icine, visited Mount ('ieinens and other the world. iiirdcr df his n&plUSw, the mi htar been straight, has shown a bulge to the met the czarewitch. The interest was health resorts, but received no satisfac- In reaching the principal, of Chitral. usurped the throne am extent of about three feet. The chief prompt and mutual, and quickly be- tion from the treatment. Last spring, Price: 5c a Copy. By Mail, $2 a year. nginecr of roads and bridges who di- came most ardent affection. The liai- hefvrinff of SClli:.iai"S $J.OOO,- IT. feptrertsbn, the British rected the building of the dam, had Address THE SIN, New York. irt, was captured 1 son was hidden for several years, but OOO HHKMA TIC ClItE. I com- difficulty with his colleagues In at last came to the knowledge of the menced using it and with two bottles I FLORIDA RESORTS. Saturday, 1 order to carry out his plan of a straight and :;(i!) of his f l] , , late czar, who was frightened when he feel perfectly cured; not an ache or D u dam instead of a curved one. tested the depth of of his son's devotion pain hinoe. I can recommend it to be Train leaving Cincinnati at 8:00 p. no irisoh. The khan of Dlr assisted in the to the danseuse. To weaken it, he kept carries union Pullman Sleeping car to capture. It Is 1 ore of the This shape of the dam is now given all that is claimed for it and know of CHEAP EXCURSIONS ptiii •'!. as the cause of the accident, but there Nicholas traveling in distant lands as many others who have been using- it Jacksonville without change. is a possibility that the disaster was much as possible, with, however, little the same with best results. It saved me VIA caused by the illness for fifteen days of effect. Only those who were actors in over $2,000. Isaac Lederer, Hatters W. A. TURK, C. A. BENSOTEK. The Mlkudo I(;is a ( hill. the inspector who was charged with the the imperial crisis will ever know how and Men's Furnishings. Gen'l Pass. Art. Ass't Gen'l. Pass. Agt. Yokohama, April 30.—The mikado Is supervision of the dam. very near this queen of the ballet came Geo. H. Higgs. grocer 220 Washing- Missouri Pacific Ry. Washington, D. C. Knoxville, Tenn. uffering from a chill. The date of the to winning against England, Germany ton-ave.. N. Lansing says. " I know the leparture of Count Ito. the president of and Russia combined. The czar's wed- above to be true and forty cases just as AND ding and coronation were her death .he Japanese •. .1 t,<-iI ,:f ministers, for WIFE MURDERER A PARANOIC. wonderful. 3he Foo, In order to ratify the treaty of warrant, figuratively and literally, as Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co.. own- .>eace arrived at between China and she has dropped from that time, and ers, 167 Dearborn street, Chicago. Prosecution Will Say. However, that Dr. now the grave has closed over her, says Iron Mountain Route. HARNESS Japan, has not yet determined. Leading Druggists. Take no other. Japan, has not yet been determined , Duestrnw Is Shamming. one European correspondent, while Guaranteed the best remedy on earth TO THE St. Louis, Mo., April 30.—Dr. Arthur another states that she is cutting a for gout, neuralgia and rhetimation. OF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. Duestrow, the wife and child murderer, «»ide swath in Paris. Japan Has Nut Made Answer. has been taken to Union, Franklin West, South and South:West. Fly Nets, Whips, Lap Dsters, Heave London, April SO.—A dispatch to the county, where he will be tried tomor- Cure, Hoof Cure,. Bonner's Horse Times from Berlin says there is no foun- row for the second time as to his san- Cleaner, Barn Dust, etc. :ialso repairing lation for the statement that Japan ity. New interest is added to the case, Lands of all kinds at las already answered the protest made inasmuch as the state has competent by Russia, Germany and France expert testimony, which It did not have For Sale against the annexation of any portions before. The defense will hold to the of the Chinese mainland. theory that defendant is a paranoic, Salesmen for Detroit houses In Arkansas. FRED. THEURER'S, though Governor Charles P. Johnson, Can 12 W. LIBERTY ST. Duestrow's attorney, said today that talk very convincingly some- Texas, and Pecas ValleyiN.'M. MORE RAIN NEEDED. his client had developed such new phases of mania as would be conclusive You times about how 'wonderfully Thi-migli ndi.init Crop K;'j»ort Makes a Fairly to a jury. The prisoner's every move- Pullman Buffet <.oo(l Show1 i'.;. ment has been noted by unseen watch- ]ow their employers buy Indianapolis, inc).. April HO.—The In- ers, and the prosecution w-ill likely Give because they sell dozens of pian- And Totirist diana weekly weather-crop bulletin spring a sensation at this trial, as the Sleepers says: Pry, warm, fair weather, with s attorney claims to have proof os to our one. CAV t A10,1 nftUt MflKKS badly dl d 'local rains on two that the prisoner has unguardedly ad- Any To Texas and COPYRIGHTS. days, were 1] farm wtjrk, mitted he was shamming. Duestrow's California, CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora but rain is much needed, especially*for income of $12,000 is hypothecated far in Such arguments sound well, prompt answer and an honest opininn. write to advance for his defense. IU ( ' N N tfc C'O.C.» who hnvn c haad nearly fiftyfifty yearaye a * wheat and grass. Winter wheat in gen- Reason Daily From experiencei e i n thth o patentt t businessbi . CommunicaCi - l is ; but are they based on facts '. tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In- Chicago. formation concerning PatPiUs nml how to ob- dally that 01 m lands; on tain tbera sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- uplands not fertilized ami in clay Hitf Is Slightly lletter. How do they know how ical and scientific books Bent free Based Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive ground it is less promising, standing •ton, April 30.—The condition Vpedal notice In the Scientific American, and ongressman Hitt of Illinois waa low we buy or how many pi- WHITE TO thus are brought widely before the public with- thin and spotted in . s. Tho out enst to the inventor. This splendid pnper. continuous dry weather, relieved at very precarious this morning. He 1 issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by fur 1 ho on H. D. ARMSTRONG, T. P. iarpest circulation of any scientific work in the long intervals only bj how-ers, lly yesterday, and at one time It anos we sell. We sell dozens world. §,'$ a vear. Sample copies sent free. tl ou that he could not survive Building Kitifion, monthly. tZjJOa year. Single in the Mo. Pac. Ry. copies, *-£-» cents, Every omnoer contains beau- central and northern portion* it is not Early this morning he re- every year that never come to tiful plates* in COIOI-H, and photographs of new ii consciousness and rallied si Facts JACKSON, IHICH. houses, with plans, enabling builders to show tho stooling out well, but with more rain latest designs and Beoure contracts. Address in the future the prospect for a good ut the improvement, It is thou Ann Arbor. MUNN & CO., NEW YOItK, 3C1 BuoADVfAT. crop is enhanced. lie only temporary. Mr. Hitt's ill- ness is the result of a severe attari Why We arc state agents for four la grippe. He is affected with rheuma- |||HY « Etaiptfye of si 00,000. tism, which, In its complications, manufacturers and supply all DOUGLAS St. Louis, April ».—Fire at i d'clbek touched his heart, f.nd he has The ""• IS THE BEST. thi« rhornlilg partiall ,-,... April SO.—G. A. R, 1 &n was Anyone 51 SOUTH MAIN STREET, PARCEL DELIVERY. The Grand Prize was what all sought for almost demolished this morning !>• K and our machine was awarded it. jet was left open : ANN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN. Send for our illustrated catalogue. \V< I ire Sliirtiil l>v Tramps. last ; ••- ; and | i toe n • C. B. GODFREY. want dealers in all unoccupied territory Elgin, 111., April 30.—The Oriental Wl • ikatlng rink was burned last night. mat : in'the hall this moral Bertdence and Office, 4s Fourth-Ave.,. WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO • ii).000; no insurance. It is be- explosion followed. Fider was terribly North. lieved tramps started the tire. burned and is in a serious condlti :i. 185 4.187 W«l ASH t,\l£v CHie^OO. S-Z. MiBOU BEGiSTEaj THUKSDA? MAY 2, 1895,

NEWS OF MANY KINDS STATE LEGISLATURE. MARQUIS OF QUEENSBERRY. Author of Pugilistic Kules and Prosecu- SWA mpor- HEENZMANN & LAUBENOAYER, tor of Oscar Wilde. NEWS OF INTEREST AND MQREl ling for a uu The prominencs Riven the Marquis of CARUV THE LARGEST STOCK OF OR LESS IMPORTANCE. • • ' lrom Queensberry in the Oscar Wilde Baffled Many Times but Success Comes oom- will be interesting in the sporting at Last. Id. Me i.s one of the charact- :poi '. lor I •• was OWat Britain Se et am; La i Britain. Known among- pusilist? '.Prom the Grand Rapids PressJ) ;is the author of the Marquis of Qu Garden, Flower - Force ol Marines to Enforce Demands The following incident would be hard berry rules, his name is familiar I to believe if it had not occurred right here for tudem:iity for Expulsion of Consul rds Rhall be legal followers. These rules were in in Grand Rapids, and investigation by our \ rue in the days when Tom Alien Hatch—Sorotu Trouble E representative lias placed it beyond the ing the Bp- loss and Jem Mace wore the great ind Field - Ion to reacli of doubt. These are tlie" fads in . i.-e tue work of English fighters. John L. Sullivan w;i detail : Mr. J. H. White of No. 25 Haifley -.It is pre- the first to make them popular in tVasbing-ton: The British fleet, Place, lias been an instructor in penman- i in the measure ' America. Few people know that IN BULK OF ANY HOUSE IN THE COUNTY. which was sent to X: :aragua ship in different business colleges for I lie among other titles to fame possessed force the claim of Great Jiritain of >;n\ti, on for the asylum past fourteen years. He says : "Last Oc- tor dai irous and nminal ii ' icom- by the pugnacious Marquis of Queens- 000 indemuity for the expulsii tober I was suddenly taken ill. I consult- nieniini at-'.>.V>\, for I :.'>-„; [or the home for berry, is that of being a poet, and one Flow'. Feed, Baled Hay and nl Hatch during- the iUuefieldS teeWe-mlndi : ,ou>e game pro- ed a physician, who said tlie pain was : too, of no mean order. He published a troubles last year, lias Ian led troops prctec-ion bill iv !ier es from ' gravel' stones ; gradually grew volume of really good poems in 188 Straw. OH (Jake Men}, Fer- at the port of Corinto Hnd Hear Admi- . i(.o u itii ame idments prohibiting spring worse; the pain was in my back and side. • tall a lason for shoot- and perhaps the best one of all is that DEALERS IN ral Btepbenson bas announced th:it My back swelled up in a great ridge, and ing duc.vs to tae pariod between Sept land entitled "The Spirit of the Matterhorn,' tilizer8, Land Plaster. Wood, the payment of the in lemnity wilfb. H . The MoLau 'lution I finally grew so bad that I was taken to for a conatuutiona^l ameuament Woscrtbing the beginning and conclusion of which forced. 11 bed, as helpless as a child. I passed tnat tot , native bo?5 i.ia nataiali contain lines of singular merit, deli- blood, and when the pain was at its worst Etc.. etc. It will be remembered that several ".'ti, i elti e i^ ia\\ I bs able to write and to read cacy and spirit. Lord Queensberry weeks ago the United States secured :t the constitution of the state in the hngiish I was like one crazy. The doctor injected language before they can vote was was likewise formerly on the turf and delay of action by Great Britain on morphine to give me relief, but further agreed to in t'.ie House committee of thehis racing colors were green, with than that lie said he was powerless, and the ground that Nicaragua would pay whole, the measure having already passed the salmon sleeves. Perhaps the best- NO. 9 W. WASHINGTON ST, Ann Arbor, Mich. the indemnit}', but the little repuplic Senate. Persons on whom the right of suffrage nothing would do me any good but a sur- is already conferred arc exempt from the known episode of his career was his backed out at the expiration of the gical operation. I believe my flesh was operation'of the constitutional amendment, in interruption of Tennyson's successful literally cooked in the attempts to relieve time asked for and Great Jiritain again case it is adopted by the people. The commit- play, "The Promise of May," at the commenced hostile action which cul- tee on e! • '.ion made a favorable rcpoi-t on my agony, everything was used, mustard the bill making it mandatory on the part of Globe theater. The villain of the piece plasters, turpentine, hot cloths and all $50, minated in the seizure of Corinto to school boards to .supply, free of charge, text is an agnostic and throughout the •A HARD TIMES OFFER such things. I was in this condition, given collect the revenues. The Xicara- books to pupils in the public schools. The drama is held up to ridicule and ob- 1IVY YOI'R SEKDS FROM TIIK GliOWKR. state affairs committee recommended the up by the doctor, and almost out of my guans promptly declared Corinto a loquy. Lord Queensberry, who was at .35 pkts., r«'tall price, S'j.15. sent thy closed port so that dutiable goods may measure establishing a sta.K' board of rive to mind with suffering. I commenced takini; regulate veterinary praotloe in tins state. All the time an enthusiastic, resented thi Doan's Kidney Pills, and really I felt easier DAC mail for SI •(>(>, and ono whole Potaro, not be landed there. The native officials veterinary practitioners are to register. The insult to what he considered to be his waysandmeans committee reported without in 20 minutes. After about "two hours I THE WORLD'S FA Hi l'llEMIUM, and population abandoned the town creed and accordingly on the fourth and the authorities went to San Juan recommendation the bill ma'iinK an appropria- had a passage of urine, and passed blood GTVTEy FREE AVIXH A CASH l'KIZE tion fora normal s-::yo' m the upper peninsula. night of the performance rose from his and some ' gravel' stones which greatly OF $50.00 for tho T^AlMiEST YIELD. del Sur, the Nicaraguan cable port This committee reported favorably several seat in the orchestra stalls and ex- cutting the wires connecting the cable bills: To appropriate &2.VK) to ihe State His- relieved me. I rapidly improved. I took In order to Introduce cur seeds and this wonderful torical and Pioneer .society; ^4.0*iu to the city claimed in a loud tone: in all six boxes, and I feel to-day entirely new potato as widely as possible we make thin re- port with Corinto so that the British of Kalamaxoo fora sewer to accommodate the FAIR •uarknble low ofTrr: on receipt of fl.00 in forces at the latter place could not "I am an agnostic and I strongly pro- well. Mine has been a wonderful case. postage stamps or money, we will send by mail ;» insane asylum: 15,000 a year to enable the state I feel that I cannot say anything strong box containing 3-i pkts. of the choicest and best communicate with their home govern- board of agriculture, to establish courses of lec- test against Mr. Tennyson's gross car- garden seeds (no two alike) and one tuber of Hit ment except by sending a boat to the tures in the various branches of agriculture. icature of our creed." enough for Doan's Kidney Pills. My World's Fair I'r.iniimi Potato, with a The general charter bill for the incorporation great wish is that they may become well cash premium of |50 for the largest yield divided cable station, 125 miles. The main of third-class cities was passed with only one Great excitement ensued among the OTATOJ as follows: To the person raising largest number body of the Nicaraguans who had amendment of importance—limiting municipal audience which continued until the known. They will prove a boon to man- of pounds we will payt2& For second largest num- ber of pounds, (15. Third largest, }I0. Dvideno abandoned Corinto crossed a lagoon indebtedness to two per cent of the assessed marquis had left the house, escorted kind. valuation. The indebtedness must be author- from two responsibio persons must be given thaj which separates the town from the by a policeman. ' the product was grown from the potato receive! ized by a two-thirds vote of the people. For sale by all dealers, price 50 cents. with this box of seed. Wllran'n Uanlrn. mainland and strong!}' entrenched SENATE.—70th day. — An appropriation of Mailed by Foster-Milbura Co., Buffalo, Flower and Field K^edn are known 8ttl themselves. The situation is now re- SHELSE appreciated all over the world. They have bee» $152,846 for the school for the deaf at Flint was A "HOODOOED" TRAIN. N. Y., sole agents for thell. S. Remem- r planted a quarter of a century with the most satw garded as ominous of serious trouble recommended by the committee. The state ber the name, Doan's, and take no other. factory results. The pkts. are the same as we sell it for the dispatches indicate that. Nic- affaire committee reported the Wildey tax ACRE our retail trade and warranted first-class in ever} statistician bill with a reiuest that it be re-New York Central Men Railroad Shy of It respect. They are the best and most suitable kinds foi araguans are disposed to resist any ferred to the committee on finance and appro- ordinary gardens, such as Beet*, Beaim, Kiivm further advance by the British. —Sure to Meet with Some Bad Lock. Corn, 4 jihliaac Celery, I'anmbfr. Ce< priations, which was granted. In committee of HUT. '1. lc.i.». Onion.. Harm ips. l»n lupl. i 111 the whole the Senate agreed to the bill creating There is not a railway man on the l*«'l»iM'r*, KnYCKOI' PLANTED some question, and may force Great to prevent the spread of yellows in fruit trees. side of the track, and the train was In committee of the whole the resolution was stopped and the injured man taken to IX ROWS. ANY WIDTH APABT. Britain to more drastic measures, but agreed to for the erection of a statue of ex- NEW MEAT MARKET! The sections can l><- LOCKED even if there is no resort to hostilities Gov. Blair on the capitol grounds. Other Lyons. The entire scalp was torn oft is i. in KON vr. IN ANY DKSLIiKT SITION, at present, it opens a prospect of alarm- measures agreed to in committee of the whole: his head and he is in a dying condition. CENTRALLY LOCATED! for shallow or deep cultiva- Providing for the setting aside for shooting It was this train upon which Conductor tion. Two rows or beans or ing- events in the future, which may. grounds, certain submerged lands in Lake FINE MEATS. LOW PRICES. other narrow row of beans and in fact are, evenregarded .-is likeiy Erie and the Detroit river: the Johnson pure Gowan was killed at Adams Basin Wed- SATISFACTION i.I VEN cvn be cultivated al once by to involve the United States directly food bill, and also the Chittenden optional bill nesday of last week. His death was llono raised rMOtssold Wt 0*£ you to gir.e u- using our extension axles. tor the organization of school districts on the New .American Harrow. in the affair in spite of the earnest dis- caused in a similar manner. Conductor township unit plan. HOUSE.—Bills passed: Orr met his death last summer on this A center Bectlon having position of the administration to avoid Amending general railroad law relative to the A. F. GAU55, = Prop. five ii-etii Is quickly and eas- the entanglement. date on which annual reports are to be filed, train, and it is a fact that the "hoo- ily attached, making a com- and amending act relative to duties of state dooed" train met with five accidents plete substantial barrow If the occupancy of Corinto fails in commissioner of railroads so as to conform on five consecutive days about a year with fifteen teeth, which its object and Great Critain should de- with the change: authori ting the auditor-gen- cuts 8 space nearly six feel ,- -, _- eral to procure certain land plats: relative to ago. ; J clare war on Nicaragua, it is suid that the seals of office of registers of deeds; in width. ^^^WBS .--•-' '»^"»'T ' --•• -'••»= the administration would still decline amending act relative to wills disposing of NEW AOBBIGAN GRAIN AND GRASS SKKIIKKS. real and nersonal estate: special appropriation HE SMOKED 628,713 CIGARS. SALVER'S to interfere so long as the war was of >38.nOU for the asylum at Kalamazoo: Positive Force Feed, Booster Pat., sows all kinds of grain and grass seed. Can bo attached carried on, not for the aggrandizement amending the tax law; authori/.ing magistrates or removed from the Harrow Ina few minutes. of Great l'ritain or the acquisition of to exclude spectators from examinations of The Kecord of a Frenchman Who Just NEW A.niCKlCAN BEAN IIAKVUSTER ATTACH.11KNT. persons charged with unseemly offenses: territory, but for the sole purpose of Died In His Seventy-Third Year. Indispensable companies; prohibiting ashing withnetsia any liar old man who died at Vienna early io bean growers, and is highly recommended by all who have Ubed It. t tion, it is said, would consider a viola- bayou or creek in Saginaw or Bay counties. NEW ini• rir and I etroit ri Baking Powder Our patent vibrating feed hopper sows broadcast all kinds of commercial fertl he paid for it. A few days before that Nicaragua will carry her re public shooting grounds: lor the incorporation Quantity changed instantly. We are anxious to have every farmei examine carefully the his death he made up his books to show ance much further. Public sentiment iif Methodist congregations, the present law New American Harrow, Seeder, CornCultivati r. Stalk Cutter and IVi-tili. applying to this denomination providing for just what eating, drinking and wear- trlbutor, and compare them with others. Above all we desire to show ihelr pra in Nicaragua, it is believed, has com- • ol the board of trustees. ing' clothes had cost him during his last BEST IK THE WORLD. Ing in the field, being c nfldeni superior merits • iprnized - bills passed, b [twill be Ui your advantage to see our mauhi pelled President Zelave to make a fifty-six years. The total shows that show of resistance. It is confidently t to in com ie whole", among scriptlve circulars. them the following: Appropj in this period he wore out eighty-five \c-d that rather than suffer the thr Agricultural > i pairs of trousers and seventy-four coats AMERICAN HARROW CO. seizure'of other ports, oi-bombardment for the state Pioneer and Historical society; and vests, for which he paid $8,000. He DETROIT' MICH. she will comply and pay the indemnity. the important bill providing that local. shall supi to public .school had bought :'O8 shirts and 306 collars, pupils free of oharge \\ ii ! iment valued at $300. His omnibus fare was WE GUARANTEE providing that st ua owned $208. In the twenty-seven years of his THE MARKETS. by the pupils thei by the school boards at a fair valua- convivial life he consumed 28.7S6 glass- LIVE STOCK. tiie b:il goes into es of gave up drinklag in his Every Package! New Yorh Lambs The co \ orably reported 51th year, but he ( to smoke Eep. More'*, bill linitins 9. day's labor on any constantly even during his last sick- I :•;:•[(•<. ;.' 9 J 90 a i ' street car to ten no not more than 4 00 one-half hour for a meal. Tho bill provides ness, raising the number of his cigars Buffalo— that ii' 1 be employed for Besi grades...840 14 60 to 62S.713 or an average of 11,217 a year. morel vs in any seven. Violations Of the whole number some 43,600 were Lower grades. :.' i i 3 50 • lie punished by not mo NONE BETTER! S PRIZES. Chicago— ii prohibit- given him; he bought the rest for $12,- radss .W 75^6 10 in so ?.-> o) ing the fraudulent use of union la Dels or 1 500, or 2 cents each. The exact old man > i4 <>J .'j 75 ;; 50 4.51 marks. Among the bills brought up in the took most pride in his socks, which Use it once—you will always use it. committee of the whole was one arras Detroit - were of the best silk and most ex- Besi grades...$4 50 f: so So 25 $.) 0) county' judges of probate giving them the • > S 4 O'J 3 50 ii 7j 4?:-J option of hearing claims against estates in- pensive make, costing usually $4.50 a GRAND PRiZE-Fi^EST GSSICKERiKG PIANO.. ..$750.00 stead of appointing commissioners for that pair. He wore out but sixty-two pairs Pittsburg— purpose. The point of the bill that would help . .-1 50 i5 50 14 50 14 50 the radges was a provision that they should be between his twenty-seventh and seven- 2d Pri?e —Sidebar buggy .. 150.00 Lower grades. ~.">o (1 10 paid $S a day for hearing these claims. This ty-third years, or hardly more than a Cincinnati— was knocked out. practically killing the bill. pair a year. The Salyer Grocery Co., 3d Prize —Pneumatic Tire Bicycle. .... 85.00 Besi grades., .ti 75 '."> 7"> 51 83 M 7:, 14 93 Lower grades. 3003)4 50 :; ^j 4 2j 4th Prize A Diamond Ring Cleveland— Sapfinaw is preparing for the Equal .. 75.00 Best K 14 60 J3 80 Suffrage association, May 8 and 9. Political Conditions of American Women. 32 EAST HURON ST. 5th Prize—A Moline Farm Wagon. .. Lower grades. :2 50 34 80 •J 35 6 0.) .. 60.00 GKALV, ETC. Alrick Nessen, a delivery man of The women of Wyoming have full 'PHONE 122. Y.'hcat. Cora. Manistee, was fatally injured by a suffrage and municipal suffrage is No 2 red No ^ mix No a white runaway team. granted women in Kansas. In twenty- 5 PRIZES-TOTAL VALUE ..$1,120.00 New rork-6ti!a - and sheetsata slight advance was 70; 1840, 4,853; 1845, 12,088; 1850, 29,- coinage family paper of the nortbv.est Its editor is Hon. W. J. William Mahard was picking flowers Wool sold the past week at the lowest price, on 963; 1855, 60,227; 1S60. 112,172; 1865, 178,- Bryan—the champion of silver, vho has just retired from con- record—16 cents for < >hio and 9 cents [or last at Law ton, she saw a spotted rattle- 900; 1S70, 298,977; 1S72. ::fU,;;77; 1880, 503,- year's Texas. The failures for the ween were snake and picked it up, when it flew gress. It is published in two parts, one of eight pages on Tues- -M in the United States, against 179 last year. 1S5; 1884 (estimated), 675,000; 1885 (esti- around and bit lier twice on the hand Hradstreet's says: The ieature of the week is mated), 727,000; 1886 (.stimated), 750,000; day,-and the other of four pages on Friday of each week, hence before she let it drop. She cannot re- the continued strength of prices of staples alter 1887 (estimated) . 760,000; 1889 (estimat- All classes and styles of plans on hand it is almost as good as a daily for news. Its agricultural page, striking advances of preceding weeks. cover. Plans and specifications and full size de • is a Brmer undertone in nearly all lines ed), 760,000; 1889 (estimated), 1,000,000; edited by G W. Hervey, its literary department, its house- Tlie annual convention of the Na- 1895, 1,850,000. tails drawn to order. Me but at a number of points gains in in- hold articles and its short stories make it a welcome visitor in Lore marked than in commercial tional Epicurean college will be held Call and see before ordering your Trie flurry in petroleum is .succeeded by at Grand Rapids May 6. The associa- plans, letting of your contracts, or re- any household. Subscription price $100 per year. Address * very dullmarlset. Woolen dress goods mills Cement for Rubber Hoots. *iave secured a number of orders for fall deliv- tion is made up of cooks, stewards pair work. ery, which accounts for the moderate activity and chefs, and .some of the most A good cement for rubber boots is All work truaranteed to be reliable •o the market for wool. Cotton «oods are tirm made by dissolving- crude rubber in = !> the advance in cotton and higher wages paid talented men in the country in this and satisfactory. WORLD-HERALD, cistern mill operatives. At the west, with line will attend the convention. bisulphuret of carbon, making the solu- lavorable weather, although collections are tion rather thin. Put the cement upon Office: r>r> South Mnin Street. slow, the volume of business remains un- the patch and the boot, heat both, and Omaha, Neb. changed except at Cincinnati, where there lias OWOSEO lady bicyclists have org-an- Shop: 88 l'oikurd Street. "«en a better demand. Ized u club, but won t wear bloomers. >ut them together. A&& AitBOH d&GLSTER- THURSDAY MAY 2, 1895

Gaining Customers SPECIAL APRIL SALE OF Ladies' Shirt Waists, Wrappers and Mus- Every Day! Spring Suits lin Night Robes. If we were not much lower in price, if our goods were The NEVER SO HANDSOME not all new and the best, if people did not know they Spring Overcoats NEW SHIRT WAISTS- NEVER SO CHEAP could depend upon us after having dealt with us steadily 'We place on Bale for eighteen years this would not happen. J. T. Jacobs e"> doz. Ladies' Shirt Waists. made of Spring Hats choice Percales in The Way We Are Selling Goods. Dainty Stripes, with high roll Stiff Collar You need not pay much for a suit. $10, $12, $L3.oO, Co. and Deep Caffs, Soft $15, $18, $20, for choice all wool suits made prop- Spring Caps full front and pointed erly and in the very latest style brings us hosts of custo- yoke back, extra Have received their large Sleeves, never mers who give us the assurance that sold less than 75c. New Line of Spring Furnishings For April 50c each. 25 doz. Finest Per Our Clothes Are the Best. cale and Madras We are fully convinced that they are and must confess Cloths, Shirt Waists, embracing all the that we never saw them for so little money. The quality and price of which you should examine choicest celering-s You should see the buyers after our and effects produced before purchasing elsewhere. this season and made by the very best Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits. Shirt makers at 75c and $1.00 each. It seems to be a race as to who is to be fitted first. The laundry work Mrs. Sarah Crane, wife of Benjamin on these garments Those interested should remember is exquisitely done. P. Crane, of Minneapolis, Minn., died Pick While Picking is Best. that there will be a special civil service Early purchases on last Thursday of consumption, at the examination in High School hall next this class of goods en- home of her sister, Mrs. Caroline Wr. sures a selection Saturday morning, commencing at 9 which will oe impos- o'clock. Waldron, of South State-st. The de- sible to maintain ceased was fifty-three years old. later. LINDENSCHMITT & APFEL The Young Women's Christian asso- ciation will give an entertainment at Andrew Roule and Ernest Dieterle 37 S. MAIN STREET. the First Baptist church on Thursday were thrown from a buggy which they Ladies' House Wrappers. evening next. An interesting program tried to turn on too short a curne last 10 doz. Ladies' Print Wrappers Sunday while driving west of the city trimmed with Lace, large full Sleeves. Chequamegon Orchestra will furnish is promised. Neither of the boys were teriously hurt would be cheap at 85c: for this sale, 49c music at the Young Men's Club Sunday The 76th anniversary of the Odd Fel- although they might have been. each. NEW night, at the Congregational church. lows in America was celebrated last 10 doz Stylish Print Wrappers with The next faculty concert of the school Friday night by Otseningo lodge at the shoulder rufiles> at oSJc each. of music given one week from residence of C. E. Godfrey. A general 5 doz. best Zephyr Gingham Wrap- good time was had. pers at $1.0U each. FURNITURE this evening in Frieze Memorial hall. fllLLINERY ! 15 doz. new choice Styles Print Wrap- The infant childof George and Adelia There will be an elocution recital to- pers in Blues. Grays and Hlacks, full morrow evening in High School Hall. sleeves, lined Waists, pretty styles, Richards, of Pittsfield, died Saturday, would be cheap at $1.25: for this sale, and was buried in Forest Hill cemetery. We understand that some of the very 98c each. STORE best home talent is on the program, Ladies' Fancy Percale WTash Wrap- W. K. Childs' pension agency has se- Admission five cents. pers, very stylish, worth $2.00, for this AT NOS. 9-n W. LIBERTY ST., cured for Mrs. Margaret Flynn, widow sale $1.50 eacn. Alanson Moore is back from Indian- of John Flynn, an original widow's pen- Ladies' lovely Sat'ine Wrappers One-Half Block West of Main St. sion. apolis. Ind., where he was called re- trimmed with ribbon at $2.00 and §2.50 cently, by the death of his son. Fred A. each. The Clio debating society of the High Straw Mattings from i'2r up. Moore, who was chief operator in the .i| will give an elocutionary enter (i do/.. Ladies' Lawn 'Wash Wrappers, tee' 1 lockers from 85c up. Western Union office there. worth $1.25: for this sale sale, 75c each. Good Longes from *4.i"> up. tainmentat High .School Hall tomorrow 10 doz. Ladies'Muslin Night Robes, Fine 3-pii Chamber Suits less than night. Last Friday'si Evening Telegram of trimmed with embroidery, Holl Collar, 913.50. Andrew Reule receive I word from Sprinjffield, Ills., contains a very inter- full Sleeves, worth 75c; for this sale. sting three cQlumn article on the sub 50c each. Carpets at lowest prices. Wuertenberg, Germany, last week, v The cheapest Window Shades in fiat his mother had died at the age of ect of hynotism by Dr. Elmer E. Hag- 5 do . Ladies" Empire Night Gown-. town. •r. formerly with Dr. Carrovv. CO inches long-, trimmed with open 5 i YeiU'S. work embroidery, worth $1.00; for this Lace Curtains from SI.00 a pair up. J. F. Schuh completed the plumbing sale 75c each. Call and be convinced that Hudson Morton has plans for a new- residence to cost about 14000. What 1 Prof. 1'atteng-ill's residence last J M*»\»/ Cnrinir Cnnac In dark and light colors, some plain l>ew Spring Capes ones gomelac| tflmmed, some braid Hudson wants with more room is a eek. Those who have seen the work trimmed, all stylish nobby garments at 18.8 >, N (W and S5.0U. ISwell Coaching Capes WE ARE THE CHEAPEST SELLERS question. ay it is the finest and most complete In Bed, Black and Tan Broadcloth at 18.00 and ll'I.OJ. New Spring Styles in Coats ob of plumbing- in Ann Arbor. and Jackets at Si..V. ja.i 0 and 37.00. Thirteen bicycle riders before o le Wnietc "The Mother's Friend." We have them in light Justice of the peace for riding upon the J VYttlSLS and dark Percales at SoOc and 7 c. 20 doz. large Hon. Jas. O'Donnell, of Jackson, was full Windsor Silk Ties at 15c each. sidewalk is a rather large record for unable to be here to speak at St. An-Was never prettier them it is HENNE & STANGERone week. rew's church last Sunday morning as this season. Never cheaper was announced, as he was suffering either than now. We Know James Kearns and family were in you cannot do better jor SCHAIRER & MILLEN. Furniture Repaired and Upholst- Lansing, Tuesday, attending the wed- rom a severe attack of the grip. price, style and quality than ered. ding of Richard Kearns to Miss Louise at 10 E. Washington street. A number of business men have unit- Call eind see if we are not NOS. 9 AND II W. LIBERTY ST. Edwards. ed in authorizing the Humane Society right. Peter Lehman, deputy county treas- to offer a reward of $100 for the arrest urer, has decided to make Ann Arbor and conviction of the party who has THE CITY. tiis future home, and will build hare 3een in the dog poisoning business. J. M. MORTON this spring. WE Mason, the well-known team- Additional Local on Page Four. Goethe eommandery, No. 28, will ster died at his home on Chubb-st, last 10 E. WASHINGTON ST There is talk oi starting- an Elk Lodge give, an invitation dance at the Palace Friday morning, of neuralgia of the in Ann Arbor. rink tomorrow evening. Music by stomach. He was 63 years of age. The Otto's band. uneral was held Saturday at 10 o'clock. "Mikado" will be played at the Opera OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. House May 28 ahd 23. The annual meeting and election ol The question of the city sprinkling officers at the Epworth League will be the streets is being considered by the TITANTED-SUCCESSFUI, SALESMAN TC Stark and Gartee, the painters, have held at the M. E. church Monday even, ordinance committee of the council. It *V make S50 per week Belling the celebrate a new telephone, No. lii">. ing May 13th. may be brought up at the regular meet- Model Custom Pants made to order at $4 am THIS WEEK $5. Big money can be made by industriou men. Address stating experience and refer Mayor Walker has decided to appoint The monthly meeting of the Woman's ing of the council next Monday night, ences. MOIIKL CUSTOM PANTS CO., 17 Madison St., Chicago. 62 THURSDAY M C. Peterson as city marshal. Auxiliary will be held on Monday af- Ypsilaati Craige will hold an open FRIDAY and There are 95 cases on the docket for ternoon. May C, at IJ o'clock in the V meeting in Union Block, May 4th, 1:30 .».» • r.u-,ioD work, such as lawn work W making vegetable and flower gardens, the May term of the circuit, court. M. C. A. rooms. p. m. The subject to be considered is cleaning and laying carpets, caning chairs SATURDAY "Science in the common schools." All and repairing furniture, fall on or address Prof. P. N.Scott is having an addi- If then; is any one thing that people A. R. GiBBS, 98 E. Catherine st. 59tf want just now more than a change o patrons and teachers are very cordially ANTKD—Uotxl agents, to ccanvass f< We shall offer the balance of our stock of tion built to his house on ( Oil- W Picturesque Detroit and Envlrore administration at. Washington, it is i invited. 1 here is money in it. Inquire of or address James C. Lewis is a new addition to good soaking rain. " L, Cone, 47 N.4th wn., Ann Arbor. 63 the bar of Ann Arbor He comes here The degree of Doctor of Divinity has been conferred upon Rev. J. W. Brad- FOR SAIiB. from Utica. A petition is being circulated and is no it ~SAL15~OR~KBUT—A new eight receiving lots of signatures asking tha shaw of this city by the University of n bouse with good barn, good well, The annual meeting of Hobart Guild two good cistei-ris,l2 lotsolots off land. ..Eas. y terms Spring Jackets and Gapes Chicago. This is the eighth degree of will be held at Harris Hall this evening the council arrange to have the streets Enquire at 33 Detroit street Ann Arbor 66tf sprinkled by the city. this kind that the University of Chicago ODSKS FOH SALE OK RKNT Real (70 GARMENTS IN ALL) at 8 o'clock. H. Estate boughtand sold. Fire Insurance has ever conferred. in first-class companies, Call and consult me J. L. Babcock is improving his resi- The ninth annual June festival of St before deciding. I believe I can accommo- dence by building a handsome veranda Thomas' Conservatory of Music will be Pvev. T. W. Young, of the first Bap- date you. Mary L. Hamilton, room 11, Ham- ilton Block. 07tf in front of it. given in the grand opera house, on Fri tist church is attending the meeting of L'OR SAL.K OK liXCHANGE-A splen- the Washtenaw Baptist Association be- x did 40 acre farm in town of Lodi: Will be Mr. G. C. Stark, of the firm of Stark day evening, June 7th. sold cheap or exchanged for house and lot in and Gartee, is building a new residence ing- held in Dexter yesterday and today. Ann Arbor. Enquire of W. Osius. Box 1561 At 1=4 Off. City. 44tf at No. 25 Beakes-st. The social which was announced to Mr. Young will deliver an address this L'OB iAiiK-New Safe,. Will be sold at a be given by the Choral Union in Frieze morning at the meetinsr. I bargain. Enquire of S. A. Moran, Rejris- Eugene K. Freuauff has given up his Memorial Hall last Friday evening ter Office. 39tf position on the Bay City Tribune and The council committee on sewers, in- OR SAfcE - Mrs. Perkin's farm, was postponed until tomorrow night. F80 acres, 2 miles east of Saline, 7 miles returned to Ann Arbor. vestigated the main sewer last Wednes- south of Ann Arbor, known as the Chas. Vogel had his examination farm. Six acres good bearing peach orchan All Our Stock of Soft Waists day and found it in good working condi- house, barn, stock and well water in abund: The London agent of the Ann Arbor Monday, and was bound over to th tion. The committee will recommend ance, school within !4 mile. Price reasonable (50 Garments in all)—Everyone made ft"T W* organs is advertising these instruments ircuit court for trial. His attorney that it be made use of as it is, without terms easy, call on premises or U S. Ingallsgal - largely in ''Old England." st., *nn Arbor. fl4tf with long sleeves and a stylish garment— « / O L Q A | are O. E. Butterfield and Chas. H any portion of it being relaid. K.U fr'Oat tlALfc—12U OI Lund, six Mrs. T>. Doan, of El Paso, Texas, has {line. miles from city, or will exchange ffo r citi y pro Former prices, 49c, 73c, y8c and $1.47— ||| U LUUI erty. Enquire at No. 3 E. Llbertv-st. Bold her lot on South Main-st., through Slti Choice of the entire lot at All those persons who may hav Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder * «.»;:—The Bullock or Everett the Bach & Butler agency. F farm. 8 miles west of Salem station and 11 rooms and board to rent during the May World's Fair HiitheU Medal a miles from Ann Arbor, contair.irg 109 acres house and bams, stnck and well water in abund- Circuit court will open next Monday Festival are requested to 3 end in their ance, timber; school and church within a mile- laud naturally the best; all seeded down. Price morning. The jury has been called to names to R. Spence at the School of and terms reasonable. Call on or addres: Andrew SPECIAL VALUES meet Tuesday the seventh. Music. E. (iibson^SO Maynard-M.. Ann Arboi, Mich. 45tf FOR KENT. A rebate of 22 per cant, has been Miss Mary Fiegel has sold her house OR HENT-A lnew 12 room house, lust paid to the subscrilers to the fund for and lot on South Ingalls-st. to Mrs. Syringe F about completed, and one of the best Ladies' SEPARATE SKIRTS Catherine Jones. The transfer was built houses in the city, one block from Main entertaining the legislature. street, and a blocks from the court house In made through the Bach and Butler go. d location, steam heated free, for rent on a fire years lease for only 138,88 per month. Made up in latest style and of the most fashionable materials John Baumgardner has relaid the agency. • Here Is a rare bargain for some business man. stone walk in fnnt of the Werner and Talk Enquire of B. J. Conrad, 18 S. Ingalls-st., for full particulars. Toop buildings on S. State-st. Farmers in this community are wish. 69 ing that some weather prophet who has In ow north trjdow we ODSBi TO RENT-Several Houses with modern Improvements, unfurnished At $3.98, $5, $10 and $12 Each, Mrs. S. K. Davis has sold her farm a "pull" with the weather bureau at have an assortment of good Hrooms for small families, at reasonable prices. west of the city through the Bach & But- Washington would come to Washtenaw Syringes — loth bulb and fountain—at et ry hue pric- £!LSS£9\a-Sffl!«"»D ',£?,•,5N- M»'n-st. 2na»d ifloor, EstatResie Xd ler agency, consideration $2,700. county and breathe our dust awhile. es—none over $1.00. Tliey ' E. Wllliam-st. Rd He would certainly order rain at once. OO.Ue oomS fosr lighA t housekeepin to g and f urnlsh- are good, too—not so good Ri .,/ , - PP>y Room 3, third floor, Prof. A. A. Stanley will give a lee as higher priced ones, but Hamiltonn block. MModern conveniences, in- ture at the School of Music today. Hii well worth the price. They cluding steam heatheat, igf subject will be "Richard Wagner." It is expected that University Hall last and give satisfaction, will be filled to overflowing this after- Julian Ralph, the well-known war noon to hear the famous orator Chaun- correspondent of Harper's Weekly, is cey M. Depew. Go and hear this great CALKINS' PHARMACY. in Ann Arbor to write up the Univer- orator. It will cost you only 25 cents 34 South Stnte-Ht. KA Au ustlne Sa e wn<)ha d sity for Harpers' Weekly. He is the and half of that will go to the co-ed D/ ed P,~ (( lar larkk Bros.£Bros., ,far farmm« n.f,K:i.llniat Salin>e n o fJusf sr 23at3 rentam acres-i. 2:0 Z. MAIN ST. annex. ence m want to rent it. A, M, dark, Ann guest of Dr. Ang> 11. rbor; A P, Qlark, Saline. 63 AiNJN AitiiOU t£KGI»STh]E(. MAY 2, 1895

AMONG OUR NEIGHBORS. I >NQ TrfS BOY MONSTER. Daughter of Supreme Commander of the .lease Ponwrny'a I'ci-ultaritic* as it Soli- Aboutl ot on Tit: River Thut M>v Ho n Ho'.- CHELSEA HERALD. tary l.ife 1'rlaoner. Mrs. St. Amour, of Detroit, ('. H.Wil" bcrs' IE<'ni!«'7.vou3. | I have )• en within ten feet of Jesse Knights of the Maccabees gey, of Windsor, "VVis., and Mr. and Mrs" The neighborhood between Elk City Pomeroy! Immured deepin the vast gray Knives* Sutton. of Munith, spent last week with and Oak Valley is never without its walls of Charkstown penitentiary, the Mr. and .Mrs. W. H. Wilsey. sensation. An Oak Valley correspon- strange, warped human b. Ing who once OF THE WORLD. cif-nt of the Howard Courant, after men- bore that nanie is hidden away from Born, Saturday, April 20, 1895, to Mr. tioning- the haunted house and the sup- A cheap Pocket-knife can be bought and Mrs. Jacob Wank, of Freedom, a the sight of man forever in a living at every Store, but it is not the kind daughter. posed treasure hole which was dug on death, unknown by the coming genera- W. T. Oliver's place four months ago, tion and forgotten by the passing one. you want. Frank Brodick, who is attending col- an account of which was published in He has a double cell, much larger than * * lege at Detroit, is spending a few days the Enterprise, speaks as follows of an- the ordinary celL i.ito which the sun- One dollar is the lowest price that a with his mother. otbpr s^npation: "Across the river to light streams, says a Boston writer. His really good knife can be sold for. This Michael Brenner, of Ann Arbor, the southwest peculiar marks were roo'm is neat, and he himself is the Jiloumn is placed in this paper to adver- called on Chelsea friends last Monday. made in the timber. A small mound personification of neatness. Upon this i« the very best Pocket-knife ever was visible, which led the owner and sold. It is J. C. TIDMARSH'S Sheffield SALINE OBSERVER. he prides himself. He wears a beard, the boys to believe that they might which is kept neatly trimmed. He Steel Knife. Fred Braman is laboring with the find wealth, and they commenced dig- changes the style of it occasionally to * * business portion of our village with a giiK; they dug a place about two feet suit himself, and displays as much taste Never buy a knife only because it view of securing sufficient funds to war- deep and came to a bed of charcoal. and is as well aware of what is be- looks well. If blades are not the best rant the running of a street sprinkler. Which looked as if some one had had coming as the most exquisite man of Sheffield steel they will soon bend, no Some measly thief entered Geo. .1.a fire: then they dug further and came fashion. matter how they will look. Still, you. to a human skeleton. This filled them Nissly's poultry house Sunday night "But is he well?" I asked of the one want a fine-looking knife. and carried off a number of his fancy with horror and they filled the hole up again. To the northwest of that and who gave me this information, and one * * fowls. '1 heir market value to the who knows. The United States law provides that scoundrel who stole them is small com- c.n the north side of Elk river on the H. 7!. Marshall pla~e, another hole "As well as you are," was the reply, only samples to agents and to the trade pared to their value to G. T. especially "and he looks well." will be admitted free of duty. You as it is in the midst of the breeding was dug on Sunday night, Feb- can, therefore, see the advantage that season and the demand for eggs exceeds rpary 24, about a mile and a half west "People say a man cannot live with- of where the first hole was dug. The out exercise. The only exercise he gets I have in sending samples to agents the supply at S3 a Betting. J. W. Hull's Is in his cell, walking up and down, over those who deal in Sheffield goods lock was also visited on Monday night hole was dug near a small walnut tree in America. and several carried olT. whl h ws.s s.ig-htly marked and it (the yet no one could possibly be healthier * * hole) was two feet wide, five and one- than he is. So far as I know, he has * On Friday evening last Mr. and Mrs. half feet deep and five and one-half never known a sick day and he has I am an advertising agent I I ja f A. F. Clark received and entertained feet long. At a depth of about four been a prisoner in absolutely solitary trusted with a certain amour t ta 3p3i ; the S. S. Club at their beautiful home. feet they dug directly under the walnut confinement for sixte£n years. He Is advertising these knives (th3 bs. a great reader and student. He speaks value ever seen in America 3b Oi CHELSEA STANDARD. tree and took out some kind of a ves- sel. Wh"re the vessel was taken out three different languages. He does not Dollar each). Now, the fciiij ij Mrs. Frederick S. Mensing died at there was a different kind of soil, want to work, but prefers his books." own best advertisement. her home in this village about 10 o'clock which showed that a hole had been "Does he seem to have any curiosity * * Wednesday morning. made and filled in with top soil. Trees about the outside world?" I asked. Imagine a Pocket-knife (3i inches The case of Willam Whalen vs. the were plainly marked to the northeast, "Yes, I presume so, although he never long) with the most beautifully-grained M. C. R. R. will be tried in the Wash- northwest, southwest and southeast, asks. He do°s not ask privileges; no vary handle—genuine African ivory tenaw circuit in the May term. Whalen and line trees were slightly marked, doubt he realizes it would be in vain. iiuind with two blades of the very beet is the M. C. R. R. engineer who was in- the lines crossing like the letter X at The only favor he ha3 asked of Gen. Sheffield steel that will last a lifetim* jured October 13, 1893. the walnut tree. The marks seemed to Bridges since re has been warden was and cut like a razor. The tips of the handles are heavily plated with sterl- Prof. Lester McDiarmid, of Ypsilanti, be renewed every year for the past permission to keep the box his holiday three or four years. They were re- things came in. This favor had been ing silver. And then a very nice has been employed to act as superinten- chamois leather case goes with each dent of the Chelsea schools for the en- nevod r>h->--' thr^e weeks ago, sup- granted to him onco before, and he posed to have been done by the des- used the CO"T to hide a hole he had knife. Now, vould it not be easy work suing year. There will be several new selling this knife at One Dollar each? teachers employed as some of Jhe pres- perado Jackson, who slept all night on dug in the v/*ll. the adjoining farm south, and who was "If he set* a penknife or a spoon, the I know it would, for it looks as if it ent corps will leave to take courses in were worth two dollars. the U. of M. arrested at Flk City February 11. The probabilities are he will commence and timber is being cleared up and no doubt dig. The walls are so thick it is im- Died at his home south of Chelsea on they were afraid of losing the identity possible for him to escape, and no And so it is if you compare it with Tuesday, April 23d, Jacob Kothfus. of the spot. Mr. Price, who lives about doubt he does it to mak? the prison the value offered in the ordinary Store. Mr. Rothfus was born in Germany, on 200 yards west, had his two dogs pois- officials uneasy, more than anything i i—•— * * January 18, 1827, and came to America oned a, short time before the digging else. i— i— i * in 1855. He enlisted in Company A. 1st Is not this knife its own best adver was done, and it is supposed they were He is a remarkably good-looking man, HELEN MAY DICKINSON. tisement. Michigans Engineers and Mechanics, afraid the dog-s would raise the alarm a fine-looking man, in fact. If you and as a soldier was loyal to his adopted and they would be discovered. Five You can make $4 per day selling country. In 1866 he was married to should pass bis cell, ignorant of his these knives. This is a genuine and strangers hive been seen heavily armed name, you would comment upon his Disease of the nerves, vitality at low ebb, nervous prostration and all Miss Christian Gutekounst, who with and riding good horses. Two of them appearance and select him as a man straiutfprward statement. This is three children survive, him. passed through the timber and talked much above the ordinary." attendant evils and troubles are the result of the high nervous strain, the counting that you show it to only The council met Wednesday evening with the men who were grubbing. The It is said that either his hearing is everlasting hustle of the American people. High authorities say it is the air, twelve buyers every day. And every and made a contract with the Chelsea question Is, have the bands and train the climate that seems to intoxicate the people with such a mad desire for one that sees it will say it is good supernatural;-/ acute or else he is pos- value for $1. The knives are sold to Electric Light Company to furnish roM vs of the Indian territory a ren- sessed of some strange sixth sense, en- wealth and position, that they never know when to rest. This unremitting dezvous in this vicinity, and do the you at $8 per dozen; you sell them at $1 twenty 2,000 candle power arc lights abling him to know things that have work, push and energy has made the United States the richest country on for a term of ten years for the sum of $7 banks of 101k river conceal their booty ? transpired before the guards them- each. per light per month. The Standard has Some say ays." selves. One instance of this is related. the face of the globe, but work, worry and a peculiar climate has made the * * been making a canvass of the citizens A couple of years ago the prisoners were American people a nervous race. I determined to use large sum of ad- and found but few who favored the all assembled in the chapel awaiting vertising money entrusted to me in 2,000 candle power lamps, while the ma- the annual announcement of the gov- 44 sending out free samples to those who jority were most emphatically in favor John Van Tyle, of Edwardsburg, ernor's pardons. Before the convicts' Now as well as ever." promise to act as agents for the sale oS of the 1,200 cand'e power. Mich., doctored for 30 years for fits, but these knives got no help till he used Adironda, cheers which greeted the lucky ones Mr. George Dickinson, Deputy Supreme Commander of Knights of Mac- YPSILANTI COMMERCIAL. had died out, Prison Physician Mc- Wheeler's Heart and Nerve Cure, which Laughlin ha,d occasion to attend a pris- cabees of the World, whose residence is Emporium, Pa., writes: I will send you a~ free sample, but The recital on the great Columbian completely cured him. Sold by ;drug- oner located in the same tier as Pom- "Dear Friends:—I feel grateful to you for the great good your valuable you must sign the promise at the foot crgan by Clarence Eddy, will be one of giats. eroy. As the doctor passed Jesse's cell medicine-Dr. Miles'Nervine-has done my littlegirl. She was almost blind from of this column, and make a deposit to the most attractive features of the May he called to the doctor, saying, "So the amaurosis, [disease of the optic nerve] and could not tell daylight from show that in asking for the knife you Festival at Ann Arbor, which takes Some of Lucy Sr«ie's J.ato ITtterings. governor has pardoned two men," and darkness. We were in despair that our rosy, baby girl should not be able to are acting in good faith. place on the 17th and 18th of May. The last articulate words that Lucy giving their rames. The doctor has see out of her round, blue eyes. It seemed impossible, as they looked as well * * Mr. Adam Bohnet of Pittsfield en- Stone uttered were whispered in the ear never been able to understand how as ever, but it was true; she became worse. After several prominent oculists The deposit that I ask of you is 44 joyed a short visit from two of his sons of her daughter: "Make the world bet- Pomeroy knew of these names. Not and physicians had failed, we finally decided to try Dr. Miles' Nervine. cents about half the wholesale cost of last week; one from San Francisco, the ter." The woman did as she had lived, half a dozen people have seen him since It restored her eyesight. I bought two more bottles and she is now perma- the knife, and less than one-third what other from Bay City. Both were good brave and fearless and hopeful to the he was a bo; , and he has seen no wom- nently cured. I hope you will publish this letter for the benefit of others. I you would have to pay for a knili iika in health. They report hard times last. "I have not the smallest apprehen- an's face but his mother's since his in- recommend it wherever I go. I also hope that your wonderful medicine will it. it' you bought one. everywhere, and our people may as well sion," she said. "I know the eternal or- carceration. become so well known that every house will keep it as a standard remedy. stay where they are. der, and I believe in it." To a friend Its merit, only needs to become known for this to become an established f act." Send the money by a Postal Order or who expressed the wish that she might one-cent stamps for 44cts., and put a Hon. Edwin F. Uhl, Assistant Secre- Catarrh Cannot Be Cured DR. MILES' NERVINE IS not a chance discovery, but the result of 20 years five-cent stamp on the letter, which tary of State at Washington is paying live to see woman's suffrage granted, with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they study, careful investigation and experiment by Dr. Franklin Miles, the great must not weigh more than one-halt a visit to his old friends and neighbors she said: "Oh, I shall know it. I think 1 cannot reach the seat of the disease. specialist in diseases of the heart, brain and nerves. It is sold by all drug- shall know it on the other side. And if Catarrh is a blood or constitutional di ounce. in this city. He has been engaged to gists on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit you. Should * • deliver the commencement address to I don't," she added, contentedly, "the sease, and in order to cure it you must it not you may return it and obtain your money. This allows you to give it people on this side will know it." To take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh The deposit of 44 cents will be placed the University Law School at Ann Ar- a fair trial without any risk. This proves our confidence in the medicine. to your credit, and will be deducted bor next June. some one else, who suggested the possi- Cure is taken internally, and acts di- This proves that it is made to cure. This proves the merit of the remedy, if it bility of her coming back to communi- rectly on the blood and mucous surface?. was an ordinary medicine, this unparalleled offer could not be made. It is a from your first order at the dozen rate. Rev. G. H. Wallace, who wont from cate with those she had left, sne an- Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medi- specific for all nervous diseases such as Nervous Prostration, Dizziness, Sleep- * * Manchester to s.erve as pastor of the swered: "I exr>ect to be too busv to cine. It was prescribed by one of the lessness, Headacho, Neuralgia, Kheumatism, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Convul- I am an advertising agent, contractor Presbyterian church at Plymouth, has come back. Perhaps I shall kno~v about best physicians in this country for sions, Backache, Nervous Dyspepsia, St. Vitus Dance, etc. Sold by all drug- and publisher with one of the largest aesigned afer a nine years' pastorate. the women voting where I am, and if years, and is a regular prescription. It gists at $1 a bottle, six bottles $5, Pills 25 cents. Advertising businesses in the world,and not I shall be doing something betetr. I is composed of the best tonics known, I absolutely guarantee to send, postage 4>ur ('ap'tal In Mexico* have not a fear, nor a dread, nor a combined with the best blood purifiers, paid and duty free, the knife described above free to anyone who signs th An American company has been or- doubt. I certainly have tried. With one acting directly on the mucous surfaces. Restores hand I made my family comfortable, The perfect combination of the two in- promise below, and sends it with tb ganized for the purpose of building ex- with the other—" But »>•<* never fin- gredients is what produces such won deposit as stated. tensive wharves and improving the ished the sentence. derful results in curing catarrh. Send Dr. Miles' Nervine Health * * terminal facilities at Coatzacoal;os ol for testimonials, free. Let me advise you not to part wil the National Tehuantepec railroad. your sample, even if you should lose It is the intention of the Mexican gov- Burdock Blood Bitters is nature's P. J. CHENEY & Co., sale at $1 by refusing, as it will tat true remedy for constipation and kin- Proprietors Toledo, O. time to replace it. I coulc" not send ernment to make this the most imj)or- dred ills. It acts directy on the bowels Sold by druggists, price 7.">c. ant harbor and port on the coast. you another even if you sent the full $1. the liver, the skin, and while cleansing THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELTS AND APPLIANCES INSURE TO THE SICK After the sample they can only be sup- An AccKleiiuii j. the blood imparts strength to the diges- aTary the beautiful knife as described above. . up, and the turn-down collars will pieces, and when the authorities get ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDE rvjh.' r.aut anywhere. $1.00. Address 1'KAL MiBJOUtB Co., Cleveland, O. wilt down. The easy, cheap, and AT SMALL EXPENSE. pleasant way out of this is to wear !iim they torture him and promptly be- F. W. SEARS, dead him. " CELLULOID " COLLARS AND Visit this Historical Island, which is the ADTEnTIftlN'f; A<;I;.VT AND" CDFFS. These goods are made grandest summer resort on the Great CONTRACTOR, WHOLBSAUE KNIFE by covering linen collars or cuffs You've No Idea Lakes. It only costs about $13 from ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, on both sides with"CELLULOID," Now nicely Hood's Sarsapai ilia hits the Detroit; $15 from Toledo; $18 from GEORGE R. KELLY, 138 FLEET STREET, LONDON. thus making them strong and needs of the people who feel all tin d Cleveland, for the round trip, including DEAR SIR,—I faithfully promise on my durable, and waterproof, notaffec- out run down from any cau?e. It seen 9 meals and berths. Avoid the heat and DEALER IN and honour to show the Sample Knife ted by heat or moisture. There to oil up the whole mechanism of the dust by traveling on the D. & C. floating you have promised to send me to one are no other waterproof goods body so that all moves smothly and work palaces. The attractions of a trip to the or more of my friends, thereby consti- made this way, consequently none becomes delight. If you are weak, tired Mackinac region are unsurpassed. The tuting myself an agent. This will that can wear so well. When soiled and nervous, Hood's Sarsaparilla is just island itself is a grand romantic spot, its make me "in the trade" as far as simply wipe them off with a wet what you need. Try it. climate most invigorating. Two new cloth. Every piece of the genuine Pocket-cutlery is concerned. By thi; * steel passenger steamers have just been promise I am entitled to a sample ol is stamped like this : built for the upper lake route, costing your beautiful Dollar Pock3t-knife Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipa- $300,000 each. They are equipped with tion, biliousness, jaundice, sick head- WOOD AND COAL with chamois leather case, to be se; ' every modern convenience, annunciators, ache, indigestion. me post-paid and duty free. I also a> bath rooms, etc., illuminated throughout No Better Quality of Wood or close 44 cents Postal Order op stain| ELUILOII A rrsgal Cat. by electricity, and are guaranteed to be which please hold for me until I sei. A cat in an exchange office has a the grandest, largest and safest steamers you an order at the dozen rate. •^ MARK- * unique way of disposing of any re- on fresh water. These steamers favorably Coal in the city. Insist upon goods so marked mains of food given her on paper. After compare with the great ocean liners in con- if you expect full satisfaction, and she is done she patiently and carefully struction and speed. Four trips per week Name. folds the paper enclosing the scraps, between Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Macki- if vour dealer does not keep them, nac, St. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, " Soo," send direct to us enclosing amount and will occasionally take the further PROMPT ATTENTION TO ORDERS! Address and we will mail sample. State precaution to remove the package she Marquette and Dulutu. Daily between size, and whether a stand-up or has formed to some out-of-the-way cor- Cleveland and Detroit, and Cleveland and Address ell letu n to ner or nook. Putin-Bay. The palatial equipment turned-down collar is wanted. makes traveling on these steamers thor- F. W. 5EARS, Collars 25c. each. Cuffs 50c. pair. oughly enjoyable. Send for illustrated The CELLULOID COMPANY Children Cry for descriptive pamphlet. Address A. A, Wholesc.18 Knile Advertisement Dept. 427-29 Broadway, NewYork. ditcher's Castoria. SCHANTZ, G. P. A., D. & C, Detroit, Mick EAST HURON STREET, NEXT FIREMAN'S HALL, l TBJL AWJV hVLBOB «EO1.STES« TSUHSDAT. 'MAY 2 1895 r HYDRAULIC FORGING. Answer Tlii* BICYCLES IN NEW YOKK. The largest subscription house in the The Fully Developed In Germany and L'tiltaeu country wants a first-class representa- Seems Probable that the Number ol by Kngland. tive for this community for strictly Lumber! Wheels Will Grow This Tear. Announcement Is made that the work. Short hours. Good pay. Min- Ann Arbor 3rener-Schumacher process of h Cotham has been on wheels the past ster, teacher, or wide-awake man or ic forging, so fully developed In Ger- winter. That is not to say that it has woman given preference. Address, now retrograded from that most fascin- stating age and former employment, Lumber! many, has been introduced In England by a Leeds concern, who have made a ating position, or is thinking or doing Globe Bible Publishing Co.. 723 Chest- Real Estate press that exerts a pressure of 700 tons. so; for the bicycle has developed all nut St.. Phila., Pa. and can make long and slow strokes sorts of delightful possibilities, says a New York paper. A bicycle suit has Lumber! or short and quick ones, as desired; a 1 Same >'<>«• that It Tv':»s 8 been found to be wonderfully chic and It Is the Exchange argre steam cylinder is used instead of Century Ago. It you contemplate building call at a pumping engine, the piston of which becoming, and withal riding is really A peculiar fact was lately pointed out s prolonged and acts as a ram for ex- such great sport. So that all roads that Will buy and sell Real Estate by the president of the Manchester, erting hydraulic pressure on the forging can be ridden on a wheel this comtaag England, Geological society, namely, in Ann Arbor and vicinity, :ools through the medium of a second spring and summer will lead to happi- FERDON ness, and the bicycle bids fair to be that although much lias been done to 1 1 hydraulic cylinder. Briefly, there are and act as agent for the rent- improve the operation of coal cutting, two steam cylinders placed over the the favorite vehicle at the different re- the collier's pick remains exactly what ing of houses and farms. press to lift the forging crosshead, by sorts where New York people have their it has been for the past century, and as which the upper forging tool is carried, beautiful country homes. The Michaux to coal-cutting mechanisms, not a sin- and, when it is desired to work in the club, for the present, is the center of gle machine of the kind is at work in tenable Rate of Commis-ordinary way with heavy pressure, the all bicycle festivities, and whether the the Manchester district today. As to admission and exhaust of steam in Michaux club made the bicyclists or Lumber Yard the motive power and the three meth- these lifting cylinders is controlled by the bicyclists made the Michaux club sion. ods of driving, viz., steam, compressed the same lever which regulates the ad- it would be difficult to tell. At any rate, air and electricity, the president con- COR. OURTH AND DEPOT STS. mission and the exhausting of the they are developing together so rapidly sidered steam to be impracticable, but steam in the large driving cylinder; but that there are beginning to be rumors TIRED, WEAK, NERVOUS, See us before deciding upon much was to be said in favor of com- And get your figures for all kinds of for quick working, direct and uninter- of a permanent club house-, with all pressed air as to beins safe as well as the purchase or renting of arupted communication is established by the conveniences of such a place. helping to cool and ventilate the work- Could Not Sleep. means of a separate cock between thes» ings, but the loss in transmission is house or farm. lifting cylinders and the holler. In this For Itching Piles, irritation of .the ' Prof. L. D. Edwards, of Preston, very great; on the other hand electrical way there is then always the full boiler genitals, or itching in any part of the Idaho, says: "I was all run down, LUMBER! transmission involves a loss of not more pressure beneath the cj'.'ndar, tend- body, Doan's Ointment is worth its weak, nervous and irritable through than five per cent., and now that the We manufacture our own Lumber and ing to keep the crosshead and upper weight in gold. No matter how long- overwork. . I suffered from brain fa- difficulty from sparking has been over- guarantee tool at the top of the stroke, but the standing the trouble, Doan's Ointment tigue, mental depression, etc. 1 be- A FEW BARGAINS. cej&e, it must be regarded as the mo- main steam cylinder, which puts or will not fail to give instant relief. came so weak and nervous that I tive power of the future. A novel ma- the forging pressure—through the hy- could not sleep, I would arise tired, VERY LOW PRICES ! No. 3. Nice lot, 4x14 rods, house 7 chine combining Uiese two forces has draulic mechanism—is of so much An Old Eaglish Custom. discouraged and blue. I began taking rooms, china closet and pantry, on first been introduced; it has, in a word, the greater area than the combined area An ancient custom of "tossing the Give us a call we will make it to your floor, 6 rooms, 6 closets, second floor; advantages of compressed air, while of the two small cylinders that the pancake" was observed at Westminster interest, as our large and well graded city water, 2 cisterns, barn; 8 minutes' the actual motive power is eleeti-leity- Dr. Miles' Nervine crosshead is pressed down with con- (London) school on Shrove Tuesday. A stock fully sustains our assertion. walk from post-office. Price, $4,600; the mechanism is, briefly stated, a cut- and now everything is changed. I siderable force, although, of course, procession of pupils was formed, headed half down as can be agreed upon. ter-bar drill and an electric motor con- sleep soundly, I feel bright, active with less force than if the two lifting by one of the abbey vergers carrying a nected by suitable gearing, and in do- and ambitious. I can do more in one JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. No. 4. For sale or rent. House, 4 cylinders were exhausting in the usu?/ frying-pan containing a newly-made ing its work only the minimum of dust day now than I used to do in a week. rooms and hall, closet on first floor; 2 way. pancake. Admission having been T. J. KEECH, Supt. is produced. For this great good I give Dr. Miles' suites with closet on second floor, cis- gained to the hall, the cook, whirling Kestorative Nervine the sole credit. tern. Ten minutes' walk from Univer- A Terrible Visitant. the frying-pan three times round his sity. Price, $1,800; $800 down, balance Pain is always a terrible visitant, and head, hurled the pancake amid the If the Baby is Cutting Teeth. to suit purchaser. Rent, $15 peofter n domicilies itself with one for life. crowd of boys, and the one who secured Be sure and use that old and well-tried It Cures." HASKINS' month. the largest piece received the usual remedy, MRS. WINDSLOW'S SOOTHING Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a positive This infliction is preventible, in cases guarantee that tbe first bottle will benefit. No. 5. Lot 4x8 rods, good location, 2 of rheumatism, by a timely resort to award of one guinea. SYRUP for children teething. It soothes All druggists sell it at II, 6 bottles for $5, or Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which the child, softens the gums, allays al it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price blocks from campus. Price, $700.00, by tbe Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd. 8300.00 down, balance in two years. checks the encroachments of this ob- Wonderful Benefit. pain, cures wind colic and is the best stinate and dangerous malady at the "My wife takes Hood's Sarsaparilla remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty five No. 6. House adjoining campus, 3 outset. The term "dangerous" is used every Spring, and it is the only remedy cents a bottle. rooms, dining room and kitchen, hall idvisedly, for rheumatism is always lia- that helps her. She said she would as and closets, first floor. 1 suite, 2 single ble to attack the vital organs and term- soon think of being without clothing, as Stream Which Buns Up Hill. rooms, closets, second floor. Ram and inate life. No testimony is more con-being without Hood's Sarsaparilla. I In White county, Georgia, there is a FRANKLIN HOUSE LIVERY two cisterns. Price, $3,600. $600 down, clusive and concurrent than that of am troubled with biliousness, and have mountain stream which runs up hill, 30 years on balance, $100 each year, in- physicians who testify to the excellent taken Hood's Pills with wonderful ben- at a steep incline, for almost half a DETROIT, MICH. Feed and Boarding Stable, terest at 6 per cent. sffect of the Bitters in this disease. efit." Geo. B. Schwab, 81 West Wash- mile. It is supposed to be the continu- It is well before leaving home, whether Persons incur a wetting in rainy or ington-st., Ann Arbor, Mich. ation of a siphon which has its source for business or pleasure, to decide upon a No. 7. Five acres and house with 5 snowy weathar, and who are exposed to In a spring at a higher elevation, at the hotel and thereby avoid confusion. WEST HURON AND ASHLEY STS, rooms, peach and apple trees, will sell When you visit Detroit we would be Carriages to let. draughts, should use the Bitters as a Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. opposite side of the mountain. pleased to have you stop at the old Horses boarded at reasonable rate. two lots or will sell all the land and re- preventive of ill effects. Malaria, dys- "Franklin House," cor. Larned Especial care taken to keep boarders in aood tain house and one lot, inside city pepsia, liver and kidney trouble, ner- and Bates Sts., where you will have a good order. limits, 11 minutes' walk from Univers- DRAWING WIRE. meal and a clean bed at moderate rates. vousness and debility are also among The house has been renovated from top to COflE AND SEE US" ity. Lots $350 each. 4xS. Price $1,900. the ailments to which this popular bottom, and is now in first-class condition. $f,200 down, balance ten years. medicine is adopted. For the infirmi- An Interesting Process in BTechstnicaV Respectfully, No. 8. Lot 4x12 rods, in Mrs. Hall's ties, soreness and stiffness of the ag6 it Art De?or:iicd. H. H. JAMES. addition facing east. Alley in rear is highly beneficial. One of the most interesting mechani- ADIRONDA Meals, 35c. Lodgings, 50. Walker's Columbian Livery, jood location, 2 minutes' walk Irom cal processes as now practiced is that i i TRADE MARK Per Day, SI.50. jtreet car line. Price, $900.00; cash A Benefactor. resorted to for the drawing of wire. 32 !•:. JEFFERSON ST. lown $400 00, balance 5 years, interest "I owe more comfort," said Mr. John The rod is received by the wire drawer Wheeler's, S per cent. This is a bargain. son, "to my shoemaker than I do to any in the form of a coil, the rod being of No. 9. House and lot.two blocks from other man." varying section and the coil of a weight depending upon the purpose for which CESS-POOLS Horses Boarded, Hacks to Trains. University, 3 rooms, and hall 9x12, and "Why. how is that," said Mr. Bill- it is intended. One end of the rod is -titchen on first lloor, 2 suites, 2 close's ings, "when you are always complain- —AND— pointed and somewhat reduced by ma- and large attic on second floor, city ing about tight shoes?" chinery, and the coil receives a bath in Orders for Drives, Receptions, water, recently built. Price, $2,300 "Well, every evening when I taV.e off mild acid to remove all oxidation, then $1,200 down, balance to suit puichaser my shoes and put on my slippers, the WATER CLOSETS is washed in lime wat°r to give a draw- POSITIVELY CURES etc., etc., promptly attended to. at 7 per cent. comfort I feel is simply intense!"— ing surface, and finally dried in a suit Youth's Companion. No. 10. House and lot, lot 4x8, twt able oven. When ready for drawing the Carriages to let at reasonable blocks from campus, 9 room house and pointed rod is inserted in one of the HEART DISEASE, EPILEPSY, CLEANED. bath, furnace, city water, splendid lo- One application of Dr. Thomas' Eclec- rates.—Good horses. tric Oil taken away the pain of the holes of a drawing plate, the latter Nervous Prostration, Cess-Pools 21 cents per cubic foot. cation. Price $3,000, half down, balance most severe burn. It is an ideal family being generally of steel thouffc cast Closets 3 cents per cubic foot, or by the to suit. This is cheap. liniment. iron is in some cases used; t'ue drawing Sleeplessness and all derangements of the job. No. 11. For sale or rent, new house holes are conical and the rod is insert- Nervous System. Gooil Rigs, Satisfaction Guar- E. C. MORRIS SAFE CO. ed from the larger end, while on the five rooms and hall, first floor, three i w SHiME IN DARK. enteed. (Incorporated.) suites and closets, second floor, pipec other side of the plate the pointed end CAPITAL - S25O.000. for gas, electric bell and call, furnace Illuminated Bodies Can Be Made in a is seized by power pincers and pulled Unexcelled for Restless Babies. Successors to E. 0. MORRIS & Co. city and cistern water. East Univ.-ave. Simple Way. until enough has been drawn through 64 Sudbury St., Boston, Mass. Rent per month, $27.50. Price, $3,100 to allow of its being passed around JACOB BEX, Some additional experiments have and fastened to a drum or reel which $1,600 cash down; balance to suit. been made in France, it appears, to de- Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free Between 'I. C. Depot and River. is driven by power; of course the rod termine the specific action of a consid from opiates. 100 full size doses, 50c. Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. No. 12. To rent, house 18 rooms is reduced in area and much elongated, erable lowering of temperature upon furnace, bath $48 per month. Eas and this without any perceptible loss ME=GRIM, Univ.-ave. Rent after September 15th the brilliancy of certain bodies which That distressing pain, usually shine in the dark after having been ex- of metal. While passing through the M. n. Bailey, Receiving Teller, Grand Rapids, on one side of the head,known (Mick.) Havings Monk, says he cannot my too posed to. sunlight. Tubes of glass filled plate it is kept lubricated with what as SICK III \l>\< III: No. 13. For sale or rent—new house is called wire drawers' soap or grease; much in favor of "Adironda," Wheeler's Heart quickly relieved and perma- 5 rooms, hall, pantry, china closet, iirs with the powdered sulphides of calcium and Nerve Cure. nentlycured by barium, strontium, etc., all substances and after being drawn through this floor; 3 suites, 5 closets, bath, seconc first hole it is put through a series of For Sale by al] Druggists. DR. WHITEHALL'S floor; oak and Georgia pine finish ; fur- possessing the property of phosphores- nace, gas, city water, cistern and well cence in a high degree, were exposed to smaller holes until it has been brought ME-GRIM-INE, Price, $4,500, $2,000 down, balance to the solar rays and afterward proved down to the requisite '»«. But the I JSE BARNES' INK a safe and sure cure for all to be luminous in the dark, this bein_ compression and disturbance of the *-*/... S. BAENES & CO., 56 E. 10th St., N. Y. headaches, neuralgias or suit at 6 per cent. Rent, $30 per month structure of the rod consequent upon other painful nervous attacks done in such a way as to fix upon WANTED—A Few More Book Agents in any part of the body. Sold Four blocks from University. these reductions have hardened it so the memory the mean value of the pro- in this and adjoining Counties for by druggists. No. 14. New house to be finishecgressive diminution of the emitted light much that at certain stages it is neces- Sept. 15, two blocks from campus; 5 and the time also was noted during sary to stop the process and S3ften the OUR JOURNEY AROUND THE WORLD. rooms first floor, 3 suites and one single which the light was strong, less strong metal by annealing; it is then again 1 A praii new book by REV. FRANCIS E. room, second floor; both mantle and weak, respectively. The tubes were washed in acid, etc., and the drawing ILAKK, President of tlie United Soc. of Chris- AMagazine furnace and closets. All modern con next placed in bright sunlight for one resumed. tian Endeavor. The best chance to make veniences. Price, $2,800; $1,500 down minute and then suddenly introduced money ever offered to all who want profita- ble work. A good Agent in this vicinity Cim Always up balance to suit purchaser. inte a double-walled glass cylinder, the A False Diagnosis. earn$100 a month. ; *? DM i' no hind- Bank Safes, Bank Vmil<«, Bank No. 15. House 7 rooms, bath closets interspace of which was filled with La Grippe is confounded by many rance, for we pay freight. Give Credit, Prem- Vault Doors, and Deposit Works o first floor, two suits, 2 large single nitrous oxide at 140 degrees C. In about persons with a severe attack of catarrh ium Copies, Free Outfit and Exclusive Terri- To Date five or six minutes the temperature which in some respects resembles the tory. For particulars, write to The Best Safe in the World. 150,000 in use. rooms, closets 2d floor. Price $2,800 A. D. WOHTHINKTON Sc CO., Always preserve their contents. tl,500 down, balance to suit purchaser of the tubes was some 100 degrees. They former. These individuals suffer severe- Hartford, C01111., is the one progressive women want. were then withdrawn, and, when ob ly with pain about the forenoon, eyes To help to cook, eat, serve and live Champion Record in all the ttreat Fire No. 16. For sale, house with nine served in a perfectly dark chamber, no WE HAVE NO AGENTS One of the largest and best equipped factorial In and ears, with soarness in throat and -^™ ^^ but ship from our factory at well is the chief aim of the country has Just been erected near Boston, Ttted rooms and closets, furnace, city water luminosity whatever was perceptible. stoppage of the nasal passages, and in wholesale prices. Ship any- lth th barn, fine location. Price $3,000, hal "aere for examination; pay y , .e •atestsnd most Improved tools, which reo- As the tubes recovered their normal fact are incapacitated for work of any ?ight both ways If not satis- aer facilities for manufacturing the best work at th« down. Also vacant corner lot twotemperature, however, the phosphores kind for days at a time. These are ca- factory. IOO styles of th^counttr3' unequalled by any other concern in blocks from campus, price $2,000. cence returned, without the exciting Carriages 90 styles of Table Talk Our aim is to give the best construction and mo tarrhal sufferers. Ely's Cream Balm Harness Send4cts Improvements for the leastamount of money No. 17. Farm of 120 acres for sale or agency of the sun's rays or of diffused has been used with the best results in for 112 page catalogue. the American authority on culinary Estimates and specifications furnished up light. These results were proved to be Kl.kllAHT { tKHIAliE AM) and household topics. It treats of lpication. Vt.KMH WAKT exchange for house in Ann Arbor. Six cases. The remedy will give instant inn Miss nra. < <>.. miles from Ann Arbor and six miles general for all phosphorescent sub relief, No. J18K $3S. W. B. Pratt, See'j, Elklurt, lnd. the economies and necessities of the from Saline. House containing eigh stances employed. The experiments table as well as its luxuries and » CklrheaUr'a Eatflah Diamond Brand. dainties. It gives the latest recipes rooms in good condition, two wells, barn showed, too, that the production of the FOR THOSE BURIED ALIVE. 32x44 with sheds. Also tenant house phosphorescent light requires a certain avd fashions; menus for weddings, movement of the constituent molecules receptions, dinaers, card parties, Dr. Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and with barns, fences A. 1. TENNYROYAL PILLS carefully prepared Remedies, used for years In of bodies. Device to Supply Them With Air—Car Original and Only Genuine. » and all special occasions No. 18. For exchange for Ann Arbor SAFE, always reliable, LAOICS ank A\ private practice and for over thirty years by the Signal the Sexton. Druggist for CMchttttr-t EnQlUh Dia £p\ people with entire succcst. Every single Specific property, a fine residence in Kalama ontl Brand in Red and elas, Eruptions.. .25 $4,500, $1,000 down balance 10 year Curlett's Heave Remedy is a sure cure ed. I saw such a machine yesterday. 1» -Rheumatism, Hheumulic Pains 25 6 per cent. Rent $25 per month. for Heaves in the earlier stages, and It consisted of a long tube running CONSUMPTIVE Liberal Offer 16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 25 warranted to relieve in advanced stages. down through the coffin to the nose of 1 se Par 19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .25 Weak Lug , c We will send as a premium, one 20-Whoopine Cough .25 Guaranteed to cure Coughs and Colds. the supposed corpse. Down this tube KINDERCORfdS. The «nb mre cure 'or Coma Free horse and carriage to fresh air was constantly forced by •iumi a~uain !.'•<•. nt unirW or HISCXX it CO.. 8. Y- yross (12 dozen) of these genuine 27—Kidney Diseases ^25 Chas. Dwyer, ex-Sheriff of Washte- 28—Nervous Debility 1.00 show prospective customers means of a pinwheel attachment over and famous De Long Hooks and naw Co., Mich., says, "I cured two, Eyes (retail value, 90 cents) to every 30—Vriuary AVenknrs!* 25 the grave. On the forehead of the sup 34-Sore Throat, Qulncy, Ulcerated Throat .25 the places advertised. different horses two different years of : posed corpse is placed a large button new subscriber to this magazine. " •'7 " ^ .HUMPHREYS' prim OCp Heaves in early stages by use of Cur- C Parties having property lett's Heave Remedy." of wood, adjusted in such a way that In /» NEW SPECIFIC FOR UnlH, 25 , case the supposed corpse should move PniuplnsmAU botiles of pleasant pellets' just (It which they wish to sell or ren J. M. Allen, proprietor of the Dexter in the grave a sort of foghorn signal Positively|you youl vost pocket. Leader says, "I have used Curlett's Bold l.y Dromtlab, or »•• i.w.m ,«, rM»!pl „! ,,,ir... will find it to their advantagt will be blown up above the ground and have the genuine DE L0NO PAT- PB. Bnfmtf MANUAL im paired, 1 MAII.KD KRKK Thrush Remedy with perfect satisfac- the grave digger summoned. llIMrilllKVS XKD.UI., Ill k 1 it milinm SI. KKWYMOb to consult us before placing tion, having permanently cured a very ENT HOOK AND EYE if you see on bad case of that disease with his Thrush the face and back of every card the their property in the hands o: words • f ~ — SF73CIPTCS. Remedy." Th1 e neglect of a cold is often fatal. an agent. All property wil Curletfs Thrush Remedy is a sure Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup contains See that, be liberally advertised anc cure for Thrush and all rotting away all ihc soothing virtues of the pine. diseases of the feet of stock. One ap-Never fails to cure. every effort possible made tc plication cures ringworm on man or consummate deals. We are inbeast and removes lameness of calked A close observer cannot fail to notice hump? The BEST Plow in the World for the Money or craked hoofs. Applied once a daythe rapidity with which The Chicago- TUMHUIUC naj »(n. ,,^ the business to stay and expec grows them out. Times-Herald has come into general to build up a business secom circulation. Traveling men have, per- Richardson Curlett's Pinworm Remedy, f«. r a haps, better opjwrtunities for observa- A 25 cent package makes £ gallons. to any in Washtenaw county man or beast, is a compound that effect- tion in such matters than any other Sold everywhere. & De Long Bros.,, tualy removes these troublesome par- class, and they are unanimous in de- Philadelphia, asites, which are such a great annoy- claring that The Herald has by far the ance to stock. If bowels are bound up, largest circulation in the west of any Subscription Price, S**.1^!1"1 an? Slde HiU' Allied M one or two doses will put them in prop- Chicago daily. Our newsman, Mr. F. HIRES' Steel Plows of all Sizes and Styles. B. J. CONRAD & CO., er condition. Stofflet reports The Herald a prime fa- $1.00 Per Year. ^MICHIGAN WAREHOUSE AT OETROIT. 18 S. Ingalls-st Curlett's Remedies for sale at H. J.vorite with his patrons, and is steadily, Address, FOR FULL INFORMATION ADDRESS, , Brown's and B. & M. Drug Store. increasing his order for it. TABLE TALK PUBLISHING CO, iaJ Plow Co., BATAVIA. N. Y. l?3 (liisluiit Street. I'tUL MAY 2, 1805 11

weakness easily cured by Chancery Sale. rlnALPr. Miles' Nerve Plasters1 . Probate Order. FORCED TO THE WALL T^EMEMBER there All druggists guarantee Dr. Miles PAIH In pursuance and by virtue of a final The American Hotel tt H^h *O t i " State of Michigan, County of Wash- •*- V are hundreds of brands of order and decree of the Circuit Court tenaw, ss. White Lead (so called) on the Under new management and everything for the County of Washtenaw, in chan- At a session of the Probate Court for new. cery, in the State of Michigan made, the County of Washtenaw. holden at 111E WELL KNO IV X CHICAGO market that are not White Lead, dated and entered on the eleventh day the Probate Office in the City of Ann composed largely of Barytes and Fine table board at moderate rate RINSEY & SEABOLTof March, A. D. 1895, in a certain cause Arbor, on Friday, the 19th day of CLOTII1XG CO. IS COM- therein pending wherein Alice M. De- April, in the year one-thousand eight- other cheap materials. But the the week. PELLED TO CLOSE Forest is complainant and Frank B. hundred and ninety-five. number of brands of genuine NO. 6 and 8 Washington St. DeForost, Erymer E. DeForest. Maud Present, J. Willard Babbitt. Judge G. DeForest and Leonhard Gruner, exe- of Probate. ITS DOORS. Have always on hand a complete Stock Take your meals here while your family cutor, are defendants. Notice is here- In the matter of the Estate of Alfred of everything in the by given that I shall sell at public auc- is out of the city. C. Richards, deceased. Strictly Pure tion, or vendue to the highest bidder, On reading- and filing the petition duly at the south door of the Court House verified, of Carrie G. Richards, praying The Entire Stock Passes Into the in the <-ity of Ann Arbor; said Court Elegant Sunday dinners. that a certain instrument now on tile in White Lead House being the place for holding the this Court,purporting to be the last will Hands of the Union Clothing Co., GROCERY LINE Circuit Court for said County, on and testament of said deceased may be One of the Largest Clothing is limited. The following brands Wednesday the 22nd day of May, A. D. admitted to probate and that adminis- are standard "Old Dutch" process, Csntral Location. STABLER, Prop 1895, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of tration of said estate may be granted Concerns in the United Staffs. said day, all of the following described to herself, the executor in said will and just as good as they were when pieces or parcels of land mentioned named or some other suitable person. sale will open Saturday, April 27, Notlre to Creditors. Teas, Coffees and Sugar and set forth in said decree, to-wit. at 9 a. m., and continue from day to day you or your father were boys: TATE OB' MICHIGAN I Thereupon it is ordered, that Mon- COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. f until the entire stock is turned into cash. S All that part of lot seven, block four day, the 20th day of May next, at ten "Anchor," "Morley," Not ice is hereby Riven, that by an order of north of Huron street, range six east o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for CONDITIONS GOVERNING THIS "Eokstein," " Shipman," the Probate Court for the County of Washte- All prime articles bought for cash and Daw,made on the 22nd day of April, A. D. 1895, that lies on the south-east side of De- the hearing of said petition, and that SALE. " Armstrong & McKelvy," " Southern," six months from that date were allowed for can sell at low figures. Our frequent troit street: also all that part of lot the devisees, legatees, and heirs- Our word is as sood as our bank note. " fieymer-Bauman," " Bed Seal," creditors to present their claims against the large invoices of Teas is a sure sign we eight in said block described as com- at-law, of said deceased, and " Davis-Chambers," •' Collier," estate of Julia A. Clark, late of said give bargains in ^Ve meet you \ipon honor. Anyone mak- county, deceased, and that all creditors of mencing at the north line of said lot all other persons interested in said es- ing a purchase at this sale, no matter "Fahnestook." said deceased are required to preseni their eight in an easterly line to Detroit tate, are required to appear at a ses- how large or how small that purchase FOR COLORS.—National Lead Co.'s Pure claims to said probate court, at the probate Quality and Prices. street, running from thence south- sion of said Court, then to be hi Hen at office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examina- westerly of the easterly line of Detroit may be, and finding it not just as rep- White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to tion and allowance, on or before the 22 day the Probate Office, in the City of Ann resented, can have their money cheer- a 25-pound keg of Lead and mix your own of October next, and that such claims will be We roast our own coffees every week, street five feet, thence south-easterly Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, fully refunded by returning the goods at paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching heard before said court, on the 22nd day of always fresh and good. Our bakery at right angles to Detroit street fifty why the prayer of the petitioner should July, and on the 22nd day of October next, turns out the very best of Bread, Cakes feet, thence north-easterly parallel to once. The company has engaged 75 ex- shades, and insures the best paint that it is at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said not be granted. And it is further perienced sales people that you may get possible to put on wood. days. (64) and Crackers. Call and see us. Detroit street, about nineteen feet to ordered, that said petitioner give notice good and prompt attention, and be kind- Send us a postal card and get our book on Dated, Ann Arbor April 22, A. IX 1895. the north-west corner of William to the persons interested in said estate, ly and courteously treated whether you paints and color-card, free; it will probably J. WILLARD BABBITT.Judge of Probate. mortage Sale. Fohey's land, thence east along the of the pendency of said petition, and buy or not. •ave you a good many dollars. north line of said Fohey's land, to the the hearing thereof, by causing a copy Default having been made in the con- north-east corner of said Fohey's land The well-known Chicago Clothing Co., Chancery Sale. ditions of a certain mortgage hereto- of this Order to be published in THE NATIONAL LEAD CO. thence north to the north line of said ANN ARBOR REGISTER, a newspaper located for the past two years at No. 4 Chicago Branch, In pursuance and by virtue of a de- fore executed and given by Sarah E. Menroe avenue, Detroit, wholesale and cree of the Circuit Court for the County lot eight, thence west to the place of printed and circulated in said county State and Fifteenth Streets, Chicago. ' Calvert to Jessie P. Hunt, dated the beginning according to the original retail dealers in clothing, hats, furnish- of Washtenaw, In Chancery, made and 18th day of July 1887, and recorded in three successive weeks previous to said ing goods and ladies' cloaks and jackets, Or call on Stark & Gartee who carry a entered on the eighth day of October plat of the village (now city) of Ann day of hearing. the office of the Register of Deeds in Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan. has been forced to close its doors on ac- full line of the above lead and tinting 1894, in a certain cause therein pend- and for Washtenaw County, Michigan, J. WILLARD BABBITT. count of the pressure brought to bear Excepting therefrom all that land com- colors, also oil, glass and all painters ing, wherein Caroline Gall was com- July 23, 1887, in Liber 72 of mortgages [A true copy] Judge of Probate. against them by some of their creditors. supplies. 28 E. Washington, Ann Ar- mencing at a point on the north-east WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. 64 By an agreement with the crediters and plainant and Anson J. Gall, Mary Aus- on page 209, which said mortgage was, bor, Mich. tin, Rosa Martin, Lena Hudson, Au- side of Detroit street at the northwest alse the consent of the court, the Union on the 18th day of July 1889, duly as- corner of Andrew Schmid's land, at a P. S.—If you want your house painted gustus F. Gall, Ellen Gall and Emma signed by said Jessie P. Hunt to Leon- mortgage Sale. Clothing Cempany has taken possession right give them a call. point one hundred and fifty four feet of this stock, which consists in all of Gall were defendants, notice is hereby hard Gruner, which said assignment Default having been made iinn the given that I shall sell at public auction to easterly from the intersection of De- about $185,000 worth of merchandise, and was recorded, in said Register Office on troit and North streets, thence south- conditions of a certain mortgage exe- in order that the stock may be turned the highest bidder at the south, or Hu- the 10th day of April 1895 in Liber 12th cuted by Alexander W. Hamilton and ron street entrance of the Court House, easterly at right angles with Detroit into cash at once, and the affairs of the ANOTHER BIG CANAL. of assignments of mortgages on page street forty seven feet, thence north- May Hale Hamilton to the Farmers' and defunct firm settled up, this elegant and in the city of Ann Arbor, State of Mich- 156 upon which said mortgage there is easterly parallel with Detroit street Mechanics' Bank of Ann Arbor, Michi- immense stock is now thrown on the igan (that being the building in which Bristol Likely to follow the Lend of claimed to be due at the date of this nineteen feet, thence northeasterly gan, dated the 22 day of April, 1891, market at retail for any price it will the Circuit Court for the County notice, for principal interest and attor- and recorded in the office of the Regis- tiring. To turn this stock into cash Manchester Enterprise. of Washtenaw is held), on Wednesday, parallel with North street, fifty feet, ney's fee as provided for in said mort- thence northerly at right angles with ter of Deeds for the county of Washte- quickly means a great saving in expenses According to the English journals the the 12th day of June 1895, at ten o'clock gage the sum of six hundred and ninety naw and State of Michigan, on the 22nd to the creditors, therefore cost or value completion of the Manchester ship in the forenoon of said day the follow- North street, nineteen feet, thence and sixty-one and one-hundreds dollars. northeasterly fifty five feet, thence day of April, 1891, in Liber 76 of mort- will not be considered in the disposing canal is likely to spur Bristol to a ing described property, viz: That by said default, the power of sale of these goods. We candidly state with- northwesterly at right angles with gages, on page 257, and which, said similar engineering enterprise, • com- contained in said mortgage has become mortgage, was duly assigned by deed out fear of successful contradiction that petent authoritites having already been All those certain pieces or parcels of Detroit street, sixty two feet to Detroit such prices and such value has never land situate and being in the township operative, and no proceedings at law street, thence southwesterly along the of assignment by the said Farmers' and intrusted with the planning of the best having been insituted to recover the Mechanics' Bank to Andrew J. Sawyer, been the good fortune of the people of tnean3 of providing dock accommoda- of Manchester, County of Washtenaw easterly line of Detroit street one hun- Detroit and vicinity to see previous to and State of Michigan, bounded and de- debt secured by said mortgage. dred and eleven and one-fourth feet to on the 9th day of June, 1893, and which tions on the Avon for the largest ves- said assignment was duly recorded in the this most unexpected failure of the Chi- sels, with an estimate of the probable scribed as follows, viz: The south-west Notice is hereby given that said the place of beginning, being part of cago Clothing Company. The Union Com- corner of the south-west quarter of sec- mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of lots seven and eight in block four North office of the Register of Deeds for the pany has taken this stock to close out. cost. The river Avon, from Bristol to County of Washtenaw. on the 5th day of Avonmouth, is said to resemble a deep tion twenty-one in township four south the mortgaged premises at public ven- of Huron street, range six east accord- We want you to believe in us. We will of range three east, supposed to contain due, to the highest bidder, at the south- ing to the original plat of the village February, 1895, in Liber 12 * of de ail in our power to merit your im- trench some, seven miles long, and at assignments of mortgages, at page no part more than 900 feet wide, so two and thirty one-hundredths acres of erly front door of the Court House, in (now city) of Ann Arbor, Michigan. plicit confidence, and all we ask you to land and bounded as follows: commenc- 99, by which said default the do is to visit this sale, examine the goods, that, when the tide is in, this trench the City of Ann Arbor, in said County Dated Ann Arbor, Mich., March ing seven chains eighty-three links and State, on Saturday the 12th day of 16th, 1895. power of sale contained in said compare the prices, and satisfy yourself is more or less filled with muddy water mortgage has become operative, and no of a depth varying according to the west of the south-east corner of the July A. D. 1895, at ten o'clcck in the that this sale is just as advertised before O. ELMER BUTTERFIELD, suit or proceedings in law having been you make your purchase. Remember, the height of the flood, and, when the tide west half of the south-west quarter of forenoon of that day, to satisfy the Circuit Court Commissioner. instituted to recover the debt secured greater part of thi8 stock consists of is out, the steep black sides are ex- section twenty-one, thence north one amount claimed to be due on said mort- new spring clothing just received by the chain eighty-four links to a stake,thence gage and all legal costs, said mortgaged (64) by said mortgage or any part thereof, posed to a considerable depth, and and the sum of one thousand ninety- Chicago Clothing Co., shortly before th? down in the central hollow a narrow so'uth seventy-seven and one-fourth premises are described as follows: creditors swooped down upon them and 'degrees west, five chains and seventy- All that certain piece or parcel of Chancery Bale. one dollars and sixty-five cents being stream hastens away rapidly to the due for principal and interest, and the closed their doors. mouth; the channel is available fot four links to a stake standing in the land situate and being in the City of In pursuance and by virtue of the de- highway; thence north fifty-eight de- Ann Arbor in the County of Washte- cree of the Circuit Court for the County further sum of twenty dollars and nine- navigation by large ships only at high teen cents, being due for taxes paid in COMPARE THE PRICES IN MEN'S tide, and the idea is to transform the grees west, seven chains ninety-five naw and State of Michigan and desribed of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, in AXD BOYS' CLOTHING. links to a stake in the center of tho as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a Chancery, made and entered on the 24th accordance with the provisions of said sntire estuary of the river into a huge mortgage, and the further sum of Your choice of 1,200 men's good business dock seven miles or so in length, with highway being also a section boundary point in the west line of Mann street day of March, 1894, in a certain cause suits for $2.15, good value at $8.00. line; thence south four chains fifty twenty-five dollars, as solicitor's and at- Your choice of 923 men's black cheviots dock j:ates and a lock entrance run eight rods north of the north-west cor- therein pending, wherein John D. links to the corner between sections ner of Mann and Huron streets, running Mouat is complainant and Fred E. torneys fees, being due as provided for new shades of nut brown, unfinished out in the frame of an immense dam in said mortgage, making a total of worsteds, new spring goods, at $4.25, 900 feet long, stretching right across twenty, twenty-one, twenty-eight and thence north on said west line of Mann Fisher is defendant, notice is hereby worth $12.00. twenty-nine; thence east twelve chains street forty-three and one-third rods, given that I shall sell at public auction, eleven hundred and thirty-six dollars An elegant line of men's suits in light the mouth of the river, pierced by a and eighty-four cents, at the date of gray and brown shades in worsted, serges lock entrance at the north end of the and seventeen links to the place of be- thence west at right angles with said to the highest bidder, at the Southerly and cheviots, elegant made and trimmed ginning. line and parallel with Huron street or Huron street entrance of the court this notice, being claimed to be due on goods, you could not equal elsewhere for passage of ships, and by sluices at the said mortgage. Notice is therefore less than $15.00, now offered for $8.75. south end for the emission of the over- Also that other parcel of land de- about eighteen 18-25 rods to a house,in the city of Ann Arbor,State of line which is six rods east of the west Michigan (that being the building in hereby given, that said mortgage will A most exquisite line of men's imported flow of the river water, outside jettie* scribed as being a part of the west half be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged clay worsted suits in cutaways, Prince to facilitate the warping of vessels iiuu of the north-west quarter of section line of section twenty-nine, thence which the Circuit Court for the County Alberts and sack styles, made ani premises therein described, or soma trimmed equal to any $30.00 merchant tai- the lock and outside breakwaters to twenty-eight and bounded as follows: south parelled with Mann street forty- of Washtenaw is held), on Wednesday, three and one one-third rods, thence the loth day of May, 1895, at three part thereof, at public vendue, on the lor suits, now going for $10.85. protect the entrance channel, inside Beginning at the north-west corner of 11thday of May, 1895, at 10 o'clock a.m. A big line of splendid ail wool dark quays with a sufficient depth of water said section twenty-eight, thence south east to the place of beginning, except- o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the gray and light shades spring overcoats, following described property, viz: All of said day,at the west front dooriof the y worth $12,00, now going for $4.95. to permit the biggest liner to lie along- twelve chains; thence north eighty-five ing a piece of land three rods wide off the north end and running west of Mann that certain piece or parcel of land situ- Court House in the City of Ann Arbor 's durable pants 49c, forth $1.25. side of them, a graving dock adapted degrees and twenty-seven minutes east in said County, that being the place of A big line of men's nice business pants to the largest craft, and a pier for pas- sixteen chains and twenty-one links; street for a road. According to the re- ate, lying and being in the city of in cheviot and black worsted, at 95c, corded plat of said city of Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti. County of Washtenaw and holding the Circuit Court for said cheap at $2.50. sengers. thence east parallel with section line County and State aforesaid. State of Michigan, and described as the County. The premises are described in Your choice of hundreds of men's three chains and six links; thence north said mortgage as follows, to-wit: elepant dress trousers in fancy worsted, eighty-two degrees east four chains and Dated, Ann Arbor, the 12th day of south west quarter of section three (3) and neat patterns in light and dark chev- in township number three (3) south iots at $2.65, equal to any $7.00 tailor- In Sell-Defense seventy; thence north eight chains and April, 1895. All that certain piece or parcel of made pants. eighty-five links; thence north eighty- LEONHARD GRUNER, range seven (7) east: and bounded on land situated and being in the city of you ought to keep your flesh up,- Di- the south by Forest Avenue; west by Your choice of hundreds of children's sease will follow, if you let it go below two degrees east, four chains and seven- Assignee of said Mortgage. Ann Arber, County of Washtenaw and strong suits a* 69c, worth $2.50. ty-five links; thence north one chain; lands of Sarah M. Buland, north by State of Michigan and described as fol- A big assortment of children's blue, a healthy standard. No matter how it F. PlSTORIUS. gray and black cheviot suits at $1.85, thence west on the section line to the Attorney for said Assignee. 72 lands owned by James Morton Teeple lows, to-wit: Lot number four (4) in comes, what you need is Dr. Pierce's on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1884; on cheap at $3.50. Golden Medical Discovery. That is the place of beginning containing twenty Block number one (1) of Hamilton and A handsome line of children's extra three acres be the same more or less. the east by lands of Susan Webster at Rose and Sheehan's Addition to the suits in double and single breasted, greatest flesh-builder known to medical Cliam-ery Sale. the same date, containing four (4) acres rnix eassimeres and worsteds, at $2.35, Also, so much of the north-east City and'township of Ann Arbor, Wash- science far surpassing filthy Cod liver In pursuance and by virtue of a de- of land, more or less, as described in worth $6.00. oil and all its nasty compounds. It's quarter and of the east half of the tenaw Countv, State of Michigan. 1,ail) children's knee pants 15c, worth cree of the Circuit Court for the County Liber 126 of Deeds, on page 27ti, in the Dated, Feb. '7th, 1895. Be. suited to the most delicate stomachs. It north-west quarter of section twenty- of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, In nine as has not been heretofore conveyed office of the Register of Deeds for the A J. SAWYER, A big line of children's all wool knee makes the morbidly thin, plump and Chancery, made and entered on the County of H'ashtenaw, Michigan. Sants 39c, worth $1.00. rosy, with health and strength. to Charles Clark and wife, Charles Wol Assignee of Mortgagee Farmer's and Boys' long pant suits, age 13 to 19, in fourth day of December, 1893, in a cer- Dated, Ann Arbor, March 27th, 1895. Mechanics Bank. 1" and single breasted eassimeres Send for a free pamphlet, or remit 10 cott, James Nowlen and Albert Barns tain cause therein pending, wherein and cheviots, at $2.67, cheap at $6.00. by Samuel Estabrook and his grantors O. ELMER BUTTERFIED, LORENZO SAWYER, cents (stamps) and get a book of 168 Stoddard W. Twitchell is complainant Atty. for Assignee. 62 A large line of men's mackintosh cape pages with testimonials, addresses and or one of them, together with all the Circuit Court Commissioner, Washte- •coats, warranted waterproof, at $3.95, and Elias W. Hobbs and Harriet Hobbs nawCounty, Michigan. worth $9.00. Children's shirt waists 16c, portraits. Address, World's Dispensary right to raise the lake upon said premi- are defendants, notice is hereby given BOWEN, DOUGLAS, & WHITNEY, TATE OF MICHIGAN I „ worth 35c. Medical Association, 663 Main Street, ses to its full and highest level and to that I shall sell at public auction to the COUNTC Y OK WASHTENAW. \ ** 1,000 men's and boys' sweaters at 25c, 63 Solicitors for Complainants. S Buffalo, N. Y. enjoy the outlets therefrom and the highest bidder at the South or Huron To Circuit Court Washtenaw Co. worth 50c. water power of said lake, which is Here is a sample of the way men's and street entrance of the Court House in H. Dreyer, vs. Neva Dreyer, In chan- •boys' furnishing goods and hats and caps Kupture or breach, permanently reserved by the grantors of the said the city of Ann Arbor, State of Michi- ittorcgage Sale. are being sacrificed: cery order of Publication for non-resi- cured withont the knife. Address, for Samuel M. Estabrook in the several gan, (that being the building in which Default having been made in the con- dent Defendant. Men's unlaundered white shirts 24c, conveyances of adjacent land. worth 50c. pamphlet and references, World's Dis- the Circuit Court for the County of dition of a mortgage executed by Will- Suit pending in the circuit court for Your choice of over 2,000 highest grade pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, Dated, April 18th, 1895. Washtenaw is held), on Wednesday,the iam Coulson to Marinda L. White, the Connty of Washtenaw, in Chancery spring neckwear, teveks, four-in-hand and O. ELMER BUTTERFIELD, flowing ends at 15c and 25c, worth from N. Y. 5th day of June, 1895, at ten o'clock in bearing date July 14th, A. D. 1883, and at the City of Ann Arbor, on the 11th. 3oc to $1. Circuit Court Commisssioner, Wash- the forenoon of said day the following recorded in the office of the Register of day of March. 1895. It satisfactorily- Men's seamless socks 4c pair, 7 pairs tenaw County, Michigan. Deeds for Washtenaw County, Michi- for 25c. An Invention for an Idle Hour. described property, viz: appearing to the court by affidavit on It is well to cultivate patience, says A. J. WATERS, All those certain pieces or parcels of gan, July 16th, A. D. 1883 in Liber 57 file, that the defendant Neva Dreyer, is Men's and boys' spring underwear 19c, Solicitor for Complainant. (67) of mortgages on page 463, by which de- worth 50c. the London Graphic. This seems a trite land situated in the township of York not a resident of this state, but resides Men's fine Balbrigan merino underwear in the County of Washtenaw and State fault the power of sale contained in in some other part of said state, on mo- *tej worth $1.00. axiom; applied to cards, however, it said mortgage became operative, and tion of A. G. Kingsbury, complainant'* Men's silk web suspenders 12c, worth has a new signification. Marie An- Probate Order. of Michigan and described as follows to- *><-*; boys', 5c pair. wit: The west half of the west half of no suit or proceeding in law or equity solicitor, it is ordered that the said de- toinette was fond of games of patience, (JTATE OF MICHIGAN, » M having been instituted to recover the . Mtn's fine half hose in brown and ^COUNTY OF WASHTENAW. ( the north-west quarter of section thirty- fendant Neva Dreyer cause her appear- clack, 13c, worth 35c. and ex-Empress Eugenie played pa- two (32) also the north half of the north- debt secured by said mortgage or any ance to be entered herein, within three Men's linen collars 6c, cuffs 9c, cellu- At a session of the Probate Court for part thereof, and the sum of seven loid collars 8c. tience every morning, and those of us the county of Washtenaw, holdenat the west quarter of the south-west quarter (3) months from date of this order, and Men's working shirts 16c, worth 40c. who know and practice some of the 130 of said section thirty-two (32). Also hundred and eleven dollars ($711) being in case of her appearance that she Men's percale shirts, spring styles, Probate Office in the city of Ann Ar- now claimed to be due on said mort- bor, on Thursday the 11th day of April another parcel of land bounded cause her answer to complainant's bill 3Sc, worth $1.00. various games which are mentioned in gage, notice is, therefore, hereby given of complaint to be filed, and a copy 2.000 fine linen handkerchiefs, plain and the treatise on the subject may well in the year one thousand eight hundred and described as follows: Commenc- that said mortgage will be foreclosed embroidered, going at 5c, worth 20e. and ninety-five. ing at the south-east corner of the west thereof to be served on said complain- A large line of traveling bags and find solace and amusement in an en- by a sale of the mortgaged premises ant's solicitor, within twenty days after satchels will be sold at 25c on the dollar. grossing, if unsociable, pastime. Those Present, J. WILLARD BABBITT, half of the south-west quarter of said therein described, or some part thereof, service on her of a copy of said bill, and .Men's and boys' blue cloth yacht caps section thirty-two (32) running from twilight moments when reading is im- Judge of Probate. to-wit: notice of this order; and that in defaillt w. worth 50c. In the matter of the estate of Edward thence west along the south line of said 0 men's and boys' soft hats, spring possible or the brain is weary, those thereof, said bill be taken as confessed s'yles, 33c, worth from 75c to $1. Burns, deceased. section thirty-one (31) rods thence north All of the lollowing described land dull half hours of the evening when by the said non-resident defendant. A big line of new fedoras and stiff Ann Burns, executrix, of said estate, on a line parallel to the east line of the situated in the township of Lyndon, in And it is further ordered, that within hats going at 49c, worth $1.50. conversation is exhausted, or the mis- west half of said south-west quarter sec- Washtenaw county and state of Michi- Men's fine fur, stiff hats and felt comes into court and represents that twenty days after the date thereof, the tedoras In Knox, Dunlap and Youman tress of the house is alone by the fire- he is now prepared to render her final tion about twenty-six rods or far enough gan, viz; said complainant cause a notice of this Block, regular price $3.00, now $1.25. side, are infused with a new zest and account as such executrix. so that a line extended east from that The Northwest quarter (N. W. 1-4) of order to be published in the ANN AR- 1*8 splendid sweaters in blue, black a fresh delight by the game of patience. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tues- j point to the east line of the west half the Southeast quarter (S. E 1-4) and BOR REGISTER, a newspaper printed, tan colors, at 40c, dead cheap at the Northeast quarter (N. E. 1-4) of the "•SO. Men's gun coats $1.95, worth 13.60. The possibilities are endless, the in- day, the 14th day of May next at ten o'- of said south-west quarter section published and circulated in said county, We have also about 1,.">()!) ladies' cloaks, clock in the forenoon bo assigned for shall include five acres in the south- Southeast quarter (S. E. 1-4) and sixty- and that such publication be continued Ca numerable combinations require I'es and jackets in spring styles, which examining and allowing such account, east corner of the west half of the south three iiilii acres off of the South part of in for at least once in each week will be slaughtered at about 20c on the thought, and the minutes slip away un- dollar of their first cost. and the devises, legatees and heirs-at- west quarter of said section thirty-two the Northeast fractional quarter (X. E, for seven (7) weeks in succession, or jjoOO ladies' gauze vests at 8c, worth 25c. consciously as one hangs eagerly over law of said deceased, and all other per- (32). And another parcel commencing tl. 1-4) all on section No. fifteen (15,) in that the plaintiff cause a copy of this The above is but a sprinkle of the thou- the chances of the palm-leaf patience sons interested in said estate, are re- in the east line of the west half of township No. one (l)Southin range No. Order to be personally served on said Is of bargains found at this three (3) Kast and containing one hun- wonderful s;i]r. You must see the goods or the Reussite de Marie Antoinette. quired to appear at a session of said the south-west quarter of said section nun-rosident defendant at least twenty •° appreciate bargains. Besides which it has one especial vir- Court, then to be holden at the Probate thirty-two (32) at a point about twenty- drod and forty-three acres of land more (20) days before the above time pre- or less, excepting and reserving there tue—it does not require, like bizique, (>ffioe, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said six (26) rods north from the south lino scribed for her appearance. ('ounty, and show cause, if any there be, of said section, and at the north line of from the South sixty-three acres of the The Union Clothing Company makes chess, or even Halma, more than one Northeast quarter (N. K. 1-4) of section ial Offer to Customers living a why the said account should not be al- thefi ve acre piece above described run- A. G KING8BTOY, • E. 1). KlNNE, "'stance from Detroit, namely: Every player; it has variety, interest, novelty, lowed : And it is further ordered that ning thenoe north on said east line No. fifteen (15) in township So. one (1) Complainant's Solicitor. CircuitJudge. i'-r after purchasing goods and makes no exorbitant demand on said executrix give notice to the South in range No. three (3) East, 'o the amount of $10 at this sale and about ninety-four (94) rods to the south- Countersigned, WM. DANBINGBURO, the intellect. Altogether an excellent persons interested in said estate, ing said township of Lyndon, excepting (62) by T. J. DANSIXGBUKO. iting this paper to the cashier, east corner of the above described the South six acres of said last men- will have the amount of bis railway invention for an idle hour or the bed- of the pendency of said account and the twenty acre tract, thence west along •are paid one way, not to exceed 60 tioned land, intending hereby to except side of an invalid who is too listless hearing thereof, by causing a copy of the south line of that tract fourteen 4 »kts, pop •"lies from Detroit, and on purchase this order to be published in the ANN from said first described lands fifty- "t $18 or over, his railway fare will to work', too weary to read, and too rods or far enough so that to extend a be paid both ways. ARBOR REGISTER a newspaper printed seven acres of land more or less hereto- 4 CHOICE ROSES Seed w i I h weak to write. line south to the five-acre piece above fore conveyed to Daniel Scriptor, at Cat. and Cultural Directions 30 ot». 1 Boss . N. B.—Present this paper after you and circulating in said County, three described shall include a strip of land andnkt 9e .1 with Catalogue. 10 rt>. WM. "ave made your purchase and before successive weeks previous to said day public vendue on Friday, the 12th >'°u have paid for your goods, so you containing eight acres; all in said sec- B. ltKUn, BOX303.— riianibcmburg, Pa. will be sure to get your railway fare. of hearing. day of July next, at ten o'clock in the Always mention Oils paper when you writ* English Spavin Liniment removes tion thirty-two (32) in said township of forenoon, at the east front door of the me- all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and J. WILLIARD BABBITT, York with the hereditaments there court house in the city of Ann Arbor, Blemishes from horses, Blood Bpavins, Don'a t forget the number, 4 Monroe ave., Judge of Probate unto belonging or in anywise apper- in said county of Washtenaw, that be- WHEAT JbEKD Y' r the Soldiers' Monument. Store open ?urb8, Splints, Sweeny, King-Bone, taining. Dated, Ann Arbor, April 10, 111 11 in the evening. (A true copy.) ing the placo of holding the circuit For stock raisers, sheep feeders, poul~ Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, WM. G. DOTY, 1895. UNION CLOTHING CO. court in said county. try men and dairy men, sold at a bar Coughs, etc Save $50 by use of one Probate Register. (63) JOSEPH F. WEBB, Dated, April 17th, A. D. 1895. bottle. Warranted the moat wonder- gain. Call on or address, care of An Circuit Court Commissioner, Washte- chor Works. ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold Pain has no show with Dr. Miles' °ui« Pills naw County, Michigan. MARINDA L. WHITE, Children Cry for by John Moore, Druggist Ann Arbor Monthly t»alDscured by Dr Miles' Pain Pills. N. W. CHEEVEK, Mortgagee. I'VIVi: BROS. A CO,, Dr. MiUa' Nervo PUfl^rw •?*• -t »I1 *rm " - CRAMER & CRAMER, Klver Rouge, Mich. Pitcher's Castoria* 92 i*t Allies fain PUls stop Ueadacno. Solicitors for Complainants. (66) Attorney. (72) aJMJM AHBOit KJSGlSiTm TKURSDAl MAY 2, 1895,

A BACKWARD SPRING, HE LONGS FOR PIE. ^ K. WILLIAMS, Follovvlug a Severe Winter, Bring* Blood Diseases, Nervous Beranue- Away With Foreign Cooks Who Won't THE TUB THAT STANDS "Attorney at Law, Milan, BIIcli. uieuts and < lironle Catarrh. Serve Mince and Pumpkin. Money loaned for outside parties.All Never was there a greater demand I must protest ~.vith great vehemence legal business given prompt attention. against the prejudice—a consequence of for spring medicines—something to ignorance—sustained here by the chefs W. S. MOOBE, cleanse the blood or strengthen the of first-class restaurants against the pie of pumnkin and the pie of mince. ON ITS OWN BOTTOM nerves or regulate the digestion. Is Best Route It Is or.Is on rare occasions that you DENTIST! there any medicine so good for these may order and get a section of either Work rone In all forms of modem dentistry. purposes as Pe-ru-na? Thousands of pumpkin or mince pie at Delmonico's, Crown aid Bridge work a specialty. Satisfaction doctors, druggists and tens of thousands the St. James, the Waldorf or the Southeast Ouarauteed. ol people of all classes and vocations Brunswick. Ev^ery sort of fruit or cream (U. OF M. GRADUATE.) pie makes its appearance from time to have long ago decided this question- time on the cartes du jour of these 26 South Main St., - - - Ann Arbor that Pe-ru-na has no equal in these ca- restaurants, bat that beautiful sunflow- South ses. Poor, shrunken dyspeptics become er of pastry, the "punkin," and that be- WM. W. NICHOLS, wildering- apotheosis of American in- strong, vigorous and hearty after a few dependence, the mince pie, sel- bottles of it. People who are blotched, dom form a part of the Gal- Dental Parlors ! pimpled, sallow and sluggish rever fail lio collections, I trust that I shall Southwest always be able to eat and value the to find a course of Pe-ru-na to clear the OVER SAVINGS BANK OPPO- splendors of French cookery without SITE COURT HOUSE SQUARE. skin, invigorate the system and enrich peptic accompaniment or subsequent re- is the the blood. Chronic catarrh in all pha-grets, but, as an American citizen, I demand that the national discs of de- ABTHUR J KITJSOW, ses and stages, cases that have defied the best of treatment for many years, light, the mince and pumpkin pies, be Louisville retained upon their pedestals and flash- take a few bottles of Pe-ru-na for their ed under our eager eyes whenever our Contractor and Bu Ider! entire relief. Nervousness, debility, souls send forth a cry for them. I should and weaknesses of both sexes, sleeplessness, make it a misdemeanor on the part of Esf males furnislicd on all kinds of Architec- irritability,despondency, hypochondria, a restaurant keeper not to include these ture. Residence and Shop, 21 Geddes-ave pies in his daily menu, punishable with all these disappear when Pe-ru-na is a fine and imprisonment. I have lately I Nashville used according to directions. called for "punkin" pie at Delmonico's TM N.K.FAIRBANK COMPANY™"*- One of the first and most instructive and the St. James, and at both places Choice Meats I was told they had only plum and cua Railroad books ever furnished free, is being tard. What a deadly insult to offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO send by The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufac- in American! We can dispense with all PROSPECTIVE SETTLERS. turing Company, Columbus, O. This the truffid Intricacies known to the are the product of skilled Cor. Wiicliliimoii-M., and Fif'tb-ave. Vrench culinary art before we can part book is very instructively illustrated with the props and buttresses of our workmen, and rank with Full information cheerfully furnished Onr aim is to ple«K> our customers by always upon application to handling tbe vtry Choicest Mtats that the ma. ket with expensive drawings of the human constitution, the pie of beautiful pump- aflbrds. ^^^^ body, and will be send free to any ad kin and its cousin of magnificent mince. Victor Bicycles in quality. JACKSON SMITH, WT. Pass, iff., Cincinnati, 0. • Town Topics. C. P. ATMOEE, Ben'l Pass. Ant., Louisville, Ky. dress for a short time. Sent also a copy w \ 1 rlL*Ll II W We make the best base- of The Family Physician No. 2, a com- V, balls, baseball bats, base- F. W. BLAKE plete treatise on catarrh, colds, coughs, Relief In Six Hours. la grippe and consumption. Distressing Kidney and Bladder di- ball gloves and mitts, tennis DENTIST For free book on cancer address Dr. seases relieved in six hours by the "SEW GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KID- rackets, tennis balls, tennis Over Brown's Drug Store. S. W. Cor- Hartman, Columbus, Ohio. 1 NEY CURE" This new remedy is a nets, racket presses, racket cases, boxing gloves, footballs, net . Main and Huron-ets., Ann Arbor, great surprise on account of its exceed- Mich. ing promptness in relieving pain in football suits, football and gymnasium shoes, gymnasium BRET HARTE'S DAUGHTER. the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in supplies, sweaters, etc. We guarantee better goods for less Shoe Repairing! She Is Ono of the Most Promising Young male or female. It relieves retention ..THE None better in the city. All work Lady Artists of New York. or water and pain in passing it almost money than asked by other manufacturers. If your local promptly done. Moderate prices. Ot>en A ri-'.ng- artist in this city is Miss immediately. If you want quick re- dealer does not keep Victor Athletic Goods, write for our all the year around. I solicit a share of Jessamy Hajte, tbe eldest daughter of lief and cure this is your remedy. Sold your, patronage. Bret Harte, says a New York paper. She by John Moore, Druggist Ann Arbor illustrated catalogue. is 22 years of age, and very pretty. Her THOMAS SPEECHLY, mother was a Miss Griswold of Califor- nia, a clever and Kifted girl, with great IN FRANCE. East Liberty, Near State. linguistic and musical accomplishments. Bret Harte's two eldest children, both Formalities Lovettn unit to Observe Be- OVERMAN WHEEL CO. of them boys, were born in San Fran- Oil and Gasoline f--re They May Wed. Makers of Victor Bicycles and Athletic Goods. cisco. The Hartes then moved to New Lovers cannot enter lightly into wed- York and it was there Jessamy and her BOSTON. CHICAGO. DETROIT. lock in Prance. A hasty marriage is NEW YORK. DENVER. Brought to Your Door Bister Ethel were born. The family at PACIFIC COAST. Without bothe ing to order every time l'i nt is living In Plainfleld, N. J., a legal impossibility. The formalities you are out. where for a number of years the mar- that must i:e complied with before the SAN FRANCISCO. LOS ANGELES. PORTLAND. Drop a Postal Card, ried sister of Bret Harte has had a mayor may tie the knot sometimes ex- Or call upon me at S. W. Corner of E. Wash ng lovely old-fashioned residence. Miss tend over several months. Only the ton and S. Fifth-aye, and leave your order ai.d I Harte, when a very little girl, used to civil marriage is recognized in law. will Keep you supplied at lowest rates. draw funny images and pictures of Our own form of marriage by priest or m. i.miiiui:. queer children on the margin of the minister is regarded by French law as GREAT VALUE WEEKLY KEWS leaves of all her books. She was a practical !y a civil ceremony, as it in- dreamer. She would sit for hours per- volves filing a certificate with the RUGS! RUGS! fectly quiet when a little child, absorbed board of health. Under the French law in thoughts all her own. Of a sudden, FOR OF THE WORLD Save Your Old Carpets she would ask for a pencil and paper. a girl may not marry until she is aftei The "thoughts" would then appear 15 years old and a man until he is more LITTLE MONEY. FOR A TRIFLE. BEAUTIFUL, ORNAMENTAL AND DURABLE thereon, in the shape of roses, jessa- than 18. If the girl has been betrayed RUGS mine and English violets, or else pic- this section of the law is not opera- tures of pretty children, always made tive. Men under 25 and women under Made from them. Any size, from half a with winars. 21 must have the consent of their fa- yard to three yards wide. Any length desired. Write for circulars. thers and mothers. After that age the The NewjYork Weetiy^Tribune, A strictly high-grade Family Sewing consent of the father alone Is neces- Machine, possessing all modern THE I*. M. PETERS, CARPET Xlie Secret of Success. < I.I » MM. AND (II «. MFC CO., sary. The father may withhold his improvements. What is it? One answer, and a good consent for three months. Tbe son or 47 Clinton Ave., Detrlot. Mieh one. is practically illustrated in the A' twenty-page journal, is the leading Republican family paper of the Unite< the daughter must ask him three States. It is a National Family Paper, and gives all the general news of the GUARANTEED EQUAL TO THE BEST prosperity of one of Detroit's finest Drv times. If he refuses the third time and Goods Houses. Of course, we refer to United States. It gives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its "• Agri- JPrloes very reasonable. Obtain them both are of legal age they may be mar- from your local dealer and inake ATTENTION! W. N. Winans & Co., whose attractive cultural" department has no superior in the country. Its "Market Reports' comparisons. announcement appears in another col- ried without the paternal blessing. are recognized authority. Separate departments for "The Family Circle,' umn. Our lady readers should read care- When the woman is 25 and the man is "Our Young Folks," and "Science and Mechanics." Its "Home and Ho- ELDREDGE MANUFACTURING CO, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! tully every word of the advertisement. 30 they are required to ask the father dety" columns command the admiration of wives and daughters. Its genera When you A'ant anything in the It will well repay persual. Buyers only twice. The asking must be political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and ex BELVIDERE, ILL. line of once there are buyers always. iY2 through a notary, who makes an offi- haustive. ^""Hfer" I 1 T?W>» CZjE^fcC^L . CZJ 1 cial record of the fact. After the man Tonsorial Work, Happiness. has passed 30 and the woman 25 years A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this [splendid journal and. You are invited to call upon How much the possession of happl» the law supposes that they have ac- Ihe Register for Cifliplexici! Preserved KELLY & JOHNSON, ness depends upon the point of view quired enough wisdom not to need the we choose to take in seeing things'. She sanction of their parentt. After hav- DR. HEBKA'S 13 K. ANN STREET, who determines to look upon the bright ing waited for the approvxl of the head side of affairs will generally find that One Year For Only $1.25, Our work is first-class. Satisfaction Guaran- of the home and received it the patient teed. some brightness is visible; she who VIOLA CREAM i wants to point out to herself and others I-'rench lovers must post at the mairie Removes Freckles, Fimplos that discouragements abound, can, as of their arrondissement (each ward in CASH IN ADVANCE. Liver - f.'idcj Bwckhoade, Sunburn and Ten. Mid re> JOHN BAUMGARDNER, a rule, succeed, to her own satisfaction Paris has its mayor) on two successive stores the f'.iii to its orisi- Dealer in American and Imported in the gloomy pursuit. There is such Sundays the announcement that Ar- • The regular subscription for the two papers is $2.00) cal freshness, i> i •". a thing as curbing one's natural ten- mand is going to marry Suzette and clear and healthy cotr.-i' dency to depression and in wholesome that if anybody has any objection he or . htrmlest. At all fashion casting lamentable melancholy she shall file it with the mayor or h's BE33 tSubsrrlptioiis JTTay Begin at Any Time. uggii GRANITES! out of doors. And one means to this i Joi Ctrculur and all kinds of end is mentally and spiritually to out- assistant. If nobody has objection the VIOLA SKIN SOAP I" liaplr inrmni»»i>y •> t lovers may be united three days after 4dn j . " toilet, And Wtl.nit t grow the necessity of being happy. The Address all orders to rlTal 1. r I : lid-'elj n.--U. BUILDING STONE! less one thinks of the deprivations and the posting of the second notice. If c-Mi. Atiiraaiui, Pries 25 Conte. lack of those conditions which are com- there should be objection the mayor THE REGISTER G. C. BITTNE?5 4. CO.. TOLEDO. O- monly supposed to be requisites of hap- looks into it. This investigation is Cemetery Work piness, and the less one cultivates a systematic and may take another spirit of restless pursuit of happiness— Wnte your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, A SPBCIAI/Tf week—maybe more. If the objection Boom g, Trihime Building, N