2011-09-01 22:20 CEST GoExcellent authorized to sell and convey insurances in Sweden

GoExcellent in Sweden is pleased to announce that we have been authorized by Finansinspektionen to sell and convey insurances as “fristående försäkringsförmedlare” (independent insurance intermediary). This gives us an opportunity to further expand our telemarketing operation towards the insurance industry.

We are now one of a few contact center companies in Sweden that is “fristående försäkringsförmedlare” which in practice means that GoExcellent will take our own responsibility if there will be any indemnities. Therefore we have increased our own liability insurance to cover insurance intermediary. We have previously worked with the insurance industry but under our client’s authorization. We now must comply with the laws and rules that govern this type of activity. It makes demands on us as a supplier, but will provide relief for our clients. In connection with this we have started a new company within the company; GoExcellent Försäkringsförmedling AB which will handle these assignments in the future.

Terje Andreassen is president also of this company, with Camilla Lundgren as vice president. Each individual agent working with this clients will be trained and certified, and will be employed in this company. Our plan is to actively begin to cultivate the market by the end of this year. More information: Camilla Lundgren, [email protected], tel +46 70 247 0081

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Om GoExcellent GoExcellent Group är specialiserat på att driva contact centers i Norden. Med mer än 20 miljoner kundkontakter per år, en omsättning på 90 MEUR, verksamhet på 13 orter och 2 000 personer på lönelistan har GoExcellent blivit en av Nordens största inom sitt område. Bland kunderna finns företag som , Fortum, PlusTV, RiksTV, Samhall och Telia. Huvudkontoret ligger i Solna utanför Stockholm, GoExcellents contact center finns bland annat i Köpenhamn, Oslo, Helsingfors, Stockholm samt på nio andra orter i Finland och Sverige. GoExcellent ger sina medarbetare rätt kompetens, teknologi och processer och bidrar därmed till sina kunders framgång.


Terje Andreassen Presskontakt CEO [email protected]