Bedford Locality Patient Group (BLPG) NOTES OF MEETING 19th October 2016 At Gilbert Hitchcock House, Present: Name Practice/Organisation BLPG Chair/Putnoe Surgery Bedford Locality Administrator Bedford Locality Business Manager Community Health Service Programme Lead Interim Deputy Director Strategic Planning Healthwatch Pemberley Surgery Avenue Surgery King Street King Street Surgery Pemberley Surgery Pemberley Surgery

Apologies: Name Practice/Organisation King Street Surgery Wootton Surgery Wootton Surgery Harrold Surgery

No Item 1 Welcome, introductions and apologies

See above table.

(CG) Welcomed everyone to the meeting. Followed by introductions. 2 Community Health Service – Procurement Process

Liz Eckert (LE) introduced herself as Interim Deputy Director Strategic Planning and Amanda Lloyd (AL) as Programme Lead from the Community Health Service. They were here to discuss the procurement process and plan for the next 5 years for the Community Health Service.

The procurement will be joint with local authorities as a competitive dialogue, they expressed that they are very keen to develop the new service together with the new provider and value the public input towards this.

The contract won’t stay the same as at the beginning and hope to develop it over the next 5 years and are careful to include other services that might be required to add on in the future.

The current contract is with SEPT and the new provider contract won’t start until end 2017 with a handover period from SEPT to ensure smooth running of services with it fully starting in April 2018.

The STP was raised and the discussion of frustration over procedure, NHS has noted


this and a press release will be coming out next week.

The group agreed that there needs to be good patient involvement with the procurement process, like what took place with the Mental Health procurement that received great feedback.

Please see a video attached to the email that Liz and Amanda feel is very useful and also the presentation below used at the meeting for further and more in depth information.

16 10 19 Bedford Locality Patient Group v0 2.pdf 3 Minutes from last meeting

Amendments to page 2 – Should read - No PPG meeting since May (not no meeting regarding DNA) Amendments to page 3 – Putnoe ‘hoping’ to meet with Linden (not ‘expecting’)

4 Key update from our PPGs

Pemberley Great to see 3 members from Pemberley Surgery attend today’s meeting. Bill informed that there are still 150-180 DNA’s a month, still sending txt reminders and a poster now gone up on PPG notice board and display screen in surgery. Bill will forward that on to CR for circulating to group as useful for other surgeries. Also had a very productive PPG meeting with practice staff and Dr Navita Srivastava with good feedback regarding the surgery.

Goldington Avenue No feedback.

Kings Street Had their third meeting on 27th October and have set the TOR. Spoke about DNA’s and since txt service introduced this has reduced, will see if still reducing at next meeting.

Putnoe The patient evening running alongside the flu clinic went very well with doctors, stall holders and CCG members attending. Putnoe had their CQC on Wednesday and seemed to go very well, waiting on results to come back.

Healthwatch Colleague currently doing some work around accessibility for dementia patients. Also trying to encourage more signposting/information within pharmacies.

5 Bedford Locality Update

DP informed the group that Dr Ungaro from Shakespeare Road Surgery approached NSH England approx. 3 months advising she would be handing back her contract as a partner of the surgery. As she owns the premises we needed to find somewhere else that could


also be developed in the future. We have secured a site at Bedford Hospital (Weller Wing 3rd floor) and will be opening Monday 24th October. The contract for the next 5 months will be with BEDOC, most patients will move over from Shakespeare Road Surgery but obviously some will want to re-register elsewhere. The Practice manager has moved across to the new site along with an Italian speaking admin staff. After a break from practice Dr Ungaro has agreed to return 1 day a week to the new surgery site. The hope is that in March/April is to move to the ground floor of Weller Wing and develop an Out of Hours service which in turn will take the pressure off A&E.

6 Key updates from PPEF

CG informed the group the PEF has now changed to the PPEF. They had their first meeting on 6th Sept and membership involves one representative from each locality with other pubic members or voluntary bodies on an adhoc basis when additional input was felt necessary. At this meeting they discussed the draft BCCG Communication and engagement plan and the TOR for the group.


8 Date of next meeting

14th December 12.30 – 14.30 Gilbert Hitchcock House, Kimbolton Road, Bedford

Action Log

Action Update Lead Date Complete? added BM to send CR BM/CR 20/10/16 Completed Pemberley DNA poster for circulating

MB to circulate MB 08/09/16 Completed prospectus Send update on STP CG/CR 08/09/16 Completed and Healthcare Review CR to send out practice CR 22.06.2016 Completed patient group in to those requested CR to circulate patient CR 22.06.2016 Completed chair job description