листопад/грудень 2017 November/December Церковний Дзвін St. Michael’s Св. Михаїла Church Bell

Bulletin of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Michael in Бюлетень Української Православної Церкви Св. Михаїла в Едмонтонi

Served By: Rt. Rev. Mitred Protopresbyter Fr. Nicholas Orest Rauliuk Митрофорний Протопресвітер Миколай Орест Равлюк 10335 – 159 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T5P 3A5 Home telephone: 780-461-3088 ▪ Cell: 780-938-3004 St. Michael The Archangel Email: [email protected] Ukrainian Orthodox Church 12104-129 Avenue Contact the following for information: Parish Hall – 12918 – 121 Street Edmonton, AB T5L 3J1 Parish President: Office: (780) 454-8385 ▪ Fax: (780) 447-4768 Shirley Wozimirsky - 780-475-5875 Website: www.uocc-stmichael.ca Men’s Society President: Email: [email protected] Ron Kluchka – 780-456-1059 Upcoming Events: UWA Ladies President:  Nov. 04: PUSCHENYA Mary Paltzat – 780-472-2337  Nov. 05: UWA meeting – 12:30 pm St. Michael’s Seniors Society President:  Nov. 06: Men’s Society meeting-7:00pm Fr. Nicholas Orest – 780-461-3088 or 780-938-3004  Nov. 09: Seniors Day  Nov. 18-Nov. 19: “XRAM” CELEBRATION Worship Service Times: (see Divine Schedule of Services) SUNDAYS and FEASTDAYS  Nov. 23: Seniors ANNUAL MEETING:1-3pm Confession: 9:30 am  Nov. 23: Fraternal Afternoon bingo Divine Liturgy: 10:00 am  Nov. 25: HOLODOMOR Service @ City Hall 12:00 noon Service Language Schedule:  Nov. 30: Parish Evening bingo  First Sunday of the month - Ukrainian  Dec. 01: Fraternal evening bingo  Middle Sundays - Ukrainian & English  Dec. 11: ANNUAL MEETINGS: UWA and MENS SOCIETY-5:30pm

 Last Sunday of the month - English  Dec. 14: Seniors CHRISTMAS POTLUCK Dinner – 1:30 -4:30 pm Fellowship on designated Sundays after Divine  Dec. 17: St. Nicholas visits St. Michael’s Liturgy except JULY and August  Dec. 31: Parish evening bingo

Submitted by Shirley Wozimirsky

The parish members are now preparing for the Christmas holidays. The following activities have been scheduled for the parish. Please mark them on your calendars. Nov. 19 (Sunday) – Khram Nov. 30 (Thursday) – Bingo (evening) Dec. 2 (Saturday) – Bazaar Dec. 17 (Sunday) – St. Nicholas Dec. 31 (Sunday) – Bingo (evening) New Year’s Eve Jan. 23, 2018 (Tuesday) – Bingo (evening) Jan. 28, 2018 – Parish Annual Meeting

Get Well Wishes are extended to Elaine Kluchka, Marie Magega, Bill Shymko, Michele Resler, Rev. Father Nicholas and any other parish members who are ill at home or in the hospital. May God grant you the strength and determination to recover from your illnesses. In Memoriam: Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Emil Laskiwski and Olga Betey who passed away in October, 2017. May they rest in peace. Vichnaya Pamyat! Memories Eternal!

Nomination Committee: Three people are needed to serve on the nomination committee to recruit people for the parish board. This job used to be done by the past president, however, both past presidents have moved to B.C. There are board positions that are open and need to be filled. The parish CANNOT operate without a board. At the October 15, 2017 meeting the members voted to keep the parish operating. Now we must work together to elect a board. Please contact the president or any current board member if you wish to volunteer for the committee. Membership Fee for 2018: At the 2017 annual meeting the fee was increased to $150.00 per member for 2018. In 2018 the membership fee will be divided as follows based on the church memberships paid in 2017 - $110. 00 to the Consistory of which $10.00 goes to St. Andrew’s College. $15.00 per member is paid to the Western Eparchy of UOCC. ***************************

Report on the Western Eparchy Assembly 2017 The Western Eparchy Assembly was held on October 27 & 28, 2017 at St. John’s Cultural Centre. There were 49 delegates, 6 guests, 20 clergy representing 20 parishes. There are 67 parishes in the Western Eparchy with a membership of 2,297 members. The membership fee to the Western Eparchy will remain at $15.00 per member for 2018. Our Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada will be celebrating the 100th anniversary in in 2018. It will be a Jubilee Sobor held on August 9 – 12, 2018 in the two churches in Saskatoon. The committee working on the “Welcome Package” that would be offered to new members presented the criteria for the development of the package. Hopefully this package will be ready for distribution in 2018. The consistory is gradually working on paying down its debt – many staff have been released from employment down to 6 staff. The bookstore is closing on January 1, 2018. The consistory will still carry candles and incense for purchase by the parishes. The financial position is gradually improving. Lois Harcus was hired full time as an accountant. She began her duties on October 16, 2017. The consistory is gradually working on cleaning up its archives. At St. Andrew’s College there are 15 students registered in the Faculty of Theology – 9 full time and 6 part time. Of the nine full time 8 are from and one from B.C. The college has a residence for up to 40 students. Our summer camps are doing very well. Kolomayka in B.C. had 37 students, Bar-V-Nok had 115 campers and Kiev’s-K-Hi had 539 campers(runs for 2 months). A small number of campers at Kiev’s-K-Hi are Ukrainian Orthodox. Parish memberships in the Edmonton area based on 2016: Cathedral of St. John – 309 St. Michael - 84 St. Andrew’s Sobor – 277 St. Anthony - 204 (the only parish growing) St. Elia - 97 New parish in Red Deer has 28 members

November 2017

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


5 Confession-9:30am 6 7 8 9 10 11 -Divine Liturgy- Mens Society meeting Rosslyn Care Home Seniors—1:00- REMEMBRANCE 10:00am -7:00 pm Service-10:00am 3:00pm DAY -UWA meeting-12:30

12Confession-9:30am 13 14 15 16 17 18”Xram” Blessing -Div. Lit.-10:00am of Water and Gospel -MEMORIAL RE- Readings—7:30 pm MEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE –11:20am

19Confession-8:45am 20 21 St. Michael’s Ex- 22 23 St. Michael’s Mil- 24 25 HOLODOMOR Greeting -9:30 tended Care Home lennium Care Home SERVICE @ City Divine Lit.-10:00am “XRAM” -10:30am service—10:00 am Hall—12:00 noon -”XRAM” Banquet -Seniors-ANNUAL with Program in MEETING1:00-3:00 Parish Hall -Fraternal afternoon bingo 26 27 28 29 30 McQueen Lodge Confession-9:30am Shepherd’s Care Care Home Service— Divine Liturgy- Home Service- 10:30 am 10:00am 10:00am -Parish evening bingo December 2017

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 Confession-9:30am 4 5 6 7 8 9 Divine Liturgy- Rosslyn Care Home 10:00am Service—10:00 am

10 11 ANNUAL 12 13 14 St. Michael’s Mil- 15 16 Confession-9:30am MEETINGS:5:30 pm St. Michael’s Ex- lennium Care Home Divine Liturgy- UWA and MENS tended Care Home Service—10:00 am 10:00am SOCIETY Service-10:30am -SENIORS-1:30-4:30 POTLUCK CHRIST- MAS SUPPER

17Confession-9:30am 18 19 20 21 22 23 -Div. Lit.-10:00am -ST. NICHOLAS arriving at St. Mi- chael’s Parish

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 NO SERVICE Shepherd’s Care— McQueen Lodge— NO SERVICE NO SERVICE

31 NO SERVICE SCHEDULE OF DIVINE SERVICES – 2017 N o v e m b e r 5th: 22nd Sunday after Holy Pentecost Confession – 9:30 am; Divine Liturgy – 10:00 am 7th: Tuesday – Rosslyn Care Home Service – 10:00 am 12th: 23rd Sunday after Holy Pentecost Confession – 9:30 am; Divine Liturgy – 10:00 am 18th: Saturday – SERVICE at 7:00 pm - Blessing of Breads & Feastday Water Blessing 19th: 24th Sunday after Holy Pentecost - HIERARCHICAL Divine Liturgy “XRAM” - Confession- 9:00 am; Greeting of Bishop Ilarion – 9:30 am -HIERARCHICAL DIVINE LITURGY at 10:00 am - “XRAM” Banquet to follow Divine Liturgy 21st: Tuesday – SYNAXIS OF ARCHANGEL MICHAEL (FEASTDAY) -St. Michael’s Extended Care Home Service (“XRAM”) – 10:30 am 23rd: Thursday – St. Michael’s Millennium Pavilion Care Home Service-10:00 am 25th: Saturday – “HOLODOMOR” Service at City Hall – 12:00 pm 26th: 25th Sunday after Holy Pentecost Confession-9:30 am; Divine Liturgy – 10: 00 am 28th: Tuesday – Shepherd’s Care Home Service – 10:00 am 30th: McQueen Lodge Care Home Service – 10:30 am D e c e m b e r 3rd: 26th Sunday after Holy Pentecost Confession-9:30am; Divine Liturgy-10:00am 5th: Tuesday – Rosslyn Care Home Service – 10:00 am 10th: 27th Sunday after Holy Pentecost Confession-9:30am; Divine Liturgy-10:00am 17th: 28th Sunday after Holy Pentecost Confession-9:30am; Divine Liturgy – 10:00am -Fellowship Lunch in Parish Hall awaiting ST. NICHOLAS’ arrival J A N U A R Y – 2018: 7th: Sunday – NATIVITY OF CHRIST – “РІЗДВО ХРИСТОВЕ” Confession – 9:30 am – CHRISTMAS DIVINE LITUGY – 10:00am 8th: Monday – SYNAXIS OF THE THEOTOKOS – Christmas Service Shepherd’s Care Home – 10:00 am 9th: Tuesday – HOLY PROTOMARTYR STEPHEN – Christmas Service Rosslyn Care Home – 10:00 am 10th: Wednesday – Christmas Service – St. Michael’s Millennium Care Home-10:00am 14th: Sunday – CIRCUMCISION OF JESUIS CHRIST – UKRAINIAN NEW YEAR Confession- 9:30 am; Divine Liturgy – 10:00 am 16th: Tuesday – Christmas Service – St. Michael’s Extended Care Home – 10:30 am 18th: Thursday – EPIPHANY BLESSING of WATER-5:30pm and Blessed Epiphany Supper 19th: Friday – HOLY BAPTISM OF JESUS CHRIST (JORDAN)-Service @ Ukrainian Village

“In Flanders Fields...... ” A remembrance Memorial Service (Panaxida) will be served on Sunday, November 12, 2017 , immediately after the Divine liturgy. “let us pray and remember those who gave thier lives for our freedom!”

Rt. Rev. Fr. Nicholas received “50 Year member Certificate Award” from the Ukrainian Self- Reliance Association of Canada in Edmonton.

Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, Sunday, October 29, 2017 served by His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij & Bishop Ilarion assisted by Clergy, Deacons and Altar Servers (missing from photo is Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Nicholas Orest Rauliuk due to illness)

YOU are cordially invited to attend the CELEBRATIONS of the FEASTDAY – “XRAM” of St. Michael The Archangel on Sunday, November 19, 2017, Edmonton, Alberta

Saturday, November 18th, 2017 *Blessing of Water at 7:30 pm *Procession & Reading of the Four Gospels

Sunday, November 19th , 2017 *Greeting His Grace Bishop Ilarion at 9:30 am *Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am

*Banquet following the Divine Liturgy *”XRAM” Program to follow

*Honouring Rt. Rev. Fr. Nicholas on his 50th Anniversary of Holy Priesthood *Honouring St. Michael’s Men’s Society on their 50th Anniversary *Celebrating Canada’s 150th Birthday *Honouring Fiona (Frances) Tarnowetz – 50 Year Member of St. Michael’s *Honouring Members of St. Michael’s Ukrainian Women’s with Special Awards

Tickets available at the Door: Adults: $20.00; Youth: 7-18 - $10.00 Children 6 and under – No Charge

Donations in Memory of: Late Olga Betey: Lloyd & Marie Holden; Frances Tarnowetz; Olenka Zacherniuk; Jennie Gable; Rose Wowk and Stan & Olga Andrichuk. Late Agnes Hodinski: Frances Tarnowetz Late Emil Laskiwski: Shirley & Myron Wozimirsky Baptism Donation: Efrem Batha. Your donations are greatly appreciated, thank you!

Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada союз українок канади відділ княгині ольги St. Michael’s Ukrainian Women’s Association November-December 2017 Olga Betey March 6, 1929 — October 18, 2017 We are sad to lose a member of our UWAC, Olga Betay. Our members remember her contributions to St. Michael’s bazaars, assisting in the kitchen and working at hall functions. She was gifted in making various crafts, and she used this talent in creating interesting items for the bazaar craft table. May her memory be eternal.

Parish Khram Women’s Annual Meeting St. Michael’s Annual Khram will be celebrated on This is an urgent appeal to all the women, November 19. Ten of our UWAC members will be members and non-members, to attend the honored for long service, ranging from 5 years of Women’s Annual General Meeting on Monday, membership to 55 years. We are so grateful for all December 11. their dedicated volunteer service. Members of our sister parishes have been invited to celebrate with Elections will be held for an executive for the us. upcoming year. This is an appeal to all women, support the UWAC and come to the Annual Bazaar! Bazaar! Bazaar! Meeting. This will be a supper meeting starting at For the past couple of months the men and women 5:30 pm. have been busy preparing for the Christmas Bazaar which will take place on Saturday, St. Nicholas Celebration December 2. Attention: All children! St. Nicholas will be bringing something for all children on Sunday, A sincere thank you to all the people who have December 17. Please let Father Nicholas or me come out to the pyrohy and cabbage roll know whether you will be attending. St. Nicholas workshops. I am also encouraging members to wants to ensure that all children present receive a bake their special cake, bread, buns, for the bake gift. sale. All items should be brought to the hall by 10:00 a.m. for pricing and placing on the table. Dates to Remember Sunday, Nov. 5 As in the past, on December 2 meals will also be Daylight Saving Time ends. Move your clocks available. Enjoy a plate of freshly cooked pyrohy back one hour. and cabbage rolls and sausage or ham. Sunday, Nov. 5, 12:30 We will be accepting crafts and gently used UWAC Bi-Monthly meeting articles for the craft table. This bazaar is a major fundraiser for the Women’s Association and Saturday, December 2, Bazaar almost all of our money is donated to the Parish to be used for operating expenses. Monday, December 11 UWAC Annual General Supper Meeting We graciously ask for your support for this (Volunteers welcome.) function. Sunday, December 17, St. Nicholas Christian Thoughts  It is easier to preach 10 sermons than it is to live one.  We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.  When you get to your wit’s end, you’ll find God there.  Don’t put a question mark where God puts a period.  God gave us the brain to work out problems. However, we use it to create more problems. Submitted by: Mary Paltzat, UWAC President

St michael’s ukrainian women’s association long serving members awards to be honoured November 19, 2017:

5 Year Member: Evelyn Krawchuk & Geneivieve Kutash

10 Year Member: Joyce Wilk

15 Year Member: Kay Pitula

25 Year Member: Mary Paltzat

40 Year Member: Helen Klimchuk

55 Year Member (Honourary Members):Helen Fediuk, Mary Guglich & Olenka Zacherniuk

President’s Message by Ron Kluchka

Please mark your calendars for the following Men's Society’s meetings:

Monthly meeting will be held on Monday, November 6th at 7:00 p.m.

Annual meeting will be held on Monday, December 11th. An appreciation dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Your attendance is important to the existence of the society & its members. But more importantly your input is needed.

A reminder that the Men`s Society will be celebrating their 50th Anniversary as part of the Xram festivities. If any of the members have information to offer regarding the society`s history, please call me at 780-497-8852 or 780-456-1059.

Our 2018 Malanka will be held on January 13th 2018

Music will be provided by the Northern Kings

Please encourage your family, friends, neighbors (or whoever else might listen) to purchase tickets and attend.

To purchase tickets, please contact:

Korneil @ 780-475-3951 Henry @ 780-471-4661

Myron@ 780-475-5875 Ron @ 780-497-8852

Our thoughts & prayers are with those who are not well and hope that they regain their strength and good health soon.

Wishing everyone the best of the festive season, safe travels to those who will be traveling and may you all enjoy this special time with family and friends.

Thank you, Rev. Fr. Nicholas Orest Rauliuk for your continued blessings and guidance.

Schedule of monthly gatherings

Thursday, November 9th : 1:00- 3:00 pm November 23rd : 1:00 – 3:00 pm – ANNUAL MEETING December 14th: 1:30 – 4:30 pm – CHRISTMAS POTLUCK SUPPER February 8th: 1:00 – 3:00 pm February 22nd: 1:00 – 3:00 pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~