
Vol 444 | 7 December 2006 | doi:10.1038/nature05345 LETTERS

Oxidation of the Ediacaran Ocean

D. A. Fike1, J. P. Grotzinger1{, L. M. Pratt2 & R. E. Summons1

Oxygenation of the ’s surface is increasingly thought to have Here we present and sulphur isotope data from the Huqf occurred in two steps. The first step, which occurred 2,300 mil- Supergroup (Fig. 1; see Supplementary Information for detailed dis- lion (Myr) ago, involved a significant increase in atmo- cussion of the data). All data were collected from cuttings in the spheric oxygen concentrations and oxygenation of the surface Miqrat-1 well (Supplementary Fig. S1), previously established as ocean1,2. A further increase in atmospheric oxygen appears to have one of the most representative subsurface sections of Huqf strata16. taken place during the late period3,4 ( 800– The Shuram Formation preserves a .15% negative excursion in 13 542 Myr ago). This increase may have stimulated the evolution d Ccarb, reaching a minimum of about 212%. The excursion spans of macroscopic multicellular and the subsequent radi- ,500 m of stratigraphic section16 and is the largest known perturba- ation of calcified invertebrates4,5, and may have led to oxygena- tion to the global carbon cycle in Earth history. tion of the deep ocean6. However, the nature and timing of The Shuram excursion is fundamentally different from all known 13 Neoproterozoic oxidation remain uncertain. Here we present d Ccarb excursions (for example the Marinoan cap carbonate, the high-resolution carbon isotope and sulphur isotope records from Ediacaran/ boundary and the / boundary), 13 the Huqf Supergroup, Sultanate of Oman, that cover most of the in that d Ccarb reaches well below the mantle value of about 26%. 13 Ediacaran period ( 635 to 548 Myr ago). These records indicate Because d Ccarb values below 26% cannot readily be explained by that the ocean became increasingly oxygenated after the end of the changes in organic carbon burial or isotope fractionation during , and they allow us to identify three distinct carbon fixation4, the Shuram excursion was initially attributed to 13 16,21 stages of oxidation. When considered in the context of other diagenetic alteration of the d Ccarb signal . However, standard records from this period7–15, our data indicate that certain groups methods of assessing diagenesis (see Supplementary Fig. S2a, b, of eukaryotic organisms appeared and diversified during the sec- and discussion in Supplementary Information) indicate that these 13 ond and third stages of oxygenation. The second corresponds samples retain primary d Ccarb values. Furthermore, the Shuram with the Shuram excursion in the carbon isotope record16 and excursion is now documented in more than 30 sections in Oman, seems to have involved the oxidation of a large reservoir of organic covering a region in excess of 105 km2 with little variation in either carbon suspended in the deep ocean6, indicating that this event magnitude or duration16,21,23. Additionally, potentially correlative may have had a key role in the evolution of eukaryotic organisms. excursions have been found across the globe: the Doushantuo Our data thus provide new insights into the oxygenation of the Formation, China9; the Wonoka Formation, Australia13; the Ediacaran ocean and the stepwise restructuring of the carbon6,16,17 Johnnie Formation, USA14; and the , Namibia15 (Fig. 2). and sulphur cycles3,18,19 that occurred during this significant per- Taken together, they indicate strongly that the Shuram excursion iod of Earth’s history. is a primary record of an unprecedented perturbation to the global The Huqf Supergroup provides one of the best-preserved, most carbon cycle. continuous sections of Ediacaran-age strata20 (Fig. 1). The Abu Unlike younger carbon isotopic anomalies that are expressed by 13 13 Mahara Group contains Marinoan-equivalent (,635-Myr-old) gla- d Ccarb in carbonate sections and d Corg (organic carbon) in silici- cial deposits (Fiq Formation and associated Hadash cap carbonate) clastic sections, the Shuram excursion has been identified only in that overlie ,800-Myr-old crystalline basement7. Nafun Group sedi- carbonate sections9,13–16,24. Given the absence of covariation in 13 13 ments were deposited in a regionally extensive sag basin under open, d Corg with d Ccarb during the Shuram excursion reported here shallow marine conditions, and each formation can be traced and from the Wonoka Formation in Australia13, the excursion would laterally for several hundred kilometres21. Nafun strata (see be undetectable in Shuram-equivalent siliciclastic strata, which 13 Supplementary Information for a detailed discussion of lithostrati- require d Corg for chemostratigraphy. This may explain why the graphy) comprise two clastic-to-carbonate shallowing-upward suc- Shuram excursion has not been found in more Ediacaran sections cessions (Masirah Bay Formation–Khufai Formation; Shuram (for example siliciclastic-dominated sections such as the Formation–Buah Formation) with an unconformity across the Windermere Supergroup, ). Khufai–Shuram boundary that probably includes the interval of The data presented here indicate progressive oxidation of the ,580 Myr ago (ref. 22). Global correlation of Ediacaran ocean in three stages after the end of Marinoan glaciation. 13 d Ccarb (carbonate, see Supplementary Information for carbon These successive stages occur well after the last of the extreme and sulphur isotope nomenclature) anomalies provides two age con- Neoproterozoic glaciations9 and before the extinction and sub- straints for the Buah Formation (Fig. 1): ,550 Myr for the mid-Buah sequent evolutionary radiation across the Ediacaran/Cambrian (correlation with , China7,9), and ,548 Myr boundary20. The first stage of oxidation occurs in the Khufai and for the upper Buah (correlation with Nama Group, Namibia7,8). Masirah Bay formations above the Marinoan-equivalent Hadash These correlations are supported by multiple ages7 spanning 541– cap carbonate. In the Hadash cap, Dd34S, the difference between 547 Myr ago obtained from the overlying Ara Group. 34 34 coeval d SSO4 (carbonate-associated sulphate) and d Spyr (pyrite)

1Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA. 2Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405, USA. {Present address: Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA. 744 © 2006 Nature Publishing Group NATURE | Vol 444 | 7 December 2006 LETTERS

(Fig. 1e), ranges from 1% to 12%. These low values, consistent with unconformity prevents meaningful comparison between data from those found above the coeval Marinoan diamictite in Namibia19, the base of the Shuram and those from the top of the Khufai. The 13 indicate marine sulphate concentrations ([SO4]) of less than absence of a parallel negative excursion in d Corg suggests that pools 200 mM (ref. 25), which prevents the expression of significant iso- of organic carbon and dissolved inorganic carbon in the Ediacaran 13 topic fractionation during bacterial sulphate reduction (BSR). ocean were effectively decoupled, such that excursions in d Ccarb, Throughout the Masirah Bay and Khufai formations above the cap which reflects the dissolved inorganic carbon pool—the source for carbonate, Dd34S increases gradually to ,35%, recording an increase carbon fixation of coeval organic matter—were not recorded in 13 6 to [SO4] . 200 mM and unlimited expression of BSR fractionation. d Corg of syndepositional sediments . Our trends agree with the 6 13 Although it is difficult to gauge the magnitude of the increase in observation of an overall absence of covariation between d Corg 18,19 13 [SO4], reports of Ediacaran and early Cambrian enrichment and d Ccarb in a global compilation of Neoproterozoic data from 34 and variability in d SSO suggest that [SO4] did not exceed ,730 to 555 Myr ago. With decoupled carbon reservoirs, negative 4 13 ,5 mM (ref. 26), which is appreciably lower than the modern value excursions in d Ccarb can result from the oxidation of part of a much of 28 mM. Two key fluxes for regulating [SO4] are riverine sulphate larger DOC reservoir represented by the deep ocean, and their ampli- 13 derived from pyrite oxidation (source) and marine reduction of tude is limited by d Corg (about 230%) rather than mantle com- sulphate to sulphide (sink). Because these fluxes both depend directly position (about 26%) as in a steady-state model. (Here and on oxygen concentrations, increased [SO4] probably correlates with throughout the text, the term DOC is used to refer to a large reservoir increased oxygen availability. It is likely that the increase in [SO4] of organic carbon (not the result of coeval primary production) above the cap carbonate is in part the recovery from a glacially suspended in the deep ocean; use of the term DOC is not intended induced drawdown of sulphate concentrations19. However, on the to distinguish between truly ‘dissolved’ organic carbon and sus- basis of ,610-Myr-old detrital zircons in the upper Khufai7,27 the pended colloidal or fine particulate organic carbon.) This vast 34 13 minimum time represented by the increase in Dd S in stage I strata organic reservoir would effectively buffer coexisting d Corg through overlying the ,635-Myr-old Marinoan cap carbonate is ,25 Myr adsorption on siliciclastic particles and/or during carbonate precip- and therefore probably records an increase in atmospheric oxygen itation in significant excess of the influx of detritus from primary in addition to any effects associated with deglaciation. This increase production. At the initiation of the Shuram excursion, this adsorp- in Dd34S constitutes the first stage (Fig. 1, stage I) of Ediacaran oxida- tion would have to contribute $90% of TOC to mask the signal of tion observed in the Huqf sediments. Throughout stage I strata, d13C-depleted primary organic matter. However, because the organic 13 13 d Ccarb and d Corg were not coupled. reservoir is depleted through progressive oxidation, the relative con- 13 13 The second stage (Fig. 1, stage II) of Ediacaran oxidation corre- tribution of coeval d C-depleted primary production to d Corg sponds to the duration of the Shuram excursion and encompasses increases; this is observed (Fig. 1b) in the upper portion of stage II 13 the Shuram and lower Buah formations. Although these strata lie as d Corg decreases from about 226% to about 231%. As the immediately above the Khufai, the likely presence of a significant organic reservoir is finally oxidized, the onset of covariation in

GroupFormationLithologyAge (Myr) a b c d e ~548 III

~550 Buah

II Nafun



100 m

Khufai I



ir ~635 –12 –6 0 6 –35 –30 –25 15 20 25 30 –30 –15 0 15 0 30 60 δ13C δ13C δ34S δ34S ∆δ34S

carb org so4 pyr


Ghad Abu Mahara Abu

Glaciogenic Sandstone Limestone diamictite Calcareous shale Dolostone

Figure 1 Huqf Supergroup showing geochronological, palaeobiological 13 a 13 b 34 c 34 d | Data plotted are d Ccarb ( ), d Corg (TOC) ( ), d SSO4 ( ), d Spyr ( ) and and chemostratigraphic contraints. 34 5 34 2 34 e The Hadash cap carbonate lies Dd S d SSO4 d Spyr ( ). The dashed line at 46% indicates the immediately above the Ghadir Manqil glacial diamictite and conformably maximum fractionation associated with BSR. The 2s error bars for isotopic below the Masirah Bay Formation. Geochronological constraints are from measurements, based on replicate analyses of standards and samples, are 8,9,22 13 34 # 13 34 # correlation to other sections containing U–Pb zircon ages on ash beds . d Ccarb and d SSO4 0.15%; d Corg and d Spyr 0.4%. 745 © 2006 Nature Publishing Group LETTERS NATURE | Vol 444 | 7 December 2006

13 13 2 d Ccarb and d Corg (r 5 0.72 for the upper ,200 m of section) context (Fig. 2). Well-characterized palynological assemblages that becomes apparent. Further evidence supporting oxidation during record the evolution of the acanthomorph acritarchs10 are preserved stage II is given in Supplementary Information. in two chemostratigraphically constrained sections (China and The constancy of Dd34S during the Shuram excursion indicates Australia) potentially correlative to the Shuram excursion (Fig. 2). In that, despite these changes, BSR under sulphate-replete conditions Australia, the appearance of acanthomorph acritarchs coincides remained the dominant pathway for sulphur cycling in the ocean. approximately with the onset of the Shuram excursion (our stage II However, in the upper Buah, an increase in Dd34S to ,50% indicates oxidation) in the Wonoka Formation, Adelaide Rift Complex10,13. The a change in the metabolisms involved in marine sulphur cycling. The Acraman impact event has previously been postulated as the stimulus for maximum fractionation observed3 in both laboratory and field stud- the acanthomorph radiation10. However, impact ejecta occur ies during BSR is 46%; typical fractionations are often much smal- ,140 m below strata marking both the radiation and the initiation of ler28. However, communities characterized by BSR coupled with the Shuram excursion. We therefore propose alternatively that the acri- bacterial sulphur disproportionation (BSD), a pathway3 in which tarch radiation is temporally correlated with the increased oxidation of 0 22 intermediate-valence sulphur species (for example S and S2O3 ) the ocean and subsequent ecological changes that occurred during the 34 34 are split into S-enriched sulphate and S-depleted hydrogen sulph- Shuram excursion. The most diverse assemblage of acritarchs occurs in ide, have fractionations that can approach 70%. There is evidence the Julie Formation, Amadeus Basin10, during an excursion in d13C of 33 34 carb from paired d S–d S data for the evolution of BSD as early as the up to 15% (Fig. 2), which we interpret as equivalent to the stage III 29 13 ; however, there have been no reports of a coeval oxidation event based on d Ccarb correlation to the upper Buah 34 30 Dd S of more than 46% in any sample . Because BSD Formation in Oman and the lower Nama Group of , where requires the presence of intermediate-valence sulphur species, the 13 the age of the correlative positive d Ccarb isotopic excursion is con- oxidative sulphur cycle must have been active. Evidence for BSD strained to ,548 Myr (ref. 8). Although neither the carbonates of therefore demonstrates additional oxidation of the Ediacaran ocean the Nama Group nor those of the Buah Formation have yielded well- immediately after the Shuram recovery and constitutes the third preserved acritarch populations, acanthomorph acritarchs in the shale- stage (Fig. 1, stage III) of Ediacaran oxidation preserved in the rich Doushantuo Formation of China10 appear at about the same Huqf sediments. stratigraphic position as the reported Shuram excursion9. The coincid- The data presented in this paper provide a record of multistage ence of the latter two stages of oxidation with the first appearance and oxidation of Earth’s surficial environment during Ediacaran time. subsequent diversification of acanthomorph acritarchs suggests that We now place this record into a global palaeobiological context by the oxidation of the ocean had a major role in the evolution of these integrating coeval records of both plankton (acanthomorph acritarchs) planktic photosynthetic organisms. and benthic Ediacaran soft-bodied animals into our chemostratigraphic It is not possible to determine confidently whether the first known appearance of the at ,575 Myr ago (ref. 12) predates

C 542.0 ± 0.6 or postdates the onset of the Shuram excursion, because of a lack of 543.3 ± 1 542.6 ± 0.3 overlapping biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic data. However, 548.8 ± 1 545.1 ±1 both the Shuram excursion and the first appearance of Ediacaran 551.1 ± 0.7 organisms are believed to postdate the Gaskiers glacial event ,580 Myr ago (see Supplementary Information), yet predate the 13 positive d Ccarb excursion ,548 Myr ago. It is therefore possible that the second stage of oxygenation helped to stimulate the radiation of the first Ediacaran organisms, which are interpreted to have been sessile frond-like animals (such as ); although these organ- isms seem to have inhabited a variety of different palaeoenviron- Gaskiers glaciation (regional mid-latitude) Weakly calcified metazoa ments11,12, all evidence indicates that they were probably confined to the oxygenated mixed layer of the ocean. However, it is not until

Macroscopic multicellular algae ,555 Myr ago (ref. 11), as the Shuram excursion drew to a close, that

an we see the appearance of the first motile, bilaterian organisms (for

Macroscopic mobile bilaterians example, ) in a wider range of depositional facies. Finally, acar

the first calcifying metazoa Cloudina and , well docu- Edi mented in both Oman and Namibia, appeared ,548 Myr ago, after Acanthomorph acritarchs the strong BSD signal. The coincidence of the latter two stages of

Sessile and segmented fronds oxidation identified in this study with the appearance of motile and calcifying Ediacarans, respectively, suggests that the events observed Small bilaterians; metazoan embryos in Oman were global and affected the evolution of early metazoa. Examination of the Huqf Supergroup, Sultanate of Oman, reveals

632.5 ± 0.5 a three-stage oxidation of the Ediacaran ocean. The first stage corre- 635.2 ± 0.6 sponds to an increase in sulphate concentrations (.200 mM) after the 635.5 ± 1.2 Marinoan glaciation (global low-latitude) Marinoan glaciation, due in part to an increase in atmospheric oxy- –12 –6 0 6 12 gen. The second stage consists of the Shuram excursion and the 13 oxidation of a deep-ocean DOC reservoir, probably the last major δ Ccarb redox barrier to ocean oxygenation. This stage is coincident with the 13 Figure 2 | Compilation of Ediacaran d Ccarb from sections known to appearance of complex acanthomorph acritarchs and motile meta- contain the Shuram excursion. The vertical axis is approximate time, with zoa. The final stage of Ediacaran oxidation is characterized by strong known geochronological constraints plotted. On the right are plotted the signals of BSD and covariation in d13C and d13C , coincident known range of acanthomorph acritarchs and Ediacaran biota (shading carb org indicates uncertainty relative to d13C chemostratigraphy). Points are with an increase in the diversity of acanthomorph acritarchs and coloured as follows: black, Oman; dark blue, Namibia; green, China; red, the first appearance of the calcifying metazoa Namacalthus and Australia; cyan, Death Valley. Full references for data, U/Pb zircon ages, Cloudina. Taken together, these data record the progressive oxygena- biostratigraphic range, and the method for correlating sections are provided tion of the Ediacaran ocean, stimulating the evolution of both plank- in Supplementary Information. tic and benthic groups of organisms. 746 © 2006 Nature Publishing Group NATURE | Vol 444 | 7 December 2006 LETTERS

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Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at 19. Hurtgen, M. T. Sulfur cycling in the aftermath of a Neoproterozoic (Marinoan) www.nature.com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. snowball glaciation: Evidence for a syn-glacial sulfidic deep ocean. Earth Planet. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to D.A.F. Sci. Lett. 245, 551–570 (2006). ([email protected]).

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